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kosemsultanim · 7 months ago
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PERIOD DRAMA APPRECIATION WEEK 2024 | Day 1 (July 29th): Favorite TV Shows
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redrumrose · 4 months ago
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OCtober Day 27 - Fears
The other nurses are actually in a constant state of fear working in Hospital 11.
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ittamoroz · 9 months ago
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Future Alexander I of Russia and Alexander Lanskoy (favourite of Catherine the Great) in EKATERINA (4 season)
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calirph · 2 months ago
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Ekaterina, Season 3. Elizabeth's silver and red with pink accents gown.
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cosmonautroger · 11 months ago
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mmmattnik · 1 year ago
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dujour13 · 7 months ago
A Health to the Company
A little follow-up on our pwotr pals discord RP. Many many thanks to @yunessa for the idea, it was super fun and helped me out of the blues.
cw: Act IV spoilers, alcohol use, angst
For context. A spatio-temporal anomaly at the Bad Luck Tavern resulted in a paradoxical meeting of a handful of Knight-Commanders from different timelines: Siavash, Yunessa (@yunessa), Katya (@three-of-crows) , Lenarius/Leonosa (@undyingembers), Raphaël (@jean-dieu)
Theoven (@offsidekineticist), Kadira (@spyridonya), and Minovae (@silversiren1101).
They gossiped about their companions, shared their hopes and fears—although mostly their angst as this period of exile in the Abyss is a low point in their careers—and bonded (and argued) over a few—or a few too many—beers.
“Seelah!” It’s meant to be a whisper. “Hey Seelah, wake up.”
“Hunh? What’s happening?” The paladin sits bolt upright in her bedroll and gropes about for Radiance.
“No no no, sh, it’s just me,” Siavash laughs, stumbling into a squat next to her, even in this position somehow managing to sway on his feet. “I’m uh. I could use your help.”
“Have you been drinking?”
“I’m fine.”
“Yeah… I can see that. Smell that.”
“You won’t believe who I met at the Bad Luck. It was some kind of temp—temporal thing. They were all there. They were all different! And the same!”
“Hold on. Just—sit down, will you?”
“Thanks, yeah.” He plops down heavily.
“Despite what you might think, this is not what the Inheritor lends me her power for.”
“Yes it is.”
She rolls her eyes heavenward.
He reaches out to cling to her sleeve, eyes swimming with sincerity. “Because you have a good heart. And Iomedae says to follow your heart. And your heart says you need to hit me up with some restoration before Wol—“
Too late.
“Whatcha doin’ chief?”
“I’m fine.”
The tiefling stands over them, tail twitching. Somehow, half the camp is awake now even though Siavash swears he was quiet as a mouse when he crept back into the Nexus.
He is formulating his act of contrition as his eyes travel up but he’s suddenly distracted by how cute Woljif looks in his nightshirt and forgets what he was going to say. And then Seelah’s spell takes effect and it’s like letting all the warm bathwater drain out of his mind, leaving him heavy and shivering on the cold floor of the Nexus mine.
“I thought we were on the same sleep rotation,” says Woljif.
“We are. I just went out for a bit.” Siavash uses Seelah’s shoulder to get to his feet, giving it a squeeze of thanks as he goes to wash up. A few minutes later he’s scooting his bedroll alongside Woljif’s and when he closes his eyes the floor is blessedly stationary. Again he begins formulating his apology. “I just needed some time to think. I mean, a distraction. I do my best thinking when I don’t think.”
As usual, Woljif’s mind is already ten paces ahead. He’s figured out what happened, weighed the risks considering the recent Battlebliss incident, repressed any uncomfortable memories pertaining to alcohol and Gran, and debated whether and how to scold him. “It ain’t safe. Next time take somebody with who won’t hassle you. Take Regill, he won’t talk to you.”
“Oh, yes he will,” Siavash says with feeling.
“Or me. I can keep my trap shut.”
“I don’t mind you.” His heart aches but he can’t tell him he and his shadow are the principal reason he needed the break. Before Woljif can wonder aloud why he didn’t invite him along in the first place, Siavash brushes his cheek with his knuckles and speaks low in his ear, just under his horn. “How are you holding up? Really?”
“I thought Kenabres was bad, and then I saw the Worldwound, and I thought that was bad, and now this. I think my nightmares are gonna start havin’ nightmares.” Woljif sighs, then adds in a tender, embarrassed whisper, “But havin’ you around takes the edge off.”
“Same.” Siavash kisses his shoulder. “I won’t duck out again, I promise.” Even as the words leave his lips he winces at echoes of the same words, uttered too many times in the past, and hastily adds, “I mean it.”
Woljif’s eyes look almost green in the pale light, wide open and searching the vault of the mine far above. “S’aright. You do what you gotta do, chief. Always works out in the end. Or, usually I guess.”
“Thanks for trusting me,” he murmurs, already drifting. He closes his eyes, never noticing the inky pool of darkness that settles between them.
Woljif lies utterly still until he hears the breathing at his side ease into a low rhythm. At last he relaxes just enough to allow his tail to swish beneath the blankets. He clasps his hands on his chest as if he’s praying, or dead, and stares up into the darkness knowing he won’t be getting back to sleep tonight. Waiting and dreading… and presently, like clockwork, it begins: a velvety hiss in his right ear, making him scrunch up his shoulders:
Trust no one but yourself.
A thousand thoughts crowd in in answer: but I want to – but I love him – but he’ll live up to it this time – but I don’t want to be alone.
You’re not alone. I’m here. And I won’t hurt you like everyone else has.
What are you, anyway?
Your shadow.
With a fingernail he taps the gem in the Moon of the Abyss where it’s lodged in the dip in his collarbone. You in here?
It hesitates. I’m part of you.
And that’s how come you’re lookin’ out for me huh? Vested interest?
Correct. That’s why you can trust me: I am you.
That’s a little creepy.
Next to him, Siavash sighs through his nose and shifts. Impulsively Woljif starts to reach over just so his fingertips can steal a little warmth from his skin, but as his hand passes through the shadow it feels cold and he pulls it back and tucks it into his own armpit instead.
I am part of you, and you’ve come home to me.
The Abyss? That what you mean by home?
Home and family. Your legacy, if you have the courage to take what is yours.
Really? What’s mine? Quit talkin’ in riddles and gimme some numbers.
The mansion in the rich quarter I pointed out to you, and everything it contains, and everything it represents.
But I want—that’s not all I want.
He glances over. In the dying firelight all he sees of Siavash is the faint orange outline of his mussed hair and half-elven ear and it feels like if he reached over to touch him, it would turn out to be a mirage and his hand would pass through thin air.
Get used to disappointment. You should have, by now.
But I want—
Forget him. You’ll have to someday anyway. Might as well start now.
I don’t want to! Why can’t I have it all? How come just ‘cause I’m a tiefling I always gotta go hungry?
Oh, stop whining. Yes, you’re a tiefling! Seize the Abyss within you and use it like you use magic—shape it to your own design, dominate it, direct it against your enemies and fill yourself with its power so that you become smoke and shadow, elusive and free. Reach out with both hands! Take what is yours, by right or not!
Whoa, whoa, waxin’ a touch demonic there, ain’t we?
I am part of you. I am the Abyss.
Woljif shudders and pulls the blankets up to his chin.
Use me. That’s the only way for someone like you to take what you are owed.
Someone like me.
He grits his teeth as it starts: the prickling under his collarbone where the necklace rests, rivulets of icy blue fire streaming down his arms to his fingertips, sizzling in his hands, boiling in his guts, making his hair stand on end, making him want to jump up and let loose: power.
His thrashing must have disturbed Siavash’s slumber, because he feels an arm tossed across his hitching ribs. Its warm weight soothes the energy crawling under his skin and forces him to breathe steadily.
Woljif clings to the arm and presses it harder to his chest.
I want it to be real.
Only power is real.
I want someone to really think I’m… important.
Come to me. I’ll give you something real you can hold in your hands. Something yours and no one else’s, that you are free to use as you see fit. Then you’ll be important.
The firelight dies. He can no longer make out even a dim silhouette by his side in the darkness; it’s as if he’s alone in this lifeless, cavernous Abyssal mine and if he reaches out no one will be there but his shadow, seething around him, keeping him safe—and keeping everyone away.
Maybe the Abyss is the only home someone like him can hope for.
Even before he opens his eyes Siavash reaches out for the warm body next to him and his palm slaps on cold, flat stone instead. He’s alone, he’s still in the Abyss, and he’s hung over. A dull hammer thuds behind his eyeballs. Seelah’s restoration took care of most of the consequences of his actions, but not all—probably by the paladin’s design.
Hesitantly he opens one eye and then the other, and is grateful to find that Woljif hasn’t disappeared after all. He’s kneeling over him, carefully draping a cool cloth across his forehead. “Y’aright there, chief?”
Siavash’s eyes widen as he turns to stare at him. “I had the strangest dream.”
He can’t tell anyone. They’ll all think he’s cracked once and for all. Other Knight-Commanders from different timelines? Imaginary friends?
Why does that remind him of Regill?
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qersephone · 2 months ago
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Katherine Cahill ✧ Ekaterina
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knickknackgalore · 6 months ago
39 Clues card 029
Secret: Bermuda Triangle
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higherentity · 5 months ago
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ittamoroz · 2 years ago
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I'm happy to tell you, I'm getting married. My luck has turned around. We are celebrating my engagement. How did you manage to do it?
#pick up master
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ultimategenshintournament · 7 months ago
Ultimate NPC Tournament: Round 1A
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No propaganda submitted
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dunf13 · 11 months ago
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There is an event in our among us ask dedicated to day of cosmonautics! This day is celebrated in Russia and other countries of Commonwealth of Independent States :] First poster - "Glory to science!" Second poster - "Beware of impostors!"
Всех с днём космонавтики друзья!!
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sunraysandrunway · 11 months ago
Versace Spring 2005 Ready-to-Wear
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serinfinito · 9 months ago
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por: vladimir stefanóvich
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down-the-rabbith0le · 11 months ago
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