dragonliiight · 1 month
@s-acrificium liked for a starter
When he had fallen from Origin he thought he was dead. He should have been dead. He had accepted he would be dead. However, that was not quite what happened.
Instead, he woke up on the shores of Twinside... and it was very much not destroyed. In fact, it looked like the clock had been turned back several years. Buildings that should have been long since abandoned were bustling with life. There was a tang of salt in the air from the sea.
"Wha..." Dion was left confused and speechless. Before he had a chance to take anything else in though, he felt a presence, "Show yourself!" Dion practically hissed out holding his spear out in front of him.
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akingoftragedy · 1 month
Aulea carefully made her way towards the desk, trying not to be be too conspicuous. She gently touched her husbands shoulder, her hands carefully caress his face. A gentle smile on her lips, "My love your frowning. What troubles you?" @s-acrificium
The letters swam across the page in his vision, hours of reading them over resulting in them becoming an unintelligible mess in both his mind and eye. Letters, proposals, reports, they were never ending. As soon as he finished one, there were three more to take it's place.
No wonder his father was so sour all the time, Regis thought to himself. Years of this and I may go mad too.
He hadn't heard Aulea enter, too engrossed in attempts to decipher words that had once made sense to him to hear the gentle creak of the hinges and the click of her shoes on the polished floor. Despite her gentle touch, Regis still startled, expression melting to embarrassment and exhaustion as he slowly leaned back into his chair with a low, drawn out sigh. Her touch along his cheek guided him to look at her, nothing but adoration in his eyes.
Aulea. His best friend, his beloved wife, his anchor in this whirlwind of ruling a kingdom threatened at every waking moment. He should have known she would come looking for him. He'd been locked away in his study practically all day, she likely having finished any of her duties or self assigned chores long ago.
"It's nothing, my love" he gently took one of her hands and pressed a chaste kiss to her knuckles "merely the council bickering among one another as per usual, i'm sure you know."
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calamitysshatteredson · 2 months
@s-acrificium [From here, since... Tumblr.]
"You--" He cut himself off with a deep sigh through the drag of a hand down his face. Already too late, wonderful.
"Tell me you did not get talked into a cave by a ghost. Don't you know they'll push you into other worlds? Steal your things? Harass your friends? Sound familiar?"
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ofmoonlily · 4 months
”There aren’t any pictures of me as a kid” - FF7 Tidus to FF7 Yuna @s-acrificium
It was oddly kind of the Scientist to place her in a room with another. A boy around her age. Stationed in the same lab, undergoing unusual tests Yuna couldn't fathom.
Was it...painful?
They sit idly under the humming lights, both anxiously awaiting Hojo's emergance. Yuna fiddles with her thumbs and tugs on the awkward contraptions whic pulled on her skin just to feel anything that wasn't fear.
Minutes turn to an hour, and she's speaking to the boy nestled on the opposite side of her room, lying down on a cold steel table. How they even got to the current topic was lost on her grief which swelled with every tick of the clock. Their childhoods; What they were allowed to possess as playthings in the lab, or what they created with what little materials had been scattered around the district. Shards of glass used as scissors, aged and broken crayons to color on the back of crumpled up pages detailing failed lab assessments. Among other unorthodox materials.
It wasn't long that Yuna actually found herself smiling, giggling even. Their experiences shared many similarities, which brought Yuna a sense of comfort to confide in the blond.
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An agreeable nod of her head, and she rotates on her side of her table to face the young man, "Right? Do they truly think us unworthy of a single photograph that has nothing to do with the Science Department and the documents it contains? You know, the only photograph I've actually seen displaying my image was a single keycard detailing my information. I was just seven years old. It's a bit dated, don't you think?" another giggle.
"As far as what they intend to do with it, I don't know. My hope is they mistake my image with that of someone younger and release me. Wouldn't that be foolish?" Whatever this was between them? It was nice—exciting, even. She got to speak freely without the fear of Hojo screaming at her—at them—to 'keep quiet' while he prattled on conversing with himself as loud as he could, followed by his theatric swinging of arms and laughing when he's concluded something he never disclosed to his subjects.
Yuna made a friend today.
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pyramultimuse · 3 months
@s-acrificium wanted a starter from Sephiroth (for Clive) You didn't specify so I chose lol
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"I can sense the power within you, the beautiful fires of destruction that Ifrit can create are at your fingertips. You and I, we could burn this world down." His tone inviting, smooth, seemingly romanticising the flames of chaos, destruction and death. Clive might be able to summon a god at will, but right now he was facing one. Would it be suicide to oppose the one winged angel? A harbinger of death. He very could bring about the end single handedly, yet extends an invitation. For what reason was unknown, one could never tell what Sephiroth was truly thinking. Maybe he respected the Dominant of Ifrit, a beastly god he had summoned himself on some occasions. Or maybe he was attracted to the power this man had, not strong enough to be a threat but there was potential if he took the man under his wing.
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autumn-lavelle · 7 months
Another RP side blog
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"Self Sacrifice"
A multimuse HP universe RP blog for Clive Rosfield, Riku, and Noctis Caelum. Please go check it out if interested. I really want to try RPing em cause Harry Potter: Magic Awakened kinda inspired these muses.
So have a look at them!
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dragondevoted · 1 month
@s-acrificium liked for a starter
The whispers of the Spirit of Bahamut were practically the ghost stories of Sanbreque now. Tales of the babe born with the power of the Dominant, the child of the Emperor destined for greatest and instead was stolen away in the middle of the night by little more than a common whore. Some said he still lived, that he lurked in the shadows.
It was, in Terence's opinion, little more than the equivalent of the gossip that the court ladies chattered about during their day. Just another pointless, mindless topic to think about so that the soldiers of the Imperial Army didn't dwell on how mind numbing their own job was.
Patrolling Northreach was hardly... stimulating, and it was made worse by the fact that Terence knew he could never fully trust any of the men that called themselves him comrades. He laughed along with them, though it was always forced and hollow. Never drank. Took pains to do what was expected of his status and nothing more. He had to make sure he brought honor to the Galeas name, but beyond that?
Well, the revelation that the only child (only child accepted as their child) was a bearer who had managed to keep this fact hidden even into their early twenties would certainly mar the beautiful family reputation.
He was known for being stern and stoic, both nice words to dress up the fact that he was distant and refused to let alone get close.
One hand drummed against the pommel of his sword as he frowned, head turning slightly. There was a flicker of movement in one of the alleyways. "Who's there?" Probably just one of the ladies of The Veil with a customer - but he still needed to check and make sure it was wanted attention.
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audaciiaearchive · 5 months
(I saw you added Terence and even Dion is in here! I was wondering if it’s okay to send a reply to an RP meme with one of my AUs? Or any you are interested in really ^^; @s-acrificium
hi hello yes ofc!! feel free to send anything any time or even dm me if u want <3
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dragonliiight · 1 month
@s-acrificium : continued from x
He always found it a bit awkward to visit his (ex) step-mother at work. Truthfully, he probably should have just asked Terrence to deliver the files, but something compelled him to visit. Maybe guilt? His step-mother had always been kind even when his father was not.
And she was a far better mother than the newest one was...
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"Father... asked me to bring you these. He said they'd been left in your old desk in the study. Annabella is a bit... particular about things, so if I didn't grab them she would have likely shredded them. I don't know if they're important, but I figure you might need them at some point."
A long pause as he tried to find words for small talk. It was odd coming to visit her under any other circumstances as his father had all but forbidden him from doing so unless he was asking for something. "How... are things...?"
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calamitysshatteredson · 3 months
“quiet. The ghosts are talking” (FF7! Riku because why not lol @s-acrificium
Magnolia Castillo starters | accepting but forever slow
"One: do not shush me for ghosts." He thought it was a perfectly acceptable request, haughty as it was.
"Two: it's generally not a good idea to listen to the dead. Bad suggestions, worse company, and sometimes they're not even really dead, which brings additional problems."
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autumn-lavelle · 2 months
MASTER POST| All RP accounts
@s-acrificium (multi-muse and multiverse account for; Clive Rosfield, Dion Lesage (FF16), Noctis Caelum (FF15), Aulea Lucis Caelum (FF15..my interpretation), Tidus (FFX), Riku (Kingdom Hearts) Terra Branford (a specific Dion's mom version of her), and my Dion's step mom oc 'Clairene Lesage
@under-theweight (multiverse Hugo Kupka account for Final Fantasy 16)
@elations-vessels (Honkai Star Rail account for Sparkle and Sampo Koski)
@little-dreamtalia (micronation ask/rp blog for Dreamtalia)
@lunar-fabulas (an AU account for Sailor Moon muses)
@f-abulas Honkair Star Rail Caelus (plus a few more muses from other games, but placed IN the Honkai universe).
@natureandhunt (RP account for my take on Wolfe and Leona de Rolo )
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