idiyums-blog · 7 years
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Ballin’ by Noah Camp
Ballin’ (adj.):
1) Playing basketball
2) Living the life.
3) Popping cheese balls in your mouth vigorously.
Ok, you got me. I made up the third one. But I really think this should be a thing. It sure is a thing to me! Can we make this urban dictionary official? Who do I ask? I know there’s probably a lot of red tape for something this important. Shall I petition to Donny John Trump? Please advise. Thank you.
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idiyums-blog · 7 years
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Don’t Get It Twisted by Noah Camp
Unpopular opinion alert! 
You're wasting your time texting. So many times I will hear a friend’s story about a heated argument with a loved one, and by the way they are describing it, I assume it is a voice to voice conversation. Now I know better, and I ask them, “were you texting or talking?” More often than not, it turns out they texted through the whole shit show of an argument and at no time did they think to pick up the phone to clear up the misunderstanding. Communication can get twisted enough with conversations that include tone, inflection, and hesitations of the voice. So guess how much harder it is with just words on a screen. A LOT! I know I might seem like a crotchety luddite who wishes rotary phones would make a comeback. But I fully embrace technological advancement and change. I made this pretzel completely out of the magic of technology. I actually used to be a text-arguer! I would take the time to come back at my offenders with the most caustic of insults. But it doesn't work. That's why one of the best rules I have ever created for myself is to actually TALK on the phone when conflict or potential conflict comes up. If I am texting with someone, and if there is something I’m feeling weird about, I give the person a call. Usually it is resolved within minutes, because very often it is a quick misunderstanding. So much time and worry is wasted misinterpreting the tone of a text, when we could just be picking up the phone and having clear conversations and real connections. So there's my salty opinion.
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idiyums-blog · 7 years
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You Rock by Noah Camp
Remember that you rock! You won’t rock some day, or rock when you achieve this reward or get that job. You rock right now. I need to remind myself of this often, sometimes multiple times a day. 
I am not awesome when I get a lot of likes, money, or accolades. I am awesome all the time. This truth fluctuates based on my perception, and how I feel about myself. That other stuff, external validation, is fleeting. There will never be enough likes, money, and accolades to fill the void where confidence could be.
We are our harshest critics, and we are assholes to ourselves. Every day we have a choice between our positive and negative thoughts. Every day I choose “I’m growing and learning” over “I should just quit.” Every day I choose “I can” over “I can’t.” When the doubts creep in, and they always will for me, it’s my answer to those thoughts that counts. I rock because I know that it is an achievement to show up every day, face the doubts, ask for help, move ahead, and keep going. You rock when you realize all the things you have already achieved and are already great at. You really do rock!
This idiYUM is an ode to my childhood rock candy memories by the beach. You can check out the rest of my work and get some tips on my website.
Software used: Cinema 4D, Arnold C4DtoA
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idiyums-blog · 7 years
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Holla by Noah Camp
Challah and holla are homophones. A homophone (not to be confused with homophobe…we don’t like those) is when two words sound the same but are spelled differently. Like “through” and “threw.”
I’m no stranger to challah bread due to my many wonderful Jewish friends, and also because of my first job as camp counselor at the local Jewish Community Center. For years I’ve been singing the word holla while “raising the roof,” just to give it more of a 90’s vibe. I don’t really know anyone else who does this, and I can’t REALLY say I’ve done it ironically, because I went to high school in the 90’s. So let’s call it a throwback? Sure. That.
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