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py6oto · 1 year ago
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so much purple!!!!
purple's my favorite color. along with every other color.
"i am a regular, mature citizen who can take place in regular, mature activities and is able to enjoy two pieces of media at once without having to combine them into one" said pyto, combining two pieces of media into one
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attractive-nuisance-esq · 1 year ago
I am but one pathetic bisexual David Jenkins cannot just give me Taika with a messy bun and Vico Ortiz in rope armor and fishnet sleeves and expect there not to be consequences
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rairolin · 1 year ago
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leo "death omen of horrors" is the name of your favourite band. Leo. 🎃!!!
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Finally I can delete this tiny screen from my REFERENCES folder. finally. press. the. delete.
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topsyturvy-turtely · 8 months ago
i just got to be cursed
first i throw some nailpolish down on the tile floor which of course breaks and is not only all over the floor, on the couch but also my legs - and i mean like from between my toes up to just above my knees! then i rush to wash it off my legs because wtf.
(btw i couldn't find my glasses during that whole fuck-up.)
in the shower it doesn't get off (because i was busy cursing when that little fukker fell on the ground; and being clueless what i should clean first: the floor or my legs - so by the time i got in the shower it had already dried)
not at all cleaned up, i grab the paper towel thing. which drops to the floor unrolls for at least a meter. then i grab the nail polish remover. which i then almost drop too.
when i FINALLY REMOVED most of the nail polish. (while a fly tyrannised me, constantly sitting down on my head.) i go to throw out the paper towels. and just as i was pulling out the trash can... SOMETHING JUMPS ON MY FUCKING FOOT. i am convinced it was a MOUSE. 😭😭😭
so i go to get a mouse trap from the garage. the mouse trap is behind a huge spiderweb... i can't get the mouse trap to work. i go back. panicking that the mouse crawled into one of my shoes so i put them away.
AND ONE OF MY SHOES IS FUCKING MOULDING?! i really gave it no reason to😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
like excuse me what?! how can all of this happen in LESS THEN HALF AN HOUR?!!!!!
PS: no i don't live in a trash can of a house. it is a very nice pretty place. some kind of deity or a ghost just thought it would be funny to curse me.
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yusuke-of-valla · 7 months ago
Me, successfully drilling one of two holes I need into the wall without injury or wonton destruction: Oh, this is easy! I don't know why I was so worried
*I cannot drill another hole like an inch beneath it no matter how hard I push*
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twinkmaxxing · 1 year ago
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we need to talk about legoshi’s little muzzle more
what the fuck was that
i’m so obsessed with it
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solivagantingrebel · 8 months ago
after i said that i immediately wanted to write again, fuck.
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galvanizedfriend · 9 months ago
Four Fictional Crushes
Tagged by @purplesigebert. Thank you, friend 💜
I sense a pattern with my TV crushes. - They are completely insane about their romantic partners, looking at them like the sun shines out of their eyes, would crawl through hell fire for them. But they also challenge them in several ways. - None of them are perfect little human beings. They all have flaws (some of them more than others lol) and questionable attitudes. - They're all dead 🥲
Will Gardner (The Good Wife)
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I never cried so much in my life as when Will died. I was depressed for a month.
2. Peter Quinn (Homeland)
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I will take up arms for Peter Quinn. He is one of the best love interests ever written (on top of being an all-around fantastic character) and I will never be ok with how the show treated him.
3. Klaus Mikaelson (The Vampire Diaries)
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I rest my case.
4. Ianto Jones (Torchwood)
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He's just a perfect mentally ill cinnamon roll.
Tagging @definedareasofuncertainty, @sekretny, @amandakc, @misssophiachase, @theshipdiaries, @marginally-accurate, @rosedforbes, @arrenemris, @artemisravencourtney, @bellemorte180, @idreamofspring1, @impossiblekryptonitecolor and anyone else who wants to do it!
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mossy-rot · 7 months ago
local emo boy devastated to learn that he was in the same state and could have easily driven to will wood's impromptu show in Illinois three hours after it ended in the same day he found out that he's gonna be out of country the day will wood is touring through his state
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lil-gingerbread-queen · 2 years ago
ROTTMNT Theme Desktop Icons
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I made some desktop icons, for Mac and Windows, and they're free because I traced them from the icons Donnie has for them (in the movie? I think?) and yes, I decided to do their traditional Hamato weapons, because I first wanted to do multiple versions, but I gave up (I like how I drew those turtles 1% of the time). I put the link for the instructions on how to change your icons in the ZIP thingy. Here they go:
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lonely-moon-artist-blog · 10 months ago
Some pony town skins I have.
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Nyesss, Gingi was the first one they seen EVERYTHIN.
I did em because I liked them the most at that moment. Hahah.
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silently shocked from my own life
The second is RANDAL SCANDAL!! Heh,, sorry my mind is all around I'm so excited.
He looks quite vanilla to me but that's ok.
Also there's a second version of him and no it's not the unhinged one-
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HE BLINKED WHEN I TOOK A PIC. Doesn't matter tho..
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Good luck with the robbery ☺
I'll stab ya with a gun
Then I did these two heheh I like em so so much.
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My dialtown selfsona oc is on there too hi.
I promise I'm planning on drawing them just wait till my AbelBunny brainrot calms down-
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The Roger.
Our little scared fernboy with prey shaped optical sensor.
I love him so much!!!
Please do not copy them all alright? You can take inspiration tho I would be really honored.
Alright byeeee. For now.
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sollucets · 8 months ago
my laptop is out of commission :<
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sillyguysss · 14 days ago
Do you think Sephiroth has 4 balls instead of the usual pair?
*opens Tumblr*
*closes Tumblr*
Okay joke over. Why would he have more balls? Like what would be the biological reasoning for this? That would imply that's its a genetic trait from Jenova but we don't even know if whatever species Jenova is from reproduces sexually. So dear person who asked me this why would he? If you have a grand idea slip in my inbox again but until then I would say, no he probably doesn't.
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simcardiac-arrested · 10 months ago
ough why cant i ever draw my favorite characters the way i want to draw them. Kicks rocks
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ifindtheartifacts · 2 months ago
Went to the bank because my dirty money that the Egyptians don’t want right? And the broker passed out in the bank so two of the others took him to the hospital. Anyway can I leave now?
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unhingedlesbear · 7 months ago
slept for like 2 hours and now I doubt I can get back to that
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