#Hold Tight Cropped Long Sleeve Shirt
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Hold Tight Cropped Long Sleeve Shirt (n/a) from Lululemon & Pleated Mini Skirt from Zara ($39.90)
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inkchwe · 16 days
not a bad thing | 𝖍𝖛𝖈
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୨୧ pairing: hansol (vernon) chwe x fem!reader ୨୧ word count: 6.6k ୨୧ genre: fluff, smut ୨୧ tags: friends to lovers, light drug use, fingering, oral (f receiving), mutual masturbation, penetration, cockwarming. ୨୧ synopsis: Just because you've been friends for so long doesn't mean Vernon isn't keeping some secrets from you, and you're determined to confront him about it.
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“Simple but still cute, or spontaneous and fun?” 
Vernon, sprawled out on his back on your bed, looks up from his phone screen in absolute confusion. He’s wearing a rainbow beanie with his plaid button-up and denim jeans, contrasting your leggings and baggy t-shirt. He always acts unaffected by how good he cleans up when he wants to, but you shake the thought out of your head and wait for his answer. “Come again?” he asks.
You’ve been holding out the red and black cropped, long-sleeve shirts for two minutes for your best friend to see. Maybe he would immediately pick one or take his time deliberating, especially with the cutout in the shirts’ centers meant to reveal hints of cleavage. However, the realization that his attention was stolen long ago by some meme in your friend group’s group chat has you huffing and flinging the shirts at the edge of your bed. 
It isn't the first time you've gotten nervous before a date, and it definitely isn't your first runaround with Vernon being out of touch with both his current and past conversations. Still, you value his advice more than anyone’s. Only you need it in an hour before your date arrives, and he’s being less than helpful. “Pick which one you like, idiot,” you whine.
“They’re literally the same shirt. The only difference is the color,” Vernon retorts. He rolls his eyes and resumes his endless scrolling.
“Exactly! I need to know which color you think I should wear. That way I give off the right impression.”
“And what impression exactly are you trying to give?”
“I don't know! Ready to have a good time but not looking to go too fast. Fuck, if only they had a shirt for that.” You rub your temple, contemplating if going on this date was the right decision.
The day Mingyu offered to set you up with his friend, you had half a mind to shut him down. His insistence on this blind date was too much to say no to, though, and going without any romantic or sexual interests for months seemed to take its toll on your resistance. While Vernon wasn't outwardly against the idea, he decidedly brushed it off with a disinterested hum and didn't mention it once until today.
Once he sees the defeat on your face, he caves, leaving his resting spot to grab you by the shoulders. It’s unsaid, but he practically asks outwardly for you to look him in the eye, so you do. “Listen. This guy is gonna like you no matter what color your shirt is. And you wanna know why?” You shrug, deflated. “Because anyone who can't see how hilarious and gorgeous you are is blind, and we don't hang out with blind people.” Vernon crinkles his eyebrows together and sighs. “You know what I mean. Like, metaphorically blind and shit.” 
You laugh. “Thanks, Han.”
You turn away from him to stare at the two shirts still spread out on the bed. “But back to this. Which color do you like more?”
After waiting a few seconds for his answer, you look over your shoulder. He’s miles away, lost in his thoughts again. The look in his eyes and etches of his face are traced with puzzlement, and when you call his name to get his attention and snap him out of it, it’s still there. No matter how hard he tries to hide it with a tight-lipped smile. “Black. Simple but still cute,” he says, his voice soft as he uses your words from earlier, proving he was still listening. 
Satisfied, you grab the top and turn, ready to make a beeline for the bathroom to get dressed. You stop short when you almost bump into Vernon on your way. It's only then you realize how close the two of you are. Less than a foot apart, to be exact. “I gotta get dressed, weirdo.” You try to sound humorous, but the breath accompanying your words sounds bated and unexpectedly airy.
In that second, all while you trace the outline of Vernon’s lips with your eyes, you wonder if maybe it would be so bad to skip the date altogether and do something else. Anything else. As long as you didn’t have to leave the house or Vernon.
“Right,” he whispers, but has no intention to walk closer to the bedroom door. Slowly, his eyes go a fraction wider than they normally do.
Like a silent cue, he steps away and fumbles over his words. “Okay well, good luck and—Sorry, I just—I’ll see you at Seuncheol’s after. You can tell us how it went. That is if you want to!” He stutters, right as he hits the back of his head against the door.
“Hansol! Are you okay—“
“Yeah! I’m fine!” He takes his beanie off to rub the sore spot. “Don’t worry about me. You don’t wanna be late. I’ll see you later!” He races out of the apartment, mumbling and clutching his head. 
While you curl your hair and put on your favorite pair of jeans for your date, your mind goes back to the look in Vernon’s eyes and the thoughts that raced in your head before he took off. And you speculate about what those two things mean, and if they mean anything at all.
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“He didn’t even kiss you? What a dumbass.” Vernon mumbles, grabbing his mocha latte. He takes a vigorous sip, humming at the warmth it brings.
“I know. Now pass me a Splenda packet, please?” You pout. Well-adjusted adults would normally be at home and in bed at ten in the evening. But for you and Vernon, you decide on hanging out in your favorite late-night coffee shop for pastries and cold brew. It was better than sitting around at Seungcheol’s, the usual festivities of weed and alcohol not hitting the same way. You both settled on an alternative to fill your time instead.
“How did it go exactly,” Vernon asks, his voice garbled from the cheese danish he stuffed into his mouth.
“Well, I made it to the restaurant and he was there already, which was nice. But as soon as we started talking about ourselves, he was so flat.”
“What do you mean?” His eyebrow furrow, clearly confused.
“He was just very one-dimensional.”
“How so?”
“I mean, he was either talking about accounting, his accountant friends, or his work projects. Maybe it was better that he didn't kiss me. It might have been as boring as his capacity for communication.” You both share a laugh.
“So, I guess this means you don’t want a boring guy who presses his suits and plays golf on the weekends,” Vernon teases with a grin. You shove him playfully in the arm.
“That’s not the point! I mean, yeah, I don’t mind if a guy is serious, but I want someone who makes me laugh too. Who I don’t have to worry about liking my jokes but also sets a table or buys me flowers once and awhile.” You sigh.
While on your diatribe, Vernon grabbed your vanilla bean frappuccino. In a second, he has your straw in his mouth for a long sip. He smiles when he passes your drink back to you, unapologetic. “Someone who steals your drink for himself?”
You throw a napkin at him in retaliation. “I hate you!”
“Everything okay here, miss?” The barista asks, his name-tag shining against the dim lamps surrounding the cafe.
“We’re all good—Joshua—thank you.” You give him your best smile, to which he flashes his own at you. His teeth sparkle as much as his name-tag does, you think to yourself.
“Just Josh, please. The only one who uses my full name is my mother.”
You two exchange a chuckle, and you notice Vernon is not laughing or smiling at all. His eyes are mere slits, you can barely see the brown in his irises. His mouth follows in the same fashion, but downturned at the corners if anyone was paying close attention.
Joshua hands you a packet of chocolate-covered almonds, and he blushes. “They go really great with the frappes.”
“Oh thank you, but I didn’t—”
“It’s on the house. As long as you keep coming back.” Joshua turns to walk back to the coffee bar, suddenly tense as he leaves you and Vernon at your table.
Looking back to your best friend, you can see why. The original expression on his face has changed to pure anger. Vernon looks like he wants to blip the poor barista out of existence, and his long, hard stare in the guy’s direction might just make his wish come true.
“What’s wrong with you dude?” you ask Vernon directly.
When he turns to look at you, the stone in his expression softens a touch. “That guy seems like a creep.”
“He was just being nice!”
“He gave you a pack of nuts. Who does that?” He scoffs outwardly, and you can’t help but laugh. “What? You know I’m right.”
“Next time a cute guy gives me a snack, I’ll make sure you vet him first.” You wink at Vernon, but he remains hard-pressed. “Come on, don’t be jealous!”
“Of coffee boy? Please.” Vernon shrugs off your comment and crosses his arms. Something unreadable passes over his face for a brief moment. You would ask him about it, but you know the man is anything but overly emotional or easily vulnerable.
You try anyway. “Han, what’s wrong?”
He shakes his head and gets up to throw away his coffee, half unfinished. “Nothing, I’m fine,” he lies, looking away from you with a cold lilt to his tone. “Let’s get out of here.”
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The sound of Vernon’s voicemail causes you to grunt in frustration, the beginning of the message you practically know by heart now. After the stint in the coffee-shop, Vernon walked you home without a word and hasn’t interacted with you since then. After being left on read for the past three days, you are all kinds of antsy. Normally, he would text or call instantly with a reason, but it’s been nothing but silence on his end. Your black phone screen makes you rub your temples. What did you do wrong?
“At this point we should send a carrier pigeon,” Lisa says with a shake of her head. 
“She’s got it bad, babe,” Hoshi comments with a wink in your direction. He kisses Lisa on the cheek on his way to their kitchen. 
When things went wrong, it was second nature to confide in Lisa and Hoshi. Two childhood friends turned dance prodigies and then inseparable lovers? They sounded like the plot of a bestselling romance novel. And admittedly, you wish you could find what they had. Why did you have to encounter so many red flags and road blocks?
“I mean, we all know you’ve been down for him for…three years now?”
“Shut up, Soon!” You exclaim, blushing. “I just don’t know why he’s gone AWOL on me.”
“Maybe he’s in a mood. You know him,” Lisa responds.
“Not like this. This is the longest we’ve ever gone without even sending an emoji to each other,” you say with a frown. You scroll through your conversation, the endless blue bubbles making your stomach sink further.
“He’s gonna be at Wooz’s tomorrow night for that party,” Hoshi says with the slam of the fridge door. You nod your head, already aware. Hoshi smirks. “Corner him there.”
Vernon was closer friends than you were with Woozi, someone you knew in passing because of his relationship with your best friend. But you had been to the guy’s apartment many times before. It wouldn’t be weird to attend, sans Vernon. Right?
“Fuck it,” you think out loud. “Lisa, can I borrow an outfit?”
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The party is in full swing by the time you arrive. Chan answers the door with a grin, patting you on the shoulder when you step through the threshold. Woozi and Seungcheol are karaoke battling in Woozi’s living room while the rest of the partygoers are either drinking beer or in circles puffing and passing.
You decline when Minghao tries to hand you his half of a joint, a dopey grin plastered on his face. You want to be sober when you confront your best friend for leaving you in the dark for half of the week, even if you know it’ll take the edge off of your nerves.
When you find Vernon, he’s grabbing a hard lemonade from the spare cooler on top of Woozi’s counter. His eyes, the usual white around his irises pink from the party favors, go wide when he sees you. “Fuck me,” he says out loud.
“Yeah, fuck you is right,” you bite back. “Why haven’t you been answering your phone?”
His mouth is agape, giving no attempt to provide an answer. no answer. You get angrier the longer the seconds go by without one.
“Okay, how about an easier question: Why couldn’t you respond with a thumbs up or something when I asked if you were still alive?”
He runs a hand through his hair in frustration, another curse leaving his lips.
“Fine. Keep being weird about whatever the fuck is wrong. I wanted to try and make sure my best friend was okay, but he can’t even give me a solid explanation as to why he’s being a dickhead.”
Vernon takes your hand and walks quickly with you in tow. The people you pass move out of his way before they get body-slammed, some of them confused while others are too drunk or high to care. 
When you make it to a bathroom off of the hallway, Vernon closes the door behind you and locks it. He takes a second before turning to you with a solemn expression. 
“We can’t be friends anymore.” The words that leave his mouth break your heart to pieces and steal any semblance of air from your lungs. You didn’t expect to come into tonight and lose a friend, especially when you were unsure of what you did to cause Vernon to feel that way.
Your eyes begin to water with tears, but you don’t let them run over. “What the fuck do you mean?”
“I’m saying I can’t keep doing this.”
“Doing what?” Your voice grows thin. You’re confused how every word from his mouth sounds more sure than the one before while you’re falling apart.
But, even though he keeps up a composed posture, you can tell something inside of him is cracking. His bottom lip is caught in his teeth and his hands are fidgeting, two signs something is bugging him beyond his will.
“Please just tell me what I did wrong and I can fix it. I can’t help make this better if you don’t tell me what—”
In a second, Vernon has your back pinned against the bathroom counter. His lips capture yours in a bruising kiss, giving your quick gasp no time to leave your mouth. He swipes his teeth over your bottom lip while his hands roam from your waist to the expanse of your hips. Soon enough, his tongue is inside of your mouth. He holds your neck with one hand while the other sits on the back of your thigh, hitching it up to press your leg against his side. 
He feels the warm skin of your thigh in his palm and the center of your legs against him, making him groan. His touches and the sounds leaving him make you moan in kind into his mouth, and he swallows it blissfully.
When you separate for breath, you look deep into his eyes. Vernon’s expression brims with naked emotions, ones undecorated and unprepared, ones he cannot hide anymore. “If that’s the only time I got to do that when I’ve wanted to for so long, I had to make it count.” His confession should feel like a shock, something you were not ready for and quick to play off as an after effect of the joints he’s been smoking for the past couple hours, but it doesn't.
Instead, you accept it, with open arms and without a first or second thought to the contrary.
You soak in his words willingly, knowing for certain your heart wasn’t just wishing for someone. It was always wishing, comparing, waiting…for him. And now you have him, in this bathroom, terrified you feel anything less than what he feels for you.
Before he can step back, you take his hands in yours to prevent him from taking them off of your body. How could he think you could stop now? “Han, I need you to touch me more,” you whisper.
Vernon drops to his knees and rubs his hands up and down your thighs, his eyes requesting permission to hike up your skirt. Instantly, you nod.
He raises the denim up over your hips, meeting the cotton of your underwear with his mouth. As soon as his lips are on you, the cloth barely separating him from your clit, most of your coherent thoughts become lost to the wind.
Once he takes his fingers and moves your underwear to the side, you know you’re about to lose the breath in your lungs as well. His tongue licks a long stripe up your pussy, taking in the length of you with ease to maximize your pleasure. Your body quakes from how good he is at running his lips and mouth across you. You take in heavy breaths to try and steady yourself, but it’s no use.
Your best friend is eating you out too well and you have no idea how to function properly. You clutch his head with your hand and move your hips in time with the patterns of his mouth. The throes of your orgasm are so close, and it may just break you.
Vernon prods a finger at your walls, and you feel your body shake harder. “Han, I’m gonna come. Please don’t stop.” He hums against you and takes that as the green light to insert the digit completely.
A couple of strokes to the inside of your gummy walls and his tongue lapping at your clit makes you fall apart, whimpering quietly as to not have the people right outside the door hearing you climax.
Coming down, you sigh in pleasure. The sound morphs into breathless laughter. “I love you,” you finally say with a frail tone, but those three words have never been more true than right now.
The smile on Vernon’s lips revealing his gums and teeth is almost too radiant to stare at. It reminds you of butterflies, especially the ones that still flutter in the small spaces of your chest when he looks at you so reverently. Gently, he takes your cheek in his hand and says, “I love you too, pretty girl.”
You don’t leave the bathroom for another five minutes, spending that time in awe of what’s transpired and soaking in the feelings and love you’ve expressed to each other, all while you feel the bass of a Childish Gambino song beat against the bathroom walls.
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The shuffle into your apartment is so quick you don’t hear Vernon close the door and lock it behind you. Even though you spent enough time pressed against each other in Woozi’s bathroom, the sticky and sweet feelings coming back to you in flashes, Vernon did not let go of your hand the entire walk home from the party. “It was so cold outside, I’m sure my nose is red.” Looking in the hallway mirror, you frown. “Yeah. I look like a reindeer.” You pout, falling into a fit of laughter. 
Vernon chuckles, releasing his hand from yours to place on your cheek, his fingers oddly warm. He kisses the tip of your nose lovingly. “You’re a cute reindeer, if that helps,” He says. Stepping away from you, he takes off his jacket and places it on the coat-rack. “A few minutes with the heater on and it’ll feel like summer in here.”
“Don’t make me sweat, weirdo.”
“I kind of already did, but noted.” Vernon smirks, and right after the next giggle leaves your mouth, you stop to watch him.
Despite knowing how he tasted and how the timbre of his laughter felt against your neck, you knew those things didn’t compare to the candid moments that made you love him. He didn’t take notice of the squinted shape of his eyes reading his phone screen, or even the press of his hand against your back to make you feel safe. But you did, every instance more clear than they’ve ever been before. They were so minuscule on their own, but when they were all stacked together in every year and tear and smile, it was a wonder how you didn’t know you fell in love with him so long ago. 
You don’t have to tell him you feel that way, though. He can see it in the stillness of your eyes, in the small and tender smile painting your mouth, in the red tint of your cheeks. He has felt the same too many times to count. You claimed his heart for all the reasons he claimed yours. Of course, it took you both almost half a decade to realize it.
He steps closer, a breath separating your bodies. Taking your hand in his, he kisses each finger before pressing his lips to the knuckles. You grin wider and rest your head on his chest. It’s a tiny marvel to feel the steady thrum of his heart against your ear, all the times being strictly platonic. Its tempo is a soft rhythm that has sent you to sleep on multiple occasions during sleepovers and movie marathons. Now, it’s as if the rhythm sounds different, beating with an entirely different meaning. You suddenly feel shy with him this close, the silent actions speaking for themselves.
“Are you tired,” he asks, lips brushing the curve of your scalp.
You shake your head. “No. I’ve never felt more awake.” You look up at him, a realization at the forefront of your mind. While you may have been together all night, and your mutual confession in Woozi’s bathroom was barely two hours ago, it feels like a world away since you last touched him. Intent, charged with what needs to be spoken and doesn’t, too vivid to go unnoticed.
Like the blunt release of a bowstring, it’s a sudden rush of lips gravitating to each other. The sensation is a mix of headiness and affection. In you, it’s the pull of your hands on the brown waves of Vernon’s hair and smiles slipping in between his kisses. For him, it’s the swipe of his tongue against your bottom lip to let him in, let him guide, and the reverence of kisses across your throat saying the words he knows are on your mind because they’re on his too. I love you and I want you and I need you and I don’t know how I’ll ever stop.
You make contact with the heat of Vernon’s skin when his sweater rides up, revealing the dips of his hip bones above the waistline of his pants. You spread your hands up and underneath the material to feel more of him, the warmth you desire, and the home that resides there. In his own desperate fingers, you realize he’s also exploring the places in you where he finds comfort and love.
The two of you stumble into the bedroom, caring almost as little as you did entering the apartment. You’re both so focused on each other the rest of your surroundings seem to be background noise, but Vernon does nod when you mention birth control. The back of your legs knock into the mattress, but you don’t mind with his lips at your neck, kissing and occasionally biting. He detaches his lips from your skin to tug abruptly on the hem of your skirt, wanting it gone. He rests his hands there, the request for permission clear. Once he takes it off, you raise your arms to let him remove your top as well. Once you’re clad in your undergarments, you help him with taking off his sweater in a haste, reaching for him again when the fabric finally falls to the floor. The renewed closeness seems to snap you both from your trance.
Your gaze reaches up to his eyes, and his are filled with patience and adoration. “We don’t have to rush, you know,” Vernon murmurs. He could easily let the time speed past him like he did earlier, certain there will be more moments like this to cherish at a slower pace. However, he can't deny he wants you as close as possible, determined to not let his words or actions go unsaid anymore.
You nod, running one hand against his chest while the other curls around the back of his neck. You place featherlight kisses to the column of his jaw as he unclips your bra. Each clip feels tentatively released, as though he’s slowing the two of you down like he wants to remember every moment. Maybe he feels this will only last until the morning, but little does he know that there's no way anyone or anything could be worth giving him up, not as a friend and definitely not as a lover.
He finally unbuckles his belt with determination and lets the metal clank on the wood floor. The only clothing left between you is your underwear, still damp from your previous activities, and his boxers. Immediately, you wrap your arms around each other when the busy work is finished, a clash of teeth and tongue following. A muddled moan escapes your mouth and reverberates against his throat when his groin brushes yours and his hands find your breasts. He rolls one nipple between his index and thumb while he squeezes your other breast with his opposite hand, teasing your skin with the pads of his fingers. The skin puckers and swells at his ministrations, the sensitivity between your legs growing again, wetness pooling there and leaving you aching.
The mattress dips underneath your weight when you fall onto it. You grip Vernon by the waist, but he only takes your hands away from his body and intertwines his fingers with yours. He’s all gravity, his seriousness palpable. The faintness of a smirk sits on his lips, but he shows no intentions of smiling. His boxers seem to grow tighter against him, but you don’t look away from his eyes. “Come here, Han. Please,” you whisper, spreading your legs wider, in hopes he can see how deep the ache he’s placed in every part of you goes. Vernon kisses each one of your palms before releasing them.
“Show me first. Show me how much you want me.” You bite your lip and use your hands to lower the cotton fabric of your underwear until it comes off. Your right hand trails up your body and lands on one of your breasts, squeezing and testing. No matter how you touch yourself, it doesn’t make up for the feeling of Vernon’s hands on your chest. His breath hitches when you press your opposite hand to your clit, a garbled moan unraveling on your tongue.
You tease yourself in small circles, enjoying the expanse of wetness you feel, and press your thumb to your clit again to make your hips roll. It feels like it should, a nice reprieve from the short time you’ve spent without any physical contact. But the lust-blown color in Vernon’s eyes, turning the brown irises that you love almost black, is what makes raspy sounds of pleasure leave your mouth. You want his hands instead of yours, as well as his mouth and his body on you, but his stare is enough to keep you going for him.
To amplify your torture even more, Vernon tugs at the waistband of his boxers until they fall at his feet, his cock fully erect. With the bottom of your lip stuck between your teeth, you run a finger up and down your slit at the thought of him on top of you, underneath you, and more. You release a whimper when he runs a hand up and down his cock, the tip swollen and leaking pre-cum already. You remain there together, sharing heady gazes and touching yourselves with slow and painfully gratifying motions, suspending all of the tension of the night into the air until one of you drops it. A loud, broken groan escapes him in response to the contact of his hand against himself and your body begging to be touched. If only he would let go and touch me, you think to yourself as you feel a satisfying clench in your belly.
“God, I can’t wait to be inside of you,” he says, the last words catching in his throat.
You stop to sit up and grasp the head of his cock, running your hand up and down the girth to replace his. It causes Vernon’s body to shiver exquisitely, and you revel in the way your touch affects him almost half as much as his affects you. You whisper, “You don’t have to wait.”
Those words prompt him into action, pressing his free hand to your cheek and diving for your lips. The two of you fall flat onto the bed, and when his tongue enters your mouth once again, you can’t hold back. You grind your body against his, feeling the press of his erection at your center. “Please, I want you to fuck me so bad.” In the midst of your arduous haze, Vernon’s mouth turns into a wide smile, one you forgot you could miss so much.
You laugh at the beautiful twinkle in his eyes, lust laced into the sound. “What?”
“Aside from you telling me you love me, you have no idea how long I’ve wanted to hear those words”—he brushes an index finger along your lips—“come out of your pretty mouth.” You bite on the tip of his finger, and he pulls it away with a smirk. He replaces it with his lips, using his hand to align and direct the head of his cock to your entrance.
He has no desire to rush, though, a slow, languorous push of his hips to press his cock inside of you following a soft kiss to your temple. But with a sudden jolt of his next thrust that makes you yelp in pleasure, you can tell that desire is starting to wane. “Sorry,” he says, “fuck, you just feel—“
“I know,” you agree. He’s so patient and loving, but the way he fills you and drives in and out, you want nothing more than for him to grips your hips and make a mess of you. After trailing a string of kisses from his cheek to his neck as he continues trying to restrain himself with drawn-out thrusts, you say, “I don’t want you to go slow. We have time for that later.”
“I just—Are you sure?” His eyes reveal all of the yearning he has felt and the doubts that still linger in his mind, the exposure of his feelings almost too much for you to bear. You kiss his lips once again, hoping all of your reciprocated emotions pour out of you and into his reservations to drown them out.
“After tonight, I’ve never been more sure of anything.” Vernon nods and places his hands on your hips, the pressure exemplary. You wrap yours around the nape of his neck.
With a sharp and hard thrust, you moan into his mouth, loving how he pushes himself into you to the hilt. He continues his pace without slowing, loving the smack of his and your hips against each others’ and the way his body connects to yours.
“Fuck,” you whisper in unison, dragging your nails up his biceps and shoulders as he grips your hips harder. You may find bruised skin tomorrow morning, but at the moment, you love how tight his hold is on you. You wrap your legs around his lower back so he can angle his thrusts, and it feels like drowning and burning in the same breath.
From the chest to the hips, there’s an array of points where your bodies meet. With an overwhelming feeling of fullness pervading your body, you’re certain now there was never a time for anyone else to claim your heart when he had claimed it for his own long ago. You close your eyes to enjoy the thoughts bursting at the forefront of your brain alongside the build of your release, but the press of Vernon’s hand against your chin makes you snap your eyes open.
He pushes in deep, filling you to the brim once again, hitting the sweetest spot within you that has you digging the heels of your feet into his skin. You keep your eyes locked with his, but the way he presses down against your body and the new feeling of his hand against your neck makes it difficult to keep your focus on anything besides the profusion of sensations he’s giving you. You pull him in for a deep kiss, all while you push your hips back against his. This time, you capture a groan from his mouth with your lips. The hand against your neck shakes as his hips stutter, the established pace falling off.
In the midst of his lips being attached to yours, You notice the tinge of a whine accompanying his groans and how labored his breathing becomes. You press your fingers to your clit, rubbing circles into your flesh to follow him to his release with your own.
At this point, you cannot tell which sensation feels the best: Vernon’s tongue flicking against the roof of your mouth, his cock sinking into you, his hand pressing lightly against your windpipe, or the drum of your fingers along your center. Regardless, you love the filth and sweetness of each one, and how you’re sharing the same sensations with the man you love. It’s all you could ask for. You cry out when you finally orgasm. Clenching around him, you hold on to every second of the white hot bliss that coats every space of your skin.
Vernon lets out a long string of moans when he releases, filling you up and spilling inside of you. His thrusts come to a halt, pushing his hips one last time to milk what's left of his climax. Breathing fast, you press your forehead to his. Your heartbeats are drums, beating hard and clashing against each others’ tempos. With time pressed against each other, your bodies sticky and his cock still inside of you, they slowly find their way to a soft beat that compliment each other. Vernon huffs out a breath into the space of your neck, and you kiss his temple before he can raise his head and look into your eyes.
“I love you,” he says, panting, his face lit up in the dark. It’s as though he’s found rapture in the solace of your bed and in your arms, and you would not fight him on the sentiment because your smile mimics it tenfold.
“I love you, too.” You kiss him long and sweet, the damn taste of his mouth a new and unending craving.
He pulls out of you to grab some tissues from the bathroom, but not leaving without pecking your nose, which makes you giggle more than it should. He comes back to bed and wraps himself around you, and you breathe in his scent as he rubs soothing circles into your back. Despite that, you still yearn for more of his body against yours, too touch-starved to go back. “Han?”
“Hmm?” He asks, raising his head from the crook of your neck to look into your eyes.
“Could you…I don’t know,” you fumble, unsure of how to get your point across. In trying to find the right words, Vernon seems to understand as a small, boyish grin spreads onto his face. You two discussed your kinks lots of times, sometimes for the fun of it, and Vernon knew some of yours were based solely on your desire for connection and intimacy. And how could he say no to you now when all you wanted was to be close to him?
Wrapping a hand around his cock, he hisses from the lingering traces of sensitivity. He strokes himself a few times before he grows hard again and sinks himself inside of you. While he shudders from feeling you take him so well, he doesn’t roll his hips and you don’t rock back against him. You only press your bodies closer together, love and fullness coaxing you to sleep in tandem with the sound of Vernon’s heartbeat.
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The sun bleeds through your curtains, and normally you would trudge to the window to close them shut and fall back asleep peacefully. This time, though, you don’t mind it when you see the rise and fall of Vernon’s naked chest in the sunlight, all while feeling his arms wrapped around you. You know you could watch him sleep all day, the gape of his mouth so kissable and the warmth of his skin calling to be savored. However, those thoughts come to a halt when the sudden desire to grab something to drink hits you. Hating to leave him, you press a soft kiss to Vernon’s temple.
You take an old button-up of his from your closet and tiptoe to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. You know your bed is a room away, but you gulp down the drink to make it there faster. Of course, when you walk back into your room, you see an awake Vernon with a hand propped behind his head. His eyes are droopy, but a sugary smile sits on his lips nonetheless, taking in your article of clothing. “Is that my shirt?”
You grin, a blush creeping on your face. “You left it here, so that makes it mine.” On some level, you had worried this morning would be awkward no matter how many times you had said you loved each other the night before. Still, the ease of falling into your shared banter and routine comforts you. 
“Point taken. You look cuter than I do in it, anyway.” 
Vernon pats the empty spot next to him you were previously occupying, and you have no qualms crawling back into it and into his arms. “Does that mean I can wear all of your shirts when I want? I mean, since I look so cute in them,” you joke, kissing several spots on his jawline.
His hand creeps up to your shoulder, and thanks to the lack of buttons fastened together, he slides the fabric down until one of your breasts peaks out. “As long as I’m the only one who sees you out of them.”
“I think we established that last night.“ You giggle into his neck. “But, to reiterate, yes. You’re the only one I’ll share all of my terrible jokes with, take with me to Taco Tuesdays, and get undressed for.”
Vernon smirks. “That’s what we do anyway, minus the last part.”
“Well, call it an added bonus then, since we’re in love and all.”
The laugh that leaves his lips stops your heart, and you wonder if it’s possible to pack away a sound in your mind for every good and bad day, just to recall this moment. “Deal.”
With that, he places a kiss on your lips as the sun continues gleaming through your window.
You spend the rest of the early morning that way, wrapped up in each other and not bothering to dress. After another post-morning sex nap, you two spend the rest of the day cuddled up on your couch with Chinese takeout, reminiscing about the past, but ready to find out where the future takes you both. Lucky for you, with the way Vernon looks into your eyes, loses his train of thought every time you kiss him, and finds it again when you smile, the future has the potential to be pretty beautiful.
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erwinsvow · 6 months
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“what the hell are you wearin’?” rafe asks, and you spin around, your water bottle almost slipping from your grip and falling on the ground. 
you steady yourself, twisting the cap back on, staring up at sarah’s brother. only one thought was floating around in your head—that you need to stop running into rafe like this.
“asked you a question.” he looks you over, eyes glued to your body, a tight long-sleeved white shirt and baby blue shorts resting just below the crease of your hips. the shorts are high-waisted and your shirt is cropped, with only a sliver of the skin of your abdomen peeking through. he thinks there’s just enough space there to rest his hand. 
he gets closer—he always does, and you’re never sure how he ends up so close. you’re sure he can feel the heat radiating from you, face warm, feeling like you’ve just finished a workout when you haven’t even left yet.
“um, it’s for the class. sarah and i are going.”
“you go to class in these clothes?” you hold back a quiet laugh, a smile taking over.
“pilates class, rafe.” 
“hm.” you bite your cheek, looking up at him carefully. “you really gonna go out in this?” 
your face feels hot. rafe is only a foot away from you now, his hand leaning on the counter where your matching blue yoga mat and water bottle are resting. you look down at your clothes, reflecting on how you thought it was so cute earlier today, when you were getting dressed at home. the small, sneaky part of your brain that always tied everything back to rafe had been dwelling on the idea that he would see your nice outfit and spend time thinking about it, about you. the way rafe is talking you regret putting it on.
“what’s wrong with my clothes?” you question, feeling your eyes get watery as you look back up at him. it’s stupid really, any sentence from rafe can make you cry. you’re too attached to what he thinks about you. 
“you can barely call 'em clothes.” you suck in a deep breath, tears threatening to spill down. rafe glances over your body once again. “not too keen on letting anyone see you like this. should just be for me, right?”
you feel your lips part in surprise, blinking stupidly while rafe laughs a little—he’s still so close, you feel the rumble of it, everything moving slowly while he brings his hand to your waist, pulling you in a little closer.
“asked you another question. gotta get better at answerin’ me.”
“uh-huh,” you say, nodding. you don’t know what he asked you, the words fading away while you think of how it would only take a few more inches, one more step, to be so close to rafe your lips would be touching. he laughs again, maybe at you, but you don’t care.
“you gonna let someone else see you in this?” you shake your head. “good girl.” 
he doesn’t kiss you, instead he pulls away, and walks towards the other side of the counter. you feel your heart fall into your stomach at the disappointment, the built-up anticipation fading away into nothing. your back tingles where rafe was touching you. 
sarah walks into the kitchen, looking at you and then at her brother. she ignores rafe, coming to your side of the counter.
“ready to go?”
“i’m not feeling so good. think i’m gonna stay back today.” if sarah has any doubts that her brother influenced your decision to stay home, she doesn’t say anything. after she leaves, you finally look back up at rafe. he comes back to you, pressing a kiss to your forehead, hand finding its way to your waist again, playing with the fabric of your shirt. 
“you're a real good girl, you know that?" you nod. "c’mon.”
he guides you upstairs, and like always, you follow.
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matthewswifeee · 24 days
Surprising Matt On Tour
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In which Matt and his brothers start the verses tour, this is the longest that the two of you have been away from each other in a long time so you decide to surprise your boyfriend by going to see him on tour. . . .
Its about half way through the verses tour and the boys have a show in Chicago tonight. I decided a few day ago that since I had a few free days that I would go surprise Matt on tour. I packed up everything that I needed to go and headed to the airport. I go get my bag checked and head through security and now I'm just waiting to board the plane. The flight wasn't to bad but as soon as I got to the hotel it started to snow. After I get settled in I hurry to get ready before the show starts. I put on a fitted cropped long sleeve blue shirt with a pair of blue jeans and my black Ugg's. Then I do some light make up and pull my hair half up with a blue bow matching my shirt. Then before I leave the hotel I send Matt a text.
Good luck tonight I love you <3
I get to the venue while the boys are doing their first meet and greet of the night and I text Tril to come get me. He comes and lets me in then takes me to one of the rooms backstage. "Only a few more people in line so they should be back soon" Tril lets me know before going back to what he was doing to prepare for the show since he was preforming with them tonight.
A few minutes pass and I can feel the nerves in my stomach getting more intense as I hear the three familiar voices getting closer. The door opens making me turn around to face them and Matt immediately engulfs me into a huge hug picking me up off the ground as I wrap my legs around his torso. "No way you're real" Matt says as we pull away but he still holds me. "I wanted to surprise you" I say then he leans in for a kiss and puts me back on my feet letting me also greet Nick and Chris.
"That's going in the vlog" Nick says holding the camera. "Kid trampled me to get to her" Chris says making us all laugh. "Ok guys six minutes till show time" some guy with a headset tells the boys before exiting the room. "Have fun, I love you" I say kissing Matt once more before he has to go out on stage.
The entire time the boys were out on stage Matt just kept on looking over at side stage smiling, where I was standing watching them. The lights were hitting him just right, enhancing all of his best features. Making me even more infatuated with this man. I cant wait till after the show when we can actually spend some time together.
Matt ended up wining tonight's show and after his two brothers crowned him he walks over to side stage and pulls me out there with him. "Thank you to my amazing teammate and of course my good luck charm" Matt says pointing over at the girl he chose to be his partner tonight and pulling me close to his side. "I LOVE YOU" he yells at me into the microphone before pulling me in for a kiss. "You are crazy" I say pulling away and smiling at him. After the boys were done on stage and Tril performed a song at the end they had one last meet and greet to get through before they were officially finished with their Chicago show.
The meet and greet didn't take to long maybe another two hours or so. "Hi my sweet girl" Matt says hugging me with sweat pouring down his face. "You need a shower" I say scrunching up my nose teasing him and I watch him playfully roll his eyes. "You love me, sweat and all" he says wrapping me in a tight hug.
We all pile up on the tour bus and drive to the hotel since we're not going to their next show until the day after tomorrow. "We have our own room" I whisper to Matt and watch the look in his eyes shift to a look I know all too well. His hand tighten on my leg just above my knee as he bites his lower lip a little and I lean my head on his shoulder.
We arrive at the hotel and everyone is frantically trying to get off the tour bus and into an actual bed since they have been sleeping in bunks for a majority of the tour. Matt shoves his phone charger and a few other items into my purse before grabbing his suitcase from underneath of the bus. "Do you guys wanna get dinner, there's a smash burger like two blocks down" Chris asks Matt, Nick and I. "We're good" Matt says speaking for the both of us. "Yea I'll go just let me put my shit in the room first" Nick responds.
I lead Matt up to our room, he quickly throws his suitcase in before taking off to get a shower. While Matt's in the shower I open up his suitcase and reorganize the mess that he has made of it. I take out a pair of pajama pants and a white tank top, knowing that's what he will want to wear. I the take out his deodorant and hair brush from his backpack and place it on top of the clothes. After I'm finished situating all off Matt's things for him I decide to get changed. I peal off my jeans first since they were getting uncomfortable. As I'm bent over rummaging through my suitcase looking for pajamas I feel hands on my ass making me slightly jump at the sudden contact.
"You had these on all night" Matt asks as he traces his fingertips over my blue lace thong. "How about" he starts as he twists me around to face him, making me drop everything that was in my hands, "We get these off of you" he says continuing his sentence. "Jump" he instructs and I do as he says, wrapping my legs around his waist as he grips my ass tightly to hold me up.
He gently places me down on the bed and connects our lips. "You have no idea how much I've missed you" Matt whispers making me smile. He pulls my shirt over my head and quickly unclamped my bra that matched my blue panties. "You are so beautiful" he says kissing me once more. He then carefully slides my panties down and removes the towel from his waist as he hovers over top of me on the bed.
"I can't wait to be inside of you" Matt says trailing kisses down my neck. "I'm gonna make you feel so good baby" he says squeezing my ass as he continues kissing down my neck, earning breathily moans from me. "I need you" I whine at him with my arms wrapped around the back of his neck. I then see him grab his wallet off the night stand, assuming to get the condom that he always keeps in there. I look over and see a look on his face. "Fuck" he mutters throwing the black wallet back on to the night stand.
"What's wrong baby" I say sitting up to see what the problem is. "I never put a new one in here from when we used it last time, when we were at the cape" he says obviously irritated. "It's fine we don't need one" I say rubbing his arm. "(Y/n) I love you but we don't need a baby yet" he says. "No it's ok I started taking birth control a couple moths ago" I say and I see his face return back to his normal lustful gaze as he smashes his lips back on to mine.
"I cant wait to slide right in and see how good you really feel" Matt says kissing down my neck. " You are so perfect" he says as I feel his hands travel down between my legs. "Are you ready sweetheart" Matt asks as he rubs his tip between my wet folds. "Yes Matt please" I moan. He slowly slides into me all the way and begins to slowly thrust.
"God you feel so good" Matt moans making me want to cum right there. " Mmm Matt" I moan loudly as he continues moving at the soft slow pace. "Look at me baby" he says grabbing my jaw and making me look him in the eyes. "I love you so much princess" he says as I moan underneath of him. "I-i love yo-you" I moan barely being able to get out the words. Matt wasn't just having sex with me tonight he was making love and he made sure that I knew it.
"M-matt I th-think im" I try to tell Matt that I'm about to finish when all the sudden it came over me all so fast that I wasn't able to finish my sentence. My legs started to shake and feel weak as I became an even louder moaning mess as Matt continues to chase his own high. "Where do you want me to cum" Matt asks barely being able to contain himself any longer. "Please please please cum inside of me baby please" I beg him and after a few more soft slow thrust I feel him fill me up with his cum.
"You were so good" Matt says laying beside me and pulling my naked body onto his making me smile. "When did you get on birth control" he asks. "Like four months ago, after that one time when the condom broke and we had that scare" I respond. "A nd you didn't tell me... I could've been feeling how wet you really are and how good you actually feel" he says making my stomach flip, I love when this man praises me. A nd with that we both fall asleep tangled up in each other.
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asherthehimbo · 2 months
Love Talk - Song Mingi
prev | M. list | next chapter | [concert time]
word count 3.2K
warnings: mingi is down bad, like BAD bad, cursing, mature thoughts, thats ab it yall.
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“Do we really have to be there so early?” Mingi’s voice nags from his spot in the doorway of Hongjoongs room. The elder male currently seated at his vanity trying to perfect the liner on his left eye, he doesn’t spare a glance at Mingi even though the taller of the two is complaining like a child. “Yes, Mingi you simply don’t understand the earlier we get there the more we get to experience” Hongjoong sighs out before clickling his tongue in satisfaction as he lets out a small cheer when his left eye’s liner finally matches his right eye. 
“Speaking of you should get ready, we leave in an hour” Hongjoong looks at Mingi as he stands up from the vanity, cracking his back, the chains that lay around his exposed abdomen make soft sounds as they move. “What do you mean? I am ready?” Mingi stands up straight, no longer leaning on the doorframe as he looks down at his outfit, suddenly self conscious about his choice of clothing under his leader's scrutinizing gaze.
“You’re kidding right?” Hongjoong rests his elbow on his jutted out hip as he looks Mingi up and down, “No? I don’t think there's anything wrong with my outfit.” Mingi voices. He’s dressed in  beige pants paired with black combat boots, he has a black sleeveless turtleneck on with a very fashionable boob window, he has a few rings on, the outfit is simple yet stylish, it compliments his newly dyed oreo hair perfectly; he thought it was a fine outfit for the concert. “The outfit itself is okay, but there's no way in hell you’re going to an incarnation's concert wearing absolutely NO pink, and dressed like that.” Hongjoong smacks his lips in distaste before walking past Mingi, grabbing his hand as he drags him out of the apartment down to Mingi’s dorm.
“I’m going to get you a better outfit.” Hongjoong throws Mingi on his bed the moment they enter the taller’s room and immediately makes a straight line to Mingi’s closet, completely ignoring the other rappers' yelp as he hits the bed. Looking at Hongjoongs outfit and then at his own Mingi supposes he sees his leaders point.
Hongjoong’s outfit consists of a pair of pink low waisted washed out jeans with WAY too many pockets in Mingi’s opinion, it’s held up with a white belt that's decorated in little pink rhinestones that wouldn't be visible if you didnt stand close enough to see. His top half holds a white long sleeved turtle neck, its cropped so it ends a little bit above his belly button, its cut so that his shoulders are exposed but arms are covered, the shirt sits so tight Mingi is sure Atiny’s would drool at the very visible outline of Hongjoongs chest. 
His exposed abdomen holds some simple silver chains that have a great contrast to the tan he recently acquired. Mingi’s pretty sure Hongjoong’s feeding into the femboy Hongjoong agenda Atiny created, but he looks good in the outfit so Mingi won't disagree. The rest of the outfit has silver and pink accessories, and white combat boots that make his leader seem taller than he normally is.
Hongjoong steps away from Mingi’s closet, throwing a pair of pastel pink camo pants Mingi didn't even know he owned, along with a very tight cropped tank top, its white like Hongjoongs but instead of the plain white it was english writing on it with a graphic design, Mingi doesn't know what it says, he can't read english. “Go put this on while i get shoes and accessories” Hongjoong says before moving to where Mingi’s shoes and jewelry are, not giving Mingi a chance to object. 
Mingi moves to his bathroom to get changed, he feels a bit more exposed and he wonders what he’s going to do if it gets cold, he doesn't know if Hongjoong will let him wear a jacket. While Mingi would usually object or complain about Hongjoong making him change, Mingi knows it'll be pointless since Hongjoong is very serious when it comes to these things. He looks at himself in the bathroom mirror and he has to admit, even though he doesn't have shoes or accessories for the outfit yet, Hongjoong did make a good choice.
When he walks out of the bathroom he sees white combat boots, not much different to Hongjoong’s own placed on his bed, along with a silver chain that has a lock charm on it for a necklace, some bracelets and rings lay there as well as Hongjoong sits on the bed next to his layout with some makeup in his hands, he’s smiling up at Mingi in a way that makes Mingi shudder. He's going to get back at Wooyoung and the others for this, mark his words.
Sitting in their seats Mingi finds it hard to focus on the concert in front of him. Listen, it’s not his fault okay? They have good music, Mingi will admit, the song’s he’s heard so far will definitely stay stuck in his head for a while, and with Hongjoong’s excited blabbering every second Mingi started to enjoy himself. The way the crowd all had some pink on them, the way they moved in unison, it kind of reminded him of Atiny’s and that made him feel a bit more comfortable. 
Honestly he was paying attention, the drummer really caught his attention as he had a very unique way of rapping, but he turned his head once  after  a song had ended, just to look at the crowd once more, and he made eye contact with the most beautiful man he’s ever seen. Mingi swore his breath was knocked out of his lungs, the chillyness he felt before now long forgotten as his body heated up looking at the unknown male.
The male was tall, taller than Mingi definitely, broad shoulders and biceps that were straining against his white dress shirt in a way that made Mingi swallow his suddenly dry throat. Mingi could see faint black lines underneath the almost see through white shirt, tattoo’s maybe? The light of the stadium may have been dim but the way the pink led’s of the stage illuminated the man made him look stunning. Mingi wasn’t sure how long he was staring, but he knew it had been a while, and the man was staring right back, his neck turned a little backward because of where he was seated. 
The man crossed his arms and his shirt hugged his back tighter, Mingi is sure the man had a bigger chest that would be pushed together right now as well, and he wishes he was sitting a bit closer so he could see it. The man smiled at Mingi sweetly, waving at him with one hand- oh god what a hand it was. The song seemed to have ended as Mingi could register Hongjoong yapping to him, but he couldn't focus on the words of his leader though.
The man he’s been eye fucking for a solid half hour, the man whose been staring back at him the last few moments pulls out his phone and turns himself fully to the front making Mingi groan in annoyance as he lost his view, but quickly refocus as the man stood up. This man was built by the heavens, he was everything Mingi had dreamed a god would look like, before Mingi knew it he had half turned his face to Hongjoong, mumbling about how he had to go to the bathroom before standing up and following the unnamed man, leaving an open mouthed Hongjoong to stare at his retreating figure. “MINGI??? HELLO- that fucking bitch the intermission is in like 10 minutes he couldnt wait??” Hongjoong asks himself, not following after Mingi because the band on the stage had started their next song.
Mingi follows the man all the way outside to a vending machine, the man got himself a bottle of water before tipping his head back and chugging the whole bottle, giving Mingi a clear view of the way his adam's apple bobs up and down, his hand, that Mingi can now see is decorated with rings, and a snake tattoo that starts at his middle finger and disappears into the sleeve of his shirt. The water bottle is thrown into the nearest trash can and the man continues walking, Mingi continues following. 
Once they reach the outside the man stops, puts on a black zip up hoodie and pulls out a cigarette, placing it between his plump lips, lighting it and blowing out a puff of smoke before he turns his head to look at Mingi, shit. Mingi kind of may have forgotten he was visible, but in his defense, he wasn’t thinking, not a good defense but his nonetheless. Now standing awkwardly watching the guy he believes to be the love of his life staring him down like a piece of meat, Mingi doesn't know whether he’s turned on or scared, maybe a mix of both?
“Hello? Ah wait, uhm do you know english? Uhm, hello?” The man’s voice is raspy and deep, even more so than Mingi’s and he swears he can feel his knees fighting for their lives to not give up on him. Mingi tries to respond but it takes him a while, his mouth closing and opening before he clears it to respond, “Hello, uhm you speak Korean?”
The man takes a while, blinking slowly, before responding “A little bit, I’ve been learning. I’m [Name]”, the man places the cigarette back between his lips and stretches his hand out for Mingi to take, Mingi stares at the hand for a while, just repeating the name he heard in his head. He shocks out of his trance when [Name] awkwardly starts to let his hand fall believing Mingi didn’t want to grab it. 
Mingi desperately fumbles in a way that [Name] finds absolutely adorable, “Uh I’m Mingi. You’re very prett- I mean uhm you have a really pretty name” Mingi smiles up at him, despite his obvious nerves his smile is still one of the sweetest things [Name] has ever seen. Now, [Name] had two options here, tell Mingi he knows him  and that he’s a huge fan OR play it off cool and act like he doesn’t know Mingi. He chooses the third option by tripping over his own words. “I know, uhm I have a friend that likes your band so I know who you are I mean.” 
‘HE KNOWS WHO I AM OMFG HE KNOWS HOLY SHIT SDEHFD VBFVIUERHERGJNERGVHURFJG, HE KNOWS OMW NAME KNOWS WHO I AM I'M GONNA END IT ALL WHY OMFG I NEED TO TALK TO YUNHO ABOUT THIS HOLY SHIT’ “oh, I see” Mingi’s cheeks, redder than a crimson flower betrays the words he responds with despite the internal freak out he’s currently experiencing. Mingi moves closer to stand next to [Name] as they both rest their backs on the wall. “You like Incarnations?” he asks, his accent is obvious but his korean is pretty good for a beginner Mingi thinks. “Uhm, no, Hongjoong-hyung is a big fan, I like their music but I haven't really listened to them” Mingi’s voice is a bit stuttery as he speaks. [Name] hums and the sound makes Mingi’s knees weak, “Why you out here then? Not inside with him?” 
Mingi, in an effort to lie and not expose the fact that he followed him purely out of attraction just goes “Oh, uhm too many people I guess”  [Name] nods, “Yeah I get that….you stay here with me?” Mingi knows he probably meant to ask if he wanted to stay outside with him, but with the language barrier it sounds like he’s asking to stay with him, no matter the reason and that makes a warm feeling flutter in his chest. He just makes a noise of agreement and they both stay silent for a while.
“Hm… you want to get out of here?” [Name] asks and Mingi coughs in surprise, “Huh?!” he turns to look at [Name]. “Uhm, walk around, get drink, fresh air” now that [Name’s] sentences are more intricate his words get more choppy, yet somehow Mingi understands him. “yeah, yeah I'd like that” Mingi smiles, “let me just text my friend first” he says as he pulls out his phone and [Name] nods. 
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“Where would you want to go?” Mingi asks as he pockets his phone, “hm I don't know Korea well. Just walk around?“ [Name’s] brows furrow as he tries to concentrate on his words and Mingi chuckles at his face. [Name] looks at him questioningly and without thinking Mingi just responds “you're cute when concentrating” he slaps a hand on his mouth as he realizes what he just said. [Name’s] cheeks heat up at Mingis words. “thank you…” he mumbles and Mingi has to stop himself from cooing. 
“There's a really nice park a little while away from here if you want to go there?” Mingi asks and he sees [Name’s] face contort to confusion once again, silently mouthing the words to himself before his face lights up in recognition as he nods his head.  He blew out the last puff of his cigarette before throwing it in the bin nearby. “lead way” he motions as he extends a hand out in front of him once again and Mingi nods before he starts walking slowly as he makes sure [Name] is following him. 
They walk out, past the security that nods at them and the night air is chilly, Mingi wants to shiver but he doesn't yet. He doesn’t want to seem pathetic, yet his chills against the night air must have been glaringly obvious as  [Name] takes off his zip up hoodie and places it on Mingi's shoulders, despite the instant heat that churns in Mingis stomach he sends a questioning look to the taller male. “You're cold and need a hoodie, '' he says as he shrugs nonchalantly, playfully pulling the hood over Mingis head. Mingi takes a moment to process what happened before he starts giggling as he puts the hoodie on properly before zipping it up. He's overwhelmed with the scent of cherries and his mind starts to wander about burying his face in [Name’s] neck to get a better smell. 
Before his thoughts could drift completely he's snapped out of them by [Name] “cute, you're giggle” he says as he smiles at Mingi, placing a hand on his head teasingly, “cute little giggle” and Mingi whines in protest, placing his face in his hands to avoid the others gaze.  “Come on, don't hide your cute smile from me” as he speaks in English his voice drops even lower due to the familiarity of the language slipping from his tongue, and the warmth that's started to form in Mingi's stomach moves lower. 
[Name] moves closer as he gently wraps his jeweled hands around Mingi's wrists, pulling his hands away from his face, he lets go and places a hand on Mingi's chin forcing him to look up at him. Mingi's eyes wide and glossy, his whole face red as a wide smile is spread across his lips.  “See? such a beautiful smile.. hiding it from me would be a crime darling”
Now Mingi didn't understand much English, he understood the main message behind the tallers words, sure but he didn't know specifics, yet as the last word dripped hot from his tongue, like candle wax to skin, flowing past his mischievous smile, Mingi understood. Of course he knows that word, it sends chills up his spine almost as if it's the phantom of [Name’s] fingers tracing the indent of his back himself.  
It’s as if the other can understand the way Mingi’s mind drifts, he stands a bit closer, placing his hand on the small of Mingi’s back, “You lead the way, remember?”  he tilts his head as he looks gently at Mingi. Mingi jumps at the other man's contact with his back, but when [Name] moves his hand away and starts to apologize, Mingi stops him by grabbing his hand, wrapping it around his waist in a sudden burst of confidence fueled by lust. “I was just surprised, don’t stop.” He says as he guides the taller’s hand to be placed perfectly on his hip. [Names] eyes widen a fraction, before he nods his head as he lets a little smirk slip, causing one of his fang like teeth to poke out, and it makes Mingi’s neck ache, just the thought of those teeth biting into his flesh. “Yeah uh- uh yeah there's a park ahead” Mingi chokes out as he and [Name] walks, it’s silent but not in a bad way, almost comforting.
It confuses Mingi, why he trusts this random man, no matter how handsome, but he doesn't have time to dwell as he sees the outline of the park in the distance, he points to it to alert the male next to him who hums in acknowledgement. “You go to the park a lot?” the taller asks. “No, not really, not this one specifically at least. I used to go to parks at night a lot. I was kind of a shy kid, so my mom would bring me at night, or dusk- depending on how busy our day was.” Mingi spills, it's almost like the normal filter of socially acceptable words one shares with strangers is non-existent. [Name] nods as he takes a moment to understand Mingi’s words. Imagining a baby Mingi in the park with his mom, brings a smile to his face.
“Hm, what was your favorite part of the park?” [Name] inquires as the two walk, outline of the park becoming clearer as they get closer, “Probably the swings, it was always so fun when my mom would push me- I felt like I was flying, no matter what happened that day, when I was on the swings I was free.” Mingi has a wistful look on his face and it warms [Names] heart. “Do you wanna swing then? I'll push you” his voice rings in Mingi ears as Mingi realizes they now stand in front of the swings, he’s been so focused on speaking and [Names] comforting hand on his hip that he zoned out. “Oh- would you be fine with that?”  Mingi tilts his head as he questions [Name] who nods in response as he holds one of chains of the swing, motioning for Mingi to sit. 
Mingi sits down, steadies himself, before he tilts his head backward to look up at [Name] who's standing behind him. The top of his head is pressed against [Names] stomach as his eyes, big and brown, studies the other's face. [Name] leans down and places a peck to Mingi’s forehead, “Tell me more about yourself, princess” he speaks in a sultry voice, his breath hot against Mingis face, and before Mingi can react, [Name] pushes Mingi as the swing creaks. Mingi squeaks in surprise and [Name] gives a joyful laugh. 
The sounds of the two men echo through the air, but there’s no one around to hear them, the night for once being quiet. The moon looks down at them, and she knows her children will be happy tonight.
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notes: RAAHHH FINALLYYYYY I GOT TO WRITINGG AGAINNN, so anyway i'm busy with the next chapter of this and my other smau, hoping to get out one more chapter this weekend I just don't know for which story, this is NOT proofread guys pls if u find any errors tell me
Ateez masterlist | Home page
Taglist [30/14][open]: @idkwhatto-namethis @foxilsdenn @cometaveintisiete @poweringthroughthis @astro-doll-the-star @dahbee8 @mikahrh @moonslie04 @boopboopedoop @bee-the-loser @brrrkdslek @amphiroxx @ddeonubaby @ddextrr @conwunder
copyright | 2024 | @asherthehimbo
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loveshotzz · 1 year
Here’s a little preview of everyone’s favorite Tamagotchi Daddy 😚 and an appearance at the end by your fave bartender.
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Whatta Man Masterlist | Rick’s Party Playlist
as a reminder my blog is 18 +
Sheer curtains sway with a pink glow from the flashing sign outside your apartment, the nip in the October air makes goosebump dance across your exposed skin from the crack in your bedroom window. The summer heat came and went like it always does but not the cute bouncer you took home the first warm night of the year.
Weckx-N-Effect’s ‘Rump Shaker’ spills through the boombox in your living room where Steve stands in front of your long mirror, dressed as John Dalton from Road House, you hear the pitch in his voice deepen,
“Take the biggest guy in the world, shatter his knee and he’ll drop like a stone.”
Rolling your eyes at the line you’ve heard both him and Patrick Swayze deliver all week long, you adjust the white and blue trimmed high waisted basketball shorts that hug your curves before tugging down the cropped Tune Squad mesh tank that matches. Straightening your bunny ears, you turn around to inspect your tail, bubble gum pink glossed lips turning up into a pleased smirk with the height the white platform sneakers on your feet give you. Humming in approval because you know Baby Spice would be proud, your shoulders wiggle in excitement as you apply another layer of gloss before smacking your lips loudly.
“Hey Doc, you got the goods earlier right?” The bouncer calls out.
His boots sound heavy on your shag rug making his way towards the bathroom and even though you saw his outfit earlier, when Steve’s handsome face appears next to yours in the mirror with a wide grin, you still flutter around nothing. Dark emerald eyes turn black as they drink in your costume, and you're almost positive yours look the same admiring the thick patch of hair on full display in his white loose fitting button up. Long sleeves rolled up to his elbows with the top three undone just like Dalton’s.
The extra button reveals more than usual, including the silver chain that dangles from his neck. It shines under the dark curls that cover his chest when it hits the bright lights above you, matching the belt buckle attached to the black leather that holds his tight fitting jeans to his waist. The ivory of his shirt makes his permanently sunkissed skin glow, thighs pressing together when he licks his full lips, moles moving with his cheeks when he grins.
“Jesus, you look - fuck, why’s the tail doing it for me?” Finally breaking character, he runs a hand through his hair, the ring wrapped around his middle finger catching your eye in his reflection.
“Stop calling me that or everyone is going to think I’m Bugs Bunny.” You huff and his lips twitch at your pout, “and if by goods you mean, the Roadhouse soundtrack, yes I picked it up from your friend Robin.”
Turning around, you lean against the sink, the reminder of your promise to recreate the sex scene with him tonight has you giving him an extra exaggerated roll of your eyes, a smile lighting up your face despite yourself. Steve’s big black boots cross the threshold, thick rubber soles squeaking against the rose colored tile, he closes the small distance to stand in front of you.
The warm smell of his Calvin Klein CK One cologne lingers fresh on the cotton of his shirt, along with the faint hint of your hairspray when he stole a spritz when he first got to your apartment. The cinnamon from his Big Red is hot on his breath, the whites of his teeth showing in a grin as he pushes the gum to the other side of his mouth with a tongue that was between your thighs just a few hours ago.
“I’m sorry baby, I’ll stop. I can’t help it when I’m in character you know?” One of his big hands comes up to your face, long fingers spreading across your jaw tilting your mouth towards his. The bouncer takes in your done up features in the light, and the pucker of your glittery lips, looking at him like you needed to be kissed. “No one is going to think a pretty thing like you is anything other than hot.”
“Good.” You try to say it with more conviction, but the way he keeps looking at you like he wants to eat you alive makes it come out quiet.
“Oh yeah?” He questions with a quirked brow, his boots moving the one step left to stand in the space you made for him between your legs. The tip of his nose runs along the bridge of yours, his other hand finding a new home on the plush curve of your hip to pull you even closer. The denim doing nothing to hide just how much your outfit was affecting him.
“I’m gonna have to follow you around all night aren’t I? Gonna make me abuse my power and kick anyone out who even looks at my girl like they got a chance huh?” Steve mutters his threat against your lips, the tips of his fingers digging into the dip in your cheeks bringing your mouth to his.
The strawberry of your gloss is sweeter than it was thirty minutes ago and it makes him groan when his kiss turns possessive, tongues meeting in the middle when he licks into your mouth. Your hands find their way to his chest, your palms finding the warm skin of his chest, the blunt ends of your nails dragging through the dark thatch of hair. He nips at your bottom lip when he lets you go. Pink glitter staining his when he pulls away sticky, eyes blown wide feeling the way your leg starts to lift over his hip, daring him to come back for more.
He tuts at you with whatever self control he has left, letting his hungry gaze drop down to drink up every dip and soft curve on display for him. Your back arches under the heat of it and Steve catches the puffy tail resting perfectly on the curve of your ass in the reflection. His responsibility to get downstairs in five minutes doesn’t seem so important anymore.
“I’m not going to be able to keep my hands off you.” He sounds almost angry, and pride swells in your chest.
His hand slides from your waist, fingertips tips dragging down the soft dough of your thigh making the hem of your shorts bunch up when he hooks them under your knee. He accepts your dare with a roll of his hips, his grin turning salacious when you gasp.
“That’s kinda the point, duh” the giggle that leaves your mouth is breathy as he ducks his head down to the crook of your neck to suck a fresh bruise where the previous one he left last week is almost healed, “oh my godddd.”
His lips curve against you, the hint of stubble along his jaw tickles as he makes his way with greedy lips to all the sensitive spots he’s discovered over the last few months, including the new one he found the other night right below your ear. He nips at the soft skin when your fingers tangle themselves into his hair with a harsh tug at his roots, the back of your calf pressing against his ass encouraging him more.
“Earlier wasn’t enough, my girl needs more attention doesn’t she?” His taunting comes out next to the shell of your ear, the deep baritone making you shiver. “It’s only been a few hours and you want me that bad again, huh?”
Your eyes hit the back of your head when he rolls your earlobe between his teeth. Another tug to his hair, a whine pushing past your pink lips trying to get more of anything he’ll give you.
“Come on baby, don’t be shy.” He hums pulling away from your neck, finally letting go of your face to squeeze at the fat of your ass propped on the sink, long fingers playing with your tail. “Tell me, I wanna hear it.”
The song on the radio changes, and Mase’s ‘What You Want’ encourages the next grind of your hips.
“Gonna make me beg for it Steve?” You pout looking up at him from under your lashes, relishing in the way you feel him twitch in his jeans at the thought. One of your hands trails down the muscles of his stomach, biting your lip when they twitch under your fingertips, adding more to the growing problem in your underwear.
The incessant high pitch beeping of both your tamagotchi’s cuts through the tension like a knife, making both of you freeze and you catch the way his eyes widen, the color coming back at the realization of their need to be fed.
“Steve, I swear to god-“ Your disbelief is quickly cut off by the bellowing voice of a certain bartender from outside your window.
“Hey! Asshole! I know you’re up there. Get your dick in your pants and get down here and help! It’s fucking Halloween!”
Eddie sounds like he’s already at his wits end, and you swear you hear him say ‘before I fuckin’ kill Rick’ as the bar door creaks open before slamming shut behind him.
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exololyunho · 2 months
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put your hands up
pairing: jung wooyoung/fem!reader
genre: smut
wc: 2.8k
if someone had told you that you'd go to a frat party, have fun, and leave with the hottest man you'd ever seen, you'd call them an idiot. but boy are you glad they were right
warnings: unprotected sex, drunk ish sex (never really specified how much both parties drank, but they can both consent) creampie, public groping, making out on a dance floor, getting caught (kinda), light choking, oral, squirting, multiple orgasms, as always lmk if I missed something
rating: mature
an: this came from a horny daydream I had after listening to shalom for the first time
taglist: @staytinyinmybpack@jeonride@becky4733107-blog@ignoretheskies
join the taglist here
Being here, in this sweaty basement, surrounded by people you barely knew was the last place you thought you’d end up tonight. What had started as a casual girls night with your friends had turned into this. An attempt by your friends to get you laid or even just have fun in a social setting. A frat party. Your first and hopefully last.
It wasn’t all terrible. The DJ was actually not half bad, except for the fact he was wearing sunglasses indoors at night. Douche. The booming bass combined with the disgustingly warm beer in your hand had led you onto the dance floor. It had taken a couple beers and a swig or two from a flask, but you’d ended up in the middle of the room. Sweaty bodies jostled yours, friends along with couples making out, but you found yourself lost in the music. Your hands were in the air as your hips swayed side to side.
As the temperature rose and your cup was quickly emptied, you found yourself in desperate need of a break. It wasn’t easy to navigate your way off the dance floor, but eventually you broke through, making a beeline to the keg to refill. With a fresh cup of semi cold beer, you settled your back against the cool wall, taking a moment to observe.
You were immensely grateful your friends had managed to convince you that the shorts and cropped tee you were wearing were a better idea than your jeans and long sleeve.
Eyes scanning the crowd, you were caught off guard when someone leaned right next to you, his eyes scanning your figure. The alcohol in your system was enough to suppress your usually timid nature. Instead, you simply quirked an eyebrow at him and took a sip of your beer while taking him in.
The man before you had slicked back black hair, a few strands falling over his forehead. He was handsome in a pretty way, his sharp eyes intimidating as they watched you. His full lips were turned up in a confident little smirk. The rest of him was just as attractive as his face, with his legs encased in form fitting black jeans and a pastel Hawaiian shirt that was unbuttoned enough to be indecent, but alluring.
Time seemed to stop as his eyes finally met yours. It felt like you were possessed. Like you had no control of your body as your hand grabbed his dragging him behind you into the crowd of dancing college students. His hand was soft in yours, and once he realized what you were doing, his grip tightened.
You were planning on heading into the middle where you'd been before, but the man had other plans. Surrounded by people still, but on the outskirts of the throng, he stopped. Before you could turn and tell him to keep moving he was pulling you back against him. Your back pressed to his chest, your hips slotting together as his hand left yours to find purchase on your stomach, holding you tight to him.
“Names  Wooyoung, pretty lady, what's yours?” his lips against the shell of your ear sent shivers down your spine.
You twisted back to look at him while still keeping as much contact with him as possible. “Y/n.”
He hummed, nosing at your neck as the two of you started swaying to the slightly slower song playing at the moment. It felt like every fiber of your being was overheating in the crowd, but you couldn’t bring yourself to move away from him. The firmness of his chest, the strong pressure of his hand on your stomach, his lips pressing ever so gently against your neck, it was all too much and not enough. 
The two of you didn’t exchange any more words for quite a while, the music changing pace and both of your hips following suit. At around song number 3 you started to feel him hardening against your back. He seemed to be blessed and if this was heading where you really really hoped it was, you were going to get lucky. 
Eventually, you got tired of simply dancing together. You pulled yourself from his grip, turning around, moving the hand with your beer over his shoulder so it was out of harm's way as you pressed your fronts together. 
With your unoccupied hand winding into his hair, your lips crashed together. It was messy, tongues immediately lashing out and teeth nipping at lips. His hands were on your ass, pulling you towards him and pressing his erection into you more fervently. Your hand in his hand released the grip you had, trailing down his neck, feeling up his chest, his abs, and then sliding between you to palm him over his jeans.
He pulled back, muttering “that's it,” as he untangled both of your limbs and plucked the beer out of your hands. You watched him warily, wondering if you'd crossed a line. Your fears were quickly thrown to the side as he took a big gulp of your drink. 
“Pledge!” Wooyoung yelled, nearly screaming over the music. A guy immediately appeared next to the two of you. “Here, dry week’s over for you.”
He handed the kid the half drunk beer and before you could see the pledge’s reaction, his hand was back in yours and he was pulling you towards the stairs. It was a struggle to get through the crowd, but with Wooyoung clearly on a mission, people parted as best as they could.
A few wolf whistles followed you and Wooyoung up the stairs, but you really couldn’t bring yourself to care. Once out of the basement, the music was muffled and the air was fresher, allowing you to really breathe.
For a moment anyway, before Wooyoung was pushing you against the nearest wall, his lips back on yours and his hands on your thighs, lifting you to wrap them around his waist. This way, you could really feel just how hard he was, his hips rocking against yours as the two of you desperately grabbed at each other.
“Hey guys c’mon no fucking in the hallway!” a loud voice startled you, but Wooyoung kept his grip on you, pulling away from the wall to walk quickly away from whoever was yelling. You buried your face in his neck as he navigated to halls.
Wooyoung’s room was on the first floor, so you made it there quickly, the door shutting behind you. The room was simple, a double bed, some posters, a messy desk, and a few other personal items strewn about. You weren’t thrilled with the douchey LED lights under the bed set to red, but it wasn’t a deal breaker. 
Surprisingly gently,  Wooyoung set you down on his bed before he took a step back.
“You want this, right Y/n? I’m not misreading signals?” he looked unsure of himself for the first time since you’d met him.
“Yes, I’m sure,” sitting on the edge of the bed, you leaned back on your hands and spread your legs in an attempt to be seductive. His demeanor changed almost instantly, his face finding that confident smirk as he strode between your legs. He placed his knee right on the edge of the bed, pushing up against your core as he leaned over you. His lips met your ear again as you held your breath. 
“Good because you make me so hard. And from the way you just grabbed my dick on a crowded dance floor,” his lips moved down to your neck, sucking and biting between words. “I’d guess you were soaked.”
A started gasp clawed its way out of you as his hand moved to cup you over your shorts. 
“Hmm? What do you think, pretty lady? Am I right?”
It took everything in you just to nod, to confirm just how right he was. 
But that wasn’t enough. He pulled away from you, his hand grabbing your jaw, forcing your eyes to meet his. “Use your words. I want to hear you.”
Slack jawed, you nodded. “Yeah, yeah ok.”
“Good job, now get comfortable,” he backed away, standing up fully as he undid the buttons of his shirt. After a moment, you moved back against the pillows, tugging your top off, undoing your shorts and kicking your shoes off. Before you could get your pants all the way off, Wooyoung was stopping you. 
He crawled up between your legs, his hands taking over, yanking down your shorts and underwear. You weren’t quite sure what he was going to do next, but you definitely weren’t prepared for his tongue to immediately find your clit.
The surprised moan that left your moan only encouraged him. Two of his fingers quickly found their way inside you, curling up into just the right spot. One of your hands found its way to his hair, gripping tightly as he moved from soft licks to sucking hard on your clit. The change had your back arching and moans of his name bouncing off the walls. 
Wooyoung didn’t stop, even as your legs began to shake and you began to chant, ‘I’m close.’ In fact he didn’t stop even as you came. Your walls spasming around his fingers and your hips bucking up into his mouth didn’t stop him, he kept up that same pace that had you seeing stars. 
“Wooyoung!” It was hard to breathe with the immense pleasure from his ministrations, but you couldn’t bring yourself to stop him, only gripping his hair tighter and letting him do whatever he wanted to you. 
It wasn’t until you were reaching your second high that you tried to stop him. Not because you wanted him to stop, not at all, but because there was a weird tightness in your core that you’d never experienced before. It was accompanying the normal tension of your orgasm approaching but it was weird, no less pleasurable, but different.
“Woo, wait I-” your sentence was cut off by your own loud moan. The feeling swept over you. It was so intense your vision blacked out for a moment. 
This orgasm was nothing like you’d ever felt before. Instead of washing over you in waves, it was constant. A fire all over you that had you shouting cries of his name as you burned up. Your legs were shaking, your eyes had rolled back, and your brain had shut off. 
All you could feel was him and the pleasure he brought you.
You finally came down, gasping for air.
Before you could even take a second to catch your breath, Wooyoung was flipping you over on your stomach, his hands pulling your hips into the air.One hand stayed attached to your hip while the other planted itself between your shoulder blades.
“God, baby that was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen,” you could hear the rustling of his pants and clinking of his belt. “I can’t believe I got you to squirt.”
Wait, what? You squirted? You’ve never done that before. But, you guess no one’s ever gone down on you like Wooyoung had before-
You weren’t able to finish your train before he was pushing into you. Wooyoung wasn’t the longest you’d ever had, but god was his dick thick. It filled you, stretched you, so perfectly. 
“God, you’re tight y/n,” he gave a shallow thrust, both of you moaning at the feeling. He was dragging over your walls perfectly, and you couldn’t help but see stars. 
Wooyoung slowly started to build a forceful rhythm. His hips slamming into yours fast then withdrawing slowly. It was torture in the best way possible, but you  needed more.
“Faster, please,” you cried out, causing him to groan.
“Fuck,” he obeyed your request, pumping in and out at a speed you didn’t know was possible. 
Your face was still pressed against the mattress, the angle at which he held you allowing him to hit your g-spot on every thrust. Your hands holding onto the sheets were your only lifeline as his hips kept pumping.
Wooyoung’s hand snaked around your throat, before he was pulling you up against him. Your hands scrambled to grab onto his hip and arm as he held you up. The two of you were on your knees now as he kept pumping away.
“Look at how good you take me,” he cooed in your ear, causing your eyes to flash up towards the mirror you just noticed hanging over his headboard. You could see yourself, bar, with your mouth hanging open and his hand around your throat. You let out a strangled cry at the sight, nearly coming again from his eyes watching you.
His hand drifted down from your hip, reaching around to rub small circles on your clit. Watching him do it had you shaking, the pleasure overwhelming as your eyes flitted between his hand working magic on you and his face, consumed with his own pleasure.
Everything was too much, but so good. It was bringing you back to the brink faster than you thought possible.
“Cum for me,” his teeth were tugging on your earlobe, his breath hot against your neck. “Please.”
That did it, and with a cry, you came once again. As your walls spasmed, you could feel him cumming inside of you, flooding you with his cum, lengthening your own orgasm. 
Once the two of you came down, you both collapsed, him doing his best not to fall on top of you. You both laid there breathing heavily for a moment, before he was tugging you to him. Your head rested on his sweaty chest, his arm tucked around you.
“We should do that again.”
“Most definitely.”
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strangersatellites · 1 year
pride, envy, wrath, sloth, gluttony, greed, ao3
Seven Deadly Sins Series (NSFW 18+)
lust (noun) - a shortcut to sexual fulfillment, but it doesn’t actually get you there. When you lust after someone, you are objectifying that person for your own selfish pleasure. 
The summer heat beats down with a strength that must rival that straight out of Hell, Eddie thinks. 
The thermometer Wayne keeps on the porch outside reading somewhere between ninety degrees and the devil’s asscrack and Eddie can feel all of it. 
Sweat rolling down his spine even where he’s sat in the shade, sunglasses and baseball cap on and a glass of ice water pressed to the back of his neck. 
You couldn’t pay him enough money to set foot in the grass, to feel the sun hit his skin and start burning it instantly.
The only thing keeping him even outside is Steve. 
Steve who is washing his car like it's the most important job he’ll ever have. He’s paying attention to details that Eddie’s never even noticed, let alone noticed were clean.
But that’s not what Eddie’s paying attention to anyway is it?
No. There might be one thing in the steamy July air that is hotter than the sun, and it's the thoughts running through Eddie’s head. There’s nothing cool about those. 
See, Eddie’s covered in a layer of grime and his hair has gone frizzy and he’s sprawled across the couch in a way he knows makes him look less like a man and more like a deflated balloon.
But despite the heat, Steve looks like a vision.
He’s got on a tight little pair of cut-off shorts that do absolute wonders for his thighs. 
He’s ripped the sleeves off and cropped one of Eddie’s old band shirts, a white one at that, and Eddie’s eyes can trail all the way from his shoulder to his happy trail, view unobstructed. 
He’s got his hair pushed back with a pair of sunglasses that started on his eyes but were apparently hindering his vision too much. Whatever. Eddie’s not complaining. He looks sexy with his hair pushed back.
It started out innocent enough. With Eddie mentally making a note to tell him he looks cute the next time he’s close enough to the porch.
But that was before he took a break from scrubbing to douse himself under the hose. 
Because now Eddie’s old, white band shirt is stuck to his skin like glue. Like it was painted on just for him. Eddie loves Steve’s strong arms, he does. But he’s never going to pass up an opportunity to watch the way the muscles in his back ripple under his skin. The “Metallica” stretched across his shoulders is just icing on the cake.
When faced with the wrath of the sun, Eddie’s skin turns pink and tender. But Steve goes a beautiful warm golden and his freckles seem to multiply. 
Right now Eddie’s eyes are glued to Steve’s legs. The way his muscles go taut when he squats down to scrub at his hubcaps. If he squints hard enough against the harsh afternoon light, Eddie can almost make out the indentions of his own teeth on the underside of his thigh. The fading purple bruise he’d sucked into soft skin, sweaty for an entirely different reason. 
He thinks of the way he’s made those strong legs tremble and shake. The way he’s had them wrapped around his waist, his head. 
Steve shifts and sits on the grass, leans back on both of his hands and throws his head back with a sigh. Eddie’s gaze gets redirected to the shirt clinging to his chest, his soft, but still strong tummy. 
He wants to lick his collarbones and leave bruises on his neck. More bruises, that is. There’s already a few mottled across his skin because Eddie just can’t help himself. How could he? How could anybody help themselves with Steve in their lap whimpering their name like a prayer? Eddie gave up trying to hold back a long time ago. 
When his eyes come back into focus Steve is stretching to reach across his windshield, back muscles stretched long and strong. If Eddie closes his eyes he can imagine the feeling of the welts he’d left across his skin. Claw marks drug all the way down his back. Can almost imagine the feeling that elicited them. The groan he’d pulled out of his boy in turn. 
Eddie snaps his eyes open and is met with Steve’s lazy smile looking his way and he really can’t be blamed for the heat it sends dipping into his stomach and the strained huff he grits out. 
The way Steve throws his head back again, this time in a laugh at Eddie’s distress, doesn’t help his case. 
It gets the worst though, when Steve sets to detailing the hood. 
Now he’s got his back directly facing Eddie. He’s bent over at the waist, hips popped back and his spine dipped low and Eddie’s not a praying man, he’s not. 
But he’s about to send up one of gratitude because sometimes he can hardly believe Steve’s his. 
And Eddie’s not stupid. He knows Steve’s onto him. He knows because he’d laughed. Because he’s peeking over his shoulder every few seconds to see if Eddie’s eyes are still on him. He knows because he’s tugged his little shorts up enough that the crease of his ass and his thighs sits right below the frayed denim hem. 
There might’ve been a time where Eddie would’ve tried valiantly to redirect his train of thought. To stop himself from making a fool of himself. But now Steve’s his boyfriend. And Steve knows Eddie’s thinking about getting him naked more often than he’s not these days. He’s just as bad. 
So Eddie lets himself sink into it. Into the visions of the bounce of Steve’s cheeks when Eddie smacks him. Of the tiny freckle just shy of his hole and how he loves to sink his teeth around it. The tiny heart tattoo on the back of his right hip that Steve totally should not have let Eddie give him, but they both love nonetheless.  
He thinks about the way his normally strong voice, breaks and goes soft when Eddie fucks him. The way he squirms when he rides Eddie’s face. 
The goosebumps that break out across his skin on the comedown and his glassy eyes and soft smile. 
His eyes are wide open but he’s so lost in the memory of his boy’s ass pulled against his hips that he misses when Steve stops washing his car and climbs the steps of the porch. Doesn’t see him until he feels his weight drop down across his lap and hears Steve ask what he’s thinking about in a sultry whisper.
So Eddie really doesn’t feel all that bad about his thoughts burning hotter than the summer sun when he says, “Nothing, baby. Just you.”
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snailsdraw · 1 year
BIG DISCLAIMER: this is based on these very cool posts by @gordonfreemansphysicsdegree (link 1 here) (OP's OG gems designs link here).
I don't own this AU, I just drew stuff because mind esplosion
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[Start ID: 9 pages of user gordonfreemansphysicsdegree's HLVRAI-SU AU doodles drawn by user snailsdraw featuring the Science Team as gems.
Yellow Olivine Darnold in two outfits: the homeworld outfit and the on-earth oufit. The homeworld version resembles a warmer, high-collar version of Peridot's outfit with limb enhancers and a green visor, and features Darnold with a yellow coloured flat top afro and dark orange skin. His gem, which is green and triangular, resides on his forehead. The on-earth version features her wearing a duku headwrap with a star-shaped bow in the front, a yellow visor, yellow gloves and boots, a labcoat with a three-pointed collar like the top half of a star, and a one-piece swimsuit-like apparel separated into two shades of green by an inverted "V".
3 early Gem-Darnold sketches: Darnold in a mish-mash outfit consisting of a scarf, labcoat, a visor, arcade-patterned shirt, polkadot skirt, striped socks, rocket boots, and the headwrap. He is holding a clipboard and pen, and seems to be observing something. Beside that is a sketch of Darnold in homeworld attire, projecting a holographic screen with her floating, limb enhancer fingers. And lastly, Darnold in a labcoat again, looking sheepish.
Banded Carnelian Gordon and human Joshua: Gordon is a fat, bearded, one-armed gem with a ponytail, wearing a rounded visor over his eyes, a hoodie with stars on the ends of the drawstrings, sweatpants, and sneakers. His gem, located on his upper chest, is chipped. Joshua is a wide-eyed kid with floofy, spikey hair in a cowboy outfit with a star-shaped sheriff's badge and toy horse. There's a sketch of Joshua attempting to eat a worm, and another of Gordon looking very tired.
Blue Dumortierite Benrey: He resembles a quartz in uniform and body type, except shorter and wearing a hood. His left hand is hidden behind his back, but a callout drawing shows that there is a raindrop-shaped gem inserted sideways into the back of his hand.
Lapis Benrey: He is a fat gem with an undercut and bangs, and is wearing an outfit that resembles Lapis's, except with tights instead of a skirt. He is sitting cross-legged with his watery wings out, and is throwing a peace-sign, his gem now visible on his left hand and in it's original, flat position. Next to this is Benrey in his earth-outfit, consisting of a cap with a star decal on the side and ear flaps and a ponytail sticking out the back, a crop-top hoodie with a star-shaped open patch on the back, a translucent skirt, and open-toe tights. He's making a kissy face, and is posed with one foot kicked up behind him and a hand on his hip, the other hand flipping his cap ear flap like you would long hair.
Yellow Agate Tommy: He is a tall, lanky gem with hair styled resembling a mound atop his head with rings resembling the agate mineral, and is dressed like Holly Blue Agate with a high-collar, shawl, and high boots. He is standing attentively with his hands in the diamond pose. Beside that is a sketch of Tommy in an oversized Beach City Funland shirt and a propeller hat he'd won at the Funland. He touches the cap reverantly like he's just had a revelation from having fun for once in millenia and this is a turning point for him. Next to that is Tommy in his earth-outfit, consisting of a short puffy-sleeved top with 2 pompoms down the front, a bowtie, a cummerbund, and tights with shoes tipped with pompoms. Sunkist, a corrupted Pearl who resembles a large, masked bird, is lolling her tongue happily while she recieves some scritches from a smiling Tommy.
Corrupted Cream Pearl Sunkist: Originally, she is a Pearl with shoulder-length hair and a curl on her forehead and attire that resembles Pink Pearl's except with a translucent curtain around her shoulders instead. She stands with a foot pointed out in front of her like a ballerina, and her fingers interlocked before her chest. Next to it is a drawing of her corrupted, bird creature form. Additionally, there is a sketch of her after she is newly healed, touching her face in wonderment and tearing up. She now mostly looks like a Pearl, except with longer hair resembling wings, no nose, and an inverted "V" line across the middle of her face.
Green Quartz Dr Coomer: He is an old gem in Quartz uniform with a roundish moustache, a balding head and under-eye wrinkles. His weapon are two huge gauntlets, like Garnet's. A round gem resides on top of his forehead. On Earth, he wears a singlet with ripped edges around the armpits resembling a star-shape, and suspenders with star-shaped buckles. He flexes, showing off his bulging arm muscles.
Fusion-Zircon Bubby: He looks like an average Zircon, just slightly taller and much older, and with two monocles instead of one. His hair droops back in a triangle, and his boxy jacket has unbalanced shoulderpads with two jutting out from one shoulder and only one from the other, and a mis-matched number of line decal on his sleeves and pant legs. He also has heeled boots and a three-pointed hankerchief under his gem - a fusion of several shards of Zircon. He's posed with his head tilted up and hands on his hips. On Earth, he has a balding head with hair also angled in a triangle behind his head. He wears a tracksuit with a big star pattern front and centre. His sleeves and boots are mis-matched in lengths. /End ID.]
I WILL EXPLAIN I only changed Darnold's gem cut because I learned that Olivine is Peridot in mineral form and went oh👀?
Very very interesting HLVRAI 2 AU, awesome times.
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alexander-23 · 2 years
Larissa Weems x student!reader headcanon?
Basically student has anxiety attack after seeing the monster themselves and Larissa comforts them.
I was out for a late night walk since I was unable to sleep, one of the many wonderful…. effects of insomnia. I wasn’t far from the building but close enough to the fence that I could see into the woods. I was on edge with the many monster attacks as of late, but the walks always helped me the best. As I’m walking by the fence, the monster slams into it reaching its hand through to grab me. I fall over to avoid it but still get a scratch on my arm. I stare at it in shock as it backs away to climb over the fence. At the sight of that, I stand shakily and run back to nevermore for safety.
As I’m running through the halls, I continuously look back for the monster. I only stop when I run into Principal Weems. We both fall to the ground, but I attempt to scramble to get up.
Principal Weems pulls me closer to herself in an attempt to talk to me, “Y/N dear, what’s wrong? What has you so frightened?”
I look in the direction I came from scared the monster is still coming after me, “monster……I..” I’m gasping for air, “I saw it!”
“Slow down, what do you mean?”
“It atta-“ I try to get more air into my lungs as she squeezes my hands, “it attacked me”
She looks me over and spots the bleeding scratches on my arm. In an instant she lifts me in her arms and brings me through a door. It’s dark with a dim light behind me. Principal Weems holds me tight, “It’s alright Darling, I’ve got you, you’re safe here” she whispers. She places me on her bed and kneels between my legs. She cups my face softly and looks at me with gentle eyes. “Oh honey….we’re going to breathe together, alright?”
I give a small nod in agreement and do as she does.
In for 8 seconds , out for 5
“That’s it darling, keep going”
In for 8, out for 5
She leads me through this exercise until I’m breathing normally again. She lets go of my face and moves to stand. She slowly backs away, “I’m just going to my bathroom to grab a first aid. You can see me from here, I promise”.
She turns and goes into her bathroom squatting down to retrieve the kit from under the sink before returning to my side.
She pulls at the sleeve of my shirt a bit, “do you have anything on under this?” I nod and she helps take my shirt off. I’m left in my sports bra and a cropped tank top.
She slowly cleans my wound and wraps my arm to keep it protected. She then guides me to her dresser and pulls out a long sleeve shirt of hers to cover me back up.
“Would you like to stay with me tonight?” I nod my head and she guides me back to her bed. She tucks me in with a kiss to my forehead and a gently Goodnight. She stays close by until I fall asleep and watches over me for the night.
Master List
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harringtons-cupid · 2 years
I think I might love you - Eddie X Reader - Best friends to lovers
Part 2:
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Word count: 4k words
Warning: 18+
Cunnilingus, creampies, naming kink, public sex. Kissing. Drug misuse, school skipping.
Tagged: @moonchildquinn @nojerama1996 @mcbeanzontoast @pleasantlycrazyworld @urlbitchin
Part One | Masterlist |
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Eddie had slept over at your house for the second time this week, looking at him all frazzled and messy hair made him look adorable. His raspy voice was turning you on every second, you wore his t-shirts to bed. He knew you looked good in them, the eyes he would make as he watched you get out of bed. It had been a month since you first slept together, you adored each other.
''We should really go to school today Eds'' you speak into your mug of coffee, hair still a mess. His clothes clinging to your body as he kissed your shoulder and neck.
''But why? I want to stay in bed all day with you'' His words were muffled as he continued to kiss your body, goosebumps appeared on your skin making you roll your eyes and smirk.
''I'm being serious Eds, we have to graduate this year'' you turned to face him, lightly kissing him and raising your eyebrows at him.
He rolled his eyes, sighing as he fell down onto the bed hard. You laughed lightly as you watched him be dramatic. Getting up, you opened your closet and began picking your outfit for the day. Eddie's clothes were neatly folded in the drawer next to your hanging clothes, you threw the clean clothes at him. Watching his eyes widen in amazement at the clothes being hurled towards him.
''My mom cleaned them for you'' your words were quieter as your head became buried inside your closet.
He had changed out of his current clothes and into the fresh clothes you had just thrown at him. He looked good. His older clothes were crumpled on the floor by your bed, sighing you walked over and picked them.
Noticing that Eddie’s eyes hadn’t left you, you were in a black lace bra with mismatching panties but his eyes widened at the sight of you. Smiling at him, you disappeared back into your closet before throwing down a combination of clothes that would create your outfit for the day.
You had chosen, a black velvet mini skirt, thick black tights with a cropped pastel pink colour with a short sleeve that’s hem barely kissed the waist band of the skirt so when you move, small peaks of your skin are shown. As you searched around the matching headband and other assorted accessories. All the while, Eddie was lay on your bed just staring at you. He knew that you dressed up for school, he'd been your best friend for a long time. He'd seen the darkest parts of you, he'd seen your bra strap in the back of his van, he'd seen how your eyes lit up when you saw something that excited you. The excited run you do when it began to snow in the middle of the winter.
But he had never seen you in your bedroom deciding clothes for school, or how annoyed you got at him just lying on your bed trying to force him to go to school with you.
''Eddie, are you ready to go?'' You turned around, your outfit was nearly done. Grabbing your knee high combat boots, that had matching pastel pink hearts scattered across them.
''Fuck'' he muttered under his breath as you zipped up your boots, you smiled to yourself as you pretended not to hear him.
''Yes, I am. Shall we go?'' he linked your hands together, your bag was slung across your shoulder as you wandered down the stairs. His shoes were dangling in his hands, he quickly put them on his feet as you called your goodbyes to your parents.
You went out the door first, Eddie smacked your ass as you went past, lifting up with skirt. You squealed, holding your skirt in place and shooting him a look, he smirks and chases you towards his van. Grabbing you and pushing against the passenger door, kissing you passionately. His tongue slid inside your mouth, you sucked on his tongue making him moan softly. You feel his trousers bulge up as you continue kissing him on your driveway.
“We should go Eddie, we’re going to be late” you break away from the kiss. Nothing the lust in his eyes, he continues kissing you.
“Let’s skip, I just wanna kiss you. Be with you” his hands travel their way down your body, lifting up your skirt and rubbing over your underwear. Making you shiver.
“Eddie, my parents” you push him away slightly, pretending to sulk. He kisses you once more before stepping back to look at you.
“Fine, goody two shoes. Let’s go” he winks at you before walking over to his side of the car.
The drive to school was long, Eddie’s fingers were hammering on the steer wheel as you were stuck behind queues of traffic. Everyone the road had decided to leave at the same time.
Impatiently, Eddie’s hand travelled to your thigh. Rubbing across your underwear, smirking as you gasped loudly. Your head tipping back as slipped underneath your underwear, his cold hand touching your warm pulsating clit. With a single touch, you moaned loudly as he moved in circles your hips began to buck up. Your eyes looking at him with lust as he moved the car slowly forward.
“Eddie”you gasped, your hands and fingernails gripping onto the seats with pleasure as he smacked your clit with his hand. You didn’t want him to stop as he rubbed your juices around making you moan louder.
He switched between lightly smacking your clit and rubbing it faster each time, there was a slight bulge in his pants as his attention flickered between you and the road. He was biting his lip quite hard, gasping as he felt you getting wetter and wetter.
Your hips were practically touching the ceiling as you moved with his hand, moaning loudly. Your eyes tightly shut, your ass slightly numb from grinding it hard on the cold seat. His hand moved and gripped your ass cheek, making you whimper and move your hand to touch yourself. Noticing his, he shot an annoyed look and pushed your hand away from yourself.
“Only I’m allowed to touch you” he growled, his hand began rubbing your clit faster and harder this time as he continued to move the car.
Your moans filled up the car as your eyes rolled back in pleasure, your hips still bucking at the sensation. Feeling your body tingle and shake as he rubbed your clit harder into your orgasm, your body shook violently as you moaned loudly. You came hard, covering his hand and your underwear. He didn’t stop moving his hand until your body began shaking once more.
“Eddie, you’re going to make me cum again. Oh fuck” your moans had got louder and louder, your eyes rolling back hard as your body trembled in the car seat. You came hard once more, coating the car seat with your cum.
Eddie’s eyes were full of amazement and lust, his bulge in his pants had got bigger. He was grinding his dick against his chair as he made you cum again.
He was driving the back lanes to school, noticing a lay-by he pulled in at the side of the road. Turning the car of for a second, turning your legs to face him as he buried his hand between your thighs and he began to lick your cum up from your thighs and pussy. Moaning loudly as he did. Your body trembled once more as the feel of his tongue, gasping underneath him.
“I want you to fuck me Eddie” you gasped, his eyes shot up to look at you. He had a look of greed in his eyes as he sucked on your clit lightly, slowly inserting a finger inside you and watching you whimper beneath him.
He curled his fingers inside you until he felt you become wetter and wetter around his finger before inserting another finger inside you.
“Fuck Eddie” you moaned loudly, he was grunting between your thighs as you got wetter.
“Let’s move into the back” he growled at you, you nodded as his face moved from you. Giving you room to climb over him, he spank your ass as you moved past his head. Gasping, you turned back to smirk at him. He winked at you before climbing over the seats.
He unbuckled his jeans, letting them fall to his ankles as he positioned himself closer to you. You were lying back on one of the chairs, your legs spread apart. Your hand reached across and stroked his dick making him groan and twitch. That look of greed appeared once more in his eyes.
His hands grasped your face as he kissed you roughly, sucking on your tongue before rubbing his tip around in your juices. Inserting himself slowly inside you, you both gasped at the sensation. He groaned at the feeling of being inside you.
“Fuck” he grunted as he slide all the way inside you, your legs were wrapped around his waist as he slowly thrusted inside you.
You were already quite wet, with every thrust the noises of you growing wetter and wetter. Your hips moved with him, riding his dick as he thrust slowly inside you. You could feel him twitching, tightening yourself around him as he pounded into you.
“You feel so good” his hand had found it way around your throat as he moved quicker and quicker inside you, his eyes locking with yours as they rolled back. You felt yourself shake as he fucked you, slowly fucking you into your orgasm.
“Fuck, Eddie. I’m cumming” your eyes roll back, your body shaking as he continues to fuck you. Your gasps and moans echo throughout the van, he mumbles under his breath as he feels you wetter around his dick.
His dick twitching inside you as you tighten around him, slowly beginning to move on his dick. Reaching up to his neck and choking him, he groaned loudly as you squeezed harder.
“Give it to me Eddie, fill me up with your cum” you suddenly felt a sudden primal urge to be completely full of his cum. As you moved on his dick, needing him to cum inside you.
His moans got louder and raspier as he thrust inside you, your hands tighter on his neck. His body tensing up inside you with every word you spoke, his eyes closing tightly as he painted.
“Fuck, I’m going to cum” he groaned loudly as you continued to move. His voice was struggling with the tightness of your hands around his neck. He painted hard as you felt him empty himself inside you.
He continued to fuck you after he finished, your legs were still tightly around his waist. Your hands loosened around his neck as he leant forward and kissed you sloppily, he grunted as you thrusted your hips closer to his. His eyes tightly shut once more as he came for the second time inside you, you moaned at the sensation.
“Fuck Eddie” you bit your lip as his eyes opened, staring at you full of lust. You didn't care in that moment that you were both late for school. You both stayed in that position, him still inside you for a couple of minutes longer.
He slide out of you, his hands grasping your face. Grinning at you happily, some of his cum was dripping lightly down your thighs. He felt this and wiped his fingers in before placing his fingers back inside you until he was sure that it was deeper enough in.
You both changed back into your clothes, sitting back in the front of the van staring at each other. It replaying over and over in your mind as he kissed you, pulling out a blunt from his pocket and winking at you.
''We might as well be high when we finally arrive at school'' he smirked at you, you rolled your eyes and begun rolling down your window.
''Well, I don't want to reek of weed Eddie'' shooting him a concerned look, he rolled his eyes and cranked his window open too.
Smoke filled up the van quickly as he began smoking, he looked hot as the blunt moved from his mouth. Your eyes fixated on him in amazement. He was so pretty, his sweaty hot face was hidden by clouds of smoke as he leaned closer to you and handed you the blunt. You took a drag and hung your hand out the window, feeling paranoid about stinking of weed before school. You smiled sheepishly at him when passing the blunt back to him.
After finishing the blunt, he flicked the reminder of the end onto the floor outside. Taking one last look at you before driving off, his hand was gripping onto your thigh the whole drive there.
You were feeling the effects of the blunt as he pulled into the school car park. His music was blaring out the window when the car came to a hault, standing outside at the front steps was the principal. You sighed and got out the car, Eddie lit a cigarette as you walked towards the school entrance.
“I would like Mr Munson to come with me, you hurry off to class please Miss” she firmly scowled at you both.
Eddie grabbed your face with his hands and kissed you sloppily before nodded to you. Panicking you rushed off quickly into the school, you had English. As you hurried into the classroom, all eyes were fixated onto you making you blush heavily. You found a spare seat and sat down, opening your books and began focusing. Your thoughts drifted to Eddie.
As the day went by, you didn’t see Eddie in the corridor. The Hellfire Club were scurrying about, to quickly for you to even get a chance to ask.
You glumly walked around the school, in and out of classes. Worried about Eddie, as the bell rang at the end of the day. You wondered out of the classroom and right into a familiar smell, looking up you saw a long curly haired boy grinning down at you.
“Hey, sweetheart”
He had an un lit cigarette in his mouth, his arm fell naturally around your shoulder as he led you out of the school.
“You had a good day?” He asked, lifting his cigarette. Exhaling a cloud of smoke as his brown eyes pierced into you, making you blush.
“It was okay, I thought about you a lot” you turned your head to try and hide your red hot cheeks. His hand felt cold against your skin as he turned your head to look at him, he as smiling at you.
“Oh yeah? Well I thought about you too Sweetheart” his body was closer to you now, exhaling the smoke away from your face as he looked down at your lips.
“Really?” Your big eyes stared up at him, licking your lips as his hand caressed your cheek.
“Of course I did Sweetheart. How could not think about a pretty little thing like you?” He watched as you blushed at his words, he smiled again turning his head away to exhale.
“Let’s get you home” he stroked your face before throwing the cigarette on the ground and stubbing it with his boots.
Throwing his arm around you as you walked to his van, he opened the door for you and smacked your ass as you climbed up inside it making you squeal. He laughed and walked around the other side, his hand placed back on your thigh as he drove to yours.
Once he arrived at yours, he pulled up outside and turned to look at you.
“Do you want to come in?” You began playing with your hands, diverting your attention between him and your lap. Hoping that he would say yes.
“I will, only for a little bit. I do need to see my uncle at some point but I would like to see you first” he smiled at you and turned off his van.
His hand travelled up your thigh, lightly touching your underwear. Watching you gasp as he leant forward to kiss you, his tongue sliding inside your mouth as he rubbed across your underwear. Feeling you suddenly become wetter and smirked into the kiss.
Thankfully your parents were home yet as his hand moved quicker, making your hips thrust in the chair.
“I want you Eddie, let’s go inside” you gasped into his mouth. He smirked once more, moving his hand under your underwear and stroking your clit. His bulge getting bigger in his pants, he nodded and removed his hands from you.
Opening the door, you rushed after him. Unlocking the front door quickly, he pushed you against the closest wall and kissed you passionately. Moaning into your mouth as you stumbled towards the sofa, his hands pulled down your underwear as you unbuckled his jeans.
His head was instantly kissing your thighs and your clit, moving his tongue in the shape of his name. Your hands gripping onto his hair, forcing him deeper between your legs as you moaned into the room. Your eyes tightly closed as he ate you out, making you wetter and wetter. His fingers made their way to your opening, softly inserting one finger as he sucked hard on your clit. You moaned as he curled his finger inside you, feeling you getting wetter. He softly inserted another finger and began moving quickly inside you, listening to your moans and gasping noises as you tugged onto to his hair.
“Fuck Eddie” you were already getting closer and closer to cumming as he sucked hard on your clit, your hips bucking at the sensation. His free hand began playing with your nipples, feeling them get harder with each touch. He continued until you moaned loudly, your eyes rolling back as you twitched. Your legs began shaking as your body got close to cumming, Eddie noticed this and moving his body so that he was lying down, his legs either side of you.
''Get on top of me. I want you to ride me'' he looked at you, watching as you moved positions. Aligning to lower yourself down onto his dick, groaning as you felt him fill you up.
You began grinding against his dick, your hands rubbing his chest as his hands dug into your hips. Moving you back and forth with his hands, groaning as his tip grinds inside of you. Tightening yourself around him, your head is tilted back as you begin to move faster. It felt good grinding against his dick, his moans were broken up as his dick pulsated inside you. His eyes were tightly shut as you tilted your back and moved up his dick, grinding faster against him.
''Oh fuck, you feel so good'' his broken moans, moved as he grabbed you by your waist holding you down and thrusting into you. The tip of his dick hitting your sweet spot, causing you to moan loudly.
''I want to make you cum'' you moaned loudly as he continued to pound into you, your legs began shaking as you reached climax. You came hard, coating his dick with your cum as he gasped and grunted beneath you, his eyes rolling back as you tightened yourself around him.
''Fuck, someone was horny'' he smirked slightly, letting go of you as you began grinding against his dick again. Feeling the urge to make him cum in you.
''Stay still'' you growled at him, doing as he was told. He let his head fall back back on the arm of the sofa. Watching you grind against his dick, using your cum as lube.
The couch began creaking loudly as your bodies together, back and forth against his dick. His hands were tightly holding onto your hips, he groaned loudly as you tightened yourself around him. Not listening to you, he threw you onto your back and began thrusting into you. Groaning into your ear, leaving wet sloppy kisses on your neck. Your hands moved down his back leaving scratch marks, digging your nails into his ass cheeks. Moaning as you felt him move in and out of you, still tight around his dick.
“You feel so good, I really want you to cum in me Eddie” you panted down his ear, at your words he suddenly began pounding quicker and quicker inside you. Making you moan really loudly, still gripping onto his cheeks. Your legs tightly wrapped around him, not wanting him to pull out.
He groaned and grunted his body twitching as you felt him empty himself inside you, as he continued to fuck you. He hit your sweet spot, causing you to gasp and pant loudly as you came once more on his dick. He continued until he knew that he had finished and had fucked his cum deeper inside you.
Staying on that position for a few moments, he stared at you with a big smile on his face. Grabbing your face and kissing you sloppily, his tongue sliding into your mouth. You made out for a few minutes longer, before deciding to get changed. As Eddie was pulling his trousers up his legs, you both heard the noises of cars pulling up to your drive. Panicking you grabbed his hand and rushed up the stairs, tripping on your way up. You crawled quickly up the stairs and into your bedroom, falling onto the floor together laughing as you waited for your parents to enter the house.
Staring at him softly as you heard the noises of your mom opening the front door and shouting upstairs to you. You waited for a few moments before peeking your head around the door and smiling down to your mom.
“Do you and Eddie want something to eat?” She raised her eyebrows at you and smiled. You nodded, before Eddie pulled you back into the room and pushed you against the door.
“Convince me to go downstairs” he mumbled into your neck as he peppered sloppy kisses on your skin, making you laugh but gasp at the sensation. Some of his cum was making your thighs stick together as his body was pressed against yours.
“Eddie” you giggled. “Please come down, for me” you raised your eyebrows at him, he tutted and sighed. Moving away from you and gesturing for you to lead the way. You grabbed his hand and led him downstairs. As you got halfway down the stairs, he pinched your ass cheek making you squeal lightly and turning around to glare at him with a smile. He winked at you, reaching the bottom of the stairs.
You turned to look at Eddie, with an expression on your face saying ''be nice'', he smirked and tracing your underwear outline over your skirt. You gasp softly at the sensation, his hand moved further down your leg and cupping your left ass cheek in his hand and pinched it harder. You bit your lip, groaning softly. Turning around to kiss him at the bottom of the stairs, his hand still imprinted on your ass as you kissed him softly and quietly.
‘’I can’t get enough of you, the idea of you will not leave my mind’’ he mumbled quietly onto your lips as his free hand cupped your chin. You broke apart and tilted your head towards the dining room, he sighed kissing you once more and walked through the hallway. His hand was holding tightly to your hand, squeezing it before letting it go and standing awkwardly next to you. You both stared at the spread of food that was laid across the dining room table. Waiting for your mom to renter the room.
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anonymouspuzzler · 2 years
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(alt text/image IDs under the cut, plus one additional Evil Image if you're brave)
[Image 1-4 IDs: A collection of drawings of Loboto in alternate office; the first image shows all three together, then each subsequent image shows one in detail. From left to right, there is, first, a grumpy-looking Loboto sitting with his hands down in his lap, wearing a button-up with diamond-shaped bronze buttons, an untied green bow tie with yellow flowers, an ashy-brown apron tied at the waist, purple pinstriped dress pants, and heeled dark-brown boots. Second, a grinning Loboto in a crop-top white ringer tee with purple collar and sleeve hems, dark ashy-brown overalls with ripped knees, and heeled dark-brown boots; he is holding a brain in his gloved left hand, with lime-green goo dripping off of it. Third, Loboto from the side, kicking one leg back and grinning with a finger at his chin, wearing a bulky green turtleneck sweater with pink, yellow and blue stripes with the sleeves rolled up, over which is a long purple dress with a pattern of seaweed and fish along the bottom hem.]
[Image 5 ID: Loboto, with a neutral expression and one eyebrow raised, standing with his left hand on his hip. He is wearing a short brown overall dress with a frayed hem, over a baggy striped t-shirt, which is in turn over a tight dark-teal turtleneck seater, as well as black skinny jeans with torn knees. He is also wearing his heeled brown boots with the white buttoned-up wraps, and a necklace with a charm of a single molar.]
[Image 6 ID: Loboto and Oleander standing side-by-side, holding hands; Loboto is grinning and looking down at Oleander, who is blushing and looking off to the side with one hand on his hip. Loboto is wearing a pink beret with a tooth embroidered on it, a button-up teal t-shirt with a pink collar and a purple toothbrush pattern, a long light-blue spaghetti-strap dress over the t-shirt with a frilly bottom and a pattern of floss twirling around the entire dress, pink socks with a tooth pattern, and light-brown lace-up hiking boots. Oleander is wearing a rainbow high-collared jacket, olive-green shorts and baseball cap, and white socks with dark-brown sandals.]
[Image 7 ID: Loboto, left, and Oleander, right, sitting together. Loboto is propped up with his left hand and his legs in front of him, right leg bent so his right prosthetic arm rests on the knee, grinning widely. He is wearing a baggy t-shirt that hangs off one shoulder, with the bi flag colors along the hem, collar and sleeves, with the "VENEERS FOR ALL" image on the chest also framed with the bi flag colors. He is also wearing short purple exercise shorts with pink hems, white knee-high socks with stripes of the bi flag colors, black sandals, and has the bi flag tied around his shoulders like a cape. Oleander is sitting leaning back against him, propped up with his right arm, sipping at a drink through a curly straw held in his left hand. He is wearing sunglasses, a rainbow visor, an open rainbow jacket with the progress flag inlay colors (white, pink, light blue, black and brown) on the pockets and hem, a tight camo-pattern crop top, frayed jean shorts, and sandals. He has tan lines visible at his neck and knees, and chest hair peeking out of his crop top.]
[Image 8 ID: Six drawings of Oleander in various outfits, with three in the top row and three in the bottom row. From left to right in the top row: first, Oleander in light blue pinstriped overalls over his usual outfit. He has a welder's mask pushed up on top of his head and is stepping on a car muffler with one foot, sipping from an orange coffee mug with one hand, the other on his hip. Second, Oleander in a reddish-brown varsity jacket over a white tank top, with cuffed khaki pants and a belt and white tennis shoes. He is wearing aviator sunglasses that he is lifting up with a grin, the other hand in a fist on his hip. Third, Oleander in a dark-blue "All Paul Cruise" tank top with orange collar and sleeve hems, blue jeans, reddish-grey boots closed with straps, matching fingerless gloves, and a pink-and-orange sweatband, grimacing and lifting pink hand-weights. From left to right in the bottom row: first, Oleander in a partially-open, orange flower-print button-up shirt, camo-print swim trunks, hot-pink flip-flops and a matching visor, plus aviator sunglasses and a beach ball under one arm as he calls and waves to someone with the other hand. Second, Oleander in the Vegeta "BADMAN" pink open button-up shirt over a white tank top, yellow cuffed pants, white tennis shoes, aviator sunglasses and a red fanny pack on one hip, posing with one arm out and the other on his hip, plus a huge grin. Third, Oleander in Sonic's Favorite Clothes, with a baggy pink shirt with yellow stripes on the sleeves and a purple arrow with a yellow "M" on the front, purple shorts, bright yellow socks, dark purple high-tops with yellow stripes, a backwards pink snapback and headphones around his neck; he is holding a CD with one hand and doing a V-sign with the other.]
[Image 9 ID: Oleander and Loboto standing in front of a Sears photo studio-style laser background. Oleander is sitting on a purple cushion, looking exhausted and slightly annoyed, one hand reaching up to Loboto's hand on his shoulder. Loboto is standing behind him with one hand on his shoulder, grinning at the camera. A slightly transparent, superimposed giant version of Oleander's face is in the background. They are wearing matching orange t-shirts, with Loboto's looking more like a crop top; Loboto's says "HE'S MY SWEET POTATO", with several hearts and a drawing of a potato, while Oleander's says simply "I YAM."]
ok if you made it this far congratulations you get the Evil Image. names removed to protect the innocent
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[Evil Image ID: Two drawings of Loboto with screencaps from Discord conversations providing context. The first one shows him from behind holding up a jar of teeth, wearing a short ringer t-shirt, socks with sandals, and booty shorts that say "TEETH MACHINE" on the butt. The included screencap reads "y/n: loboto has novelty whacky booty shorts. 'teeth machine' across the ass". The second shows Loboto from behind leaning against a counter with his head against one hand, wearing a tank top, socks, and baggy shorts that say "HOO-RAH" on the butt. The included screencap reads "he also steals ollys pants to wear AS booty shorts. So he has a pair with like 'HOO-RAH' on the ass".]
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theunbonded · 4 months
“You chose kitchen duty?” I couldn’t keep the scorn out of my voice as I threw a large sack of rice onto the counter, grunting as it slapped the metal surface. 
“I don’t mind waking up early.” Violet at least had the decency to look embarrassed. 
I rolled my eyes, not unkindly, before grabbing a scrap of cloth and trying my dark hair behind my neck. Two weeks had passed since becoming official members of the Rider’s Quadrant, and nothing disastrous had happened yet. Friendships within our squad were growing, classes were becoming a routine, first-years were assigned their chores, and our first challenges on the mat would be this week.
It was a little… boring. 
Sure, I wasn’t expecting full-on war to break out in our first weeks, but everything felt mundane. The classes were the same history and physics my father had taught me for years, so familiar I could recount it in my sleep.  All the first-years were too scared to make a move against each other, probably waiting until challenges to make their mark in a sanctioned arena.  
The only exciting part of my day was Battle Brief. In retirement, my father had lost primary access to information about attacks against Navarre. The giant map that covered the entirety of the classroom wall had made my heart stop on the first day, and I ogled the red and orange flags indicating recent attacks on the border. 
This was why I came to Basgiath. This was the information my father couldn’t give me. 
“You probably wish you had the extra hour of sleep.” Violet stood next to me, grabbing a knife to begin preparing the fruit for breakfast. 
“I don’t mind waking up early.” I threw her phrase back at her with a little smile. “I would have been up anyway. My father kept me on a strict schedule back home.”
“The Scribes keep earlier hours too.” She looked sad for a moment before shaking off whatever memory had taken hold of her. “How is your father? It’s been a while since I've seen General Capplynger.”
“He’s bored to death in retirement. I’m sure he wishes he was back here in Basgiath.”
“He did seem to love this place. I’m sorry our arrival meant his departure.”
The forced retirement of General Capplynger from Basgiath War College allowed for General Sorrengail to take station here. I barely remember the dinner before we left, meeting a tinier version of Violet and her siblings. They brought so much energy and light to the dark stone structures. My father had thrown his cane against the wall until it broke that night, refusing to use it as we were escorted out. 
“I’m just glad we are both able to meet again as riders, Violet.”
“Me too, Beatrice.”
Sparring mat after sparring mat was arranged in an orderly line down the gym. There must have been over two dozen, ready for the matchups between the various riders crowding around the damp room.
I stood cushioned between Violet and Sawyer, another rider in our section. He was unbonded, without a dragon after his first year and having to repeat. How embarrassing that must have been, to go through this whole ordeal and end up with nothing to show for it. To have to repeat with a set of fresh faces. What do his parents think? Do they even know?
Professor Emetterio, the sparring professor, had a giant parchment in his hands, and he quickly read off who was paired off with who for the first challenge. The golden mage lights reflected off his shaven head as I crossed the room towards my mat.
I was going against a first-year from Second Wing. The boy’s skin was tanned from the summer sun and his dark hair was cropped close to his head. While not entirely tall, he was muscular, reminding me of an ox. Eyes the color of coal flared with hatred as I took off the weapons strapped to my chest and thighs. The heat in the room had given the boys in the room an excuse to take off their shirt, and his rebellion mark was on full display. 
They assumed the lack of clothing meant an opponent couldn't grab onto anything to use as a weapon. In my tight long-sleeved shirt and pants, I knew that they were overreacting. A good fighter didn't let their clothes dictate who won.
“Ready to die, Capplynger?” The ox-looking cadet sneered as Emetterio started the match.
I sighed as I bent my knees, quickly getting into a fighting stance. Guess this was personal for him. 
Head-first he charged at my torso, and I quickly dodged his assault. With his back facing me I kicked the inside of his knees, forcing him to fall onto the mat. A low grunt escaped his throat, and I gave him time to stagger back on to his feet. This time, when he faced me, he didn’t immediately charge. 
“They learn.” I flashed him a smile, and he narrowed his eyes. 
On heavy feet he slowly came towards me. I let him back me up to the edge of the mat, bouncing on my toes, until he took a swing. I ducked underneath his arm and slipped behind him. He turned and threw another punch. I dodged. Another punch. Another dodge.
“Stop playing around!” A booming voice bellowed from off the mat.
The next time the ox-looking cadet threw a punch, I ducked and grabbed his outstretched arm with two arms, twisting until I heard a pop. He howled in pain, and I quickly got him back on the floor, this time on top of him. He had a size advantage, but I haven’t had years of training for nothing. I locked his arms and torso underneath my knees. His legs scrambled to find a holding, but they couldn't get an advantage.
With no hesitation, I wrapped my fingers around his neck and squeezed as hard as I could. 
His dark eyes popped out of their sockets as he gasped for breath. Underneath mine, his body struggled to get free. Even if he tried to tap out, my hold on him wouldn’t allow him to. 
“He taps out.” The same voice from before shouts. I don’t ease my grip on his throat. “Cadet Capplynger, he taps out! The match is over!” 
Hearing my name snapped me out my haze. I quickly got up and watched the boy struggle to fill his lungs with air. When the majority of his wheezing was finished, I reached my hand out towards him. My father said it was important to be a good sport after winning a match. It helped dim the burn of defeat.
The ox-looking cadet stared at my hand for one second before grabbing it and yanking me down onto the mat beside him. Before I had fully landed, I was thrown onto my back and his weight was thrown on top of me. He landed a punch to my face, and I heard a sickening crunch as my nose began to gush blood. 
Before any more damage could be done, his weight disappeared off of my torso, and I scrambled to my feet. Emetterio and the Second Wing's leader had the boy between their arms, dragging him off the mat. He managed to spit once in my direction, but as I lunged at him, my forearm was grabbed and I was dragged off the mat in the other direction. 
“No need to kick an injured dog,” a gruff voice admonished. “You already humiliated the kid.”
Garrick Tavis was holding my arm like I would go kill the Second Wing cadet at any moment, which I can’t say I blame him for. His nose wrinkled at the blood pouring from my nose.
Once we were off the mat, I ripped my arm away from him. “Call off your dog, Tavis.”
“Is that how you speak to your section leader?” That fucking eyebrow, raised again.
“That cadet was marked with the rebellion rune. He had it out for me. I don't know what you all are doing but tell them to fuck off or I’ll finish what I started today.” I hated the way I was snarling, but I was angry. The ox-looking cadet hadn’t deserved that hit to my nose. He had earned it from a dirty trick. 
Garrick just looked at me. “You need to go to the infirmary and get your nose checked out. It looks broken.”
I felt the bridge of my nose and felt the disconnected bones. They were like jagged edges of a broken piece of glass. With only a quick breath to orient myself, I pushed my nose back into place with a small crack. 
“Come with me, Cadet Capplynger,” Garrick sighed. He didn't try to grab my arm again; he just turned around and expected me to follow him out of the sparring gym and into the hallway.
And I did. My rage didn't made me dumb enough to not follow direct orders from a section leader. 
Once in the dimly lit hallway, he turned back to me. “Popping your nose back into place is not a permanent fix. Go to the infirmary while you still have the resources to do so, because this might be the only time you can have a mender see to it.” He then leaned down so his face was right in front of mine. “The cadets with the rebellion marks are not the only ones who have it out for you. If you weren’t being cocky and playing with that kid on the mat, you would have realized he had two friends, both of which were unmarked, watching the fight with more interest than necessary. Your father had many enemies on both sides of the war.”
I raised my chin, but it’s hard to look dignified with blood covering the entire bottom half of your face. 
“You’re a good fighter. There is no denying that. But they will find a way to catch you unawares, like he did on the mat today. They will probably try to gang up on you so they have the advantage of numbers. Will you be able to handle them then?”
“Yes,” I said proudly.
He shook his head at me again, raising back to his full height. “Fucking first-years.”
“I can handle myself.”
“Go to the infirmary.”
I narrowed my eyes at him, but he only turned to the side, allowing me to bypass him to continue walking down the hall. My shoulder brushed against his chest when I stepped and his leather bled warmth through my cotton sleeve. Goosebumps crawled up my back and I hastened my steps until l turned the corner of the hall, until I no longer felt those hazel eyes on me.
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dragonfly0808 · 1 year
I know you’ve answered this several times before but what’s everyone’s current style like (since its possible it’s changed)
This is actually in my character sheets so I’ll give their style with a few examples of colors and fave clothing and stuff like that.
This will get way too detailed but I don’t care, I’ve been waiting for this moment.
Bloom: I don’t know how to describe her style, maybe casual street style but a little cute?
Her main colors are blue, yellow, light orange and the tiniest dash of pink. Bell bottom jeans and high tops are her staple. Other favorites are: thrift shirts, graphic T’s, simple form fitting blouses. Messy ponytails.
Later on her style becomes just a bit more elaborate (in part thanks to the other girls influencing her style) and she incorporates cropped cardigans, pattern jeans and collard shirts. She loves using small flames but doesn’t wear a lot of red. Doesn’t like heels. Messy buns are her fave (she can often be seen with a pencil holding up her hair). ALSO, her staple is bell-bottom jeans and she uses a lot of sweetheart necklines as a way to honor Daphne since that was Daphne’s fave.
Stella: She’s just starcore and artsy fashion.
Her main colors are gold, orange, yellow and green. Later on starts using dark blues and silvers as she gets more in touch with her moon magic.
She wears chain belts, dozens of matching sets (crop shirt and skirt) bralette croptops, mini skirts, high waisted shorts, silk satin fabric (lots of satin fabric), sequins and glitter. Gold jewelry and *extra* shoes, wears heels almost all the time. And her hair is always straightened.
Her style doesn’t so much change as it does just… mature over time, she still wears her glitter and sequins just with more… I don’t want to say taste but more strategically if that makes sense. She experiments more with shapes and overall she does appear a little more mature. She also starts curling her hair a little more often.
Flora: A mix of bohemian and cottagecore aesthetic.
Her main colors are pink and green. Overtime she starts mixing in more neutral colors like beige, white and light greys and browns along with blues and lilac.
She wears puff sleeves, sheer blouses, ribbon corsets and long flowing skirts. She wears cute lace and lots of tull. Simple shoes. Platforms and comfortable heels and ankle boots. She always has braid crowns and accent braids.
Overtime she incorporates even more romantic silhouettes, wrap shirts, translucent shirts over tops, and more complicated shapes for her skirts. She loved showing off her shoulders and back but is at a stage in which she isn’t doing such and is wearing more long sleeved shirts. She also wears more big earings, not just hoops but also big stars and hears and moons and stuff like that. The braids remain but now her favorite kind are waterfall braids.
Musa: She starts off goth/emo but at season 3 I feel like she’s shifting becoming more goth/punk.
Her main colors are dark red and black. Overtime she incorporates dark blues and royal purples.
She wears lots of leather, strappy croptops, fishnets, plaid, checkered patterns, combat boots, chunky platforms, tight mesh tops and big jeans. Her staple is red eyeliner.
Overtime she starts wearing more chains, leg/armwarmers for the aesthetic, chokers, more leather skirts and fishnets with patterns. She loves space buns. And cropped sweaters. Big sweatshirts and lose jeans. Her staple is still red eyeliner but she starts wearing dark lipsticks, dark purple, black, etc.
Tecna: She’s kind of futuristic cyber-punk.
Her main colors are purple and green, later on incorporates silver, blues and whites.
She wears a lot of deconstructed tops and pants. Long boots, irridescent fabric. Cargo pants are her favorite, the more pockets the better. Neon colors and long sleeves.
She starts wearing a lot of bomber jackets (Stella makes her some with dozens of pockets). Visible hemlines, stamped designs (idk how to explain it) black tops and baggy pants.
Aisha: she starts off kind of not really having a style of her own and just wearing the same stuff she does to do sports and dance but over the course of season 2 and 3 she finds she really loves and embraces street style
Her main colors are tans and neutral tones at first, as she discovers herself she incorporates blues, aquas, greens, black but keeps her tans as well.
As her style develops she starts with more sporty streetwear but evolves to just streetwear, cool sweatpants, tracksuits, jerseys, leggings, knee high socks, jumpsuits and sneakers. Cargo shirts.
She incorporates cut-out tops, wide leg pants, platform boots, long necklaces and satin tops as well as interesting patterns for her tops.
Sky: Simple style, becomes a bit more fancy over time
His main colors are blues and yellows. Incorporates oranges and dark green overtime along with neutral tones.
During the swticharoo he mainly wears plain t’s, collared shirts, simple jackets, comfy sneakers and jeans.
After that he wears more ‘styllistic’ shirts and really cool shoes not sure how else to describe it and he honestly doesn’t care that much so that’s as much as he does when he’s not in prince mode. In prince mode he goes all out, long leather boots, capes and velvet.
Brandon: Sporty casual (is that a thing?) becomes more skater boy aesthetic by the day
His main colors are green and white, starts using more dark red and dark blue overtime
He wears tight shirts, vans and either simple or ripped jeans. Printed shirts and lots of weird, but cool, patterns for his shirts. Starts wearing more converses and jackets with patches.
Helia: my boy is very preppy but in a soft way if that makes sense
His main colors are beige and pale yellow and neutral colors, he incorporates pale greens and blues and reds.
He wears a lot of chinos, soft cardigans and collared shirts as well as knitted sweaters and vans that he paints on .
He incorporates overtime blazers, button ups, scarves, pullovers, soft vests and loose… what are they called? Those romeo-like shirts you know the ones. But he still wears exclusively long sleeves unless he’s in the dorm or with just the squad.
Riven: He starts off very street style but after he starts living with his grandparents his street style starts incorporating some punk elements (yes, he was influenced by Musa but he will never admit it)
His main colors are dark red, dark blue and grays. He incorporates more blacks, greens and different shades of red.
Bomber jackets are his staple in season 1. He also wears leather jackets, cropped t’s, graphic t’s, ripped jeans and simple shirts with stickers as well as sneakers.
Overtime he incorporates, hightops, plain sleeveless shirts, black cargo pants and darker bomber jackets with patches. He starts wearing a lot of rings and his sister always paints his nails black. He’ll occasionally ask Musa to do his eyeliner.
Timmy: I love Timmy but he is low-key hopeless. He’s just nerd
His main colors are yellows and oranges, he wears more greens and neutral tones overtime.
He wears simple t-shirts with colored sleeves, baggy jeans and cotton shirts, sneakers and layers. He has 1 jean jacket that he loves more than life itself, both his mom and Stella keep trying to burn it because it’s that old but he guards it with his life.
He starts wearing more button up shirts, turtlenecks and slightly less baggy jeans. He gets shirts with cute patterns (he has one with kitten paws) or graphic t-shirts from fandoms. He also wears a newer jean jacket with patches that Stella made but still has the old one.
Nabu: he has a cool casual style if that makes sense? Not sure?
His main colors are purples, blues, grays and neutral tones.
He wears chinos, button up shirts, cool vans, loose sweaters. Cool long sleeved, loose shirts. Leather bracelets and hawaiian-style shirts only with patterns that are more ‘fashionable’.
Fire-round for the Trix’s styles in season 1 since all fashion has gone out the window for them for different reasons.
Icy: main colors; blues and silvers
HIGH PONYTAIL, leather skirts, crystals and crop tops. Thigh high boots, belts, strappy tops high heels and mini skirts with chains.
Stormy: main colors; dark reds, black and blue
Punk. Ripped fishnets, black, ripped graphic t’s, belts, off-shoulder shirts and plaid shirts over black bras.
Darcy: main colors; purple, yellow and grays.
Long bell pants, vests and blazers. Circles/weird patters, small sunglasses. Platforms and simple crop tops.
Now, you may be asking, Dragonfly did you seriously just HAVE THIS in your fucking character sheets since before season 1 began?
…yes, yes I did. I HAD A LOT OF FREE TIME AND IT WAS PART OF THE CHARACTERIZATION. Also I was pissed at what Fate did with fashion and that’s why s1 had a lot of descriptions of what the girls were wearing
Also also, fun fact, I found in Stormy’s character sheet that her real name was going to be Rita? And I just didn’t remember I’d already decided her real name and just changed it to Willow and I hadn’t remembered the name change until now? So uh… yeah?
Anyways, hope you enjoyed!
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Adding onto my previous post about the SOULs!
Basil (Bravery):
Basil is 5’8” with light brown skin. He has freckles across his upper arms and cheeks, and his eyes are a vibrant amber. He wears silver, wire framed glasses which have a crack on the bottom-right corner of the left frame. His hair is curly and light brown in color, going down to the middle of his neck. His clothing as of falling consists of a white t-shirt, jean shorts which have a tear running along the bottom of the left side of them, long dark gray socks, and black, worn sneakers. He also has a small, black backpack which he keeps on his back and an orange bandana.
Petula (Patience):
Petula is 4’8” with tanned white skin. Her left eye is an icy blue while her right eye is a glossy white. Her hair is straight and blonde, tied into low pigtails that go to her shoulders. Red ribbons are used to hold the pigtails in place. Her outfit consists of a light gray shirt that has a rainbow symbol on the center of it, with a pastel blue jacket alongside a light blue, knee-length skirt. She has fluffy, white, knee-high socks along with dark gray crocs. She holds a toy knife from a play set.
Briar (Kindness):
Briar is 6’2” with dark brown skin. Her eyes are emerald green. Her hair is back and tied up in beaded braids, the beads being a dark, transparent green. It goes down past her mid-back but above her waist. Her outfit consists of a white, short sleeved crop-top alongside ripped jeans, black socks, and white sneakers. She has an apron tied around her waist and burn scars littered across her hands and upper arms. She holds an old, rusting frying pan.
Pine (Perseverance):
Pine is 5’4” with white skin. Their eyes are a pastel purple and their hair is long and wavy, dyed indigo. Their hair goes down to just around their mid-back, left loose. Their outfit consists of a navy blue sweater along with turquoise shorts. They wear black, thick framed, rectangular glasses that are used to help tuck their hair behind their ears. They don’t have shoes, instead just having dark yellow socks that are turning black on the bottoms due to dirt. They hold a well-loved notebook and a purple mechanical pencil.
Cozbi (Integrity):
Cozbi is 5’11” with light brown skin, dark brown freckles littered across his nose, cheeks, arms, and legs. His eyes are a dark blue, though they are mostly covered by his hair. His hair is short and wavy, going down to just above his shoulders while dark brown in color. Their outfit consists of a dark purple, long-sleeved shirt with a large star embroidered into the center of it along with a dark blue skirt that has crocheted stars hanging off the edges of it in a circle around the entire skirt. They also have black tights and light purple ballet shoes. They mainly use their ballet shoes during a fight, but hold an old quarter-staff.
Clover (Justice):
Clover is 5’2” with tanned white skin. Their eyes are a dark, mustard yellow. They have long, dirty blond hair which is tied into a low ponytail tied up with a yellow hair tie. Their hair goes down to just past their neck. Their outfit consists of a milk chocolate brown long-sleeved shirt along with a dark brown, sleeveless vest along with a belt with a golden buckle and dark blue jeans. Their shoes are short, brown boots that add another inch to their height. Alongside their outfit they wear a cowboy hat and a yellow bandana with blue spots. They wield a toy four-shooter loaded with rubber bullets.
Frisk (Determination):
Frisk is 5 feet tall with light brown skin. Their eyes, when open, are bright red. Their dark brown hair is close-cropped to their chin, unevenly cut. Their bangs are clearly hand-cut, uneven and choppy and slightly covering their right eye. Their outfit consists of a blue and purple striped shirt along with shorts that go to just below their knee. They wear light and dark brown sandals and have bandages littering their face and knees. They carry a stick that they had snapped off a tree branch.
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riptide-if · 6 months
What are the fashion senses of the ROs? What do they wear on a day to day basis?
ANON. im seriously so glad u asked u dont understand.im actually going to attatch the long descs i wrote of their everyday outfit (like in a vn..) also theres more fashion/makeup inspo on their boards on my pinterest! there's also boards for bg charas on there:33 so if u r interested in lee's band or aria there u go;p
HILO: an orange tank top with a ruffle trim paired with an off white maxi skirt. A pair of dark brown double strap sandals are on their feet. A gold ring with an infinity symbol is on the pointer finger on their right hand, accompanied by two thick threaded bracelets; the first one being yellow and orange, and the other [MC fave color] and orange. They have long almond shaped acrylic nails; colors varying. They tend to get a new set every three weeks. They wear a pair of orange bead earrings with a gold moon charm on the left ear and a gold star charm on the right ear. A pair of gold hoop earrings goes through their upper lobes in both ears.
LEE: a black shirt that’s cropped just above their stomach, with a graphic of a black skull outlined with white. A black zip-up hoodie is either halfway zipped up, tied around their waist, or discarded. A black and grey striped fingerless glove is covering one hand the other is covered in an assortments of rings including a silver skull ring and a silver ring with a red garnet stone, gifted to them by MC on their one year anniversary. Elijah wears short black cargo shorts while Elaine wears a black cargo miniskirt. They both have (optional) distressed tights underneath them. They wear two black earrings on each upper ear, a pair of silver skull earrings, two black rings on their lips, silver eyebrow stud piercing, silver septum piercing, and a silver star shaped tongue ring.
NOEMIA/NIKITA: a white long sleeved compression shirt is worn underneath a yellow, purple, and white color block windbreaker; either unzipped or balled up and put in their bag. A pair of black athletic shorts with a white adidas logos in the corner is covering their legs. They normally carry a yellow crossbody bag with an assortment of different pins on it (bisexual flag, mang, surfboard, bmo, spiderman, no pain no gain, shark, pufferfish, wave). They wear a pair of green pair of star skate shoes over a pair of colored socks; always mismatched. An anklet with white beads is around their right leg, a similar one with teal beads underneath it. A gold ring with a white teardrop shaped opal ring given to them by their grandma sits on a leather chain around their neck. Two to three hair ties are always around their wrists.
ARLO: an untucked white short sleeved t-shirt is usually worn under his rotation of lightly colored button ups, sweater vests and cardigans. A pair of light denim overalls is over it; with some barely visible paint stains here and there. He wears a pair of black oxford shoes with this. On his wrists are a few braided leather bracelets. He wears a gold vintage coin necklace around his neck along with matching small gold hoop earrings. A thing elastic headband is sometimes holding back his bangs while he works.
as for key words in my notes i have; hilo is whimsical, lee is emo (lol), n is sporty, and arlo is cozy!
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