Musings of an Introverts Blog 888
2 posts
Being an introvert 😎 writing is my solitude coz I speak👄 my mind 💭 and daydream a lot that i am lost in my head but i get my energy introspectively or time alone which is cool.
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musingsofanintrovertsblog888 · 19 days ago
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People become strong because of the pain they have faced and conquered.
You don't get over it.
You just get through it.
You don't get by it,
because you can't get around it.
It doesn't get better,
it just gets different.
Every day grief puts on a new face.
You get upset of the thought that in time you will heal. But it’s true, you need time to heal.
Healing doesn’t mean to forget them.
It means the wounds have healed and turned into scars. Now you can talk about it without falling apart.
You will own the scars, and let them be a reminder of what you went through, because it’s a part of your story and they are a part of it.
Honor them by focusing only on the good memories.
But this I promise you, they are still around.
May peace be with you!
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musingsofanintrovertsblog888 · 2 years ago
Nature is one of the most soothing way to reconnect ourselves, it gives us tranquility of mind and spirit from the noise around us especially if we live in a city.
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