#Healing candles
360intution · 1 year
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euphorictruths · 6 months
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Jiyai Li
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yourwitchmama · 2 months
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wandoffire · 10 months
Ways to use Essential Oils:
Sleep -> a few drops of lavender on a tissue to help you relax and fall asleep
Perfume -> dilute with a carrier oil (coconut, caster) and place on skin
Headaches -> peppermint oil is known to ease headaches
Clothing -> add a few drops to laundry for slightly scented clothing
Hair -> rosemary oil shown to improve dandruff and promote hair growth
Nausea -> the scent of lemon / orange oil is known to help with stomach upset
Reducing anxiety -> lavender, jasmine, basil, chamomile, rose (carry scented item or dilute onto skin)
Colds -> eucalyptus oil for congestion
Air freshener -> mix with water in a spray bottle (lavender, eucalyptus, lemongrass all work well)
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* look for 100% on the bottle so you know it’s not mixed with harmful chemicals.
* always dilute when placing on skin, should not be ingested without knowledge and caution, and can occasionally cause negative affects in some people.
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aphroditestruth · 8 months
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hacatestruth · 8 months
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hatchetsfield-arch · 5 months
y’all look at my birthday cake! do you think if we sing the summoning instead of happy birthday the lords in black’ll appear
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junebug2896 · 3 months
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My candle spell for room cleansing and protection✨
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sommarborne · 7 months
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Check out my Daily Reminders collection for my shop Bunny Slander!
These Daily Reminders were created to help encourage people to keep healthy habits and remember to take care of themselves throughout the day.
Struggling with severe mental health issues, it can be difficult to remember to do what some might consider "simple" daily tasks. I've been there before: curled up in a blanket cocoon, ignoring the days flying by, and having to force myself to get into a shower.
There is nothing to be ashamed about and I like to think that these candles are a kind, luxurious little way to help you through life. Reminders don't need to make you feel embarrassed. You can enjoy the refreshing aromas and keep these candles in strategic places around your home.
All of our candles are made with a soy wax blend and are scented with high-quality fragrance oils. Our candles burn clean and last 25-30 hours. Each candle is 6oz and costs 16.00 USD. We ship anywhere in North America and Canada.
Stretch Your Body: Bergamot & Matcha
Take a Shower: White Tea
Charge Your Vibrator: Citron & Mandarin
Take a Walk: White Birch
Take Your Medication: Cloudy Ozone & Bergamot Musk
Eat Some Food: Peach Bellini
Drink Some Water: Driftwood & Beachy Ozone
Get Some Sunshine: Coconut & Santal
Check them out today at Bunny Slander!
And thank you, as always, for your support <3
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starryskyx · 4 months
anyone wanna be witchy mutuals? I need some more witchy friends in my life. ♡
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natureselements · 5 days
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✨Candle Quartz cluster, a stunning beauty from brazil. Check out all of her details here✨
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360intution · 1 year
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inabigworld · 3 months
protecting/clearing your energy:
, visualize. imagine a ball of light in the center of your chest, and watch it grow each time you exhale.
, clear the field. now split that light ball into two separate balls of light. hold them in the palm of your hands, and with them you will wipe away all of what holds you down.
, smoke cleansing. using herb, barks, or resin. allow the smoke to wash over your entire body for however long you feel is necessary.
, grounding cord. imagine a luminous string that runs all the way from your head, to your toes, and into the ground below you.
, baths. using sea/epson salt, clay, and/or herbs and make a healing bath for you to soak in.
, light candles. whatever color you have to spare, or what’s best is for the color to correspond with the energy you’re trying to call in.
, make an altar. create a space with images, symbols, colors whatever reminds you of peace and love. make sure to include things that bring you joy, or that maybe have a memory or some sort of symbolic connection.
, de-cording. locate the emotion, person, or place that feels stuck. now imagine a cord tethering you to that stuck thing, and simply cut it with your fingers or just imagine it falling or ceasing to exist.
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mrvenuspluto · 6 months
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I want take your mind, soul to a warm and calming setting. Need you to imagine, go get your favorite therapeutic candles, remove your heavy layers of clothing. Either bedroom, living room or anywhere that is peaceful for you. Oh yea! Please make sure you are alone with no disturbance. Place candle(s) around your room, bed, create you a sanctuary of healing. Lay a soft sheet down, light each candle now lay on your back. Its so much stress, baggage on your mind, shoulders need you to close your eyes, try to relax your mind and body. You may have to remove everything thats on your mind, take all those obligations, mundane task, stressful thoughts and let them dissipate. Need you to imagine you are on a peaceful island, the sky is purple with multiple colored clouds that change into any thought you have. You can smell fresh fruit as it gets dispensed into your hand just from a lick of the tongue. The air is so settled, calming and adjust to your emotions and mood. Your feet are embedded into the warm black sand made from black onyx and black kyanite. Every desire you wish for, every thought you crave for is yours from a glance and a wink of the eye or the emotions of your feelings. You dont have to walk to the beaches shore to feel the cool wavy water splash up against your legs. The water will come to you as it splashes across your feet, ankles and calves as it washes away the black crystal particles from your limbs. Now that your body is at a relax state, now you can focus on healing your whole body. I need you to focus on all 7 chakras, each chakra controls multiple organs, nerves while each chakra focuses on specific body functions within that region of the anatomy. You know where you are hurting, in pain, low deficiency, need strength or just balance. Im going need you to stay focused, dont let the outside of your body, effect your meditative state which it will try its hardest. ( your subconscious is very powerful, its something you built up for years and lifetimes also indoctrinated with false beliefs which gives denies power to one self, now you need to overcome those weak, falsified, ideologies.) Now focus on that one area of your body where it needs healing, now draw out the picture of that specific location and body part, organ, nerve etc. Be creative, you need to tap into your right brain, left brain wont be as good of use in this healing process. Now slowly slide your hand across the area while having a great intent to heal it without a doubt, any doubt or disbelief will transpire into a negative effect and be a waste of time. Now gently rub it, carress it while imaging to heal it, picture it being repaired, fixed, new, regenerated and healthy. Dont ask DEMAND IT!, you are the creator of your anatomy and have the power to heal yourself. Become a surgeon with your mind, thoughts, imagination and creativity. Now apply pressure to the area, if its your throat chakra, rub your hand across your throat while carressing and envisioning the color ( blue which represents the throat chakra) while meditating, how you WILL ( not want) communicate, express, manifest more efficiently and effectively. Your body will feel warm, your head and neck will feel heavy with tension its ok. You are now trying to let your soul take charge, your mind been in charge so so so long that its a natural reaction for these different scenarios to take place. Its your subconscious trying to bring you back into this reality realm that you projected for yourself, now you must recreate a new realm that is suitable for your new perspective of life. Now you need to tap back into that warm place you created and let your body be at ease and let your soul coast across the silky, satin clouds that taste like passion fruit.
Now if you pain or regeneration is needed in your root chakra area. You need to open your legs, place both feet together while making bottom of them touch. Your legs should be in a shape of a diamond. Now envision that area of pain or weakness being healed while placing your hand over this specific area, but not touching it just feeling the energy, vibration and anticipation of it being touch while letting the power of your mind connect to this area. You need to make your thoughts and focus connect to that area and become one. Now place your hand on this area while gently carressing this area while your thoughts are entwine with this are. Your body will feel at peace and rest. Now just lay there and listen to your body respond while it reacts your orders. When you feel a spark that goes to your brain, you will feel sensations throughout your body and travel from your brain to all the areas you been working on ( neurotransmitters) waking up and communicating with everything in your body to heal and regenerate you back to health. You will have a taste of the fruit from the meditative state while opening your eyes and lifting your head up. Now its very very very important to still have the same mindset you projected while meditating. No negative thoughts, feelings, ideas or outlooks should come from your mindset. You create your own reality, now this should be repeated as much as you need, doing this everyday will become a natural habit that will futher along your healing and regeneration to your whole being. Now im going need you to wake up! You been in my healing chamber for awhile!
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wandoffire · 9 months
Easy Spiritual Practices
burn incense / essential oils / candles (can even match scents to your mood or intentions)
find out or track any upcoming astrological events
pay attention to the moon and what phase it's in (can be useful to journal by moon phases)
tarot readings, horoscopes (there's lots of free ones online)
manifestation: use law of attraction, write goals and focus on radiating the vibration you want to attract
affirmations: they have so much power - can shift our thoughts, mindsets and realities
collect crystals: can have metaphysical benefits, even when just sitting in a room
focus on self improvement: journal, meditate, breathing
tea: herbs and spices can have significant effects on us - it's a simple and effective practice
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aphroditestruth · 8 months
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