Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
His accusation was the one that hurt the most probably more than him walking out the door. She loved him but she would never try and trap him. He was free to leave her whenever he wanted and she couldn’t stop him even if she wanted to. “I know why you said it and I can understand it but it still hurt to hear that. And the thing is, you’d never have to trap me.” Amelia could see that Liam was trying to just listen to her instead of saying something that he would ultimately regret. It felt nice in this moment and what they needed.
“I know. It was a lot of information that was thrown at you and not in the best way. I never meant for that to happen. I would never do that to you so I hope you know that.” She hadn’t been thinking honestly. That night felt like such a blur for her that it almost didn’t feel real. And even the many pregnancy tests after didn’t feel real either. “Thank you.”
When he gave her the generic answer of I’m fine, she rolled her eyes. “If we’re going to do this, you’ve got to cut the bullshit and tell me the truth. How are you feeling about this?” When he asked how she was doing and feeling, she let out a sigh before she glanced back over at him. “I’m here so there’s that. You know I can’t even drink coffee anymore? Like what the hell is that plus I can’t even have a nice glass of wine when I’m feeling overwhelmed which sucks. Oh and my boobs hurt like you wouldn’t believe and I swear they’ve grown.” She shook her head at his question. “No cravings yet but then again I can barely eat with all this nausea so that’s also fun. I swear this baby is sucking the life out of me and this is only the beginning.”
"Yeah, like that." He softly sighed, "I'm sorry for saying that, I don't know why I said it. If I'm honest here, you'd probably should be more worried about me trying to do some shit like that before you." Liam's mind worked a little differently than most, it was also for this reason why it was a good thing no one could read his mind. "No argument here." He probably deserved another few weeks of the silent treatment, but they both knew that was only going to end one way. Unless Liam wanted to be ignored, or simply didn't care, you couldn't and wouldn't succeed. "You're right." And he stopped right there. He could've added more, his pride told him to. But it was just excuses at this point, and there was no denying the ending result.
"I didn't walk out in hopes of you chasing me, Amelia. I just -- I don't know." He responded honestly, "But that's fair." Liam nodded as she told him what was up, holding his hands up in defeat, "You can leave when you want to leave." He promised once again.
It was awkward, silent, at first. He didn't really know where to begin, and just like the angel she was, Amelia would start the conversation. The question wasn't one he cared for, but at least she spoke. "I'm fine." He replied, before glancing over at her, "The real question is how are you? How are you feeling?" He asked, "Are you craving anything in particular?"
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“Like the fact that you think I tried to trap you, yeah you could have voiced you had work.” She was still bitter about the fact that he would even think that she would try and trap him with a child nonetheless. It was more hurt than anger that he thought that and she hoped he would eventually realize that this was definitely not something planned. “You deserved a hell of a lot worse than that but you better be right, Liam.” She knew he wasn’t his dad and would be there but right now she didn’t really feel that way. “But you did, Liam. You walked out on me when I so desperately needed you to stay.”
“You’re not worthy of my time right now. I told you if you walk out, I’m not coming after you,” she said with a shrug of her shoulders. It would take time for her to get over what happened but she knew eventually she would. “No, we can take your car but the moment I want to leave you better drive me back here, Liam. I’m not kidding.” Amelia moved to his truck and quickly climbed into the passenger seat, putting on her seat belt. Once they started to drive, she glanced over at him with a soft sigh leaving her lips. “How have you been?” She should at least ask because even though her anger and hurt was there, she still cared about him and his feelings.
"You're right." He admitted, with a firm nod, "I could've at least voiced that part, it's not like I had a problem voicing other stuff." That was usually his M.O, he never could voice the truly important stuff. He clenched his jaw at her remark, his nostrils flaring, "Fine, you can have that one. I deserved that, but I'm not my dad, Amelia." Shit, he had given up quite a bit in his life already to prove that. When she spoke again, he found himself internally cringing. That was not at all what he meant, or was trying to say. "I don't want to walk out on you, Amelia."
When she agreed, he felt a slight relief, but he knew that this could still go south, and fast. He followed slowly behind her, "Really know how to make someone feel worthy of your time." He muttered, "Yes, I'm driving, are we going to do this like a Tinder meet up? Or can we take one car?" He asked, nudging his head towards his car, "I promise I'm not going to hold you against your will, or some shit."
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Amelia rolled her eyes. “Not like you communicated that to me which would have been better than just leaving but you couldn’t even give me that decency.” Would she still have been mad? Yeah but it wouldn’t have been for the fact that he walked out without a word. She didn’t know what he thought, his true feelings, or whether or not he would be back. And she was done chasing him after he left; she wouldn’t do it. “Could have fooled me. That’s exactly what he does.” She knew it was a low blow to compare him to his father but damn if it didn’t feel that way. “Glad to know you won’t walk out on them but you’ll walk out on me.”
As much as she wanted to fight and yell, she didn’t have it in her. She was already exhausted from her day at work and this was the exact opposite of what she needed right now but she was going to just roll with it. “Better to get this out of the way,” she replied. “You driving to dinner?” She asked, before she found herself walking to her car to throw her bags and stuff inside. “You’re just lucky that I’m hungry right now.”
Did he expect her to be calm and easy going about this? No, he definitely didn't. That wasn't the Amelia he knew and was fucking crazy over. That didn't change the fact, however, that his jaw ticked at the way she responded. Staring at her, the awkwardness he felt moments before faded into annoyance. "I walked out because I had a job to be at, not because I was taking you up on your generous offer." He spit out, "I really don't know who you think I am, but who the fuck I am not is my father." He reminded her, "Yeah, my initial reaction suck, I apologize for that, but if you think I'm walking out on this kid; you're in for a hell of time, sweetheart."
"I want to talk, depending on if you want to yell or have a civil conversation will determine rather we have that conversation in public." He explained, "If you're not ready for that right now, that's fine. I'll slink back to my little hell hole for a few more days. But I'm here, rather you like it or not."
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The night that Liam walked away from her when she desperately needed him was the moment that she had decided she was done. She loved him but right now she couldn’t stand the thought of him. They had hurt each other many times but this was a new low even for him. She knew he was processing his feelings but so was she. She was the one that had to deal with the ever changing hormones coursing through her veins that she was sure was driving her crazy. The one thing that she knew how to do was compartmentalize and that included throwing herself into work.
Amelia had only taken on a few new clients so that she didn’t find herself too stressed. She had back to back meetings and was glad when the last client she had for the day had left. Grabbing her belongings, she headed out the building and to her car when Liam popped out. Seeing him physically hurt her. Her chest tightened, her stomach in knots at the sight of his face, his voice - his everything. “Oh now you want to talk?” She asked, not really looking for an answer. “I told you when you walked out, you’re off the hook so what the hell do you want?” She crossed her arms across her chest as she finally looked up at him.
TO: @robertsameliax
LOCATION: Outside of Perry Mason Law
Liam haven't seen or really spoken to Amelia since the night he walked out of her apartment. In all honestly, that was probably the lowest and most birth righted thing he had ever done. But it wasn't necessarily because he wanted to, he had a job to be at, and remaining in her presences would've probably made matters worse. Mainly because he was truly just saying anything at that point. He accused her of trying to trap him, which after the fact, was a truly hilarious notion. Because if anyone would attempt to trap the other, it was Liam. Instead of waiting at her apartment, he had made the decision to wait outside her office. He wasn't 100% sure she'd be there, but he figured he'd give it a try. His decision would be proven smart the second he saw her exit the building. Slowly walking up to her, he pressed his lips into a flat smile, "Hey--" He greeted, shoving his hands into his pockets, as he rocked back on his heels, "You haven't really been picking up the phone. Which, I mean, is fair." There was a small pause, before a sigh, "If you're not busy, I'd like to talk. Maybe get some food? My treat." He suggested, his eyes falling upon hers, "Please."
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17, 27, 47, 48
17. Does your muse pray, whether it be to a god or some other force? ↪ She wouldn’t necessarily say that it’s her praying, however she does talk to the stars when she needs to. Ever since she was little, she had talked to the stars who hold some of her most painful secrets.
27. If your muse was given the opportunity to go sky diving, would they? ↪ Absolutely. She is an adrenaline seeker and that is on the top of her bucket list. The crazier the better in her opinion.
47. Name a song your muse can sing every word to. ↪ All too well (10 minute version) by Taylor Swift
48. Who would your muse sacrifice themselves for, if anybody? ↪ Liam (@grangerliam). No questions asked, no second thought. Also, now her baby.
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She smiled and nodded her head. “Life would be so incredibly boring if we were only good all the time. A little bad never hurt anyone.” Most of her life she was “bad” because in her youth she just didn’t care. Her life wasn’t the cookie cutter image and she was okay with that but then adulthood came into play and she wanted bigger and better things. She still did bad things but those were always outshined by the good that she accomplished. “Have you always had this affinity for animals and helping them? Or has it just been a thing since you moved here?”
“I am. I mean when I was at school I was pretty much in my own most of the time so it was easy to get lost in work but I’m at a place in both my professional and personal life that I just want to be able to successfully do both and so far so good.” It wasn’t easy by any means but it was worth making it work in the end. She never understood it until she wanted to be with her friends more. “I mean I believe it’s working because you still look young and most teachers I’ve known show their age you know what I mean?”
As she listened, she nodded her head. She liked to hear about the excitement of one’s job and she could tell that Nolan really liked what he did for work which is something a lot of people can’t relate to anymore. “What’s the coolest thing you’ve learned and was able to share with the students?” At his question, she laughed. “Sad, not interesting,” she started. “I don’t have the best upbringing and well the law wasn’t exactly on our side where I lived. You kind of had to figure stuff out in your own so when I got into high school and saw the injustice around me I wanted to make a difference. I want to help the underdogs who nobody else will help. I fight tooth and nail for every single one of my clients and will do so until the end of time. Seeing the face on someone who thought their case would be lost but won? That’s what I do it for.”
He chuckled at her comment about being special enough to have her on speed dial. "I'm honored to be part of the exclusive club," he said with a grin. "And I reckon a little bit of bad can be good, as long as it's not too much, eh?" Nolan appreciated her playful banter and the easy rapport they had developed. When Amelia shared her perspective on his work at the animal shelter, he nodded thoughtfully. "You're spot on. It's a bittersweet feeling, but knowing they're going to a loving home makes it all worthwhile." He admired her ability to empathize, even if she hadn't experienced the same attachment to animals herself.
"Figuring out that work-life balance is a process, innit? But it sounds like you're on the right track, spending time with the people who matter most. It's not always easy, but it's worth the effort." Nolan laughed when she mentioned losing her hair. It’s a hard job and he has to use a lot of patience. "It can be a right challenge at times, but it's never boring, that's for sure. Keeps me young, or at least that's what I tell myself." he joked.
When she asked what made him get into teaching, a smile crossed his face. "I've always had a soft spot for science, ever since I was a little lad. There's just something about unraveling the mysteries of the world that's always captivated me. Guess I wanted to share that excitement with others, help them see the magic in the everyday, you know?" He paused for a moment, a curious expression on his face. "What about you? What drew you to the law? I bet there's a fascinating story there.”
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Amelia smiled. “Guide or not I would absolutely be lost without you so you are absolutely the hoity toity wine connoisseur you inspire to be today. I mean I even tried to Google it but it got too complicated that I felt like ripping my hair out so thank you for making this so easy.” Amelia was rarely one to ask for help even in a store so it was unlike her to even ask so to have the help now was a god send. She probably would have thrown her basket down and left by now if it wasn’t for Ahalya. “Really? I can see you as the dessert queen,” she replied with a laugh. “Right now there’s probably going to be three to five people coming. As for sweet levels, nothing that is like sickeningly sweet but something where it’s like the perfect pair of sweetness and richness. Does that make sense?”
Ahalya laughed when the other woman confessed that she too should have opted for bringing something, rather than hosting. Then again, Ahalya could understand wanting to do something special. She might not have the talent at putting together an elaborate meal, but she sure did appreciate when someone else did. Which was why now, though it was not a three-course dinner, she was personally invested in ensuring that Amelia’s first attempt was a success. She preened a little at the compliment, before breaking into laughter and shaking her head. “Trust me, you’re giving me the chance to live out my dreams of being a hoity-toity wine connoisseur. But the secret is, I’m just referring to the guide they gave me.” At the final question, Ahalya brightened significantly. “Listen, I don’t need a pamphlet for this. Desserts are my actual specialty.” Motioning for her to follow, Ahalya led her towards their bakery. “How many people are we talking? And what are their sweet tolerance levels like?” | @robertsameliax
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Amelia laughed. “As ballsy as I think that I am, I don’t think I would ever flash someone to get into a place. Flirt with them? Hell yeah but my boobs are precious and yours are perfect, too, just saying.” As Amelia listened to Dior, she hated that her friend was going through this. She knew their relationship was just as up and down as hers and Liam’s was so she understood the heartache there was when they were not together but had to be around them. “I know what you mean about that. It’s hard to be around them and want to be with them but also knowing it’s too complicated. I just want you to be happy and I know Jamie used to make you happy. I know it may not seem like it but if it’s meant to be then it will be you know? I always have to have that saying otherwise I feel like I would go crazy.”
"Please, no flashing. Last time I went to a festival, I saw so many boobs, I started to think mine looked funny." Dior joked, letting out a soft laugh. It was moments like this that she remembered how easy growing up with a friend like Amelia was. She was her rock in a lot of ways, having her in town was going to change Dior's habits so much, in a really good way. With her around, she knew that she would get through anything. "No, I don't think so. I also don't plan to find out. I am...always going to love Jamie. That'll never change. But I broke his heart when I walked away, you know? And I never want to make him feel like everything that we've been through has been for nothing. I don't want him to think that I only want him because he's here, you know? It's just so complicated and he already has so much going on with his mother and his entire life being upside down."
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Amelia looked down at her drink before glancing back up at him. “To be fair, my stomach cannot handle the smell of black coffee so their herbal tea is a lifesaver. Trust me I used to have an IV of black coffee it was ridiculous but in the best way.” Her caffeine addiction was being put to the test but she knew one day she’d get to where she could have it again. Shaking her head, she turned her body towards him. “Nope. Everything you get here is perfect and trust me I’ve tried every one of their drinks so I wouldn’t steer you wrong.” She smiled before she nodded her head, “how much time do you have because I could go on for hours.”
The recommendation hadn't been expected after she expressed relatability with him. When it came Elijah couldn't resist a smile. "What's that you're drinking?" Pointing at her tea it was meant to be a tease since she couldn't be that much of a sucker for black coffee. "So you're a big fan of this place? Can't go wrong in anything I order?" Clearly, Elijah wasn't much for coffee houses. Usually he made a pot at home or poured a cup when he'd get to the field office. At home, he had control over the simplicity and quality of the pour, at the office it was usually burnt or sludge. "Alright, as long as it isn't too sweet I think I'll give that a try and pair it with a croissant." Which Elijah ordered a moment later. "Any other good recs I should look out for in a next visit?"
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Amelia: Have you always been that way or just as an adult? Because I know sometimes adulthood brings out the party pooper in them.
Amelia: Look I’ll even make you a deal. You don’t have to send me pictures but lemme know when you do cry. Everyone should cry at least once a week. It’s good for like endorphins of some shit. I do not mind sending you crying videos or pictures. I have a feeling it’s going to be happening a lot in the upcoming months.
Amelia: I did not know that, no but that is most definitely a fun fact. Did you also know that more people are killed by vending machines than sharks each year? That’s kind of creepy to think about.
Lee: I’m sure it will thrill you to know that I have, in fact, been called that, and a few more emphatic versions too. And not even half in jest. So, yeah, fair. Lee: I mean, I’m sure I have friends who do care about my crying health, but admittedly, none that have ever told me as much. I can’t say I feel a need to send crying photos (and definitely not videos!) to anyone, though. But, I mean, if you want a safe place to send yours, I promise to guard them carefully or whatever. Lee: Whatever it was, I admire it. I can’t say I have any fun trivia like that, no. Although, did you know that storing rubber bands in the fridge helps them stay elastic? ↳ @robertsameliax
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50 oddly specific headcanon asks.
Send me a number! (some slightly nsfw) || specify muse if needed
How does your muse feel about seafood?
What is their favorite piece of technology?
When did they lose their virginity?
Was their anything their parents pushed them to do? (e.g. sports, theatre, band)
Describe your muse’s worst nightmare.
What is a deal-breaker when it comes to dating someone?
What was the most embarrassing moment in your muse’s life?
What keeps your muse up at night?
What chronic illnesses does your muse have, if any?
Does your muse get carsick?
Does your muse wear glasses/contacts?
What are some warning signs that your muse is getting depressed?
What is your muse’s favorite candy?
Does your muse have a “victory song” and if so, what is it?
Who do they tend to bicker with the most?
Has your muse ever been hospitalized or institutionalized?
Does your muse pray, whether it be to a god or some other force?
Has your muse ever lived in poverty?
Do they have any distinct voice mannerisms? (e.g. saying ‘like’ or ‘um’ a lot, stutters)
Where are your muse’s ancestors from? Do they keep any of their traditions?
When did your muse learn about sex?
What is your muse most thankful for?
What shoe size is your muse?
Does your muse hate their middle name? \ What is it?
How many hours a day do they spend on the internet/watching TV?
Does your muse have any trophies?
If your muse was given the opportunity to go sky diving, would they?
What is the most common lie your muse tells themselves?
Has your muse ever had a pet? If so, what type?
Who was your muse’s first kiss?
What is your muse’s first memory?
How does your muse feel about crocs?
What are your muse’s biggest pet peeves?
What was your muse’s happiest birthday?
Does your muse cross their legs/ankles when they sit?
What simple task is your muse surprisingly bad at?
Did your muse ever own a Tamagatchi?
What was your muses’s first job?
Does your muse usually go for truth or dare?
Has your muse ever been to a concert?
What is your muse’s favorite holiday?
Does your muse reply to scary chain emails/messages?
Describe the first person your muse remembers losing.
Would your muse ever roleplay?
What is your muse’s Hogwarts house?
What is your muse’s first thought upon waking up?
Name a song your muse can sing every word to.
Who would your muse sacrifice themselves for, if anybody?
How long is your muse’s penis? || What bra size is your muse?
If your muse could rid the world of one thing, what would it be?
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Amelia: It definitely comes in handy and I can say that from first experience of getting my brother out of jail using my fancy degree. His was an easy case but you know what I mean.
Amelia: That is very true. And hard work pays off.
Amelia: Same. I sometimes think about changing my locks but then I think nah I actually like spending my time with him. Gross I know.
Amelia: Wait, he worked in the coffee shop? Oh please tell me you have pictures for proof. I cannot imagine. His tall ass trying to make all those different drinks makes me cackle.
DAKOTA: I don't know how any of them did it honestly. Watching her go through all that, then the older two with law school and business school. Do gotta say, comes in handy though. DAKOTA: I have put too much of my life into this to not be good at it. DAKOTA: ...same. That asshole. Makin me have some kind of life. That's what I get giving him a key to my house. DAKOTA: he's fine near it. He just likes to complain which gives me flashbacks to when he thought he'd last at the coffee shop and when I'd want to shove him out the door and take over his shift.
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Amelia: has anyone ever told you that you are a party pooper? Because if not, I’m going to. You take the fun out of everything. And I’m only half joking about that.
Amelia: Rude for one. Have you ever had someone care about your crying and emotional health? Probably not so I’m just filling in those shoes. Everyone needs at least one friend that they can send crying pictures and videos with and here I am.
Amelia: I had a client tell me once that I’ll be going to hell and I don’t know what made me look up if hell was an actual place but there ya go. I get bored and like to look up random trivia. What about you? Know anything random like that?
Lee: It just seems like very dangerous territory to enter into, that's all! Thank you for offering, though. I think. Lee: Uh, because you could trust in my word? My word as a gentleman!! Also, it's very sweet that you care about my crying health, but you an un-invest. I don't think this needs to become a an even exchange thing. Lee: Wow, you're full of trivia about this town. Makes sense that it has a different meaning in Norwegian, though. ↳ @robertsameliax
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When he stood, Amelia’s gaze followed him before she found herself standing up in front of him. She knew his mind was going through just as much as hers was but she felt attacked with his assumptions. Could she have hid them? Yes but that wasn’t her thought. Her thoughts never went to what was beyond what was happening in the moment that she found out. She didn’t think about him coming over or finding them though she should have. “Oh my god are you hearing yourself? I’m sorry that my first thought wasn’t to hide the tests that altered my life forever.” Even though it altered both of their lives now. Amelia scoffed, her hands raising and then falling to her sides. “Well you saw the positives so I’m going to assume there is baby in there but I literally took them hours ago so I didn’t have time to think about whether or not I’m keeping it yet.” By the sounds of it, if she did then she would be on her own.
Amelia wasn’t built to be a single mother. Hell she probably wasn’t even built to be a mother to begin with but she hasn’t had time to process everything. It was like she had to have all the answers now and god how did she think this was going to go. Liam didn’t care about this baby and he wouldn’t. He can barely say he loved Amelia let another human being but could she get rid of it? No. It didn’t even cross her mind and even if she did have to be a single mother, she wasn’t going to abandon this baby. His question caught her off guard and she felt like she had been smacked across the face. Her cheeks were hot, her heart beat faster than it had been the previous minutes. Did he really think that low of her? Obviously if he thought that she would plan to have a child in order to trap him. She loved him but she wasn’t that girl. Maybe she heard him wrong? Just as she wasn’t about to open her mouth his next words came out and before she could even think, her hand was coming in contact with his cheek in a hard slap.
“Are you kidding me right now, Liam? Do you really think that I would have gotten pregnant on purpose to trap you? I guess you do think that low of me but no I didn’t fucking trap you. I’m not that desperate, Liam.” She walked away, her hands shaking as she tried to cool off. “But you know what Liam, you’re off the fucking hook. You won’t have to deal with me or this baby that I supposedly planned anymore. I can take care of them on my own.” She turned to look back at him. “You’re free, Liam. If you wanna go, go but I’m not going to stop you if you walk out those doors.”
Liam scoffed, before he pushed himself off the couch, standing at his full height of 6'5, "Right, of course, because I never use the bathroom when I'm here. So, really, it's my fault for even going in there." He snipped, aware that his response was unnecessary. But she was the one who left these things out in the open. She didn't throw them out, or even try to hide them. So, what else was supposed to happen? He wasn't blind. "I really don't know what the hell to think right now, Amelia." He confessed, "All I've thought about in the last hour was how there's a baby now. Or--" He paused, tilting his head slightly to the side, "Is there a baby?" He asked, "Are you even keeping it?"
It came out nastier then he intended it to. Some may even think that he was suggesting she didn't, but that wasn't what he meant. He was asking her if she wanted to keep it. Taking a few steps towards her, eyes piercing her, "This wasn't planned, right?" He'd ask her after a few moments of trying to convince himself not to. He knew it was a dangerous question, and it wasn't exactly like he helped the situation. But they both knew Liam was flaky, serious committed relationships were not his strongest suit. He didn't want to think she was trying to trap him; but the nagging question was in the back of his head. Not to mention, he also thought he was doing fairy better now. They were both on better terms relationship wise then they ever had been. Liam wasn't out humoring the masses. He hadn't even been as super feely with his girl friends like he once was, out of respect. So, really -- her trying to trap him with a baby seemed out of left field.
"I swear to God, Amelia, if I find out this shit was planned..." He trailed off, aware that he really wouldn't unless she directly told him she did. But he felt the need to add it anyways.
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Amelia: See? And this is why you need to let me do it. I promise to not get in the habit of doing it anytime I see you, though. The offer is there if you ever need it.
Amelia: Of course. How else would I know it’s true that you cried! I’m invested in your crying health okay? So yes i need proof. I’ll send you proof of me crying if you want me too.
Amelia: Same though. I swear I should have been a man but thankfully I’m not. The name Hell stems from the Old Norse word hellir, which means "overhang" or "cliff cave". It has a more common meaning in modern Norwegian that means "luck".
Lee: If I was going to let someone kick me in the shin, I'd let my niece have the honors. Actually, no, my sister might kill me if she starts making it a habit. So, thanks, but no thanks, on the shin-kicking. Lee: Wait, what?? Why do you want proof I've cried??? Lee: Very much, so, unfortunately. Really? Was that an intentional naming choice? ↳ @robertsameliax
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Amelia: I don’t know how she does it. I thought law school was hard enough but imagine medical school? No thank you.
Amelia: Which is a good thing and you’re good at it so that’s also a major plus.
Amelia: Only because I have Liam otherwise I wouldn’t have a life. Back in MA I didn’t have much of a life and I was happy that way. And hey I’m getting coffee so technically not free labor.
Amelia: Because it knows he shouldn’t be anywhere close to it which I also agree with. I get the eye twitch when annoyed, though. My eyes tend to just roll whenever I’m annoyed which thankfully hasn’t been too much here lately.
DAKOTA: no, learning about coffee is fun. Things like calculus and physics? not fun. there's a reason I'm not the twin in medical school
DAKOTA: it's a labor of love, I can't even complain all that much.
DAKOTA: I wouldn't let you do free labor. You've got more of a life than me, admit it.
DAKOTA: that, and not to mention he even steps one foot near the coffee shop and my eye starts doing that twitching thing it does when I'm annoyed with him.
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Even though she couldn’t stand the smell of taste of coffee, Amelia still found herself at The Sipping Cup even if it was to just visit with Dakota and learn about the new drinks that she was making. She was picking at the bagel that she had gotten as she sipped on some tea that she decided to try. An influx of customers came and went as she sat at the table closest to the front. “You’re the same as me. I’m a sucker for a black coffee but honestly anything you try here is amazing. I would recommend the chocolate cappuccino because it is so good. Not too sweet but also fresh in every sense of the word. Pair that with a bagel or croissant and you’re golden.”
LOCATION ⸻ the sipping cup, downtown.
capping at four: 0 / 4.
It wasn't often that Elijah strayed from his usual order of black coffee. The only reason he drank the stuff was for the boost in energy, no matter how fleeting that would be. Flavor didn't mean a whole lot and had the only requirement to be drinkable. Today, something was different, he made the mistake of pausing and thinking it over. His eyes trailed over the menu and saw options he'd never really considered. "Any recommendations?" Elijah asked the person closest to him. "I usually just get plain and go, and today, I don't know, wondering if I should try something different."
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