Odessii Dragonblade
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Blog for Odessii Dragonblade || Lady of House Dragonblade || FC: Gal Gadot
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odessii-dragonblade · 2 months ago
Swords clashed. Battered against shields.
The back and forth, one combatant having the upper hand, only to mis-time a strike, or lose their footing, and be sent back on the defensive.
There was shouting, triumphant cries and shouts of pained deaths, and... Laughter.
A smile crept across Odessii's face as she watched a group of children in Stillwater playing at being soldiers, or knights, or whatever their imaginations fancied themselves. The sun shined overhead, and it was a good day to enjoy the outdoors - both for the children, and for herself.
The Paladin sat alone on a bench set against the town hall, facing the main square. Life went about as usual, her people quite used to her presence. The children played, merchants called out their wares, and visitors perused the carts or went on to their own business. Life was as it should be...
Soon enough, her solitude was interrupted - though not in any unwelcome way. "Enjoyin' the peace, my Lady?"
Odessii glanced up, smiling at Brent, who had been at her side for most of her time as Lady of House Dragonblade. A stalwart companion, and a loyal friend. "Aye, I am. It's a nice break from what I've seen back in Stormwind."
Brent gave a soft laugh, settling down beside Odessii. "That bad?"
The Paladin shrugged a shoulder, settling forward with her chin resting on one hand, propped up on a knee. "It's about what I remember... People talking in circles, without really listening to each other, except when they start arguing back and forth. All with people's best interests at heart, at least from what I saw - but... Well, I don't think I can go back to all that."
A hum escaped Brent, who - on the contrary to Odessii - settled back, arms crossed over his chest. "So, if not the politics... Then what?"
Odessii paused a moment, lips pursing in thought. She took in a breath, letting it out in a sigh. "I'm not sure. But, whatever the answer, I won't find it in Stormwind."
She sat up straight, folding her hands between her knees, eyes kept forward on the playing children. Another pause, and she spoke with certainty. "I'm going to Khaz Algar. No army, no strike force - just me. Raura is getting some hologems for me from the Exodar, so I can fulfill my duties while I'm away - but I need to remember what it's like to think as an individual, not the head of a House, a leader of troops..."
Brent peered at her, pausing a beat before asking: "You're sure?"
Odessii nodded, standing to her feet. "As sure as I ever am."
She looked back, and while he did not stand to follow her, he gave a nod, to which she returned a smile. The nod was returned, as well, and the Lady of House Dragonblade set off, to continue a walk of the grounds.
There was much to be done before she departed.
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odessii-dragonblade · 2 years ago
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Alex Ross’ homage to George Perez’s cover for The New Teen Titans (vol. 1) #1.
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odessii-dragonblade · 2 years ago
Let’s see how the month goes.
Happiness Will Come To You.
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odessii-dragonblade · 2 years ago
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odessii-dragonblade · 2 years ago
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Thanks, staff.
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odessii-dragonblade · 2 years ago
a lot of scantily clad women with numbers in ther urls are following me lately. they must be smitten with my devilish charm
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odessii-dragonblade · 2 years ago
Plated boots shifted dirt as the Lady of House Dragonblade walked down the road. It had been a long journey - both the journey to Stillwater, and all she had been through since setting out with her brother to Icecrown, so many months ago...
Months... Gods, how foolish she’d been. A harsh lesson learned, in the lands of the dead - a mistake, one she won’t ever make again. To abandon her people, to run off to face some crisis alone, just to escape the burden of leadership.
No wonder the Light hadn’t answered her in that place. Now, though... She glanced down - flexed her hand, and felt the warmth that sprung to it, a soft glow emanating from her palm. She smiled, and closed her fist again - she’d learned her lesson... And was doing what she knew to be right, once more. She could only hope her people forgave her... Or that she had enough time to make it right.
As she drew closer to familiar, stone walls and open gates, another familiar sight greeted her. She’d been fortunate to arrive while Brent was outside the town, tending to Veora. A joyed breath escaped her throat - almost like a laugh... She’d missed the Stormdrake dearly, as well as her close friend and advisor.
Her feet carried her closer, and soon she was noticed. Brent was surprised - of course he would be. That was the appropriate reaction when someone who’d left so suddenly, and hadn’t been heard from in so long suddenly returned. “Lady Dragonblade - thank the Gods you’re alive... Is... All is well, now, I assume?”
Odessii’s brows drew together - a softer expression, as she gave Brent a smile, and nodded. There was so much she could say... Should say - the man deserved apologies after apologies. But there he was, just glad she was in good health, and assuming her return meant good news. A good man... She was lucky to know him.
Brent glanced down the road, raising a brow before looking back at her. At the heavy blade, slung onto her back. “And... Lord Adisor? Where is he?”
A twinge - the smile didn’t fade from her face, but her brows knitted just a bit tighter. Her eyes creased. A bittersweet feeling, at the question’s immediate answer. “Resting, Brent... Finally resting.”
She could picture it now - Adisor, sat under the starry boughs of a tree in Ardenweald. At his side, the Elf who’d won his heart all those years ago... And had never lost it, even when death separated them. There was sorrow; sorrow for the brother she might never see again, or at least not for a very long time. But she was glad... He could finally be at peace - and Gods, how he deserved peace.
“There’s a lot to tell you, Brent... Some things you might not believe...” She smiled a bit wider, resting her hand on the pommel of her sword. Even sheathed, she felt the thrum of it - the Spiritblade, a weapon forged for her by her ancestor. Thaerina had stood over the forges in Bastion as she’d stood over forges in centuries past, forging Odessii a weapon as she’d forged one for her son.
Infused with anima from each of her predecessors, enchanted to grant her strength when her conviction was iron, and her heart was set. A final gift, something to help her be strong, and guide her back on the mortal plane. A way to keep her family with her, wherever she went... A part of them, anyway - she would, with luck, see them again when her own time came. When she found herself carried to Bastion, as well.
A sudden, deep breath through her nose, then out the mouth. Expelling air that might otherwise had turned to soft sobbing, containing tears she had no time for. Time, as she’d come to learn, was fleeting - one day there was nothing but time, and suddenly, one day, the time would run out. There was none to be spent sitting around. “But - there will be time for that, later... Come on, Brent.”
She stepped passed her somewhat bewildered officer, taking a moment to run a hand along Veora’s jaw as she passed. She gave the Stormdrake a scratch, thanked her for - presumably - being good while she was away. Then, she continued towards the village gates, Brent catching up to follow at her side. “And where are we going, exactly, my Lady?”
“To the next thing that needs doing. The work isn’t done... Not yet.” She stopped at the gate, just before crossing the threshold. The sounds of a bustling town, filled with people who looked to her for leadership, for protection. People who had become familiar, some who were friends... Merchants, farmers, and soldiers, all. She looked back at Brent, catching his gaze and smiling wider still. "Not ever.”
OOC: At long last, I’ve gotten the inspiration I’ve been waiting for. I’ve been done with World of Warcraft for a little over a year, now, but I’ve never quite gotten to put a cap on my characters’ stories. And I’ve wanted to. Now, I have - not in some grand, irreversible finale... But in a way that feels appropriate, and leaves the door open, because who knows what the future holds.
But, now Ode and Adi can truly rest for a while in my head - writing them both has been one of my great joys, and proudest accomplishments. Having a great time over on @zhel-rathan, with my Viera’s adventures in Eorzea with @thegraveyardcompany.
As the saying goes - “It’s not goodbye, it’s see you later.”
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odessii-dragonblade · 2 years ago
Me want to write. Me don't want to type. Me want scene in head implanted into word document.
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odessii-dragonblade · 3 years ago
Whatever the company doctor had given her was finally beginning to make the cacophony of sights, sounds, and textures turn from jumbled static to a processable moment. The barracks were dark and the voices had stopped now, both from Bear and the doctors as well as the more distant ones in the corners of the room. Despite it not being her own bed, the soft blankets and pillow were comforting, so combined with the steady rhythm of Bear’s hand running over her back, she eventually fell asleep.
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In the morning, she was alone. Muted sounds from the hallway and floor above told her that it was later than she expected. Kuri scooted herself to the edge of the bed and used the communal facilities to clean herself up and change into the fresh clothes that had been laid out for her. They were her own, but she wasn’t sure who had gone to her room to fetch them. She secured her damp hair into tight braids and promptly crawled back into the bed, gathering the blankets around her like a nest.
Hours passed in that state. Absorbed in her own thoughts, taking advantage of the rare moment of clarity, she reviewed the events of the previous night and winced at her actions. A mercenary shouldn’t flee the field, much less a medic, but they just kept finding exactly what she didn’t want to see. Kuri still believed what she had said in the woods - they were haunted.
In reality, she was not trained to be a mercenary or a medic or anything really. She was a young woman who had learned how to protect herself and survive after the tragic events in Othard and the Doman Sea. A firearm felt more comforting in her hands on the field than her cards did; they comforted her when she returned. At the thought, she reached for her holster and ammo belts, pulling them from the side table and into her lap. Kuri stared at the piece of machinery curiously. It was old and basic, a necessity she had acquired with the Iron Legion when she started to run into issues. That was in Ul’dah, but this was Ishgard. Wasn’t this city known for its machinists?
She squirreled that thought away and tumbled into others. While her time in the Iron Legion wasn’t something she thought back on fondly, it had been easier in some ways. Gil was her main motive, it was something she could control, something that gave her freedom to do with it as she liked. She became rather good at it too, knowing how to speak and who to push or not push to get closer to what she wanted. Tisha had been better at it than she was. Though it would be a slightly different application here, the principles were the same. If she could help create notoriety, it would bring in gil faster.
Kuri paused and glanced to the corner of the room. All was silent for a moment until the faint vibrations of footsteps in the hall ran across her horns. She glanced towards the door as it opened, but her view was obscured by the bed curtains.
“Kuri, are you still in here?”
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odessii-dragonblade · 3 years ago
Watch "Dungeons & Dragons Trailer - Reaction" on YouTube
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odessii-dragonblade · 3 years ago
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odessii-dragonblade · 3 years ago
I am one of those people who doesn’t like to ask for help but this is family and I can’t help them all alone. This gofundme is for my brother and his girlfriend. It was set up by one of her coworkers to help them both.
He’s not doing well. He’s now been in the hospital for two weeks. He is uninsured and because he was working he made just $500 too much to qualify for immediate state assistance.  I know that will change now but it will be months before he can get the financial help he needs, meanwhile they still have this coming at them plus all the things that you need to live day to day.
My brother will most likely need medication the rest of his life the way things are looking right now. It’s been a hard week and I suspect it will only get harder as the days go by.
If you can give anything, please do.
Thanks for reading, and thanks for any help.
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odessii-dragonblade · 3 years ago
About Us
Some time ago, the Iron Legion was contracted to defend a trade caravan through the deep desert. The leader of the Iron Legion, Valgard Thorne, and the second in command, Defiant Hyena, sold out their own mercenary company and employers by siding with bandits. A small group of the company barely survived. Wounded, dying, and out of water in the desert, they somehow made it out. One of the survivors, Siegwulf Dazkar, swore revenge and roused like-minded individuals out of their desert graves. Now reformed, they seek gold, glory, and retribution; not necessarily in that order. 
   Crystal Data Center | Balmung | Current IC Location: Thanalan
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odessii-dragonblade · 3 years ago
Not doing this personal meme on Ode this year but it lives on. :)
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It Christmas.
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odessii-dragonblade · 3 years ago
Ugh, Veyka hitting me with the (1 a.m.) feels with one of my favorite songs from one of my favorite musicals.
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odessii-dragonblade · 3 years ago
So it's finally done and I wanted to share, as I'm immensely proud of myself for having completed this incredible challenge organized by @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast !
Never wrote so much, so frequently, in my life and it feels like such a personal achievement.
These stories (along with Wood Warder's Way taking place between "Foster" and "Aberrant") form a fun narrative of my Viera character's journey from his homeland to Eorzea.
It was a great exercise and really helped me to get a feel for this character before I get to actually make him in November xD.
Just wanted to share on the main blog because I'm so proud of it. Thanks again to the organizers, and happy writing all around!
FFXIV Write 2021
Zhel Master Post
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                                         Organizer || Challenge Carrd
1. Foster
2. Aberrant
3. Scale
4. Baleful
5. Extra Credit - Hone
6. Avatar
7. Speculate
8. Adroit
9. Friable
10. Heady
11. Preaching to the Choir
12. Extra Credit - Maintenance
13. Oneirophrenia
14. Commend
15. Thunderous
16. Crane
17. Destruct
18. Devil’s Advocate
19. Extra Credit - Grace
20. Petrichor
21. Feckless
22. Fluster
23. Soul
24. Illustrious
25. Silver Lining
26. Extra Credit - Departure
27. Benthos
28. Bow
29. Debonair
30. Abstracted
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odessii-dragonblade · 3 years ago
@selisegraves-ooc​ shared this with me and I...
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