#Heather and Lily talk
e x c u s e m e it's too early for tiva feels!! on a thursday!!!
fun fact: i was obsessed with ncis back in like 07. i consider s1-3 to be crime procedural masterpiece. if i had a tumblr blog then the *meta* i would've written. i think there may be a few things actually...
_vibrates with barely hidden glee_
HEATHER the insane thoughts I have about these two
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gooodtoast · 1 month
I’m so hot for Lily Gladstone and y’all need to know that.
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birlwrites · 1 year
i vaguely sort of know who regulus’s closest friends are. (and i mean very vaguely because he is somehow even more antisocial than i am) but i was wondering who would be like the top 3 or 4 closest people in barty and evan’s lives? just out of curiosity :)
OOOO okay
evan's kind of easier than barty - emma is his best friend, they don't tell each other everything but what they don't tell each other is basically just limited to Fun With Dark Arts (as per evan and maeve's argument fairly early on in ttdl). regulus is like... he occupies a different type of space in evan's life than emma does, so i'd say they're about tied, but that doesn't mean they're the same.
barty's also in a unique space in evan's life because they've been friends for a while but what's really making them *close* is a) the war and b) regulus (and it is frequently difficult to distinguish between the two).
after that, there are lucinda and heather (in that order but pretty close to each other), both of whom have overtaken maeve - not that evan and maeve aren't friends, because they are, but evan spends a lot of time with both lucinda and heather for quidditch practice and Scheming™ respectively, so them being closer with him is more of a recent thing. lucinda wins out over heather because lucinda gets one half of the maeve/emma tea and evan gets the other and they compare notes
as for barty - top spot is obviously regulus. second spot probably evan. third spot is his mom! wow! a parent! and then things get a lot more nebulous. he's friends with margaret avery, and there's also maeve, and then i'm planning for him and lily to become good friends but that hasn't quite happened yet - they need a line of communication outside of using regulus's journal, but they DID bond over The Everything re: sirius thinking regulus and lily were an item. definitely barty's top magic penpal experience ever.
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zackmartin · 2 years
when people pick up on the little details I include in my gifsets....literally there’s no better feeling
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azfellandco · 10 months
Hi friend this ask is a request for you to wax lyrical about Crowley slowly dying of a poisonous dose of laudanum, because it seems That Scene is still on all our minds. <3
Godbless (they said agnostically). This is going to be a mess of a response because I have been working a lot of overtime and am pretty sleep deprived, and also because there are a lot of angles to this.
First off: you're so correct to point out that laudanum is an analgesic and not literally a poison, because I think this slots in so nicely with the pattern of stuff we see Aziraphale consume and why (food and wine, for sensual pleasure) and stuff we see Crowley consume and why (alcohol for numbing and six shots of espresso to brace himself, and now laudanum, a medical grade numbing agent, at a dosage that would have killed Elspeth had he not intervened).
To really get into this I'm going to have to talk a little about something I have a lot of approximate knowledge about: Victorian era medicine. Why I find poison sexy (maybe compelling is a better word here) is partially tied up in the Victorian era and this exact subset of knowledge, which I am going to disclaim right now as not very precise. I research stuff primarily to regurgitate it in fiction, and not for complete factual accuracy.
First off, let's take a moment to admire Crowley's prognosticative abilities once again.
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Antiseptic is 25 years off, germ theory is held in disdain by the western world, but here's Anthony "that went down like a lead balloon" Crowley just trying to be helpful to this guy covered in blood.
Antiseptic was not in common medical and surgical use until the 1850s. It was pioneered by Joseph Lister, who actually worked at the University of Edinburgh, which was kind of the place to be in terms of medical breakthroughs of this time period. Before the advent of washing your hands and sterilizing surgical equipment, something like 2/3rds of surgical patients died either on the operating table or of infection afterwards. Medicine during this time period was difficult, dangerous work with a high risk of complications, and surgery was haunted by death and disease. Dr. Darymple would have administered laudanum to a patient and then strapped their limbs down and put something in their mouth so they didn't bite through their tongue before cutting into them, and even if he was a good surgeon they might have died a week later from gangrene or sepsis anyway.
It's in this world that laudanum and opium more generally got romanticized by literature and poetry. The Victorians loved opium, but the symbolism of the poppy, from which opium is derived, has been sleep and death since the classical world. My go-to example of the blending of these themes (poppies as sleep and death symbolism and this time period's interest in the classical world) is The Garden of Proserpine by Algernon Charles Swinburne, of which I will include an excerpt below:
No growth of moor or coppice,          No heather-flower or vine, But bloomless buds of poppies,          Green grapes of Proserpine, Pale beds of blowing rushes Where no leaf blooms or blushes Save this whereout she crushes          For dead men deadly wine.
The symbolic connection between opium (and thus laudanum) and sleep and death is my strongest association with either drug. The poppies = death association is used all the time even in the modern day. See this song, Flowers, from the musical Hadestown:
Lily white and poppy red I trembled when he laid me out "You won't feel a thing," he said, "When you go down" Nothing gonna wake you up now
Poppy symbolism is doing a lot of work in this song, actually, drawing a line between virginity and death, and the flower imagery standing in for both Euridyce's sexual relationship with Hades as well as her death but I disgress.
This is my personal context for laudanum and opium. I think it's encouraged to read the sleep and death connection into both of these medicines, both by the artistic tradition that arose contemporaneously with their use and by continued references back to it in the modern day. I am thinking of the scene in Inception where the opium den they visit is full of people who go to be drugged in order to dream their lives away as just one of many other modern day examples. Opium is sleep and sleep is death.
So while the laudanum is not literally poison, I think there is cultural context in which it is possible to read it as symbolically poison, regardless of whether Crowley's not-actually-human body should be able to withstand it. I think that it is compelling to read it as such, given the above-mentioned pattern of Crowley's habits of consumption.
I've seen a lot of posts about how the next time Aziraphale and Crowley see each other after this flashback is the time Crowley asks Aziraphale to bring him holy water and Aziraphale refuses on the grounds that he won't provide Crowley with a suicide pill. While I think this says more about Aziraphale than it does about Crowley (Crowley has never struck me, by behavior or attitude, to be the kind of person who would kill themself, whereas for Aziraphale one of the worst things that could happen would be losing Crowley) there is something there, something in that tartan thermos, something in the idea that Crowley would drink his death.
There is one more angle to this, and this is going to be a bit of a reach. I once read an analysis post in another fandom about the symbolism of poison as a choice of weapon. This line will haunt me until my grave: "a man stabs, a woman poisons". Just as a sword is a phallic symbol, poison (to me) is a feminine coded way to kill another person. For more context, please read The Laboratory by Robert Browning, a poem about a woman procuring a poison to kill her husband's lover, written by another Victorian poet. Crowley dying being discorporated by self-administered poison compels me for all the reasons mentioned above but also for gender reasons. Nonbinary icon.
Crowley dying being discorporated by self-administered poison feels like it is in conversation with two events that happen chronologically later but narratively earlier: the "suicide pill" conversation and Crowley trying to wait out the apocalypse in the bar after the bookshop burned. For all intents and purposes he seems to have given up at that point and only pulls himself together because Aziraphale appears to him and proves he isn't gone gone. It makes sense as an exploration of Aziraphale's anxieties (the suicide pill convo), and the extent to which they might be justified (Crowley drinking as the world ends). It's interesting it's compelling it's symbolically rich it's consistent with characterization choices in the show.
I think realistically Crowley would keep from Aziraphale that he was in pain until he physically couldn't do so, because it would threaten the wall they've had to erect to keep each other safe to do otherwise, but in a scenario where Crowley was hurt, properly hurt, Aziraphale would find a way to excuse them because he would not stand for Crowley suffering.
The idea of Aziraphale gathering Crowley close in the dark graveyard, feeling him stumble, Crowley who is so bright and brave and beautiful reduced to clutching to Aziraphale and the pair of them trying to will him back to health the way they can choose to sober up, and failing... Crowley because by this point he's too weak, he waited too long putting up a front for Aziraphale, Aziraphale because of conflicting magic or because he's too anxious, his own personal moment of the gun shaking in Crowley's hands during the bullet catch, where he knows what he has to do but he can't do it, can't trust himself not to make it worse.
And then Crowley's body going cold, Aziraphale holding it and crying because despite knowing it's just a body and that Crowley can get another one, he failed to protect him. Crowley died for someone and Aziraphale couldn't prevent it. And the things they don't say to each other, all rushing in to fill the silence left by Crowley's stopped breath. Aziraphale whispering to him, kissing his temple, part of him wondering if he'd ever be able to do this if he wasn't already gone.
It would just be really good, okay. It would be really good.
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flanaganfilm · 1 year
Hi Mike, how was Tribeca?
It was fantastic.
For those who don't know, I was lucky enough to be invited to sit on the US Narrative Feature Jury at this year's Tribeca Festival. I just got back yesterday from ten days in Manhattan.
I found the whole thing to be absolutely rejuvenating.
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Our category had five jurors: myself, Zoey Deutsch, Stephanie Hsu, Tommy Oliver, and Ramin Bahrani.
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Kate was also on a jury - she was on the International Feature Jury (which included Brendan Fraser and Zazie Beets) so that meant we spent the week seeing different movies. We'd pass each other on our way to different screenings, sometimes in the lobby of the theater, and then meet up for dinner or a party and get to tell each other about the awesome movies we saw that day.
It was overwhelming to start with. At the Opening Night reception, we met Robert DeNiro, and we saw Martin Scorcese and Matt Damon (we were way too timid to introduce ourselves). I did manage to introduce myself to Kenneth Lonergan, who has made some of my all-time favorite movies (You Can Count on Me is one of the best movies I've ever seen), and the great Chazz Palminteri (I got to tell him how much I absolute adore A Bronx Tale). I also spent a fair amount of time chatting with Peter Coyote, who was incredibly kind and funny. We chatted a lot about Ken Burns.
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After that, we went to the Opening Night film, a terrific documentary called Kiss the Future. We walked the red carpet (something I'm never quite comfortable with, but luckily Kate is a natural) and we saw the movie with a packed house. It was a beautiful film and really started everything off on an amazing foot.
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And then the judging started. I got to watch all of the movies in my category in the theater, with audiences. A car would pick me up and take me to the screening. At my busiest, I saw three movies in one day, but it was usually two.
I made it a point not to know anything about the movies before I saw them - sometimes I went in without knowing the title. And I can't overstate how amazing it was to see these independent films with an audience, in a theater, instead of streaming. Having spent the better part of the last five years watching this primarily at home, I was shocked at how inspiring and energizing it was to sit in a theater with a crowd over, and over, and over again. I've never seen this many movies in a theater in such a short time, and I LOVED it.
I didn't only see movies that were in my category, though. I also made sure I saw other films at the festival that I wasn't judging - including Downtown Owl, the directorial debut of my friends Hamish Linklater and Lily Rabe.
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I made a point to go to the premiere of Suitable Flesh, starring the amazing Barbara Crampton and Heather Graham, and produced by my old friends Joe Wicker and Morgan Peter Brown from the Absentia Days.
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And it wasn't all movies, either - I also got to moderate a chat with the brilliant Sam Lake about his upcoming Alan Wake 2 release. Sam was a joy to spend time with, and we had a lot to talk about.
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And my friend and colleague Justina Ireland traveled up to NY to moderate a Master Class where a theater full of people listened to me ramble about horror movies for an hour.
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(With Justina Ireland and Johnathan Penner - Penner ran the Escape from Tribeca program, and it was his idea to bring me to the festival)
And then, just before I left, I met up with some friends to see a Broadway show. Karen Gillan and Willa Fitzgerald joined Kate and I to see Grey House.
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My experience at Tribeca was fantastic. It was such an amazing celebration of art and cinema, and I can't wait to go back. I spent a lot of it feeling overwhelmed, and feeling like I didn't quite deserve my seat at the table (imposter syndrome is just one of the staples of being a filmmaker, isn't it?) but I'm so glad I went.
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brae-brae · 6 months
"He did that shit to me too..."
So TW to people. this contains mentions of SA, SH, and underage drinking.
Sorry if this is shit. I don't really post on Tumblr and I don't really know how to do this, so I'm just gonna put this on here- ALSO HEATHER IS NICE IN THIS ONE!!!!! (kind of)
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“A party? Oh, I don’t know…” I twirled my hair, something my mom said I do when nervous or deep in thought. Lily, my best friend, sighed on the other end. “Oh, come on! You haven’t been to a party in forever!” I gripped my hair at the thought of the last party I went to. “Yeah, you know why..” silence. After what felt like forever, she finally spoke. “Listen, I know last time wasn’t the best party experience ever..” I rolled my eyes. “Yea, being… well you know isn’t the best scenario… for anyone. Anywhere...” she breathed out. I rolled on my back looking at the ceiling. “Listen, you don’t have to go. I just thought you would want to get out of the house. You’ve been in there all summer!” I looked to my side, noticing my alarm clock. 9:17
After a little bit of debating, I finally responded. “Be at your place in 15.” her squeal was heard over the phone. “OKAY! LOVE YOU! I laughed at the response. “Love you too.”
I guess that’s how I got here. A house full of sweaty teens, completely intoxicated, dancing, whether on each other or with friends. Lily ran up to her boyfriend Ben, kissing him on the cheek, and engulfing him in a big hug. “Hey, Y/N, how have you been?” I shrugged my shoulders. “You know,” I put a finger gun in my mouth, before going back to my nonchalant self, “the usual.” he chuckled and put an arm around Lily. 
Lily looked behind me before looking back at me, smiling evilly. “Oh, heyyyyyyy Rodrick.” I quickly threw my head around to see Rodrick Heffley coming towards us with drinks in his hand. Handing me one smiling, before turning his attention to the other two. “Hey?” he said confused. I quickly drank the cup, hoping it was beer. I needed to calm my nerves. Thank god. Beer. 
We walked into the living room sitting on the couch. “So, it’s been a while,” Rodrick said smiling. I could feel my face heat up at his words. Looking down at my cup, I let out a nervous laugh. “Hehe, yea. Just been kinda cooped up lately. You know, listening to music and reading, boring shit.” I took a large drink from my cup, earning a laugh from him. “Yea, so how have you been?” he said putting his foot on his knee, putting an arm on the back of the couch. “Oh same old, same old. How about you? Heard y’all have been working on a new song?” he immediately perked up, his whole demeanor changing. 
He loved it when someone asked about his band or music. “Oh well actually-” he yamered on about his music and the song names they came up with so far. A lot of people find it annoying but I loved hearing him talk. Whether it’s about legos, the newest hyper fixation he was having, or whatever his mind could come across. I loved it. His voice brought me a sense of calm, which is surprising because he’s just as fast-talking as I am. I guess because I’ve known him for years, I kind of just got used to it, finding peace in it too. 
 After a long talk and about 4 cups later, I hopped off the couch, suddenly stumbling back. “I am,” I paused turning around to look at a giggling Lily, “Going to the kitchen.” I smiled and walked off, Lily saying something about me being fucked up. As I made my way to the kitchen, I bumped into someone. “Well, hello..” the dude smiled at me, “I’m Justin, and you are?” I smiled and got the last few drops out of my cup. “Y/N, I was just headed to the kitchen, care to join me?” I said with a smile. Eventually, we started to talk as we made our way to the kitchen. As he spoke, I couldn’t help but get bored by his presence. It was giving... toxic masculinity. I turned around to grab a pop, only to see Rodrick, in the dining room talking to Ben. 
I couldn’t help myself but stare.
The way he holds his cup, the way he moves his hands when he talks, the way he smiles, oh his smile. God, it was contagious. His smile followed by his laugh makes my face feel like a thousand suns, kinda makes my butt and outer thighs tingle, too. I caught myself looking at him for longer than I should have but I didn’t care. Justin’s voice slowly faded into the loud music. All my thoughts wandered to him. What was he laughing about? Did he like my outfit today? I wonder what he’s thinking about? Should I go talk to him?
“Hello? Earth to Y/N?” I saw Justin’s hand waving in front of my face. My head whipped around to look at him. “I’m sorry, what were you saying?” his arm dropped to his side, and the shit-eating grin that was on his face before was gone. Probably left a while ago. “I was just saying that this party is really fun and all, but would you wanna go somewhere… more private?” his hand came up to my arm and started to rub it. I looked down, honestly kinda uncomfortable. I looked up, trying to give him the best smile I could without seeming shocked. 
“Um, I  think I’d rather stay here..” I said pulling away from him. He quickly grabbed my shoulder when I tried to walk away, putting his hands on either side of me, blocking me from leaving. “What? Really? I sat here for 15 minutes talking while you just stared at who knows what. You could at least give me something in return.” his voice was dark and stern. It made my stomach churn in fear. He grabbed my hip, forcing me closer to him. I could smell the alcohol on his breath as his face got closer to mine. I could feel the color drain from my face. 
No no no, I can’t move. Please god. I promised. I promised wouldn’t get into this situation again. Please god someone- “Hey! Y/N, right?” we both turned at the sound of a girl’s voice. Through my blurry vision, I could make out a blond girl wearing a pink tank top and low-rise jeans. She was really pretty. I nodded, finally. “Hey, so I need your help in the bathroom,” she looked at Justin, “Girl problems.” she smiled sweetly at him. She grabbed my hand leading me through the living room. Before we went behind the wall, I caught a glimpse of confused Rodrick.
 We made it upstairs to the bathroom, and when she closed the door, I immediately started to throw up. I didn’t know if it was the drinking or the fact I was scared shitless. She sat there rubbing my back, holding my hair. “Are you okay? God, I’m so sorry..” I looked up at her, smiling weakly. “God you’re pretty..” she giggled and sat on the bathtub. “Thank you, I get that a lot,” she said flicking her hair back. “I’m Heather by the way, Heather Hills,” she paused, sitting on the floor with me,
“Listen, I saw what Justin was doing, and I couldn’t just stand there and watch that asshole just feel you up, you know?” I nodded. I was shanking, no, trembling.
Then, I just started balling. Crying hunched over the toilet. thankful for the blaring music downstairs. “Hey, it’s okay. I know. He did that shit to me too. Normally, I would just laugh at a guy’s pathetic excuse to flirt with a hot girl and joke about it with my friends,” she laughed to herself, almost as if she were remembering her doing that. Then she stopped, looking at me in the eyes. “But I knew what he was planning, no fuck that, scheming. He did..” she looked at the door for a minute then continued after clearing her throat, “He did that to me, too. Back in freshmen year.” she looked at her hands in her lap, almost dazed. 
I sat up from the toilet and looked at her. I tried to find the right words, the best ones, to express myself without seeming like too much. But all I could say was, “Thank you.” she smiled at me, helping me up off the bathroom floor. We walked out of the bathroom, and I followed her back downstairs. As I turned off the last step, I bumped into someone. “Oh my shit, sorry..” I looked up at the idiot who had bumped into me, only to be met with dark brown eyes. My mouth instantly ran dry, however, that was the only dry thing on me… 
Just as he was about to speak, Heather interrupted. “Jesus Hefley, watch where you’re going..” she pulled me along with her to her friends. The rest of the night was kind of a blur. All I remember was dancing, laughing, and thinking about Rodrick. 
The next day, I woke up in my room, my head pounding. I look at my floor to see… 
“RODRICK??” he jumped up at the sound of my terrified voice. He kneeled on my bed. Grabbing my hands. “Hey, hey, you okay?” his eyes laced with concern. I shook my head and instantly regretted it. “Here, drink some water.” he handed me a water bottle, and I instantly began to chug it. Setting the empty bottle down on my nightstand, only for it to drop. 
Then it hit me. Like a fucking truck. “Um… this isn’t my room..” he let out a breathy laugh, shaking his head. “No, it is not. its mine." he paused, "What do you remember from last night?” he asked while sitting on, what I now know is, his bed. I thought, trying to remember. “Not really anything… wait, did we-” his hands shot up, shaking crazily. “NO NO NO! I wouldn’t ever think about that shit with you that fucked up!” I let out a relieved breath. “Okay. I just wanted to make sure.” he nodded. His eyes suddenly became very worried. “So last night, you were wasted, like I said before and so you threw up all over your shirt..” I looked down.
I wasn’t in my clothes… I was in a graphic teeshirt and some sweatpants, suddenly I realised.
I walked over to my closet, going through my abundance of clothes. I grabbed my My Chemical Romance shirt and black leggings. As I started to get undressed, my arm stung as I pulled off my clothes. I looked down at my arm and saw the fresh marks I had left the previous night. I looked down at my shirt and thought to myself. “Shit, hmm.” I quickly switched out my shirt for a plain green hoodie. I looked at myself in the mirror and put on the best smile I could. “Well, ready as I’ll ever be…” I grabbed my bag and headed out of my room.
“How long?” my eyes shot up to meet his. i looked away. trying to find anything else to focus on. I brought my knees up to my chest and rested my head on them, taking a deep and shaky breath. When I finally looked at him again, I felt the tears prick in my eyes. “Since Jason Dean’s party…” I mumbled, choking slightly, "about 8 months ago."
I couldn’t stop them. The tears just kept coming. Rodrick just sat there, staring at the wall. After what felt like years, he finally spoke. “Can I hug you?” I didn’t respond. I just wrapped my arms around him burring my face in his shirt. He wasted no time in putting his arms around me, but he didn’t squeeze too tight, almost afraid to hurt me.
Eventually, I pulled away, looking at his snot-covered shirt. “Oh, sorry. Kinda just got my nose jizz on your shirt,” I said with a strained laugh. He looked down laughing. “Nose jizz? Dude-” We both burst out laughing. My eyes still have some tears falling. The one thing about our friendship is no matter how serious, jokes will always be okay. Just lightens the mood.
After we both calmed down, he held my hand, causing my face to burn. “Okay, but seriously,” he cleared his throat, trying to suppress his laugh, “does anyone else know?” he said, trying to continue the conversation. I shook my head. “Not even Lily?” I looked up at him, shaking my head again. He looked down, trying to find his next words. “Was it because of the incident?” my hands became clammy, and I felt like puking. “Yeah...” I said meekly. He let out a sigh. “Listen, I want to help you. In any way I can. Okay? I care so much about you and I don’t want you doing this to yourself. I want you to talk to me, that’s what I’m here for…” he held my face with his other hand making me look at him. I nodded. 
“Who changed me?” his face burned. “Well technically you did, but okay so-” he thought for a second, “so after most of the people left, Lily said that you should stay here, so I brought you upstairs and you puked all over yourself. So I went to grab some of my clothes and handed them to you, and you kinda just started like, stripping? Hehe..” my face burned, “I went downstairs and when I came back up a few minutes later, you were passed out in my bed. Then when I saw, um those..” he tried to make eye contact with me but failed miserably. 
I was still blushing at the fact that he saw me getting undressed. I mean he’s seen me in a bra before, but now I have boobs and stuff, so that made it a little more awkward. Then the question that I was wondering came out of my mouth before I could think. “Why did you sleep on the floor?” his eyes finally met mine. “Oh, uh I didn’t think you would be comfortable with me sleeping next to you, plus you already freaked out when I was on the floor so…” he said rubbing the back of his neck. I again spoke without thinking, “I wouldn’t have minded.” instantly regretted what I said, slapping a hand over my mouth. “Really?” his eyes lit up, slightly squeezing my hand tighter. I looked away from him, hoping he wouldn’t see my red face. 
God this boy has me whipped. 
“I mean, my back hurts from sleeping on the floor, would it be okay if I laid down here?” he asked hesitantly. I rolled my eyes grinning. “It’s your bed, you can do whatever you want.” he chuckled and laid down.
I gently laid down facing him, hands resting under my face. I quickly looked at his lips and back at his eyes. We sat there in silence, just looking at each other. Wait is he leaning in, wait! Am I leaning in? Just as I thought he was about to kiss me, he paused, “Y/N?” I looked up at him through my eyelashes. “Can I kiss you?” I smiled and nodded. “Use your words..,” he smirked. 
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yandere-toons · 1 year
Someone: *says something rude about the reader*
Yandere: You talk a lot of shit for someone who's house is so flamable.
Characters that have this vibe:
Patrick Hockstetter
Kai (Ninjago)
Tom Lucitor
Bridgit Pike | Firefly
Iblis (Blue Exorcist)
Matthew Patel
Deadpool | Wade Wilson
Hades (Hercules 1997)
Snotlout Jorgenson + His Monstrous Nightmare Hookfang
Ruffnut & Tuffnut Thorston
Jesse Gemstone
Lili Zanotto
Red Son (Monkie Kid)
Eric Cartman
Mr Piranha
Vaas Montenegro
Coriolanus Snow
Lord Garmadon
Roger the Alien
Stewie Griffin
Negaduck | Jim Starling
Bender Bending Rodríguez
Rocket Raccoon
Cherri Bomb (Hazbin Hotel)
Rin Okumura
Five Hargreeves
The Joker
Shelby Brothers
Rob (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Lili Zanotto
Judge Claude Frollo
Daemon Targaryen
Joffrey "for someone whose head is so cuttable" Baratheon
Sheldon J. Plankton
Emperor Zurg
Emperor Nefarious
Handsome Jack
Trevor Philips
Bakugou Katsuki (early on)
Duncan (Total Drama)
Heather (Total Drama)
Honourable Mentions:
Gru + Minions, Vector (Despicable Me), Megamind (when he was villainous), Doctor Nefarious, Gyro Gearloose and Technical Boy would consider arson too lowbrow. In their tech-savvy minds, shrink rays, piranha guns, dehydration guns, atomisation, robot and clone armies and breaking every bone in the person's body all send the correct message.
"Why settle for a house?" wonders most iterations of the Doctor (Doctor Who). "Why not drop them on some desolate planet or in some hostile universe where they die over and over again?" Bill Cipher seconds this notion.
Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians) would freeze the doors and ice the floors and windows, effectively creating a giant icebox as fires cannot stay burning in his presence.
Dark Helmet, Kylo Ren, Armitage Hux and Darth Vader would vaporise the person's house (and planet to boot) from space. If the person was off-world at the time, those who are Force or Schwartz users will proceed to Force-choke or laser the person even after they have lost everything.
Scar (The Lion King) would arrange an accident that is tragically and unavoidably fatal while Shenzi, Banzai and Ed would maul the person in full view of a crowd.
Gaz Membrane is constantly rude to anyone who dares to be her obsession, but if anyone else tries the same rudeness, they will pay. Zim and the two main Tallest also have shades of this.
Albert Wesker (Resident Evil 5 era): Look, another test subject for Uroboros has presented itself.
Urdnot Wrex, Grunt (Mass Effect 2) and Wolverine are not the burn-your-house-down types. It would be too easy for the person to learn nothing from the experience, such as how much they should be afraid of running their mouth to the wrong stranger in the future. These three will knock the person out before they even finish the sentence.
Yzma has exactly the right potion for this human flea, except that she adds an extra four or so steps to the plan.
Lord Hater invades the scoundrel's home planet with the support of Commander Peepers and his army of Watchdogs, or he may blast the world to smithereens with a laser.
Lord Dominator delights in crushing this pest's home world with her drill and making them watch every life on it come to an end.
Marvin the Martian said it best: "Be polite, or I'll vaporise you."
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This One : “I Do”
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A song about the importance of telling people now how much they mean to you, rather than waiting for a better moment that might never come. Pretty sure, as many have suggested, John is in there. Also in there, I think, quite specifically, is someone he might have been expected to say “I do” to.
“Did I ever take you in my arms, look you in the eye, tell you that I do?”
There is also the Indian reference in the lyrics, “I liked this image of a swan, like in Hindu art—Krishna and the swan gliding over water lilies.”
This Indian element is reflected in one of the two videos made for the track, with meditation scenes reminiscent of The Beatles in Rishikesh, India with the Maharishi.
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I wonder if there is some association for Paul with the phrase “I do” and India.
Speaking of the track ‘I Do’ from his 2001 ‘Driving Rain’ album, Paul said:
“I Do’ was the third of the India songs. It was one of those ‘if you only knew’ songs, like just talking to someone; ‘if you only knew, that it’s OK from my side’. It’s like a communicative statement to someone – ‘whatever you think at any given time, remember this – I do’. Like I may be goofing off but essentially I wrote this song to say it’s OK. That was another afternoon in Goa song; my three little Goaers.”
Pick the bones out of that…
These lyrics hit hard:
“Just remember this, after a time it’s through and nevermore will there be days for me and you”
The Beatles Bible site tells us that this holiday in Goa in January 2001 with Heather Mills was Paul’s first trip to India since Rishikesh in 1968. I wonder if it triggered a particular memory.
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thebibutterflyao3 · 3 months
Day Twenty-Eight - Prompt: Touches @rosekiller-microfic
March Daily Series - 774 words
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Barty drummed his fingers against the steering wheel as he waited. He didn’t know why he was so fidgety. It wasn’t as though he’d never picked up a bird before.
When he was with Evan, he felt like a taxi service half the time since he didn’t drive. Not that he minded when it was Evan. Most of those drives ended with Evan’s head in his lap or his hand down Evan’s pants. Only giving him gentle touches to drive him mad.
He shook his head clear and reprimanded himself to focus. This wasn’t the time for his fantasies. Barty stayed up late on the phone to plan this out. Everything was prepared, he just needed to wait and keep his wits about him.
The clock on his dashboard read 10:40, ten minutes late. She’d said to wait at the kerb, exactly like a taxi service attendant. This was beginning to feel like deja vu.
Don’t you dare.
Suddenly, the passenger door flew open and her pale blonde ponytail nearly slapped him in the face as she climbed in. Barty immediately straightened up in his seat and gripped the steering wheel. His heart pounded against his chest as he waited for her to settle in.
“Alright?” he asked, shifting clumsily.
Pandora arched an eyebrow sceptically, then nodded. “You have twenty minutes to explain yourself, Crouch.”
He cleared his throat as he eased Heather into traffic. Twenty minutes to convince the one person who held the key to his happiness in her hands that he wasn’t the horrible person that he had been with Regulus. This was fine.
“Right, so Lily explained the whole—”
“Keep my future wife’s name out of your mouth, if you value your life.”
Barty swallowed hard and tried again. He and Lily had practised this speech three times, he knew it by heart.
“I meant to say…I-I apologise for how awful I was to Regulus, and to you. I let my insecurities overrule my common sense. It was absolute shite and this is not an attempt to excuse it, I swear. I…fucked up, then kept fucking up to cover up the first fuck up.”
So much for memorising the speech.
He snuck a glance at Pandora. She stared out the window and avoided looking at him. Barty wondered if she was even listening, or if she’d only agreed to this because her girlfriend coerced her into it.
“I should have been honest with Regulus. He deserved to hear the truth, instead of my shite attempt to weasel out of it.”
“What is the truth, Barty? Do you even know?” she snapped. “Why did you cheat on Reg?”
“I knew he was breaking up with me, so I gave him a reason.”
Her head snapped to the right as a deep scowl marred her pretty features. “What does that mean?”
“I heard him talking to you on the phone, Pandora. He told you that I wasn’t his type and that he should have known better than to date below his standards.”
Pandora’s eyes widened, then she looked away. “Well, he had a point.”
“He did,” Barty agreed. He forced back the bile rising in his throat and continued. “And you were both complete snobs about it. Which is why I proved him right. It hurt to hear you two ragging on me. I decided that I’d rather be dumped for fucking up than be discarded like a piece of rubbish.”
“Oh, so it’s our fault then?”
“No. I could have walked away, but I didn’t. I thought I was evening the odds and…I was wrong.”
Pandora eyed him narrowly. “You admit that you were in the wrong?”
“Yes,” Barty said, nodding calmly. “I knew that Regulus was struggling with his self-esteem and I used it to my advantage. It was manipulative and self-serving.”
“But you’re all better now?” she retorted.
Barty sighed, pulling off the road to park behind the building. “I’m better when I’m with Evan because we take care of each other. We’re even. I want to be the best version of myself for him, so I try.”
“You try? That’s it?”
“You don’t understand.” Barty turned off the car and turned to face her. He remembered Lily’s advice and breathed deeply to calm himself first.
“I think…I think I might be in love with him, Pandora. He is the most important person in my life and I would do anything for him. Do you understand how terrifying and amazing that is? I’ve never felt like that before and I’m still figuring it out, but I’m trying.”
Pandora’s jaw worked from side to side as she stared him down. He didn’t flinch, or look away this time. Barty held his ground.
“Fine. I’ll talk to Regulus…and Evan.”
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writerofadream · 6 months
Fortune favors the Bold ⛓
TDI!Duncan x Juvie Bestfriend! Reader ⛓
Chapter Twenty Four: This is my boyfriend's, boyfriend, Geoff-
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Chris was monologuing again. You watched as the man landed the helicopter, currently Duncan was giving you a piggyback while jumping on one foot while Heather and Gwen bet if he would drop you or not. (the answer was not)
The current bid was one-hundred-and-fifty bucks. 
Chris gave you all the signals from above to line up. You let yourself fall off Duncan’s waist and skipped over to the line, dragging Duncan to join you. He laughed as unbeknownst to you stared at you with heart eyes.
As Chris landed he held up a pair of cuffs, and Duncan laughed. “Macy sent you a care package.” He smirked pointing at the cuffs.
“How do you know it wasn’t Marcel?” You crossed your arms. “Because Marcel loves me.” Duncan pointed out. “... Didn’t he sit on you until you admitted that you had taken drugs?” You covered your smile with your hand.
“It’s how he shows his love.”
Chris had you and Duncan cuffed up together. Duncan held up his hand which brought up yours as well. You both were staring at it and you resisted the urge to chuckle. “You know what this reminds me of…?” Duncan muttered.
“Christmas 2017!” You both laughed in unison.
Duncan was thrown against a wall, and you were thrashing against the guards holding on to you. But, the guard happened to be Marcel who discretely made sure that you guys would be cuffed together. Duncan at his hands, as well as your hands, annoyed.
You gave the guards a glare that would make the world's manliest man shrink in his spot. That’s how you and Duncan worked, he thought of the future, how you both would get out of this mess, you focused on the present trying to put the fear of god in anyone who tried to mess with either of you. 
End of flashback
“This isn’t fair, they’re a couple who can work well together.” Heather whined.
Chris bopped her on the nose. “When you get a guy that the viewers love then we’ll talk. Stay sadly single, kid.” Chris smiled and the girl fumed causing you to bite the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from laughing.
The first challenge was to feed your partner. You had to laugh at that. Duncan was beaten so often that growing up you had to feed him so he’d you know, survive. But the only problem was that the food looked strange. Duncan had an idea pop into his head and a smile on his face. 
“Arm wrestle me for it.”
You smirked and took that challenge, you both clasped arms and laid your elbows on the table. You began the arm wrestle, smiling at your boyfriend. “Do you think we’ll have kids?” He asked randomly. “Hmm, maybe. I’d like a boy.” You gritted your teeth trying so hard not to fail. 
“I think I’d like a girl, name her Lily after your mom, and then maybe have a boy and name him after James.” Your heart melted and an audible aw came out of your mouth.
“I think we’d live in New York. You’d open up a half-way-house for ex-cons, I’d open up a bar.” Duncan continued. The overly feminine side in you was eating this up and you were so distracted that Duncan slammed your arm against the table.
“Where are my children?” You had a big smile as you entered your home. “Mami!” You watched as your younger son ran down the hallways of your apartment and jumped into your arms. “James.” you yelled back equally excited.
“Mama.” Your older daughter ran down the hallway, shortly after her brother and jumped into your arms as well. You twirled you children in the air, who were giggling, so happy that their mama was home. 
“Now where’s your father.” You said with a mock-serious tone. 
Suddenly your husband walked into the room, his hair freshly wet and patted against his head. “Hola mi vida.” He smiled and hugged the three of you close to his chest, and gave you a peck on the lips. Much to your children's horror.
“No fair you used our relationship against me.” You complained nearly pouting.
“I told you the truth because I want you to eat. I see the way you throw away your meal sweetheart. I want you to eat.” Duncan sighed and a sad smile crossed his face. 
“Fine. But did it have to be camp food.” You complained as you looked back at the dish.
“Might as well start off with the worst of the worst.” Duncan shrugged, and you sighed. “You better be happy you're cute.” You lightly picked his cheek causing him to smile like a cheeky child. 
You opened your mouth and in seconds your boyfriend was shoving food in it. T
hen the challenge ended really quickly because why do we not give an anorexic person too much food at once? Because they’ll throw up.
You emptied your guts into the trash can as Duncan held your hair back. He rolled his eyes as you flipped him off, still actively throwing up. “Love you too sweetheart.” He smiled sadly, rubbing an arm up and down your back trying to convey comfort.
You sickly glared at the camera. “Food can go suck my big fat **** for all I ******* care.” You grumbled holding your stomach, in the outhouse.
Unsurprisingly Owen and Heather won, because she has a partner that has a vacuum as a mouth. Duncan sighed, rubbing your back as you laid your head on the table, every nerve you had left screaming in pain.
“Dollface, I need you to start eating at least once a day. There wasn’t barely any food, and you still got sick. I need you to try, okay?” Duncan kissed the back of your head and ruffled your hair. You nodded curtly. You should try.
You would try for him,
Chris had you all gather on the docks. You had your head against Duncan’s shoulder and he had an arm wrapped around you, holding you close as if you would fall away from him. 
“Last chance for a wimp key.” Chis waved the enticing key in front of you all, and you had half a mind to snatch it out of his hands and jam it in his jugular. You smiled at the thought, man whenever you get voted off is gonna be exciting.
“What’s the challenge, Chris?” Geoff asked, who was attached to Gwen, the goth-girl kept rolling her eyes at every other sentence the blonde spoke.
“There are three canoes on the beach, one for each team. Your challenge is to paddle the canoe while wearing handcuffs. All the way to Boney Island, once there you will get a package. Now go, go, go!” Chris was distracted by the herd of campers so you held your breath to stop yourself from laughing, when you saw Duncan shove the man to the ground.
Duncan sat in front, because sitting in the back made him seasick, and sitting in the front made you seasick. 
You quickly got into the water, and began to paddle.
You had arrived at Boney Island, third, Chris’s helicopter dipped so he could yell out the next instructions. Yadda, yadda, yadda, put the packages back in the cave, while piggy-back riding the other. Before you could protest that you were too heavy, Duncan snatched your hand and put both of them around his shoulders and hoisted you up.
A blush spread itself across your face.
You got to the cave rather quickly but were met with carnivorous beavers. “Ain’t nobody that tough.” Duncan grumbled and you both cartwheeled back to shore. (Well you cartwheeled, Duncan walked on his hands)
The next challenge was to make a totem pole of shame using the heads of your ex-fellow-campers. That would be easy, hopefully. Your memory was amazing, but Duncan’s was the best, he remembered everything that happened from ages five through seventeen. 
Everyone else was struggling, Owen was getting mad because Heather wanted to talk crap about Izzy, and Gwen and Geoff had terrible memories and couldn’t decide who was who, Katie or Sadie. You remembered that Katie was the one who was more quiet, Sadie was the one that helped you when you were sick.
You saw a carving of Izzy and Duncan tossed you his knife, sensing what you were thinking.
You carved the word ‘Kid’ and put a small heart next to it. Chris came over and saw what you had done. He had the audacity to laugh, and say “Aw, little Miss. Tough ain’t so tough.” which promptly caused Duncan to throw Courtney’s head at him.
“I love you so much.” 
“I know.”
Duncan and you had won. Chris held up both of your hands and slurred his words. “The winnerz arep Dunkykim anndl Y/Nes.” you had to stifle your laughter and the second you guys got back on the canoe you almost cried laughing.
That night at the campfire, you and Duncan got your marshmallows first, then Leshawna, Heather, and then Owen. It was left between Geoff and Gwen. You watched your boyfriend’s eyes fall on Geoff, and the sad realization hit.
You squeezed his hand. “Geoff will be going home tonight.” Chris declared and you watched Gwen stand up in indignation and yell at you all. “He’s the nicest guy!” she screamed. 
“Ciao dudes, y'all were cool, Duncan and Y/N invite me and Bridge to the wedding.” Geoff gave you the peace sign and you smiled sadly as Duncan nodded, biting the inside of his cheek to stop himself from crying.
tagged: @lostsomewhereinthegarden
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lili-loves-whump · 4 months
lili-loves-whump presents, a 'whump: the musical!' snippet,
previous first next
(a tw!! implied/ attempted non-con. be advised)
Whumpee coughs. Their thoughts are sluggish, their head wobbly and too large for their body.
The man across from the bar smiles. His teeth are rotten and yellow. Whumpee takes another sip of they drink, smiling when the warmth of alcohol runs through their bloodstream.
The man scratches at his balding head. A clump of fuzzy blonde hair comes away at his fingertips, but he brushes it away without a second thought.
Whumpee runs the tip of their finger across their drink. The glass gleams in the low light of the bar, and Whumpee can see their reflection.
They look frazzled, headphones still on, but music no longer playing. The time of their nose is pink and their brow is furrowed. The drink burns their throat as they lift it to their lips.
"You're a pretty little thing, aren't you?" The man says. He doesn't sound friendly, or kind, and Whumpee's mental blocks rise as he speaks.
His eyes gleam with something like malice, and he hasn't taken another sip of his own glass in front of him.
Whumpee feels warm again, despite not wearing their sweater. The door behind them opens, and a gust of frigid air blows into the air, but still, Whumpee relishes the chill of the cool air.
It is dark now. Whumpee frowns. How will they get home?
The man is talking again. He has reached forward and is running a thumb over Whumpee's knuckles. They frown.
"You really are a beauty. Don't worry, the high will kick in soon."
Whumpee sobers.
"High?" they choke out, voice catching.
The man looks sorrowful. Almost.
"It'll be okay, little birdie. Don't worry your pretty little head."
The world spins, and Whumpee feels violently ill. The man has walked around the side of the bar, and wears a name tag that says Wilton.
Wilton places a warm hand on Whumpee's shoulder. Their stomach rolls, and they stay planted in their seat. The world is fuzzy, and Whumpee goes to flinch, but the movements are sluggish and too slow for their liking.
A hand on their thigh. Are they crying? It feels like Whumper all over again. Poison of some description courses through their veins.
Hands everywhere. They were alone.
A breath of icy winter air.
Whumpee's sweater is still inside. It is beginning to snow. The tears on their cheeks dry. Someone is calling out. They walk away from the warmth and fear of the bar.
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heyo-428 · 8 months
So I said i’m a comment on a post I would share my Rafal playlist with you all and I want to preface this by saying some of these songs are based off my own interpretations of his character or personal headcanons.
Tagging the sge prequel fans bc obvi
@liketwoswansinbalance @thescarlettshrimpernel @harmonyverendez @discjude @rosellemoon
The songs with reasons are all below the cut!
Look What You Made Me Do - Taylor Swift
- Do i need to explain?
Mastermind - Taylor Swift
- “No one wanted to play with me as a little kid
So I've been scheming like a criminal ever since
To make them love me and make it seem effortless
This is the first time I've felt the need to confess
And I swear
I'm only cryptic and Machiavellian 'cause I care”
Also the last line, reminds me of the scene where he’s talking to the students and getting them to hell him fight against Rhian he says something like “if i’ve gone to far it was to protect everyone”
Sign of the Times - Harry Styles
- Idk reminds me of his death
- And “we never learn we’ve been here before” makes me think of the fact he got stabbed by the Storian in Rise and Fall and the symbolism it holds.
Mercy - Shawn Mendes
- “I’m prepared to sacrifice my life” is when he jumped in front of Rhian in Rise
Bad Habit - Steve Lacy
- “I wish I knew you wanted me”
Idk it’s giving James X Rafal yk
People I Don’t Like
- Fits his personality lmao
Murders - Miracle Musicsl
- “All for nothing at all” IS HIM DYING IN FALL LIKE “oh i did all that for rhian and got nothing in return”
Gilded Lily - Cults
- Same as above “Haven’t I given enough?”
- Also, “Always the fool with the strongest heart”
Christmas Kids - Roar
“You’ll change your, and change your mind, and leave this fucked up place behind, but I’ll know I’ll know.” Rhian killing and taking his identity and Rafal being the only who knows :(((
Heather - Conan Gray
- Another James X Rafal one but “But you like her better, I wish I was Heather,” BUT MAKE IT KYMA BECAUSE APPARENTLY JAMES AND KYMA ARE A THING? (Where did Soman find that one? Up his ass?)
Another Love - Tom Odell
- Him not being able to show sympathy for anyone else really because he’s wasted all his time and energy on Rhian
If I Killed Someone for You - Alec Benjamin
- Since Rafal had changed who he was for Rhian to be good I thought this was fitting since the point of the song is “I killed a part of myself for you, am I enough now?”
Many more Taylor Swift songs but I didn’t want my playlist to be a ton of Taylor Swift. I can’t think of some off the top of my head right now.
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If there was a Harry Potter prequel, I imagine that Snape relationship with the Slytherin gang start of similar to mean girls/heathers, Snape would be invited to tag along because they know Snape is smart and could get them out of trouble. Snape would agree because they can protect them from the mauraders, but they slowly become actual friends
The director would first lead the audience into believing that the Slytherin gang are just a Slytherin version of the mauraders but then as Snape spends more time with them, they are shown as more complex and Lily is too harsh on them.
I would Wilkes to be the big sister, mom friend of the group, her flaw is that she bit of a manipulator, she would teach Snape how to sweet talk and hide intentions, her name could be Wisteria or something like that
I know if the Slytherin gang we're interesting characters in a prequel show. Marauders Stan's would say " Snape is a toxic friend who made them do all those nasty pranks and they all preferred Regulus company"
Your last point is exactly why I've stopped wishing for anything regarding the Slytherins. I'd actually die if that happened.
They only seem to have a problem with characters who make the Marauders look bad. The main character being Snape.
As long as the other Slytherins had little to no interaction with the marauders that made the marauders look like horrible idiots, they'd like them. Exhibit B being the fact they actively show love for characters like Mulciber, Avery, Barty, Bella, and even Tom Riddle.
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lilystargazerwhite · 8 months
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I’ve mentioned him so many times but here he finally is lol!
Name: Chiharuo Yoritomo (頼朝 千春お, real name Prìomhadail) his Japanese name, while meaning “Thousand years of spring” can also be a homophonic sound to “父” or father, playing on his role as a father of spring.
Species: currently Aos sí (irish oak turned spriggan then ascended to Greater winged fairy Aos sí)
Ability: to control growth (成長を制御する程度の能力)
Age: between 45,000-5,000 years old. This mf was chilling with cave men. Physical form is around 60.
Chiharuo is the god of spring, childhood and fertility, residing in a long forgotten and overgrown shrine deep in nameless hill. He’s spent his years in gensokyo attempting to rescue children left there, but is not always successful. He’s a sweet old man, having his own sort of orphanage at the shrine. Most of his children are fae, but rarely he will taken in a human or yokai child.
Did I make Lily a whole family cause I love her so much? Yes, and here’s her dad. I like to think she gets so excited for spring because it means he will come out of hibernation.
Chiharuo’s born race I guess you could say would he that of a Cro-magon (early European, dating around 50,000+ years ago), which are no longer around obviously. If he had a default true form, it would look like a caveman made out of wood.
His current incarnation form is a male Asian, but in the past have ranged in race and gender. Here are some alt looks for him
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His wings are based on the Lunar moth. They are often under his kimono.
His eyes are always closed.
Excerpt from my fae document (that tumblr won’t let me fucking paste:
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Theme: 優しい春の父~ first utterance (gentle spring father) this one isn’t entirely done yet but this is what I have.
He has a list of spell cards I’m overjoyed to share
Chiharuo spell cards:
Curious case, mr.button (reverse growth, makes things smaller or younger or whatever) name: the curious case of Benjamin button
A hundred seconds till midnight ( growth, makes things bigger or older) name: the doomsday clock
And the tree was happy ( grows a giant tree that has bullets as petals which fall quickly before it reverts back into a seed ) name: the giving tree
The maiden and the selkie ( summons fae to fight for him for a bit, mainly lesser winged fairies) name: from Heather dale love herrr
The much talked of Metamorphosis ( takes moth form, which the eyes on his wings stare intensely refracting light through them) name: a fucking rob zombie song.
Appalachian fiction dreaming ( causes cell overgrowth, like a cancer. Can be very pretty but deadly of course, heavily based on the growth from the movie Annihilation ) name: Appalachian mountains and 2 things I’ve heard people say before .
Flowers never bend with the rainfall (opens his eyes ) name: Simon and Garfunkel
Anyway that’s him. He’s my beloved. I have many other drawings of him so here’s that
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ginaimiike · 1 month
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hi!! i’m alexa or lex
i decided to create a tumblr to find friends with similar interests as me! i also created a twitter (ginaimiike) & my ao3 is the same name as both! i tweet mostly on my priv (aerizyo), so if you want to follow me there, please do!
my biggest interests right now are mean girls 2024 (obvi), and i write for rejanis! i am currently writing a fic right now, i just don’t know when exactly it will drop! i’ve also always been a fan of the broadway adaptation, since i am a lowkey theatre kid. i love a lot of other musicals such as, ride the cyclone, heathers, hamilton, and so much more (including movie musicals)!
i am also a huge kpop girl group stan! i’ve been into kpop since 2016, but really got into it for twice in 2020! my ults are
twice : jihyo jeongyeon momo
aespa : giselle
kiss of life : julie
nmixx : lily jiwoo
billlie : siyoon moon sua
girls’ generation : jessica yuri
i also just love reneé rapp in general, so i also might include some stories about leighton and alicia ^^
feel free to dm me wherever and whenever! i’d love to make some new friends with shared interests as me! thank you for reading. and also please send asks! i’d be happy to write one-shots, discuss headcanons (or canon), or talk about whatever! my card is down below but also in my bio!
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