#Helen Moore
islandtarochips · 2 months
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FINALLY! I have done it been SO long for me to finish this piece! And I want to say thank you to @alypink for helping to color the cake, the season and the colors! I LOVE it!
Okay everyone! Since I saw some of my mutuals done this! I was thinking that I should joined in! With my BOCW OC! Koa Nikau and Ex who is now becoming his wife (again)! Aroha Arehe!
Their first marriage hasn’t been planned ACCORDINGLY since the two just ran off to get married somewhere else. Without Aroha’s family knowing. But since they have their 2nd wedding. They’ll finally have their WHOLE family (mostly Aroha side) to see them getting married!
Koa lets Aroha plan things out but will help out as much as he can. Aleks help out as well to ease things up a bit.
The two do like to have their wedding ceremony outdoors. But has different ideas of where to have their venues. Aroha decided to go with Koa’s ideas. For she had found it very romantic of these two dancing under the decorative lights.
Koa was planning to have their wedding around the fall season but changed his mind since he wanted to make his future wife happy. So he’s glad that he agreed to do it during the Spring season.
They also invited Koa's friends! Even though that the Groom has to tolerate of seeing Adler, Hudson, Sims and Helen. But luckily Aroha was there to calm him down.
The Groomsmen would be Frank, Alex, Craig, Charles and Aroha’s older brother (surprisingly he agreed to this). And the Best Man will be Vasili. Questioning of what happened to Sims, Lazar, Hudson and Adler? They’re just sitting down on the chairs.
Bridesmaids will be Jodie and some of Aroha’s cousins. And the Maid of Honor will be Aleks. Imagined these two women had gotten closer because of them talking about their hubbies🤭 Oh and Helen was with the other boys in the crowd.
Pretty sure the groomsmen (except for Aroha’s older brother) will try not to laugh at Koa’s, not his uniform, HAT. Koa would just shush those guys up as he tried to keep his composure.
Koa will also be blushing to see Aroha walking up on the aisle with her father. Wearing that beautiful dress. He was also sweating so much to see Aroha’s father glaring at him when he handed his daughter to him. (You should know why)
Marynee (Alek's daughter) being the honoree flower girl. And having one of Aroha's nephew being the ring bearer.
Since the wedding couples decided to do their own custom wedding vows. You can say Koa had took this one in the bag. For he had SO many things to say to his lover. About their past relationship, of his regrets, how much he had screw it up and blah blah blah and so forth and so forth. You get it right?
The beginning of the song will be “Endless Love”. Which it is Koa and Aroha’s cue for the slow dance.
Vasili and Jodie will be having a dance battle against Frank and Alex.
Kai (Koa and Aroha's eldest son) started talking to Sims about some mechanic nerd stuff.
Everyone will be seeing Aleks, Frank, Charles, Craig and Vasili having that drinking competition. Wait…KOA GET VASILI AWAY FROM THE VODKA!
Aleks dancing with her kids and Koa’s kids on the dance floor. TRYING to drag Adler to join in.
Charles will be doing the most embarrassing dance in HISTORY while being drunk. And Ari (Koa and Aroha's youngest son) joined in with him. (Koa had secretly recorded it)
Koa and Lazar was arm wrestling again. And once again, Lazar won. Which he received a kiss on the cheek from the bride as a reward. (Koa was ok with that. He’s fine…I think.)
And after the reception well BEFORE the ending of it. Vasili had surprised Koa with a special tradition of the Māori way. By doing the HAKAS. Which it gives Koa great tears to see his friend who had done it so well. Even Aroha was impressed.
Vasili “Bell” Sokolov - @welldonekhushi
Craig Alan Jones - @kaitaiga
Aleksandra Clarke R./Marynee - @alypink
Charles “Charlie” Moore - @deeptrashwitch
Jodie “Bell” Hall - @imagoddamnonionmason
Koa “Hunter” Nikau/Aroha Arehe Nikau - Me
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lilyflowerhere · 8 months
✨️No one understands the bond between ne and my favorite middle aged actress ✨️
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catboymoses · 1 month
Side by side--Sweet Charity 1966 + 1986
Photos by Friedman-Abeles x + Martha Swope x
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thursdaymurderbub · 24 days
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Silver Screen magazine, March 1938
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white-cat-of-doom · 6 months
Hand-offs from one Cast to another, as Cast 14 of the Oasis of the Seas celebrated their closing night yesterday.
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Jackey Good as Jellylorum with Sarah Moore and Alice Rimmer as Cassandra with Zoe Hartley.
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More fun with Jackey and Sarah.
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Charlotte Reavey as Bombalurina with Lucy Nolan and Helen Turner as Demeter with Rachael Aust.
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Joe Hewitt as Alonzo with Jared Johnson and Lucy Nolan.
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Matthew Tratch as Tumblebrutus with Callum Portugal and Peter James Lake as Old Deuteronomy with Trevan Harrington.
08 April 2024.
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cryptidvoidwritings · 6 months
And the cast handover begins...
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instagram story: April 8, 2024
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rwpohl · 9 months
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one girl's confession, hugo haas 1953
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badmovieihave · 3 months
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Bad movie I have Half Light 2006
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sunraysandrunway · 3 months
Yohji Yamamoto Fall 2006 Ready-to-Wear
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letterboxd-loggd · 1 year
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One Girl's Confession (1953) Hugo Haas
July 1st 2023
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islandtarochips · 4 months
"Koa Nakiu.
Hope this message reaches you well. I've always wanted to say that you've been one of the closest aids I've ever met, and I'm grateful for your kind companionship. But now, with everything in my control, I just wanted to say this very thing to you — that I'm sorry.
I'm sorry that you went through all that pain just to come this far. You never deserved that in the first place. And I'm sorry that I have to let you go, as well. Maybe one day, I'll see you again. Because right now, we all are balancing on a tight string and a huge pit surrounding darkness is waiting for one of us to come down. I can't let that happen. I need to make things better, in my power.
That's why. I would only want you to tell the rest of our allies.. that they shouldn't worry about me. I could be everywhere, making sure you all are okay. Tell Aleks and Charles that I'll be fine, because I've vanished from the world now. Only for the sake of them, and for the world.
Your truly, Vorona."
Arthur's Note: I shall answer this one...with a ONESHOT story. Here it is! (And sorry @welldonekhushi for taking so long! It took me a while to find some time and ideas to get this right. Hope this is ok...)
“Vorona? Who the fuck is Vorona?” Koa asked himself after reading this mysterious letter.
He had found it in his drawer after withdrawing himself from the party. The party that they are celebrating for winning the war. Him and the gang had saved Europe from Perseus who was about to release the Nuke all over the area.
And they have stopped him. All thanks to Bell for telling them the location of where Perseus was at.
Koa had kept staring at the letter, trying to figure out who would put this paper into his drawer before heading out to finish the mission.
He also questions how this mystery person knows his name and knows about Aleks and Charles. He thought it might be a threat but the way he reads sentence after sentence.
It…doesn’t sound threatening at all. It somehow makes him feel…guilty all of a sudden.
Koa rubbed his head as he felt puzzled. He wanted to know of who actually left this letter in HIS drawer and how they know about him. Until he smells a familiar scent from the letter.
He slowly put it up close to his face as he took a good sniff from it. The scent of a cologne mixed with a smoking smell from a cigarette. And then it triggered his memory of seeing someone recognizable.
Koa looked at the wall as he remembered now. “...Bell?”
He imagined the Russian man smiling at him softly.
“What the-” 
He looked back at the letter as he felt something bad had happened. Something happened that HE wasn’t there for the man he called his close friend and brother.
He read it again as his hand started shaking.
Why does he feel the heaviness in his heart?
Why does he feel like his body is shaking so much?
He folded the letter and put it in his pocket before walking out of his room. As he saw the gang is still partying. 
Park, Sims and Lazar were talking. While Hudson was getting annoyed by Woods drunkenly talking to him as Mason was just laughing.
And then saw Charles and Aleks were chatting away remembering a good time.
But where is Adler and Bell?
He walked over to Charles and Aleks as he got the two attention.
“Koa! Hermano! You’re missing yourself with the drink that you like!” Aleks said with a cheerful tone and with a bright smile; as she grabbed another cup that was on the table next to her. She walked up to him before she saw Koa’s expression. “Hey…you ok? You seem like you saw a ghost.”
Koa looked down at Aleks, seeing her worried expression. He cleared his throat before looking around. “Have you seen Bell and Adler? I need to talk with them. Or…make that Adler.”
Aleks pondered a bit as she tried to remember. “Um…well…I only saw Adler. I was also questioning where Bell was as well. But I didn’t ask him yet.”
 “Then where is Adler?”
“He should be outside smoking.”
Charles stepped in looking at the two. “What’s going on?”
“Koa was just asking where's Adler and Bell.”
Charles was taking a sip from his drink before looking around. “Hmmm. All I can remember is that it was only Adler who came in last. I don’t think I’ve seen Bell anywhere.”
Charles saw Koa’s expression had turned pale and saw he didn’t hear him. “Nakiu? Helloooooo? Earth to NAKIU.” He snapped his fingers in front of Koa.
The big man jolted at hearing the snap of the Professor’s fingers. “U-Uh- Sorry! I um…”
“¿Estás bien? What’s going on?’ Aleks asked as she looked even more worried for her Māori friend.
Before Koa could answer, he saw Adler walk back in. “I’ll be right back.” He quickly walked past Charles and Aleks as he hurriedly walked up to the CIA man.
Adler turned his head to see Koa walking up to him so quickly as he stood firm. While flicking his cigarette away. “Yes, Nakiu?”
Koa got up to him as he took a deep breath and looked at him. Looking deep through this man’s sunglasses that he always wore wherever he goes. “Adler…I…I need to know. Where is Bell?”
Adler raised his eyebrows a bit after hearing that question. Before looking away to avoid the Captain’s gaze.
Koa knew something was up. He kept asking him that same question. “Adler. WHERE is BELL?” He saw him trying to turn away from him but he stopped him.
“Don’t you fucking turn away from ME, Adler. ANSWER my question.” Koa started to protest while blocking his way.
“MOVE. NAKIU. I got other business to get done.” Adler warned the Captain.
“The business shit is ALREADY done!”
Aleks quickly stepped in between the two before looking at Koa. “K-Koa, calm down. What’s going on?”
Koa started to point at Adler as he didn’t listen to Aleks. “Where IS he, Adler? I just want to KNOW!” He didn’t pay attention to anyone else except to Adler. He was so focused on getting an answer from this CIA agent. He KNOWS that he had something to hide.
He’s feeling impatient but did his best to stay cool.
Charles also stepped in before touching Koa’s shoulder. “Nakiu. You need to calm down.”
Koa shoved his hand away before pushing Aleks aside gently as he took a step forward towards Adler. 
The Agent took a step back as his back touched against the wall. While staring up at the angry Captain.
The rest of the gang saw this as well as they walked over to see what was going on.
Mason stood next to Aleks. “What’s going on? Why is Koa like this?”
Aleks was just looking worried as she wanted to stop Koa from doing anything stupid. But somehow deep down inside of her tells her to wait and see. “I-I…I don’t know. Koa kept asking Adler where's Bell…”
“You know…I was questioning that too.” Woods said as he took a step in. “Hey ADLER! Where IS Bell huh? I thought he was with YOU.”
Adler was silenced as he was just staring at Woods, who is a bit drunk, through his sunglasses before looking back at Koa.
The Māori man was towering over him a bit, he was DESPERATE to know where his friend, his ally, his BROTHER.
“ADLER. PLEASE. I’m begging you. WHERE is BELL?”
Adler was still being quiet as he looked away. Koa was getting annoyed at this. He took another step forward, cornering Adler, and glared at him. “ADLER! Where is BE-”
The garage was in deep silence after Adler had yell with those TWO simple words. The words had cut so deep into Koa’s heart.
Aleks, Charles and everyone else in the garage were shocked to hear this. Except for Hudson, Sims and Park. For some reason...
Koa was just standing there with wide eyes. “W-What…?”
“He’s FUCKING gone, Koa! You happy now?” Adler said with an annoyance in his tone but with a small guilt mixed with it.
Aleks was covering her mouth in shock. While Charles was just standing there also being shocked and was gripping his glass.
Mason walked over as he touched Koa’s shoulder while glaring at Adler. “Russel. What do you mean he’s GONE?”
“What did you do to him, Adler?” Woods asked the question as he took a step forward while glaring at him.
Adler was silenced again as he sighed trying to find the right words.
Aleks looked at Adler with saddened eyes. “Adler…?”
He was about to say something before jolting at Koa, grabbing him by his leather brown jacket and getting his back slammed against the wall.
“WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO HIM?!?” Koa yelled, making everyone panic.
Mason quickly grabbed Koa’s shoulder trying to pull him away but he’s too stubborn and strong to be pulled back. “KOA! CALM DOWN!”
“Koa! Let go of him NOW!” Hudson ordered the Captain.
But he didn’t listen as he slammed Adler again against the wall. “WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO BELL?!? TELL ME!”
Adler groaned as he grabbed onto Koa's arms. “Let GO of me, you bastard! Get OFF!"
“Not until you TELL me what you did to the man who had HELPED us!”
“For fuck sake- LAZAR!” Hudson rubbed the bridge of his nose before pointing at Lazar.
Lazar stepped in and helped Mason to pull Koa away.
The Captain struggled to get out of their grip while still yelling at Adler.
Charles scoffed seeing this scene before looking at Adler. “Answer the DAMN question, Adler. What did you do to him and WHERE is he?” Then he glared at Hudson. “I know YOU have something to do with this as well.”
Hudson glared back at the Professor. “What made you say THAT?”
“Don’t play the dumb shit game here. You both are in the same agencies to SAVE the world but I know deep down that you’re just a bunch of BULLSHITS.” Charles snarled at both of the CIA agents. “So tell us the truth or I might reconsider Nakiu here to disfigure BOTH of your faces.” 
Charles gave them both a daggered stare as he took a quick swig on his drink down to his throat. Before Adler sighs in defeat and fixes himself up.
“The CIA had already put Bell under a death sentence. We’re only using him and keeping him alive for some information about Perseus.” Adler explained.
Aleks was confused as she looked at Adler. “DEATH sentence? What does that supposed to mean?”
Hudson stepped in to answer that. “Which means that he’s already no use for us after this mission.”
Everyone was stunned. Except for Park and Sims as the two looked away. Koa caught the two as he glared at them. While still being held back by Lazar and Mason.
“You two know about this DIDN’T you?” Koa said with anger.
“Hey man! I’m just a guy who solves problems! Which, in case you FORGET, that I provide materials for y'all. I didn’t know about the death sentence until NOW!” Sims raised his hands in defense.
“Yeah, by putting a SYRINGE into his fucking EYEBALL?”
“You WHAT?” Mason looked at Sims and Park with a dumbfounded look. “You put a syringe into Bell’s EYES? WHY?!”
Park motioned her hands towards Mason to calm down. “It’s the only way to get his memory back for him to tell us of where Perseus was at.”
Woods walked up while pointing his finger at her. “BULLSHIT! He could’ve died from how many times you have to put that in him!”
Hudson stepped in between Woods and Park. “Alright ENOUGH! Let’s just take a breather!”
Aleks was just looking at the gang back and forth before looking at Adler who was just standing there. “Adler…why would you do that? He TOLD us of where Perseus was at. And yet, you decided to…to KILL him?”
“That wasn’t my choice. He’s already on a death sentence under the hands of the CIA. It’s unfair, yes. Which is why Hudson wanted me to end him instead of them.”
“You CAN’T even think of another way to let him stay? O-Or let him walk freely just for a bit?”
“It’s not that simple Aleks-”
“It should’ve been simple!” Aleks yelled at Adler as tears slowly appeared into her brown sad eyes. She could feel a small pain piercing into her chest. “He TRUSTED us! He trusted KOA! He trusted CHARLES! He trusted WOODS! MASON! ME! EVERYONE in this fucking safe house!”
Everyone was looking at Aleks, seeing her for the first time being upset. Of course, she’s upset most of the time but not like this.
“¿¡¿CÓMO PUEDES HACERLE ESTO?!?” She walked up to him as she pushed him back. “¡¿POR QUÉ TIENES QUE HACER ESTO?!”
She started to hit him against his chest with her fist while still crying and yelling at him. Before Charles walked over and gently pulled Aleks away from him. He comforted her a bit before he gave a disappointed look at Adler.
Adler was just staring at Aleks who was crying as he was about to reach out to her. “I’m sorry…”
“No you’re not.”
Adler looked at Koa seeing him walking up to him. Lazar was about to grab Koa but stopped himself as he knew that the Captain needed to say something.
“You’re not SORRY because if you were you wouldn’t killed him.” Koa said as he blocked in front of Adler from Aleks. Towering over him again. He looked at the CIA Agent as he wanted to end him so badly. But Koa had been learning all of his life. Since the very beginning of him joining the army. He didn’t come this far to end with violence to someone who he was working with.
He took a deep breath as he slowly leaned back. “And even if you DIDN’T. You still won’t trust him.” He looked at Adler with sadden eyes before he slowly dug into his pocket and brought out the folded letter. The letter that he had found from his drawer.
Everyone was looking at Koa confusingly as they saw a paper in his hand.
Koa was just staring at the folded paper.
Breathing calmly before clutching onto it and looking Adler straight into his eyes. Through those ridiculous sunglasses “I’m done.”
Adler raised his eyebrows after hearing that from the Captain. “What?”
“I’m DONE. I’m done with this mission. I’m done with this war. I am done with you and your CIA bullshits.” Koa slowly looked at Adler with seriousness in his eyes. “I’m going back to New Zealand. Going back to the Army. And I would appreciate it if you NOT contact me. EVER.”
Adler was dumbfounded to hear this from Koa. It was unexpected that he would actually let one person who had passed. Could make him quit.
Koa then glared at Hudson. “I’m leaving tomorrow morning. I’m sure there are other people who would like to be your little PUPPET.”
Hudson was silenced when the Captain had pointed out to him. Which he looked away.
Koa kept his glare as he looked at Park and Sim. “I thought you guys knew better. Then being DESPERATE to solve or finding the answer.”
Sims rubbed behind his head and looked away. While Park looked at him with guilt as she rubbed her arm.
Koa sighed calmly before turning around to look at Woods and Mason. “Woods. Mason. It’s…an honor to be working with you both. I apologize that this meeting won’t last long.” 
“Hey, we understand your struggles. And…we’re sorry that this is a twisted night.” Woods said as he put his hand out to the Captain. “It’s nice meeting you, Captain.”
Koa looked at Woods' hand and smiled at him a bit before shaking his hand.
Mason also did the same with Koa and gave him a hug after. He appreciated this from him.
So Koa leaned back and gave him a nod before walking over while looking at Lazar. “Lazar.”
“Captain. ….I…” Lazar was trying to find words to say but seemed like he was too ashamed to even speak.
But Koa understands and just gives him a reassuring smile before patting his shoulder. “It’s alright, Lazar. I’m not blaming you.”
Then he got to Charles and Aleks. He slowly looked down at the woman who was crying still. He could see pain in her eyes as if she was blaming herself for not knowing the truth.
“Aleks…” Before he could say anything else. He suddenly felt Aleks hugging him. Koa showed his expression of being worried for his dear friend. As he hugged her gently.
“Lo lamento…” Aleks said it between her sobbing.
It broke Koa’s heart to see this woman who he called sister like this. He gently leaned her back and placed his hand on her cheek before wiping her tears away. “No lo seas. No lo sabías.” He said it softly before smiling at her.
Aleks was still feeling guilty when she saw Koa’s soft smile. She just smiled back a bit before hugging him again.
He chuckled as he didn’t reject another hug. And saw Charles was fixing his glasses. “Are you crying?” Koa cooed at him in a teasing way.
“Tch. As IF. I just got something in my eye.”
“Uh huh. Riiiiiiiiiiight.”
The Captain chuckled as he saw the Professor walk over. Seeing him sigh before running his hand through his brown hair.
Aleks leaned back and wiped her tears before looking at the two.
Koa and Charles were just staring at each other. Despite them hating each other, teasing each other and even getting on each other’s nerves. Koa knows deep down that Charles cared.
“Soooo. Wanna hug it out?” Koa asked with a small smile.
Charles rolled his eyes as he fixed his glasses before putting his hand out to Koa. “A handshake would be sufficient.”
The Captain smiled a bit as he took the Professor’s hand and shook on it.
“As much…as I despise you from the very beginning. I will be missing your annoyance around here. It will be quiet without you.” Charles said as he looked into Koa’s eyes. As if he meant it really well.
“Getting soft on me, Charlie?” Koa said with a teasing grin.
“DON’T make me take my words back, Nakiu.”
Koa laughed a bit before smiling at Charles and then at Aleks. “I…I’m really glad that I have met you both.” He said it softly.
“We’ll see you tomorrow when you go out.” Aleks promised as she wanted to see her friend one last time before departure.
Koa just smiled at her. “I would like that.” Then he sighs before turning to face everyone. “I’ll pack my things.”
After that, Koa had left to go to his room to get his things. Of course, he doesn’t want to leave. He doesn’t want to go away after everything that they have been through.
With some laughter, arguments and working together.
It wasn’t the same without that ONE person that he deeply cared for. Hoping it’ll give him a second chance to change once and for all. And now…he lost it. AGAIN. ----------------------
Words: 3040 Characters (Left -> Right)
Koa "Hunter" Nikau -> Me
Aleksandra Clarke R. -> @alypink
Charles "Charlie" Moore -> @deeptrashwitch
Vasili "Bell" Sokolov -> @welldonekhushi
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ulrichgebert · 1 year
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Irgendwie ist auch seltsam, daß Swing Time die ganze Zeit über nie vorgekommen sein soll. Jetzt haben wir aber wirklich alle Ginger&Fred-Filme. Enthält reizende Liedchen von Jerome-Kern und Dorothy Fields, die auch anderweitig gerne verwendet werden, sowie eine Blackface-Nummer zu Ehren von Mr. Bojangles aus Harlem, die aber viel zu grandios ist, um sie aus Prinzip nicht anzuschauen.
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whoworewhatjewels · 9 months
The Best Jewelry From The 2024 Golden Globes
The Best Jewelry From The 2024 Golden Globes
The Golden Globes unfolded as a radiant display of jewelry extravagance, adorning the Beverly Hilton Hotel’s red carpet with a splendid array of vintage and contemporary treasures. Diamonds took center stage, gracing necks with opulent necklaces and sparkling on the fingers of stars. Among the standout pieces were Tiffany & Co.’s archival necklaces, elegantly adorning Dua Lipa and Florence Pugh.…
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white-cat-of-doom · 1 year
A handover and a connected new friend for Helen Turner as she takes over (again) as Demeter in the Oasis of the Seas.
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With Phoebe Charles as Demeter and Issy Moore as Victoria; Cast 13, closing night (23 July 2023).
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nerds-yearbook · 1 year
Alan Moore concluded his famous series V is for Vendetta with issue 10# (cover date May, 1989). The series would later on inspire a movie of the same title. ("Vultures", V is for Vendetta 10#, Comic, Event)
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