#Htty AU
Here's a little sneak peek to the fic I'm working on right now...
This is when Jamie comes into my Httyd AU series. I'm not posting in on Ao3 until the whole thing is done, and this is the only time I'm posting a sneak peek of it. The next time this would be seen, hopefully, it would be in Ao3 and completed. Still waiting for the poll results that will help me decide if I'll make it a one chapter thing or if it will be a multichap.
Either way, it will be completed.
If you want to wait for the complete version to read it, then there's no need to click 'keep reading' at the undercut.
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It was another regular day. The Vikings of Berk were still stubborn yet resilient at the varying weather condition of dry cold to freezing cold, the young of these folks can be angels and devils depending on their moods, and the dragons still raise havoc. However, instead of anger and fear, the people react in fond exasperation.
"There's hardly a freaking difference!" Jack exasperated, putting down a newly crafted pick axe that Gobber had him make. Honestly, these days, he thought watching the younger children of Berk was a lot less aggravating. "Don't you two have anything better to do than argue and having me caught up in the middle?"
Aster and Gobber looked at him, opening their mouths to answer.
"No, don't answer, I don't really care; It's my break." Overhead, Jack saw the familiar sight of a dark mass with a boy on top of it. "Just in time," he grinned, grabbing his weapon staff before jumping on some nearby barrels and crates. "Over here, Hic!"
Aster held out a hand towards him, "Wait Jack," he scowled, "We're not done here!"
"I am!" Jack gave him a salute, his arm stretched up just in time for Toothless to fly by to grab it. As soon as his barefeet left the roof's surface, he used the curved part of his staff as leverage to flip over and take space on the saddle right behind Hiccup. "Thanks Hic, you saved me from another tug-of-war match with those two."
Hiccup chuckled, "Anything for you, snowflake." he smiled and blushed when Jack kissed him on the cheek for that response.
Jack laughed as a response to the thrilling belly flops he felt as Hiccup continued to soar higher to the sky, and further from the island and the village. He noted that there were some ships heading for the island, but he could see there were mostly people in civilian clothes so he didn't have to worry about it being an attack.
Even if it were, they'd be pretty foolish to attack Berk. After a few encounters with the Outcasts and Berserker alike, (plus kidnap attempts that annoyed Jack to no end, Hiccup more so since it's his boyfriend that got taken more often) Jack's pretty sure word's spread that they were working together with dragons, so the dragons were under their protection and vice versa. Stoick's still hoping they can come to a peaceful resolution with the Berserkers, since the previous chief was an old friend, but that still remained to be seen.
In any case, Jack figured that whoever these people were, they just might be some sort of business partners of Aster. It wouldn't be the first time the man didn't need to leave since the restock of supplies would be coming to him. Although usually, the island would make a day out of it where they would put up stalls or tents and there would be a bazaar for about a week.
Hiccup started to undo the security lock from the prosthetic pedal. "All right bud, you ready?"
Toothless made a  growl in affirmation.
"Wait, wait," Jack balked, "Can't we just enjoy flying without you doing..." he wasn't able to finish as Hiccup leaned more to the side before willingly falling off the dragon. "that..." He groaned, before crouching low to hang on for dear life... Literally.
As Toothless allowed himself to be taken by gravity, unable to continue his flight path without Hiccup's assistance, Jack grimaced and clenched his teeth. Much as he liked to scream, as would be the natural response, the last time Hiccup did this, a flock of birds were nearby and one of them pooped, nearly into his mouth. That said, it landed at his lower cheek and missed his mouth by only a few inches.
Just before they hit the water below, Hiccup angled himself just so and easily got his prosthetic re-attached to its pedal lock of Toothless' saddle and they glided through the surface, water splashing in the process, before taking back to the sky.
"Yeah!" Hiccup laughed as they were high enough to be amongst the clouds again, "I'd say that went about smoothly this time around, too."
Jack huffed, repositioning his staff that went an awkward angle during the crouch, before wrapping his arms around Hiccup's torso. "Maybe from where you're sitting," he shook his head, "And must you do that so frequently?"
"C'mon, it's exciting." Hiccup smirked, nudging Jack the best he could from where he sat. "some part of you has got to admit that it was awesome."
"Yeah, sure." Jack deadpanned, "Only about the thirteenth time, this week alone, you jumped off of Toothless for a thrilling free fall, that almost stopped my heart, without warning."
"If you give it a try..."
"I may now be less terrified of the sea, or bodies of water in general, but that doesn't mean it's going to hurt less when I hit the surface from this height."
Hiccup rolled his eyes, "You're not going to hit it." he said, "I'll catch you."
"Raincheck," Jack said with a smirk, "now I think we're going a little too slow for a Night fury, don't you think Toothless?"
Toothless what might be his version of a laugh, before zooming quickly through the skies.
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Back at Berk, Aster and Stoick went to welcome some people docking in port.
A couple of months before, Aster left Berk to barter more items that could be traded. Ever since the island started caring for dragons, he had more business. To that end, the trader needed to restock his wares more often. In one of the island he frequented, a village there was ransacked by wild dragons that didn't seem to know about Berk being a safe haven for them. Not that the island could house every single dragon in the world, of course.
Aster had some good friends in that village though, and he requested Stoick to give some of them temporary refuge while they rebuild their village.
Though, there was one particular family wanted to live in Berk at the request of their one and only son. The boy was adopted because the couple couldn't have children, and rarely asked them for anything. So, when he actually did, it's usually given to him. Stoick was a bit on the fence, but Aster did tell him it was only one family who wanted to move in permanently. Plus, the one that would could open a tavern in Berk so there would be more options for good meals and drinks.
"Does Jack know I'm arriving today?" A young boy about Jack's age, only a year younger, came on port and walked on the gangplank towards Aster. He was visibly excited and nervous at the same time. "Is he here, too?" he looked past the tall man's shoulder, as if Jack would be behind him for a surprise greeting.
Aster chuckled at his amusement, "I haven't told him about it, Jamie. Wanted it to be a surprise," he smirked, "Serves the boy right for pulling a big one on me two months ago."
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thelionspaw · 2 years
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Mdzs HTTY AU- Jiang Cheng: Where have you been? Wei Ying: Oh, you know catching up with mom.
Scene to Cangse Sanren on a dragon
Jiang Cheng: That's your mother?! Wei Ying: Well, now you know where I get my dramatic flair!
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hhijack-resurgence · 1 month
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We Stan Astrid in this house. Have this silly thing while I sort out my au notes and my refs for Jack in this au. I’m trying not to be so chaotic with my colouring. My lineart is a different chaos I’m probably never going to address dhdhdgdg
This is a HiJack au but I like Astrid so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Wip reference sheet for ETM
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mismatched hands and all
Decided to give him more “human” feet
Psst @duoatomica here spspspsps
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extra info
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flameofthescorpion · 1 year
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Ill use this site to be more cringe than i usually am on my insta
anyway, Dragonverse Deimos design- just redid his ref today bc his old one was over a year old at this point- yeah anyway Woolly Howl bc idk i thought that fit for some reason
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molalality · 6 months
wild kratts httyd au??? exept I kinda lost the htty part and it’s kinda just
dragon au? also kinda stopped being chris cause I just started vomiting my interest onto the designs???
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Martin coming soon I hope, (dragon done but martin is but a scramble in a sketchbook)
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sboochi · 1 month
I don’t mean to shove my Confusing Niche Folklore Hyperfixation That Is Also An AU Of A Popular Tumblr Fandom, but…..
Would you be interested in creatures (Monsters? Humans? Spirits? Gods? Hard to say) that actually, in irl folkloric canon, bridged the gap between Christianity/specifically Genesis, and the Old English paganism that Merlin is based in…. While also being adjacent to/part of the Norse/Nordic cultures that inspired HTTY? Also aggressively Fae- and Mermaid-adjacent.
(Absolutely could not CONTAIN my delight upon seeing that the GO x Merlin, “Magic Doesn’t Mix With Miracles” comic author likes HTTYD. I hope it isn’t awkward to say that your multiverse/fandoms perfectly fit my favorite folkloric creature)
I'm always down to learn new mythology, it's so interesting!!!
(And this ask comes with funny timing cause I've been trying (emphasis on trying) to do research on Norse mythology for another top secret potential Hijack fic concept that has been all I can think about for the past week)
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eshithepetty · 4 years
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Okayyy so. Here's some very messy doodles of a spontaneous au my brain thought of. It's basically a httyd and SU crossover au, except the parralels aren't entirely there for either series, as I had to jumble around some concepts for this to make sense.
But yeah, I won't explain everything (unless prompted to), but so far what I've got is:
Gems work a bit different in this au - they are still solar powered beings made of light who don't need to eat and who can shapeshift, except their base forms are dragons. They can't change their base (dragon) form at all, tho they can choose their appearance when shapeshifted into other creatures.
The homeworld gems are the dragons and the Crystal Gems are mostly actual humans that live among other humans on Berk. Bismuth is there and free, as are probably most of the original CGs, too, since there was no war (so far?)
The exception is Pink - she was a dragon, like all the other Diamonds, but she flew away to escape her miserable household and family situation. She shapeshifted into a human, took on the human name 'Rose', got onto Berk, got together with Greg, boom, Steven's there. Also, she gave up her form, just as in the show.
However, the Diamonds sent gems to go looking for her after it became apparent she wasn't coming back on her own. So dragons started flying all over, appearing on islands they never have reached before, and started terrorising humans in their search. So that's why the two are at odds.
Steven and Connie are childhood friends. However, Steven is sniffed out (literally), kidnapped, and brought to the Diamonds. He's super freaked out, and White's just thinking that he's Rose in hiding. So she forces him to shapeshift. Only to find, his dragon form looks different than Rose's, also, his gem is flipped, so... that's not right. They come to the conclusion that he must be a Rose quartz that somehow got mixed up. The fact that he has Pink's scent must be a coincidence, or maybe their memory is somehow failing them...
Steven manages to escape, despite the struggle of suddenly being in a new body that he can't change out of (since he doesn't have a handle on his powers yet). He desperately makes his way home regardless. It takes a while, having to learn to fly or otherwise traverse the lands and seas, but when he gets there, noone recognises him, and he gets attacked. His powers explode from all the fear that's been festering, and from that incident he becomes known as Berk's most dangerous enemy.
With nowhere to go, he's left to wander in the wilderness, sometimes getting friendly with some other dragons, especially quartzes, but otherwise alone. That is, until a certain human stumbles back into his life...
So yeah. I'm not sure what exactly to do about this au, considering I have very little time to like, start an ask blog or comic or anything, but. We'll see. This is just a very self indulgent thing I wanted to quickly get out ^^
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fictionalnormalcy · 3 years
The Boy with a Strange Name
Rating: Mature (Graphic Depictions of Violence)
Fandoms: Fusion of the How to Train Your Dragon books and animated franchise
Additional Tags: jaded protagonist, modern day AU, moving somewhere new, fitting in, making friends, additional DreamWorks characters, back to hometown
Summary: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III has lived nearly seventeen years of life. In the span of those years, he’s moved twelve times. Five of those years his mother was alive. Then a tragic accident left Hiccup in the sole care of his father, Stoick Haddock. Berk was where he had been born. That much he knew.  Over every, single, move his father put him through, it wasn’t until he reached sixteen years old that Berk was the city in which the father finally decided to plant roots. At least, that was what he claimed. After years of being victimized at each school he attended, Hiccup was determined to keep a low profile at Berk High. His past is intent on preying upon him, deciding that Berk was perfect place to come back into the light. However, like all good things that came to him, there was always something to drag him back down into the pit of despair. A dormant secret, tied into his family history, was ultimately brought into the light when Hiccup settles on Berk. A secret tied with guilt and tears, and it all goes downhill from there. He discovered what his father truly did those long stretch of years, and finds he has a gift that had been nonexistent for centuries.
Ch. 16: The Pieces to Life
His motivation to catch up with his classwork was slowly diminishing. Granted, he may have been overestimating how much work he had to do to catch up, but it was tearing his head apart. Focusing on 4 different classes and navigating what he already knew from what needed to be studied, then getting inspired to create new pieces in his sketchbook while trying to decide what he would be working on in the coming weekend to change the house...
It was a lot to have on his mind. Those were just jots in his routine. He had to tie in how he needed to handle his social life, gauge each spoken sentence and be looking over his shoulder to see who was watching him as he passed by. Answer only a few questions in class, and make sure his voice didn't blow over any others. He never wanted to be the smartest kid in class, or if he even thought it, preach that he was. It's the 21st century, no one likes a smart-aleck who rubs it in. He avoided eye contact with anyone else, and solely focused on the work at hand. He hadn't stood out, in every class. But one.
The advanced art class. That he knew he had gained some watchful eyes. On Monday morning, he had been exposed to the routine Mrs. Terres enforced on each assignment. Astrid explained to him that whenever they finished an art project, they would have what was referred to as " an art walk". Everyone would leave their pieces on their desk, out for display for the rest of their classmates. Something different then he had done in his previous years. Although, he had only taken art as a class during the high school years. Some schools he attended didn't value the arts programs so they'd neglected to put in classes.
And to be honest, he was not fond of learning how to play an instrument. He could never imagine himself strumming a guitar until his fingers went red or taking in heaving breaths just to get sound out of a trumpet. He preferred sitting down, and sketching until it'd become a manifestation of his imagination. No one had ever cared that Hiccup Haddock was a dedicated artist. They knew him as the one-legged skinny, small nobody who sat hunched by himself and sketching in a leather bound book. He had taken out his art piece with reluctance, first showing it to Astrid and asking for her opinion.
He found it difficult to suppress his swell of joy at her reaction. Yet he still didn't confess that he wasn't eager to show his work to the rest of their classmates. It made his skin crawl to remembered his past classmates laughing, their scorning remarks of how he obsessively drew a creature that was vicious and didn't exist.  Stick to reality, little weirdo, they smirked. He knew that some of the Berkians believed in dragons, from what he'd heard Fishlegs was a bonafide expert, but he didn't know what to expect. Which led to anxiety racking his mind at the fact that a whole classroom of students would be seeing his work.
For some people, they require support in order to keep the fire of inspiration alive. For Hiccup, the only voice that spoke in admiration of his work was his father, and especially the foster kids in Magdella's care. Gobber knew of his hobby, but Hiccup had never gathered the courage to show off his sketchbooks to his godfather. The opportunity may arise in the next coming months, if Gobber tended to visit frequently. Hiccup had discussed the hobby with his godfather but had never sent pictures of his work. Gobber wasn't exactly fond of email or text. If the first demonstration of his piece went well, he could work up the confidence to show it to more people.
She had taken his art piece then held up her own, beginning to compare the two. He watched with grinding teeth as her eyes flickered over the two art pieces. When she finally returned it to him, he could swear that he could see a blush blossoming on her cheeks, if only faint. She cast a final glance at his piece before making eye contact with him. He should have taken that first blush and compliment as a warning. It was then that the teacher had them assemble into a line at the first row of desks, and the art walk began.
Keep reading
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flanneryculp · 4 years
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sleeping in the rain...
Fanart for @eshithepetty 's httys AU!! If you haven't already, you should check her out!! She's really cool and a phenomenal artist!!
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howtoauyourdragon · 4 years
What about an ht3 au where dragons and vikings aren't seperated, all is well, and then suddenly Nightfuries - which were hidden so well Grimmsly couldn't find them - start to emerge into the world?
More Night Furies!!! That would make for an incredible AU!
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okay but.... Kiribaku in a HTTY AU, With Kirishima as Hiccup and Bakugou as Astrid....
Yo!! This AU? I love!!
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 6 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2XialdF
by Cryst4lB34st
Banished, rather than imprisoned. Loki needs to learn a lesson in the form of a monster. Years went by, and soon he was spared by a mortal boy that he couldn't help but compare himself to. Is it possible for this boy to help him understand what he is missing?
Words: 14947, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Gods as Dragons
Fandoms: How to Train Your Dragon (Movies), Thor (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Loki (Marvel)
Relationships: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III & Loki (Marvel)
Additional Tags: Loki as Toothless, Loki develops crush, Loki POV, HTTY first movie, AU, one-shot?, platonic, Development, Hints of Mental Disorders?, Dislike of Astrid, maybe ooc?
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2XialdF
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WIP Wenesdays- Night Hunter: Chapter Four
Hiccup peeled his eyes from the book with a growl. The book made him feel nasty. The type of person to write this thing was crazy. There was nothing wrong with being an albino, from what he understood.
Minus the few conditions it came with of course, he reasoned.
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eshithepetty · 4 years
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Here's a few out of context memes for my httys au, because why not :')
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eshithepetty · 4 years
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Here's some doodles of me trying out some dragon designs for my How to Train Your Steven AU! A couple notes:
Gems don't age, as usual. The only exception, of course, is Steven, who's dragon form develops and slowly grows bigger over the years. Also, dragons usually have 4 or less fingers, while he has 5 (due to him being born a human n all), so that gets him a few weird stares if a gem happens to pay attention. It's nothing major, tho, most gems perceive him as a weirdo all around.
I'm still on the fence whether I'd have Pearl be a gem or a human, in the latter case she'd probably be Connie's swordfighting teacher still or... oh! Oh, of course. She'd be a gem, Rose's Pearl as usual, and she joined Rose when she ran away and disguised herself as a human, too. There's bound to arise some conflict from that...
Amethyst is def a gem, tho. Her backstory is much the same, except she never was found by the CGs of course, and she wandered out the kg herself eventually and met other gems (she was treated to be an outcast a lot, tho, due to her small size, undeveloped form). I believe she's one of the first gems Steven meets as a dragon, and they form a sibling like bond, just as in the show.
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