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famex · 2 months ago
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trailblczed · 4 months ago
About: Harpastum Toss!
Let's here your thoughts, Caelus! || No Longer Accepting.
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❛ Never knew how fun something as simple as tossing some balls at targets could be. Granted, those balls.. ya know... explode. Kind of adds to the enjoyment of it, in my opinion. ❜
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❛ I wonder if Sedene ever found out who the rascal was that sabotaged our game by chucking their balls onto our field.. I can't imagine it was intentional- or I hope it wasn't.
Either way- I had fun. I hope they enjoyed the game as well! If I recall, Sedene is some sort of.. law enforcer? So I imagine that they don't get time off frequently. ❜
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dukemeropide · 6 months ago
21. What kind of relationships do they tend to intentionally seek out versus actually cultivate? What kind of social contact do they prefer, and why?
Character Dev Questions | no longer accepting
One of Wriothesley's regrets is that he can't trust other people, which naturally impacts his ability to develop relationships. He understands this about himself well enough that he can articulate it in his voice lines, so I believe that he's pretty conscious of it. That is to say, his relationships are almost entirely professional and he prefers to keep them that way. There is value in networking, and you can see by the number of characters who know of him that he's prolific with his connections and reputation, but he views himself as a businessman first and foremost. Who you know can make all the difference in securing funds for a new project, or hiring some extra protection to deal with a rowdy gang of inmates, or even opening up unique avenues to limited resources, so he likes to keep a wide array of acquaintances. He isn't picky about what kinds of people he throws his lot in with though. Some wayward pickpocket could be just as useful to him one day as someone rich and socially powerful. Wriothesley is nothing if not resourceful.
While Wriothesley is amicable and easy to get along with, I do think there's a callousness to his use of relationships. In Navia's voice line about him, she says she's been told not to trust anything he says. Wriothesley implies that he has no qualms with cheating. And in in his character quest, he manipulates the Traveler to help him oust Dougier and his schemes. The game presents this trait in a, if not entirely positive, lighthearted way, but that's because the playable characters in Genshin are very rarely allowed to be anything but Good. Clorinde and Emilie's voice lines about him imply that there's likely shadier things afoot, so I do believe that Wriothesley toes the line of morality more often than not. Realistically, this is the only way someone would be able to gain power over a pseudo-meritocratic society of criminals and keep it.
Circling back to the question, I don't know if "cultivate" is really something Wriothesley does with relationships so much as "maintains." Sending gifts to business partners, for example, agreeing to favors, helping others out if it's within his power to do so, because he knows gestures like these go a long way in keeping yourself in someone else's good graces, even if you rarely speak. A few boxes of tea sent to a business partner on her daughter's birthday could become 500 tons of ore at a slashed rate. There is, however, no emotional investment in these relationships. As for social contact, Wriothesley as "the Duke" prefers very little. The mystery of his persona serves him quite well, so he avoids the spotlight and makes himself a limited commodity within the Fortress. The inmates there consider meeting with him to be on par with winning an audience with the king, after all. Without his title, although these situations are much more rare (and in fact he seems uncomfortable outside of the Fortress), he enjoys mundane pleasures. Picnicking with a friend. Enjoying the weather at a cafe. Talking over a pot of tea. It's these moments that one might find themselves likelier to pry a personal fact or two out of him, but he's still frustratingly difficult to get to know on a deeper level.
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wantedoni · 21 days ago
[RED ENVELOPES] A customized reddish envelope, decorated with stickers of Melusines. The lumpiness and semi-crumbled edges seems to indicate that it isn’t mora that’s pressed in, however…
“Hello, Monsieur!” Sedene trots up to another unsuspecting passerby, holding out another of her red…ish envelopes, this one decorated with stickers of little cakes and Fontanian pastries. “Here. Have a Happy Lantern Rite!”
It’s deposited into his hands, making a little tinkling sound, matching the strange lumpiness of the paper. She quickly leaves, seemingly still on her mission to hand off envelopes until she ran out.
Inside is a miniature of a toy commonly found at the Liyuan Toy shop, consisting of a small drum and two strings with bells attached.  
Itto stretches as he walks out of the restaurant, holding some paper in his hand. He walks with a confident air in his step. Finally! I got the statement and agreement from the suppliers to ship the ingredients to that new restaurant in Inazuma. That’s it for today. I’m done. I can't handle any more work. Shinobu will be so proud of me, I actually did a job properly for once. Maybe this will get her off my tail for a while… Before the oni could think more, a little being approaches him and dumps a red envelope into his hand, quickly moving along. Stun locked, the oni hesitates for a second before opening the envelope to find a miniature toy with a drum. 
This would be a perfect souvenir for the gang! But wait… why did that little one give me this? Oh no… is this a tradition? I can’t break a tradition my first time here!
Itto quickly hurries after Sedene and thoughtless hands her some papers he just-so-happened to be holding and sends her on her merry way with a smile and a wave. A few minutes later however, Itto realizes that he gave Sedene the papers he needed to bring back and begins frantically searching the crowded streets for the long gone melusine.
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aevitium · 22 days ago
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✧ ˖ @sedena asked:
[TEA TASTING] - Third-Round Knockout is once again bringing the new year on with plenty of new tea options for all those caffeinated connoisseurs that want to branch out. Including, for the first time in quite a while, specialty imports all the way from Natlan! “Haha, Miss Elysia, fancy seeing you here!” On her careful circling of the area, Sedene decided to stop by the tables by the road, yes, noticing a familiar figure seated at one of the round tables. Her head doesn’t quite go comfortably above the tabletop, so she climbs on top of a nearby chair for… much of the same result. “Have you tried any of the teas here? Does it say when the tea leaves were picked?”
"I should say the same to you~" Ego thinks to help the little lady, only to pause with her hand half outstretched and a fond hum. She is just capable herself, even if the result is still yet ideal.
And then, as though she had been waiting for someone to ask exactly that, hands clap together.
"I have, but- Oh, they don't say anything about the hour!" Palms fall to her chest as she sighs, shaking her head in utter dismay. "Really, I could have sworn people placed much more importance on these things!"
Such upset is forgotten almost as quickly as it arrives, gaze turning suddenly eager upon the other.
"Hmm! Why don't we see if we can guess? Let me get you a cup~♪"
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fanfaire · 24 days ago
[XINYUE KIOSK] - Back again, Xinyue Kiosk’s keeping up the competition, offering sweet treats, savory dishes, and even refreshing veggies for all those looking to share a snack.
Tea and Lotus Flower Crisps were not exactly the same as coffee and cake, no, but it would be a shame to travel all this way not to try the local specialties. It’s too bad that human tastes and her tastes weren’t exactly the same, and it would be a shame to only try the Lotus Flower Crisps when there were so many other choices on the menu.
Was that…?
Yes it was!
Sedene doesn’t call out, no, but she does hop down the steps and run after the former archon. “Lady Furina! Are you free right now? There’s a tea and sweets combo at Xinyue Kiosk right now, yes. It could be my treat!”
AT XINYUE KIOSK. . . ? she blinks, eyes all at once looking through and past the melusine that's come to speak to her to the haze of the previous year's memory: a luxuriously furnished, private banquet room ; a noisy horde of flashing kameras at the doorway, beseeching for " one glimpse " of the lady furina ; the duke of meropide's broad back barring the way ; and the hush of the maid, the door in the wall she'd scurried through.
the food they'd been packed and handed in a tidy bag, with no extra charge——made for couples.
"ahem! thank you for your kind invitation, sedene. ah, unfortunately, my presence at the kiosk would be somewhat inconvenient at the moment. . ." but the thought of a tea and sweets combo is too much of a shame to pass up, and a long belly of regret opens up inside her. she's hardly had much chance to sample liyue's desserts at all ; it seemed like they didn't place nearly as much emphasis on it as fontaine did. bicolored blues nearly drift in the direction of that distant establishment, longingly, as though wishing their event could come to her instead.
. . . in fact, why couldn't they?
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renewed with fresh inspiration, hands ball suddenly with enthusiasm in front of the melusine. "wait. i am capable of paying for myself, but. . . perhaps if you'd be willing to order and bring the sweets back here. . . ? i would be most appreciative. three servings of the almond tofu. . . no, that won't keep, will it. the sesame balls, then? two orders?" she is practically talking mostly to herself by now, deep in negotiations one can only thinly follow. "i have heard they braise a certain whole fruit in sugar——perhaps some of that as well. . . "
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huntersoath · 26 days ago
[RED ENVELOPES] A customized reddish envelope, decorated with stickers of Melusines. The lumpiness and semi-crumbled edges seems to indicate that it isn’t mora that’s pressed in, however… 
“Clorinde, here!” Burdened with a bag bursting with packaged red gifts, Sedene still seeks out the Champion Duelist first. Out of uniform, yet still as well-pressed, she waves before pulling out one envelope, this one purposefully marked with a neatly written name. “Happy Lantern Rite!”
The envelope is lumpy and barely sealed, and there are tell-tale signs of a mishap with glue in her attempts to decorate the entire thing. Should the duelist open it, she would find a woven luck charm inside, as per Liyue tradition- that, if one payed attention, matched the one that hung at the officer’s waist.
Large violet eyes blink up at Clorinde for her reaction.
It's impossible, truly, to keep a gentle smile from gracing her features when Sedene trots up to her so enthusiastically. Clorinde gingerly takes the envelope from her hands, as if it would shatter like it was made of glass-- such heartfelt gifts were always treasured, carefully placed in her quarters as a means of reminding herself of those that mattered to her. A proclamation to face every morning before donning her uniform and heading through the doorway: that no matter the cost, she swore to defend Fontaine on her honor as a Champion Duelist. Not only because it was her duty, but because it was her home. A home made whole by those that had welcomed her into their lives. "Ah, Sedene. You didn't have to do this," She chuckled lightly, gloved fingers running across the handwriting on the front of the envelope. "I appreciate it, truly. Let's see..." It's heartwarming to see the amount of care and effort put into even the tiniest details of this offering; she imagines that it's rather hard to do any sort of crafts without the same dexterity that human hands have, but regardless, it's just as beautiful to her as any piece of artwork would be. Prying it open, the charm inside rests in her palm and violet eyes widen slightly. Sure enough, her gaze flits down to the same design at Sedene's waist, and Clorinde can feel her heart squeeze with the fondness that strikes her in that moment. "Oh... this is beautiful. And you have the same one; that means that no matter what position I'm in, I'll have your strength pushing me onwards." Without hesitation, the Duelist quickly clips the charm onto her belt loop. She already knows the home it'll make on the inside of her cape, tucked away from any danger of being harmed-- and that it'll accompany her to every duel from this point forward, pressed close to her chest. "Thank you, Sedene. Shall we take in some of the festival sights together?"
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immovablewill · 28 days ago
[RED ENVELOPES] A customized reddish envelope, decorated with stickers of Melusines. The lumpiness and semi-crumbled edges seems to indicate that it isn’t mora that’s pressed in, however…
Hm, who else to give an envelope to… Even after running around the entire venue, Sedene’s bag was hardly lighter. Upon another scan, Sedene spots a stoic looking woman, walking amongst the crowds with purpose. 
Perfect for a gift, yes.
“Miss, happy Lantern Rite!” Trotting up to the side of the woman, Sedene shuffles through her bag and pulls out one of her many envelopes. On it, she has stuck various bubble stickers, complete with one sealing the envelope.
Inside, there are a few small bags of tea, said to be picked from Chenyu Vale.
⁀➴ LANTERN RITE 2025 !
It was easy to think the greeting wasn’t for her, but for someone else. She would have stepped aside and continued on her way, had the Melusine not held the red envelope out to her. An... odd gesture—why offer such a thing when they didn’t even know each other? Yet, the Melusine’s enthusiasm was unmistakable, and that sparkle of excitement in her eyes was enough to make Sara hesitate, not to mention the clear efforts made to personalize the envelopes...
In that case, rather than dismiss it, Sara knelt down on one knee—not in mockery of the Melusine’s height, but to meet her eyes. 
Sara had no red envelopes of her own to give in return, and truthfully, she’d never thought she’d be the one to receive one. Still, taking something without offering something back felt wrong... It wouldn't be much, but she unclipped a charm dangling from her sash, and, after a brief moment, accepted the red envelope, offering the charm in exchange.
“Happy Lantern Rite,” she greeted at last, a small smile on her lips. “It’s a protective charm from the Grand Narukami Shrine. May it serve you well.”
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wind-blumes · 28 days ago
[RED ENVELOPES] A customized reddish envelope, decorated with stickers of Melusines. The lumpiness and semi-crumbled edges seems to indicate that it isn’t mora that’s pressed in, however…
“Hello, Monsieur!” Melusine announces her presence as she skips up to the performer. Like a festive envoy, she pulls out an envelope from her bag, this one including stickers of various Fontainian wildflowers. “Happy Lantern Rite!”
True to its decor, the entire envelope seemed floral- even smelling faintly of Glaze Lilies and Violetgrass before Venti has a chance to even open it. Unlike the many other envelopes within her bag, this one seemed most suited to containing the gift inside, that of a few bags of potpourri made from Liyuan flowers.
"Why, thank you!"
Venti smiles at the Melusine and pockets the envelope. "Wait just a moment - I'll gift you something in return! Hm, let me see... aha!"
He rummages in his pockets and draws out a small bag of Dandelion Seeds. "Make a wish and release them to the wind, and the Anemo Archon will answer! At least, that's how the legend goes." He winks at Sedene. "Perhaps there's some truth to the story. Who knows? In any case, may the Anemo Archon bless you - and I wish you a happy Lantern Rite as well!"
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iustitians · 2 months ago
“Monsieur Neuvillette!” Sedene calls out as a greeting, knocking once on his office door. “Do you know what day it is?”
That is a rhetorical question, yes, as Sedene hopes that he does in fact remember that it is his birthday. If not, she will have to make sure that he remembers next year! 
“You’re going to be very busy today, yes, even if it doesn’t show on your calendar,” She walks up to his desk, papers in hand as always, though a few of them were of a far more lighthearted nature than usual. She places them in front of him, turning them to face him. In her somewhat unsteady handwriting, the first document is a specially signed coupon for one outing with yours truly. She had heard that human children enjoyed giving these to their parents, after all.
Unlike a human child, however, hers included an itinerary, with all the details already settled. “Happy birthday!”
"Ah. Is that so?"
In spite of the question he poses, it is clear from his smile that it is just as rhetorical as hers. Truthfully, it would not be all that unlikely for Neuvillette to indeed forget, or perhaps disregard would be the more appropriate word - the chance of this date actually being his birthday was minimal, and the only reason why he established it in the first place was social pressure and expectation. But as those around him gathered to celebrate it as though it were real - believing it to be real - a time came, eventually, when he grew to remember it on his own, without the need for reminders.
How much attachment he developed to it in a personal capacity is a matter he finds difficult to ascertain. No, it is not his birthday - but just how much does that, truthfully, matter?
Perhaps what matters the most on this day is not even how he feels, really. Perhaps what matters is the happiness it brings to those around him, because it is that exact happiness that is then reflected in his own heart like the surface of a serene lake, brightening his day, and turning this date into what it truly is.
That is what the true value of the gift Sedene presents to him is, as far as he is concerned.
He meets her expectant gaze with the warm smile of an appreciative parent as he looks up at her from the papers. "You've put a lot of thought and effort into it, haven't you? Alright, looks like I will leave the details in your hands. Lead the way, then."
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avcnturine · 3 months ago
“Monsieur Aventurine! Fancy seeing you here.” Sedene greets, nodding at a familiar face as she approaches, balancing a large stack of discarded costumes in her arms. “Are you looking to take part in the festivities? Act?”
“Pardon-” She sets down the costumes to approach him more easily, waving now that her hands were free, “There’s a lot we’ve set up for guests, yes, and I hope you enjoy it! It’ll be good for you to relax, I think.”
She pulls out one of the old costumes from the stack, holding it up for him to see. “What do you think? Some of them are a little rushed, yes, but they just need the right person to bring it to life!”
OH, ANOTHER SURPRISINGLY FAMILIAR FACE, he thinks, glancing down after a moment of searching the empty air behind him. looks like teyvat really was a small world. since arriving in the city, he'd been interested to see just how many of the little creatures——ah, melusines, so they're called——roam around perfectly at home among the usual kinds of people. he's still not entirely sure what they are. . . some sort of human hybrid? something amphibious from the water? every planet had its share of mysteries.
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"officer sedene, was it?" he pulls the name out of nowhere ; truth be told, until just a minute ago, he'd forgotten about it entirely. but a quick memory's served him in more ways than one over the years, and recalling details is just one of the tricks of the underdog's trade. after all, it's clear he'd made an impression.
"mmm. . ." he seems the consider the idea as she moves around, setting down a hefty bundle of costumes, then digging through them with enthusiasm, until he's made all the gestures of giving it fitting thought. "not exactly acting. unfortunate——i've never been much good at the stage. maybe it's because i prefer things more straightforward." a smile.
"but relaxing. now that sounds like a better idea." vocal lilt lifts into a pleasant warmth, and his eyes shimmer with grace and gratitude. "it looks like there's no shortage of things to do in fontaine. i'm looking forward to enjoying everything you've prepared."
"as for this costume. . ." the new consideration already speaks to his reluctance. a dress-up now and then? not unwarranted. but only on his own terms. he'd done enough to deserve that at least, hadn't he? anyway, fontaine was a stage for bigger actors than him, more suited for the maritime limelight. he'd be ungracious to take it from them.
after all, he's just a visitor.
"i'll consider it. but for now, i might know just the person to fit. you wouldn't happen to have heard of the astral express, would you. . . "
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famex · 6 months ago
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trailblczed · 24 days ago
[GIANT JENGA] - While not necessarily a Liyue classic, a recent uptick amongst the younger generation has brought this classic game to the port, and with blocks bigger than ever! Will you best your friend, or will all the pieces come crumbling down?
“Think we’ll have better luck in this?” Better luck, of course, meaning that the tower would not fall on either of them, yes, as it was a two player game. Or perhaps better luck meant that there would be a victor! Either way, Sedene already began tapping away at one of the blocks, causing the whole tower to shake. She does manage to successfully extract it, but not without a great amount of disturbance. “Your turn!”
Caelus laughs as he smiles so wide it hurts his face. "Luck"? What kinda gacha nonsense will they get this time? Granted, the Harpastum duo are now fighting against each other- but that doesn't mean another saboteur couldn't make a reappearance and ruin the whole thing... or rig it.
❛ I suppose there really is only way one to find out, huh? May your pulls be blessed by RNGeezus. ❜
With a goofy thumbs up, the lad starts his turn by inspecting the whole of the structure. He got a decent understanding of the game ( mainly by watching others ) so he tries to look out for a few quirks on each block to see what might work best in his favor.
When he finds one that fits his criteria ( no don't even ask him what those are, because he doesn't know himself really ), the silver slowly pushes a piece out just enough for him to be able to move to the other side and pull the piece out. The tower gives another small wobble. But ultimately, Caelus is successful.
Now, call Caelus many things, but he is not a cheater or dishonorable. He knows that being two or three times little Sedene's height is not fair in the slightest- and he quickly comes up with a solution to his own problem. With practiced ease, Caelus swoops up next to the Melusine, gently wedging his hands under their arms to lift them up before resting her against his side while keeping an arm tucked up under her to keep her steady against him.
The gesture is by no means meant to poke fun at or insult the lass, but it is something Caelus has almost a natural instinct to do now thanks to all his time playing and talking to the Moles and other children he's met throughout his Trailblazing journey. It was a nice way to bond and express a sort of affection between him and the Moles, so of course it's something that Caelus would naturally do with Sedene, the Melusine he's formed a connection with after playing multiple games and done random things together.
The silver just smiles warmly as he takes slow steps to gradually circle the tower, making sure he's giving time for her to inspect each block.
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❛ As it is your turn- Do you see any good ones you want to take? ❜
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dellarosula · 4 months ago
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╰ ✧ ˖ @sedena asked:
[COSTUME RACK] “Miss Navia, Miss Navia!” The street was teeming with costumes for acting, or simply to wear on the street for the fun of it, and numerous stands and shops were opened for this just for the day! In them, an endless supply of human-sized dresses from centuries-past, and even from other countries- Sedene couldn't wear them, no, but even she wanted to see what the dresses looked like worn. “Do you have a moment?” Sedene tugs on the hem of one of her favorite dresses, that to her, was a beautiful array of colors, laces, and layers. “Can you wear this for a second? I want to see what it looks like on a human…”
"Hm? Oh, Miss Sedene! I believe I just might."
Navia comes to a halt just behind the Melusine, eager eyes wide as she anticipates the inquiry. They flit from costume to costume, overwhelmed by the sheer number of colors and patterns crammed together for display, and pause abruptly on the one Sedene has selected.
"Why, of course!" Voice bubbling with warm laughter, she ducks her head in a dutiful nod. "Allow me just a moment."
It's a quick enough process, what with her experience in elaborate dress on a regular day. Hanger plucked from the rack and curtain drawn within the nearest shop's row of dressing rooms, Navia makes relatively easy work of the dress and its many intricacies. With a hum at her reflection in the mirror, she decides she is ready.
"Alright, I'm done! Are you ready?"
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For the dramatics ( of course ) she pauses a moment before throwing the curtain wide and stepping out for Sedene's inspection. A slow, thorough turn with arms half-raised so that she may display the attire in full.
"Well then, what do you think?"
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spicehill · 5 months ago
About: Sedene!
Send me “About [NAME]” for my character’s thoughts on another character! - accepting!
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"ah, miss sedene...? I couldn't exactly tell what she was when we met, but I do recall that her way of speaking struck me as particularly unique, and her stature was quite petite. it was thanks to her, miss navia, and miss march that I made it back home safely after ending up... wherever it was that we met one another," he pauses as though considering something, then continues. "hm... that truly was such a strange occurrence, you know. my companions thought I had been kidnapped... I still need to invite her and the other fine young ladies I encountered over for dinner sometime. it'd be a shame to not make good on the offer to do so together, and I'm sure the general and moze would appreciate meeting them, too."
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balemouns · 5 months ago
About Sedene : temple of betrayal
Send me “About [NAME]” for my character’s thoughts on another character! - no longer accepting!
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"what is there to say about the little officer sedene? before finding lyney and myself with her in the temple of betrayal, I had only really seen in her passing around the court of fontaine. she possesses a... unique perspective in investigations, doubtlessly honed through her many years of experience working under the iudex. it was good she was there with us, I think... though I would be hard-pressed to say I'd like to meet her again by happenstance, considering all her eyes can see."
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