treebloods · 5 months
screaming into the void
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"Hiyo! I'm gonna talk more about the 1st layer. Last time I talked to Shekinah about the two warring Kingdoms but are they the only places that represent a sin? Nope, they aren't. So I'll talk about everywhere but where I live in particular."
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"Honestly none of these places have an official name because I've yet to name them. The City of Greed, the gamblers paradise. Where one can be honest to themselves about their greed for any fancy food, weapons, money, you name it. Reason I call it a gamblers paradise is because there's so many casinos there but everyone careful with their money so its fine. Yes, hell uses money, its a hell wide currency called and I kid you not Devi's. They just took Devil and took out the l. I just call it hell coin or hell dollars if its in dollar bill form. Like, I'm still arguing with everyone on what to call it."
That argument she doesn't see ending anytime soon.
"Next up! The Metropolis of Conflict, everyone with anger issues lives there. Besides myself anyway. Its not the Metropolis of Wrath because everyone can be pretty chill when not bashing each others heads in. My armory likes escaping to there so they can get some use. But its not my fault there's very little I'd bring them out against in Hell, its pointless to wield them in my own domain."
"Another case of not named after a sin despite the majority is the relaxing fields, you'll find people lazing around there. Of course for people who prefer being inside there are hotels with plenty of rooms. Now why isn't the place named after Sloth? Ruin anyone lazy moment and they can get as angry as the Metropolis of Conflict. It's funny to watch. Especially when the two are on such good terms anyone who sets off the Relaxing Fields instantly has a hit put out on them by the Metropolis of Conflict."
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"I'm not talking about the Country of Lust. All I'll say is, Rirune be welcomed there with open arms. Especially by all the shapeshifters. But those with a lust for life and such go there too. ...By the way for those with a lust for battle or are battle hungry before I go over the next place they just live in the Metropolis of Conflict. It saves them a trip."
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"Next is for well the food type of Gluttony. I had to tell them no, they can't call it Hell's Kitchen, I know what they're referencing and I am not allowing that. Anyway, everyone just call it Chef City because with how much they like to eat. Well like a certain friend of mines, they learned to cook all types of dishes. They had a lot of time on their hand, eternity and all."
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"I wish there was somewhere for Vanity. Instead my appearance is considered the 'most magnificent in hell' or something along those lines and its instead is a trading hub for pictures of me. I punched God for laughing at that fact. Its also people who are well very familiar with 'idol' culture like Kpop, Vtubers, you know what I mean. I am regularly confiscating the photos sold. Even some of the angels from Heaven drop by to buy some. How? When did they get any of the currency used in Hell?! Well actually I know the answer to that but that's on me for turning a blind eye to angels talking to their relatives in Hell while I talk to God."
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"Okay enough on stuff that makes me want to go punch someone I know is laughing up in Heaven, I can hear y-That is not an excuse to laugh harder. Anyway, while there are plenty of other places I could talk about but that would never end. I'll just say there's a place for 'everyone' on the first layer and I do mean everyone. I make new places as new type of people end up down here."
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"Now if you excuse me, I need to go blow up God."
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looking for: support, validation, reassurance
tw: sibling abuse (?)
I’m writing this at 3 am trying to figure out if I’m crazy. I can’t tell if I love my brother or not. Most of the time we have a fairly normal sibling relationship I guess but then there are times he is completely awful.
I have to preface this with the fact that my older brother has ADHD, autism, and is currently on anti psychotics for mood. Most of the times when something like this has happened it’s been when he doesn’t take his meds. He gets unbearable when he doesn’t take his adderall, and i understand but it honestly feels like he annoys me on purpose.
He does things, i tell him to stop, he keeps doing it, I tell him more forcefully, he keeps doing it. Until finally I gut so agitated that I yell at him to stop. He then proceeds to humiliate me for getting upset and calls me insane and psycho.
The only time he truly hit me was probably my fault, but he wouldn’t leave my room and when I begged him to please leave because my ears hurt from an infection he mocked and humiliated me. I got angry and jumped at him. He then proceeded to hit me across the side of the head so hard I ended up with a swollen eye with visible broken capillaries around it.
The other two incidents after only really involved threats. This is also probably my fault, but he was making a root beer float and I took a sip of it (what I feel is normal sibling type behavior) he reacted by yelling and repeatedly hitting my arm. I walked away and he said that he wished he could snap my spine in half. I, stupidly, made a snide response in defense causing him to run over with a baking sheet and pull back like he was going to hit me over the head.
the final thing happened earlier today, and is the reason I’m writing this. He was constantly being annoying today and while I was trying to practice my bass he kept murmuring music making it impossible to concentrate. I told him to stop, he didn’t. I was fed up from the rest of the day and shouted at him. He then got up and mockingly screamed at me and fake punched me. Except I didn’t realize he was faking it so I put my hand up to protect my face and he accidentally hit that. He then made fun of me for being scared of him hitting me and faked punching me a few more times before walking away.
every time something like this happens it leaves me in a chokehold of fear. It’s completely irrational but I sit frozen and silent scared that if he hears or sees me he will attack me. I’ve overheard him laughing at something multiple times after an incident, like it didn’t even occur or affect him.
he only ever goes this far when my mom isn’t home. I’ve told my parents but I’m not sure what they can do about it. My brother is almost 20, unemployed, and doesn’t do anything to contribute around the house. My mom doesn’t want to have to kick him out but sometimes I just don’t feel safe.
I hope this wasn’t too long but I really had to share this with someone. I was always too afraid to talk to my school counselor about him because I didn’t want to ruin her view of him so I haven’t had a lot of advice.
thank you so much- scared sister
Hi scared sister,
I'm so sorry to hear about what's been happening. Please know that you're not crazy, and your brother's behavior is unacceptable.
It's common and understandable to have mixed feelings about people who have harmed us, especially if we have relationships to or with them. On the one hand, he is your brother and in many ways it makes sense to love him, but on the other hand he's hurt you a lot and it's hard to figure out how to balance those two opposing things.
I don't know too much about how Adderall affects people, but in my mind, if you can have ADHD, be autistic, or miss a dose of Adderall and not be abusive, then I don't believe that any of those things have any influence on his abusive behavior. I think it's common for abusers to attribute their behavior to factors outside of their control, like the effects of medication or neurodiversity, but the truth is that abuse is a choice. When abuse is blamed on other things, it doesn't hold them accountable for their behavior, and instead says "Well he can't help it, it's really x that's to blame," and enables the behavior to continue. Abusers hate accountability, so that could be why his behavior has been chalked up to things outside of his control.
How you've described these incidents of abuse reminds me of reactive abuse, which is when the abuser works to get a rise out of their victim in order to paint them as the abuser, gaslight them, or humiliate them for their justified outburst. Also please know that none of what he's done to you is your fault, including the incident of physical abuse. Your room belongs to you and he is not entitled to it. You deserve to be listened to and respected more.
Regarding the root beer float incident, there are far healthier ways for your brother to communicate his thoughts and feelings. If he didn't want you to have a sip he could've said something like "Please ask me first next time," but instead he decided to harm and intimidate you.
I think it's important to remember that your fear is not irrational at all. Your brother has done things that make you feel physically and perhaps also emotionally threatened, and multiple experiences like that over time can exacerbate your emotions and develop trauma responses. It sounds like he's been triggering your survival mode (fight or flight, technically also fawn and freeze).
As for bringing it up with your parents, it sounds like perhaps they haven't taken your claims seriously. I'm also not too sure what they could do about it but I'm sure there are more consequences they could give him than to just kick him out.
Also please know that as far as bringing it to the attention of your school counselor, his image honestly isn't worth protecting. It's more important that people understand your brother for who he truly is, and not an image that misrepresents him as being better than he really is. You don't deserve to let this stop you from getting the counseling and support that you want.
I hope I could help. Please let us know if you need anything.
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lilac1013 · 2 years
you know idk if this has anything to do with mental disorders but sometimes i get really terrified to sleep and tonight, it has hit really hard and many thoughts are running through my head rn and i truly don’t even know where to start. i have so much to get off my chest and trust me, it’s a LOT. stuff that i wish i could open up to people about but i just know that the moment that i open my mouth, my feelings will be invalidated and that i would sound stupid and pathetic and i just cba to be made to feel worse about myself. honestly i cannot remember if friends follow this blog or if people know about this blog or not and if friends do follow this blog, i cannot remember if they actually use tumblr but if we are friends and you are reading this, actually scroll past and if you do read this anyway then just don’t acknowledge this in any way shape or form. again, there is so much i want to say but i don’t actually know how to put it into words. if anything this is a proper word vomit from my brain where im actuallly writing what is coming from my brain. gosh, if only i had that motivation when it came to my studies which is a huge major stress right now because i just want to graduate so bad with a decent grade and also be so good at korean that i am nearly fluent but idk. everyone around me makes me feel so dumb like it is how they are so naturally good at everything and it’s truly like “oh wow” but people also do this thing where when i explain something, they look at me with these eyes of “that is so stupid but ok” and it’s so off putting. it really does put me off of ever speaking my mind and just makes me feel so dumb and little. which speaking of dumb and little, i hate how no one is straightfoward with me from friends to random people on the internet whose love and validation i seek for. like i want people to straight up be like “beth, this hurt btw can you not” or “beth this made me feel xyz” or “beth i feel like xyz towards you” “beth i mean this”. stop speaking to me in fucking code or some actions like no. i don’t get it and i don’t understand. which leads me to something of i think i am falling for a guy who is literally on the side of the world and who i know has no feeling towards me whatsoever because i am truly the most disgusting thing to ever grace this earth and i just need to lose so much weight so bad and i hate how hungry i am these days and how i keep going over 500kcal a day and i hate how much food stresses me out but i hate how i have no control of myself that the moment i think about  food, i want to have it. i hate how mentally hungry i have been and it has gotten to the point where every single day i am so close to you know ...... i hate that my ex made me feel this insecure, this unsure, this scared of people and relationships. i hate how i am not over our relationship despite it being a year and everyone getting tired of hearing about it and how much it fucked me up but i hate how they don’t take me seriously on when i begin to express how much it has fucked me up and i hate how i cannot express that i cannot do things like unfollow them on instagram because even to this day, i am scared of their reaction towards it and i know i should not care but i cannot help the fact that i do. i hate the fact that i am still going through my ptsd shit and i cannot get my shit together for the god damn life of me. i hate the fact that i still cut myself despite saying to myself that i would stop in january 2021. i still do it and little do people know that i did it in korea too. i just cannot stop. i hate the fact that these days i just get urges to literally kill myself whether that is overdosing once again or grabbing my kitchen knife and slicing my throat which i had such an incredible urge to do the night that i truly scared myself that i was going to do it and punching up the mirror into shatters. truly it sometimes feels like someone else is inside me who is just so angry, so upset that all she wants to do is self destruct. it’s terrifying. i just hate how im not good enough and that apparently my actions are never good enough to friends, family and even to strangers who deem im fuckable ( looool an experience to fuck a fat girl is what they want ) but never loveable. literally there is  no where in my life where i am deemed good enough. im tired. i just hate myself and just hate eveything about it. i just want to heal but no one ever tells you how to and what anyone has ever told me about healing has just fucked me off. and i think deep down i dont want people to give me solutions or to tell me to move on and that it is okay because it is the past or to be confident and just believe in myself. i want someone to actually sit there and listen. you truly do not need to say shit. i just want you to listen to what i have to say and just acknowledge it and just maybe go “you are doing well though beth and we are proud of you” then we laugh over something stupid. i just want to be heard and reassured. idk. tbh that is very selfish thinking and everything that i have written in this post is selfish and very me me me and you hurt me and im not acknowledging anyone else’s feelings in which i truly am sorry and i am trying my hardest to not be a selfish person like i know that it doesn’t seem or sound like it but i am. i truly truly truly truly truly truly truly truly am and i probably should go to sleep and just try to find some peace of mind  
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redhead-batgal · 3 years
Hi 😁 Could I request either (31.} “Good morning gorgeous,” “Fuck off I’m trying to sleep.” 8.}  “Why do you have to be so cute?” “Why do you have to be so hot?” 27.} “I love every damned piece of you no matter what anyone else says.”) Or ( 21.} “If anything happened to you, it would utterly ruin me.” & 1.}  “I honestly don’t think there’s anyone I ever loved as much as I love you.”) with Dick Grayson?
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Type: Two-Shot
Pairing: Fem! and Librarian! Reader x Dick Grayson/Nightwing
Part One: Here
Prompts: ☙1: “I honestly don’t think there’s anyone I ever loved as much as I love you.” ☙8: “Why do you have to be so cute?” “Why do you have to be so hot?”☙21:“If anything happened to you, it would utterly ruin me.” ☙27: “I love every damned piece of you no matter what anyone else says.” ☙31:“Good morning gorgeous,” “Fuck off I’m trying to sleep.”
Content: Cursing, mentions of abuse, implied sickness, a minor curses, depressive thoughts (the negative Nancy’s may suck y’all but they bring in the fluffiest fluff), flashbacks, little bit of angst, FLUFFY so freaking fluffy, heavily reader x Nightwing, good luck 😂
Word Count ([Mama Mia] Here we go again!): 10,108 words
(P.S. I saw these prompts and thought hmm what could I do and the idea for a part two popped in my head. Hope you guys enjoy it!)
(P.P.S So I’ve recently decided that I’m gonna do OC stuff so like two of my OC’s with stories are going to make an appearance. Let me know what you guys think of them. 😉)
(P.P.P.S I’m putting an author’s note at the end so if ya wanna read it it’ll be there. And don’t worry I won’t count the author’s note in the words count.)
The unexpected tends to hit you when you don’t expect it, obviously, however sometimes the unexpected hits you literally at the worst times. Things from your past can come back to punch you in the gut, things you had forgotten about can return and bring a host of memories with them, good or bad. 
The unexpected can cause revelations to come to you, for you to realize things you should have thought of, things you should have seen before. It can cause you to realize certain feelings and certain people are more important than you ever thought. 
The unexpected can be kind, but it can also be ruthless. It can give you new relationships but it can also cause you to remember things better left forgotten.  Things like past relationships and mistakes you wish you never made. 
The unexpected is... well unexpected. 
It hadn’t even been a full twenty-four hours since Dick Grayson asked you out when literally everything went to shit. 
It had all started when you began to receive texts from old friends telling you to lay low. They were very vague and it made your stomach shift due to nervousness. There was a number of reasons why they could have texted you, they could have been joking, they could have been referring to anything really.
The longer you thought about it the worse your stomach swirled. So when you got a call telling you to come to a meeting with a detective right after your shift at the police station you felt like you were going to puke. The more time that passed the worse you felt however right before you left you ran into Mira. 
“Hi, Y/N.” She said with a bright smile, “Are you excited for your date later today?” 
She wiggled her eyebrows at you and you gave her a nervous smile. She hadn’t meant to, but you were even more nervous now then before. Nodding you let out a sigh trying your hardest to push the nerves swirling in your stomach back.
“Yeah, yeah I am...” You paused for a moment noting how her hair was much shorter than before. 
She noticed your look of surprise and grinned in almost a wicked kind of way, her hazel eyes glittering. 
“I got my hair cut and now I feel like a woodland pixie!” 
You laughed and Mira raised a hand to the end of her hair fiddling with it before shifting slightly as if something was bothering her. And it was then that it occurred to you, you hadn’t asked her how things with Jason were going. 
“So,” You began, feeling a mischievous smile working its way onto your face, “how are things going with Jason?”
Mira’s let go of her hair and shrugged a look of almost disinterest on her face. She leaned against the wall before looking over her shoulder and sighing. 
“Well for one, after hanging out with him I’m like ninety percent sure we’re just better as friends.”
You nodded in understanding, it was common for that to happen and it pained you to see how many times people had told you or Mira to just go for the relationship just because it would give you experience. 
“I get that-” Before you could finish however she continued. 
“And there’s this girl...” 
Girl, there’s a girl? You couldn’t believe it! Not because Mira didn’t seem like the type but because she didn’t really get out enough to meet people.
“Ooo really? Where did you meet?”
A blush appeared on Mira’s face and she straightened out before the blush darkened and she averted your gaze. 
“She’s new to my apartment complex.”
You smiled widely trying not to giggle in excitement. Mira had been rambling to you for months about wanting a relationship even if it was just a fling, she wanted love and was angry at the gods she believed in for not sending any her way. 
“Ooo, very cool. I hope things work out better than with Jason.”
Mira’s blush dimmed slightly and she got a frustrated look on her face before she pushed away from the wall and the two of you began to walk again. Tucking her much shorter hair behind her ear she bit her lip before giving you a look. 
“I think that it wouldn’t have matter if we were just better as friends or if Rosemary was in the picture-”
You couldn’t help yourself, “Rosemary? Is that her name?”
Mira’s blush returned to her face making it red as she waved a hand at you almost as if to stop you from asking questions about her possible crush. You moved out of the way of her hands and you realized you hadn’t been thinking about your nerves. And the second you thought of them they came crashing back down on you. 
“I’ll tell you everything later I promise!” Mira remarks with a sigh, “Anyways, I’m pretty sure Jason has a thing for someone else.”
You froze for a moment blinking a few times in surprise, looking at Mira you raised an eyebrow in confusion. 
“Really? I could have sworn he liked you.” 
She shrugs before crossing her arms, tilting her head she gives you a look before smiling slightly. 
“I’m a psychology major at Gotham U Y/N. I noticed somethings and I don’t know I’m pretty sure he likes someone else... and in case you were worried it isn’t you.” 
You blinked a few times processing her words, Jason like you? Have a thing for you? Of course that couldn’t be true. Why would Mira think that you might think Jason might like you? He was like your brother! 
Mira laughed and you realized all your emotions were crossing your face in that moment. Blinking again you furrowed your brow in confusion. Shaking your head you couldn’t quite grasp the idea of Jason liking someone else.
“I just thought he liked you.”
“He likes the parts of me that remind him of this other girl. I mean like... we sorta talked about it, so it’s more as I know he likes someone else.” 
You gave her an exasperated look and Mira laughed nervously before taking a step back. She waved her hands smiling somewhat before saying,
“Listen I don’t know who, and he didn’t outright say it, but he might as well have. He said there’s this one girl he doesn’t think he’ll ever get over. Something about them being childhood friends and thinking she was dead.” 
Shaking your head you sighed, you hadn’t heard anything about this then again you and Jason both agreed to not talk about your pasts. Even thinking of it now makes you feel sick. Swallowing you pushed away the memories as Mira gave you a concerned look. 
“You okay Y/N? You got a little pale just now...”
Mira trailed off and you nodded brushing off her concern. Pulling your phone out of your pocket you noted the time and how you were supposed to be meeting the detective soon. Shoving it back into your pocket you hurried to say goodbye to Mira, you really didn’t want to be late to this meeting. 
“I’m fine. I promise, I’ve just got a meeting with some cop soon-”
“Do you think it’s about Daniel?”
You flinched at the sound of his name. Closing your eyes you took in a breath. You could think about him now... well briefly think about him, without feeling scared or panicking. However now that Mira said it, it made a whole lot more sense. All your friends telling you to lay low and the meeting with the detective. 
The room seemed to spin a bit and you felt hands on your arms. 
“Woah, woah Y/N. It could just be Dick wanting to meet with you about your date, you said he doesn’t have your number right?” Mira remarked, scrambling to get you back to your senses. 
You pressed a hand to your head and nodded even though you felt like you were going to puke. Mira began guiding you towards the door with a very concerned look on her face. 
“How about I drive you there? I don’t like the idea of you being alone right now.”
You must have nodded because the next thing you knew you were in the passenger seat of Mira’s car as the world seemed to go in slow motion. Things passed by your eyes but for some reason the only thing your brain could focus on was the fact that Daniel was more than likely back. 
Your throat felt tight and you tried to breathe but it got harder the longer you tried. Biting your lip, you forced air through your lungs. There was a faint sound in the background almost like a humming as you heard Daniel’s voice yelling at you. Dozens of phrases all at once, insults, accusations, anger in general. You felt your heart beat pick up when suddenly your lip felt warm and a sharp pain went through it. 
Blinking back into reality you realized that Mira had been talking to you and that you were pulling up to the station. The car stopped and Mira turned towards you, her eyes going wide automatically.
“Y/n you’re bleeding. Did you bust your lip or something?” 
Raising a hand to your face you pressed a finger to your mouth only to pull it away and find red. For a moment you weren’t in the passenger seat of Mira’s car but on the floor of that apartment. With him looming over you. Your breath caught and Mira was shaking you back into reality. 
“Y/n? Y/n are you okay?”
You nodded somewhat slowly before opening the door. Looking up you shot Mira a weak smile as worries about all the trouble you were causing her hit you like a train. 
“Yeah, sorry I’m fine. Thanks for taking me here... I’ll get a ride back to the library... you should go home.”
“Y/n-” Mira began when you cut her off by climbing out of the car. 
“I’ll be okay Mira. I promise.” 
Mira sighed and you turned back towards her. She nodded and you closed the door waving goodbye as she drove off. Turning back to the station you let out a sigh and straightened your posture before walking in. 
Inside a woman at a desk directed you to a Detective Brooklyn’s desk. Something about that name tickled the back of your mind but you pushed it back and walked towards where she directed before stopping in front of a woman’s desk. She looked to be a year or two younger than you and tired. She had a phone in her hands and you could faintly hear a little girl’s voice on the other end. 
“No Flori you cannot give Ace frosting. I don’t care if he really wants it... What do you mean Ria’s climbing on top of the cabinets? Flori I swear if you don’t- ... Tim, if you don’t get Alfred in there soon I’m going to- Hi Steph, yes it is so good to talk to you but can you please.... ugh. Duke hi... oh Alfred is handling everything? That’s fantastic. Could you please tell him thank you for me? Awesome!”  Her dark red-brown hair was pulled into a tight bun and she looked up to you, her deep brown eyes lined with exhaustion. 
However upon seeing you her eyes flickered for a moment before she held up a finger. Motioning for you to sit down. She nodded her mouth slightly open as if she wanted to say something to the other person on the line. 
“Yeah, yeah I know Ria. Frosting tastes really good. I hav- Hello Damian. I would love to come over and play with Titus, Ace, Ria, Flori and you but I’m at work right now- sorry your right I didn’t mean play, I meant I was going to help you guys exercise Titus and Ace... no we are not keeping William Snakespeare Ria, I don’t care that you named him- I have to go okay? I will handle this later. Yes I mean later, I have work to do- Hi. Yeah I’m still at the station. No, I’m meeting with her right now. Yes please. Thank you so much Babs. You are a lifesaver! Bye.”
Placing the phone on the receiver she sighed before looking at you. She smiled slightly almost weakly before she pulled a file off of her desk and opened it. 
“Hello Miss L/N. I’m Edelynne Brooklyn. Most people around here and in general call me Eddie.” 
You blinked twice as an image of the past hit you hard. 
You and your friend Elysa were sitting on the chairs at the station. You didn’t want to be there, your stomach churred at the thought, but Elysa had insisted saying how your relationship with Daniel had gotten too far. That he had taken it too far. You couldn’t fully see out of the black eye, but you knew it was better than not seeing at all and really it was your fault, if you had just made the food he wanted it never would have happened. 
“Hi, I’m Officer Brooklyn.” 
You looked up and saw a girl no more than nineteen with hair just below her ears, she had a fresh scar on her neck and something in her eyes reminded you of yourself. 
You had blinked and she had given you a look before offering you a smile of sorts. Gesturing with her head she began walking towards the dozens of desks. 
“This way please.” 
You stood up, not fully understanding why and Elysa gave you a look of surprise but followed after you and Officer Brooklyn. She stopped in front of a desk and gestured to a seat. You sat down not even looking at who was in front of you.
“Eddie what is this about-”
Something about that voice was familiar to you and you looked up, however instead of seeing someone familiar you saw a dark haired man with bright blue eyes in a uniform.  
The man in front of you blinked twice before holding out his hand and you flinched almost instinctively. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Eddie flinch as well. 
“I’m Detective Richard Grayson, it’s nice to meet you...?”
“I’m Elysa Aidenson. And I’m here because my friend needs help.” Elysa said instantly.
You shook your head in protest however Elysa ignored you. Detective Grayson did not, he instead looked at you and you felt like shrinking down in your chair. If Daniel knew you were here he’d kill you. Not only were you going to talk to the police, forced or not, about personal matters, you were without him in front of another man. 
“Why do you need help?”
“I don’t-” You began when Elysa scoffed. 
You sighed in almost frustration before remarking, “I don’t need help. He just got a little mad! He said it won’t happen again besides it’s more my fault then anything....”
Detective Grayson gave you a look almost as if what you said pained him and Officer Brooklyn had a strange look on her face almost as if what she was hearing was familiar. Detective Grayson leaned forward to say something but Officer Brooklyn stopped him before he could. 
“What’s your name?” She asked, her voice soft.
You looked at her and you didn’t see pity in her eyes but understanding, a recognition of some sort. You swallowed and looked at her for a moment more before turning back to Detective Grayson. 
“I’m Y/N. Y/n L/N.”
You blinked back into reality and found Detective Brooklyn writing something down in the file. Shaking your head slightly you blinked again. 
“You know,” Detective Brooklyn began not looking up from the file, “every time I see you come in here, you’re injured.” 
She looked up slowly from the file, a strange look on her face, almost worried.
“Though last time it was much worse.” 
You nodded somewhat slowly before clearing your throat. You had to figure out why you were here before the memories overcame you and you had a panic attack.
“Why am I here again Detective?” 
Detective Brooklyn tilted her head before raising an eyebrow at you, “You already know Y/n. He’s back. And he wants you.” 
The air caught in your throat and you choked out a breath staring at her in disbelief. 
“You didn’t even try to sugar coat it!” Was the only thing you could find yourself saying. 
Detective Brooklyn sighed, setting the file down before she shrugged, “Seemed to me that it wouldn’t help since you had already guessed. It’s why your lip is busted. You were biting your lip, I assume, and bit too hard... I would know. It’s happened to me before.”
Something about her words seemed to have a double meaning and you stared at her nose, it was a bit longer and a tad bigger then you remembered but it had been almost three years. 
“I just wanted to let you know because I’m going to be assigning you a protection detail starting tomorrow. Daniel Natalonie is one of the biggest players in the Gotham Underworld these days. Well him and Caleb Brooklyn.” 
She said the words as if she hadn’t just revealed something astronomical about herself. And that Daniel.. well he had gotten what he always wanted, power. You swallowed and Detective Brooklyn sighed. 
“Yes, Caleb Brooklyn is my father. No, I have no contact with him. However I do know that Daniel has a price on your head... well sort of. He is willing to pay big bucks to anyone that brings him you.”
You flinched and then watched her clench her fist regret flashing in her eyes before she shrugged and leaned back in her chair. 
“You have a choice here Y/N. You can have the protection detail... or well I have a few off the record friends who would be happy to help.”
You couldn’t help but think of Nightwing. In his black and blue suit smiling at you and your stomach flipped. Your memories were mixing, you knew because instead of seeing him sitting on your couch, he was on the fire escape smiling that same smile at you.  
“But if you want you can just have the normal protection detail.”  
You shifted in your seat and avoided her gaze. For a moment your eyes darted to her neck and the scar was still there. Isn’t wasn’t as fresh as it was almost three years ago, but it was still there. 
“I-”You began not fully sure of what you wanted to say, “I’ll do whatever works easiest for you.” 
Detective Brooklyn sighed slightly, shooting you a strange kind of smile. She then hesitated before holding up a hand and picking up the phone. She quickly punched in a number and held the receiver to her face. 
“Hi, It’s Eddie. Yeah I was wondering what the word about the protective detail for Y/N L/N was? ... They what? Okay, No, no I can handle it. Yeah. Thanks bye.” 
Rubbing her forehead she hung up the phone and gave you an apologetic look. Leaning back in her chair she opened her mouth to speak only to close it. Sighing once again she finally spoke. 
“For some reason they decided you don’t need a protective detail. Some jackass who is probably in Natalonie’s pocket planted the idea in some upper management's heads that you’ll be fine on your own and it’s not our job to keep you safe from ‘non-existent ’ threats.” 
You sank into your chair slightly giving her a nervous look when the phone suddenly rang. Detective Brooklyn picked it up running a hand across her forehead, as stray pieces of hair slipped out. 
“Eddie Brooklyn- oh hi Bruce.... they WHAT?” Standing up suddenly she got an alarmed look on her face before her voice cracked as she said, “I am so sorry about that! Oh so the kitchen didn’t catch fire? Alfred caught it? Oh thank goodness... so no one’s hurt? They’re on their way right now? Alright well thank you so much for allowing them to spend the day there. It was a big help.” 
She nodded, slowly sinking back into her chair and it was then that you realized Detective Brooklyn was talking about the Wayne family. Alfred, Bruce, Tim? Definitely the Wayne’s what confused you was who Ria and Flori were. Judging by the way she was acting you assumed it was Detective Brooklyn’s children. Though if they were playing with Damian they would have to be a bit older and unless she had kids at like fourteen that was highly unlikely. 
“Of course, yes... he’s on his way? Okay. Thank you again.” 
Hanging up the phone Detective Brooklyn stood up, yanking her coat on. You followed her to your feet and she grabbed a bag along with keys before moving away from her desk. 
“My shift is just about over, so I’m about to head out. Come with me would you? I have a few more questions I want to ask.” 
You followed Detective Brooklyn outside and just off to the side of the station was what looked like a fairly nice car. Two girls no more than eleven dashed from it towards you and Detective Brooklyn. 
“EDDIE!” The girl with bright red hair squealed as she ran towards her. 
Instead of smiling and moving towards the girl with the same excitement Detective Brooklyn gave the girl a reprimanding look. But it didn’t stop her from slamming into Detective Brooklyn, wrapping her into a hug. 
A girl with a more sandy red-blonde hair who looked almost exactly like the redhead stopped right next to Detective Brooklyn and the first girl. 
The word was at the front of your mind before you could stop it. The two girls looked at you; the redhead had bright green eyes and a wide smile. She pulled away from Detective Brooklyn and held out her hand. 
“I’m Ria!”
“Ria!” The other one remarked pulling on her arm, her dark blue eyes clouded. 
The redhead- Ria, looked to the other and smiled brighter. She grabbed onto her sister’s arm and pulled her forwards. 
“Come on Flori!  We need to be more friendly. This is the librarian I was telling you about.” 
You blinked twice before realizing the little girl you have given a book to right before panicking and cursing at Dick the other day was none other than the girl in front of you. 
The other girl, Flori,  gave Ria a look of surprise and asked, “When did you have time to go to the library?”
“When you were playing with Steph. Cass told me where to go.” 
Flori gave Ria a look of shock and Detective Brooklyn snorted. You took a step back for a moment. Something about the three of them made you want to smile, but it also made you want to get as far away as you possibly could. If Daniel was after you, he’d go through anyone... anyone to get to you. And you couldn’t put these girls in harm’s way. 
Turning to leave you noted the dark sky and remembered that you had no way to get home. Closing your eyes you let out a sigh however before you could even take another step you heard the sound of feet hitting the ground. Opening your eyes you saw Nightwing standing in front of you. 
However instead of his usual smile you found a concerned look on his face. He took a step forward looking at you almost as if he was checking you over for injuries. 
“Hey Nightwing,” Detective Brooklyn remarked, capturing his attention. 
The concern looked slipped away from his face and he quickly replaced it with a smile. 
“Detective... girls.” 
Ria laughed in what you could only call a maniacal way and Flori snorted. Smiling slightly you looked over to them and saw Ria looking between you and Nightwing a strange look on her face. Flori had a gleam in her eye and she and Ria shared a look before grinning in an evil kind of way. However before you could even think to question it Nightwing was asking you a question. 
“Huh?” You asked since you didn’t hear him. 
“Where do you think you are going?” He repeated, raising an eyebrow. 
You give him a confused look. Fiddling with your fingers you looked at him and he looked you in the eyes. Your cheeks flushed and you took a step back as the feelings wrapped around your throat.
“A-hot-ment- I mena- mean. I mean, I’m going back to my apartment why?”  
Nightwing raised an eyebrow at your comment before remarking, “Alone?”
You nodded and he sighed. Shaking his head he placed his hands on his hips and gave you an almost reprimanding look and you gave him a confused one. 
“Uh, yeah. I don’t really go home any other way.” You replied feeling even more confused than before. 
“With your psycho ex on the loose?”
You froze for a moment and you could swear you heard his footsteps. Swallowing you pushed the thought away and took a step back from Nightwing. A slightly surprised expression crossed his face and then he winced, dropping his arms. 
Shifting slightly you shrugged not wanting to meet his gaze. Rubbing on your arm you sighed trying your hardest to pick up the courage to look him in the eyes. However the thoughts hit you so hard you had to choke back tears.
Now look what you’ve done, you’ve upset him. Maybe it’s a good thing that Daniel’s back, maybe it’s a good thing he wants you again. After all you deserved everything that happened to you
You sunk into yourself a bit, parts of you tried to tell yourself that the thoughts were wrong but you didn’t truly believe it. Why did you always have to go and fuck everything up.
“I’ll be okay.” You finally forced out. 
Part of you wanted to assure Nightwing that it wouldn’t matter if you ended up dead because it would be for the best. However the thoughts weren’t through with you yet. 
You’re just phishing for sympathy for him to tell you you’re wrong because you know he will
But really you weren’t you just wanted him to stop caring because you weren’t ever going to change. You were terrible. Horrible. Awful really. 
“Hey, I know what you’re doing. Don’t do that. Don’t do it, don’t you dare!” Nightwing suddenly said. 
Before you could even react he had your face in his hands and was looking you dead in the eye. Cupping your cheeks he leaned in slightly.
“You are amazing Y/N. Completely and totally incredible honestly. You don’t deserve a single damn thing that happened to you. You are one of the funniest, kindest and honest to god prettiest women I ever met. You radiate this kind of light I haven’t seen anyone else radiate. You make my darkest days bright so don’t you dare think you are anything less than spectacular.” 
Your cheeks flushed and you gave him a surprised look as the feelings you’d been trying so hard to push back jumped straight into your throat and you had a violent urge to kiss him. 
However, you knew better. Mainly because as soon as he saw your bright red cheeks Nightwing let you go, his cheeks flushing slightly. He cleared his throat and you held a hand to your chest as if to catch the heart that was about to beat out of it. 
Of course you knew people cared about you but something as blunt as that... something so direct hit you hard. You swallowed again, your heart beating rapidly pushing all your nerves away.
“... If I can’t go home what am I going to do?”
Nightwing looked at you for a moment and you felt flustered. Your feelings were thrumming in your chest and lungs along with the beating of your heart.  However instead of saying anything he just looked at you. 
Someone cleared their throat loudly, and you looked to see a slightly smug looking Detective Brooklyn with the twins clinging to her sides.  She raised an eyebrow at Nightwing, who then took a step away from you. 
“Y/N can always crash with me if she wants... I mean if she doesn’t wanna have a sleepover with you, Blue.” 
You froze for a moment and the thought of Nightwing staying over at your apartment, of you talking to him early into the next morning... of you sleepily confessing your feelings to him. Heat flushed your cheeks again and you shook your head. 
“I uh,” You began causing both Nightwing and Detective Brooklyn to look at you, “I’ll stay with Detective Brooklyn tonight.... I mean for all we know Daniel’s waiting at my apartment to ambush me.”
You had stammered slightly but Nightwing nodded and a slight smile appeared on his face. The twins were looking at you, Ria’s green eyes were almost glowing and she blinked once then twice. 
“Why are you so pretty miss?” She asked bluntly.
Your blush intensified and you scrambled to answer her as you watched her sister nod in agreement, as if she had the exact same question. 
You wanted to reply but only gibberish came out. When the gibberish escaped you, Ria pointed a finger at you, her jaw dropping. Detective Brooklyn leaned forward and pushed Ria’s arm down. However a grin exploded onto Ria’s face and she began jumping up and down. 
“The nice and pretty librarian does what I do!” 
She squealed with delight and all the worry about embarrassing yourself slipped away from you. Ria turned towards Flori and stuck her tongue out at her before blowing a raspberry. 
“I told you pretty people could do that!”
Flori smiled slightly before rolling her eyes, “I’m still the attractive twin.” She remarked.
She then used her finger to pull her nose up and she snorted a few times continuing, “Miss Piggy.”
“Liking food does not make me a pig.” 
“Naming your stomach does make you a loser though.” Flori retorted.
Ria gasped in a clear dramatic fashion as she pressed her hand to her chest, “Marshmallow and I are both offended, that was very rude Flori.” 
Detective Brooklyn snorted, then tried to cover it up by coughing and looking away as she smiled fondly. Catching you staring at her, her smile widened and she laughed slightly. Then she turned to the girls and sighed. 
“Alright ladies, it’s time to head home.”
“But Eddie!” They said in unison.
“If we go home we can have a movie night and eat those cupcakes I’ve been hiding for you guys.”
“CUPCAKES?” Ria squealed as Flori’s jaw dropped. 
It was then a hand came down on your shoulder and you flinched slightly. Looking you found Nightwing giving you a concerned look again. You blinked at him almost asking what was wrong. 
“You gonna be okay?”
Turning back towards the girls who were now having a poke war, you smiled and nodded. 
“I think I’m going to be just fine.”
Nightmares of the past, memories so clear you could even taste them, yanked you from your sleep. 
Ghost touches raced across your skin and you shuttered, pulling your legs to your chest, you took in a deep breath and tried to calm down. However it was a bit difficult. Your breathing was erratic and no matter how hard you tried you couldn’t calm yourself down. However, when you heard the small soft voices you began to come back into reality. 
“Do you think a hug will help?”
“It doesn’t help me when I get like that. But it might, I think she’s just scared not... Should we ask Eddie?” 
“Maybe Ria. Maybe.”
You took a deep breath in and your breathing slowed down, closing your eyes, you took in another breath. As you let it out you felt someone sit down next to you. Peeking an eye open you saw Flori looking up at you with concern and curiosity mixed on her face. 
“Are you okay, miss?”
You nodded slowly, taking another breath in you nodded a bit more firmly and looked at her. Accidentally you met her eyes and her dark blue eyes reminded you of the color of the sky right before night fully took over. She blinked and raised an eyebrow at you slightly confused. 
“Are you sure? Do you want a hug?”
Before you knew what you were doing you replied, “I’m fine... but a hug would be nice.” 
Flori’s face brightened and she wrapped her small arms around you. You returned her hug and saw over Flori’s shoulder, Ria lurking in the darkness a blanket wrapped around her shoulder. She stepped forwards into the light and blinked. Her face was paler than earlier, she looked empty for a moment before she blinked and a smile was on her face. 
It, being around Ria and Flori, reminded you of your childhood. Of your busy household and the noise, the laughter that it always held. 
When you heard the sound of angry whispering you blinked and Flori pulled away from you. She looked back to Ria and the two got excited looks on their faces. Suddenly Flori was off the couch and Ria was running down the hall. Flori froze and turned back towards you. She held out her hand and smiled.
“Come on.” 
You didn’t exactly know how you felt about a ten year old telling you what to do but you stood up and took her hand. Curiosity was burning through you, what could get the girls this excited? 
You turned the corner and Ria was leaning around another corner smiling brightly. She saw the two of you and motioned for you to come towards her. You did and stopped before peering around the corner as well. 
What you saw was... well incredibly surprising.
The window was open and Detective Brooklyn- Eddie was trying to shove Red Hood out it. 
“Aw come on doll.” 
“Y/n is here Hood. She knows I’m a cop and that you have a warrant out for your arrest!”
“Commissioner Gordon told me if I turn enough criminals in to him that would go away.”
“He did not! He would never.” 
Red Hood shrugged before throwing his hands out in a I guess so motion. Eddie took this opportunity to get him mostly out of the window before he realized what she was doing and grabbed onto the window frame, pulling himself back in and undoing her work. Flori and Ria giggled, catching his attention. He turned towards you, poking his head back into the apartment.
“Girls! Come on out and help me, will ya?”
Flori snorted but moved out from the corner, Ria went to do so but paused first rubbing at her chest slightly before shaking her head and following after her sister. 
You watched from around the corner as the girls stopped at Eddie’s side. She gave them a stink eye as she continued to try and push Red Hood out the window.
“You two shouldn’t be up. Especially you Ria.” 
Taking the opportunity, due to Eddie being distracted, Red Hood pushed himself back into the apartment. Eddie wobbled and then fell on her butt cursing. 
“Hood!” She snapped her face flushing.
Red Hood sighed before climbing back through the window. He looked at the girls and they laughed in a maniacal way. He laughed slightly before sighing again. 
“You guys wanna try and convince her to let me in?”
The girls looked at each other then at Eddie and shook their heads. At least they’re loyal, you thought with a smile. 
“I have a front door and you have normal clothes. If you had done this the normal way, you and I wouldn’t be having this conversation right now.” Eddie replied as she stood up.
“What would we be doing if I did it the normal way?”
You had to stop yourself from snorting. Eddie’s face was still flushed from when she hit the floor however you caught her eye roll and the hand gesture she showed him but not the girls. 
Putting up his hands in defeat he nodded, “Fine, fine you win. Can I at least have a kiss goodbye?”
Eddie froze for a moment, you saw her tilt her head to the side before she blinked and shook her head. 
Red Hood crossed his arms and you were sure though you didn’t know him very well that under his helmet he was pouting, “Why not?”
“Because I know you Ja-. I know you Hood and if you can convince me to kiss you, you’re going to think you can convince me to let you in.” 
Instead of replying Red Hood was silent which seemed strange. Looking towards him you saw him facing the girls and Ria’s wobbling slightly. 
“Hood what’s-”
“You alright Squirt?” Red Hood asked, hopping in through the window and moving towards Ria.
“Ugh,” She muttered, her voice weak, “my chest hurts.”
It was then she dropped towards the ground. However instead of hitting the ground Red Hood caught her and pulled her up slightly. 
“Ria!” Both Eddie and Flori exclaimed. 
The two of them rushed towards her and Flori grabbed onto Ria’s arm as Eddie looked her over. 
“Did you take your medicine Ria?”
The girl shook her head and Eddie glared at her. 
“I don’t like them.” Ria mumbled as she leaned against Red Hood. 
“I don’t care if you don’t like them, Ria, you need them... Flori would go and-” Eddie began but before she could even finish Flori was up and out of sight. 
Before you knew it your found yourself in front of Eddie and Red Hood. You heard Flori’s footsteps racing around the apartment. 
“Is-” You began hearing your voice crack, “is she gonna be okay?” 
Eddie looked at you and for a moment you saw her gaze jump to Red Hood in a kind of nervous way. However, Red Hood answered your question.
“If she takes her meds, she’ll be fine. But the stubborn little squirt doesn’t like to.” 
“They taste like shit.” Ria mumbled.
There was a pause of silence and Eddie glaring at Red Hood. She gave him a I told you so look. And he sighed. 
“This is why I don’t like you cursing around them.”
“She cursed the bat brat out the other day. I don’t think it’s got anything to do with me.”
“She did what?”
“Curse the bat brat out. It was amazing. He couldn't even say a reply, he was stunned by Squirt’s colorful and creative wit.” 
Ria laughed slightly before wincing and Eddie sighed. She rubbed her face looking even more exhausted than before and Flori came dashing back into the room, carrying a medicine bottle and a water bottle. 
Flori passed them to Eddie who gestured to Red Hood to hold Ria up a bit more before looking at you. Flori passed you her head hanging down slightly. 
“Would you,” Eddie began after Flori turned around the corner, “watch Flori for me? She always has a hard time when Ria has her fits.” 
You nodded without thinking and turned to follow after her. Walking a bit quicker you made it in front of Flori and Ria’s room just as the door shut. You raised a hand and your heart began pumping your chest. 
You shouldn’t bother her-
If she freaks out whenever her sister has fits she probably needs someone to talk to, if you don’t talk to her she’ll be alone and afraid
Knocking on the door  you waited for a moment before hearing a very quiet,  “Come in.”
Opening the door you peeked your head in to see Flori sitting on one of the beds in the room. In one corner was a bed up against the wall with art and posters of musicals and ballets on it. In the other corner was a bed with nothing on the wall. Flori sat on the bed against the wall with the posters and art. 
She stared at the other bed, her knees against her chest and her head resting on the tops of her knees. Walking into the room, you closed the door behind you and moved to sit on the bed next to Flori. 
“Her room is like this back home too.” She whispered as you sat down. 
You pulled your legs onto her bed into a crisscross. Resting one arm by your stomach you set your other arm on top of the resting one’s fist and leaned your head against your free hand. 
“What do you mean?” You dared to ask. 
Flori sighed and pulled her legs tighter against her chest. 
“Ria’s bedroom walls. They’re blank. She has no dreams, no ambitions, nothing. She refuses too... Did you know she loves to dance? Nearly as much as I do. She knows every move I know, her favorite ballet is Giselle because she believes she can relate. But she refuses to tell our parents how much she loves to dance. Did you know Ria has the voice of an angel when she sings? She loves to sing too... she loves to do all the things she shouldn’t.”
Your brow furrowed in confusion as Flori’s voice turned bitter and sharp. 
“She is so full of life to be... to be dying.” 
You blinked twice and released a breath as you began to understand what was going on.  
“Why- is she-” You began struggling on how to word it. 
“She’s sick.”  Was all Flori said. 
You let out a sigh, for a moment you saw your mother in a hospital bed smiling at you softly. Fiddling with your hands you began to debate on whether or not to tell her your story. 
“My mother... she had breast cancer. It tore her apart, seeing her in the hospital bed... slowly wasting away,” You remarked, sighing softly, “it nearly killed my father. It hurt me even though I was a little too young to fully understand. But... she got better, she recovered. She made it though it, Ria can too-”
“Ria’s sickness isn’t something she can recover from or get over. It isn’t cancer, it isn’t a cold, it isn’t the flu. Her sickness isn’t something you can catch and then get over. It’s been consuming her life since the day we were born! She’s going to die, she knows it too. It’s why she tries so hard to be bright, to be bubbly and nice despite- despite all she’s going through.” Flori snapped tears appearing in her eyes, “Our parents have kept her locked in the house for most of our lives... she has never seen a beach or even snow. Ria has no idea the thrill of tumbling down a hill or what it’s like to ride a bike because- because they never let her. Ria is going to die never having truly lived and it kills me.” 
You had no idea what to say to her, or even how to begin to comfort her. Wringing your hands you bit your lip as you looked the girl over. She turned to you, tears in her eyes. 
“Why? Why did it just have to be her? Why couldn’t it be me too? She’s so alone in this and- and I don’t know what to do! She has no friends, she has me, our parents and Eddie and that’s it! I have friends, I have so many people but- but it just doesn’t seem right. We are twins, we are supposed to share everything, why couldn’t we share this?” 
You blinked twice, Flori really wanted to make sure her sister knew she wasn’t alone but she didn’t seem to realize lamenting over the fact that it was only Ria was the one who was sick. 
“How about instead of trying to pin blame on someone for being sick you try to make her feel like her sickness isn’t the only thing about her.” You tried waving your hands, “I mean it’s clear you love her. But it isn’t your fault that she’s sick. It’s not like you wanted her to be born like this. And it seems like your parents are treating her like the only thing she is, is sick. Treat like she’s... well Ria. And I think it will make things easier for both of you.”
Out of the corner of your eyes you saw Flori lower her legs away from her chest and she sat up straight. Rubbing her nose she nodded somewhat slowly. 
“You’re right.” 
You turned towards her  and she smiled at you slightly before leaning forwards and hugging you. 
“Thank you Miss L/N.” 
Pulling apart you gently patted Flori’s head and shot her a soft smile, “How about you get to bed. I bet Ria will be fine in the morning.” 
Flori nodded and you got up to leave. However she grabbed onto your arm stopping you in your tracks. 
You looked down at her slightly confused. 
“Uh, Would you stay?” She asked looking up at you. 
You sighed and smiled. Nodding she quickly pulled back the covers on her bed and patted a side of it. You climbed into the bed and Flori smiled at you. 
“Thank you,” She whispered with a yawn before closing her eyes, “thank you.”
You looked at her for a moment before nestling into the pillow and closing your eyes with one thought in your head. 
It’s nice to be wanted.
It had been almost two weeks since you crashed at Edelynne Brooklyn’s apartment. Two weeks since Daniel returned to town and put a price on you, two weeks since Nightwing became your personal “bodyguard.” 
You would be lying if you were to say you weren’t surprised when you arrived back at your apartment, accompanied by Detective Brooklyn or Eddie. There seemed to be no sign of Daniel or any of his goons. So you settled back into your apartment. 
However, Eddie informed you, for your safety it would be better for you to stay at your apartment. Not only due to the fact that she and the vigilante’s could easily surveille it, but due to the fact that Daniel could very easily convince someone to lead you away from the library to grab you. 
At first you were a little bummed and it occurred to you that you had missed your date with Dick, however he didn’t try to contact you nor did Jason. Instead of worry about it you were actually having a lot of fun with Nightwing
And while Nightwing was fun to hang around and the longer you spent around him the stronger your feelings got, sometimes he was really fucking annoying. 
After a late night working on library business from home you decided to sleep in the next morning, Nightwing it seemed, decided that wasn’t going to happen. 
At seven in the morning while you were blissfully asleep you felt something gently tap your shoulder, then your face. Blinking blearily you sat up. 
“Good morning Gorgeous.” 
Standing over your in his classic black and blue costume was Nightwing. Grumbling, you flopped back onto your bed and pulled your covers over your head. 
“Fuck off,” You stated loud enough he could still hear you, “I’m trying to sleep.” 
You heard a slight snort, then suddenly your blanket was gone and you were lying on your bed shivering. Sitting up you glared at Nightwing who held your stolen blanket in his gloved hands. 
Readying yourself into a crouched position you waited for a moment before jumping towards the blanket. Just as you were about to grab it Nightwing yanked it out of your reach and caught you in his arms. 
He laughed at your frustrated expression and as you crossed your arms and pouted. Setting you on the ground he smiled broadly at you and remarked.
“Why do you have to be so cute?”
Without thinking you replied looking him dead in the eyes, “Why do you have to be so hot?”  
Nightwing blinked a few times, looking slightly shocked, he lowered your blanket closer to the floor and looked at you almost as if he didn’t believe it. 
“What did you say?”
You froze as you realized what you said. Your face flushed and you shifted slightly, breaking his gaze before looking to the floor. 
“Nothing, it was nothing.”
Nightwing gave you a skeptical look before he leaned towards you a suggestive smile on his face. Your face turned a brighter shade of red and you realized this was a perfect opportunity to grab the blanket from his hands. 
Lunging forwards you yanked the blanket from him. You had just grasped it and began to pull away when Nightwing began to pull back until he didn’t. The blanket went limp in your hands and you fell onto your butt. 
Nightwing blinked twice and shook his head. Running his hand through his hair he let out a frustrated grunt before sighing. 
“I’ve- I’ve got to go. But I’ll be right back.” 
He headed towards the window and you blinked in surprise. Scrambling to your feet you chased after him grabbing onto his arm. He turns back towards you, a clearly torn expression on his face.
“Wait,” You said, giving him a confused look as the thoughts descended upon you. 
He’s leaving, he’ll never come back, it’s because you’re a mistake a problem a beast-
“Where are you going?”
Nightwing looked at you and sighed, he then stroked the side of your face with one of his hands. You leaned into his touch and then he pulled away. 
“I’ve got to go, the other vigilante’s need my help with something but I’ll be right back.”
You blinked and realized while it had been fun with Nightwing being here and hanging out with him you could finally get out of your apartment. You smiled at him and then he gave you a suspicious look. 
“You, “ he began looking at you, “are going to stay here, Okay?”
“But-” You protested for a moment throwing your hands up before he cut you off taking your face into his hands. 
“If anything happened to you, it would utterly ruin me.” He said somewhat slowly as he rested his head against yours. 
Your cheeks flushed once again and you blinked a few times. Pulling away from you he sighed and slowly pulled his hands away from your cheeks. He probably said goodbye but you were in too much shock to realize it and before you knew he was on your window sill and then gone. 
You sighed feeling the temptation to leave however his words echoed in your ears and you shook your head. 
“If anything happened to you, it would utterly ruin me.”
Your heart fluttered in your chest  and you sat down by the window resting your chin in your hand and you waited. And waited. And waited. You waited even when the storm clouds rolled in, even when they split open and rain began to pour down. You waited for hours. It was only when the night was turning day again as the rain continued to pour from the heavens that he returned. 
Your window swung open and your stomach swirled, however it was a soaked Nightwing that came through the window and not Daniel or some random thug. 
You rushed towards him and quickly wrapped him in a hug. 
“I’m so glad you’re okay! I was so worried about you. I don’t know what I  would have done if something happened to you. I mean like I don’t really think my feelings matter since your a hero and whatever and people would say so much shit to you if anything started between us- not that it would. But it’s just I care about you a lot.” You rambled as you pressed your face into his chest.
Oh gosh, you couldn’t believe you just blurted all of that out. Maybe he didn’t hear all of it. Maybe some of it was muffled. Maybe, you hoped, maybe. 
For a moment the world seemed to stop and everything was right. Then Nightwing had his hands on your shoulders and pulled you away from him. He gave you a slightly angry look and you instantly regretted your little ramble.
“What is this nonsense about other people? I love every damned piece of you no matter what anyone else says.”
You blinked once, then twice, then three times before you fully understood what he said.
“I love every damned piece of you ”
“No matter what anyone else says.”
Your heart skipped a beat and you gave him a wide-eyed look. Your pretty sure your jaw had dropped and your stomach swirled as you replayed his words over and over and over again in your head. 
“You,” You began your voice almost squeaking, “love me?”
Nightwing smiled and nodded, pressing his head against yours. 
“Of course I love you. I’d be an idiot not to.” 
You blushed and flushed and tried to stutter out a reply but unfortunately you couldn’t. Your cheeks were heated and you felt your heart racing in your chest. 
For some reason the first thing your mind jumped to was Dick Grayson, how you had a crush on him no matter your feelings- your love for Nightwing. 
“But-” You began taking a step back from him, “I- I have a crush.”
A smile slowly formed on Nightwing’ s face as you took another step back from him. 
“I mean I love- like. LIKE! I like you but, I do have a crush and - and” You rambled shaking your hands very confused. 
Nightwing laughed, he actually laughed and you felt your cheeks flushing an even darker color. He took a step towards you and you took a step away from him. He raised his hands almost in defense and remarked, 
“About that...”
“About what?” You asked, suddenly feeling suspicious.
“About the whole crush and me thing, I know who your crush is.” 
You gave him a confused look and shook your head. there was no way he knew who your crush was, there wasn’t!
“It’s Dick Grayson.”
You looked at him in surprise, your jaw dropping nearly in shock. He laughed slightly at your face before taking a step towards you. This time you didn’t take a step back. He got closer until he was right in front of you.  
“And I,” Nightwing began, reaching up for his eye mask, “Am Dick Grayson.”
He took off his eye mask and looked at you. You blinked your eyes going wide as you saw his face. His very much Dick Grayson face. 
Nightwing is Dick Grayson. Dick Grayson is Nightwing......
You talked about your crush to your crush.........
As your mind exploded in on itself Nightson- Dickwing- the man in front of you held out his hands as if he was going to catch you were you to faint. 
You laughed slightly then proceeded to place your face in your hands and let out moans of despair. 
He knew. 
He knew every little thing that you thought- well most of the things that you thought. He knew of your side of the situation- wait. Wait, why did he ask that? Why did he-
“Why did you ask me if my anxiety tends to make me tune people out?” You found yourself questioning.
Dickwing- or whoever he was smiled at you and laughed slightly before replying,
“Well, because when we were in the aisle at the library and you asked what I liked I said I like you.” 
You froze once again blinking in surprise. So he tried to ask you out previously. That’s why Jason and Damian were laughing. 
Jason and Damian.... if Dick was Nightwing that meant they were probably vigilante’s too. Red Robin.... definitely Tim. 
Bruce must be Batman which would mean Damian is Robin. That just left Jason. 
However, before you could try and figure out which vigilante Jason was, your phone buzzed. Pulling it out of your pocket you looked at your phone to see a text from Eddie. 
Eddie: Come to the station, now, you need to see this.
You showed ... Dick your phone. He hummed slightly and gave you a look. 
“We might as well go... but first let me change”
You nodded with a sigh and went and got your coat. 
Before you knew it you were walking up to the station. On the roof of the station was a flash of red. As you got closer you realized it wasn’t a flash but a helmet. Sitting on the roof of the Gotham City police department was Red Hood. 
He spotted you and Dick and waved. You blinked as you noticed the other man tied up on the roof looking fairly angry. It was Daniel.  Your breathing stopped for just a moment until he tried to wriggled only for Red Hood to kick him and for Daniel to stop moving.
“Oh would you look at that, it’s a pretty librarian. How ya doin sweetheart?” Red Hood remarked getting just a bit closer to you. 
You heard Dick sigh and gave Red Hood a confused look. Slowly the gear in your mind began to turn. 
“I assume,” Red Hood mused since he didn’t get an answer from you, “You’re doing much better now that scum like Natalonie’s off the streets am I right?” 
Before you could reply Eddie walked out of the station looking at her phone. She looked up at you and waved before walking towards you. She stopped at your side and gestured towards Red Hood. 
“See what I mean?” She remarked.
“Detective, Detective, Detective,” Red Hood whistled looking at Eddie, “where can I get your number?” 
Eddie replied in a sweet tone, “Up your ass maybe?”
Red Hood laughed before getting even closer to the edge of the roof, “Come on doll that’s no way to be.”
“Fuck off to some one who care Hood.” Eddie replied, flipping him the bird. 
You heard Red Hood laugh again but before he could say anything else he looked in a different direction and his shoulders sank a little. Looking back to Eddie, had he not been wearing a helmet you swear he would be smiling. 
“I guess I’ll have to try you again later Detective.” 
Eddie rolled her eyes, the semblance of a smile starting to form on her face, she shook her head and flipped him off again, “In your dreams Hood.” 
“Where else would they be doll?” Red Hood remarked before giving a quick salute and taking off. 
It took you a moment to realize it but the puzzle piece began to fit together. How Eddie nearly called Red Hood by his name, why he seemed to know who you were, why he talked to you so casually when you met him when you were staying with Eddie. 
Red Hood was Jason... which meant Eddie was the girl. The one he couldn’t get over. It all made sense... well sort of.  
“Oh my gosh.” You muttered pressing a hand to your face as you realized that Eddie shoved Jason out a window. 
“You just connected it didn’t you?” Dick asked with a smile.
You looked at him slightly confused, raising an eyebrow almost in question, you give him a confused look. 
“Daniel’s going to prison for a very long time.” Eddie informed you as she looked at her phone again shaking her head, she looked up and smiled at you. 
“Have fun you two,” She then said with a wink before turning to walk away. 
You flushed slightly before turning to Dick. He smiled at you and you took in a breath. 
He was the only man who had your affections. Basically All the Man that you needed. So you should probably tell him how you feel. 
“I honestly don’t think there’s anyone I ever loved as much as I love you.” You said slowly, not exactly meeting his eyes. 
He laughed slightly before pressing his head to yours, “Neither do I.” 
You smiled and looked up, looking at him in his bright blue eyes. 
“So, how about a rain-check on that date?” 
You smiled slyly and then the both of you burst into laughter.
“I’ve got time,” He replied, “for you, I’ve got all the time in the world.”
Blushing slightly, you smiled at him and sighed, “Awesome.” 
Okay first thing’s first I just wanna let you guys know my original idea of all the man that I need was like gonna be a full on fic. I told my friend all about it and like it had a lot details and everything, but then I got to college and even thought I really love doing these, it was super difficult to write. Not because I don't’ have tome because I actually have a surprising amount of free time but because I just couldn’t find any inspiration. So a few days ago I decided I was going to start spooky season a little early and try writing to some Halloween music.... and it worked! I was able to get moving with this two-shot! So yeah Halloween music is my muse right now 😂. 
But yeah, anyways my OC’s... technically there was a lot of them in this but only two are going to have stories, the others will be either background characters or part of their past. I’ll tell you one because it’s actually the first idea I and for  a batfam fanfic. It’s Eddie and her story. I’m not gonna lie it’s kinda sad but not nearly has sad as the other one because I have a lot of issues🤣. 
Back to the point if y’all wanna see more of certain OC’s just let me know I can find a way to include them into the one-shots, two-shots or fics. But yeah.
Finally I might be a little slower on the posting just because I’m in school and finding enough time to get inspiration and write, edit and have a  friend proof-read it will take a while. But I will definitely have some done. Anyway thanks so much for being sooo patient with me!
Lots of love!
Tag List:
@andromedaj2003, @battlenix, @sol-the-salmon
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redrobin-detective · 3 years
The 101 Deaths of Danny Phantom
AO3 link
One of the first things people learned about dealing with ghosts, other than not to try and date them, is to never asks about their death or obsessions. That doesn’t mean the citizens of Amity Park aren’t curious though, especially about their resident ghostly hero and the confusing and concerning comments he sometimes makes.
“Are you okay?” Phantom asked Maisie as she shook and tried to hold back tears after that car had almost slammed into her. She sometimes joked about getting hit crossing the street of her college campus to pay her obnoxious loans but it was another thing entirely to almost experience it herself. Maisie was nearly twenty, she shouldn’t be comforted by someone younger than her little step sister but here she was, shaking like a lead and leaning into Phantom’s comforting, chilly touch. 
“Sorry,” she stuttered, “thank you, I’m sorry I’m just-”
“Hey, it’s okay to be upset that was very scary. The thought of dying is very scary.” Through her adrenaline and her tears, she took in the ghost’s unnatural glow, his faded, barely visible appearance and the fact that he was floating a foot off the ground. Maisie knows this ghost, this boy, knows more than she ever could about death. 
“And getting run over by a car sure is a bad way to go,” the ghost kid chuckled awkwardly, taking his cold hand off her shoulder to scratch at the back of his neck. “You should see how my dad drives or my mom or my sister if she’s running late enough,” Phantom paused in thought. “No one in my family should have a license now that I think about it. Anyway,” he dismissed with a wave. 
“My sister and I were getting ready to head out to school and my dad was backing out of driveway too fast and didn’t see us and uh, luckily I got my sister out of the way in time haha,” Phantom trailed off awkwardly. Was it because of the uncomfortable conversation or because he noticed her dawning horror.
Her best friend ran the community college’s Phan club so Maisie was a member by default. Phantom’s death was sometimes talked about late at night, everything from wrongful murder to a freak accident. She never in her worst nightmares imagined being him being runover in front of his own house by parental ignorance. It was so normal, a quick mistake and a life lost.
“Oh my god,” he said with an adorable little green blush. “Why am I babbling about that? You almost got hit by a car, I’m probably retraumatizing you or something. I should probably go get the jerk who almost hit you,” he said before disappearing into thin air. 
“Tia is not going to believe this,” she whispered to no one. All she knew is that for the rest of her damned life she was going to look both ways when crossing the street. She’d seen first hand what a single moment of reckless driving could cause.
Matthew, not Matt or Matty or Hughie, Matthew shivered from the cold. He was only in his boxers with little Pacman on them. It had been fine when he’d gone to bed considering it was mid-August but Phantom and this stupid flaming mecha ghost had tussled outside the summer camp he was working at. He could see some of the kids snickering at his state of undress though he was just extremely glad they were alive enough to disrespect him like this.
“Oh man, I’m sorry,” the ghost kid said with big, sad eyes that looked so human despite the fact that they were literally glowing. He looked around at all the snow and ice left over from his fight. “Jeez you guys must be freezing, I wish I could warm you all up but all I can do is make things colder.”
“S’okay,” Matthew said through his chattering teeth. “Teaching the kids how to start a fire was supposed to be next week but we can get a jump on it.” That got a smile out of the ghost and within a half hour, the other counselors were distributing blankets and hot beverages to the kids clustered around multiple fires. They didn’t seem particularly upset by the potentially fatal attack, Matthew will breakdown about that at a later time when he was alone. For now, he just smiled as the children chattered happily with the ghost while he cleaned up as much of the damage as possible.
“So you spend all day fighting ghosts?” Zoe asked with stars in her eyes.
“A lot of the nights too,” Phantom nodded, “I do other stuff but yeah it seems ghost fighting takes up most of my time.”
“Where’d you learn those cool powers?” Zuri asked, miming a punch.
“Comes with being a ghost,” Phantom shrugged, “my ice powers came in later though so I still struggle a bit with them but I’m getting better every day.”
“Why ice though?” Morris said with his cocked curiously to the side. “I see some ghosts use fire or shadows, why do you have ice?”
“Ah that’s a little personal,” Phantom chuckled but his posture was easy despite the invasive question. “Specialty powers like my ice require special circumstances and a certain uh connection to the ghost. Someone like me couldn’t use fire or electricity or plants, ice is in my soul, it’s who I am.”
Matthew paused in drinking his lukewarm coffee as a horrible thought came to mind. He’s been an outdoorsman all his life, practically from the time he could walk. He’d been a deep woods camping guide for a decade before switching to working at summer camps. But the years working in the relative comfort of a stable camp didn’t erase his knowledge of how unforgiving and deadly the woods in the winter could be. A grown man, much less a young teen, would freeze to death in 20 minutes if it was cold enough. 
It made sense for ghosts to develop powers related to their deaths. Had Phantom been one of the dozens of unfortunate kids he read about every year who ran away in the middle of winter only to found later as a frozen corpse. He eyed the boy’s snow white hair and frigid aura he exuded with mournful trepidation. God, what a horrible way to die. 
“I’d get chilly with ice powers,” Tabby said with a shudder, she held out her cup of cocoa. “You want some of my cocoa to warm you up?”
“No thanks,” Phantom said with a soft smile that was warm despite everything. “The cold hasn’t bothered me for a while.”
Ghost attacks may be the norm but, if there was one good thing that came out of whole mess it was the fact that violent human crimes went down drastically. So when the rare murder did happen, the shock and fear rippled through the whole town. 
Stanford Newton had only been sheriff of Amity Park for eight months after the last guy had gone gray overnight and moved to Florida the next day. It was a daunting position but one he bore proudly. This wouldn’t be his first murder investigation having initially cut his teeth as a beat cop in Chicago but it would be the first in Amity. And it certainly was the first in which the dead served in an active capacity.
“Amanda Chastain, 27. Officially she was a waitress down at Spengler’s Diner but she’s been picked up for prostitution twice in the last year,” Stan said calmly, ignoring the cold, angry presence over his shoulder. “History of polysubstance abuse as well, not that either of those things mean she deserved this.” Used, beaten to death and then dumped in the trash like yesterday’s paper. 
He wondered if she’d come back a ghost or if she’d finally get some peace this world hadn’t offered her. “We don’t have many leads right now, I’m afraid. Acting illegally as they are, there’s not a lot of resources these poor girls have to turn to.”
“I’ll find them,” The Phantom said with blazing conviction, his voice thick and sharp as ice. “I’ll find and bring them to justice and make sure no one else is hurt again.”
“I believe you,” Stan nodded, shutting his notebook as he finally turned to face the teenage superhero haunting his town. He can’t say he liked what he saw. The Phantom looked even less human than usual, his aura flaring and flickering like the foggy mist before a heavy snowstorm. His unnatural green eyes glowered, painting his too young face in a terrifying light. 
The kid looked furious, clearly taking this death to heart. He’d read the Fenton’s memos about obsessions and such but this seemed beyond that. “But don’t hurt anyone to do it, or yourself while you’re at it.”
“I won’t, I’ll make sure they’ll face human justice and don’t worry,” Phantom gave a snarling smile. “No mortal can hurt me, not like this,” he growled causing the hairs on Stan’s arms and neck to stand on end. He flew off after that, presumably to track down Amanda’s killer.
“Not like this,” Stan mumbled to him, pulling out his handkerchief and wiping his brow where a cold sweat had broken out. “Jesus Christ that poor kid.” Stan had seen plenty of murdered and mutilated bodies in his lifetime, some of them even kids. He just never got to talk to them after they’d had their life forcibly snatched away. It would explain the ghost’s near fanatical determination to save others, why he took a stranger’s murder so personally. 
“I hope your own murderer is behind bars,” Stan said as he tucked his handkerchief back into his coat pocket. “Or even six feet under, for killing a good kid like you.” Stan made his way back to his squad car so he could head back to the station and move forward with the official investigation. But he’d eat his hat if there wasn’t a stammering lowlife there by tomorrow ready to turn themselves in.
 Maybe after all this was settled down, he’d delve into some of the cold cases stacked in the cellar. Maybe in there he’ll find a picture of a smiling, carefree teen who’d disappeared and returned with the power now to ensure no one else suffered as he had.
“Yes, I know about the Phantom,” Luis Oliveira will say to anyone who so much as brings up the ghost kid. Locals know better by now but the tourists eat it up every time. He twists his finely combed mustache and gestures to the floor where his audience is standing. “He died right there oh ten or eleven years ago.”
Luis has worked his way all across the the United States since he emigrated from Brazil in the 70s. He finally settled in Amity Park about twelve years ago. He’d never intended to stay in the small Midwest town but the fatal shooting of a young customer kept his little corner market open.
“He was a nice kid, always said hi to me and paid in exact change. Was big fan of the snacks I made, would stop by after school and take half my inventory. He had big brown eyes and a crooked nose,” Luis would smile at the memory before closing his eyes and frowning sadly. “One day, he came late. His teacher made him stay after to go over a failed test, I remember he complained. He was pulling out his money when robber burst in, demanding my money. I fumbled for the register key, dropped it. I bent down to grab it and I hear shots going off. Two over my head, another right into the boy’s throat.”
Luis will hear the sound of that sweet boy’s guttural choking sounds as he drowned in his own blood until the day he himself died. The robber left after the shot, Luis called the police and held the young man’s hand as he died. The would be thief were never found and Luis never did learn anything about the boy who’d died on his floor for getting hungry after school.
“As soon as I saw Phantom on the TV,” Luis would say, perking up after his moment of somber grief, “I knew it was that boy come back. Those kind eyes, I’d recognize them anywhere. He’s never come here but one day he will and I will be able to pass on my regret on not being able to save his life that day.”
“I think he killed himself,” Mikey whispered to Lester during lunch period, angling his voice low. “The jocks may love Phantom for his powers but I just know he was one of us, an unwanted nerd. I’ve seen him chatting up a ghost I’m pretty sure is Poindexter, Casper’s suicide kid. They’re probably bonding over their similar deaths and the circumstances that led to it.”
“That’s pretty dark,” Lester whispered back. “I also get unpopular vibes from him but I don’t think he’s the time do uh do that to himself; he’s too stubborn and protective. But I bet he was the victim of a prank gone wrong. Dash locked Fenton in the Janitor’s closet last Wednesday, he got out okay somehow but maybe something like that happened to Phantom. He always looks kind of annoyed at the A-listers, maybe they remind him of old bullies.”
“Nuh-uh,” Clara said, pushing up her glasses with her middle finger. “The ghost kid totally got electrocuted or something. He was fighting that weather ghost and he sent lightning bolts his way and Phantom flinched. He fought the Ghost King and yet a little electricity scares him? It might not’ve even been a lightning strike but something manmade like a machine backfiring or something.”
“Get real,” Mikey scoffed, sipping his milk with an eyeroll. “I’m sure we’d have heard about some poor kid getting zapped to death; this town isn’t that big.”
“We’d have heard about a suicide too,” Lester noted with a wry grin.
“Shut up Mr. I base my theories around Fenton who’s a known weirdo”.
“I’m telling you, the ghost kid died of some debilitating illness,” Abbie McMillian, retired school teacher and three year reigning champ at the Tristate area’s Daylily Competition. She sipped her tea and spoke with as much confidence as she had back in the day wrangling Amity’s impressionable youths. “The superhero thing is clear wish childhood fulfillment, a chance to live and be free like he never got to in life. You see how happy and carefree that young man looks while flying? Clearly he spent his formative years sick and weak.”
“No way,” Greta von Martin frowned as she aggressively stirred her own tea to show her displeasure. “I worked in a hospital for close to 30 years and I know what chronically sick kids look like and Phantom doesn’t fit the bill. I will agree he’s carefree when he’s not battling spooks but he acts like a stupid teen. I’m telling you, the boy got into his parent’s liquor cabinet or took a few too many of whatever pill was going around his school. Tragic but something that happens every day.”
“Greta, dearie,” Abbie said with a pinched frown. “We’ve been friends since grade school and I love you like a sister but you are wrong and until you admit it, I won’t share anymore of my recipes.”
“You’re just being stubborn because you can’t see what’s right in front of you even after working with kids half of your life, Abbie, love,” Greta sniffed. “And you can kiss my grandson’s help weeding you garden goodbye until you relent.”
Perhaps one of the most human traits is curiosity, especially about what comes after death. Now the good people of Amity Park know a great deal about the dead so the lives before is what attracts their attention and none so more than the ghost boy. Maybe it’s because he’s their hero or maybe it’s because he’s so young. Or perhaps it’s because Phantom is such a mess of contradictions that it’s very hard to guess how the unfortunate boy met his end. But everyone has their own theories, from the mundane to the fantastic, some with evidence backing them up and others pure poppycock. 
But for all their curiosity, as much as it burns them to know, they’ll never ask. They don’t want to risk the powerful ghost’s wrath but, moreover, it seemed in poor taste. The boy risked his afterlife to keep them safe, they couldn’t ask what traumatic and miserable circumstances had led to this point.
And besides, it was so much more fun to look up at ghostly figure as he sped through the skies and wonder.
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sigurdjarlson · 3 years
Something something Tom and Greg have an argument after a few weeks of living together. Greg wakes up to an empty apartment and has a panic attack because he thinks he's lost Tom.
Greg having abandonment issues? I need it.
Okay but Tom not knowing shit about Greg’s dad? It’s just not something people talk about? No one cares about Greg enough to really gossip about him and Tom has never thought to ask.
And he doesn’t think anything of storming out with some clothes to spend the night at some hotel because he’s so fucking pissed. He just needs some damn space.
He doesn’t see the look on Greg’s face when he walks out that door.
Tom seemingly leaving without a word? It hits hard and looking around the empty apartment he realizes without Tom he’s completely alone (and not just in the apartment)
And Tom was the one person he let himself believe wouldn’t go anywhere.
And the questions that start racing through his head are painfully familiar. Why did you leave? Am I too much? Not enough? They got into it sure but he didn’t think it would be enough to make him leave.
Bonus points if Tom isn’t answering his phone and that just makes it worse. He’s smoked through half his stash of weed but his hands are still shaking
And he hates himself for reacting so..strongly but it’s bringing up thoughts and memories he doesn’t want to think about.
And he glances out the window a few times hoping he’ll see his car pull back in and hates himself for it.
He’s had a lot of experience staring through windows waiting for someone to come back. He just never thought it would be Tom.
And all he can think is he’s so fucking stupid to believe Tom wouldn’t bail on him eventually. He should have known he’d drive him away.
And he isn’t going to cry. He absolutely isn’t.
He wants to call his mom but what would could he say? Yeah, mom the married man I’m in love with and living with took off. No we’re not dating but I wish we were. Yes, I know I’m just like dad.
And Greg isn’t an emotional outburst kinda guy but he wants to kick or punch something because if he doesn’t he’s going to cry and he is NOT going to cry.
He can’t remember the last time he cried actually.
Got tears in his eyes once or twice in recent memory but actually cried? No.
And he opts for just throwing his phone across the room when he calls Tom again and gets no answer. He just buries his face in his hands and stubbornly doesn’t cry.
It’s pathetic right? They’re not even dating.
And oblivious Tom who shut his phone off and is cooling down elsewhere. (He’s trying not to fly off the handle as much. He really doesn’t want to repeat the saferoom incident.)
Later finally turns on his phone to like 10 missed calls and 20+ texts. He feels a sick sort of satisfaction at first before listening or reading them. It’s nice to know Greg is upset by him leaving (not realizing just how upset he is)
Ranging from
“Dude where are you even going???”
“Are you coming back.”
“Tom, come on. Come back, man.”
“You know what? FUCK YOU” that makes him raise an eyebrow. Greg has gotten bold lately but not that bold.
There’s a little time gap between these and the next voicemails ones and they are notably more..slurred and he just sort of sighs because great he gets to go home and deal with a drunk pissy Greg.
“You’re a fucking asshole? One fight and you bail? How the fuck did you last as long as you did with Shiv?”
Uncalled for but Tom can’t bring himself to get properly angry because he’s reeling at the fact that Greg just compared their relationship to his and Shiv’s.
“You know what? Fucking go. I don’t give a shit.” It would sting if Greg didn’t sound like he was going to cry. “Don’t fucking need you.”
“You know I fucking trusted you? Thought you actually gave a shit? I..I..” his voice wavers and he feels his heart break a little. “I didn’t think you’d leave.”
Leave? It kind of hits him Greg seems to be under the impression that he’s not coming back for some stupid reason?
Although maybe he should have said he would be back now that he thinks about it.
So he goes home to deal with the mess he’s accidentally made
“Tom?” And for a moment he looks so earnest, so relieved that Tom almost kisses him in the spot. “You’re back?”
“I was always going to come back you idiot.” He mutters when he gets an armful or Greg. Greg gripping him so tightly it almost hurts but god he loves it. No one has ever held him like they were terrified of him leaving. “You can stop the drama queen act-“
And it’s hard to stay impassive when Greg looks like a fucking mess and he needs him. He needs him.
And something else had to make Greg react like this. Greg is usually pretty put together. Anxious sure but not overly emotional. It’s not the time to ask about it though.
He just kind of pulls him down onto the couch and lets him sprawl across his lap like an oversized lap dog, his head pressed into the crook of his neck as one hand grips the front of his shirt.
Tom reaches up to run his fingers through his hair, he said he liked this once right?
Drunk and emotionally exhausted and full of very different but no less raw emotions now..he maybe..just a “little”…cries.
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giaourtopita · 4 years
Hi! Can I get headcanons for the brothers comforting an abused mc? Please ignore this if you don't feel comfortable writing it! Thank you!
brothers with an abused mc
hi, this was hard to write but i really tried my best, since you didn't specify what kind of abuse i had to look it up and assign one on each brother. i hope this is good enough for you and i'm sorry if any of this happened to you irl, my dms are open if you need to talk!! i did the twins and mammon with lucifer together btw!
warnings; talks about past abuse, angst, MAJOR TW for implied non con, physical violence, lesson 16 spoilers, gn mc.
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lucifer & mammon
- mc was trying to sleep but mammon was getting punished again, he had sold some of lucifer's cursed vinyls and lucifer was very angry at his brother.
- lucifer had been going off on mammon for at least five hours.
- mc decided to go to lucifer's room to stop him from yelling since they were sure they weren't the only person in the house to not being able to sleep because of the oldest brothers' conflict.
- they entered the room, lucifer stopped yelling at mammon for a split second before continuing to scream and yell all over again.
- this whole situation was getting too familiar for mc to handle.
- they got closer to mammon and started dragging him away from lucifer, the latter tried to grab him but mc used their pact to stop him.
- they took mammon to their room and locked the door so lucifer couldn't get in.
- "i know you're supposed to be scolded right now but i really wanted to sleep so i had to stop this."..."also, this whole situation felt familiar and it was making me relive situations like this one so i had to drag you away."
- mc told mammon that when they were younger they used to get scolded about things they couldn't control, just like how mammon gets scolded all the time for being greedy when being greedy is his natural state.
- "and before you say anything, no i don't agree with you stealing stuff and selling them but i can recognise that you get carried away and you can't control it most of the time."..."that being said, tomorrow morning you will buy back every vinyl you sold because lucifer really loves his collection and this wasn't fair. am i understood?"
- mammon simply nodded and after a while they both lay down on mc's bed to sleep.
- mc's brain kept replaying scenes of them getting yelled at and being called names in their head, not being able to stop it, they started sobbing.
- "mc, what happened? you were okay just now."
- mc told mammon everything that had happened to them and how people used to treat them, not knowing what to say since mammon is also being used as everyone's punching bag, he held them tight and started rubbing their back in a soothing way. he didn't even let them go until the next morning.
- luckily it was saturday so mammon didn't have to go to r.a.d., instead he left the house of lamentation early in the morning in order to get all of the sold vinyls back.
- when it was finally afternoon mammon found everything he had sold.
- he went to lucifer's study and gave them to him as an apology.
- "look, i'm sorry. i'll try my best not to do this again for mc's sake. and yours i know i can be a handful sometimes."
-"mc's sake? what do they have to do with this apart from dragging you away during your punishment?"
- mammon explained everything to lucifer, knowing that it was very likely that he would understand.
- during the night time, lucifer visited mc and even though he wanted to thank them for helping him his pride didn't let him so he thought of a different way to show his gratitude.
- "get up, we're going to my room"
- mc reluctantly followed him, lucifer started playing one of his returned vinyls.
- "you know i'm not going to stop punishing my brothers when they do something wrong but since you helped me this time, even if your way didn't seem as strict i'll tone it down with the punishments for your sake, okay? and i'm sorry for everything that happened to you. i wish i could help. if anything happens just tell me."
- mc didn't expect their actions to have such big impact and they didn't know how to react either so they just hugged him as tightly as they could.
- lucifer hugged them back and started running his fingers through their hair.
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- they had been in levi's room for about five hours hours, he invited them over to play one of his newest games but he kept expanding their stay in his room for longer.
- "levi, i'm sorry but i really need to go. i have to study for tomorrow, i'll come back once i'm done okay?"
- "sure, if course you'd get tired of me too. i am a yucky otaku after all that's why no one wants to be around me."
- "can you stop saying that? you're not yucky and i really do want to be around you, i just have homework. please don't say those things, at least not in front of me. it makes me feel bad.", mc told him while trying to hold back their tears.
- levi stopped talking and actually thought about it. before he able to say anything, mc suggested he comes to their room and plays on his phone or something so that he could still be with them even if they did different things.
- a few hours later, mc was done with their homework and sat next to levi on their bed.
- "m-maybe we could have a sleepover here tonight?", mc accepted and he rushed to put his pyjamas on, bring his laptop and some snacks he had bought from akuzon.
- after levi settled down in their room, mc explained to him that they used to be in a situation where someone close to them was talking about themselves in a self deprecating manner to keep them close to them and manipulate them, levi apologised after they told him the truth.
- mc started cuddling him, they made him place his head on their chest and stroked his hair, while they were watching some random romantic anime movie.
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- when mc refused to make a pact with him they didn't understand why he would start acting like that, threatening them to hurt them when all they did was deny him a pact, especially since he was always so calm and collected.
- thankfully they managed to stay calm that time but this time, this time was different.
- he and mc had gone together to the nearest grocery store to get ingredients for tonight's dinner.
- the exchange student got lost in the aisle that had human world food.
- they frantically started looking for satan since he's the only one keeping them safe right now.
- some other lower level demons noticed the distraught human and decide to follow them.
- mc got cornered as the demons were looking down at them, telling them what awful things things they'll do to them.
- when mc was about to be picked up by one of the demons, satan finally found them. he got upset, not at mc since they didn't really do anything wrong.
- he got very angry, shifting to his demon form in a blink of an eye, he told mc to cover their eyes and ears and started beating the demons using as much force as he could. he used them as punching bags to release all the anger they had given him and it worked!
- he calmed down completely and the two quickly finished shopping and headed home.
- satan told mc to stay in his room if they didn't feel safe staying alone.
- while mc was heading to satan's room, he informed lucifer about the situation knowing that his older brother would probably do something similar if not anything worse. he then quickly went to his room, finding mc curled up in his bed waiting for him.
- they talked to him about how bad they felt and how they were threatened. satan soon realised that he also had done something similar to them in the past, he apologised again for his behaviour.
- they stayed in his room for a few days, much to his brothers dismay, but all he cared about during that time was if mc felt safe.
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(tw for implied non con)
- asmo and mc decided they would spend the day together, it had been a few days since he got to hangout with them and eventually he had grown needy to be with them.
- when mc finally entered his room, he hugged them, making mc flinch.
- asmo thought it was weird but didn't think much of it because they acted like that whenever he would touch them.
- "so mc, i really missed you~"
- he tried putting his arms around them to hug them again, but mc reacted differently this time.
- they started crying and saying "no" over and over again.
- "oh no darling, what happened?"
- mc explained that their ex used to do things to them, things they didn't consent to. asmo understood immediately what they were talking about.
- since he loves going out at night, there have been situations where other demons have tried taking advantage of the fact that he was drunk and almost passed out but nothing ever really happened because lucifer always came to his rescue.
- "it's okay sweetie, let it all out. i'm just happy you're here with me"
- he asked them if he could run his fingers through their hair so they could relax, they accepted and cautiously put their head on his lap so he could do it.
- after a while they had calmed down enough to fall asleep. asmo took them to their room, knowing that they wouldn't be comfortable enough staying at someone else's room just yet, even if they had just opened up about what happened to them.
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beelzebub & belphegor
- when mc time travelled, they didn't think that belphie's true intentions were to hurt them, especially since they thought they were finally safe from their home situation.
- it hit them like a truck watching their other self dying by belphie's hands.
- eventually after belphie had apologised again and again for what happened and showed them how sorry he was, they began getting close.
- beel helped them and mc was able to trust belphie enough, especially after they made a pact.
- what happened with belphie made them more aware of the disadvantage mc was in but they didn't think anything would happen this time. after all they were in r.a.d., one of the safest places to be in the devildom.
- as mc was getting ready for p.e., some other demons were also getting ready.
- apparently they were jealous that mc had pacts with all seven lords and wanted to teach them a lesson, so one of them decided to make a scene.
- the demon kicked their stomach but mc was very lucky that beel's pact mark was on their stomach, the kicks somehow activated the mark and signalled beel that something wasn't okay.
- he rushed to their location and took them away from the demons and informed lucifer that he was taking them home.
- belphie didn't go to r.a.d. because he wanted to skip some of the early classes. when he saw mc coughing up blood, he got flashbacks from that night.
- he started apologizing to them again while beel was looking for a healing spell.
- "it's okay, you didn't do anything", mc told belphie.
- after they started feeling better, the twins took mc to their room.
- both demons lay down next to them and belphie used his power to help them sleep while beel started petting their hair to make them relax and help belphie use his power more efficiently.
304 notes · View notes
darylsgirl · 3 years
Mac's Girl
Request 1: Do you write for any Norman characters? If so can you do one with mac from red canyon please? Request 2: Hey sweetie! Could I possibly request a Mac fic? Like he's angry and aggressive and just needs a release and finds the sweetest most innocent virgin and just goes to town roughly on her? Love ya stories BTW!
A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for taking so long with this! I decided to pretty much write the full Red Canyon film out as it just felt right! As always let me know what you thought! If you want adding to my tag list let me know!
Hope y'all having a great day :)
Love Jen <3
Warnings: Ok so just like the film Please don't read this if the movie triggered you in any way. Mentions of rape/Non-con, Blood, Rough sex, Virginity being taken, Knife play, Murder, Lots of swearing, Smut
Master List
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After a long few days drive, a lot of wrong turns and a stop by a cop, you had finally made it, The property your friend and her brother were trying to sell, It was the whole reason you had all come out here was to help them with the business side of the sale, Wanting to make the most of it the group had decided to turn it into a road trip to Utah and while you were there you were all going to go riding in the canyon’s over summer.
Once you had arrived at the siblings Devon & Regina’s property, Your boyfriend Tom, Devon & Samir their friend all stood outside laughing with a beer leaving the women you Regina & Terra to take all the bags in and get the place ready to stay in….Chivalry is definitely dead you thought rolling your eyes.
When everything was set up, The three of you had managed to wrangle up a meagre dinner. Shouting the boys inside you all tucked in before heading to bed. Tom stumbling drunkenly and more than likely drugged up behind you, Pulling your body to his chest slurring his words.
“Finally Alone Y/N, Bout time we sealed the deal here”
Wanting to gag as you felt the revulsion sweeping through your stomach.
“Go to sleep Tom” You hissed through your teeth, pulling your body away from his. You weren’t going to let your first time be with him in the state he was in, In this disgusting place. It wasn’t like you wanted anything romantic, Just not this. The first time you had sex you should at least feel something other than sick at the prospect.
“Frigid bitch” He murmured before rolling away from you, His snores following soon after.
The next day had at least been better taking the bikes from the barn feeling your body physically relax riding through the canyons as it always did when you were on a bike, That was until Samir had gotten a wheel stuck in an old tunnel coming off the bike and having to be rescued before the skin could be torn from his face.
Pulling up to the Luna Mesa afterwards so ready to drink the day away, It definitely didn't look like much but as long as the beer was cold you couldn’t of cared less, Once you had gotten your first drinks and sat down a man came over to speak to Devon introducing himself as Walter, The owner of the bar and the man taking care of the property you were staying in.
After the first drink you had started to feel the exhaustion of the day falling over you, Tom gave you a quick peck on the cheek as you both stood, Him going outside to have his cigarette and you excusing yourself to use the restroom.
Patting your chest and face with cold water you tried to wake up, It was going to be a long night. You knew the guys they would want to spend most of the night here drinking, When they were all together they usually drank until dawn, You scoffed thinking about it college boys ugh…
Leaving the toilet you glanced over to the door just as Tom knocked into Samir sending the drinks to the floor. Before you knew it Tom had been thrown into the bar.
“Easy Partner” Tom groaned, not really aware of what was happening.
“Do i look like your fucking partner? As a matter of fact i don't think i fucking know you?” The man growled back angrily.
Devon noticing the commotion rushed over to help. “Hey mac...MAC!.. It’s uh been awhile ….remember me? That’s tom he’s my cousin”
“Man Devon Ashton and his cousin Tommy, I never thought I'd see you again” Mac replied, his attention fully on Devon now getting close enough to be in his face.
Devon continued looking towards Tom and Samir trying to keep his tone light “This is mac he owns the dog”
Terra cutting in "Oh the animal lover” She scoffed.
Mac ignored this turning back to the bar and raising his voice “Reunion like this is cause for a celebration, Let’s have some whiskey”
Noticing your friend Regina, Still next to the table standing looking worried, You made your way over to her, Still listening to the exchange at the bar as it seemed everyone in the place was.
“I’m fine with beer” Devon replied, keeping his voice level.
“You're gonna have whiskey” Mac declared. The look in his eyes leaving no room for argument taking a bottle from under the counter he poured two shots handing one to Devon and one for himself.
Not taking his eyes off Devons whilst they both threw them back, Taking the glass back from Devon he walked back to the bar.
Everything was silent for a moment, Mac drawing something in the spilt salt on the bar that only Walter could see, Their eyes meeting before he swiped it away, Turning to Terra “Where did Devon find a nice girl like you?”
Terra seemingly un-phased by the tension in the room, Giggling she pointed first at Devon’s chest “Fraternity boy - sorority girl” She replied pointing at herself giving him a wide smile
“College huh? Seems like such a big waste of time to me, but your brave though, Coming out here with Regina after what happened”
Regina ran her hand through her hair when the man’s eyes met hers, “I have to pee” She mumbled nervously before running off to the bathroom leaving you alone, Feeling uncomfortable you moved until you were stood partially behind Terra your hand on her arm trying to pull her back a step, Ready to get out of the way if things were to go sour.
The stranger wasn’t deterred by this “I wouldn't be brave like that, I’d be scared...Heard after your parents little accident Someone gave your little sister a ride. Busted her wide open, isn't it nasty Devon?….”
Devon cut him off swinging a punch at him, “Fuck you”
He reacted quickly moving out of the way and pushing Devon’s head down onto the bar, Holding Terra’s arm firmly, You shook your head slightly trying to warn her not to get involved. Your eyes meeting Tom’s now panicked as he stepped forward and was stopped by a few of the man’s friends.
“That’s fuckin sick...Do you like it?” The bartender jumped into action seeming to know that this would only get worse. He hit a baseball bat against the bar top in a warning. Terra brushed you off; she stood between the two trying to separate them.
“Mac You don't wanna do that son” Mac backed off instantly, Raising the bat to his shoulder the bartender continued “Just a precaution. “Let's dance” Terra said to Mac taking his hand and trying to pull him towards the empty space between the bar and the tables
Mac looked her over once before his eyes met yours still as you stood awkwardly to the side, Throwing her hand away. “Nah” He sneered “Her...She's gonna dance with me” Terra gave you a warning glare over his shoulder, ‘Just do it!’ she mouthed with wide eyes.
Gulping you nodded nervously, Mac pushed harshly through the group, grabbing your waist and dragging you backwards, Once near the tables again both his hands finding your ass he pulled your core to his, Your chest hitting him with a thump.
In a move to steady yourself you put your hands up on the top of his arms as he pushed his face into your neck, His firm arms felt incredible in your grasp.
“You feel fuckin good princess” He growled in your ear before licking a line from the base of your neck to your ear. The breath hitching in your throat. “Real fucking good, Too good for him, I’ll be takin ya for maself” You tried to push the blush in your cheeks away, His core still against yours, you could feel his arousal growing. Taking a deep shaky breath a familiar feeling stirring inside you.
The feeling should have been fear, Surely that’s what your meant to feel as a redneck asshole was groping you, rubbing against you like he owned you. But all you could feel was electricity running through your body like you were meant to be his.
Forgetting for a moment that your friends and boyfriend were staring incredulously at you both, As his teeth nipped the pulse point on your neck, your nipples hardening in response and your panties dampening for him.
Looking him over, He was the stereotypical country boy, His hair and beard a little long, The red and white flannel shirt wrapped around his waist, He was a little dirty but the way his muscles strained against the fabric of his shirt, His well defined collar bones poking out at the top. He was fucking hot, There was no way you could deny this was a real man, Not a college boy like you were used to. The dark glint in his eye threatening to turn you into putty in his hands.
His hands had now found the hem of your Jean shorts gripping harshly at your exposed flesh mouth back to your ear “Can he even fuck, Or do you want a real man to show ya” Pulling his face back his eyes fixed on yours, Your mouth dropping open breath heavy, Not able to hide the effect this man was having on you.
It was over too suddenly your boyfriend Tom had now pushed forward grabbing your arm and all but throwing you towards the door.
Mac looked amused at his reaction, “This your man?” Tom answered for you. “Yeah i am, Let’s go Y/N”
Tom pushed you towards the door, still staring warily at Mac, Mac tilted his head with that gorgeous dark look in his eye and a smirk.
“Not for long....I’ll be seeing you Y/N” It almost sounded like a threat but Why were you wishing it was a promise?
Regina had rejoined you all now standing behind her brother, Mac’s eyes glanced over her before falling back on Tom who had his chest pushed out clearly torn between fight or flight. Pushing you again you all made it to the door.
Pulling Tom’s arm gently you all made it back to the van jumping in and heading home in near silence, Just an angry tension running through the car. Looking over at Regina, You could tell something was bothering her, Regina had been your best friend since she had moved to California with her brother, You had been fast friends even going to the same college, that was how you had met Tom.
Tom was a cocky all american jock, The guy that would usually make your eyes roll with his arrogance. You were sure if he had met you a year before he did he wouldn’t have looked at you like he did now. You were well…you. It was only when you got to college that you even started to think that maybe you could be beautiful.
When you left home moving to campus and into Regina’s sorority everything about you had changed, You didn’t want to be the person you were before.
She was dead, The girl who had been overlooked and bullied. Since leaving home the bruises your abusive parents had constantly given you had faded and you were able to step away from the baggy clothes letting the girls change your wardrobe. You were taking care of yourself more, Making an effort with your appearance, determined that college would be the rebirth of you.
No one who had known you before would have recognised you now.
You hadn’t done it for the attention that you now had an abundance of, You had just wanted to feel more like you, More free. Not realising how it would have the opposite effect when all the boys started to hound you. At first you had enjoyed the attention having gone so long being ignored but now you had grown to hate it it seemed like every idiot on campus had made it his mission to take you as a trophy even some of the professors had made more than one inappropriate comment.
It had taken Tom a while to convince you to go out with him, Even enlisting Regina to wear you down until you had said yes.
When you had eventually agreed the date hadn’t been bad, Yeah you guessed he talked a lot about himself and didn’t really seem to interested in learning much about you, But to be honest it was a welcome break, You hated when people asked too many questions, There was too much in your past that you just weren't proud of. Instead you preferred to be quiet and study those around you. You had studied him intensely, He was a very good looking guy who seemed to have a good enough intellect to keep up with you in the very least, You could have done a lot worse, Also it helped that having Tom around seemed to discourage the creepers which was a definite bonus!
When he had asked you to go to Utah with the group for the summer to ride dirt bikes you had gratefully accepted. Excited to be spending the whole summer away from your fucked up family.
You had done a good job at hiding the insane mess you had come from, It was only one night when you had, had a few too many you had opened up to Regina and she opened up to you in return, You knew you couldn’t let her go back with her brothers stuck up girlfriend without you, She would need someone who understood.
Regina never seemed to really recover from the horror’s of her past, The torment always in her eyes. She had never told you who had done those unspeakable things to her, You weren’t sure she even knew herself.
Sidling over to Regina in the car. “You ok sugar?” She flinched as you pulled her from her thoughts, Grumbling something about being fine. You put your hand in hers giving it a small reassuring squeeze as you all went back to your silence.
It was only when you all got home to the house that Tom finally broke the silence. Turning on you and blocking you from entering.
“What the fuck was that about Y/N!”
Sighing you knew it was coming “I was doing what Terra told me to! We needed to calm the situation down or someone was about to get hurt!”
Your eyes meeting his you could see the jealousy in them “Looked like you needed calming down Y/N you liked that hillbilly asshole putting his hands on you eh?”
Terra shoved Tom out of the way “Leave her alone. He would have destroyed you, He would have picked his teeth with your bones you delusional little prick, He would have killed the both of you two” Glaring at Devon and Samir. Putting her hand in yours she dragged you inside “C’mon Y/N we need a drink”
After a lot of arguing you had gone to the bedroom and pretended to be sleeping when you had felt the bed sag at the side of you when Tom had come to bed. Laying awake for most of the night you let your mind wander over how you had felt pressed against his body.
He felt like a man who knew what he wanted and took it and in the haze of that moment you wanted nothing more.
The mood between you and Tom hadn’t changed in the morning, The plan for the day had been to go for a hike as a group but with tensions high between you two and then Devon and Terra the group had split.
Regina, Devon, Samir & You had gone for the hike in the canyons whilst Terra and Tom had decided to go out on the Dirt bikes.
Terra had tried to reassure you with a soft squeeze to the arm before your groups separated. During your hike everyone had stayed relatively silent only making small observations, A few miles in, Samir had to take a break, Pulling a cigarette from his pocket, While Devon ribbed him for smoking, Samir reached over putting his hand on Regina’s leg. Which caused her to freeze up before standing and mumbling that she was heading back to the van to lie down.
Regina took off before you could stop her.
“Just let her go, It’s ok she just needs to be alone” Devon murmured, Devon wandered a little behind her before stopping and watching she was still on the right track from afar. With Devon out of earshot Samir stood walking over to you, Putting his arm around your waist.
You stiffened as his grip brought you closer to him.
“Thought they’d never leave...Gives us time to get to know each other”
“Uhhh Samir, My boyfriend is your best friend….I think we know each other well enough” You gave him an alarmed look before moving away as far as you could his hand still holding your waist.
“What he doesn't know won’t hurt him….He’s told us you know….That you still haven’t put out. Figured you weren’t interested in the pretty boy” He grinned with a chuckle.
Pulling yourself completely away from him “I don’t see how that’s any of your business creep?” You quipped before yelling to Devon that you were going to explore promising you would be back soon and wouldn’t stray too far.
Watching Samir take a resigned seat back in the shade you took off glad for a few moments alone, The hairs on your neck suddenly stand up, Feeling like prey awaiting the predator’s move. Were you being watched?
When you did a quick sweep with your eyes of the area and saw no one you thought it must just be the after effects of him last night, Letting your mind dwell now on the feelings that had overtaken you last night, Immediately heating up. Looking around now more carefully and still seeing that you were alone.
Letting yourself fully explore those thoughts, Seeing a slight indent in the rock, Perfect. It wasn’t a real cave that could have dangers hidden inside but it would at least hide you if one of the group came to look for you.
You may have been a virgin but you weren’t completely innocent, Completely in tune with your own body, Never pushing too far in to keep your hymen intact for the man you would eventually give it to.
Brushing your hand down your body you let it wander into your shorts feeling the dampness spreading through your fingers, Humming contentedly as you started to work on yourself softly pressing your fingers inside slightly before bringing them to your clit spreading your fluids rolling your clit in your fingers.
Your other hand had worked inside your top finding your erect nipple easily tweaking it between your fingers. Imagining you could still feel him pressed against you, Letting out a soft moan biting down on your lip remembering that dark dangerous glare, The need in his eyes. The need for you.
“Oh Mac..” You moaned softly as your imagination ran wild.
“What the fuck did you just say cunt?” Eyes springing open and hands pulling from their previous places you came face to face with him, The man who just thought of him had turned you on so much you just had to take care of it.
Letting the blush rise in your cheeks, Looking away from him. “Shit….I’m so sorry Mac. I didn’t know you were there…” You mumbled.
He rushed forward pressing his whole body against you bouncing your hips off the harsh rock behind you, From the twang of pain still radiating through them you knew it would be bruised tomorrow but feeling him there pressed up on you, You didn’t give it a second thought.
His hand harshly pushed your head upwards to look at him, “Did’ya just say my fuckin name?”
The Dark dangerous look was in his eyes again but there was something else there too that you just couldn’t place. Nodding slightly averting your eyes from him.
“Fuuucckkk…” He groaned, Just as you opened your mouth to apologise again his mouth was on yours, His tongue not waiting for permission just pushing past your lips and exploring your mouth, Momentarily frozen in shock as you felt his teeth smashing into yours, His hand snaking down the front of your shorts groaning into your mouth as he felt your wetness.
Before you knew what you were doing you were pushing your hands into his hair moaning along with him, Your tongue dancing with his greedily. His fingers teasing your clit rubbing in harsh circles.
His lips stopped moving long enough to make a demand of you “Say it again” he growled.
His nails scratching down your length dipping into your heat.
“Oh Mnmm Mac!” You moaned arching your hips towards him, Your lips searching for his, His fingers hitting that sensitive spot inside you making you mewl for him.
“You’re playin with the devil bitch” he breathed out, Moaning at his words feeling the burn inside you grow stronger maybe that was exactly what you needed to do, Your hand reached out brushing the tent now in his overalls.
A deep angry growl rips from him as he pulls away from you, Turning and heading into a small cave to the side. “Wait-” You tried to call after him.
“Y/N? You over here?” Shit! He must have heard them, that's why he fled. Rearranging your clothes quickly and patting your hair down, It was now or never.
Coming from behind the rock face you see Devon looking for you worried.
“Hey I'm here, Sorry I had to get some shade!” You said far too huskily the arousal still in your voice.
“Yeah, Looks it? Let’s get you back, You're looking a little flustered Reggie will kill me if anything happened to ya” Following behind him back to the van you noticed how he pointedly didn’t say Tom, He probably knew there was nothing really there between the two of you.
Back at the van you felt the eyes on you again, Smirking you pulled the water from your bag you poured it over your face and chest. Reggie raised a questioning eyebrow at you once you’d finished.
Shrugging “What it’s too hot!” You snapped at her. Climbing quickly into the van before the boys noticed how your top had gone see through with the water.
As the van starts to pull away you spare a glance in the direction you felt the glare coming from, He was standing in the open now that dark look in his eyes as he watched you leave, Bringing the fingers that had been touching you so incredibly to his mouth licking them clean. His eyes fixed on yours as the van got further away.
Your mind still stuck on Mac as Reggie shook you, “Were here lets get something to eat” Nodding at her you followed into the bar ordering quickly and barely paying attention to the conversation.
“Hey are you ok?” Nodding again “Think I got a bit of sun stroke” You mumbled. Accepting this as an answer Devon paid for your dinner before heading back to the house.
The sight that met you was hilarious, That prick tom and Terra stuck on the roof of the barn with the poor dog Tom had been tormenting on their heels keeping them up there.
“Stop fucking laughing Y/N DO SOMETHING” Tom yelled at you, sighing you leant over your bag grabbing the sandwich you forgot to eat, Putting two fingers into your mouth you let out a loud whistle.
Grabbing the dogs attention instantly “C’mere baby” As he approached you warily a snarl on his mouth. Samir was behind you holding the gun. Glaring at him “You are not shooting that dog!” You growled making him put it down and his hands up in defence.
“Less of that! Sit!" You commanded clicking your fingers and pointing down. Keeping your eyes on the dog “Reggie get me the rope!” Giving the dog the sandwich and turning to Reggie taking the rope from her. The dog snarled slightly again as you slipped it around its neck.
“How the fuck did you do that?” Tom asked, As he started climbing down from the shed. Shrugging your shoulders. “Dog’s like me I guess?” As the dog finished it noticed Tom lunging back towards him. “It’s you he doesn't like” You giggled.
“C’mon sweetheart let’s take you home” You cooed at him tugging the rope enough to get his attention. Walking away ignoring the protests. Mac’s home was only a 10 minute walk away, Once away from the others you noticed the dogs attitude change significantly. Tongue lolling from its mouth playfully playing with a stick he had found on the walk.
As you approached your heart started beating harder seeing him there, Fuck he looked hot the way his overalls hung from his hips, The way his muscles moved as he kicked the dogs pen angrily.
Clearing your throat “Loose something?” Startled Mac span around “Fuck you doin here bitch!” Pointing at the dog happily sat at your feet. Giving him a scratch behind his ear. “This little cutie decided to get loose and trap my boyfriend and friend on top of a barn” You giggled.
Mac rushing to you both he ripped the rope from around the dog's neck “House, Now” he commanded pointing at the shack. Getting in your face he growled “Get the fuck outta here before you regret it bitch”
What the fuck? You thought he would at least be happy to see you. Feeling the anger surge.
“If it weren't for me” Smacking his chest “They would have shot that dog! Could at least say thank you!” Half yelling at him.
“Thank you?” He mused “I’ll show ya fuckin thank you” Lunging forward he grabbed you tight to him, Wrapping a hand in your hair pulling you towards the shack behind him.
His lips met your angrily as you crossed the threshold of the house. Your nose wrinkled as you were met with a smell that you couldn’t quite place, A mixture of rotting food, dust and sweat.
Spinning you he thrust you towards a room “Get in there cunt”
The bedroom wasn’t too bad, It was a mess sure but the smell in here was nothing like the rest of the house, There was a huge hole in the ceiling but the sheets looked clean enough. Sensing your hesitation, Mac grabbed you again, throwing you face first on the bed.
Before you had time to turn over he was on you, hands pulling your loose shorts off, Panties coming down with them, His fingers digging into your side as he went. Flipping you onto your back he moved to your shirt ripping it over your head.
“Mac what are yo-” He cut you off with a harsh backhand to the face. “Shut the fuck up, You think you can just walk around being a fucking tease and not get whats coming to ya?”
“I wasn’t” Backhanded again “Don’t fucking LIE! The water? Playin with ya damn self! You knew i was watching”
Your head was ringing from the hits, As terrified as you should be at this moment you still couldn’t find the fear, The only feeling was the burning in your loins that you hadn’t been able to quell since you had first laid eyes on him.
In the blink of an eye his overalls and boxers had both dropped to the floor leaving him in only his ratty what used to be white tank top. Gripping your knees he forced them apart pushing them down onto the bed. In one swift move he was in you, A scream breaking from your lips as he tore through your hymen as if it wasn’t even there.
As he turned your face to his you let out a whimper, your body fighting against the pain trying to adjust to his huge size.
“You were a virgin?” He asked with a shocked expression stopping his movements, Nodding weakly “Please” You begged. His hand flew to your throat.
Chuckling “Please what? Stop? i aint had a virgin in a long ass time like fuck i'm stopping!”
“Please….More” A small moan breaking through, Between the pain you were feeling from his claiming of you and the pressure around your throat, It was enough to send you spiralling around him.
He laughed fully now “Ain’t ever had a bitch ask for more before…..” His gravelly voice was sending tingles down your spine, His lips met your throat licking a small line down from your pulse to the underside of your breast, Biting down hard, Screaming again you felt as his teeth punctured hard enough to draw blood.
Finally he moved, Drawing almost fully out of you before thrusting until he bottomed out in you again. The scream turned into a strangled moan as he licked the blood from you, Biting down again on your ribs, Drawing blood there too.
When his head reared back your blood dripped down his chin, His eyes glowing with malevolence, his tongue darting out to lick the blood from his lower lip. Fuck it was hot, So fucking hot.
You were panting now at the sight in front of you. Reaching forward you grabbed his tank pulling his lips to yours. The metallic taste on his lips only spurring you on as your tongues fought each other for dominance.
Leaning back he pushed his thighs under yours lifting your hips higher impossibly pushing even deeper into you, He let go then, Thrashing in and out of you his fingers holding on so tightly to your hip bones that they would definitely at the very least be bruised if not ripped open.
“Ahh fuck Mac!” You screamed feeling the burning growing to a new height.
“Cum for me bitch” He growled his pace moving quicker, His incredible length brushing hard against that little rough patch in you. One of his hands now came down on your clit pinching it roughly before rubbing harsh circles around it.
Everything went dark as your orgasm ripped through you, Your body arching upwards as you exploded screaming his name.
He followed straight after a string of profanities falling from his mouth as he collapsed on top of you.
Your entire body was shaking, Sure you’d had orgasms in the past playing with yourself but nothing like this, Everyone said that the first time would be painful and it would suck.
Painful yes, But no one had told you how good the pain would feel.
As the dark spots in your eyesight started to clear he pushed himself from you, His hand cupping your bruised pussy. Slipping a lone finger inside he scooped some of your mixed juices onto it before thrusting it into your mouth.
Moaning around his fingers as your combined bitter tastes enveloped your senses. You felt yourself getting wet again at this. “Fuck little bitch, Yer making me love you” His voice strained eyes wide as you licked his finger clean.
Grabbing a rag to the side of him he threw it over your face. “Clean ya damn self up and get the fuck out, I got places to be”
Shocked you did as he told you but as you moved to pull your panties back on he snatched them from you, “Not these, These are mine” The gleam in his eyes was back as he brought them to his nose breathing in the scent before pushing them into the pocket of the overalls he had just pulled back on. You’d noticed when he had put them on he hadn’t bothered to clean your blood or his cum from himself.
Nodding at him you pulled your shirt and shorts back on the sense of pride you felt knowing he had a part of you with him now, Feeling like part of you was marking him as he had you with the bites.
Shit the bites! You grabbed the rag again lifting your shirt and bra and wiped the blood that was now drying from them making sure it wouldn’t seep through your shirt.
His back was to you now as you were ready to leave, Sighing you tried to touch him, The second your hand touched his shoulder he span pinning you against the nearest wall his hand pulling your hair back so you were looking into his eyes.
“You’re fucking lucky i'm letting ya live, Might just change my mind…….Now get the fuck out of here” He yelled dragging you to the door and thrusting you out of it.
After you had returned home gratefully no one had paid much attention to you once they had noticed Regina was missing, If you thought what had just happened was crazy the night was only getting worse.
Regina had to be rescued from the cave, Mac had been arrested and now Regina had come back screaming in the middle of the night insisting she had seen her old flame Harley dead outside
Rushing out after her Devon grabbed the gun from by the door. Regina led you back to the car “he's inside!” “You sure Regina?” Devon questioned looking at his sister like she was nuts “look! I saw him look!” She pushed him towards the car “at what?”
Tom looked over Devon’s shoulder, chuckling “How many of those pills did you take reg? What’s next, pink flying elephants?” Laughing harder now, “C’mon Y/N we're going to bed” Tom reaches his arm around you trying to pull you away with him making you flinch as his fingers graze the bite on your ribs.
He had turned you both around when Terra spoke up “Guys there's something in the back” As you all moved towards the back Samir opened the boot, The sheriff's body, tumbling out. There was a chorus of “oh shit! “Fucks” as you all took in the shock of finding the dead man.
“What, Dead?” Tom asked jumping backwards, hiding partially behind you, You snorted fucking pussy.
“Yeah that's one dead pink flying elephant” Samir confirmed for him.
“Shouldn't we do something for him?” Terra asked, the fear clear in her eyes.
“What do you wanna do for him? Take him inside and give him a beer? Huh? He's dead!” Tom yelled at her.
Ignoring his outburst she replied “I don't know, cover him up?” Devon lent forward grabbing the sheriff's coat from behind him and covering his face with it.
Regina brought the attention back to her now as she stood away from the group “I saw Harley in there he was in there before!”
Devon sighed “Regina don't!”
“He’s out here! whoever killed him is still out here!” She argued
Taking in her panicked expression Devon “Are you sure you saw Harley? Are you sure you didn't just see the sheriff?”
“It could have been roger rabbit it could have been anybody” Tom cut in. You gave him a swift smack around the back of his head as Devon turned around yelling “Would you shut up!”
As he turned the gun went off, Tom collapsed to the side of you screaming, Jumping into action you followed him down seeing the source of the bleeding, Good it’s only his calf it should be okay. Putting your hands on the wound trying to stem the bleeding.
The guys grabbed him, helping bring him inside while you kept the pressure on.
Once he was back in the cabin on the couch You moved back letting Samir take over. “You fucking shot me you asshole!” Tom seethed at Devon Before hissing at Samir “Careful fuck!”
“You really got me good didn't you, You trigger happy bastard” He spat turning his attention back to Devon. He tried to excuse himself “It's not my fault it went off!” “You shot my fucking leg off” Rolling your eyes at that, Yes he had just been shot but fuck was he dramatic!
Samir asked Terra to call for an ambulance, The fear in her face said it all. No phone.
Trying to keep Regina calm was an impossible feat never mind adding Tom to the mix.
As Terra tries to suggest making a plan the lights go out Sending Regina into a worse panicked state “We're all gonna die in here. I should have never come back here”
“Were all gonna die here? We’re all here because of you” Tom spat at her and grabbed your hand pulling you to him. Terra gave you a sad look “Were all in this together”
“OH fuck together!!, She’s the one who had to go to that cave! Let me fucking tell you something! Sometimes when you look in dark places Reggie, There are real fucking monsters there you understand!” You gave him a filthy look at this pulling your hand from him
“Being a fucking asshole is not gonna help, She's your fucking Cousin! The least you could do is watch your tongue!”
After a few minutes you had all come up with a plan, Devon and Regina we’re going to Mac’s house to try for a phone and Samir was taking one of the Bikes to try and get help. Leaving you, Terra and Tom in the house.
You watched as Terra got close to Tom on the couch. Snorting you grabbed the bottle of Whiskey from the side walking towards your room.
“Y/N where the fuck are you going?” Tom snarled after you.
Stopping in the doorway to your room “If we're all gonna die, Might as well be drunk!”
“We should stay together”
Laughing at him now “I thought you said ‘Fuck together’ Tom? Thought you two would want the time alone anyway. You’ve been fucking her since we’ve been together”
They both stammered trying to cut you off “Don’t even try to deny it, Honestly i don’t give a shit” You took a long pull of the whiskey and slammed the door behind you. Settling into the bed, If this was Mac he wouldn’t kill you would he?
You had been there drinking in silence for around half an hour, Hearing a noise at the open window you moved closer and let out a shriek when Devon grabbed your arm.
“Why is the fucking door locked?” He asked as he pulled himself through the window “Where is Reggie?” You countered.
“She’s at Mac’s, Blacked out, i need your help to bring her back” Making your way back into the living room you watched as Terra broke away from Tom’s side. “We need to talk Y/N” He grumbled looking between you and Devon.
“No we really don’t” Before you could say anymore you were interrupted by a scream outside. Rushing out Reggie collapsed into your arms. Pulling her in behind you, Devon pulling her away arguing in hushed voices.
As the hour ticked on, Devon and Regina whispered to each other Terra and Tom eyeing you worriedly and you drinking, Waiting for Samir or someone to come and help.
When the sound of a truck got closer. You knew exactly who it was. It was like your blood started singing, Your heart pounding in your ears, the bite on your side itching for him.
The lights from the truck flooded the cabin, Looking out you saw him even with the Mask covering his face you knew exactly who it was.
You watched as he pulled something from the bed of his truck. Shit! Scarpering backwards away from the window pushing Reggie with you who had come up behind you to see what was going on. “MOVE” You yelled at her, As the projectile smashed through the window.
Your body was still covering hers as you both turned to look at the pole which had landed only inches from where you had just been, Was he aiming for you? I guess that answers the earlier question, He would definitely kill you. Why in the hell does that still make you so fucking hot for him.
Tom yells out “what the fuck is that? A pole he threw a fucking pole at us?”
Devon leans forward noticing the cloth wrapped around something on the end. Opening it he jumps back realising it’s Samir’s head.
The bile rushing up your throat as you notice a note attached. Devon leant forward, grabbing it before moving away again. “ ‘Shouldn’t have touched what wasn't his’ What the fuck does that mean? What the fuck did he do?” Regina interrupted him. “The tunnel, Grandpa’s tunnel”
Terra’s head flashed upwards “What tunnel? Can we escape?”
Devon got up moving Regina out of the way and hooked his fingers into a grate on the floor pulling it up“It’s a tunnel my grandfather built when they raided the place during prohibition.”
Tom cut him off “It's no time for a history lesson ok! My best friend's head is sitting on the carpet” Terra helped Tom from the couch as Devon dropped into the hole in the floor. Checking it out before giving the all clear.
Tom reached his arm out to you as he approached giving you a soft look. Giving him a small smile, You weren’t really angry, You’d probably even forgive him if you all survived this, Hell you had done the same thing with Mac. If there was one thing you weren’t it was a hypocrite.
Mac. Even just thinking his name made your heart stop. You grimaced, were you crazy? He was outside trying to kill you and your friends but yet you still wanted him.
Helping tom into the hole in the floor Terra went next then Reggie then you. As you had gotten a few feet down the tunnel Reggie gasped “My necklace!” She tried to fight past you “It was my mothers! I need to get it!”
“Ok, Ok! I’ll get it! Just stay quiet!”
Crawling back to the opening you pushed upwards almost getting it when you felt a hand in the back of your hair pulling you out. “Where the fuck did you think you were going bitch?”
Mac pulled you backwards into him as you struggled to get free. You could hear Reggie crying from the Tunnel, Terra trying to calm her down when another voice mixed in with theirs.
“Oh seriously Reggie? who gives a fuck it’s only Y/N Fucking leave her ass. C’MON” Tom yelled. This stopped your fighting what the fuck? Their noises died away, They really had just left you. All the fight left fuck it if he was going to kill you he might as well get on with it.
“Go on, Kill me then!” You spat. As you spoke he let you go, Turning to him you could see the murderous gleam in his eyes.
“You think i’m going to kill you? I’ve only just started with you Y/N” He grinned “Him though….Oh I’m going to enjoy killing him” Grabbing the pole with Samir’s head still impaled on it using his foot to pull the pole free he walked down the hallway listening intently.
“Little rats think they can scurry away” He laughed before thrusting the pole through the floor, Laughing harder when he heard the screams below. Pulling it out and heading further down the hall he stabbed again twice. He noticed you watching him curiously. “What was the note about Mac?” Your voice sounded braver than you felt.
You noticed Samir’s blood still on his hands, arms and splattered across his chest, The sadist smile still on his face as he moved closer to you. Putting his hands around your back and pulling you into him. His lips at your ear.
“I saw him, Yesterday putting his hands on you, On whats fuckin mine” He lowered his lips to your neck biting down hard. An aroused groan rising through your chest. What the hell was this man doing to you. It felt like you were losing all your faculties, All that was left was him. He was all you cared about.
“C’mon time for that later” Pulled you out of the cabin he pushed you into the passenger side of his truck before getting in himself. Driving a short distance he stopped pulling you out with him. You both stayed silent still in a stupor of sorts you followed him blindly not caring what was happening as long as he was there with you.
It didn’t take long for you to stumble across a light in the distance, With the way the light was moving it had to be a fire. Putting his finger to his lips he stalked towards the fire leaving you there. No! He couldn’t just leave you here! Following after him as silently as you could you watched as he crept over the top of the rock shielding the people from view.
His hand going to his belt, You could see the fire glinting in the metal of the huge knife. Creeping closer again you heard the scream as his hand plunged over the rock into someone.
Moving around the edge you saw who. He was wildly plunging the knife in and out of Tom. Blood poured from him as Reggie screamed and ran. The scream seemed to pull you from your trance. Eyes flicking between the direction Reggie had disappeared to and Mac who was now wrists deep inside Tom’s stomach ripping at the guts inside him.
The glee on his face was evident. Looking at you “Look apparently the gutless bastard, Had them after all! My mistake” The evil chuckle was enough to make the choice for you. You'd felt the unnatural stir inside you of approval at his actions. But you couldn't give into that evil, Not now, Not when your friend needed you.
Running after Regina you desperately tried to catch up to her, You had to find her. Stumbling along you ran for what felt like hours. She was gone. The sun had come up now and you were all alone.
You couldn’t stop walking, This was a mistake. She had left you twice now. The only one who hadn’t left you was Mac, Mac you needed to find Mac! You continued on with more determination now. It wasn’t long until you heard them.
“well what do we have here? The lost pussy! did golden boy leave you all alone”
You could see them now, Mac grabbed her face pulling her to him, kissing her before throwing her to the ground. Jealousy raged within you. It should have been you he was kissing!
“I told that little bitch not to come here but you never listen”
“Don’t fucking touch me” Terra yell grabbing a log at the side of her and hitting him around the head with it. Fucking Bitch!
He stumbled for a moment before he was back on her, Throwing her back to the ground kicking her repeatedly in the stomach, Gripping her arm and pulling her back upwards pulling her tight to his chest, Just like he did to you.
Terra tried to hit him again.
“You’re making me love you just like your little friend, that day she was the only one that got it” He threw her back to the floor kicking her knees apart “That kid fucked us all”
She tried to fight him
“I’m sick of this shit! You’ll beg to die” He growled. Diving forward, Ripping her shirt from her body, She fell to the ground as Mac shrugged out of his overalls letting them hit the ground. Terra looked wild as she got back up “Your not gonna do that to me” She screamed running towards him.
You don’t know what came over you but you just couldn’t let her. Running at Terra you hit her before she got to Mac, The force of your body hitting hers sent her tumbling off the edge of the Canyon. Almost falling off with her when you felt the arms clasp around your stomach pulling you to Safety. Peaking over the edge you saw Devon holding a screaming Regina with a dead Terra at their feet.
Mac pulled on you and when you didn’t move he tried again harder pulling you almost off your feet. Looking up at him in fear. “For fuck sake” He sighed. Picking up a rock at his feet. He bashed you around the head with it. Everything went black instantly.
When you woke you could hear him pacing nearby, Whispering angrily into a small phone.
“I’ll fuckin take care of it!....Don’t I always!......Fuck sake! You clean up your other fucking sons mess next time, I ain’t cleaning up after Devon no more!” He hung the phone up, throwing it onto a well lit table next to him.
It was then he noticed you were awake. You could see the anger rolling through him in waves. Pulling at your arms you realised they were restrained above your head. Raising your eyes you saw the hook and rope binding you there. Tugging at it as hard as you could. You heard him laugh.
“Ya aint getting outta that. What you wanted to run from me again...Stupid cunt”
“Where am i?” you asked, steadying your voice as much as you could.
“In my cave...Go on scream little bitch no one will hear you!” He pounced on you sitting on your chest with that gleeful look in his eyes again. Pulling the knife from his belt still covered in Tom’s blood.
Everything was coming back to you now, Samir, Tom & Regina all dead. But what about Devon & Regina? Didn’t he just say Devon’s name?
“Where are Devon and Regina? Are they here?” He scoffed, An indignant smile on his face.
“Baby brother? He’s probably balls deep in his little plaything by now. That was the plan. I got to take all you guys out and he got to claim her. Thought you would of been a good cunt to keep around too but you just had to run” Putting the knife to your throat.
“I’m going to fuck you bloody bitch, Make you beg for me to kill you” Running the knife down from your neck to your cleavage pressing just hard enough to cut but not too deep, The bulge in his overalls becoming more pronounced as he watched the blood following the knife.
Letting out a pained gasp you met his eyes. Keeping your stare hard trying not to show the fear that had started bubbling within you. Leaving the knife propped between your breasts his hand snaked inside his overalls pulling out his impressive length. The blood from earlier dried on there now.
“Suck it clean Y/N” He pushed it to your lips, When they didn’t open he grabbed your chin hard. You felt it click with the pressure. “Open it now, Or this” He picked up the knife “will be going in there instead."
Dropping your mouth open you let him slide inside. Balling his hands in your hair you felt the knife slide across your scalp. He thrust until his full length was in your mouth choking slightly as he slipped into your throat.
You thought it would taste worse than it did considering it had been at least a day since he had taken your virginity, Yours and his juices dried and covering him.
Having never given a blow job before you were all teeth. As he pulled backwards he hissed at your teeth dragging on him. “Fucking bite me and ill bite you back bitch!”
Trying to hide your teeth behind your lips you wrapped them tighter around him sucking and running your tongue down the underside as he pulled out fully. Once only the tip remained in your mouth you sucked harder, Swirling your tongue around it, When the first drop of pre-cum landed on your tongue you moaned wildly. Struggling to push your face forward. Wanting to feel him back in your throat again.
“Fuck. Are you enjoying this? Sick bitch” Slamming back into your throat again, The moan was more intense now you could feel the muscles in your throat vibrating around him. Taking the knife and cutting your bonds.
Your arms dropped to the sides exhausted. Pulling you to your knees by your hair he stood in front of you letting the overalls drop off him completely. Not wasting any time You moved forward bracing your hands on his thighs.
Taking him fully back into his mouth now, Feeling the courage rise back in your chest you looked up into his eyes. Wrapping one hand around the base of him and started bobbing as fast as you could.
“Fffuccckkkk!” He groaned. Hands back in your hair guiding you down onto him.
It didn’t take long for his cock to start twitching. Forcing you off him he threw you back down onto the filthy stained mattress. Knife back in hand he started at the top, Pushing the knife between your breasts again facing outwards this time, He cut your shirt and bra from you before moving to your shorts shredding them too.
He laughed, Moving to the pocket in his overalls “Still missing these?” He waved your underwear in front of you, He brought them to his nose for a moment before hanging them over his cock tugging at himself with them.
Not able to stop the groan coming when you saw him bring them back to his nose. Your core tightening at the sight of him almost naked fucking your panties.
“Mac...Please…” You begged just like the first time. “Please what Y/N?” He grinned knowingly at you.
“Fuck me please Mac...I need you…” You moaned breathily.
“You want this huh?” He dropped your panties to the floor and removed his shirt.
Your eyes wide, Mouth hanging open when you got your first sight of him fully naked. “Holy fuck!”
“Nothing Holy happening in here Y/N this the devils work” He winked. Grabbing both of your feet he flipped you onto your stomach. Using your hips now he pulled your ass into the air and thrusting into you in the same movement.
A scream ripping from your throat as he stretched you wide again. He didn’t take a moment to let you get used to it like he did last time. Just pounded away.
“Look at you! You’re dripping for me you fucked up girl, And So fucking tight still. You won’t be by the time i'm fucking through with you” He growled Your walls clenched at his words. Making him hiss at the extra pressure around his cock. Smacking your ass as hard as he could. You screamed again at the initial pain, Once his hand had left you the heat from the hit turned into instant pleasure making you gush more for him. With how wet you had now become it was easier for him to jackhammer into you at incredible speeds.
“You like that do ya, Filthy whore” He smacked you again on the other side. The pain this time makes you moan. “More” You begged.
“Fuck….Always wanting more, I’ll give you more bitch” He pulled you up by your hair so your back was flush against his chest. Pulling your head to the side he bit down hard on your pulse point. You felt the blood again rolling down your chest.
Gasping you saw stars as the pressure in your heat started to unravel for him.
Moaning loudly for him, When he released you, You fell face first back into the mattress as he gripped your hips bucking harder.
“Fuck...Mac...Mmmm” Your walls started clamp again as you felt the dam inside you burst.
“That’s it Y/N Cum for this cock bitch” He wrapped one hand around your throat tight.
Screaming into the mattress. “Mac...OH FUCK MAC!” He followed straight after, Pulsing into you, your walls gripping tighter to him dragging every drop of his hot cream deep into you.
Your legs giving in now, He collapsed on top of you pushing you into the mattress. Groaning in your ear.
“Maybe i won’t kill you. You keep this up and I’ll be keeping you around Y/N” He got off you slowly.
Redressing and throwing a spare overall at you.
“Get dressed we got shit to do”
When you had pulled the zipper up he led you out and back to his van. You looked between him and the open desert.
Gripping your arm. “You run, Not just now but ever fucking run from me again. I’ll gut you just like that spineless piece of shit. Ya understand?”
Nodding “Mac...Where else would i ever want to be, Your just like me... Fucked up...I need you” Leaning over you gave him a deep kiss. Thrusting you back against the hood of the car he took you again.
You knew now what kind of evil he was now, Although you had to give it to him that he treated you a lot better than Devon treated Regina. He trusted you enough to walk around without him instead of keeping you tied to the bed, Eventually even trusting you enough to help him with work.
His thirst for blood never ceased, He always needed to kill but stopped raping when he had you at home to come back to. Even with everything he had done everything you knew he was capable of doing you fell hard for him. All of it was worth it to be Mac’s Girl
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lottiebagley · 4 years
Traditions- Draco Malfoy
The girl can't help the scowl on her face, her eyebrows raised and her jaw set, a glare that would strike fear in even the bravest man shooting from her eyes.
"What's got your wand in a knot?" Blaise's voice questions as he drops onto the bench next to her.
"Nothing," she mutters, not bothering to pull her eyes away, he scoffs following her line of sight to see what's upsetting his friend.
Draco Malfoy had been her best friend since she was 6 years old. Her mother had been friends with Narcissa her whole life and when her family moved back to England, as their oldest child was starting Hogwarts, from their Parisian home they had moved into an equally large mansion next door the Malfoy Manor.
Being excited to see her oldest friend her mother had happily dragged her two daughters and her son along with her to the afternoon tea Narcissa had invited them too on their first full day in the new home.
The pair of friends had been overjoyed to throw their son and youngest daughter into a living room and watch them become best friends.
They had been inseparable ever since that day and even now considered each other the best thing in their lives. Not that they ever said that it was just a given, it was an unspoken fact they both knew, there was a lot of those in their friendship. She was starting to wish she plucked up the courage to say something.
"Oh I see, Parkinson is your problem," Blaise smirks. Eyes scanning the way Draco and Pansy flirted, sitting much too close together and leaning into each other's touch.
"It's not Parkinson it's Dray," she shrugs, aware her voice sounds bitter as she turns back around, rolling her eyes at the pity in her friends eyes.
Blaise Zabini considered himself vastly lucky for the things in his life and that had always included his friends. Draco Malfoy was his closest friend and he was a good friend despite his obnoxious and self centred personality. Y/N Y/L/N was like the sister he never had and he could read her like a book. That's why he was so aware of the feelings they each held for each other. He wasn't alone in being aware of course, the whole world seemed to know, the only people blind enough to register their feelings were the two people who needed to be aware of them the most. Blaise was just unlucky in that he had to listen to them both pine after each other. He was glad when Draco seemed to realise his feelings for the girl were way more than platonic but she was yet to have the same epiphany.
"And what has Draco done?" Blaise questions
"Abandoned me!" She lets out dropping her head to the wooden table, her dramatic flare definitely something she picked up from her best friend. "Draco and I have these unspoken rules, we meet in the common room and get breakfast together every day. We always have. 8:15 on the dot. And yet, when I arrive in the common room this morning I see him clambering out of the door and get here to see he's sitting with pug face," She expands, although she has no doubt that Blaise knows all of this.
"It's just one day," he counters with a mile "chin up buttercup," he grins.
"I'm fucking freezing," she complains, trying to contain the shiver threatening to take over her body.
"Not surprised," her roommate smiles sympathetically, eyeing her long sleeve top "you should have brought a jacket or a jumper at least," she reprimands gently. Her eyes flirting between the angry girl next to her and the quidditch game in front of her.
"Yeah. I should have," the girl mutters
"Where's Draco's? Doesn't he usually give you his jumper to watch quidditch in when you go wish him luck before the game," The roommate questions her friend, well aware of the tradition the pair of best friends share.
"I didn't catch him before the game," she grumbles
"With Parkinson again?" The sympathetic smile is enough to make the girl feel like she spoke about this whole situation too much
"Yup," she nods, regretting looking for Pansy in the stands immediately as she sees a jumper she recognises as Draco's hanging from the brunettes body.
She can't really explain why it hurts so much. Watching how Draco's arm holds his girlfriend close to him by her waist, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
It did though. It killed her when she would be forced to spend time with the couple, when her one on one time with her best friend felt like a rare occurrence. Maybe that's why it hurts so much this time.
She storms through the common room, past the couple who are surrounded by their friend group, the group she should be sat in, blinking back the tears in her eyes. Vaguely aware of her friends calling out to her but not stopping for a second. She can hear someone following her to her dorm, she can tell by the voice calling to her that it's Draco.
The door slams behind her as she locks it in a rush.
"Alohamora," she recognises come through the muffled wood, the lock easily moving.
"Do not come in here!" She shouts, her voice easily giving away that she's crying
"What? I can hear you're crying, darling, of course I'm going to-" she cuts of his call
"No! I'm serious Draco! Just- just leave me alone!"
"Why are you so mad at me? You never don't let me in," he reminds "I can't help you if you won't let me," he adds. His hand is pressed in a fist against the door. His head resting against it, he hates that he can hear her muffled sobs. He is angry a lot of the time but seeing the look on her face so briefly made his blood boil, ready to kill whoever hurt his best friend.
"Just fuck off back to Parkinson. Clearly you are too busy with her to care about me anymore!" She's trying to sound angry but they can both hear how hurt she is. It's when the realisation hits him. It's Wednesday. They study together ever Wednesday night in the library, they always have, and he missed it.
He lets out a sigh. Turning so his back is pressed against the door, she hears the way he sinks to sit with his back to the door and does the same. Neither of them can stop themselves from thinking, one piece of wood is all the keeps them apart.
"Love, I am so so sorry I missed out study session," he admits. He wants to scream, he can hear a whimper from her at the reminder. "I'm the worst best friend ever. I know that,"
"You're not, just a bit shitty sometimes," she returns, she hates how he always puts himself down.
She was always too forgiving, Blaise told her all the time that it was why people treated her like shit. That's why she had to tell him that she was mad.
She hadn't even meant to forgive him that night but the next day he had seemed so upset that she couldn't not give his cheek a peck and squeeze his shoulder on her way past after breakfast to assure him they were okay. She spent the whole day wondering if he had even noticed they don't eat breakfast together anymore.
She pounds on the door with a heavy hand. Leaning against it to support her intoxicated body, god there was no way she would be doing this if it wasn't for the spiked punch she had been downing for the past three hours.
The sound of a girls giggle makes her body feel cold as the door is pulled open, she stumbles into Draco's chest after the support of the door is gone, he's quick to grab her and steady her.
"Wow love, how much have you drank?" He questions gently, unable to stop the warm feeling in his chest as he pushes some hair from her face.
"No! No don't you call me love and play with my hair!" She demands, stumbling into his private dorm. Ignoring Pansy who is sat on the green leather sofa, clearly fresh from making out with Draco.
"What do you mean?" He questions, reaching out for her, heart breaking at the way she turns away.
"I'm mad at you Malfoy! And I needed you to know! I will not let you treat me like shit! I will not be too forgiving! You're a rotten best friend and I'm mad!" She shouts. He feels his heart break as he looks at the love of his life with tears in her eyes.
"Pansy you should leave," he states, looking at the sour girl on the sofa
"No. Stay. I've said all I want too," the girl cuts, before leaving, the door slamming on the way out.
Her finger pressed against the door bell tentatively. Having woken up tucked in her bed, unaware of how she actually got there she had avoided Slytherin's newest couple like the plague, sitting with her Ravenclaw friends on the train and leaving the platform as quick as possible.
But now, three days into summer break she couldn't deny how much she was missing her best friend. She wanted this whole thing behind them.
"Good morning miss y/l/n," a house elf greets, after the door is pulled open.
"Oh y/n, I didn't know you were coming over," Narcissa's familiar voice calls as she enters the hall from drawing room.
"Hey Aunty Cissa, I'm sorry for dropping by uninvited,"
"Nonsense, you're always welcome here sweetie, not that I've seen you yet since you got back," she assures, wrapping the girl in a warm hug.
"I was hoping to see Draco, we got in this silly fight and I wanted to come and apologise," I explain surprised he hasn't mentioned the fight to his mother.
"I'm sorry dear, Draco isn't spending his summer here, he's at his girlfriends, Pansy I think her name is. Did he not mention it to you it's been planned since may," she informs. Her heart drops at the news.
"No. No, he- he must have forgotten to mention it. I'll just be going then,"
"Nonsense, lets me and you have a catch up, you can tell me all about this fight so I can lecture my son for whatever stupid thing he's done," she smiles, the girl nods in agreement and allows Narcissa to lead her through to the conservatory.
Clad in a tshirt that belongs to her brother and a pair of pj shorts with cupcakes on. The girl lets out a groan as she drops back onto the bed behind her.
Reaching for the book on her bedside table, opening it and beginning to scan the page, re-reading sentences as she gets distracted in her own head, only minutes later  interrupted by a knock at my door. She is surprised as none of  her siblings or mum ever knock and she assumes the house elf will be preparing dinner. Perhaps it's her dad, he knocks whenever he comes in but it's rare he's not at work, maybe her mum mentioned how little she'd  left her room all summer.
"Come in!" she calls, placing a book mark in her book and tossing it to the side
"Hi," the familiar voice sounds. Draco stands in front of the girl looking nervous as he closes the door behind him
"Hi," she states back, aware how scruffy she looks and not sure why she's embarrassed.
"Think we might be way overdue on a chat," he comments
"Shouldn't you be at Parkinson's?" She snaps
"I was hoping you would guess Zabini's," he comments
"Your mother told me," the girl informs, standing up and crossing her arms over her chest
"She mentioned she'd seen you,"
"Don't avoid the question,"
"Look Pansy doesn't matter right now. What matters is us. What's happened love?" He questions, moving closer
"Are you kidding me?"
"We've drifted so far apart, I don't know why, are you mad at me?"
"Yes I'm mad at you! When did you become a fucking idiot!" She shouts
"Why? Darling, what have I done?"
"You want a list! Cause there's a lot!" She's practically growling and he can't help but feel the temper rising up in his chest despite only really being mad at himself for hurting her.
"Oh go ahead!"
"You stopped waiting to go to breakfast with me! You stopped sitting with me at meals! You stopped meeting me before your quidditch games and left me to freeze cause I thought I'd be getting a jumper! You stopped coming to Wednesday night study sessions! You stopped dragging me away from our group to get butter beer when we are in Hogsmede! You stopped saving me the seat next to you! You stopped telling me anything! You spent the last night of term with her when we always spend it together! You stopped caring Draco!"
"Merlin, I got a girlfriend that doesn't mean I stopped caring about you!" He shouts back, he's walking closer to her, barely any space between them "why doesn't all that stuff matter so much?"
"Shit- Draco- I- it- I think I love you Draco and it fucking kills me to see you do all our stuff with her!" She admits, her eyes are teary as she stares at the floor, refusing to look at him.
It's instant, his heart erupts with joy as he takes her face in his hands, pulling her to him and pressing his lips on hers. She kisses back instantly, arms wrapping around his neck as he gently guided her back to press her back to the wall, hands roaming her body, scared he may never get the chance to feel it against his own again. Her fingers tugging gently on his hair.
He pulls away for breath, his heart skipping a heat at the sight of her, lips puffy and clothes dishevelled from him.
"I never stopped caring about you. I could never, ever, do that. I watched you at every meal to make sure you were eating enough. I left you a jumper at the end of your bed before every game, it was your choice not to wear them. I missed one, I'll admit it, but I went every week after and waited for you and you never came. I couldn't exactly pull you off on our own when Pansy was right there but I paid for your drink every time even though you thought it was Blaise. I always left a seat open next to me, you chose not to take it. You avoided me so much it was impossible to tell you anything and if you're talking about me not being here for summer I did tell you. I told you when I put you in bed on the last night of term, it's not my fault you got too drunk to remember. Well, I guess it is, I should have been there. I should have done and a lot, and I'm sorry,"
"Draco Malfoy I just told you I was in love with you. You wanna comment on that?"
"Darling, how can you not realise I've been in love with you my whole life?" He laughs, his lips on hers once more
"What about Pansy?" She questions, he rolls his eyes taking her hand and dragging her to lay on her bed next to him
"You're aware it's still summer right?" He questions, pulling her close to him and wrapping his arms around her, everything fits just right, feels natural.
"I'm not stupid,"
"And I'm here, when I should be spending the holiday at-"
"You guys broke up?" She questions, cringing at how excited she sounded
"Don't sound too happy about it,"
"I just told you I'm in love it's you Dray, clearly there's only one person I want you to be in a relationship with," she smiles, rolling over to face him
"There's only one person I would want to be in a relationship with," he smiles back
"I'll let Goyle know, he'll be ecstatic to hear you feel the same," she teases. He laughs rolling his eyes before pressing his lips to hers again.
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imagine-a-fangirl · 4 years
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 Anon requested: i got you fam - neil melendez x reader but like 70% angst, 30% fluff. rest is up to you :)
A/N: Two stories in one day, this is getting crazy. Also not 400 words but 1700(oops) 
Falling for a surgeon was probably never a good idea just thinking about the long days and crazy hours. But being a nurse and falling for the top surgeon was probably even a worse idea. The two of them had gotten along the moment y/n set foot into the hospital as a new nurse. She had learned so much from him and he always seemed to pick her for the surgeries whenever he could. But for her own good y/n had decided this needed to stop, she was on her way to make some great progress career and even gotten a job offer in a more specialized hospital. Y/n had been hesitant to take it but she also knew she couldn’t let her feelings for Neil Melendez get in the way of that. 
Y/n was busy going through a couple files when Neil leaned against the desk “Morning y/n.” “Good morning Dr. Melendez.” She coldly greeted him without looking up He got a little thrown off by her sudden change in behavior but continued either way “I have an interesting surgery on my schedule next week and I want you to be there.” “I’m afraid I won’t be able to do that Dr. Melendez.” Y/n told him, finally looking up from the files. “Why not?” “Because that is my only day off next week.” “Can’t you change shifts? “No I can’t. I might have to plan my whole schedule around you, but luckily I don’t have to do that in my private life.” Y/n knew it was not fair at all to say something like that and she didn’t mean a word of it, but she needed to do something to get some distance from him and this seemed a good step. “Okay then, I’ll see you later y/n.” He excused himself, everything from his posture showed his confusion from the way she had just spoken to him. Jasmine, one of the older nurses chuckled “I’ve never seen dr. Melendez so shaken, I don’t know what you do to him but he really has the hots for you.” “I don’t know what you’re talking about Jasmine.” Y/n got up from her seat and went to check on her patients.  Behaving like this was nothing like her, but she tried to convince herself that she needed to create some distance between her and Neil to be able to move on.
The week whole week had been a challenge for her, she tried to keep Neil at a distance and had to fight the urge to apologize and tell him how she really felt. Y/n tried communicate with the Residents and Dr. Lim to avoid him as much as possible. Of course people noticed her change in behavior, but barely anyone tried to figure out why. Alex and Claire tried to get something out of her when they went out for drinks but they quickly realized she wasn’t spilling anything. Y/n did tell them about the job offer she had gotten and they both were really excited for her. After they finished Alex walked her home and started talking again “What is holding you back?” “What you mean?” Alex shook his head “The offer is a great opportunity, but something is holding you back.” “It’s nothing Alex, I just need some time to think. It’s a big decision.” “It is.” Alex agreed “But you want to take it, that’s why your behavior changed. Look you don’t have to tell me what it is, all I know is that pushing people away is not going to make this decision easier.”
The next morning y/n was called early, Jasmin had called in sick and they needed someone to fill in for the operation Melendez had told y/n about the week before. With a healthy dose of reluctance she got out of bed and got ready for work. Neil had been right, this surgery was a great opportunity. Not only the surgery was an interesting one, but the patient as well he was some criminal who was both a flight risk and dangerous. Would it been two weeks earlier y/n would be the most excited one there, but things were different now.  “Nurse l/n I’m surprised to see you here, I thought your schedule wasn’t revolved around me.” Neil remarked when he saw her in the OR. “I’m here because Jasmin got sick and someone had to fill in for her Dr. Melendez.” Y/n remained professional, pretending she didn’t hear the angry undertone in his voice. “Alright then.” Without to many more words the team started the operation, Melendez communicated as little as he could with her
Y/n was placed in charge of the care around their patient, protocol stated he was kept handcuffed to his bed, communication mostly went through the intercom and they could never go in the room alone. The officers were guarding the room in case something happened. Everything seemed normal he had woken up, still weak but he responded to all the test, his vital signs were steady and so it looked like she was going to get home on time. Y/n got up to do a final check on the patient “How are you feeling? Is there anything I can get you before the next shift takes over?” Y/n waited a moment  for the man to respond but he didn’t. “Sir, do you hear me?” y/n tapped on the window to see if he’d respond but he didn’t. “Page Dr. Park and Dr. Melendez please.” Y/n called to the nurse station She opened the door to see what was wrong, completely forgetting protocol. “Sir are you alright?” she checked the machines but the vital signs seemed completely normal. She checked his pulse, but when she did she noticed his cuff wasn’t on there. Before she did much as look up she felt multiple punches. She hit her head against the floor as she fell down, but before things could get worse, Park, Melendez and the two officers pulled him away from her. “Claire take care of y/n, now!” Melendez called before sedating the man. Claire helped her up and got her out of the room and into another to treat her. Alex soon followed and told a nurse to prep for both x-ray of her chest and a ct-abdomen. Not much later Dr Melendez stormed into the room “What were you thinking?!” Neil started to yell at her “You knew the protocol!” “Neil.” Claire tried “He wasn’t responding, I did what I thought I needed to do.” Y/n calmly responded, her head was still pounding, her arm hurt and she noticed she had some trouble breathing. “Why didn’t you wait until one of us was there?” Park tried to be the voice of reason between the two of them. “You knew he was dangerous, you knew you shouldn’t go in alone and what you did was stupid!” Neil yelled again. “Why don’t you keep an eye on him next time, if you know it all so well.” “I don’t know what I did to you to deserve this attitude this past week, but you better get it together! You know better than this.” y/n tried to ignore the desperate undertone in his voice “Don’t worry about that Dr. Melendez, I won’t be your problem for very much longer.” “What?” “I’ve been offered a job at another hospital and I’ve just decided to take it.” Y/n tried to get up from the bed, she needed to get away from him before she would do something stupid. “Y/n stop you need to stay in bed, we still have to see if there is internal damage.” Alex tried to get her back into the bed. She tried to push him away but the last thing she felt was the cold floor before her whole world went dark.
Y/n woke up to soothing sound of the monitors, only to realize the monitors were not a normal sound to wake up to. As she opened her eyes it took a minute to realize what had happened. She looked at the clock which was on 3 o’clock and judging by the darkness she saw through the window it was the middle of the night. “You’re awake.” She looked to the other side of her bed, not realizing he had been sitting there holding onto her hand “What are you doing here?” “You collapsed right in front of me, you didn’t think I’d just leave did you?” “I’m sorry.” “Don’t  be.” He assured her “You made a mistake that’s all, I’m just glad that you’re okay now.” “I meant for my behavior this week, I thought it would make it easier for myself to push you away.” She confessed “Would make what easier? Taking that job offer?” Neil was a little confused “You know I’d never hold you back, right? Park told me about it, it’s an amazing opportunity and you deserve it.” “I know you wouldn’t hold me back.” y/n removed her hand from his “But I would hold myself back, because of my feelings for you.” Maybe it were the drugs in her system that made it so easy to tell how she felt or maybe it was the fact that she was just attacked but she wasn’t afraid anymore. “Why didn’t you tell me?” “I was to scared to ruin our friendship, I know it’s such a cliché.” Neil couldn’t help but laugh “I don’t care if it’s cliché or not, I wish you told me sooner.” He took her hand in his once again. “Because I could have put your mind at ease, I like you y/n. I might even go as far as to say that I love you.” “Are you serious?” “I am.” He promised “And that doesn’t change if you take another job. It anything it would make things easier, since we wouldn’t have any problems with HR.” Y/n laughed for a short moment before wincing in pain “We’ll talk about this later over a dinner, okay? Right now you have to rest and get better.”
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Hm wow okay so I've been binge reading all of your works as you know and I really want to request something. However it's really hard for me to even come up with an idea that you haven't already done? All I can really think about is something with protective Tommy. Like say he and the reader aren't necessarily together yet? But hes very protective of her and she like I dont know maybe gets kidnapped? Or maybe she just gets attacked in an alley and Tommy saves her. And then it can be kinda calming and romantic because I live for that. I think its a bit choppy but I tried 😅
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Importance - Thomas Shelby x Reader
Possible TW: Kidnapping, violence
A/N: My first official request in 2021! Thank you, Oak!
Taglist: @sweetiekokkiri @haphazardhufflepuff @tarafaithe @mrsstevenbuchananstark @imagine-richards @hxnky-cat @tranquility-or-chaos @captivatedbycillianmurphy
Being alone in London at night and as a woman, was not a good idea. Intrusive thoughts of being mugged or attacked kept circulating your mind despite trying to stay calm. You only had a few blocks to go before you could enter the safe haven of a Peaky Blinders run club.
Those few blocks could make all the difference to life or death.
"Hey!" a voice called behind you, and you instinctively spun around. Oh, n-
Before you could turn back to flee, a gun was cocked and aimed at your head. The man holding it had his hat pulled so low that the moonlight cast his face entirely in shadow.
Your chest tightened and your stomach twisted into knots.
"Turn around slowly. I need you alive but if you run I'll have no choice," he warned, accent throwing you off for a moment. He was American.
"What do you want?" you demanded, focusing on the fact that he wasn't going to kill you. You wished you had taken Tommy's advice to carry a gun with you. He had trained you personally to fire such a weapon, but couldn't convince you to keep it on you.
"It's not you we want. It's your boy, Tommy," he scoffed, stepping closer. You took a step back in response.
You called back, "You've made a mistake, then. We're not together. I'm not important to him. Using me as bait won't work."
"We'll see about that!" he snapped, lunging forward and grabbing your arm. The cold metal of the gun against your temple made you gasp.
Panic was rising in your chest as the man began to drag you from the alley. Thomas and you had flirted for some time, but that didn't warrant saving. He probably wouldn't care to come find you wherever the hell this man was taking you, and that broke your heart.
Knowing you'd never be seen again if you let him take you, you began to weep. In despair, you hit him as hard as you could with your purse then wrenched your arm free.
Sprinting towards the street, you cried out as a bullet ricocheted off the wall and flew past your head. The surprise made you trip, and you tried you best to stop your fall with your hands and knees. Scrapes and bruises would cover your skin tomorrow if you lived that long.
Luckily for you, your plan worked. Someone heard the gunshot.
"Y/N!" the voice of a saint called out your name.
"Tommy?" you wondered, eyes blurry with tears.
"There he is," came your attacker.
"Here I am," Thomas agreed, stalking toward the man. You knew that tone well enough to know what Tommy was about to do. His voice turned to steel whenever he was angry.
You wiped your eyes just in time to watch Tommy knock the man's gun aside and punch him across the jaw. Quick as lion finding the throat of its prey, Thomas took the man's head in his hands and slammed it into the alley wall. Blood sprayed instantly, covering you, Thomas, and the walls with red droplets.
Unable to take your eyes off Tommy, you watched him land punch after punch to the other man's face.
Satisfied he wasn't fighting back, Thomas let the unconscious man fall to the ground. He took your attacker's gun and tucked it into his belt. Then, he came to you.
"I'm so glad to see you," you got out, voice thick with relief.
"Are you alright?" Tommy asked, helping you up. He cupped your face with his clean hand. His eyes had never seemed so blue than this exact moment.
"Yes, yes, I'm fine. A bit banged up, but fine," you told him, nodding.
"Why are you here?" he wondered gently, wiping your tears away with his thumb. You bet his other hand was hurting pretty fiercely.
"Why are you here?" you retorted with laugh.
You both answered in unison, "To find you."
Tommy snorted in amusement. He asked, "What was he going to do?"
"Kidnap me to use as bait. I kept telling him he was grabbing the wrong woman," you explained, sighing.
After a few moments of silence he said, "It would have worked. I would have come for you,"
You were shocked, "You would?"
He nodded and kissed your cheek. Tommy then continued, "Will you carry a gun now? For me."
You pulled him in for a hug. Fresh tears pricked your eyes. You had gotten it into your head that Tommy didn't care for you, and it blinded you to the truth. You were as important to him as he was to you.
"I'll always come for you," he murmured, and kissed the top of your head.
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Wedding Bells (l.h)
Pairing: Luke Hemmings x Fem!Reader
Summary: The happiest day of your life is the worst day on Luke’s life. Could there still be a happy ending if he’s not too late?
Warnings: angsty. Language and mentions of alcohol. Slander on the name Phillip (sorry to all the Phills but it’s true, look it up) Some grammar mistakes (English is not my first language, I’m sorry)
Word count: 4.9 k
Author’s note: let me guide you through my thought process: I was writing You Said Forever and accidentally got caught up on the Olivia x Joshua x sabrina drama, that lead me to the Miley x Nick x Selena drama, which lead me to the song Wedding Bells by Nick Jonas. So this is loosely based on that. Remember that Reblogs, Comments, Feedback and Likes are very important and welcomed, you don’t know how much it helps and I love to hear from you guys ❤️ Hope you like it and Happy Reading ✨🦋🌻
My materialist // wanna be part of my tag list?
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His head was pounding, loudly.
Every beat sounded like an echo that ran through his whole body. Speaking of his body, goddamn how it hurt, how everything hurts.
His eyelids were closed, eyelashes stuck and tangled with each other, heavy as the sun shined through the window, begging him to get up. His mouth was also dry, he couldn’t figure out if it was because he slept with his mouth open or because he doesn’t remember the last time he drank a drop of water.
He groaned as the pounding in his head continued. A never-ending pain that matched the loud banging on the door.
“Luke! C’mon, we’re going to be late!”
Ashton's voice sounded far away as his mind was not fully awake yet. He didn’t want to be awake yet, maybe not ever again after this day.
If his eyes were awake he would roll them. Couldn’t Ashton understand that he didn’t want to go? He made it fairly obvious for the past few months! He was not going.
Luke hid his head farther in his pillow, trying to avoid any kind of contact with the outside world. But that was almost impossible as soon as he heard Ashton pick on his lock.
That bastard.
“How many times do I have to tell you not to mess with a bloke from the outsides of town?” He said with a teasing tone. Luke knew he was bluffing, his doorknob was messed up since the moment they bought the house, so it was easy to get in if you knew the right tricks with a safety pin - oh the irony of it all.
Luke mumbled something close to a word his mum wouldn’t be proud to hear. But Ashton simply ignored it as he walked towards the windows to open the curtains, letting the sun illuminate the room at its full capacity.
Ashton sighed at the sight of the room. Clothes were thrown out everywhere, the same goes with the hundred liquor and beer bottles and cans that were scattered around the floor. He grabbed the half-empty bottle of vodka that rested on the nightstand and clicked his tongue.
“You bought this yesterday,” He said, totally unimpressed. Luke didn’t answer “C’mon, buddy, up to the shower you go”
Ashton patted Luke’s back, encouraging him to get a move on, but the blonde just brought his sheets over his head and stayed put.
“Mmnphf” He mumbled.
“What?” Ashton walked to the foot of the bed and grabbed the tall Australian by his legs, pulling him out of his comforter in one swift move that made Luke fall out of the bed with a thud.
“Motherfuck-“ He complained, rubbing on his bumped head, which was still pounding by the way.
“You were saying?” Ashton said with a smirk as he crouched down to be face to face with Luke, the teasing smile quickly fading away because he didn’t like what he saw at all.
The baby blue eyes that once shined with gleam were dull, red, and empty, and probably angry about his interruption. His curly blond was sticking to his forehead and his body language seemed to have given up on keeping him with a straight figure, making him physically close himself up to others.
“I said I’m not going!” His voice was hoarse due to the heavy drinking he’s been doing these past few days. He tried to sound harsh, but Ashton could easily see through his bluff. He was hurting, every part of him.
“Of course you are,” Ashton scoffed.
Luke glared at him “I’m. Not. Going” He said through gritted teeth. The drummer rolled his eyes. He’s had this conversation before and it was always the same speech.
“You are because she wants you there, so you’ll be there” Ashton stated as if that was the only reasonable answer.
Luke closed his eyes, cause he was sure that if he opened them he would punch Ashton in the mouth. Why couldn’t he understand? “I can’t go, Ash”
His voice broke at the end of the pleading, breaking Ashton’s heart in the process. He hated to see him like that; to see him throw away his life so carelessly without asking for or accepting anyone’s help. It’s not like he ignored what was happening, but he was sure this would do good for him; close cycles, help him move on, and that shit. How else could you mend a broken heart?
“And besides,” Luke continued “She doesn’t want me there” The words felt like poison in his mouth, bitter and dry “She invited you guys, you are her friends and I’m just her stupid ex”
That was a lie and he knew that. When the invitations came he made sure to throw his away before he even got to open it. Making the others believe that he wasn’t invited at all. He didn’t even tell them that you were the one who dropped them, him being unlucky enough to answer the door.
“It’s in June,” You said, eyes avoiding him “Hope you can make it”
Whatever words Luke had stuck in his throat stayed there as he swallowed the pain of seeing you standing there, inviting him to see you love someone else. All he could say was “You’ll look beautiful in white”
You practically ran away after that, leaving him alone with the invitations. Just looking at those envelopes hurt more than he could imagine. He knew this day would come eventually, he hoped he would. He just hoped that his name was engraved on paper next to yours.
“Maybe,” Said Ashton with a grin “But if she didn’t want you there then why did she ask me to RSVP for you?” Luke’s eyes widened like plates, he knew Ashton had called his bluff once again “She said you never answer yours so I did it for you. Cause she wants you there, Luke. You were her best friend, too”
Luke groaned and covered his face with his hand “Why did you do that?!” He asked with an exasperated tone, wanting to hate on the drummer but knowing that that was impossible.
“Because you need to go, mate! You can’t leave her hanging like this!”
“And what am I supposed to say?!” He yelled, he was not used to yelling but he was at the ends of his wits ``‘Oh, hey Y/N! A beautiful day isn’t it? Perfect weather to break my heart into a million pieces while you marry another guy and I’m sitting there watching, wishing I was him! I’m happy for you, though I’m really not cause I know it’s been like what? 3 years 5 months and 24 days since we broke up? but I’m still in love with you. Okay have fun?!”’
He grabbed an empty can from the floor and threw it away, hitting the door of his closet. He was beyond furious and frustrated. You were getting married and he can’t do anything to stop it; to stop you.
Ashton sighed, heartbroken by this whole ordeal “You’ve been counting?”
“Ever since that day. It was my greatest mistake and now I’m suffering from it. Karma really is a bitch. Did you know our anniversary is supposed to be in 5 days? And now it’s impossible to ever get her back”
The drummer placed a hand on Luke's shoulder, he wished he could make his pain go away. He’s never seen his friend so heartbroken before and it pained him knowing that there was nothing he could do about it.
“Luke,” He said in a fatherly tone “You don’t have to go if you don’t want to. But believe when I tell you she wants you there, she misses you” Luke turned his head towards Ashton, his eyes begging him not to lie “I’m serious, she’s always asking about you but she’s too scared to talk to you thinking that you don’t want to speak to her. She needs you there, man. Not as a bitter ex and to show you she’s moved on, but as a friend. And I know for a fact you can’t say not to her, even when you’re mad”
Luke sighed. Ashton was right. He could never deny you anything, even before you were together and you were just his best friend, you were always his weakness.
He misses you too, every day since you broke up he’s been missing you. And he would be lying if he said he didn’t want to see you at least one last time, given that your last interaction was awkward as hell.
“I can’t go, Ash”
Ashton nodded with a disappointing sigh as he got up from the floor, but before he could walk out the door he heard Luke say “I can’t go because I don’t have a suit!”
Ashton smiled “I got you covered, buddy” And left the room so Luke could take a shower.
Ashton’s suit was itchy, but Luke was grateful that he didn’t have to show up in jeans and an old BonJovi shirt.
He was surprised to find out that they were actually on time, although he wouldn’t be surprised if someone told him that Ashton woke him up much earlier than needed to get there on time.
They met with Michael and Calum in the parking lot, they greeted each other and started talking as if Luke’s heart wasn’t about to burst from the anxiety he was feeling.
To show up at a wedding is something; to show up at your ex’s aka the love of your life’s wedding is… unsettling. He understood why his friends didn’t want to make it awkward for him, yet the awkwardness settled at the moment he stepped foot out of the car.
“She’s getting married in a church?” He asked no one in particular.
“Yeah? That’s why we are here, mate” Calum chuckled.
Luke furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. You never wanted to get married in a church or even a chappel. No, if he remembers correctly, your dream wedding was somewhere outdoors; either a park or a forest or even someone’s backyard. You used to say that love was the most beautiful and natural thing in the universe, so it was logical to celebrate something as powerful as a wedding in the eyes of nature, so it all came to be one for love and love can be one for all.
He remembers he laughed at that, not to mock you in any way, but in awe of how beautiful you put it. Everything you said sounded like poetry to him, even if you were just reading a menu in a Chinese restaurant. But now your poetry would belong to someone else, and he only hoped that that someone deserves to hear it.
He doesn’t know the groom, he believes his name was Phill? Or something like that? Ashton always said he was kind of a jerk, but you loved him enough to marry him so maybe he wasn’t that bad. But for Luke he would always be the man that stole you from him.
All three of his friends started walking inside the rustic church and Luke followed, incapable to think about anything else that wasn’t you at that moment.
However, the minute he entered the cold building he knew something was wrong.
The church was filled with people he didn’t know, he assumed they must be from the groom’s side of the family, but he would bet the 35$ Ashton left in his pocket that you didn’t know half of these people either.
You never wanted a big wedding, hell, you didn’t even want a big birthday party, no matter how much Luke insisted on it.
“Those kinds of parties are not for the ones being celebrated!” You told him once “If it was truly important then all you need is your closest friends and your found family. What else is there to love?”
Your words kept repeating themselves inside Luke’s head. What else is there to love? Indeed.
That wasn’t the only thing catching his attention though. With every step he took towards his seat he found out more things out of place, out of you.
For example, the color scheme was terrible and he knows you didn’t pick it, your favorite colors were nowhere to be seen. Then it was the flowers, if there is one thing he never forgot about you were your favorite flowers. You used to fill the house with them saying that they were your little serotonin boosters, he remembers how happy they made you and how one time he nearly bought all the flowers in the shop to surprise you when you were having a bad day. Now he cannot even look at them without thinking of you.
The more steps he took the more flawed this wedding looked. And yes, he knows that sounds bad, especially coming from him. But it was the truth. Not even the music sounded like it would come from you.
The words ‘This is not right’ Kept screaming at the back of his head.
The Y/N he knew would never choose those flowers or those colors or that guest list or that venue, nor the song that was playing over the speakers. She preferred live music over all the rest and, if she would’ve asked, she’d known that all four of them would perform for free on the happiest day of her life, even if it was the crappiest day for him.
If someone were to tell him a year ago that this is how your wedding would look, he would’ve laughed cause this is not like you. This wedding, this… charade of glamour and show.. this wasn’t you. This wasn’t Y/N. And it's supposed to be your day!
He couldn’t understand why you’d choose this? This was so unlike you, unless… unless he never really knew you at all.
And just like that, the sinking feeling of dread came upon him as he tried to figure out who was the person he knew and who are you now? What changed so much to make you lose all that you once were?
What if?
What if he knew how to love you better? He wouldn’t have let you walk away from him. He would’ve fought for you, for the two of you, instead of just giving up like he did.
Luke knew he loved you. Fuck, he still loves you like the first day. And now you are loving somebody else cause he didn’t know how to keep the most beautiful thing he ever had; the most beautiful thing he let die. He messed up, but his biggest fuck up was realizing it and doing nothing about it.
And now it was too late.
“Dude, are you okay?” Michael whispered when he noticed his friend's frown.
Luke nodded, lips pressed together in a thin line “What were you saying?”
Michael smiled with mischief “We were just laughing at how ridiculous Phillip looks. That suit does not suit him at all”
For the first time since he came, he looked over at the altar. Standing there was the so-called Phill you were going to marry. He was talking to his groomsmen and laughing obnoxiously at what seemed like an inappropriate joke. What did you see on that guy?
“Did you know the name Phillip means horse lover?” Said Calum, trying to stiff a laugh with the other two friends.
They were doing their best to keep Luke distracted and he appreciated that. But seeing the groom so unpreoccupied, so chill and uninterested made his blood boil. How could he be so at ease? If it were him, if he had the wonderful chance to marry you, he’d be a ball of anxiety. He’d be wondering just how beautiful you’d look, if you were feeling as nervous as he was, if you were as happy as he was and how he couldn’t wait to marry you… He would do all that because he will know that he is the luckiest man on earth. But that’s not his truth at all.
“I’m going to take a walk”
Neither of them told him that the ceremony was about to start or offered to accompany him. They knew he needed time and they wouldn't pressure him at all. Luke silently thanked them for that.
He walked out of the ceremony hall and started pacing around the halls, quickly getting lost as he tried to ease his mind.
How could he go through this and pretend that he’s okay? He remembered Ashton’s words from this morning and knew that if you wanted him here then he would be here, but that still didn’t make it any easier.
He would go through the ends of the earth for you if you asked him to, but this? This might be the hardest thing he has ever done, second only to let you go.
His curls were getting messy because of all the ruffling he did with his hands. He needed to pull himself together before the ceremony, he needed to seem okay in front of you. He-
The soft cries coming from behind the door caught his attention. They were hushed but they seemed completely broken. Whoever was behind that door must feel just as hopeless as he did.
“Hello?” He said, knocking on the wooden door “Hello, are you okay in there?”
The sniffing sounds stopped “Luke?”
It was quiet, almost like a whisper. But Luke would recognize your voice anywhere, especially after not hearing you say his name for 3 years.
The door opened with a click and revealed a supply closet and, inside that supply closet, there was a bride. There you were.
Luke’s breath almost disappeared as you knocked the wind out of his lungs. You looked beautiful. Stunning in your white dress. Magical as your hair was perfectly styled. Breathtaking with your waterproof makeup still intact, although you would look breathtaking without it as well. Ethereal as you looked at him and he realized that all the times that he missed you seemed small at how much he missed you now and how he would miss you all his life.
If there were any other adjectives to describe how you looked, he would take them all out of the dictionary and give them to you in the form of a song. Cause in his eyes there was no other beauty that could compare, that even the sadness in your eyes seemed to compliment your magnificent. And that was something he couldn’t ignore.
Without thinking it twice he took a couple of steps in front of you and cupped your face in his hands, wiping your tears with his thumb as he murmured: “What’s wrong, love?”
Hearing his voice so worried and soft shook something in you, something that you didn’t know you still had but at the same time knew that it would never go away.
More tears started streaming down your eyes as your gaze met his, making you get lost in those baby blue marbles.
“I- I don’t know what I’m doing, Lukey” You confessed in a whisper.
At the sound of his nickname, Luke felt like he could float away in a cloud of happiness. He thought you’ve forgotten. But the look on your face denoted a fear he hoped he’d never got to see again.
Your eyes were puffy red and your cheeks were flushed, not only because of the blush. And your eyes, they were terrified and Luke didn’t know what to do, so he just said.
“You’re getting married today” You didn’t miss the hint of sadness that laced those words. You hoped that could mean something.
You placed your hands on his wrist, holding his hands that were cupping your face and making them stay there. Right now it was the only comfort you got.
“I don’t know if I should-“ You choke out a sob “Luke, I’m scared- I’m so scared”
“Do you love him?” The words pained him, cutting right through his heart. But you and him were here for a reason, and that reason was waiting at the altar.
He secretly prayed that you would say no, that you would beg him to take you away and run away together, maybe elope somewhere far away and not come back to this place ever again.
He saw the hesitation in your eyes and he knew his answer.
“Y/N, I love-“
“There you are!”
Luke closed his eyes in annoyance when he felt his words get stuck in his throat as the stranger’s voice came closer to them. You quickly pulled away from him and that only made his heart break more than it already was.
“We’ve been looking for you everywhere!” Said one of the bridesmaids Luke has never seen before, he assumed that it was from the side of the groom as well, just like everything else “The ceremony is about to start, we need to go now!”
She quickly grabbed you by the wrist and practically draged you to the ceremony hall.
You were desperate. Your pleading eyes searched for Luke, begging for him to do something. But what could he do now? His shocking state left him standing right there with his eyes glued to your figure being dragged away somewhere he didn’t know you wanted to be. It all happened so fast that the only thing he could think of was that this might be the last chance he’s got to see you and all he could do was stare into your pretty eyes cloud with fear and tears.
‘Here comes the bride’ started playing through the speakers of the church and Luke clenched his fists to his side. You hated this song.
He went back to his seat minutes after the ceremony started. His three best friends were looking at him with curiosity and a thousand questions in their minds. They knew the minute that they saw you come in that those tears were not of happiness and, judging by Luke’s hard, emotionless face, he had something to do with it.
Throughout the whole ceremony, Luke couldn’t stop staring at you. It was eating him inside the fact that he knew you didn’t want this and yet you were still going through it. He couldn’t understand why. He is losing you right before his eyes and he couldn’t take that.
He knew that the moment you say ‘I do’ would be the moment his soul would die forever.
He knew something was wrong. He knew it the moment he parked the car in a freaking church and your eyes filled with tears just confirmed it to him.
“Luke, are you okay?” Michael whispered once again, concerned about the white knuckles on his best friend’s fists.
He loves you. He loves you so fucking much and he can’t let you do this.
He won’t let you do this.
“If anyone can show just cause why this couple cannot lawfully be joined together in matrimony, let them speak now or forever hold their peace"
“Fuck it,” Luke said before standing up.
In one second, all eyes were on him. He could feel the stares of strangers, the judgy whispers of the families, and even the shit-eating grins from his best friends sitting beside him. But all his attention was on you. On you and your relieved face.
“I object to this union,” He said in a firm voice that overshadowed the murmurs, leaving everyone completely quiet.
He could see your eyes clouding with tears and the way your lips seemed to be saying his name in one breath. That was all he needed to keep going.
Luke took a few steps to the side, walking until he ended up in the middle of the aisle, looking at you and only you.
“Y/N, I love you,” He said, earning a few gasps from the public “I love you since the day I met you, the day I first asked you to be mine, and even on the day I lost you. I was an idiot who didn’t know how to take care of the magic we created and decided that it was best to let it go before it went out of hand. But you, you always believed in magic; you always believed in me and, Y/N that’s why I’m here telling you that I am still in love with you. And that you are making a big mistake here, just like I did when I lost you. But we are still on time to make everything right.
This, however, is not right and you know it. Where are you in all of this? Do they know your favorite flowers or that your favorite song includes a swear word? Do they know the way you take your coffee or your favorite colors? Do they know how much you love to dance, especially when no one is watching?
I know you, baby. I know you enough to say with certainty that this is not what you wanted. I know how much you love rain and how you wish time would stop every time you take a shower so it could last longer. I know that you cry during every movie, even if they have a happy ending because you always believed in them. I know you never want to break someone’s heart so you are willing to take the hurt as long as the other person is okay. I know that my biggest regret is losing you, cause you are the only thing I got right in my life.
You are life, fire, spark, patience, and love. You are the kindest person on earth and you deserve so much more than this world could give. No one deserves you, darling but I would spend the rest of my days trying to.
I’m in love with you Y/N L/N. Please, don’t- don’t marry him”
Luke’s eyes were watery as he swallowed down a sob on the last part of his speech. His eyes never left yours for a second as his body visibly shook with anxiety and fear, waiting for your answer.
You, on the other hand, were smiling through the tears “I love you too, Luke” You said loud enough for all to hear, and Luke felt like he could breathe again, a smile growing wide as he let a few tears roll down his eyes.
You ran down the aisle to his arms, fully sinking into them as you wrapped your arms around his waist. Luke’s chuckle reverberated through his chest as he picked you up and spun you around in your wedding dress, finally putting you down and looking right into your eyes, now clouded with happy tears.
“I told you you were going to look beautiful in white”
He kissed you with all the love he had in his heart. It was honest, pure, and filled with happiness as the two lovers finally reunite, making the entire church erupted in cheers.
The groom, however, didn't share that excitement. He was fuming red as he started walking towards Luke with his groomsmen, calling you derogatory names as he was ready to start a fight.
“Oh, fuck no” Said Calum, walking down to the middle of the aisle along side Ashton and Michael, creating a safe distance between the two of you and the fight that was about to start. Phillip was not happy, but before he could give the first punch Calum’s fist was already on his face, making him tumble back with a bloody nose “Take that horse lover!”
All hell broke loose in the middle of church as punches were thrown carelessly. The three Australians seemed to be winning the fight with ease, beating the asses of your now ex-fiancé and his friends.
The public was too distracted by the fight to notice how you walked away from the aisle as you cheered on your friends to kick their kneecaps. Luke took your hand and pulled you towards him, still laughing as he began tugging on it for you to follow, and so you did.
You ran as fast as you could, leaving everyone behind without a second thought. The only thing in your mind being the love you had for each other and how you won’t take it for granted this time.
“I love you,” He said as you reached the car, placing his hands at the side of your waist and leaning in for a kiss filled with adrenaline “I fucking love you, Y/N”
You wrapped your hands around his neck and kissed him back with all the love you kept from him during all these years “I love you too, Luke. We are meant for forever”
“Forever and beyond”
It was a crazy sight from every point of view. The man with the messy hair and the girl in a wedding dress kissing in the middle of a church parking lot while the guests all peered from the entrance of the building, four of them bleeding through their nose with tears in their black eyes, and three of them with their clothes all messed up and sweaty, smiling triumphantly as they watched their friends live their love again.
With one last kiss, Luke helped you get inside the car and he quickly got to the other side, starting the engine just in time to hear the bells chime. Marking the start of your real happily ever after with the love of your life.
Tags: @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @mystic-232 @talksoprettyjjx @theshyspy @sarcasticallywitty15 @hoodhoran @flaneurcth @notinthesameguey @myloverboyash
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littlesniggy · 3 years
My Man
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Anon: Hii there hope ur having a great day . I just a Zoro female yandere reader and I think I'm hooked 😐 on yandere reader so can we have one with shanks and if its not to much to ask a part 2 of Zoro. You don't have to do the part 2 if u don't feel like it thought. [Female reader ]
Have a nice day💝
Hey Anon, thank you for requesting! I'm so happy that you liked my Zoro x Yandere! Reader! I don't know if I will make a part two of the Zoro one though. This one is not nsfw cause I think this way it's a little more sinister. It is also more of readers internal thought process than a lot of interaction with Shanks but maybe I'll write a part two (if people want to) that is nsfw.
Also warning for anyone who doesn't like reader not getting along with other crew members since this reader is jealous of literally anyone (Which is NOT normal behavior, for anyone wondering lol).
Warning: toxic behavior, mention of sex, reader needs to see someone with her issues, reader needs to chill, threats
Pairing: Shanks x Yandere! female reader
Word count: 1.6k
You were sitting at a beach together; warm breeze gently stroking your face, the soothing sound of the waves landing on shore and the cheerful laughter or the other crew members made for comfortable atmosphere. At least that should be the case. Your eyes were glued to you captain talking to Benn, booze in his hand and laughing his ass off to something his right-hand-man had said. Angrily, you clenched your teeth but tried hiding the fact that you were not pleased about this situation.
Why was he talking to Benn over there when he could sit and talk with you over here? You emptied your cup and filled it up immediately, wanting to drown this feeling of anger. Shanks didn’t seem to notice and kept telling story after story, much to his crew’s amusement. Fine, you thought, getting up from your place and staggering over to where he was. If he doesn’t want to come to me I’ll go to him.
The red haired male looked up when he saw you coming over, smiling his usual drunk and dorky smile and made you sit right next to him while draping his arm around you. “There you are! Why didn’t you come earlier? You were sitting there all by yourself, Y/n-chan!” he laughed, kissing your cheek with his wet lips, pulling you closer to him.
You giggled, leaning your head against his shoulder after giving it a small kiss as well. “I thought you would come over to me.” You answered, your sweet smile never leaving your lips. Shanks laughed even harder, his whole body shaking as he did. “You should’ve called me over then!” The rest of the crew joined in his laughter, making you feel embarrassed and angry at the same time. Internally, you would’ve loved to just punch each and every one of them for laughing at you but you needed to stay composed.
“Benn was just telling me how-“ but you cut him off, pulling his face towards you and kissing him as he was speaking. The man was surprised but didn’t complain, reciprocating your kiss which turned more and more heated by the second. The crew around your sheered you two on but you tuned them out. When you broke the kiss you looked into his eyes, then moved closer to his ear, biting at its shell. “Why don’t we find a more secluded spot and get some time alone?” you asked in a suggestive voice, feeling excited goosebumps on his skin. You just wanted to get him away from them. You wanted to have him for yourself!
It wasn’t that easy to get him away from his crew when you were on the ship. After all, he was the captain and it wouldn’t be good if he was missing the majority of the time. Each time he spoke with one of his men you just watched from afar, your stomach boiling with anger. You wouldn’t call it jealousy, this feeling – that was reserved for insecure people. You just wanted Shanks for yourself and yourself alone. That was something completely different!
Out of the corner of your eyes you saw Benn approach you with his usual stern expression. You liked him the least because he was the one your man spent the majority of his time with besides you. And that pissed you off.
“Everything okay, Y/n?” he asked. You smiled at him, nodding your head as a confirmation. “Sure. What should be wrong?” you wanted to know, eying him secretly. “You just seemed a little upset, that’s all.” “I’m fine but thank you for asking.” Benn nodded and looked over to Shanks who just finished talking. You were sure Benn wanted to talk to his captain but you didn’t like this idea. So, before he could walk over to the red-haired male you skipped over to him yourself, giving Benn no chance to talk to him.
“I love you.” You said in a low voice before kissing him on the lips, creating a barrier between Shanks and Benn who stopped in his tracks behind you. Shanks chuckled and looked down at you, a gentle smile on his lips. You wished you could look at his face like this forever but you were sure Benn would start occupying his time if you didn’t play your cards right.
“At the last port I bought this new outfit and I wanted to show you how it looks….interested?” you asked, pressing your body to his and kissing his bare chest. Shanks smile grew wider and he was already pulling you towards his room. “Captain, can I talk to you for a minute?” you heard Benn call out for him but you made sure to push him inside his room and closing the door behind you. Benn could get lost for all you cared.
You knew Benn got suspicious by the way he behaved around you. He was colder than to others and was always watching you. You didn’t like it. Who does he think he is?
But you had enough when Shanks pulled you aside one day with a slightly concerned look on his face.
“Y/n-chan, we need to talk for a moment.” You stomach dropped and you followed him tenuously to his room. He sat you down but didn’t take a seat next to you on the bed. “W-what is it?” your voice was thin, looking up at you boyfriend in concern. Shanks rubbed his neck, not knowing where to start.
“You see….the crew is getting concerned that I might be spending a little too much time with you that I should be navigating and being their captain. Don’t get me wrong, I love spending time with you but I can see how I might be neglecting my duties as a captain.” He said, looking quite uncomfortable. Anger started to boil in the pit of your stomach but you didn’t show it. Instead, tears started forming in your eyes.
“A-are you breaking up with me?” you sobbed, your vision slightly blurry due to the tears. Shanks immediately crouched down in front of you, taking your hands in his. “No! No, no, no, no, no! Not at all! That’s not what I meant!” he exclaimed, trying to calm you down. “Benn was just concerned about me and my job as a captain, that’s all. I wanna be there for you but you must understand that I also have to be there for my crew.”
That fucking bastard. How dare he try and push me away from Shanks?! You. Were. Furious. “I’m sorry I am clingy! I’m sorry I care about you! I’m sorry for being a burden to you! I’m sorr-!”
“Stop! No, don’t be sorry! You’re not a burden to me. Not at all! I love you, Y/n-chan! Stop saying something like this, okay?” he was really concerned; he didn’t want you to feel guilty about loving him and wanting to spend time with him. It was only natural, wasn’t it?
Shanks pulled you into his embrace, placing his chin on yours and stroking your back gently, letting you cry on his shoulder. He felt awful about this. He was making himself responsible for your crying. His presence helped you calm down along with his reassuring words that he was sorry and didn’t mean to hurt you. But you weren’t listing to him.
In your mind you were already making Benn pay for what he’d done. You wouldn’t be able to hurt, let alone kill this man but you would make damn sure he would never think about sabotaging your relationship with him again.
“How did you do it, Y/n?” you heard a familiar voice from beside you. You were sitting on a beach, watching the calming sea and hearing the screeching of the seagulls above you. You looked to the side, a warm smile on your face. Benn looked down at you with a frown, his body posture told you he was wary and on edge.
“I don’t know what you're talking about.” You replied, making him ‘tsk’. “We both know what you’re doing here, Y/n and I warn you. If you get in our, in his way of becoming the next pirate king I’ll make-“
“You’ll make me regret it? And how if I may ask?” Benn was silent, his eyes just boring into yours.
“What do you want to tell him? That I’m bad for him? That he maybe should consider breaking up with me cause I might get in his way?” you stood up, holding you chin up high with a smug smile.
“Cause that worked out brilliantly the last time, didn’t it?”
“You manipulated him.” He flat out stated but you just shrugged.
“Some tears here, some blowjob there, you gotta keep the man on his feet and interested in you. And I make damn well sure he will never get tired of me.” You said, slowly walking past him.
But before you were too far away, you turned around one last time. “Oh, and just so we’re clear. If you ever talk to him about me again in a negative way, maybe I’ll let it slip that a certain first mate tried to hit on me or even tried to force himself on me. I mean, what other reason would you have to make Shanks spend less time with me other than for you to have a chance?” you saw his face contort into a snarl, his fists clenching and unclenching. “He wouldn’t believe you.” You tilted your head to the side, the smile on your face not wavering.
“Wanna find out? He is my man and I don’t want anyone to come between us, understood?”
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thekingdomofelfhame · 3 years
Jurdan Fanfic: Jealousy
Summary: Jude feels that Cardan hasn’t been giving her much attention since she came back from the mortal realm after visit her sisters. She decides to play a game with him when an opportunity arises at a party...
I am not surprised to see Cardan lounging on his throne, extremely drunk, the bloodcrown resting on his brow. He wears one of his ridiculous robes, one with a massive number of black feathers stretching from his shoulders to his ankles.
How does he not trip in such extravagant clothing?
I snap out of my thoughts as I feel a hand on my shoulder, heavy yet comforting and I turn around to see my twin sister, Taryn, her hair tied up into a beautiful bun, making her hair look like a rose. She is dressed in a forest green gown that glimmers like a thousand emeralds in the moonlight, her legs showing from the slit in her dress.
“Hi. So what are you up to nowadays?”
“Oh. You know. Trying to correspond with the low courts, crushing small rebellions and other usual stuff. Honestly, I have not been able to find time for myself”
“And that is why I want you to meet someone”
“What are you up to?”, I ask suspiciously and she just gives me a sly smile before saying, “Come on! You are going to love him”
Before I can protest, she takes me by my hand and drags me through the crowd to a grey-haired man with blue amber-lined eyes, a tattoo partially covering his arm.
“Hey, Sky!”, Taryn says excitedly.
“Hi, Taryn. I did not know you would be here”, he says, his voice deep and smoky. His eyes shift towards me and my midnight blue dress, “this must be your twin sister. Judy? I am guessing?”, he says, extending his hand to me.
“Jude”, I snap and reach out to shake his hand, simultaneously giving my sister an exasperated look as she leaves me with him. Taryn has been dating quite a few guys since she killed Locke and each time sets up a meeting between me and her date, just so I can give my judgement and it has been worse than hell.
I skim the crowd to find Taryn, giving less attention to what Sky is saying; something about him being a wildlife photographer or something. I can’t seem to find Taryn and it makes my blood boil until I find Cardan’s black eyes upon me, not paying attention to the Fae standing beside him. That is when it hits me.
Not giving me much attention have you? Too bad. Let’s play a game
I turn back to Sky who seems to have finished his story, “So, what about you? What is your occupation?”
“Really? Taryn did not tell you”, I say, twirling my chestnut curls, “I am the seneschal”. I lie with ease as I feel Cardan’s gaze on me, sending a shiver down my spine. And yet, I continue to flirt with Sky as he continues to flirt with me and the only indication of our silent flirting was the smirk on his face and the smile on mine.
I feel as if I have flirted enough as I turn around to see Cardan, his eyes filled with fury. He jumps up from his throne and walks towards us while I pretend that I am oblivious of him, oblivious of his fury, oblivious of the fact that I was his wife and he was my husband.
“And that is how I met Taryn”, he says, waiting for me to speak.
“I wish I was there. I would have witnessed your cuteness long before my sister”
We both laugh at that but soon stop when Cardan interrupts, his hand firm on my waist.
“Please do entertain me with one of your jokes as well”, Cardan says, his voice rough. 
“Oh, hey, Cardan! I almost didn’t see you there. Sky here was just telling me about himself”, I say exhilarated before turning back to Sky, “You should really tell Cardan about your time with the whale”
“I do not think that will be necessary”, Cardan interrupts, clearly exasperated.
“And why is that?”, I question him.
“Because, Jude dearest, we have to leave”
“What about--”
I don’t even get to say goodbye to Sky as Cardan pulls me away, his breath ragged with anger and I am certain I would have a hand-shaped bruise on my waist in the morning.
I protest all the way to our chambers while Cardan remains dead silent and does not utter a single word until we reach our chambers.
“What the hell was that?!”
“It is not necessary for you to know”, he says calmly while locking the door.
“What do you mean ‘it is not necessary for you to know’? Are you crazy? Have you lost your mind? What will Taryn’s boyfriend think of you now? Huh? For God’s sake, answer me!!!”
He does not answer for a long time, just...stares.
That is when I draw the line and rush towards the door, “Fine. If you don’t wanna answer me, don’t. I am gonna go back to the party and clear your mess”, I shout and add, “Oh, and I will be staying at Vivi’s today. You can sleep here alone tonight”
I am about to unlock the door when his hand grabs a hold of my arm, turning me around to face him.
“Jude”, his voice is apologetically soft.
“What?!”, I am sure half of Elfhame must have heard my voice, “Cardan, I do not know what is wrong with you! You are not answering me! You have been ignoring me since I came back!”
His expression changes. His face is unreadable. 
He steps towards me, closing that last bit of distance between us.
“You think I have been ignoring you?”
“Aren’t you? Let’s take tonight, for example. What kind of a person leaves his wife alone in a party?!”
“Jude. You had company. What was his name? Sky, was it?”
“He is Taryn’s boyfriend! I only got stuck with him because of Taryn!”
“But you seemed to be enjoying yourself”, he looks down as his cheeks redden.
“I was only pretending for Taryn!”
Relief floods his face and his cheeks are now a striking red.
Is he blushing?
“Thank god you were only pretending because I swear he was looking at your body the whole time. I really wanted to punch him and I would have if it wasn’t for you”
“Cardan Greenbriar, are you jealous?”, I tease. 
He does not answer but instead kisses my neck.
His lips are soft and warm against my skin and the way he kisses me... soft and raw.
Finally, he pulls back and says, “yes” and before I can tease him more, his lips find mine. My hands go to his silky black hair that are now damp with sweat. His lips move along my jaw finally stopping by my ear to whisper, “ Only I get to touch you this way. Oh, and by the way, I was not ignoring you. I was simply giving you space to adjust as my Queen and Elfhame’s”.
If my heart could explode, it would have. 
He was so caring. Why did I have to be angry at such a beautiful and kind person?
I cannot control my emotions and, despite my attempt to blink my tears away, my eyes start bursting with them and my nose becomes runny.
Cardan must have sensed my flooding emotions for he pressed my head to his chest, one arm wrapped around my waist while the other playing with my hair. Tears trickled down my rosy red cheek that was now drenched in sweat.
“Jude”, Cardan says pressing a kiss to my forehead, “please do not punish me this way or I may go and do more than just punch that guy”. I laugh so sudden and hard that I wheeze.
“You know, no matter how upset I am, you always seem to make me laugh”
“Well, that is my job. Isn’t it, my sweet nemesis?”. With that, he kisses me again. None of us really sleep that night and the next morning I wake up with a hand-shaped bruise on my waist...
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Ashes to Ashes - Chapter 4
Warnings: Fever, needles (IV), unrequited love, anxiety, fear. Argument, mentions of kidnapping, mentions of assassination attempt.
Tag list: @shydragonrider, @equestrianwritingsstuff, @teheranb, @the-three-whumpeteers, and @whumpwillow and @brutal-nemesis (Hope it was okay to tag you.)
Chris sat beside Steve, trying to think of what to say to him. Rejection was never easy, and he’d had a crush on Zion for years.
“Your sister gives one hell of a slap.”
“Oh. So that’s what happened to your cheek?”
“Why’d she hit you? I mean, given all the fights she got into in school, I’m fully aware that she packs a punch… But I am surprised you were on the receiving end.”
“I told you. I got macho with that asshole Ryler.”
“Just how macho are we talking?”
“I grabbed his neck, well, under his jaw, and she clobbered me.”
Chris winced. 
“It bothers me more that she was defending that bastard than the fact that she belted me.”
“Well… She’s always been empathetic.”
“But he nearly killed her.”
“Yeah. And she shot him.”
“He got what he deserved. Why is she helping him?”
Chris swallowed, wishing he could forget what Zion had said that day. Right after she’d injured Ryler and he’d stumbled out, running off into the woods.
‘I know it sounds weird… but I felt… I felt almost some kind of connection to him. I could understand him.’
‘He’s a killer.’
‘I don’t think he enjoys it.’ Zion had said, hugging her arms. 
“Well… she did say something about him.” Chris muttered, hesitantly.
“What?” Steve looked up, his light brown eyes full of confusion. “What did she say?”
“She said that she thought they had some kind of connection. She understood him.”
“Isn’t that Stockholm syndrome?”
“No. She didn’t fall in love with him. If she had Stockholm syndrome, she wouldn’t have resisted, or shot him. And twelve hours isn’t long enough for someone to develop Stockholm syndrome.”
Twelve hours. It hurt Steve to think of how Zion must have felt during those hours, stuck in a train cabin with him.
He’d wanted her to be his cover. His way of getting on to the campus to assassinate a visiting politician.
Except Zion had broken free at the train station, and ran. He’d chased her back to the house, but she’d managed to grab the Glock that she’d bought for protection, and shot him in the ribs. When Steve had come home, there had been police cars everywhere, and Zion had been giving her statement.
She’d been praised for her bravery, and the police had immediately begun a manhunt.
Steve, after hearing the story, had hoped to Heaven that he’d never see Ryler again, at least, not outside of police custody. 
“She should hate him.”
“Mmhmm, but she doesn’t.”
“And neither do you.” Steve pointed out bitterly. “He almost killed your sister, Chris.”
“I know. But for her sake, I’m trying not to think about that right now.”
“How is this helping Zion?”
“It’s giving her some form of closure.”
“We have to turn him in.” Steve snapped.
“That makes me an accessory.” Zion’s voice replied. “Aiding and abetting a felon. So, I go to jail too. All of us do, actually.”
“Enough, Steve. You have no reason to be jealous of Jackson.”
“He’s taking you away-” Steve cut off, realizing what he was saying.
“Taking me away? From who? You? I was never yours. I was never going to be yours.” She took a deep breath. “I don’t love you. Not that way. I’m sorry, I never have. I never will. I love you only like a brother.”
Steve swallowed, nodding once.
“But it has nothing to do with Jackson.”
“How can you even say his name?” Steve demanded, rage knotting his insides.
“It’s not that hard to pronounce, Steve.” Zion snarled, all traces of softness gone from her voice.
“You know what I meant. Fucking hell, Zion, you have no idea what you’re doing.”
Her silvery-blue eyes narrowed in anger.
“Oh, so what? I need you to guide me through life? Fuck off.”
“Guys…” Chris was saying.
“This needs to be said, Chris.” Zion sighed. “Now, Steve, if my presence here is painful for you, I can go with Chris. If he’s okay with my bringing Jackson.”
“You don’t have to go, Zion.” Steve sighed. “I just worry about you.”
“I can handle myself.”
“I know you can.” Steve managed to smile. “Fuck it, give me a hug, girl.”
She did, a small giggle escaping her lips.
Just because she doesn’t love me that way, doesn’t mean I can’t be happy as her friend.
It felt good to not be angry anymore. Zion glanced at Steve, who was helping Chris set up an IV drip of over-the-counter antibiotics to help deal with the infection of the gunshot wound. 
The assassin murmured in his sleep, curling his legs up slightly.
Zion sat beside him again, lost in thought. 
When she’d first met him, he had been quite charming. 
Zion had bumped into a middle aged man, wearing a suit, tie, and a briefcase.
“Watch it.” He’d snapped.
“Sorry.” Zion had replied, doing her best to put on a polite smile.
“You should learn to watch where you’re going.” He’d scolded.
“And you should learn how to stop being a jerk.” A new voice had said. Zion had turned, rather amazed to see the handsome stranger behind her. “She’s already apologized.” He went on.
The man huffed, and moved on.
‘Thanks.’ Zion had said.
‘Any time.’
She was brought back to the present by her brother’s voice.
“Ready.” He was saying.
It took less than a minute for Chris to expertly insert the IV line in the inside of Jackson’s elbow. 
The assassin barely even flinched. His brow furrowed slightly, but he did not wake. 
“Hopefully, this will help fight the infection, and kick his fever.” Steve was saying.
Zion nodded, looking down at Jackon’s sleeping face.
It was dark out when Jackson woke up, the only light came from a lava lamp on the bedside table.
Zion was curled up on the other side of the bed, asleep. It took Jackson a moment to realize that he had an IV drip, attached to his arm. He didn’t want to risk any kind of drugs or poison entering his system, and immediately reached to pull it out.
“Leave it.” Zion’s voice said. Jackson twisted to look at her.
“How did you know?”
“Light sleeper.” Zion smirked, sitting up. 
“What time is it?” Jackson rasped. 
“Almost two in the morning.”
Jackson dropped back to the bed with a sigh. “What’s in that?” He asked nervously.
“Over the counter antibiotics. Nothing dangerous.”
Jackson winced.
“Just relax, I won’t hurt you.” Zion murmured. That was the last thing her heard before sleep claimed him again.
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