#How to Save a Planet
This is my last post before I head off on my ten-day minimal-internet tidalpunk adventure (expect pics when I return!) so I thought I’d make a nice long list-type thing for all you solarpunks before I go.
Now, this might not seem very cheerful compared to my other topics - certainly all the people I’ve brought this up with irl have acted like I’m being alarmist and depressing, but I don’t see it that way. I view it as being prepared and maximising your ability to keep yourself and your community safe, which is after all what solarpunk is all about!
So without further ado, here is my *extremely idealised* suggestion for an emergency kit list to help you cope with increasingly frequent and severe extreme weather events. The goal is that with the supplies in this bag you could either shelter safely in place or get up and go, and be well supplied in either case to care for yourself and share with those in need. In fact, in both scenarios you would hopefully be able to temporarily ‘start from scratch’ in terms of infrastructure should the frameworks of society around you no longer be reliable. I based mine off suggestions by climate scientist Kendra Pierre-Louis (you can check out her advice on the ‘Unnatural Disasters’ episode of the How To Save A Planet Podcast), but yours might look subtly different depending on who you are, what you can afford/carry, and where you live.
Emergency kit list:
-Big hiking rucksack, to keep everything in
-Sleeping bag
-A small portable tent and camping stove
-A penknife or multi tool
-Matches or a lighter
-Kindling or firestarters - I use wood wool balls held together with wax
-Torch (with up to date batteries!)
-Non-perishable or long-life foods, such as protein bars, rice cakes/breadsticks/crackers, dried fruit, bagged nuts/seeds, crisps, tinned soup, pot noodles
-A seedbomb of edible plants (you can get some for slightly excessive prices here in the UK, otherwise they can be made fairly easily by combining clay, straw, paper or flour with the desired seeds)
-Two large water bottles (600-650ml) and a water bladder
-A water purifier (preferably one capable of filtering out both natural pathogens like bacteria and viruses and synthetic pollutants like heavy metals and PFAS)
-A collapsible bucket
-A first aid kit, including plasters, bandages, sterile wipes, hand sanitiser, latex gloves, antiseptic/disinfectant, (K)N95 masks to filter out particulates (whether ash or pathogens), painkillers, antihistamines, rehydration sachets, anti-emetics and anti-diarrhoeals, steroid creams, aloe vera gel, iodine tablets in case of radiation, and any medication you regularly take (including epipens and inhalers if needed)
-A pair of goggles to protect your eyes from air pollution such as smog, wildfire smoke, etc
-Toothpaste tablets and a spare toothbrush
-Period supplies (pack these even if you don’t get periods - someone you run into might need them)
-A solar charger
-A satellite phone
-A mechanical handheld fan, with working batteries, to keep you cool in extreme heat
-A magnetic heat belt for extra warmth
-A change of clothes, including a sun hat, a scarf, woolly hat and gloves for extreme cold, and waterproofs (plus an umbrella!) for wet conditions
-Pliers or secateurs for cutting through dense debris or vegetation
-Some strong, climbing-grade rope
-A trowel (for planting and digging up but also for burying…waste 😅 - a long-term wild camping scenario isn’t infeasible here)
-Your passport and any other documents (marriage certificate, adoption papers, savings bonds if you’re like a hundred years old) that you might need if fleeing your country becomes a necessity
-As much cash as you are comfortable withdrawing/leaving lying around your house/carrying with you in an emergency
-A personal locator beacon is a radio-transmitter that signals your location to emergency services via satellite. These tend to have a 24-hour battery life, so if you foresee being in any way ‘stranded’ for longer then a useful trick is to switch it on for one hour each day, and then turn it off again. This not only saves power but shows emergency services that there is conscious intention involved, proving you’re still alive and lucid
-Some things to keep your spirits up, like a chocolate bar and your favourite/funniest book
-It’s worth having a sturdy pair of hiking boots for if you have to pick up the bag and go
Obviously this list is super extra, a bunch of these things are prohibitively expensive, and some items would need periodic replacement if a long time passed without the necessity of using the emergency kit. You could also likely build a fairly functional emergency kit with only a fraction of these supplies, I’m just trying to anticipate every eventuality here.
It’s up to you whether you think the investment is worth it - it’s a big outlay for a possible zero return. Personally I think it’s at least somewhat worth it as extreme weather is only going to happen more often and have more serious consequences, and preparedness turns what could be a disaster into an inconvenience, often saving money in the long run. But it will depend on the relative likelihood of severe weather events in your local area. It’s also worth saying that these work for ostensibly non-climate related problems, from a power cut in your town to an authoritarian coup in your government to your house falling down! It isn’t just for wildfires or tornadoes.
Over the next few months I’m hoping to slowly build up the aspects of the kit that are affordable and accessible to me, with the aim of being able to keep myself safe and aid my neighbours should disaster strike.
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Yesterday was a looonngg day. I woke up at 6:30!! I know some of you are like “...that’s not that early.” But I never wake up that early, 8:00 is usually the earliest I wake up. I dawdled for a few hours then went to campus. I originally planned to work on an essay that I had pushed off until the last minute. However, I was informed that I needed to do a write-up of my project idea for the student organization I’m in. The write-up is going to be shared with some of the faculty so I was super nervous; I’ve never written a document like that. I managed to finish drafting by 11:30 am. In the morning I also had some emails to send. Unfortunately, I was supposed to have a meeting but I kind of got blown off. That annoyed me for sure, but I’m trying to stay positive and laid back about it--like maybe he just had some sort of emergency. Also, I found this podcast last semester and really like it! I don’t listen to podcasts often but every once in awhile, I listen to this one. It has lots of cool episodes with different topics all surrounding climate change.
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emacrow · 4 months
Um.. Superman.. what that thing stuck on your cape?
Clark's brain short circuit for a moment as he just got back of flying at great speed in the middle of deep space to thrown one of Lex's giants bombs destroy the city and come back in record time.
He turn a bit to look at his cape to see a tiny humanoid starlight dust covered child with white hair, glowing full green that look like white specks stars were implanted themselves into his big ol eyes, nawing on a handful of stardust with inhumanly sharp itsy bitsy fangs.
A small yet floating crown that look similar to one of Nasa pictures of far out space.
Did he just accidentally abducted an royal alien child/teen?
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frenchublog · 10 months
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And how can the world want me to change ?
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tuxedodragon-art · 1 year
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legendoftherisingtide · 4 months
The original concept for the manga comes true; it all comes full circle.
Deku gets support items. They mimic the quirks of ofa. He uses up his embers and continues to be a hero quirkless. He does not falter and continues to grow and improve. His power is never like it was but his experience and determination are what made him a true hero.
He and Bakugou still compete and they do not give up hope on being a hero duo.
They get a hero agency together and Deku is extremely popular as not only the new symbol of peace but as a true embodiment of how anyone can be a hero. He is an inspiration to quirkless kids and normalizes it. Kids who think they have useless quirks or are quirkless realize that they can do and be anything they want to.
Deku becomes the number one hero and competes with Bakugou as to who can maintain that rank the longest (their ranks are constantly shifting and they are always battling for who’s one and two,, Todoroki gets number one for like a month and both of them lose their minds)
It comes out that All Might was also born quirkless and he opens about it in an interview for a retrospect. He explains how proud he is of Midoriya and how he admires how he continues to fight as he, himself, had lost his spirit to keep fighting after he lost his quirk.
Deku continues to be a pillar of hope. Of the belief of good. Of reform and understanding. And under his influence, the world becomes more like what he embodies.
The essence of what a true hero is.
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Triceraton height guesstimate
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I went back to the Rottmnt movie for the umpteenth time to get some screenshots of Krang one's mech suit for drawing references when I got a glimpse of the Triceraton skull Krang One uses as a throne. And that got me thinking, How tall would the Triceratons have had to be in order to match their absolutely huge skulls?
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After doing some guesstimating with Leo and Krang one as a reference to compare heights, and using the 2k3 TMNT Triceratons. I have gotten some numbers. Probably not accurate at all, but it's all in the name of fun xD
So. Leo is 1.65m or 5'5" in canon height. Krang one's guesstimated height is about 7.15m or 23'5". (Does he have a canon height??) Triceraton's height I'm guessing is around 55.2 meters or 181'1". That's my take on it at any rate. Do with this information as you'd like 😂
On another note. How the shell were the boys supposed to fight those monsters??? Like holy shell. Donnie would have had to get uranium and make them mech suits or something, yikes, terrifying just thinking about it.... And does the skull throne mean that the Krang have already killed off the Triceratons? Or is that just a hunting price?? Who knows, it's an interesting thought none the less.
Also if the Krang actually has managed to kill off this gigantic alien race, that makes them all the more terrifying an enemy... food for thought.
Anyway, until next time! // Wick♡
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shadystranger · 1 month
this moment so fucked up💀
#horror spn moments and its dean torturing sam psychologically in 4 different ways under a min he could've just asked if sam lied#the pacing the lightful to knife lethal seriousness the yelling dean so psychopath 💔#this messes with my head bruh i hated how i couldn't actually predict how he'd lash out on sam#chat I think its time to kill dean#its fucked up that sam spends this arc trying to SAVE dean and the narration and dean treat him like he's melting the earth's crust#and must be crucified#meanwhile when dean decides he might have to KILL sam it's painted as a heroic sacrifice for the greater good#sam doomed if he tries to save but is manipulated and doomed if he tries to also save and well-intentioned#and his punishment for both times Is just death#why are we lowering the guillotine on the guy for trying to save his brother???? he was literally distressed and hiding about it#like he's smuggling a nuclear bomb with full determination to destroy the planet#yea there was grave consequences later but dean's gripe was him going against his wish to be doomed with the mark#you can talk respecting wishes if dean wasn't spending the whole last season flagrantly ignoring sam's wishes half the time#and the other half he spends it DEVASTATED when sam says he'll respect his wishes if he were in his shoes. the whole theme of s9 finale#was dean WANTING to be saved by sam and asking for that morally grey treatment back#If he's gon change his mind one minute and the other then he could have just not practically begged for what sam was doing here#dean's emotional fluctuations arent sam's responsibility#this sounds deancrit but no I'm just speaking from a pov everyone collectively decided to ignore part of its nuance#sam winchester#dean winchester#samdean#spn meta in tags#mine#the editing is supposed to make it haha but the scene is still not hahaing sm..
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daily-xisuma · 14 days
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[095] Alien Juic—oh that's not what the song's called
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bfdifan26 · 9 months
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this was absolutely insane by the way i will never forget about this
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cakehorse · 6 months
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There was a red flower on the desk where Kirk's dress uniform had been waiting for the laundryman, with a card reading "With the Hotel's Compliments." Kirk smiled, picked up the flower, and with an elaborate flourish of his wrist inserted it in his buttonhole. When Pete's buddy Zack, playing the cat burglar, pretended to stun Kirk, he would grasp the flower as a last, sinking gesture. Tonight's entertainment was being played for royalty, after all.
How Much for Just the Planet by John M. Ford
Many people believe the T in James T. Kirk stands for "Tiberius," but it actually stands for "Total Drama Queen."
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endless-shrimp-tour · 10 days
He’s being so healthy and socially and environmentally conscious and I’m just so fucking happy for him
Danni is literally so good for him
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Happy JunJi Day! 💜
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So proud of Kim JunHyung and all his hard work! Can’t to see what his 26th year brings to the world. Happy Birthday, honey, we love you.
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lesbian-space-fish · 2 years
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or the one.
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emotinalsupportturtle · 5 months
Crowley came up with this, Crowley came up with that, whatever… Crowley and Aziraphale came up with biodegradable paper straws together.
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ftl-faster-than-life · 11 months
Honestly though the fact that Barry Allen has not yet figured out (still) the connection between his yearning for companionship and people getting HIT BY LIGHTNING is the funniest thing in the world. His father in law told him it was happening and he was like 'what? me? nooo I'm just a normal guy--' and proceeded to be in denial forever. And then twenty more people got hit by lightning because he had no Wally West around.
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