#Hell arc
Vaguely hell-butterfly inspired Izuru
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laughing-moonlight · 2 months
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Hell Arc ShunStarrk anyone?
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toyatominaga · 2 years
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Bleach Jaws of Hell updated character designs!
Soi Fon/Sui Feng
Can I just say holy shit Soi Fon’s design is perfect! Let’s start with her hairstyle. As we know, Soi Fon has gone through a variety of hairstyles, with her signature being short with two long braids bound in white cloth, each ending in a large golden ring. Despite having an array, Soi Fon’s styles are typically short and symmetrical, largely due to practicality in battle. A HUGE detail about her redesign is her asymmetrical hair. It is cropped at a short length, with one longer strand of hair that dips below her shoulder on her right side. The significance of this to me is Soi Fon is clearly coming into herself as an individual. Her whole mantra is duty and order, with that being symbolized by her seemingly perfect hairstyle. This is amazing to see, because a character changing their hair is symbolism for change and growth. This could only mean that Soi Fon not only has worked hard on herself, but it’s also showing that she is finally starting to express her true personality, which is not always cold and bitchy as many people seem to think. Her hair could also symbolize her embracing part of her younger self as well, as we see that her hairstyle back then was more straight instead of choppy. She has a creative side, and she clearly has a sense of style and it’s WONDERFUL seeing her come into herself. I would be curious as to know when exactly Soi Fon made that decision, what triggered it, and her healing process of self-discovery.
Okay now I’m super excited about her uniform because I noticed a VERY IMPORTANT DETAIL! If you take a look at her captains haori, the cloth of the shoulders is pinned to the rest of the robe with gold pins, meaning, it comes OFF! Yes, I know right! Finally a practical, Stealth Force ready design! As we know, Soi Fon’s Shunko makes it so that the shoulders and back area are ripped away in battle where the spiritual pressure concentrates. This not only makes this transition more practical, but it also keeps her lovely robes in tact and probably saves her some money in the long run. Smart design for real and I’m surprised no one has mentioned it yet!!! As for the rest of her robe design, the rest remains the same.
Soi Fon not only has one, but two types of sashes fastened around her uniform. One is her typical yellow one tied in front, and the other a thin red one that almost resembles a ribbon tied in back. The yellow one can represent themes such as growth, sunshine, youth, and hope. It could also stand for inexperience, and we can relate that to her age and years as a captain. Though typically not worn in the front in modern times, her yellow one is tied in a Bunko knot around her haori. An easy explanation for this is ease of taking her robe off in combat as she could simply untie it. Apparently, it also used to symbolize a woman who was unmarried, which is true. The red ribbon is a brand new edition to her outfit and has had me quite puzzled in my research. In terms of meaning, red symbolizes blood, passion, romance, and good luck. Red belts symbolize mastery and skill in martial arts. We can take this opportunity to acknowledge that Soi Fon has most likely been training her ass off since the war. This would be a dope way to symbolize her growth by having her “earn” a red belt. Red ribbons especially in Chinese culture, are a symbol of good luck and joy. Now we get to the interesting shit. Red ribbons, in Japanese culture, are shown to symbolize a connection between 2 souls. Unlike other amorous superstitions, the Japanese one “isn’t limited to couples, or a single person who one is destined to find. It speaks of a type of arterial ramification that emerges from a finger toward all those with whom we will make history and all those whom we will help in one way or another. For the ontological imagination, the myth of the red string is a way to understand our itinerary of encounters as a predetermined plot where couples’ relationships, the intimate brushes against someone, and all the little stories we crisscross with others are neither random triumphs nor accidents, but part of a scarlet tapestry whose threads were given to us when we were born but which we knit ourselves. other.” So essentially, with this in mind, we can also summarize that it can symbolize her achievements and progress so far, and how it’s all leading up to her success. Now we could take it the love route and hypothesize the possibility of Soi Fon being in a relationship. As we all know Bleach isn’t necessarily known for it’s romance but it would be very interesting to watch unfold. Especially because who would it be? The first, most obvious hint is Yoruichi. What do red and yellow make? Orange, which leads us to Yoruichi…or at least a Shihouin in general. Now, I’m very open minded when it comes to ships. Realistically, YoruSoi makes the most sense happening and it would be hella amazing if it did. Heck just look, they are wearing COORDINATING outfits!
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Instead, Yoruichi’s outfit is way more red, and she has a yellow ribbon tied into her hair, in contrast to Soi’s red one around her waist. I highly doubt Kubo did this unintentionally, and put thought into making the two a pair, whether or not as a mentor student or romantically. Another rabbit hole I plundered down was on Spirit Coils, which also have to do with a red ribbon. To put it shortly, those who are able to see and manifest a Coil have high reiatsu. Remember when Ichigo had to try and find his in order for his zanpakuto to upgrade. What if Soi Fon went on her own little zanpkuto journey into figuring hers out too? Not too far from crazy, especially knowing her setbacks. There was also a suggestion that red knots symbolize marriage and prosperity, again contrasting with the yellow obi.
Chinese Frog Knots
Another cool new set of details is the gold Chinese knots along her uniform. There are some where her haori comes together, some on her wrists and some on her shins. The two on her haori are traditional butterfly/floral knots, making a connection with her homounka flowers as they have a similar form. The knots are also a really cool way to boost Soi Fon’s Chinese aesthetic, as she is largely Chinese influenced.
Other things
Her shoes are slightly modified from her old ones, still traditional Chinese shoes, but with a couple black ties. They also hold Soi Fon’s pants into place at each shin, aiding in her speed and agility. In regards to her stance in the drawing, based on my observations, she appears to be either mid-kick or in a pose similar to a Tai Chi stance, which again would be fitting to put in along with the red belt.
Overall, I’m very impressed and exciting by all her new design elements and its always fun to research what they may mean in relation to the character. Kubo did a fantastic job with it, without doing too much, but also demonstrating how Soi Fon has grown from all those years. I really do think she’s going to go through some major development and these hint at that.
Yoruichi Shihouin
Yoruichi is looking hawt af. Her red top has those same knots. She also has knee-high red boots on, in which could portray to “unruliness”, sensuality, and power. The angle she’s in unfortunately makes it hard to get a full visual of what exactly she’s wearing.
Yoruichi, like Soi Fon, has a ribbon wrapped around her ponytail only this time it’s yellow in color. Yellow seems likely to reference Soi Fon, and vice versa with the orangey-red. In non-related terms, a yellow ribbon can symbolize suicide prevention and for honoring soldiers away at war. Soi Fon is also basically a soldier so 🤷🏾‍♂️ but in all seriousness, both the red and yellow ribbon symbolize the longing for someone or that they’re love is on the way to them, I think that says a lot…
Arm cuffs
I can’t lie when I say I get nervous looking at those. They look an awfully lot like Yushiro’s, arm cuffs, especially the color. I hope he is alive and well after the war…but maybe she put them on to support him idk.
I’m again, super satisfied with her outfit. It fits her. It’s bold and bright and suits her personality.
Marechiyo Omaeda
Marechiyo’s hair seems to be based off of Japanese Bosozuku motorcycle gang hairstyles and fashion, which started as a fad in Japan in the fifties. His hair seems more elaborate, now having a pompadour. This style is obviously a way to show his wealthy and influential status.
Keeping with the Bosozuku theme, Omaeda’s robes are stylized like that of a customized boiler suit, or tokko-fuku. It has a wide collar, his being more exaggerated in terms of size. Unlike the tokko fuku, his robes do not have kanji Slogans on them, instead those are represented by his many gold rings.
Self-explanatory really. Omaeda has all the finesse. I love the addition of jewelry to his character and it really helps make him look like a punk or gang boss of sorts.
Okay he also has a really dope Obi design, and it’s very much bedazzled. It is purple and wide and includes a red obiage that seems to be held together by some sort of gold obijime with a large gold frog knot covered in gems. Again, I’m really liking the coordination of squad 2 and how Kubo really thought this out. Like Soi Fon, Omeada and Yoruichi both have red and yellow in their design as well as the addition of frog knots. It’s the consistency for me.
I’m really satisfied with his design. I love the greaser/bad boy motif going on. Something to note, is that since Bosozuku is a fad, it’s most popular with young adults, possibly also highlighting that Omaeda is also still young and impressionable. I love all the bling too and his pose is spot on. If you look up Bosozuku fashion the first picture is a guy in that pose. 😂 wonder if this means he’ll be tougher on the battlefield.
Chika Shihouin
Okay so they have white hair. From what we already have seen, white hair is often paired with longevity and youth. Ex, Hitsuguya, Chojiro, etc. I think this is telling us he’s not supposed to be as old as we think. White hair also hints at “nobility” and seeing as though he’s the Shihouin head at the time makes sense. I think Kubo designed him to stand out and I love it. Just goes to show the history of squad 2’s style is phenomenal. I do want to add that I know sometimes in anime white hair can mean being sick. What if this man has some weird disease or something, like Ukitake? Or maybe a dope ability.
I LOVE that Chika has earrings, gives him such an edge. Of course, these gold earrings symbolize his status as a noble. His earrings are rectangular, gold hoops, which tended to originate in African and Latinx cultures.
He is also coordinating with Soi Fon and Yoruichi. All three of them have the same colors within their scheme. This time, the red and gold ribbons are tied like scarves around his neck. Do I see a sense an epic battle coming? Hell yes! YoruSoi vs Chika would be the dopest battle ever, plus we would finally be able to see Soi Fon and Yoruichi have a full battle, helping each other, and maybe have some sense of closure. Around his waist, Chika wears an a red and gold obi with a white obiake.
I love his concept so much and wish to cosplay him. But seriously, all of these outfits are *chef’s kiss*. Let me know what you guys think below or if I missed anything. Just a lamenting, fanboy over here.
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jidem · 2 years
Hell arc is going to emotionally devastate me
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Bleach memes : Part 1 Part 2
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irlkisukeurahara · 1 year
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Kazui Kurosaki in my BLEACH AU. At 45 years old, the Soul Society saw use in Kazui Kurosaki's power. The man was sentenced to be locked away, kept in a state of suspended aging so that his immense power may be used when necessary.
Kikuo entered the cell one day, expressing interest in using Kazui's Hell powers. He took him outside and had him activate a gateway to Hell. Kazui asked when Kikuo would take him back, to which Kikuo replied "Never! You're a free man. Tell them the Kuchiki family endorsed your release. I guess it isn't too incorrect, considering they practically own me... But I know Sho-jo and Yoshi. They won't contest this." Kikuo leapt into Hell to find his father, and Kazui stood there in disbelief. It's been 400+ years, and he's being let go again. Once Kikuo comes back and he closes the gate, Kazui decides his first step is to reconnect with his family. Kikuo watches him leave before returning to his base with Jushiro Kotetsu and Kaien Abarai.
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procuder · 11 months
thanks for the answering about og!lloyd and kim suho.... also what are your fav chapters/arcs in tged?
I have several favorite chapters! (It's hard to choose. I like chapter 24 of tged manhwa the most.) But if about the arc...of course, as I am the number one fan of the Hell arc (as I like to call it the railroad arc.)
Hell arc ofc!!!!! (Chapter 228-245)
Everything about this arc is so perfect. The comedy, sentiment, character development, Hell King is handsome as hell, chibi ghost og! Lloyd etc. It's my favorite arc in the novel!! Even if we take Hellkaros out, I still really like it. I love seeing Javier's development. Learn about og! Lloyd's pov after his body was taken. Including the part I could die for, like when he asked about his family while talking to Suho (even though he still doesn't like Javier), and god, his tears were awesome too. It makes me even more excited we would see og! Lloyd cries in the manhwa soon...tempting...hehehe
I also liked the part where KSH!Lloyd built a graveyard for the Satanists. If this part is cut out for the sake of FUCKING ENTERTAINMENT AGAIN I will go crazy and, bite someone.
There were a lot of details I liked about this arc, such as how the Hell King differs from a normal narrative. The Hell King who wants to go home. Oh, even if he acts like a little shit later on and I want to punch this no bitches loser-girl failure's face. But the realism of the Hell King being no different from the work slave really resonated with me.
(Because I often sacrifice my sleep to draw. My normal hours are taken up by work...and I'm also a workaholic...He is just like me fr....He is so me!!!!!!!!) This is the part that makes me like this arc even more. It's really so perfect!!!!
It's a bit sad there's no one for me to talk to about this arc. *cries*
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hey-cringelord · 2 years
watched more bleach today
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please stop with the hairstyles. please. please i’m willing to get on my hands and knees and beg for their old hairstyles back i can’t handle shuuhei’s side part or kensei’s dumb mohawk.
there is no amount of “i wanna kiss his forehead” in me to wish to see more of shuuhei’s. maybe if his bangs were less weirdly prim-proper-ish and more side swepted and emo-scene-ish i’d like the style more, but they just look a hot freaking mess. like he got caught up in a windstorm.
SPEAKING OF WINDSTORMS! shuuhei’s side part is my most minor complaint here. there’s such a strong hatred in my heart for kensei’s mohawk in tybw that i literally cannot stand to look at him for longer than a minute. IF THAT! i mentioned side swept bangs in shuuhei’s paragraph, which was actually in reference to kensei’s pendulum arc hair. BANGS! LONG BANGS! in the more literal sense possible, down with the mohawk. give him back to me!!
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or even his buzzcut as a vizard during his time in the world of the living. though i’m more understanding why he’d grow it out after going back to soul society and being reinstated, wanting to leave the past in the past and live in the present (or however that saying goes), but i’m emotionally attached to his buzzcut and i think it really adds to how he sort of run things like a [really sexy] drill sergeant.
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refraining (read: mentally holding myself back in chains and a muzzle like a wild animal) from mentioning the loss of his piercings too. i blame old man yama for that (looks at shunsui)
edit: x amount of hours and fighting off the melatonin i took later, i was scrolling through a twitter artist’s (RiRivArt) media and found these colored sketches from hell arc and……
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nothing has changed in the past ten years!! fuck!! yumichika’s probly gone through 50 outfit changes, swapped his feathers a couple times, but shuuhei still has his side part? and kensei’s mohawk?? they’re freakin killing me man.
but hey, i mean, kensei’s got his piercings back right? and switched the gold for black too (if colors are canon) which means he and i are twinning
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melatonindepicts · 2 years
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4 favorite characters, but 3/4th of them all mf died. Like I'm ticked off mostly about Ulquiorra's death, since I post everything on here about him that should be obvious. Personally, they better bring him back in the hell arc, if they don't I'mma go whooping some mf ass
But that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy his death, that shit was so well made, still over here crying about it. I wish they would've given him a bit more depth even though he already has a lot, and animated his backstory.
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soienjoyer · 2 years
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Will we ever see the other Soi Fon? In Hell arc perhaps?
(Delusion at its peak LMAO)
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compassionatekiller · 2 years
“Ichigo Kurosaki, stealing candy from others is against the rules.”
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egophiliac · 1 month
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in honor of Azul's time to shine 🐙
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zosanbrainrot · 6 months
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part 2 of Zoro in WCI
01 02 03 04 05 06
I tried to write something to sum up my thoughts on this, but then it got longer and longer and tbh I'm itching to write a fic set in this AU djjdkf I think I could develop on their inner feelings more than in the comic form
Before posting the first part I didn't realize people had such strong opinions on how this would play out lmaooo
imo, of course Zoro wants to fight Sanji, not with actual intent to harm (they threaten each other on the daily, come on), but because that's how they are together, how they communicate. He respects Luffy's decisions and their goal here, which is to learn what's really going on with Sanji, but he's gonna be pissy about it all he wants. They both have so many intense and conflicted feelings about this and neither has any idea how to resolve them. So they fight.
ofc yall are free to headcanon this interaction any other way you want <333
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laughing-moonlight · 1 year
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the-music-maniac · 8 months
How to get your brainwashed husband back - a tutorial by Roronoa Zoro:
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Exhibit A:
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Aka I got tired of crying over zosan angst
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so my initial theory regarding how they’d handle the hell arc in tlovm was that they’d combine it with the quest for the dawnmartyr’s plate (bc they both involved a contract to kill a pit fiend and also hotis isn’t a thing in the show)
but upon the trailer i don’t think that’s the reason they go to hell
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note the whitestoney design on the casket here, this is percy’s casket
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NOTICE THE DISTINCT LACK OF PERCY IN ANY OF THE SHOTS SET IN HELL (especially since percy was such a lead in that arc with his deal with ipkesh and all)
(and the dawnmartyr’s plate is just a bonus here)
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irlkisukeurahara · 1 year
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Hell!Gin design I whipped up to potentially use in my AU later 😈
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