#Hedonites of Slaanesh
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voxbelicosa · 5 months ago
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Keeper of Secrets - sketchbook
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random-fandom-writah · 4 months ago
The Essengast
Of all the misconceptions common among those trusted with knowledge of the Great Enemy, the idea that the Prince of Pleasure is limited to sexual deviance is one that must be dispelled It is the master of pleasure and excess in all forms. There are numerous examples of other senses, feelings, and emotions being weaponized. Most prominent among them may be the Noise Marines of the Emperor's Children, twisted heretical Astartes who blast the holy warriors of the Emperor with sonic cannons.
Lesser known, the corpse-eating court of Malcarum, the Essengast. They began as a hunting lodge of affluent nobles, searching the wilderness of the pleasure world for rare game creatures and bragging around great fires as servants prepared a banquet following each hunt.
Eventually, war came to the system. Malcarum was forced to industrialize quickly. Great hive cities rose, poisoning the water, polluting the atmosphere, and collapsing the ecosystem.
But the hunts continued.
First, it was the megafauna of the underhives, sump-kroks, and spiders the size of tanks. Then, the mutants, the parodies of humanity that fled down-hive rather than accept judgment. Eventually, the lower hives became the hunting ground. They began to hunt the people of Malcarum.
Somewhere along the line, the banquets stopped being enough for them. They would eat until they were forced to purge, then eat some more. Then, the purging slowly vanished. Now, they never had quite enough. They would still be hungry when the embers smoldered in the pits. The hunger continued, compounding until they felt on the brink of starvation, nothing able to satisfy their excessive appetites. They began to kill indiscriminately, consuming the flesh of their victims without pause. Reports indicate they stopped intentionally killing altogether, preferring to track their prey and devour them alive wherever they fell.
The Sisters of the Vermillion Flame are said to have led the cleansing of Malcarum. By then, the nobles had devolved into mobs of twisted ghouls, their pale, corpse-like flesh stretched taut over their emaciated frames, their bones growing disproportionate to their bodies, spines erupting through the skin.
Their apparent extinction has not stopped the reports of small, bestial humanoids attacking people across the sector, though no substantial proof has ever been offered up.
I wrote this as a bit of justification to incorporate a handful of Flesheater Courts models into my fledgling Slaanesh Daemon army. I wanted to go for a bit of a cryptid feel, but I think I lost the plot a bit and missed the mark on that one.
If you like this story and want to create them yourself, great news! They're really simple. Just take Flesheater Court Ghouls, raise them slightly off the base (for height, they're slightly shorter than daemonettes), and paint them as if they were Slaanesh Daemons. If you're feeling really fancy, mix up a little green stuff, stand them up straight(ish), and sculpt in a distended stomach as if they've been eating recently and haven't digested anything yet. I'm trying to use Wrack weapons to add blades to the bones they carry and potentially some Kroot character dressing (they carry slabs of meat and knives carved from bone) to flesh them out a bit, pun intended.
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pureundilutedawesomeness · 7 months ago
100% complete (aside from their bases)
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leveractionlesbian · 7 months ago
skaven fans 🤝 slaanesh fans
snorting crack
skaven fans 🔪 slaanesh fans
becoming the fourth
chaos god
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primestartes · 12 days ago
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The Chamonite Throng stood upon their grand altar, the eye of the coming storm. Hundreds of Chaos warriors amongst thousands of marauders clad in armour and curse-etched flesh. This warband of unnatural discipline whipped by the commanding scourges of their Chosen. The barks of their foul tongues and the glittering beauty of daemonic war-maidens within the center and front, swinging thuribles of mind-writhing incense from their great clothes.
The mockery of warrior-maidens singing from their veils and morbid helms. Their paramour of lords enthralled by their charge bestowed by the Greater Daemon patron whose chamonite banner they flew. The City stared out in rapturous awe and infectious terror, never had it seen the forces of Chaos so...organized and single-minded. The picture of military excellence to the point of cruelly rivalling the aelfish lords of Hysh and their own obsession.
The hatred and envy stirred by the peoples of the Twins were palpable and most of all delicious. They knew the banner flew, hatefully remembered since the Age of Chaos when his vile horde first emerged from the blackest depths of Slaanesh's gestating realm.
One of Brotherhood Three. The Gilded Brother, a creature of terror and mocking hate, and his Daughters of Gold. A warrior-throng led this siege and they desired to pay tribute.
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farsight-the-char · 2 years ago
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Tanky Slaanesh apparently.
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cursed-40k-thoughts · 2 years ago
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Man, AoS knocking it out of the park with the flavour shenanigans
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crocodires-mini-painting · 1 year ago
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More work on the unit of painbringers today!
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badlypainted23 · 1 year ago
Sickleblade is done, 4 more to go!
Hedonite are really fun to paint, I'm not use to painting skin tones so any tips would be great
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voxbelicosa · 8 months ago
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blissbarb archer - sketchbook
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sickolandia · 7 months ago
I wish i had some good priming conditions coming up, now would be a perfect time to start my Hedonites of Slaanesh army! oh well, not like i don’t have a bunch of vamps left to paint
the way things are going i’ll have some table ready perverts as soon as AoS 5th edition comes out 💀
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boardgametoday · 2 years ago
The forces of the Dark Prince Slaanesh rise again with a new Battletome and more
The forces of the Dark Prince Slaanesh rise again with a new Battletome and more #warhammer #ageofsigmar #warhammercommunity
The Dark Prince Slaanesh might be incarcerated but its mortal legions continue to try to break it free. A new hero has joined that quest, the Lord of Hubris. This master duelist is flamboyant looking for close combat and will even let the enemy first strike on the combat phase forcing them to target his unit. You’ll be able to find all his rules in Battletome: Hedonites of Slaanesh. You’ll also…
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pureundilutedawesomeness · 3 months ago
I finally have 2000 points of Hedonites of Slaanesh!!!
(the mounted figures are not glued to their mounts yet, hence why they are positioned weirdly)
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virtuesuncounted · 1 year ago
Jack probably deserved a girlfriend who'd defend him when he wasn't there, but the truth is that their long list of falling outs probably had more to do with Mia's worry that they weren't very compatible after all than with them actually caring enough to fight things out. With an awkward chuckle, she kept her gaze fixed firmly on the bar, thinking that she should probably go home - or even to Jack's place to see if their relationship could be salvaged, but then Jason's hand clutched around her neck to pull her close, and her eyes shot up in shock while a full-body shiver left her in goosebumps.
"Wh-what?" she asked, her heart racing as she bit on her lip to stop herself from moaning out right then and there. Oh god, what was going on with her? Squeezing her legs together at his mere words, she swallowed hard and looked at him when he pulled back, feeling lightheaded, but more tempted than ever. "Oh, I don't, uhm," she started, shutting herself up before she could say more. "I actually, probably, .. should go home," he said, blushing as she spoke but making zero intention to actually get up.
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mia's reaction to his touch was clear, as he heard her inhaling a sharp breath, making his soft smile grow. knowing he affected her, caused jason to feel secure that he would be able to put forth his proposition without her throwing what remained of her drink, in his face. or... somewhat secure. there was always the chance that she found him to be too forward, but he doubted it. "well, jack sounds like a real idiot, if you ask me," jason said softly, continuing to let his fingers run over the back of her hand. the hand she still hadn't moved, "such a pretty girl shouldn't be left unsatisfied." a small smirk appeared on his lips as he traced his fingers up mia's arm and towards her neck, pulling her close enough that he could whisper in her ear. "i would never leave you unsatisfied. in fact..." jason nipped gently on her lobe, "i would make you cum so many times, you'd lose count." the older man pulled back far enough that he could look into her eyes, his gaze hungry as he dropped his hand back to the bar, to let her mull it over. @virtuesuncounted
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gaertan · 3 months ago
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Lonely hedonite of slaanesh
Self portrait time! Sadly I do not have the income to 3d print the armor, else I'd actually make this outfit irl as well
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stearleart · 1 year ago
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Keeper of secrets 24/01/24
Digital illustration depicting the infamous greater daemon of Slaanesh, The Keeper of Secrets.
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