#Hepatic Encephalopathy
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mindblowingscience · 4 days ago
As the global population ages, more of us face frightening cognitive decline, personally or in our loved ones. There are over 10 million new cases of dementia globally each year. But a study published this year suggests up to 13 percent of people diagnosed with dementia in the US may have a misdiagnosis and are instead left struggling with a condition that can be treated.
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The Science Manuscripts of S. Sunkavally, Page 72.
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ryssachrysalis · 2 years ago
Comforting opinion. Due to chronic illness my brain sometimes doesn't process the words I read, which is a serious problem because I'm a devout and voracious reader. I started listening to audio books and found the audio books seemed to use/activate the same parts of my brain as reading did, which is a relief as I cannot imagine a world without books.
what is your stance on audiobooks?
Unerringly positive.
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paradoxgavel · 3 months ago
having a delayed reaction to grief is crazy. got told yesterday that my mom's nervous system is deteriorating and she might not ever be able to come home, and at the time i was like "ah. dang. :\" bc i guess i couldn't really process it.
now it's tomorrow and i'm just sitting here absolutely inconsolable about it... i don't know what to do with myself right now. i'm just crushed.
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divorceblogger · 1 year ago
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house md liver-isms or as some people might also say: wilson wants to donate the remaining portion of his liver to house so bad
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chainsawworld · 8 months ago
G-d how much of axel's and fayes younger days do you think they cant remember at all bevause they were black out drunk + the subsequent brain damage they have from the alcoholism like. How often do you think they recycle the same stories over and over bc they can't remember the others how often do they hit walls reminiscing with eachother bc they have no idea what the other is referring to how many precious moments have they lost that they just attribute to them being old like.
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hebasoffar · 8 months ago
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tikuskampungonline · 2 years ago
Penyakit Hepatitis Akut yang sedang melanda dunia diduga telah masuk ke Indonesia setelah tiga anak dilaporkan meninggal dunia akibat terinfeksi penyakit misterius ini.
Kementerian Kesehatan sampai saat ini masih melakukan investigasi melalui pemeriksaan panel virus lengkap dan penyelidikan epidemiologi untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut penyebab dari penyakit ini.
Meski belum diketahui pasti penyebab penyakit Hepatitis Akut pada Anak , Prof. Dr. dr. Hanifah Oswari, Sp. A, yang merupakan dokter Spesialis Anak Konsultan Gastro Hepatologi RSCM FK UI menyebutkan bahwa dugaan awal disebabkan oleh Adenovirus, SARS CoV-2, virus ABV dll. Virus tersebut utamanya menyerang saluran cerna dan saluran pernafasan.
Untuk mencegah risiko infeksi, Prof Hanifah menyarankan agar orang tua meningkatkan kewaspadaan dengan melakukan tindakan pencegahan. Langkah awal yang bisa dilakukan dengan menjaga kebersihan diri dan lingkungan.
“Untuk mencegah dari saluran pencernaan, jagalah kebersihan dengan cara mencuci tangan dengan sabun, memastikan makanan atau minuman yang dikonsumsi itu matang, tidak menggunakan alat-alat makan bersama dengan orang lain serta menghindari kontak anak-anak kita dari orang yang sakit agar anak-anak kita tetap sehat,” jelas Peneliti di RSCM dan FK UI ini dalam keterangan pers pada Kamis (5/5).
Selain itu, untuk mencegah penularan Hepatitis Akut melalui saluran pernafasan dengan menerapkan protokol kesehatan COVID-19 seperti memakai masker, menjaga jarak dan mengurangi mobilitas.
Upaya lainnya yang dapat dilakukan masyarakat untuk mencegah penularan Hepatitis Akut adalah pemahaman orang tua terhadap gejala awal penyakit Hepatitis Akut.
Prof Hanifah menyebutkan secara umum gejala awal penyakit Hepatitis Akut adalah mual, muntah, sakit perut, diare, kadang disertai demam ringan. Selanjutnya, gejala akan semakin berat seperti air kencing berwarna pekat seperti teh dan BAB berwarna putih pucat.
Jika anak mengalami gejala-gejala tersebut, orang tua diminta segera memeriksakan anak ke fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan terdekat untuk mendapatkan diagnosis awal.
Jangan menunggu hingga muncul gejala kuning bahkan sampai penurunan kesadaran. Karena kondisi tersebut menunjukkan bahwa infeksi Hepatitis sudah sangat berat. Jika terlambat mendapatkan penanganan medis, maka momentum dokter untuk menolong pasien sangat kecil.
“Bawalah anak-anak kita ke fasyankes terdekat untuk mendapatkan pertolongan dari tenaga kesehatan. Jangan menunggu sampai gejalanya lebih berat, karena kalau berat kita kehilangan momentum untuk bisa menolong lebih cepat. Apalagi kalau sampai sudah terjadi penurunan kesadaran, maka kesempatan untuk menyelematkannya sangat kecil,” kata Prof Hanifah.
Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya kerja sama yang solid antara orang tua, tenaga kesehatan dan fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan agar bisa menemukan gejala Hepatitis Akut sedini mungkin agar anak segera mendapatkan pertolongan medis.
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andhumanslovedstories · 1 year ago
There’s something called hepatic encephalopathy which is where something is going on with your liver that’s making your brain not work very well. Specifically there’s too much ammonia up there so now you’re very confused and disoriented. Luckily if you get rid of the ammonia, your confusion will probably resolve. The way we do this is by giving a medication called lactulose which is like drain cleaner for the human gi system. It makes you poop a lot, and it makes your poop more acidic, and you titrate the amount you take to reach a certain amount of bowel movements per day. But at the beginning, we’re not titrating that much. We are hitting you hard. It is a medical necessity that you shit your brains out.
Anyway when you come in confused and we give you a super laxative from hell to make you not confused, there’s some hmmm difficult aspects to that. Namely there is this specific point where you are still so so so so so deeply confused about what is happening, and you are also so so so so so incontinent of a particular variety of stool that is a category unto itself. And urgently needed lactulose shits—they’re just different. Imagine your least favorite part of every type of bad bowel movement, and then imagine all those things happening at once with great urgency and force. And while this is happening, you don’t know where you are or why you’re here or why you can’t stop pooping.
I’d say it’s a uniquely bad experience for literally everyone involved. But it is pretty cool when the confusion clears up and you can be like ���wow. I understand where I am. I understand what’s going on. I understand why I have to take lactulose. I don’t understand why it tastes so fuckin nasty.”
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transgendz · 2 years ago
Help 2 trans and disabled ppl survive a medical emergency
My roomate and I are living in a hostile situation and nearly met our goal to get out of here. Then I had to call 911 for him. Thrice in a week and he just got home from an overnight stay at the hospital. He was diagnosed with celiac related hepatic encephalopathy, and I have spent most of what we got on his meds, food, and transportation to and from the hospital because the only food there he could eat was jello and smoked meat. Now we need to fund us leaving again, and we will need to buy him extra foods because he has lost a dangerous amount of weight.
Dm me for proof or details
I don't mind, I have his hospital bracelet, medical documents, etc. I will do art for anyone who gives $50+ just dm at my art blog @theartistrans
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C: $creepiecrippl
V: @tab-99
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mindblowingscience · 10 months ago
A recent study of US veterans found that 10% of those diagnosed with dementia actually had a liver condition called hepatic encephalopathy (HE) – a treatable condition. The liver can be damaged by several things, including alcohol, fatty deposits and hepatitis viruses. When the damage continues over several years, the liver becomes scarred (known as cirrhosis) and, at a certain point, can no longer perform one of its critical tasks: detoxifying the blood. Toxins (mainly ammonia) can build up and get into the brain, interfering with brain function. This is HE.
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The Science research notebooks of S. Sunkavally. Page 71.
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swiftsdelucaa · 2 years ago
oooh oooh can I request something for greys anatomy?
Dr. Derek McDreamy x fem reader!
Maybe reader is a toxicologist and works with toxins and how they effect living organisms. Derek and reader meet because reader is helping identify a toxin that was found in one of their paitents. The rest can be up to you?
(just in case it needed to be addressed a toxicologist still holds the Dr. title, so dr l/n)
❛ 𝑫𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒚 ❜
𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: Derek Shepherd x reader ♡
𝘼/𝙣: I did some research for some details, I hope you'll enjoy this! :)
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Derek Shepherd, one of the most famous and brilliant neurosurgeons in the world. How can anyone not admire him? Everything he did could also be done with his eyes closed, who wouldn't want to have his talent?
Well, other than that, if you watched him you might end up melting.
He could exterminate any tumor or aneurysm, anything, yet something was wrong. When he came to ask you for a consultation you didn't believe it. It was a patient who had been under treatment for two weeks now, for epilepsy attacks, and the situation was getting worse. You did every exam you could, but a mystery remained.
This was all getting more stressful, but on the bright side, you got to know each other better. You can also understand each other immediately. Like if this was destiny...
"How is going today?" you asked him as soon as you entered the room.
"It's getting worse day by day, and I still haven't figured out what's wrong" he said in frustration putting a hand on his forehead. You sat next to him.
"What if it didn't concern the brain? We focused only on that" you said looking at the tests done.
"Maybe... But we should find out where it comes from and we don't have enough tests" he added.
Let's say you weren't one to give up right away, it was one of the perks of your job. You wouldn't let yourself give up until you found the problem, no matter how long it took.
"Holy shit" Derek stood abruptly.
"I have to go, it's a 911" you understood it was your patient.
When Derek returned you started scanning and checking again, and the day seemed to go by faster. He left, disappointed again. You stayed there all night, and decided to go with your instincts and run exams everywhere.
When you finally found the problem it was like a dream.
"Doctor Shepherd!!!" you stood up as soon as he arrived, with a huge smile on your face and holding up the papers in your hand.
"No- You've-" he stopped in near disbelief.
"Yes, I have!" he began to smile too.
"Hepatic encephalopathy. It is a toxin that originates from the liver and disturbs its functioning, probably it must have been spread in the blood and may have reached the brain, damaging it. The symptoms coincide, I checked everything. It is not very easy to diagnose, but with all the exams we have, we finally made it!" he hugged you.
"For the cure we'll have to prescribe him a therapy" you added after detached yourself from him. "But now I absolutely need a coffee" you said dropping into the chair.
"You deserve it!" he said giving you a McDreamy smile.
After recovering, you went to the patient's room and began to explain the case to him. With the time and patience, if the therapy manages to have a positive effect, hopefully a speedy recovery.
While all the two of you needed was some rest and quieter days.
Towards evening, you returned to your studio to pack your things to going home.
"Hey" Derek walked over to you leaning against the edge of the door.
"Hey, everything okay?" you asked him.
"Yes yes, now I'll go home too" you smiled at him and settled the last things.
"Doctor l/n" he caught your attention. You looked up at him.
"Are you free to go out some time?" you were surprised by his question.
"It's a date?" you asked approaching him.
"Umh, yes, I'd like... McDreamy" you smiled at him.
"Wow, since when all this confidence?" he asked ironically. You just laughed as he looked at you and your eyes met.
"Well, see you Y/n"
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ghxstlly · 7 months ago
Do you have any headcanons or lore for lethal au feanger?? 👀
I certainly dooooo
lore dump time! ☢️
Disclaimer! This started as a Lethal Company (you know- the funny game!) AU, but my ideas have gotten a little far from the source material, enough that I'm not super sure if I can call it that anymore. It's still seeped in some Lethal Company lore and elements, just way way less than you're probably expecting it to be. Lol!
Worldbuilding Stuff
In the very, very distant future, long after the Earth was made uninhabitable, civilization as we know it has spread out to the (apparently very barren) nearby cosmos.
Since there's yet to be a planet discovered that's as lush and full of life as Earth was, a lot of time and energy is spent erecting facilities on barren planets and their moons to gather resources and research to support the settlements and space stations where everyone lives now (at least until they find somewhere nice to go). And when those celestial bodies "dry up", said facilities are prompty abandoned and left to rot.
That's where Halden Electronics comes in— a shady, opportunistic bunch, they like to swoop in after a facility is condemned to salvage what was left behind, for goodness knows what. Trouble is, they're small— they don't have the resources to scavenge in all the thousands of facilities themselves... so they recruit what they call "liquidators."
Ex-convicts, the poor and the otherwise miserable are sought out and promised a better life so that they might sign on, unaware that they're being used as expendable labor.
The Guys!
Fenton was one such individual— desperate for an escape from his stressful environment and hoping to regain some self worth and confidence, he became a liquidator. Though he struggled at first, immensely frightened by the abandoned facilities and the dangers within, he eventually began to excel at his work.
Unfortunately for him, despite his caution, the hazardous conditions eventually caught up with him— more than once. After several years of dutiful work, scarred and injured, Fenton began to deteriorate, physically and mentally, and, taking notice, his overseers assigned him a workmate, despite him being a 1-person team, working out of a ship built for 1.
Igna, a fiery, audacious fellow, became a liquidator because he felt that his life had no purpose, and was assigned to Fenton's team, where he found himself immediately disliked. Believing Igna to be a threat to his safety due to his reckless approach to their work, as well as a sign that his overseers were no longer satisfied with his performance, Fenton was hostile towards Igna and the two fought. Often.
However, after some time, Igna began to realize the extent of Fenton's... many issues, as well as the gravity and truth of the situation they're both in, and found himself wanting to help and protect him, the two growing close as a result and eventually falling for one another.
A couple miscellaneous points
Fenton was actually almost correct about the reason for Igna being sent to join his team— recognizing Fenton's deteriorating health, his overseers thought it would be wise to send Igna as a preemptive replacement.
Along with his physical injuries, Fenton also suffers from hepatic encephalopathy— a condition which affects his coordination, motor function, sleep patterns and causes seizures. It was noticing these sorts of things that made Igna more and more sympathetic.
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casca-remedies · 4 months ago
Silymarin L-Ornithine L-Aspartate Syrup manufacturers and suppliers in India
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Silymarin Vitamins Tricholine Citrate L-Ornithine L-Aspartate Syrups are used to prevent and cure liver diseases. This combination is a vital liver tonic that protects the liver from harmful chemical effects. It is a multifunctional liver tonic that is great for overall liver functioning. 
Silymarin: It is used to treat chronic liver diseases. It protects liver cells from damage from free radicals. Its anti-inflammatory properties cure fatty liver and improve liver functioning. Studies suggest it may prevent liver cancer. 
Tricholine Citrate: Tricholine Citrate removes bile acid from the body to produce liver more bile acid that lowers cholesterol. It is very helpful in cleansing the liver to function better. 
L-Ornithine & L-Aspartate: L-Ornithine L-Aspartate is being used in reduced brain functioning in chronic liver diseases, liver cirrhosis, and hepatic encephalopathy. 
Vitamins: Vitamins like b12 and b6 are beneficial for liver function. It improves blood circulation and purifies the blood. 
In a combination of all these compounds, this liver tonic is useful for many ailments that affect liver function. It is also beneficial for non-alcoholic fatty liver. Moreover, it protects the liver from alcohol damage. 
There are several liver syrups and tonics available in the market under various brand names. However, Silyrex Syrup (Composition: Silymarin + Vitamins + Tricholine Citrate + L-Ornithine L-Aspartate) is the best, and doctor's number one recommended liver tonic on the market. 
Third-party manufacturing for vital liver tonics and syrups 
Third-party pharma manufacturers in India are significantly contributing to the manufacturing of vital tonics and syrups. Liver syrups and tonics are among the most saleable medicines in India. Many pharmaceutical companies are outsourcing their production to contract manufacturers for their need for top-quality liver health syrups. The manufacturing of liver tonics needs precision production processes. 
In India, Casca Remedies is the most advanced and innovative manufacturer in the pharmaceutical industry. We manufacture various syrups and tonics for vital body organs including the liver. Outsource your production needs to us, and we guarantee to deliver top-quality pharmaceutical products at the best pricing. 
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 years ago
(@hermitdrabbles56 I remembered to tag you this time! 😂👍🏻) @alasse-earfalas have Four dealing with stuff in the ICU :)
Four started the shift off well enough. He had a floor status patient and would be admitting a transfer who was a pre-op for a bilateral lung transplant. That meant he had a fairly independent patient in one room and… well he wasn’t sure what the other one would be like. If they needed a lung transplant they had to be sick, but they hadn’t gone through major surgery yet so they were likely not very unstable.
The only snag was that they were a transfer from the medical ICU, and we’re technically boarding on his unit. They wouldn’t become a surgical patient, and therefore be his unit’s patient, until after the surgery.
Which meant that the team he had to talk to wasn’t present on his unit. And the medical ICU was notorious for not communicating well. So if something were to go wrong, or if he needed something that wasn’t in the protocols and order sets… well. He’d cross that bridge when he got there.
In the meantime he got to receive report from Dot, which was always nice. And if they chatted on the phone a bit more than was strictly necessary, well, he wasn’t going to complain. To add to the fun, the patient was on high flow oxygen, which meant RT had to be involved, so he’d get to work with Wind and his preceptor.
Dot brought the patient over a little after 8pm, but Four had already done his assessment and drawn labs for the other patient, so it worked out well enough. The patient was very kind and clearly nervous, with supportive family to help as well. Four got everyone settled and then looked over his tasks on the computer to better plan out his shift.
Pre-op meant multiple baths with a specific antiseptic soap, as well as what felt like a million labs and an EKG. But one bath was now, the second in the morning. The labs and EKG were all due in the morning. Dot had mentioned something about a chest x-ray at 2am, but it wasn’t appearing on his to-do list, and she’d seemed unsure about it. Maybe they’d left it off, or they hadn’t ordered it yet. Chest x-rays could be portable, but she’d said something about going downstairs for it. Four hoped that wasn’t the case.
After planning out the shift, he told the transplant patient the general overview of how the night would go. Bath now, and then labs and bath and EKG at 4am. That gave her and her family time to rest.
Two hours later, Four had finally finished giving meds to his other patient, bathed the transplant patient, and charted all his assessments and actions, when he saw an order pop up for the transplant patient.
They wanted the labs within the next fifteen minutes.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me,” Four grumbled. His patient was likely asleep by now, so he’s have to wake her to get labs. None of her IVs were returning blood, so he’d have to straight stick her.
He was starting to remember why he didn’t like boarding MICU patients. He wish the team would just talk to him instead of throw him last minute orders.
After waking everyone in the room to get labs, and sensing their drowsy annoyance as he spent what felt like an eternity drawing all the necessary blood for the ten lab containers, he poked his head in on his other patient, who was sleep, and then settled back at the nurse’s station.
I don’t like your providers, he texted to Dot. How’s your night going?
Hepatic encephalopathy with lactulose, was the reply.
Four cringed. That… was unpleasant. He was thankful he worked in the surgical-trauma ICU and not medical.
After another couple hours, one of his coworkers walked up to him. “Hey, x-ray is on the phone asking if you’re ready to come down.”
Four blanched. “What?”
“Yeah, something about a dual-view chest x-ray for your transplant patient.”
Biting back a groan, he spoke with the technician on the phone and, after debating the matter with the tech, his charge nurse, and providers on his own unit, finally gave in and arranged to take the patient downstairs.
So much for letting the patient have a good night’s rest.
Wind was equally unhappy.
“This is so stupid,” the student grumbled as he and his preceptor gathered supplies. “Like… why at 2am?? And why can’t they just do a portable one at the bedside so we don’t have to drag her downstairs? Did you see how quickly her oxygen saturation dropped when she moved around??”
“They said for dual view it has to be downstairs,” Four sighed. “But I agree, this is stupid. Why couldn’t we do this at 4am with all the other stuff? What difference does two hours make on a pre-op chest x-ray?”
As the team grouching made their way to the patient’s room, woke the patient, and proceeded to rearrange the entire room to take her downstairs, they finally had everything ready to go and were leaving in thirty minutes.
When they got to the exit of the unit, the MICU provider walked up to Four.
“Is this the transplant patient?” He asked quietly as the team continue to walk.
“Yes,” Four answered evenly, wondering what this was about.
“Oh,” he said, a little put out. “I was going to switch the x-ray order so it could be portable. Oh well.”
Four stopped in place. He blinked. He took a deep breath. And then he smiled. “Well… we’re already here, so. We’ll head downstairs.”
“Yeah, yeah, of course,” the provider replied with a shrug and a smile. “Thanks.”
After that the team silently made their way to the elevator. Wind and Four eyed each other, both thinking the same thing.
I am a healthcare provider. I will not kill the other provider. I won’t. I won’t.
The string of cuss words that left Wind’s mouth did make Four laugh, though.
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