#Heat Above
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gretavanfan · 5 months ago
My favourite part of heat above is when Danny pounds the drums on the lyrics “drums pound”
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creaturefeaturecommando · 8 months ago
Ten Songs from my personal playlist that I think Jason Todd would listen to
1. One Beer by MF DOOM
2. Burn by The Cure
3. Save Me by The Real Tuesday Weld
4. Uno by Rex Orange County
5. One Way or Another by Blondie
6. No One Knows by Queens of The Stone Age
7. Life At Last from The Phantom of The Paradise soundtrack
8. Green Jewels by Kriill
9. Take a Peek by Heat Above
10. Vigilante by Joshua Tarp and The Still
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cheersdannyx2 · 13 hours ago
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Rising with the Heat Above
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cut-the-camera · 18 days ago
Heat Above - The Message
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Chapter Four
Bojan wasn't as used to having such a big platform, he was still getting used to going on twitter to find so many loving people drawing him, praising him, covering their songs and stumbling across several thousand word works of literature with him being a little bit too friendly with his band mates on almost a weekly basis. 
He was also still getting used to always knowing what people thought about him, he could goggle his name and find out what people were saying about him at any given moment. Sometimes, people event sent him their opinions directly meaning he's hidden away from his Dm's for weeks. When he sees he's been mentioned or tagged in anything he prepares himself to need to lie on the floor doing breathing exercises for a few minutes.  
This time, he went on twitter and found what felt like a hundred separate clips of a live stream.
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"in all honestly i've only just listened to all of the songs there are this morning so i haven't seen any of the music videos yet except for i think it's Slovenia with Carpe Diem"
"Why specifically that one?" A voice came from behind Jack. 
"Cause their lead singer followed me on instagram a while ago and i only just found out who he was when i looked at them earlier," Another man came into the back of the frame and asked,
"Isn't that the fit one you were on about earlier?"
"Huh? no don't think so," Jack leaned forward to scroll down on the comments likely trying to keep himself occupied. 
"Yeah! We're on about the lead singer of Slovenia aren't we? You said he was the fittest one in the competition when you messaged me about it earlier!" 
Bojan laughed and scrolled through some of the obsessed comments of both of the men's fans. 
"So what's the deal with the British one?" Kris asked sitting on the sofa of their studio pulling Bojan out of the slight trance he'd been put in by the endless scroll of reuploaded clips of the livestream. 
"Hm? What'd you mean?" He asked as Kris turned his laptop towards Bojan showing that he too had seen the clips he'd been tagged in. "Oh."
"Have you two ever spoken to each other?" Bojan shook his head. "But do you like him? " Kris asked with a raised eyebrow 
"I've never met the guy!"
"He thinks you're cute though," 
"Who doesn't?" Bojan said smugly smiling at his bandmate to try and hide how flustered he felt. Looking back at his phone Bojan decided to brave his DM's for a minute only to open up Jack's account. He typed and retyped several variations of "Hi!" "Hey it's the guy you were talking about" "Hi it's Bojan! From Joker Out!" and "Hi you're cute" 
Eventually he settled on: "The fit one eh?"
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gaycheeseandcrackers · 2 years ago
I HAVE A THEORY ABOUT NEW GRETA VAN FLEET MUSIC! And when I realized this I almost cried🙃
So at the beginning of Heat Above there’s a sound that almost resembles a door (or gate) opening, marking the opening of the gardens gate perhaps?? Here’s the sound:
And as we are all aware for the last few days leading up to the final Dreams in Gold show the official Instagram account has been posting a countdown, and the final day of the countdown will be Heat Above judging by the clear pattern presented thus far.
SOOO the countdown will end with Heat Above and the sound of the gate opening/closing.
So after tomorrow the gardens gate will officially be closed😭😭 they started with the gate opening and ending with it closing
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gvflyrics · 7 months ago
marching across the land, is a peaceful army joining the band
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prisen09 · 11 months ago
Greta Van Fleet yes
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audiophiliacfan · 2 years ago
Sorrows of the earth May our tears of rain wash down to bathe you This is what life is worth When the fires still burn and rage all around Can you hear that dreadful sound Fire still burning on the ground Follow the fearsome sound As they march to battle, hear the drums pound We do not fight for war But to save the lives of those who do so Can you hear that dreadful sound Fire still burning on the ground Can you feel my love Rising with the heat above Life's the story of Ascending to the stars as one Marching across the land Is a peaceful army joining the band Walking hand in hand To an anthem loudly sung where they stand Can you hear that dreadful sound Fire still burning on the ground Can you feel my love Rising with the heat above Life's the story of Ascending to the stars as one
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oliverreedmasterass · 2 years ago
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Words: 4k
Summary: the guys get up to some hijinks and hair trouble on the set of their Heat Above music video 
Warnings: language, Sam’s hair in jeopardy
Sam would have been more eager to get in front of the camera for their new music video if it wasn’t obvious that the entire set was some kind of elaborate prank caused by the mastermind that was unfortunately his older brother.
Sam didn’t have any solid evidence to prove his theory that what he had originally thought would be a music video for their upcoming single was actually an opportunity for Josh to get blackmail of him, but he trusted his gut. It only made sense that Josh would be motivated to make a huge fool out of him after Sam had called him a hobbit earlier in the week in front of their entire production team. The technicians all thought it was hilarious, and so had Sam, but after taking one look at Josh’s scour, he knew he was going to pay for it later.
And apparently now was later.
Sam stared at his reflection in the mirror with an uncharacteristic grimace. He was dressed in a suit that made him look like the tin man, but that wasn’t the worst part. On top of his head was what looked like an aluminum foil helmet engulfing his entire face. Only Josh could think of putting him in something so god-awful.
“I can’t go out there looking like this,” Sam grumbled to his reflection, messing with the headpiece to try and make it look even mildly better. It was no use. If anything, the headpiece proved that Sam’s best feature was his hair, because it was completely hidden beneath the shining silver, and he looked awful.
To Sam’s horror, Danny invited himself into his trailer without knocking and immediately let out a confused laugh.
“What the hell is on your head?” he asked. Sam winced.
“Am I wearing this right?”
Danny immediately picked up on Sam’s discomfort and hurried to his side, poking at the fabric with confusion.
“I honestly can’t tell,” he admitted after a minute of silent contemplation. “I don’t think there’s any way to wear that and look good.”
“Fuck,” Sam said.
“I’m sure the costume people wouldn’t mind if you chucked it,” Danny suggested.
“Oh no, they’d be heartbroken if you did,” Josh appeared in the doorway, looking at Sam with a smug grin that immediately made him guilty. “They worked so hard on that, it would be a tragedy to toss it in the bin.”
“Why don’t you wear it then?” Sam said, reaching up to tear it off and throw it at Josh’s face. Before he could, Jake joined Josh’s side and, much to Sam’s disdain, started to laugh louder and harder than he had ever heard before. Even more than the time Josh accidentally set his ass on fire when he was trying to light one of his farts.
“I thought I got the short end of the stick when they gave me white tights,” he gasped out after catching his breath. “I was so wrong.”
“I still think you got the short end of the stick with those tights,” Sam told Jake with a frown. “Please don’t take that sash off, you’ll ruin my day if you do.”
“I think your day’s already ruined if you’re gonna have to wear that thing,” Danny told Sam. Sam hated that he was right. Even though he knew Josh would throw a fit, Sam reached up to take the horrid thing off his head.
“Oh no,” Sam’s face caved in with fear.
“What?” his bandmates asked.
“It won’t come off,” Sam whispered.
This caused both Jake and Josh to erupt into such loud and boisterous laughter that Danny had to push them outside and lock the door so he could focus on helping Sam. Sam appreciated the gesture, but he could still hear their cackles outside which made his skin crawl.
“How is it stuck?” Danny asked lightly, coming back to poke at the headpiece.
“I think it got caught in my hair,” Sam winced after giving it another tug. Danny tried to slip his fingers inside the fabric around the crown of Sam’s head and patted around.
“Oh yikes,” he murmured.
“You’re right, it’s super tangled.”
“I have no clue how you managed to do that, dude.”
“Josh must have known this was going to happen.”
“I think you’re giving him way too much credit.”
Sam threw himself back onto the trailer’s leather couch and leaned forward so his head was in between his knees. Danny watched in wonder as Sam attempted to peel the headpiece off, starting around his neck and moving up to the scalp. He made a couple grunts in pain as he got closer to getting it fully off but, by the time he reached the crown of his head, Danny saw what the problem was.
For an unknown reason to him, there was a complex pattern of sequins sewn on the inside of the fabric, which had conveniently intertwined with Sam’s hair in such a chaotic way, Danny wondered if Sam had given himself a noogie, because there was no other explanation for how it could be that bad. It looked bad, like something only scissors could fix. That was news Danny was in no rush to tell Sam.
Sam gave up trying to tug the headpiece off and held his head in his hands with a frown.
“It’s bad, isn’t it?” he asked Danny.
“It’s not good,” Danny said.
“Shit,” Sam grumbled.
Outside the door where Jake and Josh’s laughs had finally died down, one of the set PAs knocked on the door.
“We need you out there in 5!” she called in.
“Is it something we can fix in 5?” Sam asked Danny. Danny studied Sam’s face that was pale with fear. His eyes tracked back to the mess of fabric and hair on his head.
“You need 25 minutes at least.”
Someone knocked on the door again and Sam and Danny both shouted that they were coming soon, and to just give them a second. But, to their surprise, instead of the set PA, Jake let himself back into the trailer. Sam was disturbed to find that he had taken off his sash so his white tights left little room to the imagination.
“Josh told me I should ruin your day further,” Jake said with a cheeky smile that quickly fell when he saw the situation on top of Sam’s head.
“How the hell did you do that?” he asked with genuine curiosity, pointing a finger at Sam’s scalp.
“Ask Josh, I’m sure he was behind this,” Sam grumbled.
“He definitely bribed the costume department to have you put that on, but you’re the one who got it all tangled up on your head. Were you breakdancing with it on or something?”
“Are you gonna help me or not?” Sam deadpanned back at his brother. If he wasn’t going to extend a hand, Sam was more than prepared to kick him and his tight pants out of his trailer.
Jake came closer to Sam, which Sam slightly recoiled at, and closely studied his head.
“Mind if I take a stab at it?” he asked. Before Sam could respond that he could as long as he was gentle, Jake planted his bare feet firmly into the tiled floor and grabbed onto the fabric as if it was a ledge he was hanging on for dear life. Sam let out a small gasp and winced, bracing himself for the pain that was inevitably going to happen. While Jake probably had telekinetic powers with Josh through their magic twin powers, he most definitely lacked that psychic connection with Sam as he gave a large yank on the fabric.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Danny tried to step in as Jake wound up to give another pull. Sam could feel heavy tears forming in his eyes, which were squeezed shut because he didn’t want to see what Jake was doing, or frankly those pants up close. His scalp was burning from the strength behind Jake’s tug and he was certain that Jake had successfully ripped a solid clump of hair from his head so he probably looked like he had male pattern baldness. Just his luck.
“It just needs a little coaxing out, that’s all,” Jake replied with determination.
“Usually you don’t coax something out with that much force,” Danny retorted.
Sam felt Jake winding up for a second pull and quickly slapped his hands away from his head to make sure he didn’t lose any more hair than he could help. With a sigh, he opened back his eyes and wiped away some loose tears.
“I’ll keep the stupid thing on for the shoot.”
“What? I almost got it off,” Jake protested.
“No you didn’t,” Danny said. “I think you were enjoying that a little bit too much.”
Sam stood from the couch and flattened the fabric back over his head and down his neck so he looked like a glittery airpod again. Without saying another word, he flung open the door to the trailer, hopped down its steps, and headed for set. Jake and Danny shared an uncertain glance and then followed behind him.
“Can you please put the sash back on?” Danny asked.
“I’ll put it on when I want to,” Jake replied.
As Sam walked closer to the studio, he tried his best to hold a level of confidence that made him look less like a fool. He figured that runway models constantly had to wear dumb shit that made them look like clowns, but somehow they always made it work. It was all about confidence, and Sam was going to make sure that no strange looks or laughs behind his back would tear him down. He was going to own the hell out of his stupid headpiece and make sure that Josh hated every second of it.
“Ah, the man of the hour!” Josh greeted him the second he stepped foot inside. “You kept the headpiece! I must say, you look absolutely stunning, Sammy, like a beautiful metal rod.”
“Not as great as you, Glinda,” Sammy tried his best to poke fun at Josh’s massive sleeves. He despised that Josh didn’t look as ridiculous as he should have in such an odd costume. Sure, it didn’t compare to what Sam was wearing, but he wanted to feel some level of comfort that he wouldn’t stand out on screen as the easiest target to become a meme. Josh gave him a smirk and shook his head with a laugh.
“Glinda? Nice one. I guess I do kinda look like her, huh?”
Danny and Jake made their way onto the set, Jake with his sash back on, and approached Sam and Josh. Danny was wearing a complex chain link headpiece that looked straight out of a Knight fashion catalog and Jake had added another metallic looking scarf around his head.
“It’s out of solidarity,” he explained to Sam with a small smile on his lips. “It’s not really fair if you can’t take yours off, at least right now.”
Josh at first looked frustrated with his band members but his frown changed to a laugh as he studied Danny and Jake longer.
“Those were my canned test runs for Sammy’s wardrobe,” he explained.
“That’s what we figured,” Jake said. “We found them in the dumpster on our way over.”
Sam gave a sniff around Danny and let out a gag.
“I think we look good,” Danny said over Sam’s dry heaving. “I’m getting some serious Medieval vibes.”
“I look like I should be reading people's fortunes,” Jake commented. Then, he turned to Josh. “You look like you could be the leader of a cult.”
“Good,” Josh nodded his head. “That’s what I was going for.”
Jake rolled his eyes with a chuckle and headed off to grab his acoustic guitar. Josh mumbled something about gluing back on one of the rhinestones that had fallen from beneath his eyes and wandered back towards the trailers. Sam, while breathing out of his mouth so he couldn’t smell the dumpster headpiece, leaned into Danny’s side and gave his back a pat.
“Thanks for the solidarity.”
“It’s the least I can do after letting Jake tug at your head like that.”
“That’s right, I was gonna ask a PA for some ibuprofen.”
“But hey, seriously, you don’t look that bad. I’ve seen a lot worse in music videos.”
“Oh yeah?” Sam grinned at Danny. “Like what?”
As Danny fumbled for an answer since he frankly wasn’t prepared to be asked that on the spot, Sam let out his first laugh of the day, gave Danny one more hearty pat, and then went to get some painkillers for his raging headache Jake had caused.
After that mission had been accomplished, Sam retreated back to his organ and tugged on a black suit jacket that was left strewn on his seat. His gut told him it was a truce from Josh, signaling that he no longer had to look like the tin man on camera. As touched as he was by his older brother’s gesture, he was even happier when the director announced that their first shot would be brief before a costume change. So sure, there would be some photographic evidence of his headpiece, but it would be minimal. He could live with that.
“I bartered with Matt to take a solid break after he gets a few shots in so you can actually get that thing off your head,” Jake told Sam as he stepped onto the sound stage. “It looks unbelievably uncomfortable.”
“You’re not wrong there,” Sam nodded back at Jake. “I can’t wait to get this off.”
“I’ll bet. Matt mostly agreed because he told me I need to take a shower,” Jake said.
“I might need some help taking this thing off too,” Danny said as he approached his drums. “I’m a little bit worried that it hasn’t slipped off my head yet.”
“Maybe we’ll be rocking some monk haircuts soon,” Sam chirped.
“Ooh, that could be our new look,” Danny sounded excited. “We’ll really embrace the middle-aged rocker aesthetic. That way people will stop criticizing us for trying too hard to be like the older guys. With bald spots, they’ll just assume we are the old guys.”
“It’s absolutely fool-proof,” Sam agreed.
“If that’s the direction we’re going in, I’m starting my solo career early,” Jake said.
“We should do butt rock,” Danny said over Jake.
“Yes, absolutely yes,” Sam clapped. “Nothing but Staind and Nickelback covers.”
“Do you think Josh can do the butt rock voice?”
“I think he has it in him.”
“You two are unbelievable,” Jake shook his head. Sam and Danny finally snapped out of their daydreaming and laughed at Jake’s disbelief.
“Go off on your solo career and watch as Greta Van Fleet’s butt rock era absolutely obliterates you in the charts,” Sam chirped.
“What’s that about a solo career?” Josh joined the group. “Who’s dipping?”
“No one, just theoretically Jake would leave the group if we started doing butt rock.”
“What the hell is butt rock?”
“Cameras are ready to roll!” Matt, their director, announced from behind the wall of equipment facing the sound stage.
“You will explain butt rock to me later,” Josh pointed between Jake, Sam, and Danny before turning on his heel to find his spot in the front of the stage. Sam adjusted his headpiece one more time before realizing it was a wasted effort, and turned back to face his keys.
“Just a few takes,” he whispered to himself.
It really wasn’t that bad. A large camera pushed on a dolly circled them a few times as they played along to their pre-recorded track. Sam tried to avoid looking into the lense and instead focused on engulfing himself in the music and trying not to laugh at Josh’s attempts to embody Freddie Mercury. They ran through the song three times and then the blinding lights dimmed and Matt called for their much-anticipated break. Sam tapped on a set PA’s shoulder and mumbled his problem to her, which she quickly met with a promise that she would find someone to give him a hand.
So, soon Sam found someone from the hair and makeup department knocking on his trailer door, armed with a brush and pair of scissors.
“The scissors are a last resort,” she was quick to explain after seeing Sam’s concerned stare. “We shouldn’t need them.”
Danny, Jake, and Josh were all inside the trailer with Sam, mostly for emotional support, but also because it was the most interesting thing happening on set. They cleared some space for the hair lady, Deborah, to work her magic, and watched in fascination as she went to work on Sam’s head.
“Oh wow,” she ticked as she reached the crown of his head. “This is a mean knot.”
She fumbled around with the sequins inside the fabric for a bit, freeing a few strands of Sam’s chocolate hair so it fell in front of his eyes. He brushed them away and continued to stare down at his bare feet as Deborah continued on. She was eventually able to release more hair after a solid period of hacking at it with a comb, so the fabric was hanging by one last clump. Sam breathed out a sigh of relief that his bandmates echoed. Watching Deborah work on his hair made them all realize how much of an asset his locks were to the band; they needed to get it insured or they’d be screwed.
Deborah started to sift through the last chunk of hair stuck in the fabric and was evidently struggling as her motions with the comb got more aggressive and panicked. Sam’s eyes were closed again as he took the force but finally he held up a hand to stop Deborah.
“What’s going on up there?”
“I’ve almost got it all out, you’ve just got one clump that’s like a bird’s nest.”
“Cut it,” Sam replied.
“What?” the entire trailer asked.
“Cut it,” Sam repeated himself with a shrug. “If it’s nearly off I don’t want to deal with it anymore. Hair grows back, it shouldn’t be that noticeable.”
“Are you sure?” Deborah asked, wearily eyeing the scissors she had brought on a whim. “Your hair’s gonna be a little bit choppy on top.”
“I don’t care,” Sam lied.
“Can I cut it?” Jake asked from the couch.
“No,” Sam and Deborah both told him.
“Bummer,” Jake mumbled.
“Go for it before I change my mind,” Sam told Deborah, handing her the scissors.
“I can’t watch,” Danny groaned out, whipping his head away from Sam so fast a part of his chain link headpiece slapped Josh in the face, which he rubbed in pain.
Deborah was nervous to butcher the young bassist’s hair because she knew how big of a deal it was from all of the reference photos she had been given of the band prior to shooting. She knew he had told her to do it, but she was still terrified that she would get sacked if anyone found out what she did. As she pondered this, she stood frozen in place, her scissors dangling from her fingertips. Sam looked back to see that the hairdresser was apparently buffering over his request and let out a sigh, snatching the scissors from her. Before anyone could do anything to stop him, Sam positioned himself in front of the trailer’s mirror, located the last knot and, in two hurried snips, fully freed his head.
A couple of bang-length hairs fell in front of his eyes, which he blew out of the way in triumph, chucking the headpiece straight out the window with a call of glee.
“Finally,” he sighed. Deborah looked terrified as he returned to her and handed back the scissors.
“You cut that a lot shorter than I was going to,” she said.
“You weren’t gonna cut it, I could see how freaked out you were,” Sam corrected her.
“At least let me clean it up a bit in my trailer,” she asked.
Sam was more than willing to agree. Before Deborah led him away, Danny stood from his place on the couch and happily gave Sam’s fully exposed, bald-patch-free head a ruffle. Jake and Josh stood to join them and studied Sam closely, trying to gauge if he was mad or not. In all fairness, Sam wasn’t thrilled about his current hair, but it was infinitely better than the fabric situation, so he was going to run with the positive emotions.
“I got bangs,” was the best thing he could think to say to his stunned bandmates.
“You’re gonna have to learn how to style them,” Jake commented. He spoke from experience, after the mistake he had drunkenly made back in 2018 to give himself choppy side bangs that only ever got in the way.
“That’s what I’m here for,” Deborah said, leading Sam out from the trailer.
Deborah was good at her job, and she made the right call when she opted to slick Sam’s shortened hair back with a generous amount of gel. With it back, you couldn’t even tell how uneven things looked. Sam was more than happy with her work, and was beyond thrilled when he returned to his trailer and saw that his costume change consisted of a comfier looking white suit and stunning face mask made of diamonds. He knew for a fact that he was going to pull off his next outfit so well, he would be giving people gender envy for decades to come.
“Do you like it?” Josh asked from the doorway, watching Sam smile at the clothes.
“Are you kidding?” Sam turned to his brother. “It’s great.”
“Good,” Josh looked relieved. “I didn’t realize that stupid headpiece had sequins on the inside. I did want to take the piss out of you, but that went too far.”
“I gotta agree with you there,” Sam said.
“I thought this combination would make you look like you belong in Vogue.”
“Vogue will definitely want me after they see me in this.”
This made Josh flash his signature pearly whites and slap the doorframe of the trailer.
“Great, that’s great. Well, I’ll see you back out on set soon.”
“See ya,” Sam waved before returning to his new clothes.
“Oh, one more thing,” Josh said, turning back around. Sam raised an eyebrow at him.
“Apparently Danny’s chain link headpiece got caught in his hair too. Deborah’s helping him out now.”
Sam craned his neck and could swear he heard Danny calling out in pain in the trailer over. As he listened closer, he thought he heard Deborah telling him she was almost done, and that she would never work on a set again that involved pointless headpieces. As eager as Sam was to change, he made his way to Danny’s trailer and, sure enough, Deborah was hunched over the top of his head, thrusting the same comb into Danny’s curly locks. Danny had his teeth clenched and was white knuckling his chair but, when he saw Sam, he forced out a smile.
“I guess I couldn’t let you be the only one to experience this today,” he said before letting out another shout as Deborah freed some more hair in a triumphant swipe of the comb.
“How bad is it?” Sam asked, stepping closer to Danny.
“Bad,” Deborah grumbled.
“It’s not that bad,” Danny tried to protest before screaming out in pain as Deborah combed out another clump of hair from the chains.
“Nearly there,” she said under her breath.
“Can I just shake my head?” Danny asked. “It should fall off, right?”
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Deborah gave Danny a testing glance. Danny didn’t seem to hear her because he started to violently head bang, as if he was listening to a Staind song. Deborah at first called out in shock at Danny’s sudden actions, and Sam winced, but within a matter of seconds, the headpiece had flung off Danny’s head, straight out the window of his trailer. Outside a set PA screeched in pain.
“Not one hair cut,” Danny grinned. “Sorry, Sam.”
“It’s all good,” Sam shook his head with a smile.
“Oh god,” Deborah groaned behind them. They turned to face her and saw that she was holding another jeweled headpiece that, while it looked less complicated than the chain link one, still seemed like trouble. “You’re supposed to wear this next.”
“Aw man,” Danny frowned. “Why did they think that would be a good idea?”
“I’m putting so much hair spray in your hair, it’s gonna feel like uncooked spaghetti,” Deborah decided after weighing her options.
“Go for it,” Danny agreed, following her out to the hair and makeup trailer.
Sam watched him go, relieved that Danny hadn’t gone through the full extent of the pains he had endured over the course of the day. He hurried back to his trailer and threw on his suit, which was something he would absolutely wear during one of their shows. Carefully he set the mask on top of his head, making sure none of his gelled down hair got in the way, and centered himself in front of the mirror.
“Much, much better,” he smiled at his reflection.
“Lookin good!” Jake said through the window. Sam peered outside and saw that Jake was still in his tights and sash, but he was now wearing a large white hat.
“You’re not changing?” Sam asked out the window.
“I can’t get the tights off,” Jake called back.
“Nah, I’m kidding. They’re so comfy, I bartered with the costume department to let me keep them on. They said that it made their job a lot easier.”
“This is gonna be one weird music video.”
“I think our Age of Machine one was weirder, honestly.”
“Oh yeah, I’m still haunted by those shots of Josh riding the motorcycle.”
“Hey, no matter how stupid you look in this music video, nothing will beat Josh on the motorcycle.”
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bigbucketdan · 2 years ago
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heat above danny you are everything
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cut-the-camera · 18 days ago
Heat Above - United Kingdom
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Chapter One
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liked by bojan_cvjetićanin, charlotte.ledge and 27,878 others
eurovision 'Take Me to Liverpool!' Jack Ledgister will represent the United Kingdom in Liverpool with his song 'Take Me to Church'! 🇬🇧🎉 #eurovision2023
Jack_DLedgister Ahh! i'm so excited! Thank you everyone for your support x 
User178 Winner <333 Love from Sweden! 
User657 basic white boy number 5678 
User723 Kinda boring ngl 
User883 Love the song!!!!!!
Felixweshovenn Proud of you mann!
The Guardian Writes: 
The UK's entry to 2023 has been announced as Jack Ledgister. The singer-songwriter will represent his country after being selected by the same process as last year, in which the BBC worked with a music management company.
The 24-year-old will perform his track Take Me to Church at the competition in May, in an attempt to follow the success of Sam Ryder in 2022.
"Sam Ryder was so incredible last year and showed that the UK can be taken seriously in Eurovision and be really successful," said the musician. "I'm really excited to participate in Eurovision this year and represent the UK! I've loved watching Eurovision all my life, so to compete in such a massive music competition is so incredible."
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Take Me to Church, Jack Ledgister's entry to the 2023 UK Eurovision song contest.
Ledgister co-created his track with famed internet songwriter Nathan Sharp, who he works with on an upcoming Netflix series around the time he was scouted for the competition. "I wrote the song about a really hard time in my life where the people around me and my friends were literally life saving to me" said Ledgister, "so to be able to showcase it in this year's UK Eurovision song is honestly a dream!"
The singer released his debut album 'Everywhere, Everything' in 2021. Ledgister has previously supported Hozier on tour in 2019 and has been a back up dancer to Ariana Grande later on in the same year. 
His music has been streamed millions of times on YouTube and reached over 100m streams and 2.5m monthly listeners on Spotify. He was signed to his first record contract while doing an apprenticeship at the Royal Opera House
"BBC Studios are so excited that our own Jack Ledgister will be flying the UK flag on home turf in this very special Eurovision year," said Suzy Lamb, managing director of entertainment and music at BBC Studios. "We could see from the very first time we met him that he is a ball of positive energy and we can't wait for the rest of Europe and beyond to fall in love with him and his fabulous song."
Ledgister will appear on a special programme on 9 March at 8.55pm on BBC One, Eurovision 2023: Meet the UK Act, where he will be interviewed by Scott Mills. It will also be the first televised broadcast of the song, which was announced as the UK's entry to Eurovision 2023 on this morning's Zoe Ball Breakfast Show on Radio 2.
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"Let's do it! What was your first reaction when you got the call? Did you say yes there and then?" 
Jack took a deep breath before answering "Yeah basically yeah I did, I was in New York around people who'd never even heard of Eurovision before so they had nooo idea what I was yelling about when I finally put the phone down," he gave a laugh that felt a little too rehearsed which made his nose crinkle in a slight cringe. 
"Did you explain it to them?"
"I did yeah!! And afterwards they thought it was really cool and I even roped in the amazing Nathan Sharp, Natewantstobattle to help me with the music for it"
"How do you feel following in the footsteps of Sam Ryder?"
The phrase 'shitting myself' came to his mind first and foremost but he quickly realised he couldn't swear on BBC 1. 
"I....feel very honoured to be able to do that, Sam is such an amazing talent and I really hope I can do his like...legacy and the country proud" 
"You will you will" Scott reassured, "if I hadn't heard your music before, how would you describe it to me?"
"Oh wow... I've experimented with a lot of music genres over the time I've been making music and honestly this song is nothing like anything I've ever made before, I tend to prefer making either pop or folk music but I'm in no way like adverse to making heavier thing like maybe rock sometime" 
"Tell me about your.... stage history because Eurovision won't be the first time you've ever been on stage right?" 
"No no it's not, I mostly did theatre and dance growing up and still now sometimes and then I ... just didn't have the time for music and live performance as much with like school and things but after I left ballet school I really gave myself the time to do new things like live performances, i was lucky enough to open for just the legend that is Hozier back in 2019 and then festivals and things and I ended up really liking it!"
"After all of this experience, how are you preparing for Eurovision?"
"I...I'm still working at the minute and i honestly hope that i can keep working for as long as possible but around that I'm fitting in time to work mostly on the choreography and how the staging's and lightings going to look seeing as that's another area that i...well i mean i work in lighting so all of this just makes my heart happy to be able to keep doing"
"That's awesome well Jack we wish you so much luck and we can't wait to see what you do with such an amazing stage!!"
"Thank you so much Scott!"
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Liked by realscottmills, felixweshovenn, natewantstobtl and 508,486 others
Jack_DLedgsiter Just spent a lovely half an hour with @realscottmills and the lovely guys over at BBC One! Go watch the interview!!! (please)
Felixweshovenn Love it mate !!!! x
natewantstobtl Ayeee love the mention man 
User 965 Marry meee 
----- Ledgisterfan01 I called dibs first sorry 
Danny_Mcadams this is actually mad, I'm so proud of you xx
User 657 I would but your voice is so annoying icl
9th March 2023 
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hausofsaturn · 2 years ago
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💛can you feel my love, rising with the heat above💛
commission info here
tiktok post here
instagram post here
deviantart post here
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eachconstellation · 2 years ago
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one of the groups of dancers in the dance showcase at my school are performing to Heat Above!!
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creaturefeaturecommando · 1 year ago
Found these three white boys while scrolling through instagram and now I can’t go one day without listening to one of their songs
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olaskoolkitchen · 2 years ago
Ola's Kool Kitchen podcast 481 good feeling music from The Beths, C Duncan, Nick & June, mapache, Lucy Kruger & The Lost Boys, Elliot James Mulhern, Heat Above, La Macarena Records, deer scout & Andrew Bird
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radioflavia · 2 years ago
This is art at its finest
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My favourite pics of Sammy to date
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