#the older campers were supposed to babysit her and they came out looking like they just left a war. literally all she wants to do is-
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jason's 13 years at the super disciplined camp and several years as a leader of said camp mean it is very unlikely that he is any shade of feral, except for maybe a few minor idiosyncracies that all camp jupiter kids have because they all spent time at the wolf house, but since they all have these traits, they might be considered cultural rather than feral. however, annabeth chase, who was famously left alone until she was seven and was raised by an ancient greek horse man that used to live alone on a mountain, a barely sober god of mental illness, several other mythical beings based on animals, and approximately 37 different traumatized, exhausted, and desperate teenagers at an unregulated summer camp where she learned how to be scary by studying greek monsters, would definitely be somewhere near feral.
#this is me coming out as a feral jason grace hater. he is constantly two things from an OCD meltdown because he was raised to be uptight#annabeth however is and was a little gremlin and you cannot convince me otherwise#the older campers were supposed to babysit her and they came out looking like they just left a war. literally all she wants to do is-#run into traffic on the off chance she finds a monster. the only person who can get her to sit the fuck down and not bite people is luke#pjo#annabeth chase#percy jackson#jason grace#percabeth#heroes of olympus#pjo hoo toa#percy jackson fandom#hoo#pjo fandom#pjo series#percy jackon and the olympians#annabeth pjo#pjo meta#percy jackson meta#mine#my meta
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Sleeping In The Woods: One
It was never in Virgil’s plan to be a camp counselor, he had never been a fan of kids.
It was never in his plan to learn to enjoy each of the boy’s company, he had never wanted to learn the truths behind their fake smiles.
It was never in his plan to get wrapped up in things he didn’t understand, he had always preferred to keep to himself.
None of it was ever his plan, but he’d do whatever he’d have to save everyone- even if it means risking himself.
General taglist: @ashensanity @angels-and-dreams @ollyollyoxinfree @gattonero17
Virgil had never been a fan of children.
They were loud, annoying, needy, and tried his patience to the point that driving off a cliff would be better than babysitting.
But when his mother had demanded that he get a job for the summer instead of: “becoming the newest piece of furniture in their home”, his father had unfortunately overheard. And of course because of truly cinematic timing, one of his coworkers had a son, Thomas, who would be working at Camp Storytime which was short a counselor.
Virgil already hated it at the sound of its name.
But upon research he had learned that due to being a camp for rich kids, the pay was very nice. So he had put on his best fake smile for that Skype interview where he had essentially lied to every question.
“Let's start easy, do you like kids?”
“Of course. Why would I be applying if I didn’t?”
The camp director had given a laugh, “So what age do you prefer?”
“I don’t really have a preference, but given I just graduated high school I’m not sure some of the older kids would really respect me.”
“Do you enjoy fairy tales? And all that goes with them? The younger kids are really into all of our themes. We have Pirate Days, and Royalty Days, and last summer we even had a Monster Day. Does that sound like something you’d be interested in?”
“Yeah, it sounds fun. What’s not to like about being a pirate? Well, other than scurvy.”
Despite getting the job, Virgil was not one hundred percent he could pull off the facade necessary to get through the summer.
But with training ending and campers arriving in a couple days, he didn’t really have a choice.
“Alright now that general training rules and protocol have been drilled into your head, it’s time to find out which cabin you’ve got and get your rosters. So you’ve got the rest of the day to move in and start prepping.”
Virgil gave a heavy swallow as the papers were passed around. For the last few nights they had all shared one cabin while the others were being prepared for campers, but now he was going to have to move elsewhere and truly begin to prepare for responsibility.
He just hoped he was paired with one of the more competent counselors.
“Oh I got the Prince Cabin with Jon,” Thomas commented handing the stack of papers to Virgil.
Virgil glanced over Thomas’s shoulder, “Nineteen of them, you enjoy that.”
Thomas shrugged, “What do you have?”
Virgil gave a breath and finally flipped through and pulled out the assignment sheet with his name in confusion.
While it clearly said which grade and cabin was his, 4th and Wizard Cabin, it only listed five names under campers.
“Only five?” Thomas asked in surprise. “There’s really not that many Wizards this year, huh?”
“I’m by myself,” Virgil realized after a short pause as he passed the papers on.
“Well yeah, the ratio is ten to one. So you lucked out with half that.”
Virgil blinked before looking Thomas in the eye, “But I don’t know what I’m doing.”
“Fake it till you make it? But hey, if you really need help I’m in the Cabin next door.”
Virgil mumbled a thank you in reply.
Another thing Virgil had never been amazing at was decorations. And yet he had been tasked with decorating the cabin in a “wizard theme”. He wasn’t even sure he knew what that meant. So for now he guessed, and decided he was going to over use glitter, make some wands out of something, and maybe throw some glow in the dark stars up- was that too young for fourth graders?
Oh well, they would have to deal with it.
“Your stars are in the wrong places.”
Virgil’s mouth had opened and closed as the kid walked past him to sit on a bottom bunk bed. He looked at Virgil with a bored expression from behind his glasses, “This one says Dante but I want to sleep here.”
“Logan Ackroyd,” his mother chided before he held out a hand. “I apologize, you said it was Virgil, right? I’m Patricia Ackroyd, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Virgil nodded slowly before he pulled off the “Dante” sign and moved to the Logan one to switch them, silently wondering why the name sounded familiar.
“Oh you don’t have to,” his mother tried. “I’m sorry he’s being difficult.” She then sent her son a look which he stiffened at. “Usually he holds himself with a better demeanor.”
“It’s fine,” Virgil told her switching the signs. “I figured that I might get a complaint if I labeled things anyway.”
“I notice there’s only five names?”
“Only five kids apparently.”
“Interesting. Well Logan, let's get you unpacked.”
Virgil made awkward small talk as they did so before the next campers voices could be heard as they approached.
“But why can’t we be in the Prince Cabin,” groaned a small voice before an exasperated voice replied,
“That one’s for fifth graders.”
“But I don’t want to be a wizard!”
“Me neither!”
“Doesn’t matter what you want!”
The voices turned out to belong to the two twins which had been on his list. Roman and Remus Regis. Along with them were their parents- who did not look happy to be there. But then again the movie stars that they were, he guessed they didn’t really love the idea of being in a dirty forest.
“Sentor!” Their mother, Daniela Regis he recalled, cried suddenly excited going over to where Logan’s mother had been kneeling by a very small dresser (Virgil silently wondered the point of having dressers at all when each looked like they held four shirts at once). “It’s so good to meet you again.”
Well, these were supposed to be rich kids.
Logan’s mother stood and gave a well practiced smile as she dusted off her skirt. “Hello Daniela.”
“You the counselor?”
Virgil turned away from the women to the man who had entered, movie star Michael Regis. Virgil hoped he was good at poker faces, “Yes. I’m Virgil.”
He nodded and set down the two suitcases beside the beds, “Keep them in check.”
“Got it...”
With that the man moved beside his wife to chat up senator Ackroyd.
“I’m Remus,” one the twins stated looking over to Logan. Virgil made a mental note that Remus was the one with a light patch in his hair. “This is my brother Roman. I’m gonna guess you’re Logan?”
Logan looked away from the conversation in front of him and gave a stiff nod, “Yes.” The boy said it with such finality that made it clear that he didn’t want to be spoken to, but that sentiment was apparently ignored.
“Have you ever been to a camp like this before?” Roman asked him.
“Do you like pranks?” Remus added.
“I’m gonna unpack,” was Logan’s reply as he moved to do so.
“Logan,” Mrs. Ackroyd tried, but the Regis’ were not letting up.
“Really? You know the director?”
For an actress Mrs. Regis was not very good at sounding as if she hadn’t rehearsed.
“Did you make the wands?” Roman asked appearing at Virgil's side.
“Uh yeah... I did. Why?”
The wands weren’t anything too special. He had simply taken a few cool looking sticks and cut them down with a pocket knife. And then Thomas had thought they were plain and had doodled on some mainly out of boredom.
“Ollivander said the wand chooses the person. And you chose for us.”
Virgil blinked, before he came up with a quick response, “You're not eleven yet. These are trainer wands.”
The boy seemed surprised by the response, but with that he backed off. Unfortunately Logan didn’t.
“Do we have to wear robes?”
“It’s summer so I think we can make an exception. Plus, we’re not British.”
Whatever was going to be his response was cut off by the sound of loud laughter from outside. And then moments later two women and a little boy entered. The first woman Virgil recognized as the head counselor as Delia, but the other woman looked like she should be anywhere but the middle of the woods.
She was tall, skinny, wearing a tube top and a very short skirt with tall heels. Her long dark hair was done in a fancy way and her make up was perfect too.
It just didn’t make sense. At all.
“I was coming to check in and I bumped into another one of yours,” Delia smiled. “This is Charlotte Ekans and her son Dante.”
Beside the super out of place looking woman Dante gave a smile and wave and Virgil forced himself not to stare at the boy’s half scarred face.
“I’m Virgil,” Virgil introduced. He then motioned to an empty bunk bed, “That spot over there is yours. Since there’s only five of you guys each get a top and bottom bunk to yourselves.”
“So you’re missing one?” Delia observed. “That’s not bad. Alright I’m heading to the next Cabin.”
“Michael! How are you?” Virgil’s attention was redirected as Mrs. Ekans walked up to Mr. Regis and pulled him into a tight hug. “How long has it been?”
“Hello Charlotte,” Mrs. Regis said as she gave a tight lipped smile. “I didn’t know your son went to this camp?”
“This is his second summer,” she replied letting go of Mr. Regis to hug his wife.
She pushed away near instantly, “We should be going Michael.”
The two left then with a few parting words to the Senator- and yet none to their sons.
“How are you Patricia?” Mrs. Ekans asked heading back to Dante to help him unpack.
“I’m fine,” Mrs. Ackroyd replied. “I do thank you for clearing my space to breathe.”
“You can always count on me for anything ... you know that.”
“Can I change my sign?” Dante asked Virgil. “I like to go by Dee.”
Dammit he should’ve thought about what the kids preferred.
“We have arts and crafts tomorrow,” Virgil started. “You could make a new one?”
Dee nodded satisfied as he pulled out his bedding, “That works.” He then looked to the other three boys in the room, “I’m Dee. What’s your names?”
“I’m Roman!” Remus answered eagerly. Wait. That was Remus wasn’t it? “What happened to your face?”
Virgil sucked in a breath quickly as he took a step forward, “Roman- Remus, either lets not ask people personal questions like that, okay?”
But apparently it hadn’t bothered Dee as he leaned forward on his bed, “Take a guess.”
Remus(?) gave a large smile, “You were abducted by aliens?”
“Attacked by a shark!”
“Wouldn’t something like a car crash make more sense?” Logan interrupted. “Or just being born with it?”
“But that’s boring,” Remus complained. “Ooo! What about jumping out of a speeding car?”
“Logan we mind our own business,” his mother stated sternly.
“It’s fine,” Dee told her with a smile. “And no to the speeding car.”
“Bear attack?”
“Lochness monster- no Bigfoot!”
“Still no.”
“I’m going to figure it out,” Roman(?) replied.
“You won’t,” he smiled back before he pointed to the twin who hadn’t been speaking. “So he's Roman. What’s your name again?”
“Remus, I’m the one going gray from having the stress of a younger twin.”
Roman hit his brother with a pillow in reply.
Virgil blinked as he ran the encounter over in his head. How did he know that wasn’t Roman when Remus has introduced himself as his brother?
“Alright Lo, I think you’re all set,” Mrs. Ackroyd was saying as she pulled her son into a hug. “Remember the rules?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“All of them?”
“Good,” she pressed a kiss to his hair. “Love you.” She went to leave, but she hesitated at the door. “Charlotte are you perhaps free this evening?”
The other mother gave her a smile, “I have plans. But I can walk out with you? And if you’re feeling generous enough, could you give me a ride back? We were dropped off.”
“Then how were you planning to get back in the first place?”
“Who knows.”
The two women left then leaving Virgil alone with four kids.
The living nightmare was beginning.
He gave a sigh as he sat on one one of the unused beds.
The pay is great. The pay is great. The pay is great.
“So what do we do now?” Roman asked him.
Virgil cringed, “Well the plan is just for us to hang out here for the rest of the afternoon until dinner. After that is a campfire then bed. Then tomorrow we have a full day with swimming, arts and crafts, games and other things.”
“Can we go explore?” Remus asked.
Virgil shook his head, “Sorry, but no. There’s only one of me and I need to stay here in case our last camper shows up. But we can all play a game in here?”
“What kind of game?”
“Um... that depends on what you guys like.”
“Let’s play mafia!” Dee cheered after a moment.
“We need more people for that,” Logan disagreed. “Are there any board games?”
“No,” Virgil answered. “They’re in a different building.”
“Let’s play quack-a-dilly-oh-my,” Roman suggested.
With that they had gathered in a circle on the floor and begun to play- until an argument about the lyrics had arose.
“It’s eat a marshmallow,” Logan said crossing his arms.
Remus shook his head, “No it’s your face is turning yellow!”
“It’s yellow,” Dee agreed while Roman nodded. “Right Virgil?”
Virgil shrugged, “I grew up with both.”
“See? He’s on our side.”
“That's not what he said,” Logan disagreed.
“Either way you’re outnumbered,” Roman announced. “So what does your opinion matter?”
“Everyone’s opinion matters,” Virgil tried but he didn’t think he was heard.
As the argument escalated Virgil gave a groan, thankfully he was saved by the door opening and a boy walking in beside Thomas.
“This one got a bit lost,” Thomas explained setting down the kid’s bag. “This is Patton.”
Patton gave a wide smile, “Hi! What are your names?”
While the other boys stood up to introduce themselves Virgil moved over to Thomas. “Where’s his parents?” He asked quietly.
Thomas gave a shrug, “He was just left at the entrance.”
Virgil gave an awkward nod and looked back to the boys.
“Patton, are the lyrics to quack-a-dilly-oh-my ‘eat a marshmallow’ or ‘your face is turning yellow’?” Logan asked.
Patton seemed confused by the question but he answered anyway as he put his small backpack on his bed, “It’s marshmallow- oh cool a wand!”
“You’re still outnumbered,” Roman reminded him.
Logan gave a frown before he turned to Thomas. But Thomas was faster, “Well I need to get back to my own cabin.”
Someway, somehow, Virgil managed to survive the afternoon. He had helped Patton set up his bed (before the twins because they hadn’t actually done more then dump stuff out) and then it had been time to take a small tour.
He showed them places around the camp, from the fields to the bathrooms, to the dining hall for dinner and a few others in between. And for a little while Virgil thought he could actually do this.
And then a scream woke him in the middle of the night.
Virgil shot up from his bed and promptly fell to the floor. He hurried out his room and into the next one hitting the light as he did. When he did he found Remus and Dee laying on the floor cackling beside Roman who was comforting a crying Patton. Meanwhile Logan gave the world a glare from where he had sat up in his bed.
“He’s fine,” Dee laughed.
“The spider is fake Patton!” Roman was trying.
“Can we reenact that?” Remus asked between gasps of laughter. “Virgil can take a video!”
“You’re all stupid,” Logan mumbled flopping back down and pulling a blanket over his head.
Virgil gave a deep breath calm down his now quick beating heart, but his fear as he did his worry was replaced by anger. “All of you, go to bed!”
“Some of us are trying!” Logan shouted back.
“It's the first night of camp,” Dee frowned. “Did you expect us to sleep?”
Virgil gave the child an annoyed glare, “I expect you to be quiet enough that I can sleep.”
“Have you ever been to camp before?”
“Get in your bed. I don't give a-” He forced himself to take a breath. “Just get in your bed and be quiet. All of you... Patton do you want water or something?”
Patton had calmed slightly and shook his head as he wiped at his eyes, “‘M okay.”
Virgil nodded and headed back to his room. “Just be quiet. No. Be silent. Understood?”
“Yes Mr. Virgil!” Remus mocked climbing into his bed.
It was going to be a long summer.
One - Two
Welcome to yet another AU!
As with all my aus the original idea was to have happy fluff throughout because I realize I’ve done all the sides as kids except Dee. But if you can read the description that’s not where we will end up.
But welcome to the ride!
#virgil is already so done#angst will come#so will fluff#summercampau#kid fic#kid!roman#virgil sanders#kid!remus#kid!logan#kid!patton#kid!deceit#sympathetic deceit#character!thomas#sanders sides fic#sanders sides
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Camp Camp Actor AU
So me and my friends decided to make a Camp Camp Actor AU!
To make it easier for the kids, the characters keep their actors first name. Therefore David is played by David, Gwen plays Gwen, etc.
Max is David’s adopted son. Max was neglected as a baby and taken in by David's parents as a foster kid. Once he turned 18, David adopted Max because his parents couldn’t but he didn’t want to lose the then 4 year-old Max. Despite that he is a very good Dad to Max and makes sure he’s comfortable at all times. Just. David is a good Dad okay.
Talking about David’s family, he and Daniel are actually twins. He prefers to be called Danny though. He helped David take care of Max a lot in the beginning of their acting career, taking turns on who takes care of him depending on who had auditions/filming.
Sometimes he and Max go on adventures while he’s babysitting and David’s like No Max cannot go rockclimbing Daniel he’s tOO SMALL DANIEL!
Daniel is actually an atheist.
He keeps making fun of his role for drinking his own poison. He thinks that’s one of the dumbest ways you could possibly die.
‘Davey’ is Davids little brother. He’s the only one in Camp Camp who’s rolename isn’t his real name. His actual name is James, but the other kids usually call him Jimmy.
They have a sister that is starring in a Western produced by the same studio.
Daniel never not has a gift for his nephew. He kept lurking around the set before and after his episode a lot because 1. he didn’t have any other obligations at the moment and 2. he loves seeing his brother and nephew play their roles, be it in a show or an advertisement.
Due to Max history, scenes that reference the neglect of Character!Max are very hard on both Max and David. They had to retake the scenes from Parent’s Day a lot because David kept starting to cry. Everyone actually went for Pizza after that, not only to celebrate finishing filming for the season 2 finale, but also to cheer up David and Max.
Mr. Honeynuts is actually Max teddy bear from baby times that went through a lot as he grew up. He usually sits on the shelf nowadays in a self made cardboard chair with a blanket and pillow enjoying his 'retirement' to make sure he doesn’t break apart. When the script called for a beat up teddy they had him join their actor family.
Gwen and Jen(nifer) are sisters and while they’re a year apart in age they look a lot like each other. Jennifer is the older one of them.
Offstage Max is a real sweetheart and actually acts like a ten year-old. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t like pranks though. He and Daniel love playing pranks on David together.
Daniel always had a thing for pranking his brother. As a kid David never left out a chance to prank his brother back but now tries to set a good example for Max, so when he pranks Daniel back nowadays he makes sure it’s not too bad and tries to avoid Max being around.
In the beginning Max always messed up his lines and said Dad instead of David.
Nikki and Neil are actually siblings.
Cameron always brings cakes and other baked goods for everyone and is overall a really sweet guy. He bakes everything himself and is overall a great cook.
Dolph (short for Rudolph) asks if his character could be changed everyday because he hates it but his mom is sick and they need the money so he can’t do much.
After the season 2 finale everyone got together and threatened to leave the show if Dolph’s character wasn’t changed to something less....bad. It worked and his character was changed for season 3. The first episode switches between David taking the campers on a hike and Gwen explaining to dolph who he acts like and then helping him change his outfit and hairstyle. After the episode all that is left of season 1/2 Dolph is the accent and the love for art. His role name is changed to Rudi.
The Quartermaster just showed up one day. In "Quartermaster Appreciation Day", the script had David give the Quartermaster a raise and the episode was supposed to focus on the campers trying to find a present. Instead, the Quartersister walked in. Everyone's like 'David who the fuck is THAT'. Poor guy has no idea though. But because they were close to deadline they were supposed to just stay in character if something happened.
Cameraman: gesture to keep going. David:...."your very own qUARTER..SISTER"
Neil is autistic.
Germy Fartz is actually a really popular child actor who agreed to this role for the hell of it. All the kids were like wow its so cool to meet u who're you playing. And Germys like "i'm fart guy"
Cue immense giggles from all children.
Bonquisha usually plays the heroine in an action series and is pretty much a 'guest star' in ep7. She came back cause fans kept asking if Character!David was single and how the date with Character!Bonquisha went. So they made Bonjour Bonquisha. Since no one recognised her in the show it’s widely believed in the fandom that the action series whos lead Bonquisha plays either doesn’t exist in the Camp Camp universe or has another actress in her role.
Jacob played her love interest in her last movie and his appearance as her new lover is a nod to that.
Space Kid was supposed to only wear a NASA cap and jacket, but when auditions started and Neil Armstrong Jr. showed up in a self made space suit it was changed to fit him more. He wanted to get this role because he had the fascination for space basically layed in the crib and always loved both space and acting.
The other kids all call him Nebby (from Nebula) off set to avoid confusion between the two Neils. He loves this nickname.
When Max first started to get involved in acting and such David really wanted to support him but he was worried about the whole acting world and how it'll affect him. Especially because Max was neglected- he wants attention because of it. What if acting gives him the wrong attention? David is Worried but still supportive
So David gets him an acting coach and Max tries for commercials and David's talking with Max's therapist and coach on the sideline just checking in and being a good father.
Then Max tries for this role and David is Worried because its kinda close to home a bit with the "bad parents jokes" but Max really wants to do it and he does great! He gets a callback! McDonalds for dinner!
When the casting director went on break during auditions for Max' role he thought about how for the role of the male counselor they needed a man that looked like god himself would go to him for comfort. Cue him running into David calming down a young boy that had lost his parents in the chaos of auditions.
In the original pitch of the show, Max’s role was called Tony.
Aaaaand that’s the basics!
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A Whole New World: Wendigo Part 2
Hey guys! I had to finish writing the other chapter for fanfiction, so that's why this is coming up a little bit late. This series hasn't been doing so well here on Tumblr. I guess I need to change up the tags. I still love you guys. Here's the next chapter of A Whole New World.
To catch up here's my MASTERLIST
"So, Blackwater Ridge doesn't get a lot of traffic. Local campers, mostly, but still, this past April, two hikers went missing out there. They were never found." Sam said as we sat down at a table in the local bar.
"Any before that?" Dean asked. Sam pulled out newspapers to show us. "Yeah, in 1982, eight different people all vanished in the same year. Authorities said it was a grizzly attack." Sam said pointing at the specific article he was talking about. The headline said Grizzly Bear Attack! It just talked about how these people disappeared and the authorities couldn't ever figure out what happened to them. Sam then pulled out his laptop. "And again in 1959 and again before that in 1936." He pulled up Tom's video that Hailey sent us. "Every twenty-three years, just like clockwork. Okay. Watch this. Here's a clincher. I downloaded that guy Tommy's video to the laptop. Check this out." Sam said going through the specific frames showing us them one at a time. A shadow suddenly crossed the screen.
"Do it again." Dean said. Sam showed those same frames again.
"That's three frames. That's a fraction of a second. Whatever that thing is, it can move."
"Woah, that is nuts." I said surprised at looking at the video in person. Dean then hit Sam. Sam looks at him.
"Told you something weird was going on." Dean said.
"Yeah." Sam then closed the laptop. "I got one more thing." Sam handed Dean and I another newspaper article. "In fifty-nine one camper survived this supposed grizzly attack. Just a kid. Barely crawled out of the woods alive."
"Is there a name?" Dean asked.
"Yeah, I already looked the guy up. He still lives in the area. Let's get going." We grabbed our stuff and left the bar. After a while, we pulled up to the house of the man I assumed was the kid. When we knocked on the door, an older man with a cigarette in his mouth answered the door.
"Hello, are you Mr. Shaw?" Sam asked.
"Yeah, who's asking?" Sam and Dean held up their fake ranger badges.
"This is I'm Ranger Flatts and this is my partner Ranger Young. We're here to talk to you about something that happened to you in 1959." The man went rigid when Dean said that last part. The man walked out and we started walking outside.
"Look ranger, I don't know whey you're asking me about this. It's public record. I was a kid. My parents got mauled by a-"
"Grizzly? That's what attacked them?" Sam asked. Shaw nodded.
"The other people that went missing that year, those bear attacks too?" Dean asked. Shaw didn't do anything. "What about all the people that went missing this year? Same thing?" Still nothing. "We knew what were dealing with, we might be able to stop it."
"I seriously doubt that. Anyways, I don't see what difference it would make." Shaw sat down in a chair. "You wouldn't believe me. Nobody ever did." Sam down across from Mr. Shaw.
"Mr. Shaw, what did you see?" Sam asked. There was silence.
"Nothing. It moved too fast to see. It hid too well. I heard it, though. A roar. Like…no man or animal I ever heard."
"It came at night?" I asked. Mr. Shaw nodded. "Got inside your tent?"
"It got inside our cabin. I was sleeping in front of the fireplace when it came in. It didn't smash a window or break the door. It unlocked it. Do you know of a bear that could do something like that? I didn't even wake up till I heard my parents screaming."
"It killed them?" Sam asked.
"Dragged them off into the night." He shook his head. "Why it left me alive…been asking myself that ever since." His hands go up to his collar. "Did leave me this, though." He opened his shirt to reveal three scars that were clearly made by claws. "There's something evil in those woods. It was some sort of a demon." I knew it wasn't a demon. This was not going to be fun. We drove back to our motel and started planning.
"Spirits and demons don't have to unlock doors. If they want inside, they just go through the walls." Dean said.
"So it's probably something else, something corporeal." Sam said.
"Corporeal? Excuse me, professor." Sam gave him a shove on the shoulder.
"Shut up. So what do you two think?" Sam asked.
"Werewolf?" I asked even though I know what it is.
"No too fast to be a werewolf. The claws, the speed that it moves…could be a skin walker, maybe a black dog. Whatever we're talking about, we're talking about a creature, and it's corporeal. Which means we can kill it." We walked out to the Impala and drove to the park again. Dean goes over to the trunk and starts putting guns into a duffel bag. Me and Sam walk over to him.
"We cannot let that Haley girl go out there." I said.
"Oh yeah? What are we gonna tell her? That she can't go into the woods because of a big scary monster?" Dean snapped at me.
"Hey lay off and maybe she has a point. We don't know what we're dealing with." Dean looked at Sam.
"Her brother's missing, Sam, Kate. She's not gonna just sit this out. Now we go with her, we protect her, and we keep our eyes peeled for our fuzzy predator friend." Dean picked up the duffel.
"Finding Dad's not enough?" Sam asked. Sam shut the trunk. "Now we gotta babysit too?" Dean just stared at Sam. "What?"
"Nothing." Dean said as he threw the duffel bag at Sam and walked off. Sam and I just stared after him. We then grabbed our stuff and followed after Dean. We headed towards the forest just to see Haley, Ben, and another guy who's name I couldn't remember, but I'm pretty sure he's the one that dies for being a jerk basically. They look like they are about to head out into the forest as well. We got out of the car. I noticed that all three were staring at us. I got out with the duffel bag full of guns, but Sam grabbed it from me.
"You guys got room for three more?" I asked.
"Wait, you want to come with us?" Haley asked.
"Who are these guys?" The guy said.
"Apparently this is all the park service could muster up for the search and rescue." Sam walked past everyone into the forest. I followed after him.
"You're rangers?" The guy said.
"That's right." Dean said.
"And you're hiking out in biker boots and jeans?" Haley asked.
"Well, sweetheart, I don't do shorts."
"What, you think this is funny? It's dangerous back country out there. Her brother might be hurt." Me and Sam looked back at the guy.
"Believe me, I know how dangerous it can be. We just wanna help them find their brother, that's all." Dean walked past me and Sam. We started walking again. We walked for about another hour before anyone said anything again. Roy was leading us with me and Sam in the back.
"So, what do you think?" I asked Sam.
"I have no clue. You got something?" He asked.
"I heard this legend this one time-" Ben walked away from Haley and Dean. Dean gave us a look saying that we should go follow and we did. "We'll talk about this later." I said. Sam nodded. Later in the day, we finally go to Blackwater Ridge. Sam walked up ahead of the guy, who I finally found out his name is Roy.
"This is it. Blackwater Ridge." Roy said.
"What coordinates are we at?" Sam asked. Roy pulled out a GPS and looked at it.
"Thirty-five and minus one-eleven." Roy said. Dean and I walked up to Sam.
"You hear that?" Dean asked.
"What? I don't hear anything." I said.
"That's the point. Nothing's making a sound. Not even a cricket." Sam said.
"I'm gonna go take a look around." Roy said.
"You shouldn't go off by yourself." I said.
"That's sweet, sweetheart. Don't worry about me." Roy said while waving his gun and pushed past us. Dean looked at Ben and Haley
"All right, everybody stays together. Let's go." We headed off and to find a place where we could stay for the night.
"Haley! Over here!" Roy said. Haley ran towards Roy. We soon followed.
"Oh my God." Haley said. The place was trashed. This was nuts. Everything was torn up, blood was everywhere, and the supplies were everywhere in the area.
"Looks like a grizzly." Roy said. I rolled my eyes. This was most definitely not a grizzly.
"Tommy?" Haley said as she took off her backpack and looks through everything in the campsite. "Tommy!" Sam ran over to Haley.
"Shh." Sam said.
"Tommy!" Haley screamed again.
"Shh." Sam said trying to get her to be quiet.
"Why?" Haley said when she finally calmed down a bit.
"Something might still be out there." Sam said.
"Sam!" I yelled as me and Dean noticed something. Sam came over to where we were.
"The bodies were dragged from the campsite. But here, the tracks just vanish. That's weird." Dean said. We stood up and turned back to the others. "I'll tell you what, that's no skin walker or black dog." We head back to the others to notice Haley looking at something that had blood on it. She started crying so Dean walked over to where she was. "Hey, he could still be alive." Dean said trying to comfort her. She gave him a look.
"Help! Help!" Someone from the woods yelled. We ran to where we were hearing this voice with Roy in the lead. "Help! Somebody!" The voice yelled again. We couldn't find anyone.
"It seemed like it was coming from around here, didn't it?" Haley said. We just stood there and tried to listen to anything.
"Everybody back to camp." Sam said suddenly. When we got back to camp, everything was gone.
"Our packs!" I exclaimed.
"So much for my GPS and my satellite phone." Roy said.
"What the hell is going on?" Haley asked turning to us.
"It's smart. It wants to cut us off so we can't call for help." Sam said.
"You mean someone, some nut job out there just stole all our gear." Roy said. Sam walked over to where me and Dean were standing.
"I need to speak with you two in private." We headed a little ways away from the others. "Good. Let me see Dad's journal." Dean handed the journal to Sam. He opened it and found the page he was looking for. "All right, check that out." He pointed to a drawing of a Wendigo.
"Oh come one, wendigos are in the Minnesota woods or northern Michigan. I've never even heard of one this far west." Dean said.
"That's what I was thinking of earlier." I said to Sam.
"Think about it, Dean, the claws, the way it can mimic a human voice." Sam said.
"Great." Dean took out his gun. "Well then this is useless." Sam gave Dean the journal and headed back but stopped.
"We gotta get these people to safety." He said. We headed back to the campsite. "All right, listen up, it's time to go. Things have gotten…more complicated."
"What?" Haley asked.
"Kid, don't worry. Whatever's out there, I think I can handle it." Roy said.
"It's not me I'm worried about. If you shoot this thing, you're just gonna make it mad. We have to leave. Now." Sam said.
"One, you're talking nonsense. Two, you're in no position to give anybody orders." Roy said
"Relax." Dean said.
"We never should have let you come out here in the first place, all right? I'm trying to protect you." Roy moved to get up in Sam's business. I started to try to break the two apart, but Dean put an arm in front of me to stop me from doing that.
"You protect me? I was hunting these woods when your mommy was still kissing you good night." I held back a gasp knowing what happened to Mary.
"Yeah? It's a damn near perfect hunter. It's smarter than you, and it's gonna hunt you down and eat you alive unless we get your stupid ass out of here." He was majorly angry now. Roy just laughed.
"You know you're crazy, right?"
"Yeah? You ever hunt a wen-" Dean finally stepped in and pushed Sam away from Roy.
"Roy!" Haley exclaimed
"Chill out." Dean said.
"Stop. Stop it. Everybody just stop. Look. Tommy might still be alive, and I'm not leaving here without him." Haley said. There was a long pause.
"It's getting late. This thing is a good hunter in the day, but an unbelievable hunter at night. We'll never beat it, not in the dark. We need to settle in and protect ourselves." Dean said.
"How?" Haley asked. Me, Dean, and Sam started drawing symbols in the ground to protect us from the wendigo. Dean and Haley were talking. I stopped to eat a few of the MnMs I had in a bag in my pocket. I figured that it might be a good idea to have some just in case. Sam noticed and laughed.
"You brought some too?" He asked.
"Hey, these things are amazing."
"Whatever you say." There was silence for a while.
"Do you think we're going to be able to stop this?" I asked.
"We have to or we'll probably die."
"We need fire you do realize that right?"
"Yeah, well in our packs we did have flares." "So what are we going to do?"
"Try and get back to the Impala maybe."
"That might take too long. Tommy might die by then."
"I have no idea what we're going to do." When we were done, we sat at the edge of the campsite since Sam and Roy were not getting along at the moment. Dean came up to us after a while.
"You wanna tell me what's going on in that freaky head of yours?" Dean asked.
"Dean-" Sam started.
"No, you're not fine. You're like a powder keg, man, it's not like you. I'm supposed to be the belligerent one, remember? Then, Kate over here is the one to save our butts." I smiled. There was a pause.
"Dad's not here. I mean, that much we know for sure, right? He would have left us a message, a sign, right?" Sam asked.
"Yeah you're probably right. Tell you the truth, I don't think Dad's ever been to Lost Creek." Dean said.
"Then let's get these people back to town and let's hit the road. Go find Dad. I mean, why are we still even here?" Sam asked.
"This is why." I said as Dean held out John's journal.
"This book. This is Dad's single most valuable possession-everything he knows about every evil thing is in here, and he's passed it on to us. I think he wants us to pick up where he left off. You know, saving people, hunting things. The family business." Dean said. Sam just shook his head.
"That makes no sense. Why doesn't he just-call us? Why doesn't he-tell us what he wants, tell us where he is?" Sam asked clearly frustrated.
"I dunno. But the way I see it, Dad's giving us a job to do, and I intend to do it. Are you with me Kate?" Dean asked.
"I understand that we need to help people. That should always come first, but what if your dad is in trouble?" I asked.
"Dean…she has a point. I gotta find Dad. I gotta find Jessica's killer. It's the only thing I can think about."
"Okay, all right, Sam, we'll find them, I promise. Listen to me. You've gotta prepare yourself. I mean, this search could take a while, and all that anger, you can't keep it burning over the long haul. It's gonna kill you. You gotta have patience, man." Sam looked down, then back up.
"How do you do it? How does Dad do it?" Dean looked over to where Hailey and Ben were.
"Well for one, them." Sam looked at them as well. "I mean, I figure our family's so screwed to hell, maybe we can help some others. Makes things a little bit more bearable." He paused. "I'll tell you what else helps." Sam looked straight at Dean. "Killing as many evil sons of bitches as I possibly can." Me and Sam smiled at that. Suddenly a twig snapped and all three of us were on high alert.
"Help me! Please!" A voice said from the woods. Dean stood up and got his gun out. "Help!" Sam and I were shining our flashlights around trying to see anything.
"He's trying to draw us out. Just stay cool, stay put." Dean said.
"Inside the magic circle?" Roy said sarcastically.
"Help! Help me!" The voice said again. Then there was a growling noise. Roy pointed his gun in the direction where the noise came from.
"Okay, that's no grizzly." Roy said. Something rushed past near where Haley and Ben were and Haley shrieked.
"It's here." Sam said. Roy shot the Wendigo twice. I knew that was a really terrible idea.
"I hit it!" Roy exclaimed as he ran off to go find what the creature was.
"Roy, no! Roy!" Dean yelled. He turned to Haley and Ben. "Don't move." We then ran after Roy.
"It's over here! It's in the tree!" Roy yelled. Just then the wending reached down from the tree and killed Roy. I screamed.
"Roy!" Dean exclaimed. I knew that was going to happen, but it didn't scare me any less.
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