#Heroes and Monsters
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Lost on You - Part 11
Pairing: Soldier Boy/Ben x F. Supe!Reader
Summary: 1983 is a big year for you. You’re finally chosen to join the ranks of Payback, led by the most (in)famous supe in the world: Soldier Boy. He’ll never admit that he’s trying his damndest to figure you out. You’ll never admit that he’s actually growing on you. But the problem with this game is deciding who’s the predator, and who is prey.
AN: In this episode, we're in for a team up, Greek mythology, and possibly the biggest reveal yet…
Word Count: 3.2K
Tags/Warnings: Angst, mentions of abuse/torture, PTSD, violence, and another cliffhanger (sorry).
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Part 11: Heroes and Monsters
The only thing the TNT Twins ever bought with their money was a lavish mansion in Vermont. It was high on a hill, flanked by forest, and therefore perfectly secluded when Ben and Donna broke through the oak wood doors of their house.
“Hey, kids,” said Ben. He strolled into the living room with a smooth, purposeful gait.
The twins jumped with a start on the couch. A loud and crass action movie was playing on the screen.
“Ben,” Tessa gasped.
“Donna?!” Tommy said, pointing from Donna to Ben. “What…what’re you guys…how did you get…”
“Ooh, is that Pulp Fiction? I wanted to see that one,” Donna remarked. Her brows furrowed. “But wait, it’s still in theaters. How’d you get a VHS?”
“Oh, um, Tarantino gave me a copy as a favor, so we wouldn’t have to sit in the theater with all the mouth breathers,” Tessa said, with a wrinkle of her nose.
Tommy’s face slid into a smirk. He raised a conspiratorial hand to his mouth and pointed at his sister.
“She sucked his dick.”
That tidbit of information was accompanied by a lewd hand motion, and gagging sounds. Tessa angrily punched her brother in the shoulder.
Ben raised a brow. He made slow steps forward with an edge of menace. The twins caught on and stood up straighter, but somehow looked even more like cowards as they immediately started groveling.
“We’re so, so sorry, Ben,” Tessa tried.
“It wasn’t our idea,” Tommy added. The twins backed up near the glass doors, Tommy nearly tripping on the Persian rug.
“Of course it wasn’t,” said Ben. “You idiots barely have two brain cells to rub together.”
“Please don’t kill us,” Tessa pleaded. “Or at least, not me. I didn’t really do anything—”
“You bitch!” Tommy said incredulously.
“Shut the fuck up!” Ben snapped. “Here’s what’s gonna happen.”
He was stopped short by a rigorous shootout on the screen as the movie played. The sound of it was like a machine gun, bullets spraying over and over. It made his breath hitch. His eyes began to glaze over as a memory overtook his vision. Of being strapped to that metal slab, and Eisenstein and his team trying to find out what could actually hurt him, on the inside.
Ben’s chest grew impossibly hot. Distantly he heard voices calling his name.
Before he even realized what he was doing, the smell of burning filled the air, and that terrible, nuclear power escaped from his chest.
When he came to, he blinked the gaudy living room back into frame. Except now, it was burnt to a crisp. There was a large gaping hole where the French doors and most of the wall used to be, leading to a sunny day.
The TNT Twins were gone.
Shaking the fog and blackness from his mind, he turned and only saw Donna. She’d been cowering behind a piano. Slowly she came out of her hiding place with wide, horrified eyes.
“What the fuck did they do to you?” she whispered.
Instead of answering her, Ben strode out of the ruins and grabbed her arm, hefted her to her feet, and took her back to the car. She slid into the driver’s seat and started the car with shaking hands. He settled in the passenger seat and got out the cell phone he'd stashed in the dashboard compartment.
“Arthur, it’s me,” Ben said.
“How’d it go with the TNT Twins?”
“They can’t help.”
“What? Why’s that?”
“Because they’re fucking charcoal, that’s why,” Ben snapped. There was a pause on the other line.
“Okaaay,” Arthur said. “Well, I’m still working on some leads on Sirena. In the meantime, I found Gunpowder. He had a little unfortunate incident at a gun show in Texas, so he’s on some mandated R&R.”
Ben blew out a frustrated breath, but he nodded. “Where?”
“Kempton, Pennsylvania.”
Ben and Donna arrived at the Hawk Mt. Shooting Range. There were several steps up to the main building, then even more forest behind as it surrounded the base of a mountain.
“There’s literally a Hawk Mountain Sanctuary not even an hour from here. It’s like going to Sea World to hunt Shamu,” Donna groused.
“Would you shut the fuck up already?” he said. “I don’t want to hear any more of your tree-hugging bullshit.”
“That’s another thing. You’re always so fucking belittling,” she said with a glare sent his way. “Does Sirena like that about you? Or is she just deaf and blind?”
Ben grabbed her arm and yanked her to a stop. He raised a warning finger.
“Keep her name out of your fucking mouth,” he said darkly. “One more smartass word and I’ll sure as shit make you regret it.”
Donna’s mouth snapped shut. She was still angry, but she had the presence of mind to avert her eyes. When he was satisfied, Ben released her. They kept walking, but no matter how he tried to shut her words out, they kept filtering back into his mind.
You’re a bully. A fucking monster. And sooner or later, she won’t be able to stomach you anymore.
He managed to push that thought to the back of his mind as they entered the building. Donna either knocked out or killed the handful of staff members, while Ben continued on to the back of the shooting range.
Well then. Someone ate their fucking Wheaties.
Gunpowder was a bit bigger since Ben last saw him. He hardly recognized his former sidekick, now a grown-ass man in his late 20s. At least he wasn’t so scrawny anymore.
And he heard the moment Ben stepped into the outdoor range. After he fired off one more birdshot, Gunpowder whipped around with a large shotgun in hand. His face fell into shock when he saw Ben.
A dead pigeon landed on the ground between them.
“Charlie,” Ben greeted, with a tilt of his head. He stalked forward. The man opposite was frozen in shock, but it wouldn’t have mattered if he’d pulled the trigger on his gun anyway.
“S-Soldier Boy—”
Ben ripped the weapon out of his hand. He closed a hand around the younger man’s throat and walked him back until he hit the fake mountain wall that framed the shooting range.
“Ben, he didn’t even know!” Donna said from behind.
Charlie shook his head in agreement. “I didn’t! I swear—”
“Oh, I know. But I bet you didn’t ask any fucking questions, did you?” Ben said.
He remembered that day with perfect clarity. He remembered how the rest of them turned on him.
Except for you.
“But you’re gonna make it up to me,” Ben said, with a grim smile.
Charlie was shocked, as if he’d expected a quick death. “H-How?”
“You’re going to help me find someone.”
“Sirena.” Ben’s lips twitched humorlessly at the ashen look on Charlie’s face. “You remember her, right? She’s the other teammate you guys sold out and giftwrapped for the fucking Commies.”
Ben slammed him harder against the wall, and his chest began to glow. Charlie’s face fell further into fear and horror.
“Ben!” Donna warned. She didn’t dare touch him, but Ben could feel her close by. He glanced at her over his shoulder.
“The TNT Twins were probably useless, but we need him,” she reminded him. “We need every body we can throw at this.”
Ben hated to admit it (so he wouldn’t), but she had a point. It took him a minute to wrangle in his ire, taking deep breaths to try and calm the power inside him. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t.
This time, it actually worked.
His hand fell back to his side, letting Charlie breathe freely.
“Let’s go.” Ben turned on his heel and headed out.
“Where, uh…where’re we going?” Charlie asked, rubbing his sore neck.
“Looks like we’re getting the team back together,” Ben said grimly.
He tilted his head.
“Well. What’s left of it.”
Two weeks seemed to be an eternity in this cell. Somehow it was even more dull than when you were in Siberia. At the very least, the torture broke up the day.
Vogelbaum had taken a few vials of your blood to analyze, but otherwise, you were left alone.
Your only companion was John, who you discovered was just a ten-year-old kid. He was occupying one of the untold number of cells in this lab. You couldn’t pinpoint exactly where he was, but he felt close by.
You two had been having daily conversations. He told you that he’d grown up on this compound, in the very room they held him in. He didn’t remember his parents, if he had any. He only remembered Dr. Vogelbaum, some guy named Marty, and a few others in the facility.
All of them had run experiments of their own on him. It had broken your heart to hear it from a child.
They’ve burned me a lot, he admitted once, with a sniffle. It never leaves a mark, but…it hurts.
I know, bud. I’ve been burned before, you said, disheartened for him. They wanted to find out how strong you are, huh?
Yeah, I guess. What about you?
Not very, is the answer. I’m more durable than the average human, and I heal a little faster, but…not that strong. My powers don’t really help me as much physically.
What’re your powers?
Well…I’m a siren.
You sensed his confusion. He didn’t know what that was, though he maybe didn’t want to admit it.
Have you ever seen adventure movies? You know, the ones about pirates and buried treasure? you asked.
Um, I’ve seen movies, but Vogelbaum called them documentaries.
What were they about?
Pioneers in the Wild West. The old South. How we conquered the Indians, and why America’s the best country in the world. Stuff like that.
You grimaced. So that wasthe kind of education he was getting in this place.
Okay, a lot to unpack there later, you said. But anyway, you read books, right?
Yeah. They give me a lot of books.
That, you could work with.
Okay, have you ever read The Odyssey? Greek mythology.
Y-Yeah. I remember Odysseus. He’s a hero.
Right, exactly. Well, one of the creatures he comes across on his journey are the sirens. In the story, they live on an island. They’re beautiful women, with beautiful voices. They lure sailors in with their songs and their magic, and the men fall under their spell, every time. They end up wrecking their ships and falling to their deaths.
So…the sirens are monsters.
Yeah, they are, you agreed. Your shoulders deflated with your deep sigh.
I can…compel people. If I touch them, I can make them do whatever I want. Especially men. I know when they’re lying. I know what’s in their hearts when they look at me. And I’ve used that to my advantage. To use them.
That fell between you two for a moment. You could sense John thinking, processing.
Do you like your powers? John asked.
You smiled humorlessly.
No, you answered. You’d never admitted that to anyone before. They’re meant to manipulate people, to hurt people.
I don’t want to hurt people, John said, after a beat. But…I um. I did a couple times. You know, on accident.
I’ve known people who hurt others on purpose, because they can. Because it’s fun. You don’t sound like one of those people.
I don’t want to be. They…want me to be a hero one day.
His voice sounded small again, and almost scared. Like he was afraid of what he could do, and possibly, what Vogelbaum and Stan Edgar and everyone else wantedhim to be.
Well, that’s good. You should never hurt someone just because you can. Or even, just because someone hurt you, you advised, even knowing you were a hypocrite.
Then, an idea formed in your mind. How many times had they burned him without leaving a single mark?
Are you strong, John? you asked him.
Yeah, he replied.
For the first time since you woke up in this nightmare of a place, your smile was genuine.
How strong?
Ben claimed the master bedroom for himself. Charlie and Donna took root on the couch, catching up and reminiscing on how their careers had shaken out after Payback was dismantled. Donna mostly complained about being a permanent fixture at Voughtland.
“At least they got you set up with something stable,” Charlie said. He passed a blunt back to Donna after a long puff. “I never know where the hell I’m gonna be, week after week. Always putting me up in some piece of shit hotel.”
“At least you don’t have to take pictures with snot-nosed kids all day,” she replied, though she eyed him with a smile. Charlie caught the look, with a smile of his own.
“You look good,” he said. “I like the haircut.”
“Oh, stop.” She absently toyed with a strand of her shoulder-length hair. She’d been dying it a deeper red lately. “You really grew into that helmet though.”
He chuckled bashfully. Said helmet was resting on the coffee table, next to the big bag of weed Ben had bought on the way to Virginia. Charlie leaned closer to her and pointed a finger toward wherever their esteemed leader had fucked off to.
“He’s smoking like a chimney, even more than he used to,” Charlie said.
“He’s self-medicating,” Donna nodded. “The Russians did a number on him.”
Part of her maybe twinged with guilt, but even now, she felt justified in her decisions. It wasn’t like she could go back and change anything. Still, if she had known that it would all end up here…
“Christ,” Charlie shook his head.
They stopped their conversation when Ben’s heavy boots thudded back into the room. It seemed that he’d finished his nap, and now ventured out in search of booze. He grabbed the whiskey bottle on the dining table and a glass from the kitchen to give himself a generous pour.
“Uh, I’m thinking we could get some food,” Charlie broached. He got up from the couch. “I don’t mind grabbing something for us.”
“Sit your ass down,” Ben said sharply. He nodded at the landline phone. It sat on an accent table next to the couch. “Order something that delivers, because no one’s going any-fucking-where.”
Charlie pressed his luck one more time. “I’ll be right back, I swear—”
Ben sent him a look of warning. It was enough to make the younger man deflate in surrender.
“Pizza it is,” he said. When Ben turned to head back to his room, Charlie couldn’t help muttering, “For the third time in a row.”
Ben heard him, of course, but he just rolled his eyes. He returned to the bedroom and cracked up the radio on the nightstand. He couldn’t stand hearing any more of Donna and Charlie bickering about what to put on the pizza or what to watch on TV. In a way, it reminded him of old times.
Fuck old times, he thought. He didn’t even much enjoy them the first go around.
He set his glass down on the nightstand and laid in bed over the covers, folding his hands over his chest. He closed his eyes, but rest wouldn’t come to him. He thought of you, and where those bastards at Vought might be keeping you. He could only imagine what they were doing to you, and by now, he had a good imagination.
His jaw clenched with anger, and he drew a hand over his face in frustration.
He felt like he’d already failed.
He’d promised you that you weren’t going back to a cell, that he wouldn’t allow it…and that he’d protect you.
Believe it or not, Ben knew what he was; or more accurately, what he wasn’t. Despite how he’d propped himself up otherwise, deep down, he knew he wasn’t a hero.
But if he could make just one honest save in his long, long life, he’d be damned if it wasn’t you.
No matter how you tried to convince him, John was reluctant to try and escape his cell. You sensed that he didn’t want to leave the facility, even after everything they’d done to him.
At the end of the day, you realized, this was the only life he knew.
Look, I know you’re scared, but we can help each other, you tried to reason with him. I have a…well, I have a boyfriend. His name is Ben. I know he’s looking for me, but I’m not sure he’ll find me here. I need to get back to him before Vought tries anything else.
John didn’t answer you. You sighed. Maybe a softer approach…
What scares you most about leaving? you asked.
I don’t know! Look, just…just leave me alone!
John, wait—
I said leave. Me. ALONE!
The force of his shouted thoughts made you wince. The connection snapped back on you like a rubber band as you lost focus, giving you a stinging headache that radiated behind your eyes. You gasped and rubbed at your temples.
You felt bad for pushing him, but you really needed his help, damn it.
Just when you were about to try and reach out to John again to apologize, and hopefully soothe him, the door of your cell opened.
Vogelbaum was back with a couple of guards armed with tasers and guns. This time, the doctor had a few more empty vials.
“Good afternoon,” he said.
You pursed your lips, but you made no moves to evade him when he came over to sit beside you on your cot. He swabbed at the inside of your arm where he intended to pierce a vein with the needle he held, followed by vials one, two, three, and four of your blood.
“What are you taking my blood for, exactly?” you demanded to know. This was the second time already. “What happens after I fulfill your objective as bait, and you try to set your little trap for Ben?”
Vogelbaum glanced up at you. “We’re not going to hurt you, if that’s what you’re asking.”
Somehow, that still didn’t make you feel any better.
“And why is that?”
“I’m taking your blood to run additional genetic tests,” he said, for the moment ignoring your question.
“Why? What genetic tests?” you pressed.
“Well, this is something we haven’t seen before. It’s going to require a closer look, and some close monitoring of your progress.”
Despite his stoic expression, you sensed a spark of interest in him, of clinical fascination. It reminded you of Dr. Eisenstein. Immediately you were set on edge. Prickles of unease crept down your spine and made you feel cold.
“What do you mean? The Russians’ experiments didn’t do much of anything,” you lied.
“I’m not talking about that,” said Vogelbaum. He finished taking your blood, removed the needle, and cleaned you up.
“Then what?” you snapped. You were losing patience and getting even more worried.
Vogelbaum applied a small bandage where he’d pricked you with the needle, then stepped away.
“Congratulations,” he said in his usual monotone, as he pocketed the vials. “You’re pregnant.”
AN: 🫣 hides until next week lol
Next Time:
We come to Payback's Avengers: Civil War moment!
“Look, we don’t have to do this,” Charlie tried. “Just let him get Sirena out of there. After what you guys did, she doesn’t deserve that.”
Ben glanced at his former sidekick. He actually seemed sincere.
Too bad Noir wasn’t about to go for it. He had Vought’s dick so far up his ass, he wouldn’t likely take a shit without Stan Edgar’s say so. He crouched into a fighting stance and unsheathed his katana. The rest of the guards poured in to flank around him and Mindstorm.
Ben rolled a crack out of his neck.
“Fine. If it’s a war you want, it’s a war you’ll fucking get,” he said.
Noir started charging at him first, but Donna shot off a fireball in his direction.
Chaos ignited from there.
▶️ Keep Reading: PART 12
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#Heroes and Monsters#Lost on You#Part 11#soldier boy x reader#soldier boy x supe!reader#soldier boy#the boys#soldier boy smut#soldier boy x you#soldier boy x female reader#soldier boy fanfiction#the boys tv#the boys amazon#jensen ackles characters#jensen ackles#Soldier Boy imagine#the boys au#the boys fanfiction#jackles#the boys fanfic#the boys season 3#jensen ackles x reader#crimson countess#black noir#stan edgar#gunpowder#payback#the boys x reader#the boys x you#zepskies writes
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Prompt #193
Cw: threats, gory threats
“I could break you right now, little hero,” the creature susurred, gripping the human in its large claws. “Rip you limbs from limb, crack your spine between my teeth.”
“Then why don’t you?” Hero spat, spraying blood.
Their thumb brushed a little too gruffly across Hero’s scalp, wrenching their head with each stroke. “Because you tried to kill me. Now don’t look at me that way; I know everyone tries to kill me. But you got close. Making you unique, valuable. And oh how I love priceless things.”
#hero x villain#hero x monster#human x monster#heroes and monsters#human and monster#hero x villain community#fantasci#prompt#short promot#writing prompt#writblr
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were we born to fight and die, sacrificed for one huge lie? are we heroes keeping peace? or are we weapons, pointed at the enemy so someone else can claim a victory? <- in process of making this about strq (as all things should be) ✌
#(mainly about raven and summer tbh)#by the power of parallels i will make it happen#raven is already there thanks to the tribe and the whole#'training to kill' thing#and there's nothing for summer so it's Free Real Estate™!!#heroes and monsters#the fairy tale coding of it all#mwuah <3#they could have been ✨besties✨ if not for. well. everything
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Choose Your Own Adventure book Stranger Things: Heroes and Monsters by Rana Tahir

#choose your own adventure#stranger things#heroes and monsters#rana tahir#isbn: 9780593644744#random house#scanned item#my scan#netflix
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i’m gonna get this so i can feel something again.
#heroes and monsters#stranger things#eddie munson#dustin henderson#will byers#jane hopper#lucas sinclair#max mayfield#steven harrington#nancy wheeler#mike wheeler#robin buckley#choose your own adventure#it’s like fanfic but not really#eddiessidegirl
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jason's 13 years at the super disciplined camp and several years as a leader of said camp mean it is very unlikely that he is any shade of feral, except for maybe a few minor idiosyncracies that all camp jupiter kids have because they all spent time at the wolf house, but since they all have these traits, they might be considered cultural rather than feral. however, annabeth chase, who was famously left alone until she was seven and was raised by an ancient greek horse man that used to live alone on a mountain, a barely sober god of mental illness, several other mythical beings based on animals, and approximately 37 different traumatized, exhausted, and desperate teenagers at an unregulated summer camp where she learned how to be scary by studying greek monsters, would definitely be somewhere near feral.
#this is me coming out as a feral jason grace hater. he is constantly two things from an OCD meltdown because he was raised to be uptight#annabeth however is and was a little gremlin and you cannot convince me otherwise#the older campers were supposed to babysit her and they came out looking like they just left a war. literally all she wants to do is-#run into traffic on the off chance she finds a monster. the only person who can get her to sit the fuck down and not bite people is luke#pjo#annabeth chase#percy jackson#jason grace#percabeth#heroes of olympus#pjo hoo toa#percy jackson fandom#hoo#pjo fandom#pjo series#percy jackon and the olympians#annabeth pjo#pjo meta#percy jackson meta#mine#my meta
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the lineup if anyone wants that
#rick riordan#percy jackon and the olympians#percy jackson#heroes of olympus#digital art#the lightning thief#the sea of monsters#the titans curse#the battle of the labyrinth#the last olympian
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They haven't even kissed yet. Somebody save them
#claw.art#my hero academia#mha#katsuki bakugou#dekubaku#dkbk#izuku midoriya#bakudeku#bkdk#deku is holding back i fear. hes like i want rush anything!!! i wont!!! but hes like. holding a monster back. he wants that cookie so effing#bad#and bakugou is like omg we're holdings hands. nosebleeds#deku is on step 123 and bakugou is on step 2. dont worry they'll get there eventually
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currently obsessed with the idea of everyone viewing percy as a forced to never be messed with. for the sea is unpredictable and does not like to be restrained and all that jazz. except, frank and hazel. who only see him as just a little guy. a soldier left to his own devices out on the streets with nothing to comfort him but a panda pillow pet and a lingering memory of a girl he loves. he's just a little guy you guys.
#“somebody oughta get this child a fresh set of clothes and a hug.”#“somebody oughta get this child a warm pudding cup and a blue blanket.”#“somebody ought buy this child a new pillow pet to cuddle to sleep and protect him from nightmares.”#and the child in question is a six-foot seasoned war veteran who has saved the world twice before he was sixteen#percy jackon and the olympians#pjo text post#pjo#heroes of olympus#hoo text posts#hoo#percy jackson#frank zhang#hazel levesque#*percy crushing a monster to death using the water up ahead to mimic his hand movements*#*everyone watching in awe and horror*#frank: he just misses his mom and girlfriend you guys#hazel: yeah he's just a little guy
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Gates Dungeons oh my
the Hero Chronicler
Gates: Gates are the first of the mysterious phenomena that inhabit our world that appeared. Not much is actually truly understood about them, However the main theory is that they are actually worm holes that connect our world to another. However they are unstable and due to the nature of the Gate once the core of the gate is destroyed the gate will close.
Gate Access: Gates are only able to be entered by heroes, Heroes can only access gates that correspond to their own level. This is because gates are covered by an invisible magical barrier that can only be breached by a magical power equal or greater than it.
electronics inside: Due to the Magical Barrier, no communication devices can be used inside the gate that also includes items like cameras or gps, due to the magical energy frying the electronic device.
Gate Level: All Gates radiate Mana Energy of a certain level the stronger the Gate Core inside the gate the higher the level, and the higher the level the more dangerous the gate is.
Liminal plane: Inside of the gate resides a pocket dimension that acts as a tethering point between our world. Its appearance varies depending on the gate. This interior world is a melting pot of our world and the other world.
Gate Items: Due to the unstable nature no entity or item that came from inside the gate can be removed from the gate.
Other world: it is unknown if all the gates are connected to the same world or Dimension or if there are multiple different worlds.
The Core: The Core of a gate usually is tied to the most powerful entity inside the Gate, and killing the entity or Boss Monster will cause the closure of the gate causing the gate to be closed and disappear from our world and sending all who are inside the gate to be instantaneously sent back to earth.
Gate Break: this is a Phenomenon that is akin to a natural disaster, its caused by the build up of Mana that can no longer be contained within the Gate causing it rip open the the gate and allowing the inhabitants to come pouring out into our world.Once a Gate Break happens it is then impossible to close it again. Once the gate break happens the dimensional energies will terra form the nearby area, creating a Dungeon.
Dungeons: Dungeons are the permeate fusion between our worlds. Dungeons terraform the surrounding area to what the inside of the interior world looked like.
Dungeons Access: Unlike with gates due to the fact dungeons no longer have their magical barrier that separated our world from the interior plane dungeons can be accessed by anyone including non heroes, this also means that the inhabitants inside the dungeons can leave at any time. This causes them to need to be cordoned off and strictly monitored and purged.
Artifact: Due to the permanent nature of dungeons you can actually take items out of the dungeons. These items include monster crystals, magic items and even gold. All Items from the dungeon are controlled by the Hero association all items must be deposited to the Guild. The magic artifacts will be kept by the Hero by the right of conquest.
The Guild: each Dungeon is managed by the hero association who will then appoint a qualified guild. A guild is in charge of clean up and customs; they make sure that no unauthorized person enters the Dungeon. They also manage the items that come out of the dungeons to make sure no unauthorized items come out. Such as monster parts. Items such as Dungeon Gold and Monster crystals are deposited to the bank of the guild under the hunters account.
Dungeon Diving: Unlike with Gates the inside of a dungeon you are able to use electronic devices, This has led to the creation of a new Sporting event called Dungeon diving where a party will stream or video themselves diving into the dungeon.
#fantasy system#dungeons on earth#Fantasy Earth#The Hero Chronicler world building#Heroes and monsters#original work#worldbuilding#original story
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#not everyone who looks like a hero is a hero and not everyone who looks like a monster is a monster!!!!!#they’re not just sticking to the core theme of the books; they’re ENHANCING the message!!!#percy jackson and the olympians#pjo#percy jackson disney+#disney percy jackson#disney pjo#rick riordan#medusa#percy jackson#percy jackon and the olympians
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i could never be a demigod because quests are literally only for morning people. like why do i have to wake up at the ass crack of dawn just to head to my imminent death with a side of eternal damnation. waking up that early is already punishment enough for paying the debt of my half-godly existence.
#reading trials of apollo and apollo is so real about being tired all the time because damn#trials of apollo#the hidden oracle#the dark prophecy#the tyrants tomb#the burning maze#the tower of nero#heroes of olympus#the lost hero#the son of neptune#the mark of athena#the house of hades#the blood of olympus#percy jackson#pjo#pjo hoo toa#rick riordan#the lightning thief#the sea of monsters#the titan's curse#the battle of the labyrinth#the last olympian#jason grace#annabeth chase#piper mclean#hazel grace#nico di angelo#lester papadopoulos#frank zhang#leo valdez
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xeno'jiva safi'jiva kirishima
#kirishima#kirishima eijirou#bnha#mha#boku no hero academia#my hero academia#fantasy au#dragon kirishima#mha fantasy au#monster hunter#xeno'jiva
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You don't get it..... I wish you would get it.....
#monster hunter art#monster hunter meme#mhw#fatalis#mhw art#monster hunter#mh#shitpost#doodle#proof of a hero hits so hard#I bawl my eyes out#I fucking love monster hunter#My first ever monster hunter game I touched was MH Tri portable#if I remember correctly
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walker really wasn't lying when he said that percy was a double edged sword and every side of him had an opposite side too. there are times percy acts very slow, and some times he is the most brilliant strategist in the series. there are times when he cannot understand the other persons feelings, but there are times when he is the most emotionally intelligent character ever (like when he figured out the core dynamics of the legion members by one session and he was the only one in cotg to not lose his maturity when he turned seven). there are times when hes a humble and nice person, but there are times when he lashes out out of short temper. there are times when there are also times when he's acts like a giggly teenage girl dreaming about his kids, and there are also times when he's the most pessimistic bitter person with the whole 'im going to die in a few days, so what?' attitude. percy jackson really is a double edged sword
#im so happy the actors understand their characters so well#percy jackson#pjo#rick riordan#annabeth chase#percabeth#pjo fandom#percy jackon and the olympians#pjo tv series#annabeth percy jackson#heroes of olympus#pjo tv show#percy series#percy pjo#annabeth#percy and annabeth#pjo meta#pjo art#walker scobell#monster donut#podcast#percy x annabeth#percyjackson#pjo series#pjo spoilers#pjo tv#pjo tv spoilers#pjo tv adaptation#pjo show#grover underwood
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