#Hurt Blitz
blitzwhore · 3 months
Thinking about this moment again—
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—and imagining what would happen if Blitz was badly hurt by a Goetia here. Maybe Blitz jumping in is just enough of a distraction that either Stolas or possibly Octavia (arriving at the scene just in time) are able to jump into action and get them both out of there through a portal, but not before Blitz is attacked and severely injured.
Thinking about Stolas rushing Blitz to a hospital, holding him desperately close as Blitz bleeds out in his arms. Thinking of Blitz being unable to speak, quickly losing consciousness; about Blitz feeling content and lucky that he gets to go in Stolas' arms, but remorseful that he didn't get to tell Stolas how he really felt before he died. Meanwhile, Stolas is moving heaven an earth for Blitz to be seen and treated immediately, only half-realising that his privilege as a Goetia might be the only thing standing between Blitz and death.
Thinking about Stolas in the aftermath, once the worst of it has passed. Blitz is alive, but still in critical condition, and is unconscious on the hospital bed. And as the hours go by Stolas wonders if he should leave, but he can't, because Blitz came back, Blitz saved him, despite it being a death sentence for him to do so. He can't go now. He can't leave Blitz's side.
Thinking, too, of Stolas, who has previously been at a party full of people dedicated to hating Blitz, now seeing the hospital room slowly fill with people who love Blitz.
His employees, Moxxie and Millie. They sit by his side for hours, whispering amongst themselves and occasionally talking to Blitz, updating him on their lives. Millie holds Blitz's hand in hers; Moxxie alphabetises all the gifts Blitz gets because he knows Blitz likes things organised that way. There's a lot of gifts in the 'H' section, of course.
Fizzarolli, who could never make the same mistake again and not visit his injured best friend at the hospital; and Ozzie, too, who is there not just to keep Fizz company but also because he cares about Blitz, because he knows just how much Blitz and Fizz mean to one another.
And Loona.
She's so quiet. She never speaks to anyone, mostly just scrolling on her phone, and barely ever leaves Blitz's side, not even during the night. Stolas doesn't know why; he doesn't know that Loona made a promise that she wouldn't let her dad die alone, doesn't know that he's all she has in this world and she needs him and she's scared, even if she would never admit it. But he can see that she loves him. That she cares.
Thinking about Stolas getting to see the other half of Blitz's rocky history with relationships. Getting to see all the people who care, who worry, who are thankful and loyal to Blitz, who couldn't bear to lose him. And thinking of Stolas realising that, just as he's far from the only one whose heart Blitz has broken, he is also not the only one who has felt awakened, embraced, seen, and freed because Blitz came into his life. He's not the only one whose life Blitz has saved.
Thinking of Stolas finally seeing the pattern. Finally understanding that Blitz keeps changing others' lives for the better, and being too blinded by his own self-hatred to realise it himself.
And thinking of Stolas maybe, just maybe, falling a little bit more in love with Blitz by seeing him through the eyes of every other person who has grown to love him. Of Stolas impatiently waiting for Blitz to wake up so he can join everyone else in loving Blitz the way he deserves to be loved.
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birdy-babe · 4 months
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It’s the way that Blitz had EVERY intention of going to save Stolas
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It wasn’t until M&M convinced him to let them go alone
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Which he even turned around and questioned “are you SURE you can do it alone?” Because if he had any doubt that there was a chance that they would fail to save Stolas HE WOULD HAVE GONE
So for everyone who hates on blitz for not going to save Stolas- HE WOULD HAVE IF 1. m&m didn’t convince him that they had it handled and 2. He knew Stolas was in REAL danger
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miyakuli · 4 months
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Goodbye, Blitz. 💔
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sneakingpasta · 4 months
The storyboards for this are crazyyyyy
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We got Blitz being an unbothered shopping king with a waist so cinched it could make the Haus of Holbein jealous
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See also: IMP being the monsters under Cletus’s bed.
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IMP chilling at the office
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What y’all with doomed OTP’s look like 👆
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Blitzfizz hyping up a chainsaw dick (no wonder the cherubs though Blitz was trying to commit murder goddamn)
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Blitz looking desperate and bargaining and Stolas just trying to block it all out (bro is high stepping his feelings out)
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Blitz’s ‘oh shit I fucked up’ face. Bro bethinking, rethinking, and overthinking
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Cute demon couple spotted
beautiful art by Salem the Squidder
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vaggietheangel · 3 months
"Awwww poor bwitz! Finally having to own that his actions affect other people's feefees!"
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"The worst part is you still make me feel like a bad person for being anrgy at you now."
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Girl no. You have every right to hate him. He bailed on her and robbed her because she told him she loved him. Verosika deserves so much better. She desvers someone that loves her back.
Verosika was honestly the best person to give Blitz this wake up call. Realising how much he HURT her and broke her heart made him feel bad. He knows he needs to do better now.
Verosika was so mature about this too. A lot of people would have just slapped him, but she actually talked to him. She may not forgive him (she doesn't have to.) But she knows he's not evil, just an asshole. He CAN change. She won't let her hate for him stop her from making that clear in her conversation.
She's also a good friend to Stolas when he needed one. Love you girl. ❤️
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tealvenetianmask · 1 month
I was chatting with @akirathedramaqueen about our fic, and in the context of that fic, she said that "sex is an instrument of avoidance" for Blitz and Stolas.
And that made me realize that in the show, at the beginning of Apology Tour, Blitz is using sex to try to be close to Stolas while avoiding talking about things that are too big and daunting and scary at the moment.
I'm not saying that he's right to avoid the important topic or try to push aside Stolas's feelings or deny him space. But . . . the guy's worldview just got ripped apart. And then foundation of that worldview is having sex with Stolas. He's trying to regain some normalcy.
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So am I defending him acting sexual here to an unhinged degree? Yes and no. But we should keep in mind that this behavior used to work. And if it doesn't work, he needs to . . . confront his fear of true intimacy and his own inadequacy? Just go on without Stolas in his life? Those are terrifying things.
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mintaikk · 3 months
Blitzø drew art of him dating Millie and Moxxie 😭
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aarafox · 3 months
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Did we all notice the massive broken heart behind Blitz when they zoom in on his face when he sees Stolas kissing someone else?
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neatfrog · 4 months
I’m honestly surprised at myself for not noticing/thinking about how Stolas was very likely triggered by Blitzø stomping after him and screaming/insulting him because he dealt with it so much from Stella. As someone who has *been* in an abusive relationship, it takes so long to get out of that fight or flight mindset where you just shut down the second someone starts yelling (at least in my case). It’s been like 8 years now and I still flinch at loud voices even if they’re not directed at me.
soooo yeah I don’t blame Stolas for booting him out at that point
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I think the worst thing about Stolas is that he's an absolute picture perfect victim in nearly every situation he's in.
He's endearingly, and relatably sad and insecure. He articulates his feelings and sets "boundaries". He admits that ".... GASP I'd be a monster if I let this relationship go on." He's in a loveless marriage and struggles with selfworth because of the abuse he faced as a child.
Everything about him makes all his behavior have this air of plausible deniability and excuses at the ready for any possible criticism.
Stolas is outright abusive and neglectful of his daughter, repeating the cycle, and regularly prioritizing sex over her mental health? No! He said he was sorry, :(((. His neglect is actually Stella's fault because she's such a BITCH that he can't focus long enough to notice that his kid is suffering.
Stolas has a emotionally and sexually coercive relationship with someone who he knows can't leave/break up with him because they literally need him to provide for his family and not die from poverty? Nooooo! He's insecure!! He just wants to be loved/desired and wasn't thinking clearly. He didn't notice all the blatant signs that Blitz wasn't comfortable with their relationship because....... Reasons!!
Stolas is classist, openly racist and demeans Blitz publicly and completely refusing to stand up for this relationship that he "cares" so much about? Nnnnnnnnnoooo, again! Insecure and sadboi. He was just embarrassed because he doesn't want people to rightfully judge and look down on him for abandoning his family to fuck some guy he just met. Thats not his fault!!! He even tried to emotionally manipulate Blitz into forgiving him by romantically leading him on after basically admiting that he doesn't respect or even actually like Blitz that much!!!!!!
Really, Blitz is the asshole there. I mean, what kind of a self hating idiot do you have to be to NOT immediately forgive the guy who thinks your nothing but a sex toy and when faced with the idea that your relationship is more then that, he acts like your disgusting and he's ashamed of you. Like, wow. He offered to hang out? Is that not fucking enough for you?
Meanwhile, Blitz just isn't really given the same grace. He's an idiot, he's an asshole for not talking about his feelings properly. He reacts badly to being accosted emotionally, and is blamed for not listening to his abuser's placating. Stolas is fair to be upset and want to be wanted after coming from a society where he means nothing outside of his ability to have children. But Blitz was fucking SOLD as a child. Considering how Fizz is also being sex trafficked by Mamm, and how "popular" he was as a kid, I can't imagine Blitz faired much better. Blitz was seen as worthless, only of use if someone bought him and forced him to do labor. All of which are things that heavily impact his relationship with Stolas. He isn't insecure when he's panicking over Stolas' offer, he's having a trauma response to the idea that he isn't doing his job as a body and product. Blitz has so much being held over his head. His daughter's future, his employees and found family, I hate that Stolas' stupid fucking emotional state is also something he has to handle.
All it takes for everyone to be on Stolas side, or to think Blitz needs to be more responsible to their relationship(the cheating accusations are fucking throwing me for a loop)is just some Therapy Speak and SadBoi Songs about how you're upset you got too emotionally attached to a guy you were assaulting.
Because Blitz is messy, and mean, because he's Fight and not Fawn, he's treated as the bad guy in this situation.
I think this problem comes up a lot in stories about mutually unhealthy relationships. I think about Spuffy a lot, where Buffy explicitly lead Spike on for literal YEARS, taking advantage of his feelings so she could feel good about herself and use him as a tool. And when Spike finally snaps(in an extremely out of character way btw)in Seeing Red, its framed like Buffy getting raped is her rightful punishment for being a tease. We don't address the ways she abused him until she's been punished, and we can use her abusive behavior to excuse and rationalize Spike's assault. Its no longer a conversation about unhealthy relationships and now is about how The Bitch needs to comfort and tell The Rapist that it wasn't his fault, it was hers!!!!! he's sowwy :(!!!
Similar problem with Stolitz I think. Blitz is shitty, he is mean and can be hurtful and manipulative. But we're only talking about it within the context of how Stolas needs to be coddled after being called out for his abuse. We could've handled this better. Considering the obvious care and EXTREME caution ValAngel got, I don't see why we couldn't have done that here. I don't understand why Angel gets special treatment and every other character thats sexually and/or emotionally abused gets treated as either a joke or just not given the same effort. They clearly can do it!! Because they literally did!!!!!! I love Angie and Fizz, but like man, we don't got the energy for anyone else, huh?
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akirathedramaqueen · 3 months
Okay, that's probably completely random, and way too philosophical, but hear me out.
Stolas pushes forward. Blitzø pushes away.
Stolas longs for connection; Blitzø is scared of it.
Stolas is a flow. Blitzø is an ebb.
Stolas reaches for the shore; Blitzø runs back as soon as the wave gets too close to it.
Stolas is Yin. Blitzø is Yang.
Stolas is passive and introspective, while Blitzø is active and extroverted. Though the pattern is different, it still holds true due to the different perspective.
But the idea is the same. Together they are whole.
They are literally designed to be like that. Their traits complement each other perfectly - the weaknesses of one are the strengths of the other.
If they were gods in their world, they would represent different polarities, with contrasting pantheons, but only with them together the universe could possibly exist - there is no light without dark, no fire without water, no life without death.
But they are out of balance. Their pasts threw them off their true selves, made them people they are not meant to be. It's as if the moon's gravity suddenly became too strong, causing tidal waves to destroy everything around instead of being an essential part of the ecosystem. It's as if they were koi fish swimming in the pond in a perfect circle, only to be caught and damaged, disrupting the harmony of the flow because of broken fins and gills.
They hurt each other and disturb the world around them because they are traumatised. They were created to be whole, but with chipped parts of their souls, they no longer fit.
The tradegy is that by the time they met, they still attracted each other, but they could not stand their new personas. And even more depressing is the fact that they desperately need to reconnect; without it, they self-destruct even more.
They need a lot of reflection and healing to recognise how perfect they are together, if only they give it a chance.
And we all wait for that moment to happen.
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lexieloo28 · 3 months
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I’m really glad he had that conversation with Verosika tho. She was really mature about it, and I’m happy to see Blitzø acknowledging that he really needs to change. I’m hopeful for the future :)
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birdy-babe · 3 months
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They are so tragic it makes my heart explode
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anemicjellyfish · 11 days
Trying not to think about Blitzø being pushed away from everyone for so long
From his family
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From his closest friend
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Trying not to think about Blitzø being sent away that night
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Portaled out so gently, without so much as a feather brushing against him
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And trying not to think of a future where Blitzø breaks and begs not to be left again.
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tears-of-xion · 4 months
Thinking about how, after Western Energy, after Stolas got hurt, one of the first things Blitzo did was to seek out his sister. How he tried to reach out, to help her. "Let me help you." He said, right after failing to help someone else.
And now, after Full Moon, Blitzo is once again in the position where Stolas is hurt, only this time it's much more clearly his fault, and unlike last time, Stolas is not going to be asking him to visit.
It makes me wonder if Blitzo is going to be the one seeking Verosika out. To try and reach out and make amends with someone who he might have hurt in a very similar way to how he just hurt Stolas. To say sorry, since can't say sorry the person he most wants to right now.
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drama-glob · 5 months
Something that's potentially going to make "The Full Moon" hurt even more or at the very least rub salt into the wound of Stolas and Blitz breaking up is if Fizz and Ozzie message them afterwards and ask how it went. Even though Blitz and Stolas seem unsure about how the other feels about them (or in Blitz's case can't admit to himself that Stolas might actually loves him), Ozzie and Fizz are both well aware of the signs that they care about each other for more than just sex/were basically told as much by both Blitz and Stolas themselves. Plus, with Blitz likely going to Fizz for advice and Ozzie giving Stolas one of his crystals, Fizz and Ozzie definitely are invested in their relationship and would want them to succeed. Only time will tell though how the breakup and repair goes down. :/
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