#High School Admission
bangladocs · 11 months
সরকারি মাধ্যমিক বিদ্যালয় অনলাইন ভর্তি আবেদন ফরম পূরণের নিয়মাবলী
যারা বাংলাদেশের সরকারি মাধ্যমিক বিদ্যালয় সমূহে অনলাইন ভর্তি আবেদন করতে চান তাদের জন্য আজকের আয়োজন। সরকারি মাধ্যমিক বিদ্যালয় অনলাইন ভর্তি আবেদন ফরম পূরণের নিয়মাবলী জানাবো এখানে। মাধ্যমিক ও উচ্চ শিক্ষা অধিদপ্তরের আওতাধীন ২০২৪ শিক্ষাবর্ষে বিভাগীয় শহর, জেলা ও উপজেলা পর্যায়ে অবস্থিত সকল সরকারি মাধ্যমিক বিদ্যালয়ে Web ও SMS এর মাধ্যমে ভর্তির আবেদনপত্র পূরণ ও ফি প্রদান সংক্রান্ত নিয়মাবলী জেনে…
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knifekris · 1 month
every day i struggle to make choices
#i should invest into some kind of education but cant make up my mind#mostly because options suck#i cant do trades unless my body sucks less which is sad because id love to be an electrician#cant even think about getting a pilots license cuz im not passing the med cert#i think id rather die than be a med assistant actually#working clinics at all makes me nervous tbh but probably where im headed in the short term#surgical tech would be cool but i cant do a Real program while working full-time#which is what limits most of my choices#i need to find more paid training programs i guess#if i had to pick a miserable but fulfilling job id go into education itself#but the teaching profession has always been in a downward spiral esp as of late#i dont want healthcare because i hate seeing dysfunctional glorified murder machines grinding around and around endlessly#acute care sucks id rather be in an icu for function but then im depressed because our patients are always dying#it was better as a phleb but this hospital doesnt have phleb and like i said im nervous about clinics#but i need to fucking commit to outpatient phlebotomy i think :/#the most fun ive had at a job ever#i wish i had more widely applicable skills but i cant be an emt/para even just for the training#because half of it is unpaid and the other half you pay for#and again#a job NOTORIOUS for being exhausting dangerous and traumatizing#if i was 17 again and wasnt escaping the tar pit of my mother id go for an english degree and i wouldnt even regret it#thinking about school in terms of a job i have to have forever vs for the sake of learning is so different#id like to know everything. i wanna read and write forever. and do research and have real technical skills that help people#im still riding off of the high of getting 5 ccs off of an oncology patient who desperately needed a port#they were able to run like seven tests off of it#i had to use a couple ped tubes#she only had to get poked Once and barely noticed it bc the doc team came in and im so happy i made her admission that muvh easier#labs are so miserable#checking back on the blood and seeing all of the results came through made me more pleased than anything else in the world
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theyuniversity · 2 months
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You probably know this already, but just in case you need a reminder, there are thousands of amazing colleges in the US.
Apply to the Ivy League schools if you’ve been dreaming about them for years, but don’t apply to only them if you’re just chasing after the brand name. Believe it or not, not everyone at Harvard or Yale is happy with their decision. They might have had a much better college experience somewhere else. Everybody is different. Find the best schools for YOU. 🎓  
No matter where you end up applying to, good luck! 🙏
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Fighting for my life trying to get a single ticket for the Dan and Phil live show in LA really makes me understand how all the Swifties felt getting Eras tickets. Like. What do you mean I was on the site at noon and they were already sold out of all VIP tickets???
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eliteprepsat · 29 days
Embrace your uniqueness–it's what makes you stand out
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Standing out in the college admissions process involves showcasing unique qualities, experiences, and achievements. The point, however, is not simply to impress college admission officers with your accomplishments and achievements–it’s to show how you’ve invested time and energy to make a positive contribution to your community and the people around you. 
Here are some strategies high school students can use to distinguish themselves:
1. Pursue Passion Projects
Deep Dive into Interests: Engage deeply in a subject or hobby that genuinely excites you. This could be anything from scientific research, artistic endeavors, coding projects, or community service initiatives. Joining one of Elite’s LEAD Extracurricular Programs is a great way to explore and build your interests.
Showcase Achievements: Document your progress and accomplishments. Create a portfolio, blog, or website to display your work. Virtually all colleges ask students to list their accomplishments in their college application. In addition, some colleges allow students to submit an optional portfolio to showcase their talents and skills.
2. Leadership and Initiative
Start a Club or Organization: If your school lacks a club that interests you, start one. Aside from demonstrating leadership and initiative, starting a club allows you to dedicate time and energy to something you truly care about.
Lead Community Service Projects: Identify a need in your community and organize a project to address it. This shows commitment and the ability to lead and inspire others. While service projects are oftentimes done in person, you can also utilize technology to address a cause or issue–for example, provide online tutoring, build a website or app to educate the members of the public about a pressing problem and direct them to support organizations working to address that problem, or host a podcast or YouTube channel discussing an important issue.
3. Unique Extracurricular Activities
Develop Skills: Learn and excel in skills that are not typically taught in school, such as coding, entrepreneurship, or foreign languages. If available, obtain a certification that measures your competency or proficiency in the skills you develop. Certification typically involves passing an exam or test from a recognized organization.
Competitions and Awards: Participate and win awards in regional, national, or international competitions, such as science fairs, math olympiads, or writing contests. Showcase what you’re good at, and go as far as you can. Many students continue to participate in various competitions in college, and demonstrating a high level of interest and achievement will help you stand out from other applicants. 
Internships and Work Experience: Seek out internships and work experiences that provide unique insights or experiences related to your interests. These experiences will not only help you stand out from other college applicants but also help guide your choice of college major and possibly a career after college.
Artistic Creations: If you’re inclined towards the arts, create a substantial body of work, such as a short film, a series of paintings, or a novel. Applicants to fine arts, music, film, and theater programs in college are oftentimes required to submit a portfolio of their work.
Innovative Projects: Develop innovative projects that solve real-world problems, such as a tech solution for a local issue or an environmental initiative.
Cultural Contributions: Engage deeply with your cultural heritage or contribute to the cultural life of your community. Colleges want to build a class of students from diverse backgrounds, and demonstrating meaningful involvement in your community will allow colleges to see how you can contribute to the cultural life on campus.
4. Academic Excellence with a Twist
Advanced Coursework: Take advanced, honors, or college-level courses in subjects of interest. But don’t stop there: apply this knowledge in an activity or project to show its relevance and significance to your life. Enrolling in for-credit honors, AP, and dual credit courses through Elite is a great way to develop your intellectual interest during the summer and school year.
Unique Research Projects: Conduct independent research under the guidance of a mentor or through a research program. Colleges provide opportunities for students to engage in independent research as well as research with professors. Participating in research projects in high school will allow you not only to deepen your understanding of a subject you’re interested in but also to get a head start on research activities in college. 
5. Exceptional Letters of Recommendation
Build Relationships with Mentors: Form strong relationships with teachers, coaches, or other mentors who can write compelling, personalized letters of recommendation. Simply doing well and getting a good grade in the class is not enough, however–you should demonstrate a genuine interest in the subject through discussions and application of the information and ideas you learn in class.
6. Compelling Personal Statement
Tell Your Story: Write a personal statement that communicates who you are, your passions, and your unique perspective. Make it memorable and authentic by including stories or experiences that highlight your unique qualities and how they have shaped you. If you’re considering sharing personal stories of overcoming significant challenges or adversity, focus on your personal growth in overcoming the challenge, not simply on the challenge itself.
Final Thoughts
To stand out in the college admissions process, you should focus on the things that are truly important to you and demonstrate your values and interests. Not only will you be able to enjoy what you’re doing but you will also answer the key questions colleges ask when they review college applications:
How are you changing your world–whether it’s your family, school, or community–for the better?
How will you contribute to and engage with the other members of our college community in the classroom, in the residence hall, and on campus?
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study-with-emmy · 8 days
September Fourteenth, 2024
As a college freshman looking back at my senior year and the college admissions process, that shit was insane. This time last year all I could think about was how absolutely worthless I felt because I didn't get into the college with the >3% acceptance rate, or how could I possibly be successful in life if I went to a school closer to home?
The amount of pressure that comes from the college admissions process is too much for what it's worth. It's expensive, it's time consuming, and in the end it mostly just crushed any speck of self esteem that I had left. I was obsessed with prestige and comparing my admissions results with my classmates, determined to try to figure out what was wrong with me, instead of worrying about the classes I was currently in, or even that this would be my last ever year with my high school friends.
The reality that I realized (after I made my decision and started school), is that while it sounds cool, prestige isn't everything when it comes to your degree. If your state school is cheaper and has a good program for your major, then there isn't anything wrong with going there, not to mention it's better than a life of paying back student loans.
To all the current high school seniors, a note that would have helped me: It's okay if you don't get into Stanford or Harvard or Yale, don't be so hard on yourself. You're doing great.
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High school.
They want you to have fun. And that sounds like a good goal, except the moment you walk onto that campus as a freshman you realize that it smells like vapes it's time to start getting ready for college.
You have friends, but the only time you and your friends get to spend time together is studying for the SAT (or the ACT). There's no time for you guys to go to Starbucks or to the movies or film TikTok dances like the kids in the movies do.
But at least there isn't too much homework. Then in sophomore year you start taking APs and now, in addition to the SAT/ACT, you have to do your homework for AP classes and study for the exams (a senior told you the AP Chem exam was brutal). But that's not ALL that colleges want. You've got to do something extraordinary.
You are also just an ordinary high school student. No, you're not that two-year IMO champion or that New York Times bestselling author with a Wikipedia page. And at this point, it's like that's all the colleges want.
So if you're not that guy, why keep trying? Why not just live your life to the fullest and have fun and hope you get into college along the way?
Nope, that won't do. You've got to keep trying anyways. Because there's always a chance.
And if Harvard won't let you in, there are millions of other schools out there, right?
Tell you what I'm gonna have to go invite a friend to Starbucks after finishing this homework grind.
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a-passing-storm · 9 months
One of the colleges that I applied to... apparently I can now view my Acceptance Decision in, like, the college portal! I told my mother that I would wait until she gets home, though, before I see what it is, but now I am in waiting mode!!! So severely!!!
It's to a school that is, like... technically it's a safety school, but it's kind of my second choice, but like... oh dear. Most likely I got accepted, but if I didn't get accepted, than I am a little fucked.
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verlierer-is-lost · 2 years
Me: Hi I really want to go to your school
Colleges: Unfortunately we saw that you commented “damn the things I wouldn’t do for that c*ck” on a fanfiction website called Wattpad when you were 13. So we’re going to have to decline your application.
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ramcharan123penumallu · 4 months
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Hi-Fi Play School is renowned for its innovative approach to early childhood education, blending play-based learning with modern teaching methods. It's committed to fostering creativity, curiosity, and social development in young children. With a focus on interactive activities and a supportive environment, Hi-Fi Play School sets a strong foundation for lifelong learning.
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I just made so many incoherent sounds. I’m mad about this for so many reasons. First because not every long distance relationship ends in cheating. But mostly because the one named bi character cheated on his girlfriend. That is such a harmful thing to do and reinforces the "slutty bisexual" stereotype. If they had more than one labeled bi character it could work, but you can't have the one bi character you have be such a harmful stereotype.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Hi! I’m a huge fan of this page and I want you to know how much you have help me a lot.
I am quite in need of advice in this. Please reply whenever it suits for you. :)
A year from now, I will be transitioning from my senior year to college life. I am a WOC in a 3rd country and I feel quite overwhelmed upon all the step I am trying to make. I want to study abroad after I finished highschool, but I somehow feel stuck. It felt like I froze upon learning all the things I needed to do — safe to say, it scares me big time. My parents, although they are great people, isn’t the best in helping me complying with all the papers I have to compile for reasons that they are as busy in their respective jobs trying to make ends meet for our family. I am also struggling where will my finances come from even if I receive scholarship and financial aids for necessary expenses I might stumble upon even if I have an impressionable grade to present. I would really love to have my education internationally, but these thoughts that I am quite sure had come naturally make me spiral into overthinking such as what is to come, (I will be young and alone — not to mention not financially secured in a foreign land) without even trying.
The thing is, should I pursue it still? My parents were very supportive of it. However, I do procrastinate in making a move towards my goals. I don’t want to have this response. This anxiety have been difficult to deal with. Does my aspirations seems I am trying to bite something more than I can chew?
Your input will be invaluable for me. I hope you are having a great day.
Hi love! Thank you so much for your kind words and ongoing support. I'm so glad to hear my blog has been helpful/valuable for you <3
I think you should definitely go for it and seek out your options. My personal belief is that: If your dreams and aspirations don't scare you a bit, you're not dreaming big enough.
Personally, I would focus on two major areas: Research the options available regarding universities, scholarships, internships/apprenticeships, housing arrangements, etc. in the countries/regions and areas of interest you are looking to immerse yourself in. Make shortlists of all of these opportunities. Then, list out all of the paperwork you will need to make these options feasible.
Reach out to the admissions coordinators at these programs after looking up their admissions requirements/information on the institution, and your program(s) of interest. Share a brief overview of your situation (rising senior/finishing your secondary education from your country and why you're looking into their program based on your interest/demonstrated academic abilities/interest in whichever fields/subjects) to confirm eligibility requirements and see if you can score an informational interview. With this information all spelled out, go to your school counselor and parents with essentially a checklist of what you need – from the legal paperwork to transcripts, scholarship information, courses/testing requirements to take your senior year, etc.
Use all of these shortlists and checklists as your "to-do" lists. Commit to completing one action item every day or on set days of the week (let's say Monday-Friday). So, one day you short-list universities, the next you shortlist scholarship opportunities, the next you send emails to admissions coordinators at your top 3 programs/your school counselor, the next you fill out one of your required forms or give yourself an hour or two to fill out as many as you can. If you need your parents, schedule a time like an at-home appointment to meet with them to get this paperwork done. It will help eliminate the unnecessary logistics and mental energy spent focusing on getting this top-priority documentation done.
Hope this helps xx
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oysterie · 7 months
my brother got into u of f and is reading what ppl are posting on reddit who got rejected and he is nowhere there man. He has above a 4.0 and good act but zero leadership role and worked only like 5 months and only extracurricular was two years of ultimate frisbee zero volunteer hours who let this man in 😭😭
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floydsglasses · 1 year
Crying over College Applications <<<<<<
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eliteprepsat · 7 days
Embrace Your Uniqueness–It’s What Makes You Stand Out
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Standing out in the college admissions process involves showcasing unique qualities, experiences, and achievements. The point, however, is not simply to impress college admission officers with your accomplishments and achievements–it’s to show how you’ve invested time and energy to make a positive contribution to your community and the people around you. 
Here are some strategies high school students can use to distinguish themselves:
1. Pursue Passion Projects
Deep Dive into Interests: Engage deeply in a subject or hobby that genuinely excites you. This could be anything from scientific research, artistic endeavors, coding projects, or community service initiatives. Joining one of Elite’s LEAD Extracurricular Programs is a great way to explore and build your interests.
Showcase Achievements: Document your progress and accomplishments. Create a portfolio, blog, or website to display your work. Virtually all colleges ask students to list their accomplishments in their college application. In addition, some colleges allow students to submit an optional portfolio to showcase their talents and skills.
2. Leadership and Initiative
Start a Club or Organization: If your school lacks a club that interests you, start one. Aside from demonstrating leadership and initiative, starting a club allows you to dedicate time and energy to something you truly care about.
Lead Community Service Projects: Identify a need in your community and organize a project to address it. This shows commitment and the ability to lead and inspire others. While service projects are oftentimes done in person, you can also utilize technology to address a cause or issue–for example, provide online tutoring, build a website or app to educate the members of the public about a pressing problem and direct them to support organizations working to address that problem, or host a podcast or YouTube channel discussing an important issue.
3. Unique Extracurricular Activities
Develop Skills: Learn and excel in skills that are not typically taught in school, such as coding, entrepreneurship, or foreign languages. If available, obtain a certification that measures your competency or proficiency in the skills you develop. Certification typically involves passing an exam or test from a recognized organization.
Competitions and Awards: Participate and win awards in regional, national, or international competitions, such as science fairs, math olympiads, or writing contests. Showcase what you’re good at, and go as far as you can. Many students continue to participate in various competitions in college, and demonstrating a high level of interest and achievement will help you stand out from other applicants. 
Internships and Work Experience: Seek out internships and work experiences that provide unique insights or experiences related to your interests. These experiences will not only help you stand out from other college applicants but also help guide your choice of college major and possibly a career after college.
Artistic Creations: If you’re inclined towards the arts, create a substantial body of work, such as a short film, a series of paintings, or a novel. Applicants to fine arts, music, film, and theater programs in college are oftentimes required to submit a portfolio of their work.
Innovative Projects: Develop innovative projects that solve real-world problems, such as a tech solution for a local issue or an environmental initiative.
Cultural Contributions: Engage deeply with your cultural heritage or contribute to the cultural life of your community. Colleges want to build a class of students from diverse backgrounds, and demonstrating meaningful involvement in your community will allow colleges to see how you can contribute to the cultural life on campus.
4. Academic Excellence with a Twist
Advanced Coursework: Take advanced, honors, or college-level courses in subjects of interest. But don’t stop there: apply this knowledge in an activity or project to show its relevance and significance to your life. Enrolling in for-credit honors, AP, and dual credit courses through Elite is a great way to develop your intellectual interest during the summer and school year.
Unique Research Projects: Conduct independent research under the guidance of a mentor or through a research program. Colleges provide opportunities for students to engage in independent research as well as research with professors. Participating in research projects in high school will allow you not only to deepen your understanding of a subject you’re interested in but also to get a head start on research activities in college. 
5. Exceptional Letters of Recommendation
Build Relationships with Mentors: Form strong relationships with teachers, coaches, or other mentors who can write compelling, personalized letters of recommendation. Simply doing well and getting a good grade in the class is not enough, however–you should demonstrate a genuine interest in the subject through discussions and application of the information and ideas you learn in class.
6. Compelling Personal Statement
Tell Your Story: Write a personal statement that communicates who you are, your passions, and your unique perspective. Make it memorable and authentic by including stories or experiences that highlight your unique qualities and how they have shaped you. If you’re considering sharing personal stories of overcoming significant challenges or adversity, focus on your personal growth in overcoming the challenge, not simply on the challenge itself.
Final Thoughts
To stand out in the college admissions process, you should focus on the things that are truly important to you and demonstrate your values and interests. Not only will you be able to enjoy what you’re doing but you will also answer the key questions colleges ask when they review college applications:
How are you changing your world–whether it’s your family, school, or community–for the better?
How will you contribute to and engage with the other members of our college community in the classroom, in the residence hall, and on campus?
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mistninja · 1 year
every day i ask myself "should i quit uni" and every day i stop myself from posting it as a tumblr poll. but its getting harder
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