mishine-mi-gua · 1 month
who decided kissing is inherently romantic. or holding hands. i will find u
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biboomerangboi · 11 months
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Beefy Shi Qingxuan Appreciation
Somehow Beefy Shi Qingxuan flexing their arms, carrying their best friend like a sack of potatoes and starting fights in their constraining purple dress - that somehow show off their tits more in their male form than their female form - was not the design I expected but it is what my genderqueer ass deserved.
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nocasdatsgay · 7 months
You’re gonna look at me and tell me mama’s boy Eris Vanserra, who probably watched his mama struggle cause you know Beron ain’t shit, wouldn’t take his babies to meeting with him so his spouse can rest?
You’re gonna tell me he wouldn’t use a nursing pot (aka a bottle) if it meant his spouse could have a moments peace?
And you KNOW he would light up any male who questioned him or made a comment about it. He’s high lord. He does what he wants and what he wants is to be a better male and father than Beron ever was.
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soobrownie · 6 months
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every time Soobin hugs someone, a new fairy is born
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superloves4 · 5 months
I would fight Tolkien himself over my absolute belief that Maglor not throwing himself into the water but singing in sorrow on the shores forever is simply the best possible ending fo him
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lollytea · 1 year
I don't think Willow and Hunter start dating immediately after the events of W&D. They know they're something and they're both open to exploring that when they're ready. But they also agree that it would be in their best interest to adjust to their new normal and do some soul searching before they make themselves an official item. They don't consider themselves dating but they don't consider themselves single either. And the way the two of them approach their feelings for each other in this murky limbo state is vastly different for both of them.
Like if somebody asks Willow if she's in love with Hunter, it's like
Willow: Am I in-...? Well, it's...complicated. It's a very complicated situation we're in and I don't want to make any bold decisions right away. Do I love him as a friend? Of course I do. Am I physically attracted to him? Yes, but hormones don't mean love. Am I also emotionally attracted to him? Yes, but a crush isn't love. Do all of these things at once equate to being in love? Well, that seems like the kind of question that would keep a very nervous very scared person lying awake all night. Good thing that's not me, haha. It's not like I'm scared to be in love and I'm subconsciously avoiding confronting the fact that I am. I just believe in staying rational and analyzing your emotions so you don't get too reckless and dive into things without thinking. You'll hurt yourself. I've heard that's it's really easy to hurt yourself when you're in love. You see it's...we...Hunter and I met at a really crazy time, when I was just starting to become the witch I want to be. And then everything got so much crazier and we were confused and scared and it was hard to think about who you wanted to be when you weren't where you wanted to be. So now we're home. And finally, we have the chance to figure ourselves out. And that's exactly what we're gonna do. I want to be with him...eventually. When we're ready. I like him and I want to kiss him but I'm not in love with him. I'm totally not.
Meanwhile, on the other side of Bonesborough
Del: Willow seems like a nice girl.
Hunter: Yeah. I'm in love with her.
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pinazee · 1 month
Ok im calling it now, the Griswald sisters bastard brother will be the huntsman in Snow White
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pollyanna-nana · 5 months
Since I’ve been on about Thistle and Marcille’s similarities lately HERE’S THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE: They have the same taste in video games (simulation games) but opposite styles of play. Marcille makes sure everything is nice and balanced and ✨Aesthetic✨ while casually committing atrocities against NPCs whenever she’s curious about what would happen or to get a better result or whatever. Thistle on the other hand plays like a utilitarian maniac with hyperoptimized setups that look like shit BUT absolutely refuses to even make the NPCs sad bc he feels bad and wants them to be happy. Do you see my vision.
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icklewolfiekins · 10 months
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rimouskis · 1 month
as a society we really must stop bringing pet dogs everywhere. the only inside locales a pet dog should be are pet stores, frankly.
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thevoidstaredback · 8 days
I bet I could make a better Minecraft movie than whatever the trailer is showing.
I have no prior experience in film, but I know the stage and I've played Minecraft since just after the Beta and Alpha releases.
Let's not even bet on it. I'm 100% certain that I can make an even better Minecraft movie with what I have
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driftwooddestiel · 5 months
i need the world to hear my message. castiel is a wombat. to me
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tell me thats not an incredibly cascoded animal right there. plus theyre very legitimately dangerous and powerful and are fully aware of this however people tend to view them as cute cuddly harmless creatures (mistake). and in bushfires wombats will often allow other animals to hide in their burrows to keep safe from fire. which is not particularly relevant i guess but i wanted to share that tidbit also because its a nice fact
and also they have incredibly powerful . uh . buttocks. that can crush bones and are one of their main defence mechanisms. and if that isnt cas i dont know what is
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velarisdusk · 2 months
rip cassian, you would’ve loved the 1979 hit song i was made for lovin’ you by kiss
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reblog-house · 17 days
If someone were to ask me how I think ITP fits into the games or books, I'd say:
The games are canon to ITP. The books are canon to ITP. ITP is canon to neither.
Or well, more like all the major events of the books AND the games happen in Into The Pit, but the details (anything that's not the main events) is where it changes (evidence: if ITP game is canon to the books, then the ITP story cannot be, since they're pretty fucking different, and that wouldn't make sense).
This means to me that this game takes from both sources of INSPIRATION, but cannot be used to reshape our understanding of either, just using the others to shape our understanding of this stand-alone-ish game.
And if anything, the game should be far more self-contained than any of the other installations in the franchise. Anything that can be explained using ONLY the information from this one game is always going to be more compelling to me than anything that comes from other places in the franchise.
Unless very direct information comes out and explicitly "proves" it's fully 100% canon to the mainline FNAF games, I will consider it as canon to them as Freddy in Space. All while accepting that both the games and books can be semi-canon to it.
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yarboyandy · 4 months
Yes Giles as Ripper is kind of a bad person cuz of magic or raising demons or whatever but what if it was because he was a linecook too
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i remember… this post i saw like, ages ago that remarked how all of dean’s arcs were about emphasizing his violent side and forcing him to become nothing but a weapon meanwhile sam’s arcs were about him being tainted and impure and becoming a creature who dean eventually has to kill or let die. and i’ve been thinking about that, and i agree a little bit about the first part (though obviously, not literally *all* of dean’s arcs were about this; the michael sword arc for instance was more directly about agency, the arc with amara was more about powerlessness) but i disagree about sam. the only time where i think the description i paraphrased above really fits is in season 4, where throughout the season sam is becoming more demon-like and dean is ordered to “stop” him by the angels (and even that season ends on sam almost killing dean- you could point out a whole different pattern if you take that as your focus point). what i think is a better encapsulation of some of sam’s biggest arcs is that they’re about something happening to sam, and dean having to step up and “save” him from whatever it is. for example the psychic kids storyline, where dean refuses to entertain the option that he can’t save sam and which ends with him bringing his brother back from the dead in exchange for his own life. the demon blood storyline, where sam is turning into more and more of a monster and dean has to save him from the slippery slope (and fails). endverse, wherein dean learns that without him there sam will eventually capitulate to the angels and say yes to lucifer. the soulless storyline, where dean had to get his brother’s soul out of the cage and back into his soulless body. the hallucinations storyline, where dean was forced to stand by and watch his brother almost succumb to his own broken mind but at the last moment managed to find and bring in castiel who saves the day. the trials storyline, where sam’s mental health is affected in such a way that dean has to make a big speech declaring how much he cares for him just so sam doesn’t wanna kill himself anymore. the lucifer storyline in season 11 where sam gets himself in between four walls with the devil again and relies on dean and castiel to come to the rescue. it’s watching out for your little brother because it’s not only what you do, it’s what you are.
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