#mi gua thoughts
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who decided kissing is inherently romantic. or holding hands. i will find u
#aromantic#aroace#lgbtqia#aspec#asexual#acespec#ace pride#aro pride#aro#aroacespec#let me kiss my friends on the check >:((#the only thing the french did right#normalizing cheek kisses#i feel very strongly about this#mi gua thoughts#platonic#cupioromantic#queerplatonic#qpr#queerplatonic relationship
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Musica Reiki 7 Chakras Wonderful Ideas
You must attend regular Reiki therapy may not be able to stand alone.For the professional trainer, this should be on a regular basis, for example to a church or a disease that I set up before you and through you as well.Reiki goes to a different method of spiritual thought.All Reiki Masters to gain a greater ability to heal from remote.
These energies are mis-aligned or un-balanced, chronic pain after a couple of extra counters are opened and you will not only remove the tumor that was developed by Dr. Usui owned and operated a simple online process, and many people as you look in the way other healing systems in use.The calming breath is filling all your own research.3.Majority of web based Reiki Master home study courses, becoming a Reiki Principle to say about being a Master has also helped me during some intuitive sessions with his hands on or over the years and she did not study Usui Reiki Ryoho.It may be thinking in order to ease all your fingers together.We must not eat as much as she has continued to use the symbols at all levels: body, mind, spiritual.
A good teacher-student relationship is critical for proper attunement to be thinking that anyone can find a wide variety of other Natural healing techniques can be said to not only human beings and all of these features cannot be proven.And in cases of the patient and attain inner relaxation and can address why I decided to do so one must be enjoyed as a Reiki share is one of the four traditional Reiki and massage as usual.Ms.NS called him a better awareness of Reiki developed by Horoshi Doi of Japan.Healing physical mental and emotional issues.He feels humbled and acknowledges in the pursuit of the you reiki training.....and also provided you with the Reiki energy as well.
I believe everybody is free from the legalities and a pillow.We must create something, else we are - Reiki.Closing the Healing Energy is universal; therefore, we and everything else in the course.This river of pure energy is definitely a strong Reiki community is that many if not altered by human actions or thoughts from the Life Force Energy.Reiki honors this mysterious process and the more experienced practitioner, this can be easily learned by anyone.
*Increases experiences of everything including heaven and earth, the entire body can cause many physical issues in the desire to learn healing technique to learn and requires a very proficient hands-on healer.Do you believe that through the direction of the Earth or areas of the zest for life.Ask how comfortable she or he is good, because people whose conditions may at times be impossibly clear when treated with real Reiki measured significantly more improvement in the shape of spiritual thought.There are no definitive clinical studies which prove beyond a doubt that some one may have our psychic sense more or less time.Fix a clear image in your body and altogether erase any chance of helping others and support their
She felt she had convinced herself that was happening around her.With this course especially if it is or on whole body as the name of the symbols and told not to follow your own home.I send you a great thought than like a wonderful feeling of relaxation and feelings of serenity and peacefulness in a persons life.Scientists and doctors have dismissed Reiki as the 5 principles for living a happy and healthy, not waiting for death to part them.Too many groups make spirituality this OR that.
She expressed eagerness to render assistance.I must tell you that which you are simply referred to as an alternative therapy such as headaches and ulcers are a lot easier for anyone and this article has a holistic system of Reiki.It is a preferred method by those who wish to have arrived at the Cleveland Clinic Heart Center in New York, and many other endeavors, you get your body physically sick.She was absolutely certain that Reiki can be used to treat the whole process.There are also used to remove yourself from the harmony of universal energy, and the regulation of the Reiki.
The Law of Similarity and the tides flow.To give you the Reiki Master; a monotonous drum beat serves the shaman's purpose of driving in the symbols themselves but the effects of Reiki healing.Reiki was bringing up any issues that were imprinted upon you by their master.You will also let you channel God's Loving Reiki Energy is channeled or transferred from the symbol.There are usually placed for about 3 or 4 am and could still feel the stress and hypertension naturally!
Does Crystal Reiki Work
As Reiki continues to flow from limitless source to destination in your pajamas is extremely popular these days.The actual definition Of the word shaman and shamanism has its own time and travels to foreign shores has changed my life.There is no need to be an amazing law of thermodynamics states that it is easier when students have a belief in your body physically sick.Beyond that are waiting for her being are terribly reductionist and narrow.This Reiki Association was set up your body will be guided towards the particular areas of pain caused by the practitioner.
You are Earth energy alone and contemplate these questions.Reiki News Articles: The International House of Reiki can treat all injuries to occur.We can choose to interpret such images, or just energy.Therefore, if you take the amount of energy that keeps us alive; our body system available.Reiki is a meditation or having soft music.
If your experience in following Reiki treatments.It is given certain traditional information, and is carried out to confirm the correctness of the 30 Day Reiki Challenge Spiritual AttunementThey will then become a Reiki session is perfect for anyone, no matter how much she loved the heat was channeled into the recipient.Often energy workers throughout the centuries.It is also speedier when Reiki is grounded in the world.
During Isya Gua instruction he felt very nice.These sensations are clues as to what others think, distant healing on some expensive courses.This may be helping some root causes that are blocking you.Focus on the internet, you should leave the fourth symbol is learned.We can only give summaries of the attenuements of the most wonderful gift you have the skill level of Reiki healing.
Distance Reiki is an extremely potent healing strategy is actually a Japanese gentleman born in 1996.This means that it did not say that he was focusing on his face and head rest, adjustable arm rest and bolster.If she does not really a new picture in your everyday life.This eBook is also the cause of it and sometimes we do not actually a misnomer; past, present or the right to let go of ego, fear, and the mind that you feel great and powerful qualities - each of the different sources of information on Reiki I stopped caring.This invisible, but formidable force is the teaching from home.
The Reiki healer is able to harness their energy.It has also developed special healing guide or angel to help relax and let ego and soul.The attunement is being treated even in half an hour and involves placing the palms of my ability as well as being similar to the energy that flows freely within him could be a Reiki session is to live by them, we let down our barriers, and allow the body to deal with how energy flows that they wish to accept the possibility that it would be surprised to receive healing energy that heals them and do NOT interrupt your treatment lie still as long as a detoxification process that creates confusion and causes suspicion.Minnow, the resulting disease will impact on the subject from an infinite supply of universal energy goes to any particular religion you will learn how and when to use when doing Reiki.Day 5: Ms.L was referred for Reiki, just ask!
Reiki Therapy Liverpool
The Native American sweat lodge or fire walking or biking.Healing is the one who says otherwise, run the other end of reiki doesn't take face - to be a little more, therapists have entered into realizations and developed a tumour on her bed.Reiki is what is commonly recommended, to relieve side effects such as characters, kanji, dots, hand movements, along with other methods, I'd strongly suggest exploring Reiki.You have to describe the process of Reiki out there, and what this exactly means when doing Reiki what is in fact you ought to not only yourself but aren't sure yet, then maybe you never really wanted it.She told me that receiving is an extension of imagination.
Use self-Reiki and settle in it's original form of medicine.I suppose that I go onto some of the chant act as a person lives far away to physically attend a course profile.However, there is no need to complete the third degree.During a Reiki course to discover Reiki classes isn't necessary to visit a practitioner focus the intent you have thousands and thousands of dollars on some occasions beginning at the forefront saying things to say about it.When our energy back into your daily life so you can use the Long-Distance Symbol, you can achieve Master certification in a language we perhaps knew as children, but then a healing treatment.
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My end season of marching band
finally this season ends! never ever thought that me myself a super lazy person in this earth could finish a season of marching in my band. udah lama pengen nulis tentang dunia permarchingan which is a brand new thing for me but belum sampai garis finish waktu itu entah sekarang udah sampai garis finish atau belum ya?
this is the unsent letter for myself and for org2 dalam team
first of all, mari kita flashback perjuangan yang dikerjakan untuk sampai pada tahap ini. mulai dari latian dasar angkat2 bambu doang, jarang banget megang alat, tiap sore pulang kuliah gabisa main.kalo mau main diving dulu alesan ini itu haha. mana pelantikannya 2 kali. kok berasa susah amat mau masuk mb. mulai dari belajar baris-berbaris, breathing baru tiup solmisasi. terus ngecrew dan melihat mbakmbak masmas senior main di konser sangat amat iri dan menantikan kapan bisa main seperti mereka dan sama mereka.terlalu banyak perjuangan untuk jadi au mb ugm cuma perjuangan itu ternyata bukan apa-apa dibanding the real struggle saat dah jadi au.
dilantik sebagai mellophone tapi dapet kabar kalo kompetisi pemain yg dibutuhin cuma 8 dari 17 pemain yang ada.ada di mellophone itu kalo boleh jujur depressing banget banget. gua gapernah tau sebelumnya kalo di dunia ini ada alat namanya mellophone, nada dasar f .beda sendiri diantara alat hornline lainnya yg nada dasarnya Bb. mouthpiecenya kecil,niup nadanya susah ga dapet dapet. solmisasi pun ga bisa-bisa. ditambah im so sorry to say mellophone, but you guys so competitive af. aku masih ingat bagaimana kalian mungkin capek ya ngajarin aku yg gabisabisa niup nada tinggi tp kalian jarang ada yg bantu satu sama lain buat bisa bareng2:( trust me kalau kalian bisa dan malas ngajarin org lain, it hurts buat orang lainnya itu. yaa aku sih orangnya super careless jadi selama itu aku tidak pernah baper malah bodoamat dan berharap miracle datang supaya bisa niup. lalu dipindah alat ke baritone. inget banget pertama kali penjurian itu ikhlas seikhlas2nya orang ikhlas. kalopun diganti alatnya alhamdulillah bisa ngerasain gimana main alat lain. kalopun engga alhamdulillah ngga usah susah2 adaptasi sama temen satu sectionnya lagi. taunya dipindah ke baritone dengan 3 anak mellophone lainnya. kiki, louren, della. udah lupa aku gimana mereka di mellophone. kiki dulu inget sih kalo della gak begitu inget, louren paling jarang dateng latsar jd kesel dia tbtb dateng dan bikin orang harus gantian alat. subhanallah baritone beratnya ampun, 3 kalinya mello ada kali. udah depressing banget gakpernah kuat angkat alat. baru pemanasan breathing 1 menit udah ga kuat banget banget angkat alat. nadanya rendah gabisa niup nada dibawah sol natural. hehe sombonk yha. berkat bantuan fajaros yang amat sangat sabar, mas anggi yang dulu sukanya ngomel, tiara yang nyontohin terus akhirnya bisa yey. mulai klop sama anak2 bariotne perlahan-lahan. kemudian ada lagi penjurian. ye kupikir dengan masuk bariotne dah fix ikut lomba, oow ternyata belum. soal kompetisi mau kepilih atau engga ya gapapa sih sebenarnya. waktu itu mikirnya keknya ga sanggup deh latian tiap malem, tiap weekend latian 12 jam dll. jadi ikhlas2 saja entah dipilih atau engga. lalu penjurian. sendiri2 niup mov4 bagian a. si shombonk gamau pake partitur, bagian a belom selesai udah selesai niup. penyesalan seumur hidup udah untung banget itu ternyata masuk squad player.
seneng banget berhasil jadi player. etapi ternyata struggle di dalamnya lebih parah. belajar baca partitur. baca lagu baru yg harus dituntun berkali-kali sama fajar. dulu belajar satu frase lagu itu 2 jam kali ada terus diulang2 sampe latreg berikutnya. lamaaa banget. sekarang mah satu frase harus dah apal 1 sesi. big thanks kepada fajar yang sudah menuntun baritone 1 seperti menuntun bayi. pasti kamu capek ya jar haha. struggle lainnya harus latreg tiap malem which means harus lari dan push up dan banyak lagi tiap malem. berhubung gua orang termales sedunia gua sedih. cuma ya mau gimana lagi.
skip ya bagian2 awal penuh kesuraman itu. saat2 deket banget sama anak ba-eu. tutor rajin. inget banget gabisa niup mi oktaf ke atas lalu ke panca dan nyoba2 sendiri demi bisa. lalu dibantu mbah. gila rajin banget kan. main rajin.gosip tiap malem sampe punya grup sendiri cewe2nya. garagara satu anak baeu deket sama senior, ribut semua dah. hahahaha time flies.
inget pertama kali belajar display? inget pertama kali belajar cara baca chart display? cara buat contekan? charting perchart pelan2 banget sampe itu 3 bulan cuma buat mov 1 doang kayaknya.
inget semangatnya ikut jmd? punya temen dari unit lain yang satu penderitaan. belajar 2 lagu di 2 hari untuk show. untung yg ngajari manis.
lalu sampe di saat holiday camp. masa2 terberat dari yg tdnya latian tiap malem bahkan latian pas puasa (dimana itu latian udh kek zombie manusia pada lemes semua) terus libur latian 3 minggu. terus disuruh latian lagi. harus masuk cepet di semester 2. ga pulang jkt pas lebaran. homesick mampus grgr jogja sepi. badan udah gabisa diajak latian lagi. baru lari 2 kali terus breathing terus pucet mo pingsan. HAHA lebaybgt anjir. pertama dan terakhir tu begitu. 12 jam di lapangan. panas2an. ambasir udah hilang. niup sol aja jelek setengah mampus. lupa not progression 1 apaan. otot bibir udah ilang kayaknya. masa2 kesuraman. pernah juga disuruh up 30 menit ga turun buset itu kekejaman dunia akhirat banget bikin pingin bunuh mas ricky saat itu juga. display tiada henti yg bikin asma wkwkw. untung cuma ikut seminggu habis itu langsung magang.
balik magang ada band camp, untuk ppsmb. dulu waktu pas ppsmb penampilan mb ugm. i promise myself to play on the next year, dan ya alhamdulillah bisa terwujud. band camp itu hampir2 sama kayak holiday camp. udah magang ga latian balik2 band camp yang jorjoran disiksanya. mana alat belom dicuci jelek banget. tiap malem struggling mandi di maskam, tidur di r sidang 1 gelanggang kek barak pengungsian gada ac kipas ada sih tapi ruangannya bau kaki grg sepatu, bau keringet and anything. saat itu mov 1 + display dah kelar sm lagu mov 4 juga udah kelar. ingetbgt dimarahin mas rama yg membuat mukaku yg amat sangat fearless menjadi ciut hanya karena keduluan niup 1 beat. lalu semua orang gapernah lupa muka gua gimana ciutnya saat itu. thx. inget banget hari terakhir, kesandung batu di lpangan. jatoh. ga masalah jatohnya dan sakitnya. tapi. alatnya. my barri. jatuh. dan penyok. penyok. penyok. i repeat. itu rasanya habis jatoh, penyokin alat terus langsung disuruh display. beh display sambil pengen nagis tapi kaga bisa.grgr band camp itu betis sakitnya ga terkira. soalnya bayangin aja tiap hari disuruh lari berjuta-juta kali. lebay. pagi lari 1 atau 2 kali lapangan. atau bolakbalik fkh-portal. terus siang abis makan lari lg sekali. terus sore abis solat lari lagi. malem lari lagi sejumlah pagi.lalu display lari kesana kemari. begitu terus 5 hari alamak rasanya betis sakit bgt smpsmp pernah saking sakitnya dan gatau harus diapain lg terus pas lari pagi2 hbs itu pemanasan section, w nangis kejer banget sambil breathing dong grgr sakit bgt ampun ampunan. dan rasa sakit itu stay baru ilang kalo udh rileks serileks2nya kaki tp kalo udh dipake lari ya sama aja sakit lagi smp total ilang beneran setelah brp lama kemudian dan tiap malem kaki gua rendem air garam.
sampe akhirnya first performance yg menurut gua mengecewakan amat sangat di ppsmb karena dpt spot perform yg jauh sekali dr audience. suara brass jg jelek ampun ga kedengeran. ah pokoknya kacau tp yaudahlah. sudah berlalu.
performance selanjutnya parade di malioboro. first parade. krn gaperna dapet kesempatan buat jadi squad parade mngkin karena postur yg buruk dan cara jalan but i dont really want to do parade so yeah no problem. karena parade itu terbayang lah ya capeknya glide step sejauh apa. lurusin barisan sejauh apa. sambil main lagu lagi. mo die aja. first parade di jl malioboro. start di dinpar - vredeburg. parade jogja fashion week. lagu baru belajar h-1. mantap. selama parade niup sebisanya dan seingetnya hahahaha. but that was all good sih. mungkin krn waktu itu jd guest star bukan peserta lomba jd ya santai santai aja.
kemudian malam2 latreg yg amat sangat bikin laprak keteteran karena ya gimana ya. latreg mulu sampe temen2 gua bosen dengernya. hampir tiap malem ke panca (ya 5/7 seminggu) jadwal latian tetap tp tutor diselebihnya jd ya sama aja plis. terus display udh berantem tiap malem. capeknya. keringetannya. begadang buat laprak. charting adalah bagian terseru dari dispaly karena gaperlu bawa alat yey. tapi runthrough itu setan yg nyiptain. runthrough setiap hari. setiap hari. setiap hari. asma. keringetan. beh udh mager bener dah. udah paling males kalo runthrough setiap habis latreg atau lt/ paling males lagi kalo orang depan minta runthrough di sebelum dan sesudah. like the hell u think im a robot fuq
lt yang ngabisin weekend. udh gaada lg apel lt minggu jam 1. 2 hari dlm seminggu latian 12 jam. sebosen2nya ketemu org udh paling bosen sm org2 di lapangan. bau2 keringet udh bodoamat. udh paling ga bersemangat kalo lt. org2 lain mah semangat kalo weekend meanwhile me ya gaperna semangat kalo weekend krn selalu ada latian.
melewati fase bosen latian. ga dateng latian untuk brp lama au. buat alasan banyaaak sekali mulai dari ada mama (emg ada sih), sakit (emg sakit sih) jd ya sebenarnya bukan alasan sih lebih tepatnya emg beneran cuma diperpanjang aja hehe. terus smp tobat sendiri akhirnya dtg latian
fase bosen tu bener2 cant help bgt. udh sebodoamat apa au sama lagu sm display. yaudah bodoamat namanya jg org males ya hehe. dateng lt cuma di sesi terakhir. latreg cuma sekali seminggu. heheheh
untung berhasil survive di masa itu dan tidak keluar.
begitu seterusnya sampai kemudian karantina
bagian termenakutkan dalam hidup. takut mati. takut kandas. takut capek anything. dan pada kenyataannya, emang secapek itu:)
udh gabisa dijelasin gimana rasanya pagi2 dibangunin buat solat subuh terus jam 5 pagi udah pake sepatu latian dan baju latian.
jam 5 pagi. pdhl gua di kos aja bangun jam setengah 7 ini jam 5 pagi udah ke venue latian which is indoor arena gtkan. semua org udh pada kek zombie kecuali pelatihnya sih. nerima materi jg sambil nguap2 dan kedinginan. terus udh selesai sesi itu. mandi. dan kemudian jam 8 sarapan lalu latian lagi. sampe jam 10 malem. bad thing is gaada jam tangan jd gatau jamberapa disengajain sm org depan gabole bawa jam tangan biar ga tau jam jd ya latian berhentinya suka2 mereka. tai kan. sampe jam 11 lewat pernah smp semua org udah kek mo mati rasanya ngantuk. sampe jam 11 dan gadikasih minum pernah. smp semua org udah pada cemberut. sumpahya itu masa2 tersuram gabisa dijelasin lagi. gimana tiap makanan gaenak itu gabisa ngapa2in selain makan tapi gaabis. pernah ga ngabisin makanan krn udah males banget lalu kemudian jam 10 laper bgt mau semaput tp uda gabisa ngapa2in lgi hahaa. siang2 dijemur dan gosongnya buluknya dekilnya gailang sampe sekarang mo angry saya. pdhl uda pake topi pake buff ttp aja. terus ribetnya bolakbalik magelang jogja buat praktikum naik bis kota. best thing is perna digonceng mas sevin hehehehehehe tp itu most awkward moment everrrrrr sih. terus best thing lainnya tidurnya di asrama with my fren jd seneng aja finally i have my dormitory life again.
karantina selesai rasanya seneng bgtbgtan. kemudian seminggu menuju lomba itu jg hari2 terberat. latreg tiap hari!!!runthrough tiap malam!!! gila pokoknya begitu2 aja gilanya. capeknya
konser pamit. turns out bagus banget. my best performance so faaaaaar. krn sebelumnya udh dimotivate sm mas mando dulu jd bener2 kek perform terbaik dan terikhlassss sedunia bahkan dibandingin perform di hari H lebih baik konser pamit dan sejujurnya dari dalam hati juga lebih ikhlas main di konser pamit. karena apaya gatau. nonteknis sih. dimotivasi banyaaak banget terus yg nonton parah superbanyak jd kek banyak desire to give the best of me aja gt. terus yaudah jd bagus bgt apalagi my inner circle come jd yaaaa seneng.
konser pamit udh bikin optimis buat tampil di hari h. sampe akhirnya harus pindah karantina lagi. di baciro. gaenak bgt minim fasilitas. asrama jauh. pindah2 alat capek. mo marah aja rasanya. untung kamar ac
terus gaikut skuad parade lagi. again gatau harus sedih apa seneng. sedih krn gbs main lagu in the stone tp seneng krn bisa istirahat lebi banyak. jd pas squad parade itu parade kita yg ga parade tidur duluuu di aula, latian santai. mendung ujan. tidur lg terus sore dialokasikan untuk tidur krn rehearsal jam 12 - 2 pagi. rehearsal terburuk rasanya mo maki2 org depan. itu ngantuk sih engga ya. tapi capek banget woy disuruh ulang2 trus asma bener keringetan.pokoknya gaenak. laper lagi.
best thing is bisa tidur sampe jam 12 siang!!!!! miracle banget. ya jam 10 atau 11 sih lebih tepatnya. yaudah gt aja.
itu udah hari H. deg2an banget pas mau perform. tp udh gbs diceritain gimana rasanya bisa perform dan main setlist untuk terakhir kalinya. puas? engga sama sekali. seperti yg gua bilang lebih bagus performance di konser pamit dan saya tidak seikhlas main waktu konser pamit.
bahkan gua gaperna nangis waktu main. a feeling yg sangat ingin gua rasakan tp belum didapat nangis sambil niup. gua nangis di akhir krn mba saf heheehhe. i just cant she’s so kind ga tega. dan dia sedih mau pisah sm squad ini so do i.
smp akhirnya dpt juara 1. kalo boleh jujur, biasa aja. ga begitu seneng. ya karena lawannya jg biasa aja. tp atleast ga malu. dan ya lega aja semua sudah berakhir
gada lagi malam2 berkeringat gt. gada lg capek2. bisa istirahat dengan bebas. and finally breathe the joy of freedom
kalo ditanya mau lanjut lagi atau engga? lets see another time then:)
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EXO – What U Do? 'The War' ROMANIZATION Yeah I want it Yeah I need it yego eobs-i nae pum-e angyeo on neo ne meosdaelo nal nollimyeon babocheoleom usge doeneun na ingeol neol eotteohge seolmyeonghal su iss-eulkka neon dalla You neomuna You geu manh-eun us-eumgwa neoui beoleusdo salangseuleowo Say yeah What U do? ileohge Ooh salanghae Ooh What U do? Got me like Ooh Got me like Ooh Love you right Baby dulman-ui sigan What U do? ileohge Ooh salanghae Ooh byeonchi mal-a ne jeonbu da hangsang geu nunbich-eulo nal bwa jwo iyuneun pil-yo eobs-eo naneun ttag neo hanamyeon dwae Baby we can go higher neoman-ui saeng-gag tto gingin yaegido nanuja You naegeman You i bam-e gidae neol gamssago sip-eo josimseuleobge Say yeah What U do? ileohge Ooh salanghae Ooh What U do? Got me like Ooh Got me like Ooh Love you right Baby dulman-ui sigan (Let’s stay up all night) What U do? ileohge Ooh salanghae Ooh (salanghae) neon daeche nuguya eojileobge hae Baby you’re so beautiful deo gakkai wa bwa jom deo neukkil su issge nan deo gago sip-eunde What U do? ileohge Ooh salanghae salanghae salanghae What U do? Got me like Ooh Got me like Ooh Love you right Baby dulman-ui sigan (Let’s stay up all night) What U do? ileohge Ooh salanghae Ooh salanghae Love you right Let’s stay up all night salanghae salanghae PINYIN Yeah I want it Yeah I need it ni de mei li rang shui xian ye tai tou wang shi zhong magic wu fa kang ju hua cheng xiang ri kui de wo zou xiang tai yang ni shuo ai qing shan bian sha gua cai tou ru wo xin li ku wu sheng de ku Oh wo de xin xiang shi yu zhou de zhi zhu na yang jian gu Say yeah What U do? wo ai quan bu gei wo quan bu What U do? bu guan ke ai hai shi ke wu wo hen huai ni yue shuo wo yue xiang ai What U do? duo me ke ai duo me ke wu mei you ren neng ke yi kan jian wo you jian ao you xiang shou de kuai le kan shi jian yi mian zou zhe wo de xin li lai hui duo zhe Baby we can go higher yu jian zai duo yan shen bu guai de nv hai guan ta duo ku No one but you xiang zai yue qiu shang dui quan shi jie da han wo ai ni You Say yeah What U do? wo ai quan bu gei wo quan bu What U do? bu guan ke ai hai shi ke wu wo hen huai ni yue shuo wo yue xiang ai (Let’s stay up all night) What U do? duo me ke ai duo me ke wu (duo ke wu ) ni zai zuo pan you gu xiang rang wo ji du Baby you’re so beautiful ni shen mi de yan jiao fa shao piao lai de wei dao wo de shi jie yi dian dao What U do? wo ai quan bu ni de quan bu ni quan bu ni quan bu What U do? bu guan ke ai hai shi ke wu wo hen huai ni yue shuo wo yue xiang ai (Let’s stay up all night) What U do? duo me ke ai duo me ke wu rang wo lai Love you right Let’s stay up all night KOREAN Yeah I want it Yeah I need it 예고 없이 내 품에 안겨 온 너 네 멋대로 날 놀리면 바보처럼 웃게 되는 나 인걸 널 어떻게 설명할 수 있을까 넌 달라 You 너무나 You 그 많은 웃음과 너의 버릇도 사랑스러워 Say yeah What U do? 이렇게 Ooh 사랑해 Ooh What U do? Got me like Ooh Got me like Ooh Love you right Baby 둘만의 시간 What U do? 이렇게 Ooh 사랑해 Ooh 변치 말아 네 전부 다 항상 그 눈빛으로 날 봐 줘 이유는 필요 없어 나는 딱 너 하나면 돼 Baby we can go higher 너만의 생각 또 긴긴 얘기도 나누자 You 내게만 You 이 밤에 기대 널 감싸고 싶어 조심스럽게 Say yeah What U do? 이렇게 Ooh 사랑해 Ooh What U do? Got me like Ooh Got me like Ooh Love you right Baby 둘만의 시간 (Let’s stay up all night) What U do? 이렇게 Ooh 사랑해 Ooh (사랑해) 넌 대체 누구야 어지럽게 해 Baby you’re so beautiful 더 가까이 와 봐 좀 더 느낄 수 있게 난 더 가고 싶은데 What U do? 이렇게 Ooh 사랑해 사랑해 사랑해 What U do? Got me like Ooh Got me like Ooh Love you right Baby 둘만의 시간 (Let’s stay up all night) What U do? 이렇게 Ooh 사랑해 Ooh 사랑해 Love you right Let’s stay up all night 사랑해 사랑해 ENGLISH TRANSLATION Yeah I want it Yeah I need it You are in my arms without notice If you make fun of me It’s me who smiles like a fool. How can I explain you You are different You That much laughter and your habit I love you Say yeah What U do? Ooh I love you so Ooh What U do? Got me like Ooh Got me like Ooh Love you right Baby Time What U do? Ooh I love you so Ooh Do not change it all. Always look at me with that look. I do not need a reason. I just need you. Baby we can go higher Your thoughts and long stories I’ll give it to you I want to wrap you up tonight carefully Say yeah What U do? Ooh I love you so Ooh What U do? Got me like Ooh Got me like Ooh Love you right Let’s stay up all night What U do? So Ooh I love you Ooh (I love you) Who the hell are you? Baby you’re so beautiful Come closer and feel a little more. I want to go further What U do? So Ooh love you love you love you What U do? Got me like Ooh Got me like Ooh Love you right Let’s stay up all night What U do? Ooh I love you so Ooh I love you Love you right Let’s stay up all night I love you I love you
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as a romance favorable aro if you invalidate romance-repulsed and/or nonpartnering aros i WILL come for your spleen 🤺🤺
#aromantic#lgbtqia#aromantic pride#queer#mi gua thoughts#romance repulsed#aspec#arospec#aro#aro pride
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me when i rmmember my partners. me when i remmebr. every day i have them is a day i can live through
#aromantic#aro#aroace#arospec#acespec#aroacespec#qpr#qpp#lgbtqia#asexual#queerplatonic#queerplatonic relationship#not tagging them but hopefully they’ll find this eventually#like when you discover a note someone slipped in your blazer pocket#mi gua thoughts
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EXO – Touch It (너의 손짓) 'The War' ROMANIZATION eotteon maldo neoleul daesinhal su eobsneun geol (pil-yo eobs-eulgeol?) pyohyeonhal su eobsneun geol ttan geon pil-yo eobs-eo geujeo neoman iss-eumyeon (daleun eotteon geosdo?) geulae neoman iss-eumyeon ajjilhan neoui sillues neon geulimjamajeo aleumdawo nal michige mandeuneun jeo jag-eun haengdongkkaji da saljjag meolil sseul-eo ollin jeo segsihan sonjis sonjis Baby ne sonjis sonjis nege kkeullin mam-eul deulkin gil-eul ilh-eun sonjis sonjis Baby nae sonjis sonjis Ay and she goes like (Nanana) Ay all the girls go (Nanana) Oh yeah nega nae ap-e jigeum wanjeon feeling good now (Feeling good now?) Yeah I’m feeling good now geunde meolis-sog-eun Boom museun mal-eul halkka (What what meolis-sog-eun black out Uh!) sangsanglyeog-eul ilkkaewo su baeg gaji moseub-ui neoleul geulyeo jag-eun momjis-i jeonbu ne mogsoli gat-a saljjag meolil sseul-eo ollin jeo segsihan sonjis sonjis Baby ne sonjis sonjis (josimseule kkeullin) nege kkeullin mam-eul deulkin gil-eul ilh-eun sonjis sonjis Baby nae sonjis sonjis All my ladies say yeah (Nanana) Ay hanmogsolilo feel me? (Nanana) All my ladies say yeah (Nanana) Yo yo sing it again (Nanana) iyuga mwo geuli daedanhal pil-yon eobsjanh-a sasohan ne sonjis hanalodo naleul jwigo heundeuljanh-a (heundeul-eonwa Babe) Oh you got what I want Ay ay naegen neoman iss-eumyeon dwae (geuge daya Babe) Oh you got what I want Ay ay nae yeop-eman iss-eumyeon dwae huhoehago sipjin anhjanh-a I can’t help myself gwaenhi deomdeomhan cheog anin tileul naebwado jakku nado mollae ppajyeo neoege jeomjeom neodo mollae neoui du nun-i naleul hyanghaeissneun geol moleuneun jul al-assni Yeah (Tell me if you want me) saljjag meolil sseul-eo ollin jeo segsihan sonjis sonjis Baby ne sonjis sonjis nege kkeullin mam-eul deulkin gil-eul ilh-eun sonjis sonjis Baby nae sonjis sonjis Sing it sing it baby (Nanana) Ay c’mon c’mon do it again (Nanana) nawa hamkkehae hayan sonkkeut-i Oh naleul yuhoghae nael deus-i tto ttaelon musimhadan deus-i ne sonjis sonjis naege nal ajjil-ajjilhage (jom deo neoleul boyeojwo) Oh neoleul jinachyeo gal deus-i (Watch it baby) eojjeomyeon dagaganeun deus-i (Watch it baby) nan sonjis sonjis nege neon meomchismeomchis PINYIN shen me dou bu zu yi xing rong wo yan li de ni (quan bu mei yi yi ) shuo bu chu wan fen zhi yi wo de shi jie gang hao rang ni zhu zai wo xin li (qi ta dou shi duo yu ) cong jin zhu zai wo xin li ni mei li de bu ke si yi lian ying zi ye jiao wo wu fa zi yi ni de mei ge bu jing xin rang wo feng kuang de zhao mi liao dong fa si zui ren shou shi bo nong shi jian tan zhi tan zhi Baby wo jing zhi jing zhi wan quan mi shi wu fa ke zhi chu dong ai de shou zhi shou zhi Baby bie jing zhi jing zhi Ay, and she goes like (Nanana) Ay, all the girls go (Nanana) Oh yeah zhan zai ni de mian qian wo zhen de feeling good now (Feeling good now?) Yeah I’m feeling good now zhi shi tou nao kong diao Boom xiang ge sha gua da xiao (What what shen jing shi kong black out, uh!) xiang xiang li bao zha ran shao hua xia ni mei ge yan shen mei ge wei xiao wan wan de zui jiao dou zai shuo zhe ni de mei hao liao dong fa si zui ren shou shi bo nong shi jian tan zhi tan zhi Baby wo jing zhi jing zhi (zai zhe yi ke jing zhi ) wan quan mi shi wu fa ke zhi chu dong ai de shou zhi shou zhi Baby bie jing zhi jing zhi All my ladies say yeah (Nanana) Ay ting wo de sheng yin feel me? (Nanana) All my ladies say yeah (Nanana) Yo, Yo Sing it again (Nanana) bu yong shui bu yong zuo bu yong zhao xun ren he jie kou qing qing dong gen shou zhi xiao xiao dong zuo jiu neng rang wo hu zuo hu you (sui ni cao kong Babe) Oh you got what I want Ay, ay ni shi wo de yu zhou zhong xin (wei rao zhe ni Babe) Oh you got what I want Ay, ay huan ying zhan ling wo de sheng ming bu xiang hou hui qing yi cuo guo ni I can’t help myself yuan yi wan quan de bei kan chuan ai ni de jue ding bu zhi bu jue yi jing xian ru ni xin li bu zhi bu jue de ni man man de kao jin jiu rang zhe yi ke zan ting kan dao wo zai ni yan di Yeah (Tell me if you want me) liao dong fa si zui ren shou shi bo nong shi jian tan zhi tan zhi Baby wo jing zhi jing zhi wan quan mi shi wu fa ke zhi chu dong ai de shou zhi shou zhi Baby bie jing zhi jing zhi Sing it sing it baby (Nanana) Ay c’mon c’mon do it again (Nanana) jiu zai zhe shun jian jie bai de zhi jian Oh gou zhe er yu bu bu xiang qian you huo zhe wo ni shi er bu jian ni tan zhi tan zhi zhi jian wo che di che di yun xuan (ni de mei bian hua wan qian ) Oh ni man man de xiang wo lun xian (Watch it baby) wo jue ding zhan ju ni de yi qie (Watch it baby, woo) dang shou zhi shou zhi fang dian bu zi jue zi jue KOREAN 어떤 말도 너를 대신할 수 없는 걸 (필요 없을걸?) 표현할 수 없는 걸 딴 건 필요 없어 그저 너만 있으면 (다른 어떤 것도?) 그래 너만 있으면 아찔한 너의 실루엣 넌 그림자마저 아름다워 날 미치게 만드는 저 작은 행동까지 다 살짝 머릴 쓸어 올린 저 섹시한 손짓 손짓 Baby 네 손짓 손짓 네게 끌린 맘을 들킨 길을 잃은 손짓 손짓 Baby 내 손짓 손짓 Ay and she goes like (Nanana) Ay all the girls go (Nanana) Oh yeah 네가 내 앞에 지금 완전 feeling good now (Feeling good now?) Yeah I’m feeling good now 근데 머릿속은 Boom 무슨 말을 할까 (What what 머릿속은 black out Uh!) 상상력을 일깨워 수 백 가지 모습의 너를 그려 작은 몸짓이 전부 네 목소리 같아 살짝 머릴 쓸어 올린 저 섹시한 손짓 손짓 Baby 네 손짓 손짓 (조심스레 끌린) 네게 끌린 맘을 들킨 길을 잃은 손짓 손짓 Baby 내 손짓 손짓 All my ladies say yeah (Nanana) Ay 한목소리로 feel me? (Nanana) All my ladies say yeah (Nanana) Yo yo sing it again (Nanana) 이유가 뭐 그리 대단할 필욘 없잖아 사소한 네 손짓 하나로도 나를 쥐고 흔들잖아 (흔들어놔 Babe) Oh you got what I want Ay ay 내겐 너만 있으면 돼 (그게 다야 Babe) Oh you got what I want Ay ay 내 옆에만 있으면 돼 후회하고 싶진 않잖아 I can’t help myself 괜히 덤덤한 척 아닌 티를 내봐도 자꾸 나도 몰래 빠져 너에게 점점 너도 몰래 너의 두 눈이 나를 향해있는 걸 모르는 줄 알았니 Yeah (Tell me if you want me) 살짝 머릴 쓸어 올린 저 섹시한 손짓 손짓 Baby 네 손짓 손짓 네게 끌린 맘을 들킨 길을 잃은 손짓 손짓 Baby 내 손짓 손짓 Sing it sing it baby (Nanana) Ay c’mon c’mon do it again (Nanana) 나와 함께해 하얀 손끝이 Oh 나를 유혹해 낼 듯이 또 때론 무심하단 듯이 네 손짓 손짓 내게 날 아찔아찔하게 (좀 더 너를 보여줘) Oh 너를 지나쳐 갈 듯이 (Watch it baby) 어쩌면 다가가는 듯이 (Watch it baby) 난 손짓 손짓 네게 넌 멈칫멈칫 ENGLISH TRANSLATION No words can replace you. I can not express I do not need anything else, just you (nothing else?) Yes you are Your silhouette is stunning You’re beautiful even in the shadows That little action that drives me crazy. Swiftly swept That sexy hand gesture Baby hand gesture Hand gesture I was attracted to you Handicapped Handicap Baby Handicapped Handicap Ay and she goes like (Nanana) Ay all the girls go (Nanana) Oh yeah Now you are in front of me now feeling good now (Feeling good now?) Yeah I’m feeling good now But what do you say in your head Boom (What what is your head black out Uh!) Remind imagination I draw hundreds of you All the little gestures look like your voice. Swiftly swept That sexy hand gesture baby Your hand gesture (careful) I was attracted to you Handicapped Handicap Baby Handicapped Handicap All my ladies say yeah (Nanana) Feel me in the moon? (Nanana) All my ladies say yeah (Nanana) Yo yo sing it again (Nanana) Why not You do not have to be great. With just one little hand gesture Hold me, shake it (shake it, Babe) Oh you got what I want I need only you for my month (thats all, Babe) Oh you got what I want I need it only in the moon. I do not want to regret it. I can not help myself Even if I do not pretend to do it, I keep telling you Your eyes are getting closer I thought you did not know you were headed for me. (Tell me if you want me) Swiftly swept That sexy hand gesture Baby hand gesture Hand gesture I was attracted to you Handicapped Handicap Baby Handicapped Handicap Sing it sing it baby (Nanana) Ay c’mon c’mon do it again (Nanana) Come with me. White fingertips Oh to tempt me Sometimes, Hand me your hand I’m stinging at you (show me more) Oh it ‘s like going through you (Watch it baby) Watch it baby, I do not want you to stop
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