#Henry’s wife and son are canonically alive in the books
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snappl3 · 2 months ago
If we’re being fr and going off what we know from the fnaf trilogy timeline, it’s crazy to think about how Charlie and Evan/Crying Child/whatever u wann call it, died in the same year. One in summer and one in fall. Like just a couple months apart.
Like William got so pissed that HIS kid died so he fucking wrecked Charlie’s shit and made Henry go thru it with him😭🙏 bro relax
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walmart-the-official · 8 months ago
Alrighty, finally getting around to doing this. William Afton is the main antagonist of the game series Five Nights at Freddy’s (also the movie but that’s another can of worms), despite the fact that he’s never a direct threat while “alive” (the alive part is very important, I’ll get to it later). He’s also a tumblr sexyman despite canonically looking like this
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(fig. 1) his graphic novel design is not better but I do want to share my least favorite image of him from there
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(fig. 2) At least he looks good in the fanart?
Before getting a confirmed named, around 2016, he was known as the Purple Guy. His fanon name was Vincent and he was obsessed with toast due to his badge looking like a piece of toast (see fig. 1 FNaF 2)
He opened Fredbear’s family diner alongside Henry Emily, iirc in 1983. He also has three kids and no one knows literally anything about his wife or if he even ever had one (unless you believe her to be represented by Clara in the in-game series The Immortal and the Restless). William Afton is also an entirely shitty father! In some fanon you’ll see him being a good father, even I like to write aus where he is, however, if we go purely on canon he’s just an all around piece of shit.
He hits Elizabeth (his daughter) at least once in the books and she barely exists in the entire canon (I know I said I was going to stick to the games but the books have most of the lore) except as his favorite. He’s also neglectful to the point where one of his sons accidentally killed the other. Oh yes, and the one that died? He put a speaker and camera in his favorite stuffed toy to spy on him and use the bear to talk to him and instill fear and doubt. Then the other son he indirectly killed but we’re not quite to that part yet. Nearly forgot about one more thing in the books, he used a nightmare gas to intentionally experiment on his kids and give them nightmares!
So, after the one son gets killed (Crying Child), William goes a bit crazy and decides to murder Henry’s daughter, Charlie Emily! After that he murders a few more kids (at least five) and stuffs them in animatronic suits which they end up possessing and then they kill him but we’re not there yet
Somewhere between child murder, William decides to build the Funtime animatronics. There are four of them, but the only relevant one is Circus Baby (ignore the smaller animatronics those are biddy babs)
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(fig. 3) This is a robot he told Elizabeth not to go near but also told her that it was made just for her and that it can make ice cream. But of course, Elizabeth being a small child goes up to Circus Baby and promptly gets killed because William made the Funtimes to murder MORE children because when kids die it produces Remnant which no one really knows what it does and it’s a complicated and weird road to go down right now. But basically he’s experimenting with it
This is already super long so I’m just going to rush through the rest of the explanation and then lmk if you have anymore questions. William goes back to one of the multiple Freddy’s restaurants and gets killed in the Spring Bonnie suit (fig. 2 once more) rots in a back room for thirty years, FNaF 3 happens and he tries to kill the player after being brought into a horror exhibit. Burns down. He returns as Scraptrap in FNaF 6, tries to kill the player again, THAT place burns down, and then one of the kids he killed traps him in hell (play through this experience Ultimate Custom Night!) and that’s the end of William Afton, right?
Of course not. Apparently Remnant can also make a digital copy of people with their memories and all and so now we have Glitchtrap as the main villain for a few games taking over a couple brains and doing a bit of murder but he’s probably gone now. There was also one where there was Burntrap which might’ve also been him but that might’ve been retconned and anyway the Mimic the main villain now
Sorry this took forever I completely forgot and then had to keep taking breaks and saving it as a draft hopefully it makes sense, but like I said, ask me if you have any questions
Still don’t know what he has to do with cannibalism though tbh
Hmm cannibalism
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 3 years ago
top 5 ouat moments? i've only seen a few eps but everything i've heard about the show is wild so i'm curious
jesus christ let's go
first and foremost I would be absolutely refuckingmiss if I didn't talk about Emma and stupid fucking eyeliner Captain Hook absolutely sucking face in the goddamn cursed jungles of Neverland while an absolutely demonic Peter Pan was skittering around abducting children. absolutely insane payoff to that sexual tension. this woman's annoying 12 (???) year old has been abducted by his own shit-eating immortal great-grandfather and she has this absolute mess of a wet one-handed man dragging himself after her in 700 pounds of leather rambling about how he's in love with her because they have the same abandonment issues... and he was right. she truly said fuck it I will climb this particular leather-bound tree don't mind if I do. this might as well happen. most desperate make out ever aired on a network that doesn't allow kissing with tongue. goth kings do not despair there is a jock gf out there for you and if you go on enough stupid little adventures together she WILL want to peg you.
do you guys remember when Belle went off on an adventure by herself for a episode and she had the absolute KICKIEST little leather booty shorts outfit you ever did see? god. a fashion icon. and then she met this flamboyant CGI Lumiere which absolutely no goddamn sense because he wasn't even, like, IN the Beast's castle because the Beast was just Rumplestiltskin and he had a completely different deal but OUAT was only kept alive through the goodwill of terminally unhinged Disney adults so they had to pepper in little movie references no matter how misplaced and inexplicable they were? okay good now that we've layed the groundwork for that one let's talk about this:
when Elsa and the cast of Frozen showed up as major supporting characters for an entire arc in goddamn live action LESS THAN A YEAR after the movie came out. hello??? HELLO??? unhinged. also very funny how the show played exactly as fast and loose with Frozen as they did with all the older Disney fare up to and including introducing Elsa's Evil Ice Aunt Who No One Ever Mentioned Even Though She Has The Same Goddamn Powers Don't Worry About It.
okay sorry I've sat on this long enough but we simply MUST discuss that a not insignificant chunk of Rumpelstiltskin's backstory is that his wife left him for Captain Hook. and then however many decades later (like every fairy tale character in this show was 500 years old because of *magic* and no one talked about it) Captain Hook came back and. god you guys are not going to believe this. he came back, still the exact same age, and he cucked Rumplestiltskin's son (WHOMST HE ALSO MET AS A CHILD) with tremendous success. please see point #1 again. if you need a reminder. this is so funny and I will genuinely never get over it. this show is nothing but convoluted connections between public domain characters but that is by FAR the most insane. Henry better watch his fucking back when he grows up because this patrilineal is evidently cursed with Getting Cucked By Captain Hook Disease. "Makenzie that's crazy what are the odds it would happen a third time" WHAT ARE THE ODDS IT WOULD HAPPEN TWICE. of all the women you could have fallen gobsmackingly stupid in love with. it was your stepson's baby mama. idiot.
the final season finally coughing up some canon gay rep in its death throes but instead of getting a really popular existing ship like Mulan/Sleeping Beauty together or canonizing a beloved Disney character common headcanoned as queer like the aforementioned Elsa they decided to get Little Red Riding Hood together with never-before-seen Dorothy Wizardofoz in a 5 second scene that was disrespectful to Mulan, Aurora, the audience, and Dorothy's book gf Ozma.
and I'm like barely even scratching the surface here. OUAT is insane. a pre-MCU-fame Sebastian Stan is there for a few episodes. Star Wars is canon. there's an alternate universe based on classic horror instead of fairy tales and everything is black and white there. Christian Gray is a pretty significant character in season 1. Rapunzel showed up like three different times and was a a completely different character each time. Maleficent and Zorro had sex. Emma Stone wishes her Cruella had a SLIVER of what Victoria Smurfit was bringing to the role.
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reginarubie · 3 years ago
Cersei and Dany parallel: Kevan and Viserys think that if Rhaegar married Cersei or Dany, he won't have run away with Lyanna. Cersei already think bad of Elia and Dany thought Elia mistreated Rhaegar was the reason of his sadness. Both are enchanted by Rhaegar even they don't know him. Both hated Robert for killing Rhaegar.
Ciao anon!,
Oh I will never understand how literally everyone is so enamoured with Rhaegar (a man who literally caused a war because he “eloped” with a fourteen year old girl — a Henry VIII decoy who, thankfully, died because he could cause more strife to any other woman).
Anyway, yes, it is an interesting parallel especially if mine and @sansaissteel (as well as countless others) theory about the twins being actually Targaryens is true!
If the twins are actually Aerys' kids and you can find here some of the evidence we collected together:
Book canon clues
Aerys has lamented he could not claim the iure prime noctis in regards of Joanna, future lady Lannister (this definition will be important, we’ll return to that later on) which means he has claimed her maidenhead during her wedding-night. And is rumoured to have taken unwonted liberties during the bedding ceremony with the wife of his lord Hand (yeah hold this particular too, it will be important for the biggest clue yet).
Not much later the wedding (which took place in 263 AC) Queen Rhaella dismissed lady Joanna from her household as her lady in waiting because she did not accept that her husband’s infidelities concerned also the ladies of her retinue. And while it is stated that Joanna left for Casterly Rock and returned seldomly to KL she did visit the capital during the years from her dismissal and her death. 
After the birth of the twins, which happens in 266 AC obviously some months after she has visited the capital to see her husband (or her king?), and Aerys ordered his lord Hand to bring the children to Kings Landing once they were old enough to travel (at this time Tywin was not yet lord of the Rock because his father was still alive). Since Tytos died before this could occur Aerys, Rhaegar, Tywin and half the court went to Casterly Rock where they remained for a year! — suspicious indeed.
For the twins birth Aerys gifted them with their weight in gold.
Did I mention that often the Targaryens had sons with the small-folk of Dragostone and lavished those sons with gifts? Because they did. 
For his tenth anniversary on the Iron throne Joanna rode to KL and Aerys commented on how nursing her children had made her less desirable as if she was supposed to please him instead than her husband, to which point Tywin had resigned from his role as Hand of the King.
Jaime and Cersei incestual relationship is another big clue. As well as the fact that Cersei is mostly attracted by men who looks like Targaryen or  are Lannisters. 
Jaime — her brother
Lancel — her cousin
Rhaegar (whom she dreamed of marrying) — an half-brother?
Aurane Waters — who looks a bit like the Targaryens with his silver-gold hair. 
Oh yeah… did I mention that a confirmed Targaryen wanted to marry her brother and then was attracted to her lover Daario because his eyes looked purple like the Valyrians sported them?, like her family sported them? Yep, because it happens.
Dany took Irri into bed with her, for the first time since the ship. But even as she shuddered in release and wound her fingers through her handmaid's thick black hair, she pretended it was Drogo holding her . . . only somehow his face kept turning into Daario's. If I want Daario I need only say so. She lay with Irri's legs entangled in her own. His eyes looked almost purple today . . .
Daenerys VI,  ASOS
Cersei comments on how Jaime’s beard is turning silver which would make it silver-gold (the hair colour for which the Targaryens were known).
"Robert's beard was black. Mine is gold."
"Gold? Or silver?" Cersei plucked a hair from beneath his chin and held it up.
Jaime thinks of his sister like wildfire even as she thinks she’s her father’s version with tits; and he is plagued by her resemblance to Aerys in behaviour and acting.
Cersei is aroused by the sight of wildfire — reminds you of anyone else?
"No need." Cersei felt too alive for sleep. The wildfire was cleansing her, burning away all her rage and fear, filling her with resolve. "The flames are so pretty. I want to watch them for a while.”
Even in the baleful glow, Cersei had been beautiful to look upon. She'd stood with one hand on her breast, her lips parted, her green eyes shining. She is crying, Jaime had realized, but whether it was from grief or ecstasy he could not have said.
The sight had filled him with disquiet, reminding him of Aerys Targaryen and the way a burning would arouse him.
His sister liked to think of herself as Lord Tywin with teats, but she was wrong. Their father had been as relentless and implacable as a glacier, where Cersei was all wildfire, especially when thwarted. 
Jaime II, AFFC
On another note someone else looks at the flames and has a wedding with them…guess who? — Daenerys Targaryen 
The flames writhed before her like the women who had danced at her wedding, whirling and singing and spinning their yellow and orange and crimson veils, fearsome to behold, yet lovely, so lovely, alive with heat. Dany opened her arms to them, her skin flushed and glowing. This is a wedding, too, she thought.
Daenerys X, AGOT
At one point Jaime even thinks of marrying Myrcella to Joffrey and of marrying Cersei and sharing her bed publicly like the dragons did. 
Why shouldn't I marry Cersei openly and share her bed every night? The dragons always married their sisters. Septons, lords, and smallfolk had turned a blind eye to the Targaryens for hundreds of years, let them do the same for House Lannister. It would play havoc with Joffrey's claim to the crown, to be sure, but in the end it had been swords that had won the Iron Throne for Robert, and swords could keep Joffrey there as well, regardless of whose seed he was. We could marry him to Myrcella, once we've sent Sansa Stark back to her mother. That would show the realm that the Lannisters are above their laws, like gods and Targaryens.
Myrcella is sent to Dorne to be betrothed to a Martell prince; reminding me of Daenerys Targaryen (the only princess at the time) being married off to Maron Martell. Both Daenerys Targaryen and Myrcella were beloved by the dornish to the point that Maron built Daenerys the Water Gardens and the Martells still hang her painting in Sunspear and the dornish love Myrcella so they try to crown her Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. 
Joffrey is known for his cruelty against animals and for his cruelty towards his siblings — like many Targaryens before him. 
Joffrey gets defined as the dragon’s heir even though apparently there is no reason to; he would be the stag’s heir since Robert dethroned the Targaryens and took the throne for his own, but I digress.
"King Joffrey sits where Aegon the Dragon once sat, in the castle built by his son," Ser Arys said. "He is the dragon's heir—and crimson is the color of House Lannister, another sign. This comet is sent to herald Joffrey's ascent to the throne, I have no doubt. It means that he will triumph over his enemies."
Jaime Lannister is miscalled; instead than kingslayer — like Renly Baratheon  corrects boisterously — he is called the kinslayer.
Finally King Renly demanded to know why he was beating his brother. "Why, Your Grace, I'm the Kinslayer," the fool said.
"It's Kingslayer, fool of a fool," Renly said, and the hall rang with laughter.
Cately II, ACOK
I would laugh too at the irony, btw.
Cersei has a servant tortured at a very young age just like Aerys had many tortured in his time as king. It is 
Cersei was known to be cruel to her infant brother. 
Genna pointing out that Jaime is not Tywin’s son the same way Tyrion is due his character. Jaime has chosen to take the white — which according to Genna means there’s some of Kevan in him — to stay with his sister with whom he had an incestual relationship and to whom he gave children. 
Should remind us of someone, shouldn’t it? Like… Naerys Targaryen and Aemon Dragonknight Targaryen. Yeah that works as well. It fits like a glove. 
Jon has one (1) look at Robert and one (1) at Jaime but he has already decided that Jaime is how a king is supposed to look. 
Cersei is gaining weight during her regency just like Aegon the Unworthy did — started off awesome and well-looking ended up being obese and obscene to look at. Also, Rhaenyra never lost the weight she gained with each pregnancy. 
Cersei and Tommen, by default, had problems with the Faith Militant and the Warrior Sons like Maegor Targaryen did. 
Joffrey considers himself as Aegon the Unworthy — while another Targaryen chooses another Targaryen kin known to be bad (Daenerys Targaryen chooses to style herself as the blood of Aegon the Conqueror and Maegor the Cruel).
A king can have other women. Whores. My father did. One of the Aegons did too. The third one, or the fourth. He had lots of whores and lots of bastards." As they whirled to the music, Joff gave her a moist kiss. "My uncle will bring you to my bed whenever I command it.”
On this very same note, do you remember when I commented on how Aerys had drunkly japed he was sorry about missing the opportunity of claiming Joanna’s maidenhead?, and told you to keep in mind we were speaking of a king saying so about the future Lady Lannister wedded to the (acting) Hand of the King? 
Yeah well read that passage again: Joffrey (the king) tells Sansa (future lady Lannister) he will bed her when he pleases the night of her wedding to his uncle (acting up until some time prior to this) Hand of the King.  
Joffrey and Aerys both cut themselves with the blades of the Iron throne — gotta be careful, my dudes, this look mighty like a pattern there. 
Tyrion commenting to Joffrey how king Aerys though he could do as he pleased as Joffrey thinks and how well that had fared for him thanks to his uncle *cough! Father cough* Jaime. 
"Aerys Targaryen did as he liked. Has your mother ever told you what happened to him?”
Tommen is fascinated by wildfire as well. 
Cersei being imprisoned and changing drastically her style after the humiliation suffered — Aerys changed irremediably after he had been imprisoned; and when he had been polished before he never let anyone came at him with a blade therefor his nails grew long as well as his beard and hair; Cersei instead does the opposite and has her hair cut after her time in the Black Cells and before the humiliation of her walk of shame. 
Tommen loves cats, like Rhaenys Targaryen — his possible cousin.
Aerion and Joffrey both liked to hurt the small-folk.
Cersei has always been possessive of Jaime, to the point that it is implied that when Cersei was ten she killed Melara Hetherspoon.
In the books Cersei has sex (and considers a friend) lady Merryweather a sultry mirish beauty who is described as a poc; just like Daenerys has sex (and considers a friend) Irri who is a poc. Yeah…another similarity between two possible sisters. 
Show canon clues
Cersei blowing up using wildfire the Great Sept of Baelor and the wildfire going off during her stand-off battle against Daenerys. The two mad-daughters of the mad king?
Cersei telling her father that his so much beloved legacy is nothing more than a lie. 
Some parallel about Tommen and Baelor can surely be found since in the show when Tywin instructs him about the most important virtue of a king, he names the faith. Especially with how important the whole Faith debacle is for his reign. 
Cersei conviction that as Lannister they are the only one that matters, better than anyone else. The same kind of blind conviction the Targaryen have about their superiority due them being valyrian. 
Daenerys and Cersei both burning to the ground two buildings that have great cultural and religious importance — the Dothraki temple and the Sept of Baelor — to destroy their enemies.
@sansaissteel has more in addition to this on her blog, you can find her original post about this here!
Anyway, looks like the similarities between these two women are never-ending; both were considered as suitable matches for Rhaegar by Viserys and Kevan; both are enamoured with the idea of Rhaegar and put the blame for his behaviour on Elia; both hate Robert because of how he robbed them of what they wanted (Cersei to be queen to her crush and Daenerys of her family's throne and having killed her “splendid” brother); both are fascinated by flames and use it as a weapon; for both fear and love are intertwined and will be so until the very end.
Very interesting indeed... will also Daenerys end up loving only her children (monsters as she herself called 'em) and stand against all others uncaringly like Cersei claim of doing?
Food for thought indeed!
Thank you for this ask; hope you enjoyed the read, and wish you a very nice day!
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partnersatfazbear · 4 years ago
I’m... salty? Fazbear Frights: The Cliffs anaylsis
My initial thoughts about The Cliffs under the cut (contains spoilers):
The Cliffs - My favorite story of the bunch, but mostly because I really liked the main character. Not TOO much to write home about, but I will pick apart a few lines from this one. In my first set of similarities, the wife dies in childbirth. Not only is this a huge fear of mine (for my wife, in the future), but I wrote this happening in William’s backstory in RS. I generally loved the protagonist here, except when he didn’t realize the obvious: the Freddy was telling him not to kill himself, but where is son was. That doll got burned (yes, burned!), run over, and tossed off a cliff for nothing. I wouldn’t be surprised if that thing came back to kill them :V
Only thing that annoyed me was a few paragraphs wasted on a female co worker, because for some reason that was relevant. (No really, it wasn’t.) Why does this series insist on writing PAGES about useless love interests that do nothing for the plot, nothing for the MC, AGH. I know it’s a kids book series but Christ it’s annoying and I’ve been skipping this sort of stuff and the long action sequences.
The Breaking Wheel - This was the story I liked the least, but honestly, the one I’ll be writing the most about. I think it parallels William and Henry a little and I was a little irked how similar a specific part was to my Springtrap-springlock chapter in Resurrection Seeker.
So first, the story focuses mostly around two kids and they are rivals in a robotics class. One kid a huge douche (Julius) but competent and the other is struggling to put his ideas on paper (Reed). Then there’s Reed’s friend, Pickle, who is a genius.
I’m just gonna bullet point stuff I thought was relevant:
- Reed describes his relationship towards Pickle as: “He was so used to Pickle out performing everyone around him that praising him for doing something well was like praising him for breathing.” (This really reminded me of William’s admiration for Henry, although there isn’t any jealousy here.)
- Reed is described as having a “monkey face”. This reminded me of William, mostly because of the criticism from the fandom towards The Silver Eyes GN’s design. It could be a jab or coincidence.
- Julius’ robot is an exoskeleton (like the power loader from Aliens). When showing off, he becomes trapped in it:
- Reed leaves Julius to be trapped in the exo all night, including locking him in place so he can’t move. This is initially to get back at Julius for being a dick, but then the guilt starts eating away at Reed. Also, Julius getting locked in: “Julius jerked his arms, yanking to free them from the restrains of his skeletal suit....” Julius says: “Unlock me!” and “Do what I tell you! Unlock me!”
Reed tells him, “I’m going to leave you here in your suit overnight... so you can get an idea of what it feels like to... [be treated the way you treat others]. Maybe your robot can teach you a thing or two.”
Julius says, “Get back here you stupid ape! Do you know what you’ve done? I’m going to kill you! ... I’m going to tear you apart, limb from limb. Get back in here and unlock this! ... You can’t leave me in here like this!”
So, yeah. It reminds me a lot of Springtrap. As for the actual story... I was disappointed. The story starts off good (albiet with that poor kid trope this series LOVES) and reminded me early on of The Tell-Tale Heart. Then it defies stated logic to make a real, edgy ending that I didn’t care for. If the entire thing had been in Reed’s head it would’ve been better (more akin to Blackbird, which did the “in your head” trope poorly. If these stories were switched around, I think they’d work better.) So this story was meh. Such a promising start.
Another thing that annoyed me was a few paragraphs wasted describing Orey (fml I don’t care if I spell it wrong. Who the hell comes up with these names). He barely shows up in the story and is just a background character... story could’ve worked without him.
He Told Me Everything - If you love Goosebumps style stories, this ones for you. I really enjoyed it, but it had almost nothing to do with FNAF. The Chris name is obviously a giant troll (and to make matters worse his father’s name is Dave). The sister and wife don’t have any name parallels, although the wife reminded me a lot of my design for Mrs. Afton. The backstory of Chris’ family reminds me a lot of Afton’s backstory for Resurrection Seeker. Like. A lot. It’s spooky how close it is.
“The houses were small, identical little boxes, which had originally been built for workers at the steel mill...” “His dad... ...had gone on to vocational school to learn how to work on cars.”
Another thing to note about the Dad is his weight is specifically touched on several times. Seemed like a callback to the novels’ mention of an earlier version of William.
All in all, a solid entry into the books and some weird coincidences I can’t overlook.
The story did drag a little, but honestly, not nearly as bad as the others. It was good.
Now, for the epilogue.
I don’t know if I wanna fume or not. I’m DISAPPOINTED. Afton essentially dies in the end of it, only to have a piece of his soul in a female endoskeleton escape into the factory. Also, the fucking... the fucking PUPPET shows up (and is actually why Afton dies). [Note: I didn’t realize that Left-E isn’t shown burning in the FNAF 6 ending, which many people are using to justify this. Read below for how I feel about that.] I just. I don’t know. I mean, William always comes back, but... I don’t know how I feel about this. I have a HUGE suspicion that the female endoskeleton is what becomes Vanny. I definetly still see this sort of leading into Security Breach EXCEPT for the fact: The Puppet is still alive.
Okay, so those were my initial thoughts. Upon looking around / rereading people say the female endo is Eleanor (Baby). My wife pointed out I missed the long necked detail. Woops. I wonder if Eleanor/Baby MIGHT be our Vanny stand in in this universe, though. And yeah, still not happy.
Afton is pretty much dead outside of a small part of his soul existing in the endo that escaped (this is an assumption on my part, I don’t think it’s stated, so essentially he’s dead, dead). There are parts of this I liked (and William only had ONE line: “I am Agony.”) Like, no shit? I couldn’t tell! SMH
However, despite some of the parts I thought were interesting (we get a thorough description of AlmagAfton and when he dies its pretty pathetic and I had all the FEELS), I think overall I’m disappointed because we may be at the end of Afton’s story. I have a suspicion that Vanny will be replacing him and possibly even betraying him in Security Breach, if this is anything to go by. Another odd duck is that Jake, in the remnants of the Stichwraith (that everyone insists is the GF parallel) is still wandering around too. I’m assuming Puppet went down with the ship, quite literally, since he [William] falls apart into a lake. Thanks, Charlie. You continue to ruin my day.
My wife pointed out the lake reminded her of OMC’s lake and I’m like... Why are we backpeddling?! This entire epilogue is a fucking mess. Another thing that irritates me (and apparently quite a few people) is if this IS the way the story is heading, then it makes FFPS pretty much USELESS to the story, nullifies Henry’s sacrifice / wishes... and that sucks! ESPECIALLY the fact that the Puppet SURVIVED the FNAF 6 fire! I get she just wants William to pay for what he’s done to her and her father, but... Henry wanted her to rest. To move on. She didn’t do that. That’s shitty to me.
Also, apparently souls have a smell. So that’s canon now.
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guinevere-beck-fanboy · 5 years ago
Another OUAT Rant
So I thought the way I put my previous OUAT rant could have been improved, so I’m rewriting it here, also with more info and more rant material. Hope you enjoy!
The four most popular characters on this show are all crap characters and people. They are: Regina Mills, Rumplestilstkin, Captain Hook/Killian Jones and Zelena Mills. All four of them are garbage. And what’s so ironic is that a lot of fans of one character will always hit off on another one of those characters. All four of them are absolute garbage, and for fairly similar reasons. 
1. Killian Jones/Captain Hook
Soooo in the first season this character appeared in (season 2) Killian was actually a good character. He did horrible things but he was a villain, so that’s ok. He also had a fairly tragic backstory, so despite how horrible he was, you had sympathy with him.
And then they gave him a redemption arc and made him a hero... Now this redemption arc... Doesn’t work. Like at all.
The reason for this, is that Killian managed to stay alive for hundreds of years. And even then, after the first hundred he was still a terrible person. If Killian lived an average long life like the rest of us he would have lived and died a terrible villain. If you only manage to become a better man because you get to live 200 years.... Then you aren’t a good person.
On top of this, Killian is seriously glamorized. He is portrayed as some selfless hero after all those centuries. Which I think it just.... Not ok...
I mean here is what our apparent righteous and pure hero Killian has done:
1. Was a pirate (the implications of that are clear... stealing, plundering etc)
2. Homewrecked Rumple and Milah’s marriage
3. Assisted Milah in abandoning Baelfire, her son
4. Led Rumple to believe he had kidnapped Milah and was going to sail off with her and rape her. Then said if Rumple could defeat Killian in a sword fight to the death he could go and save her to goad him into said fight despite the fact that Rumple’s death combined with Milah’s abandonment would leave Bae an orphan.
5. He explains when Emma is the Dark One and saves him from falling off a building to his death that he wears two rings on his finger. One of them belonged to a man named Barnabee, who insulted him and so he killed him in front of his wife. The other ring belonged to a man named Egbar, he caught him drinking the Captain’s wine and drowned him.
6. Murdered his father and left his half brother an orphan
7. Murdered two royal guards and then murdered Prince Charming’s father (when Charming was a CHILD, thus leaving him fatherless)
8. Refused to set Belle free from being held captive by Regina and instead tried to murder her
9. Raped multiple women (When Emma travels back in time and talks to Killian’s past self, and flirts with him leaving him with the impression she wants to have sex with him, Killian responds with “if I didn’t know any better I’d say you were trying to get me drunk... *which is usually my tactic*”. Getting someone drunk and then having sex with them is RAPE.)
10. Shot Belle and had all her memories erased
So a serial killer and rapist is being glamorized as some kind of hero. Killian like Regina is not a hero, he is well and truly an evil person. It took him 200 years to stop being a murderer and a rapist. What a great redemption arc!
2. Captain Swan
Killian is shipped with Emma and this ship is canon. The way I see it though, this is a nightmare relationship.
Killian murdered Emma’s grandfather and ruined his father's childhood. And now... they end up married? That’s.... That’s not a healthy relationship, like at all.
3. Charming is held to the standard that he MUST forgive Hook and is not allowed not to
When Emma finds out Killian murdered Charming’s father, she isn’t mad about it. Nope! She’s just mad Killian couldn’t tell her!
In what world should a woman look past her boyfriend being the murderer of her grandfather? Seriously?
Also when Charming begins being unsatisfied with all proposed venues for Emma and Hook’s wedding, Snow suspects he is not fine with Emma marrying him, and she says to him “that ship is sailed deal with it!”. How disgusting is that? “Your daughter is GOING to marry your father’s murderer! Deal with it!”.
4. Regina Mills
This character is like the fan favorite, but she is complete trash. 
In the first 2 seasons she was actually a very well written character. She was a villain, and the writers did a great job at making her dislikeable, as a villain should be (well not always, but it’s great to have a dislikeable villain). 
But then in the next four seasons of the show, they really began to glamorize her. And I think that’s ridiculous. They act like she has a heart of gold and is an amazing person and refer to her as a hero multiple times. 
So Regina this “great hero” has:
1. Tried to murder Snow White
2. Slaughtered an entire village for supporting Snow White (they literally show the thousands of bodies scattered in one area in the woods) 
3. Tried to kill Emma Swan when she was a baby
4. Cast a curse on The Enchanted Forest that sent them to a town on Earth with false identities and memories where they would live miserable repetitive lives
5. When Henry, her adoptive son, realizes that the truth about Storybrooke, the curse and all that she tries to persuade him he is delusional even going as far as to book him therapy appointments
6. When Henry’s birth mother, Emma, arrives in town, rather than let Henry have the chance to get to know her, she tries to bully her out of town
7. Raped and murdered Graham
8. Kidnapped Belle and locked her up in a tower for 20 years
9. Trapped Jefferson in Wonderland thus separating him from his daughter and knowingly causing him to break a promise to his daughter that he would return to her
10. Cast a curse on the Enchanted Forest implanting false memories and identities into them and sending them to a town where they would be miserable and separated from their loved ones 
11. Tried to murder Emma Swan by giving her a poisoned apple pie 
12. Found a man who wanted to kill Prince Charming and turned him into a giant to help him do so
13. Colluded with her mother to murder Emma, Snow and Charming
14. Tried to use this spell on Henry to make him think he loved her out of fear of losing him
15. Tried to murder Marian, Robin Hood’s wife so that she could date Robin Hood (this one in particular I find quite problematic, because a lot of people in the fanbase were sympathizing with Regina here... Why? Yes, Marian was very judgmental to Regina, but Regina had already tried once to MURDER HER! Of course she isn’t going to see her as a saint?)
And that’s only from the top of my memory. 
5. Swan Queen
Emma Swan and Regina Mills are shipped. And this is a hugely popular ship... Like... Why?? 
Regina tried to murder Emma like three times? She tried to murder her parents, and tried to prevent her ever seeing her son again? Why on Earth would you want this person to be with Emma? 
6. Regina/Evil Queen serum
In the fifth season, Regina begins being tempted to be evil again. So her solution to the problem? Separate “the Evil Queen” (all the evil in her) from her and then kill her evil self. And then she will be a good person without her evil side.
This is just... What? No. You don’t just rip all your less moral attributes out of yourself and destroy them and suddenly you’re a good person. If you have to do that in order to not be a terrible person, *then you ARE a terrible person!*. 
It’s just a really dumb plotline and I hate it. 
7. Rumplestilstkin
Onto Rumple. Like the others, he was a fairly decent character throughout the first five seasons. He did crappy stuff, but he was a villain so that’s ok. They did give him decent moral moments at times but that’s just making an interesting character. He’s overall a douche but can do some great stuff. 
Then in seasons 6 and 7 they gave him a redemption arc. It fails for the same reason as Killian. *It took him hundreds of years to get there*. You can’t claim someone is a good person if it takes them hundreds of years to stop doing terrible things.
And here is a list of what I mean by bad deeds:
1. Rumple denies a dehydrated seer water as he is offended by the prophecy she gives 
2. Rumple murders a bunch of warriors who have come to enlist his son (Baelfire) in a war, despite the fact he had just gained more than enough power to stop them doing so in less harmful ways. 
3. Rumple abandons Baelfire and sends him through a portal to an unknown world. Father of the year everyone!
4. Rumple murders Milah, the (albeit terrible) mother of his son. 
5. Rumple kidnaps Belle and makes her his slave.
6. Rumple creates the Dark Curse and has Regina cast it
7. Rumple tries to steal Cinderella’s baby
8. Tries to prevent Belle reuniting with her father by tearing down posters she has set up all around town of him and throwing them in the trash. Despite the fact that HE is the REASON Belle is separated from her father in the first place.
9. Makes the residents of Storybrooke part of a storybook (lol that was fun to say/type) where they have fake memories and identities and are separated from their loved ones AGAIN 
10. Prevents the Dark One Curse (Which has caused death, destruction and suffering for CENTURIES) from being destroyed
11. Throws Milah into the River of Souls
12. Tries to throw Gaston (albeit he is Gaston but still a human being) into the River of Souls
So like Killian it takes Rumple centuries to not be a serial killer any more.. So I don’t think either of them truly have redeemed themselves.
8. Rumbelle
Remember how I said that Rumple kidnapped Belle and enslaved her? And how he tried to prevent her reuniting with her father after he separated them in the first place? Well Rumple and Belle are a married couple and this is portrayed as a positive relationship. 
9. Zelena Mills
Regina’s sister. Shouldn’t be a surprise then that she is also a terrible person, which like all the others is fine until they decide to start glamorizing her. 
Zelena murdered Baelfire, who is Henry’s FATHER. She then murders Marian and takes on her form and has sex with Robin Hood. This is RAPE. She has gained Robin’s consent by taking on a deceitful form, consent gained through deceit is not consent. 
But hey! Zelena Mills is a badass hero! Forget about the raping and the murdering, she’s actually a pretty decent person!
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snowbellewells · 5 years ago
Self Promo Sunday: Quietly Breaking, Breaking the Chains
We were having some conversation yesterday about how there could have been a lot more possibility for CS fic in the season six finale, particularly in Fiona’s little institution (right @darkcolinodonorgasm​ and @killian-whump​ ? ;)  This isn’t exactly the sort of fic we were envisioning, but I was reminded that I had written this fic not long after the finale.  There’s definitely more of Fiona and her asylum, more of Killian getting to play an active part in the heroics, and more CS than the finale gave us though. Anyway, one particular scene came to me and the rest of the story filled in around it.  It goes canon divergent from where Killian and Charming are climbing down the beanstalk and in how Emma gets out of the Black Fairy's institution, but everything in canon up to that point still occurred. Thanks for reading! I'd love to hear what you think!
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"Quietly Breaking, Breaking the Chains"
i. down the rabbit hole
A wailing, screaming, shuddering panic whirled within her mind, clawing up her throat, churning in her gut. The dingy cinder block walls, never exuding safety or comfort, but at least a familiar boredom, were suddenly closing in on her, enough so that she wanted to shrink back into herself, but the one small bit of pride she had left refused to cower before the exultant face studying her, waiting for just that.
"What is it going to be, Dear?" the Mayor practically licked her lips, face moving once again from her strange preoccupation with the flames in the incinerator to the book in Emma's hands, to hold Emma's gaze one again. "If it truly is only a children's book, if it is hurting our son, it shouldn't be so difficult to simply rid us of it once and for all. Come now, you don't want to move backwards, be kept in here forever and never see Henry at all, do you?"
The older woman's voice was syrup-sweet, and she wore a look of knowing concern on her face, but it didn't lessen the tremor of alarm that ran through Emma. Fiona was dangerous. It had always seemed so, though Emma couldn't explain it. As long as she could remember, she had felt it; for as long as she had been in this place and endured the Mayor's patronizing visits. Fiona reached forward, as if to help Emma, to make the task easier, but as soon as those sharply manicured fingertips touched the worn leather of Henry's book, it was like an electric shock of realization ran through Emma. 'No! She can't!' her mind screamed, suddenly finding it imperative that the book of fairytales didn't burn.
Jerking away from the woman's grasp, desperate to save her son's prized possession, Emma stumbled, losing her balance and sending the heavy tome careening to the floor, pages flapping. With a slap, the book landed heavily, open to a page that showed a dark-haired man with kohl-lined blue eyes staring out at her, capturing Emma in a way she didn't understand. She bent to her knees, pulling the illustration closer as images flashed through her head so quickly she was overwhelmed. "Killian…" she whispered softly, certain at last that she knew the man in the picture, somehow. Her tentative, wistful fingers reached out to trace the sculpted features of this man dressed in leather, who inexplicably appeared to be a pirate on the high seas – at least they did until the Mayor's surprisingly strong grasp caught her wrist.
"Now, now, Dearie, let's not go through this again. You know as well as I that the people in there aren't real." Fiona moved to take the storybook from her, but Emma pushed it away, shielding it behind her own body.
"You can't!" she exclaimed, a surge of energy pulsing through her veins, feeling more herself and more alive than she could recall.
"I warned you of indulging these delusions again," Fiona purred. With a snap of her fingers, two burly orderlies appeared out of nowhere, seeming to materialize from the shadows of the room. Emma tensed to fight, but in her muscle-weakened, medication-blurred state, she didn't stand much of a chance, sadly not even remembering her magic. She got in a wicked kick at one and a punch which glanced off the meaty shoulder of the other, but soon they had her pinned and writhing helplessly in their grasp, holding her for Fiona as she stepped forward with a syringe in hand, malicious smile on her face.
Patting Emma's cheek in a way that made her skin crawl, though at the moment she was powerless to brush off, Fiona hissed right in her face, "Why must you fight me, Miss Swan? I will still have my way in the end, but now you will suffer instead of having your freedom to go in peace." She gave her two henchmen a nod, and their grip on Emma tightened further.
Emma bucked wildly, screaming her frustration, anger, and fear to the solid walls that only trapped her alarm and echoed it back, unheard by any who could help her. She kept struggling vainly, the beautiful blue gaze of the man in the book now in her head and her heart, begging her not to give up. But then she felt the needle's prick, and it took frighteningly little time for her body to numb and fail her. She was still aware, but unable to move at all when she was carried from the room and taken back to her cell on Fiona's cackled orders.
ii. up the beanstalk
As the beanstalk began to fall, Killian's gaze flew to his father-in-law, clinging with clenched jaw and determined grip to his side of the vine-y tower. The whole thing wobbled precariously, shaking and swaying back and forth in the breeze; it wasn't going to hold. Pirate and prince's eyes met across the green, knotted leaves and sprouts and both knew it without speaking. If the wrong sudden tilt or dip didn't cause a foot to slip loose and make them tumble, the whole thing was about to crash to the ground on its own.
Bile rose in Killian's throat, his heart racing painfully at the idea that this truly was the end; he wasn't going to make it back to Emma and Henry, or be there to help her in what she faced. He had been so rash, so foolish, and now Swan's father, his friend and rightful monarch, would pay the price for his recklessness as well. Swallowing down the sour despair and self-loathing, tightening his slipping grip, Killian searched frantically for another way down, a loophole, some chance to still save them – he was a survivor after all – when Dave called out to him over the ominous creaking from their wavering perch and the wind in their ears. "Do you still have the bean?"
Killian looked up at the other man's question, surprised, but plunged his hook more securely into its hold and put his hand in the inner pocket of his vest where he had stowed his plunder for safekeeping. "Aye," he affirmed, fingers closing around it tightly.
"Then toss it," Dave called, his voice strong and certain – a truly fearless leader, stopping just short of issuing a command, but forcing Killian to see the only way he hadn't wanted to consider. "You'll land in the portal and get back to her. What are you waiting for?"
Killian's throat closed even more tightly, forcing him to choke out his response and reveal just how much it cost him. "What? You expect me to just leave you here to die, when you're only in this spot because of my bloody daft idea?"
The Prince eyed him knowingly, his small smile cold comfort in the weighted moment. "I can't go with you, even if we could both hit the portal at a jump, not with this world crumbling to pieces. I can't leave Snow behind. If I fall, I fall. Honestly, I'd prefer that over cowering somewhere while the ground disintegrates beneath my feet."
Killian nodded, a short, tight bob of the head, acknowledging his agreement with Dave's words, but his jaw clenched tightly, still hating the option despite its sense. And yet, he didn't have time to waste. If he refused to use the bean, they were both lost; their effort for naught, and his Swan – his wife – would still be back in her world without them. He could feel her desperation thrumming under his breastbone, right beside his own heart, a part of him as surely as skin or sinew.
"Aye, of course you're right, Mate," he gritted through clenched teeth, readying himself as the beanstalk creaked and tilted wildly again, nearly shaking him loose too soon. "Here goes nothing."
Dave held his gaze for a long moment, as if cementing his determination and approval to his son-in-law for strength. "You'll make it, Pirate," he said solidly, a hint of their joking and long ago rivalry in his words. "Go take care of our girl. I'll be alright."
The pirate captain knew the other man was merely feigning casual bravery; that his survival of this tenuous situation was anything but certain, and yet he had no recourse. "I'll not stop until I am at her side," he vowed.
The prince smiled tensely, a nod of acceptance that needed no further discussion.
Without another moment's hesitation, Killian pulled his arm back, magic bean in his fist, and threw it forward, releasing at just the right moment, watching it fall in a perfect arc. He readied himself to leap, waiting for the telltale swirling of a portal to open far below him. Taking one last deep breath, the captain steadied himself, pushed away from the stalk, and let himself fall, praying that when he landed he would once again be in the same realm as his True Love.
When the sky opened to dump him heavily on the rough cement of Storybrooke's Main Street, Killian barely flinched, despite the pain on impact. He was so relieved to be back in the land he had adopted as home, back where his Swan awaited him, that he barely felt the cuts to his palm from the rugged surface, the dizziness of his portal fall, or the roiling of his stomach. He stood stiffly; testing his limbs to make sure nothing was broken, and glanced around hopefully for a sign of which way to go. However, though no sign of his Swan greeted him, as he made his way down the eerily deserted street, wandering toward the home they shared with Henry for lack of anywhere else to start, the lad found him.
"Killian!" Henry's tense voice cut through the evening air, ringing stridently in the quiet that would normally be broken by passing cars, people chatting on the sidewalk, dogs barking, but instead only heightened the paranoia he felt, as if the very breeze was hovering over them, watching and waiting.
The pirate immediately turned at the sound of his stepson calling to him, the sound of the lad's shoes slapping on the pavement growing louder and louder until the teen slammed into him, lanky arms wrapping around his waist and holding on tightly. For a moment, the relief almost overwhelmed the centuries older man; his chest tightening as he encircled Henry's wiry shoulders and clung to him just as desperately. He loved this boy, just as he loved the lad's mother, and only prayed he could offer some modicum of comfort as Henry heaved in a deep breath muffled against Killian's chest to disguise what would otherwise be a hiccupping sob.
When the lad pulled away to look up at his stepdad, his bright, intelligent eyes were wet but equally clear and determined as well. "I'm glad you're here," Henry stated seriously. "I need your help. I know where Mom is, but…but I can't get through to her." His voice wavered slightly, but he pressed on, clamping his mouth shut after he finished to stop the wobbling of his chin. "Now, th-they won't even let me in to see her."
Killian gave him a quick nod of affirmation, hoping to assure Emma's son that everything would be fine. He put his hook on Henry's shoulder and clasped the boy's upper arm with his good hand. "Well then, lead me to her. We will get to her – whatever it takes. Don't you doubt that for a second."
Henry bobbed his head in agreement and set off, headed toward what Hook had always known to be the town's bustling center, where the hospital and town hall were located. Still, they encountered no traffic, and the few people they saw peered suspiciously from the windows or glared at them outright in passing. They were still so few and far between as to send a foreboding shiver down both Author and sailor's spines. 'What had the Black Fairy done to their home?' Killian wondered as they hurried on.
Upon reaching the hospital, Henry cautioned him to be quiet and move swiftly before they snuck in a side entrance for housekeeping staff and carefully made their way down several floors to the basement level by sneaking into stairwells, elevators, and around corners when nurse stations were deserted and orderlies had their backs turned. They reached the dank, underground, almost bunker-like segment of the hospital, the one most knew of but had never laid eyes on, which served as an asylum. The two had used their wits and a clever trick to reach this place once before, but the situation felt even more troubling this time. A chill ran through Killian at the thought of his wife being locked down here in the cold, dark labyrinth of cement and metal doors with barely a window in their stark faces. 'How long had it seemed to her? Did she believe she had been abandoned and forgotten once more?'
"Emma doesn't bloody belong here!" he spat in a harsh whisper, anger making him clench his fist in helpless fury.
"I know that, Killian," Henry tried to soothe, anxiety making his throat almost too dry to speak through and his pulse racing at triple speed, hoping his stepdad could keep himself in check long enough for them to get his mom out of there for good. "But Fiona even has her half-convinced she's unstable. I knew I was right, that I had to make Mom believe again… but no one would listen to me."
"That ends now," Killian swore, holding Henry's gaze resolutely until he saw the youth accept it as truth and know he was no longer fighting alone. "Show me where she is, and we will get her out of here right now."
Like they had done in Isaac's skewed alternate universe, and in this very basement after Emma had vanished with the Darkness, they worked like a well-oiled machine; once Henry had shown him which room he last knew his mother to be in, the lad had waltzed up to the nurse on duty, completely distracting her in conversation that even the dour old battleaxe couldn't worm out of – the two guards standing at Emma's room door drawn over as well, just as they had hoped. Now was his chance, and Killian didn't waste it, slipping behind them all the moment Henry's enthusiastic gestures had them looking the other way, snagging the key off the wall hanger and slipping into the room Henry had indicated as his mom's without a moment's pause or fumble.
However, upon slipping into the cell and pulling the door closed behind him to hide his presence, Killian was frozen stock still by the sight that met his eyes. He had found his wife, but the woman before him on a hospital bed next to the wall in the stark room, was hardly recognizable as his fiery, beautiful Swan. She barely moved, even as he let out an unconscious groan of her name and stumbled forward to reach her. Glassy, unfocused eyes turned to study him, but no expression enlivened their depths.
So struck dumb – both violently angry and saddened near tears by Emma's unresponsive state – it took Killian a few minutes to take in the rest of the horrifying tableau that surrounded her, and when he did, he was sorry, as it indicated a nightmarish reality to which she had been subjected.
Finally snapped from the appalled trance that had struck him, Killian took several more steps forward, still gauging Emma for a reaction even as he catalogued signs of the injustice done to her. The room was so dim he wondered if she could really even see who had entered; the only light came from a high, barred window that allowed a mere shaft of sun into the shadowed interior. He saw a calendar and pictures affixed to the wall before a rickety desk – strange red Xs he couldn't fathom the meaning of marking through certain dates at random. But his heart broke for her at the pictures and messages posted alongside them. "Must Accept Reality" blared the largest, which came before a picture of her parents, one of Henry, and one of himself, all slashed through in black marker with a harsh, succinct warning of "Not Real" scrawled along with it. On the desk was a large and wicked-looking syringe for administering medicine, as he had learned from his own time as a patient following his unfortunate run-in with a car. He immediately distrusted the array of bottles and pills on the surface along with the needle however, somehow sensing that these had been used to render Emma the nearly insensate shadow of herself he saw before him.
He couldn't help going to her after that, hoping to offer some solace in the obvious proof that he did exist, as did her parents and her son. As he came to stand before her, he finally sensed her vision clearing just a bit. Blinking ever so slowly, she swallowed before her mouth moved, working almost lethargically to make some sound escape. Then, almost inaudibly soft, he heard her sweet voice, "Y-You…you're real." The smallest flicker of recognition flared in her gaze, and then, shattering his last defense, a single tear trekked silently down her cheek. Her arm moved as if to reach for him and make sure he was there, but was jerked back by what he suddenly saw were restraints cuffing each wrist to a side rail of the bed. Rage flooded his system afresh at how panicked and helpless his strong, take-charge wife must have felt at being physically tied down, at least until she was drugged into docility, as he was now certain she had been.
His good hand fisted until his nails drew blood in his palm, but he didn't stop. Fearing she might retreat back into the stupor she'd been lost in, he fell to his knees beside her, reaching out to brush her tear away. "Oh Emma," he breathed, forcing tenderness to his hoarse tone, despite the turmoil rioting inside, and already fumbling to loosen the cuffs that held her, "Love, what have they done to you?"
iii. together again
The dark-haired man with eyes blue as the sea was standing there in front of her. Emma blinked disbelievingly, trying to clear her vision and convince her mind to stop playing these games, but the arresting stranger didn't go anywhere, his deep gaze holding her captive even more strongly than it had from the pages of Henry's book. She thought that she tried to speak, to ask him if he was real, but everything felt so sluggish and muted. Whatever the shot they had given her was, it had rendered her almost immobile, and made it hard to think. Her head felt disjointed from her body.
She knew she tried to reach out for him, but something held her back, and in the fog of her brain and vision, she wasn't sure what. He must have heard her anyway, or understood her intention, because despite her thwarted attempt, he came closer. In fact, he fell to his knees beside her bed, and she saw pain and caring and fear for her in his eyes as he wiped the tear she hadn't even felt fall from her cheek. She heard him speak her name – such emotion in the lilt of it, had her name ever sounded that lovely before? Something about it was familiar, just as the illustration of him had been.
Then, he was fumbling to free her wrists. Why was she fastened to the bed? And why couldn't she remember? Terror began to latch onto her, and she was doing all she could not to fall apart, her mind crawling at putting events and pieces of memory together, but racing in anxiety and the feeling that she had been so trapped and out of it at the same time. It was almost a blessing for her handsome rescuer that her body wasn't responding correctly to her brain's signals, or he might have earned a punch or kick in self-defense, just for being so close before she could gather her wits about her.
She found herself calming though once freed, and he soothed her in a low murmur, running gentle fingers and what felt like smooth, cool metal over the raw, reddened skin of her wrists. Soon he was brushing her hair back from her face and rising taller on his knees to look her in the eyes searchingly. "Are you alright, Darling? Are you hurt anywhere else? Can you tell me what you need, Love?"
For whatever reason, however she knew him or thought she did, Emma wanted nothing more than to fall into his arms, cling to him and never let go. Yet, even in her weakened, confused condition, she couldn't quite beg, ‘Just hold me please’, and so nothing came out. She simply stared at him, hoping against frantic hope that she wouldn't blink to find him gone, alone again in her hopeless void.
"It's going to be alright now, Swan. I've got you. You're going to be fine," he promised.
Though she didn't know much else, Emma believed him and took him at his word. When he leaned forward and kissed her at the end of his vow, it didn't feel strange, but right. She didn't flinch away; instead she closed her eyes and welcomed it. The rainbow light that burst and illuminated the air behind her eyelids may have meant she'd completely lost it, but she didn't care. She was rocked to the core with a joy and exhilaration she had never known; it would have blown her off her feet if she had been standing. Opening her eyes, Emma met his equally stunned gaze, all the pieces falling into place.
She gasped for air as the world shifted, her strength returned, her brain cleared, and the curse was lifted from her shoulders. True Love's Kiss had at last gifted its magic to them. "Killian," she whispered adoringly, tracing his beloved face with her fingertips and wondering how she had ever managed to forget him. "You found me."
He knew that they needed to move, that he could explain later, but for now they had to get out. Neither he nor Henry had magic to fight their way through with her if they were discovered. And yet, seeing Emma so weakened and lost; confused, drugged, and imprisoned, he couldn't bring himself to push her or order her to do anything – even for her own good. Instead, Killian merely freed her hands, unable to stop touching her, so relieved he had found her and that she was in his arms again.
Though she did seem pleased to see him and some hint of recognition now shone on her face, Killian also sensed that it wasn't a complete knowledge of who he was to her, of their shared history and their connection as husband and wife. For that reason, he valiantly restrained himself, limiting his touches to the skin of her abused wrists, smoothing the wildly matted hair off her face, and wiping away the tear that nearly undid him. Woe to Gold's wretch of a mother if he got hold of her first. What she had done to his love was inexcusable, and the only thing that kept his blood from boiling over was his need for gentleness in the face of Emma's distress.
Despite his best intentions, he did end up holding her to him, easing the cool curve of his hook up and down her spine and allowing her to cling to him and bury her head in his chest. She was shaking slightly, tremors running throughout her body, and he worried again just what had been given to her and what aftereffects might have yet to appear. It would break Henry's heart to see her this way, and Killian dreaded it, but he couldn't in good conscience leave the lad out there as decoy alone much longer. He found himself murmuring calming words against Emma's cheek, promising all would be well, though he was not at all sure how to make it true.
So when she pulled back to look up at him and hope lit in her eyes, along with trust in him and his protection writ large on her face which had always been so tough and self-reliant, he realized he shouldn't have been at all surprised that his heart stopped and restarted again before he pulled her in for a kiss he couldn't contain.
What did stun him, after all the times they had kissed and then had to find another way, the other modes of confirmation and the unspoken disappointments at previous attempts, was the way the world rocked at the impact of their lips. The whoosh of wind he felt swirl around him and the dazzling light that almost blinded him. Somehow, finally, they had been granted the fairytale stamp of approval like her parents before them. His heart soared despite the fear, pain, and anger of the past hours – True Love's Kiss.
The awed whisper of his name on her tongue let him know that much had been set right – her memory and awareness returned to her. Not sure whether to laugh or cry at her stunned repetition of her mother's long ago realization "You found me", he merely held her tighter, placed a kiss to her brow, and smirked briefly, hoping his mate would now be back soon to mock him for it as he gave his own version of the familiar response. "Did you truly doubt I would, Darling?"
Relief seeped into his bones as everything within him slid back to its rightful place, and the world seemed to stop shaking with the threat of destruction from her lost belief. Henry burst into the room behind them and flung his arms around them both, where he was welcomed into the midst of their laughing, crying, locked together heap on her bed. For the moment, for now at least, nothing would tear them apart.
From there, things were set right quickly; her devious plan thwarted and genuine reality again restored, the Black Fairy was dealt with in a way that made the havoc she had wrought hard to believe. Killian marveled that her demise had not come about by his own hand or hook after the distress and horror she had caused Emma, but at the moment of truth, Charming had held him back, and it had only taken a second for Killian to know it was right. His mate had merely said he was returning a reminder about vengeance that Killian had offered him, and both knew exactly what was meant. It was, in the end, by her crooked son's own hand that the dark fairy was vanquished. With her evil influence removed and his heart restored, Gideon was returned to his parents a babe once more, for better or for worse the Crocodile's happy ending restored along with Belle's. The rest of their family was returned to them from the other realm, almost as soon as they had exited the hospital, the final confrontation taking place on Main Street. None of the realms they knew had crumbled, thanks to he and Henry's success in restoring the Savior's belief.
Yet none of that or the clean-up, explanations, and details left to be ironed out, mattered as much to Killian in the wake of the Final Battle as did Emma in his arms, walking beside him up the front steps to their home. His first, and in truth only, priority was to see that she was taken care of. That she felt herself again, and knew they would be just fine, that she felt safe and loved, and knew he was still at her side and she wasn't alone, were his only objectives.
Emma told him everything of the false world and circumstances while they had been sent away. How she had doubted herself, doubted Henry, even doubted her own sanity and what she knew to be real. She choked on the words occasionally – guilt, hurt, and a false sense of responsibility threatening to drown her, but Killian merely held her, both arms around her as they sat against the headboard of their bed, her back leaning against his front, his lips and his scruff brushing over her bare shoulder in repeated reassurances that it wasn't her fault, there was nothing she could have done, that no one blamed her, and that she had still managed to save them in the end. It was not the honeymoon night they might have wished for, but the healing together bound them closer all the same.
Eventually, Emma felt some peace, and they lay down to sleep, still wrapped around each other, hoping against hope that they were tangled up with each other so tightly that if something tried to steal between them again in the night it would prove impossible. Kilian's chest ached for her when she woke in the still-dark early morning gasping for breath from a vivid nightmare, but he sadly was not surprised after what she had gone through.
Turning to face him, still in the circle of his arms, Emma stroked her fingers through the dark hair covering his chest until her hand rested atop his heart, in a gesture he had come to adore, both for its protectiveness and its possessiveness as well. "Even when I didn't know who you were to me, or why, I still wanted you near…wanted you safe," she breathed against his skin. "You were still there inside me somehow."
Killian pressed his lips to the back of her neck, mumbling "good" as she shivered at the intimate touch. "I would be lost without you…if you ever forgot and left me behind." He said no more, simply held her until her breathing evened out in slumber once more, and he began to drift off himself. This time had to be the true beginning for them; their time for peace and happiness after so many trials. Nothing could break them apart; as long as they both should live.
Tagging a few who may enjoy: @kmomof4​ @whimsicallyenchantedrose​ @jennjenn615​ @searchingwardrobes​ @hollyethecurious​ @darkcolinodonorgasm​ @sherlockianwhovian​ @killian-whump​ @spartanguard​ @lfh1226-linda​ @therooksshiningknight​ @tiganasummertree​ @thislassishooked​ @winterbaby89​ @blowmiakisscolin​ @resident-of-storybrooke​ @teamhook​ @revanmeetra87​
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missytearex · 6 years ago
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Another long one this week. These were so fun! Happy reading!
🦎 Pride by @reminiscingintherain — [fic post]
larry | 2k | teen and up — (coming out)
I said, ‘hey, it’s alright, Does it make you feel alive? Don’t look back, Live your life, Even if it’s only for tonight…’
🦎 Something In That Flashing Light by @anna-wa — [fic post]
zouis | 18k | teen and up — (photographer zayn)
A Zayn/Louis fic based on Polaroid by Jonas Blue, Liam, and Lennon Stella
🦎 walk, walk fashion baby by @disgruntledkittenface — [fic post]
tomlinshaw | 23k | explicit — (established relationship)
Louis loves his supportive boyfriend, his passionate and interesting band of friends and coworkers, and his pair of quirky and dedicated dogs. What he doesn’t love is his job as co-editor of the Lifestyle section at a popular site aimed at millennials. But he was getting by until a new assignment landed in his lap: Let Your Boyfriend Dress You For A Week. His best mate Harry assured him it’d be a laugh, a bit of fun, but Louis was sure that Nick would dress him like an utter knob and his mates would take the piss all week.
He didn’t expect to actually learn something about himself.
🦎 Madeleine by @yourpricelessadvice — [fic post]
larry | 3k | teen and up — (pregnant harry)
Harry Styles has always been like a dog with a bone once she has mind set on something; from her gold gymnastics medals as a teenager to her First degree to the beautiful blue eyed girl in her sociology lectures that she now has the privilege of calling her wife.
Today, however, it isn’t a pristine bill of education or sporting finesse that she’s after; all she wants is to paint her toe nails. It should be simple enough, if it weren’t for the fact that Harry is thirty nine weeks pregnant.
🦎 The Charles Compass Trilogy by Anonymous — [fic post]
larry | 8k | explicit — (writer louis)
Louis Tomlinson is a successful writer who rents a beach house on the Cape to try and finish the final book in his successful Charles Compass trilogy.
🦎 Beach Baby (Gimme Your Hand) by @homosociallyyours — [fic post]
larry | 2k | general audiences — (beach)
It’s possible Harry hates the beach. It’s also possible Louis could change that.
(Girl Direction)
🦎 Play Me A Memory by Anonymous — [fic post]
larry | 26k | explicit — (musician harry)
Louis lives with his nine-year-old son Jake in a peaceful beachside community on the east coast of Australia working as an entertainment coordinator at the the local five-star resort. Harry is a recluse who lives on millionaires row and writes musical scores for blockbuster movies. When a wayward willow tree forces Harry to stay at the resort while repairs are carried out, their lives are changed forever.
Cue matchmaking storms, muffin preferences, laughter, love, and a whole lotta music.
🦎 A Taste of Honey by @lululawrence — [fic post]
grouis | 3k | not rated — (fluff and humour)
the one where Louis has been pining after Greg ever since he started his job. Greg randomly showing up at his flat with a jar of honey might be just the push Louis needs to finally talk to the man.
🦎 Smuturday by @jacaranda-bloom — [fic post]
larry | 4k | mature — (writer louis)
Every Tuesday, Louis spends his day off holed up in his favorite coffee-come-bookshop, writing his little stories as part of the WordPlay challenge while daydreaming about the resident barista, Harry. Each week a new word prompt is revealed and Louis adds to his series of short stories about Henry, the owner of a B&B in the Cotswolds who has curly hair and dimples, Lewis, his long term guest who just happens to be a writer, and Tigger, Henry’s cat.
As Louis and Harry’s friendship develops, could his fantasy world spill out into real life? And how does that reader who leaves the lovely comments with the teacup emoji seem to be able to read Louis’ mind?
🦎 Once more, with feeling by Anonymous — [fic post]
gryles | 11k | explicit — (canon)
Nick has to confront his difficult feelings when he runs into Harry at a posh countryside hotel on his way to Liam Payne’s wedding.
🦎 hard for me to know i might see you around by Anonymous — [fic post]
larry | 4k | teen and up — (tinder)
a TINDER AU where Harry swipes left on Louis’ joke of a profile, then ends up stuck next to him on a trans-Atlantic flight.
🦎 When You Smile by @lightwoodsmagic — [fic post]
ziam | 2k | general audiences — (college/uni)
Liam’s never seen Zayn smile during classes, but a trip to the zoo for their studies helps him see a lot more.
🦎 (marshmallow) fluff by @uhohmorshedios​ — [fic post]
larry | 2k | general audiences — (kid fic)
Harry and Louis spend a quiet(ish) morning at home with their kids.
🦎 Bedroom Floor by @star55 — [fic post]
lilo | 7k | teen and up — (girl direction)
Liam and Louis have been doing this dance ever since they broke up. The thing is, it’s slowly killing Liam and Louis doesn’t realise it.
🦎 tiny exaggeration by @jaerie — [fic post]
larry | 3k | explicit — (a/b/o)
Louis is frustrated that they’ve been dating for months and still haven’t taken their relationship to the next level. Sometimes the foolishness of the past lingers in the present. Louis wants that to change.
Remember to leave kudos + comments to show your appreciation!
More lists here.
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thexforgottenxones · 5 years ago
🎭 ( A secret about each of them thank you)
Every muse? REALLY? I don’t know that they all HAVE a secret but here goes lol.
David: his biggest secret in canon was that he was born a shepherd. However he doesn’t really want that to be a secret and tells people eventually so that’s kind of a cop out lol. I think his biggest secret is how much he wants the dwarves to like him. He wants to be closer to Emma’s uncles than he is. he knows they’re protective of her, but he wishes they could let go of the past a bit and realize that he didn’t mean to hurt her, not just so they’ll stop teasing him but also so he can be friends with people that are so important to his wife.
Henry: just how good he is at sneaking around. He acts all innocent. He does try to say he’s capable of being a hero, but we only occasionally see him showing an adult how good he is at breaking into places, or sneaking out of them. He’s really observant and he uses those skills to be a great sneak. He also was able to leave Regina’s house multiple times when he was supposed to be home during the curse, so he’s had a lot of practice. He wants to be more of a fighter like David so I think that’s partly why he hides it, but he’s really more stealthy than he is a straight up fighter. Also, if he told people just how good he was at this it would be harder for him to sneak out if he wanted to.
Dopey: This is on his muses page, but memory potions or spells don’t affect him. this is why his anxiety is so high. Only a few people know this, however, as Dopey knows that playing dumb can help him blend in and keep him safe. It also can help him be more of a spy and help his friends. Along that vein, Dopey will act more childlike than he actually is in order to force people to underestimate him. It’s kept him safe so far so he keeps doing it, even if sometimes he gets tired of being treated like a child since he is, indeed, an adult.
Bashful: You mean besides that he’s trans? That’s his biggest secret lol. Um, besides that I don’t know that he really has one. There are things he is unaware of about his past, however. Things like the fact that he used to be madly in love with a certain young shepherdess ... but that’s not really his secret is it?
Leopold: He doesn’t keep many secrets. He’s a pretty open book. He does try to hide that he blames himself for Regina being able to cast the curse. Also tries to hide how easily he falls in love (unsuccessfully I might add.) The biggest secret he keeps is how much pain he’s in. Emotional pain. He hurts fairly easy but to be a king, or a good friend (he thinks), he must hide some of that pain.
Papyrus: Another muse that’s a bit of an open book. He tries to hide how desperately he wants friends, but it’s pretty obvious lol. I think the thing he hides the most that people are unaware of is that he doesn’t actually hate puns. He loves them, he just gets embarrassed when sans says them (think how you feel when your parents say a bad joke lol.) He also doesn’t find Sans as lazy as he says he does, and actually worries about his brother’s health quite a bit, but if he says that he’s worried Sans will worry about him more, so Papyrus tries to hide that as well, at least sometimes.
Astrid: She’s a hobgoblin. If people found out about that she could accidentally start a fairy war (that could bleed into a war involving humans as well lol.) But also that she’s a bit tired of being a nun/fairy god mother. She loves helping people, but she doesn’t want all that responsibility, especially after she keeps messing things up with her clumsy nature. She’s still trying to find a way that she can balance her desire to help with her desire for less stress in her life (and has yet to succeed with that.)
Robert: Man has no secrets. He desperately loves his family and wants to be with them. He has an alcohol problem and lots of guilt. What secrets are there really? Besides the secret that David had a twin, which has been discovered by now and which he was forced to keep, Robert has never really had secrets.
Ray: we can start with that he’s alive for one lol. Probably his biggest secret. Other than that, there aren’t really any secrets to him. He’s pretty open, even about being trans. If he doesn’t have to keep a secret in order to protect someone, he doesn’t see the need to have it at all and he tends to be very open about his intense feelings.
Martin and Myrna: Their life is full of secrets. They’re thieves who trick people out of money. They have stolen everything they own, from their carriage to the clothes on their backs. Perhaps @asthebirchtreefalls knows of something even more precious that isn’t really theirs ... but surely their own son isn’t stolen? Or is he?
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mononijikayu · 2 years ago
no, the biggest SIN in the GOT/HOTD universe is forcing so many changes that erases so much narratives that push the story forward. because most of the show while making out characters as real people, it also erases the plots that helped determine their actions. like the show was really good BUT IT COULD HAVE BEEN BETTER.
book daemon didnt even kill his wife, he was in his seat in bloodstone, in the narrow sea. like the way this show really just made rhea a plot device to show how an asshole daemon is - when we could have gotten that when he interacted with her during his exiles to the vale and then later how he collected his widower's inheritance and shown how much the vale hated him instead. like this would have been so fantastic to establish the vale so when we see them when jacaerys goes there, we set up a lot of factors with them.
when rhea died from hunting, it was actually really realistic - i mean luthor tyrell (olenna's husband) died from falling off a cliff while hunting and hawking. that really happened in real life. people CAN DIE from hunting accidents even the very best hunters. we have the best example in mary of burgundy for example - she was a passionate hunter and hawker who ended up falling from her horse after it tripped and threw her off to her death. unlike mary, rhea had a husband who didnt love her and even hated her but daemon still halted his campaign in the stepstones to bury her as HIS DUTY being her husband. yes, he is still canonically an asshole in the books.
he claimed her lands as a widower knowing fully well SHE JUST DIED. but there's historical precidence for this too as men who married women with property in the medieval era ALSO took hold of their lands even after their death, with or without bodily heirs. so, yeah he pressed his claim and yes he was rejected. but medieval systems allowed that. erasing this part of the world building sort of dwindles some parts of daemon that was really caring about him. not to mention so many cut scenes from his side of the story, like come on. let him be a caring father, let him be a caring husband WHILE ALSO showing how much of an asshole he was. hes the rogue prince for a reason, he has his own set of rules that benefit him, his family and his agendas fully.
and yeah, viserys is a horrific husband because medieval c-sections were fucking horrific. there's no anaesthetic that made it painless. there was little to no knowledge about the female organs and especially on their body parts. people thought women had an inverted male penis inside of them. one of the first historical survivals from a c-section was 13 midwives helping the woman and she still could not be able to deliver the child FOR DAYS. the husband who was named jacob nufer had to geld her open to save her and the child because of desperation. he had to ask local authorities for permission because he was desperate. c-sections were done out of desperation, last ditch effort with no hope of survival often for the mother. viserys was presented with a choice and he made the wrong one, barbaric even. BUT he was asked to do it as the husband, which reflected the tragic reality of childbed. like some bloodlines are alive today because of such choices too and its a horrible thing because people suffered for the today to happen. and he gets punished for it - because those choices led to even more painfully hard choices and its what made him so poignantly real. even as horrific as he was, his characterization on his greed and wanting hurting others shone through. like henry viii and other kings before him who thought that having a son would fix absolutely everything in their kingdoms and society when thats not really the thing that would change it for the better. thats as real as it gets.
same as vaemond velaryon declaring that the velaryon children were bastards. like he just screams richard iii of england being desperate to legitimize his reign by promoting his nephews as bastards and undermining his brother too knowing he just died. like so so real in history too. vaemond was power hungry more than anything. if he cared about house velaryon, he would do what he could to assist his brother and their house - not undermine it for the whole realm to see. he could have been satisfied with the baela and rhaena marrying jace and luke as a solution. because there's always going to be velaryon blood on the hall of nine as he wants.
like,,,,come on. there's a reason why laenor called him the lord of complaints. hes unable to make something of his position, as a second or younger son in history usually lives through.
he knew FULLY WELL that viserys already declared that anyone who spoke about the velaryon boys like that would have their tongues removed. knowing FULLY WELL that the laws of legitimacy and inheritance for the velaryon boys were PROPERLY LEGITIMATE considering the person who is heir is their mother and considering laenor CLAIMED THEM BEFORE THE WHOLE COURT. as long as a noble man claims the child their own in front of the royal court, that's literally a sign immediately that the child is the father's no matter what. like so many instances could have played out that allowed for clever writing about them - like the velaryons intermarried with first men blood and rhaenys canonically had black hair that just turned silver. genes can appear through years and years of transfer. historical example is eleanor of aquitaine who had black hair and generations later when her descendants had predominant blond and strawberry blond color - there was a random kid that would pop up with her black hair and features. like, does this then mean that targaryens who intermarried and ended up with their respective black haired parent are immediately illegitimate? like, this would have been such juicy world building on their parts too.
also, did you forget that some of rhaenyra's most defiant moments was given to alicent? like that green dress declaration? that was rhaenyra's thing, where she wore black for the first time in that tourney. alicent was already wearing green, so her faction was wearing it by that time. but rhaenyra and her supporters wore black for the first time to DECLARE against alicent's reign as queen. because the show removes alicent being actually having her own agency and greed. like the show forgot that people can be both ambitious AND eager to protect their families? margaret of anjou also had this ambition to protect her son AND make him king of england. her decisions would have been so interesting had they made her just slowly be fed up with her husband and her father and secretly worked with larys to just fuck over the men who ruined her AND rule through her son? because that was what women in westeros did as well as real medieval history. like that would also parallel with lysa arryn or even cersei lannister.
and also the kids was done well - i feel like them growing up to inherit their parents feud was well written. but god the way it would have also been so intriguing if they continued that unparalleled anguish they all carried with them. like the book version of the kids were just as how i imagined medieval children, even just ancient society children. like it made sense because their society always EXPECTED WARS AND FIGHTING - AND TO BE WEARY of people who would take power away from them. like it was be killed or kill. and these kids had the fantasy version of a nuclear button. THAT'S BARBARIC but we had a child king richard ii of england ordering to hang people for revolts. we had a child king edward vi of england having people be burnt alive for not being protestant. like this brutally can exist to children with power.
i feel like its so sad that they watered downed and replaced some parts because though some of GRRM's intentions are passed on - many get lost in translation because some things are removed. like GRRM wrote the ASOIAF as a means to tell the tragedies of the world. the tragic essence of warfare and its effects, the brutality on women and their lack of agency. the class divide between the rich/powerful and the poor/powerless. theres also the essence of raw humanity's ability to be both righteous and depraved. he wrote a story that ECHOES so much of what even is reflected today as well as it had been hundreds, thousands of years before us. and the show could have made it even more poignant by really digging its heels onto it and giving us the world GRRM really wrote well about in full. its meant to be horrendous because it makes you reflect these characters and their person, their POVs, their choices and what you can do as a reader in hard moments, harsh choices - change things to be human to the people who come to life in these pages and people like them in real life. like thats what makes it so so so so good as a story. theres so much in it and i wish they do more on it in the future seasons. because i felt it in some of the corners of the show. i hope it can make me feel those emotions again and make me reflect.
Personally, I consider Alicent and Larys' scene to be the most monstrous scene I've ever seen in the GOT/HOTD universe.
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maevelin · 8 years ago
why the hell do people assume that Rhaegar's annulment automatically makes his first two children bastards? They were conceived and born while their parents were officially husband and wife (otherwise there would have been nothing to annul), therefore they cannot be bastards by definition
It depends on the grounds of the annulment. If Rhaegar aimed to declare his first marriage with Elia initially not legitimate then his kids by her would be considered to be bastards. However he would need a very serious reason for this to even stand and considering the history of marriages in his family tree that would be one hell of a difficult thing to do. I think most people have in their minds King Henry VII and his treatment of Catherine of Aragon and the rest of his wives when they hear the term annulment here.
The problem here is how vaguely this term was used in the show without pointing out any potential implications. The writers only focused on a way to further push Jon’s legitimacy and his claim on the throne without actually thinking all the way through about how they presented what they used as a loophole to fit into their narrative. And since they did not bother with paying more attention to the details and honoring the background of their history as they should then the fans have every right to assume whatever they want when it comes to this. The writing here was superficial and messy and if we take under account only the show’s canon then Rhaegar is not filtered through a very positive light.
But in truth in his case depending on how the annulment was used this could not bring any implications to the line of succession.
This is not just about how Rhaegar treated Elia in a personal level or what happened after that. If we are talking about the annulment here we need to focus on the motives and the characters are play.
We know that Rhaegar fucked up but he was not known for cruelty. Even to his relationship with Elia. People spoke of his ‘noble’ intentions and all that but no where they speak of him as the kind of person that would be cruel and unjust to his own children.
For all we know this could be one way for Rhaegar to not go against the Faith by pushing polygamy that would be a very sensitive issue and more so since he wanted to overthrow his father and would need all the support he could get. That would also include the Martells so despite his divorce with Elia his two first heirs would still be backed up by the House Martell.
I think that at that point in time the Martells hardly cared about Rhaegar’s affair no matter how they truly view it. I think their priorities would be Elia and her kids. To ensure their safety and to promote and protect the interest of Elia and of her children. Both when it came to the imminent threat they were facing (Mad King and even the upcoming Rebellion) and their future position when it came to who would succeed the Mad King and Rheagar. This is very complicated and it becomes more so since Rhaegar married Lyanna and kept her in Dorne. In secrecy yes but how possible would it be for no one to know they were there? Especially the rulers of Dorne. That could not be a coincidence in my opinion. It is contradictory to Rhaegar’s interests so why especially Dorne? Something does not add up.
I think Rhaegar was searching for a convenient loophole to keep everyone happy in terms of power balance. Elia had to be returned to her family safe and sound but The Mad King kept her and their children with him so Rhaegar and the House Martell had to ensure their safety. Rhaegar had to give concessions at both sides while he was obviously still dangling along his obsessions with the prophecies and his potential feelings for Lyanna and his plans to overthrow Aerys (and probably wanted to be certain that he had three children before going up against his father in case he would not win. First he wanted to ensure that the prophecies would come to fruition before he would make his move. He went all wrong about it of course. He was absolutely certain that his House was secure no matter what the outcome of his plans would be. He could not imagine what was planned underneath his nose and what was coming. He already had heirs. Viserys was also alive. His third sibling -the third head of the Dragon from Aerys was in its way-. He took a lot of time. He did not see what was coming and how he and his House would be also betrayed (by the Lords he thought were supporting him) and the rebellion broke out by those that took advantage of his stalling and mistakes and obsessions).
As far the annulment goes he probably wanted to legitimize Jon in terms of legality and not in terms of succession before his first son. And also Rhaegar died before he knew the gender of his third child. He probably believed that he was going to have one more girl and that Aegon from Elia was the Prince from the prophecy. And so he probably aimed to give more legitimacy to his daughter from Lyanna too and make her equal with his other two children so all three of them would be united when their time to rise would come. I think he wanted to make sure that none of his children would be bastards and not the other way around.
Do not forget that Rhaegar was obsessed with the Dragon having three heads. That does not only mean that he would do anything to get the third child. It also means that he wanted above anything else and before anything else to ensure that he would have three children no matter what. That meant he cared for all three and believed that all three had a role to play to how the prophecies would unfold including anything concerning the Prince that was Promised and/or Ahor Ahai and the Long Night.
Ironically he was not that wrong. I know that his obsession make him seem nutty (which he probably was lol) but he was not wrong was he? The Long Night was coming. The signs were there. Magic was returning to the world. Either Jon is the Prince that was Promised or he is an intricate part of that prophecy in the end Rhaegar was right in believing that his child (if not children) would have a great role to the Great war. But prophecies are never clear and you cannot control them or even translate them accurately. And if the Dragon had to have three heads then in the show those that were left were Daenerys, Viserys and Jon and Viserys died and so did the dragon that was named after him and now belongs to the Night’s King. So the Dragon does have to have three heads (let us put a question mark in books for the whole Griff thing).
And in all that mess we are still to know what Elia’s stance was in all of this. We know how her story ended and we know how people decades later have portrayed her (as a victim, as collateral damage, as a loving mother, as a martyr and even a saint etc etc) but we hardly know anything about her true agency. About how her mind worked and how she was able to play the game. Before we victimize her and give all power to Rhaegar we should truly think of who Elia truly was. She was a Martell. She was the woman that rose to power through marriage and was meant to become a Queen and the mother of the future ruler of Westeros. She was brought up in a Kingdom with powerful individuals that accepted and respected women in position of power. Her siblings have been portrayed as empowered characters but all we know about Elia is that she was the victim of the story. And now an annulment is thrown at us carelessly. I feel that her voice is missing form all of this. In the same way I think that for example Margaery Tyrell’s true agency and voice will be missing in a few decades later and history will portray her as a different person from who she truly was. History is written by the victors after all and true facts and characters are lost in obscurity.
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totesmccoats · 7 years ago
Batman #36
Batman and Superman avoid calling each-other to talk about the recent engagement, each making their own excuses to their better halves, and placing the responsibility on the other to avoid making the first move.
It shouldn’t be surprising in retrospect, but who knew Tom King could be this adorable? King makes it obvious how much each man respects and adores the other by how intimidated each is to start this conversation despite knowing that they should. Besides, they’re busy with superheroing – the other’ll call if it’s that important. Meanwhile, Catwoman starts to feel like Bruce might be ashamed of her; and Lois just really wants to meet her!
Clay Mann draws the two heroes in a way that fits each’s opinion of the other. Both are imposing figures, larger than life, mythic. Superman swoops into action, catching trains before they fall off cliffs, as Batman poses dramatically on Gotham’s gargoyles, leaping through skylights to kick criminals. Even in the same room, Superman glows and Batman seems to carry shadows with him.
  Batman: White Knight #3
New Harley can’t accept that Jack no longer wants to be Joker, and decides to take up the mantle for herself. Meanwhile, Jack moves forward with his plan to discredit Batman and the Gotham establishment, using the mind-controlled supervillains as both a distraction and a cudgel. While Batman chases them through Blackport, causing untold damages to people and property; Jack raids the city records office to look for exactly how much those damages cost Gotham, and finds his answer.
The next day, Jack reveals that Batman costs the city three billion dollars a year in taxpayer money, and is still completely unaccountable for it, or the priceless emotional damage he costs the city, further widening the divide between Batman and Gotham, including close allies like Gordon, Dick, and Barbara. Continuing with his plan, Jack and Harley head to Blackport where they find an ally in Duke Thomas – in this universe, ex-military, ex-police, and Blackport native who organized a grassroots police-force for the part of the city Gotham forgot.
This issue further reveals that Jack may not be as squeaky clean as he presents himself to Gotham, but he still makes a heckuva strong argument against Batman’s continued existence; especially as Batman’s methods become more and more reckless. SGM also adds another stir to the pot with new Harley, who becomes an element that neither Jack nor Batman have figured into their equations, and could become a spanner in either or both of their designs.
As of now, turning Duke into Luke Cage-lite could go either way, but the big-black guy stereotype is a fine-line to walk. SGM’s other big diversion from canon in this issue, however, really changes who this Batman is and what his relationship to the rest of the Bat-family and the Joker is compared to the norm.
  Superman #36
A not-great conclusion to a not-great arc. The war on Apokolips is ended by deus ex machina, and Superman sits on Darkseid’s throne just long enough to abdicate it to the people. Gleason gives a bland version of a “truth, justice, and the american way” speech for Superman to say, then booms things to Metropolis. The last couple of pages are a cliffhanger for a much more interesting story development than the past four issues.
Also, I’ll be skipping the next two issues that will be part of a crossover – so hopefully #39 gets things back on track!
  Green Arrow #35
Aww yeah, Ferrerya’s back! And he’s illustrating Oliver’s adventure to the bottom of a trench in the Pacific Ocean to raid the vaults of the sunken Ninth Circle base, the Inferno, with his used-to-be-evil-and-also-dead mother, Moira. Meanwhile, detective Shuffleton follows the dirty detective Ros when he tails Oliver’s lawyer, and the two discover that Wendy Poole – whom Oliver is charged with murdering – is still alive. One of them can’t say the same for themselves much longer. And when Moira inevitably betrays her son, Black Canary and Henry team up and follow him into the trench to save him.
This issue is a little all over the place, including one flashback that I think turned into two different flashbacks without much to signal the transition, and an abrupt – even for comics – ending. Also, for the amount of space it’s given, there just isn’t much going on below the surface. The opening helpfully provides enough exposition to catch-up any new readers, but the amount of plot actually going on leaves a lot of room to be filled by Oliver’s self-flaggilating over his wealth; which, while appreciated in a way, disappoints compared to what’s going on above the waves, where people are uncovering secrets and blowing each-other up.
Still, a book of new Ferrerya art is never a completely bad thing, even when he isn’t allowed to really play to his strong suits and deliver high-octane action sequences. Also, I guess Moira Queen just looks like a woman in her late 30’s forever now?
  Justice League #34
Bruce hasn’t had a full rest in three days, and still insists on being the brains of the Justice League. He sends Superman, Flash, and Jessica Cruz to help people trapped in an earthquake, while he, Wonder Woman, and Aquaman rescue some kidnapped nuns. Meanwhile. Simon Baz monitors what appears to be a massive alien invasion. But in delegating these tasks, an underslept and overworked Batman may have made a tactical error – one that could cost lives.
This is Priest’s first issue on Justice League, and he immediately makes it a distinctly “Priest” book, with parallel storytelling, stakes that matter, and sharp dialogue. Appropriately, his Justice League run starts off lighter than his time with Deathstroke, with a lot of that credit going towards artist Pete Woods, who draws with bold lines and saturates his colors to heroic proportions. We even get some daytime Batman action!
  Black Bolt #8
Black Bolt finally returns to Earth, but isn’t given exactly the warm welcome he expected. A lot has happened during his absence, including an attempted holocaust under Hydra, and the disappearance of much of the royal family; and his people that once looked to him as a father now regard him as a deadbeat. And, before he can tend to the needs of his people, he has a promise to keep.
To use a cliché, you can take the Black Bolt out of prison, but you can’t take the prison out of Black Bolt. He is still trapped by the effects of his brother, by the loss of his voice, the trauma of his imprisonment, and the suffering of his people in his absence. Though Black Bolt has changed, he still isn’t whole.
Blinky adjusts better, wide eyed and slightly overwhelmed by her new home. Though she’s experienced the same trauma as Black Bolt, her advantage is in being better able to communicate her emotions – being a telepath helps with that.
And Ward’s art doesn’t suffer at all for being contained to Earth. He trades the neon blues and pinks for golden yellows and browns, bathing the issue in sunshine for the first time in the series. And Lockjaw is as floppy and adorable as ever.
  Hawkeye #13
Like all great Hawkeye stories involving Clint Barton, this one starts off with Hawkeye(s) falling from a great height. But before they were falling, Clint and Kate had just reunited, and were discussing whose problem to solve first when Clint’s problem popped up to try to kill the two with arrows. So, Clint’s problem takes priority. After Clint fills Kate in on who might be trying to kill him this time, Kate deduces that it’s Eden, the Swordsman’s apprentice from the Generations: The Archers issue. Unfortunately, she’s able to find them again before they can find her, and her teleportation powers make her an extra tricky baddie to nab.
If you’ve liked how Thompson wrote one Hawkeye, then you’re really going to enjoy how she writes two. She writes Kate and Clint with a familiar rapport, but still manages to give each their own character, Clint being looser and chiller despite being hunted, while Kate continues to be the more sarcastic one.
This even translates to their body language, and is immediately clear on the first page we see them falling together. Even while falling, Kate is poised and ready to shoot, while Clint is still grabbing at his quiver and is falling freely. And her style, with Bellaires’ colors, continue to give Hawkeye a distinct sunkissed tone regardless of how dark the book may go, but never to its detriment.
  Paper Girls #18
The Girls are able to escape Charlotte while the giant mech fight still roars invisibly around them, and Tiff admits to Chris – her future husband – that she’s his wife, or will be in 12 years. On their way to Tiff’s house, Mac tells Erin that she suspects KJ might be a clone or something of the real KJ, mostly because of the shock of her coming out of the closet last issue. And, in the mechs above the town, the Old Timers suffer a blow that may prompt them to forfeit what already passed for proper rules of engagement.
Despite the very fast-feeling issue (it’s amazing how the pace of a comic can vary so much considering they’re all about the same length!), each of the Girls get a moment, from KJ trying to talk down Charlotte, Erin ninja-throwing a newspaper, Mac’s newfound skepticism, and Tiff negotiating the politics of time travel with her Goth husband. Tiff actually seems to be the focus of this issue, which is a welcome shifting of the spotlight. BKV’s dialogue continues to be some of the best in comics, with everyone but the Old Timers reading as completely natural, and Chiang can draw the heck out of girls wandering through the woods and giant robot fights equally.
  Uber: Invasion #10
For better or worse, things are gearing up in Uber: Invasion. The Nazis recover Siegfried’s body, and the burning corpse of the Zephyr that killed him, and plan their counter-attack for before the United States can create enough Zephyrs to win the war. In Boston, while the US army celebrates Siegfried’s death, Stephanie wonders if they have the time to make enough Zephyrs and complete the Colossus II before the inevitable Nazi response. As a stalling tactic, she suggests that the army set up ghost-armies to make the Nazis think that the US already has the numbers. In San Francisco, a small team hunts the Japanese Battleship Yamato, and discuss whether they should search a Japanese Internment Camp for him.
Like many great war stories, some of the most dramatic moments of this issue involve people looking at maps and trying to outbluff the other. And, for the first time in Invasion, instead of sticking with one army for the entire issue, we get multiple concurrent threads, ratcheting up the tension even further.
Comic Reviews 12/5/17 Batman #36 Batman and Superman avoid calling each-other to talk about the recent engagement, each making their own excuses to their better halves, and placing the responsibility on the other to avoid making the first move.
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lorrainecparker · 7 years ago
Charlie Parish: three years filming HBO’s The Defiant Ones
Charlie Parish put a camera on his shoulder, either a Canon Cinema EOS C300 or C500, and took off after the rap mogul. The result is a four-part documentary called The Defiant Ones. And this interview!
Directed by Allen Hughes, The Defiant Ones tells the stories of rapper Dr. Dre and producer Jimmy Iovine – the latter the son of a Brooklyn longshoreman, the other one of the greatest rappers alive – and their long-standing partnership which has shaped not just the rap music world but a plethora of transformative pop culture events.
To capture Dre’s world, Hughes’ longtime collaborator Charlie Parish put a camera on his shoulder (using the Canon Cinema EOS C300 and C500 in turns) and took off after the rap mogul.  Over the course of 3 years, Charlie spent an average of one full day a week filming Dre, capturing his professional life and his daily life, and even his family life during vacations and a month spent on his private boat.
The final footage captured throughout that time was edited in with archival footage as well as pieces of over 15 hours of seated interviews with Dre, and countless other hours with Iovine and their colleagues and contemporaries.  The HBO documentary premiered a couple of months ago, and now ProVideo Coalition shares with its readers an interview with Charlie Parish. Interviews, either live or done using modern technology, are a collaborative effort, and this one would not be possible without all the people that connected me with Charlie Parish and made every effort possible to make this happen. A big thank you to Charlie Parish, who accepted the challenge and took the time to answer this set of questions, which I believe everyone would like to ask him. So, without further ado, let’s dive into the interview.
ProVideo Coalition – In your Twitter page you present yourself as Director, Cinematographer, Producer and paranormal nut. Who is Charlie Parish?
Charlie Parish – Straight away with a tough one as I’m really still working that out!  In my work, I consider myself a filmmaker – I’ve learnt many roles including Cinematographer and producer but where I feel my true talent lies is in directing. I’m currently looking for representation as a director and that’s how I would like to be perceived by others in the industry.
However, my absolute passion in life is the investigation of the unknown. In life I truly am a paranormal nut!
PVC –  What is a Britishman doing in LA?
CP – I ask myself that a lot! Well, I guess it’s tied in to the first question as when I started in the film industry (2001), I had to accept any role I could. I was a ‘jack of all trades’ which is probably the same for many people entering the film industry. I was having very little success gaining employment at home in the UK and was lucky enough to gain opportunities out here although it was all ‘work experience’.
This is where I’ve built a real contact list and it’s certainly the epicenter of film, so I think I chose well.
PVC –  You were the “shadow” – once a week – of Dr. Dre for three years, I am told, to capture footage for The Defiant Ones. How does one cinematographer organize life to shoot someone for such a long period of time?
CP – It wasn’t as rigid as once a week and when I really think about it, I would average it out at 3 times per week. I would work to the schedules of Dre and Jimmy which were very very varied as they were so busy – These guys don’t stop!
I actually started the project with Director Allen Hughes back in the spring of 2014 – before HBO even entered the frame – so I had already prepared to be in it for the long haul. I didn’t expect 3+ years but I don’t think anybody did.
I do find documentary filmmaking far more difficult than scripted projects – I like a schedule, a storyboard, a call sheet. We had very little of that and I just had to be ready at all times. Although the random work hours pained me on occasion, it was what I signed up for. I missed a lot of football (soccer) games and there were a few times I had to suddenly leave a party or a family thing to go shoot for the show. It was non-stop and going about my daily life with that anxious, ‘on call’ feeling was the norm.
PVC – Did you follow more people who appear in the documentary and/or captured footage for other segments of the documentary, or were you tasked with following Dr. Dre?
CP – Yeah absolutely, I was across the board. I shot a number of the interviews, I was also on B Cam (CU) for pretty much all of the interviews. I shot a lot of the reconstruction scenes, drone shots, time-lapse, B roll and Inserts and the majority of the verite stuff. I was on call 24/7. If Dre had an artist in the studio at 1130p on a Tuesday night, I was there. If Jimmy was flying out to NYC in 2 hours time, I was on the jet. If the skies look great and conditions were right, I’d run out and shoot a time-lapse.
I was lucky enough to collaborate with some supremely talented DPs along the way, though. Vincent Wren and Shane Daly really helped to create many of the stunning interviews conforming to the style we set out at the start. We even had Peter Deming shoot an interview which was a beautiful moment for me as he was the first person to guide me to my first work experience in film in 2000. Jerry Henry, Edwin Stevens and Guido Passi shot some wonderful verite stuff during major events.
My right hand throughout, though, was my AC, Joshua Makela. He’s a brilliant, young DP in his own right. He and I would run and gun when needed and he was a huge help.
PVC – Apparently, you met Dr. Dre while filming an Eminem show at Wembley, in 2014. You said in an interview, that you both “seemed to click straight away about our love for cameras and how I was shooting”, and that “a long-standing relationship was born then”. What camera were you using at the time, do you remember? Did you and Dr. Dre discuss(ed) cameras?
CP – Yeah, it was 2014 at the Eminem show in London. I had met Dre once before when I was in the mix on The Hughes Brothers’ “The Book of Eli” but this was the first time we spoke at length. I was shooting with the C500, C300 and the 5D Mk III. He really took an interest in the cameras and asked me: Why I was shooting certain things? How I was shooting certain things? Why I chose that particular camera? He then revealed that he shoots stills and proceeded to show me some of his photos. As you can probably guess, he’s brilliant at that too!
A funny story to this was after the first show, Dre invited me on to his yacht in the Mediterranean with his friends, which Allen Hughes was part of – I actually believe Allen orchestrated this as he so brilliantly does. He knew he wanted a camera on board capturing Dre in his ‘relaxed’ mode.
At Wembley, Allen had wanted me to shoot what he described as an iconic shot of Dre entering the stage. As there was back to back shows, I had two chances to shoot this…to get it right. On both nights I tripped up on the stairs and ruined both the shots. When we reviewed the footage, I saw the disappointment on everybody’s face, including Dre. I was gutted and didn’t sleep a wink that night. I was certain Dre wouldn’t want ‘Unsteady Eddie’ shooting on the boat when I had failed so miserably.
However, I really do think there was an instant connection and he understood it was just that – a slip up. Dre’s wife, Nicole, was also a huge comfort during this episode. I’m not sure how she did it but I remember I felt she was in my corner. He has only brought it up once since and we have had a good laugh about it.
PVC – The story of how you got Dr. Dre to have his own United shirt is popular now. Were you already filming him for the The Defiant Ones documentary at the time you decided to give him a shirt?
CP – Yes, this was the second yacht trip I was invited to. It was to celebrate Dre’s 50th birthday and it was another opportunity to capture him when he was at his most relaxed. Although it was a new relationship built through the work we were doing, Dre treated me so wonderfully during the year and I wanted to thank him. The only way I could think to do that was to give him something involving one of my passions– a signed Manchester United shirt!!
PVC – You were at Dr. Dre’s 50th birthday – when you offered him the United shirt. Were you there to film the whole event too?
CP – Yeah, Allen and I were there on the trip and we were able to capture some really beautiful, intimate footage. It’s hard to escape from a boat in the middle of the ocean so Allen was able to corner Dre easily! There was plenty of down time but we tried to schedule something once a day.
PVC –  How does one manage to keep being objective when filming someone who is more than the subject of a documentary, because you’ve, as you say, a long-standing relationship? Is there a moment when you put the camera down? How does it work to balance the friendship and the cinematographer’s duty?
CP – Again, there was plenty of times when the camera was off and it was just friends having a really good time but Allen, Dre and I put in some real work too. As I said previously, Allen knew he needed to integrate someone who could capture his investigation into Dre and Jimmy’s world without that person interfering or throwing off the dynamic he was creating. His directive to me was, “Merge into the background, become wallpaper, make yourself invisible”. After many many sessions of being the only person in the room with them, it just became normal. They trusted me and Allen trusted me.
After years of being in their company, getting to know them and becoming friends, it’s a natural thing to root for them. I wanted them to win. When Allen asked the tough questions and sensitive issues were brought up, I remained impartial in my operation but it did affect me greatly. Here’s Dre being quizzed about something that makes him uncomfortable and my view is an ECU of his face. It was uncomfortable for me too. I can only imagine how Allen was feeling trying to draw things out of his friends of 25 years!
PVC – Considering that Allen Hughes tells his team to “Don’t ever cut until the subject is off the set” and that for this documentary, as he described in an interview with IndieWire, he “was trying to find the real person between the lines”, how do you follow his “rules” and when do you decide it is time to stop capturing footage?
CP – This was never difficult for the crew. He just made it clear from the outset that this was the technique he was using. If he called “cut”, we would respond with the question, “hard cut?”. If Allen said “no”, we kept rolling. Really simple but very effective.
PVC – I believe you’re mostly on your own or with a small team throughout the three years following Dre. Having worked long with Allen Hughes I believe you know what he wants, but how does it work for you to know exactly what he is after from each new session? Or do you just capture whatever you deem as important, and then go through the footage with Hughes to decide what goes in and out?
CP – Allen would send me out to follow Dre or Jimmy. He’d send me to cover a studio session, shoot a drone shot, shoot B-roll, a time-lapse etc… We’ve worked together for the last 17 years so I mostly had a firm understanding of what he wanted. The majority of the time it worked and he liked what was shot but sometimes he would send me to shoot it again. There were times he gave me homework which involved watching a certain film and referencing a particular style or shot. I don’t think I know anyone who knows cinema like Allen so he was always able to reference something to show how he wanted things shot. It worked well although sometimes, it was just too difficult to get results with just me, a camera and a couple of lights.
PVC – The final documentary is some five hour long, and it is a mix of new and old footage. How many hours of footage have you captured for this project?
CP – Oooph. This film must have the most footage ever shot…it must certainly be up there. For me personally, I shot hours and hours. Then add to that, the wonderful archival footage that Ryan Gallagher, a producer on the show, unearthed. Hmmmm… I couldn’t even guess. Maybe HBO has a complete building of hard drives holding The Defiant Ones footage. There was just so much. I’m sure the doc could have been 20 hours long!
PVC – For this project you relied on Canon cameras. Which models, and why?
CP – We used the C500, C300 and 5D Mk III. The footage I saw around the time we started the doc really impressed me and I personally owned the 5D so it was an easy choice. I know there are lots of higher spec and higher priced cameras out there but these 3 models were real work horses and could be used with minimal ‘dangleage’. For interviews and much of the b-roll, I used the C500 recording 4k Raw to the Odyssey 7Q. For the run and gun, I used the C300 and 5D Mk III. Time lapses were on the 5D Mk III and more recently the Mk IV.
These cameras produced a great image and the thing that was really impressive was the low light capabilities. I was shooting in really dark studios on many occasions but knew I was still getting a useable image even at high ISOs. This was what we chose over 3 years ago but I still shoot with the C300 – I can’t wait to to get my hands on the updated versions!
Luckily for shooting DPs like me, these cameras are very forgiving. There were times when I was a little down after reviewing the footage but the issue was on how I shot it and not how the camera performed.
PVC –  Did you have different gear sets for different situations? How does one prepare, gear wise, for a three year project filming someone? Please, feel free to explain everything you can about this aspect of your work.
CP – This was so simple for me. I would load the car up with everything I had. Once I was at the location, I would judge whether it called for a drone, slider, lights etc… Sometimes it was just the bare bones of the C300, Monopod and radio mics and shotgun mic.
The good thing about this is, if you take everything with you, you’re never caught out.
Allen Hughes directed the four-part documentary The Defiant Ones. Charlie Parish worked with him throughout the whole project
PVC –  Allen Hughes said in an interview that this documentary was built to be, it had to be “an emotional ride”? Was it also also an emotional moment for you? Have you ever been working a specific human subject for so long? How does it change one’s perception as a cinematographer? Does it change it?
CP – This was the most difficult 3+ years of my life. It was so difficult for everyone involved because we lived it. Also going on past 3 years was tough. I just had to try and constantly remind myself of how lucky I was to just be in employment but also, I was in the company of the most incredible person I had ever met in Dre. There were certainly many many ‘writers block’ moments for me as I don’t know anyone less interested in pop culture than myself – I’ve always been the ‘weird kid’ who wondered about other life elsewhere in the universe, not what the latest trends are. Trying to find the creative spark daily was a struggle and I tried to absorb the excitement from those around me. Most of the crew are obviously huge music fans which really helped. I just knew that when I was setting the shot and the cameras were rolling, all my anxieties disappeared. So yeah, it was a hugely emotional ride.
PVC – You wrote on your Twitter feed, December 8, 2016,  this “Three years in the making. Three years of absolute top secret film making…finally…” Guess it was about The Defiant Ones. Was it hard to keep this project secret?
CP – It was difficult. People always ask: What project are you on? What’s it about? When is it coming out? It wasn’t like there was a gag order but we all realized that word travels fast in town and we didn’t want to chance compromising the authenticity of the piece by revealing things early.
PVC – Did you work on other projects as well during this time? Which, if you can mention them?
CP – I worked on little bits here and there but The Defiant Ones was my job so it took priority. I was able to develop a project I have had on the back burner for a few years which I have now hit full production on. It’s a funny piece called “Resolution” about a disillusioned guy in his mid-30’s and his ‘against the odds’ decision to fulfill his childhood dream of becoming a professional basketball player. I’m finding this one difficult too – it’s another documentary!!!
PVC – You’ve worked with Allen Hughes in other projects before. Which one do you remember as the most exciting?
CP – That’s another tough one. They have all been memorable periods of my career. I guess “The Book of Eli” was the most exciting. It was the first time I had a director credit as I was shooting the second Unit but it also gave me the confidence that I could actually do it.
PVC – What’s next for Charlie Parish?
CP – Lots!! As mentioned I am now shooting my own movie – in production as we speak. That should take around 18 months to complete. I have spoken with Dre about a couple of movie ideas that he liked, so hopefully something could come of that.
I also have a really interesting project going on that I believe will change the movie industry at every level. That involves apps, websites and techy stuff. I had this idea in 2004 that nobody ever took interest in but my fellow The Defiant Ones producer, Ryan Gallagher, almost choked on his beer when I told him a few months ago and since, people have taken notice. It’s one of those, “I can’t believe it’s not been done?” ideas. We are already in the building stage with the techy folk. I seriously believe directors, cinematographers, indie filmmakers and major studios alike will benefit from this project. Watch this space!!
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