#Hojo wasn't lying...
rottenpumpkin13 · 16 days
For pride month, how did the boys realize they were not straight?
Genesis: He realized pretty early on that it didn't make sense for him to be attracted only towards girls. Boys were equally attractive. If he could find space in his heart to love his parents, Angeal, his treasured books, and even the stray cat that wandered onto his parents' property, then surely his heart had the capacity to love all genders. Love and attraction weren't meant to be limited.
Angeal: He doesn't like labels, but always considered himself straight and never envisioned dating anyone other than women. He wasn’t opposed to the idea of being with a man, which over time left him confused. If he could date a man without issue, wouldn’t that make him bi? But he had never been attracted to a man, so it didn’t quite add up. He labeled himself as heteroflexible and moved on. Little did he know he was about to discover demisexuality and the consequences of being attracted to your best friend.
Sephiroth: He hadn't given much thought to love and sex until Genesis entered his life, urging him to define himself. "What are you?" "What are you attracted to?" "What do you like?" These questions left Sephiroth feeling overwhelmed. According to Professor Hojo, he was supposed to be attracted to women, but he had never developed a relationship with a girl long enough to find her attractive, and Genesis and Angeal weren't attractive to him either.
Years passed and both women and men threw themselves at him. He found himself in social circles where people asked his opinions on which woman he liked best, or what his first time was like. Sephiroth forced answers, pretending to find certain women attractive just to fit in. But he knew he was lying to himself. Many nights were spent awake wondering what was wrong with him, why he couldn't develop feelings for anyone, and why he had yet another thing that made him feel abnormal. It was confusing. He was human—wasn't he supposed to be attracted to people? Wasn't it biology?
"Maybe you're just aromantic," Genesis suggested one day, after Sephiroth confessed his frustrations. "Or asexual, or both, or somewhere in between."
Sephiroth blinked. "I'm what?"
Genesis sighed, pitying his friend who was so so lost, yet on the verge of a revelation. "You know how some people are attracted to all genders and some to just one?"
Sephiroth nodded. "Yes."
"Well, some don't feel attraction at all. Or they don't feel romantic attraction but feel sexual attraction, or they feel romantic attraction but don't feel sexual attraction. Or they're somewhere on that spectrum."
Sephiroth was mystified. "What spectrum?"
"May the Goddess have mercy on my soul," Genesis sighed, "welcome to the rainbow."
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Crossover prompt au where Damian failed to get along with the Titans and was labeled as being "too violent" and this changes the course of the timeline.
Phantom had been living full time in the Ghost Zone and planned on checking out one of the "Forbidden" areas in hopes that it would be a nice place for him to get some much needed relaxation. Ever since Kitty found out which door lead to his lair hes been bombarded with people knocking and looking for a fight. Danny hadn't yet learned that he could just...move his door so he was exploring the more out there options.
Anyway he slips into another dimension and starts exploring this desert wastland filled with monsters and crumpled buildings. It looks like the apocalypse had hit and he didn't see a single human around. Worse there was something moving so fast towards him it was just a large blue blur.
Was that...? Wow thats a lot of hair.
Danny tried to make a quick escape by opening a portal to the GZ especially when he saw a hoard of what looked like angels following after the blur and throwing weapons and lightning at it as it dodged away. The portal opened but it didn't lead to the GZ. The blur crashed into him and sent them both spiraling into the new dimension and crashing directly into some blond guy on a motorcycle.
Good news! The guy was largely unharmed.
Bad news! Danny accidentally opened a portal to the GZ during the chaos. They all fell in and they argued amongst themselves up until the blur, who turned out to be a guy with ridiculously long and pretty blue hair said "I wish I could just see the real you so I could know if you're trustworthy or not."
"So you have wished it, so it shall be!" Came a booming voice from all around them. A woman dressed like a genie then cast some kind of spell onto them turning Phantom into Fenton, and the blond guy into a blond kid.
Phantom decided to use the last of his power to open a portal to a safer location since they had no way to protect themselves from the ghosts and Blue guy agreed while the blond guy was having some sort of mental breakdown muttering, "So Hojo wasn't lying? I really am just a clone? Are all my memories really fake?!"
The other two grimaced with sympathy. That sounds rough. They worked together to move the blond and his motorcycle through the portal which snapped shut behind them.
Now they had a new problem. This city, appropriately named "Gotham" felt far from safe and they were essentially stuck there for the foreseeable future. After cursing thier luck Danny introduced himself as a Halfa, a creature that exists between life and death. The blue haired guy took this as his cue to introduce himself as "Ren" which was an obvious fake name but he called himself a nahobino which was interesting. Too bad he wouldn't elaborate.
Next it was blondies turn. His name was Cloud Strife, a lab experiment made by Shinra- a corrupt electric power company that somehow managed to take over the world. How did that even happen??? Cloud just shrugged when asked.
They all decided they needed to stick together and find a way to find for themselves. This of course meant stealing to survive...which turned out to be way harder than they thought it would be because there's some maniac in a bat costume with a birdy sidekick chasing after them and raiding all thier hideouts. If they had to get another hideout this week Danny was gonna scream!
Worse! He wants to adopt them. The guy! In a bat costume! The "we are all very damaged child soldiers" didn't persuade him, in fact they're sure it made it worse.
On the next raid the bird boy offered to talk. He wanted to make a superhero team with the four of them, in exchange they would be given food, shelter, clothing and payment and the charges placed along them would be lessened or outright dropped.
They begrudgingly agreed.
Damian really liked his team. Especially once Phantom regained his powers.
People kept commenting on my three way crossover so here's a four way crossover with Batman x Danny Phantom x shin megami tensei 5 x Final Fantasy 7 just because I can.
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finallyfantasy7 · 1 year
So... I was reading an online discussion on a different platform about why Zack is so powerful and... basically everything they said was wrong 😬
Since I don't want to ruin anyone's fun or make anyone feel bad I decided to set the record straight here where the chances of them seeing it are nonexistent. So,
misconceptions about Zack Fair,
here we go:
He was (almost) able to stand up to Shinra army because he got more powerful from Hojo's experiments under Shinra manor after he snd Cloud were captured
Hojo's reunion experiment had absolutely no effect on Zack. This is revealed in one of the research documents which Zack can find lying around after breaking out of the mako tank.
Failed Case #1: SOLDIER 1st Class Summary: Desired effect did not occur. Strong tolerance to Jenova cells due to SOLDIER conditioning assessed as cause.
It is also confirmed by Hollander in Gongaga
Hollander: His cells are completely useless!
(To Zack)
Hollander: You are a former member of SOLDIER. Your cellular structure has already mutated.
It makes no sense Zack is strong enough to become a SOLDIER 1st Class when he's not one of the three to receive Jenova's cells as a fetus
It is true not many people are physically and mentally strong enough to go through the procedure to become SOLDIER and come out alive and undamaged. Even fewer make it from 3rd to 2nd Class, and most never make it to 1st Class. However, Angeal, Sephiroth, and Gensis were not the only 1st Class SOLDIERs before Zack become one. They were just the only ones important for his story. So other people like Zack became 1st too.
Zack is not particularly strong, he was only able to fight Sephiroth because, while Sephiroth was certainly strong while Zack was alive, it wasn't until after Sephiroth died that he started taking over the Jenova cells and he became the ridiculous monster we all know and love
Sephiroth was already the strongest being on the whole planet before the beginning of Crisis Core. It was just play-fighting, but he easily fended off both Angeal and Genesis with one hand in the Virtual Reality room scene, both of whom were 1st Class and especially strong due to getting Jenova cells as fetuses as opposet to as teenagers like other SOLDIER.
Also, in an interview, now archived, Nomura said:
Tetsuya Nomura (Sept, 2007): Zack was chosen as the main character as a representative of a "Before Crisis" era SOLDIER. Sephiroth is already the strongest in the world so there's no room for growth, and we couldn't possibly see ourselves making a "game over" type situation where Sephiroth loses
One of the first parts in Crisis Core was Zack saying “you’re not the only hero”. Sephiroth didn’t single handedly win the Wutai war, he just all the credit for it.
This is mostly correct, but as we saw from Nomura's interview this isn’t just Shinra's fake Wutai propaganda Sephiroth was the most powerful SOLDIER, and actually (as far as I could tell without knowing Japanese), in Japanese version Zack says: "I want to be a hero, too," not "You're not the only hero," so it probably had nothing to do with Zack saying Sephiroth is equal in power to others.
Angeal literally sees that Zack is hitting a slump and having issue growing in strength and puts him to train under Sephiroth to get past that for a while.
I have no idea where this came from. Zack never hit a slump, never had issues growing in strength, and Angeal never put him to train under Sephiroth. From the moment Zack ran away from his hometown at 13 to when he became 1st Class, something most never achieve, less than 4 years had passed. What slump?
Zack met Sephiroth after Angeal disappeared, and we only know about the training from two short D.M.W. scenes. It is not even clear of those were true training sessions, just Sephiroth's guidance during missions, or some third option.
Zack is incredibly talented, which is why Angeal trains him personally, he saw the promise in him, it is not normal for SOLDIER members to receive such a huge deal of attention from 1sts.
From other 1sts? No. From Angeal? Yes.
Angeal mentored other 2nd Class SOLDIERs before Zack. That's just Angeal's personality. You can find this out by talking to SOLDIER 2nd Class at the beginning of Chapter 4 in Crisis Core.
(However, it does seem Zack is the only one Angeal recommended for the 1st, since this guy is still 2nd Class)
SOLDIER 2nd Class: Hm... There was something my mentor used to tell me when I was a rookie. He used to say, "Embrace your dreams."
SOLDIER 3rd Class Lv. 7: "Embrace your dreams"?
SOLDIER 2nd Class: My mentor used to help me with my missions just like Zack helped you with yours.
I feel Zack was promoted to 1st class because of lack of 1st class solders. Kind of like to boost the morale
He’s actually not as powerful as any of the other 1st class and is only promoted to that level in their absence. 
These two came from two different people, but say basically the same thing so I'll address them together.
Even if Shinra or Lazard wanted a new 1st to boost the morale, they could have chosen any other 2nd Class SOLDIER, yet they only chose Zack, for a reason.
And choosing Zack was tricky due to his relationship to Angeal. Soon after they put him out of commission for a while and assigned Turks to guard him. If they needed a random 2nd to promote, Zack was the worst choice for the company unless he was promoted purely for his skills and power.
Sephiroth doesn’t care about killing Zach and mainly wants him out of the way while the other two are well into degradation when Zach faced them in combat.
Sephiroth seemed to very much care about killing the villagers and wants to kill all humans for destroying Cetra, who he thinks Jenova is.
There is no evidence Sephiroth went easy on Zack, but there is no evidence he didn't, either. Regardless, Sephiroth is canonically the most powerful so it's not a very important question anyway. He would have defeated Zack, and everyone else in a 1-on-1 battle, either way. Still, Zack held up against Sephiroth for quite a while and Sephiroth certainly wanted to get back to mommy as soon as possible.
But the most incorrect statement here is that Angeal and Genesis were weakened by degradation when Zack fought them. According to the Crisis Core Complete Guide, degrading increases sufferer's combat potential.
Zack likely is an average first class (not counting the trio) and shows it in his skill and strength. No implication from anyone (Turks or SOLDIER) that he is anything exceptional.
Chapter 4, Hojo's combat tests:
Hojo: Hm, impressive... I think you have what it takes to be a study sample.
Zack: Whatever that is, I don't think I want it.
Hojo: You should be proud of yourself. It's only once every couple of years that we get someone like you.
Then Hojo gives him an even more advanced combat test
Hojo: Hehehehe. Hahahahaaaaa! You are a worthy study sample, indeed! You need not worry. Your remains shall become a valuable contribution to science. Now, my precious program, show him why I am great! All shall bow down powerless in your presence...
(Zack defeats the test)
Hojo: This... This is impossible... Wait... I have a new hypothesis... ...Yes. I am a genius, after all.
Zack: Ahem... I believe you were saying something about my remains?
Researcher 1: I didn't think anyone could beat that program... Are you really human? Aren't you actually a monster?
Researcher 2: I don't believe this... How could a human being beat THAT thing? Not even a SOLDIER operative should be able to-- Could it be a bug in the emulator!?
Ok, there's actually more inaccuracies, but I think I got the main ones and I'm really tired from typing. In short,
Zack's abilities don't come from any special procedures later in the game
We don't know how Zack compares to other 1st Class SOLDIER operatives since we never saw him compared with any other than the special trio
Zack was special. It was most likely a combination of natural capabilities (to withstand the procedure, to have strong willpower, to be hyperactive...), his great drive to become a hero (he worked out very hard, and was obsessed with becoming a hero), and Angeal's guidance. I mean, someone among the regular SOLDIER 1st Class members is always going to be the best, why not Zack?
But while I understand looking for consistency in the story, I think this misses the most important thing: Zack was extremely special not because of his combat capabilities but because of his kindness, his empathy, his drive to do good, his ability to make friends and dissuade enemies, his willingness to sacrifice his own life.
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altocat · 1 year
Do you think Lucrecia loved Sephiroth? Or would have loved him?
Lucrecia is an extremely ill, extremely complicated person.
Based on the OG, and what DoC was (very poorly) trying to convey, she severely regretted what she did to her son, and never expected to have had him taken from her. The impression I get in the OG is that she might have been coerced into the project, though Dirge contradicts this. I think she ultimately was somewhat pressured into it by Hojo, but still made the conscious decision to go through with it, ignoring the consequences. Perhaps she thought she would still be able to parent Sephiroth, just in stricter, more controlled settings. She was distraught in losing him, and it's implied that it was the final straw in pushing her into her metaphorical suicide. I just think Dirge didn't do a good job in showcasing her regret.
So yes, I think she loved him. Or would have loved him. That definitely doesn't make what she did okay, and Sephiroth would have every right to disown her for it. But I do truly think she hadn't anticipated him being taken from her, likely justifying everything in her head --being the mother of an extraordinary child, guiding him along to fulfill his role as an ancient, etc. Lucrecia probably wasn't fit to be a mother though, given her very glaringly obvious mental health issues. Had she been in Sephiroth's life, they probably would have had a very messy relationship. Though still preferable to the alternative of lying to Sephiroth about his mother's name and identity.
It's very strange. Sephiroth and Lucrecia are a lot alike when I really think about it. They both suffer from the extreme inability to cope under personal crisis, often acting impulsively and making things worse. But whereas Lucrecia reacts in guilt and fear and hysteria, Sephiroth reacts in rage and blocking everything else out. Sephiroth is definitely his mother's son, though not the mother he thinks. They're both really complex, really unwell individuals in desperate need of therapy.
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shinidamachu · 2 years
Okay so we all know by now why Inuyasha fell for Kagome — it’s fairly obvious, because she’s amazing, who wouldn’t? But why do you think Kagome fell in love with Inuyasha? At the beginning of their journey she couldn’t stand his rash and abrasive attitude and was always saying how a guy the complete opposite of him would be her type, so what made her grow from just viewing him as a friend who she would need to teach to bring out of his shell, into a viable romantic interest?
I’m sure we can all pinpoint the time when Kagome really started developing feelings was her seeing Inuyasha’s human night for the first time and when he was laying in her lap and saying how good she smelled, being honest with his true feelings for once. What was it about that moment that caused Kagome to start to see Inu in a new light? Was she attracted to his vulnerability? When she saw that combined with his always protecting her was that enough to stir her heart? What’s your take on what it was about Inuyasha that made made Kagome fall in love?
So I think it’s obvious by now why Inuyasha fell for Kagome, but what exactly was it about Inuyasha that made Kagome fall for him? How did she go from dislike to tolerance to seeing him as a friend she could teach and learn to open up to the world into a viable romantic interest? She says it herself early on, Inuyasha was the exact opposite of her type, so what exactly was it about him that attracted her to him that he couldn’t already give her at the friend level?
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I'm guessing you asked @born-for-eachother this very same question a while ago? And her answer was as insightful as ever, so I'm not sure what else can I say to expand on her already brilliant take, but I'll give it my best try.
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This is Kagome's reply when her friends asked what her type is. Mind you, she's only fifteen. Kagome might think that she knows what she wants, but she most definitely doesn't know yet what she needs. And that's an important distinction.
Also, please notice that Kagome's lying to herself, because there's only one person in the series that fit her criteria perfectly: Hojo. Even still, she had no romantic interest in him whatsoever despite the statement above.
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And the scene's whole point wasn't to stabilish the kind of guy Kagome would fall for, but to show us that, when asked about what her type was, Inuyasha crosses her mind, even if it was in a "negative" light.
If it was the case, it would have made way more sense for her to simply describe a type and define Hojo as the yardstick against which all potential boyfriends would be measured, but instead she made the entire thing about Inuyasha, subconsciously drawing a correlation between him and romantic interest.
And of course, Inuyasha actually does have at least half of the qualities Kagome was listing. She just didn't have the opportunity to realize that at the time, since their first impression of each other was disastrous and Inuyasha was keeping his guard up. She didn't know the real him yet.
That's why she couldn’t stand his rash and abrasive attitude at the beginning of their journey. Kagome thought he was being a jerk for the sake of being a jerk and, for his part, Inuyasha was constantly proving her misconceptions right.
It takes a little time for her to figure him out, which is to be expected because, at first, he made his life's mission to push Kagome away and she have never met someone like him before, but eventually, she manages to see right through him.
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His selfishness was a facade. He had to think of himself first because he learned that if he didn't, no one else would. However, he did care for others, no matter how good he was at pretending otherwise. And he might complain about it the whole time, but he always does the right thing in the end.
Especially when it comes to Kagome. There were many occasions in which he resigned himself with letting her go, be it because he feared for her own safety, be it because he knew it wasn't fair of him to ask her to stay even though the thing he wanted the most was to have her by his side. When push comes to shove, he prioritizes Kagome's well being over his own feelings every time. This is the opposite of selfish.
Inuyasha isn't malicious, he's just a impulsive boy who had little to none social interactions growing up. He doesn't really mean a lot of what comes out of his mouth, or at least he doesn't always mean it in a rude way. When he does mean it, it's often a defense mechanism to keep people away, a form of hurt them before they could hurt him. It's only natural for Inuyasha to act the way he does at first. And it was even more natural for Kagome to pick up on that eventually:
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He is kind. You can tell by how he puts his life on the line even for those who judge him a monster. He has been wronged in so many ways, by so many people and he still forgave and forgot most of it, showing them the compassion he was denied of. You can also see it in the detais: the way he treats children — slapstick comedy aside —women or any person who can't stand up for themselves, how he provides for and takes care of his friends, the relationship he had with his mother, the gentle way in which he touches Kagome, gives her his robe when she's cold and nurses her back to health when she's sick. I could go on and on.
Granted, he is violent. But for the longest time, violence was all he knew. And it was this very violence that more often than not kept Kagome and their friends alive. He is short tempered. But then again so is she. And he might be the farthest thing from obedient, but I highly doubt Kagome would have fallen so hard and so deep for him if he wasn't.
Futhermore, I think you nailed it on the head when you said Kagome started developing real feelings for Inuyasha after their first New Moon together.
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This is when she finally starts to truly understand him. For once, there was no walls up, no bullshit, no covering their connection with hostility. Only vulnerability, brutal honesty and the shy beginning of one of the most important themes in their relationship: trust. Here, Kagome realizes that there is more to him than meets the eyes, that there's an opening for her to come in. Which she does. And the more she gets to know him, the more she notices that he can be selfless, good and kind.
I'd also like to point out that Kagome had already showed signs of physical attraction to Inuyasha way before that.
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Obviously, you can admire your friend's appearance in a non romantic way, but her reaction to his looks at the time and the reminiscing of how heroic he looked back then cannot be interpreted as platonic.
But more than that, the thing that really attracted her to Inuyasha, what he couldn’t already give her in a friendship level, was plain and simple the way he made her feel.
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Although it was mostly Inuyasha starting the romantic moves, Kagome has always responded to them. His actions awakened in her sentiments she had never had to deal with before. It's new. It's exciting. It's terrifying. It makes her feel alive. And no one else has ever done it for her. Not even close.
Inuyasha turned her world upside down. Being the beautiful, smart and popular girl that she was, love was something that has always came easily to Kagome. She was pretty used to people liking her gratuitously. Her relationship with family and friends was simple enough, but with Inuyasha, she had to work for it, to build it with him from scratch. It was trial and error. It required patience, acceptance, trust, effort and sacrifice from both parts.
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Most importantly: Inuyasha challenged her, turned her life into an adventure. He toughed her up, encouraged her to improve and become the very best version of herself, added a gray area to the black and white perspective she had on things, brought her out of her comfort zone. And she enjoyed rising up to the occasion. I think that anything different would bore her very quickly.
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Then there's the easiness in which they fit into each other's world: her little brother worships the ground Inuyasha walks on, her grandpa appreciates Inuyasha's help at the shrine, her mother is treated by Inuyasha with nothing but ultimate kindness and respext. Even her friends approve of him. This brings forth the unshakeable feeling that they have always been together, that their meeting was no coincidence.
Plus, Inuyasha actually cares about her. Not her beauty, not her popularity, not her powers: her. Kagome turned the head of many guys during the series, but none of them know her down to the core like Inuyasha does. Her fears and insecurities, her friends and family, her quirks and believes, likes and dislikes, qualities and flaws: Inuyasha knows them all. He sees her beyond of what she looks like. He loves her for who she is rather than an idealized version of herself that does not exist.
It doesn't matter to him if she's wearing her best clothes or covered in demon goo. He had seen her crying, sweating, bloodied, dirty, sick, in extreme need of a bath and his opinion of her never lowered. If anything, I'd say Inuyasha wanted to be with her even more. Kagome didn't have to try too hard, didn't have to be anyone else for him to like her. All he ever expected of her was her company. And that's gotta be refreshing.
At last, I personally believe that wanting what you "can't" have also plays an important factor here. Inuyasha came straight out of a fairy tale, only to get her happily ever after, Kagome had to overcome lunatic villains, Inuyasha's traumas, her own insecurities, the fact that they belonged to different eras, miscommunications, heartbreaks, the stigma that a relationship between a priestess and a half demon carries, three years of separation and lastly time-space itself. Every obstacle only seemed to make her want him more.
Kagome's life could have been a lot easier if she had decided to let it go. She could have pursued an uncomplicated relationship with one of the male characters practically throwing themselfes at her feet — one of which, in theory, checks all of her boxes —, but she didn't. Which makes sense because, to quote Taylor Swift: nothing safe it's worth the drive.
And it all comes full circle, because her desires and necessities have finally aligned. Inuyasha might not have been what she wanted for herself at first, but he has always been exactly what she needed. And after she realized that, I can't imagine Kagome ever wanting anything — or anyone — else.
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thecloudstan · 3 months
I'm thinking about chapter 2 from ff7 rebirth again, where Rufus meets Cloud and tells him he had read his profile. I wonder what Rufus's thoughts were in seeing the profile of a man who calls himself a SOLDIER, but isn't. Does this topic ever come back in the present in your current fanfic?
What kind of thoughts ran through Rufus's head as he had access to everything about this man how caused so many problems for his men?
This is such a great question.
When I started thinking about what a Rufus/Cloud shippy story might look like way back in 2016, this was actually one of the things at the forefront of my mind. Even without the Remake series, it's always been clear to me that Rufus likely knew much more about Cloud than Cloud did, or at least he knew it a lot sooner. Rufus is thorough and cunning enough to have availed himself of such information if it existed, and it certainly existed, since Hojo is still around when he takes over the family business. I always wanted to address this potential flashpoint between them; would Cloud want to know? Would Rufus ever even offer, and under what circumstances? It seemed like a great focal point for drama, from the perspective of wanting to Write Fun Things.
So, imagine my complete and utter surprise when the very first time Rufus and Cloud meet after the fight atop Shinra HQ, Rufus states POINT BLANK that he's read his file. I also don't think he was lying at all about finding it to be enlightening (and finding Cloud to be fascinating). Unlike his father, Rufus wants to control things by understanding them. Fear works well enough on the idiot masses, but not on people like Cloud, Sephiroth, etc.
Some slight spoilers for NTYC under the cut.
I have to be honest, after having updated the fic in January (a month and some change before the game dropped) with a scene covering this exact topic, my jaw fucking dropped when Rufus said those words. There was a lot of internal screaming. I wasn't sure how the topic would be brought up in NTYC when it was in the early planning stages, but I always had it in my notes that at some point Rufus would throw this information out there as an offer. Without spoiling anything, I'm definitely not through with exploring the file situation. The contents, Rufus' reaction to the contents, his motive in offering to reveal them, even whether or not Cloud actually wants to know the extent of what was done to him. I can't leave that unexplored when it's something I've actually wanted to know ever since I played the original game.
"You are a fascinating individual, Cloud Strife. Your file was as gripping as it was...enlightening. (sly grin) Which is why...I have a proposition for you."
I mean...it's unbelievable to me, still. I don't talk about it much because I still can't believe it actually happened. Thanks so much for asking.
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sammythelibrarian · 1 year
Just comparing and contrasting some stuff from OG and the Rebirth trailers here, don't mind me…
Sephiroth Ha, ha, ha...... I want to take you back to your real self. The one who gave me the Black Materia that day... Who would have ever thought a failed experiment would prove so useful? Hojo would die if he knew.
Cloud Hojo!? What does he have to do with me!?
Sephiroth Five years ago you were... ...constructed by Hojo, piece by piece, right after Nibelheim was burnt. A puppet made up of vibrant Jenova cells, her knowledge, and the power of Mako. An incomplete Sephiroth-clone. Not even given a number. ...That is your reality. Ha, ha, ha......
Tifa Cloud... Don't listen to him... Close your ears! Close your eyes!
Cloud What's wrong, Tifa? I'm not affected by it. ...I wasn't paying attention to him.
Tifa All that talk of Hojo constructing you is a lie. Don't we have our memories together? Being kids together, starlit nights...
Sephiroth Ha, ha, ha... Tifa... Why are you so worried and scared by those words? Hmm... Shall I show everyone here what's in your heart?
Tifa turns away from both him and Cloud.
Sephiroth Ha, ha, ha... You look like you're not feeling well.
He disappears.
Cloud ...Tifa? Is Sephiroth right?
Tifa Cloud...
Cloud Why are you so scared? Don't worry about me. I'm all right. No matter how confused I am, I'll never believe a word that Sephiroth says. It's true that sometimes I can't figure out who I am. There's a lot of things muddled up in my memories. But, Tifa...... But you said, 'Long time no see, Cloud' right? Those words will always support me. I am the one you grew up with. I'm Cloud of Nibelheim. No matter how much I lose faith in myself, that is the truth. That's why you shouldn't be so scared. No matter what anyone else says to me, it's your attitude that counts...
Tifa No, that's not true, Cloud......
Cloud What's not? Aren't I the same Cloud you grew up with?
Tifa That's not what I mean... I don't know how to say it... Cloud, I need some time... Just give me a little time...
A flash and Sephiroth appears beyond the fire.
Sephiroth Cloud... Don't blame Tifa. The ability to change one's looks, voice, and words, is the power of Jenova. Inside of you, Jenova has merged with Tifa's memories, creating you. Out of Tifa's memory...... A boy named Cloud might've just been a part of them.
Cloud I saw you lying there. I figured it was too late.
Tifa Wait. What are you implying? That I died? That I’m some kind of imposter?
Tifa I was wondering. What’s Cloud been doing these last five years? Where’s he been?
Aerith And you’re…asking me this?
Tifa This is gonna sound crazy, but as far as I know, Cloud was never in Nibelheim five years ago.
(FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH – Summer Game Fest 2023 Trailer)
Sephiroth They say she’s a monster. That she can peer inside you, into the very depths of your soul. That she can become those you hate. Those you fear. Those you love.
Sephiroth You know that I killed her (Tifa). So, who is she?
(FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH – Summer Game Fest 2023 Trailer. Tifa name drop specifically from the Japanese version)
Especially the jump from No matter how much I lose faith in myself(...) it's your attitude that counts... to yeah i think ur a fake scares me. In a good way.
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hisnewera · 3 months
It's been hours since they brought him in. Reno's stopped pacing and cursing the staff under his breath nearly two hours in, Elena hasn't moved from the coffee station where she's stood nervously stirring her long cold coffee, and Rude has become a permanent fixture against the wall that anyone might think him a hyper realistic statue.
The atmosphere can not seem to hold more tension than it already does, but time seems to still for the lot of them when the doctor exits the room, hands de-gloved and dripping with water.
"He's awake, if you want to see him."
His own feelings needed to be put to the side for a now. what happened was his fault, but they all knew something was going to happen. it could have been any of them, yet Rufus was sitting there waiting. He was watching the other Turks. Seeing how everything was taking it. As much as he had plenty of other things he needed to get back to, this was his number one. The one who does everything without question. He would rather risk the doctors to touch him, and not Hojo to fix him. If it was on the stop it would have taken longer a slim chance. But Rufus would rather be the one to hurt himself than let anything happen outside his care.
Even if the room felt cold, the doctor who was treating Tseng soon came out. hearing those words, he saw the others get excited. To let them go first, or he. Rufus waved it off and moved to his feet. Walking over to the door he felt as if it was going to be a quick in and out for him. The others can come in after.
But that moment he did walk into the room, and saw the other lying there. His heart felt --- like it was burning. No matter the move, he knew very well that it was going to cost him something, and this was the last thing Rufus wanted to lose. Slowly he walked over to him he stared down at the other. Seeing other's hair all over the place, the man was more of a mess than normal.
Slowly he reached over and moved some of his hair to fix it a bit. No words for the moment just making him look like he normally would before he paused and moved his hand down the other's arms, to brushing lightly. All the way to the other's hand, placing his hand over the other's before he leans down a little closer.
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" I'm sorry for causing you this much trouble."
he whispers. Knowing the other was awake just enough to be able to hear him. Rufus hated everything in his world, but the man lying there. Someone who has been there for years, not him. Seeing Tseng hurt was something he needed to get used to, but for now, this wasn't something he wished he had to deal with.
Though he kept his voice low, a little more personal than normal.
" as much as I wish to joke around, how are you feeling right now? Is it still hurting?"
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Random Asks | Always Open
@shinrascomputer asked: He stares at Vincent, blinking slowly. This was... Never a situation he thought he'd find himself in. With red eyes and black hair, he almost felt like he was looking at a different, older version of himself. "... I... Uh... You used to be a Turk too, huh?" He asked weakly.
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This wasn't the first time Valentine was seeing this Turk. Technically. he observed a great deal, in his time above and below the company, and though some of it was scattered for reasons beyond his permission to ask or demand, he kept enough clear. Weapon he was, he was expected to. He'd seen this one in the halls, he'd seen him in Hojo's labs when he was being treated. He had his wonderings and his instincts from that distance, but here and now, it seemed something in him balked almost on par with the young mans reaction.
He was adorned in a uniform almost akin to that of the rest of the Turks, though his provided a bit more leader in his jacket and pants, and a rather intimidating, regal looking refined gauntlet on his left arm was nothing like anything a Turk would or should wear. Monochrome red and red-yellow rimmed eyes observed the other, partial bangs around his face as the rest of his hair was currently in a ponytail behind him, still making clear it's great length.
Finally, his assessment of the young man before him, red eyes, familiar skin tone, and black long hair, ceased. It was far too familiar to him as well, as if he was transported into the past to look into a mirror, though he was picking apart the differences faster than the other man. He focused, then, on his words. 'Used to be'... Cute.
"One doesn't simply stop being a Turk...and that rings true for me."
He wasn't lying. He had not been seen around here for a couple of years now, but it did not change the fact that he was still by rank and position and service, technically, a Turk. Simply one far too often on loan, and now complicated, unspoken property of the man running R&D.
In that, it seemed, the two of them had even more in common than what the eyes could see.
"Lucas... Am I correct?" he finally spoke again, trying to remember all he'd heard of some of the newer Turks that had been brought in while he was away.
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ofmoonlily · 4 months
”There aren’t any pictures of me as a kid” - FF7 Tidus to FF7 Yuna @s-acrificium
It was oddly kind of the Scientist to place her in a room with another. A boy around her age. Stationed in the same lab, undergoing unusual tests Yuna couldn't fathom.
Was it...painful?
They sit idly under the humming lights, both anxiously awaiting Hojo's emergance. Yuna fiddles with her thumbs and tugs on the awkward contraptions whic pulled on her skin just to feel anything that wasn't fear.
Minutes turn to an hour, and she's speaking to the boy nestled on the opposite side of her room, lying down on a cold steel table. How they even got to the current topic was lost on her grief which swelled with every tick of the clock. Their childhoods; What they were allowed to possess as playthings in the lab, or what they created with what little materials had been scattered around the district. Shards of glass used as scissors, aged and broken crayons to color on the back of crumpled up pages detailing failed lab assessments. Among other unorthodox materials.
It wasn't long that Yuna actually found herself smiling, giggling even. Their experiences shared many similarities, which brought Yuna a sense of comfort to confide in the blond.
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An agreeable nod of her head, and she rotates on her side of her table to face the young man, "Right? Do they truly think us unworthy of a single photograph that has nothing to do with the Science Department and the documents it contains? You know, the only photograph I've actually seen displaying my image was a single keycard detailing my information. I was just seven years old. It's a bit dated, don't you think?" another giggle.
"As far as what they intend to do with it, I don't know. My hope is they mistake my image with that of someone younger and release me. Wouldn't that be foolish?" Whatever this was between them? It was nice—exciting, even. She got to speak freely without the fear of Hojo screaming at her—at them—to 'keep quiet' while he prattled on conversing with himself as loud as he could, followed by his theatric swinging of arms and laughing when he's concluded something he never disclosed to his subjects.
Yuna made a friend today.
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saishuu-heiki · 9 months
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A father's words — always in the precipice of mind and searing more harshly than physical wounds. Even without the knowledge that he himself was the result of a genetic experiment of man and monster , Sephiroth was no child of ignorance and knew he had been subjected to strange things. As horrid as his upbringing was , there was also a vile knowledge that there were other horrors lingering inside the mind of his father . . on the other side of walls he shared. When curiosity had infiltrated his mind as it did with the minds of children , his face was met with the gaunt angles of a vulture and the glint of glasses. As coolly as a man ordering a coffee at a local cafe , he had said " curiousity will rip your arm from its socket , and I won't be there to stop them. "
All it took was a single glance inside the eyes of Professor Hojo to know the monstrosity lying within mind and actualized by hands. It was not until his adulthood did Sephiroth take to wandering the science department at ShinRa , and it wasn't precisely due to curiousity which had never been satiated — for the sake of the safety of others , he needed to know what terrors were to be discovered. Hojo was smart however , nothing which would give way to the Jenova project or Sephiroth's experimentations were ever kept in the open. Even without Jenova discoveries at hand , there were plenty of other things to be found most of which hinted at sadism. Cages , chains , vials of queerly coloured substances , soiled medical restraints , bins and bins of medical waste.
Sephiroth's footsteps echoed inside eerie rooms and hallways as he continued forward. Forward and forward. Was he purposefully searching for anything to justify raising a hand to the man who had so cruelly forged him? Sephiroth could not say or would not. Authorized personnel signs were ignored , and the prodigal creation passed from one door to the next , seemingly passing through nine different doors [ meant to keep someone out or something in ] before he reached an especially unique room. While still being inhospitable , there was also a strange alluring undertone to the space.
Hues of greens and blues shimmered off the walls , and so unexpected it was it took Sephiroth several moments before he realized it was the reflection of moving water being cast upon walls. A room which was not quite a room was impressively expansive , far wider and taller than the rest of the halls he had passed through. Beyond control panels and monitoring devices , a tank filled with water immediately caught the eye. Serene and eerie in one. Even before realizing a living form was within , the silver haired man approached ; a moth drawn to a flame. The sudden appearance of face and body from within the waters did no startle nor alarm though the man's brow furrowed.
❛ What have you done now . . ❜
Sephiroth spoke to a Hojo who was not there ; voice just barely above a whisper. Gloved right hand reached for the cool surface of the glass encasing water and whatever it was which lived inside @mcrroww. Half of him expected hand to penetrate glass to touch the creature within which made no degree of sense . . but he had thought it possible . . for a second. He ceased looking past her and feline eyes focused on the creature's face with a gaze of curiosity and pity.
❛ . .What are you? ❜
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strykingshot · 2 years
Final Fantasy 7 AU: Subject K- age 22-30 an AU where Kat becomes an experiment by Hojo, a link to more details can be found here
Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core: Mechanic Girl- Age: 21, Kat runs a mechanic garage owned by her father called the Copper Carbuncle. Due to being located in the sector 7 plate, the shop will, from time to time, take jobs from Shinra when vehicles or warehouse equipment breaks down. Though not officially a Shinra employee, Kat has been given permission to work repairs on Shinra property due to her father working in one of the local warehouses.
Final Fantasy 7: Rebel with a Cause- Age: 26-28, Kat is a repair girl living in sector 7 slums but travels to the other sectors to handle any jobs. Usually, it’s small things like fixing a tv or a broken oven, but her specialty is cars and motorcycles.
 She’s well known in the sector 5 slums since she takes care of any repairs for the orphanage for free. The kids also love playing with her dog, Blitz, that travels with her to jobs. She sometimes stops by the church to make basic repairs to keep the place from collapsing under Aerith’s feet when she’s in town for a job. She also has a habit of “accidentally” leaving spare parts or tools lying around that just happened to end up in Avalanche’s hands. You can read a quick backstory tale here
Final Fantasy 7: Running with Shinra- Age: 26-28, Kat accepts a job at Shinra as a mechanical engineer. Her skill with machines allows her to quickly rise the ranks to head of engineering. Her dislike for Shinra is well known among the employees under her, but she is careful to not to put her job in jeopardy.
Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children/Dirge of Cerberus: Mechanic Mom- Age: 30-31, Kat has opened up a new shop called the Silver Carbuncle in Edge. Since setting up in Edge, Kat adopted two orphans and has been saving up to buy a proper house for the three of them. If she's not working on repair jobs, she works part-time for Strife delivery service.
Final Fantasy 14: Adventure Awaits
Name: Kathrine "Cota" Stryker
Age: 27
Race: Au Ra/Elezen mixbreed
Born to adventuring couple Orlen Stryker and Altun of the Mol tribe, Kat's mother fell ill soon after Kat was born due to an injury that she had received from a fight that had become infected. Unable to travel the distance back to her tribe, they returned to Orlen's home of Ishgard to settle down and raise their daughter while Altun recovered. Unfortunately Altun never recovered and passed away a year after Kat's birth, leaving Orlen to raise their daughter alone surrounded by the judgement of his town without enough gil to travel back to the Steppe.
Kat grew up around constant bullying and harassment from the other children her age for her dragon-like appearance which left her with few friends her age. She ended up spending most of her time either at home or spending hours at the Athenaeum Astrologicum learning about the stars or the Skysteel Manufactory learning to build and tinker.
It wasn't a surprise to Orlen when Kat made her interest in adventuring known and by her nineteenth birthday Orlen had saved enough gil to buy her everything she needed to travel safely through Eorzea and a prayer she would be able to see her mother's homeland like Altun wished for her.
Final Fantasy 16: Leviathan the lost- Age 26-31, Born in Oriflamne, Kat's parents did everything they could to hide her affinity for magic to avoid their only child becoming a bearer. Keeping her magic hidden, Kat joined the army and rose through the ranks to become a dragoon knight.
During a battle where the men under her risked being killed, in a last ditch effort Kat used her magic in front of the soldiers, creating a large wave to drown the enemy soldiers. Instead of being thankful for her saving them, the soldiers threatened to reveal her magic and have her become a bearer. In her anger at their betrayal, she ended up awakening Leviathan and killing her soldiers. When she awoken and realized what she did, she fled, leaving everything of hers in the hope it would look like she died with the soldiers and became a wandering mercenary with a habit of finding and leading escaping bearers to Cid.
Devil May Cry 4/5: Dancing with Devils- Age: 22-28, After losing her parents in a mysterious accident as a teen, Kat became a minor bounty hunter living out of her truck while taking jobs wherever she can. During a trip to Fortuna, she ends up fighting demons in an attempt to protect some local civilians.
After that incident, she branched out into researching demons and including devil hunting into her business. You can read a quick backstory tale here
Kingdom Hearts: Radiant Heart- Age: 16-18, Born in Radiant Garden, Kat joined the restoration committee with a focus on keeping the heartless out of the town. Due to an accident around the first heartless attack, Kat suffers from memory loss and deals with frequent headaches when something triggers a lost memory.
Mortal Kombat: Stryking Emotions- Age 28, Kat was born to Sonya Blade and Kurtis Stryker. For the first 5 years of her life, she was raised by her father by himself until her father was killed. Kat was then raised by her father’s grandparents, who fought for sole custody claiming Sonya was an unfit parent.
Kat’s grandparents were loving but stuck in their grief of the loss of their son. Kat grew up listening to her grandparents about what her father was like as a police officer. After Kat graduated high school, she joined the police academy and joined the NYPD at age 24.
Resident Evil: Outbreak- Kat is a rookie cop in the Raccoon City police department working under her father when the outbreak starts.
Persona 5: Take your heart- Kat is a 2nd-year transfer student from New York due to her officer father transferring to Japan.
Final Fantasy 15: in progress
Genshin Impact: in progress
Fire Emblem Three Houses: in progress
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aoyama-division · 2 years
Luis's Thoughts on Shizuoka Division
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Hojo Kanon
"...Another former scientist for Chuohku. You know, with so many people either leaving or being killed off, you'd think that would cause Chuohku to wake up and start making some changes. But no, they're content to still do things the same way." Luis shakes his head, a lit cigarette in his mouth.
"But anyway, this woman reminds me a lot of Okada-san from Shinagawa, along with a bit of that Russian scientist woman from Minato. If you asked me who was the worst out of the three of them, I couldn't answer you. ...At least not without lying."
Aichi Reika
"...I suppose you've already heard from Tomi that this woman used to live here in Aoyama? Well, it's true. I never thought she'd have the guts to kill her own spouse. That's honestly something I could see either of my parents doing. It's sad to think that I can actually see that occurring..." Luis mumbles something before lighting another cigarette.
"But anyway, when I heard she got kicked out of Aoyama, I wasn't really surprised. But something told me this wasn't the last we'd all seen of her. A woman like her doesn't stay down easily. ...And what do you know? I was right."
Kito Sakura
Luis glares harshly at Kito's photo before lighting the thing on fire, and using it as a match to light another cigarette. He looks at the screen, a glare still on his face. "I never thought I'd find a woman who I could possibly despise more than that CEO from Shinagawa. And let me state now for the record, I do still hate her. A lot. But this isn't about her.
"This puta perra has been harassing shopkeepers and restaurant owners all across Japan. At least Samatoki and his ilk stick to Yokohama, but this guarra actually had the gall to try to force me to try to pay protection money! I told her goons to get the hell out of my store while they can still walk. They muttered some threat, but I wasn't paying attention.
"A week later, one of my best cooks landed in the hospital with a broken leg and arm! I wasn't stupid. I knew who was behind this, but I didn't do anything. If that was all she'd done, that wouldn't have been so bad. But one day, after I was coming back from shopping, I saw that perra's escuadrón de matones harassing my Abuela!" Luis chomps hard on his cigarette.
"At that point, all I could see was red, and the next thing I knew, those bastardos were lying in pools of their own blood. I didn't see hide nor hair of them after that, but if you think I've forgiven this perra or her brood for what they've done, you are sadly mistaken. I do not care what you do to me. If you have a grudge against me, fine." The chef then glares heavily at the screen, his face turning red as he starts speaking in Spanish to illustrate how serious he is.
"Pero si te atreves a amenazar o hacer daño a mi abuela, ¡te mostraré un lado del infierno que ni siquiera el Diablo, él mismo, ha visto!"
Silent Tragedy
"I don't really care about facing this team, though I won't run away from a fight if that's what they want. ...But if we do get a chance to face them, I'm going to show Miss Renegade what happens when you mess with my family. I don't know what her situation is, and I don't care. You got family issues, that's your problem, but you will not, and I mean, will not, threaten mine!" Luis then stomps on a cigarette as he departs from view.
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scarletnakazato · 2 years
Goū Hojo - Night Fever
• Goū Hojo x Reader | Smut | • Word Count: 1,524. • Synopsis: In which enjoying the coolness and serene peace of night time on a mountain turns into night fever for an NSX driver and his girl.
Another race had been finished tonight on Tsubaki Line with, of course, Sidewinder being the winning team. (Y/N) and Goū were sitting on the hood of his NSX, chatting with some teammates. Sometime after the race had finished, everyone started to leave one by one, until they were the only two left.
Goū lied down on the hood, gently pulling (Y/N) down with him. She rested her head on his shoulder as he had an arm wrapped around her waist with his hand settled on her hip, softly tracing patterns into it. The air had a soft, cool breeze passing through the trees and over them. The sounds of crickets and owls could easily be heard when no cars were around. The moon and stars shined and twinkled gently in the night sky.
The mountain turned quiet, serene, and peaceful so quickly when the people and their cars disappeared. "It would be easy to fall asleep here." (Y/N) spoke softly, a small smile on her face as she studied all the stars.
"Yeah, definitely." Goū agreed, running his fingers through the girl's soft hair.
"Especially when your cuddled up with your man on top of his car." She added and looked up at him, giving a small wink. He chuckled, making his deep voice sound even hotter.
(Y/N) flipped over and moved around until she was on her stomach, lying on top of him, a leg on each side of his. Normally this would be kind of uncomfortable, but his car had a long, flat hood, so it wasn't too bad for either of them. Goū had his arms wrapped (Y/N)'s waist, holding her in place as she had herself propped up a bit, leaning her arms against his chest. Moving one of his arms, he tangled his fingers in her hair and pulled her down for a long, passionate kiss. Humming against his lips, she gladly returned it, giving his hair a light tug.
A small, barely audible groan snuck past his lips. But of course, (Y/N) heard it loud and clear and decided to pull on it a bit harder. She smirked when the sound of a louder groan reached her ears. Goū pulled away from the kiss and started to trail smaller ones up and down her neck until he found her sweet spot. Her sighs and moans only fueled him more, focusing on the spot, giving it a dark mark. He was taken by surprise when she started doing the same, the both of them latched onto each other's necks at the same time.
She left her own mark that was just as dark as his then pulled away, catching his lips for another kiss. Goū slid his tongue across her bottom lip and she gladly let him snake it in. Their tongues fought for dominance and (Y/N) easily won after giving a sharp tug on his hair, making him give a borderline whimper and melt under her touch.
She smirked, deepening the kiss, and lightly grinding back and forth against him in a teasing manner. His arousal quickly became apparent as she soon felt the tent in his pants grow bigger with each grind. Goū slipped his hands under (Y/N)'s shirt and lifted it up, taking it off of her. He shamelessly stared at her breasts, still covered by her bra, causing her to chuckle lightly.
Goū was most definitely a tits kind of guy.
He took the opportunity of her being distracted with laughing and flipped her over, her back touching the cool metal of the car's hood. He leaned down to her chest and left kisses along the top of her breasts, occasionally leaving small bite marks and hickeys. Earning him small moans and sighs, he reached behind her and unclipped her bra, giving them more attention. He gave one a light kiss before taking it his mouth and swirling his tongue around it. (Y/N) gave soft moans at his ministrations, loving the feeling of how skilled his tongue is. Not forgetting about the other, he brings a free hand up and gently massages it. After a few minutes he switches and gives the same treatment to the opposite one.
Once he was finished, he slowly trailed his hands to the hem of her shorts, undoing them and pulling them down along with her underwear. (Y/N)'s breath hitched as the breeze hit the heat between her legs. Goū held her legs still, his hands on her thighs as he left a trail of kisses from her lips down to her waist. Slowly, ever so slowly making his way down, the kisses felt like feathers against her skin.
Small moans escaped past (Y/N)'s lips and she quickly unbuckled Goū's belt, the anticipation becoming unbearable. He took notice and decided to tease her a little. Goū lightly traced his finger around her heat, causing her to squirm a little. Slowly getting closer and closer to her core with every whimper and beg she lets out.
"Goū, come on... please?" (Y/N) whimpered as she wiggled her hips in desperation.
"Please what, baby? What do you want me to do to you?" He whispered huskily into her ear, this time grinding teasingly against her, slowly and lightly. His words sent a shiver down her spine, the coolness of the hood only intensifying it. His fingers finally made their way to her heat and slid in, moving them quickly. (Y/N) moaned his name loudly, her back arching slightly.
"Fuck me p-please, I n-need you, damn it!" She stuttered out, the frustration becoming too much for her. She sat up and quickly took his shirt off. Having to withdraw his fingers from her in order to do so, she released a small whine from the now empty feeling but continued focusing on getting rid of his clothes.
His belt already undone and loose, she lowered the waistband of his pants and boxers, his hardened member now out of its restricting confinements. Goū let out a deep moan, the pressure not so painful anymore. She pulled him towards her a bit more with her legs, wrapping them around his waist. Goū leaned over her, a hand flat on the hood to keep his balance and the other on her hip, holding her still as he pushed into her.
Groaning each other's names loudly, (Y/N) wrapped her arms around his neck, fingers tangled in his hair and a hand clawing at his shoulder blades. I don't think I'll ever be able to get used to his size. Damn. Goū thrust back in and she moaned, the grip on his shoulders tightening. The tip of his member hit that spot deep inside her perfectly every time.
"Fuck, you're tight babe." He lowered his head and left kisses and bites along her collarbone. She retaliated with bites along his neck, earning her deep moans from Goū who also increased the roughness of his thrusts. (Y/N) gave a sharp tug on his hair and his moans quickly turned to an animalistic growl. His hold on her hip tightened as he pushed deeper inside her.
Her back arched from the euphoric sensation and her eyes started to see white. She could make a strong bet that he would fuck her to high heaven if he could. A sheen layer of sweat glistened on their skin, the small stray strands of hair had gotten stuck on the sides of their face and foreheads.
Goū's eyes were dark and lustful, but also showed the love and adoration he had when he looked at (Y/N). He loved having her under him like this; her back flat on the hood of his car, hair clinging to her face that showed undeniable pleasure, and the entirety of her body. She was beautiful.
But he also couldn't complain when she was on top of him. Her dominant self was quite a sight when she let it take over. It was downright sexy. The way her voice lowered just a bit, the seductive whispers she'd spill into his ears, her thighs on each side of his as her hips straddled him. Fuck, that was hot.
He got closer and closer to the edge of his release just from thinking about it as he continued his rough and deep thrusts that earned him those beautiful moans of hers. The way her hoarse voice begged him to go harder only fueled that desire.
Soon enough, her release came and his followed right after with a scream of his name and a deep groan of hers. After catching their breaths and putting their clothes back on, they got in the red NSX, preparing to leave. Goū leaned over the center console and captured (Y/N)'s lips for a quick, passionate kiss before pulling away with a small smirk.
"We'll have to have a round two in here next time, babe." He winked at her as he started to drive out of the lot. "I don't think there's enough room for that, Goū; it's pretty small in here." She laughed lightly with a small eye roll.
"Guess we'll just have to test that theory then, huh?"
"In your dreams, hot shot."
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altocat · 9 months
wait i just caught up
little seph is asking EVERYONE HE MEETS about his mother?!?!?? WHAT. THE. FUCK.
hojo needs to be flayed alive and barbecued for this i am so serious
Apparently Seph just does that. He was planning on asking the trio this entire time. We don't know the extent of what he currently knows about his mother, though we're likely to find out. It's also possible that he has an actual picture of Lucrecia he's referencing, which is VERY interesting (and heartbreaking). Sephiroth said in CC that he has been searching for this his entire life. Turns out he wasn't lying.
Anyway this is really fucked up and upsetting. I lean into the mommy issues stuff with Seph as subtext. But apparently, this is a REAL fucking thing with him, enough to ask total randos for on a daily basis.
Hojo is garbage 🗑️
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goddessofroyalty · 3 years
Cloud to Prompto: "I vaguely remember them talking about how you should be made of Sephiroth's and Areith's dna.... But you very obviously have mine, so who knows what mix you have.
At the end of the day it wouldn't/doesn't matter what genetics Prompto is made up of, Cloud would have loved him because Prompto's still his kid. But like... if it wasn't for the fact that Prompto looks almost exactly like Cloud, Cloud would have assumed that Prompto was either not genetically his or like has the minimal amount of Cloud-genes in him as possible. But Prompto is a mini-Cloud so... clearly there's a decent amount of Cloud in his genetics.
Generally they act like Prompto's other parentage is unknown. At least in terms of things like medical history and the like. Because, while Cloud is aware of who he slept with there was so much science that happened around the rest of it that he's not entirely sure that who he slept with is in line with what genetics are involved.
At least once they do finally sit down and have the conversation about Prompto's birth Cloud can honestly say he wasn't lying all the years he said he didn't know who Prompto's other parent was - other than a DNA test there's no way for him to be certain that's to Hojo-intervention.
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