#raven is already there thanks to the tribe and the whole
strqyr · 5 months
were we born to fight and die, sacrificed for one huge lie? are we heroes keeping peace? or are we weapons, pointed at the enemy so someone else can claim a victory? <- in process of making this about strq (as all things should be) ✌
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olivescales3 · 10 months
Happy WBW! What species of your world I'd wrongfully demonized? Rightfully demonized? Reclaimed by a bunch of mentally ill kids as their favorite because they relate to the way it's treated?
Thank you mutual for the ask!
I've been busy recently, so the other asks will only be replied to mid-December. Sorry :(
In Chima, each species of animal forms its unique tribe, therefore ravens will form the Raven Tribe as an example. The tribes don't mix up (unless they form a strict alliance like the Ice Hunters), as each tribe is essentially made out of one species each. No animal there forms one species as a whole, because they all came from different ancestors, and thus are not compatible with one another, even if Chi brought these animal species closer with similarities such as sapience.
I don't know if I explained it correctly. A quick summary:
Eagle Tribe -> Eagle Legend Beast as common ancestor; Raven Tribe -> Raven Legend beast as common ancestor; Eagle Tribe ≠ Raven Tribe, Eagle LB ≠ Raven LB.
Though this is a tricky example because Chi gave them a similar number of chromosomes, and they can hybridize, but the offspring will suffer heavily due to hybridization (organ failure, neurological issues, etc, just like what happens with ligers).
Lion Tribe -> Lion LB as a common ancestor; Crocodile Tribe -> Crocodile LB as common ancestor; they are two different species.
Furthermore, each tribe has its own unique culture, formed around the biome it's in, characteristics of the species (such as diet, hunting style, social interactions between members), ecological niche, etc.
Therefore, to judge a species— and thus judge an entire tribe— in Chima would be the zoological equivalent of ethnocentrism in our society. Actually, people already judge entire species of animals (sharks, pigeons, bats, dogs are strong examples)!
This kind of discrimination is tackled in LoC's third season, with the war between the Phoenix Tribe and the Ice Hunters being an allegory of colonization.
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lunatriense · 1 year
I do see what you mean, and Yang is absolutely better off without Raven in her life. But it can still suck to have a parent not there, even if you know that they suck at their parenting. Plus, considering how Taiyang was emotionally absent for an undefined amount of time, Qrow was off on missions and presumably drunk in his off time, and Summer disappeared, that’s a lot of abandonment for one kid to deal with, especially since it looked like Raven leaving was the inciting incident that tore apart Team STRQ. Even if she is better off without her, it still didn’t mean it didn’t hurt that Raven wasn’t there. You can still be hurt that a parent was absent even if they were going to be a worse presence in your life.
Honestly, the way I see it (since RWBY’s worldbuilding is about as deep as skimmed milk), we don’t fully know if Raven herself “could have been a good parent if she tried”, or “could have been a good parent with a stronger support system and therapy” or “tried for a few days but decided kids weren’t it” or if she “was never going to be a good parent in the first place”. They put mini hints that she potentially wants Yang in her life in some warped way with her saving her life in the train, and then asking her to join the tribe seasons later, but never any concrete evidence to point to why she’s so inconsistent. I personally think the whole arc was rushed, but even if the point of Raven was that she’s inconsistent, that’s even worse than just leaving. That’s bringing false hope to a kid and then leaving them again, usually worse for the wear.
Granted, I refused to watch anything past V3 because no thanks. But I think there was also a scene where Raven is reading her teammates to filth which, irregardless of how you feel about S T or Q, would absolutely chafe for Yang who is supposed to canonically love her family more than anything. That, coupled with Raven being the first to leave, being a shitty person in general as well as a garbage parent, and giving Yang mixed signals, should absolutely prompt a “why do you suck” from her.
And a lot of the time, unless you already accepted that your parents were always going to suck and steeled yourself for it, its so much easier to say “yeah, I don’t need you” when you’ve dealt with everything in a safer environment, but if you still had expectations for them, it hurts and the idea that you should leave the relationship isn’t usually as obvious at that time.
This was a longer word vomit than I expected it to be, but I hope I shed a bit of light on that perspective.
Oh yeah, I get you anon. It makes total sense for Yang to resent Raven for leaving, it just doesn't work for me when fans do it. But yes, as you say, Raven's writing is inconsistent at best.
Also, you made the right choice to stop after v3. Would that I had your foresight.
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flightofaqrow · 2 years
Five of those food HC’s
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See also:  Five of those eating habits HC’s
qrow didn't go hungry growing up, at least not all day. Food could be scarce, especially in the Winter, but that's when the tribe doubled down on rationing and recipes that stretched out what they had, boosting survival rates. If this wasn’t enough, then you were just too weak, obviously. As mentioned in some other tribe posts, he got good at foraging. No one could stop him from eating some of his findings in the field. They could get him in trouble for hiding away some for the “weaker” folk in the tribe instead of turning everything in on his return. He did it anyway.
He also often gave away portions of what was rationed to him this way. It’s one of the things Raven really hated. It made them both look bad. He did it anyway.
Likewise, He pickpockets and five finger discounts plenty of things, but he will never steal food. That’s not an object, that’s a life sustaining thing. He appreciates the work that goes into growing and gathering and farming more than a lot of other industrial wares. Even though he also crafts himself, go figure. 
Beacon had so much food. Tai’s house had so much food. It was overwhelming and exciting. He got to try a lot of new things. Did he take this as an opportunity to learn to cook any of them? Of course not. Still, he was forced to sometimes. He’s still a disaster in the kitchen most of the time thanks to Misfortune. Things usually turn out but there’s a fire or a broken appliance somewhere in there.
He’s better at prepping food (knows his way around a knife and what to do with herbs and such from forage days), or over a fire that already exists. Don’t let him go grocery shopping, though. Things will get lost and/or ruined. Fruit that looked perfectly fine in the store suddenly have bruises and mold when it gets home. Bags and eggs break. Boxes are empty. Non-edibles are defective. You will never end up with the whole haul. Just tell him to go find some wild garlic and call it a day.
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womenofwonder · 3 years
RWBY characters races for AUs set in our world.
How I’m going to do this: three things. The first, the city they live in Remnant. This is the least important because that leaves us with only five…maybe six places compared to our world’s hundreds of countries.
The second will be the original of their names, which they’ll have to keep in the AUs, meaning that they need some culture background for them.
The third will be their fairy tale origins.
So to start, Ruby Rose:
She lives in Vale, which is similar to France (I’ll explain why in another post maybe), but technically grew up in patch, a small island off the coast of Vale. I have no idea about Patch’s culture as we hardly ever see it, so I’m going to skip this one. We also don’t know if either Summer or Taiyang was originally from Vale.
We know Taiyang is Chinese from his name, so I’m going to say she’s half Chinese. I also wrote a western au once and really love the idea of Taiyang being an Asian Redneck…so I think I’m going to say Ruby is very, very southern just because that would be adorable.
But if you don’t want that idea I generally see Taiyang being either Asian-American or Asian-French, or Asian-British if your doing a HP AU. Summer is harder to pin down, but Red Riding Hood was originally an Italian fable, so I’m going to have her be Italian or Italian-American.
Weiss is German, although making her simply white America/British would work. I could see her being Russian too in some AU because Atlas fits well as Russia. For American works, Pennsylvania has quite the German population and coal mines, so that works pretty well for her.
Blake is really complicated. From Remment Australia which is culturally SEA (south East Asian), has an English name but parents with a Hindu-inspired names, but neither looking vaguely Indian. I’m going to assume her family are immigrants (as they are in cannon I think) to Australia, maybe even changed their name to help them fit in. Immigrants from where? Well, India is an option, but I like to think Malaysia. They have a large Indian and Chinese population, and I like to think Blake is a mixture of Chinese, Malay, and Indian ethnicities, from Malaysia and immigrated to Australia. And if you think this is crazy or unrealistic, you haven’t seen anything yet. The sheer mix of cultures I’ve seen growing up as an ex-pat is insane. This isn’t too crazy.
For Yang, we already have Taiyang as an Asian red-neck. Or at least I do. Raven and Qrow are going to be a little harder to pin down, but I’m think bandits getting replaced by mafia. Which mafia? I don’t know, take you’re pick. Branwen is Welsh, but I can’t think of a Welsh mafia. Coming from Mistral I would see them as being Triad, not Yakuza because Raven’s gang is famous for being less than coordinated.
If you need a logical reason for Yang having blonde hair, Taiyang could be only half Chinese, half blonde (blonde is race right?).
Either way I see Raven operating in an American city like New York or Detroit.
This would mean Yang is fully Chinese ethnically.
Jaune’s name and inspiration are all French. However his mother does come from Mistral (I think), so I do see him being half Chinese, but nationally French. It’s also funny to imagine him with a French accent.
Pyrrha: she’s Greek or maybe Greek-American with her parents being recent immigrants. Argus seems to Remnent-Greece and her name and fairy tale are greek.
Nora: she should be Scandinavian. I feel like in a MCU AU she’s Thor’s daughter. But she also grew up as a street rat in Mistral, which is hard to fit in our world. Therefore I’m going to have her in America, the great melting pot (and also America seems to be more like Mistral than any other Remnent king with our state system), and she going to ethically Scandinavian but knowing nothing of her culture due to her upbringing.
Ren: obviously Chinese, but I might have him be American-Chinese to fit his story nicely in with Nora’s.
Coco: we’re all ignoring that she’s based off Coco Channel, so let’s make her a LA girl
Velvet: Australia, because of the accent. Or maybe English because that is her story origin
Fox: he’s difficult, because tribes are pretty rare in modern AUs. But his story could work for various things. He’s one of the few black characters so he could come from practically any African tribe (I’m currently going with Hausa because it’s one of the few I know anything about). His name is based off ‘the fox and the hound’ which is a rare American story, so he could also be from a Native American tribe if you want the AU to be more American-based.
Yatsuhashi: Japanese, this one is thankfully easy.
Sun: Chinese. He comes from a tribe as well, but I can’t think of any nomadic Chinese tribes except the Uyghurs. Making Sun a Uyghur doesn’t make much sense but it will serve to piss off certain people on the internet. And now this is going to be taken down, isn’t it? Oh wait, this is tumbrl. This is anarchy. It won’t. Forgot why I liked this place for a second.
Scarlet: sorry for the rambling there. Anyway, Scarlet is definitely English. “I hope I don’t get sand in my shoes.”
Sage: well, he’s black, but other then that we have nothing to go one. He’s also from Mistral but that doesn’t really work? If Mistral is America as well as China I guess we can make him African American. Or whatever else works best for the AU. He might be Indian too now that I think of it. Or even Maori. Really options are limitless here.
Neptune: Yeah, so probably just American, but does have both a French last name and an Italian first name. So probably ethically American (aka white mutt). Also he lives near a port, I think I’m gonna gone with him being from Tacoma Washington because I am.
Flynt: African American
Neon: Japanese-American because of her meme (it started as part of Japanese pop song on YouTube, the latter of which is America summed up in one invention)
Oscar: Hispanic-American, he just looks it. And I’m guessing he lives in Kansas for obvious reasons. His last name isn’t Hispanic but their could be a lot of reasons for that. Or he could be Native American (Pawnee, Cheyenne, and Osage are all Native American tribes in Kansas).
Penny: well if she’s still a robot she probably stays white, but if you want her human in this AU she might end up being half black as Pietro is, although she also could just be adopted. I guess the later makes more sense, huh? I figure she’s American, with her dad working with a ‘well meaning’ but ultimately corrupt government. Probably living in DC, as that has both the government and the poverty issues.
Emerald: oohh, boy. This is hard. Sustrai is Basque, and Aladdin is a French addition to an Arabian story, she herself is dark skinned with anime features that are super unhelpful for this sorta thing.
I have three ideas. Brazilian, mostly as there’s no South American themed RWBY characters I can think of, and it’s diverse enough that someone looking like Emerald would fit. Secondly, for American centered stories she’s just an orphan with no idea of her ethnicity. Or she could be African, Indian, Pacific Islander, or Hispanic or some mixture between those four. It’s honestly really hard to tell. In my fanfic she’s from Suriname and ethnically 1/4 Indian, 1/2 Creole, and 1/4 Javanese.
Ilia: Sioux (Native American). Ilia means a lot of things in a lot of different languages, and Amitola mean rainbow in Sioux, so I decided to just stick with that.
Mercury: American, white mutt American. I’m guessing New York or Philli for where he grew up, it seems like a place where he’d be comfortable
Neo: the new novel reveals her father lived in vale (btw I haven’t read it, I’m just getting this off the internet) and her mother was a assassin who’s origins aren’t known. She doesn’t really have a fairy tale. So I’m going to go with British or French (thank RWBY thoughts for the first one) although in an American AU she works as just a white American.
Robyn: depends on what Atlas is in this AU, but probably German or American.
Qrow: I already mentioned he’s probably Chinese due to being from Mistral. It’s a bit weird to think of him as Asian, but not as weird as it to think of Raven as white, so I’ll take it. Although I do like the idea of him being American Irish, that’s fun.
Winter: whatever Atlas is in this AU, German or American, although British and Russian would work well too.
Maria: Mexican
Salem: If you want a AU where she’s just a normal person then New England or Italian for her story origin
Watts: British
Tyrian: uh…I have no idea, but he looks white. And he kinda has a British accent? I want him to be southern for the accent tho. Probably just another crazy American
Cinder: her fairy tale is French but her origin is Chinese. Also, Cinderella doesn’t really have an origin, it’s an ancient story with every culture having at least one Cinderella story. So I’m going to say Chinese.
Hazel: American, from the Midwest. He’s darkish so maybe he’s a POC? Part Native American or Hispanic? Idk or really care I can’t stand Hazel
Roman Torchwick: American-Italian, he runs/works for the mafia
Ozpin: American because of the whole wizard-of-Oz-thing or French, because he seems to have come from Vale.
Glynda: American or French for the same reasons Ozpin is
Oobleck: Jewish American (because Dr. Seuss was)
Professor Port: Russian, due to his fairy tale, or English, due to his style
Taiyang: already said he’s a red-neck Asian.
Raven: depending on whether you want her to be white or not, either Chinese or Irish American, like I already said.
Cordovin: Karen
Ironwood: again, depends on Atlas in the AU. Either American or German…maybe Russian
Clover: Irish-American (or German, obviously the ace-ops depend on where Atlas is. I’m just going to do the rest of them assuming Atlas is American because Germany isn’t that diverse)
Harriet: African-American, I guess. It kinda messes with the story because Harriet is supposed to be privileged, which doesn’t really work in this AU, but she’s also obviously black.
Elm: Just normal American, maybe greek-American because of the Aesop fable themes
Vine: Tibetan based on his design
Marrow: either African-American or Pakistani/Indian-American. (I’m personally going for Pakistani)
Klein: english. All butlers are English. It’s a rule.
Pietro: African-American
Johanna: Pakistani or Indian American
Fiona: Jewish-American (kinda random but while she’s obviously white she also needs to be a minority for the Faunus thing to work)
May: normal upper glass American/German
Ghira: Half Malay, Half Indian, from Malaysia but immigrated to Australia later in life
Kali: half Chinese, half Indian, but also from Malaysia
Adam: much like Fiona I’m going to assume he’s Jewish due to him being white but still needing to be a minority. German or American, again, depending on where Atlas is. Or he could be Chinese, even though it doesn’t work with his name, due to the theory that he was trafficked much like Cinder. I’m going with ethically Jewish though
Sienna Khan: Indian
Huh, I actually finished that. I’m pretty sure I was accidentally racist multiple times and apologize in advance,
I’m exhausted and starving and not thinking straight. But anyway, here it is. Your very messy guide to modern RWBY AUs. I swear this was insane to sort out.
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superfrumpkin · 4 years
Read it on AO3
You always knew this day would come. In fact, you knew you had many of them ahead of you. And yet, when your necklace starts glowing, you feel the dread creeping up, the fear of finding out who's turn it was. 
As if she could hear you, Pike's broken voice comes through in your mind: "Kiki, it's Grog. Please, come to Whitestone".
As quickly as you could, you let your father know, open up a portal, and you're out of the Sun Tree. Vex'ahlia, tears in her eyes, and Percy, holding her by the shoulders, are waiting for you there. 
You hug them both tight, and you head to Sarenrae's temple, where Pike and Scanlan are standing beside a lifeless Grog. 
He looks peaceful. His hulking form isn't menacing with his eyes closed, and his mouth so relaxed. It was time. 
You let a few tears fall, hold the gnomes, and you have a small service for the goliath. 
You then head to a tavern and drink his beloved ale in his honor, reminiscing of all the good times. 
"To Grog Strongjaw, Grand Poobah de Doink of All This and That" a slightly drunk Percy shouts "a great fighter and an even greater friend!" 
"To Grog!" You all cheer. 
Just as the day begun, it comes to a close. You're all tipsy, and teary eyed. You say your goodbyes and head back to Zephrah, your heart a little heavy.
You carve a space for a cup of ale next to the shrine to the Raven Queen, and head to sleep. 
A few years go by, you visit Whitestone from time to time, get to see all the De Rolos grow up, share a knowing smirk with Percy when Cassandra finally introduces her girlfriend to all of you.
You participate to all the great events, the weddings, the births, the tearful final goodbyes to your allies.
Allura introduces you and the Tal'Dorei council to a group of colorful individuals from Wildemount, called the Mighty Nein (but there's eight of them? No one says it but you all think it), who apparently had saved the World and managed to let it go undetected. 
You recognize them from your mother's stories, they are the ones who brought her back to you. 
You thank them profusely, and you catch the redhead wizard blush as the white haired drow next to him smiles and rubs his shoulder, and stifle laughter knowingly when you see the dark skinned woman, the pale and tall one who was holding her hand and the blue tiefling all looking at Vex with their mouth open. The yellow clad halfling smacks them subtly as their half orc friend politely smiles at all of you. 
It's funny, you knew the feeling of being caught staring at Vex'ahlia very well.
You see Percy grow a beard that makes him look older and cheer loudly alongside Vesper when with an excited "Auntie Keyleth, look!" she druidcrafts a snowdrop in her hands. 
 A few years later, as you're tending to the needs of your people, the necklace pulsates again. You have a suspicion this time, and your heart clenches. 
Coming out of the Sun Tree once again, you can see the whole atmosphere is somber. Black flags with the Whitestone crest glowing gold wave in the breeze, falling from the Castle's large windows.
You lean against the Tree that's become like a friend to you.
"Hey, Keyleth. It's quite the sad day. I can feel the grief of the whole city in my roots."
Tears fall and you ask what you already know.
"It's Percy,isn't it?" 
"It is. You might want to go to Lady Vex. I know she might need you." 
You find them once again, gathered in the temple. The De Rolos are surrounding their mother, who's sobbing loudly. You'd seen her this broken only once before, for her brother. 
Only this time, it was your brother, laying limp and quiet, with Pike performing the last rites.
You see Taryon held by Lawrence in the large crowd, but you make a beeline to Vex.  
"Mom, aunt Keyleth is here," Vesper whispers. 
Trinket is next to her of course, whining in pain too.  
Vex'ahlia opens her bloodshot eyes, looks at you briefly and runs into your arms. 
You feel her pain, all of it. You try to convey everything you can in that hug. 
I'm here. I know. I feel it too. I've felt it too. She holds you like you're the last thing keeping her standing. And you hold her like she held you many years before. 
Drinks are had, words and stories are shared. You decide to stay at the Castle one more night, you let Korrin know through Pike. 
Everything goes quiet. In the dead of night, you hear a knock at the door of your guest room. You already know who's going to be on the other side, and yet when you open it and the dim candles show a shattered Vex'ahlia, her cheeks wet with tears, her eyes sunken with exhaustion, your heart aches. 
"Keyleth..." she says with a barely audible whisper. 
No more words are needed. You let her fall into your arms, and hold her through the night, let her sob in your arms until she passes out. 
Eventually, you fall asleep too. 
Vex gives you the raven skull you made for him before you leave, and you make sure to place it next to the mug of ale, with a pocket watch. 
Years keep passing by, you see Vesper's magic thrive and see the proud look in her mother's eyes. You know you must share that same look. You see her become every bit of the leader Percy was, with her mother's wits and her father's strong willpower.  
Eventually you have to go to Deastock and say goodbye to Taryon, that's another hard hit on Vex. He was her best friend.
This time you carve the logo of his Brigade in what has become the Vox Machina tree in Zephrah. 
You and Vex grow closer. She reminds you of him in so many ways, and yet she's so different. A few wrinkles are starting to appear near her eyes, but as you keep observing her, she's never been more beautiful. 
Many things start to become usual occurrences, like you visiting the Castle, and her coming to Zephrah with the help of her daughter. 
Everytime you see each other, it seems like the pieces start falling back together.
One day, as regular as any other, you're watching the sun setting on your tribe and you catch her looking at you intensely. 
"You're so beautiful, darling."  
You're taken aback. She doesn't give you time to reply. Without even being able to register it, her mouth is on yours, and her hand is in your hair. 
You'd lie if you said you hadn't ever dreamed of this. 
Suddenly, she stops, touching her lips in shock "Keyleth, I'm so-" this time you cut her off, shaking your head and catching her sorry with your mouth. 
You're not sorry. You're glad she did that. You would have never had the guts to make the first move. And Gods, her lips are so soft, her hands tangle in your hair and you don't know what to do, but bask in the comfort her body pressed against yours gives you.
She must be feeling something similar, cause her breath becomes shallow as she whispers "Key" in between kisses.
That night you make love and it's sweet, and calm and slow, nothing like you thought Vex would be. You both needed this so bad, you know you've loved her for a long time and if only an ounce of her felt the same, you'd be happy with it. 
Waking up next to her is nothing short of magical. She's peacefully sleeping, her dark, naked back warmly lit by the sunrise creeping in. You softly brush your fingers along her spine, and her eyelids flutter to reveal warm hazel irises, looking at you with a small smile. Your breath catches.
"I love you," you whisper, unable to keep it in anymore. 
Her smile widens. She kisses you and your heart races fast when she says "I love you too, Keyleth," brushing your noses together. 
You feel happier than you've been in a long time. 
Life goes on between Zephrah and Whitestone, you both have responsibilities you can't run from. 
You say your last goodbyes to Allura, and shortly after Kima, who are buried together as they always asked. 
Once Vesper is ready to take the helms of Whitestone, Vex decides that it's maybe time to leave, not without hesitation.
"Mom, go. I get it,okay? We will visit all the time, you won't even have time to miss us".
Vex gives her a teary laugh, kisses her forehead, and with an "I'm so proud of you" she comes to Zephrah with you. 
Korrin and Vilya treat her like their own, and you look at her in adoration when she tells you they're like the parents she always wanted. 
Vesper keeps her promise, and the De Rolos come visit all the time. You don't catch when Percy IV, their youngest, calls you mama, but Vex does and maybe sheds one little happy tear. 
Zephrah is always buzzing with life, thriving under Keyleth's leadership, and Vex's advice. 
Their necklaces glow once more, and they know it's time to say goodbye to Scanlan this time. 
Kaylie plays a sorrowful piece in honor of her father, as you and Vex hold Pike. They both know what it's like to lose a soulmate. 
As always you gather in the tavern and share stories of Scanlan the bard. 
"He died as he lived," Kaylie raises her cup "hard and fast!"
You all share a teary laugh and get drunk as you say goodbye to another friend.
You show Vex the Vox Machina tree for the first time in years, as you carve a space for a miniature shawm. 
She holds you as you both look at the Raven Queen's shrine.
"I hope they're all together," Vex whispers. "I hope he doesn't hate me for this," she chuckles and kisses your cheek.
Just as she says that, as if out of nowhere, a large raven lands between you two on Vex's shoulder. It nuzzles her. 
"I guess you have your answer," you smile and scratch the top of the raven's head. It leans in your hand. 
Life goes on, the kids aren't kids anymore, Vesper leads Whitestone fiercely, you say goodbye to Gilmore a couple of years after Allura and Kima, but you have each other to lean on. 
One day, Vex feels too tired to get out of bed and Trinket lets out a long groan. 
You quickly message Pike, who comes to Zephrah with the children. 
She does a quick scan of her body and confirms what you already know. 
There's nothing wrong with your Vex, nature is claiming her. It's time to say goodbye. 
A sob wracks your body, you knew it was coming. You saw the wrinkles getting more prominent and her hair going gray with the passing of years, but it still hurt to know. 
You can never be ready. 
You let the kids say their goodbyes, not wanting to intrude on such an intimate moment. 
When your turn comes you try to be strong, but your heart is in too much pain. 
She lays a hand on your now wet cheek, and strokes it with her thumb, wiping away some tears. "Kiki..." her flebile whisper is full of love.  
"I don't know if I can do this without you,too".
"Of course you can. You're strong, and caring, and kind. Your people rely on you. You don't need me to succeed. I will always love you, Key. I will always be with you. Far, but never gone, remember?"
You kiss her hand. 
"I love you. You're every bit as beautiful as the day I first met you."
You lean over her to kiss her lips, and with a smile, she lets out her last breath. 
You can't help but hold onto her a little longer. 
Trinket plops down next to you and lays his head on Vex's stomach, breathing heavily. 
You know he must be close as well. 
You clutch his fur, as he breathes one last time, too. 
All the kids and Pike kneel down to hold you, and together, you mourn the loss of Lady Vex'ahlia. 
You take her blue feathers, tie them on your staff, with the black ones you had from Vax. 
In the tree, you leave the tip of an arrow, and one of the pink bows you and Vax once put on the bear. 
The De Rolos go back to Whitestone, Pike spends some days with you. 
It will take a long time to heal, but you have plenty of that. 
You'll outlive them all, it's your tragic destiny, you signed up for it. It doesn't hurt any less. 
Pike is of course the next one to go, the worshippers of the Everlight all gather to say goodbye to her Champion, you look around and see just how many lives Pike's kindness had touched. It's beautiful. 
Your tree has another spot, with the symbol of Sarenrae and a miniature mace. 
You carve one last spot on the tree, that you know won't be filled for many years still. 
You leave instructions for your antlers to placed there. 
You're thankful to have your parents by your side, as the days blur together. 
Eventually you feel happiness again, when Vesper brings her firstborn to you and you get to see new life blossom in every corner of your tribe, the Ashari growing and leaning on you, the love on your mother's face and the pride on your father's. 
Years, and years, and years pass but you never forget them, not once, not for a second.
Vax'ildan, with his smirk and his daggers, and his wings that held you in safety. Your first love. Forever and ever and always. 
Vex'ahlia, matching smirk on softer lips, the best of hagglers, witty and beautiful and quick with her arrows. The lover you got to keep. The lover that got you through. 
Percival, your very best friend, your brother and partner in crime, a quick draw, the smartest of you. A loving husband and father, a fierce leader. 
Grog, big and strong with a heart of gold, with his smile and fun in fights and taverns, his gentle hands with small creatures. Not the smartest, but still one who thought you so much. 
Scanlan, the embodiment of fun and laughter, always ready to pick everyone up and help out, cheering and inspiring with his voice and his charm. 
Pike, the kindest of spirits, her heart bigger than her small frame could ever contain, sweet and loving like a mother to all. 
Taryon, flamboyant and fun, with his desire to be accepted and his mind full of ideas, always accompanied by his thousands versions of Doty, faithful companion. 
Trinket, friend of Vox Machina, her Vex's best friend, as much of a member as everyone else.
You never forget any of them. You feared it would happen after meeting Sprigg, it felt like looking in a mirror of your future. 
But you keep them in your heart until you're old and gray, tell your stories to your tribe, make sure they are spread across the world so that Vox Machina may never be forgotten. 
As you close your eyes for the last time, you dream of them and hope that the Raven Queen will be kind enough to let you see them once more.
On the other side, what you see surprises you. It's them, all of them. Vax, with his wings spread, in the middle, smiling bright. Vex is next to him, looking like the day you met. None of them is old and gray. Percy's hair is even black, rid of the stress and weight of the world.
Pike's hair is black as well, like the day you first called her to help you with Grog. 
Everyone looks young, and happy. You feel yourself crying. As you look down, you notice your hair are long and flowing, a fierce red. 
"You did so well, princess." Vex'ahlia winks at you, and you suddenly feel surrounded by all your family's arms. 
You smile in the cuddle pile, think back to your adventures, and realize that everything was worth it, after all. 
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hopeaterart · 3 years
Evil Ozpin AU: Dinner with a bird
Context: Ozpin and Salem more or less swap place, it's a bit complicated. This fic is here to explain how it happened by way of Ozpin monologuing to a (still on Salem's side at the time) Qrow. There's some hints of Ozqrow in there. Like, you're definitely supposed get Vibes. For those unaware: here's my Evil/Swap!Ozpin.
"So... You're Salem's latest pawn." Qrow scowled, eyes narrowing at the monster sitting from across him. How he'd ended up sitting at the same table as Ozpin, also widely known as 'the Wizard', was a blur in his memory, and granted, not that great a story.
Went on a mission for Salem to find his base of operation, with the only info being that it was somewhere in the forests of Sanus. Had to go alone because Tai and Raven had their hands full with Yang and a pregnant Summer. Got caught by Ozpin's latest apprentice- a blond woman about his age with the ironic name of 'Goodwitch'. Letting himself be captured in order to get taken to Ozpin.
One trip to an old monastery latter, he was now separated from Harbringer, had Aura-suppressing manacles on his wrists (thankfully with no chains), and was sitting in front of the Wizard himself. They were on some kind of balcony with only a small table between themselves, and there was a plate on the table with bread on it that neither were touching.
"And you're the guy who's trying to burn down Remnant." He bit back. Ozpin sighed, silver eyelashes fluttering as he narrowed his eyes.
"Is that what my traitorous ex-wife told you?" Ozpin asks, smiling like a predator about to eat it's prey when Qrow's eyes widened in confusion. "I mean- she's not wrong, but Salem isn't exactly the hero of our tale."
"Wh- your ex-wife!?" Qrow exclaimed, before gritting his teeth. "You're lying." He accused Ozpin, who didn't even flinch at the accusation.
"So she didn't tell you." He observed. "Oh, what am I talking about? Of course she'd keep that hidden, that self-righteous hag." Ozpin hissed as he took one of the small bread. "Doesn't want to acknowledge me being a thing is her fault, after all." He opened his mouth, momentarily exposing too-sharp canines as he bit the bread in half. He stared in Qrow's eyes as he chewed, before swallowing. "It's garlic bread. An entrée before the main dish, if you will. I'm not going to poison you, erm... Qrow Branwen, is it?"
Qrow grit his teeth. "And I should believe you, because?"
"Sheer pragmatism on my part, really. We're eating the same food, and I am not interested in poisoning myself." Ozpin explained, shrugging as he finished eating the bread he had in hand. "'Poison damage' is not really the kind of pain I like."
Qrow raised an eyebrow at that. He'd heard stories of Ozpin letting anything and everything hurt him with ecstasy written all over his face, but hearing what seemed like confirmation was a bit... much. "Uh... so what's the deal? Why are you having me eat here with you instead of- oh, I dunno, locking me in some kind of torture dungeon?"
"Wouldn't you like to know, pretty bird?" Qrow averts his eyes at that, his gaze landing on the plate of bread as his cheeks warm up. He hesitantly took one of the bread, shoving it in his mouth and chewing quickly.
He took another one, eating slower and actually savoring it this time as Ozpin turns to look at the scenery. The forest stretches beyond the horizon, any traces of Grimm hidden from sight. Qrow's not fooled, he knows the monastery probably hides a few nasty surprises. The marble-skinned weirdo in front of him is proof enough.
Credit where credit is due, whoever cooked this is a damn good cook. "Who made this?" He asks as he takes another bread. "Didn't expect you to have a five-star chief."
It was Ozpin's turn to be caught off-guard. "I'm... glad you like my cooking." What. Qrow stared at his third half-eaten bread. "Oh, don't be a baby. I have literal centuries of experience behind me, and my cycle of immortality is different from Salem's. Since I need sustenance, might as well be good at it."
"Still not entirely convinced you're not poisoning me." Qrow noted.
Ozpin groaned in exasperation. "If I wanted to kill you, there's a myriad of ways that would be easier and less-headache inducing than this." Ozpin snapped as he got up and started walking away. Qrow turned to look at him as he went behind his chair, before going rigid as cold fingers dug into his shoulders. "Stay there. I'm getting the side and main courses."
Ozpin left the balcony in a puff of smoke, and Qrow let out a breath he didn't knew he was holding. He reached inside his jacket, relieved to see his Scroll was still there. Only for his mood to immediately crash when he realized that this part of Vale didn't get reception.
"Trying to call for help, are you?" Qrow whirled around, scowling when he saw Goodwitch. "I'm telling you now, it's not gonna work. Ozpin has taken precautions."
"What, precautions against modern tech!?" Qrow snapped, getting up as his chair rattled. He didn't care if Goodwitch had one of the most powerful Semblances he'd ever seen while he couldn't even activate his Aura right now. He brought misfortune wherever he went, made sense his shit Semblance would turn against him one day. "Does the guy think we still live in the Dark Ages?"
Goodwitch bristled. "Why, you insufferable- Ozpin is trying to offer you a chance to redeem yourself from working with Salem, and you're squandering it for-"
"Glynda." Both stilled as Ozpin came into view. There was a disappointed frown on his face. "That's no way to treat guests."
"But sir-"
"No buts, young lady." Ozpin reprimanded, waving his fingers as floating plates, glasses and a bottle of something came into view. "Help me with putting on the table, will you?" He asked Glynda, who nodded and took the two plates with food on them to put on the table. "Sit back down, Qrow."
"Don't call me that." The huntsman hissed even as he sat back down. He glared at his plate, which had fish and some kind of salad and... something else in it. He raised his head slightly as the bottle landed on the table, Ozpin dismissing Glynda with a 'thank you' before sitting back down. He pointed at the weird stuff. "What is that?"
"Oysters." Ozpin told him. "I opened them earlier, they're all good. Do you know how to eat them?" Qrow shook his head. "Alright, so first you need to loosen them up..." Qrow followed Ozpin's instructions, pulling a face after eating his first one. Ozpin frowned. "Don't like it?"
"Texture's weird." Ozpin hummed, before taking the bottle and popping the cork off and pouring Qrow a glass.
"It's champagne. Laurent-Poirier. Goes well with oysters, use it to wash them down." Qrow nodded, taking the flute and taking a small sip. "Not a fan of alcohol?"
"Opposite, actually." He started, remembering how his father got after too many bears. "Runs in the family." Ozpin thankfully didn't push the subject, simply turning toward his own plate and taking a bite of his salad.
The two ate in silence for a while. Ozpin opened his mouth again as Qrow tried his second oyster. "Can I ask you a question?"
"Does it matter if I say no?"
"No, but you don't have to answer it." Qrow nodded. "How did you end up working for Salem? I thought the Branwen were a bandit tribe from Mistral?"
Qrow hissed in between his teeth. "I... me and Raven, we... Our parents, they- urgh. Look, all that matters is: we're not going back, and we're never going back."
"Raven..." Ozpin seemed deep in thoughts, as if he was trying to remember something. "That's your sister, right?"
"Yeah." Something occurred to Qrow. "Say, the whole reincarnating wizard thing. You used to be, like, a regular, not-Grimm person, right?"
"That's one way of putting it, but yes." Ozpin answered. "I used to be mortal."
"Did you have siblings? Before the whole..." Qrow made a vague gesture in the other's general direction. Ozpin stilled at that, a faraway look on his face.
"No, none by blood. I grew up in the mountains with only my parents before obtaining my powers." He answered. "I... did have someone I considered my sister, but I was already well into becoming what I am now when I met her." The look on Ozpin's face was absolutely miserable. "Salem killing her pushed me over the edge."
"... Ah." Qrow took a sip of his champagne. "That sucks. Sorry for your loss."
Ozpin waved a hand. "I- it's fine. You're not the one who blasted her with magic for the crime of trying to help me stay me." He quickly ate an oyster, seemingly cheering up. "Anyway, my turn to ask you a question!"
Qrow snorted despite himself. "What is this, 21 questions?"
"My crush is no one, if you're wondering." Ozpin joked, before straightening in his chair. "What did Salem tell you about me?"
Qrow shrugged as he cut some of his fish. "You want to burn down Remnant. You can do magic. Whoever you reincarnate in dies the moment you come into the picture. You started the whole thing with Salem. And she doesn't know how to stop your cycle."
Ozpin hummed. "I see. Your turn."
"How... much of what I told you do you agree with?" Between the ex-wife comment and the very real grief he had when talking about his sister, it was clear had a different version of the events. Besides, the monster Salem had described to him wouldn't simply sit him down to talk.
Ozpin hummed, a piece of fish on his fork as he waved it in the air. "I do want to do some burning, but it's more 'everything Salem ever worked for' than Remnant. Come on, Qrow, I live here. And I'm stuck here." He ate his fish. "If I really wanted to destroy Remnant, I'd simply use the Relics."
He hummed. "Yeah, that's fair- wait. You know where the Relics are!?" The amount of people that were on wild goose chases to find them... And this whole time, Salem's sworn enemy could get to them the moment he decided to stop playing around.
"Of course I know where they are. I'm the one who hid them in the first place." Ozpin noted. "Can't have Salem blowing up my body with the Sword again... urgh, retrieving it and the Lamp was such a pain!" Qrow numbly nodded. "Anyway, you wanted to know about my magic?"
"Uh-" Ozpin snapped his fingers, whisps of green and gold rising from them as pitch black eyes burst into green flames. Like a Maiden's. "Oh shit!"
Ozpin smiled as the magic faded, Qrow numbly realizing there were brown irises somewhere in those pools of tar. "I can. And unlike Salem, I'm willing to share."
"You- you're the guy who created the Maidens!?" The fairytale explaining their origin spoke of an old, cruel magician, who took four sisters under his wing and taught them how to use magic.
"Ah, yes." Ozpin spoke with fondness. "The first Maidens. They reminded me of the first daughters I had, and they were so very loyal to me... loyalty deserves to be rewarded, don't you think?"
Qrow frowned. "Is that why they keep turning against Salem when she finds them first? Something to do with your magic?"
"What- no!" Ozpin exclaimed, clearly offended. He then frowned in confusion. "I think. If it is a thing, then it wasn't intentional." A pause as Ozpin downs his flute, before pouring himself more champagne. "Anyway, my reincarnations..."
Qrow raised an eyebrow as Ozpin downed more champagne. "Sensitive point?"
"More angry about Salem being right on this one. Or..." He chuckled. "Was right. I proved her wrong, in this life. Ozma isn't in control anymore."
"There's literally nothing in what you just said that's reassuring." Qrow noted, Ozpin smiling at him as he finished his salad. "Who's Ozma?"
"The name of the first soul in the cycle." Ozpin told him. "He used to absorb whoever he reincarnated in into himself the moment he was in their bodies, but his soul weakened over time, and it took more and more time and efforts to absorb them. By the time he reached me, it him almost twenty years for our souls to fuse, and then..."
"... you're the one who absorbed him." Qrow finished. He frowned. If Ozma's soul was driven by anger at being betrayed by the woman he loved, then... "Holy shit, what did Salem do for you to hate her that much!?"
"What would you do," Ozpin started. "If you wanted to live, but someone wanted you dead? Because you know of something you couldn't care less about that could destroy her life? What would you think if someone thought of you as nothing less than the latest stain on her self-inflated ego? Proof that she's just human, if not worse than that?"
Qrow frowned at that. Was that how Ozpin saw the conflict? But nevertheless, he knew the answer to that question. It wasn't one he was happy with, but... "I'd kill her before she killed me."
"Good answer. And the answer to who started our conflict: as far as I'm concerned, it's all. Her. Fault." The two finished their plates in silence after that, Ozpin first and spending the next few minutes watching Qrow.
They stared at each other for a while. "Uh. All that fancy stuff, and no dessert?" Qrow joked. The tiniest bit of relief struck him as the corners of Ozpin's eyes crinkled.
"Now, you're speaking my language!" The pale-skinned man clapped his hand, and Qrow nearly jumped out of his skin when a Grimm came out of the shadows.
It was unlike any Qrow had seen before. A glossy sphere with bone shards on it's lower half, floating with an array of thin tentacles trailing under it. There was an ominous light coming from into the sphere, even if it wasn't really visible in this light.
It was also green instead of red, which meant Ozpin had created the fucking thing. Black smoke rose up from under the plates at a wave of the Wizard's hands, handing them to the Grimm. "Bring these to the kitchen, and bring back the dessert. It's on the pastry cart." The Grimm simply took the pile of plates and floated back in the darkness of the inside.
Qrow inhaled sharply. "What the fuck was that-"
"Seer Grimm. I've put enchantments all over the place so we don't end up getting detected by the CCT, but I need a way to communicate with my followers when they're away." Ozpin explained with a shrug of his shoulders as he poured himself yet another glass of champagne. Qrow stared at him. "Oh, don't look at me like that. I'm pretty sure most of my bodily fluids have been replaced by Grimm sludge, it takes an insane amount of alcohol for me to get drunk."
"Yikes." That word alone could describe at least half of what Qrow had learned about Ozpin today.
"Want a refill?" Qrow looked at what Ozpin was pointing at. His own flute, now empty. He nodded, letting the wizard pour him a second glass. Ozpin got up from the table after that, his glass in hand as he leaned on the balcony, back to the Huntsman. "Anyway, there's still one part of your question I haven't answered yet."
Qrow frowned, before remembering. "Is there a way to stop your cycle of reincarnation?"
If he had seen the manic smile on Ozpin's face, Qrow would've been scared for life. "Nope~. There was, but Salem would've had to die, and she was unwilling to. And now, the only way to get rid of me has been made useless."
"What do you mean by that...?"
Before Qrow could get his answer, the Seer Grimm was back, pushing a tray with a plate that had a mountain of what looked like chocolate truffles on it. Ozpin turned around, snapping his fingers as he did so. The Seer rotated, floating toward Ozpin as the wizard reached a hand out, caressing the smooth surface. He looked at the Grimm warmly, before turning those same eyes on Qrow, making something in his chest flutter. "Slit my throat open."
One of the Grimm's tentacle morphed into a blade, and faster than Qrow could see, Ozpin's throat was opened with a gush of tar-like blood. Ozpin gurgled, more of the black sludge coming out of his mouth as he took a few steps back, before falling backwards over the edge of the balcony. Qrow's better nature took the better of him as he rushed out of his chair, rushing to try and catch the wizard. "OZPIN!"
... Only for the man to raise into the air, eyes ablaze as a gentle breeze carried him. Ozpin laughed awkwardly as the other man stared at him in shock. "Were you scared for me?" Qrow took a step back as what he realized was a nothing less than a living god touched down on the balustrade. "Don't worry, there's no need to! I know it's always a bit scary when I take risks like that, but I assure you: there's no need to, since I-"
"Can't die." Qrow finished, realization hitting him like a ton of bricks. "You can't die."
Ozpin frowned sympathetically at him as he sat down on the balustrade, looking up at Qrow. "She didn't tell you, did she?"
His answer came in the way Qrow crumpled to the ground, breathing harshly as if he was trying to refrain himself from crying. "No one wanted me-" He started in between gasps, Ozpin frowning as he came to kneel down next to him. "I gave my life to her because she gave me a place where- where I belonged-" He continued, letting the other man manhandle him into a hug. "I thought I was finally- finally-"
"Doing some good?" Ozpin finished for him. That opened the floodgates, Qrow burying his face in Ozpin's chest as he sobbed. Ozpin gently carded a hand through his hair, resting is lips on the top of his head. "You poor thing..." He muttered. "I'm afraid meeting Salem was the worst luck of your life."
Qrow continued crying, not noticing Ozpin manhandling him further until he was sitting in Ozpin's former chair. The wizard had his back turned to him, taking the plate with the truffles. "What are you...?"
Ozpin turned toward him, a kind smile on his face. "After everything you learned today, you must be exhausted. I just want to make you feel a bit better, is all." He came to sit on the table, plate next to him. He picked the truffle at the top, bringing it to Qrow's mouth. "Open."
Qrow nodded, opening his mouth and letting Ozpin handfeed him sweets, the wizard occasionally cradling his face or petting his hair. Ozpin smiled, picking up Qrow's discarded glass of champagne and sipping on it as the other leaned in his hand.
I win this time, dear~
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Warnings: heartbreak, betrayal.
Pairing: Zuko x f!Reader
Characters: Zuko, Katara, Aang, Toph, Sokka.
Requested: I guess?
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters, nor the gif. Credit to the owners.
Summary: Part nine of “destiny is a funny thing”.
previous part
A/N: Next part! Tell me what you think!
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All prisoners mingled in the yard, where Sokka, Suki, Hakoda, Zuko and you finally met. “This is it! We have to start a riot,” Sokka said. His father claimed to be fit for the task, trying to get another prisoner angry by shoving him, but failed. “This isn’t working,” His son stated. But then Chit Sang appeared behind him, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Hey you! You’re lucky I didn’t rat you out,” He smiled. “but my generosity comes with a price. I know you’re planning another escape attempt, and I want in,” You raised a brow at him, but turned to Sokka when he had this certain look in his eye. He had an idea. “Actually, we’re trying to escape right now, but we need a riot. You wouldn’t happen to know how to start one, would you?” The man huffed. “A prison riot? Please,” He grabbed another prisoner, lifting him up in the air and lifting him up and down. “Hey! Riot!” And the people started chanting. “Riot! Riot! Riot!” And several blasts of fire went off. Hakoda looked shocked for a moment, before mumbling to himself. “Impressive,”
“Good, we have a riot, now all we need to do is grab the warden, and get to the gondolas!” Sokka said, pointing above. “And how do we do that?” Zuko asked from beside you. “I’m not sure,” The prince groaned at that. “I thought you thought this through!” “I thought you told me it’s okay not to think everything through!” “Maybe not everything, but this is kind of important!” He rubbed his forehead, while you looked between them, wondering if you should interrupt or let them solve it on their own. Eventually Chit Sang took the descision off your shoulders. “Hey, uh, fellas. I think your girlfriend’s taking care of it,” Your heads turned, as he pointed towards Suki, who hopped on the heads of the rioters, before jumping and flipping onto the tower. You all started running to get to her, while she easily defeated the first guard with a few quick jabs, taking out the rest of them with the same ease and finally grabbing the warden. Once you arrived, completely out of breath, Suki had already gagged him with his headband. “We’ve got the warden! Now let’s get out of here!” She said, and Hakoda raised his brows. “That’s some girl!” Sokka smiled proudly. “Tell me about it,”
“Come on guys, we’ve got to go!” You said, maing a run for the gondola. “We’re almost there!” You heard Suki call out from behind you, but already more guards we’re trying to stop your group. “Back off! We’ve got the warden!” You heard Zuko from behind you, and as you turned your head you could see him block the flames from the guards. “Let’s go!” You arrived at the door first, ripping it open. “Everyone in!” Suki said, jumping in. Once the group was complete, Zuko started the gondola, kicking the handle a few times, trying to break it. The guards rushed towards him, blasting fire, as he tried to reach you. “Zuko!” you yelled as he jumped. You leaned out of it’s window, gripping his hand tightly. You groaned upon lifting his whole weight, trying to get him up. Luckily, Sokka was there to help him, dragging him inside where he landed right on top of you with a gasp. “We’re on our way!” Suki cheered, while the two of you stared at each other, before quickly getting up. You avoided his gaze, reminded of the kiss you’d almost shared in the cooler. The atmosphere between you sizzled and hissed like a fire. You could only hope that the flames weren’t high enough to alert the others. The only thing that would resolve in, is endless teasing. He knew that as well as you did. And yet you could feel his burning stare at your profile. “Wait! Who’s that?” Hakoda, Sokka and Suki were all staring out of the windows. As the two of you joined them, you spotted new faces appearing on the platform. And to your dismay, you knew exactly who they were. “That’s a problem. It’s my sister and her friend,” You huffed, barely able to imagine that someone as vile as Azula could have any genuine friends. Looking up at your group, the princess snatched a pair of handcuffs froma guard’s belt and ran forward. Meanwhile Ty Lee jumped onto the cable, running along. After elevating herself to the line below her friend with a fire blast, Azula used the cuffs to attach herself to it and propelled herself forward.
“This is a rematch I’ve been waiting for,” Suki said in a determined tone, a grim look in her face. “Me too,” Zuko rasped, turning his head to look at you. You gave him a brief nod. Then you began climbing onto the roof with Sokka and Suki. Once she was within reach, Ty Lee flipped into the air, lading right in front of the Kyoshi Warrior, who growled and assumed a battle-ready position. Azula on the other hand, pulled herself up on the roof, facing her brother and the Water Tribe boy. You got caught up in the middle, switching your sight between both sides. The princess took her stance, performing a kick sending blue fire at her opponents, but Zuko blocked it. Now Ty Lee got active as well, trading blows with Suki. Your friend was able to block most of her hits, but soon you saw an opening in her defense, the circus girl was ready to take. You formed a whip of fire around you, lashing it into her direction and forcing her to the edge. “Thanks,” Suki grinned, before refocusing, once Ty Lee came back out on the other side. Behind you the two royal sibling were wildly blasting fire at each other, only barely interrupted by Sokka who managed to draw Azula back to the edge with his sword. As you turned, you could see Zuko going for a finishing blow, but his sister dodged, staying on the gondola and responding with a huge blast so wide, that it would’ve reached Suki and Ty Lee, had you not blocked it with your own.
But then the gondola started rocking back and forth, causing Sokka to lose his balance. He slid to the edge, which had Zuko sprinting to his rescue and Azula casting another blow. You covered the boys as they got back up, while ty Lee jumped up to the top of the wire, to see what was going on. “They’re about to cut the line!” And as the guards worked to stop your escape, you noticed another gondola approaching behind you, heading inbound. And apparently, so did Azula. “Then it’s time to leave,” She smirked, blasting herself up in the air. “Goodbye, Zuko,” She simpered, reaching the opposite rooftop. Ty Lee backflipped, landing next to her, but looked back at you with concern in contrast to Azula’s sadistic smile, much to your surprise. “The gondola’s about to go!” Zuko confirmed and Hakoda rubbed his neck. “I hope this thing floats,” You nibbled on your bottom lip, brows furrowing in concern. There was nothing you could do to stop them from here. You were completely out of reach. As you looked to your right you could see the gears in Zuko’s head turn, mulling over the possibility of a solution, just as you were, but then... then it continued in motion!
”Who’s that?” Sokka asked, leaning out of a window, as everyone joined him. Back down on the platform was a girl. A girl with raven hair and a red robe. “It’s Mai!” Zuko’s shock was evident on his face and a shiver ran down your spine. The daughter of a Fire Nation General and the princes former lover was helping you escape? But why? And by the look of your team mates, you weren’t the only one wondering about her intentions. You shook your head, banning the negative thoughts from your head, as you reached the top of the hill. “Well, we made it out. Now what?” Suki questioned and looked at Sokka, who noticed Zuko standing still. “Zuko, what are you doing?” He mumbled a response. “My sister was on that island.” “Yeah, and she’s probably right behind us, so let’s not stop!” Zuko shook his head. “What I mean is she must have come here somehow,” Your eyes widened in understanding and you joined him, walking up a hill by the sea. “There!” You pointed a finger, eyes lighting up. “That’s our way out of here!”
All of you reached the Western Air Temple by nightfall. Zuko, Sokka and you exited the ship first, once it was returned, where Toph, Katara and Aang already waited for you. “What are you doing in this thing? What happened to the war balloon?” Katara asked as soon as she spotted you. You bit your bottom lip, rubbing your arm. “It kinda got destroyed,”
“Sounds like a crazy fishing trip,” Aang smiled, holding his staff, before Toph chimed in. “Did you at least get some good meat?” Now a soft smile appeared on Sokka’s face. Sweet enough to make the corners of your own lips curl. “I did. The best meat of all. The meat of friendship and fatherhood,” He spoke as Suki, Hakoda and Chit Sang came out. “I’m new. What’s up, everybody?” The man said, waving. Katara teared up, overjoyed to be surrounded by her entire family once again. “Dad?” She ran to embrace him. “Hi, Katara,”
“How are you here? What is going on? Where did you go?” She rambled the next second, making you laugh, while Sokka grew sheepish. “We kind of went to a Fire Nation prison,” Hakoda pulled him into the hug, holding both of them close. “Seriously? You guys didn’t find any meat?” Toph complained, pouting slightly. Inching towards her, you wrapped your arms around her shoulders from behind, resting your chin on her head. “Don’t worry, sweet cheeks. We’ll get you your meat,”
tags:  @zvkonation​ @viva-la-millennia​ @randomness501​ @drheinzd​ @kaylove12​ @duh-dobrik​ @yeetscreetiwannaeat​ @ashnkamfeun    @hailkyoshi​ @shortmexicangirl​ @animexholic​ @sorrythatspussynal​  @mochminnie​ @ninadewitt​  @iamthecabbage​
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bridgyrose · 4 years
I’m in a Christmasy mood. How about a “it’s a wonderful life” inspired au?
This one is a bit longer, so its going to have a read more so Im not making a huge ass post on everyone's tumblr
Ruby sighed as she looked out to Atlas, the city burning as grimm flooded the streets, reminding her of what happened at Beacon. She got up and started walking back to her friends, their plan to take down the whale not going as planned. Everything had gone wrong. Her trying to use her eyes, Winter taking the bomb into the creature, Yang going off alone to find Oscar… the whole thing was a mess. She tended to the wounds of her friends, shaking slightly. “None of this would’ve happened if I wasnt a silver eyed warrior…”
“Is that what you really think?”
Ruby quickly drew her scythe, looking around. “Who said that?” 
A woman with brown hair appeared in front of her, smiling. “Do you really think your life would be better without your silver eyes?” 
“Who are you?” 
The woman walked closer. “My name is Amber. And I’m here to show you what would’ve happened had you not had your silver eyes.” 
Ruby put her scythe away. “And how, exactly, are you going to show that to me?” 
Amber approached Ruby and put a hand on her shoulder, using a gift of the gods to show Ruby what could’ve been. 
Ruby felt a bit disoriented as everything shifted around them, the city of Atlas changing to Vale, back to the dust robbery she stopped. She looked around, hesitating for a moment. “Why are we here? I stopped this from happening.” 
“You did, when you had silver eyes. Instead, now that you dont…”
Ruby watched as her own visage was tossed through a window, struggling to keep hold of her own weapon as a few thugs all jumped her. 
“Your uncle didnt teach you how to fight. Your father tried to keep you from being a huntress. But you still wanted to be one, teaching yourself and trying to prove yourself. You ended up here one night and once the robbery started, you tried to teach them a lesson, instead learning one yourself.” Amber waved her hand, forwarding to the aftermath of the fight. 
Ruby watched as her old home appeared, watching herself struggle to get inside, wheelchair bound with a broken leg and arm. “So I didnt get into Beacon. That still doesnt change much-”
“But it changed everything.” 
Ruby watched as clouds of mist swirled around them, bringing them to Beacon. She watched as Yang, Blake, and Weiss were still on a team together, along with Jaune. 
Amber sighed. “This team was never functional without you. Weiss ended up being the leader, mocking faunus for who they were. Blake will eventually get tired of it and run away. Jaune and Yang will try to get Weiss to go find her, but she’ll insist they’re better off without her.” She waved her hand again, forwarding through the events until they saw the docks. “When Blake ran to try to prove her own innocence, things took a turn for the worse. Without you meeting Penny and making friends with her, the White Fang outnumbered her and Sun.” 
Ruby watched helplessly as Blake and Sun were beat and left for dead by the sheer numbers of White Fang. As the cops arrived, they took Blake and Sun into custody, arresting them for trying to steal dust. “But they were innocent. Why dont they see that?” 
“Without you, Penny, Weiss and Yang showing up, many of the White Fang got away, helping those that couldnt and leaving Blake and Sun to take the blame for the gunfire and the missing dust.”
“But then… that means they would get expelled, right?”
“They’ll get lucky and Ozpin will vouch for them being hunters in training. But this breaks Blake. She will never learn to trust her team, going after the White Fang alone and ultimately putting herself in danger.” 
Ruby sighed and looked away. “O-okay, so things dont end up going well for Blake. What about Weiss? I’m sure she’s happier without me.” 
Amber moved them along to the Fall of Beacon. “Through the school year, Weiss stays bitter and angry, blaming Blake for everything that happened. Including when Beacon fell.”
Ruby watched her school burn again, but this time, things were different. More students laid dead from the grimm that started overwhelming them. More grimm poured through Vale, the Breach never happened, allowing grimm to pour in right into the heart of Vale, destroying everything and rushing up to the school. The wyvern grimm could be seen flying high above, raining more goo down and creating more grimm. 
Amber started walking forward, showing Ruby Weiss. “When the fall of Beacon happened, Weiss stayed for as long as she could to defend the school Right up until her father dragged her home.” She waved her hand again, showing Weiss in her bedroom at home, bottles of wine laying near her. “She did her best to try to keep her father from getting under her skin, doing what it took for her to be the best heiress she could be for her company. Unfortunately, it wasnt enough for her. Without anyone to lean on, without friends who cared about her that she could think about, the stress became too much. It didnt take long for her to start following in her mother’s footsteps.” 
Ruby slowly walked up to Weiss, watching her. “But.. she had her team-” 
“She never did.” 
Ruby hesitated for a moment. “But Yang and Jaune. They would’ve tried to help her, right? They could’ve kept her from going down this path.” 
Amber slowly shook her head. “They tried. And they failed.”
“She could’ve gone to Atlas Academy. That was always an option for her.” 
“And her father wouldnt hear it. Even Ironwood’s influence couldnt help her.” 
Ruby sighed. “O-okay, what about JNPR. T-they were better off, right?” 
Amber smirked a bit and showed Shade Academy to Ruby. 
Ruby hesitated for a moment, trying to put the pieces together. “I… I dont understand. Why would they come here?”
“Without you, they didnt have the conviction to go after Cinder. They stuck around Beacon for a while, trying to help with the clean up. Once it became clear what they were doing wasnt making a difference, they made their way to Shade with CFVY. Which reminds me…” The visage of Shade disappeared, showing the ruins of Haven. 
Ruby stood there, eyes wide at what she was seeing. “Haven… it’s all gone... “ 
“Since you never brought anyone to Haven, the White Fang succeeded in destroying it.” 
Ruby thought for a moment. “But Blake came around last time with other faunus from Menagerie. What happened to them?”
Amber sighed. “A-are you sure you really want to see this?” 
“I have to know what prevented Blake! That cant be my fault!” 
Amber waved her hand once more, showing Blake with Adam, donning the White Fang gear again. “As I said before, she learned not to trust humans. When she went off on her own to try to stop the white fang, things didnt go as they did before. Adam threatened her family and gave her a choice: join him again, or watch her family suffer because of her. With no one else to turn to, she chose to join up with Adam once more, being with the White Fang again. She led the White Fang’s assault on Haven, making sure nothing was left standing.” 
Ruby took a few deep breaths, taking everything. “So… without me… Weiss and Blake both fell back into their old lives? But… I couldn’t have made that much of a difference on them. What about Yang? Surely things ended up differently with her.”
Amber made one last gesture, taking Ruby to the Branwen tribe. 
Ruby walked around, looking for Yang, stopping when she found her. “No…” 
“I’m afraid so.” Amber walked up behind Ruby. “Raven told her about everything that was going to happen during the fall of Beacon. Yang didnt believe her at first. But after everything happened, after losing her team and believing Blake to be dead, she went off to find Raven to join her tribe.” 
Ruby sighed and sat down. “All of my friends, my team…”
Amber put a hand on Ruby’s shoulder. “And now for one last thing for you to see.” 
Ruby was about to ask until her vision went black. When she opened her eyes, she saw her own reflection staring back at her in the mirror. She hesitated for a moment once she saw blue eyes staring back at her. She took a moment to walk around the dark house, hearing her dad down stairs. She rushed down to him, stopping for a moment. “D-dad?”
Tai turned to look at her, clearly broken up about Yang leaving. “Oh, Ruby… it’s just you.” 
Ruby slowly walked to him and hugged him. “Are you okay?”
Tai hugged her back. “I’m fine sweetie. I was thinking about Yang and hoping she was okay.” 
“W-we could go after her-” 
“No. You’re going to stay right here. I’m not going to lose you too. I’ve already lost your mother, Yang, and Raven. I refuse to let you go.”
Ruby hesitated. “I… I can fight-”
“I said no. If anything, go take Zwei for a walk. But stay close. With the grimm crawling all around Vale, I cant risk you getting hurt too.” 
Ruby sighed and went to find Zwei, not believing what she was seeing. Everything just seemed… wrong. She went outside and looked up to the sky. “Okay Amber. I… I see your point. I… I want to go back now. Please.” 
Amber appeared before Ruby one last time. “Now do you see why you having silver eyes was never a bad thing? Ozpin may have only allowed you to join Beacon early because of them, but without that, you never would’ve made the impact on others as you have now.” 
“I’m… understanding that now.”
Amber smiled a bit as a flash of light appeared behind her. 
Ruby covered her eyes, feeling like she was blinded. Once the light died down, she looked around at her friends again, sighing in relief. She gently started changing Weiss’s bandages, thankful to have her team back. 
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shinobirain24 · 3 years
Jupiter Vasilias Quotes
Vs. Winter Schnee
1) Jupiter: Your grandfather had made a huge mistake letting your father take over the company. He is nothing but a weak and pathetic fool.
Winter: Grandfather has regretted his mistakes. But You don't have any right to judge him.
Jupiter: I'll make sure Uranus' wishes are fulfilled when I take the whole military down.
2) Winter: Even what we did was wrong. I still believed you and your friends can be saved.
Jupiter: I ain't buying your crap. I am done with a fool of a military, Schnee.
Winter: I tried reasoning with you, but you have lost your ways as a huntsman.
3) Winter: No matter what you throw at me, you still have my respects for your pride.
Jupiter: I don't want your pity. I want vengeance on the evils your army has brought upon Mantle.
Winter: Vengeance won't solve anything.
4) Winter: You and your grandfather are nothing but kings of deception. For rebelling against the military.
Jupiter: I can say the same about you, Ice Demon. Now I can accomplish for what Grandfather Uranus has failed from the start.
Winter: If Nicholas has stopped him before, than I'll stop you as well before you can start another rebellion.
5) Jupiter: It's amazing of how your bloodline survive in this time.
Winter: Then how did my ancestors get wiped out so easily?
Jupiter: Simple, your bloodline is all snow and no ice.
Vs. Arthur Watts
1) Watts: Shame that your talents are wasted in Haven.
Jupiter: I am forever grateful for your guarantee of my accomplishments, doctor.
Watts: Then show me what you have, Jupiter.
2) Watts: Jupiter, you traitor! And to think I have erased your memories completely!
Jupiter: You are a fool to think you have us played for your mind games. I'm done being your puppet.
Watts: You'll regret this, boy.
Vs. Yang Xiao Long
1) Yang: Throwing away your own family?! To work for Salem?! That's low!
Jupiter: Trust me, having your loved ones, makes you weak.
Yang: You reminded me of the person who left me behind since birth.
2) Jupiter: So you're Raven Branwen's daughter. I could see the resemblance.
Yang: At least, I'm better off without her. She's also the reason your brother could've been killed had we not stop the traitors from blowing up Haven.
Jupiter: Trust me, I regret every moment when I threw away my past.
Vs. Neptune Vasilias
1) Neptune: First you almost drowned me. Now you betrayed us?
Jupiter: I only did it to toughen you up, little bro.
Neptune: Not an excuse for working with Salem.
2) Jupiter: Join me, Neptune. And together, we can take out any enemy that stand in our way.
Neptune: Bro, what posses you to go insane?
Jupiter: Vengeance, that's what. I did it for the good of Remnant, little bro.
3) Neptune: What did Weiss ever do to you?!
Jupiter: Her sister is part the reason I ended up in Salem's hellhole in the first place.
Neptune: Weiss has nothing to do with this. It's best if you leave her out of this. Revenge is never the answer.
4) Neptune: Jupiter, please. You don't have to do this.
Jupiter: There's nothing you can do now, little bro.
Neptune: Then as your brother. I will save you from yourself.
5) Jupiter: You and that Schnee? Really, Neptune?
Neptune: Say whatever you want. Weiss is a snow angel who I will always stood by her side.
Jupiter: This is what split our brotherhood in the first place.
6) Jupiter: You belong with the tribe.
Neptune: I belong with my team, bro.
Jupiter: Our blood goes to the tribe, not to anyone else.
Vs. Cinder Fall
1) Cinder: The son of Saturn Vasilias working under her grace. How interesting.
Jupiter: Know this, Fall. I don't take orders from you. And as a Black Viper, I bow to no one.
Cinder: You forget that I am the Fall Maiden.
2) Cinder: Why won't you stay dead!
Jupiter: Because I hope you will drop dead first. I won't be the last Vasilias alive.
Cinder: We'll just see about that, Vasilias.
3) Jupiter: Today's the day you will pay for your crimes, Fall! And this time, you will die.
Cinder: And whose going to stop me? I already killed the previous Fall Maiden. Not even Winter Schnee can defeat me.
Jupiter: Even if you're the Fall Maiden, I won't let you get away with the people you murdered. Feel the wrath of my semblance!
Vs Sun Wukong
1) Sun: I haven't forgotten the time Neptune told me you threw him into the water.
Jupiter: I did it for his own good.
Sun: How will you feel if you lost him?
2) Jupiter: I thanked you for looking after my brother, Sun.
Sun: I am more of a brother to Neptune than you'll ever be.
Jupiter: You're right. I was a terrible brother after what happened when he's 4 years old.
3) Sun: One thing I hate about traitors, is when they are deceivers.
Jupiter: Deception is one way to victory.
Sun: You Black Vipers are worst than the White Fang.
Vs. Ruby Rose
1) Jupiter: I don't have anything against you, kid. But don't get in my way.
Ruby: Stop pushing everyone away, we can take out Salem together.
Jupiter: It's like Raven said. There is no stopping Salem.
2) Ruby: What you're doing is not right. I can understand the pain you felt, but that's no excuse for hurting everyone you deemed responsible.
Jupiter: I did what should've been done years ago. Then my friends and I wouldn't be in this mess.
Ruby: Then we will stop you.
3) Jupiter: Are you in any relation to Summer Rose?
Ruby: That's my mom's name, why?
Jupiter: We have a lot to talk about, but first, a test.
Vs. Weiss Schnee
1) Jupiter: You stay away from my brother, Schnee. I won't let you manipulate him like your father has on every person.
Weiss: I would never do such a thing to him. I realized my wrongs, and at least Neptune sees me for who I am, unlike you.
Jupiter: What does my brother see in you?
2) Weiss: If anyone's to blame for what happened to the mines, it's my father.
Jupiter: Not once your sister has proven his incompetence.
Weiss: Still, be glad I put him in prison. And leave Winter out of this.
3) Weiss: You're the reason why Neptune was hurt in the first place.
Jupiter: Since when do you care? All I know is that you Schnees are heartless.
Weiss: That's because I met the people who changed my life for the better.
4) Jupiter: Don't expect me to give you a blessing for my brother.
Weiss: Would it really bother you if your future nieces and nephews are Schnee by blood?
Jupiter: Now you have gone too far.
Vs. Qrow Branwen
1) Qrow: Kid, please don't do this to your old man.
Jupiter: Dad was too soft. I got pride as a huntsmen.
Qrow: That doesn't mean you get to do whatever you want.
2) Qrow: I get where you're coming from. But I left the Branwen Tribe after seeing its true nature.
Jupiter: Raven was right. You have gotten too soft.
Qrow: I don't have to push my nieces to become huntsmen.
3) Jupiter: My tribe will reign over society.
Qrow: What has that gramps of your been doing to brainwash you?
Jupiter: Seeing me as worthy for his position as the next leader of the Vasilias Tribe.
4) Qrow: I don't even like the Ice Queen either. But this won't do any good if you keep up with this rivalry
Jupiter: Winter Schnee is my enemy, not my rival.
Qrow: Guess you're in for a rough day.
Vs. Uranus Vasilias
1) Uranus: Jupiter, welcome.
Jupiter: So you accept me as part of the tribe, Grandfather?
Uranus: Your father, my son, is too weak. But as my grandson, you never inherit his bleeding heart. You're definitely the next heir to the tribe.
2) Jupiter: I desired the position as one of your generals, Grandfather. Then we can take out the Schnees and the miliarty together and then Atlas will be yours.
Uranus: First comes first. Prove it to me.
Jupiter: I will gladly accept your challenge.
3) Uranus: Your little brother has been proven to be a weakling to embrace his lineage.
Jupiter: Geez, just take it easy old man. He's only trying his best.
Uranus: How long are you going too soft on him?
4) Uranus: Your mother was the reason your father left the tribe.
Jupiter: Hadn't been for her. I wouldn't be here to fight with you.
Uranus: How should I trust you?
Vs. Blake Belladonna
1) Blake: You Vipers are no different than the White Fang.
Jupiter: Unlike the White Fang. Us Vipers only kill criminals, not innocence.
Blake: That still counts as a crime you know.
2) Jupiter: I'll help you take out the White Fang if you join us, Belladonna.
Blake: And take unnecessary actions. No thanks.
Jupiter: If I win, you'll join us.
Vs. Mercury Black.
1) Mercury: I never killed a Vasilias before.
Jupiter: I'll make sure you this is your last day on Remnant, Assassin's Spawn.
Mercury: You're going to regret calling me that.
2) Jupiter: You just fallen into the wrong crowd, Black.
Mercury: So what? At least our queen has given me the respect I deserve. Unlike my old man.
Jupiter: Enjoy it while it last, it won't last long.
3) Mercury: I'll make sure you and the coward drown in seas together.
Jupiter: One more word about my brother, or my family, and I will send you to the same place you sent your father, Marcus.
Mercury: Don't compare me to that deadbeat!
Vs. Emerald Sustrai
1) Jupiter: Ditch Cinder and Salem, and we promise you a place with the Black Vipers.
Emerald: Then what? Use me like how Cinder did?
Jupiter: Things will be different now that she is gone.
2) Emerald: What did you do to Mercury?!
Jupiter: Giving him the punishment he deserved.
Emerald: It's his dad's fault for him being like this!
Vs. Jaune Arc
1) Jaune: What do you want from me?
Jupiter: Offering you a position in the Black Vipers to help you take your Vengeance for your friend.
Jaune: That's not what Pyrrha would do.
2) Jupiter: Vengeance will bring justice to the lost innocent souls.
Jaune: That was true once. But for Pyrrha's sake, there are other ways.
Jupiter: Then I guess you of all the students are too much of a pacifist.
3) Jupiter: So you refused to take vengeance on Cinder?
Jaune: She'll get what's coming. But I won't go insane like you are.
Jupiter: I couldn't help but feel sorry for you.
Vs. Lie Ren
1) Ren: I understand your pain and sorrow for your eldest brother, but taking matters into your own hands will not bring him back.
Jupiter: Pluto will have his justice when I'm done with Salem.
Ren: Then I guess there is no other way to stop you.
2) Jupiter: With your semblance, we can take out any corrupted soul in Remnant.
Ren: I will not use my semblance for personal gain.
Jupiter: Your loss.
Vs. Adam Taurus
1) Jupiter: You and I despise Cinder.
Adam: That doesn't make us allies, human.
Jupiter: Think of all the freedom you can obtain for your people.
2) Adam: You'll help me eliminate Cinder?
Jupiter: That woman needs to be destroyed for all the hell she put us through.
Adam: Make it soon, Jupiter.
3) Adam: You Black Vipers betrayed us!
Jupiter: And you, Adam, are next in my hit list.
Adam: I'll cut every last of you Vipers alive.
Vs. James Ironwood
1) Ironwood: Where is your pride as a huntsman?
Jupiter: That died down because of you, Ironwood.
Ironwood: I have my regret too, but what is done is done.
2) Jupiter: Look at you! The great General Ironwood, failure and the real villain of Atlas!
Ironwood: One day, I hope you can accept my apology for not realizing you were framed.
Jupiter: Your death will be enough for me to be satisfied.
3) Jupiter: You had enough brainwashing your students to play soldier for one day.
Ironwood: It was only for the benefit of my students to protect Atlas.
Jupiter: What about the rest of Remnant?
4) Jupiter: You don't deserve the ranks of General for your cowardice.
Ironwood: At least I'll die saving the kingdom I was born in.
Jupiter: In the end, people are going to see who the real traitor is.
Vs. Natalie Andromeda
1) Natalie: Come to me, you handsome criminal.
Jupiter: Sorry, not a fan of people from the Atlesian Military like you.
Natalie: Aww, you reject me, Jupiter?
2) Jupiter: When are you going to stop chasing me, Natalie?
Natalie: Not until you're mine.
Jupiter: Not a chance.
3) Natalie: Do you know what happens when handsome men like you commit a crime?
Jupiter: That I don't want to think about.
Natalie: I give them a punishment.
4) Natalie: Under Specialist Schnee's orders, you're coming with me.
Jupiter: And forever salute to that Schnee? No thanks.
Natalie: I am not going to take no for an answer.
Vs. Salem
1) Salem: So you decided to not take vengeance against the people who wronged you?
Jupiter: The only one who is going to die today, is you, you witch.
Salem: Did you forget I am immortal?
2) Jupiter: You're the reason Pluto is gone in the first place!
Salem: His semblance threatens my common vision for the end of humanity.
Jupiter: I'll struck you till you're nothing but dust and bones!
3) Jupiter: I have you and Watts played for a bunch of fools like you.
Salem: And who was it that I have taken from you, boy?
Jupiter: Pluto Vasilias, my brother!
Jupiter: Why did my ancestors disappeared from there?
4) Jupiter: You may have taken my memories, but you will never have my soul.
Salem: Hahaha, I killed your brother.
Jupiter: Prepare to take your last breathe.
Vs. Nora Valkyrie
1) Jupiter: Out of my way, kid.
Nora: Shock me all you want. Cause I am juiced!
Jupiter: You're kidding me, right?
2) Jupiter: You wouldn't apprehend a fellow huntsman, would ya?
Nora: Sorry, Lightning boy! But you're going down!
Jupiter: I can keep those up all night.
3) Nora: Get out of my way, or I'll break your legs!
Jupiter: Geez, what has gotten you worked up?
Nora: They don't call me Beast Rider Nora for nothing!
Vs. Mars Vasilias
1) Mars: Hello there, Father.
Jupiter: I never knew I had a son.
Mars: You abandoned me when I was baby!
2) Jupiter: I never thought you would stoop this low.
Mars: You will address me as Emperor of Remnant.
Jupiter: You will address me as the Azure Storm of Vengeance.
3) Mars: I freed humanity.
Jupiter: Wrong, you enslaved them all.
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strqyr · 3 years
i'm back again with another branwen post™, this time delving onto their reasons for originally staying instead of going back to the tribe, and how those reasons have influenced their development in the past as well as in the present.
and those reasons are family and mission.
this is something that was already set up in their very first interaction in volume 4; qrow is the one to bring up family, while raven is focused on the mission. and while these are certainly A Thing for them, respectively, it is not The Thing that drives them.
because they're actually flipped, as things often are with the branwens.
early on, qrow's loyalty to ozpin was well known; it was basically blind loyalty at that point. and it makes sense, because all qrow has ever wanted to do is to do good. he heard the stories about the grimm reaper, he looked up to her to the point of fashioning his own weapon after hers. even before attending beacon and joining ozpin's cause, he wanted to become a huntsman, for a chance to do some real good.
and ultimately, ozpin gave him a cause, a mission qrow could dedicate himself to, even if it meant staying away from his family for months at the time.
so he stayed, instead of perhaps taking a paper out of the grimm reaper's book and traveling alone, doing good while ensuring he wouldn't harm those he cares about with his semblance.
he stayed, and it was ozpin who gave him something meaningful to work towards, something to drive him, something to dedicate himself to.
and he did. he did so to the point of even getting ruby and yang involved, his family, despite knowing how dangerous it would get. knowing the risks, knowing the target ruby would have on her back thanks to her silver eyes. all because it was for a good cause.
(but he also did so knowing that this time, he would be there to protect them. that this time, things would turn out differently.)
(he's not feeling that so much right now, but luckily, it's only temporary.)
all of this is why qrow's turning point is finding out that ozpin lied. it's his "the rug is pulled from under him and there's nowhere to hide" moment.
so he falls, but he gets back up, because he still has his family to look out for (and all the other kids, too). because despite the hurt the truth caused, his mission is not over, and he can still do some good while at it.
for raven, family is an important part of her character, whether it's about team strq or the branwen tribe.
and while raven had joined ozpin's cause as well, it's because of this why I believe the reason behind raven staying had more to do with her relationship with tai and their move to patch to perhaps start a family than anything else.
but it's also the importance of family to raven why things ended up poorly; because with the tribe, when you're family, you stand by each other no matter what:
qrow: they were killers and thieves.
raven: they were your family.
so when raven told the rest of her team the truth about salem and how ozpin had lied to them, and they chose to believe ozpin instead of her? well...
raven: sorry, brother. sometimes family disappoints you like that.
that's why raven went back to the tribe. even though she likely knew that they weren't so great – especially when compared to the family she found with her team – at least they never chose someone else over her.
as far as we know, raven never contacted tai or summer after she left, but she kept in touch with qrow whenever it suited her, because not only is qrow her brother, he was also part of the tribe family, too.
(it's also why she kept eyes on yang in bird form, enough that yang could recognize her, because yang never disappointed her like so... until she chose ruby over raven, anyway.)
but just like qrow had his turning point when it came to his mission, raven's turning point regarding her family also happened in volume 5.
qrow disowned her. vernal is dead. there's the whole complicated emotional mess that happened with yang, but ultimately, it too ended with raven failing at that one thing she tried to do: to keep yang away from ozpin's war.
all that was left for her was a portal to tai – a bridge that was possibly already burned long time ago – and she kept flying; perhaps to a place that reminds her of a time of happiness. of a time when she still had her family around her.
and maybe from there, she too can get back up, just like qrow did.
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serararku · 3 years
Where the Wild Things Are Pt 4
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By the time the dirty deed was done, the sun hung high in the sky. It had thoroughly burned away last night's thunderclouds and was halfway done pummeling Thanalan like a drum with its blistering heat. The huntresses were done sharpening their spears, blades and arrows, the wives had already awoken the young to begin their chores, and the sentries had returned to their posts to begin their watch anew. 
Era stirred from her slumber with a thirst strong enough to wake the dead. The first thing she noticed was the soft wool blanket draped over their bodies, two large clay pots filled with crystal-clear water, and a pair of leather loincloths and cloaks; there was only one person that came to mind that was sober enough last night to do this. "Thanks, mom…" Carefully she lifted the covers off her body and wiggled free from her sleeping Nunh's grasp. She had used every trick and every technique in her arsenal to leave a lasting impression, and judging by the stains, smell, and bruises, hopefully her hard work paid off.
There was nothing sweeter than fresh oasis water after a long night such as that one. She couldn't contain herself- once the cool drink splashed against her upper lip, she tilted it back and drank deep. Gulp…! Gulp…! Gulp…! Gulp…! Some of it slipped from the corners of her lips and trickled down her chin, but she couldn't care less; it was too refreshing to notice anything else. With her ravenous thirst defeated, she wiped her mouth dry with her forearm before eyeballing the other one. Surely Vahli wouldn't mind if his favorite wife wanted a little extra?
“Nngh… not so fast…” He groggily groaned as he forced himself onto his side. Undoubtedly he was jolted awake by how obnoxiously loud her drinking was; Era was many things, but a quiet eater was definitely not one of them. Vahli reached over and lifted the large pot with a single hand, but not before pouring half of it into the empty one. A grunt slipped through clenched teeth when he pushed himself up into a sitting position, then he knocked his drink back in only a few giant gulps. Era remained still and silent as she waited for him to quench his thirst. “You weren’t a maiden were you?” Her ears flattened against her head and her breath caught in her throat. She was awful at lying on the spot- and the flicker in his deep red eyes let her know Vahli knew the truth. “No maiden could do what you did last night. But… I’m not angry.” He added reassuringly. “You lived in the tribeless cities for over a year. And with a woman like you… well… Tia of all kinds tend to gather in those places. I want to say I’m disappointed but that would be a lie.”
“Why…?” Was all Era could mumble.
With another grunt and a sharp wince, he tucked his feet beneath him and rose to his full towering height. “Denoh had you exiled from the tribe. You were his by right of conquest. And yet you ran away to chase the man who actually managed to kill your father. But when I defeated him- quite easily I might add- your mother begged me to overrule his decision.” Vahli slowly walked to the window to bask in the warmth of the harsh sunlight. He turned just enough to glance down at Era, and motion for her to join him. “Family is all we have. The Zu… no. All Miqo’te are stronger together. I could not refuse her request… I could not keep a mother from her firstborn daughter.”
“Thank you…” Era sighed, rising to her feet to stand beside him. Maybe it was a good idea she didn’t keep contact after all; knowing she was exiled would have destroyed her. “I.. don’t know what to say.”
“Your ‘thank you’ is enough.” Vahli crossed his arms and closed his eyes. “But not all of my reasons were selfless. She told me you were the most beautiful of all her children. I… hoped you would return to the family while I still drew breath. I’m glad you did.” The Nunh opened his eyes to watch the desert heat cause the wastes to shake and flicker. He was silent for a long moment, until his faint smile began to fade. “Listen. I’m… not stupid. I know how things operate in tribes. I know the rivalries that go on for the Nunh’s affection. And I know you didn’t just blow my mind because your mother convinced you to.” Vahli let his arms drop to his sides as he turned to face her. “You want something. Speak.”
Era pursed her lips as she stared into his eyes. He was a difficult man to read, not just by how he spoke, but how he carried himself as well; he can hide his emotions better than just about anyone and everyone she knows, and the prospect of trying to sidestep his demands with deception didn’t remotely feel like a good idea. Instead she chose honesty. For now.
“I want my father’s glaive.” She blurted out, noticing his eyes shimmer when he blinked.
“No.” Vahli’s face was as still as stone when he gave his answer, but his tone was firm and forceful. “Rarku’s glaive isn’t just a good weapon. It’s a symbol. An icon. The Nunh who wields it commands both the fear and respect he had when he was alive.” He turned back to gaze out the window. “Without the glaive the Drake Tribe will start getting ideas. We have enough enemies already.”
“In that case…” Era started, pausing to inhale sharply. “We need allies. My friends in Ul’dah can help us.”
Vahli grimaced when his gaze returned to her. “Outsiders.”
“They’re good people… and I’m sure they’ll be willing to help us.”
“The Zu do not negotiate with their prey.” He pushed off the window to walk toward the table, distractingly reminding her that they both were still completely naked. “We’ve hunted the halfmen and their wagons for decades. We don’t even speak their clumsy language. They want us dead and gone so they can plunder the dirt for their shiny rocks. We cannot rely on them for anything.”
Era pursed her lips when she hurried back over to his side, almost forgetting how much her entire body ached. “Ul’dah hates us… that’s true. Attacking their caravans hurts their profits… and also the whole… you know… outlawing slavery thing…”
“The Zu do not recognize their authority.” Vahli glowered, scratching at his chin. 
Era remained adamant. “Our ancestors traveled across the frozen sea to find a better life. When our tribe first settled here in Thanalan… we had to adapt to this unforgiving place in order to survive." Slowly she stepped in front of Vahli to keep his attention. "Our hunts used to wield ten times more meat than that giant boar. There may not be enough food to go around. The springs are shrinking… and the enemy gathers at our borders. This cycle can’t continue… is this really what you want for us?”
A low growl hummed from the back of his throat when he grimaced. “Of course not…”
“Gaining the trust of the Immortal Flames will be hard… it may not even happen in our lifetimes. But my friends can help us. We just need an emissary to keep in contact with them.” Era stood as tall as she could and swallowed dryly before adding, “I can do this.”
Vahli didn’t look so convinced. “My favorite wife, out there in the tribeless cities? No.” He turned his back to her as he made his way for the cloak her mother left for them. “It’s too dangerous. They will kill you if they know you’re Zu. Your place is here, birthing and raising children.” Era exhaled slowly and her ears flattened against her head; her pupils dilated and her tail bristled, and Vahli definitely noticed.
“I am Rarku’s firstborn daughter.” She pushed out the words through a trembling voice. “I didn’t just get his eyes and hair. His rage flows through my veins… his anger burns in my heart. After just six moons of training, I fought toe-to-toe with a hundred shelled men and won. Slaughtered an entire pirate crew by myself. Faced off against an unnatural monstrosity and killed it! Imagine what I’ll be capable of after a whole year of training. All that talent would be wasted sitting on my ass with a baby at my nipple.”
He pulled his cloak over his shoulders and adjusted his loincloth in silence. Era kept her mouth shut as she watched him get dressed, already pre-planning to answer what he might ask next. “If you’re as half as good on the battlefield as you are in the bedroom…” He left his sentence hanging while he turned to look at her again. “There is someone waiting for you in the tribeless cities, isn’t there? A lover? More than a casual fling?”
“There was only Tage. I went through hell to get him back… and when I failed… I went through hell again to avenge him.” Era slowly walked over to her own pile of spare clothes and began dressing herself as well, keeping her gaze to the floor. Better to lie to him now than wait until later; Vahli doesn’t know her signs yet. “I want to keep my family and my friends in my life. I may be a decent lay but I’m no mother. Not until I can get rid of this murderous hatred.”
“The tribe needs children. Our territory is too large and our forces too few… we’re spread out thin. But…” He let out a defeated sigh before continuing, “I can’t afford to let your skills go to waste. A deal then? A compromise?”
“I’m listening…”
“Your heart may belong to Tage, but your womb belongs to me.” Vahli puffed up his chest as he studied her closely. “I will let you attempt this ‘treaty’ with the tribeless cities, but you will drop whatever you are doing and return to us should we need your talent for bloodshed. After our enemies are culled and our allegiances cemented you and I will focus on childbearing. Understood?”
Her eyes lit up with a nod and a half smile. “Yes… I understand. Thank you Vahli.”
“You’re recognized as my wife and your status as tribekin has been restored. Seek out Elder Huuna. If anyone knows about you and your father’s rage and how to handle it, it’s her.” Vahli ran his hand down her shoulder and back as he walked past, heading for the exit.
Era remained silent and still. The Elders were a reclusive lot, and set in the old ways more than anyone else. Elder Huuna was especially strange. A cold shiver ran up her spine when she thought about that blind woman and her enigmatic methods. But what choice did she have? If she didn’t resolve her anger issues at least then she would only return to Ul’dah with little more than awkward shame and embarrassment. Without the glaive this entire trip would be more or less just a visit to speak with her mother at the cost of her dignity. No… her choice was more than clear.
With a sharp inhale and bated breath, Era stepped out of Vahli’s chambers and began making her way to the Elder’s tent on the other side of Valhaas Barrow.
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itsclydebitches · 4 years
The FNDM's reaction to vol 7 is So Weird. Qrow's email at the end of vol 1 sent Ironwood charging to Vale. The attack on Beacon - charged his own flagship then fought in the streets. He spent 4&5 fighting his own council. 7 - planned to unite the world & punch Salem in the face. Charged against Watts. When the man announces there's no hope to save Mantle (which had its heat cut off earlier and large numbers already evacuated as Robyn herself said) and retreat is the only hope I BELIEVE HIM.
Especially since, as the audience, we have an even better understanding of this situation than Ironwood does. He just learned that Salem is immortal. Meanwhile, we’ve spent a whole volume watching the group succumb to that information, gotten confirmation that it made Raven run back to her tribe, saw how it drove Lionheart to the edge, gotten to witness first hand (via the vision) what Salem’s power looks like and how quickly she reforms after being obliterated with magic... and that’s all not even considering omniscient details like watching Salem start to amass this army, or seeing her shatter windows in a display of pure rage. 
The reactions should basically be: 
Ironwood: I know thanks to my knowledge and basic common sense that this is a hopeless situation as we currently understand it. We need to leave. 
The Audience: We know even more than you do and thus understand that things are even worse than they appear. Yeah, leaving is the only option for both short-term and long-term survival. 
The Group: We’ve spent the last two volumes talking about how hopeless this war is, hiding from it, and now our leader - the simple soul meant to stand fast against Salem - has collapsed sobbing from one verbal lashing. We have no plan, little aura, things like relics and a Maiden in need of protection... we have to go. 
Yet instead all of this is supposed to culminate in the audience a) thinking Ironwood is coward who is abandoning Mantle out of cold-heartedness and b) thinking the group is made up of heroes who have the fortitude and ability to pull a miracle out of nowhere... even though we haven’t seen either of these things. 
What the characters think and believe is often distinct from what the audience thinks and believes. I have no issue with the group thinking that they can and should pull out that miracle because they’re traumatized teens desperate not to lose another home. That’s entirely understandable and fits well with their characterizations. But expecting the audience to side with them in such an overt manner when you’ve done no work to justify/explain/rationalize why this perspective is superior simply doesn’t work. If the writing wanted me to hate Ironwood, don’t write him as a good man who is making logical calls. If the writing wanted me to cheer for Ruby, don’t write her as hypocritical, then weak in the face of Salem, then risking an entire kingdom on her ill-founded confidence. I love that Ruby is struggling, the only problem is how the writing then ignores that while upholding her as Mantle’s Only Hope. I love that Ironwood makes dubious calls, the only problem is how the writing then ignores how justified those calls are in the context they’re made in. To say nothing of ignoring all the characterization we got prior to this, which you’ve pointed out above. If Ironwood thought there was a way to fight he would absolutely fight. His retreat says far more about the situation than it does him... but the writing won’t acknowledge that. RWBY is really struggling right now with getting its end goals to match up with the journey getting there. 
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graegrape · 4 years
OJGQ? 👀👀 anything and everything please
theres not a whole lot planned out world-building wise ill be honest, i was working more on characters, but here's what i got:
- salem grows stronger a generation earlier and builds up power > the fall of beacon happens way earlier!
- team ojqg essentially replaces team rwby in a narrative sense. theres also team skrw (summer, kali, raven, willow) who are the "replacements" for team jnpr. ill probably make a seperate post about them
about the characters:
- Ozpin is the son of a middle class family from Vale and attends Beacon in hopes of reaching higher education and making money as a freelance huntsman. He's a bit of an oddball among the students, always up to some mischief or reciting entire paragraphs of weapon manuals to his peers. He acts like an old man already. Wonder why that is!
- Ozma's spirit was reincarnated into him just a few months before the plot starts. He's currently struggling with adjusting to it, because he really doesn't just want to be assimilated for Ozma's cause - but what can you do?
- This sets up his arc: Coming to terms with not being able to be his own person ever again. This, however, includes that he needs to focus on people on the outside, as well. Basically, an arc about becoming more selfless as a person and a team leader.
- Glynda is from Vale as well and wants to become a huntsman to save citizens who can't save themselves. Her semblance manifested very early on, and due to its extreme power, Glynda was basically destined to become a huntress.
- Glynda is the stable, stern one of the team. She takes school very seriously - but doesn't mind some jokes. Sure, she'll roll her eyes at Qrow occasionally, but she does secretly think its kind of funny.
- Her arc is about learning that she can't always be the one who takes responsibility. It peaks during one of Qrow and Ironwoods fights where they seriously endanger themselves and people around them. She has a breakdown, tells them to get their shit together, then storms off.
- Ironwood is the son of a big politician in Atlas. He was sent to Beacon in order to improve his father's reputation in Remnant, to assert authority and prove how much of a 'good person' he is, wanting to send his son to this 'wonderful school' instead of Atlas. And while he isn't Jacques Schnee in terms of being awful, his father isn't.. the best person.
- James is just as serious as Glynda is when it comes to studying subjects, just more.. extreme. He can't stand Qrow's stupid pranks and would rather call him out in front of the entire class than sit around and watch. He's not selfish, more just strict and has a rather narrow view of the world. Thanks Dad
- His arc mostly revolves around his frequent verbal and physical fights (yes, they fight with their weapons. great idea guys) with Qrow and coming to terms with his previous prejudice against Faunus and lower class citizens.
- Qrow's backstory is the same! Same old Branwen tribe shtick. Raven's still his sister.
- Qrow is a playful student who doesn't like paying attention or really wants to be at Beacon (But he still has to. Thanks Branwen tribe!). He loves messing around with people, calling them names... you name it(haha). Thus, he frequently fights with Ironwood.
- His arc is about him getting over his prejudice against the upper class through his fights with good ol' Ironwood! It's not exactly as apparent as Ironwood's arc, because Qrow's kind of in the right.
and that's all i've got so far!! im glad ur enjoying this au aaa
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RWBY Grimm Guardians Arc 4: Re-Bonding In Mistral Ch 4
Welcome back to Re-Bonding in Mistral! In this chapter, Summer and Raven FINALLY reconnect and have some fun.
As usual, please give constructive criticism and enjoy!
Disclaimer: Still own nothing. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS CHAPTER HAS BEEN EDITED FOR ITS SFW RELEASE ON DA, ROOSTERTEETH SITE, AND THE RWBY WIKIA DISCORD. NSFW VERSIONS ARE ON TUMBLR AND ARCHIVEOFOUROWN. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (7:00 PM)
(In the Bandit Tribe camp…)
“Why are you here, Qrow?” Raven asked. “This is the last place you wanna be.” Her younger brother nodded, “I know. I’m just letting you know that Sum’s getting ready for your date.” He then put a finger over his sister’s lips, “And don’t tell that it’s not a date. Because it’s VERY CLEARLY a date.” The elder twin sighed, rubbing her eyes, “I appreciate you being very supportive, little brother, but…” “Your teasing pisses me off.” She explained, only to receive a knowing grin from the taller man.
“It’s what I do. Remember. It’s just harmless fun, okay?” He said. Qrow then turned to Vernal, saying sternly, “I’m counting on you to make sure my sister and her partner have a peaceful and lovely night, okay?” Now, normally, the brunette would disregard the younger Branwen’s request… That is...if he didn’t have a raging fire in his eyes. A look into his eyes alone made it VERY clear to Vernal that Qrow would NOT take no for an answer. That was how much he cared.
Raven was quite shocked that her brother, who was usually carefree and relaxed, was now making a hidden promise that he would protect her and Summer’s happiness. No matter what. The young woman slowly nodded, “I...understand.” “Good.” The taller of the twins nodded, before noticing his sister’s shocked expression. “Look, after everything you’ve gone through...and told me… You deserve every bit of happiness and privacy tonight.” He explained. “Both you and Summer.”
The red clad woman nodded, before hugging her brother, “Thank you, Qrow. You stay safe now.” Qrow chuckled and reciprocated, “You too, Rae. You two have fun now. Sum should be ready in a few minutes.” The tribe leader nodded, before the taller man left back through the portal.
Raven waited for about five minutes before a 6-foot-2-inch tall, white and red cloaked woman with black hair and red highlights, wearing a nice gray sweater, a black turtleneck underneath, nice black jeans, and nice gray hiking shoes. Had Raven not resurrected Summer, she’d be confused as hell as to who this woman was. “It’s been a while, Rae.” The woman smiled and just the voice alone made the tribe leader want to cry tears of joy.
Raven noticed that Summer was even wearing the silver ring she gave her as a birthday present.
“Hey, Summer.” The red clad woman said, closing the portal and trying her best to keep herself together. How long...did the two women both PRAY for this moment to finally arrive? They couldn’t remember. But gods, it felt so GOOD for the two women to FINALLY see each other. The former STRQ leader looked towards Vernal, before Raven said, “This is Vernal. She’s...my second-in-command.”
Raven knew DAMN well that Summer saw right through that lie. There was no way ANYONE would be able to lie to the former STRQ leader. They’d be a fool for even TRYING. And Raven was mentally cursing at herself for DOING so.
So it was no surprise that she was shocked when Summer nodded. The taller woman smiled, “I can tell you got something, Rae.” “Something you don’t want to have though.” She said, her expression saddening. “And you don’t want Yang or anyone else to be cursed with it either.” The tribe leader sighed, “Observant as usual.” “Though I’m sure Vernal is still seen as such by the others.” The taller woman said.
She then walked up to the younger woman, smiling and shaking her hand, “Summer Rose of Vale.” The tan woman was, obviously, stunned by the polite gesture, but attempted to return it in kind. “Vernal of Mistral.” She said, almost stuttering as she did so. Everything about Summer shocked her; from her appearance to her personality. And even her mannerisms.
She also could tell that there was something absurdly powerful hidden in the taller woman, but did her best NOT to question it.
Summer quickly caught the sounds of quiet whispers. She then turned, spotting the rest of the bandits staring RIGHT at her. And she was certain that not of them were happy. The former STRQ leader then grinned, putting an arm around Raven’s shoulder, saying, “Heya! I’m Summer, Raven’s significant other. Nice to meet you!” Her eyes then narrowed menacingly, “Also, if you got a problem with it, then fucking bring it.”
“I promise, you’ll be BEGGING for mercy within ten seconds.” She growled. Normally, the bandits WOULD try to fight and put Summer in her place. However, they could vaguely tell that she was FAR stronger than them, meaning that they would lose against her, no matter what. Plus, they knew how terrifying Raven was on her own, so whether they liked it or not, they backed off.
For now, anyway….
Raven would’ve panicked had she not been aware of how powerful Summer was now. Vernal, on the other hand, was obviously shocked...and almost visibly freaking out. “Have you lost your MIND…!?” She asked in a hushed whisper. The former STRQ leader shook her head, “Not me. Them. They and Raven’s bitch mother tried to fuck around with the WRONG family.”
“You, however, are in the good books, hun. And are invited to the wedding.” Summer grinned, all while Raven rubbed her eyes with a loud sigh. The brunette gave a nervous chuckle, “Thanks… I guess?”, only to burst into genuine laughter as her superior dragged the taller woman into the tent by the arm. “I’ll make sure you aren’t disturbed until nightfall. Just as your brother requested.” The young woman said, sitting in front of the tent and guarding it. Vernal was liking Summer already.
Raven sighed as she and her former leader sat down at her table next to each other, “I see you haven’t changed that much.” Her former leader gave a sad smile, “We’ve both changed, thanks to your mother AND what happened to me.” The red clad woman grunted, before sitting down and handing the taller woman tea. “So, wanna get me caught up?” Summer asked. The tribe leader nodded, “It’s a lot, so I’ll try to give a synopsis. Fair?” The taller woman nodded with a smile, “Sounds good.”
Nodding, the red clad woman literally went through a brief version of what she had been doing as the two women had a little dinner. She went through how she became the tribe leader, how many times she visited Summer’s grave, how many times she secretly checked up on Taiyang, Yang, Ruby, and Qrow, and how many times she talked to her brother. “I’m...sure you can guess what...CURSE I have...” Raven said. The former STRQ leader nodded, sighing, “You’re a Maiden. Aren’t you?”
“Not by choice.” Raven clarified. “Even now, I still don’t know why this power was passed to me.” Summer nodded, sipping the last of her tea, “I assume the others have told you about their friend Pyrrha?” The red clad woman nodded, though confused at first. She then froze, before shouting, “OZMA TRIED TO MAKE A KID INTO A MAIDEN!?” “Sort of.” The taller woman said. “Evergreen gave her the choice, even though Ozma thought it was a necessity.”
“She denied it.” The former STRQ leader continued. “She refused to have the powers.” The tribe leader sighed with relief, “Thank fuck. At least ONE of Ozma’s incarnations is sane and sensible.” Summer nodded in agreement. She then looked the red clad woman over, smiling, “You’re still just as gorgeous as you were back then.” “And you went from cute and beautiful to hot and gorgeous.” Raven smirked, before the two shared a small laugh.
Something in the tribe leader snapped as memories from years ago came rushing forth. Memories she wanted to go back to. Relive. Experience again. The two women sat in silence for two whole minutes, before Raven suddenly hugged the taller woman tightly. “I missed you, Summer…so fucking much.” The red clad bandit said, voice cracking. Summer smiled and hugged her back, “I missed you too, Raven.”
The taller woman began rubbing her partner’s back as the latter started to cry. “Shh… It’s okay. I got you.” Summer said as Raven’s hold on her tightened. They sat like that for a few minutes until the red clad woman eventually calmed down. “Sorry…” Raven mumbled, receiving a kiss on the forehead from her former leader. “It’s okay.” The taller woman reassured. The red clad woman bit her lip, whispering, “I really thought I’d never see you again…!”
“Raven… Look at me...” Summer said firmly. The tribe leader did so, not paying attention to anything other than her partner. The taller woman gave a reassuring smile, holding Raven’s shoulder as she said, “I’m here. I’m still alive. Right now in this moment, that’s all that matters.” One moment passed. Two moments. Three. And after four moments, the red clad woman closed her eyes and embraced Summer tightly again.
The two women sat there, in that moment, for almost two minutes. After Raven pulled back, her partner’s sweater had been stained. “Sorry...” The red clad woman mumbled again. The former STRQ leader brushed Raven’s tears away, smiling, “Again, it’s okay.” The two looked at each other in the eye, before closing the gap between them and kissing.
One kiss turned into two, two turned into five, and five turned into ten as the two women began re-experiencing the fun and love they used to have in over sixteen years.
“So, you wanna try this again?” Summer asked, pulling back briefly. The tribe leader nodded, her expression clearly BEGGING, “I… WE...need this...” The former STRQ nodded without hesitation, before the two sat on opposite sides of the bed. The taller woman then removed her shoes and socks, before folding her cloak nicely and placing it on the end of the mattress.
Raven did the same with her heels and leggings, before removing her bandanna from her hair, as well as her armguards and gloves, tossing them to the ground. In one swift motion, Summer removed her sweater and turtleneck in one go, before folding them and putting them with her cloak. She then took a peak behind her, watching the tribe leader remove her own shirt and tossing it to the ground too, before noticing something on her partner’s back.
“You didn’t mention that you got tattoos.” The taller woman said with a smirk. The tribe leader turned, a blush on her face as she nodded. She then grinned, “You’ll get to view them better soon.” Summer hummed, before the two women turned away as the former  STRQ leader removed her jeans and folded them. Raven removed her skirt, putting it with the rest of her clothes as she removed her undergarments as well.
After taking off her sports pants, Summer paused as she looked at her bra. ‘ This stays on this time…. ’ She thought, a furious blush reaching her face, leaving her bra on and, by extension, hiding her cross necklace. The taller woman was not ready to show Raven how….BIG she got.
Let alone show the tribe leader her scars from when she died. Summer knew THAT would bring up unpleasant memories. For BOTH of them.
Summer left the ring on as well. She then felt said woman climb onto the bed, sitting as the former STRQ leader turned to face her. “Gods, you got ripped.” Raven whispered, a deep blush on her face as she stared in shock. The tribe leader then grinned, “Looks hot.”
Summer gave a playful growl as she grinned. “And you still are…” She said, before looking her partner over. Even after close to two decades, Raven was still looking athletic as ever. The taller woman noticed that her partner had gained several new scars during that time frame, as well as new art on her body. The tribe leader had black and red feather tattoos on her front; a few around her abdomen and a couple around her clavicle, shoulder blades, and shoulders.
Raven, as if knowing what Summer was looking at, smiled and turned to show the tattoos on her back. Once more, most of them were feathers, but what the taller woman noticed immediately was the large raven wing on the right side of her back...which closely resembled the elder Branwen twin’s emblem. “They look...fascinating…!” Summer said, her eyes glued to the art placed on Raven’s body. “I kinda want one of my own.”
“Thank you. A lot of time and work went into them.” The tribe leader smiled, turning again so that her front was facing her partner. “Fuck, you’d look AMAZING with a tattoo.” She then noticed Summer’s infamous excited expression, before said woman buried her head in Raven’s cleavage. “They’ve gotten bigger!” The former STRQ leader shouted, thankfully muffled. Raven rolled her eyes and sighed. She had forgotten that Summer used to do this with her.
“Having fun with them?” Raven asked, only for a smirk to form on her face as she heard her partner’s muffled near-squeals of joy. Summer then pulled away, her face red and grinning, “Sorry, I missed doing that.” The tribe leader nodded with a knowing smirk, “I can tell.” “Now then…” The taller woman started, placing a hand on her partner’s left breast. “Shall we begin?”
Raven gasped, before shuttering, “Fuck...yes…” Smiling, Summer sat down, helping the tribe leader in sitting on her lap and rubbing their pelvises together. Since this was their first time having intercourse in almost two decades, the taller woman figured that scissoring would be the preferred position. Given by Raven’s loud moan, she certainly seemed to agree. “Gods, I missed this…” The tribe leader whispered, wrapping her arms around her partner.
The former STRQ leader nodded with a smile, doing the same as the two women began kissing with near audible moans. Raven briefly pulled away, giving a hoarse chuckle, “You wanna do what you used to do back then?” “Only if you’re okay with it.” Summer whispered, peppering the right side of her partner’s neck and clavicle with kisses, followed by a gentle bite. The tribe leader sighed followed by a hum, before tilting the taller woman’s head up.
“Listen to me. I want you to enjoy yourself in nostalgia. Alright?” She said.
The former STRQ leader blinked, before hurriedly nodding with a grin, stuffing her face in the tribe leader’s cleavage again. She then pulled back, before gently biting into Raven’s right breast, receiving a loud gasp. Raven shuttered, letting out a moan as she held the back of Summer’s head, raking her finger’s through the taller woman’s hair. “You...are still...kinky as fuck, Sum.” The tribe leader chuckled, her partner humming in response.
After having fun with the tribe leader’s breasts, Summer once again locked lips with Raven, both very eager. The two then suddenly pulled back, before shuttering in unison, climaxing as they moaned softly. “Holy shit…” The former STRQ leader whispered, her voice even softer now. Raven nodded in agreement, grinning, “That...was amazing.” Summer hummed, kissing her partner again, before the two began cleaning themselves and the comforter beneath them.
Raven looked at her scroll, raising an eyebrow in surprise. “Damn, it’s that late? It’s well past 9.” She said. The former STRQ leader hummed, putting the scroll away, saying, “Well, I was planning on staying the night anyway.” “Are you sure?” The tribe leader asked as Summer got under the comforter. “Some of the bandits might try to harm you while we’re sleeping.”
“Rae, we both know they can’t do shit.” Summer chuckled. “Plus, I know you’ll protect me too.” The tribe leader looked at her partner, before sighing with a smile, putting the scroll down as she said, “Fine. You win.” She then got under the covers and huddled up next to the taller woman, looking at the woman’s left hand. “I can’t believe you still have that ring.” She whispered.
The former STRQ leader gave a small smile, “Qrow gave it to me when I was regaining my memories. Helped me remember why you left.” “It probably SAVED your relationship with Yang and Qrow.” She said. Raven nodded, before feeling her eyelids grow heavy, which the taller woman easily noticed. Summer chuckled, kissing her partner as she whispered, “Good night, Rae.” “G’ night, Sum.” Raven smiled, before the two fell asleep.
Over the course of the night, both women were individually awoken by some of the bandits entering the tent, mostly likely with the intent to kill Summer. Whenever the tribe leader was still asleep, it was Summer that frightened them into leaving. Of course, there were a few stubborn ones who got injured before they learned to leave. Whenever the former STRQ leader was blissfully asleep, it was Raven who protected her.
And unlike Summer, she needed to actually harm the bandits to get them to leave. And for disobeying her orders to give the two women privacy.
(6:30 AM)
Eventually, the next morning came…and honestly, neither of the two wanted it to come. After getting dressed from last night’s activities, Summer and Raven went outside as the tribe leader opened a portal for the former STRQ leader. The taller woman then gave the tribe leader her trademark white and red cloak. “I…know it’s a bit much to ask you to come back with me.” She said to her partner.
“So you’re giving me a choice?” Raven asked. Her former leader nodded, “I don’t want to force you. Just think about it.” “When we see each other again, you can give me your answer then. Sound good?” She asked, receiving a reluctant nod from her partner. Summer smiled as the two shared one more kiss and a hug, before the taller of the two walked towards the portal. Summer gave Raven a sad smile, already noticing the tears in the tribe leader’s eyes, before saying, “ Je t'aime , Raven Branwen.”
The tribe leader tried to keep her composure long enough as she replied, “ Rwy'n dy garu di , Summer Rose. Don’t forget about me this time, okay?” The former STRQ leader nodded, “It won’t happen again. I promise.” After that, she went through the portal, but not before looking at the red clad woman one more time as it closed behind her. Raven felt tears run down her cheeks as her former leader left, wrapping Summer’s cloak around herself.
Vernal walked up to the red clad woman, saying, “Most of the injuries the others sustained came from Summer.” Raven nodded, making sure to hide her face from the young woman, “Good. Then maybe they'll learn not to bother her or anyone she and I care about.” “She’s far more powerful now.” She explained. “The tribe will not be able to harm her anymore. And she won’t let anyone else she loves get harmed either.” It was a shame that Raven’s mother had passed on from old age.
The red clad woman would’ve LOVED to see the terrified look in that bitch’s eyes, realizing that she had threatened the wrong family.
The brunette looked at the tribe leader, noticing tears. “You wanted her to stay.” She stated. “Right?” The red clad woman’s silence was the only answer she needed, which queued Vernal to ask, “Why didn’t you convince her to?” “It’s her life. Her choice.” Raven said. “Plus, she has our daughters and their friends to protect.” She then looked at the young woman sternly, “And I can’t be there myself because my mother threatened them...and this tribe would kill them if I don’t lead you all.”
“You still love her...and him too. You still love your children and your brother.” The brunette said. Raven continued to look at the young woman sternly, asking, “Where are you going with this obvious fact?” It took a few silent moments for the tribe leader to figure it out, before saying, “No.” “Raven...” Vernal started, only to get cut off. The red clad woman continued, “No, Vernal. I’m not going back. Not until they are, FOR SURE, safe from the bandits.”
“I need to keep this tribe on a fucking LEASH.” Raven said, her resolve reigniting, even as tears burned in her eyes. “I will NOT let ANYONE here harm my family. Clear?”
Reluctantly, the brunette sighed and nodded, “Yes, ma’am.”, as Raven went back into the tent.
(At the Xiao-Long-Rose Family Home…)
Qrow was currently drinking coffee, waiting for everyone else to wake up, before noticing Summer walking through a portal in front of him. After the portal closed, he stood and put his mug down, asking, “How was your night?” “Good. I...really needed it.” His former leader answered. “I just… I-I...” The former bandit immediately noticed tears running down the taller woman’s face. He then went up and hugged her, before she hugged back, crying into his shoulder.
“I want her back home…! Hell, I wanted to STAY…!” Summer said in a hushed whisper. “I’m happy with Tai, but I wanna be back with Rae too…! Why the FUCK must the world be unfair...!?” She collapsed to her knees, still crying into Qrow’s shoulder as he kneeled down, continuing to hug her. The younger Branwen twin knew damn well that his leader was suffering; both from the choices she felt like she needed to make and from the actions that she thought she had no say in.
It was BREAKING her. Her resolve. Her emotions. Her heart.
Qrow was certain that it was tearing Raven up to...and it broke his heart that he couldn’t do a thing significant enough to fix it. So he settled for the only thing he COULD do right now.
Comfort his leader...and when he saw her next, comfort his sister. By offering a warm hug...and a kind shoulder.
THAT, at least, he knew he could for them. ALL of his family.
And that’s it for chapter 4. I REALLY hope you all liked this one, as I’ve been dying to write it. Once again, pieces from the last chapter of my Rosebird 2019 fic were repurposed and alerted for this.
For those who’ve read this for quite some time, you’ll know that Summer and Raven are saying “I love you” in french and welsh respectively. Just like they did at the end of Arc 1.
For those of you who read the censored version, please note that this Raven has black and red feather tattoos on her front; a few around her abdomen and a couple around her clavicle, shoulder blades, and shoulders. She also has them on her back, along with a large raven wing on the right of it that resembles her emblem.
For those of you who read the uncensored version, I hope you enjoyed it!
Now, this will be the last we hear from Raven until the end of Part 1, as part 1 of this arc is Vol. 5.
We will not move to chapter 5 just yet. Instead, we have some things that we need to see. Specially involving Ruby and Yang.
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babaweeen · 4 years
Faith and Numbers
Chapter 4
“You can blame it on me if you want. Say my dad called and he wants me home immediately.”
Korra sighs, turning her head to look at Asami, whose eyes are fixated on the road ahead. She gives an appreciative smile before responding, “It’s okay, it’s good to make as many friends as you can coming to a new school.” Pausing for a minute to think before she continues. “Mako and Bolin are great, you’ll love them. Though Mako may take a while to warm up to you.”
Asami smiles gratefully at Korra’s thoughtfulness, turning to face her for a second before fixating her gaze back onto the road. “I would’ve liked some more time just the two of us.” She says as a matter of fact. 
“I know, me too. But we got our whole lives for that don’t we?” She responds with a goofy smile. 
“Yeah I guess we do.” Asami offers, looking at Korra once again, only this time not looking away until she feels the car start to swurve slightly. 
Korra clutches the door as the taller girl swurves aggressively back into the right lane. “Well not if you keep driving like a maniac!” She exclaims, earning a chuckle from Asami. 
“Sorry, got a little distracted.” She replies coyly. They remain silent for a beat once again before Asami speaks. “So… captain of the girls soccer team?” She says with raised eyebrows and an amused expression. 
Korra rubs the back of her neck, looking down to hide the shading in her cheeks. “Uh… haha, yeah. I just found out today.”
“That’s amazing Korra! I don’t know much about soccer but even I know getting captain as a sophomore is pretty damn impressive.” 
The darker girl gives a shy smile, “So I’ve impressed you?” 
Asami lets out a hearty laugh. “You can’t seem to stop impressing me.” 
“Not everyone seems to feel that way.” Korra says at a low volume, not meaning for Asami to hear. 
“Does this have to do with what Bolin said earlier?” She asks before she can stop herself. Korra gives her a surprised expression at how attentive the other girl was. “I-I’m sorry, you don’t have to answer that.”
“No, no it’s okay. That was just a surprisingly spot on assumption.” Korra replies swiftly. “Yeah it does. Mako wasn’t too confident in my capability as captain. We got into an argument but honestly it’s nothing. Arguing is a pretty big part of our friendship.” She finishes with an awkward chuckle, looking down at and fiddling with her hands.
Asami, as if already instinctive, reaches for Korra’s hand, taking it in hers comfortingly. Once she’s registered exactly what she’s doing she feels heat rise to her cheeks and her pulse quicken. Korra’s heart leaps out of her throat at the contact, she feels a matching blush rise.
Asami lingers for a beat before retracting her hand. “I-I’m sorry, I don’t kno-”
“Stop apologizing.” Is all Korra says before reaching for the other girl's hand once again. Asami smiles at the gesture and the two remain in a comfortable silence for the rest of the drive, aside from Korra giving Asami directions to Narook’s.
Once they’ve parked the two make no move to exit the vehicle. They remain seated in silence, still hand in hand, just enjoying each other's presence. 
“Ready to head in?” Asami asks gently.
Korra sighs, freeing her hand from Asami’s hesitantly, not wanting to do so. “Yeah, they’re probably in there waiting.” 
The raven haired girl gives her soulmate an encouraging smile before reaching for the handle. 
Korra’s about to follow suit when she thinks back to everything she felt today. How amazing it felt meeting Asami. How Bolin lifted her up even higher with his enthusiasm. How she was practically floating when she saw the listing. She thought especially hard about how bad it hurt when Mako dragged her back down. Korra wasn’t ready to plummet at his hands again. 
Asami was halfway out the door before Korra stopped her. “You know on second thought…” She says turning to Asami, who’s turned around to face her. “There’s this new burger joint that opened up across town. I hear it’s supposed to be really good.” 
The taller girl smiles brighter at Korra, scooting back fully into the driver's seat. “And the boys?” She asks, slightly teasingly. 
Korra mirrors, finding the other girls smile unbelievably contagious. “I’ll text them, tell them Tenzin needed a last minute babysitter.” She says, already pulling out her phone. 
Asami chuckles, switching the gears in reverse to pull out of Narook’s parking lot.
“No way!” Asami manages through her laughter. 
The two girls are sat across from each other in a bright orange booth, Korra exchanging old stories of Mako and Bolin at soccer camp. The drive to the restaurant was only about fifteen minutes from Narook’s, spent in comfortable conversation all the way to the bright blue neon sign spelling out ‘The Smokin’ Patty’. 
“Yes way!” Korra responds with a chuckle. “The ball bounced right off her head and into the goal. It knocked her out cold.” She pauses,stuffing a fry in her mouth. “Bolin swore I used air bending, this like magic martial art thing from his comic books.” 
“That’s when he started calling you avatar?” Asami replies, her laughter dying down, taking a sip of her pop. 
Korra nods, chuckling at the memory. “Yup, that’s also the day Kuvira started hating me. It’s like I knocked her inner bitch awake with that ball. ”
The other girl laughs again at her quip, almost toppling over. Korra laughs, amused by the other girl's current state. “And… oh my gosh, and Mako. Mr. I’m allergic to smiles,” Korra says with a dramatically gloomy impression, “Was dying across the field! I’ve never seen him laugh so much in my life!” 
“That’s amazing.” The other girl says, slightly out of breath from her fit of laughter. 
The two go quiet after this, looking at each other with incredulous expressions. After a few seconds of silence the two break their gaze, turning away to hide the goofy smile and blush plastered across both of their faces. 
Asami chuckles, partly out of embarrassment and partly out of amusement, before clearing her throat. “So… you’ve lived in Republic City all your life then?” taking a bite of her burger as she waits for Korra to reply. 
The girl takes a sip of her drink before doing so. “No, I lived in the Southern Water Tribe until 7th grade.” Pausing to take the last bite of her burger. “We moved out here because my dad got a spot on the council, but then he got offered chief during the summer before highschool. Mako, Bolin, and I basically begged my parents to let me stay out here with Tenzin.” 
“Do you miss them?” Asami asks interestedly before taking another bite of her food. 
“I miss my mom a lot but I talk to my dad about the same amount as I always have. He’s always busy ya know.” Korra says nonchalantly, looking up from her food to meet Asami’s eyes. 
“I do know actually.” She replies somberly. “It’s like the only time my dad talks to me is when he’s trying to shape me into his little CEO prodigy.”
Korra looks at her confused. “CEO?”
Asami looks at her carefully, as if trying to figure out if Korra was being genuine. “You’re serious?” She asks, surprised, yet somewhat relieved. 
“Yeah?” Korra says, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion. 
Asami smiles, relieved that she doesn’t have to live up to the image the media has built around her with the one person she wants to be completely genuine with. “Can you promise me something?” She says leaning slightly closer to Korra across the table. 
“Sure, what is it?” She replies, growing slightly concerned. 
“Promise you won’t go and look me up.” Asami requests, looking seriously into Korra’s eyes, earning a confused nod from the other girl. “My dad is Hiroshi Sato, CEO of Future Industries.” 
Korra’s mouth falls open. “That’s why your name sounded so familiar! I thought it was just a soulmate thing.” She blushes slightly.
“So you do know about me.” Asami replies disappointed. 
“No!” Korra responds quickly. “I mean yeah, but no. All I heard was that you were this beautiful tech genius.” Korra’s blush grows. “I don’t know about tech genius but you’re definitely beautiful.” 
Asami matches the tint on Korra’s cheeks with her own. “Thank you.”
“I promise you I won’t look you up. I want to get to know you through you, not some stupid tabloids.” Korra says, shifting in her seat modestly, making sure she met her eyes. 
Asami smiles widely at this, unable to tame it. 
Korra laughs lightly, happy to see such a smile on the girl. “So your dad expects you to take over?” 
The raven haired teen sighs, “Yeah, he already has me looking at business schools and internships for experience or whatever.” She looks down at her food, picking at her fries solemnly. “It’s one of the reasons he decided to relocate to the Republic City offices.”
“Is taking over the company something you actually want to do?”  Korra asked softly. 
Asami thought for a minute. “I mean it could’ve been, but it was pushed so hard on me that I couldn’t see myself enjoying it.” 
“Have you tried telling him that?” She continued to inquire. 
Asami laughed with a hint of bitterness. “I tried once, before…” She looks up at Korra hesitantly before continuing, “Before my mom passed. He flipped, talking about how I’m the future of this company and how I can’t stand by and let it fall into the hands of an imbecile. He even went on to yell at me, telling me that I was being ungrateful.” Asami takes another pause, this time to take a calming breath. 
“I was 12.” She says meeting Korra’s gaze intensely. “My mom was able to calm him down after. She always kept him grounded. Well… relatively grounded.” She looks away sadly. 
Korra is silent for a moment, taking in everything the girl told her.  “What was she like? If you don’t mind my asking.” 
Asami’s eyes light up slightly, “No, not at all. I really appreciate the question actually. All anyone ever asks me about is my dad or the company.” She says pausing, smiling at Korra, “It’s nice to be asked about her for a change.” 
Korra smiles at Asami, her heart fluttering at the way Asami’s lips curled as she bit her bottom lip slightly deep in thought. 
“She was amazing. So sweet and so gentle, she always found a way to make anybody feel at home in her presence. She was always so patient with me as a kid, patient with my dad through his fits. When I was little I used to make these little machines, they were like my dads cars but small and remote controlled. I used to tape a camera onto them and drive them into my dad's study before he started mentoring me. He would get so mad when he saw them, I don’t really know why.” Asami paused, taking a sip of her drink. “My mom on the other hand, she thought it was so clever.”
Korra laughed at the thought of a little Asami driving around a tiny car. Asami chuckled slightly as well, remembering her mom. “She told me that dad was just stressed, and that once things started to calm down at the company he’d see me for the talented girl I was. She even asked me to show her how to build them.” 
“Did you?” Korra asked, trying to picture it herself. 
Asami looked at Korra in appreciation, her heart warmed by the fact that she was so interested. “I tried.” She laughed, recalling the many failed attempts at teaching her mother. “She was able to make one eventually but I had to help her out a lot.” 
“She sounds like she had a good heart.”  The shorter girl said smiling. 
“She really did. She deserved better than my father.” She finishes coldly. 
Korra thinks for a moment before giving her response. “She did have better than your father.”
Asami looks at her with furrowed eyebrows.  
“She had you.” Korra finished.
The green eyed girl looked dumbfounded. She felt her heart fill at the statement, her eyes welled with tears. 
Korra looked slightly panicked. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you. I was jus-”
She’s cut off by the other girl interlocking their fingers above the table. “Thank you.” Asami says. Korra is speechless as her heart leaps out of her chest, feeling the intensity behind those two simple words. The two sit there for what felt like an eternity, staring into eachothers eyes with their hands intertwined. Both girls felt their hearts swell. 
“Are we all set ladies?” The waiter asks, gesturing to their empty plates. 
“Oh uh, yes thank you.” Korra replies, slightly flustered. She retracts her hand from Asamis as she hands the plate over. 
“Great, I’ll be right back with the check.” The waiter says with a smile before disappearing with the dishes. 
As Korra turns her gaze back to Asami, the other girl is looking out the window. “It’s getting dark…” She says, turning to face Korra. “Do you need to be home soon?” 
“I have a couple more hours before curfew.” She replies. “You?”
“Same.” She says, looking at Korra hopefully. 
Korra smiles at her. “Have you been to the drive in yet?”
“Whats a drive in?” Asami asked, confused.
Korra laughed heartily at the irony. “You’re the heiress of the biggest car company in the world and you don’t know what a drive in is?”
Asami chuckles, tossing a leftover fry from the table at the other girl, “We’re not just a car company.” She says teasingly.
Korra just laughs in response as the waiter comes back with the check. 
“Have a nice day ladies.” He says as he leaves it on the table and walks away.
As Asami reaches for her wallet, Korra cuts her off, placing cash onto the table. “I got it.” She says giving her a look as she knew she would get a protest from the other girl. 
Asami merely rolls her eyes with an amused smile before the two make their way out of the restaurant and into the car. 
“This place is awesome.” Asami announces as the two step out of the vehicle and make their way onto the hood of the car. 
The darker girl smiles at Asami’s excitement. “I thought you might like it.” She stares at the other girl as her eyes are lost in the sky above them, now completely night time. 
“You can’t really see the stars from here.” She says disappointed.
 “Not really no.” Korra replies. “But the view from Air Temple Island is amazing, the monks like to keep light pollution to a minimum. They believe it disrupts their connection to the spirits.” 
Asami turns to Korra and smiles. “I guess you’ll have to show me sometime.” 
The shorter girl smiles back coyly. “I guess I will.”
The two lay comfortably on the hood of Asami’s car, only a few other cars scattered around them as it is a week-night. The large screen glows brightly a couple yards in front of them, speakers placed at the front of each parking spot.The two had arrived in the middle of the first screening of an old black and white mover Korra thought only Bolin would know the name of. 
Drawing herself away from her thoughts, Korra turns to Asami. “What’s with the model T?” The taller girl looks to Korra with a puzzled expression. “Well I mean, your dads the head of Future Industries, you could have any car you want right? Is this one special to you somehow?” 
“How perceptive of you Avatar.” Asami said teasingly. “It’s not actually a Model T. Well… not anymore. It was a junk car that my dad helped me rebuild. That’s why the hood is so much wider and the interior is completely different. There’s a lot of other differences but I won't bore you with my engineer talk.” She ends with an amused smile.
“I don’t think anything could sound boring coming from you.” Korra says truthfully. 
Asami smiles, turning her body to face the other girl slightly more than the screen. “Smooth.” She says with a chuckle. “I’m sick of talking about me. What about you, what was it like growing up in the Southern Water Tribe.” 
“Cold.” Korra offers with a laugh. “I don’t entirely know how I feel about it. It was a small place, everybody knew each other. It gave me a strong sense of community and it was a beautiful thing but it was also annoying. Information traveled so fast, whether it was true or not, and no one really had much privacy because of it.” She stays quiet for a minute. 
Asami remains quiet, expecting the girl to continue. “I'm sorry… I don’t really like to talk about my time there.” Is all she continues on to say, turning her head away from the raven haired girl and to her hands. 
“Hey, It’s okay. You don’t need to tell me anything you don’t want to.” Asami says, lifting Korra’s chin sloftly to meet her eyes. Korra’s stomach does flips at the contact of Asami’s soft skin on her face. She looks up to see the other girl is of a closer proximity than before, heat rising to her cheeks as her eyes dart straight for her lips. 
Korra can feel her heart pound as she thinks of leaning in and connecting their lips. The other girl's hand makes its way from her chin to her cheek, caressing it softly. Just as the taller girl begins to slowly lean in, Korra panics, clearing her throat before interrupting. “ D-do you want a-any snacks?” 
Asami is taken aback by the question, pulling away with a deep blush spread across her cheeks. “I uh, realized I forgot to ask when we got here.” Korra continues timidly, rubbing the back of her neck, mentally slapping herself for opting out. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!Stu-
“Oh, uh sure. Some slush would be good.” She replies, still not meeting Korra’s eyes, embarrassed. 
“S-sure thing.” She says before quickly making her way off the vehicle. Leaving behind a lightly humiliated Asami, she walks off in the direction of the snack booth, mentally scolding herself. 
Once Korra is out of sight, Asami allows herself to react, letting her back slide down the windshield, covering her face with her hands in embarrassment. Thinking back to the moment that was just shared, she feels her cheeks practically burn. Asami has never been one to so bold but she’s also never felt anything stronger than her pull to Korra, she couldn’t stop herself from leaning in. “What the hell was that Asami?” The girl whispers to herself. 
Only a few minutes had passed before Korra came back, hands full of snacks, smiling goofily as if nothing had happened. Asami was grateful for that. “Okay so I might have gone a little overboard on the snacks.” Korra says with a giggle, setting down the small mountain of junk food onto the hood, handing Asami her cup of dragon fruit slush. “I hope you like dragon fruit.”
Asami accepts thankfully. “It’s actually my favorite,” she replies with a smile. “And… A little?” She continues with a chuckle in reference to Korra’s prior comment, looking at the pile. 
“Never go shopping on an empty stomach.” She counters nonchalantly, pushing the snacks further onto the car and taking her seat on the hood. 
“Empty stomach?! Korra, we literally just ate.” Asami says with an amused expression. 
Korra shrugs feigning offense, trying to hide her smile. “I’m a growing girl!” 
Asami laughs and rolls her eyes. “Show me what you got growing girl.”
Korra smile, sitting up next to the other girl. “Alright, I got some Blueberry Twisters, Sizzle Crisps, Fire Gummies, Varri Cakes, Mochi, Jennamite, aaaaand a couple of Cherry-Berry Lemonades.” 
“I thought athletes were all about nutritious diets and the whole my bodys a temple attitude.” Asami replies teasingly, looking at the pile of goodies the taller girl went through. 
Korra laughed, opening the packet of Blueberry Twisters. “More like my body is a high powered garbage disposal.” 
The taller girl laughs, reaching out her hand. “Shoot me one.” 
Korra obliges, handing the girl a stick of blueberry licorice as the two settle in their seats, leaning back against the windshield. The two stay that way for the reminder of the mover, in comfortable silence. By the end of the movie Korra had one leg on top of Asami’s while Asami rested her head on the girl's shoulder. As the credits roll on the screen in front of them the taller girl sits up, reluctantly pulling herself away from Korra. 
“We should probably get going, I don’t want you getting into trouble on my account.” She says jumping down from the hood. 
Korra sighs and follows suit, “Likewise.”
After discarding all the cups and wrappers the two make their way into the car, Asami drives Korra down to the docks. Both girls wished the drive were longer as they reached the water. 
There’s a moment of silence as the two sit unmoving before Asami speaks. “Listen… I’m sorry if I made things… weird earlier. I just, I hope- I mean I know not everyone actually clicks with their soulmate and I hope I didn’t push-” before she knew it she was cut off by a soft yet confident kiss initiated by the other girl.
She realized what was happening quickly and reciprocated eagerly. Sitting their, eyes closed, melting away into the kiss the two feel electricity pass through them intensely. The kiss was slow and gentle but it felt as though they could shoot lightning through their fingertips. 
The two pulled away sooner than either girl cared for. “You’re supposed to wait till the end of the date right?” Korra offers shyly with a goofy smile.
Asami smiles painfully wide, pink spread across her cheeks fiercely. “Who said this was a date?” She responds teasingly. 
Korra smiles, gathering her things. “I did.” Kissing Asami on the cheek before exiting. “I’ll see you tomorrow ‘Sami!” She calls over her shoulder as she runs, chasing after the last boat readying to leave for the island.
Asami smiles as she watches the other girl disappear. “Can’t wait.” She says to herself with a smile, bringing her hand up to her cheek as her heart continues to pound from moments earlier. 
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