#Henry Cavill whump
whumpees · 1 year
The witcher whump list
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Synopsis: Geralt of Rivia is a witcher, a mutant with special powers who kills monsters for money. The land is in a state of turmoil, due to the empire of Nilfgaard seeking to enlarge its territory. Among the refugees of this struggle is Cirilla, the Princess of Cintra, one of Nilfgaard's victims. She and Geralt share a destiny. Meanwhile, another figure looms large in Geralt's adventures: Yennefer, a sorceress.
Whumpee: Geralt played by Henry Cavill
Seasons: 3 (2019-) (24 eps)
Available on Netflix
Ep1: stabbed in the gut and grunts a little in pain
Ep2: knocked out, woke up tied up, beaten while tied
Ep3: fighting a monster, bitten in the neck, grunts, bleeds from his mouth.. slowly collapses and passes out, passed out in bed, utters a name in his sleep, wakes up startled, torso & chest bandaged, holds his side in pain
Ep5: a spell casted on him to sleep (unwillingly) because he had insomnia, sleepy, slowly closing his eyes, woke up in a preson cell chained, beaten while chained
Ep8: bitten in the leg by monsters, limping, collapses on his knees from the bite, passes out, in a carriage pulled by a horse, being talked to by the man who saved him but is delirious and in and out of consciousness, wakes up, the man grabs his wounded leg and he screams in pain, pours a potion in his wound and grunts in pain, while he's talking to the man he slows down his speech and becomes unresponsive and delirious again and the man shouts "stay awake you bastard", wakes up laying on the ground, given medicine, wakes up again, limping
Ep2: arms tied by a monster, repeatedly stabbed in the shoulder by it, ciri hugs him and he grunts in pain
Ep8: punched in the face & bleeds a little
Ep6: in a fight, stabbed in the stomach, hit in the leg and kneels, hit in the back..falls on the ground, in the water bleeding, rescued from shore
Ep7: passed out on the ground with bruised face, broken back and wounded leg, wheezing and whimpering in pain "he's not wounded, he's dying", barely able to utter few words, wheezing and groaning while talking to jaskier (i fucking love his wheezing he looks so weak and in pain)
Ep8: still wheezing and groaning, refuses to eat, asks jaskier to help him up but quickly tells him to stop cuz he's in so much pain, healer tries to heal his leg with a medicine and he screams in pain, gets up and tries to walk before he heals, limping and using a crutch to walk, a woman tries to get him to stop moving until he has healed so she kicks his crutch to show him that he's crippled and can't do anything and he screams in pain but she holds him to not fall "you'd be dead now", tries to train but he's in pain and barely able to move so she hits him again "you'd be dead now, go back to bed, witcher", limping.. trips and falls and screams in pain, yen heals him and he's in sooo much pain
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lostwhump · 8 months
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Mission: Impossible - Fallout (2018)
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whumpypepsigal · 1 year
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The Witcher s03e03: “[Your mother] loved you the best she could. To save you, she had to let you go.”—“This can’t have been the only choice.”
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agonyalley · 6 months
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aceofwhump · 1 year
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The Witcher 3x07
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letthewhumpbegin · 10 months
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Mission Impossible: Fallout (2018)
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The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (2015)
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fandom-junk-drawer · 2 years
The Witcher Headcanon - Mistakes
(More Feral!Jaskier)
Jaskier usually spent his winters in Kaer Morhen. He liked the illusion of solitude, where he could drift around the endless corridors, letting his mind wander and invent scenarios that he could use to inspire ballads and poems.
He could stay up into the wee hours every night, scribbling away in his notebook as the muses whispered to him in the quiet of his small room.
He could sleep late into the morning after the muses finally allowed him to sleep, and then drag himself down to the Great Hall for some strong tea and whatever was left over from breakfast.
He could spend a few hours with his Witcher friends, laughing, telling stories, and helping with chores. Witnessing the brotherhood humans didn't think them capable of.
He could stare out the window, singing softly to himself, working out a tune or the lyrics to a song.
He could scribble down random thoughts inspired by watching the sun move over the landscape, or from the feeling of the snow falling on him, or the sounds and sights he experienced while riding with Geralt in the woods around the Keep.
The way the snow clumped on a branch, the sound of Pegasus's hooves in the snow, the crisp chill of the air on his cheeks, the silence of the woods as the snow fell around him, all of it was fodder for his creativity.
He could live in a room that was a mess of scattered piles of parchment organized in a way that only he understood.
He could forget to eat, and comb his hair, and shave, and change his clothes for days at a time. There was no one there who would care if he let his personal standards of grooming slip.
He could live his lonely, tortured artist aesthetic to his heart's content.
But then, one winter, his pleasant routine was interrupted. There had been a few times when the subject of Jaskier being able to defend himself had come up. He had always bushed the conversation off.
Bards were an important part of society! They were the Keepers of History! News Bringers! Stewards of The Arts! King-Makers! They were practically a protected species! Besides, who would dare harm a bard who is friends with a whole pack of Witchers?
Inspite of his protests, Jaskier still found himself being pushed out to the training grounds at the ungodly hour of almost noon. Coen was determined to teach him at least some basic sword skills.
Jaskier had stood there shivering, and holding the wooden training sword out at arm's lenght as if it were a snake that might curl up and bite him. He'd whined and complained while Coen showed him how to hold the sword, and adjusted his stance. Jaskier continued to natter on as the Witcher took him through a few basic moves.
Coen had tried giving Jaskier different weapons. The bow had been a bad idea. Jaskier's aim was so bad it was almost comical. Coen hadn't even dared to think about handing him an axe, or a spear.
Coen found himself growing incresingly frustrated with the bard as the weeks went by. Jaskier showed very little improvement. He spent the majority of the training time whining about training, making jokes, and putting in lackluster effort.
Jaskier had shown only mild interest in each of the weapons. It was the novelty and an interest in the physics and mechanics of the weapon that grabbed his attention. When it came to seriously training with one, the fun went away, along with Jaskier's interest.
The other Witchers would sometimes come along to watch and offer unhelpful advice, make jokes, and try to encourage Jaskier.
Lambert could always be found watching the awkward training sessions. It was good entertainment. And then things got really interesting.
Coen was chasing Jaskier around the courtyard, trying to get him to use some of the moves he'd been showing him. He was usually a patient teacher, but Jaskier had a knack for being incredibly irritating.
Maybe it was the way he acted so fussy and prissy, as if his hands were too delicate to hold a training sword. Or the way he babbled ceaselessly, making jokes or complaints. Or perhaps it was how he seemed so flippant about being able to defend himself, as if he refused to acknowledge the imprortance of it.
Coen finally lost his patience. He started getting into Jaskier's space, pressuring him. The bard had squeaked and backed up, swinging his wooden training sword wildly. He'd yelped as Coen smacked him with his sword, giving him a surprised look. He'd backpedaled, holding his arm, and Coen had hit him on the thigh, then sent him sprawling to the ground.
Lambert had stood up, uneasy as Coen swung down at Jaskier's head, growling at him to get up as the bard scrambled frantically to get out of the way.
"Get up you lazy s*d! Do you think this is a game? Do you think I'm doing this for fun?" Jaskier had swallowed, twisting up to his feet and yelping again as Coen hit him across one shoulder. He was covered in bruises, some old, some very new, and they ached in the cold. He barely got his sword up in time to haphazardly block Coen's next swing. The Witcher contined to go after him, "Stop running away and start fighting back!"
"Coen, stop! I don't want to-!"
"Geralt and Yennefer aren't always going to be there to do the fighting for you!"
"Coen," Lambert said, an odd note of warning in his voice. "He's a bard, not a Witcher. He hasn't been in anything more dangerous than a drunken bar fight."
"And that's why he needs to learn how to actually fight! He might be able to handle a drunk, but a sober enemy is another matter! He can't spend every fight he gets in flapping around uselessly like a terrified chicken while Geralt or Yennefer do the fighting!"
Coen went after the bard, driving him around the courtyard, not letting up. Jaskier frantically stumbled back, parrying and trying keep his feet. His mind was a storm of panic. He needed to get away from Coen fast, or things weren't going to end well. He desperately looked for an escape route, tried cricling to the doors to the Great Hall, but Coen was always there, blocking his way.
The bald Witcher pushed him towards a corner. Jaskier yapped as Coen hit him hard on the side then shoved him into the wall.
"Coen, back off! He's-!," Lambert warned, having seen a familiar look in Jaskier's eyes.
"F**k off, Lambert!"
"No, you ar*ehole, listen-!"
"I said to f**k off!"
"Fine. It's your funeral," Lambert muttered, crossing his arms and leaning against a training dummy.
"Coen, stop!" Jaskier pleaded, a weird edge to his voice.
"Or what? What are you going to do? Go crying to Geralt or Yennefer? You think an enemy is going to politely wait until they get there?" Coen growled, shoving him roughly.
"Please...just stop..." Jaskier had said quietly. Tears started welling up in his eyes.
"Don't start that crying sh*t! You aren't getting out of this!"
Coen shoved Jaskier into the wall again and cuffed him hard on the ear. Jaskier let out a surprised sob, trying to curl in on himself, one hand going up to hold his ringing ear.
"Yennefer is going to-!" Jaskier began.
Coen slapped his hand down and grabbed his jaw, pinning his head to the wall. "Going to what? Be mad? Go ahead and cry for her, I'll kick her a*se around the yard too!"
And that was when Jaskier snapped.
He twisted and bit The forearm Coen was holding him with, the shoved the Witcher away.
Coen saw the flash of the push knife barely in time to avoid being gutted. He staggered back, bleeding but with his guts still on the inside.
Jaskier switched the push knife to his off-hand, scooped up his dropped training sword, and slammed the pommel hard into the crest of Coen's hip bone. Coen cursed and went down as pain exploded in his hip.
Lambert ran to help, yelling for Jaskier to stop, and had to twist abrutly to the side to avoid the thin throwing knife that whistled past him. The little sh*t had throwing knives too?! F**k!
Coen kicked Jaskier away from him, groaning as the pain in his left hip flared sharply. Jaskier rolled in the snow, gained his feet, and jumped on Coen.
He was going for another push knife when Coen smacked him hard on the side of the head with the flat of his sword.
Jaskier reeled, disoriented, and dropped his knife. Lambert kicked it away, and helped Coen pin Jaskier face down on the ground.
The bard was still trying to fight them, even though his head was swimming from the blow.
"What the f**k?" Coen panted, checking his bleeding stomach, leaning heavily on the struggling bard. The wound wasn't too deep, but it would need stitching. His hip, on the other hand was killing him. "What the absolute f**k?"
"I told you to leave him alone!" Lambert panted back. "Did you think I was joking? You alright?"
"Yeah, just a cut and I think I have a hip pointer. Mother of-! Yeah, " Coen said, lightly touching the large hematoma on his hip, "It's definitely a hip pointer. F**K it hurts like a b*tch!" Coen paused as something Lambert said caught his attention. "You knew this was going to happen, didn't you, you ar*ehole!"
Lambert shrugged. "I tried to warn you, but you know, sometimes you just have to learn from your own mistakes."
"You're such a jacka**!"
"Calm the h*ll down, you daft b**tard! " Lambert snapped at Jaskier, who continued to desperately struggle and snarl. "We aren't trying to hurt you!"
"Aww, f**k, he's bleeding!" Coen said, spotting the bloody bruise on the side of Jaskier's head. He scooped up a handful of snow and gently pressed it to the lump. Jaskier flinched, then got quiet, distracted by the coldness of the snow. He lay still, letting the cold soothe the intense ache in his head. His head was swimming, and he felt nauseated. Familiar voices were talking to him. His bruised brain recognized the faces leaning over him. Friends! They looked worried...oh d*mn, something was wrong with him!
Lambert and Coen cautiously rolled him onto his back. Jaskier blinked and squinted, then reached for his head with a pained moan. "Shhhh, here, Songbird," Lambert said, holding a fresh handful of snow to his head wound.
Jaskier flinched and clutched at Lambert's sleeve, fear and confusion swirling in his dazed, unfocused eyes. "Easy, easy! It's alright!"
"We should probably get Geralt."
"He's going to be p*ssed!"
"You want to get Yennefer instead?"
"F**k no!"
"He went out hunting,"
"D**n it!"
Jaskier, throughly concussed, disoriented, scared, and in pain, called for the only person his foggy brain could remember at the moment. Unfortunately, his bruised brain was having trouble matching a name with Vesemir's face. What was it again? Oh, Yeah!
Jaskier's mouth worked for a second, and then he whimpered, "pA!!!"
Lambert and Coen felt the panic only older siblings feel when they 'accidentally' cause their younger sibling to start crying. Lambert slapped a hand over Jaskier's mouth and hissed "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh! You're okay! Shhhhhhhhhh! " He and Coen sat absolutely still. Listening.
"It wasn't very loud...maybe he didn't hear...."
Vesemir: *busy roasting some venison*
Vesemir: *hears The Voice Crack*
Vesemir's brain: *Mental image of baby!jaskier*
Papa Vesemir: I must go! My adopted grandpup needs me! *yeets his hand embroidered "I'll Feed All You F**ks' apron and flies to the courtyard*
Coen and Lambert were just about to relax when Vesemir was suddenly there, looming over them. And if that wasn't bad enough, Geralt appeared barely a second later with an unhappy growl.
Lambert looked at Coen and knew he was thinking the exact same thing: Oh, we're f***ed!
Coen was lectured by Vesemir as his injuries were treated, while Lambert escaped the dressing down because he was considered an innocent bystander who'd tried to help. He spent his time helping Geralt clean up Jaskier's head wound and get him to drink a watered down healing potion to take care of his concussion.
Coen had limped in later, to see how he was doing, and found out that Geralt, Aiden, and Lambert all knew about Jaskier's feral side. They showed him their scars from their encounters, except for Lambert ( because his weren't in a place that he could exactly proudly display), and Aiden, who didn't have any scars because he had been present when Geralt had gotten his.
They then swore him to secrecy, as was the tradition now. Eskel would have to find out on his own not to f**k with the bard.
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generic-whumperz · 2 months
So the other night, I was grubbing down on a fat-ass burrito watching House of the Dragon when Daemon Targaryen came on screen, and my (dumbass) partner looked me dead in the eye and asked, “Is that Gearlt?”
Not even fucking close my guy.
“Are they related, though?”
Hombre, they’re not even part of the same world.
“Well, the white hair,” he defended.
Still a hard no.
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astaldis · 1 year
That will fill you with horror
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Chapter 4/5 of “You’d be wise to beware”
Prompts: Asphyxiation, Surgery, Allergic reaction, Short of breath, Loss of consciousness, Vomiting, Field medicine, Wicked wings, Vicious venom, Puncture wound
Fandom: The Witcher
Characters: Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier, Cahir
Rating: Mature
“Geralt!” Jaskier and Cahir shout almost simultaneously, shocked to see their friend go down. The huge, winged beast must have got him somehow. They both run toward him as fast as they can. Hopefully, it is nothing serious, nothing a Witcher potion and perhaps the one or other bandage cannot fix.
Cahir is first to reach him. Lying supine, Geralt looks ghastly pale underneath all the blood, but his eyes are open and he is breathing. Good. Cahir kneels down by his comrade’s side.
“Geralt, what’s wrong?" he asks, scanning his friend’s body for visible injuries that might have caused his collapse. However, with all the monster blood on him, it is difficult to tell if he is injured and bleeding himself. As far as he can see, there are no obvious tears in his shirt or pants, or gaping wounds.
“Got me with its tail, left shoulder,” Geralt grunts through gritted teeth.
Geralt grunts again. It sounds like a yes. Fuck. Cahir has a closer look at the beast. It is huge. Definitely bigger than the wyvern he killed just a few days ago. At first glance it looks quite similar to the black ornithosaur. A wide open, menacing maw full of sharp white, conical teeth in a narrow, triangular head, the purplish forked tongue lolling onto the blood-covered stone. It also has a long, snake-like neck and enormous, bat-like wings. But the wings’ membrane as well as the beast’s scales are of a very light, slate blue colour, not so much different from the surrounding rocks. They reflect the sunlight so strongly, the creature's contours are blurry and it is hardly possible to look at it for longer than a few moments without feeling blinded. Cahir blinks. The tail, what does its tail look like? He forces himself to glance at the dead monster again, squinting and shading his eyes with one hand. The tail does not end in the wyvern-typical trident but bears one single, stiletto-like sting protruding from a bulbous structure. A venom bladder? Like in the tail of a scorpion? Cahir has never seen anything like it in the books about dragons and other draconids. Is it something new that has arrived to the continent via the monoliths? Damn it. Hopefully, it is not lethal, at least not for a Witcher.
“Which potions do you need?” he asks Geralt. Of course, it is better to ingest the elixirs before a fight, but many can also be used as healing potions in case of an injury.
"Golden Oriole," the Witcher pants, "and Lion's Mane. In the holster."
Cahir has not studied Witcher potions as much as monsters since he is not a real Witcher and would die if he took any of them, but from what he knows about the requested potions, they make sense. Lion's Mane works as a general pain killer while Golden Oriole is an elixir used by Witchers and mages to both prevent and treat poisoning from many sources, such as corpse-venom from a graveir, common snake and spider venoms, the venom of wyverns, basilisks and of numerous other monsters. He scans through the several potions vials strapped to Geralt's thigh. The flask with the Golden Oriole is easy to recognise by the potion's golden colour. Another one filled with a whitish liquid sports a lion's head on the stopper. Must be the Lion's Mane. Cahir takes both vials out of the black leather holster and, while Jaskier supports Geralt's head, holds them to the Witcher's pale lips, one after the other. Grimacing, Geralt downs the content of the Lion's Mane and half of the Golden Oriole. Then he lies back down with a groan.
"I'll have a look at your shoulder now," Cahir warns and carefully turns his friend over a little. "Jaskier, hold him like this."
While the bard keeps Geralt in position, Cahir draws a dagger from his belt and cuts open his friend's blood-soaked shirt at the back of the left shoulder. There is a small puncture wound in the muscle directly below the glenohumeral joint. The tissue around it is puffy and irritated, however, besides this, the injury looks pretty harmless. Too bad it obviously is not, otherwise Geralt would not have dropped to the ground like a sack of potatoes. Cahir pours the rest of the Golden Oriole over the wound. There is a sizzling sound and a yellowish vapour rises from the injured spot. Geralt moans, biting his lips. After only a minute, the wound looks much improved, though. It does not even need a bandage as the ugly hole in the skin has closed up almost completely. Gently, Jaskier lets Geralt slide back onto the rocky ground, breathing a sigh of relief. The potions seem to help. Not only has the wound healed surprisingly fast and nicely, but Geralt does not appear to be in as much pain as before. His jaws and fists are not clenched in agony anymore like when they found him. Still, something must be wrong. The white-haired Witcher is becoming increasingly short of breath and does not make any move to stand up. Not good.
“What else do we do?” Jaskier asks worriedly and takes his friend’s hand in his. It feels awfully cold and clammy. Fuck. Geralt does not look good at all despite the potions.
“I’m sorry,” Geralt rasps softly, struggling for air. He closes his eyes. “Should have - listened to you.”
“What are you talking about? Geralt?” Jaskier’s shakes his friend’s shoulder when he fails to react to the bard's question. “Geralt!” With effort, the Witcher opens his eyes again.
“Seems they do exist. Your monsters,” he gasps. “The flying drake—”
That will fill you with horror. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Continue reading on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47067388/chapters/118846387
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Fanart "Enola Holmes" - Enola + Sherlock Holmes
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hederasgarden · 18 days
Ciao bella!! For your requests...
How's about #8 with Bodyguard Walter Marshall? You know I'm a sucker for those curls. 😘😘
I continue to suck at writing 100 word drabbles so here you go. Enjoy!
Pairing: Walter Marshall x F!Reader  Word Count: 841 Warnings: Hurt/comfort, angsty, violence, whump and soft Walter. A/N: This is my first Walter fic and my first time writing for a Henry Cavill character so be kind! Please comment or reblog if you enjoyed this and want to see more. Or scream at me in my inbox. That always makes my day.
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The world seems to move in slow motion, every detail sharp and painful. A high-pitched drone rings in your ears while dust chokes your throat, making it difficult to breathe. When you touch your head, your hand comes away bloody and you blink in an attempt to clear your vision. Somewhere in the distance, you hear the wail of sirens. You try to make sense of it all but your mind struggles to hold onto any thought too long. 
Glass crunches under your heels as you take a hesitant step forward. You wobble, pitching toward the ground until a pair of strong arms catch you. You look up and Walter's face comes into focus, his features sharp and concerned despite the surreal blur around you. His lips move under his thick beard, but it sounds like he’s speaking underwater. 
You shake your head and he shifts closer. His warm, calloused hands cup your face and you wince when his thumb presses against the cut on your head. Behind him, you can see what remains of the hallway. There’s a single shoe in the middle of the floor and your stomach lurches, catching sight of a body. 
"Hey. Look at me."
Walter grips your jaw almost painfully and your attention snaps back to him. Suddenly, everything comes rushing back. You were angry, arguing with him and another FBI agent about whether you should testify. They had security concerns but you were determined, it was your only chance to put away your boss —the corrupt DA in the pocket of the mob. That was right before the first bomb exploded. 
"Oh god,” you whisper, horrified.
"It's okay, you're okay," he soothes, his voice calm and steady despite the chaos. "We're going to get out of this, but I need you to listen to me, can you do that?"
"That's good," Walter praises. 
His hands drop to your shoulders and then down your arms, applying careful pressure as he goes. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you know he’s checking for injuries but right now all you can focus on is how reassuring his touch feels. If he’s with you, you’re safe. He would never let anything bad happen to you. That thought alone is enough to pull you from the swirling panic that threatens to drown you. 
"We need to check in on the rest of the team," you tell him. Walter's voice is gentle as he says your name, but you shake your head firmly, trying to push past the haze of confusion. ”No, we need to—"
"You're my priority," he interrupts. "I need to get you out. There's no case without you.”
"We can't leave them."
"I'm sorry,” Walter says softly as his thumb brushes away the tears that escape. ”They're gone," 
Your eyes dart behind him and you see the horrific reality you hadn’t fully registered before. Three bodies lay on the floor—your friends and colleagues. The realization feels like a lance through your chest, stealing your breath. You look back at Walter, tears falling silently. 
A distant boom makes both of you flinch. The building shudders violently, sending plaster dust cascading from the ceiling. 
"We need to go."
You nod and Walter wraps an arm around your waist to hold you close as he guides you over the debris. When you try to look back, he places a firm hand on the side of your face, his fingertips brushing against your temple.
"Don't look," he says, urging you to tuck your face into his chest.
Your fingers curl into the soft fabric of his sweater as your body moves on autopilot, guided by him, until you’re finally outside. From there, everything becomes a blur, moments merging into a disjointed sequence—the paramedics stitching you up, the uneasy ride in the back of a strange SUV, and now, this safe house.
You watch Walter pace the living room, his hand resting on his gun as he stops to peer out the curtains. His black curls are still dusted with white plaster.  Every part of you feels grimy and tacky.
"I want to go home," you say, your voice barely more than a whisper, but it catches Walter’s attention. He lets the curtain fall back into place, blocking out the outside world. You wrap your arms around yourself and rock forward.  "Please."
"You know that's not possible.” he reminds you not patiently. “We’re gonna be stuck here for a while."
The floor creaks beneath him as he moves to stand directly in front of you. He touches your shoulder and you look up at him through wet lashes. 
"You should get cleaned up. There's some toiletries and clothes for you in the bathroom." When you don’t move he sighs, touching your chin. “Go on.”
It’s a testament to how exhausted and overwhelmed you are that you follow his gentle command without argument. At the door you pause, looking back at him with a silent question in your eyes. 
“I’ll be here when you get out,” he promises.
Send me a request
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whumpypepsigal · 1 year
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agonyalley · 1 year
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aceofwhump · 1 year
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The Witcher 3x07
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letthewhumpbegin · 1 year
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The Witcher, s1e1
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