#Hungarian polytheism
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greenivydusk · 12 days ago
Simple Gratitude Practice
I just lit an orange candle with Hungarian runes to express my thankfulness to the Sun god of ancient Hungarian pantheon. He is sometimes referred as "A Magyarok Istene", often mistaken as the X-tian god. But no. They're two different deities, as researches have pointed out. Quite interesting how he was probably worshiped before the X-tian oppress nearly wiped out the traditions. Instead it blended welll within the Catholicism, among folk traditions, the church could never truly erase them. I am so thankful that I still can return to Him, whenever I feel the need of his comfort. Even just saying a little thank you, He is so appreciative of small honorings, devotionals and offerings. As long as it comes from pure intentions of the heart, he'll treat you kindly and gentle. Yes. I have refraimed my own practice and pagan polytheism, returning to my ancestry and ancient pantheon by reconstructing as much as possible from the folklore helped me to a bit be less scared of cultural appropriation and the internalized racism we were tought to brush under the carpet. It is not healthy, try to talk it out, journal about it, try to ask for guides on how can you manage your privileges in a better method. For me what gave a little boost is to support BIPOC/disabled witchy content creators, small businesses. From introspective journaling I have came to the conclusion on what dragged me into deep depression was the internalized learnt freeziness. Activism fatigue. Too many contradictory informations regarding the topic of decolonization, anti-racism, what counts as cultural appropriation and what not can lead to severe confusion and it can seem pretty horrific and as if I cannot do anything right as a yte cis-bisexual woman. Starting at somewhere is the hardest part of doing the right things. Self-hatred is still there... in thoughts like why i didn't started it earlier. Why I have not known about certain aspects? I'm not sure if anyone had experienced something similar...? I'd be happy if you'd share your experiences, probably it would help out others too in starting their own decolonization journey and healing from generational trauma.
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hadeth · 5 months ago
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عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ، قَالَ قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏"‏ قَالَ اللَّهُ تَبَارَكَ وَتَعَالَى أَنَا أَغْنَى الشُّرَكَاءِ عَنِ الشِّرْكِ مَنْ عَمِلَ عَمَلاً أَشْرَكَ فِيهِ مَعِي غَيْرِي تَرَكْتُهُ وَشِرْكَهُ ‏"‏ ‏.‏ صحيح مسلم حديث ٢٩٨٥
Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) as stating that Allah the Most High and Exalted said: " I am the One, One Who does not stand in need of a partner. If anyone does anything in which he associates anyone else with Me, I shall abandon him with one whom he associates with Allah." Sahih Muslim 2985 In-book reference : Book 55, Hadith 58
والعمل الصالح ما جمع شرطينِ، وهما الإخلاصُ للَّه والمتابعةُ لرسولِ اللَّهِ -صلى اللَّه عليه وسلم-، فإنْ لم يَكُنْ فِيهِ الإخلاصُ فليسَ بمقبولٍ، وإنْ لم يَكُنْ فِيهِ المتابَعَةُ فليسَ بمقبولٍ، ففي الصحيحِ من حديثِ أبي هُريرة أنَّ النَّبيَّ -صلى اللَّه عليه وسلم- قال: "قَالَ اللَّهُ تَبَارَكَ وَتَعَالَى: أَنَا أَغْنَى الشُّرَكَاءِ عَنِ الشِّرْكِ، مَنْ عَمِلَ عَمَلًا أَشْرَكَ فِيهِ مَعِي غَيْرِي، تَرَكتُهُ وشِرْكَهُ" (١)، هَذا دليلٌ على أنَّ غيرَ المُخْلِص فِيهِ مَرْدُودٌ، وَأَمَّا غيرُ المُتَابِع فِيهِ فلقولِ النَّبيِّ -صلى اللَّه عليه وسلم-: "مَنْ عَمِلَ عَمَلًا لَيْسَ عَلَيْهِ أَمْرُنَا فَهُوَ رَدٌّ" (٢)، ويَجْمَعُهُمَا قولُ اللَّهِ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ: {فَمَنْ كَانَ يَرْجُو لِقَاءَ رَبِّهِ فَلْيَعْمَلْ عَمَلًا صَالِحًا وَلَا يُشْرِكْ بِعِبَادَةِ رَبِّهِ أَحَدًا} [الكهف: ١١٠]…  كتاب تفسير ابن عثيمين
فأخبَرَ اللهُ عزَّ وجلَّ أنَّه يَتبرَّأُ مِنَ العملِ الَّذي لم يُخلِصْ فيه صاحِبُه النِّيَّةَ له سُبحانَه، وشابَتْهُ شائبةُ الشِّركِ؛ فيَرُدُّه على صاحِبِه، ولا يَقبَلُه؛ لأنَّه سُبحانَه لا يَقبَلُ إلَّا ما كان خالِصًا لوَجْهِه لا رِياءَ فيه ولا سُمْعةَ تُخالِطُه. وفي الحديثِ: أنَّ الرِّياءَ إذا دخَلَ في العِبادةِ؛ فإنَّها لا تُقبَلُ. الدرر السنية
The Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) informs that Allah Almighty said: I am the One Who is most free from want of partners. He is Self-Sufficient beyond the need for anything; and if a person performs any good deed and devotes it to Allah and others, Allah discards this deed and does not accept it from him, and He turns it back to him. So, we should make our deeds sincerely devoted to Allah Almighty, for He only accepts what is done purely for His sake.
Benefits from the Hadith ١- This serves as a warning about polytheism in all its forms and means that it prevents virtuous deeds from being accepted. ٢- Our sense of Allah's self-sufficiency and greatness helps us do honorable deeds with sincerity to Him. Hadith Translation/ Explanation : English Urdu Spanish Indonesian Uyghur Bengali French Turkish Bosnian Sinhala Indian Chinese Persian Vietnamese Tagalog Kurdish Hausa Portuguese Malayalam Telugu Swahili Tamil Burmese Thai German Japanese Pashto Assamese Albanian Swedish Amharic Dutch Gujarati Kyrgyz Nepali Yoruba Lithuanian Dari Tajik Kinyarwanda Romanian Hungarian Czech Malagasy Italian Oromo Kannada Azeri Uzbek Ukrainian: https://hadeethenc.com/en/browse/hadith/3342
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Some Foundationverse ideas
For those who don't know, the Foundationverse is a collaborative fictional multiverse based around the concept of a shady organization who, to put it simply, seeks world domination by containing anything they deem anomalous (sometimes arbitrarily, but usually not). The main foundation (pun intended) is the thousands of articles describing things they catalogue if not contain in a clinical fashion, and the most confusing part is that those articles were in-universe written in at least a few different parts of the multiverse, with some of those being more obvious than others. Therefore, some main-list ones have the same amount of all-around canon as the joke articles, especially most of the 001 set, a special set of mostly contradictory supposed origin stories.
The most popular aspects are some very specific articles, so much so that creativity surrounding that tends to not focus even remotely on the Foundationverse as a whole. As one who loves worldbuilding, I prefer to focus on that, especially the anthropological aspect.
Here are some ideas for concepts I intend to write stuff about:
GoI: Groups of interest (to the SCP Foundation, anyway)
The Homsar Reservation: The “The” is part of their name. This surreal humorist anartist (anart, as in anomalous art, artist) group frequently makes Homestar Runner and Battle For Dream Island references, although more as in organization than in their work. They have some hats that allow one to speak Homsarese, the language in Homestar Runner the very odd character Homsar speaks most of the time, which consists of what sounds like funny English word salad. They also frequently use some linguistic humor from Homestar Runner, such as unnecessary inclusions of ‘the’ before certain words and phrases, using ‘total’ and ‘style’ in strange ways, and using some made-up words from the setting. They also have bembers, bembs, and membs (an extrapolation of a BFB reference) in addition to members. Also, many articles would have a title based on a Homsar quote, which usually begins with “Uh-uh-uh-uh...”.
Brotherhood of the Fallen Knights: A Church of the Broken God (basically anachronistically advanced remnants of the Mycenaeans in-universe) sect from Medieval Europe with an Arthurian theme and, unlike most CotBG (Mekhanite) sects, has an interest in using cybernetics for the sake of resurrection. For reasons described below, they have a reluctant alliance with the Esoteric Order of the White Worm, and also several other groups Neo-Sarkic (see below) groups oppose, including but not limited to the Foundation. They also think the Horizon Initiative (an in-universe Abrahamic knockoff of the Foundation) is a front for Neo-Sarkic and Church of the Scarlet King (what Hollywood calls “satanists”, also what “Christian fundamentalism” is a front for in-universe) activity for religion-related reasons.
Order of the Dragon: The real life knightly order Vlad the Impaler was a member of, here a Neo-Sarkic (basically an extremely fucked-up body horror version of Christianity) order of Romanian fascist knights who, like any Sarkic croup, are diametrically opposed to Mekhanites, and in the Order’s case, that especially goes for the BotFN. The Order also really want to wipe out the Esoteric Order of the White Worm, a Hungarian-based GoI mixing elements of Proto-Sarkicism (what Neo-Sarkicism is a blasphemous heresy/inversion of, still body horror related but closer to Gnosticism) and Hungarian polytheism mentioned in a few articles. After Vlad got killed, actually by Foundation and Horizon Initiative members (see below), the OotD have been mostly inactive due to their self-imposed dependence on Vlad.
Forbidden: The real life Hashishim, here anomaly-using and still around. This cult of mercenaries and hitmen is largely shrouded in mystery, but they currently operate a bit like a mafia and have been involved with the Chicago Spirit (a group of anomaly-using gangsters) and Valravn (an anomalous mercenary group).
Thorncutters: A terrorist GoI that has literally waged war against certain Latinic letters (see below) and want to eliminate all evidence that said letters were ever used. They consider those who speak Icelandic to be their worst enemy to the point of wanting to round them all up in death camps. They also want to force c-with-cedilla to be fully replaced with c-with-comma, and the same for all cedillas, and hate the use of extra bars as a feature of some letters.
Eðheads: A group of scathing satirists and counter-terrorists consisting of those immune to the anomaly indirectly responsible for the Thorncutters, their greatest enemy. They also want to partially reinstate yogh (see below), among other orthographic changes in many languages, but they don’t do it through violence. They broke off from Gamers Against Weed (a group of anomaly-using internet trolls) because, in their own words, GAW can't take anything seriously, and also, GAW also can’t take the Eðheads sriously, and neither can a lot of GoIs. (The eðheads are on the eth side of which letter got replaced with “th” in English, a call-back to another SCP involving the namesake of the Thorncutters supposedly not having ever been in English, and it’s comparable to the thing down in Samothrace, another SCP)
Characters: These may be related to the above but don't have to even be involved with any GoI
Literally Me - Object Class: Literally Neutralized (formerly Literally Apollyon) - Literally a dumb teenage girl who literally thought “literally” literally meant “figuratively”, and also literally a type green. Any time she literally misused “literally”, that literally became reality. She was literally going to end the world, but she literally killed herself with the text “OMG, like, I literally just died laughing, lol”, which literally retroactively caused her to die laughing literally just seconds before. The excess uses of “literally” in the article are literally a residual anomaly that literally makes the article itself the new SCP of the same designation.
Nice - Object Class: Keter - An ultimately uncontainable narrative entity that inserts critical and/or humorous footnotes in whatever document it inhabits and said footnotes cannot be deleted while it’s in said document. It’s heavily critical of the Foundation and was made specifically to mess with them by Gamers Against Weed (a group of anomaly-using internet trolls and satirists), but even GAW finds it annoying due to its scathing yet genuine critique of anyone and anything it comes across. The title itself is based on the ‘LOL, 69’ trope, which it frequently utilizes. (The SCP number would be XX69)
Ankou - Object Class: Archon - A series of robots that greatly resemble human skeletons, and they were created by the Brotherhood of the Fallen Knights to guard various anomalous artifacts at cemeteries, mostly in Brittany. They do a better job at containment for several anomalies than the Foundation and some have even begun to see the Foundation as allies. They also wield high-tech scythes.
Shinigami - Object Class: Keter - A biomechanical pair of entities, a naginata-wielding armored samurai-like figure (-1) and a semi-skeletal equine steed with jet wings (-2), who are both members of the Forbidden (see above), ex-members of a Mekhanite sect, and have personally taken out various warlords and some known GoI and even Foundation members. The pair have inspired the Goetic description of Abigor / Eligos and to a lesser extent the modern image of the grim reaper.
🎵Nobody wants to see your butt🎵 - Object Class: Euclid - A man who considers his butt to be extremely breathtaking and wants to moon people with their consent for that reason. NOTHING, not even death, can stop him, and somebody will eventually get mooned by him. He also frequently sings a song he made up, “Everybody wants to see my butt”, in the tune of “Everybody wants to be a cat” from The Aristocats.
Eating Children for God - Object Class: Keter - A group of highly durable predatory cyborgs made into such against their will by a Mekhanite sect based on a parable with cyborg wolves eating Sarkic sheep, and said parable was interpreted as promoting eating “heathen” children alive by the ones responsible. Said cyborgs are known by inconsistent names (Mormo, Lamia, Empousa, Gello, Onoskelis, Abyzou) due to there being more than one and how spread out they were throughout ancient Greece. (Based on Greek mythology)
Son of the Dragon - Object Class: Neutralized (formerly Keter) - Literally Vlad the Impaler, not a vampire here but instead something far more dangerous, a karcist, and the former leader of the Order of the Dragon. He was murderously Romanian-supremacist and fetishizes impaling the innocent in extremely fucked up ways. Notably, when the Foundation and Horizon Initiative teamed up to stop distribution of some anomalous bibles (see below), a Horizon Initiative member revealed himself to be a Neo-Sarkcist fascist and tried to murder the others, starting with a black man, but the Brotherhood of the Fallen Knights intervened, giving the others enough time to neutralize Vlad by impaling HIM. The Order of the Dragon have been trying to resurrect him since.
Species: These don’t have to be biological as we know it
Kappa - Object Class: Explained - A species of semi-humanoid semi-aquatic sapient amphibians with turtle-like soft shells and some unusual biological features. For example, there is a “bowl” on the cranium where the branching gills are, this can’t be left empty for long or the kappa will have trouble breathing. Kappas also have 2 orifices near their anuses which they use to blast through the water, as they’re not very good swimmers despite being aquatic, allowing them to migrate and be away from a river or lake. Also, during the cold months, a layer of tissue will grow over their gill-bowl (They’re alluded to in some other SCPs, especially one which causes kappas to often get teleported to Mongolia for Harry Potter related reasons [I’m not making this up])
Arseball - Object Class: Euclid - The “shirikodama”, a nonexistent organ from Japanese folklore, here actually a parasitic invertebrate that inhabits mammal abdominal cavities. Other than it being antimemetic, its only actual anomaly is that it attracts kappas, which would remove the parasite from its usually human or horse host violently by ripping it out through the anus of the host. (The idea here is that, despite these creatures being naturally occurring, folklore is literally to blame for these things being anomalous at all, as Japan itself is anomalous in a folklore-related manner in the Foundationverse)
Korrigans - Object Class: Explained - A species of roughly dog-sized sapient mammals (either rodents, insectivora, or mustelids) from Breton folklore and known for their ferocious French taunting, and a possible source for Gloatre (see below). They also have ties to the Aquitanians, an ancient civilization of the menhir-making type that’s a cultural predecessor of both Bretons and “Basques”. (The latter is a call-back to the legendary city of Ys, an SCP here)
Rasknovik - Object Class: Ticonderoga - A species of clover with both antimemetic and metaphysical properties, and some animals are somehow immune to its effects. (It was alluded to in another SCP article)
Mapinguari - Object Class: Keter - A predatory bipedal species native to the Amazon Rainforest, which vaguely resembles a cyclops. They have an antimemetic property that prevents one from noticing the sounds it makes until they see it or otherwise know for a fact it’s there, and they’re also very hard to kill. (From Guarani folklore)
Rainbow Rhinos - Object Class: Explained - A species of Congolese rhinoceros that most paleontologists believe extinct, and it non-anomalously has a reflective property on its hide that has a shiny rainbow effect. It’s what is actually called the moleke-mbembe (a term meaning, among other things, “rainbow” or “rhinoceros”, despite what creationist propagandists falsely claimed for the sake of propaganda). (There is another SCP that’s an anomalous Congolese equivalent to Jurassic Park, but that has since been established to not entirely be accurate, even if the animals are usually more accurate than popular depictions of corresponding prehistoric animals)
Grootslang - Object Class: Keter - A southern African species of sapient omnivorous extant dinosaur (unrelated to that Congolese dinosaur area) that does not correspond to known fossil records, even to that which the Foundation has access to. It has features like the frill of a ceratopsian, the limbs of a theropod, a long serpentine tail, and an oddly baboon-like face with a trunk, a presumed evolution of a sauropod head. What makes them considered so dangerous is how territorial they are, and they will avoid eating humans unless out of starvation. While not anomalous in and of itself, pretty much everyone has no idea where these things came from, although the idea that they came from another universe is presented. (Based on southern African folklore)
Dwarves: A species of child-sized humanoids from another universe who are highly technologically advanced compared to humans, and the Foundation frequently deals with Dwarven technology.
Items: This does not include physical media unless the medium itself is anomalous instead of the information
“Uh-uh-uh-uh, I’m a song from the sixties” - Object Class, Euclid - The hats mentioned above, these are yellow bowler hats that anomalously stay on the wearer’s head until taken off deliberately. They also grant the user the ability to both speak and understand Homsarese, and the The Homsar Reservation uses them in part to keep others from gaining information without wearing one. The title is a frequent quote from said language from Homsar from the show.
Out of Place Anomalies - Object Class: Explained - A series of various ancient artifacts in places that they seemingly should not be at, such as Egyptian artifacts in Australia. The title is a reference to OOPART, a shortening of ‘out of place artifact’. This isn't even an actual anomaly, but instead evidence that the Foundation has been deliberately obscuring some big historical details solely to keep the status quo.
Agrippa - Object Class: Thaumiel - A comically large book that is also a living organism, specifically a Sarkic bioform. It exists to record knowledge its masters gain, especially spells, and a Foundation researcher has become the master of it when he found it in an ankou-guarded crypt. The trouble is, it acts as a parasite, meaning that the Foundation has to assign a new master every few years.
“Uh-uh-uh-uh, I’m a trendy totebag” - Object Class: Safe - A totebag which viewers will consider to be trending, which inevitably results in the totebag’s design becoming trending, and then it changes form, starting the cycle over again. It was created by a The Homsar Reservation bember in a bet with a Gamers Against Weed member.
“Uh-uh-uh-uh, I’m not gonna lie to ya, that’s a fine piece of real estate” - Object Class: Keter - A recurring and possibly contagious piece of graffiti in the form of a blue block Arial font “g” which makes the large enough object it’s on considered to be a fine piece of real estate. It was created by the The Homsar Reservation for pranks.
Clown Water - Object Class: Euclid - Water filled with algae that’s non-toxic, but still as disgusting as usual except to both anomalous and regular clowns, and is used by anomalous clowns frequently. The anomaly is in the algae itself, a species that’s symbiotic with some clown species. (Based on an in-joke)
OMG I can hear rapin’ paper - Object Class: Safe - A brand of glitter labelled “Rapin’ Sparklez” that, if used to decorate a piece of paper, said paper will come to life and origami itself into an animal shape to hump things. (Your Grammar Sucks reference)
Media: Includes typical media or mind-affecting things
...and the word becomes FLESH - Object Class: Euclid - A series of Christian bibles made with human skin and blook ink that carry Neo-Sarkicism-related cognitohazards. They were created to convert Christians to Neo-Sarkicism by the Order of the Dragon and were intended by Vlad the Impaler to replace regular bibles at every church, but Vlad got sealed away before that could happen.
Object Cognitohazard - Object Class: Keter - A recurring series of cognitohazards that affect certain object show (think Battle for Dream Island or Inanimate Insanity) episodes. Affected episodes are the reason BFDIA, Inanimate Insanity II, and all second object show seasons before Extraordinarily Excellent Entities were never finished here. The cognitohazard itself acts like a disease with the following progression of symptoms: the affected starts believing that they’re an animate inanimate object of the same manner as an object show (the exact details depend on a mixture of the show, the affected episode in particular, and one’s mannerisms in general), they start attempting the kind of things said object type should be able to do (often with horribly lethal results), and they then turn into the kind of object they believe themself to be if both having survived and left untreated. One researcher deliberately exposed themself to BFDIA 5f (the affected BFDI episode) for science, and they managed to survive as they have prepared for the symptoms, and they became an amnestic spray can. All -1 instances, those transformed, are immune to any further effects and can thus watch the affected episodes safely.
“Twas the pride of the peaches” - Object Class: Safe - An anomalous parody of The Night Before Christmas with the same rhythm but it’s all in Homsarese and means something different and makes just as much sense in context. It has somewhat similar properties to the Homsar hats but much more specific, and it also has an antimemetic property that convinces the reader and the audience that there’s noting unusual provided they’re unaware of the poem itself.
Help me clean up THE WORLD - Object Class: Neutralized (formerly Keter) - An internet-based memetic anomaly that spread through messages with contagiously bad English that gets worse and worse, created by Giftschreiber (a terrorist GoI that uses word-based anomalies) to destroy the English language in a hilarious manner. Luckily, Your Grammar Sucks, a show on the YouTube channel JacksFilms, was the cure, so the Foundation utilized that to neutralize the anomaly before English as a whole became worthy of the response “a what a fucke”. Gamers Against Weed only helped make that worse out of a mix of amusement and unsuccessfully trying to weaponize it against far-righters.
Dangerous LOLcats - Object Class: Keter - An online video consisting of laugh tracks superimposed over footage of cats doing silly things, which will cause any viewer who does not already find the actions funny to find them and related actions extremely funny when done by any given cat. The funnier the action, like for example, a cat chasing a laser point, the more likely the affected will literally die laughing.
"Uh-uh-uh-uh, let’s start the Johnsons” - Object Class: Euclid - The Big Fat (formerly known as The Fruit that It Bears and later as The Shape of Water), an eccentric rock group consisting of a The Homsar Reservation member, bember, bemb, and memb respectively (the implied ranking is just for laughs and doesn’t really mean anything). Their lyrics are of the surreal humor variety and the music itself is cognitohazardous and results in the listener having synesthesia, hallucinating dancing stickmen, and having a desire to do logically impossible things such as “chickening butts” or “stealing others in the face”. It’s popular in the anomalous world, and Gamers Against Weed members occasionally distribute legally purchased copies freely outside of it just to mess with the Foundation. Albums under the present name currently include “The The Johnsons” and “When Will the Dancing Man?”, and various songs include titles like “Twin Size Bed Dimensions” (as The Fruit that It Bears), “Republic Services” (as The Shape of Water), “Nobody Wants to See Your Butt”, all of which are covers with altered titles and lyrics. (Basically a SorrowTV YT channel reference)
The Godless Delusion - Object Class: Apollyon - A religious text created by SAPHIR/SAPPHIRE (an occult terrorist group that not only pretends to be irreligious but pretends anomalous things aren’t real in an unusual variation of taqiyyah [not even remotely exclusive to Islam, by the way, both in-universe and irl]), which they pretend is merely a fascist political manifesto. This work is highly cognitohazardous and memetic and will result in the reader being assaulted with psychic visions relating to the “Cosmic Starfish“ (see above) and past iterations of the Fifthist Church. (I’m thinking of the idea of SAPHIR here being the next iteration of the Fifthist Church, and also the ones somehow responsible for SCP-6500, which would have eventually directly resulted in the slow and painful end of the world in the universe it occurred in, given that this is the Foundationverse)
Concepts: These are more abstract than the others
Pattern Screamer Chess - Object Class: Euclid - A series of related and highly complex chess variants that use pieces that don’t exist (SCP-XXXX-1) in addition to those that do in the gameplay. This being the Foundationverse, the rules end up getting pattern screamers (a form of dangerous abstract entity) involved, and the events make it harder and harder to continue playing and have been known to result in the death of one or both players.
Lashes of Fire - Object class: Keter - An anomalous form of ritual murder that involves a sacrificial victim getting lashed with a special whip with small heated metal plates along its length, and said wounds being copied onto a chosen target. It originated with the Order of the Brazen Heart (an occult terrorist group originating in ancient Israel and a known enemy of the Foundation), and while the Foundation though they disbanded the OotBH, the head researcher of the SCP became a victim, proving them wrong. It was based on an extremely cruel Roman punishment inflicted upon Israelites, including Yeshua before he was crucified, and the SCP itself is the in-universe in-name-only basis for “Pulsa DiNura”, a supposed assassination ritual some hate groups claim to use when the death of someone they hate occurs (irl, in fact).
Gloatre: A language that in real life is a conlang created by Vordb, a French black metal and dark ambient musician. Here, however, the language carries an antimeme that prevents people from being able to figure out how it originated and gets more intense with each repeated attempt, which convinced Vordb that he made it up. Vordb did come up with the presently used Latinic orthography, though. While Vordb is considered a Person of Interest (PoI) to the Foundation, his real name is redacted in the article out of respect for his privacy.
The Greatest Story Never Told - Object Class: Ticonderoga - A potent history-based antimeme surrounding Yeshua, aka “””Jesus”””, which is ultimately responsible for all extant Abrahamic religions. Even the ancient Romans were affected, which led to them mostly trying to pretend he never existed at first.
Hello Kitty - Object Class: Explained - The behavior of parroting in cats, which is far less effective than from certain types of bird but still adorable. The Foundation found about it relatively recently and at first assumed that it was a cognitohazard exclusive to cats and ranked it Keter, leading to a lot of wasted time and money, which a certain footnote troll (see above) will constantly remind the Foundation.
The War Against Old Letters - Object Class: Cernunnos - A hostile memetic idea that’s the in-universe reason why such letters as Þ/þ (thorn), Ð/ð (eth), Ȝ/ȝ (ghogh), Ƿ/ƿ (wynn), and pre-modern uses of Ɔ/ɔ are generally avoided in almost all cases in the modern world, with the notable exception of the latter 2 being used in Icelandic. Said idea is that said letters are “old-fashioned”, “stupid”, “pointless”, etc., and it frequently results in violence from the affected, including child abuse, a few murders, and even acts of terrorism, especially from the Thorncutters (see above). Studies even show that the afflicted have an intense desire to destroy any occurrences of the letters the anomaly, here created by British occultists for imperialist reasons, targets. What’s even worse is that several Foundation members are affected.
Locations: These don’t have to be anomalous, just relevant
Enochian Empire: An ancient British Isles based empire associated with Alagadda, and the source of the inhuman language High Enochian, the one the Enochian language created by John Dee and Edward Kelly was inspired by, which is something the Horizon Initiative really doesn’t want to admit. The Enochians created it as they wanted to get away from Alagaddan royalty, and they have inspired various British Isles legends, being misinterpreted as anything from giants to fae to demons. They were wiped out by elves looking to get away from Alfheim for equivalent reasons, who were in turn banished by proto-Celts to some anomalous locations, like Elven!Hy-Brasil (that place got trashed by a Fifthist “archon” in the 80′s).
Elven Colonies: Hy-Brasil was the largest of these, but there are still others, and given the refugees, their inhabitants tend to blame humans for the “archon” fucking Hy-Brasil up despite that being the work of the Fifthist Church (the present iteration of a highly hostile SCP based around “The Cosmic Starfish”, aka Aten, Tonatiuh, the Supreme Being, etc.) at most. All of these are spatial anomalies, and some elves are looking to take over the other Hy-Brasil (another SCP, an anomalous island inhabited by a non-anomalous and distinct Celtic group, and the apparent source of the Voice Taker, a different SCP that’s basically a bogeyman-like thoughtform).
House of pumpkin or pumpkin of house? - Object Class: Safe - A house-sized pumpkin carved into a house and inhabited by a friendly human-sized pumpkin with a face. Is his house made of flesh or is he made of house? He screams, for he does not know, and the Foundation screams for the same reason.
Ancient Slavic Cities “of the Gods”: Various Proto-Slavic cities, such as Radogost and Bujan, that appear in Slavic mythology, one of many such civilizations with anachronistic technology and having some connection with Mekhanites and rivalry with Proto-Sarkic groups. Some are extant but are no longer inhabited by humans, but instead something horrifying.
Butter for Everyone - Object Class: Euclid - Puddle Town, a town inhabited by butter fanatics, but at least with free butter. The trouble is that said butter is churned from the milk of, something, and said butter is complacency-inducing, allowing the heavier citizens to be fed to the milk-producing creature. (Based on an in-joke)
Everybody’s Nose - Object Class: Safe - Nosemary, an idyllic small town whose human inhabitants (-1) are required to give up their noses at an early age to a giant disembodied nose (-2) living in a special building, so that -2 can not only absorb the -1’s nose but become biologically connected to them in a non-Euclidean manner. This allows -1 to breathe and to take on the nasal symptoms for the -1s, but at the price of dependence and a blank area where the nose was. -1s make nose puns in everyday speech and repeat such things as “the nose knows”. However, the place is almost crime-free and people trust each other enough that there is little conflict, -1′s still somehow have a sense of smell.
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tulip-and-turul · 7 years ago
Personal Holiday Calendar: Winter
The holidays I celebrate are from both Norse and Hungarian traditions. The year is divided into Winter (winter + spring) and Summer (summer + autumn).
The Saturday between 11Oct and 17Oct
Celebrates the bounty of the harvest and honors Freya and the fertility and protective spirits called Disir (often seen as our female ancestors). Give glory to Freya and pour a libation of ale, milk, or mead into the soil as an offering to the Disir and the Earth itself.
Feast of the Dead
Late October to early November
Mixture of Halloween and more solemn ancestor veneration. Focuses on the return of ancestors and other spirits. End of the growing season.
Harvest Celebrations
Late November
Several family-oriented days (including the US Thanksgiving) centering around gratitude for the last of the harvest. At this point, native plant species are dormant for the winter and migratory birds have passed.
Green Sunday
1st week of December
Copper Sunday
2nd week of December
Silver Sunday
3rd week of December
Gold Sunday
4th week of December
Mini-celebrations in anticipation of Karascunt and the Rough Nights. Reference Hadúr, Szélkirály, and Napkirály.
Winter solstice
Festival full of fire, drink, and merriment to celebrate Csodaszarvas carrying the sun over the river to begin the year anew and overcome the darkness.
Bertchten Day
January 5/6
End of the Rough Nights and start of the new year. The sun overcomes the darkness and the light continues to grow in strength. Also known as the 12th Night. Honors Lutzl, though she is associated with all 12 of the Rough Nights.
Day of the Bear/Barri
February 2
Midwinter celebration in anticipation of the season's end. The Bear awakes and brings the first hints of life and hope. Spring cleaning and purification, and winter expulsion begins. Honors Szélkirály.
Fertility festival, the time to plant seeds indoors. Celebrate the wooing of Gerd by Ingvi Freyr.
Mid-late March
Initial bits of greenery brought inside to continue the purification process. Boughs of greenery are formed into arches and wreaths, and boys splash water on girls, and birds migrate back at this time.
Spring Equinox
March 20
Beginning of the season of rebirth. Today we honor Frigg, Freyja, and Nerthus with a blót and a feast. Pour a libation and celebrate the rebirth of nature.
April 30
Reflect on Freya, Hel, Ördög and Frigga as the repository of the glorious dead. Winter expulsion ends, compelling ghosts and ancestors back to sleep. Most migratory birds have returned and begun their breeding season.
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erzsebetrosztoczy · 4 years ago
Proto-Hungarian Deities
Before taking up christianity as other cultures hungarians had their own religous believes too. They took their believes with themselves to the Karpats from their previous homelands but it happened not long before the conversion to christianity. What is left for us are a mix of pagan shamanism and polytheism.
Here are some Gods and Goddesses:
Arany Atyácska - /Golden Father/ Probably the head of the hungarian pantheon, his other name is Tengri. Partner of Hajnal Anyácska and the father of Hadúr, Napkirály and Szélkirály. He made the World and protects the people. People honoured him in the winter solstices and before major wars.
Boldogasszony - /in literall translation: Happy Woman/ She is the Mother Godess probably her other name is Hajnal Anyácska. She is the Mother of the Earth as well. She made the humankind, she rules the mortal lands, protects the mothers, pregnant women,children and houshold. Her partner is Arany Atyácska. Later she was merged with the chritian Virgin Mary for the easier conversion.
Hadúr - /Warlord/ The short name for Hadak Ura /Lord of the War/. He is the god of fire and war, son of Arany Atyácska. It was a common practice to sacrifice a white stallion for him before wars and battles.
Hajnal Anyácska - Wife of Arany Atyácska, probably Boldogasszony is her other name.
Hold (Éj) Atya - /Moon (Night) Father/ Very similar to the turkish Moon God. Hold Atya is the God of the moon and night. Responsible for the moon cycle, he controls bith and death, ilness but he's not the one who brings death. Husband of Nap Anya. (His association with these are came from that most births and deaths happened at night or during full moons, as well as it was believed illnesses worsen at night.)
Tengri (Isten) - He is the main God, who made the world and mankind, also the God of the Sky, and Lord of all the Spirits and creatures. (Often associated with Arany Atyácska). The proto-hungaric religion often called tengrism, from the hierarchical system of the Divine deities whose ultimate head was Tengri.
Nap Anya - /Mother Sun or Sun Mother/ The Godess of the Sun and daylight, she brings warmness, hotness and joy. Wife and equal of Hold Atya.
Nap Király - /Sun King/ God of the Sun. He brings the light at the beggining of the day mounting his silver stallion from East to West, seeing all what happens below on Earth.
Ördög/Ördeg - /Devil/ God of death, illnes and wicked. He rules the Underworld.
Szélanya - /Mother Wind or Wind Mother/ She is the Godess of the wind. An elderly, wise woman who lives in a cave, on top of a huge mountain, somewhere in the end of the world. She plays in the wind creating storms and whirlwinds. The wife of Szélkirály.
Szélkirály/Szélatya - /Wind King or Wind Father/ God of the wind and rain, husband of Szélanya and equal of her.
Tűz Anya - /Fire Mother or Mother Fire/ She is the Godess of the fire, bringer of warm to the household. She chases away the cold and ice.
Tűz Atya - /Fire Father/ The God of fire, partner and equal to Tűz Anya.
Víz Anya - /Water Mother/ Godess of water and all the aquatic living beings.
Víz Atya - God of waters, partner of Víz Anya and equal to her.
In tengrism gods have hierarchy. The main and most honoured gods are: Tengri and Boldogasszony alias Arany Atyácska and Hajnal Anyácska. Lower gods/goddesses are mostly were seen as divine spirits.
If you want to know more about proto-hungaric mithology and religion i can do a series about the topic.
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ncityluvvs · 3 years ago
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Five periods can be distinguished within its history depending on the dynasty or group of emperors who led it. The first included the governments of the tetrarchy (286-312) - with Diocletian as the dominant figure - during which most of the reforms were undertaken and the empire was stabilized in addition to obtaining important territorial gains against Persia. 6 The attempt to implement an orderly succession system that set aside dynastic preferences degenerated into a series of civil wars that only ended when Constantine I unified the government of the entire empire in his person. 9 The second period was the rule of the Constantinian dynasty(312-364) ihttps://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperio_romano_de_Occidenten which the new configuration of the empire was deepened and the first steps were taken to abandon Roman polytheism in favor of Christianity . 10 Also, major invasions by Germanic peoples located across the Rhine and Danube rivers were successfully repulsed, a task that continued into the following period under the Valentinian dynasty (364-394). 11 With these emperors, stability on the Rhine frontier was notably improved through alliance agreements with Franks, Burgundians and Alemanni, while, economically, a maximum of production was reached. December 13This favorable ehttps://www.worldhistory.org/trans/es/2-835/la-caida-del-imperio-romano-de-occidente/volution was truncated during the fourth period under the Theodosian dynasty (394-455) at the beginning of which the Western Empire suffered a crisis of catastrophic proportions due to large-scale invasions carried out by barbarian peoples living north of the Danube and during the that there were six usurpation attempts. When Flavio Constancio managed to stabilize the situation in 418 he had lost almost half of his field army, considerably reduced his tax revenues, abandoned Britain and assumed the creation of four barbarian kingdoms within his territory: Swabian, Vandal, Visigothic and Burgundian. 13 With the meager resources available and with the help of Hungarian mercenary contingents, Flavio AecioHe was able to contain the expansion of these barbarian kingdoms, keep the peoples of the Rhine at bay and face the invasion of Attila but he did not manage to revert the situation to the state it had in 401. 14 At his death, the empire entered its fifth and final phase (456-476) during which 9 emperors ruled in 20 years who could not stop the loss of territories that reached a point of no return when the Vandals took over the rich African provinces that contributed most of the income. 15 Reduced imperial control to the peninsula, a coup led by Odoacro ended its existence and replaced by the Kingdom of Italy in 476. 15
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acosmicotaku · 8 years ago
As an ethnic minority, I don’t really care about the “privilege” nonsense. I just had a thought about Polytheism (Traditional and Neopagan) that has been rattling around my brain recently, specifically the implication of 1. the “gods” contingency and 2. the recurrent theme of Theogony. So, I’ll give a simplified run down of the idea (this will be far from an attempt at an academic post, lol).
The argument thus far can be presented as follows:
P1. Every existing thing has an explanation of its existence, either in the necessity of its own being or in an external cause.
P2. The gods are contingent. [note “god” not “God”]
C1. Therefore, something outside the gods caused the gods.
P3. The source of divinity is itself divine.
P4. The causal chain can not extend back ad infinitum.
C2. Therefore, the cause of the gods is a single uncreated God.
C3. Therefore, there is a God of gods.
P5. This being is a Personal Being.
C4. Therefore, the God of gods is a Personal being.
P6. If there is a God who is the source of all divinity, then that God is worthy of all oblation.
C5. Therefore, the God of gods is worthy of all oblation.
The basic idea is simple, but the reasoning is a tad complex so let me explain. There are many polytheistic religions, some traditionalist while others reconstructionist.
Abkhaz Neopaganism.
Ásatrú / Vanatrú: Germanic Neopaganism.
Ætsæg Din: Ossetian Neopaganism
Adyghe Habze: Circassian Neopaganism.
Hetanism: Armenian Neopaganism.
Celtic Reconstructionist Paganism
Chinese folk religion (中國民間信仰)
Church of the Guanche People
Čimarij jüla: Mari Neopaganism
Dievturība: Latvian Neopaganism
Druwi: Prussian Neopaganism
Gardnerian Wicca
Hawaiian traditional religion
Hellenism: Hellenic Neopaganism
Hetanism: Armenian Neopaganism
Inuit folk religion
Kemetism: Egyptian Neopaganism
Maausk: Estonian Neopaganism
Mbuti traditional religion
Mēxicay��tl: Aztec Neopaganism
Mordvin Neopaganism
Mugyo (무교): Korean shamanism
Ősmagyar Vallás: Hungarian Neopaganism
Suomenusko: Finnish Neopaganism
Religiō Rōmāna: Italo-Roman Neopaganism
Rodnovery: Slavic Neopaganism
Romuva: Lithuanian Neopaganism
Ryūkyūshintō: Ryūkyūan folk religion
Semitic Neopaganism
Shintō (神道):
Udmurt Vos: Udmurt Neopaganism
Vietnamese folk religion (Tín ngưỡng dân gian Việt Nam)
Zalmoxianism: Romanian Neopaganism
Zulu traditional religion
In general, no one is going to dispute P1. If something doesn’t exist a se (out of a necessity of it’s own existence) then it’s contingent, and if something exists contingently then it is brought about by something outside of itself, then considering P2 which is that “the gods are contingent” which would be necessarily true in any system with a Theogony, leads necessarily to the first conclusion which is “a source outside the gods caused the gods”. We can see this is many of the classical texts.
While there is more than one Theogony for the Hellenic religion, the most well known is Hesiod’s Theogony, which reads as follows:
Verily at the first Chaos came to be, but next wide-bosomed Earth, the ever-sure foundations of all the deathless ones who hold the peaks of snowy Olympus, and dim Tartarus in the depth of the wide-pathed Earth, and Eros (Love), fairest among the deathless gods, who unnerves the limbs and overcomes the mind and wise counsels of all gods and all men within them. From Chaos came forth Erebus and black Night; but of Night were born Aether and Day, whom she conceived and bare from union in love with Erebus. And Earth first bare starry Heaven, equal to herself, to cover her on every side, and to be an ever-sure abiding-place for the blessed gods. And she brought forth long Hills, graceful haunts of the goddess-Nymphs who dwell amongst the glens of the hills. She bare also the fruitless deep with his raging swell, Pontus, without sweet union of love. But afterwards she lay with Heaven and bare deep-swirling Oceanus, Coeus and Crius and Hyperion and Iapetus, Theia and Rhea, Themis and Mnemosyne and gold-crowned Phoebe and lovely Tethys. After them was born Cronos the wily, youngest and most terrible of her children, and he hated his lusty sire.
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In this version, there existed Chaos (the personification of the primordial formless mass) who parthenogenically produced the first and then sexually produced the subsequent primordial deities.
The Kojiki of Shinto outlines a similar Cosmogony/Theogony hybrid Creation, but unlike the Greco-Roman accounts this Chaos is not personified.
The names of the deities that were born in the Plain of High Heaven when the Heaven and Earth began were the deity Master-of-the-August-Center-of-Heaven; next, the High-August-Producing-Wondrous deity; next, the Divine-Producing-Wondrous deity. These three deities were all deities born alone, and hid their persons. The names of the deities that were born next from a thing that sprouted up like unto a reed-shoot when the earth, young and like unto floating oil, drifted about medusa-like, were the Pleasant-Reed-Shoot-Prince-Elder deity, next the Heavenly-Eternally-Standing deity. These two deities were likewise born alone, and hid their persons.
This is common, though admittedly not universal, among polytheistic religions, but it raises an interesting question. “Where did the [contingent] gods come from?” The Ṛgveda comes to a similar, though not identical, conclusion as I would draw from this, assuming that these polytheistic gods exist.
“IN the beginning rose Hiranyagarbha, born Only Lord of all created beings. He fixed and holdeth up this earth and heaven. What God shall we adore with our oblation?
2 Giver of vital breath, of power and vigour, he whose commandments all the Gods acknowledge - The Lord of death, whose shade is life immortal. What God shall we adore with our oblation?
3 Who by his grandeur hath become Sole Ruler of all the moving world that breathes and slumbers; He who is Lord of men and Lord of cattle. What God shall we adore with our oblation?
4 His, through his might, are these snow-covered mountains, and men call sea and Rasā his possession: His arms are these, his are these heavenly regions. What God shall we adore with our oblation?
5 By him the heavens are strong and earth is steadfast, by him light's realm and sky-vault are supported: By him the regions in mid-air were measured. What God shall we adore with our oblation?
6 To him, supported by his help, two armies embattled look while trembling in their spirit, When over them the risen Sun is shining. What God shall we adore with our oblation?
7 What time the mighty waters came, containing the universal germ, producing Agni, Thence sprang the Gods’ one spirit into being. What God shall we adore with our oblation?
8 He in his might surveyed the floods containing productive force and generating Worship. He is the God of gods, and none beside him. What God shall we adore with our oblation?
9 Neer may he harm us who is earth's Begetter, nor he whose laws are sure, the heavens' Creator, He who brought forth the great and lucid waters. What God shall we adore with our oblation?
10 Prajāpati! thou only comprehendest all these created things, and none beside thee. Grant us our hearts' desire when we invoke thee: may we have store of riches in possession.” - Book X, Hymn CXXI. Ka.
This is why Hesiod’s work is called Theogony, which means “the birth of the gods”. Another version is given in the same text:
“Thereafter rose Desire in the beginning, Desire, the primal seed and germ of Spirit. Sages who searched with their heart's thought discovered the existent's kinship in the non-existent.” - Book X, Hymn CXXIX, Verse 4
The Greeks seemed to realize that the source of the divine is itself divine, and thus the first gods originate from a primordial goddess, a similar conclusion was reached with Hiranyagarbha and Kama in the Ṛgveda, after all: how can the non-divine produce divinity? Consider that Divinity is a real property, as most (if not all) polytheists will admit, and since all the gods are contingent their property of divinity must have been allotted to them in the Theogony era. This source is either, [itself] divine or not. Luckily, we have reason to believe that the source of the gods’ divinity is a Supreme Divinity.
Now then the question might be raised, well where did that god’s divinity come from? Well, since this causal chain can not extend ad infinitum due to the logical contradictions that an actual infinity (as opposed to theoretical or abstract infinity) would entail, then we must conclude that there is a final divinity who must exist a se.
Hilbert’s Hotel https://youtu.be/j_q802eboxA
Infinity Paradoxes - Numberphile https://youtu.be/dDl7g_2x74Q 
This Prime Deity would be, not the king of the gods, but the God of gods. Much like the deity outlined in the Ṛgveda, as he would be the creator of all the other gods. So what kind of a God is this God of gods? Well, luckily, we can know the answer due to the works of people like Alvin Plantinga and Robert E. Maydole. Let’s start with the Modal Perfection Argument.
P1. Great-making properties cannot entail their negation, lesser-making properties.
P2. Maximal Greatness is the greatest of all Great-Making Properties.
C. Therefore, Maximal Greatness cannot entail its negation, Non-maximal greatness.
P1 is just an affirmation of the Law of Noncontradiction, and so is clearly true. P2 merely points out that the property of Maximal Greatness, that is the collection of all Great-making properties (Charity, Goodness, Honesty, Justice, Knowledge, Love, Mercy, Power, Purity, Temperance, etc) to their maximal extent is by definition a Great-making property. Which means that C necessarily follows.
Now on to the Modal Ontological Argument:
P1. The existence of a Maximally Great Being is possible.
C1. Therefore, a Maximally Great Being exists in some possible world.
P2. If a Maximally Great Being exists in some possible world, then it exists in all possible worlds.
C2. Therefore, a Maximally Great Being exists in all possible worlds.
C3. Therefore, a Maximally Great Being exists in the real world.
C4. Therefore, a Maximally Great Being exists.
C5. Therefore, GOD exists.
P1 follows from C of the previous argument, after all if Maximal Greatness is a logically coherent property then it can be held by some being. C1 follows from the fact that Maximal Greatness is a coherent property, because it could exist in some logically possible world (i.e. some internally consistent hypothetical scenario). P2 takes to considering three different types of being:
Impossible objects: These can exist in no logically possible world. (Square circle)
Contingencies: Things that can, but do not have to exist. (You the rader, for example do exist but did not have to exist, while a Unicorn does not, but could’ve existed given the correct circumstances)
Aseity: Things that exist out of a necessity of their own nature, and thus exist in all logically possible worlds. (Absolute truths)
It seems immediately apparent that a Perfect being which is contingent is greater than one which is impossible, on the other hand one which exists a se is clearly greater than one that exists contingently. Which means that a perfect being which is not Aseity is not Maximally Great. This would also mean that a Maximally Great Being, i.e. God (Big G), would exist in the real world since an MGB exists in all logically possible worlds and the real world is a logically possible world.
This corresponds well to a Divinity which exists a se as implied in the above Argument from Theogony. A divinity which exists a se, and has the power to create pantheons without compromising his own power of divinity.
This being is clearly personal, as it has knowledge, charity, goodness, and other such Great-Making Properties that only persons can possess, meaning that this God of gods is a personal being.
Considering that this God is not only Perfect, but the source of all other gods’ divinities, it would be a different (and greater) kind of being from the contingent gods who have been known to war against each other and possibly even against the MGB. Finally, consider that if divinity is worthy of oblation, and this being is the source of all divinity (with the pantheon having no divinity separate from what they are given from the MGB) who else besides the God of the gods is worthy of Oblation? This would imply that the God of gods is worthy of all oblation.
This argument could be used to defend a few belief systems.
Monotheism: the “gods” are not “gods” but lesser divine beings like “malachim” (angels).
Now Jainism tries to dodge this basic realization by having the Jiva (or vital principle, akin to a soul) be eternal via a sort of “Law of conservation of Jiva”, but ultimately it is readily apparent that all of the gods in Jainism are contingent and that the number of Jiva in the cosmos is arbitrary.
N.B.: Some polytheistic traditions do actually acknowledge such a being as the MGB (God of gods), such as Koshinto and some schools of Hinduism, but do not give the MGB all oblation, hence the P6 and C5 at the end.
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reachingforthedivine · 5 months ago
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Kaltes-Ekwa, Goddess of the Moon, Fertility, Fate, and Dawn
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thepaganstudygrouppage · 9 years ago
Do you know anything about the Hungarian Pantheon? It's incredibly hard to find information on.
Wiki says that Hungarian neopaganism, which is attempting to reconstruct the native religion, is called Ősmagyar Vallás, and this is its article on Hungarian mythology.  Usually Wiki is good for getting an overall summary before checking out its actual references at the end, but the references for both the myth and neopagan articles are suspiciously few.
Keeping in mind that I know nothing about Ősmagyar Vallás, here’s a .org site that seems promising, albeit trapped in the early 2000s aesthetic, and which has links to additional Hungarian-language sites.  Google Scholar will bring up a few articles if you search “Hungarian mythology”; I didn’t see much on Academia.edu.  Folklore is always important because it can show how everyday people demonstrated their beliefs and culture in everyday actions.
I would guess, and I may be completely wrong so take this with a grain of salt, that you’d find Nordic and Celtic influences in the west (Austria had the proto-Celtic Hallstatt culture thing going on) and Slavic ones in the east.
- mountain hound
Along the River is the blog of a reconstructionist focusing on South Germanic/Austrian and Hungarian cultures.
- Heathen Chinese
before asking | faq+tags | resource blog
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reachingforthedivine · 5 months ago
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Xatel-Ekwa, Goddess of the Sun and War
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reachingforthedivine · 5 months ago
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Ördög (Erlik), God of Death and the Underworld
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reachingforthedivine · 7 months ago
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Tengri, God of the Sky and Personification of the Universe.
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