kitten-bruiser · 2 months
The punishment for putting someone ahead of your own mental health comes back and bites
To teach someone how to be a girlfriend and rebuild them just to be used so they can be that someone for someone else is about as low as it gets.
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kitten-bruiser · 2 months
All of the above,look out for sociopaths
Maybe it was my fault then? To rebuild someone’s confidence so much that you give them a god complex and they think they can walk all over and that they can do whatever with no consequences.
While at the same time intentionally smashing mine by stopping me from being successful,not being a homeowner, having a good job bc god forbid I work anywhere with other women, bc everyone is just like you and cheats at the slightest attention, being fit bc once again “I’ll cheat”. Man I was naive to let fake trauma get in the way when in fact she is her own trauma. To tell stories of women using your father to being that person. To your pastors wife cheating on him to being that homewrecker. To “being cheated on” to have cheated on both of your last two boyfriends and countless others I’m sure. Kind of sad I called it from the get go. I said 6 months and once you’re healed you’ll get tired of it. “ I could never get tired of you”. What a joke. To go from trying to get pregnant and married the very first month together to cheating and faking domestic violence at 6 months is literal insanity. To beg for a life and when told it would mean a little loneliness while I worked to agree to tell me if it was too much and then turn around and cheat and tell me it’s not your job to tell me how to act. By the way I’m still getting called for junk mail clearly you’re still at the same house. Maybe I cured the imposter syndrome to. Maybe you realized asking someone to buy a new house,get engaged,get pregnant, get married and stomp your feet and throw a tantrum when they say that’s a lot for one year is psychotic. To pretend all those months that you can’t go out just to turn around and go to the exact places with someone else, to go on a trip that we had planned and you had used to lead me on is psychotic. To get revenge on someone for not being happy you kicked them out and invited them over just to cancel while they’re parked in front of your house 3 different times. Or to blow up and cancel because I posted on my finsta about plans we had. To stalk me and twist my words of busting my ass to procure the life you wanted to be an insult to you but how can you complain when you were unemployed for half our relationship and never had to work again if you didn’t want to. Because me thinking you wanted to just throw everything away was someone me insulting you as if that isn’t exactly how you were acting and you being the sociopath you are you made it a reality just to salt the wound. To accusing me of being on grinder,stealing your social security card,to breaking your water heater, you were looking for every reason to cheat.
To see your boyfriend take fistfuls of melatonin and Benadryl so they can sleep all day bc they felt so bad they couldn’t make you feel better bc you lied to them over and over about them not being the issue and even thanking them for being their for you just to turn around and one day have a mental breakdown and flip the narrative. I mean I know I was the only one there at rock bottom doesn’t mean I deserve the blame. Really the opposite 🤷‍♂️. To spend 6 months saying that you don’t deserve me , don’t want to hurt me( I should have noticed this giant red flag lol), to say you feel like a bad girlfriend. To instead of just trying to be slightly better or just know the 10% you did when we first started was plenty you opt to just start lying to feel better? I will never in a million years see how you go from being spoiled and lie dozens of times about nothing I can do to help to one day having a mental breakdown about a dropped cup bc you’re overstimulated then even go through and apologize and say you want to make things work to making up lies about how everything was my fault. I mean how can you be so lazy or delusional. Rather than admit your mistakes or ask for help in front of your friends you fake domestic violence to rationalize a psychotic break? I mean life was overstimulating. Covid was rampant,you were likely pregnant or going to be soon, we were going to go look at houses the next day, you felt unaccomplished, I was asking you to drive, the dog was sick, and I was going to meet your mom in two weeks. I mean anyone would have given you the benefit of the doubt but nope can’t look weak in front of “friends” the same ones who I had to reach out to for you during Covid.
6 Common Manipulation Tactics Some Women Use to Control Men
Manipulation can subtly erode trust in any relationship. While both men and women can engage in such behavior, this article highlights six common but effective tactics some women may use to control men. Understanding these tactics helps everyone recognize and address toxic relationships, fostering healthier, more respectful connections.
1. Emotional Blackmail:
Emotional blackmail is one of the most insidious forms of manipulation. It involves using guilt, fear, and obligation to control someone. For example, a woman might say, "If you loved me, you would do this for me," or "I can't believe you would hurt me like this." These statements can make you feel responsible for her happiness or distress, leading you to comply with her demands to avoid guilt or fear of losing her.
2. Gaslighting:
Gaslighting is a psychological tactic where the manipulator makes you doubt your own perceptions and reality. A woman using this tactic might deny events that you clearly remember, twist facts, or accuse you of being overly sensitive or paranoid. Over time, this can erode your self-confidence and make you more dependent on her version of reality, giving her more control over you.
3. Playing the Victim:
Playing the victim is a manipulation tactic where someone portrays themselves as helpless or wronged to gain sympathy and control. A woman might exaggerate or fabricate stories of how others have mistreated her to elicit your pity and support. This can make you feel compelled to protect and care for her, often at the expense of your own needs and boundaries.
4. The Silent Treatment:
The silent treatment involves refusing to communicate or acknowledge your presence as a form of punishment. When a woman uses this tactic, she creates a power imbalance by making you desperate for her attention and approval. This can lead you to apologize or concede to her demands, even if you're not at fault, just to end the uncomfortable silence and restore communication.
5. Triangulation:
Triangulation is a tactic where a woman brings a third party into your relationship to create jealousy, competition, or insecurity. She might flirt with someone else, talk about another person's interest in her, or compare you unfavorably to others. This can make you feel inadequate and drive you to go to great lengths to win her approval and keep her attention focused on you.
6. Withholding Affection:
Withholding affection is when a woman deliberately denies you love, attention, or physical intimacy to punish you or get her way. By withdrawing affection, she creates a sense of emotional deprivation that can make you more compliant to her wishes. This tactic exploits your natural desire for closeness and approval, making you more likely to submit to her demands to regain her affection.
Understanding these subtle manipulation tactics is crucial for maintaining healthy and balanced relationships. By recognizing these behaviors, you can protect yourself from being controlled and ensure that your relationships are built on mutual respect and genuine affection. Remember, a strong relationship thrives on trust, honesty, and open communication. Stay aware, set boundaries, and always prioritize your well-being.
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kitten-bruiser · 4 years
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And while I was working myself to death she was at home texting other guys and probably worse.
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kitten-bruiser · 4 years
For as long as I live I don’t think I can think of anything more disgusting than asking to keep an engagement ring when you plan on cheating.
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It’s exhausting.
Working two jobs, constantly being nagged and talked down to, someone who refuses to make a decision complain no matter what you choose, her leading me on and having me plan dates/trips for a week up to months just to flake the very last second for no regard for my time or money,someone who hasn’t cleaned or driven in months complain about the way you do it,volunteering bc you said you’d do it with me, you constantly flaking on things after asking me to do them as if my free time wasn’t short enough,in school for Real Estate wasting my degree so I can spend time with someone who doesn’t appreciate me even if she “brags about me” to her friends or sends me nudies saying she is, her actions say otherwise. Even when I have a bad day or voice a concern about our relationship it get twisted and I get guilt tripped for not liking being mistreated or just having a bad day. Because now I have to baby you for a fight you started or apologize for something I didn’t do. But as you say “that’s just how women are”. Yeah sure that’s “normal” but it’s far from healthy. Then even after all that I still come home to be your therapist,maid,handyman, fuck buddy, atm, and pet sitter. When’s my day off? Even after I end up in the ER you’re still talking down on me? And you’re the victim? 6 months of nonstop 18 hour 7 days a week work and I don’t even get to get tired or overwhelmed?
My girlfriend is cheating,pregnant possibly not mine, has her mother coming to town, has been moping around sense March and won’t tell me how I can help while I’ve been running around like a clown trying to make her feel better so I feel like a shit bf,starting a fight about how if she has to drive we won’t be going when she hasn’t driven anywhere and wasn’t even being asked and if we don’t go she’s going to tell her family it’s my fault,she’s in tears bc she feels like a bad girlfriend so not only am I being abused I have to make someone feel good about being abusive, we haven’t slept well in days bc it’s 85 in our bed and I get blown up on for wanting to get the attic insulated or get a window a/c bc that’s “trashy”. My father has been missing for almost two months now and I can’t even tell her because she has made everything about her. I just got out of the hospital after all this stress put me there. We eat from the same 3 fast food restaurants. I have adhd and am made to sit and watch barbie,svu, and antm 7-8 hours a day,I’ve spent the last 6 months working nonstop and sacrificing constantly while she has not. She criticizes me for wanting to buy things bc we should be saving but she isn’t saving a dime and waste money daily on things that get donated within a month. I’m tired. I haven’t been able to relax or recharge this entire time. My only 3 options that don’t get me guilt tripped are drinking,sleeping, or playing Xbox and recently even that one is become an issue.I’m empathy burnt out and every other kind of burnt out there is. We have a showing tomorrow night on a house and she’s constantly rushing a house,baby,wedding and even threw a tantrum when I told her that’s it going to happen all in 1 year. It makes even less sense that we’re remodeling the kitchen and dropping the house value but yet I paid for half as always.She wants to hop in bed every 5 minutes despite me having no energy when she says she’s doing it so I don’t cheat which is very ironic. All the while being breadcrumbed,gaslit, and accused of cheating constantly. I can’t really leave bc she just had me give up my house so we can buy one together and we couldn’t live there bc I would kick her out and she wouldn’t have anywhere to go( more iron you will find she did everything she accused me of doing)Every little bicker turns into a fight that I don’t have energy to diffuse and I’m tired of taking blame for fights she’s starting for fun and so she has an excuse to leave. So at some point every day I get a few hours of the silent treatment on top of the emotional blackmail So when I drop a cup and she comes barreling into the kitchen yelling about how I’m disrespecting her house (which I’ve spent countless hours cleaning and fixing) and how if I break something she’s going to have to pay for it (I’ve paid for more than my share) But me raising my voice and saying she wouldn’t be paying for it either and when she storms off and I yell I’m tired of this we’re actually going to talk about this shit for once to which she replies she doesn’t want to do this anymore and runs off and locks herself in her room. Then she got mad when I chose to go to my volunteer role instead of come argue with her across town.I’m not saying what I did was perfect by any means but it doesn’t feel wrong either. I apologized for how it made her feel bc that was important to me. But this is what she’s been making the last 6 months. This ticking time bomb of stuff she’s swept under the rug. I moved out like she asked. Like we always said I would if living together was too much. We agreed on a long list of things I’d do and I did while she ignored the fact she was even in a relationship. And made up lies about how I was and why I moved out. She accused me of breaking stuff while I wasn’t home and of stealing her social, and even being gay and on tinder the exact same day as this fight. She was chasing any little excuse to avoid finally putting in some effort.The therapy you agreed for us to see suddenly you “aren’t ready for”. “You aren’t over how I treated you”.
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kitten-bruiser · 4 years
Fake feelings
Fake personality
Fake trauma
Fake being soooo loyal
Fake depression
Fake pregnant
Fake Anxiety
Fake animal abuse
Fake domestic violence
Fake stalking
You’re like an addict!
There’s nothing you won’t do for attention
You called your self an attention whore but god it is worse than that. You give away years of someone life and your body just for a little dose of attention.
6-10 hours a day in front of TV with you and you still have the audacity to say I didn’t make time for you.
Date a guy with ADHD and then expect him to sit with you for 12 hours. Then talk down on him when he ask you to go for a 15 minute walk.and keep him cooped up bc “Covid”.
Funny as soon as I leave and you need attention Covid doesn’t exist you’ll invite as many randos over and get blackout, go to grad parties with a guy you’re cheating on me with, even fly like it was no big deal after using it as an excuse to cancel Florida back in December and Washington and March and every other trip.
Are you really that fucked in the head that you get a kick out of torturing people like that?
Date a photographer and then have get pissed I posted it and then then around and post the exact same photos🤡
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kitten-bruiser · 4 years
It’s more than conversation
Things just need to change
But that’s definitely where it starts
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kitten-bruiser · 4 years
Would it really be that hard to say
‘You hurt me. I’m trying to get over it but it’s feeling impossible.I do care. That As much as you were hurting it doesn’t excuse how you treated me. I didn’t know everything you were going through and I’m sorry for how I treated you.For my mental health sake I need space.I need things to move very slowly because I can’t trust that you changed and I’m still hurt by what happened. If you didn’t then I’m not putting up with it for a second I never want to feel that way again. I can’t promise we’ll get back together but I care enough to try’
Every little thing could be solved by a few words
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kitten-bruiser · 4 years
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Depression definitely does this but it’s weird how no one cares until it affects them
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kitten-bruiser · 4 years
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kitten-bruiser · 4 years
It’s so hard to explain that her being upset was the second biggest thing stressing me out and depressing me.That if I knew I was upsetting her I could have changed how she felt and been happy. Why wouldn’t I want to see her happy and to be happy. To say I knew but didn’t care is to say I wanted to feel like shit and suffer everyday. Why would I want that? What I wanted was the happy girl I fell for. If I could just change and make that happen then we could have went back to that. Maybe it makes since to her but not to me.
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kitten-bruiser · 4 years
Every single night I have gross graphic dreams about something happening too you. Or you cheating on me. Standing there unable to stop it. I wake up nauseous at the thought of you hurt and the only thing that makes it feel better is laying it out. Here of all places. The last place you’d go for anything except smut. You swear you’re not pushing me away. You swear you want to make it work. You swear it’s “not like that”. You kept the ring after all. Certainly you’ll keep the promise. It’s a battle in my mind and it hurts. It hurts when you act like I wasn’t trying. I can tell your hurt when fucking parachutes comes on and you start bawling. But you still wouldn’t tell me what’s wrong. I can’t fix what I don’t know. Even looking at Barbie’s was alright because I got to do it with you.I tried all I know. And when it wasn’t enough I gave you space. But my nightmares persist. Always thinking wouldn’t she want someone without anxiety like her. No one would ever have the deal with the same relationship damning circumstances like we did and I don’t think she even cares about that some days. Why wouldn’t she just go find a new easy relationship. Because they’re always easy at the start. Something without the baggage we have. Something without putting in the effort of fixing what we have. Then what’s the point just bounce around until it feels right. Yeah that’s what people due but why not make what was once clearly amazing to you once upon a time. The only times these dreams stop is when we have plans. When she calls me and tells me about her day or her dog. I don’t get it still why hold grudges from months earlier. I get “ not being over how you treated me” but why make so many plans. Why give me a key back just to be mad when I want to pop up. You had me once so bad all you had to say was you didn’t like something and it would’ve changed. This me guessing the problem clearly doesn’t work. Call it selfish call it stupid but I wasn’t in any place to help you. And you weren’t in place to help me as much as you said that made you bad girlfriend I didn’t believe that but maybe that’s exactly what made me a bad boyfriend.
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kitten-bruiser · 4 years
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kitten-bruiser · 4 years
You’re the last thing I think about at night. I usually fall asleep pretty happy
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kitten-bruiser · 4 years
Ripped at the seams when you first met me, you were convinced your kisses could stitch this scarred skin together. But it only burnt me to be loved with warmth. A shell of a soul, a glass half empty heart. I do not take love easily, and I never accept it fully. So when you held me together as I broke, the blood from the aftermath sunk our ship. I jumped from the sails and couldn’t let you guide me any longer. I was a storm brewing, and sea salt tears interrupted our kisses too often. I could not be the shattered piece that cut you, could not be the one to show you what lives behind stone cold walls. God, you only ever loved me with the sun, only ever touched with rose petal fingers. But I could not be the one to taint the blue sky locked in your eyes. A mind full of dark clouds only brings rain, my love.
—   Isabel Cabrera
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