#However whenever I get the hang of playing zone or playing against zone... That will be a big upgrade
bsaka7 · 1 year
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paigesrealwife · 24 days
"On the Same Team"
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part 1
pairing: paige bueckers x reader
synopsis: reader is a uconn student-athlete that bumps into paige bueckers during an early workout they hit it off hanging out and get to know each other, as they spend more time together their friendship turns into something more...
warnings: none yet... (next chapter will have smut)
wc: 1,690
You’re on your way to the gym for an early morning workout, the campus still shrouded in a light fog, and the air crisp with the promise of a new day. As a member of UConn’s track team, you’ve always been an early riser, loving the quiet solitude of the campus at dawn. Today, however, feels different. There’s a buzz in the air, a feeling you can’t quite shake.
As you push open the door to the gym, the familiar smell of polished wood and sweat greets you. You’re about to head to the locker room when you hear the unmistakable sound of a basketball bouncing rhythmically on the court. Curious, you walk towards the noise, peeking around the corner to see none other than Paige Bueckers, the star of the women’s basketball team, practicing her shots.
She’s in the zone, focused on her dribbling, making each shot with effortless precision. You’ve seen her play in games, of course—everyone has—but seeing her up close, so determined and in her element, is mesmerizing. You don’t realize you’ve been staring until she catches sight of you from the corner of her eye.
“Hey,” she calls out, a friendly smile breaking her concentration. “Enjoying the show?”
You laugh, a bit embarrassed to be caught. “Sorry, didn’t mean to intrude. I just came in for my workout.”
“No worries,” Paige says, walking over to you, her ball tucked under one arm. “You’re on the track team, right?”
“Yeah, that’s me. And you’re... well, everyone knows who you are,” you reply with a grin.
She chuckles. “Well, since we’re both here early, want to shoot around for a bit? It could be fun, a little cross-training for you.”
You hesitate for a moment, then nod. “Why not? I’m game.”
You step onto the court, and she tosses you the ball. It’s heavier than you expected, a reminder of how different your sports are. Still, you give it your best shot, sending the ball towards the hoop. It bounces off the rim, but Paige catches it effortlessly.
“Not bad,” she teases. “But let me show you how it’s done.”
For the next half hour, you and Paige play a friendly game of one-on-one. She’s quick, agile, and clearly in a league of her own, but she encourages you, giving you pointers and cheering whenever you make a decent shot. It’s fun—more fun than you’ve had in a while—and you find yourself laughing and enjoying the banter.
As you both catch your breath, sitting on the court with your backs against the cool wood, Paige turns to you. “You’re pretty good, you know. For a track star.”
You smile. “Thanks. You’re not so bad yourself. For a basketball legend.”
She laughs, her eyes sparkling in the morning light. “So, what’s your story? How did you end up at UConn?”
You start to share a bit about yourself—your passion for running, how you’ve always loved the feeling of freedom it gives you, and how UConn was your dream school. Paige listens intently, nodding along, occasionally adding her own experiences.
There’s a moment of comfortable silence, and then she says, “You know, it’s nice to meet someone who’s just... real. Sometimes, it feels like people only see me as the basketball player, not as just Paige.”
You nod, understanding. “I get that. It’s easy for people to see only the athlete and not the person behind it.”
She looks at you, a soft smile on her lips. “I’m glad I ran into you today.”
“Me too,” you reply, feeling a warmth spread through your chest.
You both sit there for a little longer, enjoying the peace of the morning and each other's company. It’s a simple moment, but one that feels like the start of something more—a friendship, a connection, or maybe even a spark of something deeper.
**A Few Hours Later**
That evening, you find yourself outside a bustling apartment, the sound of laughter and music spilling out into the hallway. Paige greets you at the door, her face lighting up when she sees you. “Hey! You made it!”
You smile, feeling a bit nervous but also excited. “Yeah, wouldn’t miss it.”
She takes your hand, guiding you through the crowd. The apartment is filled with members of the basketball team and a few other athletes, all mingling and enjoying themselves. Paige introduces you to her teammates, and soon enough, you’re caught up in the lively conversation, the initial nerves melting away.
As the night progresses, you find yourself talking more and more with Paige. She’s funny, sharp, and has this way of making you feel like you’re the only person in the room. At one point, she pulls you aside to the quieter corner of the kitchen.
“Having fun?” she asks, her eyes sparkling.
“Yeah,” you admit. “This is great. Thanks for inviting me.”
She leans in a little closer, her voice dropping to a soft murmur. “I’m really glad you came.”
Your heart beats faster. There’s that pull again, that inexplicable draw that seems to bring you closer to her with every passing second. You take a breath, summoning the courage to speak.
“Paige, I—”
Before you can finish, someone calls her name from the other room, breaking the moment. She glances back, a flicker of hesitation crossing her face.
“Sorry,” she says quickly. “I’ll be right back.”
You nod, watching as she moves back into the crowd. You’re left standing there, feeling a mix of frustration and hope, wondering what might have happened if you’d had just a few more seconds alone.
As the night wears on, the crowd begins to thin out. Paige returns to your side, her expression apologetic. “Sorry about that. Team stuff, you know.”
You smile, trying to hide the slight disappointment. “No worries. It’s your party.”
She hesitates, then takes a step closer. “Walk me back to my dorm?”
You nod, and together, you slip out of the apartment into the cool night air. The walk back is quiet, the tension between you almost palpable. When you reach her dorm, she turns to face you, her eyes searching yours.
“Thanks for coming tonight,” she says softly. “I had a lot of fun.”
“Me too,” you reply, your voice barely above a whisper.
For a moment, you both just stand there, the world around you fading away. Then, before you can overthink it, you take a step forward, closing the gap between you.
“Paige, I’ve been wanting to tell you something,” you start, your voice steady despite the flutter in your chest. “I really like spending time with you. More than just as friends.”
She looks at you, her expression softening, and for a second, you fear you’ve made a mistake. But then, she steps closer, her hand reaching up to gently cup your cheek.
“I’ve been feeling the same way,” she admits, her voice barely a whisper.
And just like that, the world seems to shift. Her lips brush against yours, tentative and soft, and you feel a spark ignite inside you. The kiss deepens, slow and sweet, the kind that makes you forget everything else.
When you finally pull back, you’re both smiling, breathless but happy.
“I’ve wanted to do that for a while,” she confesses, her forehead resting against yours.
You chuckle. “Me too.”
She takes your hand, squeezing it gently. “So… what now?”
You smile, feeling a warmth spread through you. “How about we just see where this goes?”
She grins, her eyes shining with excitement. “I’d like that.”
And as you stand there, under the stars with Paige Bueckers by your side, you know this is just the beginning of something wonderful.
author notes: im going to try and make this a multi part fic so bare with me 😭
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ghostbite0 · 1 year
hihi!1!! i have a question about your ping sized pillars au! do they act differently towards eachother since they became children? dince because of their ages their behaviours could change so i’m just curious :D
hi anon!!! its 4 am sorry if i sound a little delirious at all when answering this question!
they absolutely do! i’ll make a very brief list just for the sake of simplicity but please feel free to ask for more clarification!! (i also plan to draw comics exploring this more so hopefully that will help showcase their dynamics too!)
Gyomei: After shrinking fourteen years and falling into the role of looking after the little ones until they can turn back, he’s much more gentle and kinder. he’s more expressive and talkative and is overall just a sweetheart toward the younger children and guides them however he can. at most he’ll pick on Sanemi and Tengen— but for the most part he takes all the responsibilities like a champ. older brother moment
He gets easily flustered and tends to mentally beat himself up a lot, often doubting his role and if he’s any good at it. He takes it hard whenever he accidentally makes someone cry :(
He’s very very close with Shinobu and Muichiro, but he loves everyone, and they all love him!
Tengen: he’s definitely more mischevious towards the others, but eeeextremely protective as well. he likes to carry everyone around + rough house and hates being the “bad guy” (aka enforcing rules), so naturally he becomes one of the favorite’s really quick
he’s kind of the equivalent of the older sibling who wants McDonalds and makes the younger sibling ask the parent for it. he bargains a lot with the other kids
He and Gyomei work really well as a team, with Gyomei being more nurturing and making rules (and consequences to breaking of said rules) and Tengen being more playful and funny. it really comes in handy when they have to distract the others from something distressing and Tengen entertains them while Gyomei works on fixing the problem!
Sanemi: Sanemi has the biggest change! he acts normal for the most part but is absolutely a big softie, as seen with how he will let Obanai hold his arm when nervous or how he’ll actively search for a flower to give Shinobu if she’s upset :(
He and Gyomei become closer during the whole ordeal, especially when Genya gets involved… Sanemi tries to get Gyomei to hide him from his (big?) little brother, but the eldest refuses and forces Sanemi to work stuff out with him…
Giyuu: his change is less noticeable… again, he’s mostly the same, but as things progress and he’s around Tanjiro, Shinobu, etc more, he loosens up. He actively looks out for the others in his own way, and never participates in rough-housing in favor of sitting with Shinobu or Muichiro. Honestly, he’s usually just hanging out with Tanjiro (against his will) and it’s difficult for me to word their dynamic without going into a lot of detail!
Obanai: he has a pretty big change as well. Obanai is shy as a kid, so naturally, he tends to keep to himself and only stick with the people he likes. He gets flustered around Mitsuri even more now, and the others tease him in the same way Elementary Schooler’s are like “obanai and mitsuri sitting in a tree!!!!!”
It’s also worth noting that he’s usually glued to Sanemi, Rengoku, or Gyomei/Tengen depending on who is around. He hates the situation they’re in and isn’t afraid to show it, but as soon as Shinobu and Muichiro are there, he acts like it doesn’t affect him at all. He’s closer with Muichiro as he actively tries to make sure he’s doing okay, and likes to help Gyomei watch him!
Rengoku: speaking of Rengoku…. yeah! He’s always been very loving and considerate, so it’s only amplified here. He likes to think he’s part of the “big kids” squad too… he’s more brotherly with Mitsuri and likes to drag Obanai out of his comfort zone, just like when they were younger. He’s much closer with Tengen! He has trouble playing with Muichiro because he’s so little, so usually when he’s with him he’s trying to feed him or entertain him (this rarely goes well)
Mitsuri: like Rengoku, she’s always been a sweetheart, so not too much changes. She’s much more affectionate and loving, though, and always wants to hug someone or play with them!
She becomes a lot more close with Shinobu, and likes to hang out with Tengen and Rengoku and join in on their shenanigans. She is clueless to Obanai’s feelings, and never notices how flustered he gets when she braids his hair or carries him around! She also plays a lot of games like “House” and what not, so dynamics shift whenever Mitsuri takes it veeeery seriously
Mitsuri lights up a room, and it’s noticeable if Mitsuri is down or not around. They’re all pretty close to her during this!
Shinobu: Shinobu has always been the mediator of the Hashira, and that reigns true even as a five year old. People think she can be a bit bratty or bossy, but that’s faaaar from the truth. Shinobu is even more persistent about Giyuu making friends and tries to include him however she can. Also, because she knew Gyomei at a young age, she tends to confide in him more often than not. She likes acting as a bigger sister toward Muichiro and having a lot of “girl talks” with Mitsuri; they have their equivalent of a sleepover pretty much every night.
Fun Fact: she gets pretty sad about not having Kanae around during this (since they grew up together and all), and Mitsuri kinda helps fill that role without either of them realizing it!
Muichiro: Being the baby of the group, quite literally, everyone absolutely adores him, but they don’t always know how to interact with him. At the start, his relationship with everyone is pretty sour, since he admittedly takes the whole de-aging thing the hardest. But with Gyomei’s patience and guidance, he warms up a bit and slowly starts to enjoy himself more, leading to his friendships with the others changing as well.
Everyone’s even more protective of him (especially after Muichiro protected them when they were all getting transformed— they feel kinda bad about it) and coddles him 24/7. They definitely spoil him, and Muichiro warms up to their affection and eventually begins actively seeking it. Tengen sometimes gets jealous about all the attention Muichiro gets, and it creates a fun dynamic between the two of Muichiro purposely trying to piss him off haha.
It’s hard to pinpoint how much his relationships change with everyone without writing an essay about it, but you get the gist!
“im gonna make a short list” (insert giant paragraphs of info)
anyway; that was a really great question!!! thank you so much for your interest in my silly little au, i hope i was able to help clear things up!!! feel free to ask for more details im kinda crazy BAHAHA
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inkrabbit · 4 months
G. Grotesque
G.? He's actually participating?
You look over at him, seeing the shy and bewildered expression on his face. Both DD and E. pat his back, urging him up. You soften at the sight of him. He's obviously nervous as he walks over, head bowed so he can hide behind his long hair.
"H-hej," he manages to squeak out, lifting his head to look up at you.
"Hey, G.," You give him a smile, holding out your hand. He gently takes it in his own, following you into the storage room. When the door shuts, you let his hand fall from yours, giving him space.
"Have you ever played?" you ask him softly. You hear shuffling in front of you, probably trying to shut in on himself.
"Nej. I-I'm not really into parties," he explains, "When DD talked about this one, I thought it would be fun, but all I've done is sit in the corner with E.."
"That's okay. I'm glad you came at all," You knew G. was shy. He was always so polite and soft-spoken whenever you would hang out with the band or even help them set up for rehearsals. You knew he could be more social. You saw him joke around with the others and pull the occasional funny face for pictures. It was just crowds that would get to him.
"How is this game meant to be played?" G. asks you. You shrug a bit, knowing he couldn't see you.
"Well, there's not really much to it. Most people come in here to make out," You can practically sense his nerves rising so you quickly continue. "but it depends on whatever the people wanna do. Some people just talk."
There's silence but you're sure G. gives you a nod. He normally does that when you get through explaining something to him.
"Could... Could we try kissing?" The question is soft and hesitant, catching you off guard. If you had to guess, you'd assume G.'s never even held anyone's hand in a romantic manner. But maybe he was just trying to get out of his comfort zone?
"Yeah, if that's what you want." You hesitate before shuffling closer to him. You don't want to move too fast and risk scaring him. With a gentle touch, you cup his face and lean in. G. meets you halfway, pressing his lips against yours in a sweet and tender kiss.
G.'s hand reaches out for you, hesitating before it rests on your shoulder for a moment, then slides to the base of your neck. He follows your lead and before you know it, his free hand is also cupping your cheek, cradling your face so gently.
You don't push any further, not wanting him to feel uncomfortable. Still, your surprised when you feel his tongue graze across your bottom lip. You open up for him, surprised when you feel his tongue press against yours. Maybe he was more experienced than he let on.
The door opens, flooding the room with light and causing G. to gasp as he jerks back from you.
"Time's up!" You look at G., seeing how red his face is as he nods with a sheepish expression. He pulls back, walking alongside you as you two leave the closet. You follow him back over to his friends, taking a seat beside him. Of course the others are playfully teasing him. However, he looks at you, giving you a shy but giddy smile. Maybe you'd see what else he was experienced in.
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reniboo · 3 years
TYPES OF HUGS, my hero academia
PAIRING; katsuki bakugo x reader, denki kaminari x reader, eijiro kirishima x reader
SYNOPSIS; a long ramble about the most common types of hugs given by each of the boys along with a small amount of backstory about your relationship.
WC; 1k
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man, let me rant on about Katsuki’s hugs for just a moment. let’s get one thing straight, this boy would never dream of hurting you. it’s the one thing he promised himself he would never let happen because, despite his explosive personality and very colourful vocabulary, hurting you was off the table as soon he met you. i definitely think your first shared hug is going to be initiated by you, he’s to prideful at the beginning of your relationship to bring himself to do it first. that being said, the whole interaction is stiff and awkward, he’s hesitant and you’re scared of pushing him too far out of his comfort zone. however, as your relationship progresses, Bakugo becomes much more confident with accepting the fact that he actually likes hugging you. now, his embraces are nothing short of a physical representation of paradise, simply in the gentle way he holds you. they typically start with the two of you standing across from each other, possibly in the middle of one of your bedrooms after a hard day. he’s exhausted, both mentally and physically from the strain he’s put himself through. it’s not exactly like he enjoys completely blowing up at people every ten minutes, but sometimes he can’t help it and it really tires him out. Katsuki waits for you to approach him before he makes any kind of movement, since he still needs you to make the first move sometimes. once you’re close enough, both of his arms wrap tightly around your waist, squeezing just enough to make it a little hard to breath. his head is tucked into your neck and he’s pressing small butterfly kisses on your shoulder. there is absolutely no space between the two of you. sometimes, he will bring one of his palms up to cup the back of your head so that he can hold you for longer. all in all, Katsuki Bakugo’s hugs are soft and full of appreciation. he uses them as a way to showcase the amount of love he has for you in a nonverbal way.
in a somewhat similar way to Bakugo, Kaminari’s hugs are typically soft but in an emotional way. physically, they’re full of energy and life because he simply has too much excitement building up in his stomach when he sees you to contain himself. i imagine these hugs happen after Denki hasn’t seen you in a while. which, in this puppy-dog boys mind, would be after a few hours or so. but they’re definitely something to look forward to, since they normally come as a surprise attack. he enjoys the shock that spirals across your face after feeling his familiar frame and weight appear across your shoulders. however, he can’t help himself when the look on your face merges into one of love, and it plays in the back of his mind whenever he’s thinking of you. now, onto the actual way he hugs you. he wraps both of his arms loosely around your shoulders, giving you a small moment of time to adjust to his sudden presence. then, he’ll gently pull your body into his, your back resting against his chest. Denki holds you there for several minutes, he doesn’t particularly care if he’s interrupted you while your in the middle of a conversation. he’ll happily let you continue you, sometimes he just needs this small piece of contact with you to keep him going throughout the day. it’s kind of hard to ignore, especially when the person you were speaking to looks at him like he’s gone insane, hanging off of you like a leech, but he’s cute and the intentions are nothing short of adorable. and once you get used to it? it becomes something less of a surprise and more of a daily occurrence. if Kaminari is in a more playful mood and he hasn’t surprise attacked in the middle of a conversation, he’ll pick you up and hold you between his arms. swinging your legs from side to side so that he can hear the joyful giggles that are drawn out of you. although, this normally ends up with both of your in a heap on the floor, unable to contain the chortles and snorts escaping from your mouths.
i like to think that Kirishima’s hugs are a little different compared to Bakugo or Kaminari. he still loves to hold you close in his arms, but i feel like he’d prefer to keep the more intimate interactions to the privacy of either of your bedrooms. not in a dirty way, rather as a way to keep you all to himself, if only for a moment. he loves to spend time alone with you. now, this doesn’t mean that he doesn’t enjoy showing you off. in fact, it’s quite the opposite. he’s constantly got your hand intertwined with his own, or pressing small kisses to your temple, so it doesn’t come off as weird that he doesn’t properly hug you in front of others. instead, he prefers to place one of his arms around you when he’s standing beside you, which is more often then not. either, he has an arm draped over your shoulders or one gently holding your waist. but no matter what, he’s pulling you deeper into his side as his fingers play around with the fabric covering your upper half. it might be slightly less affectionate than the other two, but it’s definitely still a small, comforting action that lets him tell you that he's there. having you so close to him, safe and sound under his arm and cuddled up to his side, it allows Eijiro to enter a state of calmness he wouldn’t be able to find anywhere else. he can finally allow his constant racing thoughts to take a break for a moment and simply just appreciate you. and when your head turns to look at him, a smile so large and bright it puts the sun to shame, he’s weak at the knees. Kirishima almost wants to steal you away from everyone else and shower you in kisses, cuddles and presents just to see you look at him in that way again.
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uwowrites · 2 years
hi! after i saw a few of your posts, i have a question - could you do a fanfic with boss and a kid reader with daddy issues? the reader would see in boss a father figure, she would do her best in work to not be abandoned by him, always being scared of accidentially making him mad and always wanting to ask him if he could treat her like a daughter for even a minute (what would finally happen here)?
i hope this isnt too complicated, seeing a post like this would make me so happy!
Dad!boss was one of the things that made me keep playing the first game. Seeing him being such a dad to Eugene is just iihersortbur. This also ended up being a platonic fic between most of the workers rather than focusing on just Boss. Sorry.
You are my dad! Boogie woogie woogie.*
Working at the underworld office has helped you gain a lot. As well as acquiring a sense of self-confidence, you also acquired a family. Granted, they were a mismatched batch, they still felt like home. A feeling which you could take getting used to sometimes. You had been shown a great deal more love and acceptance by them than even your biological family had shown you. With Joan being a stern but caring grandmother, River being a rebellious, fun and thoughtful aunt/mother figure of sorts, Eugene and Hayden were brothers you would do anything for and knew they would do the same for you.
And then there was Boss. He was both a role model and a father figure to you. Always guiding you and ensuring that you were safe. And most importantly, he was there for you. Granted, he wasn't open with his feelings, but you knew he cared about Eugene and you.
Which is why you were always scared of disappointing him. You always tried your best at work and did as much, sometimes you even went overboard, harming your health in turn (which earned some serious talks and lectures from Sean and Joan). Boss and River were aware of how you viewed them, however the latter was the only one who knew about your family situation. And she was aware of how scared you were.
She defended you whenever Boss thought of firing you. She knew Boss was scared of how you often pushed yourself. While you did tell him that you were still learning to value yourself, your progress was slower than Eugene's, and he was scared that it would be too late before you found a way. River understood all that and still tried to convince him against firing you. But she could only do so much, which is why, she asked you to talk about your problems to Boss.
You objected at first. Scared that if he knew about the way your real father viewed you, Boss would end up firing you. Making you lose the only family you had.
"Pfft. Even if Boss ends up firing you, I am still going to hang around. I need my partner in crime. Pretty sure the others would have a hard time staying away as well." She grinned, slapping you slightly at the back.
You chuckled, knowing she meant what she said.
"I know you are scared newbie. But you have to be honest with him. He'll understand. You are his kid after all."
"Wait what?", you raised your eyebrow, surprised at the statement.
"You didn't really think you were the only one who saw the others as family, do you?"
You were left to contemplate your thoughts as she ruffled your hair.
The two of you were interrupted by the sound of Hayden and Boss talking, as they entered the room.
"So, Joan and Eugene left for their patrol?" River asked as she ceased ruffling your hair.
"Yes. We must get going as well. River you will be heading South while I head North. Y/N, you and Hayden will be patrolling the East."
"Sir, yes sir." River mock saluted, causing Boss to shake his head. Hayden and you smiled at their antics. Once four of you walked out of the office, you split into your teams and headed for your patrol zones.
The two of you walked through the streets, each keeping an eye out for potential threats. Hayden noticed you had been more distracted than usual, seeing how you sometimes tripped on air while you walked.
"Is something bothering Y/N?"
You denied such a thing, albeit a bit too fast.
"What makes you say that?"
"Y/N keeps falling, like Tom from Tom and Jerry." he pointed out.
You assured him that you were alright, as you didn't want to air out your complaints and problems to him.
The patrol was a success, for the most part. All that was left, was to return to the office.
Hayden was enquiring about your daily routine and hobbies. Once he learnt that you enjoyed watching TV shows, he immediately asked a million questions a minute. You barely had the breath to answer them all. He was a curious kid, although a bit too curious at times.
"So, Y/N is telling me that the bottles in movies are made of fake glass?"
"Yeah. So, if you tried to break the glass bottle over someone's head, it's not going to shatter like it does in movies."
"But then what is it made of?"
You answered, "Uh, well. I am not sure about that. I think-"
A low growl cut you off, snapping your head towards the direction of the sound, you squinted your eyes, trying to find the source of the sound.
Feeling a sudden chill, you grabbed Hayden's hand, surprising the child.
A large hand slammed in front of you. Turning your hand to find the body to which the limb belonged to, you came face to face with a monster.
You were no match for it, you knew that. It's size was six times that of yours. It had 4 arms, and a whole lot of eyes. You pushed Hayden behind you, trying to shield the child from that... thing.
"Y/N, what are you-"
The monster screeched, the two of you covered your ears in reflex. Quickly, grabbing Hayden's hand, you flew as fast as you could, to which Hayden followed suit. The two of you however, weren't fast enough, as the monster showed no signs of fatigue or slowing down.
Realizing this, you let go of Hayden's hand and flew in another direction. Hayden called out for you in fear.
"I'll distract it. Just go get the others." You yelled back.
Hayden hesitated, before the monster swung it's arm at the child.
Feeling your anger bubble up, you summon all your strength and kicked the monster's back. It screeched, and turned it's attention to you.
Gulping, you barely dodged it's arm as it tried to grab you.
"There isn't enough time. Just go!"
Hayden, frustrated that he couldn't help you, flew North and after a while, out of sight while uou focused on trying to distract the monster in front of you.
Remembering River teaching you how to morph your body, you tried stretching your arms, similar to the way Mr. Fantastic or elastigirl does, and tried to hold the monster back. **
The monster quickly understood what you were going for, and swung you towards the wall of a building like a yo-yo.
You felt air get knocked out of your lungs as your back harshly hit against the wall. Groaning, you retracted your arms and tried to stand up. You teleported out of the way before the monster brought down it's arm to squish you. You weren't as well trained as the others in the office, so you could only teleport short distances. You did teleport out of the creature's line of sight.
Taking a moment to catch your breath, you tried to listen for the monster simultaneously. You quietly listened to the monster move away from your location, heading west.
Smiling in relief, you walked out of hiding, only to hear a loud scream come from the direction the monster was headed.
Groaning you flew in the direction the monster was headed. Although you wanted to get back at the office (your safe place), you knew you couldn't just leave a monster to rage and hurt others.
Deciding to be the bait once again, you delivered a swift punch to it's back, further increasing it's anger. Yelling at the others to get away, you tried to prevent the monster from hurting anyone else.
It moved towards you at a quick pace, almost stepping on a ghost puppy in the process. You quickly swooped down and scooped the pup before it could get hurt. The monster's leg missing you by a hair.
Placing the pup down, you called Joan's name.
Mentally facepalming yourself for not thinking about calling her name sooner, you swung the cane at the monster's arm. While it screamed, you tapped the cane against the ground, making it transform into Joan's rifle.
Aiming the gun at the monster's chest, you fired, hoping that it would be enough to stop the monster.
It only critically damaged it though, proven by the gaping hole in it's chest. You were about to shoot it once more, before the cane disappeared from your hands.
'I will only let you use it once, so choose the time wisely.' Joan's words rang in your head.
You rolled out of the way as another hand came down. Trying to land another kick with all your strength you feel your energy drain out. Landing a blow on this thing was hard enough, forget the fact that you practically had to hit it with all you had.
You continue dodging and landing kicks & punches, hoping that the monster would just collapse at one point.
But it never stopped moving.
So you kept fighting.
You knew your punches didn't do as much damage as shooting it, but you had to try something.
And somewhere in the middle, you let your guard down.
The monster was quick to act, as it grabbed you from the sky and threw you against the wall again.
Letting out a yelp, you felt yourself drift in and out of consciousness. Falling to the ground, you tried to stay awake.
You tried to get up and glanced at the monster, to see it run towards you. Using the wall as support, you raise yourself from the ground and get into a fighting stance. The monster shot out it's arm towards you and you brace for impact. Closing your eyes you held your breath and prepared yourself for the incoming blow.
But it never came.
Opening your eyes, you see Boss standing in front of you, hanbok twisted around to hold the monster down. You could even see River and Joan in the distance, flying towards you.
You let out a sigh in relief, happy to see them.
"Thanks, dad." you said, before you fell down from exhaustion.
Eyes fluttering open, you took a deep breath in. You could feel your entire body cry in pain. Closing your eyes and letting out a small whine as you felt an excruciating pain in your back.
"Take it easy, junior. You're safe now."
Your eyes snapped open as you heard the voice. Seeing Boss sit beside you and helping you sit up on the bench you were laying on. As you looked around, you noticed River and Joan's absence.
"Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! You are awake!" Hayden lunged at you, hugging you tightly as he cried.
"Hey. Hey. I am okay, bud." You whispered, hugging the kid tightly.
Kitty meowed loudly and you rubbed the spot behind his ears. Eugene came from the other side and hugged you as well.
You relaxed as you felt a familiar sense of safety wash over you. A small part of you was in disbelief that you were okay and intact.
The two released you from your hug and you looked at Boss, who had a unreadable expression on his face.
"Thanks for saving me."
"Hmm. Are you still in pain?" Boss asked as he put a hand on your shoulder.
"Yeah. Kinda hurts but I am okay now. At least I am still in one piece." You replied. Boss nodded and was about to speak up again, although he got beat to it.
"Newbie! You're awake!" River exclaimed as she phased through the door of the office and dashed towards you to give you a hug.
"River... lungs... pain."
"Oops." She said as she let you go.
"Glad to see you up, sweat pea." Joan patted your head.
After a while of consoling and convincing the others that you were okay, they decided to let you go. Boss decided to take you back home and asked River get Eugene home.
You sat on your bed as the events of tonight replayed in your head.
You were nearly a goner.
"I know I keep saying this, but... thanks again. You know, for rescuing me."
"Of course."
You were about to lay down before Boss called your name, to which you looked at him as a sign to go on.
"Are you sure you wish to keep working in the office?"
Confused, you replied, "Well, yeah. I like working there."
"Does anyone know about you working at the underworld office? Like your parents?"
You scoffed, feeling annoyed at the mention of them, "I highly doubt he would care."
"Your father?" he enquired.
"Yeah. He wouldn't even bat an eye if I up and died either. So there is no point in him knowing."
"I see. That would explain a few things." Boss offered.
You quirked an eyebrow at that. Not understanding what he meant by that sentence.
"You called me dad."
You felt your heart drop at that. He is definitely going to kick you out of the office now.
"Y/N, do you view me as a father figure?" ***
"What? Nooooooo. I see you as a bother figure cause you are always bothering me." You replied, rubbing your neck and laughing awkwardly at the end of that sentence.
Boss deadpanned at the joke, making you answer honestly, "I... kind of do. Sorry."
"It's alright. I just do not understand why you would see me as any kind of parental figure."
"It's hard not to?" you started, "It's just, you take care of Eugene and me. Making sure we don't end up dead, giving us a helping hand and offering advice. And, I never really had someone like that. Someone to teach me how to defend myself or guide me, you know? My entire life, I have always had to fight for myself. I couldn't afford to trust anybody or have the luxury of feeling or being safe. I was always the one who had to defend others but no one was there to defend me. Except for you and the others at the office."
Boss listened to you patiently as you talked. He was able to sympathize with you for he did not have much of a family before he met the others in the office. To him, Joan was like his mother, River his sister and Eugene, Hayden and you were his kids.
"I am glad that you chose to trust me to the point where you feel as though I am family. But, in doing so, you are hurting yourself."
"What? Pshhh no."
"Y/N, after hearing your side of the story, your past behaviors finally make sense to me. The way how you would always work yourself to the bone to ensure that you wouldn't disappoint me or the way you would always take extremely unhealthy amount caution before making any decision so as to not anger me."
"You, uh- noticed huh? God this is embarrassing."
"Of course I would. As long as the two of you are with me, it is my responsibility to watch over you and Eugene. But you should give up thinking that making any mistake would upset me. We are only beings after all. Not gods. Making mistakes is human nature. I am not going to kick you out just because you stumble along the way."
"Yes, really. I have made mistakes in my past as well. So, it's unreasonable to expect my kid to not make any."
As you smiled at that, you realized what he said at the end.
"Wait a minute. Did you call me your kid?"
He laughed and ruffled your hair.
"Sleep well, Y/N. And remember to take care of your health and not stress yourself out."
He snapped his fingers and you woke up.
As you lied in bed, you remembered how you always wondered what it would be like if Boss was your real dad. What it would be like, if you were really his kid.
And now that you look back at it, you realized that Boss has always treated you as his own ever since you became an official member of the office.
*Vine reference
**In the route where you free charlie (the first game), I noticed how, if you chose to get charlie and seek revenge, you can see Charlie and Eugene drag Jack. So, I guess that temporary ghosts can shapeshift and change their appearance.
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Charlie's hands are black, whereas Eugene's was white (before you decide to kill Jack)
***Brooklyn nine nine reference
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nejiraez · 4 years
date night gone wrong | todobakudeku hc
@remi7k requested: Could you bless us with headcannons of the guys reactions (Bakugou, Shoto, and anyone of your choice) on a date with their S/O and the waiter keeps flirting with her in front of them and it’s pissing them off. Por favor❤️❤️
© all rights reserved, reposting is NOT allowed on any platforms along with modifying/translating and plagiarism. 
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Bakugou doesn’t like eating outside food. He always prefers his cooking over the “processed crap” that fast-food chains and restaurants provide.
So if he were to be taking his S/O out, chances are that he’s not eating shit. He’d much rather watch you eat and be content while he just sips on a glass of water.
So, the one time that this grump is thoughtful enough to bring you out to eat on a date? His patience is tested and by the waiter of all people. 
Bakugou doesn’t appreciate the way your server keeps throwing you heart eyes whenever he passes your table. Bakugou’s not stupid, he has eyes just like the average person does and could see how attractive you were.
So the fact that you’d gain a few pairs of eyes on you was nothing out of the norm. However, the fact that someone was doing this so boldly, right in front of him? In front of your B-O-Y-F-R-I-E-N-D?
Either they’re thick-skulled and couldn’t pick up on the fact that you two came here together, alone, on a date, or they were provoking him purposefully.
Either or, it pissed Bakugou the fuck off.
“See?” Bakugou says, nodding his head across the room towards the waiter who kept giving you fleeting glances. “This is why I said we have food at home.”
“Relax, he’s harmless…” You say, nudging your elbow into your boyfriend’s side to shake him from the dirtiest, stank look he was throwing at the server any chance he could get. “He’s just doing his job.”
Oh, but Bakugou doesn’t think so. Not at all. His eyes don’t miss the way the waiter gets all fidget-y whenever he hands you your plate, or how his eyes linger lower than they should be whenever he comes to refill your glass.
Bakugou hates it all.
And God forbid if your waiter tries to flatter you with those “It’s on the house” or “It’s on me” lines when they try to woo you with free dessert.
Bakugou would be quick to snag the pint of ice cream from grasp, shoving a spoonful of the treat into his mouth. “She’s lactose intolerant. So, beat it.”
Knowing damn well you weren’t.
By the end of it all when he was paying the bill for you (to which he begrudgingly left a tip for, on your behalf and yours alone), he makes sure to take you by the hand, fingers intertwined with yours to say, “Okay, let’s leave, babe. This shit’s got me tired.” Ensuring that the word babe, rolled nice and slow off from the tip of his tongue.
Bakugou asserting his dominance all while being a petty, yet protective, boyfriend. ~
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Honestly, Todoroki’s gonna miss the first few signs that your server may be trying to get with his S/O. But that’s all because this man only has his sights focused on you.
He adores watching how giddy you become whenever your orders come by, or how you urge him to taste some of your food.
“So what’s the event for tonight? You two came down here as friends? Hanging out on a Friday night?” Your server would ask you directly, not really caring for Todoroki’s answer. His back would even be facing your boyfriend every time he swung around.
And that’s when things began to go downhill.
“Oh!” You laugh to dial down the tense atmosphere that had suddenly swirled around your particular booth. Todoroki was still, and you don’t miss the way his jaw tenses at the ‘friends’ title. “We’re actually-”
“I’m her boyfriend, actually,” Todoroki interjects with a clipped tone. He frowns at his food, picking at the plate with an uninterested glare. “We’re together.” 
You thought that affirmation would have been enough for the guy to cool it on his flirtatious tendencies, but God no.
“Ah, I can see why!” He casts a playful wink your way, “You’re a very beautiful girl.”
Your eyes bug out at his bold confession and a concerned smile graces your lips, all while Todoroki doesn’t even bother masking the fact of how peeved he is. 
Without his knowledge, Todoroki’s quirk is set off and the table is encased in a layer of his glossy, cold ice all from the power of his right hand.
An as soon as your waiter leaves you two to your own devices, Todoroki is quick to act.
He wastes no time in switching seats, to get up from his spot only for him to slide into your side of the booth that he could be seated right next to you. “How irritating.” He’d hiss under his breath, taking a harsh stab at his food.
For the remainder of your date night, Todoroki acts hard-headed, making the job for the waiter ten times harder than it needed to be.
Anytime that the waiter would try to hand you your plate or a new glass, this motherfucker absolutely would not move an inch.
So to get to you, the guy would have to go through him first, quite literally. That, or he’d have to politely ask your stoic boyfriend to move out of the way, to which Shouto would respond with a curt “Hurry on with it.”
You’ve never seen him act so out of character before (which was kinda attractive), the same law-abiding guy that you once knew was now prompting you to engage in a “dine and dash” with him.
To put it short, you two never stepped foot in that restaurant again.
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Midoriya would do the absolute most out of the three to show that you two are dating, as a means to shoo away his competition.
He’s not big on confrontation, if anything, he’d try his damned best to avoid it. So he would probably opt out of the option of telling the waiter directly to “quit hitting on his S/O”.
Rather, Midoriya would always bring up the subject of your next upcoming dates with him, whenever the server so happens to pass by. “So, for our next date, where would you like to go? Anywhere... away from here?”
And he’d play footsies under the table with you to try and induce a laugh to show how much fun you two were having, that, or he’d ask for your hand across the table so he could hold and graze his thumb against the palm of your hand.
He’s very passive-aggressive about this. Making sure that his love for you is being shown but in a very loud and brazen fashion.
Hell, he’ll even step out of his comfort zone and go as far as to ask you to spoon feed him so of your food. “Can- May I try some of your food?”
And if that shit doesn’t work?
“Um, excuse me, but does your restaurant celebrate anniversaries?” Midoriya would question once he’s managed to successfully flag down opposing male to your table. “Because you see, my girlfriend and I are celebrating our second year anniversary today and she was really hoping if you’d put something together for that.” 
The way you’d have to bite down on your tongue to hold back the laughter that threatened to bubble out past your lips. Watching Midoriya become all ‘territorial’ over you was one thing, but for him to go to such lengths… and to pin it on you?
Midoriya’s pride swells at the fact that a look of dejection flashes across the server’s face the moment the word “girlfriend” was left to linger through the air.
You’d have to sit and watch as the entire staff and kitchen would come out from the back, bringing you two cake and playing their song to celebrate you both, all while it wasn’t even your damn anniversary. 
Midoriya on the other hand was enjoying it all. Flaunting off your relationship with him to scare off potential homewreckers was the highlight of his night out with you.
© all rights reserved to @nejiraez​. reposting is NOT allowed on any platforms along with modifying/translating and plagiarism.
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Do you have any autistic Scout headcanons? :P
Hell yeah!
I’ve actually thought about this a lot. A lot of people might think that Scout has ADHD, but I think he either has both ADHD and autism or just autism.
This is both because labeling Scout as having just ADHD is kind of a low-hanging fruit, and I also want to explore his symptoms a little more. So, in a word, I do, and thank you for asking about them!
Scout’s Spectrum:
So, where exactly does Scout fall on the autism spectrum?
First of all, he probably has both ADHD and autism, but wasn’t diagnosed with the latter until much later. This means that some of his symptoms were taken into account, but not all.
The ones that were paid attention to ramped up out of control, and the ones he didn’t hear about were stuffed away.
His ADHD symptoms include impulsiveness, need for stimulation, hyperfixations, forgetfulness, and insomnia; his autism symptoms include trouble with social skills, stimming, near inability to remember names and faces, lack of eye contact, hyperfixations again, and sensory processing issues, especially with noise and touch.
He used to have a lot of meltdowns when he was younger, usually about wearing new clothes and the amount of noise his eight brothers generated.
However, he was teased and pushed into masking nearly all the time, and made his whole personality about his ADHD, since that was what everyone accepted.
As he got older, he usually wrote off any autistic tendencies as either his ADHD or just “little habits” of his.
During his middle school years, he used energy drinks to bounce back from being exhausted every day after school. This would work, except those energy drinks would upset his ADHD, and would make it much harder to focus on even basic conversation.
After a while, he got such bad grades and had such a hard time making friends that Scout just stopped going to school altogether.
Baseball helped his focus, and the quick movement and thinking made a lot of sense to him. He never had to wait very long for the next development, and the instant gratification and community it provided supplemented what he never got at school.
With sports on his side, he rarely ever drank any energy drinks (the coach would never let them on the field), and he drank bucketfuls of water during every meet and game. Those teenage years were probably the healthiest he ever was.
However, with the amount of rumbles he got into with his brothers, and the turf wars that constantly raged in those neighborhoods, it was only a matter of time before his crime caught up with him.
After his first incarceration, he was booted from the team, which led to a downward spiral of unhealthy coping mechanisms - which included fighting someone tooth and nail whenever he could.
Even if he lost the fight, it not only catered to his impulsive nature and impatience, but also gave him roughly the same sense of friendship and camaraderie that baseball had.
One thing led to another, and by the time Mann Co. found him, Scout was a monster in hand to hand (and bat to bat) and had racked up quite the criminal record.
A perfect mercenary, ripe for the picking.
On The Team:
Scout very quickly adopted the “stupid, scrappy Boston boy” persona.
It was the only thing that made sense, and it kept him from having to try too hard in both the battlefield and socially.
Besides, that meant that he could be as silly, forgetful, and fidgety as he wanted, and no one would bat an eye.
And if he ever needed to take a break from the team, he figured everyone would appreciate the quiet.
The only thing that ever gave him away was him occasionally dissociating right when battle began, especially if the day had been stressful.
It was usually how he calmed down after a fight when he was young, but now he sometimes slid into that state when he was overwhelmed.
However, a yell from one of his teammates would usually snap him out of it.
Medic noticed this pretty early on, and wanted to look more into it, but Scout would keep making excuses not to get a mental examination.
He would blame it on zoning out, being tired, drinking too many Bonks - whatever it took for people to stop asking.
And, eventually, they did.
Even Medic stopped asking after a while - he couldn’t get a thing out of Scout.
This “try so little that when you do try it’s above average” charade worked for a long time. In fact, it went on for so long that Scout forgot how much he was actually capable of.
He began to internalize the stupidity, the exacerbation, the many comments on how dumb he was, everything.
The only time he ever gave his all was on the battlefield - moving fast, memorizing strategies, doing complicated footwork, knowing exactly how much force it took to crush someone’s skull with his bat.
That was one of the only things that he felt good doing, the only thing he could really work on without him being “found out.”
That and drawing, though he never showed the actual pieces to anyone. It was all stick figures and crooked lines with everyone else.
Sometimes, though, Scout wouldn’t be paying attention and he’d let something slip.
One time, Engineer was looking for his screwdriver, and couldn’t seem to find it anywhere.
Scout, not looking up from his comic, said, “Under the couch cushion, hard hat.”
Engineer bent down and reached into the couch, and his hand came back with his red and yellow striped screwdriver.
“Well I’ll be damned…”
At first Engineer thought Scout had just hid it, but Scout explained, still not paying attention:
“Last time we went out on th’ field, you had it on your belt, like always. But I was walkin’ by your workshop, you were usin’ a quarter to tighten a screw or somethin’. Your screwdriver had to be somewhere between the battlefield and your workshop. Engie, you’re like freakin’ clockwork. Every day, after a fight, you go to the kitchen, get a water, go to that couch, between the second and third cushion from the left, and sit there. Then ya go back to the fridge to get lunch and a beer, and ya go to your workshop until somebody needs you for somethin’. Your back loop in your tool belt is looser than all the others, ‘cause the screwdriver pulls against it when you sit down. The shank was probably in between the two cushions, and when you got up, it fell in. Demo, Pyro, and Heavy all sit on the second or third cushion at some point, so it got shimmied down. And since that’s the only time you sat down, ‘cause you woulda heard it if it dropped on the floor, and I…uh…”
“I’ll be damned,” Engie repeated, and felt the back tool belt loop. It was indeed loose.
Scout finally looked up, and realized what had happened.
“Uh, uh - l-lucky guess, huh Engie?”
Engineer squinted behind his goggles. “Yeah…real lucky…”
What ensued was Engie trying to get Scout to turn into a B.L.U Spy by chasing him around with his wrench. After a few good hits, though, Engineer saw that it was the teammate he knew and loved.
“But…how didja…?”
Scout threw his hand up, the other rubbing the back of his head where he’d been hit.
“I toldja Engie! Lucky guess! Jesus!”
Ever since then, Scout chose his words more carefully.
The Breakdown:
But, unfortunately, Scout could not pretend forever.
There was one week where Scout’s assignment count was so high that, if he wasn’t in a fight, he was on a mission.
Usually, Pauling wouldn’t trust him with so much, but no one else was available - or willing - to do the jobs.
Even when she was getting concerned about the amount of hours Scout was putting in, he blew it off.
“It’s no sweat, Miss Pauling! Their practically givin’ me the pay day. Those yahoos don’t know who they’re messin’ with.”
Over time, though, Scout had a harder and harder time staying focused and alert.
He’d sleep through alarms, stare off into space, zone out completely during briefing (not that he didn’t already do that), have a hard time hearing people in battle - even through his headset - ignore Spy’s taunts, and even forget to bring his bat onto the field.
Nothing seemed to help - Bonk!, warming up, stretching, cold showers, setting reminders, nothing.
And the team was starting to notice.
At first it was with the regular frustration - maybe Scout was just being lazy.
But as time went on, and his condition grew worse, their scorn turned into worry. They implored Medic to do something, but he had no way of getting through to Scout.
The doctor wasn’t above simply sedating him and dragging him into his lab for a check-up. However, he had a feeling that this was more than a physical issue.
The worst came when Scout was doing a routine battle with the B.L.U team on the field.
Everything had started out okay - he even remembered to bring his bad this time - but suddenly, everything was ear-splittingly loud.
He couldn’t focus on more than one sound at once, much less communicate the best course of action to his teammates.
He ended up hiding in a dilapidated shed, in a dusty, dark corner, somewhere between zoning out and panicking.
Scout’s head was in his knees, he was shaking, close to crying, when a sudden splitting of wood roused him.
A B.L.U Soldier had kicked his way into the shed, either having heard Scout or to hide from the other team.
Scout was stunned at first, but something of a blind terror filled him. He picked up his bat, screamed, and started pummeling the surprised Soldier.
At some point, he threw aside his bat and began to swing punch after punch, just like he did in his gang days when he had felt overwhelmed. Still screaming. Still crying.
By the time Scout had dissolved into a rocking, sobbing mess, the Soldier was long dead, with a gigantic pool of blood staining Scout’s shoes.
No one even knew where Scout was until a few hours later, when Spy heard a faint note of “Sexbomb” coming from Scout’s Walkman.
Scout had crawled into the shed’s framework, between the outer and inner wall, and was playing a specific verse over and over and over again, looking like he was on another plane of existence.
Spy immediately called for Medic, who had to lift Scout out by the underarms through a jagged hole in the side of the building. By then, the fight was over, so they could take him directly to the lab.
Medic’s Evaluation:
“I’m guessing zhis is your first mental breakdown?”
“Mental…doc, I ain’t crazy. Wait, you’re not goin’ to put me in a straight jacket, are ya?”
“If you’re not doing anyzhing later.”
Medic started to laugh, but quickly realized this might not be the time.
“No, Scout, everyvun has a mental breakdown at least vunce in their lives. It’s a…how do you say…a vake-up call of sorts. Vhen your body has no other options left.”
“Whaddya mean?”
“For zhe past few months, you health, both physical and mental, has been deteriorating. You eat less. You talk less. Your attacks are lackluster. You have bags under your eyes. You flinch vhen somevun yells for you. You stare off into space. Your routine, vhich usually has at least some changes, has become stringent, as if you can’t possibly expend any more energy into extra activities. You have avoided Demoman on zhe battlefield, even though you usually use him for cover.”
Medic flipped through his notes.
“I have pages and pages of your decline. However, as a scientist, I believe it is caused by zhe same source. And, though I usually respect my patient’s right to privacy vhen it comes to these sorts of matters, I believe you’ve been keeping something from me. Something that I should know as your general practitioner…your doctor.”
Scout shrugged, already shutting out the conversation.
Medic sighed.
“Maybe I tried to talk to you about zhis too soon. After all, you’ve just had a very sudden and exhausting episode. But…perhaps…”
Medic took a sheet of printer paper from his clipboard and a spare pen from his pocket.
“…zhere is an alternative.”
Scout was still unresponsive, but Medic continued.
“Zhere is a patient in my vaiting room vis a metal pole through the chest. It vill take me at least an hour to properly remove it, and a few minutes more to heal zhe area. Vhile I do zhat, vhy don’t you draw how you feel?”
Medic smiled.
“I know how much it grounds you.”
It wasn’t until Medic left that Scout actually picked up the pen, but he began drawing immediately.
For the first time in a while, he wasn’t trying to hide his strokes or scratch up the cleaner lines. No more stick figures. No more pretending.
Five minutes later, he was fully engrossed.
Medic started to walk in at one point, but, seeing how relaxed Scout was, decided to give him a few more minutes.
He deserved it.
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worminstuff · 4 years
mcyts as teachers
in my brain. lol. thisisjustmyopiniondontattakpls
dream smp edition!!!
i got way to carried away HOLY
Mr.Wastaken - math
he’s that one math teacher dude whos friends with all his students
funky👏tys👏 and👏 button ups👏
somehow teaches everything so everyone understands
the students won’t bully eachother if he bully’s them first.
everyone does their work and then when everyone is done and just chillin, he’ll tell a story or just talk to them
Mr.Blade - english
he’s that english teacher that if you ask the right question they’ll go on a tangent and you’ll get to not do work for like 30 minutes minimum.
Mr.Blade seems mean but is super sweet to his students. (especially the quiet ones)
never makes them do presentations
Mr.Jacobs - history
is 100% best friends with his students.
so many handshakes
Mr.Karl is literally the best dressed teacher there is and is so nice to all his students. he is easy going on grading but is a tad hard on late work.
totally doesn’t sneak off to kiss coach sapnap sometimes
Mr. Quack - spanish
gets so hyped with his students.
kahoot kahoot kahoot sm kahoot
Mr.Quacks class is the one everyone hopes they get and constantly looks forward to. thinks like baking spanish food, watching spanish soap operas, and many more fun ways Mr.Quack has thought of to show them different aspects of spanish culture
Mrs. Nihachu - art
the classroom the kids with anxiety sit in during lunch
gives her students hugs whenever they need them
has art her students have made for her all over her classroom walls and desk
drawer full of candy
Coach Sapnap & Coach Punz - PE
so scary. they are so so scary.
also the sweetest somehow.
the duo is always constantly trying to create new games to keep students active and they work hard to make sure everyone is happy and being included if they want to, or have an alternative if they don’t.
they play in team games like kickball and get HELLA competitive, it makes for a whole lot of fun inside jokes between them and their students.
the smack talk- holy-
Mr.Fundy - furry science- jk. biology
every time they have labs he wears a funky lab coat and goggles
his students make fun of him and he loves it
is a tough grader but makes the class easy and makes it a comfy place so kids won’t be scared to ask questions when they need
Mr.Notfound - engineering
he’s the type of teacher to put up a video on days he’s tired
actually really enjoys bantering with students, and is super lenient with how much they can talk during classes
a lot of his work is hands on so there’s many bits and bobbles around his room and it’s always a mess
“you’ll need the stuff for the soddering machines but i’m not actually sure where they are...”
the students are well aware that class is WAY more fun when Mr.Notfound is in a good mood.
Mr.Wastaken drops by when he has free periods cause he loves to annoy visit Mr.Notfound
Teacher Eret - sociology
his room is the safe space where you go if you need a good hug or a good cry
kids also eat lunch here
memes on da walls and things hanging from the ceiling
talks with his hands and laughs with the students when they mock him and do it when he does
“TEACHER ERET! you will not believe what sarah did!!” “tell me right now!”
Mr.Dude - comp. science
is always asking students how they feel like they’re doing
brings lunches for students he notices not having any
“snack break anyone?” opened drawer full of goldfish
stands in the hallways during passing time so he can watch out for his kiddos and make sure no ones being mean to anyone
high-fives all the time constantly
Mr.Soot - drama
literally so dramatic all the time for no reason
relentless hamilton references
he’s the type of drama teacher to adore his students and have them adore him back. he loves hearing all the unique ideas and loves to watch kids grow into their shell as they take his class
his favorite thing is watching quiet kids learn they love acting and become more confident
students share their own scrips and plays they write and he absolutely melts every time
Mr.Shlatt - political science
the teacher that everyone tries to get mad cause it’s funny
starts arguments between students because he loves to watch kids grow into their opinions and learn to debate with others
teaches them how to win arguments and it blows up in his face cause they start using his tactics against him
Mr. Halo - self defense
no 🚫 swearing 🚫 zone
gives the biggest hugs to kids that seem sad
he teaches in mostly talking ways where he explains everything but he also loves demonstration lessons
he always has kids talking to him about other teachers that may annoy them or have given them a bad grade because Mr.Halo always has their back
Mr.Skeppy - money management
he’s that one teacher that isn’t really close with his students but every once in a while he’ll get a group of kids that he enjoys and it makes the class a lot more fun
pizza party after tests if everyone passes
actually holds meme contests for literally no reason
Mr.H - hospitality
has whiteboard desks in his class cause he is THAT cool
is always asking kids what the drama is atm cause he wants to be in the know
has holiday party’s in class for EVERY holiday. if you have him as a teacher you’ll be celebrating every holiday for however long you have him. he just lives for a good party.
also has a snack drawer
Mr.Frost - horticulture
shelves and shelves of plants. gives his fav students ones to take home
literally the sweetest teacher, every student understands you can not be rude to Mr.Frost it’s just criminal to do so
another huggy teacher. he just loves his kiddos with his whole heart
the least amount of work for a class out of all of them
he’s definitely that teacher thay takes his class outside every chance they get, and the students l o v e it
Mr.Minecraft -headmaster/principal
he’s the reason the school has like 0 REAL trouble makers.
everyone’s scared of him, but only because they don’t want to disappoint him.
he creates the best rallies and makes school events fantastic
100% dances at school dances sometimes
Mrs.Puffy - councilor
everyone adores her. even other teachers.
she councils Mr.Wastaken when he needs dating advice. *cough cough* Mr.Notfound *cough cough*
literally 3 drawers full of snacks.
is the founder of their schools GCA and it’s the best thing
let’s kids skip class in her office when they have a panic attack or are to anxious to go
had to have a chat with Coach Sapnap because of how many kids were coming from his PE class having panic attacks (he felt really bad, he’s just intense sometimes)
loves to sit in on Mr.Quackitys classes
Teacher callahan - substitute
he subs in sometimes and when students find out Teacher callahan is subbing that day they freak the fuck out
so much kahoot
how can one man start such party’s without speaking a word
terrorizes Mr Wastakens classes when he can and LOVES to pop in on the PE classes especially when they’re doing something wicked fun and he feels like beating sapnap at something
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spectaclespencer · 3 years
P.H. // Part 1; Alone
Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
A/N; Here’s the first chapter! Let me know what you think <3 this is based off of this request I got. Any and all feedback is appreciated. Please know I know this theme/part has little to nothing to do with the actual meaning of the song, but some lines work if you ignore the rest 😅
Summary; After Gideon leaves, Reader takes up chess to comfort Spencer through the difficult time.
Category; Fluff, Angst(?), Hurt/Comfort
Content Warnings; Sad Spencer otherwise none!
Word Count; 3.5k
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It started when I found Spencer one morning. He had fallen asleep on a chair at the bau, and he explained to me that he’d been waiting for Gideon because he promised to play chess with Spencer that night.
“Is Hotch in yet?”
“No, he will be soon. We have a case, JJ is gonna brief us and we leave in 30.”
He thanked me and left the room, with his head down. He kept the same mood during the briefing, he kept drifting off as JJ was talking. Spencer was known to be stuck in his head often, but this was far more unusual behaviour. I figured maybe he slept wrong, or maybe just was simply looking forward to playing chess with Gideon. That was their usual routine, to have a game or two after cases to relax. It was understandable to see him on edge after not hearing from him all night.
As we got on the jet he didn’t sit with me on the couch right away as he usually did, instead he walked over to Hotch in the back corner. I craned my neck to try and see what he was doing and hear what he was saying. He spoke in soft whispers, seemingly asking questions I assumed were about Gideon’s presence. I saw Hotch shake his head, to which Spencer’s expression dropped. He thanked him, then made his way over to the couch beside me.
“You okay?” I asked.
He gave me a quick nod -- yet didn’t meet my eyes -- then curled up at the end of the couch to presumably take a nap before we landed.
We were all worried about Gideon, none of us had heard from him since the last case. We figured he just needed a break from the chaos; having a loved one die would take a toll on any of us. It was logical really, any one of the team would need time to recover when presented with that situation.
Spencer remained more quiet throughout the case, not engaging in conversation when it wasn’t crucial to the work. We ended up sharing rooms but even then he didn’t budge. He mostly sat in the corner and played chess against himself, often zoning out and staring at the wall. It was hard to see, and even harder to sit back and let him try to get through it. I could tell he was fighting himself in his head, probably going over scenarios on Gideon’s whereabouts. I imagine the stress was affecting him heavily -- or at least it was clear with the way his forehead had been creased all night.
Chess. Nobody on the team had a fair shot at him besides Gideon. Sitting there staring at the pieces probably wasn’t doing him too good, only making him worry more.
It wasn’t that I didn’t care because I did, but when it comes to certain things Spencer can be defensive and refuse help, so I wanted to give him a chance to get better. It wasn’t unlike him to refuse help, and I didn’t want to make the situation worse by opening my mouth. Instead, I opted to ask, “Mind if I join in for a game?”
“What? Uh- no it’s fine. I mean, okay yes. Sure,” Spencer stuttered, spooked by my sudden appearance beside him.
“Stop slouching, you’re gonna make your posture even worse,” I chuckled lightly, patting his shoulder to remind him. He shot me a small smile, watching as I rounded the table to sit across from him. I wasn’t too good of a player, but I wanted to make Spencer feel just a little less alone.
“Do you even know how to play?”
“Ouch,” I mocked offense, slapping a hand over my heart. “So cruel, Spencer.”
He raised his eyebrows in a form of asking again, to which I replied with, “Kind of. I haven’t played for years but I’ve observed you.”
“Y-you’ve observed me?” Spencer questioned, resetting the chess pieces on the board.
“Well, yeah. Kind of hard not to. You’re a pretty interesting guy.”
“Oh. Thank you.”
I smiled when he finally made eye contact with me. He looked tired -- more so than usual -- with his eyebags a deeper shade than they were normally.
The game didn’t last long. In only seven minutes, he managed to beat me. I groaned at my loss, lips pulled into a tight line. Spencer didn’t react, however.
“Okay that’s enough for me,” I said, heading over to the bathroom to brush my teeth before bed. “Goodnight Spence. Get some sleep. No offense but you look like you need it.”
He hummed at me, cleaning up the table before he climbed into his own bed.
I could tell he didn’t sleep much that night, as he kept a lamp on and littered his bed with various books. He looked cute, all swaddled up in the blanket he brings with him on every case for a sense of stability. His glasses were perched on his nose, and he was chewing his fingernails -- a habit I’ve tried to get him to kick over the past two years.
We didn’t talk during the night, but we both knew that each other were awake. I was kept up by my thoughts, trying to figure out how to get Spencer out of his slump. Re-learning how to play chess seemed like a decent enough idea -- yet one that would take some time. I was proved tonight that my skill needed to be greatly improved. It was nice in the moment, but realistically it would take a few weeks, if not more, to get the hang of.
The next day at the precinct I was stationed at the map, trying to figure out our geographical profile. I heard faint chattering coming from outside, and looked over my shoulder to see Spencer and Derek talking. I couldn’t hear much, but I did get that Spencer mumbled about calling Gideon, to which Derek answered that he might’ve just missed the call. It was possible, but likely deeper than that.
“Six times? Six calls? Something’s wrong,” Spencer sighed, rubbing his eyes.
I didn’t intervene with the conversation, instead deciding to finally speak to him about it after the case had ended.
On the last day, we all headed to our rooms after grabbing some dinner, to get a good rest before we took off early the next morning.
“Hey Spence, you awake?”
He hummed in response, and I could hear the rustle of the sheets as he rolled over in his bed to face me.
“I know you’re worried about Gideon. How about when we get back tomorrow I’ll drive you down to his cabin? We can go check on him.
“Would you really?” he asked softly. I couldn’t see him fully in the darkness, but I could sense he was looking at me with pleading eyes.
“Of course. I don’t like seeing you this stressed and down. I want to help.”
“Thanks ____, goodnight.”
“Goodnight, Spencer.”
After our conversation it was like a blanket of grey was lifted over his head. He settled in more, drifting off to sleep within minutes. I hated seeing him sad, and I did my best to try and fix his mood whenever I could. Spencer didn’t like change, I knew that, and the team knows that. A part of me had a sneaking suspicion that Gideon wasn’t coming back, and I had fear for what that would mean for Spencer.
“Do you want me to come in with you?” I asked, pulling up in front of the cabin and turning off the engine. The only sounds were the faint hum of rain outside, splattering against the windows.
Spencer shook his head and took a deep breath, before unbuckling himself and opening his door. He mumbled something about being right back, as he headed off towards the building. It wasn’t dark yet -- only being four pm -- but it wasn’t too light either.
It looked as if the lights inside the cabin were off, and I could just hardly see Spencer as he knocked on the door. He waited on the porch for a moment, waiting to see if anyone would come to the door.
Nobody did.
It was hard to just sit there and watch, as his desperation grew stronger by the millisecond.
I took deep breaths, trying to even out my intake of air and remain calm. When nobody answered the fifth time that I knocked, I reluctantly grabbed a hold of the knob and turned it. Much to my surprise the door opened, creaking inch by inch as I stood there unmoving.
“Gideon?” I called into the home, taking one step inside. “Jason?”
I wasn’t greeted with an answer, he didn’t come to the door and thank me for coming to visit. It was eerily quiet -- so quiet I took a few more steps inside to create some sort of volume.
“Hello?” I spoke again, louder this time. Shutting the door behind me I took off my jacket and hung it on the coat rack next to the entrance.
The place had been mainly cleared out, there weren’t many personal items behind. I stalked over to the kitchen, to see if there was any trace of someone within the last few days. It’s been officially a week and a half since anyone had last heard from him that I was aware of. I thought someone must have eaten, or at least left a bit of a mess behind them that would signal a presence.
As I turned the corner to enter the new room I noticed something on the table. I stopped in my tracks, leaning down to take a closer look.
Gideon’s badge, gun, and an envelope.
I swallowed thickly, walking around the table and took a seat in front of the items. When I saw the envelope had my name on it, my heart dropped. With shaky hands I picked up the paper and opened it, seeing there was a letter inside.
I knew it would be you who came to the cabin to check on me.
You must be frightened, I apologize for that. I never meant to cause you any pain. But then I also never envisioned writing this letter. I’ve searched for a satisfactory explanation for what I’m doing, all I’ve come up with is: a profiler needs to have solid footing. I- I don’t think I do anymore. The world confuses me. The cruelty, indifference, tragedy.
I stopped there, my eyesight becoming blurry from tears. I shoved the letter in my pocket, not caring at the moment if it got crumpled or not.
I was out of the cabin in no time -- choosing not to stay there and sulk in a deeper sadness.
Waiting in the car for Spencer felt like torture. It was difficult, letting him go in there alone to be met with possibly no answers. I was thrown out of my thoughts by the sound of the cabin door slamming shut, Spencer jogging over to the car.
“Hey. Hey, what’s wrong?” I asked, red flags hanging immediately as he climbed in the car, tear soaked face pointed down towards his lap. It took me a moment to realize he was crying -- the rain had completely soaked through his top layer of clothes. He didn’t reply with words, instead reaching into his pants pocket to retrieve a piece of paper. He handed it over to me, still not meeting my eyes.
I unfolded it and began to read -- it was hard, through the tear stains smudging the ink across the page.
“Oh, Spence…” I whispered and stopped after the first few sentences, leaving the rest for him. I didn’t know what to say, how to comfort him.
“He’s gone,” Spencer sniffled, wiping his eyes on the sleeves of his nearly drenched jacket. “He just left. He didn’t say goodbye. He left me a note,” he froze, taking a few deep breaths. “Just like my dad did when I was a kid.”
“It’ll be okay. Wherever he is, I’m sure he’s okay,” I assured him. “You know he cares about you, right?”
“I know he is. It’s just-” he started, trying to find the right words between his gasping for more air. “Can you just take me home, please.”
I nodded, while turning the car back on to drive away. Spencer kept his gaze towards the window, refusing to let me see his face. I’m selfishly almost glad for it, because I don’t know if seeing his heartbreak is something I could handle.
It was a long, quiet drive, taking around an hour and a half to finally reach his apartment. He scrambled out of the car fast, but I still walked him up as I usually did. He got to the door before me, thanking me for driving him home. He shut the door just as I got fully up the stairs, leaving me standing with my mouth open.
‘Baby, when you fought me at the door
Kinda hard to force what's natural
Maybe you don't want what you need most’
The next day when he came over after work he was almost back to normal. It was weird to see, to see such a shift in his behaviour after less than twenty-four hours. As much as he tried to hide it, I could tell just how hard it was for him. The sudden change didn’t go well with anyone, we’d all been informed that Gideon wouldn’t be returning and that he’d moved on from the BAU. It was especially hard on Spencer too, since Elle had just left not too long ago, and then Emily joined the team. First he loses a friend, someone who truly understood him as I did, and then someone he considered a father figure.
And neither of them had said goodbye to his face. It was scary, knowing a member of your team could walk out and never return before you know it.
We were seated on the couch, a game of chess displayed on the middle cushion between us.
It wasn’t anywhere near a fair game -- Spencer’s skills were still far ahead of mine. However I noticed it made him smile, and that’s all I wanted. For him to feel loved, and secured. It was a sense of grounding, a routine that was regular in his life. I still wasn’t very good -- not having played since high school and that night on the last case. But I downloaded an audiobook and several player’s guides for the plane ride home to study, because I wanted to learn for Spencer’s sake. However I soon realized it was easier to watch Spencer and how he plays, and to ask him questions. He seemed to enjoy it, having someone else in his life to play with.. And he loved to teach, to help people learn. He was so good at it too, his big brain being used to help people no matter the context.
Eventually he won the game as usual, causing me to groan in frustration..
“You bastard.”
“Not my fault you kinda suck,” he laughed bashfully, lips curling up into a small smile. It was nice to see a bit of happiness on his face, no matter how temporary.
“You’re so rude to me,” I joked, moving the board to the coffee table. “I thought we were friends.”
It was silent for a few moments, with me figuring out what I was going to say next.
“Spencer I know you haven’t wanted my help, but please tell me what I can do for you. Tell me how you feel, at least?”
‘Maybe you don't want what you need most’
“It’s nothing, ____,” he breathed, looking away from me and instead at the wall the couch was facing. He could see our reflection on the blank tv, and instead opted to just look down at his lap. “I’m better now.”
‘You ain't even there for me
Now you're scared to be alone’
“Respectfully, that’s bullshit.”
“Excuse me?”
“Oh come on. I know you don’t want to talk about this but at least give me something. Don’t keep it all in. It’s not healthy.”
His face screwed up at my words, eyebrows furrowed and lips twitching. I could tell he knew I was right, as much as he hated it.
“I’m just- I’m scared.”
“Of what?”
“I don’t want you to leave,” Spencer whispered, barely loud enough for me to hear.
‘Got me thinkin' that you scared of yourself, not me’
It all made sense -- the way he’d been distancing himself lately. It took me promising candy and Star Trek for him to come over tonight, and even then he almost declined. Too many blows to the heart made him afraid to get attached. He didn’t want anyone else from his life to disappear in a flash.
“Look at me,” I said, and he snapped his head to face me. “I’m not going anywhere. I can’t claim to be far in the future, but right now? I’m here. You’re stuck with me for a while, Spencer.”
He smiled, closing his eyes as a stray tear graced across his cheek. I used my thumb to wipe it away, and pulled him into a tight hug. He relaxed against me, I felt the tensions in his shoulders deflate as I held him.
“I’ve got you,” I whispered, pressing a kiss to the side of his head. His breath shuddered, and he wrapped his arms around my middle tighter, pushing his face into my shoulder to muffle his crying.
We sat for a while, my hands tracing patterns along his back. It took a few minutes for his cries to calm down, but eventually his breathing evened out with only a few hiccups here and there. He was practically sitting in my lap with his legs flung over mine, suddenly not caring about his personal space. I couldn’t blame him -- the boy was so touch starved he so clearly craved all contact he consented to.
“Do you want to spend the night?” I asked, quietly so I didn’t scare him with the sudden sound.
“Could I please?”
“Of course,” I smiled, pulling away. He still held on tight, not wanting to let go.
We made our way to my bedroom, repeating our usual routine. This wasn’t the first time we’d had a sleepover, and it won’t be the last I’m sure. Sometimes after particularly harder cases he would spend the night, just to be close to someone.
I went into the bathroom to change, giving him the opportunity to do the same. When I returned, he was dressed in a t-shirt and flannel pants he left at my place for sleepovers like this. He was already in bed, and when he saw that I was done in the bathroom he lifted the side of the blanket to welcome me in.
I joined him, grinning as he scooted over and pressed his back to my chest. I felt him breathing softly, my right arm slung over his torso to bring him in closer. He held onto my hand, and didn’t let me drift away. I was happy to comply, happy to feel his body warmth radiate through me.
“Thank you, ____. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight Spence.”
From that day on for the foreseeable future, I swore to myself to have check-ins with Spencer whenever it seemed necessary. Whether it was in the form of words, sleepovers, movie nights, or chess.
His smile got brighter everyday, and eventually he no longer felt as much weight on himself a few weeks down the road. He still cried to me about how he missed Gideon, but it had gotten less frequent. And I was always there for him, offering my shoulder and the promise of my embrace. I knew he appreciated it too.
After a few months since our first game, I beat him in a game of chess. We were on the jet on the way to Montana for a case, and Derek was sitting beside Spencer. He kept annoying him, doing little things like twisting his hair and fanning him with files. Spencer kept shrieking quietly -- trying not to alert Hotch of the bickering.
“Checkmate,” I said, biting back a smile.
“What?!” Spencer froze, arm raised in what looked like to be a poor attempt of whacking Derek’s head.
“Awe, pretty boy. You’ll get her next time,” Derek threw his head back in laughter.
“What?” Spencer repeated quieter, eyes darting across the board, likely running calculations in his head.
“Better luck next time,” I smirked, tilting my head to the side. I wiggled my eyebrows, my small victory boosting my ego.
Spencer tried to keep a neutral face, but I could see by the tension in his cheekbones that he was happy. He was enjoying it.
Please tell me your thoughts on this chapter here!
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permanent taglist; @spencerscumrag @spenxerslut
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midgardianweasley · 3 years
Angry love confession with Harry..?
Here you go Darling, hope you like it <33
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It’s you
Harry Potter x Slytherinfem!reader
Summary: Harry has been admiring his best friend, Y/N in a new light Hoping to keep his feelings under the radar, he doesn’t say a word. In a jealous temper at seeing Draco constantly on the scene, he accidentally confesses everything to her, not expecting her response.
Warnings: Angry Harry angry Harry angry Harry
Word Count: 1663 words
Message/ask if you’d like to be on the taglist <3
“Harry, mate, you still with us?” A confused Ron snapped his fingers in front of Harry’s face, seeing his friend look like he was in a different universe. He turned to Hermione when he didn’t get any response except a blank stare, shrugging and deciding to just let Harry bring himself out of his daydream when he’s ready. He’d been doing this more and more often recently, zoning out halfway through conversations and disengaging. Ron wasn’t entirely sure about what was going on with Harry, sensing his irritability, he chose to leave it be. Hermione however, she’d noticed how the Y/H/C slytherin girl, Harry’s best friend since the first day of first year four years ago, had been catching his eye whenever they were in the same room. Something changed during the summer between their third and fourth year, they’d kept in touch while Harry was with the Dursley’s and during his week at the Burrow, but they hadn’t had a chance to see each other, and when Harry saw Y/N walk onto the platform, something felt different.
It had been months of stares from across the room, lingering touches and prolonged eye contact, but no word of a confession to the Slytherin girl. It was painful to watch at times, sometimes Hermione wondered why he didn’t just tell her, it wasn’t like they weren’t comfortable with each other or couldn’t talk about it, they were practically joined at the hip. When following his gaze, her thoughts were soon answered when she saw who the girl was sitting and giggling with. Draco Malfoy. The one person Harry couldn’t stand since their first interaction in first year. Since then, Harry has avoided him at all costs, only conversing when Draco decided to make a comment towards him to rile him up one way or another, even then, Harry had done his best to ignore it, for both himself and for Y/N, he knew they were close, they were in the same house after all. Still, that couldn’t stop his anger towards the platinum haired boy when seeing his hand on Y/N’s shoulder.
“Do you know why Potter keeps looking at us?” Draco spoke, briefly looking over at the Gryffindor table, making Y/N raise her eyebrows in confusion
“What do you mean?”
“He keeps glaring over here, maybe he’s upset about his last quidditch practice. I mean, did you see how the Weaslebee’s were playing?” He chuckled
With a shake of her head, she looked up, trying to see if she can meet his gaze.
Upon seeing Y/N look up and towards him, Harry quickly looked away, acting as though he was deep in conversation with his friends, pretending he hadn’t just been admiring the way she tilted her head back when she laughed, smile as bright as ever. Despite his attempt at subtlety, she’d noticed the small glances he took during classes together and the way a small blush would creep onto his face when she’d compliment him. With this, she also noticed the way he would suddenly shut himself off whenever Draco was brought up and when his mood changed whenever he had seen or heard of the both of them hanging out or talking to one another. Y/N never understood why he’d been acting so..jealous? Surely he knew how she’d been admiring him for the last year? Right? She’d been so obvious, the late nights talking about everything and nothing, the trips to Hogsmeade that was just the two of them. He had to have realised? She’d shoved the thought away after seeing how he looked at Cho, believing she was the one he wanted, and despite her being taken by the Hufflepuff boy, Cedric, she didn’t want to jeopardize something her best friend wanted.
“I wish you’d just tell her by now” Hermione cut off her previous conversation to address Harry “What are you talking about Hermione?”
“Yeah, I wanna know what you’re on about too ‘Mione” The red haired boy mumbled, having just taken a big mouthful of fried chicken.
“I think you know exactly what i’m talking about”
“No I genuinely have no idea”
“Not you Ronald, Harry.”
“Leave it Hermione, I don’t want to talk about it.”
“You can’t just keep this to yourself forever, You need to say something eventually”
“I said I don’t want to talk about it!” Harry snapped. “If you’ll excuse me, I have somewhere I need to be” He stood up abruptly, making his way out of the Great Hall, unaware that he’d caught the eye of girl in green robes, who’d watched the scene unfold and left Draco to mutter to himself while she went to find her best friend, determined to get to the bottom of what was going on.
“I still have no idea what’s happening, can someone please fill me in??” Ron exclaimed, once again confused, leaving Hermione to simply roll her eyes, seeing Y/N’s robes float behind her as she walked out, out of the corner of her eye in the process, hope filling her that they’ll finally just get together.
Walking quickly through the halls, Harry mumbled to himself, mainly comments about Draco and the occasional one about himself. In some ways, he wished these feelings just weren’t there in the first place, it had been eating him alive, consuming him and the people around him. He’d noticed how Ron was on edge to speak around him, how Hermione had been agitated at his stubbornness and worst of all, how defeated Y/N would look when he’d go in his moods about Draco. He knew that he couldn’t stop them from being friends, not that he’d ever try, but it didn’t change the fire in his stomach when looking at them.
“Harry! Harry stop!” Y/N shouted, running to try and keep up with his speedwalking.
“Go back to dinner, Y/N, I’m fine.” Still walking and not facing her, she continued to chase him.
“Harry, please, I know you’re not fine.” She pleaded, trying to take his arm, he’d pulled away before she could attempt to stop him, but he’d stopped walking, progress.
“Can you just leave it? I want to be alone, you can go back to Draco” Draco’s name spoken with venom.
“Well I don’t want to. I want to know what’s wrong with you. I want to understand why you’ve been acting so differently recently. It’s unlike you.”
“Unlike me. That’s it, because I can’t just be having a bad time, no? I have to be happy and smiling all the time, right?”
“That’s not-”
“Not what you meant, yeah, I guessed. No, you’re right, I shouldn’t be acting the way I am.” He raised his voice, hands reaching up to pull at his hair, something he always did when he was stressed or angry. “I should sit there and smile, I shouldn't be upset, how can I be? I’m at a school for magic. I’m away from a ‘family’ who hates the sight of me, I’m surrounded by friends, I’m watching the girl I might be in love with, love someone else.” He rambled, starting to pace now, voice increasing with frustration. Pushing her feelings aside, she begins to speak again.
“I know it’s hard, i get it, but Cho-”
“Cho? What’s Cho got to do with this?” He sputtered, flailing his arms around as he spoke.
“Cho, the ravenclaw girl, the girl you might be in love with” He scoffs at her response
“Cho? You really think that’s who it is?”
“Harry, I don’t under-”
“It’s YOU!” He shouts, taking Y/N by surprise.
“It’s- what?”
“It’s you. It has been since we came back at the start of the school year.” He says, a wave of relief coming over him before quickly being replaced with anxiety. Thoughts started racing through his mind. Had he just ruined his friendship? Is she actually with Malfoy and not just friends?
Seeing the distress on his face, Y/N stepped forward, gently taking his wrists to pull his hands that had returned to pulling at his hair, down by his sides. The halls were silent now, if someone dropped a sickle, they’d be able to hear it from where they stood. She carefully adjusted her hands so they now were holding his, fingers intertwined before softly whispering
“It’s you too, you know”
“It’s me?”
“It’s been you for the last year. I thought you’d noticed but, i was clearly wrong” she laughed, Harry smiled, seeing his favourite expression etched onto her face.
“Where do we go from here?” Harry responded, slowly but surely calming down from his outburst, all previous stress, anxiety, irritability fading away with every second her hand was in his. She stepped closer to him, feeling his breath against her forehead, she blushed at the close proximity. Gently, she leaned up, having to go on her tiptoes slightly due to the height difference, and pressed her lips against his. Harry took one of his hands from hers, replacing it with the side of her face instead, pulling her closer while she rested her free hand on his chest as they both smiled into the kiss.
While the halls were still, the couple couldn’t hear, their focus being entirely on each other, but if they had focused their hearing, they’d be able to hear a “So that’s what you guys were on about, finally.” and a “Shhh Ronald” from a redhead and brunette pair who were watching them from around a corner. Both silently smiling at seeing Harry the happiest he’s been since the start of the year.
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kiranogareru · 3 years
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WARNING: Language, but this is all fluffyyyy
A/N: I present to you, my first requested work. Dedicated to @mysticmaee I apologize for taking so long, I hope this meets your expectations. Enjoy and again I'm so so sorry it took me so long
Y/n and Bakugou -as much as he refuses to admit it- have been pretty good friends for a while and they recently started dating
Katsuki is well aware of the fact that he isn't all that good at this whole relationship thing!
He knows how a relationship is supposed to be like, he's read all those things about them in novels before and even though they appeared unrealistically perfect to him, Bakugou couldn't help but compare himself and feel inferior to those fictional men and their romancing abilities!
He has observed how well Y/N seems to be fitting the role of a girlfriend and has taken mental notes of the way she always shows him how she feels, whether that's through words or affectionate little gestures, such as simply holding his hand!
Bakugou has never really been the type for physical contact, one could even say he is quite touch starved in all honesty, which makes him a little bit timid to show her his appreciation that way, since it makes him feel uncomfortable and it gives him this weird fluttery feeling inside
The blonde thinks back to the short time they have shared as a couple and how sweet Y/n has been to him, even before, when they were just friends and he insisted on pushing her away!
Bakugou is suddenly left dumbstruck, when he comes to realize that he never even asked her out properly! She just kind of blurted out her feelings and he simply claimed her as his..and by his, he means his one weakness, but of course it goes without saying that he would never reveal that!
He then decides that he wants to try harder. He knows he can do better 'I can be the best boyfriend she's ever had, I'll be her number one!' he tells himself
'She put so much effort into approaching me and I know I made it even more difficult -I can't help it, that's just how I am- but the least I can do is put in just as much effort, it's only fair!'
He doesn't want to be a shitty boyfriend, because for 1 he knows that's not what she deserves and 2 he's the best, he's not one of those stupid extras, who would let her slip right through their fingers!
'It's time I finally lowered my defenses' he thinks, although he's still hesitant of showing his softer side and unsure of what that can possibly lead to
Katsuki walks in silence as he rakes his brain for a way to make it up to Y/n for the way he's been so far.
It's not like he's treating her bad or anything, as a matter of fact he is at his calmest when he's around her and all he does is admire the way her beautiful e/c eyes sparkle when she's focused on something she enjoys, or how her face lights up when she's happy, or he revels in the taste of her lips against his own whenever they share an unexpected kiss!
This warm feeling spreads throughout his chest and blood rushes to his cheeks, tinting them with a shade of pink, at the thought of the memories!
That's when it hits him and the perfect idea pops up in his head. If he's learnt anything from romance novels, it's the fact that every relationship starts with a date!
And that's something they haven't done yet, which gives Katsuki the opportunity to change that!
"Katsu?" Y/n stops in her tracks, making him break out of his trance and do the same
"You zoned out, is everything ok?" She asks with a soft smile, placing a hand on his cheek
"Tch, everything's fine dumbass, I'm just thinking" Bakugou returns the smile, resting his hand at the back of her neck, gently pulling her head closer and leaning in to leave a chaste kiss on her forhead
Y/n is left speechless and her cheeks burn up at the sudden action, Bakugou doesn't usually behave this way, especially not in public!
'I don't know what he's been thinking about, but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with this adorable change' She ponders
Y/n is quick to wrap her arms around him and bury her face in his chest, inhaling the scent of burnt caramel and cologne -something that she's grown so accustomed to, that it now brings her comfort
Bakugou's eyes widen in surprise and he lets out a breath as he relaxes, bringing one hand to her head as his other one makes it's way to her back to hold her close
They stand there in each other's embrace for a bit, before they decide to continue their walk to the dorms, hand in hand
Once they reach the dorms, they catch the attention of a few of their classmates and friends. It's only logical though, since a smiling Bakugou Katsuki is not a sight one could easily miss!
The rest of the day goes by pretty quick as usual, since everyone is studying either alone or in groups, but once that's out of the way most of the students normally spend their free time by engaging in their hobbies of choice
While Y/n is hanging out with Jirou in the purple haired girl's room, singing and having a good time, Bakugou takes that chance to go to the kitchen and set his plan in motion
He has all the time he needs to prepare a few things for later
While the ruby eyed boy is in the middle of cooking, Sero walks into the kitchen, Kaminari following close behind him
"Kacchan?!" Kaminari exclaims in surprise
"Hm?" Katsuki turns around and realizes he has an audience
"How come you're cooking today?" Sero questions in confusion
It's not uncommon for the explosive boy to cook for his classmates, but he had done so just a few days ago already, that's what didn't sit right with Sero
"All of you extras cook like shit, tonight we're having some actual food!" Bakugou's voice remains low in volume, but his usual aggression is evident in his tone
"It smells amazing, what is it?" Sero technically drooling as he walks over to check
"I bet it's something spicy!" Kaminari declares, knowing his friend's taste
"Damn right Dunce Face! Let's hope you idiots can handle it this time! Tch" Bakugou tries to mask the smile forming on his face with his signature, cocky, smirk
"Kaminari.." Sero gives the electric blonde a look
"I know right!" Kaminari laughs, returning the look
"What are you idiots on about?" Bakugou raises an eyebrow
As soon as the table is set and dinner is served, the students pick up on something unusual
"Hm? Where did Bakubro go?" Kirishima points out, while looking around the room
Kaminari and Sero stand back to back with a hand on their chin and wearing a knowing expression of confidence on their faces! The sparkles surrounding them are technically visible at this point
"What do you know? Spill the tea!" Mina interrogates with a pointed look
"Has anyone seen Y/n? I thought I saw her come downstairs earlier.." Jirou asks, seemingly popping up out of nowhere
"They are probably fu-" Sero wraps Mineta up using his tape with an unbothered face
"Shut up you nasty grape!" He scolds "They are on a date! We are sure of it!" He continues pridefully
"Who knew Bakugou could be so good with the ladies, right!" Kaminari comments, almost in disbelief
Meanwhile Y/n is comfortably sitting on a blanket behind the dorms with Bakugou. The night air feels cool on her skin, but not cold enough to give her goosebumps. It is rather refreshing if anything
They place their now empty dishes on the tray that's sitting in front of them and Bakugou pushes it aside
"That was delicious!" A look of content spreading on her features
"Hm, of course it was!" He cocky voice sounds. A winning smile playing on his lips
"Katsuki, this is so sweet..thank you" Y/n softly speaks, tilting Bakugou's head slightly with a hand on his cheek and leaving a feather-like kiss on the other
"You don't need to thank me dumbass..you deserve it!" His tone calm and loving
Bakugou lifts his hand and places it over her smaller one that is resting on his face
They lie down on the blanket, eyes staring at the wide night sky, littered with sparkling gems
"That one reminds me of you!" The excitement clear in her voice as she points at the sky
"How can a star remind you of me dumbass?" His laughs in amusement
"The way it shines looks like an explosion, it's powerful and beautiful!" Her explanation flusters the blonde momentarily, but he gathers himself and starts looking for the perfect star
"That one right there is you then!" He gestures towards it
"Is it now? How can a star remind you of me eh?" She teases
"It stands out, it's so bright and has such a stong presence!"
"Katsu..you idiot" She murmurs feeling bashful
"Huh who are you calling an idiot, idiot?"
Y/n intertwines her hand with his and Bakugou tenses up!
He still isn't used to the gentle gesture, since he has always perceived his hands as weapons, however as he eases into it he starts rubbing small circles on the back of her hand with his thumb
"This side of you is so soothing, so intoxicating~" She smiles before continuing
"I'm so lucky to be the one who gets to see you so peaceful..Dynamite" He is caught off guard by the mention of his hero name, which only she knows this far
The first reaction that comes to his mind is to kiss her and his body acts just as fast, pulling both her and himself to sit up and doing exactly that
His lips connect to hers in an uncharacteristically slow and passionate kiss! It is as if Bakugou is pouring everything that he can't put into words in this kiss!
He pulls away with his confidence restored
"Do you want to be mine?"
"I'm my own person idiot and we're already dating!" She laughs, knowing what he meant, but wanting to mess with him regardless
"I know that dumbass! You think I would date some sort of weakling?" He asks matter-of-factly
"I'm already yours and you're all mine!" She boasts
"Damn right!" Bakugou cups her face in one hand, tilting it upwards and leaning down slightly to capture her lips with his once more
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mcyt-imagines · 4 years
hi! i’m like 80% sure requests are open but if they aren’t feel free to ignore this! i was wondering if i could get some fundy confessions? like a similar piece of writing to what you did with ranboo? which by the way was very good and your writing is super neat :]
I’m so glad you enjoyed the lil Ranboo confession hcs, I hope you enjoy these just as much! :)
Fundy Confession HCs 
Realising he likes you 
Fundy knows he’s crushing on you immediately. But he doesn’t understand how deeply he cares for you.
Fundy finds himself surprised when he doesn’t have to chase you, you actively pursue him as much as he pursues you.
Fundy usually doubts himself when he finds himself crushing on someone, unsure whether he should pursue them. But with you it’s different, your support makes him feel confident in his feelings.
Sometimes he feels as if he could never confess, scared he could ruin your friendship in case you don’t feel the same way. (Even though you very much do, he just thinks you deserve someone better too)
Fundy spends a lot of time contemplating his feelings for you, mostly in his head whilst the two of you are hanging out. He finds himself zoning out while you’re speaking, his eyes wandering between your vibrant eyes and your gesturing hands, landing somewhere in between, usually on your soft lips. However, if your back is turned to him, he will simply fixate on your hair, his hands desperately wishing to feel it. He knows that it's soft from the few times he’s fixed a stray lock of hair to a spot behind your ear. Basking in the pride he feels when your cheeks tint a soft pink, wondering whether it was real or just a cruel trick played by his imagination.
Fundy often finds himself thinking of you whilst streaming, he’s mentioned you a few times. Not enough to raise any questions about what your relationship with him is, just enough so his chat can try and appreciate you as much as he does when he allows his mind to wander mid-game.
Fundy finds himself slamming into an epiphany late one night when he realises that dating you isn’t about whether he thinks he deserves you but whether you do. And he hasn’t even given you the chance to answer, all this time he’s made the decision for you because he’s too scared of what your answer would be. He makes a promise to himself that night. That you deserve to make that decision yourself.
The Confession
Fundy knows that if he’s going to confess, he needs to make it extravagant and perfectly tailored to you.
This man plans out his confession to you for MONTHS, meticulously crafting props, making bookings, and trying his best to coordinate far away friends. Meanwhile, your friendship continues to strengthen with each night chatting until the both of you fall asleep in lone discord calls.
You know that Fundy has been busy with a project he refuses to tell you anything about, changing the subject with nervous stuttering whenever you bring it up.
You have let it keep you awake for a few nights before concluding that perhaps he finally managed to snag a partner and he was unsure how to tell you. So, the next time you meet up you make a note to drop some hints about knowing what his little project is. This freaks Fundy out instantly. How the hell did you figure it out? And you seem super okay with it? Was he wrong, do you actually feel the same way? Fundy’s head is spinning as you continue your casual conversation alone, “But don’t worry, I can wait. I only want you to tell me when you feel comfortable.” Your words snap Fundy out of his spiraling thoughts as your warm hand squeezes his knee and he forgets how to breathe.
Fundy spirals yet again that night after he gets home. You seemed okay with him liking you? But you didn’t confess either!? What does that even mean!? Fundy groans loudly before stuffing his pillow over his face, wishing that his love life could be easy.
He sets to work the next morning, finalizing all of his plans. When once again, he is struck by another epiphany. You wouldn’t want this. Some big extravagant show with the pressure of your mutual friends watching from the sidelines. You’d want something sweet and personal. That only you and he would understand, or even care about. He doesn’t bother cancelling the plans and bookings, instead of texting you to meet him at his place for dinner. If tonight works out the two of you can still experience the more extravagant side of his confession, but if this whole encounter goes sour it can go sour in private rather than public.
You arrive promptly, as you always do. Happy to spend time with him and perhaps seduce him you dress a little cuter than usual. Hoping he takes notice. He definitely does, and you can tell. The second he opens the door to reveal your frame he’s grinning, a light pink rests at the tips of his ears almost immediately. He is quick to greet you and lead you inside.
Fundy spent all afternoon regretting that he had sent that text to you. As he had to frantically run around the kitchen trying to come up with a meal to cook because there was absolutely no way, he was going to feed you takeout! Normally of course he wouldn’t have minded doing that, but not the day he plans to confess! That’d just be embarrassing. He spent a good thirty minutes deciding on the menu, thinking he’d do something Dutch to show off a little. And then he promptly realised that over half of the Dutch dishes he knew required no cooking but days of prep-work. Which took out a lot of what he knew how to cook.
So, by the time you arrived, he actually hadn’t finished cooking anything yet. And he was internally screaming as he heard your knock upon his door. So, to distract you he invited you into his room for some Minecraft. He repeatedly thanked his past self for furiously cleaning his room even though he originally had no plans for you to come in here.
As you play your eyes wander around Fundy’s room, allowing yourself to be distracted by his nerdy décor. “Creeper!” You scream as you’re brought back into reality as Fundy’s character jumps in between yours and the exploding mob. You gasp dramatically, “Fundy, my hero!” You pretend to swoon, grinning as he chuckles at your antics. “My shield is now practically broken.” He whines, “Take mine.” You drop it in front of him before moving your character back over to the iron ore you’d spotted in the cave earlier. He readjusts himself beside you, shimmying his shoulders as he mutters out a quick thanks. You lean against him softly, “No worries.”
It is at that inopportune moment that he remembers he had been cooking before you showed up. Thank god his oven had a safety feature to turn off after a certain amount of time. He ducks out for a few moments to quickly check on the mess of ingredients he’d chucked into a casserole to find it charred black. He repeatedly slams his head against his countertop as he began to enter both yours and his usual order of Chinese takeout into his phone. “You good with Chinese takeout?” He calls towards his room, wishing a hole in the ground would open and swallow him up pulling him straight down to the ninth circle of hell for his crimes against love. “Hell yeah, I am!” You respond with an enthusiasm that allows him to unclench his jaw and unfurrow his brows. God, you were definitely too good for him. Even as a friend.
Hours soar by with ease as the two of you play, trying your best to speedrun Minecraft and absolutely failing. Fundy does manage to make a nether portal pretty quickly using the lava pool strat. He allows himself to puff out his chest, pride swelling as you cheer him on with a grin. You don’t stop playing even when the takeout arrives continuing to communicate through mouthfuls of rice and complaints about trying to not get grease on your keyboards. Fundy cant remember that last time the two of you spent time like this just hanging out with no pressure from his stupid feelings and you absolutely glowing with joy beside him. He knows you need to do this more often.
“YES! FUNDY HIT HIM! AHH!” With one final blow, the dragon is slain and you finally beat Minecraft. You throw your arms around Fundy laughter bubbling from your lips, his arms grip you tightly pulling you close. His own laughter reverberates against his chest causing you to realise just how close he was holding you. You gulp down your rapidly growing nerves before looking up to meet his gaze, finding his face a lot closer to yours than you had expected. Fundy looks down at you as his cheeks burn a bright crimson and he tries to stutter out the words he’s been dying to tell you for the past six months.
And that’s when it hits you like a tonne of bricks. The bullshit he had been hiding this whole time wasn’t a partner, he wanted you to be his partner! Your mouth falls open in surprise for a few moments as Fundy continues to gape at you. “Holy shit Fundy.” That causes his gaze to snap to yours, eyebrows furrowed and lips in a firm line. “I thought you were hiding the fact you were with someone from me!” You laugh at your own absolute stupidity, hand coming to press high on Fundy’s chest. “Wait, what!?” The exasperated expression on his face only causes you to laugh harder, “Yeah, I thought that’s what you were being super cagey about. Sorry my bad, misjudged that one.”
Fundy finds himself chuckling too, his shoulders relaxing as he does so. “Yeah, a real good read love.” He laughs, your gaze rises at the pet name. “Real presumptuous of you Fundy, I haven’t even said if I feel the same yet.” Your teasing tone doesn’t even stop him as he pulls you even closer to him, pressing your body flush against his. “I think I can read you pretty well now. Not to mention you’ve been blushing this whole time.” He grins into your hair, squeezing you with an unbridled joy you find so contagious. Or perhaps you’re feeling that way because it turns out your crush isn’t actually dating someone else but instead likes you back? 
“B-but like, just checking you actually do really like me-“ Fundy begins, feeling his nerves inevitably creep up his spine. Before he can even finish you cup the back of his neck with your free hand, the other clenching his shirt as you kiss him with all the intensity you can muster. “That answer your q-.” You begin to respond against his lips only from him to silence you, which maybe you deserved. Fundy can’t help but smile into the kiss. Somehow things actually turned out alright. Squeezing your warm soft hips, he ponders who the hell is looking out for him upstairs. But as your hands tangle in his hair, he makes a silent promise to himself he’ll consider praying to them tomorrow.
~Requests are always open!~
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citydreamgrls · 4 years
a simple favour - part one
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fred weasley x fem!reader 
summary: it was all in her best interests, fred never meant to catch feelings for her. it had started as a simple favour.
words: 3,371
warnings: swearing , tw: stalking / stalker , smut in later parts (18+)
find part two here
It had started off out of the blue one morning, a letter waiting for me in the great hall when I came down for breakfast. I had been fixing my hair when multiple heads turned towards me, I frowned as I sat down.
Hermione held a letter in her hand, passing it over to me with a weirded out look on her face. I shrugged, recognising my name on the front but not the hand it was written in.
I laughed to myself as my eyes scanned over each carefully thought out word, describing my appearance and how ‘entrancing’ I was. Whoever had intended this letter for me was confessing their feelings in an oddly poetic and creepy way, my only conclusion being that it had to be one of the others playing a trick on me.
“Very funny guys, which one of you wrote this? I can’t recognise the writing.” I threw the parchment down carelessly, letting expectant eyes read over it as Ron grabbed it for himself.
“Doesn’t it say?” Hermione asked me, trying to read it over Harry’s head. “It was already here when we came down.”
“Yeah… this isn’t any of us.” Ron scoffed.
“I think you have a secret admirer y/n.” Harry added, handing it back to me.
I squinted, drinking some of my coffee and eyeing up their faces, expecting one of them to snap and laugh. But all I got was stone cold confusion from each of them. If only the letters had stopped there, then I may not have minded. Little did I know, it would only get worse.
The letters came every single day, sometimes multiple times. What once was harmless words of my beauty and desire turned sinister, now whoever was writing also seemed to know my whereabouts every day. He would depict times when I thought I had been alone, or claim he’d watched me go for my morning shower. My every move was documented, all with a perfect description of what I had been wearing even days after it had happened. The most disgusting part was the anonymity, the knowledge that this person was getting away with being a massive pervert and torturing me with it day in and day out. Whoever was obsessed with me was keeping it a secret and successfully stalking me from the sidelines.
The day that I found flowers on my bed I screamed like I’d been stabbed, making Ron and Harry quickly race up to the dorm thinking that I’d been attacked. Both of them had cringed at ‘gift’ with the realisation that he’d been in my room, sat on my bed and possibly done worse.
“Make sure nothing’s been taken.” Ron had said grimly, making me shudder at the fear that they could have something of mine.
“Jesus what a creep.” I’d whispered, stomping over to the bed and throwing the flowers out the window with a furious shout.
Since that day Hermione tried putting a curse on the bedroom door, meaning that only those who knew the counter-curse could enter, and those who didn’t would be blown all the way back down to the common room. Poor Ron had ended up being the test subject, which he wasn’t happy about in the slightest, but we had to make sure it worked somehow.
However, even that didn’t work. The letters kept arriving as usual, and the gifts would still appear neatly in my room every day. Not that it stopped me from discarding them in the most public way possible. My anger was growing by the second and throwing them away didn’t feel finite enough, so one night after watching the boy’s quidditch practice when Hermione and I found a teddy bear on my pillow I finally lost my cool.
I could hear voices in the common room, but that didn’t stop me. With the bear in one hand I stormed down, pushed past the small crowd of people laughing and chatting, and threw it into the fire with a grunt. They all fell into silence, Hermione catching up just in time to see its fur crackle away.
I sighed in relief, it felt good to watch the flames engulf around it. Whispers started up from behind me as my friend came over, her hand holding mine gently as we both just stood there. The bear's eyes began to melt, the plastic dripping down its face.
“Come on,” She murmured, taking me back upstairs where I screamed about how horrifying it all was and whether this ‘sick fuck’ thought he was being genuinely romantic.
“Who do you think it could be?” Hermione asked me the next night, as I ripped up yet another letter. The sight of my own owl was beginning to instil fear within me.
“At first I thought it could’ve been the twins, but even they’re finding this too much.”
Fred and George knew pretty much everything about everyone at Hogwarts, but when Ron had shown them the extent of this person’s doing, they too drew up a blank, mentioning how weird all of it was.
“They’re not like that,”
“This isn’t a harmless prank anymore is it?” I asked the girl, who wanted desperately to help me solve this twisted mystery.
“I don’t think it ever was,” She hummed to herself, sighing in defeat at the knowledge that the letter I was destroying was in no means the last of its kind.
It quickly became common knowledge that I had a stalker after my meltdown in the common room. Professor Mcconagall even offered to help, but there wasn’t much she could do without knowing who it was. Honestly I was weirdly glad she couldn’t, all this frustration had made me determined to deal with the fucker myself.
Hermione didn’t let me go anywhere by myself anymore, with the fear that the creep could pounce while I was without one of them. Most of the time it was fine, I had classes with at least one of them at all times and we had meals together as it was. But it meant that whenever I needed to study, one of them would have to go with me to the library. Hermione also made the rule that she’d sit outside my cubicle every time I showered, especially since the stalker had mentioned it before, keeping watch in case he tried to show up while I was vulnerable.
Despite it making my life a little more complicated, I was glad the others were so willing to look after me. If it wasn’t for them being with me 24/7 who knows what could have happened?
It was Harry’s turn to be on y/n watch, as he and Ron had called it, when Fred and George came running into the common room breathless. We had been looking over the most recent letter and discussing more theories on who it could possibly be when they’d burst in. We let them get their breath back, Fred hunching over as George did his best to get his words out.
“We know who it is y/n..” He’d just about managed. I jumped up, letting him sit down.
“Wh-at? Really? Who- how?” I stuttered.
Fred stood up straight, having finally gotten his heartbeat back down.
“Katie bell said she’d seen Cormac Mclaggen writing some letters this morning, then Lavender said something about him buying a teddy in Hogsmeade last week.”
“But they both saw him coming down your dorm tower last night.” George finished, cutting his brother off from the kicker of the story.
“Oi I was getting to that.” Fred grumbled, but I had zoned them as soon as I’d heard Cormac’s name mentioned.
My fists clenched up with absolute aggression, I could kill him. Now I had a disgusting, smug face to put to all the fear and loathing he’d caused and all I wanted to do was break said face.
“That fucker!” I shouted out into thin air, heading for the door. But Fred was the one to catch me before I reached it, dragging me back again without a second thought.
“Y/n it could be someone else,” Harry tried to reason, but it had to be him. It only made sense. The twins didn’t seem too convinced but argued another point against me going to find him myself.
“Besides Mclaggen is a big guy, if you go alone there’s no saying what he’d do to you.” George nodded in agreement with his brother and, as much as I hated to admit it, Fred was right. Cormac had been keeper on their quidditch team for a while now, and didn’t hide how much he liked to work out when flirting with girls. So why was he choosing me to be so creepy and mysterious to, not that I would’ve appreciated him doing it face to face either.
We decided to have a secret meeting later that night with everyone after telling Hermione and Ron what we’d learnt. Ron was mad, wanting to confront him immediately similarly to how I had reacted, but like the others Mione agreed that we should plan something.
“Guys like that are too proud, he won’t listen to y/n if she rejects him in person,” She had explained, cross legged at the end of my bed. I was propped up against my headboard, my knees tucked up to my body with multiple means of murder running through my mind.
“Not to mention you’d be giving him the satisfaction he’s always wanted,” Fred added, sitting on the windowsill beside me. One of his feet was hanging off the edge near me, swinging ever so slightly. Some weird part of me wanted to reach out, just for something to hold onto.
In the end it was decided that Ron, Harry and the twins would go and talk to him in the morning while they were at quidditch practice. This meant that I could go down to breakfast without the worry that he would be there, watching me from down the table. I tried to hide my fear of him, but with so many of them looking after me that night it was inevitable that at least one of them saw the tears in my eyes, if not all of them.
Hermione, Ron and Harry needed to go to the library to do homework after we discussed Cormac, leaving me with the twins as bodyguards which could have been worse. They did their best to take my mind off of the boy who had been writing to me about his deepest fantasies, but I wasn’t in the mood for it.
George played around with the perfume bottles lined up on the dresser, using his wand to make them dance. He had always been good at keeping himself amused. Fred had remained on the windowsill the whole time, his foot still going back and forth even when I laid on my side and found it right in my face.
He laughed lightly as I poked it away wordlessly, only to push it back into my face again. Admittedly, our little game of him swinging his foot to me so I could gently hit it away kept my mind busy for a while. Obviously it had sent me to sleep too, as I woke up when Hermione came back to let the twins go. Half asleep I groaned a thank you to them, Fred rustling my hair as he passed by and George slapping my leg in recognition.
Breakfast the next morning felt tense, Lavender had told people she thought it was Mclaggen which meant everyone kept coming up to ask if it was true. Some of them even tried to convince me how nice he really was, and that I was lucky to be wanted by him. Hermione of course sent them all on their way, keeping a hold of my hand as I struggled to finish even one slice of toast. All the while, my eyes remained glued to the great hall doors, hoping I wouldn’t see him turn up early from practice. The thought of seeing him at all had kept me away from the common room, a sickly feeling bubbling in my stomach knowing that the boy’s would probably be confronting him right about now.
I felt like throwing up on the spot, my friend’s hand getting crushed in my own as I saw him saunter in, his eyes immediately catching mine and giving me a smug smile. All I wanted to do was go over to where he sat down without a care and break his nose off with one punch. That would stop him from smirking so much like a pervert.
“What happened?” Hermione asked the boys when they finally arrived.
“”He’s a huge git you know.” Ron grumbled, glaring the boy down but the whole time it was me he was watching. I stopped looking after a while, my eyes glossing over as I listened to the twins explain how he’d reacted.
“I don’t think he even cares that we know,” Fred said.
“He’s proud of it really.” George added, making that sickly feeling somehow intensify.
“Even with these two around he wasn’t bothered,” Harry pointed to the older Weasley brothers with a huff.
“Yeah, and we were threatening him quite a lot.” George laughed, no one else really responding to his attempt at a cheery comment.
“We better go,”Hermione said, checking the time and taking my hand “Come on, if we don’t go now he might wait all day.” She whispered to me and I nodded, standing up with her. “Just ignore him.” The girl reminded me as we got nearer to his end of the table, his eyes following my step.
I broke from Mione’s grip, leaning across the table to him with a glare on my face. The fear had turned into anger all over again now that he was in front of me.
“You’re vile Mclaggen.”
“What’s wrong y/n?” He asked, that smirk never faltering. “Didn’t you like my love letters?”
People around him were confused, now learning that he’d been the one to stalk me these past couple of weeks. While some of them were his friends, none of them jumped to his defense.
“You need to get a fucking life, and leave me alone you freak.” I spat, standing up straight again to see a shocked Hermione waiting for me. I just smiled and took her hand again, leading her out of the hall as if nothing had happened.
“Christ y/n..” she scoffed “Well done.” I leant against the windowsill in the hallway, laughing hysterically into my hands.
“God that felt good.” I breathed a sigh of relief, not sure whether it worked or not but glad that I at least got to embarrass him for just one moment.
It was my mistake to let my guard down and expect nothing more from Mclaggen that day. Because what happened that very night still is the very reason people check that every door and window is locked before they go to bed.
The commotion had woken me up first, shouts and panicked scuffling coming from two different people. Then the lights were turned on, dragging me out of my sleep in a single second just to see Hermione standing in the middle of the room with her wand outstretched. At the other end, Cormac Mclaggen was backing away slowly with his hands in the air, finally a frightened look on his face. He looked over at me, now awake and frozen with fear, giving Mione a chance to shout out for help.
“RON! FRED!” she screamed, knowing just one of them had to have heard from their beds. With this Cormac ran off, Hermione shooting stunning spells after him but he dodged every one of them as he descended the tower.
“Oh my god,” I finally gasped, swallowing down hard. I broke out into a burst of tears just before the boys turned up at the door George and Harry with them, all of them with wands out for whatever was going to be inside. Hermione wrapped her arms around me, looking up at the boys but still reassuring me that it was all okay now.
“He was in here,” She said slowly, making Ron and Harry race down to the common room to see if they could catch him.
Fred and George came to my side, each taking one of my hands and holding it tight. They sat with me all through the night, letting Hermione sleep for a while. Neither of them dared drift off themselves, certain that this wouldn’t be the creep’s last attempt to get close to me.
“You can sleep if you want,” Fred whispered to me, my head leaning on his shoulder. I shook it slightly.
“I can’t.”
{third pov}
When y/n whispered to him that she couldn’t sleep, despite all the people there to keep watch for that dick Mclaggen, Fred decided he wanted to see him dead. There had to be more he could do, something that would make him leave her alone for good. Threats hadn’t worked on him, neither had the girl he wanted so badly confronting him. So the boy felt at a loss, yet fuelled to stop the onslaught of fear that y/n felt.
So he waited until his brother was in the shower to sneak off to the courtyard, hoping to catch the pervert on his way to his daily run by the lake.
“Oi, Mclaggen!” He called across the empty bridge, seeing him appear from the castle.
“You alright Weasley?”
“It’s Fred. And I know what you did last night?” He stood tall over the boy, but nothing seemed to waver his confidence.
“And what would that be?”
“You were there, in her room. You sick fucker.” The boy huffed, feeling himself growing more and more frustrated at Cormac’s arrogance.
“You missed quite a party,” he scoffed, raising his eyebrows. Fred reached forward, grabbing his shirt and pulling it up to his chin.
“You listen to me, Okay? Leave y/n alone.” The boy swore that the pervert’s smile grew.
“And what’s it to you Weasley.” He all but hissed.
“She’s my girlfriend.”
The words had come out quicker than he’d really had time to think over their repercussions, but seeing the look on Mclaggen’s face drop in shock made up for whatever he was going to have to do from then on.
“She.. l-likes you?” Fred dropped him again, making him stumble slightly as he thought it over.
“Afraid so buddy.”
“How long has she been yours?” He hated the way it was phrased as if y/n was a possession for one of them to own.
“Two weeks.” Fred lied yet again, the anger he’d felt pushing him continue this story. At least it seemed to bother the other boy enough.
Cormac had sent one last glare at the ginger, before going off in a huff. Finally something had worked, maybe not for good, but it at least had gotten a reaction out of him. As Fred headed back inside the castle he realised that the only way the creep’s obsessive ways could be stopped, was if y/n’s attention was somewhere else.
Now he just had to find a way to explain that to her, without her getting too mad.
My room was now my safe place, somewhere he couldn’t turn up without consequence. Harry had brought me some breakfast from the great hall, and Ron was doing his best to keep what little spirits we had amongst us high. Hermione and George had given up trying to convince me to tell Mcgonagall, as I assured them nothing could be done unless he was caught inside the dorm.
“It’s just our word against his,” I huffed. We were all sitting around wondering where Fred had disappeared to when he appeared at the door, an awkward smile on his face when we all looked over at him.
“So…” He started, his voice wary as if we all might snap at him for what he was abou to say. “I might have done something bad.”
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aomine-ryo · 4 years
Hi! I hope you're having a nice day. I don't know if you still take requests or not but if you are, then can you do a part 2 for the head canons of Midorima, Kiss and Aomine assuming that their so is in third year but with the rest of the GOM, Kuroko, and Kagami?
Sorry it took so long to get to this request!! I hope you enjoy! xx
Headcanons: Kuroko, Kagami, Murasakibara and Akashi with an s/o that they thought was older
He’s a generally very observant person, but you acted so much older that his intuition convinced him that you were a third year at least
He absolutely adored how independent and mature you were as well
So when you two began dating, he didn’t really question your age
Furthermore, he’s a very polite boy so he knew that asking for your age would seem rude
The two of you went to different schools so that’s why it took him some time to figure out that you were a first year like he was
Your school was right next to Seirin so he’d often come pick you up afterwards so you could walk home together
One day, you were in a bit of a frenzy because you realised that you’d left an important notebook in your classroom
So Kuroko offered to hold your things for you while he waited outside
While he was waiting, he spotted your student ID card hanging from your bag
Curious to see a cute picture of you, he pulled it closer to him
Of course, you looked as beautiful as ever to him
But what really caught his eye was the detail about your class
“I’m back,” you panted after having jogged all the way back because you didn’t want to keep him waiting
“Oh Y/N, did you get your book?” he asked you and you nodded, waving it in the air for him to see
He handed you your things back and the two of you began to walk
“I didn’t know you were a first year, Y/N,” he said, his usually expressionless face showing a tint of confusion and surprise
“You didn’t? What did you think I was?” you questioned
“I thought you were a third year,” he said simply
“You did? Do I really look that old to you?” you asked, pretending to sound hurt even though you really didn’t care
“No no, it’s just, you’re just very independent and cool, I thought you’d be older,” he said quickly
“Well I’m flattered. Unless you’re disappointed now? Are you not interested anymore because I’m your age?”
Kuroko took your hand in his and gave it a tight squeeze, “Don’t be silly. I like you for you, not your age.”
As cheesy as it was, you felt your heart melt
It was weird how he always knew exactly what to say
You didn’t really bring it up after that because the relationship was fairly new and you were still learning more about each other
It didn’t change the fact that you definitely acted older than he was at times
And it often led to it slipping his mind every now and then
He has like one working braincell so it’s a miracle that he realised at all
The two of you went to the same school, but you were in different classes so since he didn’t see you around much, he assumed you were older
He’d often see you around the school courtyard during recess and he thought you were quite hot
It took him a bit of time, but he finally mustered the courage to ask you out
The only thing he knew about you was your name because Kuroko told him
So he walked up to you when you were wandering around alone
Despite looking quite confident, he was incredibly nervous on the inside
“Hey, you’re Y/N right?” he asked
“Yeah, I am. Um, aren’t you Kagami, from the basketball team?” you said, knowing full well who he was because you’d gone to a few of the games and found him incredibly attractive
“Yep, Kagami Taiga,” he nodded affirmatively, “I was wondering whether you’d like to hang out with me some time.”
He wasn’t really expecting you to say yes to be honest, as he thought about why a third year would want to go out with a younger boy
“Like a date?” you asked, your straightforwardness only convincing Kagami that you were older even more
“Uh y-yeah,” he said, beginning to get a bit flustered because he was expecting you to just laugh in his face
“Sure, that sounds fun,” you nodded, acting cool on the outside though you were fangirling on the inside
“Wait really?” he said, eyes widening as he realised that you’d actually agreed
You laughed and nodded, before exchanging numbers
The two of you ended up dating for some time after that, all while Kagami still believed that you were older than he was
Sure he’d walk you to and from school, but you usually waited for him outside the gate so he never found out what class you were in
He didn’t even ask because he was just so excited to be dating someone older
Plus he found you so hot that any relatively coherent thought would be thrown out the window whenever you were together
A few weeks into dating you, the two of you had already gotten pretty intimate, and you seemed so experienced with everything you did
It was hard for him to keep his hands off of you
He’d also be really proud about dating you that he’d tell almost everyone he knew
One day, you had a project and you needed to carry a lot of stuff to your classroom
So being the gentleman he is, he offered to carry it for you
You began heading towards your classroom which was a few rooms down the hall from his one, but he just stopped and looked at you with a confused expression
“Y/N, where are you going? Aren’t the third year classrooms in the floor above?” he asked you
“Yeah, but my class is here,” you said, pointing at your first year classroom
“You’re a first year?” he asked, jaw nearly dropping to the floor
“Yeah, what did you think? We’re the same age,” you said, still trying to make sense of what he was getting at
“Oh god,” he said, his cheeks turning as red as his hair, “I thought you were a third year,” he mumbled
You began to laugh at the sound of those words, “A third year? Why would you think that?”
“I don’t know... you just seemed more mature and sexy,” he said, mumbling that last word as his eyes became fixated on the ground
“Taiga, we’ve literally studied together, how did you not realise we were in the same year?”
“I don’t know! I thought you were just helping me!” he groaned, wanting to die of embarrassment at this point. “Can we please move on?”
You agreed to move on at that moment, but you kept bringing it up for the rest of the day and he just learned to take it
When he brought it up to Kuroko, he just stared at Kagami with disappointment
“Kagami-kun, you dated her for almost a month, how did you not know?”
“Just shut up.”
He met you at this cafe that he liked to frequent
You worked there part time so you were very familiar with him (how could anyone really forget the 2 metre tall, purple-haired boy that orders an ungodly amount of pastries every time)
He never really thinks about other people, but since he saw you quite often he began to wonder what you were like
He thought that you were very hot— like very hot
So he naturally began to assume that you were older
“There’s no way someone my age could be that hot”
He was quite nervous when he finally decided to ask you out one day because if you said no, he’d probably have to find a new cafe to go to to avoid the awkwardness
And he really liked his cafe
After a few stutters and nervous laughter, you’d agreed to go on a date with him and he was elated
The fact that he thought you were older didn’t really have an effect on how he behaved around you
Sure, he was nervous at first because he wanted to impress you
But as time went on, like most of Murasakibara’s other peers, you ended up having to care for him a lot
Which only drove him to believe that you were older even more
Plus the way your lips moved whenever he kissed you seemed so experienced
However, he did question why someone as mature as you were would entertain his childish antics, but he didn’t think too much of it
And to be honest, he wouldn’t have ever found out that you were the same age as he was until he was zoning in and out of a conversation between you and Himuro
For some reason, Himuro was aware of your actual age so he was just normally talking about the differences between the syllabus in your school and Yosen
“Oh I don’t think we’ve gotten to that chapter yet,” you said when he was complaining about the difficulty of a particular topic
“Huh? Shouldn’t you have finished it two years ago?” Murasakibara chimed in
“What? Why would I have done that?” you asked as a confused expression overtook yours and Himuro’s faces
“Because it’s a first year topic, isn’t it?” Murasakibara said, popping a potato chip into his mouth
“Yeah... and I’m still in first year,” you said slowly, failing to understand why he’d say something like that
He nearly choked on his potato chip
“You’re in first year?” He said, surprise filled in his usually unbothered tone
“Yeah, why do you sound so surprised?” you replied
“I thought you were a third year,” he said, bewildered as he turned to Himuro, “Muro-chin, did you know this?”
“Yeah I did. Haven’t you been dating her for like, three months now?” Himuro questioned as you brought a palm to your face in disbelief
“It’s been four months actually, Atsushi,” you sighed, “why’d you think I was a third year? Do I look that much older?”
“You’re just too hot to be a first year okay,” he groaned, munching on his chips in frustration
“Aw really?” you smiled, looking up at his flushed face
“Yeah,” he murmured
“In that case, I’ll let it slide,” you said sweetly as you placed a kiss on his cheek, making a small smile appear on his lips
However, Himuro didn’t miss the opportunity to bring it up to annoy him every now and then
He’s such a smartass that I feel like it’s nearly impossible that he wouldn’t know that you’re not a third year upon meeting you
However, when he met you, there was a brief moment where he thought that you were older
His team was playing a practice match against your school and you were the team manager
The way you carried yourself and the way that you seemed rather mature compared to the people around you, led him to consider the possibility that you were older than he was
Unlike everyone else, he’d probably figure out your actual age upon first meeting you
Once the match was over, he spotted you with your hands full of dirty towels so he decided to help because he’s a gentleman like that
“Hey, let me get some of that for you,” he said, taking half the pile into his arms
You gave him a grateful smile, surprised that he was helping you when no one from your own team offered to help
“Thank you, um, Akashi Seijuro, right?” you said, even though you were sure that it was his name
“Yes, you can call me Sei, if you like.”
Talk about straightforward geez
“Nice to meet you Sei,” you said, feeling slightly odd referring to someone so intimidating with such a casual name, “I’m Y/N.”
“Nice to meet you too, Y/N,” he smiled, dumping the towels in the same basket you did. “So, how long have you been managing?”
“Just a few months, I’m still a first year after all,” you replied
He was a bit surprised, because he found you much more attractive than other girls your age
Furthermore, you had this sultry, independent reeled him in and made him think that you were older
He didn’t show any of this surprise on his face though
In fact, he looked like he never even had a doubt in the first place
And to be honest, with his ego, he’d never admit that he was wrong anyways
The two of you continued chatting for a few more minutes until Akashi was called by his coach to leave
Of course, there was no way he was leaving without getting your number and asking you out first
So the two of you eventually ended up dating
And whilst he was aware that you were the same age as he was for the most part, sometimes it would slip his mind
Especially when things got heated between you two, he would sometimes pretend like you were older— because you certainly looked and moved around like you were
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waywardimpalawriter · 3 years
The Bet (Bucky Barnes x F!Reader)
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The Bet
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Rating:  M (mature) NSFW
Warnings: gambling, teasing, a little bit of spice
Word count: 3,051
Summary: Game night with team Cap turns up unexpected results.
Notes: Written for Writer Wednesday. Thank you for the very lovely @autumnleaves1991-blog​
“Hope you’ve all brought a fat wallet tonight,” devilish smirk tipping the corner of her ruby lips upward. “It won’t be that way for long. I plan on parting you from your hard earned cash in spectacular fashion.” Shuffling the deck like a seasoned pro in Vegas and dealing the cards out.
Eyes rolling while sipping your Screw driver, “You gonna talk us to death Romanoff or deal the hand?” Brow lifting, hiding your own smirk behind the high ball glass.
“Just a sore loser Y/N,” blowing you a kiss after finishing the deal. Deck slammed down in the center as everyone grabbing for their cards to look them over.
A few soft groans at the terrible hands dealt, “Your shit at dealing Nat you gave me nothin,” Sam calls from your left between Steve and Wanda.
“Suck it up buttercup you play the hand your dealt,” downing her first shot of vodka. Locking eyes with Steve for a moment, “And watch your mouth…”
“You know what Romanoff that’s getting old,” rolling his green flecked blue eyes, shooting a piece of popcorn towards her head. Only to have it deflected by a quick brush of her hand.
“Children,” fake stern voice utters from beside you long neck meeting those soft lips. Trying very hard not to watch the single drop of condensation slide from bottle to chin, and down the strong expanse of tanned neck. Never being more jealous of a simple drop of water than right now. “Stow the bickering for later in the game when my pile is triple what the rest of yours is.”
A chorus of snorts drown out the music for a moment, “Bucky sweetie in your dreams will that truly happen.” Snarky comment leaves your lips right as Bucky fixes those cerulean eyes on you. Finding it a little difficult to think for a spilt second as you fidget under his heated stare.
“Wanna make a bet?” This time a chorus of groans echo around the table accompanied by head shakes. “It is Wednesday night poker right? Why not make this a little more,” pausing brow lifting giving you a slow perusal his eyes darkening to pitch. “Interesting then just Nat taking our money?”
“Ah you at least acknowledge my superior poker skills good man Barnes,” sassing him with a smirk and the salute of her shot glass. “But I rather not need eye bleach to scrub your naked ass from my memory. Of that I’m sure most around this table would agree.”
Affirmations of the positive echo her words along with chuckles in various lengths. Leaning over while everyone places their bets your turn coming up quickly. “What’s the bet Barnes?”
Maybe its the vodka infused orange juice you’ve been sipping, beer tasting like ass to you. Instead sticking with the harder liquors to pair with the right mix. Drinking isn’t something you’ve done much so maybe it’s having a quicker affect on your system. However, something tells you it has more to do with the man sitting a little too close on your right. Leather and whiskey wrapping around your senes to send tingles across your skin. He’s the reason for your bold question determined to ditch your comfort zone for one night and be a little wild.
Placing a pot bet then turning to watch you do the same, admiring your profile for the moment. Having only admitted to one other person how much he wanted you, Bucky can’t believe you’ve actually asked him for a bet just between the two of you. His mind races with possibilities none more prominent than having you spread out in his bed whimpering his name. Body withering in the pleasure he’s giving you. Your voice bringing him back to the present and trying to clear the lustful thoughts parading through his mind.
“If I win more hands you’ll be mine for the night,” brushing his lips over the shell of your ear pleased smile at hearing the sharp intake of breath from you. Knowing he’s playing with fire at proposing such idea, he could loose his heart to you so quickly and maybe that’s what he wants most. To finally let himself feel something other than pain, anger and remorse. Though that little voice in the back of his mind taunts, you wouldn’t want the ex-assassin with so much blood and death on his hands.    
Swallowing harshly you turn to look up into his eyes, “And if I win?” Everyone else disappearing, sounds going mute and all focus is on Bucky. Wishing his winnings wouldn’t be just for a night. That’s right you knew already he’d win since you sucked at poker and only played to hang out with your family instead of just missions and meetings. Happily loosing most Wednesdays just to see the pleased looks on their faces instead of grimaces of pain when patching them up.
“What do you want to win?” Itching to reach out free your bottom lip from being trapped between your teeth and run his thumb over the wet bitten skin.
Throat clearing, to draw both of you back to the game, “You playing or just ogling each other? Either way place your bet or fold so the rest of us can get on with the game Sergeant Frostbite.” Rolling his eyes and downing the last of his beer, Sam stands to get a refill silently asking if anyone else wanted one.
Both of you fold more interested in each other than the usual poker game. Your mind whirling with thoughts, not sure how to answer the bet. Thinking and discarding so many ideas, between asking him to be more careful on missions and to stop baiting Sam with snarky comments and looks. Settling for something your sure would get you into trouble but couldn’t stop yourself.
“Never thought you were that kinky Y/N.” Sweet Sokovian accented voice floats through your mind, head snapping up to look over at a smiling Wanda.
“Your not suppose to be reading minds babe,” for which you get a small shrug and a wicked smile spreading over her lips. Tsking in your head trying to keep from laughing, “Careful I might have to let the mistress of pain know.”        
“You wouldn’t? Besides your thoughts were so damn loud I couldn’t help it. I’m surprised the whole table doesn’t hear the both of you,” winking she nods towards Bucky who’s still looking at your expectantly. “Might want to answer Buck before giving him an aneurysm since he’s waiting on bated breath what you’ll ask for.”  
Clearing your throat and grabbing up your glass to take a drink, finding Bucky staring. Admiring the way your tongue peeks out to wipe up the left behind bits of orange juice. Shy smile sliding over your lips, eyes darting to the group and finding them arguing over who won the last pot.
“How about a private strip show just for my eyes only Sergeant Barnes?” Nervously swallowing hoping you’ve haven’t asked for too much. But then once would never be enough for you. Needing a repeat performance whenever the mood strikes to accompany being totally wrecked by this man who haunts your dreams.
“Tell him, you’ll be surprised at his answer,” Wanda urges then falls silent as another hand is dealt by Sam this time. She gives you another wink returning her attention to the game.
Biting off the groan of arousal, shifting in his seat to adjust himself and the bite of his jeans against his hardening cock. “I think…” irritated growl leaving his mouth when Sam tossed a balled up napkin at his head. Dead center hit to Bucky’s forehead making everyone cheer around the table. Getting a scowl from the man in question, “What?”
“Your turn Frostbite or have you forgot the game already?” Bitting the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing at the look Bucky sends him. Knowing the shared unrequited feelings you’ve both harbored for each other. “Has old age finally caught up to you old man?”
“I don’t think it’s the age that’s caught up with him Sam,” Steve grins for which Bucky cuts his eyes at his best friend.
“Value your life Rogers and all the secrets I keep about your pre-serum days you’ll keep that mouth shut,” threat empty as everyone knew but Steve still gives him a mock hurt expression.
Hand to his chest, “You won’t buddy?” Seeing the lifted brow cerulean eyes dart towards Nat and back to Steve’s who catches the wordless meaning. “Fuck off jerk.”
“Steven Grant Rogers did you kiss your mother with that mouth?” Natasha exclaimed biting her lip to keep the laughter from rolling out.
“Then keep your mouth shut Steve.” Bucky shot back with a taunting grin spreading across his face at Nat’s words.
Playful gasp leaving your lips, “I never thought I’d hear those kind of words uttered from your good boy lips Steve.”
“Good boy?” Snorting Bucky holds his stomach as a full belly laugh leaves his lips at the very thought. “Doll he’s got you all fooled. Hook lined and reeled in,” glancing at you for a moment then back at Steve. “You gotta quite acting all saintly Steven you’ll never get laid.”
Chocking on his beer, wiping at the mess, while his eyes throw daggers at Bucky. “Keep it up Buck and you’ll find a shield up side your head next mission.”    
Peels of laughter sound around the table drowning out the music, a beet red Steve just gapping at his family in fake astonishment. Sam’s slumped forward head resting on his forearms while gruff deep chuckles sound from him. Wanda wide eyed but soft giggles leave her as Natasha full out belly laughs, slamming a hand down on the table. Disturbing the poker chips and cards, glasses and bottles wiggling in there spots. While you’ve managed to pull your phone out and snap a few quiet pictures to save and send Clint. Who’s missing all the action while out on his own mission. Mirth dances in your eyes that lock with Bucky’s. Lips parting on a soft gasp of surprise with how he’s staring at you. Heat flaring to life across your body and you swallow trying to regain some moisture to your parched throat.
Leaning over, “We’ve got a deal doll, prepare to loose though.” Glancing back at the table seeing everyone still recovering from their laughter, Bucky uses that moment to press closer. Placing his slightly chapped lips to your cheek, “If there’s one thing Romanoff got right it’s that I’m a sore looser. I play to win,” dragging those sinful lips away to sit back in his chair. Cards resting now between those large hands.
Hands you wish were somewhere else right this moment, soothing the arch building between your thighs that rub together in the bid to find some kind of friction on your clit. Marveling at how quickly that simple brush of his lips could turn you into a pile of goo in your own seat.
Clearing your throat, “Bring it on Buck this time I may just have a reason to win as many hands as I can.”
Gauntlet tossed down with the raise of his brow. Determination coats your veins especially when he gives you a very heated once over. Scorching your very soul with the intensity making you throb, clit jumping at the very promise those wickedly beautiful eyes held. Watching the way his fingers caress the long neck bottle in his flesh hand. Bringing the brown glass to his lips for a deep drink.
Savoring the taste more than any effects it could have on him. “Careful doll face those who play with fire usually get burned,” eyes lock with yours licking those sinfully plush lips.
Glancing between his lips and eyes, your own smirk tugging your mouth upward. Free hand coming to rest on Bucky’s thigh, the heat of your palm burning his jeans covered skin. Shifting in his seat to relieve the pressure on his cock with the touch of your hand. “Don’t worry none James,” voice a soft purr in his ear. “I have salves of all kinds that’ll take care of a burn. It’s the ache I need taken care of. There’s no medication to take accept my own fingers to help sooth the pressure.” Drawing patterns over his thigh, feeling tension held tightly in those delicious muscles you wouldn’t say no to feeling between your thighs.
A bit shocked with how forward your being. His reactions only spurring on your need to see just how far you could push him before he snaps and finally takes you. Asking yourself for the thousandth time if once would state the desire you have for this man? Wanting to have more than friendship between you though you’d take it and run. But there’s a part of you which wants more, to open your heart and share it with Bucky. You only hope he feels the same way.  
For a second Bucky’s mute ignoring the calls from Sam and Steve to stare at you, mouth hanging open. Only to close with a challenge flaring in his cerulean eyes. “You sure about what your offering sweetheart?” Hating to ask but not wanting to miss understand you or the intentions swimming through your mind that he’s not privy to yet.
“As sure as the next breath I’ll be taking,” moving your hand from his thigh to rest on his vibranium forearm. Looking up into his eyes, soft smile gracing your lips that turn into a squeal. Ice sliding down the front of your shirt, cutting your eyes towards the rest of the table all of whom are pretending to not see anything. All except Natasha who’s just giving you a Cheshire Cat grin. Jumping to your feet, shaking your shirt to get the ice out. Only to have it caught in your bra melting against your heated skin, peaking your nipples. Scowling at the red head, “Your dead to me Romanoff,” playfully glaring at her before taking off towards the kitchen.
Not realizing Bucky is following you have your hand down the front of your shirt trying to fish the cube out when he clears his throat. “Need help?” Wicked grin pulling across his lips.
Licking your own at the heat flaring through your body and in his eyes, “It’s a slipper little devil.” Capturing your bottom lip between your teeth and nibbling hard as Bucky steps towards you. Crowding you against the counter, planting his hands on either side of your body.
“Maybe it’ll help if you take off the shirt?” Tugging the black AC/DC shirt twice, flesh hand teasing along your side under the shirt.
Gulping to gather air into your starved lungs, shivering as the ice moves against your skin pebbled nipple starting to tent your bra and t-shirt. Distracting Bucky as his gaze drops and his hand moves upward. Sliding two fingers just under the wire and cup of your bra to snag the cube. Pressing it to your nipple, melting the ice between the heat of his fingers and your body.
“Tell me to stop and I will doll face. I won’t do anything you don’t want,” words puffing from his lips that are just inches from yours.
“You stop and I’ll have to hurt you James,” hissing turned whimper as those talented fingers wrap around your nipple and tug. Desire fogged brain only barely registering your arms wrap around his broad shoulders, embracing his body to pull him closer.
Grinning right behind his mouth claims yours. Desperate and passion fueled, licking his tongue against the seam of your lips. Which open on a gasp Bucky having found the front clasp of your bra and popped it open to cup and massage your breast. Weighting the generous globe before rolling the pebbled nipple between his fingers. Giving a light pinch to gage your reaction. Confirming whimper has an answering growl from deep within his chest. Vibranuim arm tightly wrapping around your waist as you damn near suck his tongue into your mouth tangling together for play and pleasure. Pushing your body into his wanting to mold the two of you together as the kiss turns deeper. Breath becoming an issue and you break part panting to gather in air to your starved lungs.
“Bucky,” whimpering his name, head lolling back to give his questing lips access to the sensitive column of your throat. Swallowing to gather your wits. “James,” you try again running your nails through his hair, scrapping his scalp lightly and pulling a groan from the man against you. “I’m going die if you don’t fuck me James.” Words whimpered from you lips.
“We can’t have that now can we doll?” Dragging his nose up your beautifully scented skin to nip at your earlobe. Hands one warm the other cool cup your ass and lift, your legs wrapping around his trim waist of the own accord.
Pressing his harden cock into your willing core, making you shutter around him at the delicious friction his movements cause. “Don’t you dare tease me James,” burying your lips against his neck to bit down on the strong cords sucking a small mark just south of his thumping pulse.
“Marking me already sweetheart?” Pushing away from the counter to head towards his apartment. Trying to focus on his steps and not how good you feel in his arms. “I wouldn’t dream of teasing you doll but if you keep using that mouth of yours to tempt me I won’t be held accountable for the state your clothes end up in or the fact that the whole compound will hear us.”
Pulling back, hands spread over his neck, fingers tugging at the short strands, “Then you better pick up the pace Sergeant before I have to take matters into my own hands and that would be a shame to take care my own self. Wouldn’t it James?”
“Yes ma’am,” pausing at his door to press you into the hard wall. Rocking into your body so you can feel just what you’ve caused.  “Especially when I have just the remedy to sooth that ache you were talking about.”
Poker night was never the same again at least night for you and Bucky.
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