#Health Care System
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I just want to know what’s wrong with my body so I can deal with it effectively. Is that really too much to ask for???
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alpaca-clouds · 5 months
I feel a bit validated right now. One of the senior consultants of the hospital saw me today, explaining to me both the exact sickness I have, but also making a point out of the fact that normally this sickness does not get diagnosed this early. Partly because it is rare, partly because the symptoms tend to be very nebulous. Normally it only gets diagnosed at a point of permanent organ damage. He (a specialist with this kind of sickness) has never seen a patient diagnosed with it, who had not yet suffered permanent organ damage.
The reason they caught it this early was, because I correctly self-diagnosed it as something auto-immunal. Sure, I was wrong about the specific auto-immunal reaction, but I was right on the money that it was auto-immunal.
Admittedly, I still do not get why the fact that it is auto-immunal was so hard to catch. Because to me it seemed so obvious. But according to him it is, because it was just over so many different organs, that normally doctors would just not have caught it as being one and the same thing.
But the moral of the story: My fucking self-diagnosis saved me from suffering permanent organ damage. So whoever ever again tells me that self-diagnosis is a bad thing can suck my fucking ass.
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friendraichu · 7 months
NPR: N.C. hospital sues an 18-year-old quadriplegic to make her leave
"Ratcliff, a quadriplegic who uses a ventilator, has lived at Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist since she was 13. She wants to leave, too. But not to the nursing home the hospital found for her in another state.
She wants to live in a home nearby, close to her family and school.
When she refused to move to the distant nursing home, the hospital sued her for trespass."
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were-my-demons-hide · 1 month
I am so sick of rich old cis men serving capitalism at all costs.
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pype-r-morgan · 2 years
I’m pissed.
I have a fainting disorder on top of all my other health problems.
I have a worker who helps me with errands.
I couldn’t fight the dizzy heaviness overcoming me, and even managed to say I was going down.
A woman was shaking me, screaming if I was okay. It wasn’t my worker and I’m still only barely conscious. She didn’t respond. In fact, she “praised” the lady and me for “doing so well”.
I was forced to mask through a traumatic event she’s suppose to prevent. Encouraging the public it’s okay to touch medically unconscious persons who can’t respond.
I shouldn’t have to reassure an entire bank to not call 911. I shouldn’t have had to explain my situation.
I am a person fighting every day to just pass in society.
I refuse to let someone make money off my vulnerability and be an ableist - gtfo
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kp777 · 1 year
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decodedlvr · 2 years
wiki how to off myself to look like an accident. wiki how to off myself to look like an accident. wiki how to off myself to look like an accident. wiki how to off myself to look like an accident. wiki how to off myself to look like an accident. wiki how to off myself to look like an accident. wiki how to off myself to look like an accident. wiki how to off myself to look like an accident. wiki how to off myself to look like an accident. wiki how to off myself to look like an accident. wiki how to off myself to look like an accident. wiki how to off myself to look like an accident. wiki how to off myself to look like an accident. wiki how to off myself to look like an accident. wiki how to off myself to look like an accident. wiki how to off myself to look like an accident. wiki how to off myself to look like an accident. wiki how to off myself to look like an accident. wiki how to off myself to look like an accident. wiki how to off myself to look like an accident. wiki how to off myself to look like an accident.
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This guy sitting here saying ooh I’ll finish my coffee in ten min and then go take a shower well it’s been fifteen minutes bitch and my Lyft is coming in thirty with or without you.
Don’t fuckin sigh like this is stressful for you when I remind you that you need to start getting ready to go five minutes ago bitch I’m the one goin to the doctor to see if there’s something severely wrong with my goddam internal organs, you’re just here for support stop making me stressed because you’re eternally late and even more inifinitely uncaring that this messes shit up for other people
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bunnyseahorse-blog · 2 years
personal rant/also why I haven’t updated yet..
I went to a bar like two Saturdays ago. People were smoking, so when my throat hurt the next day I was like, I’m sure that’s why. Then I got a sinus headache, which I’m like cool, I have a sinus infection, I get those fairly often and they usually sort themselves out, if not I’ll go to the doc and get antibiotics.
Then I get like a really gross cough. and I’m like.... do people cough this badly with a sinus infection? So I call my Doc last Friday and am like “I’ve been sick almost a week or about that, can I come in?
“No appointments, but if you can do an online appointment Monday we have that.” So I’m like, how are you going to look inside my nose and hear my breathing if I’m online, but I take it because I sort of have to.
My mom is like “you can’t wait, you need to get some relief” and she gave me money to go to Urgent Care, cause my mommy is the greatest. And my sister took me there, because she too is the best.
Urgent Care swabs me for the flu, and tests me for Covid, and goes, here let’s get you an inhaler, try some over the counter decongestant stuff. And I’m like cool. I don’t have Covid or the flu, so it’s probably a cold. (They didn’t check for a sinus infection, or bronchitis, which my mom had at the time. And like, we are together a lot so... it could have been either, and I did mention that both could be possible so idk..”
Cough continues, so when i get to the Monday online appointment, they are like, honestly we had appointments on Friday when you asked for one, it’s so weird we couldn’t get you in. You are for sure sick! If you aren’t better by the next three days, CALL again. And like they gave me a RX for a steroid pack for the cough and inflammation and I’m like YAY! I’m already in an episode, and steroids in the past make me really manic. But thanks to my countries health care system, I have been sick for almost a week and a half, been to two different doctors, paid (or someone else has paid) $70 in copays, and finally have received the right treatment.
I’m kinda laying low. I wanna update soon, I’m just so blah... I’m sorry
Sorry for the wait. I hope i feel up to it soon, in the meant time, thanks for your support, and wish me luck
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gwydionmisha · 1 month
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headsupb2b · 3 months
Exploring the Latest Technological Advances in Medical Equipment
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Upgrade your healthcare facilities with Headsup B2B's wide range of medical equipment. We have comprehensive healthcare solutions that can be utilised to detect, treat, and cure patients, providing the best patient care as well as streamlining operations. Collaborate with us and obtain premier medical devices to meet the standard of healthcare delivery.
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ricisidro · 3 months
Gaps in the Philippines' medical system force patients into debt, healthcare workers to leave for work overseas.
Many Filipino patients are turning to cheaper supplements that are unlikely to treat their conditions, as they are unable to afford medicine prescribed by their doctors.
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were-my-demons-hide · 5 months
At my job we are trying to get some union work going and it is tough as nails. I feel that flame of activist me burning higher every day. Nevertheless it is hard. Some of my co-workers are so into it and others don't give a shit. Today I had a discussion with one of them and it was exhausting. His arguments against unions didn't make any sense. I think he can't see through all of this mess. The people working in the german health care system need to be saved. And people like him don't get it yet.
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papas-majadas · 8 months
America's F*cked Up Tax System | The Problem With Jon Stewart
Taxes can suck my dick.
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batattack409 · 1 year
Why does it feel like when you go to the doctors they’re doing a key word search and not actually listening to your symptoms?
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