#Herpes Simplex Ayurvedic Medicine
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herpescureindia · 2 months ago
Best Ayurvedic Medicine for Herpes: Natural Remedies for Effective Management
Herpes, caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV), is a condition that can cause discomfort and emotional stress. While modern medicine offers effective antiviral drugs, many individuals in India turn to Ayurveda for a holistic approach to managing herpes. Ayurveda, with its focus on natural remedies, provides options that aim to alleviate symptoms, boost immunity, and promote overall well-being. Here’s a guide to the best Ayurvedic medicine for herpes.
Understanding Ayurvedic Principles for Herpes Management
Ayurveda views herpes as a result of an imbalance in the body’s doshas, particularly Pitta and Kapha. Treatment focuses on detoxifying the body, strengthening immunity, and soothing inflammation.
Best Ayurvedic Medicine for Herpes
Neem (Azadirachta indica)
Known for its potent antiviral and antibacterial properties, neem helps cleanse the blood and reduce inflammation.
Neem leaves can be consumed as juice or used in paste form for topical application.
Turmeric (Curcuma longa)
With its anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties, turmeric helps in reducing the severity of herpes symptoms.
Mix turmeric powder with warm milk or apply turmeric paste on the affected area for relief.
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
This adaptogenic herb reduces stress and strengthens the immune system, crucial for managing herpes outbreaks.
Consuming ashwagandha in powder or capsule form daily can help.
Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia)
Known for its immune-boosting properties, giloy helps combat viral infections effectively.
It can be consumed as a juice or decoction.
Amla (Indian Gooseberry)
Rich in vitamin C, amla enhances immunity and helps in faster recovery.
Include amla in your diet or consume it in powdered form with honey.
Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia)
A powerful blood purifier, manjishtha aids in reducing skin irritation and promotes healing.
Often consumed as a tea or in capsule form.
Ayurvedic Oils and Topical Remedies
Coconut Oil with Neem or Turmeric: Applying this mixture soothes itching and promotes healing.
Aloe Vera Gel: Helps cool and heal herpes sores when applied topically.
Lifestyle Adjustments in Ayurveda
In addition to using the best Ayurvedic medicine for herpes, certain lifestyle changes can enhance treatment effectiveness:
Follow a Pitta-pacifying diet by avoiding spicy, oily, and acidic foods.
Practice yoga and meditation to reduce stress, a common trigger for herpes outbreaks.
Stay hydrated and maintain proper hygiene to prevent further irritation.
While there is no permanent cure for herpes, the best Ayurvedic medicine for herpes offers effective ways to manage symptoms and improve overall health. Herbs like neem, turmeric, and giloy, combined with a balanced lifestyle, can help individuals lead a better quality of life. Consult a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner to personalize your treatment plan and ensure safe usage.
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datameris · 1 year ago
Best ayurveda Hospital in Kerala,India forRheumatoid Arthritis Ayurvedic Treatment 
Rheumatoid Arthritis Ayurvedic Treatment 
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a progressive systemic autoimmune disease characterized by inflammation of the joints and surrounding tissues. The most common presentation of RA is symmetrical inflammatory polyarthritis, particularly of the hands and feet, although any synovial joint is at risk.
Risk Factors 
Idiopathic Positive family history
Inherited tissue t6ype major histocompatibility complex (MHC)antigen
Bacterial and fungal infection 
Herpes simplex virus infections 
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)
Vitamin D deficiency 
Signs and Symptoms  of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is characterised by various signs and symptoms that affect the joints and, in some cases, other body parts. It's important to note that the severity and pattern of symptoms can vary among individuals. Here are common signs and symptoms associated with rheumatoid arthritis:
1. Joint Pain and Swelling: Persistent joint pain, often affecting smaller joints first (e.g., wrists, fingers).Swelling and tenderness around the affected joints.
2. Morning Stiffness: Prolonged morning stiffness that lasts for at least 30 minutes or longer, making it difficult to move joints upon waking.
3. Symmetrical Joint Involvement: Joint symptoms typically occur in a symmetrical pattern, affecting the same joints on both sides of the body (e.g., both wrists both knees).
4. Fatigue: Generalised fatigue and overall weakness or malaise.
 5. Systemic Symptoms: Fever and a general sense of not feeling well, especially during increased disease activity.
6. Decreased Range of Motion:Gradual loss of joint function and a reduced range of motion due to inflammation and joint damage.
7. Joint Deformities:Over time, joint deformities may develop, leading to changes in the shape and alignment of affected joints.
8. Rheumatoid Nodules: Small, firm lumps under the skin near joints often seen in more advanced cases of RA.
9. Joint Warmth: Warmth and redness around affected joints due to increased blood flow and inflammation.
10. Flare-ups and Remissions: Periods of increased disease activity (flare-ups) may alternate with periods of reduced symptoms (remissions).
 Diagnostic tests, including blood tests and imaging studies, may be used to confirm the presence of RA and assess its severity.
What Causes  Rheumatoid Arthritis According To  Ayurveda?
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), according to modern medicine, and Aamavata, according to Ayurveda, has an etiological and clinical relationship. The main pathogenic event in RA or Aamavata is the formation and deposition of Aama (explained later) at all levels of body physiology, including gastrointestinal and macro and microchannels of the inner transport system of the body.
1. Tridoshik disequilibrium: There is a parallel between modern medicine and Ayurveda. According to modern medicine, a person with a particular genotype is more likely to develop RA. According to Ayurveda each person is born with a unique “Prakriti” or body-mind type. This is based upon unique combination of three bio-principles called Doshas viz. Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. People with predominant Vata or Kapha Prakriti and/or their disequilibrium are more likely to suffer from Aamavata/RA. Vata and Kapha Prakriti person is more likely to have decreased digestive-metabolic fire or Agni in the body (explanation of Agni is described later), resulting in impaired digestion and absorption of food. This leads to formation of an immunogenic and toxic substance called Aama, which is the causative factor for inflammation. Pitta Prakriti individuals have stronger Agni, but in some of them Agni may be very high and erratic or Vishama and therefore is not able to digest food well. Restoration of Agni and correction of imbalanced state is an important component of treatment strategy in Ayurveda.
2. Decreased Agni or metabolic fire: Agni corresponds to enzymes, chemicals, hormones, neurotransmitters and cytokines known to modern science. There are 13 Agnis responsible for the entire process of digestion of food and all aspects of metabolism, including elemental/molecular metabolism.Jatharaagni works at the gastrointestinal tract for digestion and assimilation of food. It is the strongest of all Agnis and is most important in the pathogenesis of RA/Aamavata.When these Agnis are depleted due to continued lifestyle errors and faulty eating, the body begins producing a range of unwanted and unfinished byproducts. These abnormal byproducts tend to accumulate in the body. Such digestive and metabolic products are called Aama, which is believed to block the micro channels or Strotas of the inner transport system of the body in varying degrees. Because Aama is a toxic, biologically unwanted and antigenic product, the body tends to react to it and reject it. Such a blockade effect and antigenic reactive process may give rise to a variety of diseases. RA is one of those diseases.
3.Alteration of bacterial flora of the gut or dysbiosis:Intestinal mucosa is able to selectively absorb the digested food and prevent the absorption of undigested, partially digested food or toxic substances in the body. Intestinal mucosal permeability and peristalsis is impaired in Aamavata.
Inflammation is a common denominator in Aamavata or RA, various autoimmune diseases, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, Alzheimer disease, and cancer, etc. Alteration of bacterial flora of the gut occurs because of lack of Agni and indiscriminate use of antibiotics. Impaired permeability and motility of the gut results in absorption of not fully digested and partially detoxified food. It starts the chain reaction described earlier to cause inflammation.
Predisposing and contributing factors
Heavy and large meals in relation to digestive fire or Agni.
Strenuous exercise or physical activity after a heavy meal.
Consumption of food with allergens, e.g., animal products, nuts, wheat products, and seafood.
Imbalanced physical activity based upon the body type, trauma on the one hand and sedentary life-style on the other.
Inflammatory bowel disease.
Stress, emotional disturbances, suppression of natural urges, and lack of sleep.
Why choose Ayurveda for Rheumatoid Arthritis?
In Ayurveda, the progression of a disease is often described in terms of the "Six Stages of Disease" (Shat Kriyakala). These stages provide a framework to understand how imbalances in the doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) manifest and evolve. In the first four stages, accumulation, aggravation, dissemination and localisation of Doshas occur. There are no clinical manifestations and symptoms are vague. Characteristic symptoms appear during the fifth and sixth stages of manifestation and disruption of the disease. Identifying Vikrti, or disequilibrium of Doshas in the body, can reestablish equilibrium and prevent disease manifestations in the first four stages of the disease. When symptoms appear in the last two stages, manifestation and disruption, the offence and defence strategies will be employed appropriately.
Rheumatoid arthritis treatment can be mainly done through : 
Balancing the Doshas.
Increasing the digestive and metabolic fires, or Agni.
Stopping the formation of Aama at different levels.
Increasing digestion and excretion of Aama.
Restoring the damaged intestinal mucosa and absorption.
Recommended Yoga Poses for Rheumatoid Arthritis
Arthritis is a common condition that  cause pain, stiffness, and inflammation in the joints. Along with internal medication , incorporating yoga into your routine can provide additional benefits. Gentle yoga poses can help improve flexibility, reduce joint pain, and enhance overall well-being.
Tadasana (Mountain Pose):
This pose helps improve posture balance and strengthens the legs without putting excessive strain on the joints.
Child's Pose (Balasana):
Child's Pose promotes relaxation and gently stretches the hips, thighs, and lower back.
Cat-Cow Stretch (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana):
This fluid motion helps to warm up the spine, improve flexibility, and reduce stiffness.
Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana):
Downward Dog stretches the entire body, including the shoulders, hamstrings, and calves, while also promoting joint mobility.
Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana):
This pose stretches the spine, hamstrings, and lower back, providing relief to stiff joints.
Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana):
Bridge Pose strengthens the core, hips, and thighs, supporting the lower back and alleviating discomfort.
Supine Hand-To-Big-Toe Pose (Supta Padangusthasana):
This pose enhances flexibility in the hips, thighs, and hamstrings.
Ayurvedic Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment
Amavata, a term in Ayurveda, refers to a condition where the vitiation of doshas, mainly Vata and Ama, leads to inflammatory joint disorders, resembling rheumatoid arthritis in modern medical terms. The Ayurvedic approach to treating Amavata involves a combination of Shamana Chikitsa (conservative treatment) and Shodhana Chikitsa (biological purification).
Shamana Chikitsa (Conservative Treatment):
1. Langhana (Depletion or Fasting):
Purpose: To reduce excess body tissues and stimulate the elimination of accumulated ama.
Method: Controlled fasting or dietary restrictions to improve digestion and metabolism.
2. Deepana (Digestive Fire Enhancement):
Purpose: To kindle and strengthen the digestive fire (agni).
Method: Use of herbs and formulations that stimulate digestive enzymes, improving digestion and preventing further ama formation.
3. Pachana (Digestive Therapy):
Purpose: To enhance the digestion of food and promote the digestion of undigested material (ama).
Method: Utilization of herbs and therapies to improve digestive capacity.
Shodhana Chikitsa (Biological Purification):
1. Snehapana (Oleation Therapy):
Purpose: Lubrication of internal tissues, facilitating the movement of doshas and ama towards the digestive tract for elimination.
Method: Consumption of medicated oils or ghee in increasing quantities over a specific duration.
2. Swedana (Fomentation or Sweating Therapy):
Purpose: To open the body's channels, liquefy ama, and facilitate its elimination through sweating.
Method: Steam treatments, hot baths, or warm compresses to induce sweating.
3. Virechana (Purgation Therapy):
Purpose: Cleansing the digestive tract, expelling doshas and ama.
Method: Administration of natural laxatives or purgatives to induce controlled bowel movements.
4. Basti (Enema Therapy):
Purpose: A comprehensive purification method to eliminate doshas and toxins from the colon.
Method: Introduction of medicated substances (oil, herbal decoctions) into the rectum to induce bowel evacuation.
Integration of Shamana and Shodhana:
In treating Amavata, the selection of Shamana or Shodhana therapies depends on factors such as the stage of the condition (acute or chronic), the dominance of doshas, and the overall constitution of the individual. Shamana therapies aim to alleviate and balance doshas, whereas Shodhana therapies focus on eliminating accumulated toxins and restoring equilibrium.
Rheumatoid Arthritis  Ayurvedic Treatment: Prevention
Preventing rheumatoid arthritis (RA) involves a combination of lifestyle choices, early detection, and managing risk factors.Here are some preventive measures:
Regular Exercise:
Engage in regular physical activity to maintain joint health and flexibility.
Exercise helps strengthen the muscles around the joints, reducing stress on the joints themselves.
Maintain a Healthy Weight:
Maintain a healthy body weight to reduce the load on joints, especially in weight-bearing areas.Obesity is a known risk factor for rheumatoid arthritis, so achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is crucial.
Balanced Diet:
Consume a well-balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.Consider including foods with anti-inflammatory properties, such as fatty fish (omega-3 fatty acids), nuts, seeds, and colorful vegetables.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids:
Incorporate foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, flaxseeds, chia seeds, and walnuts, which have anti-inflammatory properties.
Quit Smoking:
Smoking is a significant risk factor for developing rheumatoid arthritis. Quitting smoking can reduce this risk.
Smoking also negatively affects the effectiveness of RA treatments.
Limit Alcohol Consumption:
Excessive alcohol intake may increase the risk of developing RA. If you consume alcohol, do so in moderation.
Regular Health Check-ups:
Early detection and intervention can significantly impact the progression of RA. Regular health check-ups and prompt consultation with a healthcare professional for joint symptoms are essential.
Manage Stress:
Chronic stress may contribute to the development of autoimmune conditions. Incorporate stress management techniques such as yoga, meditation, or relaxation exercises into your routine.
Diet and Lifestyle Changes for Rheumatoid Arthritis Ayurvedic Treatment
 Ayurveda recommends a diet that balances vata for rheumatoid arthritis. These are some of the foods that can be included or avoided in your diet for Rheumatoid Arthritis Management  
Foods to include : 
Grains that are easy to digest, like cooked oats, rice, and cream of wheat
legumes, such as lentils, dal, mung beans, miso, and tofu
lukewarm water, or water boiled with ginger root, to help with digestion and remove toxins
Include more Green, leafy vegetables, berries
Spices including ginger, turmeric, and garlic, which are anti-inflammatory and aid with digestion.
 foods to avoid : 
Avoid Heating spices, like chili powder and cayenne pepper
AvoidHard-to-digest fruits and vegetables, like raw radishes, turnips, onions, apples, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts
AvoidSour and fermented foods, like hard cheeses, sour cream, green grapes, pineapple, grapefruit, and alcohol
Avoid Salt in your diet 
Rheumatoid Arthritis Ayurvedic Treatment at Dheemahi Ayurveda
Dheemahi Ayurveda is dedicated to providing authentic and effective Ayurvedic treatments while considering the unique needs of each patient.By combining the knowledge of the past five generations with contemporary healthcare practices, Dheemahi Ayurveda offers a comprehensive and personalised approach to patient care. With daily consultations follow-up check-up,  we provide more reliability as by doing physical examinations, doctors can get more findings about the condition of the patient.The documentation of treatment schedules further ensures transparency and accountability in the healthcare process
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panaceayur · 1 year ago
Looking For A Best Ayurvedic Medicine For Herpes?
Herpes is a viral infection that affects millions, but with Ayurvedic medicine for Herpes, there is hope for a more holistic and natural approach to treatment. Panaceayur is at the forefront of this movement, offering personalized Ayurvedic treatments that not only address the symptoms of herpes but also work to strengthen the body's defenses against the virus.
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althafrana · 1 year ago
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Herpes is a viral infection causing on the genital or oral parts of the human body. The cause of HSV is Herpes Simplex Virus which is spread when we come in contact with herpes sore or its fluids. The virus can also be passed from one person to another through skin-to-skin contact if the virus is active in him , though without showing any symptoms. A lot of people are living with asymptomatic HSV. Asymptomatic HSV means they have the HSV virus in them without having active episodes of Herpes. Others might experience occasional episodes of HSV. It appears as blisters or sores on the genitals or on hands or fingers and other parts of our body. HSV can be transmitted, either sexually or non sexually.
Common symptoms of herpes
• Painful blisters or sores
• Itching
• Burning
• Tingling sensations in the affected area
• Fever
• Headache
• Muscle aches
• Swollen lymph nodes in the groin or neck a area
With the effective treatments available in Dr. Rana’s Medical Hall, you can easily cure Herpes with the goodness of Unani-Ayurvedic system of medicines. We are working as a one stop solution for all your sexual problems since 1960. Moreover, we have facilities for both online consultation & direct consultation.
For more information regarding Herpes, please do contact Dr. Rana’s Medical Hall. We are all here to help you get through the situation.
Read More : https://ranamedicalhall.com/treatments/herpes/
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Online Consultation form : https://ranamedicalhall.com/consultation-form/
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adyantayurvedaa · 1 year ago
Ayurvedic Skin Doctor
Twak Roga Nivarana Chikitsa is a term from Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of medicine, which refers to the treatment of skin diseases. According to Ayurveda, skin diseases are caused by an imbalance of the three doshas (vata, pitta, and kapha) and can be treated by bringing the doshas back into balance. Here will see Ayurveda approach about Skin Care Treatment .
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The treatment of skin diseases in Ayurveda involves a combination of internal and external therapies, including herbal remedies, dietary modifications, and lifestyle changes. Some of the commonly used herbs in Ayurvedic skin treatments include neem, turmeric, aloe vera, and sandalwood.
Ayurvedic practitioners also recommend following a healthy and balanced diet that is specific to the individual’s dosha type. For example, individuals with a pitta dosha are advised to avoid spicy and oily foods, while those with a vata dosha are encouraged to eat warm, nourishing foods. Other lifestyle changes that may be recommended include regular exercise, stress reduction techniques such as yoga and meditation, and getting adequate sleep.
In Ayurveda, skin diseases are classified into mainly two categories – Mahakustha and Kshudrakustha. Mahakustha refers to major skin diseases, while Kshudrakustha refers to minor skin diseases. Here are the seven types of Mahakustha and eleven types of Kshudrakustha as described in Ayurveda:
Vipadika (Eczema)
Kushta (Leprosy)
Kitibha (Psoriasis)
Sidhma (Lichen Planus)
Kotha (Leucoderma/Vitiligo)
Visarpa (Herpes/Zoster)
Charma Rakta (Purpura)
Darunaka (Acne)
Pama (Scabies)
Dadru (Ringworm)
Indralupta (Alopecia)
Kitibha Kustha (Psoriasis)
Eka Kushta (Mycosis Fungoides)
Alasaka (Lichen Simplex)
Vipadika (Eczema)
Charmadala (Contact dermatitis)
Visphota (Blister)
Sphota (Erysipelas)
It’s important to note that the treatment of these skin diseases in Ayurveda is based on the individual’s dosha constitution and the severity of the condition. Ayurvedic treatments for skin diseases may include herbal remedies, dietary modifications, lifestyle changes, and Panchakarma therapies.
Panchakarma is a traditional Ayurvedic therapy that involves a series of detoxification and rejuvenation treatments aimed at restoring balance and harmony to the body and mind. Panchakarma treatments are often recommended for Twak Roga Nivarana Chikitsa or the treatment of skin diseases in Ayurveda. Here are some of the Panchakarma treatments that may be used for Twak Roga Nivarana Chikitsa:
Abhyanga: Abhyanga is a full-body oil massage that uses warm medicated oils to nourish the skin, improve circulation, and remove toxins from the body. This treatment can help to balance the doshas, improve skin texture, and promote overall relaxation.
Swedana: Swedana is a herbal steam bath that helps to open up the pores of the skin and promote sweating. This treatment can help to eliminate toxins from the body, reduce inflammation, and improve skin tone.
Vamana: Vamana is a therapeutic vomiting treatment that is used to remove excess mucus and toxins from the body. This treatment can help to improve digestion, clear the respiratory system, and promote healthy skin.
Virechana: Virechana is a purgation treatment that uses herbal laxatives to eliminate toxins from the body. This treatment can help to improve digestion, clear the liver and gallbladder, and promote healthy skin.
Nasya: Nasya is a nasal administration of herbal oils or powders that can help to clear the sinuses, improve respiratory health, and promote healthy skin.
Basti: Basti is an enema treatment that uses medicated oils or herbal decoctions to eliminate toxins from the colon. This treatment can help to improve digestion, balance the doshas, and promote healthy skin.
It’s important to note that Panchakarma treatments should always be done under the guidance of a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner. They can help determine the best treatment plan for an individual’s specific needs and monitor their progress over time.
At Adyant Ayurveda, Our team of experts is here to help you get your life back on track with the best Panchakarma for skin care. We recommend Vamana primarily for skin diseases caused by Kapha dominance. Virechana and Raktamokshana are also beneficial in skin diseases caused by Pitta Dosha and Rakta Dhatu. Basti is also recommended in cases of Vata Dosha dominance, whereas Nasya is recommended in cases of skin diseases in the head, neck, and face region. In addition, we prefer diet, lifestyle changes, and internal medication for a few weeks. Pamper your skin with our all-natural treatments & revitalize your body, mind & spirit. It’s an ancient practice that helps promote healthy skin from the inside out, and it has amazing results.
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hivayurvedictreatment · 3 years ago
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Need a solution to HERPES? Contact Bhagwati Ayurved Today!! One of the trusted & globally recognised treatment centers in the country. For appointment, call 📞 us at 08102155655 / 09798740666. You can also go for online consultation, if needed. For details, log on to www.bhagwatiayurved.com . . #HERPES #HerpesSolution #HerpesTreatment #hsv #hiv #Gasto #diabetes #Ayurvedic_Treatment #cancer #herpessimplex #herpesgenital #Medicine #oralherpes #vegan #herpesdatingsites #bhagwatiayurved
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mentholcrystals · 3 years ago
Essential oils are often used in aromatherapy, a form of alternative medicine that employs plant extracts to support health and well-being. Essential oils are compounds extracted from plants. The oils capture the plant’s scent and flavor, or “essence.” Unique aromatic compounds give each essential oil its characteristic essence. Unique aromatic compounds give each essential oil its characteristic essence. Essential oils are obtained through distillation (via steam and/or water) or mechanical methods, such as cold pressing. Once the aromatic chemicals have been extracted, they are combined with a carrier oil to create a product that’s ready for use. The way the oils are made is important, as essential oils obtained through chemical processes are not considered true essential oils.
Inhaling the aromas from essential oils can stimulate areas of your limbic system, which is a part of your brain that plays a role in emotions, behaviors, sense of smell, and long-term memory
Interestingly, the limbic system is heavily involved in forming memories. This can partly explain why familiar smells can trigger memories or emotions.
The limbic system also plays a role in controlling several unconscious physiological functions, such as breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure. As such, some people claim that essential oils can exert a physical effect on your body.
Alternative medicine enthusiasts have subscribed to the power of essential oils for years. But with their increasing availability (and claimed health benefits), they’re going mainstream. Here’s information on 9 essential oils by Manufacturer of Menthol Crystals in England, their benefits and how best to use them.
1.      Lavender Oil
Lavender oil is an essential oil derived from the lavender plant. It can be taken orally, applied to the skin, and breathed in through aromatherapy. Lavender oil can benefit the skin in numerous ways. It has the ability to lessen acne, help even skin tone, and reduce wrinkles. It can even be used to treat other  things, such as improving hair health  and digestion.
 2.      Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil has been used as a traditional medicine by the Aboriginal people of Australia for centuries. These native Australians crush tea tree leaves to extract the oil, and then inhale it to treat coughs and colds or apply it directly to the skin for healing. Tea tree oil also makes an ideal natural hand sanitizer. Research suggests that tea tree oil may fight germs that cause tooth decay and bad breath.
Tea tree oil contains a number of compounds, including terpinen-4-ol, that have been shown to kill certain bacteria, viruses, and fungi.Terpinen-4-ol also appears to increase the activity of your white blood cells, which help fight germs and other foreign invaders 
3.      Frankincense Oil
Used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine, frankincense appears to offer certain health benefits, from improved arthritis and digestion to reduced asthma and better oral health. It may even help fight certain types of cancer. Frankincense oil has a woody, spicy scent and can be used as aromatherapy and can be found in skin creams. Makes sure you dilute frankincense oil before applying it to your skin.
4.      Peppermint Oil
Peppermint oil has a wide variety of uses. For example, it can be used as:
a)      A treatment for a variety of conditions, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), nausea, and other digestive issues, as well as the common cold and headaches.
b)      a topical application for relief from itching, muscle pain, and headache;
c)      a flavoring agent in foods and in products such as mouthwashes
d)     a fresh, pleasing scent added to soaps and cosmetic products
 5.      Eucalyptus oil
Eucalyptus is a great essential oil to have on hand during cold season. It soothes a stuffed- up nose by opening your nasal passages so you can breathe easier. (Peppermint oil can also help with this.)It can also relieve pain and fight against herpes simplex virus, thanks to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.
Take precautions when using eucalyptus oil, making sure to dilute it before applying topically. It should not be ingested and can have dangerous side effects on children and pets.
 6.      Lemon Oil
Extracted from the peel of lemons, lemon oil can be diffused into the air or applied topically to your skin with a carrier oil. Lemon oil is known to :
●Reduce anxiety and depression.
● Reduce pain
●Ease nausea
●kill bacteria
A study also states that aromatherapy  of essential oils like lemon oil might improve the cognitive function of people with Alzheimer’s disease. Lemon oil is safe for aromatherapy and topical use. But there have been some reports that lemon oil can make your skin more sensitive  to sunlight and increase your risk of sunburn. Avoid direct sunlight exposure after use. This includes lemon, lime, orange, grapefruit , lemongrass and bergamot oils.
 7.      Lemongrass Oil
Lemongrass oil has a strong citrus scent  and is known to help relieve stress, anxiety and depression. Its antibacterial properties make it a good natural remedy to heal wounds and kill bacteria. It has been shown to prevent the growth of fungus found in athlete’s foot, ringworm and jock itch.
A study found that using lemongrass oil can help reduce blood sugar in those with type 2 diabetes. Be sure to use a carrier oil before applying to your skin.
 8.      Orange oil
Orange oil is made from the rinds of the citrus fruit. It can be diffused into the air, topically on the skin (with a carrier oil) or even used as a natural cleaner in your home. Orange oil is known to : (a) kill bacteria; (b) reduce anxiety; (c) reduce pain.
Orange oil has the potential to make your skin more sensitive to sunlight, so be careful about using it on your skin and then going outside.
 9.      Rosemary oil
You’ve probably reached for rosemary to add flavor to some of your recipes. But using rosemary oil also has some additional benefits like improving brain function, promoting hair growth, reducing pain and stress, lifting your mood and reducing joint inflammation. Rosemary oil is safe to use in aromatherapy and topically on the skin with a carrier oil. If you’re pregnant or have epilepsy or high blood pressure, its advised to avoid using rosemary oil.
Be careful when using essential oils in children, people with weakened immune systems, pregnant women and seniors. However, if you have a serious health condition or are taking medication, you should discuss their use with your healthcare practitioner.
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malaivelsiddhahospital · 3 years ago
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Malaivel Siddha Hospital
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Phone: +91 9345998674 , +91 8344477763
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ranamedicalhallkochi-blog · 4 years ago
Fast And Natural Treatment For Herpes
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Herpes is an infection caused by HSV (herpes simplex virus). This virus affects the external genitalia, anal region, mucosal surfaces, and skin in other parts of the body.
Herpes is a long-term condition. However, many people never have symptoms even though they are carrying the virus.
Symptoms include blisters, ulcers, pain when urinating, cold sores, and vaginal discharge.
Don't worry, consult a sexologist and ensure safety and health of yourself or your loved ones. Dr Rana's Medical Hall provides Herpes Best and Safe Treatment in Kerala, assistance to all sorts of sexual problems, and has successfully treated and cured thousands of patients. 
Healthy and effective Scientific Herbal, Unani and Ayurvedic medicine with no side effects. Treatment for Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Penile Enhancement, Male Infertility, Erectile Dysfunction & Premature Ejaculation etc…
We also provide Online tele/video Consultation for all Sexual problems.
WhatsApp or Call: +91 8848511462
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bhagwatiayurved · 2 years ago
Ayurvedic Medicine Of Diabetes
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Ayurvedic medicine is an ancient Indian practice used to treat and prevent various diseases. It can be described as a set of habits that integrate physical and mental aspects to guarantee a longer and better quality of life. In recent times, Ayurveda has become an increasingly well-known practice, even in the daily management of diabetes, as it brings various benefits for treating this pathology. The increasing popularity of Ayurveda has led to the emergence of companies like Bhagwati Ayurved, which specializes in Ayurvedic Medicine of Diabetes, providing individuals with more options for integrating Ayurveda into their lives.
Ayurvedic Medicine Of DiabetesWhat is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda was born in India 3,000 years before the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a holistic treatment to preserve the person's health. Ayurveda acts on the body, mind, and emotions. According to Indian science, these last two aspects are the determining factors in the appearance of diseases. “Ayurveda is a disease prevention tool. In fact, it suggests the necessary formulas to avoid getting sick”.
Madhumeha (diabetes) in Indian history
Diabetes is not a pathology, and it is not something born recently. Diabetes has already been known in India for many centuries. The name by which it has always been referred, up to the present day, is Madhumeha. Madhumeha is a compound word of “ madhu ” (meaning honey or sweet) and meha (meaning excess urine). In the days when laboratory tests, which exist today, did not exist, Ayurvedic doctors diagnosed diabetes from urine. If there was a lot of sugar in the urine, many ants and mosquitoes were attracted to it, and therefore diabetes was diagnosed.
According to tradition, Ganesha, a Hindu god with an enormous human body but the head of an elephant, suffered from Madhumeha. His "messy" eating had caused him to develop diabetes. Diabetes, or Madumeha, is considered by Ayurveda to be a serious pathology that, if left untreated, can have serious consequences for the whole organism.
If glucose isn't absorbed properly, it stays around in the blood when we eat. Its presence can cause cardiovascular complications (heart attack, angina pectoris, stroke), sleep apnea, retinopathy, periodontitis, or even diabetic foot. In particular, in the main Ayurvedic texts, the following symptoms of Madhumeha are distinguished:
Sweet urine
Polyphagia (feeling of constant hunger)
Polydipsia (excessive thirst)
Burning sensation on the skin
Epileptic foot
Ayurveda and some useful treatments to manage diabetes
The Ayurvedic perspective on body balance and nutrition coincides with the recommendations of Western medicine on the correct diet for diabetes. It suggests, in fact, minimizing simple carbohydrates, fats, and other heavy foods, while increasing the consumption of "lighter" foods.
Limit intake of sweet products, reduce fat intake and avoid drinking alcohol.
Eat small portions of food throughout the day so that you don't experience blood glucose spikes.
Increase your intake of bitter foods like a gourd, bitter melon, or green leafy vegetables like chard, spinach, arugula, and others.
Eat lots of vegetables. Well-cooked green leafy ones are particularly recommended.
All spices, except salt. Liberally use hot spices in your diet, such as ginger, pepper, mustard seeds, even cayenne pepper, and astringents like turmeric.
Drink a lot of water. This will help eliminate toxins that can inhibit the valuable functions of the liver and pancreas. Drinking hot ginger tea helps stimulate slow digestion. Drink 2-3 cups of ginger tea daily to lower sugar levels.
All legumes are fine except soy and tofu, which should be eaten in moderation.
Eat lighter fruits like apples, pears, pomegranates, blueberries, and apricots. Cut back on heavier fruits like bananas, pineapples, grapes, and figs.
Whole Grains and Non- GMOs: Choosing barley, corn (non-GMO), millet, buckwheat, rye, quinoa, and amaranth. Reduce or eliminate oats, rice, and wheat.
Avoid fasting or skipping meals, which stress the body and reduce the flow of valuable nutrients.
Stay calm for good quality sleep to favor the dream phase.
Exercise or stay physically active.
Take warm baths with a few drops of sandalwood or lavender, and perform self-massages with dry ginger and cardamom.
In conclusion, Medicine of Diabetes in Ayurved offers a holistic approach to health and well-being, focusing on the balance between the body, mind, and emotions. The principles of Ayurveda, including healthy eating, physical exercise, positive thinking, hygiene, and balance, can benefit anyone, even those without specific health concerns. Additionally, Ayurveda has a long history of treating diabetes, or Madhumeha, with its emphasis on diet, exercise, and stress reduction. While Ayurveda may not be a substitute for Western medicine, its principles and treatments can be complementary and offer potential benefits for overall health.
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herpescureindia · 2 months ago
Exploring the Cure for Herpes in India: Effective Treatments and Care
Herpes is a common condition caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV), and many individuals seek solutions for managing and curing this condition. While a definitive cure for herpes in India remains unavailable, there are effective treatments and strategies to control outbreaks, alleviate symptoms, and improve quality of life.
Understanding Herpes
Herpes comes in two forms:
HSV-1: Known for causing oral herpes, including cold sores around the mouth.
HSV-2: Typically associated with genital herpes, though either type can appear in both areas.
The virus is spread through direct contact and can remain dormant in the body, leading to periodic outbreaks triggered by stress, illness, or a weakened immune system.
Medical Treatments for Herpes
While there isn��t a permanent cure for herpes in India, the following treatments are effective in managing the condition:
Antiviral MedicationsDrugs like acyclovir, valacyclovir, and famciclovir are widely used to suppress herpes outbreaks and reduce the risk of transmission. These medications are readily available in India and are cost-effective.
Topical CreamsFor symptom relief, topical creams are an accessible option. These help reduce itching, redness, and discomfort during outbreaks.
Immune-Boosting TherapiesA strong immune system plays a key role in controlling herpes. Multivitamins and immunity-enhancing supplements are commonly recommended by healthcare professionals in India.
Natural Remedies for Herpes
India’s traditional medicine system, Ayurveda, offers holistic approaches to managing herpes symptoms. While not a permanent cure for herpes in India, these remedies can complement conventional treatments:
Neem and Tulsi: Renowned for their antiviral properties, they are used in both oral and topical applications.
Turmeric: Known for its anti-inflammatory benefits, turmeric can help reduce symptoms when taken as part of a daily diet.
Consult an Ayurvedic practitioner before using herbal remedies to ensure they are safe and effective.
Lifestyle Adjustments for Better Management
Adopting a healthy lifestyle can significantly reduce the frequency and severity of herpes outbreaks:
Maintain hygiene to prevent the spread of the virus.
Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and antioxidants to boost immunity.
Manage stress through yoga, meditation, or relaxation techniques.
Support and Care
Support groups and counseling services are increasingly available in India to help individuals cope emotionally with the condition. Many hospitals and clinics also provide specialized care for herpes management.
Although a definitive cure for herpes in India is yet to be discovered, effective medical treatments, natural remedies, and lifestyle adjustments provide hope for managing this condition. By consulting with healthcare professionals and adopting a comprehensive care approach, individuals can lead healthier and more fulfilling lives.
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tipsycad147 · 5 years ago
Caring With Calendula
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Crooked Bear Creek Organic Herbs:
This vibrant orange blossom pops in the garden add a burst of colour to cuisine and is a powerhouse in the medicine cabinet. Learn more about this amazing, autumn-loving species.
Brilliantly striking, calendula’s gorgeous yellow and deep-orange blossoms bring a smile to both gardener and herbalist alike. In the fall, you’ll find this plant gracing many doorways, a staple among other autumn harbingers that herald the colder weather to come. But this dazzling ornamental’s long, storied history and powerful medicine make it a must-have for the home.
Sunshine in the Yard
Visually delightful, sun-loving Calendula officinalis is also commonly called marigold, but don’t confuse it with Mexican marigold {Tagetes erecta}, which is another species entirely. A member of the Asteraceae family along with chamomile, dandelion, and Echinacea, calendula is native to southern Europe and parts of the Middle East, but now grows in temperate climates throughout the world. A short-lived perennial, it acts as an annual in both cold and hot climates. Although it’s typically cultivated, you may see calendula brightening once-tended fields as escapes from neighbouring gardens. One of the easiest medicinal plants to propagate, it thrives prolifically through its long growing season, rewarding its nurturer with scores of glorious blossoms.
Marigolds sprout early in spring, exhibiting small, light-green oval leaves, keeping their illuminated hue while growing larger and more oblong and lanceolate shaped. Two to 7 inches long, with a smooth edge and prominent midrib, they appear alternately on a hardy, slightly hairy stem. Plants grow to 2 feet tall, producing sunny yellow-orange blossoms six weeks after germinating. Spicy-scented flower heads are 4-7 cm in diameter and thick, containing both ray and disc florets, and can bloom through the first snow in many states.
Easy to grow and famously unfussy, marigolds flourishes in USDA zones 2-9. After the last cold frost, sow seeds directly into soil 12 inches apart and cover with 1/2 inch of fine soil. In warm climates, sow seeds in fall for spring blooms. Calendula enjoys full sun and well-drained soil but can grow in most soil types – as Rosemary Gladstar notes, it “does just as well pampered as ignored.” Reseeding itself abundantly, marigold spreads its growing space each year. Deadhead it regularly to encourage blossom production, harvest it when it has matured, and give the flower heads extra time to dry before storing.
Calendula Through the Centuries
With its very long history of use in food and medicine, calendula has been a staple in kitchens and cottage gardens since ancient times. Found in some of the earliest apothecary texts, calendula was a valued herb well before written history. The Romans treated scorpion bites with marigold flowers, early Ayurvedic practitioners used it for inflammation and Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners found it useful in supporting healthy skin. Twelfth-century herbalists affirmed that just gazing at the golden flowers encouraged cheerfulness, and medieval physicians used marigold to heal wounds, ease toothache, treat stomach ulcers and sore eyes, support the liver, and ward off the plague. Sixteenth- and 17-century herbalists Nicholas Culpepper and John Gerard both extolled the virtues of calendula as a “comforter” of the heart and spirit, and beneficial for digestive complaints and skin irritations. A battlefield herb of the Civil War, it helped staunch bleeding and disinfect wounds, and became a prominent remedy in the American Pharmacopeia from 1880-1900, as Eclectic physicians utilised calendula for everything from mild burns to all manner of childhood illnesses and infection.
An herb of the sun, calendula opens in the morning, its face following the sun until it closes by evening, earning it the nickname “little hourglass” and helping farmers gauge time. In Germany, it was common knowledge that if marigold remained closed by 7:00 a.m., rain was approaching.
An “herb-general of all pottage,” calendula acquired the nickname “pot marigold” for its indispensable use in early kitchens. Seventeenth-century cookbook The Countrie Farme states “no broths are well made without dried marigold.” Added to winter soups, puddings, and porridge, it helped ward off seasonal illnesses. Once a substitute for saffron, calendula’s bright petals were used to colour cheese and butter through World War ll. {Today, you can find calendula flowers and leaves in salads and soups for a pop of colour and a slightly bitter, peppery taste. Use fresh flower heads to adorn festive cupcakes or scatter petals on scones.}
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Associated with the sun sign Leo, calendula has served as a symbol of love, luck, protection, and remembrance. Ancient Greeks wore marigold garlands to wedding feasts, and to dream of the flower meant prosperity, success, and happy marriage. One of the original “he loves me/he loves me not” flowers, calendula often featured in love potions and charms. Its golden blooms were strewn about floors and doorways to ward away evil and scattered across a bed to bring safety through the night and encourage prophetic dreams. Carrying marigold flowers in your pocket offered protection and brought good luck. Conserves of marigold taken in the morning would protect a person from witches and enable one to see fairies.
Marigold represents sorrow – but also relief from grief, as William Shakespeare once noted, “the marigold that goes to bed with the sun, and wi’ him rises weeping.” In Victorian times a bouquet of marigolds and roses symbolised the “sweet sorrows of love,” and combined with pansies it meant “I will soothe your grief.” {Celebrations in India and the Day of the Dead in Mexico feature the Tagetes flowers, not calendula.}
A popular and fabulous flower essence, calendula centres on communication, helping one find more warmth, understanding, and compassion in discourse with others. Encouraging active, empathetic listening and reciprocity, calendula aims to decrease the use of caustic tone and words, allowing one to be open, truly hearing the deeper meaning in conversation.
Marigold Medicine
Lovely calendula’s innumerable medicinal attributes are so comprehensive, it’s a challenge to name them all. Used for centuries, it’s a well-studied plant that receives worldwide recognition as a healer. The United Kingdom has approved marigold as a topical treatment, Canada has authorised it as an active ingredient in over-the-counter herbal and homeopathic medicines, and the United States recognizes calendula as safe for use in food, cosmetics, supplements, and homeopathic remedies. Mild enough for children and the elderly, marigold is a gentle but powerfully impressive plant, battling everything from mild rashes to virulent microbes. Calendula is full of beneficial antioxidants, including beta-carotene, quercetin, rutin, lycopene, and vitamin C, along with essential fatty acids, polysaccharides, sterols, and volatile oils that contribute to its wide range of effectiveness.
For Skin: Best known for its remarkable skin healing, calendula is considered the queen of epidermis herbs, frequently found in salves, oils, lotions, and liniments. A superb vulnerary, the German Commission E approved it as a topical healing remedy for wounds and foot ulcers, and a 2014 study from the University of Kashmir “revealed significant acceleration of wound healing” as well as excellent results on contact dermatitis. Thanks to its content of allantoin, which stimulates skin cell regeneration, as well as anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, calendula can be used for diaper rash, insect bites, mild burns, dry skin {as well as eczema}, bedsores, and for preventing infection. Its antifungal action makes it useful in combating athlete’s foot, ringworm, and other fungal issues. The antiviral, astringent properties of the herb serve as a fantastic compress for conjunctivitis, blepharitis {inflammation of the eyelid}, herpes simplex virus {HSV} sores, phlebitis, and varicose veins.
For Digestion: Calendula’s antispasmodic constituents ease abdominal cramping from gas and indigestion while its bitter principle stimulates the gallbladder and digestive juices, and increases absorption of nutrients. Anti-inflammatory actions, along with marigold’s demulcent, antiseptic, and wound-healing action, have been used to prevent and remedy duodenal and peptic ulcers as well as soothe gastric irritation from forms of IBD and leaky gut, and the herb eases pharyngeal tissue in cases of gastroesophageal reflux disease {GERD}. As an astringent and antimicrobial, it helps alleviate diarrhoea along with amoebic dysentery and dysbiosis.
For the Immune System: An impressive immunomodulator, marigold supports the immune system not only with its antiviral action but as a valuable lymphagogue. Stimulating lymphatic movement and drainage throughout the body, calendula assists in filtering out bacteria and waste while rallying lymphocytes, which include T-cells and B-cells that are essential for healthy immune function. Effective for all manner of stagnant lymph congestion, such as swollen glands in viral situations, it’s also very useful for congested pelvic glands as well as ovarian and breast cysts and mastitis, which can be further remedied with a calendula compress/poultice.
As an Antifungal: Calendula makes a superb mouthwash for oral thrush and fights gut and systemic candida issues.
For Cancer: In 2018, the Integrative Cancer Therapies Journal gathered a decade of calendula studies for review and found noteworthy conclusions, including the validity of the herb’s well-known properties as an anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antiseptic, and skin healer. But the studies also suggested that all parts of calendula – flower to root – have considerable antitumor properties thanks to their content of lutein, a carotenoid found in green leafy vegetables and carrots, as well as two triterpene glycosides called calendulosides. {Triterpenoids are known to exhibit anticancer action.} These had significant cytotoxic action on myriad cancer cells, including melanoma, leukemia, breast, colon, pancreatic, and lung cancer cells, impeding tumour growth, reducing tumour size, and inhibiting metastasis.
The flowers were also very effective in palliative care when used topically to prevent and treat acute radio-induced dermatitis and the pain common in breast cancer treatment- with no sign of allergic reaction. A mouthwash containing calendula flower extract also “significantly decreased the intensity of oropharyngeal mucositis” {inlfammation and ulceration of the mucous membranes} common in radiotherapy for treating head and neck cancers.
The conclusion of this enormous study found that calendula “shows promising results regarding its potential usage in cancer management, especially in cancer prevention, treatment, and palliative care.” There was also an emphasis on more intense research to identify some of its many other compounds that may further contribute to cancer management and conducting human clinical trials to confirm its internal benefits.
Contraindications: There are no known side effects of calendula, but if you take sedatives or medication for high blood pressure, check with your physician before using. Avoid calendula when trying to conceive and while pregnant/nursing. People allergic to plants in the Aster family may have a reaction.
Calendula Lymphatic Mover
A fantastic lymph mover, calendula and the herbs included in this recipe help move and drain swelling and stagnation in lymph glands throughout the body. Both red clover and cleavers have a tonic effect on the lymphatic system and assist with drainage, and cleavers also decrease inflammation. Plantain stimulates lymphatic function, and anti-inflammatory violet leaves [and flowers if you have them} are powerful lymph drainers, especially in cases of swollen breast lymph tissue.
2 parts calendula
2 parts violet leaf and flower
1 part red clover
1 part cleavers
1 part plantain
Blend herbs together. Use 1-2 teaspoons per 8 ounces of boiling water. Cover and steep for 10-15 minutes. Strain and enjoy three 8 ounce cups per day.
Simple Calendula Extract
Use this extract internally or externally for skin issues or add it to compresses and mouthwashes. While 80-proof alcohol, apple cider vinegar, and glycerin will work, 190-proof alcohol best extracts the flower head resin. Fill a jar one-half to three-quarters full with dry herbs or two-thirds to three-quarters with fresh and cover with your solvent. Put in a warm, dark place and shake daily for 4-8 weeks. Then strain, bottle, and keep in a cool, dry place. Dosage: Take 15-30 drops, three times per day.
Blossom Oil and Salve
Calendula works fine alone, but it never hurts to add other healing and soothing herbs, including anti-inflammatory lavender and rose, which hydrate dry skin and lift the spirits.
2 parts calendula flowers dried or fresh
1 part lavender blossoms
1 part rose petals
Oil of choice
Beeswax {or carnauba or candelilla}
Solar method: Fill a glass jar two-thirds full with dry flowers {if using fresh, dry-wilt for 12 hours before using}. Cover with oil and leave in a warm sunny spot for 4-6 weeks.
Double boiler: Cover herbs with oil {enough to cover by 1-inch} and heat gently {under 150-degree F} for 1-4 hours. When the oil is done, strain and reserve the oil. To make a salve, gently reheat the oil and add 1/4 cup beeswax for each cup of oil. When beeswax is melted, pour into a large glass jar or individual containers. Add lavender or rose essential oil to give your salve a medicinal and fragrant boost. Store salve in the refrigerator.
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dryadpharmacy · 8 years ago
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Azadirachta indica, also known as Neem,Nimtree, Ineem and Indian Lilac 
Antelaea azadirachta, Arishta, Arishtha, Bead Tree, Holy Tree,Indian Neem, Lilas des Indes, Lilas de Perse, Margosa, Margosa Tree, Margousier, Margousier à Feuilles de Frêne, Margousier d’Inde, Melia azadirachta, Neem Tree, Melia azadirachta, Nim, Nimb, Nimba, Persian Lilac, Pride of China.
“is a tree in the mahogany family Meliaceae. It is one of two species in the genus Azadirachta, and is native to the Indian subcontinent , i.e. India, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. It typically is grown in tropical and semi-tropical regions. Neem trees now also grow in islands located in the southern part of Iran. Its fruits and seeds are the source of neem oil.
Neem is a fast-growing tree that can reach a height of 15–20 metres (49–66 ft), and rarely 35–40 metres (115–131 ft). Neem can grow in many different types of soil, but it thrives best on well drained deep and sandy soils.  It can tolerate high to very high temperatures and does not tolerate temperature below 4 °C (39 °F).
Neem leaves are dried in India and placed in cupboards to prevent insects eating the clothes, and also in tins where rice is stored. Neem leaves are dried and burnt in the tropical regions to keep away mosquitoes. 
As an ayurvedic herb, neem is also used in baths. The tender shoots and flowers of the neem tree are eaten as a vegetable in India. A souplike dish called Veppampoo charu (Tamil) (translated as “neem flower rasam”) made of the flower of neem is prepared in Tamil Nadu.
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Products made from neem trees have been used in India for over two millennia for their medicinal properties.
Neem (Ineem) is a key ingredient in non-pesticidal management (NPM), providing a natural alternative to synthetic pesticides. 
Other uses: Toiletries, Cosmetics, animal treatment, Toothbrush, food additive , bird repellent, lubricant,fertilizer ,plant protectant, against pox viruses.”
Note of caution: do not ingest neem/oil when you’re pregnant, as it might cause an abortion.
Neem might repell some mosquitos but from personal-jungle-experience  I can tell it doesn’t assure 100% protection when applied on skin. The most effective way is to make tea from neem leaves or chew on a neem leaf and swallow it. Neem leaves also do not smell as pungent as neem-oil. It does taste bitter..Bugs? Not anymore! Smear some neem oil and see them flee :)
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Antibacterial  *see research link 691, 161
Anti-caries & anti-plaque (excerpt from research:“  Mucoadhesive dental gel containing Azadirachta indica is found to be beneficial in reducing the plaque index and salivary bacterial count comparatively better than chlorhexidine gluconate mouthwash.”) *see research link 161
Anti-tumor against skin tumors *see research link 106
Inhibits cheek cancer in hamsters *see research link 007
Reduces Alzheimer’s, improves cognition and working memory and reduces depression  (excerpt from research:“  deficits in active avoidance learning and retention of learned behavior were significantly reversed by A. indica. ”)*see research link  838
Inhibits acne and improves wound healing ,even the toughest of wounds * see research link PMC4492024/
Organic reversible anticonception & anti-fertility , kills sperm in humans and animals alike (excerpt from research:” The present study was carried out to evaluate the effective concentration of aqueous extract of old and tender Azadirachta indica (neem) leaves to immobilize and kill 100% human spermatozoa within 20 s. “) *see research link 14561544 , 11558322 , 1983033, PMC3761146/, 3225018/
Safe *see research link 15261960
Reduces and heals stomach ulcers  *see research link 15454339
Does not act against cerebral malaria, but does protect neurons (excerpt :”the high dose levels of Neem extract (500 mg/kg and 1000 mg/kg) prevented Purkinje cells loss. “)  *see research link PMC3338214/   & wiki link
Protects fish against fishy bacteria , for real , that cause tail rot and fin rot  *see research link 10783742
Anti-parasitic against bovine strongylosis *see research link PMC4675597/ , 17041548
Contains compounds that have anti snake venom properties *see research link 18466944
Prevents meat spoilage by inhibiting bacteria  *see research link 28231186
Lowers blood sugar levels * see research link 10919098
Repels insects, ants, mosquitos, etc * see research link 8245950, PMC5061770/
Antiviral against Coxsackie viruses, herpes simplex 1,Hepatitis C & Dengue  *see reseach link 10810594, 20041417, 26274064,11801392
Research on Neem:
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hivayurvedictreatment · 3 years ago
One such ailment is the Genital Herpes. Medical field has developed a lot in the last few years but still it has not been able to develop a sure shot effective Genital Herpes Medicine that not only treats a patient but also ensures that he/she does not incur any kind of side effects.
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HSV Eraser Vs. Biogetica Immune Boost Products
Herpes is one of the most common STDs caused by variants of the Herpes Simplex Virus. Of the herpesviridae, HSV1 and HSV2 are most widespread and cause oral and genital cold sores in both men and women.  Although, it is common knowledge that a herpes infection is lifelong and you are never free of the infection, (although schools of natural medicine think otherwise) there are several types of treatments (some run of the mill, some substantial) doing the rounds claiming total relief in this condition.
There is a quote in a Divine scripture that states ‘God has not descended any ailment, before sending down its cure.’ Indeed Nature has Healing powers and it is up to us to tap into its reserves for complete relief and freedom.
Today, we’re going to review two natural protocols (HSV Eraser Vs Biogetica Immune Boost Products) to determine how well each has adapted Nature’s booty in response to Herpes.
HSV Eraser is an eBook that provides information on Herpes treatment, diet protocols and nutritional supplements that may be used in this condition. It also discusses methods for attacking the virus, alleviating herpes symptoms and outbreaks.  On the other hand, Biogetica Immune Boost products are blends of Ayurvedic herbs, Resonance Homeopathic and modern Bio-energetic ingredients that are heralded for their multifarious properties and have scores of literature and research backing its efficacy in various clinical conditions.
The differences in the 2 protocols have been tabulated below for easy reading.
  HSV Eraser Biogetica Immune Boost Products HSV Eraser is an informational booklet detailing the disease, methods to contain it naturally and natural supplements that could be consumed for this condition. Biogetica products are synergistic blends of traditional Ayurvedic herbs, Resonance Homeopathic and modern Bio-energetic ingredients that have been screened for their immune boosting and anti-inflammatory properties. The ebook has mentioned names of various herbs that may be beneficial, but finding those herbs  in the correct dosage and consuming them in the right way can pose difficulty Biogetica employs time tested herbs, homeopathic ingredients and nutritional supplements in blends and dosages optimum for bioavailability. In fact, Hyperisince, a product  of Biogetica’s immune boost kit contains Hypericum mysorense that made international headlines across the world when the study on it and HSV was published in peer reviewed medical journals HSV Eraser is a guide that herpes patients may follow to control outbreaks, minimize the symptoms and the discomfort that ensues. Biogetica protocols offer holistic solutions that target the underlying cause as well as provide symptomatic relief. As HSV Eraser is just an ebook that provides general information on lifestyle changes, dietary modifications etc. it may take its own course of time to boost immunity or may not even work for all Biogetica products are traditionally believed to enhance the immune system and thus may work for everyone. The protocols are designed to boost humoral and cellular immunity, eliminate toxins and purify the blood. HSV Eraser charges you for only providing information on Herpes and ways to treat it. You incur additional charges on purchasing the remedies they recommend.
Biogetica charges you for natural remedies with 90 days money back unconditional guarantee. It also provides free Doctor consultations. You will have to read the book and follow the instructions yourself, which can be difficult at times. Biogetica.com is an informational website and a doctor is always available round the clock to assess your condition and recommend customized protocols. The company also ensures that every customer they come in contact with benefits in some way. You may visit www.biogetica.com to learn more.
  Biogetica’s mission is to provide you with integrated natural solutions that lead you to the ease and freedom you seek. Ancient and new approaches are woven together to target root issues on the physical, energetic, mental and emotional planes of human existence and help you heal. Please visit www.biogetica.com for expert advice, personalized recommendations and natural effective solutions now.
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livehealthy-well · 5 years ago
What are the causes of mouth ulcers?
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An ulcer that occurs on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity is known as a mouth ulcer. It is also called canker sores that are small in size, mostly these are painful lesions that are present in the mouth or at the base of gums. Mouth ulcers are very common and occur in association with many diseases.
What are the causes of mouth ulcers?                                                                              
Mouth ulcers are caused by a variety of factors that are mentioned below:
-viral infections such as herpes simplex
-poor oral hygiene
-local trauma and aphthous stomatitis
– skin rashes in mouth
-autoimmune disorders
-oral cancer
-underlying GIT disease such as Crohn’s disease
-constant rubbing against misaligned and sharp teeth
-burns from eating hot food
-constant rubbing against dentures
-irritation from strong antiseptics
-oral thrush infection
-skin rashes to mouth
-genetic causes
-eating excessive citrus fruits
-stress or anxiety
-hormonal changes during pregnancy, puberty, menopause
-medications involving beta-blockers
What are the signs and symptoms of mouth ulcers?
-one or more painful sores on the underlying part of the skin
-swollen skin around the sores
-problems in chewing or tooth brushing
-irritation of the sores by salty, spicy, or sour foods
-loss of appetite
What are the types of mouth ulcers?
There are three types of mouth ulcers:
1.herpetiform ulcers (HU)
2.Minor ulcers
What is an ayurvedic view of mouth ulcers?
In Ayurveda mouth ulcer is correlated with mukha paka which is caused due to imbalance in dosha (vata, pitta, kapha). Mainly pitta dosha is involved in it. The wrong eating habits, excessive consumption of spicy, oily, & fried food items result in mouth ulcers.
What is an ayurvedic treatment for mouth ulcers?
Ayurveda provides the best treatment for mouth ulcer patients. The various herbs in Ayurveda help to relieve pain, inflammation, & burning sensation in the mouth. There are different herbal remedies that give fast relieve from ulcers and also removes the associated pain.
Chandigarh Ayurveda Center provides you the best way to cure the condition of mouth ulcers by using the “Mouth ulcer care kit”. The kit contains pure herbs which fasten the healing process. This kit contains five products:
Source: What are the causes of mouth ulcers?  
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