#How Democracies Die
Coincidentally, the same day I queued a quote from How Democracies Die to post, Cautionary Tales also wanted to talk about How Democracies Die.
Did you know there's a link between germophobia and dictators? It's even written into The Regime.
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trmpt · 1 year
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filosofablogger · 2 years
A Republic -- If You Can Keep It
Legend has it a woman asked Benjamin Franklin a question as he exited Independence Hall after the Constitutional Convention in 1787. “Doctor, what have we got? A republic or a monarchy?” Franklin supposedly replied, “A republic, if you can keep it.” As I’ve expressed before, I keep looking around at what’s happening in this country, both in our government and among our society, and I’m not liking…
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sagaofkim · 2 years
so, in our law class, we learned that “the people created the government through the constitution,” which is basically “a contract between the people and the state.” this implies and succinctly demonstrates just how people are powerful in a democratic country.
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while reading a book, i found this quote:
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powerful, right? revolutionary. almost anarchist if you think about it.
but how do we feel knowing it’s said by a segregationist populist--a trump from the 1970s?
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goldiipond · 7 months
the word terrorist has lost pretty much all meaning to me because 90% of the time a white person says that word its used as a shorthand for 'nonwhite people resisting oppression'
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allgremlinart · 8 months
I cant find the I hope President Biden kills himself today post. I hope President Biden kills himself today.
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nabaath-areng · 11 months
Fuck Sweden as a nation for turning the woobification of our history and culture into one of our greatest exports, pretending to be wholesome and peaceful while profiting from conflicts elsewhere. For never having the fucking spine to take any stance ever and acting high and mighty for being "neutral", all while frothing at the mouth to get a piece of that colonial cake from the cool kids table where the superpowers are seated. For recognizing Palestine's sovereignty only to then consider a withdrawal of said recognition in response to the current genocide. For allowing islamophobia to get to the point it is now and then pointing fingers at jews as a whole. For giving less of a flying fuck about swedish jews during WW2 and until now, yet patting ourselves on the back and taking credit for heroic deeds done primarily by individuals.
I wish nothing but absolute hell and misery for Ulf Kristersson, who is even more spineless about his inaction than I thought possible. Who had nothing to say about the burnings of the torah and quran, only to claim that he stands for fighting antisemitism. Who puffed up his chest and was acting so tough about the things he would do once he became prime minister, only to hold up on none of his lofty promises in true conservative fashion. Both he and his lackeys (as well as their fanclubs of raging screaming bigots) deserve nothing but hurt and hell for continuing to destroy the lives of all marginalized groups in Sweden, all while shamelessly increasing their own salaries blatantly in the open, to then have the sheer and utter gut to declare that actively supporting genocide is within our best interests.
This country's audacity is one that only became possible because we sacrificed our neighbours safety for the sake of maintaining our own, because when your most recent war was in 1809 it's apparently not possible to even try and comprehend the horrors of modern warfare. That is, besides producing the tools for it to happen elsewhere.
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prigorie · 3 days
i'm still waiting for usamericans to understand that the democratic party is not even remotely left wing
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hussyknee · 11 months
Seems like all hopes are now on Hamas, Houthis and Hezbollah. If they could spare a missile for the Pentagon and the White House each so much the better.
I can't believe we thought the real terrorists were from the Middle East.
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justaholeinmysoul · 5 months
Despite what you think of Israel the left and the Internet being on the side of Iran, houti, isis, hamas, ayatollah etc and asking Israel to just NOT defend itself even in case of attack(as in stop being armed until there's no more idf or weapons not in this particular case) Is absolutely bollocks like are yall serious? ??
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carcinized · 1 year
this video is SO FUCKING GOOD
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flyingupwards · 1 year
;; tag dump - CHARACTERS 1
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demilypyro · 7 months
The satire in Helldivers 2 literally could not be more boldfaced. It's so over the top. The Helldivers are given 5 minutes of training, convinced they're invincible and sent to the front to die for no reason. The bugs literally turn into oil when they die. I saw an ad on my ship that said the only thing that can stop the invasion is a strong economy. The opening cinematic has a propaganda video of a guy falling to his knees and crying "sweet liberty" as his family gets murdered like it's a joke it's all a joke how do you not see that it's a joke. Look at this trailer. Half of it is the Helldivers dying hilariously, the other half is the words "democracy" and "liberty" repeated ad nauseum without any connection to what those words actually mean. It convinced me to get the game. It's all a joke.
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tamamita · 4 months
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Citizens of any democratic country in an upcoming election: I'll vote for the party I like even if the odds are stacked against us, because that's how democracy works! :)
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boreal-sea · 3 months
Sometimes, doing the right thing sucks. Sometimes, doing the right thing that helps people does not make you feel warm and fuzzy inside. Sometimes, doing the right thing makes you angry.
Sometimes, inaction feels better than doing the right thing. Sometimes, inaction feels like you're stickin' it to the man, taking a stand, and sending a message. Sometimes, inaction fools you into thinking you can avoid getting blood on your hands.
But the person who turns a blind eye to those who loudly state their intent to do harm are themselves causing harm.
Trump is loudly declaring all the harm he will do. The amount of harm he will do is exponentially higher than anything Biden is doing right now. Trump will not push for peace between Israel and Hamas. Trump will pass laws that hurt queer people and people of color and women and immigrants and children. Trump will revoke protections for the environment. Trump will pass laws that protect himself and people like him. Trump will pass laws to undermine democracy in our nation. Trump has outright stated that he wants a "Day 1 dictatorship".
The horrifying level of harm Trump will cause will kill thousands of people. This is not hyperbole! He is coming into the White House this time organized. He has a plan for harm.
Please. Please - I can't tell you how sick to my stomach and terrified I am at the idea of another Trump presidency. I should not have to have "immigration" as a backup plan to not die.
Please vote for Biden. I am literally begging you, as a mentally ill queer person. Don't allow Trump into a position where he can continue to harm the people you care about.
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Thinking about how Satine Kryze, founder of the Council of Neutral Systems, designated regent of 1500 star systems, would have been an invaluable asset to the Rebel Alliance.
And, pacifist or not, she absolutely would have joined it. Like, this woman was so angry over some children being poisoned that she burned a warehouse down and set up a whole plan to catch those responsible even if that meant putting herself in danger and arresting the head of her own cabinet. Can you imagine how she would react to Palpatine ordering the execution of the Jedi and demolishing galactic democracy? Satine would be up there with Bail Organa and Mon Mothma in the "powerful people who want Palpatine and his Empire to die" club.
I mean, she would be completely opposed to, say, Saw Gerrera's method of rebellion, but with her connections she'd have the whole intelligence-operation information-warfare thing down, and on that front at least she would definitely not be pulling any punches.
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