#Education News BD
bangladocs · 11 months
নতুন শিক্ষাক্রম নিয়ে শিক্ষার্থী ও অভিভাবকদের জন্য মাউশি’র জরুরি বার্তা
নতুন শিক্ষাক্রম নিয়ে শিক্ষার্থী ও অভিভাবকদের জন্য মাউশি’র জরুরি বার্তা প্রদান করেছে। শিক্ষা প্রতিষ্ঠান সমূহকে আগামী ০৩ কর্ম দিবসের মধ্যে শিক্ষার্থীদের হাতে ফটোকপি করে তা প্রচার করতে হবে। ২৬ অক্টোবর তারিখে প্রকাশিত এই বার্তায় সাম্প্রতিক সময়ের সবচেয়ে বেশি আলোচিত জাতীয় শিক্ষাক্রম নিয়ে কিছু জরুরি তথ্য জানানো হয়েছে। এই বছর অর্থ্যাৎ ২০২৩ সাল থেকে সম্পূর্ণ নতুন ধারা শিক্ষাক্রম চালু হয়েছে। এখানে সৃজনশীল…
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bloghrexach · 6 months
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🗞️ … The Justice Times — COLONISER!
By: LaillaB, founder of ‘Reclaim the Narrative’, from LinkedIn …
“The international community regards all settlements as illegal under international law, though Israel disputes this. Surprise suprise! … #coloniser
For over half a century, the settler colony has operated with flagrant obscene flagrant disregard for international law, behaving like a rogue settlement outpost in the Middle East.
The continued occupation of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip has led to a consistent pattern of human rights violations against the Palestinian residents of these regions.f
Since the occupation first began in June 1967, Israel’s ruthless policies of land confiscation, illegal settlement and dispossession, coupled with rampant discrimination, have inflicted immense suffering on Palestinians, depriving them of their basic rights.
Israel’s military rule disrupts every aspect of daily life in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
It continues to affect whether, when and how Palestinians can travel to work or school, go abroad, visit their relatives, earn a living, attend a protest, access their farmland, or even access electricity or a clean water supply.
It means daily humiliation, fear and oppression. People’s entire lives are effectively held hostage by Israel.
Israel has also adopted a complex web of military laws to crush dissent against its policies, and senior government officials have branded Israelis advocating for Palestinian rights as “traitors”.
Israel has been forcing thousands of Palestinians off their land, occupying and illegally using it to create settlements that exclusively house Israeli settlers.
Entire Palestinian communities have been displaced by these settlements.
Their homes and livelihoods have been destroyed, they’ve had restrictions enforced on their movement, access to their own water, land and other natural resources.
The communities have also been violently attacked by the Israeli military and settlers.
In recent months, Israel has accelerated settlement expansion. The government has announced plans for thousands of new illegal settler homes in existing settlements, as well as the establishment of nine new settlements in the occupied West Bank.
This “settlement enterprise” relies on unlawfully appropriated Palestinian resources, including land, water and minerals, to produce goods that are exported and sold for private profit.
Hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of settlement goods are exported internationally each year.
The issue is not just about Israel taking Palestinian land and resources illegally.
Governments around the world are letting goods produced in these settlements into their markets, and are allowing companies in their countries to operate in settlements.
All of this helps the illegal settlements profit and thrive!” … 🤑
“It is opportunity that makes the thief”.
Seneca the Younger … #IMPUNITY … 🗞️
#reclaimthenarrative — 🕊🍉— #FreePalestine
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barishal-news · 4 days
বরিশাল বিভাগ ও বরিশাল জেলা
বরিশাল বাংলাদেশের দক্ষিণাঞ্চলের একটি প্রধান শহর। এটি বরিশাল বিভাগের অন্তর্গত ও একই সাথে জেলা ও বিভাগীয় সদর দপ্তর। কীর্তনখোলা নদীর তীরে মোগল আমলে স্থাপিত লবণচৌকি গিরদে বন্দর কে কেন্দ্র করে এ শহর গড়ে ওঠে ও ১৮০১ সালে বরিশালে তৎকালীন বাকেরগঞ্জ জেলার সদর দপ্তর স্থাপিত হলে, শহর হিসেবে এর ব্যাপক গুরুত্ব বাড়ে। দেশের খাদ্যশস্য উৎপাদনের একটি মূল উৎস এই বৃহত্তর বরিশাল। বরিশালে একটি নদীবন্দর রয়েছে যেটি দেশের অন্যতম প্রাচীন, দ্বিতীয় বৃহত্তম ও গুরুত্বপূর্ণ একটি নদীবন্দর। ডিজিটাল জনশুমারী ও গৃহগণনা-২০২২ অনুযায়ী বরিশাল আয়তনে দেশের ১০ম এবং জনসংখ্যায় ১২তম বৃহত্তর মহানগর।
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studybd · 1 year
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womenspedia2023 · 1 year
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hanggarae · 11 months
as of 9am today, 8131 palestinians were killed, 20438 are injured and 1.4 million have been displaced. it’s important for all of us to help palestine in as many ways as we can.
i also cannot stress how much just spreading awareness in general can help. staying silent because of your discomfort is not an excuse to sit by while a genocide takes place. when we learn about these events in history we often think “how was this allowed to happen?” but that’s exactly what’s happening now and it’s our responsibility to not sit by and let an entire country be wiped out. i will continue adding more ways to help to this post and i’d really appreciate it if anyone can spread this as much as possible.
it’s important to get educated on everything going on in palestine right now, here are some sources that could help!
decolonize palestine - made by two palestinians, answers a lot of questions regarding everything right now (including debunking a lot of myths from biased news stations) and provides a lot of historical context.
list of documentaries to watch if you want to gain further knowledge
list of accounts to follow on twitter that can also provide information
linktree with information
you can also donate to organisations! even if you can’t donate tons of money, you can help by spreading these links so others can also try to donate!
red crescent
doctors w/o borders
palestinian social fund
palestinian in pain launch good
this website is free and uses ad revenue for donations, all you need to do is click it once daily!
some more places you can donate to and some more
boycotting will also help!! also some of the kpop idols we stan have brand deals with ones that support 🇮🇱 so please let’s not interact with their posts with those brands
list from BDS of companies to boycott
signing petitions!
write to representatives and demand they retract their support of 🇮🇱
ways to contact local governments about helping palestine
if you’re in the uk here’s a link to contact your local MP
change org ceasefire petition
Text "CEASEFIRE" to 51905 if you live in America. The link provided leads you to a page to sign and call for a ceasefire once the goal is met. They are so close to meeting its goal!!
here's a link that lets you send a letter directly to your state representatives
here are some threads that will also give you ways to help.
thread of things we can do to help palestine
HOW TO HELP PALESTINE!! resources and links to other threads on how to donate and spread awareness of what's happening in palestine currently!!! a thread 🧵
here’s what we know, and links to donate to help aid palestinians, a thread:
Here is a list of list of resources and people you can follow to educate yourself on what’s going on in Palestine RIGHT NOW🇵🇸
Ways US, Canada, and UK residents can reach out to their state representatives and MPs to call for ceasefire in Gaza:
if there are any more sources that you would like me to add pls send me an ask or dm me !!
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shahins-world · 2 years
Life and reality
The girl went to college today to get her HSC exam results.
He got A+ in the result. He is very happy.
On the way back, he got into the rickshaw and said to the rickshaw puller, "Today the biggest dream of my life has come true! I got an A+."
Let's see where the future takes me...!!!
The rickshaw walla came back and said “Congratulations
I am Rafiq Ali. Golden A+ 2013 batch.
So the result can never determine someone's future! Because it is in Bangladesh! 🙂
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source: facbook
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bangladocs · 11 months
ষষ্ঠ ও সপ্তম শ্রেণির বাৎসরিক সামষ্টিক মূল্যায়ন বিষয়ে জরুরি নির্দেশনা
মাধ্যমিক ও উচ্চ শিক্ষা অধিদপ্তর ১৮ অক্টোবর ২০২৩ নতুন ক্যারিকুলাম অনুযায়ী ষষ্ঠ ও সপ্তম শ্রেণির বাৎসরিক সামষ্টিক মূল্যায়ন বিষয়ে জরুরি নির্দেশনা প্রদান করেছে। এখানে এই বছর শিক্ষার্থীদের কিভাবে মূল্যায়ন করবেন সে ব্যাপারে বিস্তারিত জানানো হয়েছে। ষষ্ঠ ও সপ্তম শ্রেণির বাৎসরিক সামষ্টিক মূল্যায়ন বিষয়ে শিক্ষা প্রতিষ্ঠানে নির্দেশনা প্রদান সংক্রান্ত বিজ্ঞপ্তিতে কখন কিভাবে মূল্যায়ন কার্যক্রম পরিচালনা…
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mixtape-timeout · 4 months
Hi Stays, this is a post to warn everyone to be wary of a SKZ author here on Stayblr with the username @/gimmeurtmi
I followed them not too long ago, but they suddenly blocked me. I was confused why because I have my age in my account and followed all of their rules. However, I have some reasons to suspect that this user is a Zionist. As you can see I am very Pro-Palestine, it’s in my blog title and bio, and I think this is why they blocked me.
They made a post showing anger about Stays educating Felix on his live about Coca-Cola (For people who don’t know, Coca-Cola is on the BDS boycott list, they support Israel and built an R&D center in occupied Palestinian territory of Atarot) In their post they said it’s “pathetic” for Stays to inform Felix about this and that he wasn’t doing anything wrong. Felix made the effort to read about the issue on his live and chose to apologize to Stay for it, but this user thinks that boycotting a brand tied to a genocidal state is the same as bullying.
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((Screenshots are not mine))
They also showed strong support for the new SKZ collab with Charlie Puth. Many Stays are boycotting this collab because Charlie Puth is a raging Zionist, and the track also has an Israeli producer, Johnny Goldstein who is also a proud Zionist. gimmeurtmi even made a whole tag for this collab on their blog to show how much they’re excited for it, even though two Zionists worked on it and will be receiving royalties for it. You can also see the tags in the third post showing them speaking of Tommy Hilfiger, yet another Zionist, in a friendly manner.
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Furthermore, I talked to other Stays in the community about this because I don’t want to jump to conclusions and gimmeurtmi blocked other users who are showing support for Palestine, not just me. From reading their posts on their other blog (@/stuckonspidey) you can also see how far their beliefs about this go. That’s not to say them being Jewish means they must be a Zionist, because that’s a completely false idea. There are plenty of Jewish people who are not Zionist and support Palestinian liberation because we recognize that what Palestinians are suffering through is a history repeat of what our people went through. But this added with all the other questionable evidence makes me suspicious that this user is a Zionist, or at least an Israeli sympathizer who treats support for Palestine as an inconvenience.
From these posts on their main blog, you can see them refuse to condemn Israel or even say anything about their crimes when they got asked about it. Instead, they just talk about how this genocide has personally affected them. There are no posts (that I could find) of them showing any sympathy or support for Palestine, all their posts about the subject are just self-victimizing posts about how they feel. Yes, it’s a scary time to be a Jewish person as well, I know this as a person of Jewish ancestry, too. But fighting anti-semitism AND fighting for Palestine can and SHOULD co-exist. It’s a huge red flag that the only thing they have to say about the genocide is how Jewish people are the victims in this. They also made another post where they claim that “Zionist” is just a word people use to be anti-semitic. This is a tale as old as time that Zionists have used to excuse, deny, and even justify Israel’s war crimes. I was once told that a genocide of Palestinians doesn’t exist and is just an “anti-semitic blood libel”. This is the exact same rhetoric that Zionists in my community and Zionist news outlets use (which, I add, almost ALL news outlets are strongly biased to Israel because of America’s ties to it. Israel is heavily backed in support from some of the richest and most powerful countries in the world, it is not the victim and never was).
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I am not making this for drama. I made this post just to tell fellow Stays to be cautious of which writers you’re reading from and supporting. If you are against the genocide that has been happening to Palestinians for 75 years now, I suggest not supporting this person’s work, because at best they don’t care about what’s happening in Palestine, and at worst, they actually endorse it. There should be no place in our Stay community for this hateful ideology.
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bangladesh-journal · 2 years
Bangladesh Journal is a national daily in Bangladesh, started publishing from February 5 of 2016 by Anwar Hossain Khan. They started their online platform from 1st August 2018. Shahjahan Sardar is the Editor of Bangladesh Journal from the time of publishing. According to Feedspot Bangladesh Journal is the top sixth news website in Bangladesh.
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jinglebunns · 6 months
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If you want to help but don't know how, here are some things I've been doing! Remember to continue to educate yourself and keep up with news as well.
Links from the images:
BDS Movement
5 Calls
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thedungeonstore · 3 months
Coming to TES Fest in NJ!!
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TES Fest is coming July 4-7. We will be there with rope, floggers, violet wand toys, occult books and more. Get your tickets while they last at TESfest.org
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barishal-news · 4 days
বরিশাল বিভাগ ও বরিশাল জেলা
বরিশাল বাংলাদেশের দক্ষিণাঞ্চলের একটি প্রধান শহর। এটি বরিশাল বিভাগের অন্তর্গত ও একই সাথে জেলা ও বিভাগীয় সদর দপ্তর। কীর্তনখোলা নদীর তীরে মোগল আমলে স্থাপিত লবণচৌকি গিরদে বন্দর কে কেন্দ্র করে এ শহর গড়ে ওঠে ও ১৮০১ সালে বরিশালে তৎকালীন বাকেরগঞ্জ জেলার সদর দপ্তর স্থাপিত হলে, শহর হিসেবে এর ব্যাপক গুরুত্ব বাড়ে। দেশের খাদ্যশস্য উৎপাদনের একটি মূল উৎস এই বৃহত্তর বরিশাল। বরিশালে একটি নদীবন্দর রয়েছে যেটি দেশের অন্যতম প্রাচীন, দ্বিতীয় বৃহত্তম ও গুরুত্বপূর্ণ একটি নদীবন্দর। ডিজিটাল জনশুমারী ও গৃহগণনা-২০২২ অনুযায়ী বরিশাল আয়তনে দেশের ১০ম এবং জনসংখ্যায় ১২তম বৃহত্তর মহানগর।
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hashtagloveloses · 11 months
if you are feeling hopeless right now watching what is happening in palestine and you’ve already done a lot of what’s been suggested - resharing palestinian and leftist jewish voices, educating yourself on the topic from trustworthy news sources and organizers, following and learning about BDS and getting involved with it locally, calling your representatives if you live in the US or another country whose government supports israel - i need you to take what you’ve seen online and talk to offline friends and family about it. this could be anyone from very offline friends and family to your faraway friend who is only on one or two platforms. they are not seeing what you are seeing on your very curated feeds - they are seeing either deliberate misinfo, sanitized news propaganda, or barely anything at all.
pick 2 people in your life who aren’t as plugged in as you are. have casual conversations about it. connect with them on a personal level. these do not have to be people diametrically opposed to you, don’t waste time trying to convince people who are on a different wavelength of reality. i mean the people who just arent clued the fuck in. talk about this issue (and any others that come up) regularly, what you heard, what you read, what you saw. share the sources for those things with them when it’s appropriate, talk up anywhere that was helpful for you to learn. you know these people best as their friend or family, you know best how to empathize with them and get them to care or to get involved. if they seem interested, get them to talk to 2 more people. have them join you in the things you’re doing, have them call representatives and join local organizing with you.
i know in our circles online it may seem like the most urgent thing happening (bc it is!) but there are many people just going about their fucking day right now. you HAVE to help wake them up too. and this goes for any issue. and it may take time and chipping away at it and gently prodding people and making concessions and having a few uncomfortable conversations to hold their hand to get them there ideologically and teaching them but that is our responsibility. for every post you reshare online how many people in your life have you spoken to? how many IRL or phone or text conversations have you had? these things HAVE to be done in tandem. it’s worth it, even if it’s only 1 or 2 people.
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studybd · 1 year
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soon-palestine · 2 months
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HP hewlett packard
HP-branded corporations provide and operate technology that Israel uses to maintain its system of apartheid, occupation and settler colonialism over the Palestinian people. Hewlett Packard’s violations of Palestinian human rights have been well documented. Aside from providing services and technology to the Israeli army and police that maintain Israel’s illegal occupation and siege of Gaza, HP provides Israel’s Population and Immigration Authority with the exclusive Itanium servers for its Aviv System. This system enables the government to control and enforce its system of racial segregation and apartheid against Palestinian citizens of Israel, and is directly involved in Israel’s settler colonialism through its “Yesha database”, which compiles information on Israeli citizens in illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian West Bank.
HP has been described as the “Polaroid of our times”, a reference to huge mobilisations against the use of Polaroid technology by the South African apartheid regime for its racist passbook system. Polaroid’s 1977 withdrawal from South Africa marked a turning point in the international effort to end apartheid there.
HP-E is contracted by Israel’s Population and Immigration Authority to provide and maintain the Itanium servers that house Israel’s population registry through 2020. Known as the Aviv System, this population registry is the basis of Israel’s ID card system. This ID system forms a core part of the Israeli apartheid regime’s tiered system of citizenship and residency that privileges Israel’s Jewish population and gives inferior status and rights to Palestinians, especially those in East Jerusalem. This leads to institutionalised racial discrimination and segregation in freedom of movement, housing, employment, marriage, healthcare, education, and policing. This discrimination is further exacerbated in the case of Palestinian “residents” in occupied East Jerusalem, whose most basic rights can and are being revoked arbitrarily.
The system also holds information about Israeli citizens living in illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank, therefore serving Israel’s settler colonial project directly. HP-E’s spin-off DXC Technology runs an R&D facility in the illegal settlement of Beitar Illit.
In 2015, HP split into HP Inc.- which carried on the brand name and provides consumer hardware, and HP-E for business and government services. In such a scenario, the BDS National Committee maintains that: “The onus is on each company to demonstrate to the public that it is free of illegal and unethical business activities.” Further, despite multiple requests for clarification, both the new companies sharing and profiting from the HP brand are yet to provide unambiguous evidence to show that their business activities with Israel do not violate International Humanitarian Law and Palestinian Human Rights. HP has, in the past, held a contract with the Israeli Ministry of Defence under which it developed and maintained the Basel System- the biometric identification system installed on checkpoints in the occupied Palestinian Territory, controlling the mobility of Palestinians. It also worked with the Israeli military, helping build its IT infrastructure. This included a program with the Israeli Navy which enforces the illegal naval blockade on Gaza. For these and other past ties of complicity with Israel’s occupation, apartheid and settler-colonialism, HP-branded companies must provide reparations to the Palestinian victims of these crimes.
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