#Heheh don't get me wrong I think it's cool.
Hi, hello! I saw your new Dialtown fanart (idk what dialtown is but I think your art is cool!) and ask a strange question on what tools did you use in Magma? I love the textures <3
Hello, hi!
<Thanks for saying that my art is cool I appreciate it.>
I uhh. I used the pencil tool. Wait lemme get a screenshot real quick.
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Basically I draw with pixels. I know I could use something other and my drawings in Magma could be more.. Well.. Less pixelarty??
Idk I was drawing in pixelart technique before and I liked that.
Especially that was what I did mostly when I didn't know any other drawing apps and was just drawing in MS Paint.
<Sadly most of the drawings from MS Paint aren't finished or just straight up not saved so uhh I won't show them, sorry.>
Also thanks for the ask, hehe. Golly this is the first one I didn't thought I'd ever get one.
Thank you anon.
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aayakashii · 2 months
It seems I haven't quite had my fill of cuteness. So I humbly ask for part 4 of the plushie series with Luca, Ritsu, Zenji, Tohma, and Rui.
It's ok if you don't want to also
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The most requested thing!! hehehe |ू´꒳`) I'm really happy you guys like the plushie headcanons, and thanks to the anon who originally requested it a few months ago too!!
Part 1, part 2, part 3
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How Tokyo Debunker boys react after receiving a cute little plushie from MC – Luca, Ritsu, Zenji, Tohma, Rui, Ed and Lyca
Lucas Errant – husky plushie
Extremely happy that he is receiving such a thoughtful gift from you!
He never truly allowed himself to play with toys because of his studies, and then came the guilt of losing his brother… Letting himself relax like that barely ever crossed his mind.
So he doesn't really know what to do???
He just perches the cute plushie on his desk and politely greets it whenever he leaves his room and gets back.
He's a bit confused, but he's got the spirit!
Since the husky is always on his desk, it kinda becomes his study buddy really quick too.
Luca ends up reciting his notes to it and reading his books out loud, so it helps him get even better grades (if that's even possible).
He notices this and IMMEDIATELY goes to thank you.
He is 100% sure that you had this crazy elaborate plan to make him get better grades, which is why you made the plushie for him.
Now he’s asking you to maybe make one for Kaito so he stops going to so many remedial classes…
Because he’s denser than a (quickly researches what is the densest rock in the world) peridotite
And doesn’t realize that you gave him a handmade gift because you LIKE him........
He’ll have to ask someone for help after you get upset with him because of this.
Because the husky plushie definitely doesn’t know either and, for some reason, Kaito just refuses to help him!
Cut him some slack… he’s just dense. Like a peridotite.
Shinjo Ritsu – otter plushie
"For me?"
"I believe you are aware that a gift, in the law of property, is the voluntary and immediate transfer of property from one person to another and in order for the it to be legally effective it has to have donative intent, the delivery of the gift to the donee, and the acceptance of the gift."
“Therefore I accept the gift.”
Congratulations, you have just given Ritsu his first official associate.
Or at least this is what he says to himself in his mind.
He was trained to become a lawyer since he was a little kid, so he never thought about playing with toys that much (and his father didn’t push him to do so as well).
But he gotta admit, having a handmade plushie, something his partner (as in business partner! Don’t get him wrong!) made for him exclusively does bring a feeling of joy he never quite felt before.
If anyone so much as THINK about touching his gift, he will be ready to recite the entire constitution, and every single law they broke, AND declare how many years they’ll get in prison just for touching his little otter friend.
He takes things such as private property very seriously after all.
He won’t take the plushie everywhere with him (what about safety?), but he does keep it right next to him in bed when he’s reviewing all the records he made throughout the day.
For a second, he wonders if he could sneak a camera into a plushie and give it to you, but oh no, that would be an invasion of privacy!
Or at least only until he finds a loophole in the law.
Kotodama Zenji – koi plushie
"My dear!!! Oh you truly are the most lovely flower to ever grace this earth! If my heart could still beat, it would be racing for you!!"
You managed to steal a little beaded bracelet artifact, something weak (or at least you hope so), and tied it on the plushie's tail.
And your theory was successful! Zenji could actually touch it, just like he could carry his doll due to its anomalous properties.
To say he’s absolutely SMITTEN with the plushie is an understatement.
He loves anything artistic and knowing that you spent your precious time creating that cute plushie for him makes him so so happy!
WILL carry it everywhere and write ballads about the koi. And poems. And he will read every single myth involving kois and post them on his youtube channel as well (please like and subscribe... PLEASE...)
Haku has the time of his life laughing at Zenji, because now he carries his doll, his biwa AND his plushie everywhere.
If you keep giving him gifts, he might actually need a whole cart to carry everything around him.
The little koi and the doll become his most loyal fans, and his company during nighttime, when everyone’s asleep.
If you see a koi plushie outside your window, don’t freak out. It’s just Zenji watching you sleep again.
He has the habit of calling the doll "his brother" and now he’s gonna call the koi plushie "his dearest".
The two people he cares about the most, right there in his arms: Jiro and you.
Ishibashi Tohma – orca plushie
"Oh? I wonder what made you think I am fit for receiving such an adorable little gift."
Tohma… does not know what to do with the gift you just gave him.
Don’t get him wrong, he appreciates it! Truly. He is mesmerized by the fact that you made a whole orca plushie with your own hands.
But he also doesn’t see how someone as intimidating as him deserves such an adorable gift.
Maybe all those months serving someone else with little appreciation made him forget how it feels to be pampered…
He places the plushie in the vault, right on his desk, and it becomes his companion when he needs to go through paperwork.
Tohma tried giving it a hug once and he got so damn sleepy RIGHT AWAY that now he just pats its head whenever he needs to take a break.
That little thing is dangerous, making him feel so comfortable… He can’t sleep, he’s a busy man! A little headpat to acknowledge the plushie will have to suffice.
However, he still hasn’t tried taking the plushie to his room yet.
He’s quite worried that his sleep will just be filled with dreams about you.
And oh dear... it'd be way too tough to wake up from something pleasant like that.
Mizuki Rui – black bunny plushie
You torture him, being so cute!
A plushie? For him? A black bunny you made with your own hands?!
He wishes he could squish you to death, but that could become quite literal if he actually touched you.
So instead, he squeezes the hell out of the bunny.
Absolutely loves the gift and takes it EVERYWHERE with him.
It basically becomes his bar’s little mascot.
He kisses the bunny’s cheeks every single time he lays his eyes on it. There’s a good morning kiss, a good afternoon kiss, a good evening kiss, plenty of see you later kisses… (he just wishes he was actually kissing you).
Rui will definitely get little accessories for the bunny and maybe even get matching ones for you.
He will also name it some variation of your name and refer to it during conversations as if he was talking about an actual living being.
Lyca and Ed are forced to acknowledge the bunny as their new dorm mate, but won’t let Rui get the bunny its own room because that would be too much!!
Oh, Rui will also buy a bottle of your perfume to spray on the plushie so when he hugs it, it smells like you
What? No, of course that’s not creepy at all, silly! He just loves everything about you, including your perfume!
Edward Hart – ram plushie
Oya, look at what his lovely human brought to him. And you made it yourself? Wonderful.
He has watched plenty of DIY tutorials on youtube, but was always too lazy to go through with them.
Now that he knows you’re skillful with your hands, though? Expect plenty of requests. Maybe do a little bat for him next, what do you think?
The little ram probably becomes the only clean thing in his room, despite Ed holding it all the time when he’s bedrotting.
(That’s because Rui cleans it frequently. He doesn’t want you to think your gift went underappreciated)
And when I say constantly, I mean CONSTANTLY.
Something cute and comfy to hold while he rewatches that 10 hour conspiracy iceberg video for the 5th time? That is exactly what he needs.
He will try to take pictures of the ram watching videos with him for you, but it will be terribly unfocused.
You appreciate the thought despite that!
You don’t appreciate the message he sent though...
"Hello My Dear 😘❗️I Just Had To Show You This 📷❗️Look At How My New Little Friend 🐏 Is Watching Youtube 💻 With Me 🦇❤️ He Just Absolutely Loves ❤️ To Watch ✨️ Conspiracy Videos✨️ With Me 🦇 I Tried Inviting Lyca🐺 Too But He Won’t Reply To My Messages ✉️🚫😢 I Wonder Why 🤔❓️ Please Come Visit Me Anytime 👋🏰🥀 We’d Love To Watch Things With You👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨😘💋"
Lyca Colt – wolf plushie
“What's this?”
“It's a gift for you. I made it.”
“What do I do with it?”
“Um... nothing. You can cuddle it when you sleep, I guess?”
“Hmpft! I'm not a child, I don't need to cuddle things!!”
Don't worry, he thanks you properly after Rui scolds him and tells him to express gratitude when he gets gifts.
He is a little bit rough with it at first, since he never had a toy before, but he quickly gets extremely possessive of it and starts treating the plushie with a lot more care.
He WILL growl and bite if someone tries to take it from him.
Lyca kind of acts like a big brother to his wolf plushie, taking him to his favorite spots and explaining the things he learned to it (he needs to practice after all!)
The plushie becomes a nice reminder of you. Whenever he thinks about doing something he shouldn’t, he looks at the wolf’s beady eyes and thinks of yours as well.
Who would’ve thought this would be such a sure-fire way to make him behave a bit more.
Rui, however, is absolutely exasperated because he just knows that plushie will be another thing that will desperately need washing SOON and Lyca just won’t let him clean it.
Lyca eventually wraps his plushie in his stinky baby blanket (much to Rui’s despair) and cuddles with it to sleep every night.
His dreams become all about you, so don’t worry in case he has a little bit of a hard time looking at you the next day (and a little blush on his cheeks). It’s a little hard to explain!
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Full masterlist
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arsnof · 4 months
ArsCo Presents the Inaugural Arsnof's Great American Yard Sard Comics and Sundry Sale 2024!
Hello there! I'm Arsnof. You may remember me from content such as "Canadian Illustrator", "Dungeon Mentat", or even "Transformers Meme". I'm here today to host a celebration of buying things, thinking they're so super cool, and then putting them away and never looking at them again. Comics, books, toys, anime, manga, CCGs, rare webcomic goodies, tiny figurines of yokai, a Little Golden Book adaptation of Gremlins that ends before midnight, Chuck Norris's Karate Kommandos, can you read Japanese because I can't, official Soul Coughing stickers, a hoard of well read Wizards and Toyfares, Funko Pops, feet pics (you can get off, but only if you can correctly diagnose what's wrong first), Transformers...
I could go on forever, but I got it, you want it, we can make a deal (no tongue).
Why is this happening? I'm shit broke and getting shitter. Going down like a Trump Casino. Guy paying his bills on time? I haven't heard that name in forever.
I've been taking care of my ailing father (tried to die on us three times so far this year) and the rest of my family (I don't owe you an explanation, cop) and then someone just up and decided to make my automobile a notomobile.
They didn't have insurance, but that's okay because we have full cov-*hand to ear*-what? We don't? Only comprehensive? Since when? FUCKING shit... Okay, but we still have uninsured motorist, so-four thousand? Four thousand. Dollars. $4,000. To replace an entire ass truck.
We are in desperate need of a car. I've got a lifetime of memories. You, on average, have some change sitting around. Can I have some? I'll trade you stuff.
I'm starting with my comics because they're easiest to catalogue. See something you like? HMU, as the kids say (please God don't let that be a sex thing) and I'll see what I can do. I'm giving the comic shop at which I used to work a vague preference, but I can be swayed.
Next up will be the trades and manga, DVDs of varied origin, toys, and so on.
If life can stop kicking us in the gender neutral pain zone for five fucking minutes, @paulyollyoxxenfree and I will get back to handicrafts. They're getting back into the amiguroove and I'm going to hit the pad - finish and print Kitty, start Dr. Doctor. Stickers and stuff. I'm not shaving for a while to put me in mall Santa shape by Thanksgiving.
But what if you've got too much money and you're sick of it, but you hate being given things? I take donations. If you put a special request in the memo, I won't even give you the thanks. I'll just spit. I take requests.
Fuck, I don't know, antelope? My email - [email protected]
I might make one of those kofi things.
Oh and, heheh, one more thing...
Launching in the fourth quarter 2024, ArsCo is proud to announce Alone With Arsnof, the happening new app that gives you the power to have some one-on-one time *gunshot* wit- *sudden fade to red-tinted black, gunshot echo. Sirens fade in. HE'S DOWN! OVER THERE! THE ROOF? A high-pitched whine. Bright light. The late afternoon sky comes into focus. Fireballs? The sun is so bright. Automatic gunfire. No, jets. Falling. Screams. Recognizable screams. Unrecognizable screams? Inhuman? The sun blinks*
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irkimatsu · 7 months
Huskposting Masterlist
A masterlist of all of my interesting fics and headcanon posts, so you don't have to scroll through all the two-sentence bullshit gumming up the Huskposting tag! NSFW pieces are marked as such. Fics, headcanons, song assignments, and other assorted tidbits that I think are worth looking at more than five minutes after I posted them.
Full Fics:
"If You're Lucky" - After losing a bet with Overlord Husk, the demon asks to have his way with you as your part of the deal. Originally intended as a standalone, I intend to turn this into a collection with a story arc eventually. NSFW!
"Teasing A Beast" - Oneshot where reader stripteases for Husk and then they have rough sex. Short, sweet, to the point. Reader has breasts and vagina. NSFW!
Husk and one-night-stands in life
Musing about Husk's death
NSFW Heacanons
couple assorted SFW headcanons
Husk as an absent father
Headcanons going through Husk's life, up to his death
Husk nuzzling you so you smell like him
Husk's coping mechanism! (it's not great)
does he hate the name Husker?
he's too drunk to perform
Husk and religion
hehehe claw sucking
a reason for Overlord Husk to be fat
a magic trick goes wrong
assorted Overlord Husk horniness (NSFW!)
Husk's fluctuating weight
speculation about Husk and Alastor
possible future chapters of "If You're Lucky" (NSFW!)
Husk, US history, and legal gambling and alcohol
This man cannot fucking cook
Dominant Husk headcanons
Music (song links go to Tumblr posts that may or may not provide context for why I picked that song):
Full playlist
"Fallen Down" by Assemblage 23
"Forever 2013" by Bruderschaft
"Complex" by Dreams Divide
"The Modern Leper" by Frightened Rabbit
"Drown" by Imperative Reaction
"I Don't Remember" by Northern Lite
"Casino" by Toby Ash
I keep picking songs about drowning...
Husk gushing about his S/O (centered around my self-insert, this was for me, sorry)
dancing with Husk in his room
dancing with Husk at a hotel party
playing with Husk's wings (NSFW!)
Husk dialogue during sex (NSFW!)
riding Husk (NSFW!)
Husk taking the lead with you (NSFW!)
Alastor interrupts (NSFW!)
Husk and the word "love"
to be Overlord Husk's spoiled pet...
massaging Husk's chest
more about being Overlord Husk's pet
Yandere Overlord Husk
Husk with a childhood friend of Alastor's
rough sex, Husk catching feelings
some cool t-shirts I yoinked from the fan Wiki
me infodumping to an outsider with Wiki facts
that line from Finale that itches my brain so good
you fuck wrinkly ass cats stop fucking submitting it
official Valentine's Day card
"Sober" cover by Paranoid DJ (not on my playlist but still worth a look)
the first appearance of the phrase "cat nipples". get used to it
Keith David singing "LOVE" by Nat King Cole
me making terrible daddy jokes
my excuse for everything that happens on this blog anymore
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oh-allie · 5 months
shakespeare and swooning
alhaitham x g/n reader
synopsis; you read one shakespeare play and now you want to impress your "buddy" alhaitham with your newfound knowledge !! what could go wrong?
fluff, g/n reader, TOTAL CRACKFIC, OOC alhaitham, SWEARING, kind of a modern au ???? i mention "ringing tighnari" but that could just be imagined as using the akasha terminal !!!! didnt write this with a modern au in mind
warning ‼️ PLEASE dont expect this to be accurate, if youre a big classic literature fan then dont attack me for not being a NERD ☹️ just imagine a poser using their fancy words (because they think its cool)
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you know how libraries are supposed to be a place of study and tranquility? no the fuck you don't, or at least you don't care, because running through the house of daena with shakespeares, "romeo and juliet," in your hands is NOT very tranquil.
multiple poor akademiya students look at you, PISSED OFF because your shoes are going clu-clonk on the marble floors, which wouldn't be an issue if you weren't scurrying through the library.
is that kaveh ?? he's giving you the same look he gives alhaitham every day ..
... but this is IMPORTANT !! you're on a MISSION right now !! you just finished reading the first act of "romeo and juliet," and you're convinced your brain has expanded tenfold in size.
you're now rushing to your good pal haitham to share your knowledge! how kind and gracious!
you're stopped before his house, you've known him for long enough and gotten close enough for him to let you come in whenever. you know kaveh isn't home, and haitham would never purposefully work overtime, so you're certain you can get his attention and show off in peace.
why are you so adamant about showing off to alhaitham? is it REALLY showing off, or are you trying to, heehee, impress him?? its too late to be flustered at this thought because you already unlocked the door with the spare key kaveh leaves behind one of haithams ugly ass decorative plants and you've taken off your shoes and oh god hes right there and the sunlight from the door is lighting up his face in that way that only happens to him and hes looking at you with a suprised, slightly annoyed, but incredibly fond look and oh no what was your plan again?
"greetings, alhaitham! ☝️🤓" you say, finding a surge of confidence remembering the story you read.
"... hey. what are you doing here?" his response is quick but before you respond he continues, "did you just say greetings?"
"indubidibdibdly! hath you be surprised?" you pretentious hipster. you think youre SO cool, but unfortunately your little crush doesn't seem very impressed either.
"okay, what are you doing? you're being weird." he's not even looking at you, and he's back in his chair before you can rush over and sit on the couch. "is something wrong? should i get tighnari to give you a checkup?"
you'd be touched by the care of the suggestion if he wasn't so cheeky in his tone.
"wha, what, no?! no what the hell- stop ringing tighnari."
"are thou o'er wrought with admiration?" you grin, somehow still under the impression that you sound cool.
he gives an eyebrow raise to that. not bothering to mark his place in his book, he stands up.
"i lie testy in why you act so unpregnant, my dear."
HUH ? what did bro just say ? testy ???? unpregnant ?? MY DEAR ??? backtrack again, UN-WHAT ??
"be still my beating heart, thou hast taken mine with absolute cunning." is he making fun of you i genuinely can't tell ... its like hes speaking in moon runes right now.
"haitham, heheh, WHAT are you DOING ??" you can't help but laugh at his funny little words, magic man. even if you're clueless to what he just said to you.
"whatever doth thou mean?" he's totally making fun of you !! after ALL your effort to impress him too?
"well, usually i do all the ranting and you sit pretty and listen, so it's weird that you're talking so much, especially like THAT?" fym sit pretty ....
"when words are scarce they are seldom spent in vain." that sounds familiar, but you can't think about it longer before he continues, "shall i compare thee to a summers day?"
"ALRIGHT, i recognize that one, dummy." you laugh, "were you really not impressed by me?" you whisper, the rush of embarrassment you shouldve felt in that library is finally catching up with you.
he stares at you for a second. you just wish you could find out what hes thinking up there, if you could even understand it.
and then he lets you into his mind, with a simple "i love you." as if alhaitham, renowned scribe of the akademiya, top student, couldn't find the words to describe how he felt for you.
or maybe that was what he felt for you. he loved you.
"... you called me unpregnant."
a/n; i read romeo and juliet like... 3 years ago.... so.. uam... 😇😇 totally accurate! hope this crackfic style of writing isnt too niche so this doesnt flop because EMBARRASSING....... do people even like al haitham anymore like guys lets go back to the good old days before the FRENCH came in..... (this is just me projecting cause i havent played genshin in a while and i still lovelove sumeru)
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thats-not-okie-dokie · 6 months
The WH update was INCREDIBLE! Half of the merchandise page was brand new, a 20 minute audio starring Wally and Barnaby, and a few other songs around for the characters? DAMN, ALL OF THEM CAN SING! And don't even get me started on the designs of the advertisements and records and cookbooks! They feel so authentic, and you can tell so much love and attention to detail was put into each and every one of them. ALSO HOWDY'S FAMILY? THEY HAVE DESIGNS AND VOICES NOW?? YO- I can only imagine how long THAT script took to write! And Julie is officially confirmed to have paws! I wasn't expecting that, or for her to hibernate, but I find those details really cool. Makes me wonder if rainbow monsters are any related to bears? ALSO, Wally can sing too! I was under the impression that he struggles to stay on-key with his delivery, but I was wrong. And I am happy to be wrong, too! I've already listened to his rendition of Toyland like, 4 times. Poppy's voice is so sweet and soft-spoken when she's not terrified or nervous, and I'm so glad to be able to hear how she speaks normally. SHE HAS THE VOICE OF AN ANGEL I CAN LISTEN TO IT ALL DAY, WHERE'S THE COOKING CHANNEL? And Sally trying to be the star of the show by replacing the one on the Christmas tree, oh my word I admire her pettiness. And that silly rendition of Up On The Housetop is going to be on my mind all day hehehe
ALSO, there's a new mystery afoot! On the very last page of the merchandise book, there's a code cracker on the back of the Christmas edition cereal box (thanks, Eddie!). I've managed to decrypt every single doodle across the website, but it definitely still need some further decryption. I'm thinking it might be either a Ceasar encryption or needs to be descrambled. I'm not sure if it's supposed to be a message, or a website link. The "WWW" is really throwing me off. I thought I'd leave this to the professionals, since I'd be scratching my head for hours if I tried to solve this any further. I already tried reversing it 2 kinds of ways and playing around with the letters, as well as putting it into a Ceasar decoder and trying every way to brute force the combination, if it's a message. Still nothing. I'm not good with these types of things, but I'm hoping somebody else is. Good luck!
And here's every letter I've found, in the order the pages are on the home page:
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thescarletnargacuga · 2 months
Could you do a ribbun oneshot?
A/N: I can certainly try. Without details, I don't know what the ribbun community wants-
WARNING: angst
"Hey, ribbons, whatcha got there?"
Gangle didn't have time to react. Jax reached over her, snatched her drawing, and held it out of reach. "Hey! Wait! No!"
Jax examined the partially finished work with exaggerated interest. "Oh, so I see you're taking the abstract approach. Hehehe, no pun intended. It doesn't really look like anything."
"It's not done! Give it baaack!" Gangle whined and tried grabbing the paper.
Jax pushed her away from him and she stumbled back. Her comedy mask slipped from its precarious perch and the porcelain shattered on the ground. She stared at her fallen mask. Cumbersome tears hung from her dark eyes. Jax's cackling laughter rang in her head like an echoing curse.
Her sobbing eyes angled downward. Her ribbons curled tightly together. "Every time..."
"What was that?" Jax wiped an amused tear from his eye. "I couldn't hear you over the sound of me-"
"EVERY. TIME." Gangle said with barely contained rage. She turned to face him and glared at him. "Every time I'm happy! Every time I even THINK I have a moment of peace, YOU have to ruin it! Why!? I was minding my own business and you went out of your way to be MEAN to me! You broke my mask! AGAIN!! EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. IT'S ALWAYS YOU!!" Her voice pitched until she was practically screeching at him.
Jax was taken aback but kept the cool appearance of being unimpressed. He crossed his arms, folding the art in the process. "So, you're finally standing up to me. Took you long enough."
His words disarmed Gangle immediately. Her face contorted with confusion. "Wait- what?"
"Yeah, I was beginning to wonder if you were going to be this easy forever." He grinned mischievously and leaned down to her level. "But I've never been more happy to be wrong. Way to keep things interesting, Ribbons. I like it when people keep me guessing."
Gangle was even more confused. "You want me to fight you?"
He laughed and stood upright. "You're still slow, but a step in the right direction is still a step. Come on, Ribbons. You got more to say?" He arched an eyebrow.
Gangle stammered but found her voice. "You-! You always try to take my art! You make fun of it when it's not even finished and- uh, you never apologize!"
Jax looked bored. "Now you're just stating the obvious."
Jax tensed a little. "...better." He dropped the paper and walked away.
"Wait, I- I didn't mean that..." Gangle said quietly.
Jax didn't stop or look back.
Gangle collected her paper and art supplies and retreated to her room, leaving her comedy mask in pieces on the floor. She dropped everything on the floor and cried to herself on her bed. "Even Jax doesn't deserve to abstract...no one does. Why did I say that? Why did he have to push me?" She sniffed. "Jerk..."
A knock on her door made her jump. "Who is it?"
No answer.
Carefully, she opened the door. No one was there. She leaned out and her foot pushed something in the floor. It was her comedy mask, painstakingly glued together. It was cracked, and there were glue dribbles all over it, but it was in one piece. A small note stuck to the inside.
She picked it up and read it. Stay strong and fight. It's the only way we're getting through this. She smiled a little. "Thanks..." She said to no one.
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galacticghoste · 2 months
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Heres the drawing Ill be using as an exampel
I know you have asked this before but wasn't sure what part of the drawing you were referring to bc i'm dumb I thought u meant wings.
Now I realize I think you were asking about lighting and shading (hopefully u can correct me if i'm wrong)
What also helped was just listening to sad songs like Loveless version of - Running up that hill ,help with the mood hehehe also being sad :)
I like to start with a sketch layer
Wanted the focus to be grave and shadow thus why the wings are in that position almost like protecting it
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This is gonna be long XD
Then on some separate layers I add rough idea of the type of lighting and colors I want
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Then I add flat colors + all are their own separate layer like for Body, Wings, Grave, Flowers, and background
Then on clipping masks I will add some details to stuff like the Grave textures, name, and other details don't feel like naming them all
Honestly just mess around till happy
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I hate how many layers i made this T.T
More details later...
add multiply layers + color of the sky layer for background grass
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Now lighting ✨
Basically a-lot of add glow + color dodge layers
Play around with opacity
and a normal layer for the sharper parts of the lighting
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So instead I used a few brushes that give lots of dots and added a motion blur to them the Rain is multiple layers of rain and some are bigger to hopefully make it more dynamic
I draw the rain drops on shadow and the grave by hand tho T.T
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Add some more random layers and play around more with light and colors and stuff and till happy
Also Recommend making a color layer that will make your drawing black and white
That way you can see if its the lighting and shading are doing their job to make it more dynamic without being bias of the many colors
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I know i'm not that good at explaining thing or teaching things
Hopefully this is of help to you and anyone else!!! :)
I'm still trying to understand lighting myself but these videos are helping me with understanding it!
Would definitely recommend them they are helping me a-lot
Not exactly lighting but this is a cool video too for anyone who wants to play round with fun colors and shapes still trying to understand it myself
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amethystfairy1 · 1 month
hi I'm back again already lol, bc u really ought to know all the great things about ttsbc that I was too lazy to write out last time lmao.
Also! totally fine that ur not doing skizzpulse, you should write what inspires/motivates you (personally very motivated by them xD I've written ~90k words of skizzpulse myself rip)
Anyways, good things! You! you're the good things! I honestly can't remember when I last sent an ask in for the lil guys, so I'm just gonna say something I loved about each of their recent arcs.
First, Treebark. There's been so many identity reveals but I think this has been my favorite thus far. Ren going all protective boyfriend and fighting over Martyn was SO GOOD, plus soft kisses and they can just hold hands now without Ren being afraid he'll figure it out. Also loved Martyn seducing his entire family while being terrified out of his mind by big dog people with knives, like, I'd be a little out of it too. but the fam doesn't even notice but Ren did and is all supportive and comforts him, offers to take him home. I love how well they can read each other, like they're just in tune. they're soulmates, your honor. and, AND this means we can have double dates where they all know now! so excited :)))))
Zedango. this is what started me reading your stuff (the first fic I ever wrote was actually my own tt zedango ficlet, btw. that feels like an eternity ago now) I love how they've simultaneously progressed and devolved into slightly unhealthy relationship territory. something about not everything being perfect all the time just adds so much depth and realism to their relationship, as well as keeping the plot tense without feeling like you're making up problems just to have something to write about. AND THEN Tango doing the blazeborn courtship rituals was just so aaaaaaaa (THEY"RE SO ADORBSABLEEE) Tango setting aside his disgust with his claws to take care of Zed even tho its uncomfortable for him, and then Zed recognizing that and having all the warm fuzzy fondness for his bf was so sweet. Doc's notes about the rituals were on point, with how he reassures Tango that they're normal, healthy things and saying he's always open to having a conversation about it. (tho, i doubt Tango's ever taken him up on that offer lmao)
The other fic that's been in my head is ur most recent one, Handshakes and Headaches. I highly doubt we'll get a cub reveal in this next chapter, but ig we'll see soon enough. I loved how Cub just knew instantly that Grian was a hybrid and was just going in spirals putting it together that he was cuteguy, then him coming to the wrong conclusion about whether Scar knew, too, was just perfect. Tho, if he did think Scar knew and was cool with it, I wonder what he'd do first? Tell Scar his own secret, guess Grian's secret in front of them? I feel like he would think the safe thing would be to confront Scar about Grian being Cuteguy, and then if/when Scar admits it and says he's cool with it, Cub would feel safe(r) revealing his own identity. Maybe not right away, but sometime. Also, that would mean everyone in Hot Cave knows about hybrids and undercity, so he wouldn't have to glamor while he works (tho, that would also require revealing to Zed... they don't seem super close, but it's kinda obvious that Zed's chill w/ the undercity people, considering he's dating Tango and Cub knows that).
Also! now that Hypno knows G and Scar are safe, I really wanna see him revealing to Scar and Scar being all supportive and stuff :)))) Hypno wasn't someone I knew I needed in this world, but I'd die for him now. (ALSO the casual mention that his scales are dry and flaky rather than smooth and taken care of??? Hello?????? Someone get him some proper self-care ASAP, maybe take him swimming at a private pool or something idk. I feel like the moment Scar knows, he's going to be on it with the cookies and love and support. so excited hehehe)
anyways, I'm probably forgetting something, but whatever. I'll be back with more art soon (maybe I draw Hypno, since I've never done that before and electric eel hybrid sounds cool. Actually, I've decided, I'm gonna do it now. remind me what that looks like pls? or I go reread, whichever happens faster lol)
Ok that's all, have a good day!
Petition to get Hypno a private pool 😆
I'm so glad you love the slightly unhealthy but also very loving Zedango situation we have going on!
I LOVED YOUR TT ZEDANGO FIC! I'M STILL WAITING FOR THE SEQUEL!!!! 😭 /j you don't have to write one if you don't wanna BUT KNOW THAT I LOVED IT!
Ren being a protective boyfriend is all I need sometimes! It's just good fun! Thank you so much for telling all about everything!!!
I would actually LOVE to see how you would design Hypno if you do feel like drawing him! That sounds amazing! Electric Eel hybrid time!!!! 💖
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squiddy-god · 2 months
Task force T4T
Simon "ghost" Riley
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hehehe giggling and kicking my legs thinking of this <3 anyway this is t4t ghost hcs so both ghost and reader are ftm trans men! I don't care if fem aligned people read or interact but please remember that this isn't for you this is for trans men. I'd also like to say I've never read the comics so my knowledge on that is a little limited (if someone who has read the comics wants to educate me I have questions!) 
Tw: tooth rotting fluff, NSFW undercut, masc! Reader, ftm ghost and reader, mentions and descriptions of dysphoria/trama, very self indulgent, allusions to ghosts backstory, period talk, pre bottom surgery reader and Simon. 
Hnggggg where do I even start 
“Task force t4t”- Simons favorite joke (he's not funny) 
There are a few ways y'all could meet honestly 
My favorite two being these : 
1) You meet at a pub, Johnny is bragging and playfully asking Simon why he doesn't get any 
Simon gives him the look™ and soap makes it his mission to get his best bud a date- or at least some ass 
So Johnny scans the bar and is pointing out various people, all of which Simon is… reluctant to Comment on
He's not had a good experience with life in general, much less with relationships 
But then Johnny has to go and point to you, And Simon stares. 
You're a bloody handsome man, you look nervous, like you were dragged out here to this pub. You seem to like layers, black long sleeves with a worn out slipknot T-shirt over top, gloves tucked into your pocket and nails painted black. black eyeliner and the feint growth of a thin patchy mustache and chin stubble.
You've got a few pins, most he thinks are band pins, but one catches his eyes a little blue pink and white flag 
He turns around on the bar stool and mutters while he takes a swig of his Bourbon. 
He can't stop thinking about you for the next few days, hell he goes on a mission and is out drinking after a week. 
Then he sees you again, dressed similar to the first night he saw you. 
Your sitting on a bar stool chatting with your friends, they walk off to get a booth while you call over the bartender and order. 
He can believe he's really gonna shoot his shot. Johnny would be laughing his stupid Scottish head off. 
Your startled when this huge man sits next to you, you aren't nessesarily small by any means but it's not hard to be smaller then Simon when he's 6’4 and beefed up. 
He doesn't look at you, eyes dead forward and half glazed over while he fumbles in his head to think of something to say. 
He doesn't wanna scare you off, hard to do when the skull balaclava and hood aren't doing him Any good. 
“I like your pin mate” he says, voice deep and gruff. Really all he could muster without makeing a fool out of himself. Your eyes scan him, gears in your head turning in realisation. “Thanks- cool mask ya got on there” silence settles but it's not as awkward as Simon would think. “I don't suppose your uh-” you dance around the subject, terrified of being wrong, of offending this bear of a man who could absolutely beat you bloddy. Simon laughs “that's right lovie” his voice is warm like a campfire with a tone like honey. Makes you melt. “‘spose you'd let me Buy you a drink?” You ask turning to face him. “only if I can buy you one too” you chuckle an call the bar tender over, ordering something fruity but not too sweet, he gets Bourbon. “Oh ho a good ‘ole boy are ya?” He chuckles “the best” 
Your friends come back over and are so shocked to see you absolutely smitten with this man. 
Eventually the night passes with you and Simon chatting, eventually exchanging numbers and heading out. 
Meeting number two! Is soap to the rescue tbh
You work at a little coffee shop, soap comes in and orders the same 4 drinks any time he's in. Only place near base (or in general) that has a blend of black tea Simon likes. Johnny is chatty at the counter while he waits, it's never bussy when he comes in- He talks about his friend Simon a lot, 
Reminds you of a mother trying to talk up her son 💀 
Eventually he suggests you go on a date with his buddy, and he suggests to Simon that he go on a date with the cute lad at the Coffey shop. 
You try to tell him that it probably won't work out- asking if his mate would be ok with the hole you being trans thing and Johnny gets the biggest grin, patting your shoulder “aye thats the best part laddie! yer both in the same boat” 
So you agree, and Simon agrees. Johnny is just happy his L.T is shooting his shot! 
Anyway! regardless of how you meet Simon is nervous but a great boyfriend! 
Trans! Simon who where's the mask when he's feeling Dysphoric whitch is often 
He wakes up and doesn't see himself, the PTSD definitely isn't helping but some days the mask helps a lot
Always helps you through your dysphoria, holds you close and assures you that you're a real boy, reminds you that if you're asking “am I fakeing it?” You aren't. 
He has the worst periods smh, horrible cramps, heavy flow and they always seem to last so long. 
Has deadass threatened to throw a tampon at soap. Soap did NOT think that was funny 
He always knows what pads/tampons to get, and once your cycles sync up he's done for, he is irritable and just wants to come home and cuddle you 😤 
Rubs your back when cramps get too bad 
Absolutely melts into a big puddle when you rub his shoulders when he's back home. 
Has beaten up transphobes and will continue to do so<3 his favorite activity tbh 
Works out at home and oh boy is it a ✨sight✨ his top surgery scars are pretty prominent. They come up under where his (now) peck is and they are a bit on the jaged side 
Tossing around the idea of Simon who got either a cool jaged outline over his scars to highlight then, or got smth like barbed wire over them. 
He's proud of his top surgery scars, they're the only scars that HE chose, that he wanted. 
If you still bind he gets you a skull print binder (the dork) 
Matching packers so you both feel less dysphoria! 
Simon “nothing more romantic then helping your s/o take their T-shot” riley. He takes his every morning and if you're comfortable he helps you take yours, especially if you get freaked out by the needles 
Simon is hairall over but complains that the Testosterone goes mostly to his ass 
Que hilarious ass smack 
✨trama bonding✨ Simon has crawled his way out of hell (almost literally) so it feels nice to know that he can confide in you and really have you understand this aspect of him. In a way it makes it easier to open up about the other things he's experienced 
Simon “my dick is huge”/ “my dick is bigger than yours” riley
His idea of real romance is letting you shave down his hair before each deployment. 
If you ever feel Dysphoric and want your hair GONE he shaves your head for you, and lest you shave his head so you match
His pronouns are he/him obviously but he also sometimes uses it/it's when he's feeling like it 
Big star Wars nerd, builds legos but really likes miniatures in general. Will spend hours on making those 3 wooden puzzle things. 
It takes a while for Simon to be comfortable with sex, he has a lot of issues to work through, and a lot of insecuritys 
He doesn't like his body too much, especially not from the waist down, so he can't imagine you like it either
But once he realize that yes, you love his body, that he's safe, that your safe? 
He's a horn dog good Lord he needs a cold shower
Loves giving you head- Simon riley is a munch send tweet 
Can't decide between eating you out like he's trying to drink you or sucking your T-dick like his life depends on it- so he does both 
Oh you accidentally had your binder on to long? Your breasts are tender? He can help- he swears he can make it better lovie just let him massage your boobs so they don't hurt! 
Simon riley is a switch who prefers to top because he likes the control it let's him have and makes him more comfortable 
He can be rough but most of the time he's just so sweet and intimate, I wouldn't nessesarily call it gentle, but its definitely not rough
Strap game is on point so have fun getting that back blown out (or blowing his back out) 
Simon “sweetheart come here, I wanna play with your dick” riley, honestly he's obsessed with it. Playing with your pussy and T-dick while he watches the footie 
Wet dream/fantasys about bottom surgery, he wants a dick, always has, but the thought of being able to really fuck you on HIS dick? Have you choke on his actual cock and not some silicon junk? 
Someone muzzle him fr 
Speaking of muzzling him- he can and WILL leave the WORST hickeys on you everywhere
Looks like you lost a fight to a gang of industrial vacuum cleaners, like dawg calm down nobody is trying to take you away-
Deep deep dark purple with a bit of reddish yellowing around it. 
And boy you are absolutely covered in them. Looks like you where on the receiving end of a paintball firing squad.
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astrotoilet · 9 months
||What a party||
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||Cate dunlap x male reader||
WARNING:This story contains:Cheating,alcohol consume,drug consume,swearing.
I was there on this party enjoying it with my best friends from Godolkin University,whe all where supes with different powers.
My powers where based on ice,they where really cool to say,we where speaking about how our lifes where going while casually drinking beer,wine or other alcoholic drink or smoking and consuming other drugs.
I was enjoying this a lot until she arrived.....
This beatiful tall blue-eye blonde girl arrived with her boyfriend and some friends looking rather beatiful,With a white shirt along with a black part on her clothes and big round golden earrings,Her name was Cate Dunlap,the girlfriend of the one and only Golden Boy.
My stare got lost on her,she was mind controlling me without even using her powers,she was just beatiful and stunning.
I wished to be with her but my respect to Golden boy was a lot so i decided to abandon these toughts....at least for now...
They then sat next to all of us and we continued to drink.
"So how it's life going Luke?"i asked him
"Pretty good,it is going perfectly"he replied smiling very confident
"Glad to hear lt"i replied smiling
I was obviously jealous but also very happy for both my friends.
"And what about you y/n someone told me you almost killed a guy last week is that true"Cate spoke staring me into my eyes.
"Ohh the uhhhh...welll i......Obviously i didn't kill him he just got so intense with me and i got annoyed and.....you know just fucked him up"i said embarrased as that brought me a lot of legal problems.
"Even if you killed him we would have still talking to you,because i think we all agree here that fucker is annoying"Marie said causing all of us to laugh
"i agree"Andre said laughing
"Hahaha thank you all guys love y'all a lot"i said smiling
"You look better today y/n i think is your best outfit so far man"Cate said praising my look
"You look pretty good dude"she added winking causing me to get nervous.
"Yeah i agree man"luke said
Then i grabbed my phone to see if i had messages and i saw i had a message from Cate...
'Huh why is she texting me?'
I then saw them and wow...
The message was about hpw she noticed the way i stare at her and how much i compliment her and enjoy doing so.
"I have noticed how you stare me and i want to say i have no problem with it...i wanna ask you something but just wait until i tell the others i will go to the bathroom okay....see ya soon."she texted
I then stare at her again and she wink again at me and i just texted her back
"What do you want to tell me?,something interesting?...hehehe,i will go don't worry" i texted back
A few minuted passed and she told Luke and our friends that she was going to the bathroom and it was.
I wait for her to send me a message again and there it is.
"Come now"
"Hey guys i will leave a friend is asking me to meet with him near here,i'll come back later"i said
then i left and when i finally found her she stared at me deeply for a few seconds and the got closer.
"You know?...i know what you feel for me and i think it is beatiful,very beatiful how you love me"Cate said smiling
"And what do you try to imply with that?"i said smiling too
"W-Well i just wanted to thank you" she said looking down blushed
"Cate..." i said playing with her hair
"Yes Cate?"
"I love you"
Cate then leaned towards me and started kissing me with passion and love,after her shocking action answered her kiss
"Yes....yes...yes.."cate said as she introduced her tongue on my mouth
"Oh yes baby,kiss me with all you got"she added whimpering
We continued kissing happily as i held her up
"This is wrong what about luke if he finds out abo-"i said before being silenced by Cate
"Shhh baby,it doesn't matter,let's just continue" she said
"Okay anything for my beatiful princess"i said before the two share a passionate kiss.
we kissed for almos 2 minutes until air was becoming an issue,when we finished we where looking at eachothers eyes
Cate looks extremely beatiful this way
"Thanks for making me feel good"Cate said laughing
"Thank you cate you too..."i replied
"I will go withe others,see you soon"she said hugging me
"We're not over yet y/n"she added
We shared a quick kiss before she left to meet with others again,while i was seeing her.
I did it....
Sorry if this feels fast and awful lol,it's my first time writtin since 8 months lol,Enjoy!!!
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ewesless · 4 months
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My humble answer is...
(Romance-y stuff first then the section below that is…other activities)
Content Warning for any other readers: Canon x Canon, Crossdressing, BDSM Dynamics, tons and tons of personal interpretations and almost a fic outline
At first glance someone might think, "They're too unalike, they have no common interests. Barbatos is too cool for him and Levi hates him because he's successful, confident and widely respected." And one would be wrong!! The main things they have in common are Gaming, Sewing, Creating Artwork and Cooking (in that order only because Levi's still a hobbyist and Barbatos's love of baking and cooking is on par with Levi's fanatical love of Ruri-chan.)
Barbatos may not be into watching anime or reading manga, but he buys merch for Diavolo and is supportive of a substantial number of things Diavolo does (which extends to Levi hehehe) but he is a major gamer. In two different events (Cyber and Smash Devils) and in a variety of OM daily chats he games with Levi as well as plays his recommended games (and Levia-chan gets his little scaly ass handed to him when they play!)
One of my favorite scenarios for them developing into a couple is that Levi finds out what an awesome sewist he is (HDD 2021 card "An Amazing Outfit for You" and Belphie's Plushie card are two examples) and is awestruck. "PLEASE teach me your techniques! What is your secret?!?" But Barbatos doesn't just teach him, he makes him things too! Costumes, does his Makeup, Props, plushies and food replication!
I headcanon that Barbatos takes Diavolo and Leviathan to conventions too, they could absolutely group cosplay. Barbatos is a gamer so we know they already chat and hang out online, and Barbatos has been to his room multiple times now so it's not implausible that they'd like to hang out 1 on 1 too. (In Otaku Podcast Mini Barbatos scares the shit out of him by how familiar he mades himself with Levi's room and the secret box he has) If LEVI lets someone not just touch his things and explore them (oop lol that sounds….) but lets him rearrange his things and even advise him on what to do about them you know that is some deep, deep, trust and approval. He admires him a lot too, he experiences jealousy and idolizes him too so we know that Levi already has strong feelings about him!!
I think that whenever Barbatos would show him approval or acknowledgement it would direct hit something deep inside him that is painfully wounded and mend a little crack in his heart. I think Levi needs to impress others, but won't admit it. He's too caught up in the "normies can kick rocks! Get rekt! I don't care what those people think!" but he obviously felt the pressure of Barbatos's expectations to a degree near that of Lucifer's because he was almost in tears from the stress of working with them (he chose them!) during Luke's Birthday in 2022. So I think making him proud of him or surpassing his expectations (Shrodinger's High/Low expectations lol) would be important to him. I don't really read Levi's (or anyone else's) romantic options and don't go out of my way to read his cards, so this is mostly based off of my interpretations from events and storylines. I don't feel confident in my characterization either. Somebody is going to hate on me for that some day. I can feel it.
Oh, but back to the topic. So they start hanging out in order to do sewing and that leads to talking about all kinds of things and warming up more. Levi is like, "Wait what?? You mean…he's not as intimidating and far above us as I thought???" Barbatos cooks for him whenever he gets hungry or has already prepared bentos and other anime themed foods and teaches him how to recreate/copycat for him too. So as they bond Levi accepts that he really is a friend of his and not just his big brother's coworker/the Royal Butler/Popular Guy and humoring him. He subtly starts to tell him about his interest in crossplaying too (Legendary Dame, HELLO~) and while that's not really something Levi HIDES (he did) that Barbatos responds positively and supportively (Diavolo too, he cosplayed RURI and Barbatos cosplayed Azuki-tan in support and to show their appreciation for Levi and his interests in the S2 Anime!)
So Levi dresses up and is all blushy and nervous and feeling excited and happy because he's just so COOL about this!? AND GIVES MAKEUP ADVICE THAT EVEN ASMO HADN'T KNOW??? (Dame card) And the first thing Barbatos does is tells him he looks cute and wears it well, he compliments his dress and makeup! (Or beautiful, depends on whether he's in a magical girl outfit or if he's cosplaying someone elegant like the Kuudere Elf Queen Seraphina)
So after this, one thing leads to another and Barbatos crossplays with him (He self vowed that Legendary Dame was never again, but I am going to just say that that doesn't mean he's banned from other elegant femme attire) Levi doki-dokis like crazy! So now he's down bad for Lady!Barbatos, "B-but that's just because of the character he's portraying, right?? I don't have a crush on my big brother's co-worker/the Royal Butler/The Popular Guy????"
Barbatos got so excited about sewing for MC and dressing MC up that not once, but twice he gets carried away and starts taking measurements or holding clothes up to their figure (promptly apologizes and then we can't even acknowledge it) So maybe that happens with Levi too and now that Levi has doki-dokis when Barbatos gets that close to him HORMONAL EXPLOSION~. "Ooooookay, that definitely isn't just because of the character he was cosplaying" lols anxiously
Where this goes is going to be non-specific because I love endless possibilities, but definitely gets intimate. Possibly the first time they get frisky is while in cosplay (Levi is like a teenage boy in a 30 year old body, I swear. And then you have Barbatos who pops off with those romantic and suggestive dialogues to tease like WHAAAAAAAT??? So, he would totally egg (lol unintended) him on and turn him into a flustered sweaty mess without even taking his own clothes off.) 70% probability of while couple cosplaying a yuri or yaoi ship, but they go all the way as themselves and after a barrier is overcome (Levi's self-esteem and his doubts about whether the person he's into is ACTUALLY? FOR REAL??? SERIOUS??? You're not just messing with me and going to humiliate me and then gloat about it because I'm a socially awkward otaku loser and you're a hot demon butler whose effortlessly perfect?) So it would be a combination of shame/comfort and hurt/comfort…maybe?
Their first anniversary gift from Barbatos would be a fully custom designed outfit for them to wear, there would be a necklace or other jewelry included in a hidden treasure way and it would have an engraved message on the back/inside along with a handwritten letter. Levi's would be a physical photo album with their cosplay adventures and outings/pilgrimages/foodie tours and one-day vacation photos with sweet notes and memories written on the backs of them. (I'm not very good at this type of romance tbh, but memories and keepsakes are important to them both)
On a side note they have SO MUCH KINK CHEMISTRY. Levi wants to be bullied, humiliated, called names and degraded? Barbatos is absolutely brutal with all of this, and probably has Dacryphilia to some extent (cough MAMMON) He would not be against-- on second thought this part got too explicit. [SNIP]
He would be creative at this in subtle ways, even during normal group conversations, that would leave Levi speechless and doki-doki'ing. On the flipside, Barbatos praises and shows his gratitude in significant ways so this would extend to intimate activities and he is a very attentive lover/dom who anticipates the needs of others so he would give Levi aftercare and approval tailored to each scene, "feed and water" him (Barbatos…why did you word it like that before?) and then tuck him into bed with a goodnight kiss. (Barbatos doesn't stay overnight of course. He has a Diavolo at home to think of after all and Diavolo is prone to mischief and misbehavior when he is away.) He would also discipline him and use a reward system that also subtly helps strengthen Levi's resilience and build his self-esteem.
Since I headcanon they both lay eggs (Barbatos is a salamander dragon Demon and Levi is a snake dragon) if Levi previously didn't go through that as an Angel (due to contrivances on my part) he would definitely be hiding that or in denial and Barbatos is observant as hell. That can lead to anywhere can't it ^^;
Well, now I'm embarrassed and idk how to sign off ;w; Oh wait, yes I do, Ballz! (inside joke)
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punsmaster69 · 6 months
[After checking the page again, the words have ACTUALLY been written properly this time - with a working pen.]
[A small attached sticky note reads, "heheh. couldn't not, sorry."]
i'm carried out of bed and immediately served chocolate pancakes as papyrus briefs me on the day's plan - all before i even finish waking up fully.
" 'k."
"sounds good."
he looks over his shoulder to see me still yawning, giving an eyeroll gesture and placing a cup of hot coffee in front of me.
"...doesn't work, remember?"
beside it, he places a cup of ice water.
i mumble an affirmative response. papyrus takes this as good enough.
undyne high-fives papyrus, then grabs me for an aggressive noogie.
"Excited for today, you decrepit bag of bones?!"
this diverts her wrath onto papyrus instead.
me and alphys fistbump.
"Good choice."
"figured you'd approve."
"S-Still wish they hadn't plastered that creepy ice cube's face EVERYWHERE in this place. Can't even have one bare wall."
"whaaat? ice-e's an icon."
"Of weird c-corporate marketing."
"and unsolvable puzzles."
"They were always that way, then?"
toriel and frisk - flowey wrapped around the kid's arm - wave as they approach.
frisk nods.
"Even the first one Sans and Papyrus set out for me back in Snowdin was unsolvable."
"IT WAS?!"
"Weird letter inconsistency."
we chat for a while more before actually going inside -
- and splitting off towards the games each of us preferred. toriel simply stuck by me to observe whatever i decided on.
somehow, at some point, we ended up just playing air hockey really badly.
𝘤𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬. 𝘤𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬. 𝘤𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬.
"Is this how you play??"
"is this how you play???"
repeatedly smacking the pushers together, the puck was ignored.
papyrus won a scary amount of tickets and used them to redeem two dart guns. one was instantly hijacked by undyne, who cackled after ricocheting a dart off papyrus' skull. she was going to fire at me, but
"You're spared for today. Don't think I won't get you another time, though!!!"
grillby's wasn't far, and the weather was pleasant, so walking was actually pretty alright.
the bar erupts into noise as we show up. there was a barrage of questions and comments about everyone and everything, but the chaos made any recollections of it blurry. (fun chaos, don't get me wrong.)
i waited for the right moment - somehow, i knew it would happen.
my brother raises his glass of milk.
a roaring sound that resembles a "YEAH!!" as everyone in the restaurant rises to their feet.
i move quickly, placing one on each seat - unnoticed amidst the commotion.
appearing beside my brother as if i'd not moved at all, i clink a bottle of ketchup with the various other beverages being lifted.
and then a loud,
as everyone sits back down.
it was beautiful. enough to make a grown man cry.
tears of laughter, that is.
a magician clown never reveals his secrets, but i sure was asked "HOW?!" a lot.
the sun has just finished setting. for the first time today, it's quiet. a gentle breeze cools the day down. toriel and i hang around on the porch to take it in - myself sat upon the rail.
"Are you truly alright with not getting much...?"
"spendin' time with you folks is all i wanted."
"and i got it, so."
"seems like a pretty good birthday to me."
"Still, it feels lackluster to have shown up empty-handed."
"i mean. you brought cake."
"That is a given."
"if you're really concerned about me not getting any gifts..."
i gave her a goofy grin.
"gonna be corny for a sec, hope you don't mind."
"I do not have a 𝘤𝘰𝘣-lem with it."
"In fact, I am all 𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘴."
in that moment, i couldn't have been more certain.
i push myself up into my knees to deposit a quick kiss on her cheek.
"...that can be my gift."
dropping myself back down to sit on the porch rail.
". . ."
"sorry for suddenly 𝘱𝘰𝘱𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘨 that onto you. wanted to 𝘦𝘢𝘳nestly-"
puns were halted as my mouth became suddenly occupied with something else.
when she eventually let go, i found myself sputtering momentarily trying to find my words.
"There. You being on the receiving end makes it much more of a gift, does it not?"
"i, uh."
"thought i was supposed to initiate it??"
"The cheek is close enough. And that one, you did."
"I will count it."
"there's another thing i'm s'posed to do."
"a ques-"
toriel puts her hand over my mouth.
"Do not ask it today."
"We would have to celebrate our anniversaries on your birthday."
"what? you don't want a double-event?"
"There is a multitude of reasons."
"gimme 'em. gimme the reasons."
"Firstly, birthdays are to be spent with a multitude of friends and loved ones. Anniversaries are for spending with the romantic interest. To do both of those at once would be impossible."
"Secondly, it would subtract from the specialness of each as well."
"it'd be easier to remember."
she hadn't noticed me slowly inching my face closer and closer to her own until i spoke.
"birthversary rolls right off the tongue, too."
"I'll show YOU a tongue."
she suddenly sticks out her tongue. my proximity causes me to have to back away quickly.
too quickly.
toriel leaps forward and wraps an arm around me to stop me from going completely backwards off the rail.
"I did not mean for that to happen."
"good catch."
"Oddly, not the first time you have fallen from my railing."
"yeah, i'm gettin' 𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘭 good at doing that accidentally."
"Do I need to install rails for my rails?"
"gonna box me in, huh?"
"If it will stop you from falling, then maybe I will."
𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘤𝘬, 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘤𝘬.
we both looked to the back door.
with a blanket draped over his right arm, papyrus stopped speaking to stare at us blankly for a moment.
arms wrapped around each other, being bent over the rail, her hips between my legs...
"might be a minute."
promptly spinning 180 on his heels, papyrus went back inside; carrying the same expression the whole time.
immediately bursting into laughter, tori lifts me up the rest of the way and places me on the porch.
"Awkward-looking situations seem to be your forte, my dear."
"no kidding."
"At least it was Papyrus."
"so, can i ask you the-"
"Another time."
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theharrowing · 1 year
One Day at a Time 🌙 2: It feels right; I don't care if it's wrong
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Yoongi loves to help others. As a professional surrogate, he takes pride in using his body to help families bring life into this world, and love into their homes. But when his high school crush Kim Namjoon hires Yoongi to help him and his wife conceive, things get…precarious.
Or, Omega Yoongi gets bred by Alpha Namjoon and holy shit, does he fall in love.
🐺 Yoongi x Namjoon, established Namjoon x Wheein
🌙 word count: 19.3k
🌙 past acquaintances to lovers, a/b/o, mpreg, infidelity, angst, smut, eventual fluff, slash, nsfw, 21+
🌙 warnings: alpha/top Namjoon, omega/bottom Yoongi; Namjoon is married, and he has a big dick; Yoongi is a mess, and he cries a lot; a/b/o stuff (mating cycles, lots of scent stuff, wolf instincts, marking - there will be blood, omega slick), angst (hormones raging, pining, emotional infidelity, infidelity, hurt/comfort), smut (ritualistic sex, ass to mouth, anal sex, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, extremely painful knotting, pregnant sex, begging, praising, possessiveness), confessions, falling in love, “happy ending.”
🌙 note: you already know what is going on. warnings are serious hehehe. okay, have fun!!!
🌙 written for one shot two shot fest
🌙 thanks to @neoneunnajimin & @sailoryooons for beta reading and to @sweetestofchaos for helping me pick scents!
🌙 posted july 2023 | read on ao3
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Yoongi is on the precipice of completely and total mental collapse.
Namjoon's words take a moment to sink, but Yoongi lies with his eyes wide, staring at the muscular shoulder of the alpha above him as he sniffs the air near Yoongi's head. 
I finally get to have you.
Yoongi's hands attempt to find purchase on the satin sheets, grabbing fistfuls while he squirms under the warm breath that wafts across his shoulder, neck, and throat, but the material slides and slips. 
"What did you say?" Yoongi mutters despite knowing he should probably leave it alone. But he is spiraling over the idea that Namjoon has wanted this as badly as he has, and he just…he needs to know. 
"You heard me, little omega," Namjoon grumbles as he sits up and shuffles around, walking on his knees down to Yoongi's legs, which are bent and half-spread and moving uselessly, uncontrollably. 
"Gods, look at you," Namjoon teases as he takes one of Yoongi's ankles and pulls it to the side, spreading his legs. Warmth radiates beneath his touch, and Yoongi lets out a shaky breath, doing his best to keep his cool. "When is the last time someone has touched you?"
With a huff of air, Yoongi squeezes his eyes closed and makes a futile attempt at centering himself. This whole situation was already a mind-fuck without Namjoon toying with him. He thinks he can hear Namjoon chuckling as he takes Yoongi's other ankle and spreads his legs further, but he does not open his eyes just yet. 
He knew they would have to have sex, but Namjoon is treating him like a conquest. Or is this how alphas always fuck? Rough and possessive, grabbing and spreading and teasing.
"Do I scare you, little omega?" Namjoon asks with a tone full of mirth as the mattress dips, and Yoongi feels Namjoon's arms beside his hips, beside his ribs, above his shoulders. 
Yoongi shakes his head as he opens his eyes, finding Namjoon hovering over him, inches from his face. He could tilt his head up and kiss him at this distance. 
"No," Yoongi says, voice shaking unconvincingly. "You don't scare me at all, I was just…not sure what to expect."
"Do you want me to be soft with you?" Namjoon asks, tilting his head to the side. "Make love to you?"
A laugh rocks through Yoongi, and he knits his brows. "What?"
"Because I don't think I can," Namjoon continues, warm, sticky-sweet breath ghosting over Yoongi's face. "Not while in my rut. Not when you smell the way you do. You have no idea how much I'm holding back right now."
Again, Namjoon sniffs at Yoongi's shoulder, keeping himself just far away that he does not make contact with his skin – not that he even has to; the feeling of his breath alone coming out in huffs and pants is enough to make Yoongi's head spin. Oh, but he wishes Namjoon would just brush his lips against his scent gland. 
Namjoon may have tauntingly asked when the last time he had been touched was, but Yoongi wonders the same. Rut or not, Namjoon seems desperate, like he is moments away from losing total control. Is this what rut is like, or is Namjoon just as touch-starved as he is?
"It's not that I expect you to be soft," Yoongi finally responds, finding his voice, and doing his best to at least return some of Namjoon's playful energy. "But you really do love to tease, don't you, alpha?"
Namjoon groans deep from his chest, and this time, when he takes in a deep breath, his lips skim over Yoongi's shoulder ever so slightly. The contact is barely there, but it is enough to send a shiver quaking from the base of Yoongi's spine to the tips of his toes. 
"I'll stop teasing you, then," Namjoon responds, voice breathy and deep, lust-laced the way it was in the woods. "I'll take what I came here for. Is that what you want, little omega? Want me to knot you nice and tight and fill you with my pups?"
Gods, the language is archaic and borderline humiliating, but it sends Yoongi reeling. He wants it so badly he worries he may lose his mind completely if Namjoon does not hurry and give it to him. 
"Please," Yoongi pants, letting his eyelids flutter closed. "Breed me, alpha."
Another groan comes from Namjoon, this one sounding even closer to a growl. "I want to touch you so badly," he mutters, possibly to himself.
"Just touch me," Yoongi responds, almost frantically. Perhaps it is against the rules; Namjoon is married, after all. But there was no clause in the contract – which they have neglected to sign – that prevents intimacy. They are having sex, for fuck's sake; and it is not as if Namjoon is going to kiss him. "We're already doing…this…so just touch me."
Namjoon begins to crawl down the length of Yoongi's body, slowly stalking backward while his lips ghost over his chest, his stomach, his hip. Every minute touch of skin against skin makes Yoongi jolt – sends an electric current through his bloodstream, white-hot and high frequency; buzzing, dizzying, and not quite enough. 
"Please don't rip those to shreds too," Yoongi teases as Namjoon's fingertips grab and lift the waistline of his briefs. He does not actually care if Namjoon destroys the garment, but suddenly his heart is pounding so hard and fast and loud, Yoongi worries he might throw up, and he is searching for some levity. 
Namjoon laughs, dragging his cheek along Yoongi's thigh and knee as he sits back, pulling Yoongi's briefs with the movement. Yoongi stares at the ceiling above. The thought of being nude makes him shy, even though he is in heat and is desperate to be fucked. Because it has been a while since Yoongi has let someone touch him like this, and he needs it. He craves it.
As his briefs are pulled away, Yoongi lifts his legs high. He feels impatient over the way Namjoon is undressing him so slowly, and by how the material drags and lifts higher and higher. Finally, when the garment passes his ankles and he is free, he begins to drop his legs, spreading his feet but holding his knees together.
Namjoon takes a loud, deep breath, and the sound makes Yoongi tear his gaze from the ceiling. When he looks at the alpha, he is sitting stiff with his nostrils flared and pupils blown, and he has that expression from before – the one that made Yoongi wonder if Namjoon would eat him. In his hand, beside his face, Namjoon grips tightly to Yoongi's briefs, breathing deeply through his nose. 
He looks crazed, almost otherworldly, like a demon has clawed into his skin and taken over. The air is pungent with tangerine laced with cinnamon and warm musk, and although the scent is familiar, it is also different. It is headier and tangier, and most of the sweetness is buried. It makes Yoongi sweat – makes him claw against the satin sheets feeling far needier than ever. He is certain that if Namjoon does not fuck him right now, he might actually die. 
Yoongi is acutely aware of the fact that his slick is dripping from him. Demureness slips away as he lifts his legs and gently uses his feet to tug at Namjoon, using his toes to dig gently into his ribs. Namjoon looks down at Yoongi, down between his legs, and his lips lift into a grin. 
"You're so—" Namjoon begins, shaking his head and cutting himself off. 
"Please," Yoongi whines, hole aching to be filled. Namjoon's scent is overwhelming, clawing at Yoongi's senses, ripping his sanity to shreds like the shirt that still uselessly clings to one of his shoulders. Never has he begged to be fucked before, but he cannot hold back. "Namjoon. Please."
Namjoon nods in dazed, slow movements. And then he flings Yoongi's briefs across the room and gets onto his hands and knees in a movement so quick, the mattress shakes, and Yoongi gasps. Namjoon leans close, rakes his teeth over Yoongi's thigh, eyelids fluttering closed, and he looks so feral and so fucking handsome, Yoongi cannot help but stare.
"Yoongi, you are so—" Again, Namjoon shakes his head and stops himself. He nips at Yoongi's thigh, sending a tickling mix of pleasure and a tiny hint of pain coursing through him, making Yoongi dig his heels into the mattress and whimper. "So fucking—"
"So, what?" Yoongi shouts, bowing his back, feeling the sheet stick to his skin, digging his head into the pillow. The desire that pours from him clings in the air and looms overhead like a cloud. Like a threat. Yoongi fears he will be suffocated at any moment if he is not sated. 
Rather than respond, Namjoon sinks lower, and, before Yoongi can make sense of his actions, Namjoon grabs and slightly lifts Yoongi's ass, spreading him with both hands as he licks over his hole, slow and firm and so good. 
Yoongi's hips buck upward as he moans, choking on the end of it and turning it into a sob as Namjoon licks again and again. Is this allowed? Should he be doing this? Yoongi is already soaking wet and does not need foreplay; why is Namjoon tasting him like this?
But Yoongi does not voice his questions; he would not dare. Namjoon swirls his tongue over Yoongi, groaning and growling, making every inch of his skin burn with arousal, and his cock aches to be touched, neglected, and leaking against his tummy. 
"Holy fuck," Yoongi finally whines when he cannot keep it in any longer, back arched with his toes digging into the mattress, attempting to keep himself lifted.
"I just knew you would taste this sweet," Namjoon grumbles, dragging his teeth once more over Yoongi's thigh while sitting up between his spread legs. 
Yoongi whimpers, fisting the sheet tightly, body heaving and trembling and desperate. "Please," he sobs, squeezing his eyes closed and opening them wide, staring at Namjoon's shoulders, at his pecs, at his tummy and his thighs, and his hard, leaking cock. 
Two fingers graze over Yoongi's hole, and he stutters a moan, keeping his jaw slack while Namjoon penetrates him so slowly it makes his eyes roll back. The stretch of his fingers floods Yoongi with arousal that burns hot in his tummy and spreads to his limbs. Yoongi opens his eyes to find Namjoon's mouth slowly falling open as he watches his own fingers get swallowed. Then he pulls out and looks Yoongi in the eye, mouth tugging to a droopy smile. 
"You are soaked for me, omega."
"All for you, alpha," Yoongi responds almost robotically. "Please."
Namjoon strokes his cock with the hand he used to finger Yoongi, spreading slick over his thick length. Admittedly, his size is intimidating, and Yoongi swallows thickly and wets his lips. He wants to taste Namjoon badly, but he needs to be fucked before he loses it.
"Namjoon," Yoongi pleads, dropping his ass back to the bed and digging his toes into Namjoon's hips, trying to pull him close. 
With a deep, sardonic chuckle, Namjoon grabs Yoongi's ankles, pulls his legs to one side, and yanks at his thighs and hips, forcing him to roll over. Yoongi flails and twists haphazardly, satin clinging to him and rustling with the movement. 
"On your knees, omega," Namjoon instructs. 
Yoongi manages to finally shed his tattered shirt, tossing it aside on the bed. And then he scrambles to get into position, crawling back to the center, where he was, knees digging into the damp sheet. He hardly has a chance to settle before Namjoon licks over his hole again, forcing him to tremble and moan, crashing forward. 
"F-fuck," Yoongi mutters as he wraps his arms around the pillow and holds it to his chest.
The touch leaves, and Yoongi clenches then tries to relax, feeling his slick build and secrete, smelling it thick in the air, mixing with the heady, sweaty blend of the two of them, along with the smoke from the incense. His own scent of chamomile is supposed to be soothing, but it is sweeter than usual and mocks him – a reminder of his place in life as an obedient little omega meant to be bred. And gods, does he need it so badly. 
The blunt tip of Namjoon's cock grazes over Yoongi's hole, and he arches his back in presentation. Namjoon uses a hand to grip and spread one of his cheeks, digging his fingers into the skin. It feels possessive and greedy, and Yoongi wonders if it will bruise – he hopes it will. 
"I don't know if you can take me, little omega," Namjoon says in a mocking tone, rubbing his cock over Yoongi's eager, slick hole. 
"Please," Yoongi responds. 
"You're so tight, even with how much slick you leak. Have you ever taken a knot before, hmm? I might just break you in fucking half."
Yoongi is dizzy and desperate; he thought Namjoon would want to tear into him and use him; fuck him hard and fast, and be done. What the fuck is with all this teasing?
"Namjoon, please!" Yoongi shouts, quaking and on the brink of madness. 
"So needy," Namjoon taunts as the mattress dips under his shifting weight.
Yoongi groans and begins to say, "Oh, I fucking hate y—" but he loses the rest of the sentence and chokes out a sob as the tip of Namjoon's cock breaches his hole.
Namjoon continues to push deeper, deeper, deeper, blinding Yoongi with intense pleasure-pain that he was not prepared for, squeezing the air from his lungs and making his legs tremble. 
"What was that, omega?" 
"Oh, gods," Yoongi gasps before biting down on the pillow and letting out a whimper that is pitchy and broken – pornographic. 
Namjoon carves Yoongi open, pushing him beyond what he thought his limits were. He feels so full, and his head aches from holding his breath. Finally, when Namjoon's hips still, Yoongi sucks a sharp intake of air and sinks his head down into the pillow, doing his best to relax. 
"I bet your pretty little cunt has never been stretched this wide before has it?"
The words pretty and cunt ricochet around Yoongi's already fucked out mind, and he manages to get some weight onto his elbows and lift his head, breathing in the air that reeks of burning incense and pheromones. 
"I am going to fucking ruin you, omega."
"I'm going insane," Yoongi mutters, panting with each breath that falls between his lips. "You're making me go insane."
Namjoon rubs his hands over Yoongi's back and shoulders. The sweaty slide of skin against skin is exquisite, and Yoongi tips his head back and arches his spine, desperate to be felt everywhere. Although he does his best to relax, he can feel the rings of muscle gripping Namjoon tight and fluttering with each sensation. 
"Can you sit high on your knees for me?" Namjoon coaxes as his hands wrap around Yoongi's ribs and gently begin to tug.
Yoongi shifts on his knees, pushing his arms as tall as they can manage, and then Namjoon takes over, wrapping his arms around Yoongi's chest, grazing palms over his nipples and clavicle, and pulling him until he is sitting high on his knees, speared open, making Yoongi shiver and moan from every tiny, delicious movement. 
A low, deep growl comes from Namjoon, who slides one hand up to Yoongi's throat, forcing his head to tilt back. 
"Somehow you feel even better like this," Namjoon murmurs softly, slowly pulling his hips back and kicking up a flurry of pleasure and arousal in Yoongi's tummy. 
Yoongi moans unabashed as his head attempts to roll, held in place by the fingers that gently squeeze at the sides of his throat. The slow drag of Namjoon's cock already has him threatening to unravel completely. 
Namjoon thrusts his hips forward just hard enough to punch the air from Yoongi's lungs, and he grips onto his own thighs as he attempts to breathe through the feeling, voice coming out as nothing but a wet sob. 
"Don't hold back, little omega," Namjoon groans as he pulls his hips back and drives them forward, making Yoongi bleat a jumble of vowels. "I want to hear you."
Everything about this feels wrong to Yoongi. He should lay pliant and let Namjoon do what he needs to without giving into his urges to touch and beg and make all the lewd sounds he usually does. But Namjoon feels and smells so inviting – so dizzyingly good.
"Please, alpha," Yoongi whimpers, legs quaking as Namjoon slowly pulls back. "Please breed me."
Namjoon grips Yoongi's tummy, fingertips digging into his skin. "Say my name," he commands.
Yoongi closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. "N-Namjoon…please."
Namjoon snaps his hips forward, pushing a pitchy moan from Yoongi's throat, then he begins to fuck him, finally, setting a rough pace of skin slapping against skin. From this angle, it feels like Namjoon is all the way in Yoongi's guts, and his body is frozen in place, unable to do anything but sit tall and be used. 
The pleasure-pain of being fucked so hard makes Yoongi delirious. He babbles incoherently, eyes fluttering closed and then opening wide, watching as the knots and lines on the wooden wall blur and come into sharp focus, over and over. 
"S-so…b-big…" he manages to stammer between thrusts. 
Namjoon's fingers tighten and loosen over Yoongi's throat and stomach, then yank him back a little further, causing his arms to hang suspended in the air, fingertips no longer able to reach his thighs. Lips pass over Yoongi's neck, over the scent gland in the crook of his shoulder, and he shivers from the touch, feeling euphoria burst and bloom on the spot. 
"You take me so well, pretty Yoongi," Namjoon moans before dragging his tongue over Yoongi's gland and the overgrown hair that sticks to his sweat-slick skin. 
Yoongi whispers, "Pretty," unsure if he is imagining the word. 
"So perfect for me."
Pleasure claws at Yoongi, dragging him down, down, down, threatening to drown him. He wants to cum so badly, but it feels too soon. Should he be getting so much pleasure from this? The lines have long since blurred, and Namjoon praising Yoongi and calling him pretty only amplifies the tumultuous nature of this situation. 
With another lick over Yoongi's scent gland, he begins to crumble. 
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum if you keep doing that," he manages to whimper, squeezing his eyes closed. 
"That so?" Namjoon asks, lips grazing over the gland with a snarl.
"Yes," he gasps. 
Namjoon's voice is low and taunting as he asks, "Can you cum untouched?" 
With a sound somewhere between a groan and a whimper, Yoongi asks, "You're evil aren't you?" earning him a chuckle in response. 
Namjoon picks up the pace fucking Yoongi harder, spearing him deeper. Yoongi is in agony over how good it feels; he is so close but not close enough. 
Teeth drag over his scent gland and, as if every one of his feral instincts is awakened and on high alert, rippling through him, the dam breaks, and he cums untouched, making a fucking mess. The pace of Namjoon's hips has Yoongi's cock slapping against his tummy, and he sprays his release against himself and the sheet below as he growls and whimpers and claws at the air, frantic and out of his mind.
"Fucking squeezing me," Namjoon moans against his neck, hips stuttering before they find their rhythm again. 
Overstimulation has Yoongi's body tensing and relaxing, and he sobs, unsure whether he needs Namjoon to stop or to keep going. It feels incredible in the worst way; horrifyingly too much and too little. His body quakes as each muscle fights to relax. 
Namjoon slows his hips and pulls out, then gradually lowers Yoongi to the bed, onto his side pulling the sheet while muttering, "Don't lay in your own mess, pretty omega."
"S-shut up," Yoongi grumbles as he sinks onto his elbows, then rolls onto his back with his legs bent and sliding spread. 
Namjoon crawls on his knees to Yoongi's feet and yanks one leg to the side as he takes his place, towering above him. His hair sticks to his forehead, sweat drips down his neck and chest, and he is dangerously beautiful with cheeks flushed and eyes wide – exactly as Yoongi imagined he would look, but so much more.
Without a word, Namjoon lines his cock up and slides back in. No sound passes through Yoongi's mouth as his back bows, and he grabs for the sheet frozen in an arch of pleasure. When he finally finds his voice, it is raspy and broken. 
"How do you stay so fucking tight?" Namjoon groans, head tipped as he pulls his hips back and slams them forward. 
Yoongi claws at the sheets, hand falling into a sticky, cold spattering of cum, which he tries to rub away but just finds more of his own mess, coating his hand. Namjoon sets a pace somehow faster than before, holding Yoongi's thighs in both hands, spreading him wide. 
Still somewhat overstimulated but already chasing his next high, Yoongi feels delirious. As he adjusts to the feeling of Namjoon's unrelenting thrusts, he reaches his hands over his head, draping them over the pillow while his eyes flutter. 
Then his fingers brush over something firm and possibly leather, and he becomes curious, grabbing for the item and pulling it out. Namjoon's hips slow even more as Yoongi inspects it. It is brown, definitely leather, and less than a foot long, Yoongi estimates, and it looks like a strap or a handle. Squeezing it, it feels somewhat soft, but also firm.
"What is this?" Yoongi asks, voice rough and fucked out.
When he looks at Namjoon, whose hips continue to roll into him, he finds the alpha regarding him with a worried expression – brows knit and gaze somewhat piercing. He lowers Yoongi's legs, takes the leather item, and places it on the bed. Then he leans forward, caging Yoongi in with his hands, and hovering way too close to his face.
"It's for biting onto," Namjoon says, voice breathy and deep.
Yoongi cocks his head, confused. "For biting onto?"
"So I was right?" Namjoon asks, brow knitting with concern.
Yoongi turns his face away, staring at the wooden wall to the right of him. "About what?"
Soothing, sweet tangerine overwhelms the space, blending with the incense and all the musky, heady aromas, and Yoongi closes his eyes and takes a deep breath that falls between his lips in a broken sigh. The fluid motion of Namjoon's hips and slow drag of his cock have Yoongi sinking into a trance. 
Like this, it is easy for Yoongi to imagine the alpha caring for him – being soft and gentle with him. Like this, Yoongi can forget all about how Namjoon has a wife waiting for him; how he is nothing more than a means to an end. He wishes Namjoon would hurry up and finish fucking him; he hates how treacherous his heart is suddenly, now that the pace is languid and gentle.
When Namjoon does not answer him, Yoongi opens his eyes. The alpha is watching him with a gently furrowed brow, making his tummy do a backflip, and he looks away as quickly as he can.
"What?" he asks, feeling awkward.
Namjoon's hips slow to a stop, and he sits up, still buried so deep inside Yoongi that every movement is overwhelming, making him wince and gasp. With his teeth grit and nostrils flared, Namjoon lifts Yoongi's legs again, looking above him at the wall rather than directly at him. 
"You haven't taken a knot before," Namjoon says. "You should have told me."
"It's fine," Yoongi mutters, feeling ashamed although unsure why. "Don't worry about it."
Namjoon grunts and then begins to fuck into Yoongi once more, holding his thighs spread and lifted, spearing him open. All thought dissipates as pleasure ensnares him, and when Namjoon presses forward against his thigh to spread and lift him even more, Yoongi relaxes into the stretch, malleable and pliant and so, so good for his alpha. 
Not your alpha, his brain reminds him, but he shuts it out and allows the euphoria of Namjoon's thick cock to trick him into thinking he could be.
Yoongi's moans are softer – stuck in his throat and punctuated by the loud slap of skin against skin. His muscles burn where Namjoon bends him and presses down, and his tummy feels tight and heavy, like a taut wire ready to snap. 
"Getting close," Namjoon mutters, picking up his pace and lifting Yoongi's right leg over his shoulder, sinking impossibly deeper. 
Yoongi's ass is lifted, and he digs his head back against the pillow, feeling as though his soul may be escaping from his body. He feels used in the best possible way; nothing more than a breedable little fuck-doll who has no control. 
As Namjoon reaches his high, his hips become erratic, and he growls and moans, uttering sounds that may be curse words, but could also be nothing. Yoongi wants to cum again, and the slap of his cock against his tummy is just enough to bring him close but not push him over the edge. He thinks maybe he should not chase another orgasm; continually playing tug-of-war over whether he should be feeling so much pleasure from what is meant only to be a business agreement. 
Namjoon's grip is painfully strong, fingernails digging into Yoongi's thigh and hip as he drives himself so fast and deep into Yoongi that pain is at the forefront of every sense. His cock aches against his tummy, and as Namjoon leans forward and bends Yoongi further in half, he is overcome with a feeling of fear. What if Namjoon really could break him in half?
"Fuck, Namjoon," Yoongi mutters, once again clawing at the sheets. Yoongi is sore where Namjoon's thighs slap into him, sore where he is gripped and bent, and sore from Namjoon's cock punishing his tight, greedy hole. He tries to plead but only mutters a weak, "H-hurts."
Namjoon wraps his arm around Yoongi's thigh to keep his leg draped over his shoulder and reaches for his cock, engulfing it in blinding warmth that kicks up so much pleasure, Yoongi fears he might fucking die – like his heart could give out and stop. He only manages to scream, "Oh, f-fuck, I'm—" before spraying his release on his tummy. 
The pleasure is so searing and intense, Yoongi squeezes his eyes closed tight, and he screams incoherent half-profanities while his body quakes.
"That's it, omega," Namjoon growls. "I'm gonna cum, fuck, don't stop squeezing me."
Yoongi couldn't stop if he tried. His body is suspended in a grip of euphoria laced with pain so unlike anything he has felt before – body twisted and lifted and used. He babbles through the dizzying high that threatens to light him aflame and turn him into nothing more than a pile of ash, squeezing around Namjoon uncontrollably.
"Brace yourself, omega," Namjoon grunts between thrusts. "I'm gonna cum."
Namjoon's hips still as he moans deep and loud, head thrown back and body practically convulsing. Yoongi feels him twitching inside him, then feels him release, filling him with hot spurts of cum. And then, finally, he feels Namjoon begin to expand. 
With his leg slung over Namjoon's shoulder, the discomfort of the growing knot makes his muscles tremble and cramp. Namjoon's head is still thrown back, and he is groaning and whimpering as if locked into a state of bliss. Yoongi, on the other hand, is slowly being stretched enough that the pain feels similar to giving birth, and before he can stop himself, a scream rips from his lungs. 
Frantically, he reaches for a pillow – anything to bite onto – and he winds up taking the one out from under his head and pulling it over his face. Condensation builds instantly against the soft material as Yoongi screams bloody murder while hugging the pillow tight against him, still hanging suspended by threads of pleasure despite experiencing physical anguish so visceral it feels nearly incomprehensible. 
Sharp, piercing pain in his thigh makes Yoongi's entire body seize, and he pulls the pillow away, attempting to kick from the source of the feeling, only to find that the source is the alpha's mouth. Namjoon's eyes are wide and crazed, and his teeth are sunken into Yoongi's flesh as he growls with a mouthful of skin. Yoongi is absolutely terrified, chest feeling too tight to intake more air. 
"Namjoon!" Yoongi screams, lifting his other foot and kicking at the alpha's shoulder. "Stop!"
Namjoon releases Yoongi and stares at his leg as if in a trance. And then his gaze snaps to Yoongi, and he looks afraid, ashamed, and possibly sad. Yoongi sobs as Namjoon continues to grow inside him, and when Namjoon allows Yoongi to drop his foot to the bed, he begins to kick and drag his feet uselessly, thrashing in pain and horror. 
"Fuck," Namjoon mutters, leaning forward and grabbing the leather strap that Yoongi found earlier. He uses his hands to attempt to hold Yoongi's head steady, but although his eyes are soft and present once more, Yoongi is scared shitless and in immense pain, and he tries pushing Namjoon away. 
"Shhh, wait, Yoongi," Namjoon utters sweetly, filling the room with tangerine so thick Yoongi can taste it on his tongue. He holds the leather device in front of Yoongi's mouth and says, "Yoongi, here, bite onto this."
Reluctantly, Yoongi opens his mouth and lets Namjoon slide the strap inside, nestled between his teeth. It feels cool and soft on his lips, and as soon as he bites down, he feels somewhat calm. He also thinks Namjoon's knot may have finally reached its fullness. 
"Yoongi, I'm so sorry," Namjoon mutters, petting over his sweaty face and hair with both hands and leaning way too fucking close. "I lost control; I shouldn't have bitten you."
The pain is present but dissipating to a dull ache, and Yoongi huffs each breath through his nose, drooling around the leather strap. Namjoon's pheromones truly do work wonders, bringing his anxiety down enough that he can emit chamomile and ease himself further into nirvana. 
"Are you okay?" Namjoon asks, brows pinched, hands still gently raking over Yoongi's sweat-matted hair. 
Yoongi mutters uselessly and nods, eyelids feeling heavy; body completely wrecked. Now that the intensity is gone, Yoongi just feels full, sticky, and sated. He lets his eyes flutter closed as he sinks deeper into the bedding, shivering as his sweat-slicked skin cools. 
Gently, Namjoon begins to maneuver Yoongi onto his side, and Yoongi does his best to comply, aided by the lubrication of his slick and Namjoon's leaking cum to allow the alpha to wiggle around until he is lying behind Yoongi, pulling him close, knot nestled deep.
"We're gonna be here a while," Namjoon mutters close to Yoongi's ear, ghosting warm breath over his neck. "Relax, alright?"
Yoongi yawns, dropping the leather strap from his mouth. He curls slightly in on himself and shivers while Namjoon grabs the fur blanket and wraps it over them. Drool coats his chin, but he does not have the energy to wipe it away.
Had he known all of this would have been so painful and so intimate, Yoongi may have backed out. But he is here now, connected to the alpha in a way he has never felt before, and he allows himself to imagine a life like this – wrapped in Namjoon's warm embrace and loved by the man in a way he could never hope for. 
As Yoongi drifts to sleep, he feels Namjoon's large, warm hands rubbing over his hip and arm. He even imagines the alpha leaving soft kisses along his shoulder, neck, and spine. 
Oh, the imagination can be so cruel, he thinks, just as he drifts off.
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Yoongi wakes up naked and alone. 
Although he should not be surprised to find himself in the dark, quiet bungalow all by himself, disappointment hits him in a wave, dragging him into its undertow.
Of course, Namjoon would leave, Yoongi tells himself. Why wouldn't he?
The incense have all burnt out, and the candles seem to have been snuffed. Although the other ritualistic items remain scattered around, there is also a tray of fruit and snacks, and a large glass of water. It seems Jeongguk has stopped by to at least bring him refreshments, but he did not bother to take anything away. Perhaps the items need to stay throughout the pregnancy, Yoongi wonders. In order to appease the gods, or…whatever. Yoongi is unsure.
Yoongi rolls into a seated position, feeling an ache in his limbs and deep in his ass, and he winces and groans as he gets onto his knees on the floor and hobbles over to the low table. He picks up a slice of watermelon and holds it suspended in air as his mind flashes back to earlier, replaying segments over and over like a broken record. 
Namjoon calling Yoongi pretty, telling him how good he feels. Namjoon losing control and biting him. A shiver runs up Yoongi's spine, and he blinks away the thoughts as best as he can. He tells himself that it was just alpha rut madness that drove Namjoon to say and do things he otherwise would not. The last thing Yoongi needs is to imagine Namjoon really does have feelings for him. 
Yoongi feels exhausted, and lonelier than usual. In the past, whenever he would return from the doctor with the in vitro process complete, he would be medicated and sleepy, but blissful in his loneliness, happy to allow his body to rest and grow a tiny human. But this time, the whole situation feels so personal that Yoongi wants comfort. He wants it so badly, sadness wells in his chest, forcing his exhale to come out shattered. 
Yoongi attempts to swallow back the urge to cry, but all at once, the emotions hit like a tsunami, and tears well up and break over in an instant. He sets the piece of watermelon down and hangs his head, anchoring his elbows into the hard wooden table and sobbing with his palms pressed against his eyelids. 
All he wants is for Namjoon to return. He wants to be wrapped in the fur blanket and cuddled back to sleep, feeling the soft traces of fingertips and lips against his skin. But Namjoon will not come back, because Namjoon is not his. 
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The hot flashes and bouts of dizziness that come and go for the next several days keep Yoongi bedridden and frantic. Each time Jeongguk comes with food, Yoongi practically begs him to climb into bed and hold him. He can tell Jeongguk is concerned for his health, but he does not ask if there is more that Yoongi might need. And, truth be told, Yoongi would likely catch a whiff of Jeongguk's non-tangerine, non-cinnamon scent and turn the man away. 
Instead, Yoongi buries himself in the satin sheet that reeks of days-old body fluids and hugs the fur close, desperately sniffing for traces of the alpha. He avoids his phone, he does not go for any swims – teetering between madness and sanity while waking up to find the sun has risen or fallen again, unsure how much time has passed.
And then, one day, Yoongi wakes up feeling fine. Not great, but fine. He feels sticky from sweat but is not running hot, and the dizziness seems to have subsided enough that when he gets out of bed, he is able to stand. He feels wobbly from lack of proper eating, but he manages to go to the bathroom and return on steady enough feet. 
Candles, incense, stones, wreaths, and statues litter the space, and Yoongi finds that he likes them. He rubs his fingers over pink and dark green crystals, scraping his nails along sharper edges. And he picks up each candle to smell them, finding some of the gentle floral aromas familiar from that night.
That night.
Yoongi takes a fortifying breath and grabs his phone from the table, which has a nearly dead battery. As soon as he turns on the screen, he finds a message from Jeongguk sent a day ago—
Jeongguk The worst of the heat should be over soon. I have been bringing water and checking on you, but you have been sleeping a lot. Let me know when you would like me to bring you a meal, or if you need anything else. 
—and several messages from Namjoon. 
To Yoongi's surprise, only three days have passed since he and Namjoon performed their tempestuous little ritual. He has no idea how long they were fucking for, nor how long he was asleep after, but it seems Namjoon sent the first message late that evening. 
Namjoon Please let Jeongguk or me know if you need anything. 
Yoongi rolls his eyes, muttering, "Asshole," under his breath. What he needs is for Namjoon to comfort him. But, of course, that is out of the question. 
The rest of his messages had come in the following day, and Yoongi really does not know what to make of them. The first one was sent in the early evening—
Namjoon How are you feeling? Let me know when you wake up. 
—followed by a second, sent ten minutes later—
Namjoon I would also like to apologize again, for what happened. 
—followed by one sent about twenty minutes later—
Namjoon In fact, maybe we should sit down and have a conversation once you're feeling better. 
The last one was sent several hours later, in the middle of the night. 
Namjoon Jeongguk says you've been awake, but pretty out of it from the heat. I could visit if you think it could help. Let me know. 
Namjoon offering to help Yoongi in the middle of the night makes him feel both excited and annoyed. Does Namjoon think that just because the two of them fucked, Yoongi needs him? He does – of course, he does – but Namjoon does not have to know that. And frankly, if he really wanted to be useful, he could have just shown up. It is not like the bungalow has been locked, and even if Jeongguk had been locking it while Yoongi has been in and out of consciousness, he has a key. 
It feels like an empty gesture more than anything. Or a weak man trying to sneak around in the middle of the night because feels indebted to the surrogate who he enjoyed fucking just a little too much. 
Yoongi huffs out a scoff and ignores the messages from Namjoon, and instead texts Jeongguk to let him know that he is awake and would like a proper meal and a change of sheets; that he'll be in the shower and Jeongguk should feel free to come right in. It is just after 6 PM, which means he has already cooked dinner and likely served the couple, so bringing him a plate should not take too long. 
With that settled, Yoongi tosses his phone to the bed. He eats several pieces of pear, drinks some water, then he peels himself up onto his feet to go into the bathroom.
This shower is just like the one inside the hanok, but it takes some adjusting to find a temperature he agrees with. Despite feeling like the worst of his heat is over, everything is simultaneously too hot and too cold on his skin, and he settles on something ever so slightly too cold and gets in. The water is instantly soothing, and Yoongi groans as it gently beats down on his shoulders and back. 
He stands still a little while, just letting the water pour down on him with his eyes closed. Although his treacherous little mind conjures image after image of Namjoon from that night, he somehow manages to feel a little relaxed. He even holds back a snarl when he pumps tangerine-scented shampoo onto his hand and lathers his hair with it. 
The mood swings are still rampant, and Yoongi at least has the wherewithal to recognize it. He knows that hating Namjoon and wanting Namjoon are both equally irrational and that there is likely a third other option right in the center of the two that he will settle on as soon as his hormones have evened out just a little. That is, unless the pregnancy hormones make him just as unreasonable. 
He rinses, conditions, and rinses again, telling himself that eventually he and Namjoon will need to have a conversation, and that perhaps he should be upfront about possibly needing him around. The least he can do is advocate for himself. 
As Yoongi slathers chamomile body wash on his skin, he hears movement out in the bungalow. He had left the bathroom door open a crack so that he would hear Jeongguk's arrival, and thinks he can make out the sounds of a tray being set down on the table and the bedding being changed. Then he hears the door open and close again, and before he can question whether Jeongguk has left, warm musk and tangy tangerine seep in through the air, greeting all of his senses and making his body run hot.
"Is he in here?" Yoongi hears Namjoon ask, and he snickers to himself; how could the alpha be so unobservant?
"In the shower," Jeongguk responds. 
"You should let me change those sheets," Namjoon says, and his voice sounds closer to the bathroom.
Yoongi thinks he hears Jeongguk mutter, "I got it," but he is not too sure. 
Seconds pass with Yoongi just standing under the warm stream of water, holding his soap-sudded rag in his hand while listening. When Namjoon knocks on the bathroom door, it startles him, making him tense up and gasp.
"Yoongi?" Namjoon calls softly.
Yoongi responds with a, "Hmm?"
More seconds pass, and the scent of musk is much stronger, accented faintly with cinnamon. Then, Namjoon asks, "Do you mind if we talk once you're done?"
Yoongi is not sure he wants to talk to Namjoon at the moment, but if the man is here, he may as well at least hear him out while he eats. It is not as if Namjoon doesn't know he needs to eat; he is certain that Jeongguk brought him a tray of food, and Namjoon has to have seen it. 
"Sure," Yoongi responds, finally moving his limbs to finish washing up. 
"Alright," Namjoon says. "I'll close the door to give you privacy."
Yoongi scoffs and mutters, "Okay," to himself while the door is gently closed. Sure, it is kind of Namjoon to give him privacy, but it is not like there is any part of him the man has not seen. And Yoongi had not brought a change of clothing into the bathroom with him, so he is going to wind up returning to the room in a towel, anyway. 
Voices chatter on the other side of the wall, and although Yoongi is curious, he takes his time rinsing. Then he shuts off the water, reaches past the curtain for a towel, and begins to dry. The door of the bungalow closes, and Yoongi squeezes his hair with the towel, then he wraps it around his hips. He brushes his teeth despite planning to eat right away, because he has no idea when he did so last, and applies some moisturizer to his face. 
He is not sure what he expects to see when he exits the bathroom, but he is somewhat surprised to find Namjoon wearing a black tee and black joggers rather than his standard white and grey office attire. He sits on the edge of the bed, looking down at his phone, and when Yoongi steps out of the fog-filled bathroom, he glances up, eyes widening and cheeks blushing before he averts his gaze. 
Yoongi cannot quite identify his myriad feelings, but pride definitely floats around in his tummy, and he bites back a smile while approaching the wooden dresser, eyes ahead as he passes Namjoon. 
"Sorry for intruding," Namjoon somewhat mutters, and Yoongi glances over his shoulder to find the alpha's shoulders curled slightly forward while he looks down at his empty hands. "You weren't responding to my messages, and I wanted to check on you."
"It's fine," Yoongi says, pulling out a pair of black briefs and soft light blue pajama pants. He has half a mind to stay shirtless just to see if he can get a rise from the alpha, but grabs a plain white tee and begins sliding his arms into it, instead. 
He steps into the black briefs while keeping the towel around his waist, but when the action of pulling the garment to his hips causes the towel to come loose, he allows it to drop to the floor. The heady musk that fills the room is almost instantaneous, and Yoongi bites his bottom lip in an attempt to keep from grinning. As he bends to slowly put on his pajama pants, he glances over his shoulders to find Namjoon still staring down at his hands, which are balled into tight fists. 
"Still in your rut?" Yoongi asks while pulling the pants to his hips. 
He picks up the towel and walks past Namjoon without looking at him, over to the bathroom to hang the towel on a hook. When he returns, Namjoon is watching him with a stare that is somewhat difficult to read. His brows are pinched, mouth in a slight frown, but there is a softness to his eyes. It almost reminds him of that night, after Namjoon had knotted him, and was rubbing his hair and trying to make him relax. 
Yoongi walks to the low table and finds a large salad with chicken, croutons, and a lot of vegetables, as well as a small assortment of pickled vegetables and a bowl of glass noodles on the side. He rounds the table and sits on his knees on the far side, with Namjoon and the bed to his right, and begins to rearrange the items on the table, pulling the tray close.
Namjoon clears his throat quietly and mutters, "I am."
Yoongi snickers, raising his gaze while saying, "I can smell it."
The way Namjoon blinks at him, brow further knitting, nearly makes Yoongi laugh, and he swallows down the urge while picking up his glass of water to have a drink. Cinnamon permeates the air, and Yoongi rolls his eyes, not in the mood to baby a grumpy alpha, if that is what the man is here for. 
"I'm glad to see you seem to be feeling better," Namjoon says while Yoongi spears a piece of chicken on his chopstick and chuckles to himself as he lifts it to his mouth. He hums in agreement then fits the entire long strip of chicken sideways between his cheeks, and closes his eyes as he savors the perfect blend of dressing on the delicately seasoned meat. 
"Jeongguk mentioned you were pretty out of it for a while," Namjoon continues, and Yoongi uses the metal chopsticks to gather a large bite of lettuce, pepper, and onion. 
"Typical heat," Yoongi grumbles before taking a bite. He fights the urge to ask Namjoon if he has ever actually witnessed Wheein experiencing a heat in all their years of being married, deciding it is best not to push him. 
Namjoon sighs, and Yoongi turns his gaze to the man, eyebrows raised while he chews. 
"Have I done or said something to piss you off?" Namjoon asks, taking Yoongi by surprise. 
Cinnamon scent spikes again, spicy with very little sweetness, and Yoongi scrunches up his nose in annoyance, shaking his head. 
"No," he responds, swallowing down his bite of food. "Why would you think that?"
Namjoon only stares at him, and Yoongi can see he is torn. He must have something on his mind; something that he wants to say to him, and Yoongi wishes he would just come out and say it. 
But Yoongi would rather eat, so eat, he does. If Namjoon wants to speak his mind, the floor is his, but Yoongi is not going to sit around and wait for him. The salad and banchan are delicious and savory, and hit all the spots. Yoongi is grateful for a lighter meal; his stomach is somewhat sensitive, and he already feels pretty full.
Minutes pass while Yoongi finishes his food, and although it is a little weird just having Namjoon sit in the periphery, he finds some comfort in the blend of their scents in the air. It is nice to have another warm body in the room, even if the body belongs to an annoying, impossible-to-read alpha with the best dick game he has ever experienced. 
A shiver runs through Yoongi at the thought of Namjoon fucking him, and he does his best to ignore the rush of arousal, but it hangs in the air between them, and there is no doubt Namjoon will be able to smell it, as well. 
Yoongi finishes his food and sits back with his palms anchored against the floor, closing his eyes while taking a deep, satisfied breath, feeling happier than he has in a while. Then he opens his eyes and turns to Namjoon. The alpha watches Yoongi with a wide, hungry gaze and an otherwise blank expression. 
"What?" Yoongi tries, attempting to sound playful, but Namjoon's stare becomes pointed. 
Yoongi attempts a different approach, sitting up and rubbing his palms over his pajama pant legs, suddenly feeling antsy. "You said you wanted to talk to me…what's up?"
Namjoon pats the space beside him, and Yoongi tenses at the thought of joining him on the bed, staring at him while his brain uselessly fails to come up with what he should do.
"Come here," Namjoon says softly, adding in a, "Please," that is more of a command than a question. 
With a fortifying breath, Yoongi gets onto his feet and shuffles over. He attempts to put space between them, and is surprised when Namjoon reaches out and takes his hand, pulling him over to sit close. Immediately, Yoongi's palms prickle with sweat, and he has a seat, removing himself from Namjoon's loose hold and clasping his hands over his lap. 
Warmth radiates from Namjoon, and his musk is so strong this close, that Yoongi finds himself sinking into a state of comfort and teetering on the edge of arousal. He attempts to breathe through it and get his bearings back, but Namjoon's presence covers him like a warm blanket, causing Yoongi to scramble to the side, scooting away from him.
"Namjoon, I can't—" Yoongi begins, and Namjoon turns to him, gets onto the bed on his hands and knees, and leans in close, sniffing the air loudly. Yoongi's pulse picks up, heavy and fast and suffocating, and he mutters, "What are you doing?"
"I can't stop thinking about you," Namjoon admits so softly, Yoongi wonders if he imagines it. 
Desire, guilt, and worry all build in his tummy, and he turns to Namjoon, places both hands on his shoulders, and attempts to push him away. "Well, you need to stop thinking about me," he says through grit teeth, frustrated when Namjoon is not moved even a little. "You have a wife."
"Yoongi," Namjoon huffs, emitting cinnamon and sounding exasperated, "please can we not—"
"What?" Yoongi asks, clipped and angry. "Can we not what?"
With a sigh, Namjoon sits up, then crashes to his hip with his legs bent, feet hanging over the edge of the bed. His gaze is unwavering, and Yoongi squirms in place, turning to bend his legs against the bed and face Namjoon; they definitely need to have a conversation. 
"The other night, with you…" Namjoon trails off, gazing flitting back and forth over Yoongi's face. He swallows hard and looks away, playing with the fur blanket that covers the bed with his fingertips. His voice is soft and low as he continues. 
"I know I shouldn't be telling you this. I know that I should just swallow everything down and try to ignore it, but…" Namjoon lifts his eyes, and they appear sad. "Yoongi, I…I think I am developing feelings for you."
A deep, angry scoff works its way from Yoongi's chest and stomach, and it huffs between his lips with the force of a tiny storm. He knows it has to be Namjoon's rut clouding his lust-addled brain, and the fact that he could so flippantly toy with Yoongi's emotions after what he has been through living in this weird fucking homestead, has sadness boiling in his guts.
"How dare you," he mutters before he can stop himself. 
Namjoon's eyebrows fly to his forehead, and he appears sympathetic albeit confused. "Yoongi, wait, what do you—"
"I need you to get out," Yoongi says, gripping onto the material of his pajama pants while his gaze falters and he looks instead to the fur covering the bed. "We can discuss things more when your rut is over, but right now, you are clearly not in your right mind, and you are talking nonsense. You shouldn't have come here."
Yoongi expects the room to be drenched in cinnamon and is surprised by the calming wave of heady, lust-laced musk and tangerine that fills his senses. His own arousal blends in, punctuated by pomegranate. 
"Yoongi, please—"
"Namjoon," Yoongi attempts to sound firm, but his voice trembles, "You can't think about me. You can't have feelings for me." Tears well in his eyes, which he closes as he whimpers, "It's not fair."
Before he can stop himself, tears break over his eye line, and he pulls his hands to his face to cover himself, embarrassed and confused and so fucking tired. Namjoon shifts on the bed, and as Yoongi can sense him getting closer, he attempts to twist away, but he is wrapped in a tight embrace that only serves to make him cry harder. 
"Yoongi," Namjoon coos softly, rubbing a hand over Yoongi's damp hair while the other is wrapped tightly around his back, pinning his arms in place. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I'm so sorry."
"It's not fair," Yoongi mutters again. He does not want to explain himself – does not want to admit to the alpha that he has feelings for him – but he cannot hold back. "You can't just say things like that to me. This isn't a game, Namjoon."
"Hey," Namjoon says, leaning back and sliding his hands until both grip his biceps. "Yoongi, look at me."
Yoongi shakes his head, digging his palms into his cheeks in a refusal to let Namjoon see him cry. But then Namjoon asks a soft, "Please," that cuts to his core, and Yoongi spreads his fingers to peer through, regarding Namjoon as little as possible.
"I'm not messing with you," Namjoon says sternly, intently. "I know that it might come as a surprise to you that I have feelings, but…I can't help it."
Yoongi opens his mouth, ready to remind Namjoon that being married to someone means he cannot go around having feelings for every omega he has ritualistic sex with, but Namjoon gives his arms a soft squeeze with brows pinched and mouth falling open, and Yoongi waits for him to speak again. He looks like he knows he should not say whatever he plans to tell Yoongi next, which only raises his anxiety more. 
"Wheein and I…fuck, this is going to make me sound like a fucking asshole."
Yoongi cannot help it, he chuckles – humorless but amused all the same – as he rubs his hands over his cheeks and lets them fall to his lap, saying, "Spit it out."
"Marrying Wheein was a political move," Namjoon says quickly, eyes on the wall behind Yoongi. "And, I don't know…maybe we used to enjoy each other's company, but…"
Yoongi's jaw sets, and he tongues the inside of his mouth. A dizzying mix of mirth and vitriol stir in the air, spicy with no sweetness to be found. "So you think having a baby will patch things up? Wouldn't a divorce be more effective?"
He can tell by the way Namjoon's eyes widen and pierce that he has struck a nerve, and is surprised to find only calming scents coming from the alpha. "It's not that easy, Yoongi," he mutters softly, almost as if he is ashamed. Or, perhaps, resolved. 
"Because you're a political figure," Yoongi responds, rolling his eyes. "Gods forbid the public witnesses their leader create healthy boundaries by filing a divorce. Oh, what will the citizens do if something such as divorce becomes more normalized?"
"I don't want to make a public spectacle of myself, Yoongi," Namjoon says with a hint of a snarl, tainting the air with sharp spice.
"No," Yoongi responds, eyes heavy from crying, shoulders raising defensively as he crosses his arms over his chest. "You would rather invite me here instead and make a quieter spectacle of me. Do you even want a child? Or were you just looking for someone to fuck?"
Namjoon heaves his next exhale and sits up straight, eyes trailing around the room almost as if he does not recognize his surroundings. Then he stands and scoffs, face morphing from incredulous anger to a dull amusement. 
"Yeah," Namjoon says suddenly, getting to his feet and sliding his hands into his pockets. "You're right, I shouldn't have come here. I shouldn't have…told you…" With an exhale and a shake of his head, Namjoon crosses the room and walks out, closing the door softly behind him. 
Yoongi feels sad, overwhelmed, and so terribly amused; all he can do is squeeze a pillow tight to his chest and laugh. 
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For two days, Yoongi stays holed up in the bungalow. He finally takes out his laptop to catch up on a drama he had been watching before, and starts feeling much better, fully coming out of the haze of his heat and physically feeling like he has more energy. 
Today, he decides to go for a swim. The sun is shining bright, and when Jeongguk arrived to drop off lunch forty-ish minutes ago, a hot gust of air came in through the door, inviting Yoongi to dip into the warm pool. 
Yoongi changes into black swim shorts and a black tee, tying his overgrown dark hair into a bun atop his head. He walks to the bathroom to grab a fresh towel, and goes to the door, opening it wide with a smile on his face. To his surprise and chagrin, Wheein is in the pool while Namjoon is laid out on a pool bed, under a wide umbrella, reading a book. 
Hesitance stops Yoongi in his tracks, and he nearly changes his mind and returns to the bungalow when Wheein shouts, "Oh my god, Yoongi! Are you joining us?"
Although Yoongi keeps his gaze on Wheein, he can see Namjoon moving in the peripheral, and he nods, takes a fortifying breath, and closes the bungalow door tight behind him. He walks past Namjoon through a cloud of cinnamon and musk, over to the pool chairs near the far corner, and tosses his towel aside. 
Then he pulls his shirt over his head, wrapping his arms around his torso the moment the garment is flung to the chair, and quickly pads over to the steps, wasting no time getting into the water and squatting low so that it reaches his neck, careful not to let the bite mark on his inner thigh show. 
Wheein bounces over wearing a flashy red bathing suit and large black sunglasses. She has a wide smile plastered to her face, and she opens her arms wide, flinging droplets of water while pulling Yoongi into a tight hug, forcing him to stand up straight. 
"Oh my god, it's so nice to see you again," Wheein says as she pins Yoongi's arms to his sides in a warm embrace. "How was the…you know…ritual?"
"Uh," Yoongi mutters, laughing uncomfortably. 
Wheein releases the hug and takes a step back, lifting her sunglasses to her head. 
"Was it so awkward?" she asks with a curious smile. "Joonie said it was pretty awkward."
Yoongi does his best to school his thoughts and keep his scent as neutral as possible while he chuckles, shrugs, and says, "I guess so, yeah. It was pretty awkward." 
He laughs a little, feeling his cheeks blaze as he adds, "Namjoon was polite and professional," wincing inwardly and wishing he had kept that part off. 
For just a split, fleeting moment, Yoongi thinks Wheein's smile falters. Her gaze flits to Namjoon, and Yoongi wonders what she may be thinking about. But then she turns back to Yoongi looking happy as ever, and says, "I'm so glad to hear that. I really am so happy that you're the one helping us."
Yoongi nods, feeling a swelling of emotions. He does his best to only emit calm and hopes she does not notice the slightly sour hints of pomegranate. Luckily, her lavender is nice and strong, with only faintly-detected hints of bitter patchouli. 
A loud ringing echoes through the space, coming from Namjoon's direction, and Yoongi turns instinctively, watching as he stands – wearing only black swim shorts – cradling his book with a finger holding his place. 
"Break time's over," Namjoon calls before walking off toward the house in all his muscular, tanned glory, and Yoongi swallows a lump as he pulls his gaze away. 
Wheein sighs and wraps her arm over Yoongi's shoulders, pout audible as she says, "I was just about to offer you a glass of wine, but you might be pregnant."
And although Yoongi chuckles and says, "Darn," the fact sinks into his guts like heavy bricks. 
He might be pregnant. 
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For several more days, Yoongi spends his time between watching dramas and swimming. He has learned that Namjoon has begun to transition most of his work duties to be done remotely, from home – presumably to be present during the pregnancy – and that he takes an hour-long lunch break that includes swimming and reading by the pool between 1:30 PM and 2:30 PM. 
Yoongi makes sure to swim no sooner than 3 PM, but no later than 5 PM, just to be safe. That way, if the alpha takes one of his evening runs, it is usually long after Yoongi has returned inside. Most days, he is alone, but Wheein seems to be taking an interest in at least coming outside to say hi and chit-chat. 
On the tenth day after the ritual, Yoongi and Jeongguk drive into the city for a doctor's appointment. And although Jeongguk is kind, funny, and a decent conversationalist, there is a part of Yoongi that wishes Namjoon would be able to play a more active role in all of this. Of course, he cannot, because if the media caught a whiff of the two of them at the appointment, it would cause a stir that Namjoon is trying to avoid.
He and Namjoon have not spoken since the day they had their argument, but Yoongi still wishes his calming alpha scents and familiar, soft voice were present while they sit in the sterile, fluorescent waiting room. He wishes Namjoon could hold his hand tight while he waits on the paper-clad operating table for the doctor to return with his urine and blood sample results. 
When the doctor says, "Congratulations, Min Yoongi-ssi. You're going to be a parent!" Yoongi wishes Namjoon could wrap him in a warm, tight hug. 
Yoongi does not hide the tears that fall when he and Jeongguk return to the car, and he is grateful when the beta quietly drives to an ice cream shop and tells Yoongi, "Anything you want. It's on me." 
He is grateful when he is handed a fish-shaped pastry full of melon soft-serve, and grateful that neither of them speaks the rest of the way to the hanok. At least he can hide away in the bungalow and be alone with his thoughts.
And he nearly gets through the night streaming television blissfully alone, eating his feelings, until, at 11:16 PM, there is a familiar knock at his door.
"Yeah? Come in." Yoongi calls with a sigh, tapping his fingertips to the space key to pause the episode before deciding he may as well just close his laptop and push it aside. 
It has been rather hot the last few days, and Yoongi only wears a pair of light blue briefs and a black tee. When the door opens, he bends his legs and wraps his arms around his knees, resting his head on one knee, facing Namjoon, who walks in and closes the door quietly behind him. 
Namjoon is dressed in grey sweatpants and a white tee, and he appears to hesitate before entering, then approaches the bed. 
"Do you want more furniture?" Namjoon asks, glancing around before having a seat at the end of the bed. "Or are you comfortable here?"
"Is this what you came to ask me about in the middle of the night?" Yoongi responds somewhat groggily. 
"No," Namjoon mutters, surprising Yoongi with a soft smile, emitting warm musk. "I suppose it is not."
Although Namjoon hesitates as he sits on the corner of the bed with his legs pretzeled and his back slumped slightly forward, he also seems much more calm and collected than the last time he was here. Yoongi wonders if he has come to apologize for everything from before, and he braces himself for Namjoon to once again tell him that what had happened was a mistake – a product of his rut and nothing more. 
"I thought I would come by because…well, we both owe one another an apology."
Yoongi snickers but nods, accepting that what he said before was probably not necessary or kind in any way. 
"I also wanted to congratulate you," Namjoon says much softer, gaze finding his.
All at once, Yoongi feels choked up, and he swallows it down, burying his face between his knees for a couple of seconds before changing the way he is sitting to mirror Namjoon, with his legs in a pretzel and his back straight. 
"Congratulations to you two, as well," Yoongi mutters, voice much shakier than he would like. 
Silence hangs, and although it does not feel heavy, Yoongi suddenly wants to curl into a ball and close his eyes to the world. He feels overcome with sadness and a little bit of excitement for the life he carries. 
Unable to hold in his emotions, Yoongi hugs his arms tightly around himself, lets his chin fall to his chest, and heaves out a shaky exhale. He is so tired of crying, but cannot help the tears that build and fall. At this point, he no longer cares if Namjoon sees him like this. 
Namjoon stands and walks to the door, and for a split moment, Yoongi wonders if he is going to leave him. Maybe he thinks coming here was a mistake and he cannot stand watching the omega cry, yet again. 
But Namjoon locks the door and returns to the bed, tilting his head as he quietly asks, "Are you tired? Do you want to lay down?"
Yoongi shakes his head, although it is not entirely true; he is tired. But he is not interested in lying down just yet. Not if Namjoon has more that he wants to say to him. 
"May I?" Namjoon asks, opening his arms and lifting one knee to the bed.
Without allowing himself to overthink it, Yoongi nods. And when Namjoon gets onto the bed behind him with his legs on either side of Yoongi and his arms wrapped around his shoulders, Yoongi sinks into the feeling, breathing in the calming scents that waft from the alpha, and letting his tears fall freely. 
Namjoon is warm, and he holds Yoongi just tightly enough that he feels protected and safe. Although the knowledge of all of this having an end date looms overhead, Yoongi allows himself to pretend that it can be his. 
Gently, Namjoon rakes fingernails over Yoongi's head, making him practically purr from how nice it feels. He has no idea how long they sit tangled together, but Yoongi sniffles and breathes deeply as the tears dry, catching his breath a little more easily. 
"Want to tell me why you're crying?" Namjoon asks, and Yoongi scoffs. 
He practically asks Namjoon why he cares but settles on, "This is all just…a lot."
Namjoon hums and continues to gently scratch at his head, and Yoongi closes his eyes while considering how much he should divulge. Would it be worth it to tell Namjoon that he really has been developing feelings, and that is why he acted so irrationally the last time the alpha was here? He thinks it would, but struggles to find the words. 
Suddenly, the warmth and comfort of Namjoon's embrace feels like too much, and he shrugs away the arm over his shoulders and sits up. Without turning to face the alpha, Yoongi closes his eyes and says, "I do owe you an apology."
Namjoon rubs a hand over Yoongi's back and he flinches slightly, finding himself feeling bothered by how kind he is being despite everything. Or, perhaps, only bothered by how badly he wishes he could have this affection full-time and not just in bursts. 
"I'm sorry for what I said. What goes on under your roof is your business, not mine. But what you said really struck a nerve with me."
Namjoon hums and asks, "Because you don't feel the same way about me, I assume?"
Yoongi's heart pounds heavily as he twists and assesses the soft, daresay caring expression Namjoon regards him with. He frowns and furrows his brow, and all he can respond with is, "What?"
Namjoon sighs, cocks his head to the side, and with a soft smile says, "I meant what I said, you know. And I apologize if that was something that you didn't want or need to hear at the time. I can't imagine how weird it must have been for me to confess my feelings after we have hardly gotten to know each other outside of…well…you know…the ritual."
Yoongi's brain buffers. He struggles to accept any of what Namjoon has just said, and once more, only has the ability to ask, "What?"
This time, Namjoon falters, and he looks confused. "I'm…not sure what was unclear, but—"
Yoongi shakes his head and waves his hands, desperate for Namjoon to shut the fuck up before he incriminates both of their hearts even more. He opens his mouth to argue and insist that Namjoon must only think he has feelings because of the heightened emotion surrounding his rut, but instead, Yoongi blurts, "But I do have feelings for you," taking them both by surprise.
"I mean—" Yoongi says, heavy-blinking and shaking his head as he comes to his senses, "—fuck, why did I say that out loud?"
Namjoon's eyes are wide as disks, and he reaches up, gently cradling Yoongi's face with an expression that oozes affection. Yoongi shakes his head in tiny, quick movements and turns away, shrugging off the hands that touch him. 
"We can't," Yoongi mutters, eyes wide and glued to the black sheet that folds over the edge of the mattress and disappears. He repeats it again, softly, like a mantra. "We can't."
Namjoon's hands rub over the slopes of Yoongi's shoulders and gently tugs him back. And as much as Yoongi wants to resist and shove the alpha away, he allows himself to be wrapped into a back hug. When Namjoon's hot breath sighs against his neck, stirring up a familiar swell of arousal, he squeezes his eyes closed, doing his best to ignore the soft but present heady blend of scents that shroud them.
"We shouldn't," Namjoon responds, voice breathy and a bit distant. "Once with you should be enough."
Yoongi hums and nods. "Once has to be enough."
It is silent save for the pounding of Namjoon's heart against Yoongi's ear, and he begins to drift asleep, half-seated and half-lying when he hears Namjoon ask, soft enough to nearly be a whisper, "But what if it's not?"
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Yoongi wakes up with his face on Namjoon's chest and gasps, scrambling back while holding in the urge to scream. He remembers Namjoon coming in last night but has no memory of the two of them lying down together and falling asleep. 
The movement startles Namjoon awake, who regards him with wide, worried eyes before he huffs out a quiet chuckle and stretches his arms over his head, asking, "What time is it?"
Yoongi feels frantic and afraid, and he looks around for his phone, finding it on the low wooden table and haphazardly dropping to his knees on the floor to grab it. 
"7:02," Yoongi says, turning back to Namjoon to gauge whether or not the alpha is going to be in a lot of shit for not returning to his bed last night.
Namjoon, however, has the fabric of his shirt pinched between two fingers, right near his pec, inspecting a spot in the fabric. He looks at Yoongi with an amused smile and says, "You drool in your sleep. Cute."
"Cu—" Yoongi starts, already tired of this day before it has had a chance to begin. "Shouldn't you get back to your room? You stayed the night!"
Although Namjoon chuckles in response, his eyes are somewhat sad when he says, "We often don't share a bed. It's fine."
"Oh," Yoongi responds, feeling a bit sullen. "But what about Jeongguk? Doesn't he have a key?"
Namjoon holds his arm out across the bed and pats the mattress invitingly. "He does, but he wouldn't come in here without permission if the door is locked. And you can always message and tell him to bring you breakfast later this morning."
Yoongi stands and returns to bed against his better judgment, clutching his phone tight. He supposes he could message Jeongguk. Or he could insist Namjoon get the fuck out of the bungalow and leave him to stew in last night's confessions alone. 
But Namjoon is handsome, warm, and smells like heaven, and he crawls back to the center of the bed and allows himself to be pulled down against his muscular, drool-spotted chest. 
Only, Namjoon rolls them over, flipping Yoongi onto his back while he hovers above, burying his nose against Yoongi's neck and down to his armpit, sniffling like a madman. Yoongi chuckles and shoves Namjoon away, only for the alpha to make more of a show of smelling him. 
"What are you doing?" he complains despite his smile.
"You're addicting," Namjoon groans, nuzzling against Yoongi's neck, tickling him with a faint pass of lips against skin. 
"What?" Yoongi asks through a laugh, jerking his head away. 
Namjoon wraps his arms around Yoongi and yanks him until he is on his side and the two of them are facing one another. He feels somewhat crazed from all the attention – from how grabby the alpha is – and he buries his face between Namjoon's shoulder and the pillow. 
"You smell even better after sweating all night," Namjoon responds in that deep inviting tone that makes Yoongi want to dive into a frozen lake. 
Petulant, Yoongi whines, "Shut the fuck up," earning him a laugh. 
Yoongi feels tired and begins to drift in and out of sleep as he and Namjoon settle into their tangled positions, with Namjoon returning to his back and Yoongi fitting perfectly against his side. 
When he wakes again, Namjoon is slowly sliding from his hold and sitting up in bed. 
"Hmm?" Yoongi grumbles, wiping drool from his face. 
"Gotta get to work," Namjoon says. 
Yoongi rolls onto his back and stretches his limbs out long, then he sits and rolls his shoulders back. He feels deep, empty heaviness as hunger pangs settle like gunpowder in his stomach. 
"I should message Jeongguk," he grumbles, mostly to himself. 
"I already did," Namjoon responds as he crawls out of the foot end of the bed and passes a hand over his dark brown hair. 
It takes a moment for the words to catch up, and Yoongi gasps, asking, "You what?"
"Relax," Namjoon says, rounding the bed and approaching Yoongi's side, taking a seat beside him. His dimples show as he smiles softly, eyes roving Yoongi's face. "He tried the door shortly after you fell back asleep, and I let him know that we were having a private conversation but that I would let him know when to return."
"Oh." It sounds simple enough, Yoongi supposes. "But what if he suspects—"
Namjoon shakes his head and cuts him off. "Don't worry about Jeongguk." 
"Okay," Yoongi mutters, unconvinced.
Before he can say anything more, Namjoon leans and plants a soft kiss to Yoongi's temple, causing the world to screech to a halt. Air gets caught in Yoongi's lungs, and he stares at Namjoon unable to process what just happened. 
"Have a good day, Yoongi. You should come swim at 1:30 today."
Yoongi nods, still dazed. "Oh…okay."
And with that, Namjoon gets up and leaves. Yoongi stares ahead for several minutes, interrupted by a familiar knock, thankful to find the resident beta carrying a tray of omelet and tea. 
As he gets up to sit on one of the yellow-brown cushions, the spot on his head still tingles, and Yoongi finds himself fixated on how soft the alpha's lips are against his skin. 
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Yoongi checks his phone over and over all morning and afternoon in anticipation to go out to the pool. He even gets dressed in his swim shorts and a black tee twenty minutes early and opens the bungalow door a crack to let in some warm afternoon air. 
At 1:30 on the dot, he hears the hanok door open and close, and he gets up from his floor cushion in a rush and scampers into the bathroom for a towel. Then he stops in his tracks in the bathroom and forces himself to breathe deeply in and out. He does not need to walk out into the blazing afternoon sun reeking of desperation, especially if Wheein or Jeongguk are around. 
When Yoongi finally steps out of the bungalow, Namjoon is sitting on the edge of the pool with his feet in the water, wearing only a pair of black shorts while staring ahead, softly kicking his feet. Yoongi's presence makes him look up with a start, and the wide smile that spreads over his lips kicks up Yoongi's pulse, undoing all the calm breathing he had done moments ago. The sight of Namjoon's nude sun-kissed torso alone has his cheeks turning warm.
"Fancy seeing you here," Yoongi grumbles playfully as he tosses his towel to a chair near Namjoon and peels out of his shirt. 
Namjoon anchors himself onto his hands and slides into the pool, going all the way underwater before returning. He is deep enough that the water comes to his pecs, and he waves for Yoongi to get in. Yoongi approaches the deep end and throws his hands over his head to dive in shallowly, just below the surface, sucking in a breath the moment his fingers breach the water, and smiling to himself as he huffs out the lungful of air.
When he stands, Namjoon is wading over to where he is, and he backs up instinctively, bouncing with every step and changing course in a bit of a zig-zag while the alpha approaches. Namjoon has a sharp, mischievous smile, and every one of Yoongi's nerves is on high alert.
"I feel like I'm being stalked by a shark," Yoongi jokes as he makes quick steps backward, only for Namjoon to make wide, swift steps forward. 
"We're canidae, Yoongi," Namjoon teases, "not fish."
Yoongi finds himself cornered, too distracted by the advancing alpha to keep track of where he is going. When Namjoon lunges forward, caging him in with his arms on either side of Yoongi's shoulders, Yoongi screams and laughs – chest heavy and so full of joy. Namjoon steps in close, knocking their knees together as he chuckles deeply, and hits Yoongi with a dizzying scent of heady musk. 
His voice sends a shiver through Yoongi as he says, "Seems I have you cornered, pretty omega."
Unable to hold back from panicking, Yoongi looks between the hanok and Namjoon, waiting for someone to come walking out and find them like this. Finally, while quaking with anxiety, he turns his head to the side and mutters, "What if someone sees us."
Namjoon's arms slip into the pool, and his head disappears underwater for just a moment as he bends and wraps his arms around Yoongi's thighs, lifting him as he stands. Yoongi yelps and instinctively wraps his arms and legs around the alpha, squirming and squealing in his hold. 
"They went on an errand," Namjoon says, dripping wet with his hair in his face, hands rubbing over Yoongi's ass while he presses Yoongi back against the wall. He leans close, speaking directly into Yoongi's ear as he adds, "They won't be back for a few hours."
"N-Namjoon," Yoongi mutters, dazed by the pheromones that ooze from the alpha but also worried about the kinds of lines they may be crossing. "We shouldn't—" he mutters, swallowing a lump. "We can't."
Namjoon rakes his teeth and lips over Yoongi's scent gland, and his body reacts so strongly – quaking and tingling and oozing with musk – he finds himself whimpering and clawing at Namjoon's shoulder. 
"I know it's wrong," Namjoon groans. "But I can't keep my hands off of you."
Blood rushes to Yoongi's cock, and with every hot breath that ghosts over his neck, his hips shiver and rut. He can feel how hard Namjoon is every time one of them moves even the slightest amount, and he plants his hands on Namjoon's shoulders when his desire becomes too overwhelming, attempting to push him away.
"We can't do this out here," Yoongi says, somewhat frantic. "Even if they left, it's too risky."
"Where can we do it?" Namjoon asks, and Yoongi knows he should not invite him back to the bungalow – knows that the only correct answer is nowhere; they cannot do this anywhere, under any circumstances. 
But he swallows thickly and says, "Inside," before he can stop himself, closing his eyes as guilt sloshes around his insides. 
In a swift movement, Yoongi is lifted and placed onto the edge of the pool. He flails, confused by what is happening until his butt meets rough, warm gunite. 
Namjoon's pupils are blown wide, and he grins as he says, "Better run, little omega. If I catch you, I might just eat you."
All at once, Yoongi's anxiety and arousal reach new, horrifying heights, and he scrambles to his feet and runs around the pool to where his towel and shirt are. Namjoon wastes no time hoisting himself from the pool, water pouring from his body as he gets to his feet and stalks Yoongi around the deep end, causing Yoongi to scramble and run in the opposite direction of the bungalow, near the shallow end. 
"Where are you going, pretty Yoongi?" Namjoon teases in a growl, walking just a little faster to where his towel also hangs draped over a nearby chair.
Once the towel is in hand, Namjoon runs toward Yoongi, making him scream from excitement as he darts around the shallow end of the pool and takes off the long way toward the bungalow. Namjoon spins on his heels – closer to the bungalow than the shallow end – and takes chase, making Yoongi feel frantic as he opens the door wide and slams it shut. 
Feeling somewhat guilty about standing on the hardwood floor dripping wet, Yoongi hurriedly towels himself off, staring eagerly at the door, which opens fast and wide, revealing a wet, hungry alpha. 
Namjoon wastes no time closing the door, locking the knob, and crossing the space in two swift steps, wrapping his arms around Yoongi's waist before sinking to his knees. The look in his eyes is dark and full of lust, and Yoongi trembles where he stands, heart beating frantically in his chest. 
"Namjoon, what—" Yoongi begins, watching as the alpha's eyes trail down his naked torso, to the bulge in his shorts, then drift lower, to the bruise on his thigh. He looks sad, and he leans forward and places a soft kiss over the skin. 
Yoongi's eyelids flutter closed at the feeling of Namjoon's mouth pressing into the sensitive spot. He wonders how long a mark like that might stay, and how much harder he would have had to bite in order for it to be a mating mark – on his neck, of course; not his thigh. 
Curiously, Yoongi opens his eyes and begins to inspect Namjoon's shoulders and neck for his mating mark. When he finds nothing on either side, he dances his fingertips over the skin beside Namjoon's throat, absentmindedly muttering, "You don't have one."
Confusion stirs in Namjoon's lifted gaze before recognition settles. He scoffs and shakes his head, and then – with a sadness in his eyes – says, "I told you…we're not in love."
Even in today's society, with things being done in less traditional ways, the one act that people still hold onto is mating marks. They say the bond between mated pairs is less intense than it once was, and it is even common to meet younger folks with marks who are single, and folks with more than one. But not marking at all, after years of marriage, is practically unheard of. Especially for a traditionalist like Namjoon, who will not even have a surrogate carry his child in vitro. 
Yoongi feels sad at the thought of Namjoon being in a loveless marriage all these years, and he rubs his fingertips over the alpha's cheek before sitting down on the edge of the bed, bringing the two of them closer to being eye-level. 
"What are we going to do?" Yoongi mumbles, unsure what precisely he is asking for, or what Namjoon can even say.
"I don't know," Namjoon responds. "Let's just…take it one day at a time."
Yoongi nods, feeling affection burst and bloom behind his ribs. And when Namjoon sits high on his knees and says, "Turn around, I want to taste you," Yoongi does not think twice. 
Namjoon peels away Yoongi's soaked shorts and tosses them aside, groaning as he spreads him with both hands and licks over his slick entrance, causing Yoongi to sink forward into the mattress, legs hanging off the edge of the bed, completely enraptured in bliss. For a split moment, Yoongi questions whether he should stop this, but he does not dare; not when Namjoon makes him feel so good. 
Namjoon is slow and steady as he eats Yoongi out, twisting fingers inside him while his tongue and lips lap and swirl and suck. 
"Tastes so good," he says intermittently, making Yoongi's tummy do a backflip. "I haven't been able to stop thinking about this."
Yoongi sees stars when Namjoon flips him over and takes his cock deep into his throat, gagging himself while sucking eagerly, pulling Yoongi's release from him in an unfurling of time and space that has his body suspended in pleasure and intoxicating desire. He sobs and whimpers as he cums down Namjoon's throat, gripping tightly to his wet hair while his body trembles and quakes. 
And when the shrill alarm on the alpha's phone blares just in time, letting him know his lunch break is over, Yoongi feels satisfied as Namjoon plants a soft kiss to his temple and leaves the bungalow in as much of a flurry as he arrived. 
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Some nights, Namjoon sneaks into the bungalow nice and late to fuck Yoongi until he cries, always pulling out before he knots, sometimes only using his hands and mouth to make him completely fall apart. 
"I thought about you all day," Namjoon always says as his fingers dig into soft skin, and he takes and takes, pulling pleasure from Yoongi as if it is his lifeblood – always greedy, always reverent. 
Other nights, Namjoon comes by just to hold him and talk with him about remedial stuff. What music they like, what movies they have recently seen, any memorable events that have happened since high school. The more Yoongi gets to know the alpha, the more he finds himself falling for him, and although the heated nights are his favorites, he cherishes these softer moments – holds them close to his heart. 
Namjoon arrives some days with his tray of lunch and tea instead of Jeongguk, always quick to check Yoongi's forehead and ask how he feels. Most days, when Yoongi joins Namjoon poolside, nobody else is around, and they can speak and giggle softly while Yoongi wades against the wall with his arms on the gunite floor, and Namjoon sits in his chair, holding onto the same book he has hardly made progress on for weeks. 
The two of them have taken to licking over one another's scent glands, but they have never kissed on the mouth. There seems to be an unspoken boundary that neither of them is willing to cross, and Yoongi thinks it is probably best, this way. Kissing is too intimate, he tells himself, knowing in his heart that so many other moments between them are, as well. Kissing, he decides, is too sacred.
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Tonight, Yoongi lays on Namjoon's chest, both naked while the alpha combs his fingers through his hair, on the edge of sleep but eager to stay awake a little longer just to bask in his presence. His tummy is still flat, but he can feel his body changing; he has even begun to get sick some mornings. 
Nights like these, laying in Namjoon's arms, are a perfect way to end otherwise tempestuous days.  
"You know…" Namjoon mutters against the crown of Yoongi's head, and Yoongi hums in response. "We never signed that contract."
Yoongi chuckles and pulls Namjoon closer, nuzzling his head against his sweaty bare pec. "I know. I think about it sometimes."
"Remember the argument we had, when you were still in the main house?" Namjoon asks, and Yoongi buries his face against him and laughs. 
"Oh, gods, don't remind me."
"You insulted me as an alpha," Namjoon chuckles, holding Yoongi tighter, "and then I stormed in there and you…were you turned on, or something? I swear, I could smell it; you made me dizzy."
With a whiny, embarrassed groan, Yoongi shoves at Namjoon, attempting to roll away, only for his alpha to wrap his arms tight around his back and pull him close. 
"You looked so fucking hot when you were angry," Yoongi mutters, feeling his cheeks warm.
Namjoon laughs some more, and Yoongi flails, indignant and slapping the alpha's chest with open palms while laughing, as well – hands striking only hard enough to make Namjoon take him by the wrists, roll him over, and pin him down.
"Is this what you wanted me to do to you?" Namjoon growls when he gets Yoongi onto his back with his arms held beside his head, pinning him to the mattress while he kisses his neck, his clavicle, his chest, going lower and lower until the grip on his wrists falls away. 
"Gods, yes," Yoongi whimpers as arousal and excitement pool and slosh inside him, pouring out in a heady musk, inviting Namjoon to do anything he wants. 
Namjoon growls as he nips and kisses Yoongi's tummy, to his hip bone, which is always so ticklish, making Yoongi squirm. Ordinarily, the alpha would spread his legs wide and lift his hips, bending him in half to taste his slick. But tonight, Namjoon stops right at his belly button, lips gently pressed into his skin, and he stares at Yoongi as if lost in thought. 
Yoongi lifts his head to find Namjoon cradling his tummy while slowly planting kisses against it, and he anchors himself on his elbows as he asks, "Everything alright?"
With a heavy blink, Namjoon nods and lifts his head to smile, but there is a sadness lingering in his eyes, and Yoongi sits up further, reaching down to rub the backs of his fingers over Namjoon's cheek. 
"What is it?" Yoongi asks, and Namjoon gets up onto his hands and knees and hovers over Yoongi, caging him in with his head just above his chest. 
"Have you ever wanted to raise a child?" Namjoon asks, and Yoongi freezes, feeling the air slowly get sucked from his lungs. 
Truth be told, no. He has not. 
"I don't…know…" Yoongi tries, worried about being too honest; worried that if he says no, Namjoon may no longer want him. 
Namjoon watches him for a quiet moment, then kisses his chest and lower, down to his belly, hips, and thighs, soft and slow. When he finally rolls Yoongi around and pulls him onto his knees, thighs spread wide, he is unhurried, taking his time building Yoongi up and pushing him over the edge, again and again, until he is overstimulated and begging Namjoon to stop. 
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The night before his eight-week checkup, Yoongi is frantic and hormonal, desperate for Namjoon to knot him and make him scream. Namjoon hesitates at first, clearly scared of hurting Yoongi, but he begs on his hands and knees, choking down Namjoon's thick length until it is achingly hard and ready for him. 
Namjoon props a pillow under Yoongi's ass and fucks him rough – hard and fast like the first night, fingers and mouth possessive and harsh against his soft skin. Although Yoongi has not begun to show, Namjoon is careful of his tummy, keeping his hands on his hips, thighs, pecs, and throat. 
The punishing pace of Namjoon's hips has Yoongi swaying and whimpering deliriously while his body is slightly arched, head digging back against a pillow. Namjoon always fucks Yoongi like each time could be the last, but he seems to hold back, never squeezing too hard or thrusting too fast. Tonight, Yoongi needs it. He begs and pleads until Namjoon gives it to him so good that he can only whimper and sob, crazed and practically non-verbal.
"Gonna cum, pretty," Namjoon grunts, hips stuttering. "Are you sure you can take it?"
Yoongi nods frantically before muttering, "Please," barely able to get the word out. 
One large, warm hand travels over Yoongi's side, up to his neck, and around to the back of his head, gripping a fistful of hair. Namjoon lifts Yoongi's neck, pulling him upward, and Yoongi nods somewhat maniacally, on the verge of cuming and so dreadfully entranced by the sight of his alpha. 
"I'm gonna—" Namjoon grunts, squeezing his eyes closed before opening them wide, brow knitting desperately. "Fuck, Yoongi, I'm gonna—"
Namjoon bows his back, sweat glistening down his neck, chest, and stomach. He groans and heaves out quick bursts of air, and then he bends forward, filling Yoongi with his hot release – spurt after spurt, mixing with all the slick, which Yoongi can feel dripping from him. 
And then, the knot begins, and immediately, it is so overwhelming, Yoongi starts to scramble and squeal, squeezing his eyes closed while he breathes heavy and fast. Tears break, and just when he thinks he cannot take anymore, Namjoon grips onto his hard, leaking cock, rolling his palm over the head. 
"Fuck, yes!" Yoongi screams as his orgasm rolls through him like molten lava in his veins, and he trembles and sobs, convulsing in Namjoon's hold, bending further forward as his release sprays over his tummy. 
Namjoon's knot continues growing, and as Yoongi's high begins to subside, oversensitivity sets in, causing him to panic; feeling amazing in the worst way possible. 
Namjoon looks maniacal as he leans forward, wraps his arms around Yoongi's back, and growls, "Bite me."
"Wh—what?" Yoongi asks, dazed and dizzy and being torn asunder. 
The scent Namjoon emits is so cloyingly sweet and thick on Yoongi's tongue that he finds himself chasing it – leaning forward, suspended by Namjoon, who aids in pulling him close. Yoongi opens his mouth and grazes his lips over the alpha's neck but hesitates. He wants to bite him so badly, but that would be an act of staking claim on him, and he is not sure that he can do it. 
A scream rips through Yoongi as the knot continues to expand, and he buries his face in the junction between Namjoon's shoulder and neck, attempting to muffle the sound. Namjoon grips onto Yoongi's hair tight with his fist and holds him against his salty sweat-slick skin. 
"Bite me, omega," he insists. 
The pain reaches its peak, and Yoongi whimpers, trembling and frantic. He knows that he has to bite in order to stave off the pain. He cannot hold back any longer.
With a pitchy roar, Yoongi opens his mouth wide, closes over Namjoon's scent gland, and clamps down hard. All at once, a burst of euphoria floods into his mouth and fills his chest and head with a warm rush of calm and affection. Yoongi continues to bite, breaking skin and tasting blood, all the while Namjoon holds him in place, trembling and growling against him – clinging on like a lifeline. 
But he feels incomplete. Yoongi's body is suspended between heaven and hell, full and connected and sated, but he feels like something is missing. 
"Need you to bite me too," Yoongi sobs, licking Namjoon's blood from his own lips. Tears pour from his eyes as his body shimmers and flows with a bliss he has never known possible. He hardly recognizes his voice as he begs for it. "Namjoon, please!" 
"Are you sure?" Namjoon asks, teeth chattering against Yoongi's neck; when did Namjoon's face become buried in his neck?
Yoongi nods and claws at Namjoon's shoulders and back, feebly attempting to pull him close. And when Namjoon sinks his teeth in, Yoongi snaps. 
White and splotchy black is all Yoongi can see as he screams and trembles and writhes, caught on his alpha's knot with his scent gland pierced by teeth. Arousal surges through him in a frenzy he hardly comprehends, and he cums untouched, spurting his release against both their bodies. Never has he felt so electric before as shockwaves of pleasure roll through every inch of him.
In a blink, Yoongi is laying flat on his back with his limbs spread wide, and Namjoon is dragging soft kisses over his neck and chin, muttering incomprehensibly as the pain of the knot dulls and he begins to return to his senses. 
Yoongi lifts his heavy, trembling arms and grabs Namjoon by the chin, capturing his mouth in an eager clash of lips and teeth. When he opens his mouth for Namjoon to lick hungrily inside, the taste of their blood comingles before fading away to something sweeter and more delicate; something innately Namjoon. 
"Should we have done that?" Yoongi asks against Namjoon's lips as he begins to fade and fall asleep. "Was that a mistake?"
"I don't care," Namjoon mutters against his chin, draping his heavy warm body over Yoongi, getting comfortable enough to wait for the knot to deflate. "All I want is you. It feels right; I don't care if it's wrong."
As sleep claims Yoongi, he almost allows himself to mutter confessions of love, stopping himself just in time. 
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The ride into the city has Yoongi on edge, and he does his best to mask his scent, but it is impossible. He knows he must stink like Namjoon, as well, making the trip excruciatingly nerve-racking. Wheein insisted on driving Yoongi to his appointment. 
"If the media finds out, we're old high school friends, so it wouldn't be weird for me to accompany you," she says reassuringly. "I'm too excited to wait; I want to have a glance at our little baby."
If Wheein notices anything about Yoongi's aroma – his sharp, distressed pomegranate and the heady alpha musk that lingers on his skin – she says nothing. Although her own earthy patchouli gives her anxiety away, her voice is friendly, and she appears eager to be helpful. 
The waiting room is dauntingly bright, and the doctor's office feels suffocating. Yoongi keeps his hoodie on, covering the bite mark on his neck. When he adjusts his shirt and pants for the doctor to perform an ultrasound, he closes his eyes. The lubricant and metal paddles are cold on his skin, and everything about this situation is so overwhelming, he feels the urge to cry. 
A soft, warm hand takes his, and all at once, lavender hits his senses, and he lets out a deep sigh. Being comforted by Wheein only makes him feel worse, but at least his tears are warranted; seeing your baby for the first time is emotional, after all. 
Once he opens his eyes and looks at the screen, a little black blob comes into view, looking like nothing more than a giant bean. And then the paddle works over Yoongi's stomach, pressing in hard, and all at once, he hears it – the heartbeat. 
"Wow, just look at that," Wheein says, and Yoongi nods then sniffles as hot tears pour down his cheeks. 
There it is – the little life that he and Namjoon have made. A giant bean with a heartbeat. A living, breathing piece of the two of them.
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Neither Namjoon nor Yoongi swims for the rest of the summer. The bite marks on their necks never fully heal, and the one Yoongi wears bursts with deep blues, reds, and purples – bruised in the shape of each of Namjoon's teeth. Whenever he runs his fingertips over it, warmth and affection blooms, covering him like a shroud. 
But when Namjoon drags his mouth over it, oh the feeling is horrific – good in ways that should not be physically allowed. Arousal bursts through Yoongi like an electric current, running at frequencies too high to control. Just a pass of lips over skin has his cock hard and leaking in his pants – has him on his knees begging for the alpha to cum down his throat and make a fucking mess of him. 
As Yoongi's tummy grows, his appetite for pleasure is insatiable. Namjoon spends far too much time in the bungalow for their relationship to go undetected, and Yoongi fears for the worst once the baby is born. He fears Wheein's wrath somehow, though he is not sure what to even expect from someone like her. 
Will Namjoon get a divorce? Will Yoongi move out and allow their relationship to fizzle? Will he sit on the sidelines pretending nothing ever happened while an unhappy couple raises his baby as their own?
Most days and nights, Yoongi does not want to ask the hard questions. He only wants to take it one day at a time, as Namjoon suggested. And when Jeongguk drives him to and from the doctor appointments, they always end in tears and ice cream before he is brought back to his temporary home.
Yoongi does not dare tell Namjoon that he loves him. But sometimes, he thinks Namjoon knows. A soft, candid glance here and there, and the way he holds him as he uses his hands and mouth to make him cum – close, affectionate, delicate. Namjoon oozes knowing and understanding, even if he is also too afraid to voice it. 
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When Namjoon arrives with a wide smile and a grocery bag of Yoongi's favorite snacks, Yoongi is sprawled on the floor cushions, staring at the ceiling. He groans as he somewhat sits up, body stretched and heavy, feeling the familiar swell of love that aches deep inside him at the sight of his alpha. 
"How are you feeling, pretty?" Namjoon asks as he crosses the room and sits on his knees, discarding the bag on the nearby low table. 
He wears turtlenecks now, usually black like the one he has on today, tucked into grey slacks. Namjoon hovers over Yoongi, caging him in with his arms and legs, leaning in for a chaste, soft kiss. It always takes Yoongi by surprise when they kiss, and he sighs into the feeling, lifting a hand to card through Namjoon's freshly cut, short dark brown hair. Namjoon groans against his lips as Yoongi drags blunt fingertips against his scalp. 
"I feel good," Yoongi finally answers as Namjoon backs up only enough for them to see one another. "Better now that you're here."
"Corny," Namjoon teases with a scrunch of his nose, despite the tangy-sweet tangerine he emits. 
Yoongi pouts. "It's true."
They hover like this for a while, inspecting one another up close with soft smiles and knowing glances. Words hang around them left unsaid, palpable in the air, and Yoongi wonders when he will find the nerve to just voice everything that builds in his lungs and throat, suffocating in the way his feelings cling.
"Namjoon," he tries tentatively, cringing with the way his voice trembles. 
The alpha's gaze softens – something Yoongi would not have thought possible, given how he was already looking at him – and Yoongi takes a fortifying breath and, barely above a whisper, says, "I'm scared."
Although Namjoon says nothing, there is recognition in his eyes. He sits up, then stands, and reaches his hands out to help Yoongi onto his feet. Although it is a bit of a task now for Yoongi to move his body around quickly, Namjoon makes it seem so easy, cradling and lifting him, holding him until he is stable. Then they walk the two steps to the bed, and Namjoon sits, getting into the middle with his legs spread and knees bent, patting the spot in front of him. 
Yoongi gets on his knees and moseys over, plopping down with his legs bent to the side, facing Namjoon. Clearly dissatisfied with the space between them, Namjoon scoots forward until one leg is beside Yoongi and the other is draped over his ankles. 
"Talk to me," Namjoon says. 
"After the baby is born—" Yoongi begins, but he chokes on a sob. His chest rattles and he does not think he can say what is on his mind. 
Namjoon scoots closer and pulls Yoongi into a hug, tugging him forward until he is resting against the alpha's chest, listening to his heartbeat. Silence hangs, and Yoongi lets tears fall but swallows back every urge to fully bawl. 
"I just…" he tries again, swallowing and sniffling and closing his eyes tight. "Once I'm done here…once I return home, we…we won't—"
"Shh," Namjoon whispers, holding Yoongi close, emitting musky citrus. "I suppose we do need to talk about this, don't we? I don't want you to be so afraid."
"What if I never see you again?" Yoongi sobs, unable to hold back, clenching the black material of Namjoon's shirt in his fist, desperate to never let him go again. "What if you just carry on as if none of this ever happened?"
"Yoongi—" Namjoon tries, backing up as if attempting to look at him.
But Yoongi holds him close as anguish rattles through him. "You said I shouldn't come around to see the baby. You said it would be bad for the media to know about me. So once I'm gone that's it, that's—"
"Hey, hey, Yoongi," Namjoon says, hugging him nice and tight, squishing Yoongi's face into his chest. "We didn't sign the contract. We're not…legally required to do anything, alright? I'll…we'll figure something out."
"You're married," Yoongi sobs, grinding his face against Namjoon's chest while air heaves from his lungs – burns behind his ribs. "You're married and once I leave, your life will go back to normal. Remember long ago, when you told me, 'We can’t choose our circumstances, but we can do our best with what we are given'? Well, I didn't choose to fall for you, and now I'm…now I'm gonna lose you and I…Oh gods, I'm gonna lose you."
"You remember me saying that?" Namjoon asks softly, hug loosening but not letting go. "That was years ago." 
Yoongi sniffles and sits up, eyes raw and heavy. When he releases his grasp on Namjoon's shirt, his palm is sweaty, and the material is wrinkled. 
"Of course I remember that," he mutters, rubbing his eyes with the backs of his hands. "You were nice to me when nobody else was. I could never forget that." 
This time, the silence that hangs feels oppressive, but Yoongi does not know what more there is to say. And his body betrays him with intense cravings and hunger that need to be addressed. 
"What did you bring me?" he asks, looking over his shoulder as he sniffles, to the bag on the table that sits sideways, spilling with snacks and a pack of apples. 
"Some of your favorites," Namjoon responds, rubbing his palms up and down Yoongi's arms.
Yoongi wriggles around and scrambles onto his feet, hobbling over to the table. In addition to being a round, heavy baby conduit, he feels emotionally off-kilter. Spiritually, even. 
He bends a moment and groans, finding the bag just out of reach. But before he can complain or ask for help, Namjoon is behind him – warm palm against the small of his back and reaching around him for the bag. When it is lifted to Yoongi, Namjoon stays close, wrapping him in a back hug and resting his chin on Yoongi's shoulder. 
"Was the fact that I was nice to you the only reason you remembered what I said?" Namjoon asks, gently rubbing his lips over the mark on the junction of Yoongi's shoulder and neck.
Yoongi's eyelids flutter closed, and he shakes his head, gripping the grocery bag handles tight while his body sways with affection. 
"I never forgot what you said because, after that moment, I couldn't stop thinking about you."
"Oh?" Namjoon asks, surprise in his tone. 
Yoongi nods. "You were so…handsome. So considerate. And you smelled…" he trails off and smiles at the thought of Namjoon scaring off his bullies so many years ago. "...amazing."
"So all this time…" Namjoon trails off with a chuckle. "I could have had you in my arms all these years, and I had no idea."
Myriad emotions kick up in Yoongi's guts, with frustration and worry at the forefront. "I could have known what it feels like to be loved by you," he says as his eyelids flutter shut and tears continue to build and fall. 
When he feels the tug of the grocery bag handles, Yoongi releases, allowing it to be taken away. He hears Namjoon set it on the bed, feeling his body shuffle and twist behind him. Namjoon takes Yoongi by the shoulders and spins him around, pulling him close, so their tummies touch. 
"My silly little omega," Namjoon teases as he thumbs at Yoongi's tears. 
Yoongi opens his eyes to find his alpha smiling soft and wide, and he feels his heart crack just a little deeper, leaving his chest in the form of a huff. 
"You already do know what it feels like to be loved by me," Namjoon says. 
With a knuckle, Namjoon softly lifts Yoongi's chin. As he slots their lips together, Namjoon smiles, eyes still open, which Yoongi stares into despite being so close they are smudges in the form of deep brown discs.
"Handling our…situation…" Namjoon says, trailing off to press kiss after soft kiss against Yoongi's lips, "it won't be easy." Another kiss, and Yoongi's cheeks begin to burn. "But I don't want to lose you. And as much as Wheein will hate losing the big house and man-servant she did not earn, I'm sure she'll be fine. Maybe her family can marry her off to someone who actually loves her, this time."
"You don't want to be made a spectacle of," Yoongi responds somewhat indignantly. Namjoon's considerations do assuage some of his fears, but he remembers conversations they had months ago, and he has a hard time believing that Namjoon has had a complete change of heart, already. After all, Namjoon has the most to lose. The adversity he could face is nothing compared to what Yoongi might experience.
Namjoon shrugs. "My term ends next year. Perhaps I won't run again."
At this, Yoongi frowns. Although he and Namjoon have not spoken too extensively about his profession, he has come to learn that the alpha enjoys being a public servant, and that the work he does makes a positive impact. There should be more leaders like Namjoon.
"We'll take it one day at a time," Namjoon says, planting a kiss on the tip of Yoongi's nose, which Yoongi scrunches as he turns his face away; he does not need Namjoon kissing his snot and tears. "You made a good point, before; perhaps setting a positive example about boundaries and divorce is something I can help normalize."
"And if the public shames you?" Yoongi asks, unconvinced that Namjoon has given the situation enough consideration. 
Namjoon releases the hug and plops back down on the bed, reaching for the bag and dumping its contents onto the mattress. Yoongi's stomach loudly growls at the sight of shrimp chips, and he sits on the other side of the pile, reaching for his prize. 
"I'll worry about my image," Namjoon responds, grabbing an apple. "You just worry about bringing a healthy baby into the world. And if you feel uncertain about raising them, we can always hire a nanny. Maybe Jeongguk is good with children."
Yoongi chuckles and opens the bag of shrimp chips with a smile. He imagines a life back in the hanok – in a home with more than two rooms. A nice, open building with more than one window. And although it seems like too big of a situation to be hopeful about, he allows himself to dream, just a little. 
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The morning Yoongi wakes to his water breaking, he is in the bungalow alone. 
Yoongi struggles to sit up in bed, anchoring his palms against the mattress as he lifts his chest and stomach upward, sighing heavily. His cell phone is on the mattress, and he presses the power button on, revealing that it is 6:13 AM. 
His thumbs are swollen and slow as he opens his contacts and finds Namjoon's name. The alpha answers on the second ring. 
"Yoongi?" he asks, voice groggy on the line. He chose to stay in the hanok last night because he had a really early morning and did not want to have to wake Yoongi…a lot of good that did. 
"My water broke," Yoongi croaks, voice rough from disuse. 
Yoongi hears a gasp, followed by the line going dead, and he chuckles softly, shaking his head. He can only imagine the panicked expression on Namjoon as he tears clumsily through the home to alert Jeongguk and make sure their bag is packed and ready to go – despite having checked it several times in the past few weeks. 
The plan had been for Jeongguk to drive Yoongi to the hospital and be at his side, and Yoongi is surprised when Namjoon pulls the door open wide. His short dark hair is disheveled, possibly from pulling on the black hoodie he wears over grey slacks. He has a mask around his chin and sunglasses tucked into the front of his sweater, and Yoongi wonders if he plans on joining him, incognito. 
Before Yoongi has a chance to get to his feet, Namjoon is by his side, arm around his waist, pulling him to stand. Calming citrus musk fills the space, and Yoongi's heart pounds excitedly in his chest. 
"Alright, pretty Yoongi," Namjoon says as they begin walking toward the door to where Jeongguk waits in a black sweater and matching joggers, holding a duffle bag in one hand and a set of car keys in the other. "Let's go deliver our baby."
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the enddddd!!! ahhhhhh!!! i know this may be too open of an ending for some people's liking, but as mentioned, i literally ran out of space. the fest had a limitation of 40k. sorry, friends lmao. they live happily ever after, okay??? we love to see it. the end. 😍
thank you so much for reading!!! reblogs and comments are the lifeblood of this hellsite and likes are appreciated too!!! i love you!!!
tags: @codeinebelle @dasexydevitt13@giriiboyy@mgthecat​ @moonleeai@m1sss1mp@spookyminyunki @sumzysworld @yoongoboongo0
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One Day at a Time is copyright 2023 theharrowing, all rights reserved. 
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toomuchracket · 1 year
also thinking abt d word and him and girlie sharing wardrobes 😊
stop it omg. he steals your dressing gown at every opportunity, literally takes it on tour with him, because "it's cosy and it smells like you, sweetheart, it makes me feel safe". you steal his t-shirts a lot - the beige (aka toomuchracket pfp hehehe meta!!) one and the green ramones one are basically yours at this point - and, as much as it pains him cos he likes wearing it, he leaves you the blue nike hoodie for comfort whenever he has to go away (and he gets all gooey when you ft him and you're wearing it).
actually, i also think there was one instance where you ended up sharing clothes before you were a thing at all. naturally, you were in nyc for atvb, and the strap of your top broke right before the afterparty so you didn't have time to run and buy something else; god bless patricia villirillo, though, who was like "it's chill we'll sort something out", and literally went into the case with all of matty's stage outfits to steal a white shirt. and she was like "this will look SO GOOD with that miniskirt you have on. and he won't care that we're stealing it lol" - she was right about the first bit, it did look fucking great unbuttoned to just below your bra line and tucked into the skirt, but she was DEAD wrong about the second bit. as soon as you got into the party, matty was like "holy shit you look amazing. the shirt is so cool" and you (blushing) were like "thanks lol um it's actually yours. my top broke and patti said i should wear it. don't worry, though, i'll get it cleaned before i give it back lmao it's got my perfume on it now"; matty's literally having to cling to the bar to stop his knees giving way and his brain going delulu at the fact you're wearing his clothes, but he manages to smile and say "well, you look better in it than i do, darlin'. i'd tell you to keep it, but i actually do need it back for shows lol. you don't have to get it cleaned, though, patti'll sort it. besides, i like your perfume a lot - wouldn't mind doing a show covered in it, to be honest". and then someone (prob george) drags him off before you can reply - matty winks and says "i'll find you later for a drink, darlin'" as he goes - leaving you blushing at the bar in slight shock lol <3
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paper-starz · 1 year
/ay itsa me, a idiot that uses Dotty's acc.
/so I was wondering..
/cross over between Seven Sins and Self-aware Swap? Like. What could go wrong? A hand full of self aware puppets, and a handful of literal demons, in which a few have REALLY weird powers.
/Barnaby's ability is so useless that I love it.
YEESSSSSSSSSS!!! I can already see the interactions.....
The Julies
SAS!Julie (smiling through clenched teeth) Thanks.... I did it myself...
(They are both very neutral towards each other. 7S! Julie tries to be friends, but SAS!Julie is a bit defensive...)
The Barnabys
SAS!Barnaby: Oh hey who are- WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR LEGS?????!!!!
7S!Barnaby: Relax man, I'm fi--
(They are both friendly with each other. Both bonding because of their love of jokes... especially the dark ones that SAS!Barnaby tends to make at times.)
The Franks
SAS!Frank: What are you supposed to be...?
7S!Frank: A demon of course! Specifically pride (starts explaining demon hierarchy/ history)
SAS!Frank: (Starts writing EVERYTHING down) Yes! This could be useful for my theories!
7S!Frank: ...Theories?
(They are both friendly with each other. They both share a love of butterflies and they both love infodumping all the research that they have collected. I see 7S!Frank listening to all of SAS!Frank's wacky theories.)
The Eddies
SAS!Eddie: I like your tie
7S!Eddie: Thank you! I like your scar! Makes you look super cool!
SAS!Eddie: Thank you! I got it from Home!
7S!Eddie: W...What?
(They are both VERY friendly with each other. I see both of them loving to chill and hang out with each other. Though, sometimes SAS!Eddie does say something something INCREDIBLY concerning once in a while)
The Poppys
7S!Poppy: Oh my! That smells delicious!
SAS!Poppy: Thank you!
7S!Poppy: We must share recipies!
(They are both friendly towards each other. They like to swap recipes once in a while, maybe even drink tea together. XD. I see them as two old lady friends who gossip.)
The Sallys
SAS!Sally: (Literally just existing)
7S!Sally: Ugh... STOP SHOWING OFF!
(They don't get along well at all. Mostly because 7S!Sally seems to be jealous of her counterparts... well, everything! 7S!Sally does not realize that SAS!Sally needs to be perfect though...)
The Howdys
7S!Howdy: Where the HELL is my counterpart?!
SAS!Howdy: (hiding because he is WAY too scared to even meet the guy).
(They DO NOT get along well. 7S!Howdy thinks his counterpart is pathetic and cowardly, while SAS!Howdy thinks his counterpart is greedy and mean. Also! HE'S. A. DEMON! YOU SHOULD NEVER TRUST THEM!!!!)
The Wallys
7S!Wally: Wanna see a magic trick?
SAS!Wally: Of course!
7S!Wally: WATCH THIS-- (sets a tree on fire)
SAS!Wally: Wow! So pretty! I wanna touch it!
(Both are friendly towards each other! SAS!Wally has lots of things to learn about when he's with his counterpart! 7S!Wally just likes to cause chaos while SAS!Wally tags along.)
The H O M E S
SAS!Home: I LOVE your Wally! He's so cute!
7S!Home: Yes, he is quit-- WHAT IN GOD'S ACTUAL NAME???
SAS!Home: Is... Something wrong?
SAS!Home: Torture... Oh! Hehehe! I guess you could say I run my own special kind of hell over here!
7S!Home (absolutely mortified): And here I thought it was impossible to meet someone as scary as me....
(Both are neutral to each other. SAS!Home is pacified as long as 7S!Home doesn't tell Wally the truth. 7S!Home is both impressed and horrified at Home. Sure, 7S!Home is the literal Lucifer in this AU... but he tortures BAD GUYS! THE ABSOLUTES SCUMS ON THE PLANET. Not... these poor puppets.)
I also see some other interactions like:
7S!Howdy: (talking to SAS!Wally) Pfft! How is my counterpart afraid of you? You're practically harmless!
SAS!Home: (looms over in the back)
7S!Howdy: Anddddd there's the harm.
SAS!Frank: (talking to 7S!Wally) Wow! And what are your special powers?
7S!Wally: Oh! Fire!
SAS!Frank: Oh, do show me!
7S!Wally: I would... but I have nowhere to practice on.
SAS!Frank (points at SAS!Home): There's something you practice on!
(7 Sins Au belongs to @dottyorange!)
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