#Hearing Aids
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critterbitter · 1 year ago
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Sometimes, it's lonelier when you're in a crowd you can't understand. Elesa, who struggles with the language divide and being hard of hearing, solves this by simply refusing to engage.
BONUS! The twins did not get their starters yet. They think Elesa’s so cool and stoic. This is a hilarious misunderstanding.
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Want something funnier? Here's my submas masterpost!
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crybaby-writings · 1 year ago
if you want to learn sign language of any kind your one and only reason for it should be proper person to person communication. not because it's "so beautiful", not so you can talk shit and nothing else, not so you can say swear words without other people knowing.
if you're learning sign language your one and only reason should be to communicate with people who use sign language. learning sign language means learning about an entire complicated, extremely important culture and the people who are a part of that culture.
you can not learn sign language without learning about d/Deaf culture in depth. it also means learning to stay in your lane on d/Deaf issues. learning sign language and learning about d/Deaf culture does not mean you get to speak on d/Deaf issues, and a lot of hearing people don't realize that.
this has been a notice from a d/Deaf person
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cripplecharacters · 3 months ago
Hi, my character uses hearing aids and I would like to know if they can wear hearphones when they happen to wearing their hearing aids at the same time.
I'd say, don't do this. It's best to take off hearing aids when using headphones. Also, many modern hearing aids have bluetooth connection, so they may not even need headphones--they can just send the sound directly to their hearing aids!
Mod Rock
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ramshackledtrickster · 5 months ago
Fundraiser boost for @ayeshjourney ‘a campaign for Yasser and the Ayesh Family
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Mohammed Ayesh is one of the on the ground vetters currently in Gaza, helping hundreds of families spread their campaigns online and for their voices to be heard. His work is so invaluable, so please try to return some of the help through this. It’s the least anyone could do to thank him for the work he does.
Yasser Ayesh is Mohammed’s little brother, who is hard of hearing and requires a cochlear implant. Due to the ongoing blockade and destruction by the IOF, Yasser has no safe place to charge or repair his hearing aid. This means he goes several days without being able to hear or communicate, as him and his family try to survive.
All donation proceeds will go to repairing Yasser’s hearing aid, and to help the Ayesh family escape and eventually rebuild their lives as soon as possible. Additionally, it will help cover future expenses for Yasser’s speech therapy. Please, share and donate if you are able to, this is so extremely important.
And remember your daily click.
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@fricklefracklefloof @ibtisams @feluka @vague-humanoid @a-shade-of-blue @appsa @heritageposts
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thedeafzoologist · 1 year ago
How hearing aids work
This is intended as a writing guide, but anyone is welcome to read it to learn more about the different aids used by deaf people.
Please remember that these are based off my experience as somebody who was born deaf in the uk. Other deaf people will have vastly different experiences, and I would encourage you to look up other guides like this
Hearing aids are not always available, particularly if you live in a country without free healthcare. They can be very expensive, both to buy and to take care of
If your character is a deaf child or young teenager, they will need new hearing aid moulds every so often as their ears grow. This only involves going to the hospital for a few hours, and isn't really a big deal. You can get different colours of mould, sometimes sparkly ones, or with tiny embedded designs
Hearing aids cannot get wet, so we take them off to shower, swim, etc. We also take them off to sleep
Hearing aids do not fix hearing loss, and many deaf people still need to lipread and use sign language while wearing them. Please don't try to compare them to glasses!
Some people choose not to wear hearing aids at all, which is a perfectly reasonable and valid decision. Sometimes it is too overwhelming to be exposed to so much noise, sometimes people just prefer to sign or use other non-verbal communication
Not all people with hearing aids know or use sign language
If your character is wearing hearing aids for the first time, they will probably become a lot clumsier while they get used to it
That's all I can think of for now! To any hearing writers reading this, I'm glad you're making an effort to write diverse characters thoughtfully and respectfully!
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bodhrancomedy · 2 years ago
A little update and explanation (even if I’m late since I was dealing with a personal matter) on Mr Beast’s Deaf video and why it severely pissed off a lot of D/deaf folks. Including me.
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You know what, fuck you, I'm not listening to your bullshit anymore *takes out my hearing aids*
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jenthebug · 5 months ago
Got new hearing aids!
Things I’ve observed:
Clothing makes noise
My turn signals make noise
Music is REALLY GOOD, like, there’s a lot more to it than I remember
My coworkers sometimes say important things very quietly
Having Bluetooth hearing aids that go through my phone for all calls and sounds is fucking LIT
Husband crunching food makes noise from all the way across the room
Soba does “mrrp?” more than I thought
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microsofttothemax · 9 months ago
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one of my fav hcs for leo
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skys-archive · 8 months ago
I'm working on a masterlist of picrews with disability aids, let me know if you want to be tagged! Right now I'm doing some for hearing aids/cochlear, wheelchairs, canes, and crutches. If you have more aids you want to see, let me know that too!
EDIT: so far I'm also adding breathing tubes, feeding tubes, and prosthetics!
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wolfsteax · 1 year ago
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my Sims game gave Jake hearing aids when he was born so I decided to just make it canon
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rickypersnickety · 2 years ago
literally begging yall this disability pride month to remember the phys. disabled deaf people. draw them with transcription computers, draw them wearing colorful CIs and HAs, draw them using FM systems, i've never seen anyone draw them and i'd love to see representation of that. i cannot count the number of times i've been excited to see disability art only to see them all using mobility aids and feel disappointed afterwards because fuck knows when the last time you saw your disability aids.
this disability pride month include Deaf/HOH people that don't solely use sign language, who wear colorful disability aids, who use things that only their own community seems to know about
(if anyone has art of those things i mentioned i wanted seen tag me pleaseeeee)
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cripplecharacters · 4 months ago
As someone currently doing an rp with a character who uses hearing aids, I was wondering if having them get into physical fights while wearing said hearing aids would be an unrealistic protrayal? The reason they get into fights is because they’re just hot tempered/rowdy, and while I have looked into deaf wrestlers (and non-wrestling users), I haven’t seen or read about any with visible hearing aids during their matches. My character has only recently started to lose their hearing (in the last couple of years) and they’re in high school, if that’s of any importance
So the thing about hearing aids or CIs is that they can fall off. And if they fall off they might break, and they are expensive to fix! This is why you won't see many athletes who usually would wear hearing assistive devices wearing them while actively playing their sport.
If they were about to get into a fight impulsively, maybe one of their "things" is putting their hearing aids away or making a friend (carefully!) hold them. (Like how some people would take off glasses or a shirt before starting a fight.)
Mod Rock
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negasonic9403 · 8 months ago
Deaf!Peter in the kitchen making breakfast after a battle the day before. He doesn't have his hearing aids in because why would he at 6 in the morning when he doesn't think anyone else is going to be awake, especially since they had debriefed at 1 am, but he had stuck them into his hoodie pocket in case he needed them.
Lazily, he goes through the steps to make pancakes and he makes enough for everyone, which is a whole lot of pancakes. While he's cleaning up, Steve, the early riser he is, comes out of his bedroom with Bucky in tow because they had smelt breakfast. They hadn't expected the newest and youngest hero to be the one making the entire team breakfast, but Steve had to admit he was impressed and a little proud of Queens.
Steve walks into the kitchen and asked Peter from behind, "Peter, do you need any help with breakfast?"
Oblivious to the presence of the two super soldiers as he concentrated on making pancakes, Peter didn't respond since he couldn't hear him and hadn't seen him.
Steve was a bit surprised since the Peter he knew was always so polite, bent over backwards to call all of them by their official titles, was as respectful as possible, and seemed to constantly be talking with members of the team. Taking a step forward, Steve placed his hand on Peter's shoulder and Peter nearly jumped out of skin.
He whipped around to see Steve and Bucky staring at him before saying, "Geez! You can't sneak up on me like that!"
Steve looked at him confused before saying, "We walked in a few minutes ago and I just asked you if you needed help making breakfast. How is that sneaking?"
Peter sort of stares at Steve, trying to figure out what he was saying. His tired body and mind wasn't letting him lip read, which was never a great way to communicate but hey you do what you have to, to the fullest of his ability.
Rubbing his eyes, Peter just held up a hand to stop Steve from speaking anymore as he pulled his hearing aids out of his pocket. He put them in, allowed himself to adjust to the sudden massive influx of noise, and then lowered his hand before saying, "Okay, I'm ready. What did you say Mr. Rogers?"
Steve was a bit taken back because he hadn't known that Queens used hearing aids, but suddenly their interaction, and many others, made a lot more sense. "You're Deaf?"
Peter was confused by Steve's question before saying, "Yes? I have been since I was like five. Why do you—" and then he suddenly remembers that very few of the avengers actually knew he was Deaf since he was a pretty new addition to the regular team. Nodding a bit, he said, "And I'm assuming that never came up in conversation with you since you didn't know."
Up until now, Bucky had been quiet but he took now as an opportunity to interject himself. He waved a hand to get Peter's attention before signing, 'Do you know ASL?'
After the awkward moment of realizing he never told the leader of the avengers he was Deaf, Peter welcomed the distraction and grinned at Bucky's question. He loved talking in and about ASL. In response, he signed, 'Yes, I grew up using English and sign. You know ASL?'
Bucky nodded, 'I had to learn all of the major languages when I was the Winter Soldier. ASL is the 3rd most used language in America so it was one of the ones I learned.'
Steve watches Peter and Bucky talk. He knew some ASL but he was nowhere near fluent. He knew enough to have a conversation with Clint when he didn't want to wear his hearing aids, but that was about it. When Bucky and Peter's conversation came to an end, Steve waved a hand to get Peter's attention back. Slowly, and with awkward and shaking hands, Steve signed, 'If you don't want to wear your hearing aids, you don't have to. We want you to be comfortable.'
Peter was grinning from ear to ear as he took his aids out and put them away. He welcomed the silence as he tried to wrap his tired mind around the fact that two 100+ year old super soldiers just had a conversation with him in ASL as if it was the most normal thing in the world for superheros to do at 6 in the morning running on next to no sleep.
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gaystims · 3 months ago
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Golden hearing aids by auzi.me
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theprongspotter · 5 months ago
Me: “Unfortunately, my hearing is declining quicker than we thought it would :(“
Them: “And??? You’re losing it either way.”
It’s MY hearing dude
Yes, I’m losing it either way, and yes I have hearing aids, but now I’m losing it quicker
My hearing is deteriorating more rapidly
What are you not understanding?
It’ll be gone at an age younger to what we thought
Why the fuck are you basically telling me that I should be okay with that
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