#Healthcare Center
varenyahealthcare · 2 months
Medical Clinic in Punjab
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Looking for the best Health Care Center in Punjab? Look no further than Varenya HealthCare! We specialize in comprehensive medical care, including neurocritical care, cancer treatment, diabetes management, critical care services, emergency care, and fitness programs.
Our state-of-the-art facility is equipped with advanced technology and staffed by experienced healthcare professionals dedicated to providing top-notch care to our patients. Whether you need specialized treatment for neurological conditions, cancer care from expert oncologists, diabetes management, critical care services, or emergency medical attention, we have you covered.
At Varenya HealthCare, we prioritize patient well-being and strive to deliver personalized care tailored to each individual's needs. Our fitness programs complement our medical services, promoting overall wellness and helping patients maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Experience the difference at @varenyahealthcare, the Best Health Care Center and Medical Clinic in Punjab. Book an appointment with our specialists today for comprehensive and compassionate care.
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oakhursthealthcare01 · 4 months
Long-Term and Short-Term Care at Oakhurst Healthcare Center
In the realm of healthcare, few decisions are as crucial and impactful as choosing the right facility for long-term or short-term care. Families often find themselves navigating a maze of options, weighing factors such as quality of care, amenities, and location. One standout in this landscape is Oakhurst Healthcare Center, a facility renowned for its commitment to excellence in both long-term and short-term care.
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Long-Term Care: Providing Comfort and Support
For individuals facing chronic illnesses, disabilities, or advanced age, long-term care becomes a vital necessity. At Oakhurst Healthcare Center, long-term care is not just about meeting basic needs; it's about fostering a supportive environment where residents can thrive. 
Our dedicated team of healthcare professionals, including nurses, therapists, and caregivers, work tirelessly to ensure that each resident receives personalized care tailored to their unique needs. From assistance with activities of daily living to medical management and emotional support, we prioritize the holistic well-being of every individual under our care.
Furthermore, Oakhurst Healthcare Center prides itself on creating a warm and inviting atmosphere that feels like home. Our residents enjoy comfortable accommodations, delicious and nutritious meals, and a wide range of engaging activities and social opportunities. We understand that maintaining a sense of community and connection is essential for overall wellness, and we strive to foster meaningful relationships among residents and staff.
Short-Term Care: A Bridge to Recovery
Sometimes, individuals require temporary care and rehabilitation following surgery, illness, or injury. In these situations, Oakhurst Healthcare Center offers top-notch short-term care services designed to facilitate a speedy recovery and smooth transition back to independent living.
Our comprehensive short-term care programs incorporate skilled nursing, rehabilitation therapy, and medical supervision to help individuals regain strength, mobility, and independence. Whether recovering from a joint replacement, stroke, or cardiac event, our multidisciplinary team works collaboratively to develop personalized care plans tailored to each individual's goals and abilities.
In addition to rehabilitation services, Oakhurst Healthcare Center offers a range of amenities and support services to enhance the short-term care experience. From spacious and well-appointed therapy gyms to specialized wound care and pain management, we are fully equipped to address the diverse needs of our short-term care residents.
When it comes to long-term and short-term care, Oakhurst Healthcare Center stands out as a beacon of excellence. With a steadfast commitment to compassionate care, personalized attention, and clinical expertise, we strive to exceed expectations and improve the lives of those we serve. Whether you or a loved one are in need of long-term support or short-term rehabilitation, you can trust Oakhurst Healthcare Center to provide the highest standard of care with dignity, respect, and integrity. Contact us today to learn more about our services and discover why we are the premier choice for healthcare in our community.
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amberwellnessgroup · 2 years
Children’s Wellness Care in Portland, OR
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We know how important it is to have someone on your side when it comes to your children’s care
Like you, our practitioners are mothers of creative, energetic and miraculous children
We help families, like yours, make wellness aligned with your values and treat your children’s health concerns effectively, comprehensively and gently. We are committed to being an empowering resource to you and your family, so you can be confident you are making informed decisions about your children’s well-being and health care.
Our Children’s Wellness Care Offerings Include:
Digestive Distress
Anxiety, Mood and Sleep Concerns
Eczema, Allergies and Food Sensitivities
Immune Support
Puberty and Hormonal Balance
If you’re interested in scheduling an appointment or you’d like more information, please contact us.
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milkybnnuy · 22 days
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Another normal day in the clinic
Killer!Sans belongs to rafahwabas
Nightmare!Sans belongs to jokublog
Doctor!Sans belongs to me
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simpleupautomation · 2 years
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Health Care Professional -Palliative Care Australia | Go Gentle Australia
We strongly support the need for good palliative care within the Australian community, both in hospitals and at home. In providing dying individuals and their families with holistic support, good nursing, and pain control, palliative care provides an essential service for many Australians at the end of life.
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nando161mando · 24 days
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The efficient healthcare is desired
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onlytiktoks · 3 days
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fuck-customers · 8 months
I work for a company that takes blood, it’s policy that we ask customers how to spell their name, say their DOB, address, and phone number out loud. So this old man comes in and I ask him to spell his name, he says “it should be on the form.”
Again I ask him “do you know how to spell your name?”
“Yes.” (Again refusing to spell his name)
“Do you know your date of birth?”
“Do you know your address?”
“Do you know your phone number?”
I know if I insist on him confirming his details he’ll get mad at me and possibly make a complaint and my managers would probably take his side. So I just write on the request form “patient unable to to spell name or say date of birth or say their address or phone number. CANNOT CONFIRM IDENTITY OF PATIENT.”
Let the laboratory figure out if they want to test the blood.
Then when he goes to sign the form he gets mad that I’ve written “patient unable to spell name.” And tries to cross out “unable” saying he was “able” to and that he told me he was able to, I tell him unable and unwilling are the same.
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Donald Padgett at The Advocate:
A state investigation into the Washington University Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital has expanded to target therapists and social workers who may have minors seeking gender-affirming care. Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey is seeking redacted or lightly redacted medical records of patients who received care at the facility. The state investigation of the center is one of many currently underway, including one by U.S. Sen. Josh Hawley. The move left the state’s trans and healthcare communities with concern over future access to gender-affirming care for transgender youth in the state, the Missouri Independent reported.
“The attorney general has created a hostile environment for medical providers where they are afraid to stay and practice medicine,” Katy Erker-Lynch, executive director of PROMO, an LGBTQ+ advocacy group in the state, said. Bailey is reviewing the records at the Missouri Division of Professional Registration which oversees the state’s medical licensing as part of the investigation. He had earlier targeted Planned Parenthood Great Plains and Children’s Mercy, a hospital in Kansas City. Bailey has reportedly interviewed 57 healthcare professionals in connection with the investigation. Licensed clinical social worker Kelly Storck spoke with senior investigator Nick McBroom as part of the investigation.
The Center earlier turned over a spreadsheet providing information regarding patients seeking gender-affirming care, including visits, medications, and other normally private information. The mother of one patient who received care at the Center, a 17-year-old trans boy named Levi, described the investigation as “invasive” and said it was causing unwarranted disruption in their lives. “The state has already basically disrupted our lives,” Becky Hormuth told the Independent. “They’ve disrupted our families, our children’s lives with the legislation that has passed. Then for him to continue going on is even more invasive and damaging.” After Missouri passed a ban on gender-affirming care for minors last year, Bailey issued an emergency rule banning similar care for trans adults as well. In the document laying out the policy, he said these treatments “lack solid evidentiary support” and “pose very serious side effects.” He withdrew the rule when state lawmakers acted. Missouri Gov. Mike Parson, a Republican, signed the ban into law in June. It was quickly challenged in court, but a judge allowed it to go into effect.
Missouri AG Andrew Bailey (R) continues his farcical investigation into gender-affirming care providers, extending his targets to therapists and social workers who assist minors in obtaining gender-affirming care.
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varenyahealthcare · 2 months
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nicejewishsoyboy · 9 months
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Before and after: 10 weeks post-op facial and body harmonization surgery. Performed by Dr. Facque at the Gender Confirmation Center.
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A Texas woman who had sought a legal medical exemption for an abortion has left the state after the Texas Supreme Court paused a lower court decision that would allow her to have the procedure, lawyers for the Center for Reproductive Rights said Monday.
State District Judge Maya Guerra Gamble last week had ruled that Kate Cox, a 31-year-old mother of two from Dallas, could terminate her pregnancy. According to court documents, Cox's doctors told her her baby suffered from the chromosomal disorder trisomy 18, which usually results in either stillbirth or an early death of an infant.
As of the court filing last week, Cox was 20 weeks pregnant. According to the Center for Reproductive Rights, which brought the lawsuit, Cox left the state because she "couldn't wait any longer" to get the procedure.
"Her health is on the line," said Center for Reproductive Rights CEO Nancy Northup. "She's been in and out of the emergency room and she couldn't wait any longer."
In response to Gamble's decision, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton warned a Texas medical center that it would face legal consequences if an abortion were performed.
In an unsigned order late Friday, the Texas Supreme Court then temporarily paused Gamble's ruling.
On Monday, after Cox left the state, the state Supreme Court lifted the pause and ruled against Cox's request, dismissing it as moot.
According to court documents, Cox's doctors had told her that early screening and ultrasound tests suggested her pregnancy is "unlikely to end with a healthy baby," and due to her two prior cesarean sections, continuing the pregnancy puts her at risk of "severe complications" that threaten "her life and future fertility."
The lawsuit alleges that due to Texas' strict abortion bans, doctors have told her their "hands are tied" and she would have to wait until the fetus dies inside her or carry the pregnancy to term, when she will have to undergo a third C-section "only to watch her baby suffer until death."
The lawsuit was filed as the state Supreme Court is weighing whether the state's strict abortion ban is too restrictive for women who suffer from severe pregnancy complications. An Austin judge ruled earlier this year that women who experience extreme complications could be exempt from the ban, but the ruling is on hold while the all-Republican Supreme Court considers the state's appeal. 
In the arguments before the state Supreme Court, the state's lawyers suggested that a woman who is pregnant and receives a fatal fetal diagnosis could bring a "lawsuit in that specific circumstance." 
According to the Center for Reproductive Rights, Cox v. Texas is the first case since the overturning of Roe v. Wade to be filed on behalf of a pregnant person seeking emergency abortion care. Last week, a woman in Kentucky who is 8 weeks pregnant filed a lawsuit challenging the state's two abortion bans. 
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amberwellnessgroup · 2 years
Self Care Tips for Maximizing Health & Wellbeing
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What If… We Made Selfcare the Center of Our Healthcare!
We at Amber Wellness Group are here to help change the selfcare/healthcare paradigm. We understand and prioritize selfcare, so that we can help ourselves and our patients live a more balanced and healthier life. It is sometimes easier said than done, and there are often physical, emotional, and mental health conditions that can get in our way. If we start with the basics, and then begin to unravel some of our health barriers, we can take control to achieve a healthier and more balanced way of living. Ultimately, what helps us to feel better, as we prioritize self care into daily living, will be able to be the center of your healthcare as you live a healthier and more fulfilling life.
So much of our healthcare is modeled around urgent care, surgery, and medications. All of these are very important aspects of our healthcare system, however when they become the sole focus of care, the balance of self care in medicine is out of balance and our health priorities are given up to others to control.
The physicians at Amber Wellness Group have a passion for and a breadth of knowledge in mind-body medicine techniques to share. We provide suggestions, meet patients where they are at, and help to incorporate tangible bite sized self care practices to build a life based on confidence in their self care. If you have been struggling to incorporate selfcare into your daily practice, that is okay, you are not alone. We will help you every step of the way.
Dr. Lisa Dickinson has been adding to her training in mind body medicine, holistic pelvic care, holistic counseling techniques and is also in a 2 year meditation teacher training program. Dr. Meghan Bennett has extensive training in mind body medicine and uses her holistic pelvic care practice to support patients in a compassionate and heartfelt way. Dr. Meg Chmelik has a breadth of mind body medicine training in holistic counseling techniques as well as a deep understanding of how the body works, through her former career as a professional ballet dancer.
Start with:
5 minutes of movement: walking, stretching, or even dancing around the house
Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
Prioritize Sleep: minimum of 7 and ideally 8 hours a night
Eat 8 fruits and vegetables a day
Eat protein bites throughout the day to stabilize your blood sugar
Take 5 deep breaths at some point during the day, notice how you feel before and after
Do one thing daily that brings you joy
Recognize your stressors and strategize ways to work around them so they become your teachers
When we incorporate a little bit of these each day we have the opportunity to refill our cups, prioritizing our self care and thus improving our health and resiliency. We have so many more ideas to help you feel your healthiest self. If you would like an individualized assessment of how your adrenals and hormones are really doing and a specific plan to help you feel better, schedule an appointment with us today.
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milkybnnuy · 13 days
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Wanted to draw them interacting
Stitch!Sans belongs to @stitchau
Doctor!Sans belongs to me
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odinsblog · 1 year
🗣️ Please read this !!
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👉🏿 https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2023/05/crisis-pregnancy-centers-influence-post-dobbs-abortion-supreme-court.html
👉🏿 https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2023/05/alito-violates-supreme-court-ethics-rules.html
👉🏿 https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1660649551668150272.html
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