nettleclanstale · 4 months
Moon 88
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Additionally, Aloeleaf and Kestrelfire become warriors...While Hoppaw becomes an apprentice.
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sodaclanandco · 5 months
Part 5
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elementclangen · 20 hours
Moon 291-Greenleaf
Skykit (3) has always been a bit jumpy, especially with her wind-blessing allowing her to jump extra high.  Now, Pebbletuft (24) has determined that it’s actually partially due to the fact that cats have been approaching her on her bad side.  She was born with one bad eye and no one picked up on it until now.  Also in the nursery, Kestrelcreek (80) is not healing from giving birth as well as Lakepelt (99) had hoped she would.  It’s a little worrying, considering that the last cat to give birth in the Clan, Whorlstem, died from it.  Kestrelcreek doesn’t want to leave her kits and mate (and Brightmouse-66).  Before she realized that she had an infected wound, Kestrelcreek was having a fun time playing with Brightmouse.  They might have to postpone that, now.  With Kestrelcreek not feeling great, Almondback (62) spends some time with the kits and tells jokes about the other Clans to Rimekit (2).  Cherviljumble (96) is impressed with how well the Ground and Sky kits are doing (that’s what I’m calling them now).  The four of them don’t have a parent in the nursery, and Petalkit (3) has been really brave about telling his siblings to give the younger kits some space.  Basalkit (3) is missing having an adult around to cuddle with.  Sweet Marmalade (76)  is just so fluffy and he just wants to cuddle.  Peatkit (3) works together with Basaltkit to sneak into the warriors den to surprise Sweet Marmalade.  With Downgaze (72) out of the healer’s den, he and Alderflight (47) are taking some time together.  They go on a ‘training’ patrol and have a great time racing each other through the woods.  Meanwhile, Dawnfreckle (74) and Burdockpaw (7) continue to not get along.  Dawnfreckle thinks she’s annoying and wishes that she would just do what he asks without trying to undermine him.   Copperpaw (7) feels like Hoppaw (9) has been acting stuck up and rude lately.  Just because she’s a mediator, doesn’t mean she’s better than all of them!  Echopaw (9) really likes spending time with his older sister, Hatchswipe (36).  It’s a good way to get information.  He keeps asking why.  Why do they catch prey like that?  Why are the days getting longer?  Why is there a strange cat talking to him in his dreams?  Hatchswipe doesn’t have an answer for most of them, and is a little worried about the ‘strange cat’.  Creekstar (145) has also been having strange dreams.  She’s worried that it’s Yuccawillow trying to reach her from the Dark Forest.  It’s actually Echomoor, who has decided that the time for silence about Auburnpaw’s death is over.  He hopes to be able to reach either Creekstar or Echopaw soon.  
Healer’s Den: Kestrelcreek (infection after birth), Aries (running nose), Sofanthiel (small cut), Emberpaw (small cut)
Cherviljumble now has constant joint pain, Skykit was born with one bad eye
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ask-tawnyfeather-au · 2 years
What is squirrelcrow kits opinion on lovely dovey as well?
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Crow and Squirrel aren’t very openly romantic with one another. Crowrunner has a subtle love language and Squirrelflight can respect that. Daisy though loves to assure Squirrel that she is loved unconditionally
Cricketpaw couldn’t care less if his parents are lovey dovey or not, so it doesn’t bug him
Hoppaw has a little future in his head, and a mate is something he’d like in the future. So seeing his parents be all affectionate bring out the little daydreamer in him
Talonpaw likes seeing his parents happy together, though he doesn’t quite understand that sometimes they all wanna be alone. He’ll see Daisy and Squirrel cuddling and worm his way in without asking
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debisco · 2 years
DeBisco - Liberation (2021)
Genre: Hands Up
Set yourself free with "Liberation", a high-energy hands up anthem inspired by the likes of Cascada, Rob Mayth and Ryu☆!
Support the release on Bandcamp ✨
As featured in BoomBox and OpenTaiko!
Also available as a custom Beat Saber map! Huge shoutout to Hoppaw and the rest of the Beat Saber modding community 💖
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Dark Forest Resident: Hoppaw
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Aliases / Nicknames: Stumpy, Threeleg,
Gender: trans mollie
Sexuality: bisexual
Family: unnamed biological mother, unnamed biological father, Almondsnow (adoptive mother), Daisypatch (adoptive father)
Other Relations: Silvervine (mentor)
Clan: Cliffclan
Rank: apprentice
Characteristics: targets her bullies in fits of anger, missing right foreleg, has anger issues
Number of Victims: 4
Number of Murders: 1
Murder Method: pushing off cliff
Known Victims: Burrpaw, Snowpaw, Pikapaw, Hawkpaw
Victim Profile: bullies
Cause of Death: blunt force trauma, fell off cliff
Cautionary Tale: ??
She couldn’t help being born with three paws instead of four. The medicine cat had told her that when she was a kit, Starclan had tried to take all of her, but only managed to take one leg.
She didn’t know her real parents either, which stung when she was surrounded by kits born from loving polys.
These things made her different. An easy target for bullies.
and it only got worse when Fawnstar’s second litter became apprentices.
They were--put plainly--royal pains.
Pikapaw was like their parent, snippy, loud, and overly reactive.
His siblings followed his example, and they all mimicked her at some point.
They picked on her during sparring, making sure to target the side where she couldn’t defend.
She made up for her missing leg with viciousness, getting meaner to mask how much it hurt.
Her mentor, Silvervine, tried to speak gently with her in the hopes that it would settle in her heart, but it was no use.
It came to a head one day on the cliffs, when Pikapaw had joked about her being named “Threeleg.”
She had had enough, and rushed the group, though she only managed to hit Pikapaw, shoving them both over the edge.
Additional Information:
--Submission by @ambitiousauthor​
--She swears like a sailor.
-She gets adopted in the DF by Bristleblaze and Avery.
-Her family’s names came from Clangen.
--Colour wise, she’s a flame point
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fanclangen · 2 years
Update 3
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-Pythonpaw is given her warrior name, Pythonclaw
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-Gravelpaw is given her warrior name, Gravelwhisker.
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-Harvestbite asks to join the clan, offering his healing skills in exchange for a home. Both Jasperstar and Slitjaw agree to let him join. Harvestbite enters the clan with his two kits, Hopekit and Mitekit.
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-Hopkit joins the clan with her father, Harvestbite.
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-Mitekit joins the clan with her father, Harvestbite.
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-While Harvestbite and Slitjaw are out on patrol they find Canaryheart and his two kits, Glowkit and Lostkit, in a bush. The two medicine cats approach Jasperstar, asking to let him and his kits join. Jasperstar agrees.
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-Glowkit joins the clan with his father, Canaryheart.
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-Lostkit joins the clan with her father, Canaryheart.
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leafpoolstanblog · 9 months
Gullswoop and Frondwhisker graduate.
Flaxpaw, Hoppaw, Shadowpaw, Pouncepaw, Lightpaw, and Spirepaw are apprenticed to Sleekwhisker, Puddleshine, Dawnpelt, Marshstar, Yarrowleaf, and Lioneye.
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cinder-clan · 2 years
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Hoppaw has become Hopfur!
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chronically-unlucky · 2 months
Heatherstar what the fuck
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theanoninyourinbox · 8 months
Before Fire Prophecy
Talltail seeks to kill the Loner that he believes killed his father.  With the help of a kittypet named Jake, he finds the strength to forgive, and instead saves Sparrow from the Monster, and returns to Windclan with new determination in his heart and a dear…friend…that he leaves behind.  It is with this new spirit that he protests the renaming of Hopkit, and he stays Hoppaw.  The two remain close friends throughout their lives.
In Riverclan, Stormkit is renamed Crookedkit, but Rainflower is also renamed – Rottenflower.  Crookedkit’s name is given as a sign of survival, and Rottenflower’s as a sign of her true heart.  Crookedkit still leaves for a time, still is haunted by the Geist Mapleshade, but with his head a little higher and heart a little clearer.
Tiny is playing on an old stump when the Thunderclan Patrol finds him, and Thistleclaw orders Tigerpaw to attack.  Bluefur intercedes, and the heavily injured kitten is brought back to camp to be treated.  Sunstar decides to keep the poor little thing, and Frostkit is semi-adopted by Bluefur. 
Yellowfang is about to bury Hopekit and Wishkit when the sounds and smells of Twolegs alert her.  She knows they will try to take her and her remaining kit, so she grabs Brokenkit and runs.  The twoleg, stretching their legs after a long car ride, finds the two kittens and sees signs of life in the little tortie.  They rush the cold kitten to a vet, and with time and effort, little Nutmeg thrives. 
As Frostkit heals, a moons-long process, he makes friends with Spottedpaw and Whitepaw.  Eventually he notices that Thistleclaw keeps trying to get Spottedpaw alone, and with the help of Thrushpelt, discovers the horrible truth.  Thistleclaw is dragged before the clan, and with Spottedpaw’s testimony, the Traitor is banished from the clans permanently.  Spottedpaw becomes a Healer apprentice, and Thrushpelt begins to mentor Frostpaw.
Nutmeg eventually is introduced to a handsome orange tabby named Jake, and falls in love.  He breaks her heart by leaving when she’s due to give birth, and swears to take care of her beloved bundles of joy by herself.
Raggedstar lies dying, with his daughter Brokentail laughing as she cleans the blood from her paws, and realizes the enormous mistake he made with the way he raised her.  He dies, and watches as Brokentail receives her lives from the Dark Forest. Watches her kill kits.  Watches her banish her own mother.  What has he done?
Longpaw is mentored by Frostfoot, making an unusual pair.  Longpaw is eventually named Longtail, and wonders what his future holds for him.  He does not see the starry crown behind his head, ethereal and light as a dream.
Bluestar and Spottedleaf sit together on a hillside, Leader and Oracle Healer, and a pair of stars fall burning from the sky.  Fire Will Save The Clans.
The Long Ballad of Fire and Flames
Rusty the kittypet has yet another strange dream, of a red-tailed bird falling from a rainy sky.  He and his friend Smudge discuss the happenings around the neighborhood.  Princess, Rusty’s sister, forbids Rusty from going to the forest by himself.  Later that night, Rusty tries to catch a mouse on the border and gets tackled by a gray tabby, who is impressed when Rusty flings him off.  After meeting his mentor Lionheart, Rusty agrees to meet them the next morning, to see the Clan.  Rusty tells Princess about this.
The next morning, Rusty sneaks past a still sleeping Princess and a worried Smudge, and meets Bluestar, Graypaw, and Lionheart. The Thunderclanners refuse to wait for his sister. They head off to camp, with Rusty leaving a subtle scent trail so Princess can find him.  Princess wakes up, and follows the trail with stealth and careful steps.
At camp, Bluestar introduces Rusty as a potential clanmate, and some cats take offense to that.  Darkstripe demands he be tested, but Frostfoot tells him to calm down, what, are you threatened by him? Really?  Lionheart gets inbetween them to break it up, but cocky Longtail challenges the kittypet before anyone can stop him.  Frostfoot is mortified.  Rusty accepts, and the two square off.  Longtail gets the upper paw almost immediately, and gets a hold of Rusty’s collar.  As he pulls, he hears a yowl of outrage.  And suddenly he is FLUNG bodily, his ear burning, the collar still in his mouth.
He gets up, and there is an ENORMOUS molly standing over the fallen kittypet, the warriors and camp guards at the ready to fight.  As Spottedleaf helps him to his feet, Longtail hears the Tortie scolding Rusty for leaving without her, I TOLD you there would be trouble but noooOOOooo you don’t listen to your sister!  You just listen to your silly dreams!! Bluestar interrupts, impressed with the boldness of the kittypet and interested with the dreams comment.  Princess introduces herself, and after Rusty says he agreed to the fight, apologizes to a still stunned Longtail.  Rusty explains he has dreams that come true sometimes, and tells Bluestar and Spottedleaf about the red-tailed hawk dream.  Spottedleaf asks to mentor Rusty in the arts of healing and Starseeing, and Bluestar agrees, asking is Princess would like to join as well. Frostfoot mildly scolds Longtail for leaping without looking, and Princess and Rusty become Flamepaw and Firepaw, with Bluestar herself mentoring Flamepaw.
And then Ravenpaw rushes into camp.  Redtail is dead, he screams, and collapses.  And pandemonium rises.
After Tigerclaw brings Redtail’s lifeless body back to camp, and the apprentices and kits are shielded from the sight by Whitestorm and Lionheart, the pair of siblings settle in.  Firepaw makes fast friends with Ravenpaw and Graypaw, and Flamepaw befriends Dustpaw and Sandpaw.  The pair drag Longtail into being their friend as well, which brings Frostfoot and eventually Swiftpaw into the equation as well.
Longtail begins to mentor Swiftpaw, and finds that he loves teaching.  With the help of Frostfoot and the other Mentor cats, he begins to become more humble and less cocky.  Longtail begins to appreciate his friendship with Firepaw and Flamepaw, and takes more time to live, not just be a Hunter and Mentor.
One day, while gathering herbs for the Healer’s Den, Firepaw is knocked off his feet by an old gray and yellow molly.  He springs to his feet, ready to fight, but the attacker is just…staring at him.  Like she’s seen a Geist.  He cautiously asks if she’s alright, do you need help ma’am?  And she moans something unintelligible, falling to the ground in a dead faint.  Firepaw panics, and drags her back to camp.  There, she is identified as Yellowfang by Spottedleaf, who tells Firepaw of her alleged crimes, and how she believes that Yellowfang was framed.  Said Healer wakes up, takes one look at Flamepaw coming in to drop off a mouse, and promptly wails in grief and pain.  The three of the get her to calm down, and she quietly apologizes, the siblings look like…patients she lost long ago.  Bluestar listens to her tale of Brokenstar being a False Star, and while still weighing the information, relegates Yellowfang to being a War-Bound for the time being.
Bluestar does not hear the story Yellowfang tells to the Healers and the Apprentice Brawler.  She does not see the siblings take the old molly to meet their mother.  She does not know a family has been made as whole as it will ever be.
At the Gathering, Brokenstar tells everyone how she ran out Windclan, and Bluestar realizes that Yellowfang was probably telling the truth.  As she had just revealed Thunderclan had Yellowfang as a War Bound, she begins to prepare for an attack, and she is correct – Shadowclan tries to kill Yellowfang, and succeeds at killing Lionheart and her dear friend Rosetail. Her heart grows a crack. She names the brave Tigerclaw, names Yellowfang part of Thunderclan, and tries to go on.
Then Ravenpaw leaves, begging shelter at The Barn with Bluestar’s old friend Barley, for reasons the apprentice refuses to communicate.  All his friends Graypaw, Firepaw, and Flamepaw will say is that he needed to be something that the Clans couldn’t let him be.  And the crack grows.
And then Shadowclan steals Frostfur’s kits, Lionheart’s kits. They kill Spottedleaf, Firepaw wailing over her body. She goes with her Warriors, Brawlers, and their apprentices to rescue the innocent.  They are met by Senior Warriors and other banished cats from Shadowclan, aided by Yellowfang in secret. Brokenstar is run out of the clans. Yellowfang takes over Firepaw’s training, and Flamepaw and Graypaw are named Flamewish (per her request) and Graystripe. Why is the crack still growing?
Flamewish, Graystripe, Longtail, and Swiftpaw are sent to retrieve Windclan.  It goes well, until a Riverclan patrol tries to fight them, and Whiteclaw falls off a cliff while fighting Graystripe.
When the group returns, Flamewish and Graystripe receive their first apprentices – Cinderpaw and Brackenpaw.  Flamewish finds Mentoring difficult, and asks Longtail for advice.  The pair become close friends.  Firepaw and Sandstorm make bets as to when they’ll become mates.  Unfortunately, Cinderpaw is lured away from camp and gets hit by a Monster. (It’s a car, just – just call it a car!! -Firepaw) Firepaw saves her life, and Yellowfang bestows the name Fireheart upon him at the next half-moon.
Also unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately), at seeing her apprentice so badly injured, Flamewish has an unusual reaction.  She goes into labor.  Seeing as Flamewish had no idea she was even a little pregnant (as she put it), things get a little crazy.  Longtail is flabbergasted, Bluestar is confused, Yellowfang is baffled, and Fireheart is delighted but also flabbergasted.  Flamewish does some calculating, then privately asks Fireheart to go bite Smudge in the face for her.
(This means Flamewish misses Graystripe meeting the gorgeously muscled Riverclan molly)
But it DOES mean she spends time in the Nursery with Brindleface, her kits Fernkit and Ashkit and Frostfoot and his kits Flykit and Coldkit.  Frostfoot who had just gone out one day and brought back the pair, claiming them as his.  Bluestar was frustrated and elated at the same time. 
The three become even closer when Brokenstar attacks, as they defend the Nursery together.  Longtail and Swiftpaw help drive off the Rogues together, and after Yellowfang blinds Brokenstar and leaves her Brokentail the War Bound, Swiftpaw is rewarded with his Adult Name – Swiftspirit. (Later, Longtail will see this as an omen, unknowingly given by Starclan through Bluestar…) Graystripe is later caught giving prey to Riverclan, and punished by having his apprentice taken away – Longtail is suddenly a Mentor again!  And Brackenpaw has so many things to learn!
Cinderpaw makes a nearly full recovery, but her time in the Healer’s Den had made her rethink her life – she wants to heal others.  Flamewish cracks a joke about her brother poaching her apprentice, but wishes her well.
And then Brokentail’s War Bound status becomes known.  And Thunderclan is attacked.  And Tigerclaw is at her throat, keen claws at her throat.  But as her heart shatters, a yowl of outrage rings through the air, and Longtail and Flamewish HAUL the Traitor off of her.  Bluestar banishes Him, and she holds the pieces of her heart and weeps – there are no stars in her tonight.  She waits too long, then names the astonished Longtail as Deputy.
Then Graystripe begs for the Healers to help him – they find the laboring Silverstream and do what they can, but Featherkit and Stormkit outlive their mother.  Graystripe leaves for Riverclan, refusing to abandon his kits.  Fireheart and Flamewish can’t blame him, but it still hurts.  And Brokentail is dead.  Yellowfang tells her leader that he dies of natural causes, but Bluestar does not see the look on Fireheart’s face.  (She will eventually learn that he just watched his grandmother kill his uncle) Then the fire. Oh the fire.  Patchpelt and Halftail, coughing and then forever breathless.  Fireheart and Flamewish race to find Yellowfang – to find their family.  She lies in a hollow tree, and blesses the Stars that she has enough time to say goodbye.  To say how proud she is of them – both her life paths.  I’ll always watch over you. (and Yellowfang keeps this promise)
Bluestar feels her mind failing, rain through the treetops instead of thoughts. So when she sees the Traitor leading Shadowclan as a False Star, she just…lets go. She watches Leopardstar rise and her clan move around her like a fever dream.  She watches the hawk impassively as it goes for Snowkit, and barely reacts when it takes Speckletail instead.  She doesn’t react when Longtail promotes Snowpaw to train under Brackenfur, or when Flamewish brings the elderly deaf kittypet Brahm to teach Snowpaw and Mistlepaw and others Pawspeak. She doesn’t react to the death of Swiftspirit or the maiming of Brightpaw, save to curse the Stars that left her broken by naming the poor thing Lostface.
(Longtail MOURNS.  He refuses to eat, has to be pried from his nest, and it takes a teary Flamewish admitting she misses the tom she loves for him to snap out of it.  The pair find solace in each other.  Fireheart and Sandstorm are too busy and too worried to exchange the mouse that they bet.  Neither ever says who won that bet)
Rabbits lead a bloody trail to poor Brindleface, and Longtail makes a plan to lead the dogs away from their den and over the river-cliffs.  Bluestar nods absently, but there’s a shining spark in her eyes that hasn’t been there in ages.  The runners lead the killer hounds up to the cliffs and away, but one grabs Longtail, pinning him and scratching his face.  But a blur of blue streaks onto the dog’s back, and overbalances them both into the river.  A pair of Riverclan warriors leap into action, and Bluestar says goodbye to her family, Frostfoot and Whitestorm having raced to the scene.
Longtail is escorted to the Moonstone by Fireheart, and finds himself in Starclan.  He receives his lives from Nightstar, Runningwind, Speckletail, Lionheart, Redtail, Silverstream, Yellowfang, Bluestar, and finally Swiftspirit.  Longstar vows to stop Tigerstar and his cronies.  He names Whitestorm as Deputy, and begins planning.
Tigerstar goes after Windclan, pinning and seemingly killing Gorsepaw, but as soon as the Shadowclan Battle Patrol leaves, he brings his head up and smiles weakly at his frantic mother. He will be scarred for life, but he will have his chance to live.
At Riverclan, Stonefur defends the apprentices to his last breath, and Graystripe rescues his kits from Tigerstar and Leopardstar.  Some Riverclan cats escape in the chaos, unwilling to follow their leader on this path.
Finally, with Windclan and Thunderclan united against the forces of Riverclan and Shadowclan, Tigerstar plays his deadliest card yet, as hordes of strange city Rogues appear.  Led by a figure some Thunderclanners recognize.  Thistleclaw.  But the rogues, no, the Bloodclanners, call him Tyrant.  Tigerstar boasts to the assembled clans how he killed Bluestar using the dogs and
Tyrant kills Tigerstar with a slash to the underbelly
Nine lives gone, in a single blow
The battle comes the next day, all four clans together – Longstar and Tallstar, Leopardstar and Blackstar.
Bone holds down Whitestorm, and is ripped of by a squad of apprentices, including his own, Brightheart.
Darkstripe goes after the Healers, and Graystripe strikes him down. His body is never found, and a gray tabby wanders desolate, his mistakes weighing on his soul.
Longstar strikes the final blow against Tyrant
And life goes on
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nettleclanstale · 4 months
Moon 94.5
Moon 94.5- Gathering
Spiderstar swished his tail along the wood of the High Oak, watching intently as Birchstar, along with a sizable amount of OakClan cats, made their way into the Gathering Space. The crunching of snow beneath the cats' paws was one of the only sounds heard as they took their seats in the darkened hollow, Birchstar hopping onto the low branch the others sat upon with a sheepish look on his face.
"It's about time you all got here!" Spiderstar joked, smiling. 
"We got lost," The young tom explained, giving his chest fur a few licks of embarrassment. Leaning forward slightly to look just beyond Spiderstar, Birchstar's eyes narrowed. "Sappatch? What are you doing up here? Where's Brokenstar?"
"He's expecting. He's not doing well, and he didn't want to come." Sappatch, QuailClan's medicine cat, meowed in reply. The white tom turned his head towards Birchstar's voice, and Spiderstar felt himself shift back slightly. Although Sappatch couldn't see him, he still didn't wish to feel his gaze.
"And what about Cleardawn?" Birchstar questioned, tilting his head slightly.
"Mangled tail."
"Anyway!" Spiderstar cut the two off, chuckling nervously. "I believe it's time to begin. Would either of you like to begin?" 
Silence. A gentle yet cold breeze blew through the air, making Spiderstar and a few other cats shiver. 
"Very well," The brown tabby meowed, letting out a heavy exhale before speaking again. "NettleClan has had...Rough times lately. We're still recovering from the flood that took away so many of our clanmates. While prey has been easier to find, we're still working on rebuilding our camp."
For a moment, Spiderstar paused, taking a moment to look at the gathered cats. Beneath him, an OakClan apprentice looked visibly distraught by the mention of the flood. After a few seconds passed, he continued to speak. "Additionally, we've lost a couple of clanmates this moon. Our beloved Sandystream, along with her son Willowkit, passed away from kitting complications and passed on to StarClan. We will miss them dearly, and we hope they're able to find easy hunting and rest in peace."
Cats lowered their heads, ears flattened as they silently paid tribute to the fallen cats. Sappatch let out a soft hum, shaking his head.
"It's always sad when cats pass on from these things, especially when it takes the lives of kits as well." He murmured. "QuailClan offers condolences."
"And so does OakClan." Birchstar stated, nervously shifting his paws.
Spiderstar nodded. "I thank you both," He meowed. "Now...As for some good news. Our lovely apprentice, Hoppaw, has earned her warrior name. I ask that we give our congratulations to Hopstreak!"
"Hopstreak! Hopstreak! Hopstreak!" Cats chanted, while the golden and brown tortoiseshell puffed out her chest, an expression of pride on her face. 
"One final thing." Spiderstar's whiskers twitched. "Despite the loss of Willowkit I am happy to announce that his littermate, his sister Baykit, is thriving and doing just fine. I am also happy to announce that Crowheart is our deputy."
Murmurs of relief spread through the crowd, smiles forming on the faces of the cats. Spiderstar dipped his head.
"That is all." He said, casting glances at both Sappatch and Birchstar. "Go on."
Birchstar cast his gaze to the ground, wrapping his tail around his paws. Sappatch stepped forward, his blind yellow gaze fixed on the crowd.
"I suppose I'll go next. I can tell we're all getting cold and I don't want our whiskers and tails falling off on the way back home!" He joked, earning chuckles and amused purrs from the clan members below.
"Anyway...Other than Cleardawn's mangled tail, our clan is thriving!" Sappatch purred, beaming. "Our beloved leader Brokenstar is expecting his first litter with his mate Auburnstripe. We're hoping that the pregnancy goes smoothly."
Spiderstar watched as Sappatch paused, watching the way his ears perked. Despite not being a leader, the tom's handsome, authoritative demeanor made all cats fall silent and Spiderstar's own pelt flush with warmth, only for a moment before he shook it away with a shiver. 
After clearing his throat, Sappatch continued. "We have a few ceremonies to celebrate as well! Thymepetal has happily retired to the elder's den, and Saplingthicket has settled into her duties as our third full-time mediator."
"THREE mediators!?" A voice from the crowd exclaimed. Spiderstar wanted to melt into the ground when he realized it was one of his own warriors. 
Of course, it was Hickory. The brown and white she-cat's tail twitched as multiple cats turned their heads to glare at her.
"What!? What kinds of problems is QuailClan having for them to need THREE mediators??" She huffed, stomping a front paw. 
"That's enough, Hickory." Spiderstar said, teeth gritted and fur bristled. His body burned with embarrassment. 
Hickory fell silent, and Sappatch rolled his eyes before continuing.
"Thank you for your imput, NettleClan cat. I don't know what I would do without your words." He grumbled. "Anyway. We also have three new warriors. Fernspeck, Turtlehoney, and Bushclover."
The cats began to chant for the newly named cats, and Spiderstar suppressed a chuckle as one of the younger cats, a brown and white tom, nervously averted his gaze. 
"Anyway. With great news comes great loss as well. Most of you know of our former deputy, Vinetuft." Sappatch sighed, lowering his head as his ears pinned against his head. "I regret to inform you all that Vinetuft has passed on after a horrible case of greencough took his life. We mourn him, and can only hope that he crossed over to StarClan's hunting grounds easily."
Shocked gasps, followed by saddened murmuring swept across the cats. Sappatch remained quiet for a moment, listening, before lifting his tail to demand attention. Once it was silent again, he dipped his head and turned to join the other medicine cats at the bottom of the High Oak. 
"That is all. Now Birchstar will speak, and after a moment to speak with your friends, we will conclude this gathering." He said, before jumping down to the base of the tree and taking a seat beside Shimmerflare, OakClan's medicine cat. Spiderstar noticed that the gray tom looked more frail than usual, age starting to catch up with him.
An awkward, tense silence filled the air as Birchstar stood there, as if not entirely sure what he was supposed to say despite all these moons of attending Gatherings. Somewhere in the crowd, someone sneezed, and a couple of cats said "bless you" before going silent again.
"Um...Hi." The golden-brown tom finally meowed. "Okay, let's see...So far, OakClan is thriving. We have a new warrior! Lightwhistle has earned his warrior name! We also have a few new apprentices. Boragepaw, Valleypaw, Marshpaw, and Bristlepaw are warrior apprentices, while Marigoldpaw decided that he would like to be a medicine cat!"
Spiderstar's gaze swept over the hollow as cats began to cheer. His eyes finally settled on Sunsong, who he noticed had visibly tensed when the name Valleypaw was mentioned. 
Fox-dung, He thought to himself, curling his tail around his paws and sitting up straighter. I had hoped that bringing her to the gathering would make her feel a little better...
"Anyway, not much else has happened. I guess that's it-"
A white she-cat with a dark ginger tail stalked to the front of the crowd. Judging by her stocky body, she was a QuailClan cat. She glared up at Birchstar, her silver eyes narrowed.
Another QuailClan cat, this one a white she-cat with light brown patches, groaned. "Oh, Auburnstripe, don't start-"
"No. No, Heronheart, I have to 'start'." Auburnstripe growled, her expression challenging as she turned her attention back to Birchstar. "Birchstar, with all the respect you deserve, I caught one of your apprentices hunting on our territory. Do you realize it's the middle of Leaf-bare!? Prey is scarce and you're so lucky we didn't kill your mouse-brained apprentice for trespassing."
Birchstar stuttered in reply, while Spiderstar stepped forward in his defense. "Auburnstripe, it's bad enough that you were disrespectful enough to speak out of turn, but please have some respect when speaking to a clan leader."
"What did you expect?" Morningsong strode forward, raising his tail and smirking at Auburnstripe. "It's QuailClan. They're just as disrespectful and awful as ever!"
A loud growl came from Auburnstripe as she unsheathed her claws and lunged herself at Morningsong. The light brown tabby tom, still very young, was too slow to react. Exclamations and wails came from every clan member as Auburnstripe bit down hard on Morningsong's throat, a horrid crunch heard as his eyes glazed over. Somewhere in the crowd, Spiderstar would hear Badgerfall wail in despair as her son slumped onto the ground, still. Blood pooled from the bite wound in his throat. 
Heronheart shot forward, pushing Auburnstripe out of the way and holding her clanmate down as the medicine cats rushed forward to tend to Morningsong. Auburnstripe's white fur now had crimson running down her muzzle and chest, her eyes filled with pure fury and satisfaction as she stared down at Morningsong. 
"This gathering is OVER." Shimmerflare yowled, turning his head to Bitter and Twigsplash. "He's still breathing- Hurry up and take him back to camp!"
As cats began to retreat as fast as they could, Spiderstar watched as Minnowleap approached Sappatch with a hiss. 
"Don't think what your warrior did will be forgiven!!" The young tom exclaimed, lashing his tail. "You're lucky we haven't called for war because of that!"
Sappatch lashed his tail, and Spiderstar's heart sank as what he said next made all of The Gathering go silent, cats freezing in their tracks.
"Very well," Sappatch hissed, his voice horrifyingly calm as he spoke. "When we get back, I'll let Brokenstar know that we have officially declared war on NettleClan. This gathering is now officially dismissed."
QuailClan and NettleClan are now at war.
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fallenclan · 10 months
sorry to tell you dragon but the discord has agreed that Rabbitface is Violetstar’s only surviving kit and he is very angsty and heartbroken./silly
Rabbitface lost one sibling to fading kitten syndrome (the phenomenon where a perfectly healthy kitten under 1 month slowly gets worse until they’re gone, with no known disease causing it), another to the war as apprentices, and finally, one to greencough. Violetstar was a horrible mother, but she was a worse partner to her ex (their father), Shrewfrond, who was also horrible to her. However, Shrewfrond wanted to atone, and tried to better himself. Unfortunately for him, Violetstar would send him on every battle patrol until one day, Branchlight returned with his dead body for vigil. Only Rabbitpaw and his sister - who would later be another casualty - Hoppaw mourned his death.
Rabbitface will eventually be the death of Violetstar, in that he will slip deathberries into her prey after Thistleheart lets him know she’s on her final life, and the next leader will exile him for it. He resents that leader anyways, as Violetstar had promised him the deputy position, and then intentionally gave it to them. Branchlight likely retired before any of this, though.
After he’s exiled, Rabbitface makes friends with otterslip. Neither of them know the details of the others’ crimes, but neither care, either. They just find comfort in the fact that they both know the agony of having another cat’s blood on their paws. Once otterslip dies in his sleep, from old age, Rabbitface will spend another few years or so agonizing, all alone, over every choice he’d made, the voice of his emotionally abusive mother playing over and over in his head. He misses the clan he was brought up by, but because of his abuse, he believes he doesn’t deserve a clan, so he dies alone.
Once he arrives in starclan, he’s utterly destroyed by the idea that he earned his way in. He didn’t; they’re punishing him by letting him suffer alone in his mental anguish for all of time. But his siblings are there, and unlike the rest of starclan, they love and missed him.
Finally, maybe not even 50 human years later, starclan wakes to him being gone. His spirit has faded; Shallowclan kept the details of Violetstar’s death a secret, too ashamed of her to allow themselves to admit to the other clans that he had been the one to kill her. They didn’t even say he was exiled at the next gathering. So, once the final cat who was alive and knew him forgets his name… he just fades. He’s gone, for good. And starclan doesn’t care. No one cares. He lived a life of agony and pain, and he’s gone.
Truly, he is tragedy manthing #2717283.
- 🫁
OUGH the story of Rabbitface... he's such a cool little character idea i love it.
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elementclangen · 3 days
Moon 289-Newleaf
Kestrelcreek (78) and Almondback’s (60) kits have arrived!  They have three of them.  First there’s the daring Rimekit (0), who’s powerless like her mom.  Next up is the insecure little girl, Crouchkit (0), who inherited her father’s wind-blessing.  It’s nice for him to have more wind-blessed cats in the Clan.  There was a time when it was only him.  Finally is Troutkit (0), who manages to be even more daring than Rimekit and is fire-blessed, which tends to leave the ground slightly scorched in her wake.  It seems Bluestripe (64) has taken Rabbitfur’s place as the heartthrob of the Clan.  This moon, Lakepelt (97) confessed her feelings to her and got rejected.  Nettlestripe (58)  thinks she should join his club.  Creekstar (143) seems to be oscillating from doing alright to doing terrible.  This is an alright moon.  She enjoys getting to know the new members of the Clan, such as Aries (55) and Tanglechirp (36).  She hopes that the Clan will remain large for the rest of her time as leader and vows to protect it with her life.  Downgaze (70) is excited for his grandkits to leave the nursery.  Again, caring for six young cats is a lot.  He does get along better with Boulderkit (5) today than he did yesterday.  He thinks he would like a break from caring for kits for a while once his current ones grow up.  Sweet Marmalade (74) would like more kits, though, and the two get in a small fight over it that Aries mediates.  Nettlestripe is not a fan of Pebbletuft (22).  He just doesn’t trust her.  He wouldn’t be surprised if she faked signs from StarClan.  The Clan is feeling like some of the kits are a little annoying.  Sofanthiel (78) doesn’t like Peatkit (1) or Crouchkit (0) much, and Alderflight (45) thinks Petalkit (1) is rude.  The older kits are trying to be nice to their denmates.  Burdockkit (5) surprises Skykit (1) with a pretty flower that she grew.  Skykit is glad to have something new to play with.  Copperkit (5) is also spending more time with her aunt, Hatchswipe (34).  It has been a little hard for Whorlstorm’s kits since their mother died.  Copperkit gets frightened easily and has to hide in her nest after hearing a scary story from Cherviljumble (94).  Boulderkit feels like all of the cats around her are too in awe of her powerset for them to come up to her and really get to know her.  She wishes she had some cat to talk to.  But that’s not going to be Burdockkit, who is growing thorns to put in people’s nests.  It would be a lot easier for her to avoid getting caught if she didn’t glow so brightly, though. As for the kits found last moon, Basaltkit (1) loves spending time with the older kits and takes tells Copperkit more than she ever wanted to know about snails.  Peatkit feels like the older cats are paying too much attention to the newborns and is mad that no one will listen to him when he tells them what to do.  Echopaw (7)  knows what it feels like to be abandoned by a parent and makes sure to check in on Longkit (3).  He’s always happy to hang out with the younger cat.  Longkit is annoyed by the younger kits in the nursery and thinks that Crouchkit (a newborn) should be more quiet.  Hoppaw (7) is proud to have been adopted by the leader’s son and wants to make Creekstar (her grandma) proud.  Emberpaw (7) is also hoping that Creekstar notices her.   
Healer’s den: Creekstar (whitecough), Cherviljumble (dislocated joint), Tanglechirp (yellowcough), Kestrelcreek (recovering from birth), Downgaze (sprain), Skipneedle (joint pain), Sofanthiel (stomachache), Cavecatcher (stomachache)
New personalities: Emberpaw (loving, confident with words, and interested in Clan history)
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ask-tawnyfeather-au · 2 years
Im Strong!
Cricketpaw: Hey I’m strong! I beat Talonpaw
Hoppaw: A squirrel could beat Talonpaw
Talonpaw: Hey!
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Aloemist, Anteloperipple, Ashkit, ​Avery, Begonialeaf, Bella-May, Blightfrond, Bluedaisy, Bristleblaze, Brittlebite, Brokentongue, Brokenwhistle, Buckhackle, Buntinghoot, Cam, Campionpaw, Cherrykit, Cherrystar, Chickadeewhistle, Cody, Cookie + Nightfoot (joke submissions), Creekpaw, Crowstar, Cryfeather, Cypresspaw, Dahliahbreeze, Downstar, Droughtstar, Ducklingkit, Duskfoot, Eggstep, Fireweaver, Flowerstar, Frondecho, Geckopad, Ginsengbloom, Gorsebriar, Hawkwhistle, Haypad (Haywild), Heronclaw, Hillfeather, Hiverose, Hollowhiss, Hollylion, Hoppaw, Houndtooth, Ivyburble, Ivyspots, Jackdawecho, Jacky, Lamb, Lampreypelt, Larchbee, Laureldawn, Lilacstar, Lilywater, Lionclaw, Loachhowl, Lola, Lupinefrost, Madderblossom, Magpiepaw (Magpieshine), Mallowpelt, Mangleface, Moonshadow, Morningleaf, Mousespots, Mousethistle, Nettlefoot, Nudge, Ospreyhope, Palestone, Peanutfur, Perchpaw (Perchclaw), Pikespot, Possumpuddle, Pumpkinpatch, Redjay, Redshade, Rosykit, Runningripple, Russetblossom, Sandfoot, Scooter, Shallowsong, Shrikepaw, Shrikesquall, Smokeroot, Smokestar, Snowfoot, Sootpaw, Sparrowfreckle, Stonepaw (Stonefern), Streamfleck, Stubs, Stumpypaw, Sunnyshiver, Swantail, Tadpolemask, Tanagerwing, Tarspots, Tartail, Tawnypuddle, Vireopaw (Vireosong), Waxfeather, Whistler, Wildpaw (Haywild), Whimbrelshade, Willowruffle, Wordweaver, Wolfhaze, Woodstar, Wormkit, and Yewpool belong to @ambitiousauthor​
Adderstar, Bristletail, and Burrcurl belong to @boogurl405
Cherrythorn and Nightleaf belong to @brokentranstar​
Brightshade, Bubblelight, Cinderkit, Feathercloud, Flutterwhisper, Marrowpaw, Meadowstar, Mousenose, Orchidsmoke, Peachpaw, Spiderbite, Stormkit, and Wispkit belong to @bvnny-skvllz
Mothblaze belongs to @​​chillcatcryptid
Needlewhisker belongs to @chromaenthusiast​
Axolotlpaw, Hiddensnake, Mantisstar, and Novice belong to @cosmosnaught​
Ashflower, Doesong, Ferntuft, Flamebuck, Gusttalon, Oakstep, Sootspots, Sparktail, Sparrowpaw, and Wetwhisker belong to @elementaldeityoffood​
Roachpelt belongs to @fly-whiskers​
Blackstar, Breezefleck, Cavestar, Chasmmoor, Claudrat, Fathomcry, Fogscar, Gingerstamp, Glaremouse, Goldenrue, Hollowhusk, Limpetsong, Mousecrawl, Orangefluff, Palepaw, Pinestar, Redtree, Rimewhisker, Ripperclaw, Silentbrook, and Snipvoice belong to @frightnightindustries​
Mallow belongs to @​heartshapedpinksunglasses
Beargrowl, Daysoul, Goldenstar, Magpieleap, Marigoldsnake, Raceglint, Spiritstring, Spotgrowl, Springsoul​​, and Stardust belong to @indigo-flighty-falls
Belladonashade, Brokencry, Crowfang, Darkrose, Ferntangle, Minnowscale, Mintnettle, Rainsong, and Snowthicket belong to ​@jackisbored​
Berrykit(Brokenkit/Lightkit), Butternut Squash (Shatteredbreeze), Copperpurr, Fadingstar, Ferretrunner, Foxflake, and Frostswan belong to @liberhoe
Beampaw, Butterflywing, Cedarstar/whisper, Glowingshadow/Cosine, Kindlepaw, Lunarpaw, Omentstar, and Sharkstar belong to @meowstival​​
Angelpaw, Batear, Darkbrush, Milkdud, Riverrush, Skullmoon, Treatpaw, Trickpaw, Whispkit, Whiteear, and Yippeepaw (joke submission) belong to @ribbonzregretz ​
Frostedjay belongs to @skyereadsandcommitsartcrimes
Loststar belongs to @soulofangst​
Applecreek, Ashwhisper, Badgerkit, Birchflight, Cloudface, Cricketclaw, Cypresskit, Dewfall, Eelpaw, Foxfire, Frostwish, Ghostwatcher, Hollygorse, Lightningspring, Lighttail, Lilacheart, Morningsky, Motheyes, Needlepaw, Nightkit, Oakberry, Pebblekit, Pigeonfang, Pinedusk, Rookstorm, Sablefleck, Shademask, Snailstar, Tawnymoon, Tigerkit, Tinker Bell, Waspkit, and Webstripe belong to @starfalcon555​
Brindlepaw, Carcasspelt, Clawbranch, Darkscar, Feathers, Giantstar, Honeyflower, Lemurgaze, Ricetail, Sparrowface, and Spottedstone (Oleandor) belong to @sunshadesfrozensky​
Antleaves, Plumbee, and Runningbird belong to @sweetbirdydreams
Palemist and Shiverpaw belong to @the-bumbling-berry
Leopardshadow/star belongs to @the-crypid-moth
Buzzardstar, Cherrytail, and Icewing belong to @themainblogofsp20
F​leckthorn belongs to @vhs-warriors
Adalind (joke submission), Berrystar, Brownmouse, Cloudfang, Coyotetuft, Creaturefall, Crunchsnow, Fidgetguts, Fishkit, Fleathistle, Frostkit, Fungichomp, Goblingsnap, Goldfishfur, Gremlinfrost, Hollowstar, Hollykit, Honeypudding, Honeysuckle, Isopodbrain, Jellykit, Laughingmoss, Lioncatch, Molekit, Nightstar, Patchspring, Pinenutkit, Quickstar, Roseclaw, Shrikepollen, Smokefleck, Tawnykit, Timberstone, Turtlestepper, Whiteheart, and Wolfstar belong to @wills-woodland-warriors​​​​​​
Alderstar, Applefoot, Applepaw, Aspenroot, Badgerthistle, Basiltooth, Batlight, Batroot, Berryfreckle, Berrygaze, Berrytalon, Blackdawn, Blackstar, Bluerain, Bumblemurmur, Bursnout, Buzzhop, Clawbear, Cloudpaw, Cloverfox, Cricketfur, Cypressbriar, Daisysong, Danglingmoss, Dappleflint, Deadcall, Doveflame, Doverose, Eaglebloom, Emberdawn, Fallenfire, Fennelbur, Ferndoe, Fernpaw, Firetooth, Fishoat, Flickerpine, Flipperkit, Flowerstone, Frostcoat, Fulvouspine, Furzeflower, Gorseheart, Grousemane, Haremaw, Harriernose, Hawk, Hawkjay, Heronclaw, Hillminnow, Hootpetal, Horsejaw, Inkspots, Ivoryburn, Jackdawfoot, Jaggedbriar, Jaydust, Kiteburn, Leenile, Loosestar, Lovagecreek, Mallardgleam, Marshtuft, Martenstep, Midgespring, Mothbloom, Mottlecry, Mouseshell, Mud Tail, Myrtlewing, Nettledeer, Orangebelly, Oreo, Owlear, Parsleyleaf, Petalsand, Piercelight, Piercetree, Pipitfeather (shared with Ambitious), Pitchfang, Poppyhill, Primroseflower, Quivering Branch, Raggedrunner, Ratbirch, Redbloom, Robinmask, Rosefrost, Roseneedle, Sageleaf, Sagepool, Salviathaw, Shadewillow, Shellgrass, Shiverberry, Shiverrose, Shrikeface, Skunkspots, Smalljump, Snailbush, Snakewhisker, Snipgaze, Snooktail, Snowfringe, Snowwing, Sootsight, Sparrowfall, Speckletalon, Spikerose, Sprucepaw, Stoatspeck, Stonesun, Stormshell, Stormwolf, Streamrose, Sunchive, Talonpaw, Tanglestar, Tuskkit, Volenight, Walruskit, Warblermoon, Wavefur, Weaseltoe, Weedfoot, Whistlekit, Whistletooth, and Whitestar
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