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Cassidy - she/her - 25 - Requests closed indefinitely
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A Merry Christmas from Across the Universes
Andrew Garfield's Spiderman x Reader
Hey y'all! This was a Christmas gift for a dear friend and fellow writer @margowritesthings , so please enjoy! I'm feeling a little rusty but excited to write more. I'm finishing another Christmas fic for another friend, and I'll post that when I'm finished too :)
Faeries. In your world, they belonged in books and tales. They were cunning, deceptive, and always powerful. That was true of the ones you had met, but they were also the most caring, kind, and loyal. Rhysand and his brothers, Feyre and her sisters, and everyone in between had shown you friendship in this strange realm. It made things easier, but you missed your home and loved ones. You missed the humanness of it all. Most of all you missed-
“Margo, get back!” Rhys’ shout pulled you from your thoughts. He appeared in front of you in a blink, holding an arm out to protect you from harm.
Your gaze fell on the orange-yellow circle of magic that appeared in the air. It gave off a faint hum as the symbols around its border glowed. It was the same kind of portal you had seen Doctor Strange conjure a thousand times.
“He found me,” you got out. You stepped forward, mind spinning. Was this real? Could you finally go home?
“Wait, we don’t know if it’s a trap,” Rhys said, grabbing your upper arm to stop you.
“Let go. I’m going home, Rhysand. It could close any second!” you yanked your arm away.
“I’ve never seen this form of magic before,” he argued but respected your wishes to be let go of. You loved that about him. The time you spent here had shown you that he was a kind man who could be trusted, but you had a home and a boyfriend waiting for you on the other side. 
“But I have. I don’t have time to thank you for all you and your family have done for me, but I’ll treasure my time here. It’s time for me to leave,” you answered firmly, catching a glimpse of red and blue behind the veil of the portal.
“Goodbye then, Margo. Be safe,” he said, taking Feyre’s hand as she entered the room. A brief view of her face explained that she understood the situation immediately.
“Goodbye,” you called, before turning and jumping through the portal.
Warmth shrouded you for a moment as you passed through the magical gate, but then a shock of cold followed shortly after. It felt like jumping into a pool of water after being in a jacuzzi. 
“Peter!” you cried and flung your arms around him. Tears cascaded down your face as you hugged your boyfriend. He wore his Spiderman suit but had removed the mask, exposing his wonderful face. 
“Thanks, Stephen,” muttered the sorcerer behind you somewhere as he shut the portal. You would thank him in kind later, but for now, you just wanted to cling to Peter and have a good cry. You had spent such a long time stuck in that alternative universe and while it hadn’t been torture and pain, you had missed your world gravely.
“Are you alright? Are you hurt?” Peter asked, running a hand over your hair before pulling back to look at you. Tears of his own covered his face.
“I’m okay, are you?” 
“I’m okay, too.” he grinned and pressed his forehead to yours.
After a few moments, you turned and hugged the grumpy sorcerer who stood awkwardly beside you two. He made a sound of surprise but didn’t shove you away. Stephen would never admit to liking physical affection, but you knew it was true.
“Thank you, Doctor Strange. I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you,” you told him as you let go.
“It’s alright. It’s my job to uphold the timelines. Stick to your universe now, got it?” he replied sternly, but you knew he was glad to see you safe. 
“Yes, sir,” you laughed. He said goodbye to you both and then conjured another portal to take him home. 
It was then that you took in where you were. You found yourself atop a skyscraper at night with the glow of city lights shining brightly into the sky. The cold breeze bit your skin in your thin clothing and you shivered. The smell of the city was unpleasant after being in such a wild place, but you welcomed it wholeheartedly.
“I can’t believe you’re back. I didn’t stop looking for a way to find you, not once,” Peter said, pulling you back against him. He wrapped his arms snuggly around your waist and let out a sigh of relief.
You stayed there for a while, drinking in each other’s touch until you started to lose feeling in your nose and your toes. It had been much warmer in Velaris so you were dressed in very light clothing with only slippers on your feet.
“Let’s go home. I’m freezing to death out here,”
Peter nodded and pulled on his mask. Then, he stepped onto the ledge and offered a hand to you. You took it and he wrapped his arm firmly around your waist. He asked, “Ready?”
Peter tipped you both over the edge and you began to freefall towards those city lights you loved so much. The drop in your stomach, the icy wind, and the feeling of exhilaration never changed no matter how many times you did this with him. It was absolutely terrifying but amazing nonetheless.
He slung out a web to slow your descent and soon you were swinging through the streets you had missed. A short while later, Peter had brought you safely to the fire escape of his apartment. You had never been so glad to see a slightly rusty set of metal stairs.
“I’ll never get used to that. I-,” you began, but something caught your eye. Your gaze snagged on a Christmas tree decorated in a square a few blocks away. Twinkling lights adorned the roofs of smaller buildings around you and you tuned into a Christmas song you couldn’t name playing behind one of the walls of the apartment.
Peter, sensing your distress before you could even speak, asked, “What? What’s wrong?” He put his hands on your shoulders to steady you.
“What day is it?” you got out, fighting to stay on your feet.
“It’s Christmas Eve,” he answered, confused.
“I was gone for 12 days,”
“What? You were gone for seven months,” 
“Oh, god,” 
You could see the gears spinning behind his eyes, ready to launch into an explanation of physics and planetary speeds, so you appreciated when he said in terms you could understand, “Time must have been different wherever you were.”
“But that’s so long!” You gasped, “What about-”
“Doob has been staying with me for the last few months. Your landlord gave up your apartment once the NYPD declared you missing. I tried to tell them that you weren’t missing but just lost but they didn’t want to hear it. But don’t worry, your stuff is safe at Aunt May’s place. She’ll be glad to see you,” Peter launched into a nervous ramble about the series of events that had unfolded in your absence.
“This is crazy,” was all you managed before sliding open Peter’s window and heading into the warmth. You wanted to think about all of this but with blood in your limbs and your dog in your lap. And maybe a hot chocolate from your loving boyfriend.
“Doob!” you cried and flung yourself to the ground to pet your beloved dog. He was practically vibrating from the force of his tail wagging. You curled him to your chest and smothered him in kisses. His eyes glittered in the twinkly lights that Peter had decorated his bedroom with. You were fairly certain they were yours from your Christmas decorations, but you weren’t complaining.
Peter shut the window behind him after following you inside and peeled off his mask. He then quickly changed into sweats and a t-shirt before producing sweats, a sweater, and fluffy socks for you.
“Get changed into these. I’ll go make something warm for us to drink, okay?” he gave you an affectionate rub on the head before leaving the room.
You did as he asked and immediately felt better. Not only were you a thousand times warmer, but the clothes smelled like Peter. They smelled like the detergent Aunt May always bought, but they smelled mostly of him. It had been getting harder to remember while you were away and forgotten how pleasant it was.
Suddenly, you found yourself wet with tears and then Doob’s tongue shortly after. The reality of what had happened caught up with you. You fell through a crack in the universe and had been missing for months as far as Peter and your world were concerned. You had missed his birthday. Hell, you missed your birthday. 
“Hey, it’s alright,” Peter soothed, entering with two mugs of hot chocolate. He set them on the dresser before scooping you from the floor. He set you gently on the bed and placed Doob back on the ground.
“I missed so much,” you cried.
“It’s okay! Look, I took pictures for you while you were gone. Do you want to look through them?” he snagged his camera from the nightstand and waited for your answer.
You nodded, trying to dry your face with your sleeve but failing miserably. Fresh tears ran quickly at the thought of Peter being so convinced that he would retrieve you, that he documented the events in your shared life for you to view when you got back.
Peter showed you some pictures of him and your dog from a few less-than-safe heights, your family celebrating your birthday, Aunt May and Doob celebrating his birthday, a confusing photo of Peter next to two others wearing Spiderman suits, and finally, a few he had snagged of Doctor Strange and the magical building he worked from.
“You didn’t miss much, I promise,” he said, setting the camera down before cupping your face in his hands. His skin was warm and his touch kind.
“I wish I could have taken photos of where I was. It was like a place from a fantasy novel, I swear. They had powers, too. There weren’t really any buildings you could swing from though,” you told him, cracking a small smile.
He pulled away to grab your drinks, “Oh yeah? Did I see a man with wings with you?”
“You saw him? That was Rhysand. He’s one of the rulers of the land,” 
Peter handed you a mug, “Do they all have wings?”
“No, not all of them,” you began, taking a sip of the hot chocolate. You rearranged yourself so that you sat against the wall side of the bed. 
“Tell me all about it, and then we’ll head to Aunt May’s in the morning for Christmas brunch. She’ll be so happy you’re back,” he smiled fondly at you, reaching forward to move a lock of hair out of your face.
“God, I missed the food. All of theirs was so fancy all the time. It was like having a dinner for a king at every meal. Sometimes I just wanted a grilled cheese, y’know?” you laughed.
“A man with wings who feasts like a king, huh?” he teased lightly.
You nestled against your boyfriend and began to tell him the tale of your journey. You were finally home safe and it was that relief that gave you the strength to admire the fun parts of your adventure.
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The Lethal Protector
Warning! Spoilers for Venom: the Last Dance (2024)
Eddie Brock sat upright, dripping with sweat, and grabbing his chest. His eyes flicked first to his hand and then his chest. Following that, he checked the room for threats. There were no aliens, humans, or otherwise that appeared from the shadows to kill him.
“I miss you, buddy,” he murmured aloud for the thousandth time. His best friend in the whole world, perhaps the whole universe, was dead and gone. The thought left a gaping wound in his heart. How could an invincible alien that could shapeshift be truly gone?
Eddie staggered from bed and grabbed the bottle off the nightstand as he trudged to the kitchen. He only stubbed his toe once as he made his way in the dark. He tried not to think about how fast his pain would disappear when Venom had been with him.
Flopping onto the couch, Eddie tipped the bottle to his lips. Stale, warm, beer met his tastebuds and he groaned. He set the bottle on the table and placed his head into his hands. He had his life back after being on the run. He should be investigating again on the streets, but Eddie was afraid. He was afraid of how soft and vulnerable he felt without Venom. He had crept into the Life Foundation research lab with nothing but his outrage, and now he got drunk on weekdays and mourned his best friend. He was pathetic.
Turning on the television, Eddie tried to watch the news and get inspired. He wanted to write again. He needed something to get his mind off Venom. He spent the early morning hours hoping to find something else to get his hands dirty with.
Suddenly, something pounded against his door. Eddie flinched and got to his feet. He called out tentatively, “Who is it?” 
Eddie approached the door slowly and peered through the peephole. An unfamiliar man stood there. The man answered, “Delivery for Eddie Brock.”
“Delivery?” Eddie repeated. He opened the door after a few moments of deliberation.
“You Eddie Brock?”
“Y-yes?” he replied, noticing the man was covered in dirt and didn’t have shoes on. His clothes were torn and he seemed to have nothing with him.
“Here,” he grabbed Eddie’s hand.
Suddenly, a familiar black substance rose to the surface of the man’s dusty skin and rushed onto Eddie’s. Venom melted into his system faster than he could blink. He felt a brief chill as his friend spread.
“Venom?” Eddie gasped.
Hello, Eddie. I missed you.
“I missed you, too, man. Are you alright?”
I am still recovering. I have not eaten enough to heal completely. I didn’t find any bad men to eat on the way here.
Eddie chuckled, “That’s okay, buddy, we’ll get you something soon,”
The stranger looked close to tears, “He threatened to kill me,”
“Oh! Uh, thank you and… I’m sorry. He isn’t very considerate sometimes. He did just get doused with acid and then blown up with a grenade, though. Here, take this,” Eddie got out his wallet and handed the man the change he had, “Keep this between us, okay?”
In a daze, he took the cash and left. Eddie slammed the door shut and strode to his bedroom to get dressed. Venom was going to be hungry and there was no way he was leaving his apartment in his underwear. The Hawaiian shirt and crocs had been a new low and he vowed to never let that happen again.
“How? How did you survive?”
I can regenerate from a fraction of myself. Strickland found part of me in that bar in Mexico. During the fight with the xenophages, that part of me was safe in some sort of glass vial. I escaped and found a bug to bond to. Then I came to find you, Eddie.
“That’s great. I can’t believe you’re here,”
I’m hungry, Eddie. His organs looked very tasty but I didn’t eat them.
“I’m proud of you, bud. C’mon, let’s go get you something to eat,” Eddie snorted, grabbing his jacket and throwing it on.
Are we the Lethal Protector again, Eddie?
“Yeah, sure. We’re the Lethal Protector,”
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Day 1 - Movie Night
A/N: This is the first day of @obiknights wwdilfcember!! This is not my first piece of writing, but it is my first piece of writing for my new tumblr. I hope you all enjoy. It's rather short but it was fun to write. Also, I tried to be as gender neutral as possible! I am not very good at it because I am used to writing f!Readers. Either way, I hope you get as much serotonin as I did while writing this!
Pairing: Triple Frontier Boys/ Reader (platonic relationships)
Word Count:
Warnings: a few curse words, friendly banter, and teeth rotting fluff
Trying to watch a movie with four grown men turned out to be a more difficult challenge than you ever thought it would be. You sat back and watched the four of them argue over what we were going to watch. Will wanted First Blood, Santi wanted The Expendables, Frankie wanted Lone Survivor, and Benny wanted Sand Castle. You knew in the end the final decision was up to you. When their heads all turn to you, you knew it was time to make a decision. Before any of them could ask you what you wanted to watch you blurt The Expendables. Santi lets out an excited holler and pushes Will’s shoulder. 
“I told you they’d pick The Expendables!” His excitement is contagious and you let out a laugh shaking your head. 
“It was not an easy choice Santi, they were all great choices.” You tell him, your smile growing wider. 
He nods his head and dips down to grab your dvd from its respective place on the shelf and pops it into the player. All of them scramble around like ants trying to find the perfect place to sit. Benny ends up sprawled out over the lounge chair, his long legs hanging over the edge. Santi plops down next to you on the couch and steals your blanket. Will settles down on the other side of you with a bowl of popcorn in his hands. You stare at him for a moment, when did he go do that? Frankie sits on the floor at your feet and props his arm up on your knee. You knew he wouldn’t be comfortable down there for long, eventually you would go and grab him a chair. 
The movie starts and the five of you zone in on what’s happening. You had seen the movie several times, but it was still good each time. It brought you a sense of joy that you only got from specific movies. 
“Oh fuck me!” You all turn your  heads to Benny who sits up in the chair. 
He looked exasperated, his hands pushing into his hair in frustration. 
“What?” Will asks, concerned for his brother. 
“The guy I was supposed to fight just backed out. Now I don’t have a fight before Christmas to make some extra money.” His tone drops at the end. 
“You can make money some other way Benny, it’ll all be okay. Don’t worry.” You tell him.
“Yeah man, maybe we can become strippers for the holidays or something.” Santi pipes in, you can hear the smile in his voice. 
Benny’s eyes light up like he was suddenly considering it. 
“Yeah no, I am not doing that shit.” Will says, making you cackle. 
You see the edges of Will’s lips turn upward. 
“Oh come on! The girls would love you Will!” Santi shouts. 
You shake your head, you knew Santi was fighting a brick wall on that one. You look down at Frankie who sits quietly, unphased by Santi’s chaos. 
“How about we bake stuff or something like that?” Frankie suggests, still immersed in the film. 
“That’s actually a really good idea. And something we can all do without having to take our clothes off.” You tell them. They all let out laughs at that. 
“Well, unless you wanted to, I guess. Maybe we will make more money.” You laugh once more. 
Benny nods his head in agreement. After the movie ends the five of you begin planning your Christmas bake sale and stay up into the early hours of the morning. Laughing and being together and while enjoying each other's company.
Tags- @obiknights @cyroku @all-hallows-evie @iloveyouwhiskey
@ohpedromypedro @clints-lucky-arrow @inkandbloodbound @thighs-of-betrayal-blog @star-whores-a-new-hoe @sunrise-river @criminaly-supernatural
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Show Oak some love!!! Phenomenal Mad Max work 🥵🥵🥵
(I'm still inactive but I want more of you to appreciate good writing 😘)
AN: Alright my lovelies I am back with something I wrote quite a while ago. This is a very vulnerable piece for me. I have been anxiously waiting and wondering whether or not I would post this piece. A few of my dear friends on this platform have already read this piece, and a few of them have encouraged me to take the leap and post it. The following piece below will be strictly 18+. I strongly encourage that minors DNI. This is the first piece of smut I have ever written so please bare with me. This is unedited other than the fixing of a few visible errors. 
Word count: 2725+
Pairing- Max Rockatansky x female reader
Warnings- smut, depictions of scars, mentions of abuse, foul language, semi-graphic depiction of gore. 
This story could be triggering to some. Please please read and listen to the tags. 
Keep reading
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my followers can have two requests tonight, as a treat 😂
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Hiya! :) Just wanted to pop in and say I am very glad I found your masterlist, really like your writing! If you have the time because I noticed the requests are open (unless I read it wrong, then please disregard this) could you consider writing Alfie Solomonsxfem!reader enemies to lovers with the trope oh my god they were roomates? Can be modern or in 1920s whatever you choose but I'm a sucker for Alfie <3
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The Baker - Alfie Solomons x Reader
A/N: Thank you so much!! 🥺💖 I tried to write it so that it could be modern or 1920s. Enjoy!
Taglist: @sweetiekokkiri @haphazardhufflepuff @tarafaithe @mrsstevenbuchananstark @imagine-richards @hxnky-cat @lunarthoughts
"Oh, you've got to be kidding me," you groaned, staring in disbelief at the basket of bread sitting atop the broken pieces of what was once your kitchen table.
Your roommate Alfie was driving you insane. Tommy had arranged for you to stay with him, against both of your wishes.
"What the fuck is this?" you called out, knowing he was here. You knew the man's schedule so that you could hope to avoid him.
"Bread," came his muffled response. You were instantly seeing red. You snatched a bread roll off the top and went to go find him.
"What happened to my table?" you demanded. You had planned to chuck the roll at him until you saw the blood.
"Bit of an accident really," he shrugged. Alfie was covered in someone else's blood.
"Did someone break in?" you wondered, your anger disappearing like fog in the sun. You remember unlocking the door...
"A client of mine was feeling a little greedy, right. Followed me home. But he won't be a problem," he answered, standing. You stared at him in wonder.
"Won't happen again," he gave a sarcastic smile and then stepped around you and into the washroom.
"You're a baker," you got out, confused. You stared at the roll as if it would give you a clue.
"Among other things," he nodded, pulling out a cloth and turning on the tap.
"Let me do that. You'll probably break something else," you muttered, putting the bread roll down and taking the cloth from him.
You wet the cloth and took his hands in yours. Gently, you dabbed and cleaned the blood between his fingers and around his knuckles. The tell-tale signs that he had beat someone senseless.
Trying not to look up at Alfie, you thought about the time spent living there. Now that you thought about it, nothing he had done had ever proved that he was a bread baker. He was probably playing the same games as Tommy, only with a disguise on top instead of being out in the open.
"I am sorry. I will buy you a new table," he said, sounding more gentle than you had ever heard him.
You looked up in surprise, only to find that he was much closer than you thought. When did he start looking that handsome? Wait, no, what were you even thinking?!
"Thanks," you got out, feeling the tension in the room skyrocket. You were trapped between him and the counter and he wasn't moving.
He leaned forward and for a wonderfully horrible moment you thought he was going to kiss you.
When he grabbed the bread roll, you let out a laugh and shifted out of the way. You ran the cloth under cold water to prevent it staining and then left it to dry.
"Did you try the bread?"
"Wh-" you began, turning to face him once more.
He held a piece of the roll between forefinger and thumb, and motioned for you to open your mouth.
Internally screaming, you let him feed you the bread. Nothing could have prepared you to go through so many emotions today.
"It's amazing!" you gasped as it practically melted in your mouth.
"You can have the rest. I made it for you," he nodded in satisfaction.
You thanked him, and then quickly left the room.
Snagging the basket off the rubble of wood, the smell of fresh bread made your mouth water. Dammit. Alfie would be the end of you.
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Can we get some tired Tommy just flopping on-top of his partner and getting his hair scratched a little?? Bb deserves all the love and rest in the world, I want him to lay on top of me like a weighted blanket and have his hair played with while he uses my tiddies as a pillow
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Soft as a Pillow - Thomas Shelby x Reader
A/N: This prompt is so 🥺
Taglist: @sweetiekokkiri @haphazardhufflepuff @tarafaithe @mrsstevenbuchananstark @imagine-richards @hxnky-cat @lunarthoughts @tranquility-or-chaos @captivatedbycillianmurphy
You watched as Tommy paced the room, socked feet thumping quietly along the floor.
The fire crackled softly in its place in the corner. The burgundy curtains were drawn shut to keep the night from pouring in. Candles flickered on the vanity and the nightstands. Your bedroom was the picture of coziness.
"Tom, come here," you said, trying to break him out of his own mind.
"Hm?" he murmured, squinting at the wall before turning to cross the room again.
"Tommy!" you called more sharply.
He blinked, "What is it?"
"Come here," you repeated, lifting up the thick duvet.
He nodded, and stubbed out his cigarette into the ash tray on the vanity. Slipping his suspenders off his shoulders first, Tommy then climbed onto the bed.
Thomas climbed on top of you and rested his head against your heart. You hummed in satisfaction and placed the duvet over him. His arms wrapped under you and around your waist as he settled in more. He was effectively using your chest as a pillow. As he should.
Gently, you began to run your fingers through his hair. The shaved part of the sides was longer than it had been in a while, and it was soft now instead of the stubble it was before. You wondered when he'd stop asking you to shave it for him..
"Thank you," he said, eyes lightly closed as he enjoyed your fingers running along his head.
"You'll figure it out. You always do," you assured him, knowing he was wearing himself thin as he tried to think of the next plan of attack.
"God, I love you," he murmured, voice muffled by your nightgown.
"I love you," you smiled, and the both of you fell asleep like this.
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I'm just over 600 followers!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! 💖
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Hm wow okay so I've been binge reading all of your works as you know and I really want to request something. However it's really hard for me to even come up with an idea that you haven't already done? All I can really think about is something with protective Tommy. Like say he and the reader aren't necessarily together yet? But hes very protective of her and she like I dont know maybe gets kidnapped? Or maybe she just gets attacked in an alley and Tommy saves her. And then it can be kinda calming and romantic because I live for that. I think its a bit choppy but I tried 😅
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Importance - Thomas Shelby x Reader
Possible TW: Kidnapping, violence
A/N: My first official request in 2021! Thank you, Oak!
Taglist: @sweetiekokkiri @haphazardhufflepuff @tarafaithe @mrsstevenbuchananstark @imagine-richards @hxnky-cat @tranquility-or-chaos @captivatedbycillianmurphy
Being alone in London at night and as a woman, was not a good idea. Intrusive thoughts of being mugged or attacked kept circulating your mind despite trying to stay calm. You only had a few blocks to go before you could enter the safe haven of a Peaky Blinders run club.
Those few blocks could make all the difference to life or death.
"Hey!" a voice called behind you, and you instinctively spun around. Oh, n-
Before you could turn back to flee, a gun was cocked and aimed at your head. The man holding it had his hat pulled so low that the moonlight cast his face entirely in shadow.
Your chest tightened and your stomach twisted into knots.
"Turn around slowly. I need you alive but if you run I'll have no choice," he warned, accent throwing you off for a moment. He was American.
"What do you want?" you demanded, focusing on the fact that he wasn't going to kill you. You wished you had taken Tommy's advice to carry a gun with you. He had trained you personally to fire such a weapon, but couldn't convince you to keep it on you.
"It's not you we want. It's your boy, Tommy," he scoffed, stepping closer. You took a step back in response.
You called back, "You've made a mistake, then. We're not together. I'm not important to him. Using me as bait won't work."
"We'll see about that!" he snapped, lunging forward and grabbing your arm. The cold metal of the gun against your temple made you gasp.
Panic was rising in your chest as the man began to drag you from the alley. Thomas and you had flirted for some time, but that didn't warrant saving. He probably wouldn't care to come find you wherever the hell this man was taking you, and that broke your heart.
Knowing you'd never be seen again if you let him take you, you began to weep. In despair, you hit him as hard as you could with your purse then wrenched your arm free.
Sprinting towards the street, you cried out as a bullet ricocheted off the wall and flew past your head. The surprise made you trip, and you tried you best to stop your fall with your hands and knees. Scrapes and bruises would cover your skin tomorrow if you lived that long.
Luckily for you, your plan worked. Someone heard the gunshot.
"Y/N!" the voice of a saint called out your name.
"Tommy?" you wondered, eyes blurry with tears.
"There he is," came your attacker.
"Here I am," Thomas agreed, stalking toward the man. You knew that tone well enough to know what Tommy was about to do. His voice turned to steel whenever he was angry.
You wiped your eyes just in time to watch Tommy knock the man's gun aside and punch him across the jaw. Quick as lion finding the throat of its prey, Thomas took the man's head in his hands and slammed it into the alley wall. Blood sprayed instantly, covering you, Thomas, and the walls with red droplets.
Unable to take your eyes off Tommy, you watched him land punch after punch to the other man's face.
Satisfied he wasn't fighting back, Thomas let the unconscious man fall to the ground. He took your attacker's gun and tucked it into his belt. Then, he came to you.
"I'm so glad to see you," you got out, voice thick with relief.
"Are you alright?" Tommy asked, helping you up. He cupped your face with his clean hand. His eyes had never seemed so blue than this exact moment.
"Yes, yes, I'm fine. A bit banged up, but fine," you told him, nodding.
"Why are you here?" he wondered gently, wiping your tears away with his thumb. You bet his other hand was hurting pretty fiercely.
"Why are you here?" you retorted with laugh.
You both answered in unison, "To find you."
Tommy snorted in amusement. He asked, "What was he going to do?"
"Kidnap me to use as bait. I kept telling him he was grabbing the wrong woman," you explained, sighing.
After a few moments of silence he said, "It would have worked. I would have come for you,"
You were shocked, "You would?"
He nodded and kissed your cheek. Tommy then continued, "Will you carry a gun now? For me."
You pulled him in for a hug. Fresh tears pricked your eyes. You had gotten it into your head that Tommy didn't care for you, and it blinded you to the truth. You were as important to him as he was to you.
"I'll always come for you," he murmured, and kissed the top of your head.
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Me thinking about Peaky Binders s6 …
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Also me knowing its the last season…
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I can't write much today because it's my grandma's birthday (she lives w me) but the announcement of the start of filming for Season Six is so exciting!!!! It's bittersweet. I got my best friend to watch the show with me last year (or the year before maybe) and I have fallen in love. Someday, when it's safe, I'm getting a Peaky Blinders tattoo 🖤
- Cassidy
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Friendly reminder that my requests are open again!!!
- Cassidy
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2021 Masterlist
Last Edited: 01/26/21
2020 Masterlist
2019 Masterlist
Peaky Blinders
Tommy Shelby
Soft as a Pillow
Arthur Shelby
John Shelby
Michael Gray
Alfie Solomons
The Baker
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I'm so sorry to bother you but I couldn't leave your blog without telling you I threw my phone across the room after reading that one request and scrolling down to see you titled the piece "Bi The Way" it made me laugh and I haven't done that in a while so I wanted to thank you.
Hahaha thank you!! It's no bother at all! I love getting feedback on my stories! 💖
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also wanted to really quickly jump in and say thank you for following me! I never dreamed of having 500+ people following me 🥺 if anyone ever wants to reach out, my dms are always open ❤️
- Cassidy
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My requests are open again!!!!!
Please ask away! I apologise in advance if I don't answer your ask. The only reasons I wouldn't do so are if the ask contains something I'm uncomfortable writing, the ask is too confusing for me to understand, or I don't feel as if I can do the prompt justice. Besides these things, I'll try my absolute best to get to them! :)
- Cassidy
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