brainrotsova · 5 days
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A doodle of some Valorant agents. I wasn’t very happy with the omen sketch so it’s floating in the background
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brainrotsova · 13 days
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brainrotsova · 22 days
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brainrotsova · 23 days
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Deadlock is figuring out how her ult could work
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brainrotsova · 24 days
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WIP of Deadlock here, cant wait to show the rest here 💜
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brainrotsova · 26 days
Absolutely!! Let’s not forget that Alpha earth is not innocent either. In the Pearl cinematic, it is Alpha Earth agents that invade into a life support system that keeps a lot of Portugals citizens alive and well under water. Even if the agents didn’t know what they were doing, it was still a very sensitive and important place for the Omega earth.
I really wish we got POV’s or more information about Omega earth. Perhaps some agents even being convinced that they should help them out and create internal struggle within Valorant?
I think something that valorant fanon -- and tbh even canon -- misses out on is the real nature of the omega earth counterparts. It's not "evil clones/twins/mirrors/etc." It's "what if the same protagonists you like and root for were backs-against-the-wall-desperate, trying to save their entire reality as it crumbles around them." There's evidence to suggest that omega earth thinks alpha earth has somehow caused this, which is their justification for how devastating the spikes are; however, I'd like to point out that that might actually be true. We don't actually know for certain why omega earth is crumbling and alpha earth is mostly unaffected. Theories on that are worth a separate post, but I thought it was worth mentioning here.
Anyways. Tired of seeing canon and fanon default to "the other guys are bad guys!" just because they're the narrative's antagonists. The other guys are THE SAME GUYS with different circumstances. That's why both Chambers were willing to work together, and it's why alpha Sova didn't kill omega Sova on sight, even though he seemingly had the chance. In fact, I think we can infer a little more from Sova's incident: the alpha agents (or at least, some of them) fully grasp this reality. Why doesn't Sova kill his mirror? Because he knows that somewhere out there, a grandmother will weep when her little hunter does not come home. His grandmother, weeping.
They may play mean and dirty, but omega is desperate, not evil.
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brainrotsova · 27 days
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Welcome to Valorant Vyse!
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brainrotsova · 28 days
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Finished my clove art piece here ❤️❤️
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brainrotsova · 1 month
Omg sage!! Sometimes with high enough ping, my gun is also aiming at me instead of the enemies and that’s tbh a mood
This game has me in a chokehold
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brainrotsova · 1 month
Only on tumblr, I love it!! Please share the work in progress with us!! 🩷
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Accidentally found a clay 🤭.
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brainrotsova · 1 month
New poster - this time, with Sova and Deadlock!
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brainrotsova · 1 month
Woah momma, the deadlock fan art is going hard huh
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brainrotsova · 1 month
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All my Norwegian badass lovers unite
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brainrotsova · 1 month
I am so starved for sova content that it’s starting to get unhealthy I feel :/
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brainrotsova · 2 months
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Gekko and Reyna, she doesn't want the spike sadly
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brainrotsova · 2 months
“It’s 1:37 AM right now, I had such a productive day”Op said in complete and utter sarcasm
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brainrotsova · 2 months
Hunting Fae (α-Sova x ω-Sova) Pt.1
Notes: Fell in love with the AU of @theoasiris on Tumblr/Instagram/Twitter. I want to keep true to their vision while expanding the story and the situations that led up to it. Since this is based on the α/ω-dynamic of the Valorant lore, I plan on changing some things. Summary: Elf Sova is cursed with an near insatiable appetite for blood and flesh. The only person he can go to is his vampire counterpart. Despite them being enemies, Vampire Sova takes pity on the elf and offers help by offering his body to be devoured. Luckily for the vampire, his regenerative abilities can heal him with little to no repercussions.
Warnings: - Gore and blood -Mentions of battle Pairing: Elf Sova x Vampire Sova (Hurt/comfort or even Angst)🖤
Word-count: 3.6k words
Once upon a time, there was an curious elf who wished to make the world be filled with wonder once more. They researched many topics and spoke to many scholars. Until they heard of an artifact that could grant them their wish. The tales of this artifact made them set out on a journey to find it. However, unbeknownst to the overzealous elf, a powerful curse was placed upon it. Only the truest of hearts can break that curse and claim the wish as their own.
It took the elf many moons, but finally they found what they were looking for. The artifact, a needle and a red thread with an invisible ending and beginning, hung perfectly in the middle of a moonlit cavern deep in an evergreen forest. Hastily they made their way inside to retrieve the artifact, but the cavern knew of the elf's dark desires. The red strings coiled around the poor creature, entrapping them forever in this miserable place and transforming them into a creature of the night.
Every year, the crimson thread spun tighter and tighter around it's dark-hearted victim. The blood that dripped from them created a curse-filled mist that infected the land and wreaked havoc as far as it could reach.
The Dark Mists of the evergreen forest grew once more this year. Infecting creatures and growing its strength and size. The infected fauna made their way towards both Fae kingdoms. 
As all things in this world, the two kingdoms, otherwise known as the Seelie and Unseelie Courts, mirror each other in many ways. The Seelie, a court of light, life and joy and the Unseelie, a court of night, death and mischief. They were like the two sides of the same coin.
Two young men, and elf and a vampire, with considerable tactical skill and endless creativity guard their respective kingdoms. Both equally named Sova, the Champion of the Court. Between them and the Courts, there raged an endless war. But for the yearly threat, that is the Dark Mist, they set aside all their differences and lead their troops to battle the ancient evil.
The horde and the armies converged in a grand city. Rumbling the ground, the civilians hurriedly made their way into their homes. Shutting their doors and closing their windows. The Seelie elven Sova could hear the roaring of the cursed animals and decided to lead his elk cavalry to defensive positions. Once the dark tide of evil would approach their side of the battlefield, the fierce commander would order his soldiers to rain down arrows. The Unseelie vampire Sova and his troops would gather on the other side and ride their nightmares into the main battle. Slaughtering any dark beast that crossed their path.
Like any other year, the horde spread out and thrashed about to take anyone down with it. It would be mostly unsuccessful except the unfortunate few that fell to its grasp. If they were lucky, they would get a quick and merciful death at the hands of the two armies. 
This time it went differently however. The Elven Archers of the Seelie Court didn't stand idly by. Sova drove his elk steed to the main fight, mimicking the fighting style of the Undead Hunters of the Unseelie Court. This time, he wanted to fight the horde head on. To taste victory and elevate himself above the rest. If the lowly Unseelie can do it, why couldn't he and his troops? Did they even need the other Court to stop this yearly occurrence?
The vampire commander waited for the rain of arrows, but they never flew. Something was wrong. "Archers, to the front!" Sova yelled. He decided to take the matters into his own hands and ordered a quick reformation in their troops. The Undead soldiers readied their bows and waited for their new order. The vampire waited for a movement, searching for any disturbances or a sign from the Seelie.
Then he saw it, a lone white speck followed by an army of white fur hungrily speeding towards the mist of darkness and chaos. 'If we fly our arrows now, the Seelie might get caught up in them. Injuring or even giving them the idea we might betray them... Of course, it's always the Unseelie that will bear the brunt of the blame... His recklessness will drive our truce away.' the commander thought to himself. "There is a change of plans, we're going to follow our usual stance. Retrieve the bows and ready the cavalry once more" he orders once again to his troops. The disciplined Undead Hunters follow his orders and prepare to join the Elven Archers into the action.
The loud blow of the elven horns can be heard from forests away, the Seelie get encouraged by the bold display of their commander. They reach the gates and storm inside to face the danger ahead. Spirits high, they galloped their way into the city. Amidst their folly, a gruesome scene enfolds. Many-a soldier and beast fall to their doom. Guts, brains and any other body part flew freely in the air. The smell of the battlefield was filled with decay, rot and blood. But not that it mattered to Sova. Finally, he was able to take in the air of battle himself. Finally, he got to see the battle and feel its rush in the flesh and not on some dumb map. His enjoyment and adrenaline managed to give him an edge in battle, cutting down whatever beast he saw. 
Over-thrilled, he did not anticipate his steed to buck him off when the dumb creature encountered a massive possessed bear. The elven commander fell harshly to the ground and when he opened up his eyes again, saw his elk run off into the distance. 
Not quite recovered from his fall, Sova looks up to see the bear loom over him. He has never been this close to these cursed creatures and it sent him shivers down his spine. The crimson red eyes of the ugly creature shone brightly in the night. Never will he make the mistake of leading his troops to immediate battle, if that is, he would have another chance to see the Dark Mists. The creature bore his teeth. At the same time as the creature lunged forward to bite, the elf unsheathed the knife on his side and pierced the creature in his eye. The cursed beast still bit the commander, he yelled out a blood-curdling scream. The burning pain pulsed throughout his shoulder and he tried to stab the creature multiple times. Despite his condition, Sova heard a sizzling in the air. A lone arrow flew from the sky and pierced through the skull of the beast, killing it in an instant. He recognized the arrow. It bore the family crest of his vampire counterpart.
He pushed the carcass of him and luckily for him, a cavalry unit found him. They retrieved the wounded commander and escorted him safely out of the battlefield. On the ride, Sova desperately tried to keep his eyes open, but fell into a deep slumber.
Sluggishly, the elf opened his eyes. He was greeted with the dimly lit fairy lights in his spacious white bedroom. A small fairy was supposed to keep watch over Sova and let the rest of the elves know when he would awake, but she was currently bundled up in the corner of his pillow. Sleeping soundly it seems. The elf tried to remember what transpired before and when he managed to recollect his thoughts he took a look at his arms. No bite-mark to be seen, no wounds or any traces of an injury. Trying to not make any sound, he slowly pushed the linen bed sheets aside and silently walked over to the mirror.
Inspecting himself, he saw nothing that was out of the ordinary. But something was still not right. He felt some kind of desire... Not quite able to put a finger on it. The commander wasn't sure what he was feeling... Maybe he is hungry? His body just healed after all, probably due to the gifted healers in the palace. Taking a final look onto the mirror, he walked over to his wardrobe. Changing into his usual attire, he remembered the folly of his choices before. He had no idea what happened to the horde of the Dark Mist. Nor if they even succeeded in pushing it back. Mentally he braced himself for the council once he resumed his daily obligations. Before leaving the room, he gently picked up the fairy and put her in a more comfortable spot and tuck her in bed. Silly little thing spend a lot of time being bored watching over him. He decided its best to let her rest.
The grand halls of the palace echoed his footsteps. Despite the lights and marvelous architecture, Sova felt like the halls were desolate and empty. Yearning once more to go out into the forests and hunt to his hearts desire. 
He finally made it to his destination: the kitchen. The smells of different delicacies filled the air. Many fairies were busy preparing a luxurious banquet for tonight's occasion. The sight relaxed him, it seems like the horde was pushed out successfully after all. Perhaps it's not all too bad. Walking in between the servants, he noticed a wild boar that's being currently prepared to be spit-roasted. A couple of fairies held on to the body and a few others handled multiple knives to skillfully skin the beast. He couldn't help but be mesmerized by this sight. Skinning animals is something he has done before, but this time it felt different. The gnawing feeling in his stomach came back full force. He needed to desperately eat something.
Coming closer to the table, he demanded the fairies to stop their preparation of the boar. "Sir, we need this boar to prepare the Banquet. Per tradition and all..." a small sprite softly spoke to him. "Get another one then, because I want this one for myself." he said to the sprite, while trying to contain his growing hunger. "B-but... it takes a while to prepare one... Can't we offer you something else, My Lord?" stuttered the sprite back to him. The commander shot a surprised look at the servant. How dare she refuse his command?
"Have you forgotten your place? Speak sprite, what is your name?" he yelled at her.
"Dandelion, My Lord..." she almost seem to turn into a small ball of shame in front of him. The sprite didn't mean to anger him.
"Dandelion, continue to test my patience and I'll make sure you get banished from the Seelie Court. Now, be a dear and leave this boar to me. The rest of you, make yourselves useful and help the sprite prepare the other boar." He shoos away the fairies and takes up a knife himself to cut open the body. The blood dripped onto the floor. Carefully he cuts out a rib, his hunger urging him to finish the job quicker. Once he got a decent piece, he takes a big bite out of the beast.
It felt disgusting.
His stomach churned at the taste of the boar. The hunter knew it was a fresh kill, with blood still dripping from it. But why was he so dissatisfied from this? He kept trying to eat more, biting and cutting more pieces and spitting out every single one until nothing of the the carcass was left. Up until this point he wanted this so badly, but could not bring himself to take any other bite. It was just that awful. The servants watched him in horror and shock at such an indecent display, but they knew better than to catch his anger and continued on as if nothing happened. The Seelie warrior took his loss and decided to look for his answers elsewhere, leaving most of the servants confused but relieved.
Back in his bedroom, he took a moment for himself. Sitting at the edge of the bed in order to not disturb the sleeping fairy and cleaned his face off. Blood now smeared on the sleeves of his attire. He's at a complete loss at what to do. "What happened to me?" he thinks to himself. Well, he went in to battle the Dark Mist that yearly plagues the land. Then, he got bucked off his steed and fought a cursed beast. The thing bit him, but got rescued by his sworn enemy... This is the point that got a bit blurry to him. He recalls his archers and cavalry picking him up, racing through the city to bring him to safety. But he doesn't remember the ride back... Now he seems fine as if nothing happened, except that he craves blood and flesh... But not of animals... Reflecting back on his experiences made find more questions than answers. Disclosing such sensitive information to the Council or any other person in the Seelie Court, is asking for suicide. There is only one person he can go to for these questions.
The cavalry was ready to enter the city. The Undead commander hoisted himself on his nightmare and rode to battle. Once his army breached the city, they wreaked havoc on the enemy. Carefully surrounding groups of enemies and killing them. As clockwork, the commander drove through the horde and made swift work on the lesser-beasts in front of him until he heard a familiar scream. 
Instinctively, he changed his course and set out to the source of the sound. That's when he saw a giant cursed bear loom over his elven counterpart. The vampire hesitated for a moment. Should he go save him? Or should he stand-by to see what his counterpart would do... Despite the elf being his nemesis, he couldn't help but want a future where he could beat him in a fair fight. He shook his head and took out his crossbow from his back, aiming just right for it to dramatically enter the skull of the bear. Pulling the trigger, the arrow flew in the commander's predicted directory and hit its target. With this success, he decided he showed enough kindness to his enemy for now.
Riding back into the battle, he managed to grab the attention of the elves and instructed them to follow his orders. Not having any other battle tactic at the time, the elves decided its best to reintroduce structure into the fight and carried out his orders. In a once more united front, the commander led both armies to victory as they slayed every curse-filled beast in the city.
The news spread quickly in both Courts about the vanquishing. As a celebration the two Courts would alternate the hosting of the Victor's Banquet. This year, the celebration would take place in the Silver Palace of the Seelie Court. Sova was looking forward to the party. The last moment of truce before the war resumes between them. 
On the march back home, the vampire couldn't help but wonder why his mirror would abandon their near perfect strategy? They had perfected this battle down to the last details. This idiotic display made him really mad. It could have ended in a massacre, perhaps even of their own deaths... What if he hadn't ridden out to meet the elves and decided to let the arrows fly? He would have to find the time to speak to him at the Banquet. But in the meantime, he decided to keep the morale high and join in on the celebrations with his troops.
The Unseelie commander was welcomed back home with open arms. Many praises later and a feast in his name, he found himself back into his study re-evaluating the battle. But his quiet moment got disturbed by a knocking at the door. He clicked his tongue, not in the mood to be bothered. By not answering he hoped the intruder would leave him be. But the knocking got more urgent. It seems like it can't wait after all. He got up from his seat and with a sigh opened the door.
A disheveled elf with hunting gear, soaked in blood, stood before the door. "Evening, am I disturbing your beauty sleep?" the elf jokingly greets the vampire.
What a joke. He dared show his face in a time and place like this. Indecently no less, after a hunting trip too. "Get inside before anyone sees you. What is wrong with you?" he hisses back at him. The Seelie enters the room and closes the door behind him. Before answering he looks around the room and smiles at the cosy interior of it all.
"So you noticed it, already?"answers the elf as he tilts his head to the side.
"What? You're drenched and you reek of blood. Shouldn't you be organizing my Banquet back in your realm?" the vampire questioned.
"Oh that... Besides it's our banquet!-"
"Ours? You mean mine, right? You fucking abandoned our plan. Do you even know what you did? Or are you losing your little fairy mind?" the vampire growled at the elf. He couldn't understand his aloofness. This is beyond insulting.
"I think I might be losing it, yeah... Listen-"
"I'm listening, but this better be worth my time." interrupted the Unseelie one.
"Let me finish my sentence, damn it. I wouldn't normally ask for a favor, but I desperately need it right now..." softly whispered the elf. The vampire didn't make a sound, but the anger he displayed before seemed to make space for curiosity. "First of all, I want to thank you for saving me... and my troops... and well the entire Seelie Court and its pride..."
"Truth be told, I was almost convinced you were putting us in a disadvantage by breaking the temporary truce we have. If it was, I was going to assassinate you at the Victory Banquet..." replied the vampire back. He was lying about the second half. He would have tried to find some kind of reason during the conversation, as he knew that Sova wouldn't just throw away a promise like that.
The elf audibly gulped. "Well, in any case... I think I've been having strange cravings and-"
A blush crept over the vampire's face. "I don't know in what fantasy world you think you're living in. But whatever you're thinking, I must immediately decli-" A hard slap hit the vampire's face.
"WHAT!? Who do you take me for??!! I need your help with uncovering the reason why I seem to have attracted vampirism!" finally revealed the flustered elf. The vampire rubbed on his cheek to soften the pain of the slap. A bit embarrassed he came to such a conclusion. But the word vampirism caught him off guard.
"You don't just attract vampirism, Sova. You're born into it. Or in worse cases, you bargain with a devil about it." He took a better look at the elf in front of him.
"... I-it must be vampirism, because otherwise I'm all out of options. I thought you had to be embraced into it. Or like bitten or something... Fuck." The elf covered his face in shame and a slight desperation came over him. "I'm so fucking hungry, Sova. It's not even funny. I killed so many woodland creatures to satisfy myself, but nothing helped. There is a creeping thought that it might be a craving for humanoid flesh and blood... I want to desperately believe it's a dream, or just some fucked up nightmare." On the last few words, the young elf's voice started to shake. He was absolutely trying to hold back tears in his desperation.
The sight of him was that of a sick puppy asking for help. The frustration and fear was palpable to the Unseelie. Something stirred in him once more. Sova was compelled to help this helpless creature. It was one thing to deal with his mischievous nature as a fae, but to also have blood related cravings is a whole other mountain to topple. It was kind of endearing that he thought he would have the best chance to learn more about his condition directly through his nemesis. Blood, the vampire could handle. But flesh too? That changes a lot.
"Why me, Sova? Can't your council deal with it?" the vampire tried to ask. 
The elf fiercely shook his head. "Absolutely, not." replied the elf in the most sturdiest voice he could muster.
"Something is still not adding up. Is there something you're not telling me?" the vampire inquires.
The elf sighs and decides to come clean. "I was bitten by a cursed beast."
"Y-you... So... Ugh" The vampire didn't know what to say. There was a reason why they always slaughtered the bitten ones with the beasts. There is no cure for the curse. 
"You're a fucking idiot." he finally muttered to him.
There was a long silence between them. Both looking elsewhere but their counterpart.
--To be continued--
Part 1 | Part 2 | ?
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