#How long does it take for acne scars to fade
ruthytwoshakes · 10 months
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Bunch of two fort ladies hell yeah B)
headcannons of inconsistent length below the cut
Zhanna: reeeeeeoow!!! She’s so gorgoryse . gay as hell about all these women tbh. Yeah I just gave her body hair and thicker eyebrows because it’s cool as fuck. And a bear claw scar from when she tried to take home a baby bear when she was little. I think she really likes bears and wants one as a pet. Maybe the bear and soldier’s raccoons would get along aww <33
Admin: yipppeee evil old lady!!!!! . Gave her acne scars , think she would pick her face when she was younger and the scars never faded. shes so pretty heruhghhsg. She smokes these fucked up super long cigarettes idk. I like her wonky nose, maybe she got into a fight or something and broke it.
Scouts Ma: oh man I have so many ideas for her hehehhe. Okay so her name is Jenny, shes Puerto Rican, moved to Boston when she was a young adult, and she’s around the same height as sniper. She’s green because she’s both the scouts mother, and I didn’t want her to be purple like Pauling and Admin I wanted her to be her own person. Her heart locket contains a bunch of pictures of her boys that all cartoonishly fold out to the floor when she opens it up.
She’s bi and poly, and currently dating both the spies because I think it’s funny. I can’t decide if both the spies would also be dating each other or would hate each other, maybe it depends on the time of day. Oh also she used to be an assassin! Maybe that’s why she had to move because she got found out at her old hometown. Anybody who got too rough with her boys were never seen again, only reason the scouts made it out alive lol.
She’s only recently gotten back together with the spies, had a falling out with Red before she knew she was pregnant, but he wanted to reconnect with her after finding out Red scout was his kid. Blu and her were friends for a really long time, she was the surrogate mother to Blu scout, but they fell out of contact when Blu spy had to take scout and disappear due to some espionage work gone wrong. When both the Blus join the team, the red scout recognized them and Blu spy eventually reconnected with Jen through that.
All of her kids are out of the house and she’s retired, so she has a lot of free time. She hosts foreign exchange students and fosters baby animals. She does a lot of traveling and shopping, she also likes knife and axe throwing, while doing some abstract sculpting on the side.
I love Maggie she’s so interesting,, I really like the panels where she’s laughing with saxton on the plane. Oh yeah gave her a mustache cus she’s Australian!, don’t be shy give the pretty lady a mustache she deserves it. That line on her lip was from this one girl I had a crush on back in high school, she said that she was bullied for it. don’t think I’ve ever seen it on another person since. She was one of the most beautiful people I’ve ever met. I hope she’s doing alright. She was a really good friend, real wonderful person.
hi Merasmus how r u. oh yeah I’m trying out some other designs for her because I’m working on a little animated series about her and a magic spell she fucks up. I want her to be Sumerian because Sumer is so interesting!! I’ve been learning about the art from it in class, check out the Sumerian virtue status or the Epic of Gilgamesh they’re some of my favorite bits of history we’ve learned so far. Oh yeah also I think when she takes off that weird cap thing she has the longest most beautiful curly hair that goes down to her ankles because I love those kind of visual gags hehe. Also yeah she has piercings idk why I did that. I think she’s kinda blind and she uses her skull to see with her magic or whatever. I love her facial expressions in the comics,, have you guys seen the cunty Merasmus poster i love the cunty Merasmus poster
Miss Pauling:
MISS PAULFIJF LETS FUCMIGN GOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! She’s got sideburns because im a dyke bleh blehhhh . hshe look at her big ass glasses I’m in love. Oh yeah I gave her lots of moles! And changed up her sleeve colors. Too tired to write much more lol
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Hey can u do headcanons of the main four cause you said you'd be ok with that and you're really good at headcanons I think
100%!! here you go ^^ i added butters in because i love butters 😭
-Has acne scars
-Greasy hair
-Bleached hair (done poorly with Kyle's help)
-Gets faded with Ken and Leo
-Really quiet when high
-Pierced ear (uses a regular stud when not goth)
-Plays guitar but only does covers of midwest emo bands (so angsty)
-Takes a shot every morning before school to get him prepared for bullshit
-Vans kid
-So so stressed
-In a band with Stan, Ken, and Leo
-They write midwest emo songs
-Doesn't wear his hat anymore
-Keeps it tied back instead
-Academia style
-Can skateboard but prefers roller skating or bike riding
-Gifted kid burnout type beat
-Had one B+ and literally had a panic attack
-On the debate team
-Converse kid
-Favorite book is LOTR
-Autistic bc I said so
-Transmasc also bc I said so
-Gets high with the guys because of stress from school
-He gets really talkative when he's high
-He hates facial hair so every time it gets more than just stubbly, he shaves
-Which is like once a week
-Prefers Eric
-Is on meds
-So he's a lot better than he was when he was a kid
-Like so much better
-He's also an academic
-He and Kyle get along better
-Kyle counts his pills
-They have a study group
-Also on the debate team
-He's still very outspoken, but he's toned it down a lot
-He's always got interesting questions
-I don't really have much to say about him
-Nike's kid
-Ditched his hat
-Sweater vests
-All he wears
-And khakis
-Loves the khak
-Always high
-He prefers Ken now that they're older
-The only one allowed to call Leo 'Butters'
-They're dating
-He gets faded with Stan
-He's like insanely smart, he just doesn't turn in assignments
-Skateboards to school with Stan
-Constantly hangs out at the ice cream shop to see Leo
-Gets high with Leo to get his mind off his parents
-Works 3 part time jobs
-He uses the money to buy stuff for Leo and Karen
-They mean the most to him
-Also grunge but like hippie grunge yknow?
-He smokes cigarettes too
-He likes the smell and taste of nicotine
-Leo tells him that he tastes like cigarettes every time they kiss
-He and Kyle help Stan with his school work (and get high)
-They have a 'study group' every Saturday and get high in Stan's garage
-Ken is the type to get all deep and philosophical when he's high
-His hair is also like really long
-Greasy too
-He wears a mask instead of his hood
-His acne is so bad bc of it
-He's just a greasy rat man and I live for it
-Has lots of piercings (bridge, snake bites, tongue, septum and both sides of his nose, ears)
-Insane amount of stick and pokes (he did them with pen ink and a needle)
-Socks with sandals kid
-Also a Converse kid
-Like his parents scraped together enough money to buy him one (1) pair of Cons and now thats all he wears
-Likes Leo way better than Butters
-Has a better haircut
-Calls Ken 'Ken doll'
-Pierced his ear once when he and Ken were faded bc he wanted to piss off his dad
-Gets faded with Kenny and Stan
-Takes away the stress of his parents
-B student
-Really likes coquette style
-His favorite thing ever is to be called pretty by Ken
-Hangs out with Ken as much as possible to avoid his parents
-Parents make him shave
-Ken taught him how to rig Life360 so that his parents would think he's with Cartman or Craig
-He buys things for Ken all the time
-Ken never knows how to react so he usually just picks some wild flowers and makes a bouquet
-Loves the flowers
-Has a collection of Sanrio plushies from Ken that's what he buys when he's got money
-Loves cigarettes, the taste, the smell, all of it
-He loves when he can taste it on Ken's lips
-Vans kid
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luckhissoul · 2 years
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Which way do they hang the toilet roll, over or under? tbh it doesn’t matter to him. whichever way it is when it’ put on. 
How do they sleep? Do they have any routine that they must do first? Do they steal the covers, etc?  sleeps through the night, but he’s a restless sleeper. he likes to sleep long but usually doesn’t get to. he’ll linger in bed until noon if given the chance. yes, he steals the covers but pushes them off, takes ten billion years to get comfortable. and no routine really just clean up and then head to bed. but he prefers to not sleep alone. 
How do they hold a pen? Do they have any writing quirks? his handwriting is small, squared and childlike ( that’s actually canon tho )
What traditionally unconventional features do they have (acne, crooked teeth, unibrow, etc)?  do scars count ? ? i can’t think of anything else. he has a lot of those around. a hanging scar on his neck but he usually covers it. and then depending on the timeline he’s missing an eye. 
What is their shower routine? he likes to linger in a bath or shower. pays special attention to his appearance. skincare, hair products, and the like.
How do they deal with illness? if it’s not that bad he’ll act like he’s at death’s door, coddle him plzz. if it’s bad he’s never felt healthier in his life, do not go near him he’s too strong for this.
Are they a visual learner? Kinesthetic learner? Auditory learner? visual / kinesthetic. he prefers to be hands on but he’s learned a lot from the memories that were forced into his head. so that’s all visual. so a mix of both. 
What do their hands look like? slender, calloused from riding , fighting, and the farming he got dragged into doing lmao
What mundane bad habits do they have (do they always let food expire, don't wash their hands, chew with their mouth open, etc)? putting his shoes up on tables, wipes his hands on his clothes, fidgets too much. 
How do they usually spend their birthday? In modern, with his friends, out , partying, getting drunk, and then with his family a party as well but not out of hand like he’d do with his friends. 
What is one common misconception or incorrect fact that they completely believe? he still holds somewhat to the stigma he grew up with against aes sedai and the power- with some exceptions.
What are their red flags or their #cancellable trait? lmao his hilarious misconceptions about women and their way of thinking. 
Are they the type to make a shopping list, get what they want and leave, or meander? Do they try to carry all their bags at once or take a few at a time? no list. he’ll get what he wants and leave. he likes shopping though --- A LOT. and he carries them all at once, of course lol
What is their go-to curse word? oh no....wot curses tho --- he likes them all lbr
What do they collect (candles, bottles, coins, shiny rocks)? he legit has a rock / feather collection back home. he’s a battle scarred general who picks up rocks because he likes their pretty colors. fml and then ofc his knives, gold? can he collect gold? he wants to. plz & thx
What is one conspiracy theory they believe in? he’s not steadfast about any. but he’ll hear them out and consider them.
Do they like to plan things in advance? Or are they the type to show up somewhere uninvited? both. he plans down to the fine detail when he has his battle plans and stuff. but when he’s in the middle of something he’ll wing things. he goes with the flow and is entirely adaptable. even if he does it all the while complaining. 
What's one thing they think they're talented at that they really, really aren't? usually it’s the opposite for him here. but ---- like i can’t think of something. he thinks he’d be able to just lay around and do nothing , not get involved, and have a simple fun life. but he’d hate that so much. but that’s not really a talent, is it? help me i can’t think ---
tagged by: @xhideyourfires​
tagging: @caracarnn / @agoldenlily / @ofimaginarybeings /  / @inprometheanfire / @fadedpath / @honorhearted / @adversitybloomed​
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susu-0 · 1 month
How to Fade Acne Scars
How to Fade Red Acne Marks: To reduce red acne marks, use products that contain anti-inflammatory ingredients, vasoconstrictors, and ingredients that promote blood circulation. These can help speed up the fading process of red marks.
Key soothing and anti-inflammatory ingredients include bisabolol, niacinamide, onion extract, centella asiatica extract, purslane extract, salicin (from willow bark extract), and olive leaf extract.
Note: Prioritize treating active acne! Many acne treatments or skincare products contain anti-inflammatory ingredients, which can also help reduce acne marks. Ingredients that help constrict capillaries include rutoside compounds (glucosylrutin, troxerutin), horse chestnut extract, mucopolysaccharides (MPS), and onion extract.
How to Fade Dark Acne Marks: To reduce dark acne marks, use products with anti-inflammatory properties that inhibit melanin production and accelerate skin metabolism, which can help speed up the fading process.
Fading Melanin: Dark acne marks are caused by post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH), where melanin deposits due to inflammation. The more severe the inflammation, the harder it is to fade dark marks.
Whitening Ingredients: Niacinamide, Vitamin C, arbutin, licorice extract, and tea extract are effective.
Exfoliating and Speeding Up Melanin Metabolism: Retinoic acid and its derivatives, as well as alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), can help.
Sun Protection: Not using sunscreen can cause red acne marks to turn into dark ones, making them harder to remove. You can choose between physical and chemical sunscreens.
How to Fade Acne Pits: Acne pits and scars affect the dermis layer of the skin, resulting from significant damage to the skin's basement membrane, making them irreversible. For such cases, it's recommended to consult a professional dermatologist for treatments that may include collagen or hyaluronic acid injections.
Prevention is Key: Preventing the formation of acne pits is closely related to managing inflammation early. It’s important to treat red and dark acne marks promptly and avoid squeezing pimples.
Acne Mark Q&A:
Will acne marks naturally fade in 3-6 months? This depends on the size, depth, and severity of the acne, as well as your skin tone. If you address inflammation early, red marks are generally easier to fade.
Does the size of acne affect how long marks last? Yes, larger and deeper pimples tend to leave more stubborn marks. The larger the acne, the wider the area of skin it damages. The deeper the acne, the more it stimulates melanin production in the deeper layers of the skin, which takes longer to metabolize and fade.
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vcareskinandhair · 3 months
Acne Scar Treatment
Acne Scar Treatment In Chennai
Best Acne Scar Treatment
Just when you are hitting the adolescent age with rising fantasies and adrenaline together, an alien on the face shows up. This has a more significant potential to turn off even the brightest day. Yes, Acne poses a more significant threat to your confidence and happiness.
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What is Acne?
Your skin has open pores; below such open pores, sebaceous glands are present. These sebaceous glands secrete oil naturally. When this oil mix with dead skin cells, and dirt, the pores clog and become prone to infection, rising out like a pimple.
Acne is more stubborn and is often subject to long-term conditions. It is due to the steady work of a bacteria called, Propionibacterium acnes. But most adults, both men and women, are prone to it, which is curable with proper dietary practices and medicines. Severe acne conditions are treatable through peel treatments, lasers, and therapies.
How Does Acne Occur?
Stage 1
Oily skin
Clogged Pores
Slight Acne
Stage 2
Oily skin
Clogged Pores
Lots of Acne
Stage 3
Oily and Inflamed Skin
Clogged Pores Acne
Papules and Pustules
Stage 4
Oily and Very Inflamed Skin
Clogged Pores
Severe Acne
Many Papule and Pustules
Sebum is a natural moisturizer for the skin, which keeps the surface hydrated. When you apply more products to the skin, for instance, if someone with oily skin uses topical oily products to remove the excess oil and prevent infections, it causes acne.
Triggers of Acne
Excess secretion of oil in sebaceous glands
An increase in male hormones (Androgens)
Allergic reactions due to medications
Overuse of cosmetic products or choosing the wrong product
Pollution, dirt, and dust
How does the laser treatment for acne scars work?
The laser energy gets absorbed by the acne scars. This pigmentation breaks into smaller fragments and is naturally cleared away from the body and skin.
Can acne scars be permanently removed?
Yes, Acne scars can be permanently removed. The acne scar treatment gets rid of your acne scars, giving you completely clean and glowing skin.
How long does it take for acne scars to fade?
The treatments and results tend to vary from person to person. Usually, one can see clear skin after 2-3 sessions of acne scar treatment. But it is best to take a minimum of 6 sessions at least.
Is acne scar treatment safe?
Yes, acne scar treatment is a completely safe procedure. It is a gentle alternative which requires fewer sessions to achieve amazing results. The treatment has zero side effects.
Is acne scar treatment painful?
No, the acne scar treatment is not painful. The laser energy feels like tiny hot dots on your skin. The process is tolerable as well.
What is the best treatment for acne scars?
For me, the best treatment for acne scars is carbon laser peel! I used to have a lot of acne before and tried applying different acne scars creams to get rid of it. Some did work by reducing my acne. But the acne scars never left me. It was then that my friend suggested the Carbon laser peel treatment to try out. I did deep research and enquired a lot about it. I took the treatment at VCare, where the cosmetologists explained the whole procedure and took the time to explain the cause of my acne. The whole carbon laser peel treatment was painless and worthwhile. It not only helped me get rid of the acne scars but also aided me by giving my skin natural, glowing skin. So, you should also definitely try. I hope this helped!
What should you know about acne scar laser treatment?
I took the acne scar laser treatment from VCare Skin Clinic. This treatment helped me get rid of my acne scars and skin pigmentations. I took the carbon laser peel treatment to treat my acne scars. For this procedure, they started by first cleansing your face and then applying the carbon peel to your face. Once that was dried, they started with the laser shots. The laser shots that they use for this treatment are advanced and are called Q-switch lasers. The whole procedure was easy and painless. It took up to four to six treatment sessions to get rid of those acne scars once and for all. So, I would totally recommend you try the acne scar laser treatment. It is definitely worth every penny.
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Is laser treatment for acne scars permanent? Are there any side effects?
Yes, the laser treatment for acne scars is permanent; no, there are no side effects. My aunt took the acne scar laser treatment from VCare Skin Clinic. This treatment helped her get rid of the acne scars and skin pigmentations once and for all. The laser shots that they use for this treatment are advanced and are called Q-switch lasers. Looks like the whole procedure was easy and painless. It took up to four to six treatment sessions to get rid of those acne scars completely. Most importantly, during the whole process, she saw no side effects. So, I believe its completely safe and effective. So, I would totally recommend you try the acne scar laser treatment. It is definitely worth your money.
For More Details : Acne Scar Treatment In Chennai | Scar Removal Treatment Near Me (vcareskinclinic.com)
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pharmaclinix · 6 months
Skin Whitening Treatments: Unlocking the Secrets to Radiant Skin
In the pursuit of flawless skin, many individuals turn to skin whitening treatments to address various concerns such as hyperpigmentation, dark spots, and uneven skin tone. These treatments have gained popularity over the years, but with a plethora of options available, it can be overwhelming to navigate through them all. Fear not! In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the world of skin whitening treatments, exploring different methods, ingredients, and considerations to help you achieve the luminous complexion you desire.
Understanding Skin Pigmentation
Before diving into treatments, it's crucial to understand how skin pigmentation works. Melanin, the pigment responsible for skin color, is produced by melanocytes. Factors like genetics, sun exposure, and hormonal changes can influence melanin production, leading to variations in skin tone.
Common Skin Whitening Ingredients
Skin whitening products often contain ingredients like hydroquinone, kojic acid, arbutin, and vitamin C. These ingredients work by inhibiting melanin production or promoting its breakdown, resulting in a lighter complexion over time.
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Topical Treatments
Topical treatments such as creams, serums, and lotions are popular choices for addressing localized pigmentation issues. These products are applied directly to the skin and can target specific areas of concern.
Laser and Light Therapies
Laser and light therapies utilize focused energy to target melanin in the skin. This can help reduce pigmentation, improve skin texture, and promote collagen production for overall skin rejuvenation.
Chemical Peels
Chemical peels involve applying a chemical solution to the skin, which exfoliates the outer layer to reveal smoother, brighter skin underneath. Peels can vary in strength and depth, catering to different skin types and concerns.
Oral Supplements
Certain oral supplements contain ingredients like glutathione and pycnogenol, which are believed to promote skin whitening from within. However, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating supplements into your regimen.
Home Remedies
Natural remedies like lemon juice, yogurt, and honey are often touted for their skin-lightening properties. While these ingredients may offer mild benefits, their efficacy and safety can vary, and they should be used with caution.
Safety Considerations
When exploring skin whitening treatments, it's essential to prioritize safety. Always follow product instructions carefully, perform patch tests, and avoid using multiple treatments simultaneously to minimize the risk of adverse reactions.
Choosing the Right Treatment
The best skin whitening treatment for you depends on various factors, including your skin type, concerns, budget, and lifestyle. Consulting with a dermatologist can help you determine the most suitable approach for achieving your desired results.
Maintenance Tips for Long-Term Results
Maintaining results from skin whitening treatments requires a consistent skincare routine and sun protection practices. Regularly moisturize, use sunscreen daily, and avoid prolonged sun exposure to preserve your newfound luminosity.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: Are skin whitening treatments safe for all skin types?
A: Yes, but it's essential to choose products and procedures suitable for your skin type and concerns. Consult with a dermatologist for personalized recommendations.
Q: How long does it take to see results from skin whitening treatments?
A: Results can vary depending on the treatment method used and individual factors. Some may see improvement within weeks, while others may require several months of consistent use.
Q: Can skin whitening treatments be used to treat acne scars?
A: Yes, certain treatments like chemical peels and laser therapies can help fade acne scars and improve overall skin texture.
Q: Are there any side effects associated with skin whitening treatments?
A: Potential side effects may include irritation, redness, and increased sensitivity to sunlight. It's essential to follow product instructions and seek medical advice if experiencing adverse reactions.
In conclusion, skin whitening treatments offer promising solutions for achieving a brighter, more even complexion. Whether you opt for topical products, professional procedures, or natural remedies, prioritizing safety and consistency is key to unlocking radiant skin.
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musiquesduciel · 11 months
The INKEY List - PHA Toner Review
Purchase: This was one of the products I ordered in July 2021 along with all the other The INKEY List products I've reviewed. Like the others, I ordered this after reading positive reviews of the product.
First Impressions: Based on both the looks and consistency, it reminded me of plain water. It's clear and runny. Though unlike water, it has a very faint, almost negligent 'sweet' smelling ingredient which (thankfully) isn't an artificially added fragrance but rather a skincare ingredient's organic smell. The product also bubbles up when you shake it.
Usage: Before I stored it away in my skincare drawer more than a year ago, I'd use it day and night after cleansing my face and spraying avene water. I would take 5-6 drops straight into my cupped palm before rubbing my hands together and going straight in. I find this technique less wasteful than using cotton pads, with the added benefit of more control on the pressure and slip with your palm over a cotton pad. Following this, I'd usually apply a serum and then my moisturizer.
When I pulled this product out of my drawer this time around in September, I used it solely as a day-time toner straight after cleansing my face (without avene water). As a tretinoin user, I didn't want to mix an exfoliant with tretinoin at night in the same routine so it made more sense using it solely for mornings. That being said, PHA is the gentlest of chemical exfoliants and can be used daily in this formulation as I did, unlike BHAs or AHAs. I followed straight with my daytime moisturizer, BYOMA Moisturizing gel cream instead of using a serum this time around.
Duration: It comes in a 100ml bottle which looks remarkably smaller than most toners I've owned. I pulled it out of my skincare drawer on September 24th when it was around 25% full. I finished it October 27th, so 25ml of this toner lasts a month of single, daily use. Safe to say the entire product, 100ml, would last you little over 3 months.
Thoughts: It's an extremely fast-absorbing formulation. My skin absorbed this toner seconds upon application and it made my skin look like glass. It also did a great job providing hydration to my skin straight after cleansing. With makeup though, I recommend going in with a moisturizer before priming as alone this toner might not be enough for dry skin. The most impressive observation was just how long it lasted. For example, I didn't expect for such a tiny amount of toner, 25ml, to last me over a month (considering you use more drops of toners than you would serums). Which goes to show that you really only need a little to cover your entire face and to keep your skin hydrated for non-makeup days.
Final: I bought this product for $13.99 2 years ago and it costs $17.49 today. It does what it says it does but overall nothing about this wow-ed me. I prefer toners that assist with skin concerns like hyperpigmentation, evening skin tone, fading acne scars, etc., over a basic toner like this one, which is why I won't be repurchasing it.
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BioRestore Complete Reviews [Update] - Is This Really Effective & Any Side Effects? Check Out!
✅Product Name — BioRestore Complete ✅Main Benefits — Skin Care ✅Composition — 100% Natural Organic Ingredients ✅Side-Effects — No Side effects ✅Rating — ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ✅Refund Policy — 90 Days ✅Official Website — Click Here
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What is BioRestore Complete?
People often notice your face and skin first. A good skin will improve your looks right away. There are many items that claim to do this, but there are plenty of cheap things you can use that will take even better care of your skin.
Stretch marks are a nuisance that many people deal with. Shea butter has shown the remarkable ability to reduce the visibility of stretch marks and in some cases, completely removes them from sight. Cocoa butter accomplishes the same task. Using these products in combination with BioRestore Complete Reviews increased sun exposure will greatly aid any stretch mark problems.
To keep your skin healthy it is very important to drink plenty of water. Doing so can help your body flush out the toxins that can clog up your pores and cause skin imperfections and acne. Drinking the recommended amount of water (approximately 8 glasses a day) is sufficient for skin care.
The best, most important way to assure your skin stays healthy is to protect your skin from the sun. Too much time in the sun can cause dry skin, age spots, freckles and wrinkles. Too much sun exposure can also cause problems which are more serious such as skin cancer.
What are the Ingredients inBioRestore Complete?
Graveolens & Hyaluronic Acid
Aloe Barbadensis
Witch Hazel & Horsetail
Jojoba Oil
Gotu Kola
Sage & Vitamin C
Vitamin E is among the best vitamins that you can take to enhance the quality of your skin. This vitamin aids in soothing the acne that you have, by smoothing the surface of your skin to maximize comfort. Also, vitamin E helps to fade the scars that you get from acne.
If you have combination skin, then your skin-care regimen could be difficult to tailor to your skin type. Combination skin is best combatted with exfoliation, along with gentle oil control in the areas where the skin is oilier and with moisturizers on the drier patches to maintain an even, healthy skin tone.
To subtract years of age from your face, don't neglect your neck. A smooth and supple facial complexion is certainly envied, but not if it sits atop a less-than-smooth or sagging neck. You will look like you are wearing a mask or feel the need to wear turtleneck sweaters year-long, unless you treat that delicate neck skin as carefully as you treat your face. Slather moisturizer on your neck at night to create the perfect pedestal for your pretty face.
Have a good cleanser when you are trying to optimize your skin care routine. Be willing to invest in a quality product. You have to live with your skin for the entirety of your life, it is worth the commitment to obtain the maximum level of cleansing benefit. Pamper yourself starting today.
How does BioRestore Complete Work?
If you have rosacea, you should figure out what are the triggers that cause you to have red, flushed skin. Every person's triggers for rosacea are somewhat different, although there are some that almost everyone with rosacea will recognize: red wine, hot water, and exposure to wind and cold.
To get better looking skin naturally, you should drink lots of water. While moisturizers replenish your skin from the outside, water can hydrate your skin from the inside, leaving you with a natural glow. Water also BioRestore Complete Serum improves your circulation, and drinking plenty of it can keep you from looking overly pale or washed out.
Better skin care with chocolate works well. While some characteristics of chocolate may be unpleasant, you can certainly enjoy the positive effects that it has on your skin. Powered with flavonoids, chocolate supplements your skin with more of those delightful chemicals that help block out the effects of harmful UV light.
The skin on your baby's bottom can be kept healthier if you use a cloth diaper. Cloth diapers offer the skin an opportunity to breathe, and they are free of harsh chemicals that are found in some disposables. Cloth diapers are also often made of natural products, and therefore they feel softer on your baby's skin.
BioRestore Complete Serum – Is it Safe To Use?
Try to apply the least amount of makeup possible before you leave home. Excess makeup can serve to block your skin from getting the nutrients necessary while trapping excess bacteria on the surface. Try a mineral based makeup as an alternative to your regimen.
If your skin and scalp are prone to being oily, try witch hazel to prevent slick and greasy hair. Simply take a cotton ball or pad and dampen with witch hazel. You can use this along your hairline and part to eliminate grease. You can also use diluted witch hazel to calm oily skin.
Staying away from cigarettes is vital to the care and health of your skin. Smoking can make your skin look older; this is even true on the parts of the body that are not exposed to the sun. For example, smokers often have wrinkles on the inner arms as well as other unusual places.
Oatmeal is used to treat many different skin disorders or illnesses. It is a great home remedy for acne. Cook a bowl of oatmeal and then allow it to cool. When it is cool, apply it to your face and allow it to sit until it is dry and then rinse. This will help with several skin problems, especially acne.
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Pay attention to any signs that your body is trying to give you through your skin. If you notice that there are abnormalities in the appearance of your skin, be sure to consult your dermatologist as soon as possible. Do not try to self diagnose and postpone getting professional care.
While a long, hot bath or shower may be very tempting when you've just come in from a cold winter's day, avoid the temptation to soak in the tub or stand under the shower for ages. Too much hot water will dry out your skin and lead to more damage.
It isn't necessary to stock your cabinet with expensive skin care products to have healthy skin. The abundance of skin care tips in the article almost guarantees that you find something that will work for you. These suggestions will help you look your best soon, and your finances will be better off.
👉 Click Here To Know More :
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imagineyounewsblog · 1 year
Essentials About Scar Camouflage Tattoo In Saint Petersburg, FL
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A scar camouflage tattoo in Saint Petersburg, FL, is a cosmetic procedure that is a great option for individuals who want to conceal skin scars. Here, this procedure can improve the appearance of scars and boost self-confidence. It is crucial to consult with a technician or medical professional to determine if a scar camouflage tattoo is right for you.
However, scar camouflage tattoo, also known as scar camouflage micro pigmentation, is done to reduce the visibility of scars. Therefore, you can build your confidence today with scar camouflage tattooing. Read further to understand more about the procedure and intensify your knowledge.
5 Major Things To Know About Of Scar Camouflage Tattooing
In this text, you will learn about scar camouflage tattoo in Saint Petersburg, FL. Below are the five essential majors about scar camouflage before the procedure. Scroll down to know more in detail.
1. Who Is A Good Candidate For A Scar Camouflage Tattoo?
Scar camouflage tattoo is a great option for individuals with scars they want to conceal. It includes people with surgical scars, scars from injuries, and scars from medical conditions such as acne or vitiligo. However, it is vital to note that scar camouflage tattooing may not be suitable for everyone, particularly individuals with certain medical conditions or skin sensitivities. Moreover, it is essential to consult with a qualified technician to determine if a scar camouflage tattoo is right for you.
2. How Does The Scar Camouflage Tattoo Procedure Work?
A scam camouflage tattoo is a cosmetic technique that involves using a needle to deposit pigment into the skin. However, the technician will carefully match the color of the pigment to the surrounding skin to ensure that the scar blends in as seamlessly as possible. Depending on the size and the scar's location, the procedure may take several sessions to achieve the desired result.
3. Is Scar Camouflage Tattoo Painful?
The level of pain associated with scar camouflage tattoo in Saint Petersburg, FL, can vary depending on the individual's pain tolerance and the scar's location. Furthermore, most individuals report that the procedure is relatively painless, and many technicians will use a numbing cream to help reduce discomfort.
4. How Long Does a Scar Camouflage Tattoo Last?
The scar camouflage tattoo procedure is considered to be a semi-permanent cosmetic process. Therefore, it means that it will gradually fade over time. The tattoo's longevity will depend on several factors, including the scar's location, the type of pigments used, and the individual's skin type. Scar camouflage tattoos can last anywhere from a few months to several years.
5. What Are The Risks And Potential Side Effects Of Scar Camouflage Tattoos?
Like any cosmetic procedure, there are conceivable risks associated with scar camouflage tattoo in Saint Petersburg, FL. Additionally, these risks may include infection, allergic reactions, and scarring. However, by choosing a reputable and experienced technician and following all aftercare instructions carefully, the risks can be minimized.
Build Your Self-Confidence With Stretch Mark Camouflage!
Now, you can build your confidence with experienced experts. Here, with this service, you will get the chance to get your skin concealed and healed. To get more information about scar camouflage tattoo, you should visit the website of Imagine You New. The professionals will try to provide you with the best skin-related services. Visit the website now to intensify your knowledge.
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drsnehaldaga · 2 years
Does Laser Treatment Actually Permanently Remove Acne Scars? – Dr. Snehal Daga
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If you're tired of having scars on your skin, you may be considering an acne scar treatment in nashik to get rid of them. How long-lasting are the results of this therapy, though? Therefore, you should locate a skin specialist for scars therapy close to you if you're feeling self-conscious, depressed, or discontent with your appearance. Read on to discover more about laser therapy in Nashik, skin disorders, scar treatment, and acne scars.
What are scars? Is it possible to treat scars?
Even though acne doesn't always cause scars, it can nonetheless damage your skin permanently. Depending on your skin type, you may even have significant scarring those changes the texture of your skin. Sometimes it's simply a discoloration, other times it's patchy. At Dr. Daga's Skin Care, The Daily Aesthetics provides laser therapy for acne scars and other skin problems.
The following are the three skin conditions that leave scars:
•             Boxcar scars, which are circular crevasses or pits in the skin.
•             Scars, which resemble puncture marks and are deeper skin lesions, are determined by ice.
•             Under the skin, there may be rolling scars or bands of thicker connective tissue that imitate ripples.
Your skin may be scarred if you have a severe skin condition with deep lesions like cysts and nodules. You might even leave scars if you pick, pop, or poke at your spots because doing so could harm the skin and increase the chance of infection. Acne scars can occasionally be permanent, therefore it's crucial to see a trusted dermatologist or skin specialist in your area.
Do you need to get your acne scars treated?
In 8 out of 10 cases, acne scars in some areas are permanent because they are disregarded and not treated right away, even if some may fade with time. The type of scar you have can affect both your skin's health and the sort of scarring therapy you need. Therapies like ablative laser therapy are beneficial for treating acne scars. On the other hand, rolling and boxcar acne scars could just need ablative laser treatments.
Dr. Daga's Skin Care Clinic offers the greatest treatment and cares for your skin. The scars are not dangerous, therefore there is no need for medical intervention, but this does not imply you should accept them as they are. Your attitude, shallowness, and self-confidence will all be substantially impacted by scars. And to make matters worse, they will be a somber reminder of your battles with skin issues. If you are not afraid of your skin problem scars, you do not need to obtain treatment.
How long will this laser skin problem therapy last?
One of my patients' most common queries is "how long will this treatment last?" Your everyday routine, skincare regimen, and post-treatment regimen are all crucial. Given that you are paying for individualized therapy in an effort to get rid of your scars, you need to be sure the outcomes will stay as long as feasible. A lasting solution will be found for the scar area.
• The results of ablative laser or acne therapy are long-lasting, although they can differ depending on the severity of the scars and how quickly your skin heals. For this particular sort of laser medical care, additional treatment is not required, but if precautions aren't made to avoid it, the scar will typically resurface.
• Laser resurfacing (non-ablative acne therapy), particularly when the scarring is fragile, will yield long-lasting results. It will take some time for the full results of the treatment to become apparent as scleroprotein or collagen is produced in the skin, but once they do, they may occasionally be long-lasting. Additional treatment sessions may be required in the future in some cases.
• Laser acne therapy can sometimes help with certain types of pigmentation changes brought on by skin conditions, although these changes are not necessarily irreversible. Usually, a few months later, the discoloration will come back. However, a number of people will experience long-lasting effects from laser treatment.
Multiple sessions are required for this kind of laser treatment to effectively erase acne scars. Because the therapy will take up a large amount of your time, it is crucial to know how long the effects will last in advance.
Your skin will first look horrible if you are getting laser resurfacing or an ablative treatment. Surface skin will appear red and swollen as it heals. After the treatments are over and your skin has recovered, the effects should still be present. Your doctor will have a much better sense of what to expect after examining your skin.
For better results must visit Dr. Daga’s Skin Care Clinic here Dr. Snehal Daga is the best dermatologist in Nashik.  She has wide years of experience as a Consultant Dermatologist, Trichologist & Cosmetic Surgeon.
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goodthoughts001 · 2 years
How To Use Castor Oil To Treat Acne
Acne is not only an unhealthy growth on your skin but it also strains your confidence about your looks. Many people take acne treatments to make their face acne free, but most of the times the treatments just become a financial burden. It is less likely that acne treatment will have any effect. The person whose face is more prone to acne goes through a lot of underdeveloped personality issues and a hampered confidence. If you are looking forward to Liposuction near me NYC
Many people are aware of homemade acne treatments, but the most advantageous homemade remedy for acne treatment is the use of castor oil. Most of you will be surprised by the fact that how can castor oil for hair help in acne reduction, isn’t it mostly used for reducing constipation and other stomach related problems. Read on to this article to know more about how castor oil for hair growth can help in reducing acne.
The answer is “Yes!!”, it does. Many of you would be surprised that how can applying oil on the acne affected area can be helpful? Isn’t it a counter-productive method. Most of the people advice that, an acne affected person should rinse the face regularly and reduce the oiliness on the face so that you become less prone to acne. And here we are advising you to apply castor oil for hair side effects on acne.
Castor oil actually helps in removing dead skin cells, bacterias, excess oil and other dirt which are clogging the pores of your skin
It has the properties of a good antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties which will help in preventing further breakouts
The castor oil for hair loss contains essential fatty acids that help to moisturize your skin and keeps it away from producing excessive oil which is the main reason of acne production
Castor oil helps in fighting acne-causing bacteria because it is a rich source of ricinoleic acid.
It also helps in fading blemishes because of its high fatty acid content which penetrates the scar tissues and it also attributes in the growth of healthy tissuesNatural Beauty Tips
Natural Beauty Tips
Desire to have a beautiful and attractive appearance is the nature of us. Natural beauty is not a dream if you follow some simple natural instructions. Step towards nature and you will be able to touch the peak of the natural beauty. Try to avoid the products you hear about on TV, Radio or from any person. Go for the natural products for a long term if you are looking for natural healthy beauty.
On this website we have a huge collection of natural beauty tips for you. You only need to desire for a natural beauty and we will find out the ways for you to reach there. Our experts are saying that homemade beauty tips are the natural beauty tips.
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imageclinicindia · 3 years
Need laser removal acne scars treatment?
If you are searching for an effective laser removal acne scars treatment in Kolkata, visit Image Clinic today. They are one of the most reputed cosmetic clinics in South Kolkata, providing a wide range of laser scar removal treatments at affordable rates. Book your appointment today
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blushingbeautyindia · 3 years
Five Clarifications On What Is Acne And How To Treat Acne Acne Scars And Pimples Expert Advice And Nutrition Tips.
Five Clarifications On What Is Acne And How To Treat Acne Acne Scars And Pimples Expert Advice And Nutrition Tips.
How To Treat Acne Acne Scars And Pimples We are usually bothered about our looks as one pimple and we are terrified because we compare ourselves with celebrities. Now, what you see and what the reality is something different.  You should know that on the screen you see something which is not the reality yoga always believes to go to the root cause of all the problems when there are pimples acne…
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scienceandskincare · 3 years
Useful Skincare Products With Niacinamide In Them
Useful Skincare Products With Niacinamide In Them
This is the second in our ‘get straight to the point’ series and today I’m covering skincare products with niacinamide in them. Niacinamide is a super useful ingredient but it can be like marmite. You either hate it or love it. To figure out if it will work for you, try this quiz out. Read Skincare Products With Salicylic Acid here. Email Address: Subscribe To give your a brief overview on…
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heniareth · 3 years
The Basics (Astala Tabris)
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(Pardon the pun XD Also, I finally have a screenshot with the detail level on high!)
Thank you so much @fade-and-loathing-in-thedas for the tag! It was so long ago, but I didn't get the chance to finish this until now. I’m going to put this under a cut bc it’s long, but I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing this ^^
Character’s name: Astala Tabris
Role in story: Hero of Ferelden
Age: 23 in DA:O
Physical description:
Astala Tabris is tall for a city elf, with dark skin and shoulder-length curly black hair (she has the time and muse to grow it out after DA:O). Despite her somewhat bony physique, she is stronger than she is dexterous. She normally walks through life with a very serious expression, almost bordering on stern, but when she laughs, she does so widely and loudly. She starts out with acne scars from her teenage years, but throughout DA:O, she keeps getting more and more of them. Her most impressive ones yet are burn marks across both arms and along the left side of her jaw from when she killed the Archdemon.
MBTI/Enneagram Personality Type:
Her MBTI type is ESFJ (and the description is pretty spot on). Her enneagram type is The Challenger (type 8), although she has some prominent traits of The Loyalist (type 6) and The Reformer (type 1).
Internal Life
What is their greatest fear?
She fears the loss of a loved one, sickness (especially in winter) and lacking money, as well as being trapped and left without resources.
Inner motivation:
She is very motivated by the suffering of others when directly confronted with it. Another big motivator is her relationship with others; she likes to take care of her friends.
Her loyalty to those relationships and her inability to admit that something is to big for her to take on.
What is their misbelief about the world?
That she has to save it by herself. That she is alone in her struggles and that only she can deal with them. That she knows best, or at least better.
Lesson they need to learn:
She needs to learn how to let things go. Sometimes, things end, and there is no good in clinging to something that’s already dead. She also has to learn to let others take over sometimes, because she needs help and sometimes she just doesn’t know best.
What is the best thing in their life?
Zevran is the absolute best. Her friends and family are close seconds. After that come warm and sunny afternoons, feastdays, dancing around a fire, plum cakes and fancy dresses.
What is the worst thing in their life?
Being a Grey Warden and having the possibility of going to the Deep Roads to die hanging over her head. And if another Blight were to break out, it would immediately garner the top spot on this list.
What do they most often look down on people for?
She finds the nobility absolutely ridiculous. She also has a hard time forgiving traitors, or people who put themselves before the needy. Finally, she has a hard time being respectful to people who can’t solve their own problems. Last, she doesn’t always take it well when people don’t want to follow her planned course of action.
What makes his/her/their heart feel alive?
She feels most alive when she can change somebody’s situation for the better, no matter how small the change. Gathering with friends and family or spending the day with Zevran to simply have fun and be silly is also very important to her.
What makes them feel loved, and who was the last person to make them feel that way?
Any gesture that shows that somebody genuinely cares for her; if they go with her through tough times knowing that they will be tough. She feels most loved when it’s deliberate and warm. The last one to make her feel loved like this is Zevran.
Top three things they value most in life?
Her friends, her family, and the fact that by being a Warden she has reached a position that allows her to push for significant changes. Other than that, she has a great appreciation for the little gifts of each day: flowers by the roadside, a sunny day, a good song, all of those are things she deeply cherishes.
External Life
Is there an object they can’t bear to part with and why?
She’s more of a people person than an object person. There are, however, some objects she keeps and won’t let go easily: the wedding ring Nelaros had made for her; her mother’s boots; and the earring Zevran gives her.
Describe a typical outfit for them from top to bottom:
On any given normal day during the Blight, Astala would have her hair tied back in a low ponytail or bun and covered with some fabric to keep off the dirt and gore. Over that she would strap her helmet. Under her leather armor, she wears one of the many human-sized woolen tunics she acquires over her travels and alters to fit her smaller elvhen frame. Her trousers are similarly thrifted and altered. Both garments are normally brightly coloured and show visible stitching where they have been ripped and mended. On the roas, she wears looted armor and matching boots on top of this. At camp, however, she’ll wear her mother’s boots--they are softer and more comfortable--or go barefoot if the weather allows for it. On rainy days, a heavy woolen cloak covering her and her backpack completes the ensemble.
What names or nicknames have they been called throughout their life?
Her mother would call her “da’mi”, an elvhen expression meaning “little blade”, while her father would address her as “little one”. Soris and Shianni call her by her name, or simply cousin. For the people of Ferelden she is first “the Warden” and then “the Hero of Ferelden”. Sten, Oghren and Shale stick to “Grey Warden” or simply “Warden”. Morrigan calls her by her name during a few select occasions. Leliana, Alistair and Wynne almost exclusively use her name. Zevran started out referring to her as “the Warden”, but as their relationship progressed he builds up the longest list of nicknames and terms of endearment. His usual form of address goes from “Warden” over “dear Warden”, “my dear Warden”, to “my Warden” and finally to “amore” or “amore mio”.
What is their method of manipulation?
Astala doesn’t usually do manipulation. When she does, she’ll try to play the person by playing whatever stereotype about elves comes in handy, or she’ll resort to outright lies or threats. She is, however, usually very convinced that she’s right, and can be quite forceful in asserting that.
Describe their daily routine:
Astala wakes up late when she can, but doesn’t get the chance to do so very often during the Blight. Breakfast is usually hectic, and consists out of whatever leftovers there are from last night’s dinner. Most days are spent walking; she’ll chat with any companion, sing along if Leliana strums up a song, try to convince Morrigan for the bazillionth time that she should learn how to shapeshift into a horse, or just walk quietly at the head of the group with a watchful eye and ear on the surrounding landscape. Lunch is served cold because cooking takes a long time and they have places to be. When the sun is about a hand’s width from the horizon, they make camp for the night and distribute chores. There’s plenty of them: cooking, washing bedrolls and clothes, mending torn and broken equipment, looking after armor, weapons, and boots. It tends to be dark by the time they sit down to eat. Astala usually takes first watch, as she has always been a night owl and the new Archdemon-filled dreams definitely don’t help. Once her watch is over, however, she tends to be tired enough to fall asleep as soon as she hits the bedroll.
Their go-to cure for a bad day?
Definitely some fun and relaxed time with friends and/or family. If she can cuddle into somebody, all the better.
How are they dissatisfied with their life?
There are many things Astala is unhappy with: the way elves are treated, her mother’s untimely death, having to leave her friends and family behind in the Alienage to join the Grey Wardens, as well as the coming of the Fifth Blight. As the events of DA:O progress, however, Astala is increasingly terrified of the consequences of the Joining. Dreams and attracting darkspawn she could live with; what angered her was the eventual revelation that the Joining was slowly killing her, and that she had about 20 more years to live. The worst thing was that nobody had told her before the Joining itself. Fear didn’t set in until traversing the Deep Roads, but when it did, it became paralyzing. If there’s one thing Astala knows, it’s that she’s never going back in there. The Calling scares the everliving daylight out of her, and she tries her hardest not to think about it.
What would bring them true happiness or contentment?
Astala reaches a point where she wants nothing more than to leave the Grey Wardens behind and forget all about them. Sadly, that’s not possible. Her dream is to one day have a family and a place to call her own, big enough to house her family and some friends if the latter need a place to stay.
What definitive step could they take to turn their dream into a reality?
During the events of Inquisition, she’s searching for a cure. Whether that will be enough to reverse the damage the Blight has already done to her, she doesn’t know.
How has their fear kept them from taking this action already?
It’s not that her fear of the Calling prevents her from taking action; rather, she has to keep it in check so that it doesn’t turn into an obsession that ends up consuming her.
How do they feel they can accomplish their goal while still steering clear of the thing they are afraid of?
Astala hopes that a cure will be enough to spare her a lonely death in the Deep Roads, or wasting away in sickness and madness. She also hopes the journey to find it doesn’t kill her or Zevran.
Boy that was a long one XD Thanks for sticking with it to the end. I’m going to tag @yukichouji , @wild-houseplant , @siriskulksnerding and @arainayeet in case you'd like to do this. It’s a long one, so absolutely no pressure, especially with the holidays literally around the corner. Thanks again for the tag @fade-and-loathing-in-thedas ! I had a lot of fun with this XD
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sebstanseabass · 3 years
Afterglow (A Bucky Barnes AU fan fiction) - Chapter 16
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Afterglow chapters
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
The sun glared through the thin sheet of the tent, making your listless self stir beneath the blankets draped over your naked body. Cautious not to wake Bucky, who had his arms wrapped around you, you carefully buried your face deeper in his neck but he wasn't that much of a deep sleeper as you thought he would be.
"Good morning, sleepyhead." He said, pulling you closer.
"G'morning." You replied, smiling against his skin. "Have you been awake this whole time?"
"Yes. I didn't want to wake you. You looked so peaceful sleeping."
"Someone tired me out last night."
Bucky chuckled, sending a low vibration on top of your head. "Hmm, how was he?"
"He's pretty good in bed." You chuckled. "But pretty creepy when he refers to himself in the third person."
You stayed right there for another hour — in each other's embrace, in heat, in thin sheets, in profound silence, still taking pleasure in the afterglow of what had transpired last night: the intimacy in each other's skin, of each other's mouths, of each other's everything. A kind of intimacy you never dared share with anyone, not even with your serious ex-boyfriend.
Before the both of you got up and headed down the fire escape and then to the apartment, you had looked at him one last time and asked yourself the same question you had asked Bucky the first time you were here on the rooftop:
"Have you ever felt that kind of feeling?" You asked.
"What feeling?"
"The afterglow feeling."
Was this the kind of afterglow you sought after?
You shook your head, suddenly feeling ridiculous. Perhaps it was the sex; just that. The most amazing, mindblowing sex I ever had in my life, you thought. The more you described it that way while descending down the stairs and entering the apartment through the window (while wearing Bucky's shirt which looked huge on you, by the way), the more you believed it was just because of that. Besides, it was something that had given you sweet, sweet pleasure, something that made me feel like you were high on drugs, something that made you feel alive, something that made you feel things you didn't even know you could — the after of it all, of course, was worth so much more.
You both went straight to the bathroom to wash your faces and brush your teeth as soon as you got in. Of course, you took way more time than he did. He soon went to the kitchen to prep breakfast. You approached him afterwards, his bare back exposed to you while cracking some eggs into a bowl.
Without any hesitation at all, you wrapped your arms around his waist, resting your head on his back. You caught a whiff of his scent, even though he reeked of sex, the vanilla-lavender hint never faded.
"Whatcha cookin', good-lookin'?" You asked, taking a peek on the table.
"I was thinking of making you Japanese omelettes today." He stopped whipping for a second to face you. He placed a finger on your chin, tilting it upwards, and proceeded to kiss me.
"Have I told you you have the softest lips?" He whispered after.
"Yes, you did." You laughed, wrapping your arms around his neck. "And you kept reminding me last night."
"Good. You should be reminded of all the beautiful things you possess." He rested his hands on your hips. You wanted to shy away from the mention of the word beautiful but you didn't.
You have always received compliments, yes, but you never learned how to respond to them unless they tell you how to: "Oh for god's sake, just say thank you." Most people compliment you just because they have to, because social convention dictates them to (especially when you're at a party). Some, perhaps only five percent, genuinely compliment you.
But the spontaneity of last night — all the compliments Bucky kept giving you, all the "beautiful" being said over and over and over, were playing in your head like a broken record. Even after he saw all the folds, the rolls, stretch marks, scars, and acne marks.
It wasn't just that. He admired every single one of your photos down at the bar, photos you worked hard for, photos people kept neglecting. He talked about them like how you imagined someone actually talking about them. He talked to you about the beauty of art like how you wanted to talk to someone about it (Weirdly so, you picked friends you had nothing in common with: Nat just wanted to gossip, Steve preferred to be mysterious, Peter was all about business, Wanda was the one person you could talk to about these but you chose not to anymore, and Nick... was just Nick). It was like reading each other's minds.
You treated each as a compliment.
The five percent you were talking about? Bucky was it.
He pulled you out of your thoughts by sliding his hands to your ass, squeezing the cheeks for a bit, then placing them on the back of your thighs. You smiled then jumped, wrapping your legs around his waist. He placed you on top of the counter next to all the ingredients he had prepared.
He grabbed your face and continued to make-out, leaving the eggs on the bowl raw and unwhisked.
"You should," you said in between kisses, "go back to cooking. I'm starving."
"Y'know, you could just eat me."
"Sorry, I want cooked eggs."
He pulled away from, yet his hands stayed on your waist. With a cute pout on his face, he said: "Mean."
You broke into laughter after that and you watched him cook this Japanese omelette he kept talking about.
"I would make you the most amazing Japanese omelette — and the most complicated one, by the way. It took me months to perfect that — but I'm too lazy to prepare the rice." He chuckled, grabbing an apron. "So, I'm just going to make you the normal one. It's called Tamagoyaki."
"Hmm, interesting." You commented. "I just do mine sunny-side up. Crack an egg on a pan. That's it. It's an underrated hack, really."
He laughed. "It's a good thing I'm here then." He proceeded to heat the pan, and throw some butter on it once the heat was good enough.
"You told me you only know how to cook breakfast, right? Why is that?"
"The same reason why you cook your eggs sunny-side up."
"It's easy?"
"Not just easy." He replied. "It's the easiest of all meals! Toast, eggs, bagels, bacon — see, they're pretty easy."
You frowned, tilting your head. "You know, most times, you say the most profound things but you do say the weirdest, silliest things sometimes."
It was like two people were fighting against each other inside him: the child, and the man.
He laughed at your comment and said nothing further as he concentrated on cooking. You watched him move around the kitchen as the minutes passed by. And while you talked about the small things in life, you couldn't help but wonder how this Bucky, standing right in front of you, kissing you, holding you, was much more different — way more different than the Bucky you knew in Peter's stories.
The thing you liked about it though, was that both versions excited you. You longed for spontaneous adventures, ones that you’d keep forever, ones that would remind you of the days of your youth, ones you too stuck up to do, and you longed for conversations like this, and the ones you and Bucky have had before, conversations that made you see more of life's beauty and appreciate it.
That same afternoon, you spent it lying down on a couch in each other's arms, watching a movie he guilted you into watching: Roman Holiday. You made side commentaries while you watched, how lame the lines were, how cheesy they all sounded, but at the same time, amazed at how things have changed since then.
"Ugh, I love me a vespa." You said, watching the vespa speed away on the streets. "I would just love to ride around New York city in a vespa and just pull off some Roman Holiday in this bitch."
"I have to admit, that does look fun."
And somewhere halfway through the film, when Bucky was making small circles with his finger on your waist (igniting fire within you, and at the same time, making you weak on your knees), you ended up making out, grabbing and touching each other beneath your clothes, and taking them all off, sending them flying all over the living room floor, and repeating what you did last night — except it was in broad daylight and Bucky dominated over you, over and over and over, flesh on flesh. You kept screaming each other's names. He kept fucking you into oblivion, taming the mad woman in you.
You laid there on your back, pulling down his neck with your right hand, making your foreheads touch, locking your eyes together, telling him to go "faster, deeper", digging deep and scratching into his back with your nails, making him hiss out your name, and at the same time, crying out his name repeatedly like a chant, making you forget your own.
You felt the droplets of his sweat on your skin, mixed with your own. You watched him ravish you, watched the pleasure consume him wholly, and watched his eyes roll back as he came inside.
"I really can't get enough of you, babydoll." He growled, and kissed you one last time before you showered and headed down to work.
"You look different." Nat observed, sitting on one of the high stools across you. "Did you do something with your face?"
"No, I didn't." You grimaced, shaking your head.
"Then, why are you glowing?"
"Quit staring."
She chose not to listen to you and kept on following you with her eyes as you moved around the counter. "Oh my god, I know what it is — "
"Goddamn it, Nat — "
" — you had sex!"
She cackled, gesturing you towards the booth with a sharp tone: "Booth. Now."
You followed suit. It was crystal clear in that moment that you had no other choice, that she held the upper hand in this friendship. You were starting to think that perhaps this friendship you were pursuing with Nat was a mistake as she kept on berating you about the information she just acquired.
"There's no way in hell I'm telling you all about it." You huffed, sitting across from her.
"I'll tell you one thing, though," she said, "I'm a fucking prophet."
"Don't be such a smug bitch." You rolled your eyes. "No one likes a smug bitch."
"What did I tell you about this Bucky thing, huh?" She smirked, ignoring you. Again. "Come on, spill the beans! I wanna hear everything!"
You shook your head unamused. "Nope. No way."
She groaned. "Please? Nothing exciting is ever happening in this bar but now I have this! You!"
"How about you and Steve humping each other like bunnies?" You bit your inner cheeks to prevent your lips from smiling. "That's gotta be exciting."
"Let's not talk about me and Steve."
"So, it's okay if we talk about my sex life but not yours?"
You frowned. "You're a weird friend."
"No." She leaned in. "I'm a miracle-worker that happens to be your new best friend, by the way — "
"Parker's my best friend — "
" — and you should at least thank me. I am more than welcome, by the way."
"Nat, if you don't stop I swear to God I'm gonna out you and Steve to the whole ass bar." You groaned, knocking your forehead against the table. Coincidentally, you could actually out them of the closet knowing they were actually doing it in one of the closets here in the bar (yes, you found a condom wrapper lying around one time. Knowing what had transpired in that small space, believe you me, you sprinted the fuck out of there).
"Ugh fine, fine." She said, making you stop banging your head and forcing you to look at her. "Just tell me this... Was it good?"
You rolled your eyes. "Fine, yes, it was good."
"Just good?"
You sighed in defeat, leaning back on the cushioned backrest of the booth. "It was the best I ever had." Nat bit her lip, hiding a squeal. "There. Ya happy?"
"Now, I'm curious! Please, y/n, you have to tell me. I gots to know! Okay, tell me, how big was he?"
"What?! No, I'm not gonna tell you that."
"Come on, I'll trade you Steve's."
"Ew, Nat! Gross!" You cringed. "I don't wanna know that!"
Then, she proceeded to move her hands in the opposite direction slowly, "tell me when to stop." You shook your head and just watched her in plain amusement as she continued to do it. Her jaw dropped. "Oh my god, this big? Seriously?"
"I'm not telling you anything."
"Come on, you told me about the time you kissed!"
"That's different." You scoffed. "This one's... intimate."
"Ooohhh, intimate. Well, I've never heard anyone describe sex that way."
"It was just different, okay? Good different." You replied. "And that's all I'm telling you."
She heaved a sigh, finally accepting the fact that you won't go anywhere past what you just told her. "Okay, at least you gave me something. Do you mind if I ask you something real, though? I swear this is the last time. It's not about sex, I promise."
Convinced, you nodded. "Go ahead."
"So, are you guys dating now? Or is it just, ya know, fooling around?"
You sat there, undoubtedly floored by the question. You had never even given it a thought. It never crossed your mind until Nat just made you realize the consequences of yesterday, last night and this afternoon, the inevitable. Were you dating? Will you ever talk about it? Is he even considering it? Or will you just continue to have sex without ever talking about dating?
"I, uh, I don't know. We didn't talk about it."
"Well, clearly there's gotta be something, right? That it's not just fooling around. I mean you said it was intimate, that it was good different — whatever that means." said Nat. "There's gotta be something deep?"
You looked at Natasha with astonishment, baffled by the things coming out of her mouth. Apparently,you were still on cloud nine to think about any kind of repercussion, to think about what could happen next to afterglow.
"I guess?"
"Do you like him?"
"Clearly, I do."
Unlike Nat, you were stunned by your answer. You answered that question faster than the speed of light.
She smirked at you in response. "You are so gonna fall in love."
"Shut your hole, Nat."
The door flew open suddenly, revealing Bucky and Sam, which got you up your feet. Instinctively and ignoring Nat, you approached him halfway and greeted him with a kiss which he gladly reciprocated, all the things you and Nat just talked about disappearing into this sweet, sweet kiss.
"Hey you." You breathed after pulling away from his lips.
"Hey, babydoll."
"Oh hey, Sam."
"Hey, babydoll." Sam mocked, a smirk playing on his lips. "That's a cute name. What is that? French?"
Bucky smacked his friend on the stomach, making Sam groan and glare at him. "So, it's not French?"
"Sam." Bucky warned which Sam only found funny.
Bucky kept his hand on your waist as you approached the booth, with Sam behind us. Nat, who was still sitting on the booth, cocked her head on the side and eyed Bucky up and down. "Bucky, Sam... This is Nat from the night before." You introduced them to each other before you made them sit in the booth.
"Do you boys want anything to drink?" Nat asked.
"We'll have scotch." Bucky replied, giving Nat a friendly smile. "On the rocks."
"Actually, I don't know how to make drinks, I just asked to be nice."
You rolled your eyes at Nat, laughing lightly. "Don't worry, I got them." You approached the counter and prepared the drinks while Nat followed your trail.
"Babydoll?" She asked. "Steve doesn't even have a nickname for me."
"Okay, I have to ask this since you already did it to me anyway." You said, pouring scotch on the glasses. "Are you and Steve dating? Or is it just, like you said, fooling around?"
"We're friends... with benefits."
"So, just fooling around then?" You asked.
"Yeah, you can put it that way."
"Aren't you worried he might want something more than that? Like a relationship? He does seem like a man who wants to settle, y'know."
"Aren't you worried your new boy toy might want something like that too?"
You fell silent just as you were about to finish the drinks. You weren't worried about that, no. You were worried about you, wanting something more, something you haven't had in a long time, something Bucky hasn't had.
"The chances of me and Steve getting even serious are very slim." She whispered. "But you and Bucky? Now, that's a big fat chance. It doesn't even matter how long you guys have known each other. If there's chemistry, then you can't do anything about it, and the way you described your whole thing with him? Babydoll," she smirked, proud of herself, "if that's not chemistry then I don't know what is."
"As far as I can remember, you're the one who told me to just 'go where the river takes you' and now you're confusing me with these things!" You hissed, looking over at the booth and making sure Bucky won't hear your little banter.
She rolled her eyes at you. "Okay, okay, okay... Allow me to paint you a picture, y/n."
"Paint me a picture — ?"
"Do you know where the river takes you? A waterfall." Nat cut youoff. "Now, right now, you're still on a boat, just gliding through the river, going where the flow takes you. Then some time now, you're gonna hit a fast stream until boom, waterfalls, and when you reach the top of the falls, inevitably, you're gonna fall... fall in love, that is, with the hunky rich man over there. See? Painting a picture. I can be smart too."
You kept Nat's words in the back of your mind until you gave Bucky and Sam their drinks, saving them for later. Nat had to go out for a while to smoke outside, leaving you, Sam and Bucky in the booth, discussing the project you had with Sam's line, updating you with all the dates and details. Seeing as you'll soon be leaving the bar by the end of the week, you offered to start first thing next week.
"But I could actually give you a little pitch presentation just before we start shooting," you added, "idea decks we can work with, like styles, and some mood boards that fit your whole apparel aesthetic. But first, I need to know your brand bible, like your target audience, the tone of your business — stuff like that — just so I can prepare for the presentation."
"Wow, you know a lot about the business industry." Sam replied, amused.
"I used to major in business and finance." You sighed. "It does come in handy with my photography."
Under the table, Bucky reached for your hand, interlacing your fingers together and squeezing your hand three times which elicited a smile.
"Oh, I can give you a tour!" Sam enthusiastically said. "We can go to the office and to some of the stores; maybe the one in Fifth Street. We've actually received the shipment for the new designs. We could discuss everything then. How does tomorrow sound? Bucky can come with ya."
"Tomorrow works, yes! Tomorrow's perfect." You agreed.
You broke out in a smile, leaning on Bucky's side who was more than glad to see you discussing with Sam about the project, squeezing you hand once more, three times.
"Then, it's settled!" Sam boomed. "Now, where's the toilet? I think I got a little too excited."
You threw you head back, laughing. "Right down the hall over there." You pointed.
As soon as Sam was gone, Bucky turned towards you and held your face with his hands, planting a soft kiss on your lips. "You sound so hot talking like that."
You chuckled, sliding closer towards him, your thighs brushing past each other. "You and your weird mind, Bucky I swear to God."
With his lips pressed on yours, you didn't even notice the door open, didn't even notice Steve walk in. You pulled away, hearing Steve clearing his throat. With your hands still on Bucky, you turned towards Steve, who was clearly entertained, and sent him a huge smile.
"H-hey, Rogers." You chuckled nervously. "You remember Bucky."
"Mr. Barnes." Steve nodded at Bucky.
"Mr. Rogers."
You frowned at their formal exchange. "Bucky's actually here with his friend, Sam Wilson. I'm starting a project with him for his business that'll start next week. We were just, uh, discussing the details."
"In his mouth?" Steve smirked.
"Steve." You hissed. "Not cool, man."
"So, where's this Sam Wilson?" Steve asked, looking to his right.
"On your left."
Steve turned around on his left at Sam's voice. Both men stared at each other for a while before introducing each other and shaking each other's hands. Weirded out, you turned to Bucky and asked if they knew each other, if the three of them knew each other (as you now remembered that time when Bucky and Steve met here in the bar).
Bucky shook his head no. "Maybe he's just one of those familiar faces you see on the street." He whispered, but as Steve went straight to his office, and as Sam got back in the booth, a weird tension surfaced that was cut off by Nat entering the bar, together with some customers who were more than happy to be the first ones here.
"That's my cue." You sighed, standing up and letting go of Bucky's hands before going to the counter and greeting the customers.
You felt your phone vibrate against your back pocket after a few seconds. You opened it, and on the screen was a message from Peter:
Sorry couldn't get to you sooner. Lost my charger on the way to the cabin! Schmidt didn't want me to borrow his until I did everything he told me to. Everything's great! I'll send you pictures when I can.
Hope Bucky's taking good care of you. Miss you, y/n. I'll see you in a few days!
Your fingers hovered on the screen as you glanced at Bucky who caught your eyes. He winked at you while taking a sip from his drink and licked his lip afterwards, eyeing you up and down.
Tell Schimdt I'll beat his ass when he comes back. See you in a few days, Parker!
A series of what happened between you and Bucky flashed in your mind, making you bite your lip.
And don't worry, Bucky's taking good care of me.
... such good care.
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