#How does that work?
adestroy · 1 month
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I don't know why I think it's funny when they throw in random props but I do.
Alms for the poor? | I can't believe I actually made these things into a book
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Holding onto Price’s vest straps while he fucks you
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summerdoddles · 3 months
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I want to choke him /affectionate
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vamps-hmu · 1 year
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yucky no good man
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irritablepoe · 9 months
I have a genuine question to all of you that talk to their irl friends about their interests: how???????????
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convexicalcrow · 9 months
'look at that, that's a true vex right there' - scar
'am i dracula? does that mean i'm immortal now?' - cub 'yes it does' - scar
vex magic is strongest at halloween. can take you to unexpected places. it's the season of the vex.
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freakyfreakz · 1 year
So why is no one talking about Olrox immediately taking his fine ass to the window to watch Mizrak walk away post-hookup? Also the fact the Mizrak put down that work and returned to work right after. The man satisfied a vampire and marched back and resumed his position. The power Mizrak holds to have a century plus old vampire sprung after one sex session?!
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jexania · 10 months
Werewolf with nail art, unshifted they just look like they have heavily accessorized acrylics but then shifted they have like 3 inch bedazzled claws
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beantothemax · 9 months
therion is on probation because he assaulted a police officer, ren amamiya style
his mom (who i decided is cordelia in this au) pulled some strings to get him to a camp for the year instead of the community service therion was going to do
good for him!
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
i feel like we don't know enough about the enlightened language
Like is it literally the only language that elves speak ?? Are there different dialects ??? Are there any other languages??? Do elves learn any human languages??
how do the polygots switch between languages so well and can they teach me ??? (I know like 4-5 languages and i fuck up all of them)
You're so right, language is such a fascinating part of culture and characterization and development. On a broader scale of what language is dominant (if any) in a culture, the words and phrases they use and how they interact. On a smaller scale of what language(s) a character speaks, what ones they want to speak, if they find language interesting or if they're more visual. It's such an interesting thing and keeper barely brushes the surface!
Since the language is instinctual, all elves speak it at birth, it doesn't seem like there are any other elven languages. It's just Enlightened. That's it. They can learn other languages, and that includes human languages, but I don't think many elves have reason to learn human languages. And pretty much only those who work in the nobility would need to learn other languages (like ogreish, trollish, etc.) because otherwise basically their only exposure to other species is when they come to the Lost Cities. And the other species will speak the Enlightened language. And if it isn't necessary, why would they ever learn those other languages when they have their superior language? Obviously not all elves think like that, but many do.
The only/main changes to the language would be personal changes, if one specific person starts referring to something uniquely or speaking in a different way. But the language won't develop over time the way ours do, because any personal changes an elf makes when speaking won't be passed on to their children who know it instinctually. They could learn it and pick up on it, but the language as they know it from birth wouldn't include those alterations. They're starting at square one every time; the language seems very likely to be stagnant and universal.
I'm also super jealous of the polyglots though I'd love to be better with languages and they're just out here. Doing it super easily. No effort at all. I'm fluent in one language and kinda proficient in 2 others but like. please, being a polyglot would make it so much easier </3
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benanazauce · 1 year
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first time drawing yfm fanart in about 2-3 months!! also been a while since I did a full drawing, so I tried to be a little extra on this one!!
still kind of sad yfm is omitting him from all their music videos, and I realise that when the fans start complaining of his absence they bring him and axel back for about 3 seconds each max. YFM PLEASE I BEG OF YOU PLEASE GIVE THEM MORE SCREENTIME
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oneshortlove · 11 months
eugh boy...
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collaredd · 11 months
Idk how or why, but this simblr drama made me wanna come back and play the sims … LOL WHAT?
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benetnvsch · 1 year
the ever so subtle canon divergences from the manga in the bsd anime is what I live for
//vague bsd spoilers in tags
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Idk… i’m trying so hard to speak up for myself in relationships now, and when something is not ok with me I know I shouldn’t just settle for it like I used to. It’s just so hard though… because when I love someone I would go to the ends of the earth for them. But when they don’t do the same for me it takes me a while to realize it and to realize that I actually do deserve someone who would do that for me as well. And it doesn’t even have to be big things. Sometimes it’s the little things they do (or don’t do) that tells you a lot. Then when I try to do something about it, I feel like the most evilest person on planet earth because maybe I really don’t deserve as much as I think I do…. Maybe I’m asking for too much… Maybe they’re actually doing their best… Maybe I’m ruining everything and should just be glad that anyone is interested in me at all.
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bloodraven55 · 4 months
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i’ve seen too many people arguing that marcille was already a full grown adult when she went to school at 35 despite literally all of the canon evidence indicating otherwise
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