#I Am Number Four
hotmal3celebrities · 3 months
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Alex Pettyfer - I Am Number Four
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vincenzides · 3 months
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fyeahmovies · 2 years
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Teresa Palmer in I AM NUMBER FOUR (2011)
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simpforsix · 3 months
Pittacus: If we’re in trouble, just throw nine children at the problem and hope for the best.
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kip-loric · 8 months
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Dani: the Jam shipper I never knew I needed
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sam goode /// the first friend, the techie
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aurorasmith419 · 2 months
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Adam has very much been my favorite character since 2014ish
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disneyboot · 1 year
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seattlesea · 1 month
Lorien Legacies Characters as Things My Family and I Have Said (part five)
Nine: God the smell in here is making me want to die John: Then go outside Five: Then die --- Maggie, writing a book: Can your breathing get cut off if there's a heavy weight on your chest? Adam: Yeah Maggie: Cool Adam: That's how they killed people in the old days, by stacking a bunch of rocks on their chest and suffocating them Maggie: Okay a 'Yes' would've been fine --- John: Finish your food Nine: I'm going to go home and take the fattest shit you've ever seen do not make me eat more --- Eight: I'm psychic, I can see into people's futures. I see in your near future that you're going to get sick Eight: *coughs in Nine's face* --- Adam: Did you eat? Maggie: Yeah. A strawberry Adam: That's it? Maggie: Two strawberries --- Six and John: *talking about spirit animals* Six: You'd be a swan John: Because I'm so graceful? Six: No cause you're white --- Sam: I was actually really good at orchestra in school, I was first chair on the cello Six: *puts her hand to her chest and gasps* Oh my god! Sam: What? Six, sarcastically: What a cool story! --- Six and Marina: *having a normal adult conversation* Eight: My black olive just rolled across my laptop --- Nine: Dirty mother... John: *giving him a dirty look with Ella next to him* Nine:...Of...Jesus --- One: Hey what're you gonna be for Halloween? Adam: I dunno yet what about you? One: I was thinking of being a witch Adam: Oh that's cool One: Yeah maybe you can be my broomstick so I can ride you all night Adam: WHAT- One: What, is that bad? Would you rather I be a pirate and you be a sword so I can stick you in me? Adam: *screaming* --- Ella: *touches a gross blanket* Ew Marina: What? Ella: It's giving me the ick Marina: The what? Ella: I'm acoustic --- Six: Bitch, I do NOT lift to be called a lipstick lesbian --- Five: *staring at a candle* Eight: What are you doing? Five: Trying to light myself on fire with my mind --- Nine, in public loud as hell: Yeah I'd fuck young Elvis Strangers passing by: *giving him grossed-out looks* Nine: What? You would too Nine, muttering: Prudes --- Sam: Look at my skeleton animal collection. I can a bat, I got a rat, and I got a cat Hannu, sadly: But no hats --- John: *celebrating his birthday and opening gifts* Five, silently crying: *places a couple wadded-up singles in front of John* That's all I got --- Six: You know it would've been easier if you just took the highway Marina: But...the trees... --- Adam: I'm gay John after taking Adam to a Fall Out Boy concert and watching him sit on the floor with three empty couches: Cool --- One and Six: *Talking about the ped@ at their job* Six: He's the reason there's an 18+ age limit --- Five: Despite popular belief, I will be going to Heaven because Satan will be jealous someone has a fatter ass than him --- Sam teaching the Lorics to make cereal: Okay first gather your things Lorics: :) Sam: Then, you put in your milk Daniela: Huh? Lorics: :) Sam: Next, you add your cereal Daniela: Hell no Lorics: :) Sam: Then drizzle in your honey Daniela: Bro WHAT Lorics: :) Sam: And finally, put it in the microwave Daniela: WHAT THE FUCK Lorics: :) Sam: And then you have cereal Lorics: Yay Daniela: I'm going to kill you --- Marina: So what is credit score? Sam: *ten minute explanation of credit score, payments, debt, and loans with examples* Marina:... Sarah: The loophole so the bank can't lend poor people money to stop being poor Marina: Ohhhh --- Nine: Damn, dude, I really don't know anything about you. I only know like your favorite color and animal, the music you listen to, your favorite movies, how you dress, your favorite coffee flavor, your personality, your deepest fear, your address, your entire backstory, all the people you like and hate, and your habit of needing to use a straw with every single drink or it doesn't 'taste right' John:... --- Eight: Damn I'm thirsty Adam: Then go drink water Eight: I can't, I'm fasting Adam:...Well I think you're supposed to drink water if you're running around all the time Eight:...
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tbhcatsaresocute · 1 month
we need to talk about the fact sam literally set mark james house on fire more
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hotmal3celebrities · 3 months
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Alex Pettyfer - I Am Number Four
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new-lorien-artist · 6 months
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This is how Nine's Legacy went right
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Malcolm Goode being not so good at parenting
Re-reading Fall of Five and…
Nine just straight up gave Ella some freaking alcohol and Malcolm just sat there and let it happen 😭
also Nine just HAS alcohol sitting around and it surprises NO ONE. (It was probably Sandor’s old stash or smth) If that isn’t the most Nine thing ever I don’t know what is
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hearts4estella · 2 months
Okay guys. High chances of betrayal during the series and also high chances of false memories. God know WTH will come next. Just to ask. What do you think would be a good name for a chapter that had someone explore a town?? Just asking. Plans might change later on. Put it in the comments.
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simpforsix · 2 months
april fools prank where eight shapeshifts into BK and BK shapeshifts into eight. that's it that's the idea okay post
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kip-loric · 5 months
So I'm guessing the government made official documents for the garde after the war. Headcannon that Nine convinced them he was 21, which is part of why he was able to get the professor job.
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