#Horned Serpent
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exoaltvisuals · 1 year ago
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The Horned Serpent: a Monument Mythos fanart
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l-egionaire · 1 year ago
You know what? I'm bored, and I've got some ideas, so here are my Ilvermony headcanons.
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The separate houses are treated as little more than an aesthetic difference by the students. While there might be rivalries and prank wars between the houses, it never gets to the levels of near discrimination that it gets to at Hogwarts. The students all just consider themselves students of the same school and members of the houses intermingle and hang out with each other all the time. They're even allowed to be in each other's dorms for limited amounts of time each day. The teachers encourage it as they often say that each house represents a part of what every great wizard needs, and coming together helps bring them all together towards the ideal wizard.
It's not uncommon for there to be students from other countries who don't speak English perfectly. Thankfully, there are charms to help translate their speech for the teacher, and the only part of their work that needs to be spoken English are their incantations. Though some might still ask for help in getting the pronunciation correct.
The dining hall students eat in is vastly different from Hogwarts's Great Hall, being a large room with mahogany walls filled with multiple circular tables covered in red tablecloths with gold trim and set with silver untensils, fine blue China plates, and crystal glasses. In the center of the room is a vast roaring fireplace with a picture of the Sayre family overtop of it. During feasts, the Pukwudgies bring out platters and pitchers of food and drink that stay magically hot and cold until the students serve themselves from them. Students are allowed to sit at whatever table they please, and the staff eat at a massive table in the middle of all the others.
The dorms are just different buildings of the castle that have five floors of T-shaped hallways with long red and gold rugs bearing the houses symbol. Along the walls of each hallways are dorm rooms for each years students. Students are assigned two each to a dorm, with their roommates's names being included with the letters they receive at the start of each new year. Roommates can't be changed unless two students agree to trade with each other. The dorms all have two large half poster beds with red and gold sheets and blankets, the blankets also carrying their houses symbol and pillows with blue pillow cases. There's also two desks, half dressers, wardrobes, and a set of three shelves above the dressers on both sides (the rooms are enhanced with expansion charms to give them extra space). The halls for younger students all have a dorm manager in them, an older student who was chosen to sleep on their floor to act as a chaperone and disciplinary figure to the students.
The students get to the school by way of multiple magical single decker busses that all arrive at Rockfeller Center in New York. They drive for around an hour before making a stop at a magically hidden pit stop where the students can get snacks, drinks and use the bathroom before the rest of the journey.
Thanksgivings at Ilvermony are always huge. The decorations include fall leaves that flutter and blow themselves through the halls, realistic turkey figures that jump around and gobble, and in the center of each dining room table is a red and gold hat that plays music. Each table gets its own turkey to carve (any leftovers are served over the next few days as sandwiches) along with boats of gravy and cranberry sauce, bowls of corn, mashed potatoes and carrots. And for dessert, a veritable buffet of pies, including Ilvermony's famous cranberry pie, the recipe said to have been invented by Isolt Sayre herself.
Any students without a wand before coming to school is allowed to select one from the hall of wands just past the sorting room. The hall holds hundreds of wands stacked inside their case along the walls. The room holds both wands so new they were just ordered yesterday and so old they were created at the very start of the school. After each sorting ceremony, the head of the school helps each first year's find a wand that "chooses" them, a process that can take up to an hour at most. It's also heavily guarded at all times by both a pair of heavily armed, muscular Pukwudgies and a rotating member of the staff as it's a prime target for thievery either by students or dark wizards.
Ilvermorny boasts a massive roaster of international magical studies electives. In each one, students can study the government, magical creatures, and magical history of the country of their choosing. Some even go on summer trips to those countries to further their studies.
Rather than O.W.L.s, Ilvermorny students takes the W.I.T. or Wizarding Intuition Tests, something similar to an SAT tests. The tests are taken twice, once during sixth year and once during seventh year for each class the students take, and the combined scores of each year are added together, and that average becomes their score. The better the score in certain subjects, the more job opportunities the students have.
To receive mail, students go to the mail room in a tall tower at the southern side of the castle where every owl goes to bring packages and letters for their deliveriees to receive. The mail room is student run and students are selected at random to do the job.
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unfriendlymollusk · 7 months ago
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To celebrate getting caught up again, I present:
"Three Slytherin witches and a cat doing charms revisions."
Livius is also here but only for the body heat.
Inspired by Certain Dark Things by rentachi on AO3
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dailyweezer · 2 years ago
fgkuin. monument mythos. as webser.
Day 201: Monument Mythos
(I gave it my best shot)
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official-ilvermorny · 3 months ago
Tarot and the Ilvermorny Houses
In recent years, I have learned more about Divination, the art of looking into hidden parts of the past, present, and future using one’s own inner eye guided by certain magical tools. Throughout my studies, I have come to realize that there are certain parallels that can be drawn between the suits of the minor arcana in Tarot and the houses at Ilvermorny. Each of the suits – Coins, Swords, Cups, and Wands – is often associated with a different area of life, much like the four individual “parts” of a magic user often associated with each Ilvermorny House. It is from this approach that this essay will attempt to further explore the nuances of the Ilvermorny Houses and their admittees.
Wampus — Coins
Wampus is known as the House of the Body, and the tarot suit of Coins is associated with the physical realm. The Coins deal primarily with finances, work, physical health, and anything that may belong to the realm of the five senses – what we can touch and hold. Thus, if this exploration holds any merit, we may see Wampuses grounded in the physical world, concerned primarily with what is happening in real time, what they can control or influence with their direct action.
The House of the Warrior may at first glance seem tied to the classical element of fire, but instead, think of the Tarot’s way of aligning Coins with elemental Earth. After all, a warrior is perhaps the most likely to be grounded in the physical realm as one who enacts changes in their world through their physical actions. In addition, much of the imagery in the Coins represents the agricultural cycle – planting, tending, and harvesting one’s crops. Similarly, Wampuses may view the world as a fertile landscape from which abundance may spring forth with the right tools and their own hard work. This suit also contains a warning not to get too caught up in what you can perceive with your bodily senses that you fail to remember that there are things beyond that which you can see.
With this interpretation, Wampus may lend itself to literal fighting and farming, but also to nature, activism, business, public safety, law, skilled crafts, athletics — fields where people understand the value of getting their hands dirty when necessary.
Horned Serpent — Swords
It is said that Horned Serpent is the House of Scholars and the Mind, and Swords are no different — this suit represents thoughts, ideals, and rationality. Its imagery represents a mind constantly at work, healthiest when it allows itself time for rest but prone to overactivity which may lead to restlessness and anxiety. So too may Horned Serpents find themselves capable of great feats of the mind, so long as they care for themselves by allowing themselves time for recovery and rejuvenation.
Swords also represent the element of Air. This may seem counterintuitive considering the Horned Serpent is a water-dwelling creature; however, may it be remembered that Air represents not only thought but (perhaps more importantly) communication, the air that passes out of our lungs to give us voice. What drew Isolt Sayre most to the Horned Serpent was its ability to communicate with her. So too we may find those sorted into Horned Serpent House to be interested in communication, the conveyance of one’s ideas and thoughts to others through verbal, written, or visual means.
As such, we will find Horned Serpents among top academics, including theorists, historians, and other scientists, not to mention those among the greatest of communicators, such as writers, orators, politicians, linguists, and actors.
Pukwudgie — Cups
The suit of emotions and intuition seems quite fitting for the House of the Heart. Emotions are our inner reactions to what may be happening in the outer world; they are a bridge between the two realms. This is also represented in the Cups’ relation to intuition — humanity’s innate ability to understand the world around us to some level without the need for conscious thought. The Cups’ imagery is at times the most fantastical of the suits, and the subjects are sometimes depicted doing something seemingly illogical, taking a leap of faith in hopes for better things to come. Pukwudgie is also the House of Healers, which makes great sense when one considers that all wellbeing is deeply connected; when one’s emotional health is poor, their physical health will be adversely affected, and vice versa.
The Cups also represent relationships and interconnectedness of every kind through their connection to the element of Water (after all, Water is necessary for every form of life on earth, and touches sea, earth, and sky in its ever-turning cycle, bridging the gap between the three worlds). The imagery of the Cups represents how our innermost feelings and intuition may affect our bonds with those around us — romance, friendships, family, and other partnerships. This also expands beyond inter-human relationships to our bond with the Earth itself.
It should be no surprise, then, to see Pukwudgies in every area focused on relationships, intuition, and mending broken things — healthcare, psychology, counseling, environmentalism, spirituality, hospitality, and diplomacy.
Thunderbird — Wands
The suit of Wands is the suit of passion and creativity, perfect for the House of Adventurers and the Soul. One may notice that much of its imagery revolves around merchants and fighters, which could be seen as the purview of Wampus; however, one must also remember that Thunderbirds above all else are those who take risks and set off to new places in search of excitement and adventure. Thunderbirds often feel a strong need for novelty, movement, progress, and expansion.
Wands also represent the element of Fire — interesting, perhaps, for a house whose mascot spends so much of its time in the air; on the other hand, what is lightning if not fire flashing in a storm? The Soul is complex and individualistic, and it desires to be known and to make itself known; there is a flame inside that demands to be let out so that it may shine. Thunderbirds often cannot help but try to make their mark on the world, whether for good or ill. The imagery of Wands is a reminder that fire can bring warmth and safety as well as chaos and pain. Strike a match and guide it to where it should go, and you bring light and life to even the most desperate; lose control, and you and those you love will get burned.
So, Thunderbirds may find themselves leaning towards fields in which they can best make a difference, make their mark, or find the necessary dynamism: the arts, teaching, activism, philosophy, entrepreneurship, innovation, and exploration.
Final Thoughts
As the reader may have noticed, there is overlap and nuance in what I have just described, as humans cannot be divided into neat boxes. Any vocation will find a strong foothold in any house. For example, a politician should be a scholar of philosophy and history, but they should also desire to heal people through the policies they write and support. A dancer certainly has great passion and creativity, but they are also grounded in their own body and the physical world around them.
There is something to be said too, about the interconnectedness of the Houses, the Tarot, and the wholeness of a human. Just as every House has overlap with all the others, every suit of the Tarot will bleed into the other suits, and every person has a body, mind, heart, and soul. We may tend to gravitate towards one part of ourselves, but we should not do so at the expense of the others.
Above all, remember the motto of Ilvermorny School: “As a family, united we stand.” Each member of the family is unique, and together we are stronger than we could ever be apart. Grow into who you are, and find the people who will support and uplift you and have strengths where you may not, and work together to make the world a better place.
~ Selwyn
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gigislandofrandom · 3 months ago
Ilvermorny Headcanons from an American
While Ilvermorny has a pretty decent Quidditch team, there is another sport for which they are less well-known for: ice hockey. I mean, come on, they���re on a mountain in the middle of Massachusetts, how can you NOT have hockey?
Members of Pukwudgie House in particular are absolutely VICIOUS when it comes to hockey. You wouldn’t think it, since they’re meant to be the healing house, but they are. Even Wampus is scared to DEATH of facing them off, and many Pukwudgies spend more time in the penalty box than on the ice.
Students from the wonderful state of Louisiana are NOT to be messed with. Some ignorant Southern boy tries to start some racist crap? A Karen even thinks about calling the cops on some poor kids for no reason at all? Voodoo can and will be used, and they’ll be left for gator food in the middle of the bayou before they know it.
Speaking of voodoo, Madame Laveau was a student, was offered a place in all four houses, and chose Pukwudgie. No, I am not taking any questions.
At class reunions, each state puts on their own talent/art/musical act, which is then judged in a contest by the teachers. New York, California, and Tennessee nearly always win.
Native American students do very well in Herbology and Potions, and medicine men and women are very well-respected in Native American wizarding culture.
There was only one attempt made by Hogwarts to visit Ilvermorny…which was made in 1812. Chaos ensued, many curses were thrown, and the only reason why people didn’t die was because even through the castle’s enchantments, Muggles began noticing that something was happening up on Mt. Greylock, and both sides had to back down.
Beauxbatons, however, were and still are, very friendly with Ilvermorny, and it was said that Lafayette, himself a former student at Beauxbatons, even studied there for a few months before the Revolutionary War kicked into action.
As for Durmstrang…McCarthyism. Red Scare. Need I say more?
Feel free to add on!
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loganparker · 1 year ago
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Ilvernmorny School Witchcraft and Wizardry
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phantom-the-spookyboi · 2 years ago
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My many Monument Mythos and Nixonverse fanarts. I fucking love this series so much you have no idea.
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capriddle · 1 year ago
It's true, Bellatrix and Voldemort both ended up in Slytherin at Hogwarts, but I don't think that at Ilvermorny (an American school of witchcraft and wizardry founded by a descendant of Slytherin herself) they would have ended up together again. According to what we were told by J.K.Rowling I would place Bellatrix in Wampus (the home of warriors) and Tom Riddle in Horned Serpent (the home of scholars).
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junebugspray · 1 year ago
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on my bullshit once more… mythos doodles
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thegreatwicked · 1 year ago
Ok, so I have an idea... Yes, it's another WIP but hear me out!
I think Charlie Weasely is probably... how do you say? Smoking hot. And I'm pretty sure he rocks a man bun, so I was recently challenged to write a love interest for him so I made a character but being as I am SWAMPED with stories, I just need to know if anyone would be interested in this story aside from moi. So here's a little something I made up... I might write it anyway though. Lord, I have NEVER delved into the HP fandom before...
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In the aftermath of the Second Wizarding War, Charlie Weasley, the recluse of the Weasley family, delves into dragon rehabilitation in Romania. Renowned for his inclination toward dragons rather than people, he temporarily sets aside his parents' hopes of him settling down, seeking solace amidst his scaly companions.
Despite his intimate connection with the creatures, Charlie and his colleagues encounter an unprecedented challenge – dragons so deeply scarred by the war that the prospect of healing appears bleak. Relief comes from overseas in the form of Océane Laveau, an American witch possessing a natural talent for soothing magical creatures, aligning seamlessly with Charlie's own abilities. The dynamics of his secluded world undergo a transformation as Océane arrives, bringing her distinctive New Orleans drawl and voodoo-rich roots, injecting a new essence into the Romanian landscape.
As they collaborate to mend the wounds of the traumatized dragons, a profound connection blossoms. The dragons, renowned for their lifelong bonds, reflect the growing ties between the two humans committed to comprehending and mending them.
Amid the fiery journey of dragon rehabilitation, will Charlie and Océane recognize that their own sparks might be as undeniable as those illuminating the majestic creatures under their care?
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jothestupid · 7 months ago
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i saw this and verbally said "the horned serpant" in fallout 4 am i cooked? (ik i just posted one abt the monument monster and disney world but i need to mythospost so yeah)
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gloria5413 · 1 year ago
MY Least Favorite stereotypes of the Ilvermorny Houses
I don’t like the idea that they carry around med-kits. That just stereotypes them way too much. It feels like it’s the older Pukwudgies giving tips to younger students on what herbs, teas, healing spells. Older students would also help with mental health exercises and how to deal with different triggers. Not all healers have to be in the medical field, maybe they are good at emotional healing, helping other students with their mental health because they understand their own mental struggles. It could be small things like reminding their friends to eat, take a break, drink some water. They are probably better emotionally healing because their house represents the heart. But just because they represent the heart doesn’t mean they won’t beat down anyone who threatens their loved ones. Ruled by the heart they follow emotion/feelings more than logic. They are protective, might have anger issues, and might even have a self-defensive or fight club. They probably know the signs of someone who is suicidal or on the verge of having a mental breakdown.
Most people think of them as the big dumb jocks who hit first and ask questions later, but this is not the case. The stereotype is that you might envision them with huge muscle and amazing at athletics. As J.K Rowling stated Jacob would be in the wampus house. Even though he is chubby, pudgy, not the fastest or the strongest. To be a warrior you need to be brave, but being brave doesn’t mean having no fears. They get knocked down all the time, and even though they are tired they keep trying. Because sometimes you fight not because you think you can win, but because you need to be able to look back later and say that you fought, and that you tried. There are different ways you can be a warrior; it doesn’t always mean you’re in combat. Sometimes being a warrior means to fight against your own doubts, insecurities, and demons that plague your soul.  
Their whole stereotype is that they are restless wanderers, always looking for the next adventure to fulfill their high. But having the soul of an adventure can be interpreted in many ways. For most thunderbirds it can be trying out a new coffee shop down the street, doing to a local food festival within their own town. It doesn’t always have to mean you’re traveling across the world, spending money to do extravagant things. It could just be taking baby steps to expand their introverted lifestyle. It means having the simple courage to try new things and be open to new experiences. They are more like daydreamers who encourage each other to try different things without breaking boundaries. Thunderbirds are very Intune with their emotions are likely to trust their gut/intuition which leads to them exploring a different way of doing things. Many have the mindset to take what resonates and to leave the rest.  
Horned Serpent:
Since their house favors scholars many think they are just stuck-up book worms which further from the case. They may not necessarily be studious, but they love to learn. Some of them might have some learning difficulties such (ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, math dyslexia). Others gifted burnout kids that still get great grades because they can hack the tests and guess well. Some of them might love learning but hate school because it adds unnecessary stress to their mental health. But they are eager to learn about different places, ideas, aspects and concepts. They want to learn by real world applications more than books, they want the freedom to make mistakes and instead of getting penalized they are able to learn and grow as a person, that way they can pass on their knowledge to others. Being a horned serpent, they are most likely to also be street smart as well as book smart and by Combining the two it helps them and those around them succeed.
Written by Gloria.T.P
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stalegravyart · 2 years ago
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little morning nixonverse doodle i made :]
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kind-hufflepuff · 9 months ago
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artmctalon · 2 months ago
Stollenwurm Sketch
Something I doodled in Photoshop at the public library earlier this year, loosely based on the Stollenwurm (aka Tatzelwurm) of European folklore.
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