#Heartstopper phone background
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bish-plz-haha · 1 year ago
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My edits.
Reblog/like if use.
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lovebvni · 6 months ago
mindset of manifestation & how i manifest
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like melanie martínez, i am back from the dead.
i apologize for being gone so long, but i needed a break from tumblr. i saw toxicity swirling in the community, my life got busy, and i decided it was just time for a break. when i was planking to come back, i just saw how things got terrible and i got upset and decided not to come back.
so, im back now and with a little tutorial on how i manifest!!! <3 i hope this can help some of you out.
let’s start with background.
manifesting is kind of like predicting the future. you have something you want to happen, then it happens soon after. i feel like this is the easiest way to get into the manifestation mindset. you cannot change what you’re getting if you want it. could you change your mind later and return it like a package? yes! but before it arrives, you know it’s arrival is coming.
sure, there can be delays, but it all is going to turn out YOUR way in the end.
nile and i have been working on our mindset and this is something they wrote that i think can be really helpful — as it was to me.
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from the past two years we have been actively manifesting, we learned that we often saw things as “crazy”. but manifesting isn’t crazy, it’s quite normal.
every time you get dressed in the morning, it’s an act of manifestation. you’re showing up with what you want.
manifestation is a mondane activity!! stop treating it like it was a kiss from an angel!
by reading this, you’re manifesting your eyes working, you’ve used your hands to open an app, and you have believed you can read and get through this blog! without manifesting that, you would not be here.
the first step to manifestation is believing you can do it, believing you have done it, and believing you will continue to do it. period.
there are many MANY different ways to manifest, but i manifest in 3 ways (sometimes i use all three, sometimes i use just 1 or 2.)
now i want you to write down everything you want right now down and leave the boxes blank if you haven’t gotten them yet.
once you get through that, i want you to randomly click between some of the items you want and write down things you wanted that you did get! they can be some simple and things from years ago, what matters is you have them down. throw in some things that you may have to do for school or work while you’re at it.
here’s an example! (left is before checking off, right is after)
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as you can see, i added a note to the side because i got what i wanted and more abundantly! i had been manifesting a dog since i was a young child, and in 2021, i got 2!!!! (one is laying at my feet right now <3)
continue to do this daily, weekly, or whatever you have time for. i personally do this on notion and i try to add something new daily (im adding the heartstopper thing rn!!)
but yeah!! write everything u want down, and continue to add to it, just so u can see progress DOES happen and your work and effort DOES pay off!
affirming and persisting
this id the first way i learned to manifest, and the most self-explanatory.
you simply repeat what you want over and over until you get it! but not in the future tense, in the current or past tense.
ex; “i passed my maths final!”, “im so happy my boyfriend gave me those roses for valentine’s day, he’s so sweet!”, “i finished the essay for english like a week before it was due!” “i got the lead role in my play! im so excited!” etc.
now, the common factor between all of these is having a positive mindset about them. i cannot tell you HOW many times i manifested something would go well, and right before they happened, i got in a shitty mind space and wondered if it would ever happen.
but, nonetheless, i persisted through and i got what i wanted.
the pain have have been feeling cant compare to the joy that is coming. Romans 8:18
persisting is basically pushing through. think about the time you didn’t think you would make it through an injury, a school year, a trial, yet you still walked through it — even if it was slow.
like when work days are long and you want to go home, but you can’t, so you persist.
i try to think of my manifestations as an ultimatum. it’s going to happen, and that’s final. the only thing you have to do to get it is stay conscious.
and staying conscious, walking through those days, is how you get to the end!
i use affirming and persisting with pretty much everything, which is why it was first.
2. listening to subs.
it’s that simple — listen to an audible subliminal that has the results you want over and over!! that’s all i do u guys. here’s my playlist if u want it (IF I DELETE IT CHECK MY PINNED POST!! I UPDATE IT OFTEN)
i often use @stilljuststardust’s subs, slade’s subs, enchanted workshops’ subs and i want it, i got it’s subs!
all of them are trusted and credible. i cannot promise you that all the subs in my playlist will work for you, as they are (sometimes) linked to my personal desires.
3. pinterest manifestation!!
i recommend having either a whole pinterest account or a board set aside for this way of manifestation.
you simply make boards (or sections) for things you want. i would say this is best for physical items, people, looks, makeup, etc. things that re physically tangible, rather than something like reality shifting (although i do have a reality shifting board! it has been working pretty well <3)
i also have one for my mindset, my religion, so on and so forth (link btw)
i think this is pretty self explanatory. just save picture of things you want and quotes/affirmations and DONE!
i also use this sub with it :p it’s worked WONDERSSS!
if you have any other questions i will be happy to answer them!! i love you all!! go manifest!!
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stopper-my-heart · 7 months ago
Heartstopper library posters: Part 1/3
CW: Images and mentions of Ben Hope. No non-consensual physical touch is shown in the images but short descriptions of actions are given as part of describing the library meeting scene between Ben and Charlie in S1E1.
Yes, the library posters in Heartstopper are complicated enough to need multiple posts to attempt to unpack them.
How many layers are intentional? I can't say. All I can say is that the layers haven't stopped making sense yet.
Here in Part 1, we're taking a fairly straightforward approach to the quotations on the posters in S1E1 with a bit of cinematographic interpretation.
Let's get acquainted with the posters (text below, don't strain your eyes) --
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We have:
"I am no bird and no net ensnares me" -- from Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë (photo 1, left, above)
"To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance" -- from An Ideal Husband by Oscar Wilde (photo 2, middle, above)
"To thine own self be true" -- from Hamlet by William Shakespeare (photo 3, right, above)
Here's the context of when we first see these posters, at the very beginning of S1E1:
As Charlie walks into school and enters the library to meet Ben (who doesn't show up that time), he walks in between the first two posters to get to their meeting spot.
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The third poster ("To thine own self be true") remains out of focus during this trip to the library. It partially comes into view when Charlie arrives at his and Ben's meeting spot (photo 1, left, below).
After Charlie checks his phone and sees Ben's text ("actually can we meet up at break instead?"), when we then see him start to type his reply, a little bit more of the poster becomes visible (photo 2, middle, below).
The poster's quotation is only fully visible (but still out of focus) once Charlie has sent his text ("okay 😊❤️") (photo 3, right, below). Note that this also corresponds with the start of Headmaster Stephen Fry's announcement reminding students about the new vertical form groups.
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It seems like the poster is acknowledging that Charlie's not fully ready to admit to himself the truth of what's happening with Ben or to stand up for himself, but that he's maybe getting closer (or the poster's trying to help, anyway). If nothing else, the poster seems to be gently calling Charlie out, especially with the text he sent. We can see by Charlie's face (photo 3 above) that even he doesn't believe it's "okay 😊❤️".
(Maybe the poster is also indicating hope: hope for the new form group and a certain someone Charlie might meet there, someone who will want Charlie to be true to himself.)
When Charlie and Ben finally do meet in the library later in S1E1, we again see Charlie walk in between the first two posters. Charlie and the posters begin fuzzy and come into focus together. "I am no bird and no net ensnares me"* is especially prominent.
*Note that the full sentence this quotation comes from is: "I am no bird; and no net ensnares me; I am a free human being with an independent will, which I now exert to leave you." More on this in future posts.
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This time the third poster ("To thine own self be true") is also in focus, though partially out of frame (photo 1, left, below). Ben's head moves to block some of it and then the camera angle shifts a bit so that the poster is fully obscured behind Charlie while his and Ben's index fingers are interlocked (photo 2, right, below).
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After Charlie looks at the smiley face Nick drew on his hand, a little bit of the text of the third poster is again visible in between Charlie and Ben, but it's in the background, out of focus. As Ben kisses Charlie, the words are once again blocked by Ben's head.
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Clearly these posters are trying harder and harder to Talk To Charlie -- they want him to love himself, believe he's worth more than how Ben is treating him, be honest with himself and act accordingly, and break free from Ben -- and they finally succeed. Seemingly later on the same day is when Charlie breaks up with Ben.
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danceofmyimpressions · 6 months ago
Heartstopper S3 Countdown
15 days left until the third season!
Favourite things - Season 1 Episode 2 "Crush" (Which might be my favourite episode from the entire series <3 )
The texting - I love that they take the time to show us their conversations in detail and it feels so realistic with all of the back and forth
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Charlie's room and phone background
The soundtrack this episode is *chef's kiss*, with my favourite being the perfectly placed "Why Am I Like This?" by Orla Gartland
The lighting and the outfits in this scene - so cuddly as Nick says
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4. Mr Ajayi
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5. The snow date with Nick noticing the haircut, Nellie, playing videogames, the hoodie, "Dance With Me"... - this entire scene is the sweetest
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6. Nick's smile and quiet "Do I?" in the conversation with his mum
7. Their cute little waves on the rugby field
8. Tara and Darcy being "best gal pals"
9. The way Nick says "What?"
10. The hug at the end and Tori of course
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dreamer-of-ships · 7 months ago
Chapter Three of Black Butterflies and Deja Vu is up! I loved writing this chapter, so I hope you enjoy reading it!
Excerpt below!
Charlie sits on his bed, his phone in his hands, as Nick's face finally pops up on his screen. His boyfriend is walking through the front door of his flat all the way up there in Leeds, his bag haphazardly thrown over his shoulder.
The afternoon light shines through Charlie's window, and the sounds of students his age laughing, mingling, and getting to know each other, as well as the subtle bass of music blasting through somebody's speakers, pour into his room. 
He'll eventually go out and enjoy all the fun, but he also wants to check in with his boyfriend to see how his rugby meeting went. 
Nick kicks his door shut behind him, and Charlie smirks when he trips over something. 
"Jesus Christ, Kaid! Stop leaving your shit in the middle of the floor."
In the background, he hears a chuckle, and Charlie guesses it's Nick's flatmate in question. 
"I just like to leave you presents, Nicky. It's to show you my love!"
"Well, show your love somewhere else, you twat."
Nick looks at his camera, and their eyes connect through the screen. A wide smile stretches across his beautiful face.
"Hi," Nick says.
Charlie grins. "Hi."
"Hang on, let me go up to my room."
"You don't want us witnessing you making googly eyes at your boyfriend?" A voice shouts out in the background. 
Charlie guesses it was Nick's other flatmate, Adam.
Nick doesn't give him a response, but Charlie's pretty sure he's flipping him off behind the camera.
A few moments later, Nick is up the stairs, throwing his bag on his floor and flopping onto his bed. 
"How's today been?" he asks. 
Charlie smiles. "Yeah, it's been fine. Just finished sorting out my room, then went and got lunch with Zack and Mack. They're both really cool."
Nick chuckles. "Zack and Mack? I didn't realise their names actually rhyme, but when you put it like that."
Charlie smirks. "Yeah, and they get on so well. Think they'll be a bit of a dynamic duo."
"'The Zack and Mack Attack.'" 
Charlie chuckles. "I'll tell them you said that. Wonder if they'll get it printed on a T-shirt."
"Tell them that since I coined it, I get trademark rights."
"Oh, of course," Charlie says. 
Nick smiles widely through his phone screen, and there's silence as Charlie takes it in. He already misses seeing that smile in person. 
"How was your rugby meeting?"
Nick's smile grows to the point that it looks like he's glowing, and it honestly lights Charlie's heart so much, seeing his boyfriend get so excited about the game he loves most. 
"Guess who made Captain?"
Charlie shoots forward, sitting upright on his bed. "Nick!"
Nick nods, his wide grin splitting his face in two.
"Oh my god, Nick! That's amazing."
"Yeah," he breathes out, the disbelief evident on his face. "Yeah. My coach mentioned it at the end of last term, but I didn't think it meant it was a done deal."
"They're so lucky to have you. You're going to be an amazing captain!"
Nick gulps. "You think so?"
"I know so!"
He laughs nervously. "Guess I'm a bit anxious about it — now that it's real."
"I dunno. Just a lot of pressure."
Charlie smiles a supportive smile. "Well, coming from someone who used to be on a team you captained, I think you'll be amazing."
Nick smirks. "Well, that makes me feel a tiny bit better."
"You're going to be great, Nick. I know it."
"Thanks, Char."
After that, they keep talking for a while, not saying a lot but enjoying each other's company. It should be crazy that they can speak for this long when they've literally only said goodbye to each other this morning, but for them, it's normal. 
Talking to Nick feels like the most natural thing in the world to Charlie, and he knows that if they were given the chance, they could go on talking forever. It doesn't matter whether they're in the same room or hundreds of miles apart; the conversation always flows. 
They talk about classes starting next week and what they're most excited about. Charlie says he's most excited about meeting other people with the same interest in Classics as him, and for Nick, it's learning more about his work experience placement that he has later this year. He'd spent his first year learning all the ins and outs of teaching, but now he finally gets to see what it's like in the real world. 
Charlie can definitely see it — Nick being a teacher. He's the most patient and caring person he's ever met. If anybody will make an incredible educator, it's 100% Nick Nelson.
"I should get my timetable on Monday," Nick says. "I'm hoping I can get Fridays off like last year so we can extend our weekends together."
Charlie smiles. "Yeah, I'll try and plan mine to have Fridays off too."
"Just means I get to be in your bed longer," Nick says
He gives Nick a pointed look. " Or me in yours."
At that, Nick visibly blushes, triggering the butterflies in Charlie's stomach. How does that still happen after almost five years together?
"You have plans for your birthday yet?" Charlie asks. 
Nick scratches his head, his forehead wrinkling together. "I didn't exactly make them myself, but Adam's adamant we're going out, so I guess… yes."
Charlie smirks. "You'll have a great time."
Nick sighs, opening his eyes wide but nodding his head. "Yup."
"You always do. Whenever they drag you out."
"I know. I know."
"And I'll be there in spirit." 
Nick smiles. "I know you will."
Suddenly, there's a knock on Charlie's door. 
"Hang on one sec."
Nick hums just as Charlie heaves himself off his bed and walks towards his door. On the other side is Mack, holding up a bottle of vodka and raising an eyebrow in question. 
She doesn't even need to say anything because he already knows what she's asking. 
Charlie smirks. "Okay. I'll join in a second."
"Thatta boy!" she says before she wanders down the hall and knocks on Koska's door next to Charlie's. 
Charlie turns back to Nick on his screen, who's smiling from ear to ear. 
"I've been propositioned."
Nick chuckles. "Have you now?"
"Yes, with Vodka."
"Oh, you do like your Vodka."
Read it on AO3
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dyinggoosenoises · 1 year ago
I know the last ones blue but here’s the ask for every question
:DDD yay!!
📷 What’s set as your phone’s lockscreen?
it says [lesbian panic] on a peach/pink background. its a heartstopper reference
🍫 Cheese or chocolate?
chocolate definitely, i dont like cheese
✨ Do you have any nicknames?
i have a couple, but they all have my name in them so i cant share them
🎵 Last song you listened to?
dial drunk - noah kahan
✏️ Have you ever written fanfiction?
😏 Are you on discord?
💛 Do you have any piercings?
yeah, both my ears are pierced
🐰 What do you think says the most about a person?
um. idk.
🍪 If you were a cookie, what kind would you be?
oatmeal chocolate chip 😌
🐶 Are you more of a dog person or a cat person?
cat person, but i love dogs too
🎧 Headphones or earbuds?
earbuds (with wires)
🌼 What’s the last thing you said out loud?
'love you too' to my cat when she bit me
🙃 What’s a weird fact that you know?
yesterday was the national day of remembrance and action on violence against women
🦉 Are you a morning person or a night owl?
night owl
🧸 Favorite place to nap?
i dont nap often but probably my bed
🏳️‍🌈 Are you a member of the LGBTQIA+ community?
yeah, im a genderqueer possibly demisexual lesbian
🦋 Describe yourself in three words.
hate, this, question
👖 Jeans or sweatpants?
sweatpants are always superior, theyre just so comfy
🥤 What’s your go-to Starbucks order?
i dont drink starbucks, but my drink order at tims is a medium steeped tea, one milk, one sugar
🧡 A color you can’t stand?
mustard yellow
💎 What’s your most prized possession?
my stuffed rabbit that ive had since i was born
☕ Coffee or tea?
tea obviously, coffee is gross
🦖 Favorite extinct animal?
the dodo bird :]
🌙 How long have you been on tumblr?
since march of this year
🌴 Desert island item?
swiss army knife
🐸 Describe your aesthetic.
uh. idk what my aesthetic is
🔮 What’s your dream job?
💙 Relationship status?
taken by the most wonderful amazing beautiful perfect person in the whole world <3
🌿 Describe your favorite outfit.
these really comfy grey sweatpants, my internal screaming shirt, and my blue banff hoodie
🎤 Is there a song you know all the lyrics to?
i know all the lyrics to most of the songs i listen to, but i think the most impressive one is that i know all the lyrics of the entirety of hamilton
🤎 What color is your hair?
light brown
💌 Do you talk to yourself?
only in my head
💄 Do you wear makeup?
only on special occasions like a wedding or something
🌸 Best compliment you ever received?
i love all the compliments i get but one that i really remembered was when my friend told me i had nice eyebrows soooo......
💞 @ your favorite blog.
this will come to no surprise @idontliketomatoesleavemealone <3333
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subtle-wallpapers · 1 year ago
Destiel Phone Call Heartstopper Header
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*like and reblog if you save and no reposting please (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)*
If you would like to see a different flag for the background to this or overlaid over either of them feel free to send an ask and I'll see what I can do!
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ao3feed-narlie · 9 months ago
Of the Messiest
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/wRcq3OH by 7ate9 Instead of being met by the background noise of a busy pub or Nick’s slurred ramblings of love, he heard only silence. Then, a moan. Charlie swallowed, face heating. “Nick?” Another moan, this time louder, followed by a soft, “Fuck.” Charlie heard another moan, though this time, it was very clearly a woman. "Do you have a condom?" *** When Charlie receives a phone call from his beloved boyfriend away at uni, the last thing he expected was to hear moaning. Especially that of a woman. Words: 4162, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Heartstopper (TV), Heartstopper (Webcomic) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Nicholas "Nick" Nelson, Charles "Charlie" Spring (Heartstopper) Relationships: Nicholas "Nick" Nelson/Charles "Charlie" Spring Additional Tags: Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Butt Dialing, Misunderstandings, University Student Nicholas "Nick" Nelson, I am still american, no beta we die like men, References to eating disorders, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/wRcq3OH
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jademickian · 2 years ago
tag game tuesday (it is a saturday for me LMAO but hey, free will) tagged by @creepkinginc, @mybrainismelted, @mickeysgaymom, @transmickey, @juliakayyy, @lingy910y, and @lupeloto, thanks friends ✨
name: jade 🦄
age: (waves at @lupeloto)
favorite season: summer (used to be rainy season! but it gets too troublesome)
movies or tv shows? you can't make me pick (i watch more movies though!)
do you carry a bag/purse? what kind? a sling bag! (backpack for uni, however)
what color is your water bottle? baby blue 💙
what color is your phone case? black with pretty landscape art that's mostly purple
do you sleep in silence or do you need white noise/sounds/music? silence, but i don't mind some occasional meowing and barking from neighborhood cats and dogs
top sheets: yes or no? if the question is "do you know what a top sheet is?", it would be a no
you’re in the candy aisle at the corner store, what are you grabbing? kitkats
preferred mode of travel (plane/train/car/bus/on foot/etc?): i can't drive because i'm gay, so woohoo for public transportation!
what’s your phone background right now? my class schedule (which is, i think, inhumane)
are you more of a minimalist or a maximalist? minimalist in a broke college student way (but i totally love personalizing my space)
it’s time to paint your bedroom! what color are you choosing? white!
and finally, tell me something that brings you joy: my friends, both in real life and online<3
andd get to know me, tagged by @deathclassic and @lupeloto!! thanks for sparing me some thought<3
favorite color: blue 💙
currently reading: frankenstein, hani and ishu's guide to fake dating, random gallavich fics
last song: asian kung-fu generation's haruka kanata
last series: heartstopper s2!
last movie: world war z (a rewatch with my mom)
currently working on: i have a WIP going on which i'm not sure i'll ever publish
felt like everyone's already done this, so if you haven't yet, feel free to tag yourself!
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thehiccupingbanana · 11 months ago
Strangers to Ex-husbands
PAIRING/FANDOM: Nicholas "Nick" Nelson/Charles "Charlie" Spring (Heartstopper) GENRE: fluff RATING: Teen+ WORD COUNT: 3,548 WARNINGS: vague references to eating disorder, alcohol use (they are at a pub), references to sex (bad pickup lines and people using dating apps for hookups) Ben Hope CW: grabs Charlie by the wrist once without consent, has red flags (but they are kinda silly ones i found on buzzfeed and bored panda) SUMMARY: "Did you see that guy I was sitting with?” Charlie asked. “Yeah…” the man replied. “This may sound really weird.” Charlie started, taking a breath, “Can you pretend to be my ex-husband so I can ditch him?” or Charlie is on a first date with Ben, who he met on a dating app, and it is going terribly. He meets a cute stranger while on the date and asks if he can pretend to be Charlie's ex-husband so Charlie can leave the date. ADDITIONAL TAGS: background Tao/Elle, Background Tara/Darcy, Meet-Cute, Inspiration: Bananas (Podcast), Crack Treated Seriously, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Kinda?, Aged-Up Character(s), Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, No beta/ editor, Fluff no angst, author is American but i tried, POV Multiple [READ ON AO3]
“This is not how I wanted to start my evening.” Charlie muttered to himself looking in his empty fridge, pulling out his phone.
[Elle, Tao, & Me] (18:37)  Me: guyysss 🥺🥺🥺 (18:37)  Tao: Charlie!  (18:38)  Me: you can’t be mad at me if i want to eat something! that’s not supportive! (18:38)  Tao: Why can’t you just order groceries more often? (18:39)  Elle: Dinner will be ready in about 15 minutes, Charlie. (18:39)  Tao: Elle! (18:40)  Me: thank you elle 🥰💕🥰💕🥰💕 (18:40)  Elle: We’re going to talk about this Charlie!
The ten-minute walk to Tao and Elle’s flat was the same as any walk in London would be. The pedestrian in front of Charlie walked too slowly, but the footpath was too crowded to walk around them. Then, a second pedestrian walking the other direction, knocked into Charlie’s shoulder. Charlie really hated the footpath in the London evening rush.
The burnt umber colored door of his best friend's flat allowed Charlie to breathe again. He lifted his fist to the door and knocked twice before the door was opened and Elle had pulled Charlie into a tight hug.
“Thank you, Elle.” Charlie whispered, wrapping his arms around his taller friend’s waist returning the embrace, other words not needing to be said.
“Of course, Charlie.” Elle whispered back before pulling away and saying with a smile, “Let’s eat and then we’re going put in your grocery order.”
“No hug for me?” Tao questioned walking through the kitchen door.
“No, you can never have a hug.” Charlie replied sarcastically, allowing himself to be pulled into a hug by Tao.
“Come on guys, shut the door and let’s eat.” Elle smiled while waving a hand towards the kitchen.
Tao let go of Charlie and shut the door, both guys following Elle into the other room. 
“What are we eating tonight, Chef Elle?” Charlie asked.
“Tonight is spaghetti bolognese and salad.” Elle replied, pulling out a plastic bag of salad from the refrigerator.
Once they had eaten, and Charlie’s grocery order for the next week was placed, Tao gently asked, “Charlie, you know we love you. And you know you can come over for dinner with us, whenever you want to, but when’s the last time you have been on a date?” 
“Tao-” Charlie started.
“It’s been a really long time since he’s been on a date, we know this.” Elle stated matter-of-factly.
“Elle-” Charlie interjected. 
“No, Charlie. You and James broke up three years ago. And you haven’t been on one date since. You couldn’t have sworn off dating before you reach 27.” Tao stated.
“Charlie, it’s okay if you’re lonely, we just want you to be happy.” Elle tenderly chimed in.
“It’s not for lack of trying! I swipe right on every guy!” Charlie explained.
“But how many of them do you leave on read?” Elle asked but sounded more like a statement.
“You would too if you got the kind of messages I get.” Charlie argued, defeated, pulling out his phone and opening the app, navigating to the messages pane. “Look at these!”
Hockey_Prince_835: Hey, I have a dentist appointment this Thursday at 10:30, would you be able to give me a ride? CelesHero968: 🍆 4 🍆 ?  Hagakure_Player431: Wanna hookup and never speak to each other again? PianoHero_105: Did you want to buy a 55” HD OLED curved smart screen TV? It’s only a year old and $500. Ur_Alpha749: I’m just a quarter aged male in man heat. Want to exchange numbers? 
“Man heat?!” Tao and Elle exclaimed at the same time.
“I know! I don’t even know how to respond to that one.” Charlie sighed. “This isn’t even a hookup app.”
“What’s the reason you didn’t respond to this message?” Elle asked.
BaseballBoy507: Hey, how are you? 🙂
“Come on, there’s no effort in that message. I would say good and then we would talk about our favorite colors or hobbies and then the conversation would fade into nothing. Pass.” Charlie stated waving his hands around.
“Charlie, that’s how conversations start!” Elle gave a pointed look, “Stop looking for reasons to not go out with anybody, just talk to someone and say yes! It’s probably not going to be a good date, but at least put yourself out there. The next message you get, you have to talk to them and go on a date with them.”
“That’s not-” Tao started to voice before a ping was heard from Charlie’s phone. 
Bhopeful_451: [image]
“Absolutely not. Elle, I don’t open up messages that’s just an image. No ma’am” Charlie stated shaking his head.
“Charlie just open the message, if it’s a dick pic then we’ll agree for it to be the next one. Plus, you don’t know, maybe he just sent you a meme as an opener?” Elle questioned hopefully. 
Charlie stared at Elle for a moment before admitting defeat by sighing and tapping the notification to open the app.
[imgID: Male with light brown hair taking a selfie in a dirty bathroom mirror. There is one bottle of soap in the shower, and a towel with a hole in it hanging in a bunch off the shower curtain pole.]
“Is that-” Charlie examined the photo and zoomed in to the background of the image. “Three in one soap?! Elle! Please, the next one!”
“I’m straight and even I know that’s a red flag Elle.” Tao declared. 
“Well, at least you know he showers?” Elle tried to justify.
“Elle-.” Charlie begged. 
“Just one date Charlie. Wherever you choose to go, we can go too and hide in the distance and if he gets too weird, we’ll rescue you and we can all leave. Just put yourself back out there.” Elle smiled.
“Yeah… Alright.” Charlie sighed knowing there was no use trying to plead or argue with her anymore. 
Bhopeful_451:   You, me, The Red Lion, Friday at 20:00?   The name’s Ben, BTW. Chspr111:   Hi! Sure 🙂   My name is Charlie. 
“I don't have a good feeling about this Elle.” Charlie sighed, leaning his head onto his friend's shoulder.
[Elle, Tao, & Me] (17:54)  Elle: Sorry Charlie! Just left Mum’s, we won’t be able to meet you at the pub for another 30 mins. But we will be there! (17:58)  Me: no worries, Elle, he’s waiting outside for me already, I’ll just make sure we stay here and i’ll hide in the loo if I need to. 
Charlie looked up from his phone, and eyed Ben up and down. Sure, the man would be what society refers to as handsome, but he uses 3-in-1 soap.   
“You’re late.” Ben stated.
“It’s 5:59.” Charlie replied looking at the time on his phone. 
“Whatever. Let’s go.” Ben grabbed Charlie’s wrist and dragged him to the bar inside, which wasn’t as crowded as Charlie thought it may be for a Friday.
“Oi! Barkeep!” Ben snapped his finger at the bar keeper, who just stared at Ben with a pointed look, while drying a pint glass with an oversized white tea towel. “I want a well-done steak and he will have a salad.”
“Sir. This is a bar.” The barkeep started, setting the glass on the counter, “We don’t have steak or salad.”
“Fine. Two of your house drafts then. On the tab under Hope. Charlie, I’m going to get us a table, bring the drinks, yeah?” Ben asked, walking away before Charlie could respond. 
“Sorry.” Charlie apologized to the barkeep.
“It’s not your fault your boyfriend is a tosser.” The barkeep shrugged.
“Oh, he’s not my boyfriend; this is our first date.” Charlie chuckled. “And our last. But might as well get a free drink out of it.”
“My man! I like you.” The barkeep exclaims, placing the two drinks on the bar in front of Charlie.
Charlie softly laughed a “thanks” and grabbed both drinks. He turned around and walked over to the table Ben grabbed, already dreading the next couple of hours.
“Yeah, so, my ex, she’s crazy. When you meet her, just know she’s crazy.” Ben started the moment Charlie sat down with the drinks. 
‘When I meet her?’ Charlie thought, taking a large swig of his drink, ‘If I’m going to have to listen to this, I’m at least going to enjoy my drink.’
“Oh, you don’t know why she’s crazy! She bought my brother's dog two Christmas presents last year, and only one for me. She’s still my best friend though.” 
“Wow.” Charlie fake amused with wide eyes, really wishing Elle and Tao could get to the pub sooner.
Ben stood up, blocking Charlie’s view of the front of the pub, and started exclaiming, “And her cat absolutely hates me. I try to ignore the cat but it still hisses at me every time! I was just over at her house yesterday and the cat tried to kill me, I swear. I’m going to go to the loo and when I come back, I’ll tell you all about it.”
Charlie closed his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief when Ben started walking away from the table. When Charlie opened his eyes, he locked eyes with a blond laddish looking man that was staring at the bar. Surely, he isn’t looking at me? Charlie looked over his shoulder to see if there was someone else behind him that the man could be looking at, but nope. Charlie turned his head back to see the lad still looking at him, but with a face of awe rather than creepy.
“Hi” Charlie smiled, mouthing to the man, adding a shy wave.
“Hi.” The blond mouthed back to Charlie with a soft eyed expression, waving back.
Interesting. Charlie glanced at the doors to the loo and then back at the man, suddenly getting an idea, mustering up all the courage he may ever have, and started walking towards the bar.
Here goes nothing. Charlie thought, taking a small breath.
“Hi. I don’t know how much time I have left, but did you see that guy I was sitting with.” Charlie asked, trying to not focus on the fact that he is speaking to the most handsome man he has ever seen.
“Yeah…” the man replied.
“We’re on a date.” Charlie stated, reluctantly. 
“Oh.” the man said more with his face than with his voice.
“And, it’s going terribly.” 
“Oh.” the man replied, and Charlie didn’t miss the smile that flashed on his face. 
“So, this may sound really weird.” Charlie started, taking a breath, hoping that courage was still there, “Can you pretend to be my ex-husband so I can ditch him?”
“Darcy!” Nick greeted, walking to the bar.
“Nicky!” Darcy cheered.
“Darcy.” Nick replied, unamused, at the use of the name that Darcy started using when they found out Nick’s childhood nickname.
“Here’s your drink.” Darcy grinned.
“Thanks. So, Tara said that she’s running late at work and doesn’t know when she’ll get out, but I’ll still be here to celebrate your first week here! I can’t believe you got this gig! So proud of you Darce.” Nick exclaimed, putting his phone back in his pocket.
“What’s not to believe, Nicky? I’m a great mixologist! I never let you go home sober in our Uni days!” Darcy declared.
“Yeah! Only went home with alcohol poisoning a few times!” Nick laughed.
“You’re welcome!” Darcy chuckled, before turning her attention to the next person in line at the bar. 
Nick slowly turned in his chair, seeing a rerun of an old football game on a TV. Only a couple of the tables were filled, but almost all of the pool tables were occupied. Soon Nick caught a glance of a raven-haired man sipping away on his drink. Right away another man stood up from the same table and walked away.
Nick found that his eyes locked to the other man’s blue eyes, unable to look away. The man glanced over his shoulder and then back to Nick before smiling and mouthing “hi” and giving a small wave at Nick. 
“Hi.” Nick whispered back, waving, in awe of the gorgeous man acknowledging him.
The man glanced at the doors to the loo and not a beat later he had started walking over towards Nick. Nick did not move, not sure if he was scared or excited. Before he was able to blink the man stood closely in front of him.
“Hi. I don’t know how much time I have left, but did you see that guy I was sitting with?” the man asked.
“Yeah…” Nick replied, taking in all the features he could of the man up close.
“We’re on a date.” the man started.
“Oh.” Nick tried to say, but unsure if anything came out, ashamed that he was about to be told off for staring.
“And, it’s going terribly.” the man finished.
“Oh.” Nick replied, trying to not smile at that revelation. 
“So, this may sound really weird.” the man started, taking a breath, “Can you pretend to be my ex-husband so I can ditch him?”
“Are you- are you sure? I’ve only taken one improv class and I was asked to not come back.” Nick tried to joke.
“Hey, that’s more than I have taken!” the man chuckled with a flash of a sparkle in his eyes.
“Yeah, I’ll be your husband. Uhh, EX-husband, I’ll be your ex-husband.” Nick stammered, ignoring a snort from Darcy.
“My name’s Charlie.” the man, Charlie, smiled. “Just stare at me for a little bit and say my name a few times, make it as dramatic as the movies, and then I can leave. Thank you so much for helping me.” Charlie squeezed Nick’s shoulder gently, before turning around and heading back towards his table.
Nick stared at Charlie’s retreating form, trying to not focus on the lingering heat from where his hand had laid on Nick’s shoulder. When Charlie sat back down at his table, he looked back at Nick and gave a small smile, before the other man came back and Charlie’s face was emotionless.
“Nick, you are such a disaster.” Darcy laughed, pulling Nick’s attention towards her.
“Her cat has its own room!” Nick heard behind him, looking over his shoulder into Charlie’s pleading eyes.
“Now’s your chance, Nicky-boy.” Darcy sang before walking away to the other end of the bar. 
Here goes nothing.
“Oh wow, Charlie? Is that really you? Oh My God, it is you!” Nick exclaimed.
Charlie, with wide eyes, picked up his drink and quickly downed the rest, before stage whispering, “Ben. I need to go now.”
“What?” Ben loudly questioned.
“Charlie! Over here!” Nick continued.
“I’m sorry Ben. I really hate to have to leave like this.” Charlie started, grabbing his phone off the table. “But that man is my ex-husband, and he is an ex for a reason. I need to leave now.”
“Husband? You didn’t tell me you were married!” Ben exclaimed.
“Ex!” Charlie corrected, already half way out the door to the pub. “Bye!”
“What. The. Hell.” Ben said, looking angrily at Nick and then following the path Charlie took out of the pub.
“Bravo.” Darcy applauded, “That was great Nicholas, “I’ve only taken one improv class”, Nelson.”. 
“I-” Nick stammered.
“Nick, please. You barley even know his name and you basically signed the marriage license.” Darcy exclaimed.
“Like you can say anything!” Nick said defensively, “You married Tara the day after she graduated uni!”
“That’s different and you know it, Nicky; we’re lesbians.” Darcy smirked.
“That doesn’t make sense!” Nick laughed.
“Charlie, why were you outside and why are you rushing us back in here? Wait, did the date go that well, you are already introducing us? Charlie!” Nick heard a woman’s voice announce.
Nick looked over to where he heard the voice to see a beautiful tall woman and a shorter man walk back in the pub with Charlie.
“No Elle. I need you two here as a buffer in case he’s still here.” Charlie said exasperatedly, glancing around the bar.
“Charlie, I don’t know what you are on about, but we are going to get a table and you are going to get us a drink.” the man said, already walking towards a high-top table.
“Honestly Charlie. I just asked for you to go on one date, and you couldn’t do it without running out of a pub. You have some explaining to do.” the woman, presumingly Elle, ranted before following the man to the table he had chosen.
“Okay Elle.” Charlie huffed, walking to the bar where Nick still sat.
“Hi.” Nick said in a breathy tone.
“Hi.” Charlie replied in the same tone with a small smile. 
“Hi.” Nick repeated, a snicker from Darcy breaking him out of his mini trance. “My name’s Nick.”
“Hi Nick.” Charlie said. “Can I buy you a drink as a thank you for helping me get out of the worst date of all worst dates?”
“Would you join me?” Nick asked, still looking right at the prettiest bright blue eyes he has ever seen.
“Yes, I would love to join you.” Charlie beamed, moving to sit on the bar stool next to Nick and ordering another round for the two of them.
“So, what did he have against a cat?” Nick asked, after taking a sip of his drink.
“His ex, has a cat that has their own room, and his ex wouldn’t let him sleep over. He offered to sleep on the couch and she said no in case the cat wanted to sleep on the couch.” Charlie laughed.
“Ouch.” Nick sarcastically replied.
“That’s not even that bad! Look. Here’s the first, and only, picture he sent me.” Charlie pulled out his phone and showed Nick the picture of Ben.
“Is that only a bottle of three-in-one soap in the shower?” Nick gasped. 
“That’s what I tried to tell-” Charlie started.
“Charlie, not that I don’t love this for you babes, but Tao is waiting for our drinks and is getting impatient.” Elle interrupted, suddenly standing next to Charlie. 
“Tried to tell Elle.” Charlie finished.
“Elle? Ohmigosh! It’s been forever!” Darcy shouted excitedly. 
“Darcy? Darcy Olsen?” Elle turned her attention towards Darcy.
“Olsen-Jones now, but yes! How are you doing?” Darcy corrected, happily.
“Aww, you and Tara are married now? That’s so exciting!” Elle squealed.
“Umm…” Charlie interrupted.
“Oh! Charlie, this is Darcy, we had a few classes together at Higgs. And Darcy, this is Charlie, we went to Truman together before I was at Higgs. He’s one of my best friends.” Elle introduced the two. “Charlie… who’s this?”
“Elle, this is Nick. He helped me escape that terrible date, that you, who abandoned me at my weakest hour, made me go on.” Charlie pointed at Elle.
“Did she not see the 3-n-1 soap?” Nick leaned in closer to Charlie and asked quietly, but still loud enough for the others to hear.
“Yes Nick, she did. Some friend she is.” Charlie said with faux annoyance.
“Elle! You have to know that is the biggest red flag!” Darcy gasped.
“He hasn’t been on a date in two years!” Elle argued with a small laugh.
“Elle! You don’t need to announce to the world how nobody wants to date me!” Charlie jumped up to put his hand over her mouth.
“Nicky here hasn’t been on a date in a while either.” Darcy smiled, grinning at Nick.
“Darcy! I’ve been on dates.” Nick insisted, trying to plead with his eyes to tell Darcy to stop, which she promptly ignored.
“Meeting somebody at a cafe for a coffee but leaving as soon as you see that they don’t tip the barista, is not a date.”
“I knew I wasn’t going to get along with them! I just saved myself and them the trouble!”
“You know what, that’s fair. Nice to meet you, Nick.” Elle stated after removing Charlie’s hand from her face.
“But you still made me go out with someone who uses 3-n-1 soap!” Charlie squeaked. 
“Charlie hush! You needed to get out of your flat! And for more than just when you need to buy groceries and end up eating a free dinner at mine.” Elle retorts causing Charlie to pout a little. “You’ll be fine.” Elle ruffled Charlie’s hair causing him to release a small squeak and bat at her hands.
Elle leaned down and whispered something only Charlie could hear, causing a blush to appear on Charlie’s cheeks. “Get your drinks and go please.”
Elle laughed softly in response then ordered two drinks from Darcy before walking back to her table with Tao.
“What did she tell you?” Nick asked with a chuckle.
“Nothing!” Charlie replied too quickly.
“I only ask because whatever it was, made you blush, and it’s adorable.” Nick teased.
“Shut up yeah?” Charlie asked, his voice slightly higher pitched, and blush still rising.
“One more question, and then you can tell me to shut up if you want to.” Nick paused, “Can I see you again? Maybe here, next Friday? Like as a date?”
“That depends.” Charlie stated, in a matter-of-fact tone.
“I promise I use separate shampoo and conditioner!” Nick let out a small laugh.
“I promise I tip baristas.” Charlie smiled, “And I would love to see you again, here, next Friday. Like as a date.”
“Good. It’s a date.”
“It’s a date.”
Based off of a story one of the hosts was telling on the Banana’s podcast (that I can’t recall the ep number). It didn’t end the same way (at all), but I thought it was a cute premise.
If i missed any cw/tws please let me know and i'll fix it.
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jeans-marrow · 2 years ago
I changed my home screen to heartstopper leaves coloured as the aroace flag with white background and damn I'm not used to seeing that much bright coming from my phone
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spacerockwriting · 2 years ago
Ahhh thank you @energievie
name: Comet
age: 32
favorite season: Summer Aesthetic, but not heat.
movies or tv shows? maybe tv shows? I usually watch one a day at lunch at work. Less commitment lol.
do you carry a bag/purse? what kind? I have a bag I bring to work that's the maurauders map. Its old and torn and needs to be replaced by this peter pan bag I got. I keep work stuff in it, and accumulate junk lol.
what color is your water bottle? I don't have one really?? I kind of do. I buy them but never use them. So I have this liter one that has shiba inu's on them.
what color is your phone case? clear, with the heartstopper "Hi" bubbles and leaves. And I have a shiba inu drinking starbucks sticker on the inside
do you sleep in silence or do you need white noise/sounds/music? white noise, or my giant fan that creates white noise. I have a stuffed giraffe that plays white noise. He was a god send during my surgery.
top sheets: yes or no? Give me all the blankies. I even use my weighted one.
you’re in the candy aisle at the corner store, what are you grabbing? corn puffs, gingerbread and gummy worms
preferred mode of travel (plane/train/car/bus/on foot/etc?): Plane, Train. Planes are quickest, so now that I have to take off for work I like getting there early. But I'd like to do a train trip again. That was nice.
what’s your phone background right now? Lock screen is Michael Clifford and Calum Hood from 5SOS that I took at a concert. My main screen is Gou and Ash from the pokmeon anime.
are you more of a minimalist or a maximalist? maximalist, I guess.
it’s time to paint your bedroom! what color are you choosing?: Idk, honestly. Not white, though. Right now its white covered in stuff, but I live at home sooo.
and finally, tell me something that brings you joy: Gallavich, pokemon, My Micks, bestie. My kitty. Stupid the Bear memes.
Im gonna tag u @ourmarquis
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Heartstopper thoughts part 3!
- Tara and Darcy my babes <33
- Darcy in a suit THE GENDERENVY
- Isaac :( lemme hug you :(
- Elle looks so stunning!!
- Look how happy Tori looks after kicking David’s phone
- Not Darcy having me almost sobbing again
- Idk if anyone has noticed yet but it the little scene where Isaac has a aroace moment (10/10 scene btw) loveless was in the background which I thought was a very nice detail :D
- NOT SEVEN :(((
- I’m a little too much like Charlie and that probably should concern me
Overall it was a very good show!! All the actors did an amazing job and Alice Oseman wrote it perfectly! The representation was very good as well all though I wish there would’ve been some non-binary representation. But enjoyed every second of it!!
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theodoraflowerday · 2 years ago
heartstopper s2e7 live episode reaction
ok ep 7 of s1 is my least favorite one, let's see how this one goes
see, darcy can sleep over at tara's, learn something @ jane
oh wow nick could run a charlie stan account sweet lord
is it really a season of heartstopper if nick isn't zooming in on a picture of charlie and realizing things
I am sorry the idea of everyone in tao's family waiting for him and elle to get together sjfudkfudirudkrudirudkrudori
"do you have a girlfriend you'd like to invite, david?" OOOOOOOOOOOOOO SICK BURNS FROM SARAH NELSON
we love a supportive squad <3
darcy baby girl oh no
how have literally none of you realized that isaac isn't into james lmao
"I think I'll go to prom" okay troy bolton
"I don't wanna wear matching suits" "me neither" sickening as FUCK y'all are the worst
not everyone pitching in so darcy can wear a suit I'm going to start crying
I'm not immune to non-binaryism even if not canon idc man
isaac's face when everything fits in......... god. I'm in this and I don't like it
"interesting" INDEED TARA INDEED
elle's painting I'm sobbing lmao
I can't believe this bitch went all the way there just to give himself some pat on the back, a piece of SHIT
okay nick is like. that's scary dog privilege lol
oh. my. god.
oh. my. god. i have tears in my eyes. oh my fucking god charlie.
fuck I hope this is the last we see of ben lmao
FUCK that was. give joe an emmy? please? god?
no I had to pause I'm crying so hard that was so cathartic I love you so much charlie spring
also okay the dinner I hope tori kicks david's phone AND his teeth out
he's got no right to know you don't owe him a thing
oh my god I can't stop sobbing lmao
victoria's going to murder someone tonight
she asked that so calmly lmao "what is your problem?"
hdkfjdkghdkgj julio and jane all "why are we in this" JSKFUDOFUDLFIDLFUDLFJDKFJ
maybe david SHOULD just stay w stéphane next time
and then they both can disappear into a black hole
sarah's faces are giving me LIFE my god this woman is a saint
julio and jane are out there like "oh jesus fucking christ this is making us seem like a functional family unit"
I can't get over it they're doing all this in front of julio and jane, tori, charlie, and god
he's not a very good dad is he?
oh my god
oh my god nick no
oh fuck me I'm sobbing AGAIN WHAT THE FUCK
oh my fucking god
"I think it's a very sad way to exist" yeah
oh my god I need therapy after this
I'm literally calling my therapist after I'm done with this episode
jesus fucking christ that was bad. that was Really Bad I haven't stopped crying
oh okay thank fucking god for tori
sarah apologizing about the drama like the spring household doesn't have like 7 different mental illness diagnoses lmao
oh fuck
oh my god
oh no
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ao3feed-narlie · 1 year ago
And You Know For Me It's Always You
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/eIV72wt by kingdomfaraway “You’ll never guess who I ran into,” Nick said as he pulled out of the school’s parking lot. Tara’s voice came over the speaker of his phone, he could hear Darcy yelling something in the background. “Who?” “Charlie Spring, remember him?” “Bisexual panic, Charlie Spring? The boy you never once shut up about during school Charlie Spring? Please don’t tell me you stalked him out.” “No,” Nick answered, rolling his eyes despite knowing Tara didn’t see it. “I literally ran into him at the market, he was buying cereal and I gave him my number. We’re going out for coffee tomorrow.” “Wow, finally got your meet cute, Nelson, very proud of you.” Words: 7533, Chapters: 1/25, Language: English Fandoms: Heartstopper (TV), Heartstopper (Webcomic) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M, M/M Characters: Charles "Charlie" Spring (Heartstopper), Nicholas "Nick" Nelson, Benjamin "Ben" Hope, Sarah Nelson, Victoria "Tori" Spring, Oliver "Olly" Spring, Jane Spring, Julio Spring, Tao Xu, Elle Argent, Isaac Henderson (Heartstopper), Tara Jones, Darcy Olsson, David Nelson (Heartstopper), Geoff (Heartstopper) Relationships: Nicholas "Nick" Nelson/Charles "Charlie" Spring Additional Tags: Angst, Fluff and Angst, Alternate Universe, Meet-Cute, Charles "Charlie" Spring (Heartstopper) Needs a Hug, Charles "Charlie" Spring (Heartstopper) has an Eating Disorder, Eating Disorders, Abusive Relationships, Divorce, Nicholas "Nick" Nelson Needs a Hug, Protective Nicholas "Nick" Nelson, Smitten Nicholas "Nick" Nelson, Smut, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Therapy, Starting Over, Self-Harm, Implied/Referenced Domestic Violence, Past Domestic Violence, Protective Siblings, Self-Esteem Issues read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/eIV72wt
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