#House Sinistra
marauders era girls as taylor swift lyrics!
lily evans: I hate it here
“I hate it here so I will go to secret gardens in my mind / people need a key to get to / the only one is mine / I read about it in a book when I was a precocious child”
mary macdonald: slut!
“but if I’m all dressed up / they might as well be looking at us / and if they call me a slut / you know it might be worth it for once / and if I’m gonna be drunk / might as well be drunk in love”
marlene mckinnon: cowboy like me
“takes one to know one / you’re a cowboy like me”
dorcas meadowes: gold rush
“if you fail to plan, you plain to fail / strategy sets the scene for the tale”
pandora lovegood: snow on the beach
“and it’s like snow on the beach / weird but fucking beautiful / flying in a dream / stars by the pocketful”
alice fortescue: nothing new
“how long will it be cute? / all this crying in my room / when you can’t blame it on my youth and roll your eyes with affection”
emmeline vance: the last great american dynasty
“there goes the maddest woman this town has ever seen / she had a marvelous time ruining everything”
hestia jones: carolina
“and you never did see me here / no, they never did see me here / and she’s in my dreams / into the mist, into the clouds”
emma vanity: I did something bad
“I can feel the flames on my skin / crimson red paint on my lips / if a man talks shit then I owe him nothing / don’t regret it one bit cause he had it coming”
sybil trelawney: cassandra
“so they killed cassandra first cause she feared the worst / and tried to tell the town”
narcissa black: would’ve, could’ve, should’ve
“give me back my girlhood / it was mine first”
bellatrix black: fortnight
“I was supposed to be sent away / but they forgot to come and get me”
septima vector: vigilante shit
“draw the cat eye sharp enough to kill a man”
lucinda talkalot: the bolter
“but as she was leaving / it felt like breathing / all her fucking lives / flashed before her eyes”
amelia bones: this is me trying
“I was so ahead of the curve / the curve became a sphere”
charity burbage: bejeweled
“I can still make the whole place shimmer”
aurora sinistra: the lakes
“I want auroras and sad prose / I want to watch wisteria grow / right over my bare feet / cause I haven’t moved in years”
rita skeeter: but daddy I love him
“and I’ll tell you something about my good name / it’s mine alone to disgrace”
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seleneprince · 7 months
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Aurora, Charity and Sevrina judging people at any chance. They don't even say anything, their faces alone speak out loud.
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okeydokeylackey · 4 months
Legacy Trio
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The Legacy Trio, who take the role of the HL MCs in the Heir of Sapphirius timeline. The game isn't 1:1 with my canon and I'm sort of changing the way ancient magic works, but it follows a lot of the same main story beats, just spread out across three years. But I love these three so much and I'll definitely be posting about more of them and their story in the future.
Credits: Megara belongs to @berserkerrose and her sheet was written by them The Student ID template was made by @/nekosweets on Twitter
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YouTube: https://youtu.be/tflovGKrQ6E Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/voxsinistra/old-school-electronic-music Mixcloud: https://www.mixcloud.com/VoxSinistra/old-school-electronic-music-11302021/ BPM AM - Come To Me (Vocal Version) Philadelphia-Five - BongaWalk (Mix II) Nitzer Ebb - Let Your Body Learn (Instrumental Version) Die Form - Sadia (remix) Technoid - Technoid PLB System - Just Like This (Dance Mix) House Boys - Touch My Lips Actual Guy - Acid Emotion (European Acid Mix) Psyche - Angel Lies Sleeping Cybotron - Cosmic Cars (Instrumental) Axodry - Loosing You Blancmange - Don't Tell Me (Dance Mix) Elegant Machinery - Hard To Handle The Lords of the New Beat - Back in the Jungle Index - Give Me A Sign Robotiko Rejekto - Injection (Extraterrestrial Edit) Science Lab - Flesh & Blood The Final Cut - I Told You Not To Stop Nail - Cassiopeia
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lilacmingi · 7 months
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My works are 14+ ONLY. If you’re under 14 DO NOT interact with me or any of my works
Pairing: Hufflepuff!Seonghwa x Gryffindor!fem reader
Word count: 5,246
Note: Reminder that this is an imagine from my Wattpad from 2022 so there will not be extra parts or continuations
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Seonghwa could hear the whispers from the students around him, he was aware of all the eyes lingering on him as he walked down the halls of Hogwarts. This had been going on for quite some time and it was something he'd like to say he got used to, but he didn't. Every comment made under the breaths of students hurt him, their words sticking with him for days on end.
"He's so scary."
"Is he really a Hufflepuff?"
"Maybe the sorting hat got it wrong."
The sorting hat never gets it wrong. Seonghwa knew that. He knew he was in the right house, he just didn't look the part. Or maybe he didn't look the way people thought Hufflepuffs should look.
He knew he looked intimidating, maybe even scary, but he wasn't. In fact, he was the complete opposite, but no one would know that because no one has ever bothered to approach or get to know him.
He stepped into his last and favorite class, astronomy. It was the one thing he looked forward to every Wednesday. The class took place in the evening just as the sun set, a time when the stars first start to come out. All the students around him seemed to disappear when he was in astronomy. Their comments and stares didn't matter in the slightest. It was just him and the stars.
You scurried into your astronomy class, sliding into your seat just a couple minutes before the bell sounded, indicating the start of class. You heaved a sigh of relief. The walk to the astronomy tower is incredibly long and though you were always prompt, tonight you were worried you wouldn't make it in time.
"Alright class, last time we convened I mentioned that our next class would be a bit different. Do you all remember that?" Professor Sinistra spoke.
A few students nodded in response.
"Good. Tonight, we're studying Jupiter moons and you'll be partnering up with another student to study them. Do try and pair up with someone from another house. I want you all to get to know your classmates."
You watched as people got up from their seats and began to pair off with their chosen partners. It all happened so quickly, you could hardly process it.
Your gaze moved around the vast classroom in search for a partner or your own. Your eyes drifted to the corner of the room where a lone Hufflepuff sat at his desk with a forlorn expression, his eyes cast down on the table. You were quick to notice how everyone seemed to be avoiding him and that didn't sit right with you at all. You hated when people got excluded or alienated for seemingly no reason at all. It made you sick.
Grabbing your things, you approached the boy, standing in front of his table.
"Hi." You greeted.
His eyes became slightly wider as he gazed up at you, clearly not expecting anyone to approach him.
"Hi." He responded quietly, his voice soft and timid.
"I noticed you didn't have a partner yet."
"Would you like to be partners with me?"
His round eyes stared up at you for a few drawn out moments before he nodded.
"Great." You smiled softly, taking a seat beside him. "I'm Y/n."
"Seonghwa." He responded.
"Alright, everyone seems to be partnered up. That's good. Let's begin." Professor Sinistra announced. "If you'll get your telescopes out and follow me to the roof, we'll start analyzing."
You and your partner grabbed your things and trailed behind the large group of students as they made their way outside.
Sinistra instructed everyone to get out their telescopes and observe the stars, directing the group on which direction to look.
"Way over to the right at that cluster of stars." She pointed.
Holding your telescope to your eye you peered at the galaxy above, looking for any constellations.
"What does everyone see? Anything that look familiar? Perhaps a constellation you've seen in your textbooks?" Sinistra inquired. "Something you learned during first year perhaps?"
"Centaurus." Seonghwa answered.
"Well done, Mr. Park. I've got to keep you all on your toes."
He only gave a faint smile before peering back through his telescope. Your gaze lingered on him for a few moments before you got back to work, your mind more focused on Seonghwa. He seemed shy, that much was obvious. However, you're almost certain he's only that way because of the way others treat him. Now that you think about it, you'd seen him in the halls before in passing and he was always alone. Never had you seen him walking with friends. It was always just him by himself. You think you may have also seen him in astronomy from past years, but you can't be sure.
"Can you not see it?" A voice broke through your thoughts.
Blinking yourself back to reality, you turned to see Seonghwa looking at you expectantly.
"See what?"
"Oh. I... zoned out." You murmured. "Sorry."
"It's right there." Seonghwa moved over to you, pointing up at the sky. "The bright one."
"I see it. Thanks."
He only nodded, quietly moving back to look through his own telescope.
"It's quite beautiful, isn't it?" Professor marveled. "The planet stands out from the other stars. It's quite intriguing."
She continued to speak, explaining the planet's position in the sky and listing off a few facts about it before directing the class to migrate back inside, urging everyone to sit with their partners.
Once back in the classroom, you and Seonghwa sat together at his table, an uncomfortable silence hanging in the air between you.
"So, have you been taking astronomy for a few years or is this your first time?" You asked in an attempt to make conversation.
"I've been taking it since first year."
"Me too. I couldn't remember if I had this class with you before or not."
"I tend to keep to myself."
Before you could pry any further, Professor Sinistra spoke up, getting the class' attention.
She opened up a large chart, charming it so that it would float mid-air for everyone to see.
"This is Jupiter, the planet you all just observed outside. This year you'll all be learning about the planet along with its moons and its environment. Does anyone know how many moons Jupiter has?"
"37?" A student guessed.
"That was a good try, but no. It's much more than that."
"50?" Another surmised.
"Not quite."
You raised your hand until you were called on.
"Yes, Miss L/n?"
"80, right?"
"That's correct. Well done." She gave you a small congratulatory nod before addressing the students. "That's a lot of moons, isn't it? Does anyone know how many have been named?"
A silence settled over the class for a moment as Professor Sinistra observed the group, waiting for someone to answer.
Slowly, Seonghwa lifted his hand up.
"Mr. Park? Any guesses?"
"That's right. You and Miss L/n know your stuff. Good job."
The both of you turned to look each other with small, bashful smiles before avoiding eye contact.
The rest of class was spent listing the names of Jupiter's moons as well as discussing the planet's inhabitable and stormy environment. Seonghwa was quiet, not saying a word as he wrote down notes on his parchment.
Your conversation with him earlier had been abruptly cut short and you wanted to pick up on it, maybe get to know him more, but that would have to wait until later.
As soon as class ended, you turned to speak to Seonghwa, but he was already out of his seat and heading towards the door. You opened your mouth to speak, but it was too late, he had already walked out of the classroom. Your shoulders slumped as you collected your things and walked out the door. On your way back to the Gryffindor dormitory you looked for Seonghwa, hoping to spot him while he was on his way back to his dorm, but you had no luck. Maybe you'd get a chance to talk with him another time.
The next morning at breakfast, you spotted Seonghwa sitting at the Hufflepuff dining table, an empty seat on either side of him and one in front of him. You frowned at the sight, noticing how the other students avoided sitting near him. You despise when people alienate others for no reason, making them feel unwanted and isolated.
Your knee bounced anxiously as you weighed your options, wondering if you should go over and sit with him or not. If you didn't join him, you fear you'd regret it later and it would eat away at you. Plus, you were wanting to talk with him a bit more. Now could be your chance.
Before you could back out or change your mind, you stood up from your seat and made your way over to the Hufflepuff table, making yourself comfortable in the chair across from Seonghwa.
His round eyes gazed at you in surprise.
"H-Hi." He stuttered out, caught off guard by your sudden appearance.
"Is this seat taken?" You asked, noticing the students around him beginning to whisper.
He shook his head.
"Why are you over here?" He inquired.
"It looked like you could use some company."
"You don't have to be over here if you don't want to."
"I want to." You responded, adamant on staying.
Seonghwa, who could see that you had no plans on leaving, merely gave a nod going back to eating his breakfast. He didn't know why you chose to sit with him, especially since you had no reason to. Did you want something from him? Maybe it was out of pity. Were you aware of the way others treated him?
"One of my favorite things about Hogwarts is the food. It's nothing like I've ever had before." You commented.
"Yeah. It's good." He responded with a small nod of agreement.
Having a conversation with the timid Hufflepuff proved to be tougher than you originally thought. It was obvious he wasn't used to having someone try and converse with him before. Despite the challenge, you were willing to keep trying.
From then on, you made it a habit to sit with him for every meal. Some of your housemates questioned why you suddenly started hanging out with the "scary" Hufflepuff, but you never gave an answer. It wasn't really their business anyway.
Progress was slow, but Seonghwa did start to open up a bit more during astronomy class. Wether that was because he had to assist in group work or because he felt more comfortable around you, you weren't sure. You hoped it was the latter.
You were seated beside Seonghwa in astronomy class looking over a star chart when you broke the silence.
"Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend." You offered, keeping your voice low so as not to disturb the other students.
"Don't you have friends to go with?"
"A couple, but I'm not really close with them."
"And you're close with me?"
The question came off a bit harsh, catching you by surprise. Seonghwa seemed to realize as he hurriedly looked away, muttering an almost silent apology under his breath.
"Well, no but I thought you might like to tag along." You responded.
He wanted to ask why him, but your offer was nice and he's never been invited out by any students before.
Seonghwa couldn't help but feel a little giddy at the fact that he had plans for the weekend. The closer it got to Saturday, the more excited he became. When the day finally arrived, he found himself standing in front of his small closet in his dorm, wondering what he should wear. He didn't know why he was so concerned about his attire, it's not like this was a date.
Why would that word even cross his mind?
He didn't know you. You're just partners in astronomy class, that's all. Yes, you spend time together in the dining hall, but you don't know much about each other. The both of you are just... acquaintances.
"Thanks for agreeing to tag along." You thanked Seonghwa as the both of you waited for the train to arrive.
"Thanks for inviting me."
"You're not used to this, are you?" You asked after a beat of silence.
He shook his head.
"That's okay. I won't pry, but you should have fun today."
The massive locomotive rolled to a stop on the tracks, allowing all of the Hogwarts students waiting outside to get on. The both of you went into one of the roomettes on the train, making yourselves comfortable on the cushioned benches inside. He kept to himself, turning his attention to the view outside the window as the train slowly rolled into motion. Something told you this ride would be extremely quiet if you didn't make an attempt to fill the silence in the roomette.
"You took astronomy in past years, right?" You inquired, unsure of how to start a conversation.
He nodded.
"Were you there when that Slytherin stuck his face in front of Professor Sinistra's telescope and scared the daylights out of her?"
A small smile tugged at the corner of Seonghwa's lips as he huffed out a chortle through his nose.
"Yeah. That was pretty good. I did kind of feel bad for her, though."
"Me too."
"How about when that Gryffindor made the Uranus joke?" He asked.
You let out a stifled laugh. "Yeah. It was so lame."
"But funny." He added.
A couple minutes later, the snack cart came by making you light up with excitement. The kind lady pushing the trolley asked if either of you wanted anything to which you immediately responded with a few of your favorite treats. You noticed Seonghwa ask for a couple small boxes of cauldron cakes.
Thanks to your conversation starter (and some yummy treats from the snack trolley) the ride to Hogsmeade was enjoyable and flew by. Before you knew it, the train was pulling into the station, slowly rolling to a stop, the brakes squeaking in response. You and Seonghwa stepped off the train and headed into town, the familiar smell of tea, sweets, and baked goods lingering in the air.
"Where would you like to go first?" You asked Seonghwa.
"You're the one who invited me. Why don't you choose?"
"Well, I kind of wanted to stop at Gladrags Wizardwear. My parents sent me a little spending money in my last letter and I've been itching to use some of it."
With a nod from Seonghwa, the two of you headed towards the shop.
Upon stepping into the shop, your eyes scanned the clothing racks scattered throughout the store, your gaze stopping on some sweaters that were on display.
You started perusing the cozy garments, pulling one out to hold it up to you to get a vague understanding of how it would fit before placing it back onto the rack.
Seonghwa had followed you over to the sweaters, standing awkwardly as you sifted through them. He knew he couldn't stand there the entire time. You told him he should have fun today, maybe he should loosen up and enjoy this trip.
His eyes moved about the shop, spotting a section that piqued his interest before heading over, leaving you to your sweaters.
"This looks warm." You murmured to yourself, feeling the thickly-knit fabric. It was getting cooler outside and you needed some warmer clothes, the ones you had back at the Gryffindor dorms didn't do the job. Moving about the store, you spotted the sock section, each one having a different wacky pattern on them. Gladrags Wizardwear is known for their quirky socks, so naturally you grabbed a pair, making sure not to get the pair that screams when they need to be washed.
After choosing a few different long-sleeved shirts and a pair of socks you found Seonghwa picking through a stack of pants humming softly to the music playing inside the store. He hadn't noticed you yet, so you took a moment to watch him, listening to his quiet humming, your heart fluttering slightly with adoration. He was actually quite cute, especially like this.
"Find anything?" You inquired, announcing your presence.
His humming immediately ceased as his head snapped up in surprise.
"Oh. Just a cardigan and a pair of pants."
"Would you like to look some more or are you ready to check out?"
"I think I'm done."
With that, the both of you went to check out. You set your items on the counter while Seonghwa did the same.
"You can ring all of his up together." He told the cashier.
Your eyes went wide as you turned to him with your mouth agape. He spared you a passing glance before reaching into his wallet for some coins to pay for the items. Your mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water as you struggled to form words, speechless at Seonghwa's incredibly kind and gentlemanly gesture.
"Could you bag our things separately, please?" He politely requested as the cashier dropped your items in a paper bag.
He said nothing more as he handed the money over, retrieving your bags in silence before the two of you headed out.
As soon as you were outside you spoke up.
"You didn't have to do that. I told you I had money."
"I know." He answered quietly, keeping his eyes focused ahead of him.
You realized you were possibly coming off as ungrateful, but the truth is you were surprised, not expecting a gesture like that.
"Thank you." You murmured shyly. "That was really nice of you."
He only gave a short nod as you proceeded down the streets of Hogsmeade. When passing by shops, you surveyed the items on display, wondering where to go next. There were other clothing stores to shop at, but you were pretty satisfied with what you had.
"Ah. I need more parchment. Is it okay if we stop and get some?" He asked.
"Sure. We can go anywhere you'd like."
The both of you made a brief stop at Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop where Seonghwa purchased some more parchment for school before you took to the streets once again heading to your next destination. It was at that moment you realized you were incredibly hungry. Admittedly, you hadn't eaten a proper breakfast and the snacks on the train hadn't done much to keep your satiated, especially with all the walking around you've done.
"I'm hungry." You announced. "Are you?"
Seonghwa nodded, placing his free hand on his stomach.
"We can go to The Leaky Cauldron and eat, maybe grab a butterbeer? My treat."
The Hufflepuff seemed caught off guard by your offer.
"It's the least I can do after you paid for all my clothes." You added.
It seemed he was about to turn down your offer to pay, so you hurriedly spoke up again before he could.
"Please let me do this for you."
After a few moments he finally relented, nodding his head in agreement.
The Leaky Cauldron was a cozy little pub, dimly lit by candles on chandeliers that dangled from the ceiling, old paintings hung on the rough walls of the establishment.
You and Seonghwa were seated at the end of one of the long tables inside after placing your orders. The low murmur of patrons inside filled the air, the mixed conversations accompanied by the clanking of glasses and chorused laughter. The atmosphere inside was jovial and easygoing, one thing that made the pub so popular, it was the perfect hangout spot.
"So, why did you decide to take astronomy?" You asked.
"I've always enjoyed stargazing and I was curious to know more about them."
You hummed, nodding your head as you listened.
"I guess I was born to like astronomy because my name means star."
He nodded.
"That's so beautiful."
He pressed his lips together, glancing down with pink cheeks.
"My name backwards is hwaseong, which means Mars, so yeah... like I said, born to like astronomy."
Seonghwa felt shy under your wondrous gaze, quickly turning the question on you to save him from getting flustered any more than he already was.
"What about you?"
"Oh. I've always enjoyed searching for constellations. I find it interesting how there are these clusters of bright lights in the sky that connect to make shapes. Like the Little Dipper and Big Dipper, I find it fascinating how the stars are just made like that, naturally in a perfect shape. Also, isn't it crazy how there's all that space up there? There are billions of stars and undiscovered planets."
Seonghwa felt his heart soar as you spoke about the vast and endless space. Hearing you speak so passionately about something he enjoyed made him feel a rush of adoration for you.
Your butterbeer arrived a few moments later, the both of you lightly clinking your glasses before taking a sip.
"I haven't had butterbeer in so long." Seonghwa commented.
He nodded. "My parents brought me here when I first enrolled at Hogwarts, then I stopped by a couple times when our house went to Hogsmeade for the weekend, but I've never had someone to enjoy it with, besides my family, of course."
"You didn't come here with your housemates?"
"I did, but I always sat alone."
Your expression fell, your heart feeling a little heavy upon hearing that. You weren't going to force him to open up, but hearing his confession further confirmed your suspicions about him being treated like an outcast.
"Sorry. I shouldn't have said that." He apologized quietly. "We're supposed to be having fun today."
"No, don't be sorry. We're still having fun." You glanced over, noticing a waitress approaching your table with two plates, a smile forming on your face. "Our food's here."
Seonghwa's face lit up as your dishes were placed in front of you.
After a delicious meal you kept your word and paid for everything, thankfully Seonghwa allowed you to do so. The rest of the day was spent shopping around Hogsmeade. Seonghwa seemed to loosen up a bit after your stop at The Leaky Cauldron, the walls he's built up seeming to fall down, even just a little. You felt like you'd gotten a glimpse of the real him.
Monday rolled around and you were sat in the study hall reading through your astronomy book, your tired eyes scanning over the same paragraph repeatedly, unable to comprehend most of it. A sigh of exasperation pushed past your lips, your head dropping into your hands. The homework in astronomy was always quite arduous, but it was never this bad. It was causing you so much mental strain you felt like you were about to cry or give up completely, maybe both.
About that time, Seonghwa was walking past, pausing when he spotted you in the study hall hunched over an open book with your head in your hands. The corners of his mouth twitched downward slightly, his chest feeling a little heavy seeing you distressed.
Should he check on you?
You've been good to approach him and you've been nothing but kind to him since the day you met, maybe he should return the favor.
A tap on your shoulder pulled you from your almost mental (and emotional) breakdown. Slowly, you lifted your head to find Seonghwa looking down at you with round, worried eyes. To say you were surprised was an understatement. This was the first time he approached you.
"Are you okay?" He whispered.
"Oh. Yeah, I'm fine." You waved him off.
"You don't look fine."
Your form deflated, shoulders slumping in defeat.
"For the first time in a long time, I'm struggling with astronomy." You admitted.
"Do you... need help?"
Seonghwa noticed Madam Pince glancing in his direction and took a seat beside you so as not to cause a distraction.
You were about to decline his offer when he sat down, your words dying on your tongue.
He gestured to your open astronomy book, waiting for an answer. You just nodded.
Leaning over, his eyes scanned the pages to see what it was you were trying to understand. Having him close to you had your cheeks heating up, however you did your best to take your mind off it and focus on the task at hand.
"Ah." Seonghwa nodded. "This basically means..."
He proceeded to explain the words on the page in a much simpler way, making everything abundantly clearer.
You huffed out a soft chuckle. "I can't believe I couldn't understand that."
"You're probably exhausted. If you look at something for a long time it can sometimes get harder to understand. How long have you been in here?"
"A couple hours."
"This work isn't due for another week, why don't you take a break? You can always come back to it later. Why don't we..." He trailed off, realizing what he was about to say.
Don't be a coward, Seonghwa.
"Why don't we go for a walk?"
Your face lit up at his offer. "That sounds good. I might actually need that."
After gathering your book, you and Seonghwa left the study hall and started making your way down the partially empty corridors of the school, the torches on the walls casting flickering shadows along the bricks.
The both of you walked in silence for a couple minutes before you spoke up.
"It might sound crazy, but it feels like my mind is already clearer."
"If you step away from something for a while and come back later, you tend to see things you didn't before. A word search for example, you stare at it for so long you can't find any words, so you take a break and come back later and suddenly you spot one of the words you were having so much trouble with."
"Yeah." You nodded. "That's a good way to describe it."
Your joint footsteps echoed softly as you both proceeded down the corridor going in no particular direction. The majority of your walk was silent, but it wasn't uncomfortable, in fact it was actually rather peaceful.
It was when Seonghwa started veering off towards one of the large windows in the school that your attention was grabbed.
You wordlessly followed him over, leaning against the wall while he took a seat on the windowsill.
"No one has treated me the way you have." He admitted suddenly, staring out the window.
"How so?"
"People avoid me, if you haven't noticed already. They're intimidated by me because I look mean, I guess."
"You don't look mean." You frowned.
It was true, he didn't. There were times when you saw him focusing hard in astronomy class and he did look intimidating, but mean? Never.
"A bunch of other people seem to think so. They call me scary. Some even think I should have been sorted into Slytherin. They say the sorting hat was wrong."
"The sorting hat is never wrong." You responded almost sternly.
"I know."
"And not all Slytherins are mean, don't they know that?"
"Apparently not." He chuckled bitterly.
You let out a sigh, placing your hand on top of his.
"Listen to me Seonghwa, you have me now and I will always be here for you. I don't know if you consider us friends, but I do and friends are there for each other."
He gave you a gentle smile, shifting his hand to where it rested on yours instead, his fingers curling around your palm, the gesture bringing heat to your cheeks.
"I want to be more than friends."
That's what he wanted to say, but he couldn't.
Luckily, he didn't have to.
"I like you."
The confession slipped from your mouth before you could stop it, your eyes going wide at your own words. Seonghwa seemed just as shocked as you, his wide eyes and bewildered expression showing exactly how he felt.
"I'm sorry." You blurted. "I-I didn't mean to say that out loud. That was completely unintentional."
Seonghwa's mind scrambled to come up with a response. You like him? You like him?
He may not have shown it, but he liked you too—a lot. When you first met he was a bit skeptical of you, but after spending more and more time around you, he found himself feeling differently. Instead of being wary, he welcomed you. His heart skipped a beat when you approaching him during every meal, coming to sit with him at his house table.
You liking him was hard to wrap his mind around, but he felt the exact same way about you.
Your hand let go of his, pulling him from his jumbled thoughts.
"This is so embarrassing." You murmured, humiliated by your slip up, the lack of response from Seonghwa making you feel even worse.
You were prepared to leave when Seonghwa's hand reached out, his slim fingers encircling your wrist.
"I like you too."
His voice was so soft, almost wavering.
"You don't have to say that."
"I do. I know I haven't opened up completely to you, but knowing that you like me even though I'm mostly closed off and don't always initiate a conversation means more than you know. You're the first person to willingly approach me and stick by my side. No one has ever tried to be my friend, granted, I haven't tried to be anyone's friend either. I've been so used to being avoided I assumed no one wanted to befriend me, let alone date me."
You grabbed his face, making him look at you.
"You're worthy of being loved. And I want to get to know the real you, the Seonghwa I saw at Hogsmeade."
He blinked a couple times, his eyes becoming glossy as your words tugged at his heartstrings. You're too sweet, too compassionate, too pretty, too perfect.
He wanted to kiss you so bad.
His hand hooked around the back of your neck, tugging you to him as his lips made contact with yours, all of this happening within a matter of seconds. Your eyelids fluttered closed, fingers moving to his dark hair as you relished in the feeling of his pliant, soft lips moving slowly and passionately against yours. His fingertips rubbed the nape of your neck sending a shiver down your spine. Your reaction made him chuckle softly, his laughter vibrating against your mouth. Seonghwa was quick to deepen the kiss, his head tilting to slot your mouth s closer together as his free hand slid around your waist, pulling you flush against him, standing between his legs.
You were grateful that the students lingering in the hallway had left, or else you'd be the center of attention.
His kisses quickly became heated, fingers squeezing at your waist, running up and down your sides as blissful sighs escaped the both of you.
You parted ways after some time, gazing at each other with half-lidded eyes, huffing out short breaths, reeling after that mind-blowing kiss. Seonghwa's thumb ran over your bottom lip languidly as his tongue darted out to wet his own.
"So, what now?" You asked.
"We should start planning to go on a date soon."
"What did you have in mind?"
It was impossible to hold back the grin spreading across your face.
"Let's do it."
Hongjoong ⟡ Yunho ⟡ Yeosang ⟡ San ⟡ Mingi ⟡ Wooyoung ⟡ Jongho
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nightingale2004 · 8 months
Calling all Severus Snape fans. Allow me to pitch a headcanon or two... or more.
When sev started becoming the master of potions. He secretly sold his potions to every house except Gryffindor (for obvious reasons) and even tutored for a few gallions.
He would also brew whole packages full of potions for st.mungos that needed specific types of potions for a reasonable price and trade. (The idea was brought up by both McGonagall and Pomfrey)
When he was a child, he got a guitar from his father, which was the one and only decent thing he gave severus.
Severus taught himself how to play it and would mostly play for himself and his mom. But during his 4th or 5th year and the money was really low, he started playing on the streets and then started playing in bars for extra money (He's a good singer, and you can't tell me otherwise) and he was known as the Siren of Spinners End.
If he was a quidditch player, I have no doubt he would've created game plans so good, Slytherin would be victorious for a long time.
The only other people he gives private concerts to are Charity, Aurora, his mother Eileen, Lucius, and Narcissa (Draco included).
His animagus would have either been a raven or bat (my best bet would've been raven)
His patronus (if it wasn't a doe) would most likely be a bat or a raven
He loves gardening, and if he had his own flat, he would have his own little plants (TELL ME I'M WRONG)
Read tons of poetry and dark literature. He even made his own poems, but no one other than Narcissa and Draco has heard them
He would definitely be the godfather to Aurora Sinistra and Charity Burbage's child and will love it so much.
Adopts random children and is a big softie in the inside (shh don't tell anyone 🤫).
He has a black cat named Nyx
He and Regulus were close like brothers.
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exhaustedcatte · 9 months
Detention, boys!
“–pair of troublemakers, they are,” Pomona Sprout wailed. “I know it was them, but there’s no way to prove it.”
Minerva, who’d just walked in, already knew who the offending duo could be. “Potter and Black?”
“Potter and Black,” she confirmed. “Charmed all of my Mandrakes to sing! Sing! Can you believe it?!”
A smile unwillingly pulled on the Gryffindor House-head’s mouth.
“What did they sing?” Professor Sinistra asked curiously.
Pomona ducked, shy. “I didn’t recognize the song, but Ms Bones said it was a muggle band called—ehem.” She cleared her throat and whispered, “The Sex Pistols.”
Minerva suppressed a loud guffaw, forced it back down her throat, and allowed a small grimace. Sinistra had no objections, laughing cheerfully.
“I bet you that was all Lupin,” she said, still grinning. “I’ve heard him giving gospels on muggle music with such ardor, you’d have thought he was being paid to advertise.”
Minerva didn’t know muggle music, but she knew her boys. This prank definitely had their signature on it, not just the handle on magic, but the careless display of talent.
Charming those noisy crybaby Mandrakes was no easy feat.
“I’ll hand out detention for the weekend,” Minerva said easily. “Potter and Black for the frontline work, Lupin for definitely pointing them towards the charms and Pettigrew for stealing all of your Mandrakes,” she raised her brows.
Pomona sighed, smiling.
The thing was, it was easy to detain them for smaller, localised pranks. It had their magical imprint all over it. While they had stepped into juvenile delinquency and thrown dung bombs, most of their practical jokes were, well, practical. Neatly studied and practiced. Difficult charms and jinxes. Hexes that Minerva had almost forgotten about since her own school days.
They’d made the suit of armours duel outside the Defence classroom, transfigured every single notebook in their class into origami birds, charmed it to fly away and got them all let off class. Hexed the Slytherins to speak in haikus for two full days. They’d also frozen the Lake into an ice rink in the cusp of summer post-exams. Pranks against which Finite Incantatem were useless. They put a lot of effort into their jokes, which somehow turned out just as remarkable as their neglected schoolwork.
But she’d given them many cauldrons and trophies and broom closets to clean for all of those, because she knew only they could be responsible for such intelligent tomfoolery.
What was difficult to pin on them was larger, vastly spread magic, because their trace was faint when it was distributed wide, mingling with everyone else’s magic. In theory she would put all her money on it being the Marauders, but she couldn’t simply accuse them when no one had seen them out of bed, no misbehaving, nothing. Very mystifying.
Which was why she was effectively silenced when she walked into the Great Hall on Tuesday. Everything seemed fine at first, but then she noticed, after hearing the excited tittering.
The Slytherins were emerald green. Minerva almost marched down to the quartet – the rivalry was telling. But she glanced around and saw the Hufflepuffs drenched in yellow. The Ravenclaws and Gryffindors were not spared either, dyed in their own house colours.
Minerva peered down her table. The other professors were trying to puzzle out how this had been achieved. She was silently proud that they kept glancing at the four boys on the far end, as if trying to read the answer straight from their brains. They knew no one else was capable of such advanced magic while still being playful.
Minerva looked over to them.
The Marauders were maintaining a strong air of ignorance despite the obvious looks being thrown their way from students and teachers alike.
Remus was stirring his likely fourth sugar into his tea, while Sirius kept nibbling the untouched toast from his friend’s hand. James was roughing his hair up and laughing at something Peter was whispering into his ear. They were also painted a vibrant red, probably as an alibi.
“I know it’s them,” Dumbledore said lowly, eyes dancing with mirth. “But I do think it’s rather spectacular, don’t you agree, professor?”
She huffed a laugh. “Yes.”
It was hard to tack this on them, not when Potter and Black, who despite knowing magic straight out of the womb, would vehemently deny everything and call it a fluke of someone’s luck. Not when Lupin, a severely clever werewolf who often downplayed his own intellect, would disagree politely and be off in that quiet way of his. Not when Pettigrew, the most unassuming and yet the sneakiest of them all, would lie impressively through his teeth.
She sat back and sipped her tea, enjoying the humorous sight of the bright morning sun reflecting off of the colourful skins of her students. But mostly she was observing her band of troublemakers.
They were still hanging off of each other’s shoulders like limpets, clingy and supremely codependent, in the best possible way. She watched Sirius proof-read a parchment Peter had given him. Remus was feeding James his scones and cream, who was trying, futilely, to tame his hair with a bottle of Fleamont’s Hair Gel that had just arrived with the owls.
These idiot boys, she thought fondly.
There would be no way to prove it was them other than their excited footsteps and victorious laughter that echoed through her office later that day.
Minerva McGonagall stepped into the hallway, unable to tamp down the pride in her voice when she called out, “Detention, boys!”
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atlasdoe · 3 months
Hello, I just bindged watched all of The Purge movies so here's what I think certain Marauders characters would be doing during the Purge
(for anyone who doesn't know the purge is when anything is legal for 24 hours)
Remus Lupin wouldn't want to be outside for the purge but would go out to rob a bank or some shit. do some really small crime so he can get a bit of money for his sick mother
Barty Crouch Jr is fucking insane. He's fully out there in masks and covered in blood and is torturing people for his own entertainment. Yknow during the movies when you get little glimpse of people being strung to a car or being set on fire or some shit? yeah that's where Barty is and he's having the time of his life
Evan Rosier is part of those really rich clubs that kidnap poor people and hunt them for sports. He's just as insane as Barty but likes it to be a lot more contained and safer for him
Charity Burbage is at a purge party that her family hosts. The idea of the purge scares her but coke half way through the night she feels safe enough to let loose and not worry so much
Lily Evans is out during the purge helping people and killing the rich people who are trying to target the poorer areas. She hates the purge
Mary MacDonald is trailing Lily in hopes of protecting her because she's worried that Lily is going to get herself killed
James Potter and Sirius Black are out during the purge just for shits and giggles. If anyone comes after them they're dead but they're not going to actively harm anyone unless they really piss them off
Regulus Black is indoors and not coming out. He supports the purge and approves of everything that's happening but he doesn't want to be in it. His house is on lockdown and he's chilling at home while listening to people scream outside of his door. He doesn't help anyone. It's not his problem
Bruce Mulciber, Edmund Avery Jr and Juliette Wilkes are all out together targeting people who they don't like and earning money by kidnapping people to be given to the rich as a sacrifice. They're also just destroying building and shit whereever they go. they're having a lot of fun
Severus Snape was invited to go out with Mulciber, Avery and Wilkes but decided to stay home to protect his mother. His father went out during the Purge and Severus has his friends to kill him for him
Marlene McKinnon and Dorcas Meadowes have a business where people give them the names and addresses of people they want to be killed (for good reason. not any petty bullshit) and they go out and either kill them or scare them enough to right their wrongs
Pandora Lovegood is at home waiting for it all to be over. She hates the purge and will never participate
Peter Pettigrew was at home but was forced outside after his block was raided. He spent the entire night outside with no protection or plan
Aurora Sinistra is with her entire family round her aunties house. They're on lockdown and are playing board games and listening to music to pass the time
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mezzopieno-news · 5 months
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Negli ultimi anni migliaia di persone in Finlandia hanno abbandonato le strade in cui vivevano. Mentre in gran parte del mondo il numero dei senzatetto è in aumento, la Finlandia è l’unico Stato dell’Unione Europea ad aver eliminato quasi completamente questo problema.
La Finlandia ha adottato un nuovo approccio chiamato Housing First, affidare cioè un appartamento a persone che non hanno nemmeno un posto dove dormire. Si tratta di abitazioni collocate all’interno di condomini sociali in cui lavorano team composti da assistenti sociali, infermieri, terapisti del lavoro, psicologi e medici che forniscono assistenza 24 ore su 24 ai numerosi residenti. Da decenni la Finlandia investe nella costruzione, manutenzione e acquisto di alloggi sociali e sono stati creati più di 8.000 appartamenti per i senzatetto; un obiettivo condiviso da tutti i governi, sia di sinistra che di destra. Nella sola capitale, dal 2019 al 2022, il numero di persone che vivono senza tetto è diminuito del 40%.
Nel 2007 fu un ministro ad avere l’idea di mettere a disposizione un appartamento per tutti i senzatetto. Oggi questo modello è studiato in tutto il mondo. Di recente, il ministro tedesco per l’edilizia abitativa ha visitato il Paese per avere una visione diretta della politica di welfare finlandese. Dall’inizio del programma, Housing First ha trovato un appartamento per il 60% dei senzatetto finlandesi con l’obiettivo di arrivare al 100% e dal 2012, lo Stato ha calcolato di aver risparmiato quasi 32 milioni di euro all’anno, di cui la maggior parte nel settore sanitario.
Fonte: Housing First; foto di Myriams Fotos
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dorlilymylovesss · 17 days
Edmund Avery Jr
my perception
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House: Slytherin
Second house: Ravenclaw
Ethnicity: 🇱🇧/🇫🇷
scorpio sun, aquarius moon, capripon ascendent
Some canon info about him:
edmund participated in the First Wizarding War, but like most Death Eaters, didn't search for Lord Voldemort after his downfall
has a dark sense of humor
the son of Avery, a member of Tom Riddle's gang.
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has a alcohol problems
was a very skilled wizard
never eats breakfast, the only thing in his stomach in the morning is coffee and a cigarette.
has a blood curse
suffers from chronic migraines
friends: severus snape, bruce mulciber, charity burbage, aurora sinistra, regulus black
ex boyfriend: evan rosier
boyfriend, love of his life: wilhelm wilkes
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his style
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some aesthetic
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abr · 2 months
Rampini, non Vittorio Feltri.
"È l’equivoco tremendo all’origine della sua cooptazione come vice nel ticket del 2020. La Harris è stata innalzata al secondo posto dell’esecutivo in quanto donna di colore (...). Lei si è prestata al gioco.  (...)  Biden nel 2020 voleva coprirsi il fianco a sinistra. Donna, di colore, figlia d’immigrati, lei era il prezzo da pagare per placare i radicali e sedurre i media. (...)
In realtà la sua biografia si prestava a tutt’altra narrazione. La storia dei genitori (una ricercatrice universitaria indiana discendente dalla casta privilegiata dei bramini; un celebre economista afro-giamaicano) è l’apoteosi di un American Dream costruito da élite di immigrati qualificati che diventano classe dirigente; il contrario dell’attuale ideologia politically correct. La storia dei suoi genitori, e quindi la sua, è segnata proprio dai benefici della meritocrazia, non dai danni del razzismo. Diventando lei stessa un’icona della politica tribale e identitaria, ha falsificato quella storia familiare che condensa il lato positivo dell’America.
Kamala ha recitato la parte presentandosi come un’esponente di minoranze emarginate, discriminate e oppresse. Una delle accuse che le rivolgono spesso i repubblicani è questa: la Harris non parla in modo positivo dell’America, è più attenta a demonizzare il proprio paese che non a esaltarlo come una terra di opportunità".
La solita ipocrita di sinistra, pronta a tutto davvero - chiedere ai suoi mentori nella macchina Dems. della Bay Area, l'elite del big money high society, opposta ai Dems. pezzenti mafiosi di Chicago - forse per questo Obama la segherebbe subito:
"The machine—which operates around a fulcrum of big money, high society, and socially progressive ideas—has molded such Democratic politicians as governors Pat Brown and Jerry Brown (father and son); Willie Brown (former San Francisco mayor, machine boss, and no relation); Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi; U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein; former U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer; San Francisco mayors Ed Lee and London Breed; and San Francisco mayor, lieutenant governor, and now governor Gavin Newsom".
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lyraoftheevergreens · 8 months
In The Morning
Chapter 5
Professor!Snape x Female Student Reader
Summary: What happens when Snape falls in love with a 7th year student at hogwarts just 8 years after the death of his first love. What will happen when she discovers the darkest sides of him and brings up trauma from her own past. Will she stay with him despite what she learns? Reader is of age.
Warnings: she/her pronouns. Mentions of eating, torture and murder
Age 13+
Word count: 1,600
Tag list: Open 🖤
Authors note: thank you to those of you who have waited years for this chapter, and welcome to those of you who are new.
For the sake of the story line Sinistra is not the Astronomy professor.
It was now the end of spring break and y/n found her self dreading the start of class after her blissful week in Severus is arms. There was no other place she ever wanted to be, she could have died and she would have been content as long as her death was in his arms. One week of just him, never having to leave his arms. She learned everything about him, his child hood. As she laid in his arms he caressed her gently and told her stories of his child hood. His talented mother and muggle father. She told him of her childhood. How it was growing up in manor. The disappearance of her sister Eloise. He held her every night into the day. The night terrors continued through the break, they were tolerable in Severus is arms. She woke up one night screaming and crying.
“I remember when Eloise left, she left a note on my bed. Dear sister, I love you but I must go, I hope you can find in your heart to forgive me, love Eloise.”
“I’m so sorry my dear.”
“That’s the issue though Sev, I don’t think she left. They did something to her. She has to be kept on the grounds someplace. She would have never left such a generic note. Love Eloise. Thats just not like her.”
“Where would they keep her.”
“The grounds are so large, deep underground. All the underground passages are connected, so large.”
“I believe I remember seeing them. How far do they go?”
“Far, all the way to grounds keeper’s shack. It’s the length of the house and then some. It’s all concrete, she would freeze to death down there.”
“Are you sure she could have just escaped.”
“Id love to believe that, but I know it in my heart, shes not safe. And it doesn’t help that I’m such a coward. I can’t go back Severus, I’ll be forced to marry, or worse.”
“You’re not a coward, you endured so much at that house.”
That was over now, it was a new week, back to courses, first class of the morning, potions. She put on her necklace from Severus and didn’t tuck it under her shirt she wore it out and proud. The man who loves her gave this to her and she loves him to. While they haven’t said it out loud to each other she knows deep inside that he loves her. As she entered the potions room and helped gather supplies for that mornings lesson as she always did Severus appeared behind her. He leaned down, lips to her ear,” are you sure you should be wearing that for everyone to see.”
“Yes, I’m certain.”
“You’re not worried about what people will say, question. Where you got it from.”
“Family heirloom.”
“Hmm.” The vibrations of his ‘hmm’ on her neck tickled, his lips kissed and nipped. His tongue soothed. She was ready for him to take her right then and there and that room but nonetheless, he adjusted her shirt for her and they went into the potions class room, she took her seat and others began to enter, Edith took her seat next to. “Nice hickey you have going on.”
“What?” Y/n questioned.
“Your hickey, it’s like you had a leach on your neck.”
“Oh my bad.”
“So who is the lucky lad you shagged over break.”
“Oh nobody. Just a strange reaction to something.”
“Oh alright, I suppose. Touch yourself to Snape plenty?”
“Ms. Y/l/n, Ms.Carrington am I interrupting something important.?” He said
“No, sorry professor.” Y/n replied quickly
“Professors pet.” Edith mumbled.
Class went on as usual. Y/n stayed behind and waited for the first years to arrive in class. She sat and watched as Severus made two first years leave the class crying.
“You’re so harsh on them.”
“I don’t see how, I shouldn’t have stuffer do to there idiocracy. You were so bright as a first year.”
“Yes because my parents wanted to make sure I wasn’t a reflection of their failures the way they saw Eloise.”
“I suppose so.”
She sat in his lap at his desk and ran her fingers through his hair, she loved his long black hair so much.
“I have something to tell you,”Severus began, “we won’t be able to meet in my quarters before dinner. I have things to discuss with Dumbledore.”
“Oh okay, I understand.” She responded, her hand now gently on his chest.
“I promise I rather be with you than that old fool.” She gently kissed his lips and said, “I know, I trust you.”
She carried on her day, lunch with Severus, herbology, defense against the dark arts, she studied for her OWLS with Edith and a few other girls in her sleeping quarters and walked with them to the great hall for dinner. She couldn’t take her eyes off Severus, scowling at Dumbledore the whole meal. Something’s happened and she knows it. She doesn’t even finish her meal and she’s off to Severus is living quarters, Edith is yelling for her and she doesn’t flinch, simply carries on. Once she enters it’s not long that Severus arrives as well.
“Tell me the truth Severus, what happened in your meeting with headmaster. I’m not an idiot, you were sat there scowling at him and not touching your meal.”
“I told him.”
“You told him what.”
“That I love you.”
“That’s lovely, you told him before you’ve told me.”
“Why would you do such a thing. You could have gotten your self fired. or worse sent to azkaban.”
“you have nothing to worry about, no such thing will happen, there are no laws in place about teachers and students and besides your of age.”
“I dont understand though Severus, why.”
“I wanted to learn more about your father. I never learned much of him even though I was in his home nearly once a week for meetings. Other than the fact that he has two daughters and a wife.”
“We have two house elves. My mother and father are both the last living relatives of their respective bloodlines. Besides Eloise, Lucy and I. So what else did you learn by visiting the headmaster.”
“I learned that Eloise is not your full sister. That your father killed his first wife.”
“I know. That’s why he has no problem marrying me off to someone who killed his own wife as well. My father is 15 years older than my mother. She was 16 when her father arranged for her marriage. Frankly they are match made in hell. They’re both just as cold and thats why my mother never cared to protect Eloise from my father. She always used to say that it was Eloise is mums fault that she got her self killed.”
“I swore to my self the first day you cried in my arms I would protect you till the day I die.”
“Severus, you simply can���t, believe me, i wish it was that simple.”
“Move in with me, if you’re with me at all times I can at least try.”
“Oh Severus, of course I will, but hold on we’re not finished discussing what happened between you and Dumbledore.”
“I had to find some way to protect you, after the school year, after the summer. I cant leave you alone at home unprotected. So I went to Dumbledore. He remembers your father from when he attended Hogwarts. Your father has begun training Lucy.”
“No, he couldn’t be, she’s only 9.”
“Now that you’re not returning home he needs to prepare her for the return of the dark lord.”
“Severus I have to do something, I have to protect her.”
“We will figure something out, together. For now you will stay here at Hogwarts where you are safe.”
“Why else did you tell Dumbledore about us?”
“He’s prepared to offer you a job, you will no longer be my assistant, the astronomy professor wishes to retire, you will take over for her in the next school year, but you must study under her from now on in preparation for the fall.”
“Severus, thank you.”
“Of course, I love you.”
“I love you too.” But she didn’t know how much Severus truly loved her, he would die for her if thats what it took to protect her. For now he knew she could go no where near y/l/n manor, who knows what torture they would inflict upon her.
~Severus’ meeting with Dumbledore ~
“Albus.” Severus began, as he entered Dumbledore office.
“How can I help you severus?”
“It’s Y/f/n.”
“Ah yes, her family is sending for her to be retrieved directly from the school the last day of term.”
“We need to protect her.”
“Albus, they will kill her. I can’t loose her the way I lost Lilly.”
“Severus I warned you to be careful.”
“They will kill her, she doesn’t know it yet but they’ve killed her older sister Eloise.”
“I know, it’s a shame what happened to that poor girl. Does y/n know?”
“No she does not, and no one shall tell her. She has night terrors from what she witnessed in that house.”
“Please, keep her safe.”
“It appears you are capable of doing that on your own.”
“She’s coming back with me to Hogwarts in the next school year then.”
“She’ll no longer be a student Severus. She can’t return.”
“Offer her a position here.”
“I suppose i could offer her the astronomy position, but she would need to study under professor Alveston and not you Severus.”
“That’s fine, I’ll discuss it with her. I’m certain she will accept.”
“In that case she begins in the morning, no time to waste I suppose.”
“No, I suppose not.”
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sommerregenjuniluft · 11 months
@jegulus-microfic - october 31 - halloween - 745words
insp by @regscupid october 3rd microfic <3
“Say ‘I am going to abduct you, earthling.’”
“I look stupid.”
“You look properly scary.”
“I have wobbly eyes on my head.”
“Don’t see what one thing has to do with the other, love,” James grins cheekily from behind Regulus in the mirror and then gives him a loud smooch on his cheek.
Regulus rolls his eyes and hopes the green-ish face paint over his nose covers his blush.
“Ready to go, Hazza?” James calls up the stairs.
There’s a giggle from the floor above, a few quiet steps and then Harry jumps down two at a time within sight of them with a loud Grawr.
James playfully jumps in place and clutches his chest with a gasp as Harry erupts into evil snickers.
The young boy comes bounding down the rest of the stairs in his skeleton onesie and black and white face paint that’s only minutely smudged (as of now) and holds up his sweets bucket that his father told him to get from his room. 
This one is distracted fighting to pull his spider legs shoulder straps over his thick coat so Regulus gives Harry a nod and a smirk and reaches his hand out to him, “C’mon. Shoes on and then off we go.”
“Yeah!” Harry yells with elation and passes his plastic pumpkin bucket off to Regulus.
It’s still light outside when they start their walk around the neighborhood.
James tells Harry to look out for the houses with Halloween decoration, anything creepy– candles, spiderwebs, carved pumpkins.
It only takes two houses down the sidewalk before Harry gasps and points at a prettily decorated front door.
James gives his son a warm smile, nodding, telling him to go on, as he snakes an arm around Regulus’ waist, pulling him closer into his side.
It’s not particularly cold but Regulus lets himself melt into James’ ridiculously puffy jacket with a sigh anyways. He’s warm and he smells good, like his cologne and their laundry detergent and the glass of mulled wine they shared before getting ready. 
He burrows further into James’ scarf around his neck as he watches Harry skip up the stairs, two pointy-toothed pumpkins out front, white cotton wool and black, little paper bats adorning the railing.
Harry rings the bell and then hastily presses himself against the outside wall next to the door, holding a finger to his lips as he looks wide-eyed and breathless back at them.
Regulus’ chest feels so full he might burst.
The door opens and a middle aged woman with a witch’s hat peeks around with a bowl of chocolates in her hand.
She has barely time to look confused at James and Regulus before little Harry jumps out of his hiding spot with a shrill, “Trick or treat!”
The woman yelps in a genuine fashion and throws an admonishing look over at him and James as Harry falls into a little giggle fit. “Well, thank goodness I’m no 60 something year old with poor blood pressure,” she says good-naturedly, crouching down in front of Harry with a smile to let him choose his pick. 
Regulus shifts his weight from one foot to the other a little uneasily at the thought of Harry actually giving one of the pensioners in their neighborhood a heart attack.
“As young and fresh as always, Miss Sinistra.” James says with a charming grin.
The woman grumbles a little and fixes James with a look when Harry turns his back to her to join the two of them again, “You fellas should dial it down a notch or two.”
When Regulus looks over again, James seems a little bashful as he smiles brightly, “Noted.”
Satisfied with that, apparently, she softens right up and gives them another pointed look, smug smile on her lips, “Happy Halloween to you.”
“Happy Halloween, dear neighbor,” James responds, squeezing Regulus’ waist knowingly.
Regulus curses quietly, giving Sinistra a wave, smiling strained.
“Happy Halloweeeen,” Harry shouts, racing past them and they quickly turn to follow.
Regulus gnaws on the inside of his lower lip while he feels James radiate with glee next to him, who waits until Harry is further down the sidewalk out of earshot before he leans down and rasps into Regulus ear, “Seems like she didn’t forget the way I fucked you against the window last year, after all.”
Regulus jams his elbow forcefully into James’ side.
The puffy-jacketed bastard doesn’t do much besides chuckle and pull Regulus into a kiss.
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Could you do a romance fanfic between reader and Harry Potter if possible? 💜 Thankyou
hello sweetie! Thank you so much for requesting this, I needed to write for Harry as it has been long. I really hope you liked this fic!
Cold Winter (H.p. x reader)
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Pairing- Harry x Femreader
Summary- Harry’s sweater has gone missing! He has tried searching for it everywhere, but with no luck...until he goes to his wonderful girlfriend to find it and sees a sight to behold forever!| Fluff
House- Slytherin
Requested by- an anon
Meanings- B/n= Book’s name
Words- 1,651 words
Harry Potter Masterlist Main Masterlist
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Today was one of the days when the weather was at its peak, it was the month of December and it was snowing heavily. Everyone’s noses and cheeks were a blush color because of the cold and Harry too was red completely.
He had thought it wasn’t that cold, but nature proved him wrong as he slipped his hands inside the pockets of his robes and went to his next class.
“If I go now, how much time would it take for me to go and get my sweater? The Gryffindor Tower is almost a 20-minute walk, and class starts within 10 minutes...maybe I’ll take it later” he muttered to himself as he started walking to his Potions class.
The dungeon's classroom made the room radiate a little warmth to him, he rubbed his hands under the table to keep himself warmer during this cold day.
The class started and as usual Professor Snape gave his boring lectures which no one was interested in. Everyone near him were talking among themselves as Harry turned to talk to his Gryffindor friends, which the whole school by now knows, Ron and Hermione.
“You didn’t get your sweater?” Ron asked as he himself was wearing a sweater with gloves but still was cold, “Didn’t get enough time, thought it would be less cold” he replied rubbing his hands again.
“You should have known, it’s December for Godric’s sake!” Hermione scolded him as her eyes then diverted to the class. Ron looked at him and signaled him, asking him if he would want his sweater to which Harry swayed his head in a no. Ron still insisted on wearing at least his gloves and without a second thought, he removed his gloves and handed them to Harry.
Harry’s hands were still better at getting warmth than his whole body, all thanks to Ron. As the class ended, Harry sprinted out of the class but as he was going to head out, Snape had to call HIM out of everyone in the class.
“Mr. Potter, I have noticed you haven’t written anything in my class...you will have to clean this classroom as detention and 10 points from Gryffindor” he sneered and Harry mentally rolled his eyes, it was no new thing for Harry to receive detention even though half of the class wrote nothing.
He sighed and turned to Ron and Hermione and motioned them to go and they simply nodded and left without arguing as Snape already deducted 10 points from Gryffindor, and they didn’t want more points to be deducted.
Harry had to clean the classroom, which wasn’t so bad, it could have been worse as he had once been asked to clean the Potions classroom after some student had made a huge mess in the class and he had to clean it without magic.
The class was anyways clean just here and there bits of paper scattered around the floor that needed to be picked up.
As he finished his cleaning he then went out of the class and went for his last and final class, Astronomy which was apparently only TODAY, being conducted in the Astronomy Tower which was miles away.
Harry then sprinted and ran in the direction of the Tower and as he reached the Tower, he had to climb the stairs all the way up. “Are you kidding me?” he huffed and climbed the stairs.
As he reached the class Professor Sinistra asked, “Mr. Potter, why are you late for the class?”
“Professor I had detention..” he said breathlessly as Professor Sinistra nodded and Harry went and attended his last and final class,
After that run, he indeed felt warm but as he stood and listened to the class he started feeling cold once again, he tried rubbing his hands to keep him warm while Ron rolled his eyes and said “Next time, get your sweater no matter what”
“Done,” he said and then listened to the rest of the class.
As the class ended he then went down the stairs, a cold wind blew as they reached the castle. “I am going to get my sweater, you guys go on” Harry said and they both nodded and started walking away as Hermione was in a deep conversation with Ron.
Harry then went to the Gryffindor Tower and as he walked he saw the snow slowly falling onto the leaves of trees, the courtyard was fully covered in snow like a white blanket was spread over it.
He indeed liked winter, it was a beautiful season after all but, he didn’t like to be cold. He then climbed the Gryffindor Tower stairs and then went straight to his dorm, he opened the door and closed it.
Then he went through all of his clothes, “Umm, I swear I kept it right…. here….” he said and made almost a mess of the clothes he had kept neatly folded.
He huffed giving up, “I had kept my sweater right here, where could it have gone?” he asked himself and sighed.
He tried thinking of places he would have left it, but nothing. He didn’t even use it until today when he needs it the most is when it gets lost somewhere.
He cursed under his breath for not getting more sweaters, he did have many more sweaters but he left them at the Burrow.
Harry was in deep thought when he suddenly thought of someone, not a place, a person who could have taken his sweater, that person was the only one who would have taken his sweater from his dorm as no one else would have taken it.
He then got up and folded his clothes neatly and then sprang himself towards the Slytherin Dorms, he knew his wonderful girlfriend must have taken his sweater and he just wanted to check for himself.
He then went and waited outside the Slytherin stone door through which he could enter the Slytherin common room and Y/n’s dorm.
“Y/n!! Can you just come out and let me in!” he shouted from outside the door.
“What is your problem-, Oh Harry!” Daphne Greengrass, Y/n’s friend, exclaimed and Harry motioned as though asking if he could come in to which Daphne gladly allowed him to.
“Wanna see Y/n huh?” she asked wiggling her eyebrows to which Harry rolled his eyes and replied sarcastically “No, of course not I was here for someone else named Y/n who happens to be my girlfriend” which Daphne laughed to.
She then stopped right outside your dorm and said “Here’s where I leave you, Harry!” in a dramatic way to which Harry laughed and Daphne left.
Harry knocked on your dorm door to which you responded with a sweet “come in” as though you were engrossed in something else. Harry opened the door to a sight he wished he could capture in a camera forever.
You were sitting on your bed, with a book in your hands, reading it. The sun’s rays reflected from the water and created a beautiful watery sunlight effect which was reflected on your desk and your legs were spread on the bed, a pillow on your stomach, and eyes sparkling as though something good just happened in your own fantasy world of the book.
Harry smiled even wider when he noticed you, wearing his sweater, he just couldn’t help but feel a million butterflies in his stomach, lips in a permanent smile and eyes swelled with love.
He went forward and sat just beside you and was still grinning and not taking eyes off of you for even a second.
“Darling, what are you reading?” he asked still looking at you, “Oh, I am reading B/n, and I am literally in love with this book!” you exclaimed as you smelled his cologne from his sweater which you were wearing, It gave you a secure feeling, and as you looked towards him you couldn’t help but smile too at him.
You then went and wrapped your arms around him and he too went and wrapped his around your waist.
As you felt a cold hand on your waist you then remembered you had taken Harry’s sweater which happened to be the only one you found in his closet. “Harry you are freezing!” you exclaimed as you went and got a black hoodie that you owned and tossed it over to him, which he gladly took and wore.
“Better?” you asked “Yeah, much better,” he said and wrapped his hands again around your waist to which you laughed as you knew he wanted attention from you.
So you went and placed a bookmark in your book and placed it on your desk and went and laid on your bed and motioned him to come and cuddle you. He, without a second thought, jumped on your bed and bear-hugged you tightly as you giggled.
You comfortably positioned yourself in his arms and wrapped yours around him too.
As you both cuddled, the coldness which had engulfed Harry before soon vanished into thin air as he had the world in his arms, radiating warmth to him.
As he looked down at you he saw how beautiful and peaceful you looked in his arms and the smile on your lips which wasn’t wearing off so soon.
He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and kissed your forehead and whispered “I will marry you in the future Y/n, I will” and he too then slowly drifted off to a peaceful slumber with Y/n in his arms.
His life was complete, just needed a ring to be added to this amazing relationship.
TAGS- @blackthunder137 @spring-picnics @gachabella23 @eichenhouseproperty @raajali3 @favblkgirl @zmxchs @ravenqueen777
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Strict Tempo presents a night of industrial electronics, EBM and witch house featuring Chrome Corps with Kota Kira (DJ) and Static Ghost
FB event - https://www.facebook.com/events/820008252462015/ Tickets - https://wl.seetickets.us/event/Chrome-Corps/507126?afflky=ElCorazon Chrome Corps (Seattle) Chrome Corps (formerly known as Chrome Corpse) is an American electronic body music band founded in Seattle, WA in the USA, consisting of frontman Antoine "Hirnsturm" Kerberenes, synth programmer/producer Michael "F9000" Pinch, and drummer John Reed. The band was officially founded sometime around 2014 when most of the members were still in highschool. They are influenced by 80s and 90s EBM bands such as Front 242, DAF, and Cabaret Voltaire, as well as many synth-pop, electro, freestyle, house, industrial, new beat, post punk, techno, and various other electronic bands and styles across the spectrum. They like to make dance music that is aggressive, but is also funky, groovy, experimental and fun, and has underlying themes and a strong punk ethos that the disenfranchised youth of today can relate to, because their goal is to get more fellow gen z people their age interested in oldschool EBM. The band has a new album in the works to be released soon. Kota Kira Dark. Mystical. Witchy. Tantalizing. Alluring. This is the foundation for Kota Kira who prefers to stick to a vibe instead of boxing herself into one genre. She calls this vibe Occult Dance Music.  Kota Kira takes a wide range of influences ranging from extreme metal to dark techno to create an atmosphere unlike anything ever experienced before. Combining atmospheric black metal riffs, filthy bass lines and ominous, haunting vocals, her music transports you to a place she likes to call The Netherworld, where demons come out to play. Creatures of the Netherworld called The Temptresses lure you in with your deepest, darkest desires just as a Siren calls to an unsuspecting sailor. Once in The Netherworld, one must learn to dance with their demons and face their true self or The Temptresses will feast upon their flesh and soul. Can you resist temptation or will the intensity bring you to your knees? https://remissionentertainment.bandcamp.com/album/the-netherworld-beckons Static Ghost EBM/INDUSTRIAL TECHNO from Olympia, WA. https://staticghost.bandcamp.com/Vox Sinistra Vox Sinistra is a Seattle-based DJ exploring the synthesis of dark underground electronic sounds with retro and modern inspiration, ranging from old-school EBM, industrial and New Beat to minimal and cold waves, forward-thinking electro and techno, and '80s synth music such as Italo disco, acid house, synth-pop, new wave and more. With a background in post-punk, no wave and related '80s alternative and DIY punk movements, she combines sounds with rebellious spirit, nostalgic melodies, and avant-garde genre-mashing that stimulates bodies into movement for a cathartic and heavy dance music experience. https://linktr.ee/VoxSinistra Strict Tempo Dark alternative/electronic events hosted by Vox Sinistra https://linktr.ee/stricttempo
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the-most-faithful · 3 months
You know what's another thing that makes the Snape Gang more interesting than the Marauders? The Snape Gang is multi house.
Think about it for a moment, the Marauders are all Gryffindors, they are a closed group. The Snape Gang, on the other hand, has Slytherin (Severus, Caradoc, Mulciber, Avery, Rosier, Wilkes), Ravenclaw (Aurora Sinistra) and even Hufflepuff (Charity) within it Even the "slytherin skittles" actually have Pandora and Barty Jr. inside who were Ravenclaw. The Slytherins of the 70s were actually more open-minded than the Gryffindors.
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