#Heartbeat Song
karis17love · 2 months
Heartbeat song for daily coach? thanks :)
ꨄ ᴅᴀɪʟʏ ᴊᴜsᴛ ᴅᴀɴᴄᴇ ᴄᴏᴀᴄʜᴇs ꨄ
"𝑈𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙 𝑡𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝐼 𝑜𝑛𝑙𝑦 𝑑𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑑 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢
𝐼 𝑐𝑎𝑛'𝑡 𝑏𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑣𝑒 𝐼 𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑏𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑑 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢."
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Requested by: anonymous 💜
If you want a specific map, feel free to ask <33
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ambonexus · 23 days
I regret to inform you all that Heartbeat Song and The Middle are just the same song.
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my-chaos-radio · 8 months
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Release: January 12, 2015
This is my heartbeat song and I'm gonna play it
Been so long I forgot how to turn it up, up, up, up all night long
Oh up, up all night long
You, where the hell did you come from?
You're a different, different kind of fun
And I'm so used to feeling numb
Now, I got pins and needles on my tongue
Anticipating what's to come
Like a finger on a loaded gun
I can feel it rising
Temperature inside me
Haven't felt it for a long time
This is my heartbeat song and I'm gonna play it
Been so long I forgot how to turn it up, up, up, up all night long
Oh up, up all night long
This is my heartbeat song and I'm gonna play it
Turned it on
But I know you can take it up, up, up, up all night long
Oh up, up all night long
All night long
I, I wasn't even gonna go out
But I never would have had a doubt
If I'da known where I'd be now
Your hands on my hips
And my kiss on your lips
Oh I could do this for a long time
This is my heartbeat song and I'm gonna play it
Been so long I forgot how to turn it up, up, up, up all night long
Oh up, up all night long
This is my heartbeat song and I'm gonna play it
Turned it on
But I know you can take it up, up, up, up all night long
Oh up, up all night long
Until tonight I only dreamed about you
I can't believe I ever breathed without you
Baby you make me feel alive and brand new
Bring it one more time, one more time
This is my heartbeat song and I'm gonna play it
Been so long I forgot how to turn it up, up, up, up all night long
Oh up, up all night long
This is my heartbeat song and I'm gonna play it
Turn it on
But I know you can take it up, up, up, up all night long
Oh up, up all night long
This is my heartbeat song and I'm gonna play it
Been so long I forgot how to turn it up, up, up, up all night long
Oh up, up all night long
This is my heartbeat song and I'm gonna play it
Turned it on
But I know you can take it up, up, up, up all night long
Oh up, up all night long
Audra Mae / Jason Evigan / Kara Elizabeth Dioguardi / Kelly Clarkson / Mitch Allan
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freedomseeker91 · 2 years
Heartbeat Song....
Chapter: One-Shot In The More Than Good Enough Universe
Title: Heartbeat Song
Summary: When Chloe experiences a particularly trying week, Beca surprises her wife with a gift that may just pull her out of her slump.
Rating: General
Warnings: Mentions infertility struggles, pregnancy loss and a termination. Please proceed with care. 
Chloe was stressed, beyond stressed, to the point she felt like she was surviving solely on adrenaline. It had been a trying few days to say the least. Her mother had called her earlier in the week to inform her that her dad had been taken to hospital after having a minor heat attack. He was fine, and the doctors had insisted that with some changes to his diet and exercise he would make a full recovery, but it had still shaken Chloe.
Being the only girl in her family she had always been particularly close to her father, the apple of his eye, the one whose temperament was the most similar to his own compared to her brothers. He was her hero, her very own Superman, and he was also the man who had cried the day he had given her away on her wedding day as he acknowledged that his little girl, wasn’t so little anymore. They were beyond close, two peas in a pod, Chloe’s very first best friend.
So, to hear the news had rocked Chloe to her core, because for a split second, she was reminded that she herself would be a parent soon. In a matter of months, she would have a little girl of her own and the thought of her father not being around to meet his granddaughter was something Chloe never wanted to think about.
In was in the moments after the phone call, when she had been comforted and reassured by her wife, that Chloe realised how lucky she was, because Beca hadn’t been as lucky. Chloe had been blessed with two parents who had been happily married since college and had raised a beautiful family, while Beca had experienced the disintegration of her own parents’ marriage, the absence of a father who had moved across country and married into a new family and ultimately, the tragic death of her mother.
It was in that particular moment as she watched her wife load up her favourite comfort show on Netflix and head to the kitchen to make a pot of tea for them to relax, that Chloe truly felt the weight of how grateful she was for the life she had been given. Yes, there had been moments where she felt like she had been beaten down and sucker punched, moments when she felt like she was being tested for reasons unknown to her.
Finding out that she couldn’t carry a child had been one of the biggest hurdles in her life so far and at the time it had crushed her because throughout her whole life she had felt in her bones that she was made to be a mother. She loved kids, she loved the thought of settling down and raising her own family, creating memories and going on adventures, watching them grow and develop and step out into the world to create their own lives.
But Beca had pulled her through, like she always did, like she always would. Because if there was one thing in life Chloe could count on, it was her wife. Because even though Chloe couldn’t bear a child, Beca had promised her wife that one day, one way or another, they would have a family of their own. Whether it was naturally or through adoption or surrogacy, Chloe would get to be the mother she was destined to be, that any child would be lucky to have.
When several years of IVF and multiple pregnancy losses had taken a toll on Beca’s body, Chloe had realised that even if having a child wasn’t on the cards for them, she could live just as fulfilling a life as long as she had her wife. The woman who persevered through torturous rounds of IVF treatments, who somehow found the strength to pick herself up and keep going after yet another miscarriage. Who fought for their dream even when Chloe felt like letting it go.
Beca Mitchell had always and would always be the grounding force that Chloe needed, and on this particular week, she really needed it.
Aside from her fathers’ health scare, Chloe had also been swamped at work with surgeries, interviewing potential new vets to the practice she now held a partnering stake in and on top of that, Beca had a scan to check the baby’s progress which had set Chloe on edge as they so often did. After so many failed attempts and losses, she had learned not to get her hopes up.
Even though this pregnancy had already surpassed the stage they had lost previous pregnancies, Chloe couldn’t bring herself to hope just yet, to the extent that it had been agreed early on that they wouldn’t tell either of their respective families or their friends about the pregnancy until it was next to impossible to hide it.
That often meant skipping social events during the early stages when Beca was too ill with morning sickness to pass it off as a stomach bug and avoiding any pool parties and beach days, anything that would make people query why Beca was so covered up in the LA heat while everyone else was prancing around in bathing suits.
For the last several months they had become house hermits, especially in a bid to hide from the prying eyes of the public, and though this had caused some curiosity with their respective families, they merely passed it off as being too swamped with work.
For the most part Beca was able to hide her growing tummy behind looser fitting clothing, baggier sweatshirts, t-shirts or an oversized blouse. However, there was a point where they thought they may have been caught when Stacie of all people noticed that Beca’s “rack” seemed more stacked than usual. They had eventually talked Stacie around with a lame excuse of Victoria’s Secret not being so secret, but they knew they were beginning to close in on that time when they had to fess up.
They had come away from their doctors’ appointment that week with the knowledge that their baby was indeed okay and was continuing to grow at a healthy and steady pace, much to their relief, and hearing the baby’s heartbeat always settled Chloe down to an extent.
At one point she had contemplated getting one of those at home monitors that would allow them to hear the heartbeat whenever they wanted, but Beca had reasoned that with their track record, it would do neither of them any good getting sucked into a rabbit hole of checking for the baby’s heartbeat on a day-to-day basis. It was a slippery slope, one Beca was sure Chloe’s anxiety didn’t need. They just needed to trust that this time, Beca’s body was doing what it needed to keep their baby safe.
Even so, Chloe was still tightly wound, and she could feel it in her body. There hadn’t been time for her to relax or unwind and the pent-up feelings of anxiousness that she normally managed to exercise out of her system, were wearing on her weary bones.
Luckily, she married someone who was well attuned to the many emotions of Chloe Beale. Yes, she was a legally a Mitchell, but in Beca’s eyes she would always be Beale and though she was proud that her wife carried her name, she would never let Chloe forget the name that made her, shaped her, the one that captured Beca’s heart all those years ago.
For the past couple of days Beca had been working on something that Chloe wasn’t aware of, something Beca was really proud of. After their latest doctors’ appointment, she had been inspired creatively and she was sure that this surprise would be the very thing to pull Chloe out of her anxious pit.
Stepping into the veterinary clinic, Beca exchanged pleasantries with the staff at reception before making her way down the corridor to Chloe’s office. In much the same way that Chloe had free reign to drop into Beca’s work place, Beca also had the same privilege at the clinic.
Chloe’s office was separate from her examine room, so Beca never had to worry about potentially imposing on her wife in the middle of an exam. It meant that even when Chloe was busy, Beca could hang out in her office and wait for her. But this usually only ever occurred when Beca made prior plans to visit, whenever she wanted to surprise Chloe she always hung out in the reception area.  
On this particular day, her wife wasn’t expecting her, but she knew Chloe was in her office and this was the kind of surprise she wanted to keep just between them. As she reached the door, she knocked gently and then pressed on the handle to budge it open.
Chloe, who had been sitting at her desk working on some charts on her computer was momentarily taken aback at the sight of her wife and instantly stood up, rounded her desk and made a beeline straight for Beca.
“Bec what are you doing here? Is everything okay? Is it the baby,” Chloe asked, looking her wife up and down for any obvious sign of injury or distress.
Beca merely grabbed a hold of Chloe’s hands and shook her head.
“I’m fine, baby’s fine, we’re both fine. It’s all good in the baby hood,” Beca answered instantly to avoid watching her wife have an aneurysm thinking up a list of potential bad things, and then lifted her hands so that they were resting on Chloe’s upper arms, gently caressing them.
“What’s not fine is you,” Beca said, her tone very pointed and direct, “you’ve been restless the past week and that’s not like you.”
Chloe sighed, knowing her wife was right, but she just couldn’t shake herself out of whatever anxiety bubble she had found herself consumed by.
“I know, I’m sorry, it’s just with everything that’s been going on this week I just can’t seem to get my head focused and it’s just, it’s exhausting me more than usual,” Chloe explained.
Beca smiled sadly at her wife before dropping her hands to lace one of them with Chloe’s and pulling her towards the couch, gently nudging the woman until the redhead was settled down upon it. Beca removed the satchel she had been carrying from around herself and placed it rather unceremoniously down onto the coffee table nearby before disregarding all the extra space and planting herself down in Chloe’s lap.
With Chloe’s left arm curled around her, Beca took her wife’s free hand and guided it under her flowing blouse and settled it right over their baby’s home. A couple of seconds later, Beca felt a fluttering in her tummy, her little girl beginning to kick.
“Someone’s happy to see Mommy,” Beca grinned, and Chloe’s face burst into a beaming smile.
“Really?” she asked looking up to her wife for confirmation. The baby wasn’t big enough yet for any kicks or movements to be felt by anyone merely stroking Beca’s stomach, but the brunette herself had begun to feel little flutters of movement that she was sure her wife would be able to feel too any day now.
“Yeah, she’s fluttering around like a little butterfly in there right now,” Beca chuckled, and Chloe’s hand instantly began stroking her wife’s stomach with more purpose as she dropped her gaze towards her hand.
“Hi baby, Mommy already loves you so much,” Chloe cooed, expressing both the emotional depth of the love she already felt, and the underlying cause of her anxiety. Fear.
The fear of losing this unborn tiny human she already loved with her whole heart, this beautiful miracle growing inside her wife’s body that Chloe had been terrified of growing attached to in case it was ripped from them yet again. But it was too late, she was already head over heels and Chloe feared having her heart shattered yet again.
And Beca knew this, because she had struggled with it herself.
The last couple of years had brought so much pain and grief for both of them, in fact, having to experience Chloe grieving the news of her inability to carry a child had brought up some guilt Beca had carried around for years over an abortion she had chosen to have at the tender age of 17.
Having to remember that time and reconcile her decision with the fact that her wife couldn’t carry a child, it had made Beca feel like maybe her choice had been selfish, because she had given up something that women like Chloe craved.
But Chloe didn’t see it that way, and not once did she ever fling that very fact back in Beca’s face. It wasn’t Beca’s fault that Chloe couldn’t conceive, it was just some messed up curveball life had decided to throw at her. And Chloe knew that the decision Beca had made all those years ago wasn’t one that she had made lightly or callously. She could never resent Beca for any of it, she loved her too much.
However, when Beca had struggled with IVF and carrying a pregnancy she had thought that it was karma getting back at her. If she hadn’t wanted a child then why did she deserve one now? But they had been reassured by their doctor that Beca’s past wasn’t a reflection of the struggle she faced with her fertility later on, it was merely life. Whether or not Beca had gone through with a termination or not there was still every possibility she would’ve struggled later as it was just her bodies make up.
But they were here now and Beca was determined to make sure that they both embraced the experience rather than dwelling on the past. She didn’t want the entire pregnancy to be a question of what if’s and living on baited breath, she wanted them to experience the same joy their friends had experienced welcoming their own kids and in order to that, she needed to pull Chloe out of this funk.
“Hey, I have a surprise for you,” Beca said, as she reached across to the coffee table and opened her satchel, removing her MacBook Pro and firing it up as she settled back into Chloe’s lap, swinging her legs up so that they were now resting on the couch.
Chloe watched her curiously as the familiar sight of Beca’s professional mixing software illuminated the screen. Beca rifled through some files until she found the file she wanted and loaded it into the software, her fingers dancing across the keyboard and mouse pad as she adjusted some settings.
“Remember how it cool it was when we heard the baby’s heartbeat?” Beca said, and Chloe nodded her head, a soft smile crossing her lips at the memory, fingers flexing across her wife’s stomach on reflex.
“Well, I got a little inspired and I found a way to pull the soundbite from the sonogram disc they gave us and well, I made you something I think you’re gonna like,” Beca said, gazing at Chloe for a moment before pressing play on her laptop.
The room was suddenly filled with the familiar sound of their baby’s heartbeat and Chloe listened intently when all of a sudden, the pattern of the heartbeat morphed effortlessly into the opening of a new track, a thumping baseline kicking in just as the voice of Kelly Clarkson filled the room.
As Chloe listened to the song progress, the lyrics began to resonate with her and she found her eyes welling up with happy tears. It was a love song, one Beca had created for her and their daughter. It was a three minute love letter that told the basic story of their relationship through Beca’s feelings that opened and closed with the beating of their baby’s heart.
It was, in a word, perfect.
“Do you like it?” Beca asked sheepishly.
Chloe’s opinion always mattered to Beca, especially when it came to her music and the redhead was all too aware of this.
“Like it? Bec’s I love it,” Chloe cried as she wiped away her tears, and as she continued to wipe them away, she realised that in those tears, her anxiety was expelling itself from her body.
She felt more at peace than she had all week and Beca smiled lovingly back at her.
“Good, because this track is for you and you only,” she stated as she pulled out her USB connection port from her bag and connected it to her laptop and then pulled out a memory stick and transferred the file onto it for Chloe so that her wife would always have it.
“Now you can listen to our baby’s heartbeat whenever you want.”
As Beca held up the memory stick between them, Chloe wrapped her hand around Beca’s and pulled her close, giving her a long tender kiss on the lips, before deepening it, beckoning Beca to give her more and whimpering when she finally did.
“I love you,” Chloe said once their lips finally separated and Beca shrugged her shoulder.
“I should hope so ‘cause I don’t let just any baby momma’s knock me up.”
Chloe rolled her eyes and nudged Beca gently with her shoulder at the comment, feeling herself finally relax for the first time in days.
As Beca glanced at her watch, she noted the time and began gathering herself together to get herself across town to a lunch meeting with an artist that was interested in working with her. She gave her wife another kiss on the lips and then departed with the promise of being home in time for dinner.
Once she was gone, Chloe stood up form the couch and returned to her desk, taking a seat and waking up her computer to find the file she had been working on earlier staring back at her. With the USB still in hand, Chloe plugged it in and once the folder popped up on screen, she double clicked on the audio file and waited for it to load.
When the music player launched with the file loaded, she beamed at the title of the track ‘Heatbeat Song’ and adjusted the sound as that same familiar fluttering filtered through her speakers and as the sound of her baby’s heartbeat transitioned into her wife’s carefully crafted lyrics, she couldn’t hold back the loving smile that brightened every single feature on Chloe’s face. And as she sat their engulfed in her new favourite song, she realised that maybe, just maybe, she could begin to hope and dream about the new life that would soon fill up her world.
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chilewithcarnage · 6 months
'you still listen to music from 10 years ago 🤨?' bitch if prehistoric humans had audio recording technology id be sat up here listening to grog and unga bunga's greatest hits don't play with me
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taevisionceo · 8 months
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samantabrzozowska · 1 year
“I love this song, I love Kelly!”
~ Sam
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family-aya · 2 months
🛑🙏😔Urgent appeal😔🙏🛑
The campaign has been verified by @90-ghost
Our children bear the brunt of the violence in 🍉 Here are the children of my family whose childhood and dreams were stolen from them, despite all the hurt and pain, raising the sign of victory
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..The story of Zeina, Marah, Kamel, Youssef, little Yara, and many children in my tent.. Zeina and Marah say to her mother: I want to play like before the war, I want to go to the amusement park, I want clothes and a clean house, I want to celebrate the holidays, I want to go to school and learn, I want to feel safe and sound......
Her mother: She does not answer and feels disappointed with tears on her cheeks
Marah and Zeina: Mom, why don’t you answer? Mom, don’t cry. 😭😭😭
Mom, we understand everything, and yet we will play and learn 👇👍👇
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..But now is the time to support us and live safely.
..The time has come to stop this destructive war.
..It is time to reach the largest number of donors to save my family and children.
@90-ghost @straycatj @ibtisam-d @acepumpkinpatrick @just-browsing1222 @gazacrisis2k14 @palestine @13ag21k @the-basicz @boyvandal-blog @apsswan @youdontknowwhatitsliketobehuman @manglednatalia @fallaway-dun @sealust @palipunk @malcriada @appsa @nobrashfestivity @malcriaada @commissions4aid-international @criptochecca @awesomepeoplehangingouttogether @meepyfriends @thunderstruck9 @straycatj
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b1adie · 5 months
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now why is the official tiktok posting this.
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felassan · 4 months
before the Gameplay Reveal of Dragon Age: The Veilguard went live the other day, the stream had a countdown on a purple background. there was cool music playing in the background of this. there is a rewatch link for the gameplay video, but it doesn't include the song. Ghil Dirthalen recorded it though, so if you would like to re-listen to it, you can do so here at [this link]. there is also a link in the description of the video to a download of the audio file there.
maybe this is the music that plays over the 'Start Menu'? :)
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nighttime-thoughts · 6 months
I went on a date today Even though I knew I couldn't fall in love I went on a date today Knowing I was already in love I went on a date today To try and feel the way I did The day I met you  I went on a date today I watched how their eyes lit up and stared into  My unwelcoming soul I went on a date today And tried to be ok with the affection and compliments They so desperately wanted me to take But I couldn't bring myself to accept  All that they offered Even if it was everything I ever wanted I went on a date today Only to realize I hate the way You made me love you.
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hotcinnamonsunset · 11 months
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rabbit heart (raise it up) but make it fashion❣️🐇
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ghost-bison · 2 months
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part 4 here
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sweetberry-roebuck · 1 month
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If you don't hate me, then reanimate me
Prove it to me baby, lightning in my veins
(Transparent bg ranmarus and direct references from the game under the cut)
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gelly-fsh · 6 months
Sorry but I just cannot stop thinking about President of the United States Remus Lupin, considered one of the most popular and handsome bachelor of his time (like why and how is he still single?) Gets a little sweet surprise for his birthday.
All of the US most powerful people are reunited in the event to celebrate President's Lupin birthday. They auditorium is packed to the brim, Prime Minister and best friend of the President James Potter just finished giving a speech about Remus, but he doesn't leave the stage. Instead, he gives that wicked smile of his that only meant mischief.
"Ladies and Gentleman, it is my great honor to present someone who really wants to wish our dear President a happy birthday. For all of you, Sirius Black!"
Enter Sirius Black, one of the most famous actors of his time, a symbol of beauty and sexiness and all things carnal and desirable, covered in a big white fur coat while he delicately walks to the podium.
Everyone is holding their breaths, and most of them end out choking on their breaths when Sirius removes the coat from his body, revealing a beautiful dress that was filled with diamonds, every curve of his body was hugged just right, the definition of desire.
He carefully moves the microphone to his height, dainty fingers covered in delicate gloves, and everyone could hear how he took a small breath before smiling sultrily.
"Happy....birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy birthday, Mr. President" the song felt intimate, way too intimate, but Sirius Black didn't care, and by the enraptured gaze the President had, neither did President Lupin
"Thanks, Mr. President
For all the things you've done"
The song was rather short, it was like it finished in a blink of an eye, but you were not able to forget any moment of it either. The movements, the seductive voice, the garment that made Sirius look like he wore nothing at all.
That night was historical, and everyone knew it.
After that, there was obviously rumors of the relationship between US beloved President and US beloved icon, and if President Lupin had invited Sirius Black to his quarters in the White House after the gala, it was something History would have to question forever.
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heretoobsessstuff · 3 months
The smile that you gave me
Even when you felt like dying
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