#Hospital general
12endigital · 1 month
La Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Quirúrgicos del Hospital General de Elche se convierte en referente en calidad para hospitales nacionales
La Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Quirúrgicos del servicio de Anestesiología del Hospital General Universitario de Elche, anteriormente conocida como Reanimación, se ha convertido en Unidad de Referencia en calidad y gestión para otros hospitales nacionales. La unidad consiguió en 2018 la certificación de calidad a través de la norma ISO 9001/2015, una acreditación que ha revalidado dos veces tras…
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stil-lindigo · 8 months
Ahmed Saad, a Palestinian man who had to jump through an insane amount of loops to get the funds necessary for escaping Gaza, is asking us all to donate to his friend’s family fund.
Mohamed is a hemophilia patient who needs access to medicine and to do surgery on his knees, his 11-year-old daughter also needs thigh surgery (she was supposed to do it outside Gaza in November but couldn't travel due to the border issues). Mohammed’s condition is worsening rapidly and, with Israel destroying the last functional hospital in Gaza, things are looking dire.
Please donate generously!
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sociedadnoticias · 1 year
Ante el dengue y falta de pago a afanadores, el sistema de salud en Puebla está en crisis
Ante el dengue y falta de pago a afanadores, el sistema de salud en Puebla está en crisis #PeriodismoParaTi #SociedadNoticias #Sanidad #Puebla #Limpieza @Gob_Puebla @SergioSalomonC #Sopor #ServiciosSopor @SaludGobPue @JLozanoA @SergioSalomonC #Dengue
“Servicios Sopor SA de CV” ha incumplido, también, con uniformes e insumos. Alertan de contagios infecciosos en nosocomios de Puebla. Por Jorge Hernández | Corresponsal                                      Puebla, Puebla.- A unos días de que José Antonio Martínez García fuera nombrado titular de la Secretaría de Salud por el gobernador Sergio Salomón Céspedes Peregrina, el especialista en…
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maquilanews · 1 year
Dona Gobierno Municipal equipo médico a Hospital General
Carmen Lilia Canturosas Villarreal, señaló que bajo la misma convicción de apoyar la salud de los neolaredenses, se han abierto las puertas de las Clínicas UNE, centros que otorgan servicios médicos a muy bajo costo.
NUEVO LAREDO, TAM.- En apoyo al Hospital General de Nuevo Laredo, el Gobierno Municipal realizó la entrega de equipamiento médico conformado por dos camillas de traslado y tres monitores de signos vitales, los cuales suman una inversión de 205 mil 793 pesos. Esta donación se reflejará una mayor cobertura médica con atenciones de calidad para los miles de neolaredenses que acuden a este…
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meamiiikiii · 4 months
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silly comic based on a time i struggled to read live on stream :thumbsup:
context clip compilation below ASDASDFASA
(cw for brief mention of hospitals/strokes)
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elmundotlax69 · 2 years
#Gobierno#LorenaCuellar#HospitalGeneral#Tlaxcala Analizará proyectos de remodelación o demolición tras observar diversas áreas La gobernadora Lorena Cuéllar Cisneros recorrió las instalaciones del antiguo Hospital General de Tlaxcala, a fin de conocer las condiciones en las que se encuentra la infraestructura del inmueble, después de que los servicios médicos se cambiaron a las nuevas…
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Nuevo hospital se enfocará en víctimas de violencia y accidentes automovilísticos
Janette De Los Reyes Tijuana, 21 de diciembre de 2022.- Tras el anuncio de que en enero comenzará la edificación de un Hospital General para la Zona Este de la ciudad, el secretario de Salud, José Medina Amarillas explicó que contará con un área de urgencias con especial atención a traumatología para atender a víctimas de la violencia y a lesionados en los constantes accidentes automovilísticos…
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metamatar · 11 months
November 11, 2023—Hospitals in Gaza have been under relentless bombardment over the past 24 hours. Al-Shifa Hospital complex, the biggest health facility where staff for Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontiéres (MSF) are still working, has been hit several times, including the maternity and outpatient departments, resulting in multiple deaths and injuries.
The hostilities around the hospital have not stopped. MSF teams and hundreds of patients are still inside Al-Shifa Hospital. MSF urgently reiterates its calls to stop the attacks against hospitals, for an immediate ceasefire, and for the protection of medical facilities, medical staff, and patients.
“We are being killed here, please do something," texted one of MSF's nurses from the basement of Al-Shifa Hospital this morning, where he and his family were sheltering from the incessant bombing. “Four or five families are sheltering now in the basement, the shelling is so close, my kids are crying and screaming in fear.”
"The situation in Al-Shifa is truly catastrophic," said Ann Taylor, MSF's Head of Mission in Palestine. "We call on the Israeli government to cease this unrelenting assault on Gaza’s health system. Our staff and patients are inside Al-Shifa Hospital, where the heavy bombing has not stopped since yesterday.” [...]
MSF denounces this death warrant on civilians currently trapped in Al-Shifa Hospital signed by the Israeli military. There needs to be an urgent and unconditional ceasefire between all warring parties; humanitarian aid must be supplied to the entirety of Gaza now.
At Al-Quds Hospital, MSF has lost contact with a surgeon who is working and sheltering there with his family. Other health facilities, including Al Rantisi Hospital, which MSF has also supported in the past, were reportedly surrounded by Israeli tanks.
(emphasis mine)
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draculovemp3 · 8 months
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“My will may be weak, but my back bone is strong— and pain-free, now that I’ve stopped using the cane.” Um OK..The world if house used mobility aids that weren’t just a cane on the wrong side…. (He would still suck he’d just suck while in a lil less pain❤️)
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shedontlovehuhself · 9 months
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He's just a baby, your honor.
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damnamour · 7 months
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12endigital · 5 months
El Hospital General Doctor Balmis de Alicante pone en marcha la primera sala de resonancia magnética para pacientes con claustrofobia
El Hospital General Doctor Balmis de Alicante pone en marcha la primera sala de resonancia magnética de la provincia para pacientes con claustrofobia. El centro sanitario ha renovado dos equipos y ha adquirido un tercero de última generación “idóneo” para el diagnóstico de patologías neurológicas, según ha informado la Generalitat en un comunicado. Así, ha señalado que este hospital ha finalizado…
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starflungwaddledee · 9 months
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some rather strong first impressions were made.
required reading for the magical "voice" headcanon and another for starstruck's signature in particular. asked by @trainerbob23 !
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sociedadnoticias · 1 year
Emite CNDH recomendación al ISSSTE por violaciones en Hospital General
Emite CNDH recomendación al ISSSTE por violaciones en Hospital General #PeriodismoParaTi #SociedadNoticias #BajaCalifornia #México #Sedena #CNDH @CNDH #derechoshumanos
CNDH emite recomendación al ISSSTE por violaciones a derechos humanos en Hospital General Por Gabriela Díaz | Reportera                                                        La Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos (CNDH) emitió la recomendación 52/2023 al Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado (ISSSTE) por violaciones a los derechos humanos a la…
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stil-lindigo · 7 months
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Safebow, led by raindovemodel over on instagram, is a grassroots team currently doing their best to evacuate almost 200 Palestinian individuals from Gaza.
To do this, they had to raise over $300,000 in a very short amount of time. Amazingly, they not only raised that amount, but surpassed it to the point that they'll now be able to buy prosthetics for the hospitals they work with.
However, Gofundme has thrown a spanner into the work by going completely silent and holding up over half of their funds.
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They are on a time crunch as they desperately try to recoup their money before the border closes. Please donate to their Paypal, Venmo or Zelle. Their window of success is genuinely a matter of days.
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popsicle-stick · 3 months
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pov the corpse you are doing an ill advised post mortem on just gets up and looks at you like this wyd
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